#yanagi baki
good afternoon/evening/night, I don’t know when you will read this :) I would like to make a request from you, it’s a bit late topic, I agree. But could you write about how the antagonists of season 3 (Spec, Dorian, Sikorsky, Doyle and Yanagi) will react to the fact that a shy reader gave them a valentine and chocolate (made by the reader himself), and ran away very embarrassed? I would be very grateful if you write this. Best wishes to you ! :)
Of course I can! Once again, very sorry for how long it took me to get to these lmao, I can say that I'm officially off hiatus but progress will be slow until I catch up.
He's so confused. What on earth are you doing?? Why did you just shove this box of random shit and some flowers into his hands and then run off like he had the bubonic plague?? Why are you so red??? What on earth is going on?? More importantly, why the actual fuck did you say 'Kyaaa~!' as you were leaving?? Are you cringe? Does he need to worry about you being cringe?
Give him a second, the man is a bit stunted when it comes to being around normal people. Been in the assassin game too long. When he opens to box to see some chocolates and reads the note with the valentine, then he'll put two and two together. Eventually. He may or may not have to look it up first before he puts two and two together.
Expect a sudden appearance at your house. A creepy one. Bro rocks up outside your window in the middle of the night like "hey hi hello do you have feelings for me??" and once you confirm he's going to tease you about it to the point where it's almost him just straight up being mean, but it's all he knows how to do. You might cry though, just a warning.
After all that? He barely acknowledges that you confessed to him. You can bring it up, and he'll just shrug and give you a "Yeah? What about it?" because he read that being aloof and uninterested can actually make him seem a bit more interesting to you. You're going to have to be direct with him, because otherwise he just won't understand what you want.
Run away all you want, you literally will not be able to outrun him. His legs are long and he's got the endurance. The man is scary, and he will get you to look him dead in the eyes and tell him with your words, because shoving a box and some flowers into his hands and then running away is rude and childish, and you're both grown adults.
He doesn't need a second, he's not dumb, he's had people confess to him before. He's pretty and he knows it, which makes his ego about 10x worse. He knows the moment he gets handed the box of chocolates and the roses. As mentioned, he'll hunt you down and make you use your words.
"Go on, say that you love me, I wanna hear you say it!" He's so mean about it, but he knows when to stop pushing. As soon as you admit that you like him, he'll tease you a little, feed his own ego a bit, and then be perfectly happy to move on to whatever happens next.
Oh he'll bring it up just to fluster you. He's a bit sadistic, so that is... Well, fairly frequently. Eventually you'll stop being as flustered about it, but still, he'll find a way to turn your confession into something he can use to tease and poke fun. Eventually though, it becomes something he looks back on fondly, and is so, so happy that you both remember it so well.
A valentine? How childish. He's a grown man, he doesn't need this! You can run away if you want, he won't chase you. He knows you'll be back, and when you do come back, he's going to make you say what you feel properly, because otherwise, he's not likely to give you the time of day. Shy or no, simply running away is shameful and cowardly in his eyes.
He knows, he grew up with that culture, there's no need to tell him, though he outright refuses to touch the chocolates until you've come to him properly and talked to him instead of just running away all flustered. You're going to lose points for that approach in his eyes.
His judgmental and stuck-up ass is constantly going to demean you for just running away from him. He faced down Yujiro Hanma of all people, and he didn't run away! You've got no excuse, because clearly he's not nearly that terrifying! (He is, the little freak)
After the initial shaming and subsequent "Now do it again, but properly!" then that's pretty much it. Something he'll try to push out of his mind, which is a small mercy on his end because otherwise the relationship simply wouldn't happen purely because of that.
Awe, well isn't that adorable! And you put so much effort into this too! So flustered you couldn't even look him in the eyes before you took off! But you're forgetting that he's incredibly fast, even in his advanced age, so he absolutely simply let you go. If he'd wanted to catch you, he would.
Oh he's aware of what this means! And he's not above returning the favor either! As long as you don't ask too many questions about where he gets your gifts from, it's smooth sailing! He'd appreciate it if you questioned him simply being in your home one night even less, especially with how happy you'd clearly be with him returning your feelings!
Oh he's going to savor those chocolates! You worked so hard on them, and he's always had a bit of a sweet-tooth! As for the flowers, he's going to dry and preserve them, maybe even have them turned into a fragrance that he can wear on date night.
After all that, you really expect to stay single? Oh no, he's putting a claim on that as soon as physically possible, he just needs to make sure that you won't questions the suspicious things that happen around him. Like, you know, your neighbors all of the sudden not looking you in the eyes, your boss giving you less of a hard time. It's just because you're so happy, and not because he threatened them, it's definitely because you're so radiant!
He's highly amused and he's going to do nothing to hide that fact. You're trying to run away? Oh, honey, he's already outpaced you and is ready to snatch you up and drag you off to go eat the chocolates you worked so hard on!
He's aware and he thinks it's both the most adorable and hilarious thing in existence. Did you really think he'd just let you run off on him? Oh no, nono, you're gonna stay here and say that you love him to his face and not through some letter, though he's still going to keep it. If he ever goes back to jail, he's going to hang it on the wall or the ceiling near his bed so it can be the first thing he sees when he wakes up.
He's going to tease you about it until you're so red you envy a stop-sign. And then he'll tease you a bit more, just for good measure. It's really hard to tell if he's just teasing you or if he's being genuine though, since his sense of humor is so skewed.
After all that? He lives in your house. You confessed, you gave him food and flowers. He's like a fucked up stray cat that has taken the small display of kindness as an invitation to just live in your home for however long he pleases. You're going to have a really hard time getting rid of him.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 5 months
Pregunta. ¿Puede imaginar como serían las actitudes o percepciones romanticas de personajes que son tios/viejos, hacia alguien joven o en su defecto... "en la juventud" de ellos?
Motobe, Doppo, Yanagi y Spec. Son los nombres que quisiera solicitar. Fantasear con el corazón juvenil de un hombre mayor es literatura nutritiva 🧎‍♂️
Es la primera vez que alguien me pide contenido —romántico— de estos personajes :0 todos piden abuelos, padres o tíos :0 Pero al pueblo lo que pida
Situación: Enamorados de alguien más joven.
Personajes: Doppo Orochi, Izou Motobe, Ryuukou Yanagi y Spec.
Realmente creo que habría dos extremos en situaciones como esta; Renuencia total ante la idea de estar con una persona tan joven o descaro total ante la idea de estar con una persona tan joven. Creo que es sencillo intuir quién pertenece a cada extremo.
Doppo Orochi e Izou Motobe pertenece al extremo de la renuencia, es decir, realmente no aceptan estar con una persona tan joven porque están muy conscientes de la diferencia de edades. “Eres muy joven y tienes toda una vida por delante”, probablemente sea su argumento estrella para no aceptar tus coqueteos o avances.
Hacer que te acepten será casi imposible por las trabas que ellos mismos te pondrán debido a que inicialmente solo les das ternura, porque ellos creen que solo estás pasando por un inofensivo enamoramiento, a todos los jóvenes veinteañeros les dan curiosidad, los hombres mayores bien conservados, pero solo es eso, curiosidad. Lo saben bien, todos pasan por eso en alguna ocasión, no es tan malo porque saben que no te permitirán ilusionarte demasiado a su alrededor. Te tratan con simpatía paternal y solo niegan con la cabeza mientras acarician tu cabello cuando continúas profesando tu amor por ellos, descuida, ya pasara.
No hay distinción ni uno es más fácil de conquistar que el otro, ambos están firmemente sujetos a sus ideas de no salir contigo porque podrías ser su hijo/a. Pero quien persevera alcanza, ¿no?
Te tomará bastante tiempo hacer que se fijen en ti, pero si no te desanimas y les muestras activamente que REALMENTE estás tomando en serio tu amor por ellos, es posible que te den la oportunidad. Creo que son bastante relajados y, bueno, no puedes dudar de que tengan la energía para seguirte el paso, son luchadores. Propensos a dudar sobre su relación de vez en cuando, no lo dirán, pero creen que necesitas explorar más en lugar de estar a su lado.
Ryuukou Yanagi y Spec son más descarados con respecto a ello.
No les importa salir con alguien más joven que ellos solamente porque no se tomaran las cosas en serio, no esperes que se comprometan con la relación, hasta donde sabemos, estaban condenados a la muerte y solo escaparon para encontrar la derrota, ¿creen que alguien que tiene sus “días contados” va a comprometerse seriamente con alguien? Yo creo que no.
Spec es más accesible que Yanagi, si ignoras su aspecto intimidante, simplemente porque Yanagi tiende a estar malhumorado con más frecuencia y en ese momento no es paciente con nadie. A Spec le resulta divertido tu enamoramiento y ¿por qué no? Te dará lo que quieres hasta que tenga que seguir con sus planes para probar la derrota o ser atrapado por la policía otra vez. Yanagi se resiste un poco a la plática previa para que puedan conocerse mejor, pero si está de buen humor te escuchará. No te promete que pueda revelar cosas sobre él.
Quizá Yanagi se pregunte mentalmente sobre tu fijación por él, ¿tienes algún fetiche extraño que crees que puedes satisfacer con él? ¿Algo que quieras confirmas? Realmente no lo sabe y tampoco lo pronunciará en voz alta, no concibe que te hayas enamorado de él.
A Spec no le importan tus razones, es divertido, eso es más que suficiente para él.
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
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I found more pictures on TikTok but they put text over them sadly
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abeeratmb · 1 year
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all my mans hcs
@leleouwu for you
Baki:  He likes it when you play with his hair because he feels comfortable.
Or sometimes he makes himself sick just to take care of him, feed him, do laundry and cook because he doesn't know how to cook at all.
He loves when you suggest going out for a picnic, especially in quiet places, or going to a restaurant to eat
And his best part is when you exercise with him and he tries to help you exercise or go for a little run. He loves when you play with a dog, but do not give too much time for his dog because he feels jealous and lonely.
Yujiro  :He hates it when you don't take his word for it and when you go out with people he hasn't seen before and call them friends don't ever do that (if you want to be punished then do it).
Loves it when you try to impress your him with your cooking
When you met his children for the first time, it was embarrassing, and it was all because of him, and after you went home and tried to tell him what he did was wrong, he will put you in your place and tell if  you didn't want to be embarrassed in front of others next time, you had to cover your boobs
He doesn't like when you waste his time with silly things.
Jack : it is better for him to die than cheating you
And if you want to sleep comfortably, he is the best bed, and if you sleep on it, you can never get away
And if you want to shop for clothes with him, you will take the whole day and do not be afraid, you don’t  have to carry anything (even when you want to pay)
And it's good that you two train in a private gym because this guy is so jealous
He does not like when you wear revealing clothes in front of others in the beach
Retsu : He is the best person on earth
Here things turn around, let's be clear, he is better to do household chores like cooking, washing, cleaning at home, and you have to work outside the house
And when you come home from work tired, he will make you some tea
And you hate when he starts to meditate because it takes forever to finish and don't try to seduce him because it won't work.
Hanayama : he is a very dangerous guy and he doesn't want something to happen to you because of him because he loves you so much
He is very romantic only with you
he always gives you expensive things but you always tell him it's not necessary but he just doesn't listen to you and you can't change his mind
And he's very jealous, but he likes to take you to his workplace but he does not like the looks of others
Olivar : Oliver loves to surprise you with expensive things
He is VERY jealous and when you meet baki or jun in prison he literally threatened them If you want something, just kiss him and you'll get ten times as much
If you have one child, prepare yourself for lots of children, because this man will not stop You will never be alone because this guy will stick with you
He is proud because he has someone like you in front of others
Doyle : He is a death row inmate therefore he also includes the other death row inmates but not everything went well when the rest see you
he's... INCREDIBLY jealous He's not like he dont trusting you, but he don’t trust others
He steals a lot of cosmetics and accessories just to try on with you
Yanagi : my man is so short that to give you a kiss
Some people give you strange looks when you are walking in the street, in the markets, or in the restaurant, but this does not concern you because you are having a good time
And you were in your school one day, you were walking with your friends, he was there for baki, and you didn't know that he was there, but now you are the most important thing
He is very jealous, and this is because of his old age, but you must assure him that you love him
Spek : He is scary on the outside but soft on the inside
And it becomes more scary if you wake up in the night with the lights off and he is standing for no reason and when you ask what is wrong with him he says he was in the bathroom
If you tired while you are walking, just ask him to carry you up, he will never refuse
If you trying to surprise him with some kind of food while you are on your way, some people trying to harass you on the way home, don’t worry, he will appear directly behind you, but from the other side, he ruin your surprise for him .
Dorian : he always brags that he has the best girlfriend in the world
When Dorian introduced you to those sentenced to death, you felt very uncomfortable
he would give you very, very expensive lingerie, elegant clothes, dresses too and everything you want including food he is the bast sugar daddy
  and if you get sick he would be almost like a yandere, he wouldn't let you go out he would be very overprotective and would make you eat hot things like: soup, rice pudding, tea etc .
Sikorsky : He enters your house without any permission, as if it is normal
He will help with the housework and the shopping if he wants to stay and if he doesn't he have to get out immediately
He dont like it if you go out without any excuse, especially if you are very late. He will go out to look for you and find you in the club with your friends. First, he will be angry because you did not tell him to come with you. Secondly, he has never liked your friends before.
You just have to please him by cooking some Russian meals, and as they say, a man's happiness is always in his stomach.
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bakiuwu · 2 months
It's always a treat to catch up on amusement park and seeing how much of a little freak Yanagi is
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What's so funny is how "normal" he acts in baki
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doriansear · 11 months
I have been forced to create a blog and have been held hostage.
Hey ya’ll I’m izzy. I don’t really like Dorian ((Real)) but I appreciate his existence. I write for headcanons only and the five convicts. Requests are open only for the criminals 👍 AND yujiro. Still thinking about it tho🥴
Also, a honorable mention for @doylees
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braindeadbugs · 8 months
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My personal interpretation of how it went down :P
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Original template
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fangurlzrul3 · 3 months
I've got two ideas for the title of my yanagi x reader fanfic.
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baratiddyappreciator · 3 months
Sex on your period with the Convicts
As per requested in the comment section of my other post, we have some for the convicts! I struggle writing for the old boys lmao, but they still deserve some love. NSFW, Minors DNI on pain of being blocked.
Doyle: His senses were sharp, sharper than you thought yours would ever be. He could hear things on the other side of the house that you would never have even thought to acknowledge, he could tell you what candy you'd just snuck into your mouth. But right now he was using those dangerously wicked senses to tease wails and sobs from your lips as he played with your clit, deft fingers swiping over the hard bundle of nerves and plunging deep into your cunt, his other hand wrapped around your throat as he viciously brought you closer and closer to your own climax, rutting at your back as he fucked your thighs, blood smeared all over his fingers and your thighs, his lips pressing against your ear as he felt you tremble. He was playing you like a violin, and he really did love the sounds that you made.
Feeling you finally shudder through your climax had him hissing as he bucked desperately against your thighs, humming in your ear. He loved listening to you as you gasped and whined through your bliss, only when he heard the familiar whine of overstimulation of your lips did he stop moving to let you catch your breath. "What's the matter beautiful? Can't keep up? You said you could keep up no problem."
Sikorsky: It was sometimes easy to forget that Sikorsky wasn't afraid of blood. He could be so silly at times, letting himself relax enough to be even a little silly, but he still held the look of a brutal fighter well accustomed to violence in his eyes. And right now, he was proving that he even liked blood. Your hips bucked against his lips as he licked and sucked at your bloodied clit, brows pinched in pleasure as he ate you out, fingers digging into your thighs and the pudge of your hips as he angled and canted your hips along his lips, groaning loudly in pleasure as he appreciated the taste, eyes peeking open to stare into yours before he pulled your hips up slightly, pulling you off of his eager maw to slide your weeping pussy down towards his hips to set you down on his throbbing cock, the stimulation was just enough to have you cumming, and cumming hard.
Your nails left deep crescent-moon shaped marks in his pale chest as you trembled through your orgasm, a deep groan leaving his lips, followed by a breathy chuckle as he rubbed circles into your hips. A trail of blood followed you from his lips to his crotch where you currently sat. He shot a roguish grin at you when he saw your eyes focusing back on him. "That was a good one. Now let's see if we can get three more, hm?"
Yanagi: He liked control. Given the chance, he'd take control of anything, some remnant of his time in prison when he hadn't had control. But in the bedroom, you were more than happy to let him have that control he craved. That's how you found yourself in this current predicament, shame making your face and neck burn as blood trickled down your thighs as you were tied to the chair, Yanagi fucking your mouth, hand fisted in your hair to guide you forwards and backwards. At this point, the buzzing of your own vibrator, taped to the chair between your legs, was just background noise over the sound of your muffled moans as you gagged on his shaft and ground against your vibrator.
His head leaned back, rolling slightly to the side as he let out a long, low sigh, pleased by your performance and clearly showing it to you, your form of praise, before he hummed, feeling your desperate squirming and decided to look down at you. "Well go on then, cum for me."
Dorian: It had been a surprisingly good day for you, despite the discomfort of being on your period. You'd woken up warm in bed to the sun shining, you'd eaten a nice full breakfast, and everything had just seemed to be going well. That was, of course, until you decided to take a nap on your nice white sheets. Why did you even have white sheets? Of course, instead of letting you find out that you'd simply bled onto the sheets normally, Dorian had woken you with his cock, hands braced on either side of your head as his hips slowly rolled into yours, accepting that your sheets were just going to be ruined at this point was a lot easier if it meant that you got to cum. He let you do whatever you needed, but his slow and strong thrusts persisted, even as his head dipped to kiss your shoulder.
One of your legs was nudged further to the side, baring you open for him as he forced you to arch your back so he could hit deeper, his cock kissing your insides in a love letter that he knew would have you trembling in no time, an amused huff leaving his lips. "Amour de ma vie, love of my life, you're making such a mess... Don't worry, I'll clean it up."
Spec: He was disgusting sometimes. Absolutely vile. You'd just wanted a nap and had been highly emotional all day, about ready to bite someone's head off the next time they pissed you off. He'd been poking and prodding at you since you'd woken up, and his terrible habits had wound up in you snapping at him. And now, for whatever reason, your back was pressed against your own floor, his cock down your throat as he ate you out with gusto, no doubt getting blood all over you, the floor and his face. Not that he cared, his hands gripping at the soft flesh of your ass, uncaring that your legs were snared shut around his skull, and if he could hear you gagging as you struggled to take him down your throat, he didn't seem to care. Granted, you knew that he was taking care not to choke you, but when you were done here you were definitely going to give him a piece of your mind!
His tongue sank into your folds as his hips pressed down, forcing his cock further down your throat at a particularly awkward angle, forcing you to choke and sputter around his shaft, only then did he pull back enough for you to spit him out and breathe, his lips leaving your clit so he could look down at you and smirk. "What's wrong darlin'? I thought you were gonna give me a piece of your mind!"
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thonnywiii · 2 years
these guys are so gay homophobic 💀💀💀
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Has anyone requested Yanagi? I think he’s the only grandpa I haven’t seen here yet. Dorian too now that I think about it
No one has requested Yanagi (low key forgot about the Hannibal Lector wannabe) but I did make head canons for Dorian and Doyle. I’m currently working on new Doyle head canons
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Ryuukou Yanagi edition for my geriatric lovers (he’s in his 50s so he’s like a salt and pepper daddy)
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Ryuukou Yanagi
You’re a prison guard who is too sweet to even be one. You’re gentle and soft spoken unlike the others who are so rude to him. You never talk down to him or insult him. It is a stark contrast to how everyone else treats him. You don’t treat him like a monster either and refer to him as Mister. What a respectable youngster you are
You usually ask how his day was and sometimes you’d sneak him in books. He really enjoys your company and he believes you enjoy his as well. Why else would you strike up conversations with him and bring him gifts. You must like him and you’re lucky he decided to accept your feelings. You should feel honored that an older man has taken interest in someone as young and naive as you
When he breaks out, he makes sure to take you with him. What kind of life would you live without him? You wouldn’t be living one at all. He is the center of your world (he’s a narcissist. He truly believes your world should revolve completely around him)
It’s hopeless to escape from him. He’s too smart and he is so good at manipulating you into staying by his side. He would go as far as to threaten your loved ones if you do try to leave him. This is what you wanted and he’s giving you what you want, so why reject him now that there was no glass separating you?
Stockholm syndrome won’t take long to set in. Yanagi is amazing with his words. You’ll be putty in his hands soon and he will mold you into something perfect. Something new and better than what you were before but he still wants your kindness to be there (but only for him)
He would teach you his fighting style so you can pass it on in case anything happened to him. He wants you to continue on with his will. You’re his partner after all
He is a very selfish lover and it is all about him. He may occasionally prioritize you but it’s only when he feels you’re slipping from his control. He needs to keep you tight in a leash at all times. You can never leave him
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mangacharacters · 6 months
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world-of-advice · 4 months
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comparison between two different Baki translations
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Hello there Ryukou Yanagi fans.
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bookwormmedz · 2 years
My Masterlist
Greetings everyone, and welcome to my Masterlist! Below you'll be able to find my works categorized alphabetically by series. At the bottom you'll also find helpful links to navigate other important posts from my blog! I'll be updating this all the time!
Baki the Grappler
Atsushi Suedo, Katsumi Orochi & Kiyosumi Katou Shinshinkai Dance Company Dance AU Headcanons
Baki Hanma and Jack Hanma with 19 Y/O Sister Scenario
Baki Hanma Dance AU Dancer Headcanons
Baki Hanma General Headcanons
Baki Hanma x Kozue Matsumoto at the Beach Drabble
Baki Hanma & Pickle on a Nature Hike Headcanons
Emi Akezawa and Yujiro Hanma meet in Dance AU Headcanons
Emi Akezawa Mother's Day Headcanons
Hector Doyle General Headcanons
Jack Hanma and Baki Hanma with S/O on Period Headcanons
Jack Hanma x Kureha Shinogi on their First Date Headcanons
Kaoru Hanayama x Confident Female Fighter S/O Headcanons
Katsumi's Family & The Convicts React to Katsumi Orochi and Hector Doyle Dating
Katsumi Orochi Boyfriend Headcanons
Katsumi Orochi with S/O on Period Headcanons
Katsumi Orochi x Hector Doyle Date Headcanons
Kiyosumi Katou as an Older Sibling/Younger Sibling Headcanons
Kozue Matsumoto General Headcanons
Kureha Shinogi Dating Headcanons w/ Male S/O
Kureha Shinogi & Kosho Shinogi General Headcanons
Miyamoto Musashi with an Injured S/O Headcanons
Ryuukou Yanagi General Headcanons
Yujiro Hanma Dance AU Headcanons
Shinji Hirako x Mystery Female Reader Scenario
Arthur Curry (Aquaman) Relationship Headcanons
Bruce Wayne (Batman) Vs Alucard Goth Battle Headcanons
Harley Quinn & Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) Meet Headcanons
Devil May Cry
Dante x Reader Imagine
Dragon Ball
Cumber General Headcanons
Alexander Anderson Fluffy Headcanons
Alexander Anderson Fluffy Husband Headcanons
Alexander Anderson Relationship Headcanons
Alucard Comfort Headcanons
Alucard Relationship Headcanons
Alucard Vs Bruce Wayne (Batman) Goth Battle Headcanons
Alucard x Chubby S/O with Scars from Surgery Headcanons
Alucard x Married S/O Headcanons
Alucard x Naive Reader Short Fic
Alucard x Reader & Obsessed Enrico Maxwell & Alexander Anderson Scenarios
Alucard & Seras Victoria Comforting a Friend Headcanons
Alucard & Walter C Dornez Friendship Headcanons
Alucard & Walter C Dornez Helping S/O with A-Levels Headcanons
Captain Gareth & Chris Pickman Friendship Headcanons
Chris Pickman Headcanons
Hellsing Organization Members and their Favourite Sports
Hellsing Organization Members Social Media Headcanons
Hellsing Organization Members Poetry Competition Headcanons
Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing Fluffy Dating Headcanons
Jan Valentine Being a Nice Cinnamon Roll Headcanons
Jan Valentine's Reaction to his S/O Getting Hurt Headcanons
Pip Bernadotte x Female Libra Reader Headcanons
Seras Victoria Finding Out Her S/O Has Low self-esteem Headcanons
Seras Victoria Fluffy Date Headcanons
Seras Victoria Relationship Headcanons
The Captain Relationship Headcanons
The Captain x Hellsing Organization Employee Reader Short Fic
The Captain & Sweet Mask on Festival Date with S/O Headcanons
Walter C Dornez "What If" He Survived and had an S/O Headcanons
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucilfer's Ideal Type Headcanons
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo with S/O Afraid of the Dark/Night Headcanons
Kengan Ashura
Inaba Ryo x Female S/O Headcanons
Kanoh Agito Relationship Headcanons
Kaolan Wongsawat Relationship Headcanons
Misasa General Headcanons
Avengers Social Media Headcanons
Bucky Barnes & Loki Laufeyson Fluffy Headcanons
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) x Female Reader Making Up Headcanons
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) & Harley Quinn Meet Headcanons
My Hero Academia
Dabi x Quirkless Reader Short Fic
Keigo Takami (Hawks) First Kiss Headcanons
Neito Monoma & Shouto Todoroki Classmate S/O Relationship Headcanons
One Punch Man
Metal Bat Playing the Piano Headcanons
Sweet Mask & The Captain on Festival Date with S/O Headcanons
Teppei & Melk II General Headcanons
Zebra's Reaction to S/O being Kidnapped Headcanons
Zebra Romantic Relationship Headcanons
Zebra x Insecure and Clingy S/O Headcanons
Zebra x S/O Who has Panic Attacks Headcanons
Ultimate Muscle
Kevin Mask & Mantaro Kinniku General Headcanons
Way of the Househusband
Tatsu x Female Reader Fluff Headcanons
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