#y’all like it?
wintersbitterfly · 1 year
au: vampire!mina
cw: mentions of blood
the warm summer breeze that softly blows your way makes you close your eyes with a sigh as you finally reach a lake, one that’s out in the middle of the woods, but not one that’s too far from where you live.
the summer dress you wore flows like a feather. you stare out at the lake where it ripples along with the wind.
you keep walking until you come to a stop on both feet, looking at your surroundings carefully.
waiting for someone in the dark like this can be unsettling, but the moonlight that shines so brightly tonight made you feel less afraid.
you weren’t afraid unlike everyone else in your town who was in fear of the vampires, werewolves, witches, any kind of “monster” that lives in this society you called your town.
naturally, you were just born to be fearless, and that gave you the courage to wonder out like this in the middle of the night.
suddenly, you felt arms wrap around your waist, causing you to jump a little catching you off guard.
but relaxed as soon as you heard that familiar giggle in your ear, “sorry, my love. i didn’t mean to scare you.”
you playfully scoff before turning around in your lover’s arms, facing her where you’re met with a bright smile.
“i don’t get scared, mina. in fact, you’re lucky i wasn’t close to staking you.”
mina rolls her eyes, “you know me and my presence too well to stake me.”
lips pursed, you sigh from defeat knowing she had a point.
wrapping your arms around her shoulders, you smile, “i’ve missed you.” you say.
“i’ve missed you too, my love.” lips come in contact with yours for a soft kiss.
you no longer shiver from the feeling of mina’s cold touch or her cold lips on yours, having gotten used to it ever since you met her.
the girl holds you nearly flush to her before pulling away and engulfing you in hug where she nuzzles her head into your neck, taking in your scent.
well, two scents at the same time.
“how are things going? how are the girls? how are you?” questions flow from your lips like a river.
she chuckles, “it’s okay. the girls and i have just been up and down with nightly duties, such as watching over the counsels castle. other than that, this is what i do besides those plans. i prefer this more.” mina explains.
you giggle before you pull away from the hug to look at mina’s face, your thumb brushing against her cheek.
suddenly, looking more and more at her face, her smile and doe eyes just made you sad all of a sudden.
it only reminded you of how different you both are every time.
you both aren’t different personality wise. ever since meeting you’ve both had the same interests and hobbies.
but human and undead is the struggle you both had.
after learning mina has been a vampire for 2700 years of her lifetime, you tried distancing yourself away from the woman.
but she kept coming back to you every night, coming to your bedroom window and knocking softly to get your attention. she wants to see you.
“what’s wrong, my love? you seem so down all of a sudden?” she asks with a look of concern.
you sigh.
“what will happen between us?” you ask.
“i-what do you mean-”
“you know what i mean, mina.” you cut her off.
your lover sighs softly before speaking up, “we’ll figure something out, sweet girl.”
you scoff, “how?”
silence was all that came from mina. she truthfully didn’t know.
“mina, you’re 2700 years old. you’ve been around for so long. and it’s not going to be long before you have to watch me di-”
“no.” mina cuts you off with the shake of her head, “don’t say that.”
“it’s the truth,” you say with sadness in your voice.
mina shakes her head once more before pulling you into a deep passionate kiss.
“i promise you that we will find a way, y/n. i don’t have all the answers on how to solve this issue, but i chose you for a reason. i love you. and one day i plan on tying the knot with you. i’m not letting you go, my love.”
you nod slowly, “i love you, too.”
another hug she pulls you into. one where she holds you in her strong grip and doesn’t let you go while you do the same.
but another thought circles your head. an idea that mina has went against ever since laying eyes on you, and only one word gave all the answers with no explanation needed.
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zairene · 11 months
mutuals/non-mutuals, reblogs are appreciated!
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sweaty-confetti · 10 months
idk y’all should treat fat men better. and i don’t mean mildly chubby guys i mean honest-to-god love-handles-and-double-chins fat guys. stop calling them shit like discord mods or gross weebs or nasty creeps or neckbeards or that they’re stinky or sweaty or beer bellied or whatever else. fatphobia isn’t cute, even repackaged in a neat little box of “ew men”
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gayvampyr · 2 years
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spoomkeearts · 9 months
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I had a vision
Maybe I’ll draw it idk
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disteal · 9 months
I hate gay people so much. I haven’t been able to hear an imagine dragons song on the radio or in a shop without my brain just IMMEDIATELY being flooded with ‘Okay im imagining his dragon’. People think i just rly hate imagine dragons with the way my face reacts but i don’t im literally fighting such a personal battle against saying something fruity abt mr dragons out of nowhere because the shit gay people say online is so funny
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black-quadrant · 6 months
sometimes all you need is one passionate person who goes berserk for your work to keep you creating
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tfw you’ve been tasked to murder the prince of the northern water tribe but he’s really majestic
(they make a compromise)
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alaraxia · 11 months
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needless to say the vibes were in shambles
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marisatomay · 1 year
just saw someone call barbie movie an independent film. and. girls. what are we doing here. a $100mil movie, from warner brothers, about one of the most famous toys in the world, produced by the makers of that toy, is not an independent film. come on. you can be excited for it without treating it like some low budget arthouse underdog.
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caffeine-and-spells · 8 months
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brookheimer · 5 months
awards shows are ridiculous and asinine and are everything wrong with the entertainment industry. that is unless my favorites win in which case awards shows are wonderful and objective and are arbiters of merit and justice in a world devoid of true talent recognition
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
“apologist.” “critical.” y’all are doing too much. when my favorite characters do evil reprehensible shit I simply don’t fucking care cause it’s not real
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
castiel loves you guys. thanks cas
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rustic-space-fiddle · 3 months
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Forgive me.
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
the thing about cracking open a long-established popular ship tag on ao3 is that it allows you to be extraordinarily picky, and i think it must be the closest thing i will ever experience to being filthy rich. i scroll along at super speed like no today i am only interested in fics with this precise range of words and one of these three tags. only authors i’ve heard of, please. hmm, i suppose i could consider an unknown quantity given its apparent popularity with the people, but… no, no, this summary doesn’t do it for me. no particular reason, it’s just… eh, i don’t need to explain myself. bring me 50 more like this for me to choose from and we’ll see.
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