#xo endlessmayhem xo
blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: New Challenges Ahead
Next Chapter: A Way for Us to Bond
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. I’ve decided to split the chapter into 2 parts. Part 2 is here. The script is too long to fit in one chapter.
@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic​, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @daniela2510, @izzycheeese, @brightpinkpeppercorn​
Autumn has arrived and the kids are on their way to their next step towards the Pokémon League. Seconds before the arrival of the sea guardian, Elena walks around Orderve City in her new Autumn outfit. 
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Recommended Music: The Hunted (ES)
Dark storm clouds then cover the entire skyline. Elena looks up and speculates that something is bringing the storm with it. She then hears someone shout from afar.
Elena turns to the source of the voice and squints her eyes. She spots Blight and the others at the Orderve Pier. 
Elena: It’s everyone!
Meanwhile back at the pier, everyone discusses.
Meg: What’s wrong? What’s with that Gyarados?
Reginald: That particular Gyarados just so happens to be the Sea Guardian of La Huerta.
Taari: It’s also... corrupted.
Everyone looks at each other worried and in fear. Meanwhile, Absol comes out of Mika’s pokéball and points towards the storm.
Absol: Sol! (Disaster!)
Everyone stares at her and quickly shows their expressionless faces. Absol smiles as the discussion continues.
Mika: What do we do?
Kaitlyn: We need to call my parents! They were able to defeat the Sea Guardian ten years ago.
Kaitlyn quickly reaches for her phone but soon realizes that there is no signal.
Blight: It’s disrupting our communications.
Vishakha: What do we do now?!
Reginald: They couldn’t have gotten that far when we left the resort. They should see the storm soon.
Rachel: We have to distract it first before they get here then.
Izzy: We also need to keep everyone safe from the storm.
Bystanders start to walk away from the pier. Gyarados then roars and unleashes the storm. Balls of orange electricity start to coalesce in the darkened sky and explode in a crackle of sparks. Meanwhile, strong winds start to stream and rain starts to drop. The bystanders then start to run away as far as possible while trying to avoid the sparks of electricity. Aryn grits her teeth and yells a plan at the group.
Aryn: It’s now or never! Vishakha, Blight, distract the Guardian until Taylor and the others get here! The rest of us will help the citizens!
Blight: Wha... WHAT?!
Vishakha: Us?!
Aryn: Now’s not the time for discussions. I chose you two because I know you can do it.
Worried looks fade from the faces of the two best friends and determination replaces it. They nod at each other then back to Aryn.
Blight: You can count on us.
Vishakha: Be careful, Mommy.
Vishakha runs up to Aryn and gives her a tight embrace. Meanwhile, Katherine approaches Blight and takes his hand. He turns to her.
Blight: Kath, I...
Before he could finish, she interrupts him with a soft, tender kiss. They cling on each other lovingly before pulling away.
Katherine: I love you, Blight. Stay safe... for me.
Blight: I love you too, Kath. And don’t worry. I will.
Katherine’s doubts disappear as she smiles at Blight.
Katherine: Go get ‘em, Tiger.
Aryn gently grabs Katherine’s arm and pulls her away. Meanwhile, Vishakha pinches Blight’s ear and pulls him towards the end of the pier.
Aryn: Okay, lovebirds. Save “that” AFTER we save the city.
Vishakha: That’s enough, Romeo. You can have your time with Juliet later.
Katherine giggles while Blight suffers from pain. Vishakha lets loose of her grip as Blight glares at her before walking towards the pier. The rest of the group join up with Aryn.
Aryn: Alright, Meg, Mika and Kaitlyn, you three head towards that Ferris Wheel and helped those people trapped in there! 
Meg: Yes, Mom!
Meg and the two girls rush towards the Ferris Wheel.
Aryn: Rachel, Taari and Reginald, you three keep the storm away from the citizens.
Rachel: You got it, Mommy!
Rachel and the two boys head to the center of the area and wait for the storm.
Aryn: Izzy, Katherine, we’ll help in the evacuation.
Izzy: Right.
Katherine: Understood!
Recommended Music: Fury of the Storm (Monster Hunter)
The group disperse and go on with their tasks. Meanwhile, back at the pier, Blight and Vishakha reach the end of it. As Gyarados approaches the pier, it begins to charge an attack from its mouth.
Vishakha: Here it comes!
Blight: Tch! It’s gonna use Hyper Beam!
Blight reaches for his pokéball and throws it in front of him.
Blight: Steelix, use Iron Tail!
Steelix quickly comes out of his Pokémon and his tail starts to glow white. As Gyarados fires Hyper Beam at the group, Steelix uses Iron Tail to parry the attack, sending it upwards.
Vishakha: Good thinking, Jester.
Vishakha reaches for their pokéball and throws it in front of her.
Vishakha: Let’s do this, Mawile!
Mawile comes out and lands gracefully.
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Vishakha: Use Thunder Punch!
Mawile’s fist start to charge with electricity as she leaps towards Gyarados. She swings her arm towards the Atrocious Pokémon, attempting to land an attack. However, even with its large size, Gyarados was still able to swiftly evade Mawile’s Thunder Punch. Vishakha and Blight are startled by this.
Vishakha: What?! How is it THAT fast?!
Blight: I guess that’s how strong a Guardian of La Huerta is.
Gyarados’s tail then glows blue and strikes Mawile with Aqua Tail.
Vishakha: Mawile!
Mawile is launched towards the sea.
Blight: Damn! Steelix, use your tail to catch her!
Vishakha: Mawile, on your feet!
Mawile regains composure while Steelix uses his tail to reach Mawile’s trajectory. She then lands on the tail. Vishakha then looks at Blight
Vishakha: I got a plan.
Blight: Let’s do it then.
Vishakha: Mawile, hang on to Steelix.
Mawile opens her second head’s mouth and bites onto Steelix’s tail to hang on.
Blight: Now spin her around!
Steelix then spins his tail, preparing to launch Mawile.
Vishakha: Now, let go and use Thunder Punch!
Mawile lets go of her grip and is launched towards Gyarados at high speeds. She then charges electricity on both of her fists as she makes her way.
Blight: Sync Combo Move...
Vishakha: Number 3...
Mawile is then covered entirely with electricity, turning into a form of a spear tip. Before it could react, Gyarados is pierced by the attack. It flinches backwards and roars at the two best friends, while they high five. Mawile manages to make her back to the pier using Fairy Wind to carry herself.
Meanwhile at the Ferris Wheel, Meg, Kaitlyn and Mika rushes to help a group of people stuck in it.
Citizen 1: Help us!
Citizen 2: Please!
Meg shouts back at the endangered citizens.
Meg: Don’t worry! We’ll save you!!
Meg feels Mika tapping her shoulder who then points to a set of unstable support legs at the foot of the Ferris Wheel.
Mika: The impact of the lightning strike must’ve been that.
Kaitlyn: We have to keep the Ferris Wheel standing until we save everyone in it!
The three girls nod at each other and grabs their pokéball. Mika ties her hair up and throws her ball along with Meg and Kaitlyn.
Meg: Go, Audino!
Kaitlyn: I’m counting on you, Riolu!
Mika: Let’s do this, Espeon!
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The three Pokémon then come out of their pokéballs, ready to take action. Meg and Kaitlyn hurry towards the base of the Ferris Wheel, while Mika stays a few meters away.
Meg: Alright, Audino, use Ice Beam on the supports!
Kaitlyn: We’ll do the same too, Riolu. Use Ice Punch!
Audino starts to fire a cerulean beam at the supports of the Ferris Wheel. Ice starts to encase the supports, locking them in place. Meanwhile, Riolu clenches his fists as cold air starts to surround them. He then lightly jabs the rest of the supports and ice start to encased them. Mika then shouts at the citizens.
Mika: Alright, open the cabin doors and my Espeon will use Psychic to carry you down!
The citizens hesitate for a second but eventually nods. They then open the doors of the cabins and step by the edge.
Mika: Now! Espeon, use Psychic! Absol, use Icy Wind!
One by one Espeon carefully carries the citizens down from the cabins using telekinesis. While Absol summons cold winds to cushion them to the ground.
Meanwhile at the entrance of the pier, Rachel, Taari and Reginald watches the battle at the end of the pier.
Taari: Yeah! Go get ‘em, Mister Blight!
Rachel: Go, Sis!
Reginald: I haven’t seen this much trust and skill.
Rachel: Well, they are the best of friends.
Weak tornadoes start to form near the three trainers while lightnings randomly strikes around the port. They then ready themselves and call out their Pokémon.
Rachel: I choose you, Froslass!
Taari: Come out, Grotle!
Reginald: Go, Monferno!
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The three Pokémon then come out of their pokéballs, ready to face the harsh conditions of the storm.
Rachel: Okay, now follow my lead.
The two boys nod at Rachel.
Rachel: Use Blizzard, Froslass!
As the tornadoes spin clockwise, Froslass summons a blizzard. Cold winds start to spin counterclockwise. With this tactic, Froslass manage to dissipate three tornadoes. The boys nod at each other and do the same.
Taari: Grotle, use Leaf Storm!
Reginald: Use Fire Spin, Monferno!
Grotle summons cyclones of leaves, spinning counterclockwise, and sends them towards the remaining tornadoes. On the other hand, Monferno summons cyclones of embers and does the same. The tornadoes around them soon dissipate. Rachel then turns to the scattering lightning strikes.
Rachel: Now to take care of these...
Taari: I have an idea.
Rachel and Reginald turn to Taari, curious. The Vaanti boy then turns to his Grotle.
Taari: Use Leech Seed, Grotle!
Grotle nods and plants multiple seeds on the ground. Multiple trunks then rise from the ground. They then tower over the three and their Pokémon. Soon after, the lightning strikes eventually hit the top of the trunks.
Reginald: I see, lightning rods. Good thinking, Taari.
Taari grins and the three await for more tornadoes to form.
Meanwhile somewhere slightly further away from the port, Aryn, Izzy and Katherine lead the citizens to safety.
Aryn: Everyone, head towards that area! For those of you who have Pokémon big enough for people to ride on, call them out now so we could move faster!
Aryn calls out her Pancham and Glaceon to lead them towards the designated area, with Glaceon using Mirror Coat as a light source and Pancham guiding everyone.
Izzy calls out her Dragonair and Eevee. 
Izzy: Eevee, use Iron Tail and give us some light. Dragonair, take these people to that area.
Dragonair nods and lets the citizens mount her then slithers towards the safe area. Meanwhile, Eevee’s tail glows and leads the way for Dragonair and the running citizens. On the other hand, Katherine calls out her Oshawott.
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Katherine: Okay, Oshawott. Use Razor Shell and help Eevee guide those people.
Oshawott nods and pulls out his shell. The shell then glows blue, giving a source of light. He then follows Eevee while Katherine helps the other citizens.
Back at the end of the pier, Blight and Vishakha continue to keep Gyarados at bay.
Blight: Steelix, use Combo #6, Thunder Tail!
Steelix’s fangs start to charge with electricity then bites his own tail, coating it with electricity. The tail then glows yellow, forming a lightning blade. He then charges towards Gyarados and swings his tail towards its head. However, Gyarados manages to duck and avoid the attack.
Blight: Damn!
The Guardian’s fangs are then surrounded by cold air as it bites Steelix’s tail. Ice Fang manages to insulate the electricity from the tail. With its fangs still on Steelix’s tail, Gyarados swings him around and Blight gets hit.
Blight: Woah!!
Vishakha: Jester!
Blight, hanging still on Steelix’s head, gets thrown with him to the sea by Gyarados. Vishakha runs towards the very end of the pier with her hand trying to reach her best friend.
Vishakha: Blight, no!!
Vishakha then glares at the Sea Guardian and clenches her fist. 
Vishakha: You’re gonna pay for that!!
Feeling her partner’s rage, Mawile then leaps to the air, preparing to attack. Gyarados exchange looks with Mawile and fires a Hyper Beam at her.
Vishakha: Send it back with Metal Burst!
Mawile lets her self gets hit by the Hyper Beam. She then harnesses the attack, converting it to metallic energy. She then throws the empowered attack back at Gyarados. The Sea Guardian is struck by the attack and fall backwards into the sea. Seconds have passed and Vishakha and Mawile stand there, waiting.
Vishakha: Is it over?
She speculates.
Vishakha: No... it can’t be THAT easy...
Suddenly, a light glows underneath the sea. Vishakha spots this and takes a few steps backwards.
Vishakha: Get ready, Mawile...
Recommended Music: Fight or Flight (ILITW)
As they prepare themselves, the light then bursts. Gyarados rises again from the sea as it glows.
Vishakha: Don’t tell it’s...
Vishakha knows what’s going on. The Sea Guardian is Mega Evolving.
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After the process, Gyarados menacingly approaches the pier.
Vishakha: Tch! This is bad...
Gyarados roars and the storm becomes worse. Strong winds start to blow from behind Gyarados. Vishakha and Mawile brace themselves.
Vishakha: This is REALLY bad!
Back at the Ferris Wheel, Absol comes out of her pokéball once again and points towards the sky.
Absol: Absol! (Watch out!)
Mika turns to her.
Mika: What is it, girl?
Suddenly, lightnings start to appear. The girls notice this but before they could react, a stray lightning strikes the supports. The Ferris Wheel then begins to tilt to the side, eventually falling towards Mika and Espeon. Meg, Kaitlyn and their Pokémon quickly rushes towards her.
Kaitlyn: MIKA!!
Meg: NO!!
Espeon begins to release a massive burst of psyhic energy as she not only stops the Ferris Wheel but also the people falling from it. However, she starts to struggle with pain as she could not fully control her power with so much weight. She hurriedly carries the rest of the citizens down from the ride while Absol helps her.
Meanwhile back at the pier’s entrance, the tornadoes and lightnings grow stronger, making it more difficult to suppress them. The lightning strikes eventually destroys all of the trunks planted by Grotle.
Rachel: Oh no!
Reginald: Tch!
Taari: Grotle, keep using Leech Seed!
Grotle attempts to plant more trunks but due to the strong winds, the seeds are instead blown away rather than being planted on the ground.
Taari: Damn it!
On the other hand, in the safe area, Aryn and the others look over to her daughters and friends.
Aryn: For fuck’s sake! The storm is getting worse!
Aryn quickly stands up and begins to rush towards them.
Aryn: I gotta...
Before she could finish, someone else rushes past her and towards the vanguard.
Izzy: Is that...?!
Aryn: ELENA!!
Elena ignores Aryn as she makes her way towards the end of the pier. Meanwhile back at the end of the pier, as Mega Gyarados approaches, it starts to charge another Hyper Beam attack, only this time, it’s stronger. Vishakha grits her teeth.
Vishakha: I don’t think we can shoot this back without risking Mawile...
Before Gyarados could fire, it was first struck by a galvanic sphere. It flinches backwards and instead fires the Hyper Beam upwards. Vishakha turns to the source of the attack and spots her sister, Elena.
Elena: No one hurts my sister!
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You have reached the end of part one! Go here to read part 2!
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aeruthien · 4 years
Hey!😊 I’m not sure if you’re open for requests or writing anything in particular, but I was wondering if you could do a Lucifer x reader relationship headcanons? If not, it’s totally fine! Thank u🥰
Hi there! Thank you for your interest, but I’m not really into Character x Reader stories/headcanons, I’m so sorry I’m sure there are some good Lucifer x Reader writers out there though :) Hope you find what you are looking for!
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beaumontbash · 5 years
If you receive this, send it to 10 people you love & appreciate and try not to break the chain 💕💓💗💝 free hugs as well🤗❤️
thank u meg!!
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alwaysanotherooc · 7 years
Hi!! Can you do the relationship breakdown thing for Jake and MC?
Sure thing, honeybee! Send me a Choices couple (canon or not) and I’ll break down their relationship!
How did they meet? On the plane to La Huerta, MC walked in and noticed Jake sound asleep at the helm. MC’s first thought was, “Why do the pretty ones always think they can get away with everything?” followed quickly by, “Wow, that’s a nice accent.” Jake’s first thought when he saw MC was “Who in the fuck is waking me up...oh wow.”
Who developed romantic feelings first? MC, pretty much immediately upon meeting him, but when they were up in the control tower and Jake was lit up by the daylight aroura...MC just couldn’t help themselves. Jake didn’t let himself acknowledge that he cared about MC at all until they met the sea monster.
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Diego. He loves seeing MC happy. Also everyone else loves it because it makes Jake less grumpy, so.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? Their first kiss happens in the oceans of La Huerta, where the sea monster is swimming in low, slow circles beneath them as they sink lower and lower into the water, unable to swim for the surface. Jake pulls MC int his arms and the last thing either of them feels is their lips moving together.
Who confessed their feelings first? MC, but the first opportunity they get is before the Watchers come, and so they take Jake up to their room at The Celestial.
What was their first official date? Their first ‘official’ date happens when they get off the island. MC makes Jake sit through a whole armload of movies to catch him up on what pop culture has evolved into since he went on the run.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? Neither one is a huge fan of it, they prefer to have the other all to themselves.
What do they do in their down time? Movies, music, books, and TV shows, even though Jake only missed a few years, MC treats the situation like Steve Rogers was just unfrozen from 1943 and needs to be caught up. Jake doesn’t mind, the stories are always interesting, and even if they’re not, MC is.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? MC meeting Jake’s parents is nerve wracking, but it’s so worth it. Mrs. McKenzie is warm and loving and it’s clear that Jake got his snark from her.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? Their first fight is over MC not taking anyone’s side in the fight between Sean’s group and Jake’s group after the escape from the Sabertooth. They got past it when MC and Raj and Quinn helped put on a feast to bring everyone together.
Which one is more easily made jealous? Neither one of them is particularly jealous, but also neither one of them enjoys anyone flirting with the other. At all.
What is their favorite thing to get to eat? Jake lives for fried chicken and sweet tea, it’s the staple of the south, and MC developed a huge taste for anything that wasn’t seafood after the island.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favorite cuddling position? They are HUGE cuddlers, the both of them, and their favorite position is Jake, back to the wall, facing the door, with his arms around MC, facing them.
Are they hand holders? Ehhh, not all the time but for the most part yeah.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? They have sex for the first time five days after they met, but it felt much longer.
Who tops? MC.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? They really don’t fight often, but their worst fight was when Jake told MC that when they got back to the mainland they’d be breaking up for MC’s own protection. MC was furious and devastated, and the two of them fought about it until the plane literally touched down onto the tarmac on the mainland and Jake couldn’t make himself go through with it. MC hugged him and whispered, “We just survived Murder Island, nothing can come between us if we don’t let it. We’ll figure this out.”
Who does the shopping and the cooking? MC does the shopping but they’re an AWFUL cook, luckily Jake isn’t as bad. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Jake. Despite his hard denial of it, his military training still sticks with him.
Who proposes? MC. They get tired of waiting, and a couple years after the island they roll over in bed and propose. Jake accepts.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate? They have one joint party. It’s a lot of fun, and even though they’re in the same area they don’t see a whole lot of each other that night.
Who is the best man/maid of honor? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? Best Man is Sean, surprising absolutely no one. For all their bluster, those two boys would do anything for each other. MC chooses Diego to be by their side.
Big Ceremony or Small? Small ish ceremony, but a big huge party later on!
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where? They do. They decide to go on a trip to America’s national parks and camp out in a few of them. They have a lot of fun going glamping in Yosemite and a few other places, and they laugh every time someone says that they’re ‘roughing it’ because they don’t know roughing it until you’ve slept in a decrepit mansion overgrown with jungle flora while under exiled captivity.
Do they have children? How many? They don’t, actually, but since their friends have kids, and given how close they all are and how much time Jake and MC spend babysitting and caring for the kids, it’s like having their own.
Thank you so much! And I’m sorry this was so late, oh my god, there’s no excuse.
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lucifers-clown · 3 years
Voice of a Goddess.
Lucifer Morningstar x female!reader. 
Warnings: Nothing just sweet singing.
Request by @xo-endlessmayhem-xo: Hi!! I saw your post on Lucifer requests and I was wondering if you could write a scenario where the reader is a songwriter/musician and Lucifer finds out, asking them to perform a duet with him at Lux?
A/N: I had to do some research on duetable songs aha. I hope you can put up with the music taste I threw into this fic, I don’t know if this song is truly duetable but I think it works. Also her bandmates share names with people in other bands I like, can you recognize them ;).
Summary: He’s fallen for her voice, and he wants to share it,
You along with your high school friends have been in a small band that consisted for you singing along with rhythm guitars, Frank on the drums, Matt on the lead guitar, Tina on bass, and Dallon keys. You all had regular jobs because you certainly did not make ends meet with this. But maybe one day it will, but you all certainly had fun doing it. You all had a very hard time picking a genre to stick to though, you’ve been through punk, folk, indie , combinations, honestly in the six years you've been together you guys have tried it all.
Your main job was as a forensic specialist at the LAPD, where you had met your boyfriend of six months, Lucifer. You had yet to tell Lucifer about your band, or your musical talents in general.
After work one day you sat in your apartment you shared with your bandmate Frank. You often enjoy listening to records and playing along with them. It was nice practice and at that point you knew some of your favourites by heart.
You sit in your room at your desk guitar in hand, headphones in ears. You played and sang along to the “Hazards of Love.” by The Decemberists, you were at “The Wanting Comes in Waves.” You played and sang the queens part,
“How I made you
I wrought you, I pulled you
From war I laboured you
From cancer I cradled you
And now
This is how I am repaid
This is how I am repaid”
“Since when could you sing like that!" Lucifer shouted now in your room.
“OH, hi lucifer! How'd you get in here?” You said gazing at his face lit with amazement. 
“I let him in.” Your roommate chimed in from the living room.
“Enough about that, let's talk about your voice, you are simply amazing darling. I’m hurt you hid this from me.” He said finishing with a jokingly offended tone. You grinned at him and put your guitar in its stand and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips.
“I was going to show you at some point Hun, crime scenes aren’t the best place for sing-alongs.” You smile at him.
“Oh well yes of course that would be inappropriate..” He sighed.
“I do have a band, we’ve been together a solid six years I believe.”
“Is there anything else you’ve been hiding for me, what's next is this band gonna end up being ABBA.”
“Lucifer they broke up in the 1980s.”
“I don't like thinking about that.” He grumbled
“Moving past your love of ABBA, I do the vocals in the band, and I play the guitar.” 
Lucifer started and then paused, and his face then like a lamp lit up.
“I just had the most wonderful idea! You and I should do a duet at Lux!.” he took your hands. “It would be perfect!” 
“You want to do a duet? I did a few so I am welcomed to it. I know the perfect song we could do. You play the piano right?”
“I own two pianos.”
“Oh yeah. Well let me show you the song.” You said pulling him to your computer.
And together you worked on a duet together. You showed him the piano parts and worked what you’d each sing.
That Saturday together you performed a duet to “Clusterhug.” By “IDKHOW”
You sang “I'm a teenage beauty queen of sorts”
And Lucifer followed “Calculated, cold, without remorse.”
And together you two sang,
“We can go to town, we can turn around, we can do anything
Disseminate disease, doing anything that we please
Only if you'd like me to
I could fall in love with you
Only if you'd like me to
Fall in love”
The performance was beautiful, jaw dropping. Lucifer rushed around the piano to kiss you passionately. 
“Darling you have the voices of a goddess, the best I’ve heard by far, and trust me I’ve heard a lot” He smiled and held your face.
“You're just saying that.” you blush.
“You know I'd never lie.”
And after that, you performing at Lux became a regular, and hey even sometimes your band would play, and sometimes even, you and Lucifer would do duets.
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Forensic Scientist Sisters (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)
Request: Hey!! I saw your recent post and was wondering if you could write a Lucifer x reader where the reader has a major crush on Lucifer and is really trying to impress him but Ella decides to help her out and be her wingwoman? The reader thinks that Lucifer is into Chloe at first but Lucifer is flattered and thinks she’s adorable and the ending is really fluffy? Sorry this seems like so much lol but thank you!😊 (by @xo-endlessmayhem-xo), [Lucifer-Masterlist]
Summary: Ella and you were the forensic scientists of the L.A.P.D. One person in the precinct made your work rather hard. Lucifer Morningstar. You wish you had not caught a crush but you could not help yourself. Besides, you knew he only had eyes for Chloe. At least that was what you thought.
Words: 1,486
Warnings: language, NO spoilers for Season 5 (you´re welcome), fluff, it´s very cute I promise (might write a second part to it if you want me to), Ella appreciation because she deserves it :), (Y/E/C) = your eye color
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were one of the L.A.P.D´s forensic scientists. The department had decided to hire a second professional since Ella needed help with her work. How you managed to get this job? You were not quite sure. One second you were still in college and the next you were working with this talented team. At first you were incredibly shy but the more time you spent there the more you warmed up.
There was one person you could not grow used to, though. This someone being Lucifer Morningstar, consultant of the homicide detective Chloe Decker. The first moment you had laid your (Y/E/C) eyes on him you knew you were fucked. It was not like you actually worked alongside him, that was Chloe´s job unfortunately, but you always met at crime scenes and recently more often at the precinct, too. Whenever the two of you were left alone, you could feel his piercing eyes on you, this smirk of his, and you were blushing like crazy. Your stupid crush should not distract you from your work but he was giving you a hard time with that.
“(Y/N)! New corpse not too far away from here. You coming?” only Ella could sound this excited over a dead person. Her enthusiasm made you chuckle.
“On my way.” grabbing your equipment, you made your way over to where she was waiting for you.
“Let´s go!” her smile looked like one of a child in a play factory.
Of course this job was handled by Lucifer and Chloe. Sometimes, especially on days like these, you wished for Dan because he never intimidated you like Luci did. Luci. You heard this nickname once when his brother visited him at work and ever since then you had been calling him so, too.
“Miss Lopez! (Y/N)!” maybe you were imagining it but you could swear his smile was a little bit wider when he looked at you and said your name. Stupid, you were stupid. Why were you getting your hopes up? It was obvious to everyone that he was in love with Chloe. How could he not? She was literally the most beautiful human being you had ever seen.
Ella and you examined the corpse, taking pictures of the scene and so on. Everything a forensic scientist was supposed to do. Yet the woman next to you noticed you were not really here.
“(Y/N)? Everything alright?” her voice snapped you out of stance. It was then when you realized that you had been staring at Lucifer and Chloe. How he smiled so lovingly at her. How his admiration for the woman next to him could be felt all across the crime scene.
“Um, yeah, sorry. I was just...thinking. Where were we?” clearing your throat, you acted as if nothing just happened. Ella, though, could see your staring. Actually, that was not the first time she had caught you eyeing the tall, handsome man up and down. Despite her efforts of leaving the two of you alone, making sure you ended up working together more, you never made the first step. Yes, he flirted with you but you thought it was his personality. He did that with everyone, right? Ella knew better though. She had known Lucifer for a long time now and she had never seen him this nervous around a person. He simply tried to hide this with his flirting and he succeeded.
“When will you admit it, huh?” when you turned to Ella you could see her arms being crossed in front of her chest. Your eyebrows quirked in confusion.
“Admit what?” you took another picture, trying to focus on the scene in front of you.
“Seriously? You´ve been eye fucking Lucifer ever since you stepped into the precinct. Do something about it, it´s getting tiring.” she stated matter of factly. That made you look towards her, shock written all over your face. Were you really that obvious? A hand came up to scratch at the back of your neck. You made sure nobody could here you. Stepping closer to Ella, you still wanted to stay as quiet as possible, just in case.
“And do what exactly? Huh, Ella? I´m not getting between two people, forget it!”
“Between two people? What are you talking about?”
“Duh, him and Chloe of course. Everyone knows they are pretty much in love with each other.”
“And everyone being you, only you.”
“What?” by now you did not understand anything anymore.
“Oh my God, (Y/N)...Lucifer has literally been trying to ask you out for THE longest time. I know what you´re talking about. He flirts with everyone, really. BUT he´s never nervous while doing so. Never except for when he´s talking to you.” Ella looked so done with you. How could you be so oblivious? She knew she had to help you guys. Otherwise she would go insane if she had to watch the two of you for much longer.
“Ella...Look, you know I have a crush on him, okay I got it. But please don´t just assume he likes me, too.” your eyes dropped to the floor.
“I have a plan.” Ella mumbled more to herself but your eyes met hers as you had heard her. What was she up to?
Chloe walked over to where you were standing, Lucifer following closely behind.
“You guys finished?” the detective asked looking between Ella and you.
“I think we got everything, yeah. We can head back.” going through the pictures you took yet again, you made sure that you really captured everything.
“Good job, (Y/N)!” Lucifer praised you. This made you focus your gaze down, heat rising to your cheeks.
“Okay, Ella, let´s go.” you looked at her, motioning to your car that was parked a few feet away from you.
“Um, actually. I promised Chloe we would go to this shop that recently opened downtown. I´m going with her.” Ella glared at Chloe, hoping she would pick up on the lie she was currently forming.
“What shop?” the confusion subsided after Chloe saw Ella´s stern look. “O-ohh. Ahhh, THAT shop, of course, Ella. Let´s go, I can´t wait to finally visit it. See you guys.” the detective grabbed Ella by one of her arms and dragged her towards her car.
“Um? DETECTIVE? How am I supposed to go back to the department? Dete-” but before he could even finish, the car doors slammed and Chloe sped away with Ella in the passenger´s side, smiling successfully. Picking up on what Ella was trying to do you let your previous conversation replay in your head. Maybe she was right. But if she was not...she would be dead by the end of the day.
“Well, I´m heading back anyway...You could come with me if you wanna?” your heart skipped a beat but you were proud of yourself for delivering this without stuttering or anything. Lucifer´s smile grew at your offer.
“With pleasure, (Y/N).” the way your name sounded out of his mouth was so heavenly, so soft. Something you knew you wanted to hear all the time.
You both got seated in and as you were about to start the engine, you heard Lucifer speak up.
“That´s a lovely car. How come I´ve never been in here?”
“Why, thank you, Luci. I usually take Ella everywhere, that´s probably why.” this time you found yourself smiling from ear to ear. You enjoyed being in his presence. Yes, he could be a sarcastic piece of shit but so could you.
“Do you want to head back right away?” his look made you melt but you were not quite sure what his intention was. You went with it anyway.
“What are you suggesting?” you asked, hoping his next words were what you always wanted to hear.
“I know a nice restaurant in the city. Let me play navigation device.”
“Are you asking me on a date after investigating a crime scene?” you giggled at his plan.
“Um, yeah..I am.” Lucifer grew nervous and this was the first time you could actually tell he was. Ella was right, then. You had this effect on him.
“I´d love to, Luci.” you answered fast in order to not make him uncomfortable.
“Off we go then.” his smirk was already plastered on his face again. Of course, Devil things.
“First off all you need to start the engine, I´m afraid.” and there he was again, the teasing Lucifer everyone knew and loved.
“Really? Shit, haven´t thought about that at all.” your sarcastic tone made him laugh. You started your car and looked over at him. “Where to?”
“Turn right.” was the only thing he said. You could not believe that he asked you on a date. YOU. All this time you thought you were just a good friend. All this time you thought he had his eyes on Chloe. Oh, how wrong you were. This felt like the beginning of something magical. This felt right.
~to be continued~
Published (08/27/2020) by Cathy
Tags: @lestersglitterglue
322 notes · View notes
ladyseaheart1668 · 3 years
Endless Summer Book 4: Daughter of Vaanu (Chapter 55)
Description: In the aftermath of her daughter’s birth, Alodia fights for her life. 
Tagging: @endlesshero1122 @feartheendlesssummer @mysteli @whatmcsaid @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @tigerbryn11​
Chapter 55: Inevitability
I felt the static creeping in at the edges of my vision even as I heard the voices around me telling me to push. Michelle. Jake. A thousand ageless, sexless voices belonging to the generations of ghosts manifesting around me. Push. Find a breath somewhere in the suffocating fog, gather together the seeds of strength scattered across a barren landscape and plant them in my core, let my tears be rain to nourish the soil, and push against the determined life tearing me apart in her effort to be free. Then I feel her slip free, and her piercing shriek is like music. She is alive. Unto the world, I delivered the fruit of my womb, and she is free of my body. And when the fog envelops me, I don’t fight it anymore. I’ve earned my rest.
I can feel myself sinking. I can also feel myself buoyed out of freefall by countless arms that ease me gently to the ground.
...Alodia...my daughter…
Vaanu? Father? Is that you?
“Hey. heyheyheyheyhey…” Jake’s fierce whisper close to my face, the repeated syllable sending puffs of warm air over my skin. “Stay with me, Princess.”
Aren’t I here? Aren’t I here with him? Where am I? Where am I going? Sudden awareness of a chill at the back of my neck brings the world sharply into focus. Jake at my head, hunched over me. Estela cradling my feet on her lap. And Michelle beside me, a towel in her hands rubbing down the small, warm body on my chest.
“You’re doing so well, Alodia,” she tells me. “The hardest part is over, but you’re not quite done yet. Placenta should deliver in a few minutes. ...Are you okay if I leave you for a minute to check on Diego?”
“...Diego…? Is he…?”
“He’s injured his shoulder. I’ll take care of him until help arrives. Iris, monitor Alodia and the baby. Keep checking their vitals and sound the alarm if there’s any change.” I am aware of her placing my arms around the body on my chest. “...You hang onto your baby, Alodia.”
...My baby...my daughter…
...My daughter…
Oh, no...please, no...please, leave me alone… Drawing breath feels like trying to suck up ice-cream through a straw. I open my mouth, forcing out a word in a weak exhale.
“I’m here. I’m right here. I’m right here with you.”
His face is dim and fuzzy above me. But behind him, my father’s ghostly form is bright.
“Alodia. My sweet child…”
No! Jake, don’t leave me! Don’t let me go!
You’re not going anywhere, Princess! I won’t let you!
I’m sinking...
I didn’t bother explaining to Ysa what was going on in that house. When we met up with her cousins and brothers, I only assured them that Dragonness and her people were taking care of it, and told them we were getting out of here. They didn’t protest. I don’t know if it’s because they agreed with me, or because they just saw there was no arguing with me, or because they were finally satisfied, or they were just cold and worn out and wanted to be back in the warm van. Unfortunately, when we reach the van, there’s one more obstacle to get past.
“Hi, Dragonness!” RJ calls cheerfully to the masked superhuman leaning casually against the van door. Her hands are folded low in front of her, one ankle crossed over the other. In anyone else, the pose would be non-threatening. But Dragonness isn’t anyone else. I’m pretty confident she doesn’t want to hurt me, but she can definitely keep me from leaving with minimal effort.
“...Thought you were back at the squat,” I say carefully. “...Those people need help.”
“The situation is under control.”
“Is everyone okay who we want to be okay?”
“...I don’t know yet. What I do know is that if you hadn’t have shown up when you did, the situation could have been a lot worse.”
“Didn’t seem like you were that far behind me.”
“In a situation like that, every second counts. ...You know who those people are to me.”
“Yeah. Kind of. I’m pretty sure I picked up the basics.” I pause for a second, trying to get a measure of her intentions. “...Listen, Dragonness...the kids are tired and cold. I’d like to find someplace to put ‘em up for the night, maybe get ‘em something to eat.”
“Let me level with you, Caleb. The authorities are going to be all over this whole thing, and I don’t see a way to keep your name out of it. Me and mine might lie, but I’m willing to bet your...former associates aren’t going to be so accommodating.”
“...So say you lost track of me.”
“I intend to. ...But I don’t want it to be true.”
“Pretty much a given now. Considering you could hold me here with your little finger, it’s really up to you to either let me go or turn me in.”
“...Or I take a third option.”
“What kind of third option?”
She takes a step away from the van. “...You trusted me before, Caleb. I am hoping you will trust me again. I don’t know what will happen in the morning. But I do know somewhere you and the kids can be safe for the night.”
Consciousness comes in waves. Between the moments of lucidity there is darkness and silence, but it isn’t sleep. It’s like being shut up in a windowless room. I feel afraid in a distant sort of way. But I am also tired down to the marrow of my bones. Anxiety spikes in consciousness and bleeds out with the tide, leaving exhaustion in its wake. There’s a voice, calm and confident, and commanding my attention.
“My name is Ryan. I’m an EMT, and I’m here to help. Can you tell me your name?”
I hear myself answer, “Alodia…”
“Do you know where you are?”
“...There was a house...it was empty...we hid…”
The warmth on my chest had sunk beneath the threshold of my perception, but its sudden absence is jarring. I hear a tiny whimper and icy fear grips me.
“It’s okay, Princess. She’s here. They’re just keeping her warm.” A painfully bright flash makes my eyes water. I try to close my eyes, but they’re being held open. I push at the hand on my forehead.
“You’re doing really well, Alodia. Can you tell me how you got hurt?”
I fell...I slipped in the dark and I fell down a hill…
I’ve slipped under water. The rushing sound fills my ears and drowns out the voices. I’m in the darkness again. Bone tired and riding a gentle current. Then, flashes of sound and color. Flickering red light. Pressure on my hand.
“...born 42 minutes ago, full term…”
Pain, just a nagging sensation in the background a moment ago, rapidly floods my senses, and I choke on a cry.
“I gotcha, Princess. Just stay with me. I’m right here.”
“Placenta delivered twenty-three minutes ago, apparently complete...laceration on the lower back showing signs of infection…”
I try to roll away from the pain, into the dark and silent waters. But I’m not alone there anymore.
“Alodia,” my father says softly.
No. I can’t go with him. I have to stay with Jake.
“...Fever is 104°...Let’s get a saline drip going. TKO.”
“It’s okay, Alodia.” My father is no longer the ghost I knew on the island. His face is human, the way it was when I saw him in a vision months ago, before I even knew I was pregnant. The fear that grips me at the sight of his face is colder and more visceral than anything I think I have felt before.
No...please. Please don’t take me. Don’t take me back…
“I will not take you back. I don’t have that power. But nor do I have the power to save you. Not on my own. But I may be able to help, if you allow me.” His hands seem to enfold mine. “Trust me, daughter. Please. You must trust me.”
Trust him. As if I have a choice in the matter. I’m terrified and exhausted. Too exhausted to fight. I want to go home. I want to be gathered up and sheltered in a loving embrace. I remember the warmth of Ramona Soto’s arms around me when I was a child, tainted by the distance that formed between us when she turned her back on her son. Sometimes Aunt Molly was tender, too. But she isn’t who my heart aches for now. There’s a word forming in my mind as I look up at the strange face of the long-dead man hovering over me in the darkness. It’s a word that was never mine. But I want to surrender to it. I want to wrap myself up in the word and all the tender love that comes with it.
...Dad...Daddy...I’m scared...
Our traveling party has been significantly reduced from when we arrived at the abandoned house, but we still have two rented vehicles that need to be taken back to Northbridge. Sean and I take one, while Estela and Rebecca take the other. We should probably be going home to get some sleep. I think that’s where Estela is going once she drops Rebecca off at the hospital. Back to Quinn, back to her brother and the other Catalysts, back to get everyone up to speed and wait for any more news. No doubt they’ll all be at the hospital at some point in the morning. But I can’t go home just yet. Even if I technically can’t help in any way, I have to be at the hospital with my friends. I don’t even need to ask if Sean feels the same. When I ask him if we should go straight to the hospital, I know the answer even before he nods grimly.
We’re silent as he drives, though he does periodically reach over without taking his eyes off the road to put his hand over mine on the armrest between us. I don’t mind. I’m stewing in the knowledge that Jake--and the rest of us--could easily lose Alodia in the next few days. I find it hard to object to my husband reminding me that he’s alive beside me.
I don’t really notice that he’s slowed down until he pulls over and stops on the shoulder of the road.
“Sean? What’s wrong?” I glance at the dashboard, trying to discern if there’s a mechanical problem. Sean hesitates for a moment before spreading his fingers and pressing his palms into the steering wheel.
“Look...feel free to tell me to piss off and keep driving, but...I would really like to kiss you right now.”
Worried and exhausted as I am, I can’t hold back a smile. “I wouldn’t mind a kiss right about now.”
We lean in and he takes my face in his hands as our mouths meet. I am a little surprised at how gentle he is being. I remember the way he kissed me for days after the showdown between Dragonness and Prescott, the fierce need in the way he pressed his mouth to mine. This is different. This is...more like the way he kissed me on our wedding day, just a few weeks ago. Tender. Loving. A kiss that makes me feel like we’re the only two people in the world.
“You’re kissing me like you love me,” I murmur.
“I do. I adore you. I don’t think I’ve ever been more in love with you than I am right now.”
“What makes you say that?”
He touches his forehead to mine. “...What I saw you do back there in that house…”
“Aww. Did seeing me delivering a baby make you sentimental?”
“Yeah. But it wasn’t just that. Alodia was sick. Diego was hurt. Alodia was having a baby. You were the only doctor there. But you were calm. You got help where you needed it. You made calm out of chaos.”
“...That’s my job, Sean. I’m a doctor. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t scared.”
“I know all that. Doesn’t make it less impressive. ...You’re a great doctor, Michelle. And hell, I’ll just say it: you’re my hero.”
I can’t help myself. I grin as I kiss him again. “You know, the only reason I’m not laughing at your corniness is because I know you mean it. Which just makes you more adorable.”
He keeps my face in his hands as he nuzzles my forehead with his. “...Do...do you think they’ll be okay?”
I swallow a bitter taste at the back of my throat. “...Diego should be fine, I think. The baby seems healthy. ...Alodia...it’s a little more uncertain.” I take his hands in mine, pulling back to meet his eyes in the light from the dashboard. “It will depend on how much the infection has spread, if it’s damaged any internal organs...whether there are any post-partum complications…”
He nods, squeezing my hands. “...I...guess we should get to the hospital. Be there for them.”
He releases my hands and turns his attention back to the car. He puts the gear shift back into drive and pulls away from the curb. We’re silent as he navigates the dark road ahead, and I don’t distract him by reaching over to stroke his arm or shoulder. But it doesn’t feel like we’re distant at all. Being beside him now, I feel as close to him as if I were in his arms without enough space between us for a hair to pass through.
I don’t know how much time passes in the fog of light and noise and pain that I find myself dragged through. I am aware of things in bits and pieces. I don’t remember arriving at the hospital, but I find myself there, under harsh fluorescent lights, my nose assaulted by the sharp antiseptic odor. At some point, I realize River isn’t there, and I hear myself call out to her.
“It’s okay, Alodia,” Jake murmurs, his breath warm on my ear. “They’re just checking her over. They’ll bring her back to us soon.”
I’m cold. The air feels too close to my skin. I think I might be naked. I want to move to cover myself, but I am not sure where the surface is that’s supporting me, or whether I’m even upright or lying down. I do feel Jake’s arms around me, and I cling to him for dear life, even as I feel him gently manipulating my limbs.
“That’s it, Princess. Good girl. I gotcha. I’m right here.”
I open my eyes and find myself on a gurney, the filthy gray sweatshirt I had been wearing replaced by a thin hospital gown. Jake is still beside me, but now he’s wearing a mismatched set of scrubs. Pain flares in my spine, white-hot and intense enough to make my stomach turn. I hear myself make a noise like a wounded animal. I feel the pressure of Jake’s grip on my hand, and his cool fingers raking gently through my hair, soothing an intense itch that I hadn’t realized was there.
“Look at me, Alodia. Look at me.” His voice is gentle, but it brooks no argument. I force myself to meet his eyes. “That’s my girl. You’re doing great. Listen...this next part isn’t gonna be pleasant. You got a really nasty wound they gotta take care of, and you also had some tearing during delivery that they say is gonna need a couple stitches. They’re gonna numb you up so you won’t feel the worst of it, but that part ain’t gonna be a cakewalk, either.”
His words don’t help the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel my eyes burning. I’m scared. I’m so scared, and I’m so tired of being scared. It all must show on my face, because Jake’s mouth twists into a grimace as he brings my hand up to hold against the rough, days-old beard that darkens his cheek.
“I know, sweetheart. I know. But you can do this. I know you can. You’re the strongest, bravest person I’ve ever known.”
I can’t see my father just now, but I know he’s here. He’s hovering over me and Jake, equal parts a comforting, paternal presence and a frightening spectre I’m terrified has come to take me to whatever afterlife is waiting for me. I grip Jake’s hand.
“Don’t let me go.” My throat is so dry that it seems to chafe with the effort of speaking. The effort of drawing breath is rewarded with needling pain at scattered points on my torso. But Jake tightens his grip and bends to kiss my temple.
“I gotcha, Princess. I ain’t leaving.” The air around me shifts abruptly, and Jake’s grip on my hand tightens with anxiety. Something terrible is about to happen.
Sleep now, my daughter. It will be better if you sleep.
“Look at me, Alodia,” Jake says again. Again, I am compelled to obey, and I look into the depths of his clear blue eyes. “That’s it. Just keep your eyes on me. Don’t look anywhere else. Just look at me.”
But as the pain washes through me in a heady wave, I can’t help but break my gaze. I hear myself moan and Jake seems to press closer to me, even as the rest of the world is falling away again.
“I’m here. I’m here. I’m right here. Just stay with me…”
My family has a luxury mountain cabin a little ways upstate. Dad hasn’t been there since Mom died, but once I was old enough to drive, I took over the upkeep and used it for my own private getaway. In college, I always had friends over to the cabin for spring break, and for summer parties. Tahira and Poppy were both frequent guests back then. I haven’t been back since before the gala that changed everything, but I keep it well maintained enough that when Tahira contacts me to ask if Caleb and his runaway children can stay there for a night, I don’t have any qualms about saying yes. Since everything is remotely connected, I am able to unlock the door and turn on the lights and the heat from my apartment. The local town doesn’t have a late-night grocery store, but I do put in an order for delivery from a nearby Chinese restaurant with instructions to leave it in the kitchen.
I don’t hear anything for a couple of hours, and in the meantime, I can’t sleep. I’m sitting up at my kitchen table with a mug of decaf when I hear the tapping at my balcony door. Tahira, in full Dragonness garb, waits for me on the balcony, squeezed into the shadow in the corner to avoid the beam of the outdoor lights. In a big city and a big apartment complex like this, one never knows who might be up late and watching, curious about who Dragonness is visiting at this hour. I flip off the outdoor light before I unlock the door and let her in.
I barely have the door open wide enough for her to slip through before she pounces on me, kissing furiously with her fingers raking through my hair. I push back, wrapping an arm around her waist as I stumble around to blindly push the door closed. I’ll worry about the latch in a minute. Right now, I am aware that my girlfriend is hovering an inch or so off the carpet as she presses her hips against me, one hand tugging at the belt of my bathrobe. My hands are at her back, groping for the mechanized clasp of her supersuit, but I resist tapping it just yet.
“Tahira… your wound. ...Is it safe to…?”
She hesitates, pulling back just a little. “I...think so…” But her feet sink into the carpet again as she presses her forehead to mine and reluctantly adds, “But maybe I should wait until a doctor clears me. I mean, it’s gotten a lot better...but I don’t know. I’ve never been stabbed before.”
I pull back enough to remove the mask from her eyes and brush the dark wisps of hair off her forehead. I lean in and kiss the spot between her eyebrows, then each eyelid in turn, the tip of her nose, and her mouth.
“...I missed you,” I murmur.
“I missed you, too. In case you couldn’t tell.”
I lace my fingers together at the small of her back. “Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? Water?”
“How about a shower and a change of clothes?”
“I’m set up for that, too. Actually did a load of some of your stuff just yesterday.”
She snorts lightly. “I’ve got enough clothes here for a load? Might as well be living here.”
“...Might as well be,” I murmur. “...But that’s a discussion probably best saved for later. Did Caleb and the kids get settled in okay?”
“Yeah. Hopefully they’re still there in the morning. I don’t know what we’ll do if they aren’t. Don’t know what we’ll do if they are, either.”
“We’ll come up with something. I promise. You’re the Hero of Northbridge, and I’m the son of the city’s most powerful billionaire captain of industry. Between us, there have to be some strings we can pull to keep the kids together and Caleb out of prison.”
“You’re basically the head of Prescott Industries now,” she points out. “And you’ve got a lot more goodwill than your father. ...I’m honestly less worried about how we’re going to keep the kids together than I am about the whole Caleb situation. I don’t just want him out of prison, I want him on the right side of the law. And that’s going to take a lot of compromise.”
“We’ll figure it out. For now, you need to rest.”
She sighs, wrapping her arms around me and letting her head fall onto my shoulder. “...Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. ...For what?”
“For not asking why I care what happens to Caleb.”
I kiss her hair, letting my cheek rest against her head. “I don’t have to ask why, Tahira. Even if I don’t know. I trust your instincts. If you think he’s worth caring about, I believe it.”
“...I hope my instincts aren’t wrong about him. Because I have a feeling I can’t shake that we’re going to need him on our side in the future.”
My arrival at the hospital is a whirlwind of doctors and nurses asking questions, taking pulse, temperature, and blood pressure, and sticking me here and there to collect blood samples, place an IV for fluids, and pump painkillers into the space between my shoulder joint and my arm bone before they attempt to put the two back together.
Having my dislocated shoulder put back in its socket is not the most pleasant experience, but it’s also not as bad as I would have anticipated, especially once the painkillers set in. I feel a little heady, but there’s no violent wrenching motion to force it back into place like they show in the movies. It’s a lot more slow and gentle. Having Varyyn there to hold my good hand goes a long way, too. I really haven’t thanked Dax enough for his Christmas present.
I don’t exactly feel the bone slip back into place the moment it happens, but I do feel the pain start to ebb away almost immediately, and exhale with relief. The doctor smiles down at me.
“Think that did it. How do you feel?”
“Waaay the heck better,” I reply languidly.
“That’s what we like to hear. I’m just going to get a sling on you, and send a nurse to take you to your bed. We’re gonna keep you overnight, just for observation, but I’m optimistic you’ll be discharged tomorrow.” He pauses a moment, glancing at Varyyn. “I know you two live out-of-state. Do you have friends in the area who could put you up for a night or two after discharge? I don’t want you to have to rush your travel plans to get home.”
“We have a number of friends in the area,” Varyyn confirms. “And we certainly won’t be going home before Alodia and her baby are discharged as well.”
“Alodia is our friend who came in with us,” I explain when it’s clear the name doesn’t ring a bell with the doctor. “Or probably a little before us. Alodia Chandler. She had a newborn baby. A little girl. ...She was hurt. A cut on her back that got infected.”
The doctor’s eyes flicker with a brief spark of recognition, and he nods. “Ahh. Of course. I remember her coming in.”
“Do you know where she is?” I ask anxiously. “Do you know if she’s okay?”
“I haven’t heard anything since she came in. But she and the baby would have been taken up to the mother and baby unit.”
“Would I be able to see her?”  
“Right now, you would be better off getting some rest.”
“That’ll be easier if I know what’s going on with my friend,” I point out. The doctor nods, reaching out to pat my good shoulder.
“Tell you what. As soon as I’m done here, I’ll see what I can find out. It’s quite likely she’s not ready for visitors herself yet, but would it help if I could get you an update?”
“Yeah, it would. Thanks.”
The doctor’s assurance is enough to keep me satisfied for a little while. I don’t badger the orderly who comes to take me to my room. It’s early morning by now, and the sunlight is streaming through the window. The orderly draws the curtains as I settle into bed. Varyyn sits down in a chair beside me and takes my good hand. When the orderly leaves, I roll my head to look at him.
“You’ll be more comfortable in the bed, you know.”
“...Is that permitted?”
I shrug. “Don’t know. At the moment, I don’t really care. If it’s not, we’ll stop when they tell us we have to stop. And I really want you to hold me right now.”
“I’m not very much inclined to argue. I want to hold you.”
He slips off his shoes and lies down beside me, holding me gently. I let my head rest on his shoulder. I feel safe in his arms. For a while, I can almost pretend that he and I are back in our bed in California. But I think the truth of where we really are and what’s really happening is pretty inescapable, because the dreams that take over once I’ve drifted off are anything but safe and peaceful. I wake up with every muscle in my body cramping around my thumping heart and the fading image of angry wasps droning around me. My own sharp gasp is already a vague memory as Varyyn’s soft lips brush my forehead and cheek.
“Shhh. You’re safe, my darling. I’m here.”
The sun is still up, but the light isn’t streaming through the window anymore. “How...how long was I…?”
“Only a few hours, my love.”
“Hours…? But...Allie. What did…?”
“The staff could not say much. But Sean and Michelle spoke to Jake. River is well and healthy. She is in a room with her parents.”
I want to smile at the thought. But the fact that Varyyn started with River’s condition is enough to tell me that her mother isn’t as well and healthy as she is. “Varyyn…”
Varyyn knows what I want him to tell me. He sighs, kissing my forehead. “Alodia’s wound has been treated. The tearing she sustained during delivery has been stitched. The infection is being treated with antibiotics. But...it is simply too early to tell if she will be alright.”
I gulp against the choking sensation in the back of my throat, biting my lip in an effort not to let out the anguished howl I can feel clawing its way up from my chest. I can’t stop the tears from dripping down my cheeks, but I am not going to wail like a banshee in the middle of a hospital.
“I should have gone for help,” I whisper when I can speak again. “I shouldn’t have waited. I should have gone when I knew she was sick…”
“That would have meant leaving her alone with enemies in pursuit when she could not defend herself. You did the best you could in an impossible situation.”
“She might die, Varyyn. River might never know her mother. Jake might lose his wife again…”
Varyyn kisses my cheek. “Diego, everyone knows how much you love her. No one doubts that you did everything in your power to protect her as best you could.”
I roll away from him as best as my injured shoulder will allow. I feel him withdraw just a little, feel his hesitation, and guilt pricks at me. He’s right. In my heart I know he’s right. But that knowledge isn’t enough to cut through the fear that encases me.
“...It won’t matter if she dies,” I say after a protracted silence. “...If she dies, it won’t matter how much I love her or if I did everything I could. She’ll still be dead.”
“Perhaps not. Not right away.” He hesitantly strokes my hair, and when I don’t pull away, he continues. “...But don’t bury her before she is gone. Hold onto hope as long as we have it.”
I know that I am a ghost. But I don’t care. I’m home on La Huerta. The place where I was born. And for a moment, that is all I need. But then I see my friends. Jake, Sean, Craig, and Estela. All four are battered and bruised. Estela’s expression is stoically grim, but I know her well enough to see fear in her dark eyes. Sean and Craig are doing a worse job of hiding their anxiety, though they still seem to be holding it together. I guess they think they have to for Jake. Jake’s face is breaking my heart. He’s not crying just now, but his eyes are swollen and rimmed in red, and his face is splotched red with tears. He looks down as he walks, hunched and shaking like a terrified little boy.
Across from them are Diego, Varyyn, Michelle, and Raj. Diego breathes shallowly as he regards the other foursome.
“Where is Allie?” he asks, his voice low and trembling.
Sean answers the question, even though Diego is looking at Jake. Jake raises his eyes to meet Diego’s hard gaze, and there is guilt there. I don’t hear Sean explaining. But I know what he’s saying. They don’t know where I am. I fell from the chopper and they haven’t found me yet. Diego’s fear and grief burn into anger and he flies at Jake.
“You were supposed to take care of her! You let her die!”
Jake doesn’t fight back. He barely flinches to protect himself. Varyyn grabs his lover to hold him back.
“Diego! Diego, stop! She isn’t dead!”
I am, though. I want to tell Varyyn that I am. ...But I’m not. I’m standing at the Threshold, staring numbly down at the eleven graves. I look down at my hands. Wrinkled and papery, speckled with liver spots. But both of them flesh. I’m not the Endless. The Endless is in front of me.
“This is where we’re always going to end up,” she says mournfully. “This is the fate I cannot protect you from. It may be tomorrow, or it may be ninety years from now. But you will always live to see the last one die.”
“...They were protecting me.” I raise my eyes to meet her face. “...That’s what I’ve been seeing in my dreams. I watched them die to protect me.”
“You will always live to see the last one die.” She reaches out to cup my cheek in her good hand. “...Unless you die first…”
I can still feel her bony fingers against my cheek, but I am no longer at the Threshold. I recognize this place. I have danced on this stage for years. This is the stage at the performing arts center where my dance school’s showcases, workshops, and recitals have been held since I was a four-year-old ballerina, feeling like a princess in my shimmering purple tutu with a plastic tiara bobby-pinned to my head. It is familiar, but somehow wrong. Distorted. I shouldn’t be here, waiting in the wings like this. I haven’t been a student in years. I don’t know my choreography. I am in sweatpants, without dance shoes or stage makeup, and my hair is a tangled mess. And I am pregnant. I am sure of it. What other explanation could there be for the potbelly pushing against the waistband of my sweatpants, and the movement behind my navel? But even that feels wrong. Vague memories tell me that I am nearly ready to give birth, but my belly feels too small. The child’s movements are sharp and erratic.
But ready or not, I am pushed onto the stage. Harsh white lights turn the audience into a faceless dark sea that swims beyond the polished lip of the apron. Music floats up from beneath my feet. The Doll Dance. This is the Doll Dance. I have to push.
I don’t have time to question. My Catalysts are rushing in to surround me, all cradling shapeless bundles as they move through something that vaguely resembles the Doll Dance. I lie down on my back and open my legs.
“The doll is almost here!” Michelle sings from between my knees. Diego giggles, flitting between Jake and me, tapping us in turn.
“Daddy Ballerina, Mommy Ballerina!” He laughs wildly, and taps his own head. “Skinny Ballerina!”
Jake laughs with him, and taps my nose. “Princess Ballerina!” Then he and Diego laugh together, the sound morphing into a shrieking cackle as I feel a sudden emptiness in my belly.
“Baby Ballerina!” Michelle crows.
“Where is she?!” I hear myself cry. “Where is River?”
I can’t find her. I am on my feet, rushing around the stage, searching for the baby that was just torn bloodlessly out of me. The Catalysts plié right and left, shading their eyes as they search the darkness of the house.
“Where is River?” They sing in one voice. “Where is River?”
I can’t find her. I can’t find my baby.
“Oh me, oh my! Oh me, oh my!” The Catalysts jump from first position to second, scrubbing at their eyes.
I leap off the stage, into the house. I know where my baby is. The doors at the back of the house are open, and I can see the swaddled bundle in a cone of light at the end of the aisle. I scoop her up, and I feel my heart sink. The cloying face of a plastic baby doll peers up at me with unblinking eyes of blue glass, chubby plastic cheeks tinged red, lips permanently parted in a toothless, saccharine smile...
I’m going to be sick. No sooner have I realized this than there is a bowl under my jaw, and an unfamiliar pair of arms wrapped around my chest from behind, holding me upright. I want to fight their grip, but painful spasms wrenching through my midsection distract me from any potential escape attempts. A sour-tasting wave of liquid fire bubbles up my throat and sloshes out from between my lips.
“You’re okay, Princess. Just let it all up.”
“J-Jake…?” I croak weakly, barely able to raise my eyes to his face before another acid wave splashes into the bowl.
“Shhhhh. I’m right here. Everything’s okay.”
Everything is clearly not okay. But I don’t have the strength to worry about more than emptying my stomach right now. When that’s done, I sink limply back onto the pillow, shivering as Jake dabs at my forehead with a sponge.
“Here…” I open my eyes as I feel something poking at my lips and find a straw. “Have a little water.”
I obediently close my lips around the straw and take a few cautious sips as I take stock of myself. I hurt. That much I realize right away. My back and between my legs are the worst of it, but most of me aches like I had every muscle in my body clenched at the same time. I know where I am, even before I realize that the unfamiliar arms that held me up belong to a nurse. A few gaps aside, I know what happened before I arrived at the hospital. But there is an image in my mind of a plastic doll swaddled in my arms.
“R-River...Jake, where…?”
“She’s here, Princess.” I hear his voice catch, and I manage to look up at him to see a shaky smile on his lips. “...She’s perfect…”
“C-can I see her?”
“Of course. Doctor says you might even be able to feed her later if you were up to it.”
Jake looks somewhere to his side, and I crane my neck to follow his gaze. I can just about make out the bassinet at the end of the room, and the nurse bending over to carefully collect the yellow-swaddled contents. For a moment, my stomach lurches again. I’m not entirely convinced that the nurse is not about to hand me a plastic doll. But then the bundle squirms and whimpers. The nurse passes the bundle to Jake, who gently places our daughter beside me on the bed, keeping his hands on her for support.
The chubby face that peeks out from a cocoon of yellow blanket and a pink crocheted hat is no plastic doll’s face. She’s been cleaned since she was born, but her little face is still rosy over a warm complexion. Above a pudgy little chin, tiny pink lips are drawn into a pout that shows off their perfect cupid’s bow. Her round little nose wrinkles as if she smells something foul and her eyes are puffy around the edges. But then her eyes open, blue as sapphires, and her gaze cuts through the feverish haze the clouds my head. I carefully place a shaking hand on her chest, stroking her lightly through the blanket.
“Hello, River Skye McKenzie,” I murmur. I feel the corners of my mouth lifting into a feeble smile. “Aren’t you the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen…”
“She’s an angel,” Jake agrees. “Here, take a look at this.” He gently pulls off her little crocheted cap, revealing a fine layer of downy chestnut hair. I bite my lip, feeling tears pooling in my eyes.
“...How did we live so long without her?”
“The same way we lived without each other: incompletely.”
I raise my eyes to his face. Something cold has begun to thread through my veins. “...Jake...is she real?”
Jake’s expression falters just for a moment. “Of course she’s real, Princess.”
“I...I think I was dreaming. ...I found my baby, but she was just a doll…”
Jake’s face softens as he brings up a hand to stroke my hair. “It was just a dream.”
“...I’m afraid of my dreams. I’m afraid to go to sleep again. I’m afraid that when I wake up, she will be gone…”
“I won’t let her disappear.”
“...What if you’re gone, too?”
He presses his lips to my forehead, holding them there for a long moment. Long enough for me to realize how much his breath is shaking. When he pulls back to smile at me, his eyes sparkle.
“Then I’ll fight until I’m at your side again. Isn’t that what we do, Princess? They pull us apart, and we fight like hell until we’re back together?”
Even heady with fever as I still am, I hear the catch of desperation in his voice, the pleading note under his fierce words. He is as scared as I am. He is scared that he is watching me fade. He is scared that he’s watching me die.
...I will live to see the last one die. Unless I die first.
How to describe the moment when I see my wife descending Castor’s boarding stairs. I hear myself speak her name, but it comes out as a gasp as I start toward her. The moment her foot hits the tarmac, she breaks into a run, arms outstretched. We meet in a small collision, arms closing around one another in vise-like grips. I feel my throat tighten as I rest my cheek on the top of her head, savoring the familiar texture of her narrow braids on my skin, and the sweet scent of her honeysuckle lotion. It has not been two days since last I saw her, but it feels like a lifetime. From the strength of her grip, I can tell she feels the same.
“...You didn’t bring Reggie…?” she asks after a moment.
“He’s at home with Estela and Quinn. I am fairly certain that looking after him is all that is keeping Estela from getting herself arrested for disorderly conduct by marching down to the police station to threaten those cunts who attacked Alodia and Diego at the abandoned house.”
I feel Grace pause for a moment. “...That’s strong language for you, honey.”
“...Can we agree that I am justified under the circumstances?”
“Absolutely. ...How are they?”
“Diego has a dislocated shoulder, but he should heal. Thus far, it also seems that the baby is well and healthy. Alodia is being treated, but it is simply too soon to know how she will respond.”
“...I think she will be fine,” Grace says decidedly. “She knows how much she’s needed. She won’t let a little infection beat her.”
“I sincerely hope you are right.” I keep an arm over her shoulders as I begin to steer us toward the car. “...I don’t suppose you learned anything of interest from your mother? Anything about where Father was planning to take them, or what he intended to do with them? Even if...when...Alodia recovers, this is far from over.”
“...I did learn a few things,” she confirms, though she waits until we are in the car to continue. “She has reason to believe Rourke has a base in the Greek Islands. Specifically Ithaca.”
I can’t help rolling my eyes. “Of course it would be Ithaca,” I mutter.
“But that’s not all. Aleister, I think Yvonne is alive.”
The minutes and hours melt into each other while my wife is sick. The world tunnels and fills with static at the edges. All I can focus on is her. My princess. My princess and the little angel in the bassinet at the foot of her bed. I almost never don’t have one of them in my arms. Except when Rebecca or Michelle or my mother force me to get some sleep on the couch. I don’t generally fight them on it. One of the advantages to Alodia being in a maternity suite is that the couch is in the same room, a feature that surely exists for anxious partners waiting out a long labor.
I don’t know exactly when my mother and father arrived with Alodia’s aunt and uncle, Diego’s parents, and Raj. I know it was sometime after Alodia gave River her first feeding. It was mostly successful. Lots of pillows and my hands helped to keep River safe and supported, even with her mother feeling as weak as she is. I helped the nurse bathe her in a process that seemed like a compromise between a sponge bath in bed and a full shower, with Alodia seated on the shower seat while I helped wipe her down and rub dry shampoo into her hair. By the time that was done, the fever seemed to have sapped her strength again because I almost had to carry her back to bed. By the time her bandage had been changed, she’d slipped back into a fitful sleep. She hadn’t awakened yet when the anxious faces of our families appeared in the doorway.
I don’t really like all our folks being here. I don’t like the way Alodia’s aunt and uncle are hovering over her bed like loving parents, kissing her hands and stroking her hair. I like it even less when Diego’s parents do it--especially because I know from Raj that they’ve been decidedly cool to their own son since meeting his husband. I don’t even like the way my own parents are hovering right now, trying to help me with River. I don’t want help with River. Not yet. I don’t really want anyone but me and Alodia touching her right now. Somehow, letting someone else change her diaper or rock her to sleep makes me feel like I’m letting Alodia’s nightmares come true. Like somehow letting someone else touch her will turn her into the doll Alodia dreamed she was.
...I know it’s irrational. Especially because I don’t feel the same fear when one of the Catalysts offers their help. Knowing that it’s irrational doesn’t stop me from feeling the fear. A part of me feels guilty for it. But the fear holds on.
At some point after drifting into a doze on the couch, I hear familiar voices over my head. I’m not sure if I’m mostly awake or if I’m deep asleep and dreaming when I hear them, but I know the voices, and their words are clear.  
“If the worst happens,” Diego says softly, “...will he have it in him to look after her?”
“Of course he will,” Rebecca replies. “He’ll need her more than ever.”
“...I watched my best friend grow up knowing she wasn’t wanted by the people who were raising her. People who took her in because they didn’t want to lose the last piece of her mother that they had. ...I don’t want to watch the same thing happen to her daughter.”
“Diego. Trust me. If the worst happens, River will be what keeps him alive.”
By the time I come fully awake, Diego and Rebecca are gone, replaced by Molly and Rob. Both Alodia and River are asleep. Molly sits at Alodia’s bedside stroking her arm, while Rob stares stoically out the window with his arms folded. Both of them melt into the scenery as I approach my wife and take hold of her hand. No matter how many people are around us, when I hold her hand, it’s just me and her. I sink into the chair, gripping her hand in both of mine and kissing her fingers.
“Stay with me, Princess,” I whisper. My chest is tight. I feel like it’s been tight for ages. I feel like I’ll never breathe free again, but I know I will if only she gets better. “You’re doing great, Alodia. Just hold on. Just keep fighting. Please...I...I can’t lose you again…”
“No one is going to lose Alodia,” Rob mutters. The reminder of his presence sends irritation threading through me, but I let it go.
“She’s a fighter,” Molly agrees. “She always has been.”
“She’s going to bury us all,” Rob adds with conviction. Now I properly grimace. It’s all I can do not to deck him. Instead, I press my lips hard to my wife’s fingertips, screwing my eyes shut as I exhale to a count of ten.
“Do me a favor,” I growl without looking at him. “Never say that in front of me, or her, or any of our friends.”
“...I...what? ...Why?”
“...If you’d been on the island, you’d understand. You just gotta trust me on this one.” I give Alodia’s hand another kiss and stand up, moving to gaze down at my daughter, sleeping peacefully in her bassinet. I reach down to stroke the back of her tiny hand, soft and delicate as a rose petal.
I’ll never leave you, Angel. It’s a silent promise, but I mean it with all my heart. No matter what happens, I’ll always be here for you.
Slowly, though, the cloud of fear and uncertainty hanging over my family begins to dissipate as modern medicine starts to do its job. Alodia’s fever starts to dwindle. And three days after the birth of our child, it breaks.
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catsrtheboss-blog · 7 years
📲 You’re really chill and we should definitely talk some more!
Thank you! We should talk! I love to get to know everyone in this fandom more! And you’re on the list!  ♥️ You deserve a million hugs!! Cause.. why not?
Hug party! You deserve all the hugs possible! *hugs!*
🙋🏻 If I hadn’t talked to you before then HELLO!!! Como estas?
¡Hola! ¡Estoy muy bien! Y este mensaje me hace sonreír. Esto fue el mejor parte de mi día. ¡Gracias mucho, princesa! 
Translation: Hi! I’m really good! This message just makes me smile! This was the best part of my day! Thank you so much, princess!
 (I hope you don’t mind calling you princess, you look like one!) 
✏️ You’re so good at writing??? Like how do you do that??
A strange wizard cast a spell on me. XD I don’t know how writing happens, it just comes. But in all seriousness, thank you! :) 👌🏻 You’re blog… 10/10��
And yours? 200/100. 👌   💕 You’re really kind, sweet, smart, funny.. did I forget anything else?
Aaawwww, you’re too amazing. I’m blushing so much….. Thank you for your kind emojis, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo! 
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scgdoeswhat · 4 years
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Choices Character of Color Appreciation Week, Day 7
Endless Summer - 
Cris McKenzie || Michelle Nguyen
Throwing this all the way back to my ‘Wonderful AU’ where we completely ignore all 3 shit endings. Here we have just two best friends catching up over a quick cocktail (cosmopolitans, of course; an oldie but a goody just like ES) at Cris and Jake’s newest bar before opening for the evening. 
Click for HQ otherwise it’s blurry af!
Thanks to @choicescocappreciationweek for hosting! It’s been a blast celebrating such wonderful characters!
OMG I MISS ENDLESS SUMMER SO MUCH. it’s been a long time since i’ve created anything for ES and it felt really good to draw my girls??? also laughing because 2 rich, successful, fashion forward women are still in their la huerta threads 🤣 and sorry, got kinda carried away with all the red lol
Clarette LeFleur (TE) | Aurora Emery (OH) | Bryce Lahela (OH) | Lily Spencer (BB)
Tagging the old ES gang and a few others under the cut: 
@brightpinkpeppercorn @queen-of-effing-everything @mysteli @itsagoodluckkiss @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @mechaspirit @sophie-summer @endlessly-searching-for-you @endless-vall @endlessflame @princessstellaris @endlesshero1122 @sceptilemasterr @wiselight @choicesyouplayandmore @zaffrenotes @darley1101
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mechaspirit · 4 years
Know When Your Opponent is Not Playing Fair
Author’s Note: So I got a request from a Discord Member from a BOLAS/Blades server and she requested a TyrilxMC fic from a kiss prompt. I’m still open for requests if anybody want me to write them something. Until then, hope you enjoy. 😁
Also, make sure to read the bonus at the end. 👀
Disclaimer: Pixelberry is the owner of the book Blades of Shadow and Light and the characters. I don’t. And I’m sorry if they were out of character at the end. 😅
Tagging: @scgdoeswhat, @princessstellaris, @blightarts, @itsagoodluckkiss, @sophie-summer, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @endlessly-searching-for-you, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @daniela2510, @mysteli, @sceptilemasterr, and @kamilahsayeet
Prompt: A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
Summary: Back at the Starfury’s estate, Aurelia and Tyril are enhancing their sword fighting skills for an upcoming battle against an enemy of a Shadow Court during the masquerade. But what happened during their practice?
It was the night before the masquerade, and it would be usually the time to plan out the outfits and other stuff. For the gang of five adventurers and a nesper, that’s a different story. Some of them are sharpening their weapons. Others might be practicing their magic. What all of them have in mind is that they need to prepare themselves for the worst in order to face Kaya (or rather the person from the Shadow Court disguising as Kaya) at the masquerade and get the Onyx Shards.
Ever since Aurelia obtained the Blade of Sol from the Starfury’s Ancestral Crypt, she decided to use the time to enhance her swordsman skills and getting used to the magical powers stored within the blade. Out of everyone else in the group, Tyril is very much a formidable sparring partner to go up against.
Blades clash against each other as both competitors lock on their opponents’ forms and positions, looking for any signs of openings to target. Elven senses are heightened so that they can be more aware of their surroundings. From the eyes of the amateurs, it would look as though the two elves were evenly matched. However, Aurelia’s fighting stance appeared to be off since she was still getting used to the sword. And that actually caused her blade to easily be ward off by Tyril’s, ending this round with a sword close to her throat.
“Another hit,” the male elf pointed out as he withdrew his sword so Aurelia can recover and pick up her blade, “Your form is still slightly off. You need to be on guard at all times as well as agile enough to strike your opponents. And speaking of that, don’t just focus on their openings for targets. Watch their blades as well, so you’ll know when and where they may be attacking you next.”
“Right. Keep on forgetting that this isn’t archery,” Aurelia joked, but then noticed that his lips were forming a thin line. The blueish-purpleish elf had figured that Tyril is still distressed from the fact that a member of a Shadow Court killed his best friend, and that him leaving the Undermount had caused the elven empire and his home to be in a terrible estate. Part of another reason why Aurelia pulled him aside for practice is because she figured he could use a distraction.
“Again?” Aurelia asked as she reformed her stance. Tyril gave out the silent nod and did the same.
Both elves circle around each other on the field, waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike. Seconds later, Tyril quickly charged at Aurelia, swinging his blade right above her head. The female elf managed to block it with her sword, and use her strength to guide her opponent’s sword downward to avoid letting it hit her. Tyril reacted in time and raised his sword swiftly to strike her again, only for Aurelia to parry his attack. Including when he tried to repeat the circumstance by aiming at her neck, to which she ward it off, almost successfully knocking his weapon aside. Keyword “almost”.
“Not bad. Better,” Tyril remarked, only for himself to strike Aurelia again, to which the latter held her blade up in time, causing their blades metal-grind each other forming an “X”, “But you still need to-”
“Watch the blade. I know,” The female replied, but then started smirking, “But I also have a lesson for you, Milord Starfury…
...It’s to know when your opponent is not playing fair.”
While the male elf scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, he got knocked backwards with a yelp and fell to the ground, losing the grip of his sword. It didn’t help that he felt a weight on top of him and that he could hear the sword piercing the ground just inches to the side of his head. He managed to regain his senses and saw that Aurelia was actually on top of him, hand still holding on the hilt of the blade, and pinning him on the ground victoriously. It took him seconds to realize that the female elf knocked him down to the ground by using the back of her leg and took advantage of the situation, much to this guy’s embarrassment.
“Looks like I’m not the only one who needs to work on their form,” the female elf grinned mischievously. It was only then that Tyril managed to crack a smile and gave out a light chuckled, to which Aurelia did the same.
As soon as they catch their breath, Tyril finally manages to sit up straight, his blue eyes locking with her green ones. There was that same electric spark that the two elves felt everytime they were alone together, and often caught into a moment where their affections for each other lead to something more. This time isn’t any different.
All of a sudden, Aurelia leaned in and planted her lips onto Tyril’s, who tensed a bit before slowly melting into her kiss. Lips started moving in sync, and the female elf slowly and gently held her hands to the both sides of Tyril’s head, and then slowly entangled her fingers into his long dark hair. And whatever tension she had felt from him earlier, and whatever emotional pain he may be feeling, seemed to have dissipated a bit.
Unfortunately, their make-out session is interrupted by someone clearing their throat and got the two elves' attention, much to their shock.
It appeared that the male nesper had been sitting there the whole time, looking bored and rather unamused at what they’re doing.
“...I understand that elves would often share “Dinvali” at a certain point when they reach maturity, especially you, Aurelia, since you’re younger, but keep in mind that we’re still in the middle of a-AAAAHHH!!!”
Threep was cut off by a fire blast and a sword flying at him, to which he screeched and jumped back, noticing the angry look on the elves’ faces.
“GET OUT!” Aurelia screamed while Tyril prepared another fireball at the bat-winged cat who took the sign and flew away.
At the dinner table, Mal came by just to get a snack after snooping around the Starfury Estate where he noticed Aurelia sitting at the table with her face blushing different shades of violet, staring at her plate of what supposedly is leftovers from lunch earlier. Though it appeared she hadn't touched anything from them. The human rogue smirked and sat across from her.
“Hey there, Kit! I just heard from a certain bat-kitty that you and elf boy were alone in the training room and got on with-”
“Mal. Shut up.”
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20 Questions
I know I don’t often do tag things, but I got tagged by two people to do this, so I figured I would!
I got tagged by @boyscoutmckenzie and @xo-endlessmayhem-xo!
Thank y'all for tagging me! =)
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you want to know better.
1. Name: Victoria 2. Nickname: Tori 3. Zodiac sign: Scorpio 4. Height: 5′8" 5. Ethnicity: Caucasian 6. Oriention: Heterosexual 7. Favorite Fruit: Watermelon 8. Favorite Season: Summer 9. Favorite Book: Way too many! Don’t make me choose! 10. Favorite song: Salute by Little Mix. It means the world to me. 11. Favorite Scent: Uhmmm I’m honestly not sure! 12. Favorite Color: Sea foam green. 13. Favorite Animals: Cats are probably my favorite, but I honestly love all animals a lot. 14. Favorite Beverage: Probably sweet tea. When you live in the south, you drink it a lot. 15. Favorite Movie: Tangled. 16. Favorite Characters: TOO MANY 17. Blanket Number: 1 most of the time, but if I’m super cold it can be as many as 3-4. 18. Cat or Dog: Cat. 19. Follower number: 960 20. Blog created at: I have no idea. It’s been a while though. At least since 2014.
Soooo I’m supposed to tag 20 people but I don’t actually know a bunch of people, so I’m just gonna tag @redpandalester, @teamfreecake, @everlasting-wizard, @jjust-dreamm, @tweety-is-not-amused, @st-orybroken and anybody who sees this and wants to do it! (If you don’t wanna do it, you don’t have to!)
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blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: New Challenges Ahead
Next Chapter: A Way for Us to Bond
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post. I’ve decided to split the chapter into 2 parts. Part 1 is here. The script is too long to fit in one chapter.
@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @lovearyn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @mysteli, @helentwombly, @scgdoeswhat, @choicesaholic​, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @daniela2510, @izzycheeese, @brightpinkpeppercorn​
Recommended Music: Fury of the Storm (Monster Hunter)
The two sisters rush towards each other and give each other a tight embrace.
Vishakha: I’m so glad you’re here!
Elena: You saved me before, li’l Sis. It’s time for me to return the favor.
The two then pull away and turn to the the Sea Guardian, trying to get up.
Elena: How do we keep that occupied while making it easier for the others to save everyone and call for help?
Vishakha: We have to lead it away from the pier.
The two girls start to look around the pier. Elena then spots something.
Elena: There!
She points towards an old but still functional pirate ship.
Vishakha: Is that...?!
Elena: The Dorado.
Vishakha: THE Dorado?! The famous ship that Mister Jake and the others used to defeat the previous Sea Guardian?!
Elena: The very same.
They quickly hurry towards the ship and eventually sails it towards the open sea. The Sea Guardian takes the bait and begins chasing after the Dorado.
Elena: We got its attention... now what?
Before Vishakha could reply, a beam of light bursts from the sea. Everyone in the entire port spots the light. Vishakha and Katherine grin as they both know what that very light signifies. From beneath the sea, a slender figure starts to rise. Its metallic body shimmers from the light while is red eyes start to gleam. Meanwhile, a lone person stands atop this figure. It’s Blight and his Steelix. Blight clutches his key pendant and taps his Mega Stone. He then chants.
Blight: Wreak havoc, Tyrant of the Desert... Steelix, MEGA EVOLVE!!
Light within Steelix’s body start to glow brighter, covering his entire body, as he begins to undergo Mega Evolution.
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After the process, Steelix lets out a terrifying roar, enough to push Gyarados slightly back, while Vishakha and Elena raise their arms to brace themselves. They then turn to each other.
Elena: It’s time for us to let loose as well.
Vishakha: Yeah!
Vishakha clutches her star pendant while Elena clutches her left fist, wearing her glove. They both tap their Mega Stones and begin to chant.
Vishakha: No more nice girl! Time to unleash the Rebel! With a blossom glow and a hard core….Mawile, MEGA EVOLVE!
Elena: In my time of need, aid me Goddess of Lightning and bring down the thunder… Ampharos, MEGA EVOLVE!!
Mawile and Ampharos begin to glow as well, beginning to undergo Mega Evolution.
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After the process, Mawile jumps high and lands next to Blight on top of Steelix head. He grins towards the Deceiver Pokémon and leaps off Steelix. He then activates his thruster boots and flies his way to the Dorado.
Blight: You guys got this!
Steelix and Mawile nod at him as he regroups with Vishakha, Elena and Ampharos.
Blight: Alright... LET’S DO THIS!!
Vishakha: YEAH!!
Elena: YEAH!!
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The three turn their attention to the Sea Guardian as it glares towards Steelix and Mawile.
Elena: Ampharos, use Double Team then Zap Cannon!
Ampharos duplicates herself and, along with her clones, begins charging a galvanic sphere in her mouth before firing towards Gyarados. The Atrocious Pokémon spots the incoming attacks and initiates evasive maneuvers. Meanwhile, with the Sea Guardian distracted, Blight and Vishakha take action.
Blight: Steelix, use Thunder Fang on your tail!
Steelix’s fangs charge up with electricity as he bites his tail and coats it. The crystalline tail shines yellow.
Vishakha: Now, Mawile! Jump onto Steelix’s tail and bite it!
Mawile does what she is told. After biting Steelix’s tail with her two fanged heads, electricity begins to surge within her.
Blight: Now, throw her, Steelix!
Steelix spins his tail as Mawile holds on to him. He then swings it and launches Mawile towards Gyarados.
Vishakha: Alright! Use Metal Burst!
Mawile bursts out a bright yellow light and uses 80% of the electricity within her to empower herself. She then transfers the power into her fist and places them in front of her as she makes her way towards Gyarados.
Blight: True Sync Combo Move...
Vishakha: Number 3...
Mawile, covered entirely with electricity empowered by Metal Burst, turns into a form of a spear tip. Before it could react, Gyarados is pierced by a more powerful variation of Thunder Spear. As it flinches, Mawile uses Fairy Wind to stop in mid-air then uses Thunder Punch to recharge the electricity within her. She then uses Fairy once again to launch herself towards Gyarados and Metal Burst to empower her fists again. As she pierces the Sea Guardian once again, she keeps repeating the process.
Recommended Music: Fight or Flight (ILITW)
Meanwhile back at the Ferris Wheel, with only a few citizens left to save, Espeon keeps her hold while she brings them to Absol’s Icy Wind cushion. Mika worries about Espeon.
Mika: I’m so sorry, Espeon... but just hang on a little longer...
Espeon: Purr...
Meanwhile, Kaitlyn and Meg run around the Ferris Wheel with their Pokémon, creating ice pillars beneath the turned over Ferris Wheel to provide Espeon support.
Meg: Keep using Ice Beam, Audino!
Kaitlyn: Ice Punch, Riolu!
After a few seconds, Espeon and Absol manage to save all of the passengers of the Ferris Wheel. However, as soon as the last passenger escapes the vicinity, a lightning strikes the center of the Ferris Wheel, strongly pushing it downwards. The ice pillars break and Espeon lets go of her grip over the ride. The Ferris Wheel begins to fall towards Mika and her Pokémon. Kaitlyn and Meg attempt to reach her.
Kaitlyn: MIKA!!!!
Meg: NO!!!!
But before the Ferris Wheel could crash on the three, Riolu quickly rushes towards them and begins to glow. Kaitlyn’s eyes brighten from the sight.
Kaitlyn: Riolu, you’re... you’re evolving!
Riolu starts to undergo evolution and quickly evolves to Lucario. 
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Lucario then clenches his fist as cold air surrounds it. He then uses Ice Punch on the ground and gigantic shards of ice start to rise from it. The shards hold the Ferris Wheel in place. Mika and Kaitlyn marvel at the shard formation, noticing that the scale is similar to what Reginald’s Metagross made in the Pokélympics. Mika and her Pokémon then look at Lucario.
Mika: Thank you, Lucario.
Espeon: Meww!
Absol: Sol!
Lucario nods at them and looks at the Ferris Wheel. He then turns to Audino.
Lucario: Rar!
Audino grins and nods at Lucario and rushes beside him. The rest look at them in confusion.
Kaitlyn: Lucario? What are you doing?
Meg: What’s up, Audino?
Lucario and Audino begin to use Psychic at the Ferris Wheel, lifting it up. Lucario then stares at Kaitlyn and nods towards the end of the pier. Kaitlyn looks at the ensuing battle and understands quickly.
Kaitlyn: You’re going to throw THAT to the Sea Guardian?!
Lucario grins and, along with Audino, quickly throws the Ferris Wheel towards the Sea Guardian.
Meanwhile at the pier’s entrance, Rachel, Taari and Reginald struggle on the empowered tornadoes and lightning strikes.
Taari: We can’t even do anything right now!
Rachel: What do we do?!
Reginald: I have an idea. Go, Metagross! Use a full-powered Psychic!
Reginald throws another pokéball and Metagross comes out of his pokéball. He then immediately releases a burst of telekinetic energy. The strong tornadoes freeze in place but the lightning strikes are still present. Reginald turns to Rachel and Taari.
Reginald: Quick! While Metagross is occupying the tornadoes, get rid of them and hit the lightning strikes before they hit the ground!
The two nod at the boy as they call out their second partners.
Taari: Let’s go, Gallade!
Rachel: Come out, Blastoise!
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The three then give their commands.
Rachel: Froslass, use Ice Shards at the lightning strikes! Blastoise, you do the same with Hydro Pump!
Taari: Grotle, use Seed Bomb on the lightning strikes! Gallade, slash those tornadoes in half with Psycho Cut!
Reginald: Monferno, use Fire Blast on the incoming lightning!
The five Pokémon take action. Gallade unleashes his elbow blades and sends multiple pink crescent blades at the frozen tornadoes. After taking enough hits, the tornadoes dissipate. Meanwhile, Froslass sends large shards of ice towards the incoming lightning strikes. The lightning strikes hit the shards, being prevented from hitting the ground. Blastoise fires a jet of water from his cannons and produces a similar result. Grotle throws explosive seeds towards the sky, while Monferno fires a “大” shaped flame. Both resulting in success. After the settling the storm, the three trainers high five. They then turn towards the ongoing fight at the end of the pier.
Rachel: Now, we have to help them...
Recommended Music: Adventurer’s Theme (ES)
Meanwhile back at the end of the pier, Mawile and Ampharos keep striking Gyarados with their respective attacks. On the other hand, Steelix charges a Hyper Beam and fires it towards the Atrocious Pokémon. Gyarados flinches once again and Blight, Vishakha and Elena cheer.
Blight: Direct hit!
Vishakha: Wooh!
Elena: Alright!
The Sea Guardian has had enough and lets out a menacing roar. Mawile loses composure and falls in the sea. Meanwhile, Ampharos covers her ears while her clones disappear due to the roar. Gyarados then attempts to summon a hurricane. Blight grits his teeth.
Blight: Damn it! Everyone brace!
But before they could do anything, the Ferris Wheel collides with Gyarados’s head.  The Atrocious Pokémon staggers and loses control of the hurricane as the Ferris Wheel falls into the sea. The three trainers look at the trajectory and sees Meg, Kaitlyn and Mika waving at them.
Vishakha: They did it!
Elena: As expected.
Blight: They just might pull of the League and contests...
Gyarados then shakes its head and attempts to regain control of the hurricane. However, psychic energy begins to take control of the hurricane. Blight, Vishakha and Elena turn towards the entrance of the pier and see Reginald’s Metagross using Psychic on the hurricane. The hurricane is then sent towards Gyarados’s abdomen. It then lifts the Sea Guardian up into the air. Blight then looks up at Gyarados.
Blight: Alright, let’s finish this! Steelix, go after it and use Thunder Tail!
Vishakha: You too, Mawile! Use Focus Punch!
Steelix readies himself and leaps up towards the Sea Guardian. Mawile, on the other hand, leaps from the sea at high speeds and reaches Gyarados’s head. Steelix bites his tail with Thunder Fang and proceeds to use Iron Tail with electricity coated in his tail. Meanwhile, Mawile clenches her fist as it starts to glow blue. Blight and Vishakha begins to think to themselves.
Blight’s Mind: Even if...
Vishakha’s Mind: We’re against a Guardian...
Mawile uses Fairy Wind to boost herself towards Gyarados’s face while Steelix manages to reach Gyarados and begins to swing his tail.
Blight’s Mind: ...and with only Steelix’s tail...
Vishakha’s Mind: ...and with only Mawile’s fist...
Steelix swings his electricity-coated tail on the side of Gyarados’s abdomen and Mawile punches Gyarados square in the face.
Aryn watches from afar and smiles at the two’s teamwork. 
Aryn: As expected from such great friends...
After being struck with such strong attacks, Gyarados falls unconscious but doesn’t revert to its regular form. Elena, however, takes the opportunity.
Elena: Now’s our chance!
Unfortunately, the Sea Guardian regains consciousness and immediately uses Ice Fang on Steelix. But the Iron Snake Pokémon manages to quickly tilts his head to the side, avoiding the attack.
Blight: One more time, Steelix!
Elena: Use a full-powered Signal Beam, Ampharos!
Ampharos fires a massive prismatic beam towards Gyarados. But before it could reach it, Steelix swings his tail once again and strikes the side of the abdomen one more time. Gyarados vision starts to blur as it begins reverting back to its regular form, but not before being struck by Ampharos’s Signal Beam. Gyarados then falls completely unconscious and falls into the sea.
Recommeded Music: At Dawn, We Rise (ES)
The Sea Guardian reverts back to normal as Steelix and Mawile land safely. The three other Mega Pokémon also reverts back to normal. Blight sails the Dorado towards the unconscious Sea Guardian. The three trainers then slowly approach it.
Vishakha: Did we win?
Elena: I think so...
Suddenly, a voice calls out to them.
Voice: Hey!!
They turn to see Taylor, Jake and Quinn at the end of the pier.
Taylor: You guys get back to shore!
Jake: We’ll take it from here.
Blight nods and returns Steelix to his pokéball. Vishakha and Elena do the same. The three then sail the Dorado back to the pier. Quinn then begins to channel her powers and floats towards the unconscious Guardian. She places her hand on its forehead.
Quinn: I purge you from your corruption, Guardian. You are now free from darkness.
Quinn manages to free Gyarados from corruption. After a few seconds, the Sea Guardian wakes and thanks Quinn. It then roars to clear the storm.
Recommended Music: Surf and Sand (ES)
Meanwhile at the port, the group reunites. Aryn, Izzy, Vishakha, Rachel, Meg and Elena pull each other into a loving family hug. 
Aryn: You were all so amazing out there!
Izzy: We are so proud of you.
Vishakha: Thank you so much, Mommies!
Rachel: I love you!
Meg: Aryndelle for life!
Elena: Aryndelle FOREVER!!
Meanwhile, Taari, Kaitlyn, Mika and Reginald high five each other. 
Taari: You guys were so overwhelming!
Kaitlyn: Thanks, Taari. But you guys were too, you know.
Mika: I’m still so happy about Kaitlyn’s Lucario evolving.
Reginald: Agreed. Congrats, Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn: Thanks, guys!
And lastly, Blight and Katherine share a soft and tender kiss.
Katherine: You were... amazing out there, dear.
Blight: Hehe... thank you.
The two smile at each other while the rest of the group backs away.
Vishakha: Let’s... uhh... give those two some space. Haha.
As the clouds part, the sunset brightens the entire sky. Everyone turns to admire the sunset. Taari’s eyes light up with determination.
Taari: ...Autumn is here!
Meanwhile from atop the Orderve City Lighthouse, a familiar man with a goatie looks through a pair of binoculars.
Man: So... it has begun...
Autumn has come and a new adventure starts for our heroes! What will happen next on their way to Quarr’tel Town? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON THE NEXT CHAPTER OF POKÉMON AUTUMN VERSION!!
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A Twist of Fate ch.29 -A Waking Nightmare
The Elementalists au
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
Words: 1640
Series master List
Complete Master List
This AU is set after everyone graduates Penderghast, and Beckett and Oriana were never friends. Fate, however, may have a different plan for them.
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    Beckett hadn’t slept a wink in days. Oriana hadn’t been home, and now when he called her it just went straight to voicemail. She either turned it off or failed to charge it. He was guessing the latter, as all of her things as well as her car was still at his house. He’d called her work and was told she hadn’t shown up this week. He was worried sick. Literally, he was throwing up on a regular basis. He can’t remember a time he’s felt this low before, and he’s insanely worried that Oriana will do something drastic.
Locking himself back in his office, he buried his face in his hands, letting out a deep sigh. He was exhausted, both mentally and physically and he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to go after her, but he didn’t have a clue where to start. And since he hasn’t been sleeping, he can’t even muster the energy to think about where to start.
A knock sounded on his door, and Beckett groaned. “Go away.”
“You know I can open this door, right?” Dave’s voice floated through. “I have a key to all the offices, remember?”
Beckett stumbled to his feet and crossed the office, unlocking the door but not bothering to open it. He was sitting back down when both Dave and Tom entered the room, shutting the door behind them.
“I’m busy, what do you want.” Beckett mumbled, not meeting their eyes.
“Beckett…what happened?” Dave asked uncertainly. “You’ve been a ghost for days.”
“Yeah, you look like shit.” Tom joked, attempting to lighten the mood.
Beckett glowered. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“That’s too bad, you’re going to.” Dave told him. “I’ve never seen you this way. Something happened. What?”
Beckett sighed, raking a hand through his hair. “She’s gone.”
“Who do you think? Oriana. She’s gone, I don’t know where she is, and I can’t get a hold of her.” He snapped. “I haven’t seen her since Sunday night.”
“She left you? But…you guys were so happy…” Tom trailed off
“Yeah. Key word is ‘were’. We’re certainly not now.” Beckett retorted.
His friends sat in the two chairs. “What happened? We’re not leaving until you tell us.”
Beckett glanced back and forth between his friends. “We had a good day. A great day. She even met my parents. And before you say anything, it went fine. I mean, not fine but…it wasn’t tragic. And we hung out for hours after.” He lowered his gaze before continuing.
“We ran into her ex. And we all got in a huge fight. And then she took off.” Beckett didn’t even know what to say about it. It’s not like he can tell them what really went down.
“I really thought I’d get home and she’d be there…but she wasn’t. She wasn’t there yesterday or the day before that either. And I doubt she’ll be there today.”
“Her stuff?” Dave asked carefully.
“All her stuff and her car are still there. She hasn’t come back at all.”
“But that’s a good thing, right? Without her car, she couldn’t have gotten far. Plus, she has no clothes. She’ll be back. Maybe she’s just embarrassed about the whole thing and worried you’ll think less of her for whatever reason.” He suggested.
Beckett just rolled his eyes as Tom jumped into the conversation. “She seriously loves you…she’ll be back. Everything’s going to be okay. Have you tried calling the Aquarium?”
“She hasn’t shown up for work this week.” Beckett mumbled.
“That's a bit unlike her. What about her friends? Don’t you have their contact information?”
He shook his head sadly. “We only spoke to them by phone and by Skype on the computer, and I don’t know her login information.”
“But there has to be something…”
“Look, guys, I appreciate your concern. Truthfully, she just needs some space and you’re right, she’ll be back because she’s going to need her things. And everything will be fine again.” Beckett stated, shifting uncomfortably under the inquisitive gazes of his friends.
“When’s the last time you slept? Really slept?” Dave asked.
“Saturday night.”
Dave let out a low whistle. “Okay. Here’s what you need to do. You need to sleep tonight. Things will look better after you’ve rested a bit.”
“I can’t sleep. I can’t stop wondering where she is. Hell, I drove around aimlessly just looking for her the past three nights, and I plan on doing the same tonight, and every night until I find her. She’s gotta be holed up somewhere.”
“Beckett.” Dave said lightly. “We can’t have you falling asleep at the wheel. Your work is suffering. I have some Ambien, I can give it to you. Just for tonight. Then, tomorrow if she’s still not back, we’ll form another plan.”
“And we’re going out for drinks Friday. And you’re coming. We haven’t had a real happy hour since she moved in, and we’re doing this.” Tom added.
“But what if she…”
“No buts. Not this time.” Tom interrupted. “You need to blow off steam. Hell, we all do. Maybe we can even go crazy and have it be a two pitchers of beer night.”
The corners of Beckett’s mouth turned up slightly. At least I still have these two to keep me somewhat sane.
A second later he was grabbing for his trash can, throwing up again.
Tom grimaced. “If you’re sick, you should also go home now. We really don’t need a stomach bug going a-OW!!”
Dave had elbowed him sharply in his side. “Next question. Have you been eating? I couldn’t help but notice almost nothing came out.”
“No. Mainly just coffee. Sometimes water.” Beckett confessed.
Dave nodded. “Okay. New plan. I’m going to order take-out, and we’re going to stay right here until you eat at least half of your food. I think the lack of nutrition is making you sick.”
Beckett shook his head, “I’m really not hungry.”
“I am.” Tom announced. “Most definitely. What should we get?”
Dave eyed Beckett, acknowledging how green he looked and the dark bags under his eyes. “Considering he hasn’t eaten nor slept in days…should start somewhat light.”
“Chinese.” Beckett said quietly. “It’s comfort food.” Or just Oriana’s favorite kind of food, and if this is as close as I can get to her…
“That’s not exactly light, but is there anything in particular before I call?”
Beckett’s mind flashed to the numerous times they’d ordered Chinese. “Pork eggrolls. Sesame Chicken. White rice and broccoli. And egg drop soup.” He knew Oriana’s order by heart.
Dave pulled out his phone and called the Chinese restaurant down the street, ordering everything Beckett said, and a few other things for him and Tom. They left Beckett alone until the food arrived, and as others were leaving the office, the three friends went into the small employee cafeteria.
“Mmmm smells awesome!” Tom exclaimed, diving into the bags. Passing out the food, Beckett’s nose wrinkled when it was in front of him.
“Half.” Dave reminded him. “You have to eat half.”
“I could just take it home and…”
“Nope. You’re eating here so I know you’re eating. I understand you miss her, Beckett, but you have to take care of yourself.”
Beckett grudgingly ate a few pieces of chicken, a few pieces of broccoli, a couple spoonfuls of soup and one bite of the egg roll.
“That’s not half.”
“It’s close enough.” Beckett glared. “I need to go in case she’s home. “Thank you for the food. Give your wives my best.”
“At least open a fortune cookie!!” Tom strode quickly after him, handing him the wrapped cookie. “You have to. It’s a Chinese staple, you don’t even have to eat it, but you at least have to open it.”
Beckett groaned in frustration, but quickly tore off the wrapper and cracked open the cookie. He stared at it a minute before he was asked what is says. He looked back at his friends.
“It says, ‘When all hope is lost, you will find more than you expected.’”
His eyes widened. “Maybe she really is home!!” He ran out of the cafeteria, grabbed his coat and briefcase and left the building without another glance. He knew he was being a dick to his friends. He knew they were worried about him. A wave of nausea flowed through him again as he sped home. Pulling into his driveway, the house sat dark and still. Her car was still there.
He quickly went inside. “Oriana? Ori, are you here?” He called out to her to no avail. She wasn’t there.
“Where are you?” He whispered as he called her phone for the billionth time. Straight to voicemail. This time he just hung up. He’d already left about twenty messages, and now her voicemail box was full. Of course, she’d know he was looking for her. After looking in all the rooms, he turned back around, got in his car, and drove as many streets as he could, keeping an eye out for only one person.
Hours later, he arrived back home and trudged up to his bedroom, looking around the now brightly decorated space, courtesy of his girl.
It’s not my home without her. Not anymore. He thought miserably, crawling into bed, pulling one of her shirts close to him, and covering himself with the blankets. He shut his eyes, finally passing out from exhaustion. His only dream was a nightmare, where he saw that night outside the bistro, saw Oriana’s face when she realized she’d injured him, saw the tears as she told him she was leaving.
He woke up gasping for air. He looked over at the clock…it had only been an hour. Swallowing hard he lay back down, closing his eyes once again. But this time, sleep wouldn’t come. Instead, he was being forced to continue living the nightmare.
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     @annekebbphotography @gardeningourmet @zigortega4life @eileendannie @thequeenofcronuts @drakewalkerfantasy @friedherringclodthing @coffeebeandragon @drakewalker04 @jlpplays1 @desiree-0816 @alesana45 @mfackenthal
@xo-endlessmayhem-xo @endlessly-searching-for-you @rissah @damienswhore @giulia2372 @nerdynstoned @wickedgypsymoon @the-writerly-night-owl  
@aworldoffandoms @cordoniasmost @syltti78
@feartheendlesssummer @elainew13 @the-soot-sprite @paisleylovergirl @dottie-minerva-mikas @emichelle @kendrasgue @pbmychoices @flyawayboo @divergentofhogwarts @sonsie0613 @symonde @brightpinkpeppercorn
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mysteli · 5 years
drunk text (jake x mc)
A/N: I’m back after a loooonngg time and this fic exists thanks to @brightpinkpeppercorn. I’m not really sure what to think of but I’m still posting it. it’s more of a comedic piece. But I have more romantic shit coming in the future. Don’t worry!
Warning: innuendo, swearing 
Recommended music: idk
Words: 2066
PERMA TAG LIST: @brightpinkpeppercorn@cocomaxley@hopefulmoonobject@alesana45 @jellybean-marshmellow@mymandrake@regrettingnathan@dobie2112@princessstellaris@mechaspirit@skyila @mind-reader1  @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sakaily@justboredtrash@regina-and-happiness@annekebbphotography. @endlessly-searching-for-you@reginasayeed@zigortega4life@eileendannie@diamondoasis@speedyoperarascalparty@emomoustache@lostlightningbug@endlesstaylormckenzie @alekai-sayeed@akrenich@vickypoo91@nitta-jaeguet@femmeshep @hayden-park@mkatschoicesblog
Prompt used: ““Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night”
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! 💗and let me know if the tags work because Tumblr is acting up.
Summary: A couple glasses of wine lead Michelle and Quinn into stealing Logan’s phone. What could possibly go wrong?
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“Who wants more wine?!” Michelle questions in a high, obnoxious tone, her voice thick with energy and excitement.
Logan and Quinn had both volunteered to help Michelle start decorating her house as she prepares to move in with Sean. She’s been talking about how nervous she is to take the next step with him but she’s also aware of how amazing it’ll be to get more serious with the man she loves. Logan is a person as helpful as they come so of course she’d decide to help her out with the interior. Same could be said for Quinn but who ever clarified that the day had to be completely innocent?
Turns out they overestimated how long this would take to complete and they finished the entire living room in the space of six hours, which is very quick for an entire room. It looked pretty put together too, with everything in place aside from the stuff the moving van forget to bring over and just that stressed Michelle out a lot.
So, when they finished, Michelle suggested letting a little loose and she revealed a bottle of wine, which was downed fairly quickly. They promised that they’d only have one glass each. But one glass slowly turned into two, then three... then four... then five. Now they’re all completely wasted.
“Me, me, me!” Logan exclaims, snatching the bottle out of Michelle’s hand and taking a massive sip.
“Hey! It’s not all for you, Lo!” Michelle argues, snatching it back with force. Logan forms a challenging smirk in response, wiping the leftover liquid off her mouth.
“Oh come on! You have about five more bottles!”
“Sharing is caring, Logan.” Quinn chimes in, smiling appreciatively as Michelle hands her another glass.
“It’s 3am, Quinn, and we’re doing this. It’s clear we don’t care. Surprised the neighbours haven’t left an complaint.” Logan responds, folding her arms as she takes a seat on the floor. They’d been playing really childish games since 10pm that night. Games like truth or dare, never have I ever and would you rather. The standard teenager trash that they’d play in high school. Then they turned to karaoke, which was a guarantee for angry neighbours, right? Yet nothing came through.
Hell, Logan didn’t even realise she’d be here this long. And she had to lie to Jake about why she was staying over. Of course, she knew he’d just laugh it off if she said she’d been drinking all damn night. But she wasn’t in the mood for his teasing so she messaged him with a little white lie, claiming they hadn’t finished and were exhausted so she’d just stay over and finish off in the morning. He understood completely, telling her he loved her and hoping she’d have a goodnight.
How oddly nice of him.
“I’m bored. Are there any games we haven’t played?” Quinn wonders, turning to Michelle for an answer. She simply shrugs her shoulders in response, seating herself on the floor with the others in the awkward little circle they’d shaped.
Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in Michelle’s head and her face lights up proudly. “We could drunk text someone.” She beams, lifting her arms high in the air and her glass rises with them, the action causing some liquid to plummet onto the carpet. “Shit. Good thing I’m getting new carpet.”
“Ooh! That sounds fun.” Quinn agrees, clapping her hands together excitedly. “What do you think, Lo?”
“Sure, I’m down for that.” Logan nods in agreement, though if she’d know how this would turn out, she would have said no. “Who do you wanna drunk text though?”
Michelle scans the room as she thinks of a possible victim to their game, a devious smile crossing her lips as her eyes land on where Logan’s phone lies on the floor. The perfect receiver for the situation.
Logan notices the way Michelle is looking at her and a wave of realisation washes over her. “No no no, Meech! You’re not drunk texting Jake.” She dismisses the idea and Michelle rolls her eyes in annoyance.
“Why not? It would be so funny.” Michelle points out and Quinn nods fiercely in agreement.
“No it wouldn’t! Jake would get pissed.” Logan counters their argument and shakes her head in denial. “Besides he’s probably asleep.”
“Even better.” Michelle mutters, snatching the phone off the floor before Logan can stop her. Logan only now regrets ever sharing her password with Michelle.
With a proud smirk, Michelle opens the phone and goes straight to messages, finding Jake’s name as the first one. Suddenly, she bursts out laughing when she notices something unusual in his contact name.
“Oh my god, Lo! Why is there a drooling emoji by his name?” Michelle mocks, her laughter only increasing the more words she gets out. Quinn quickly joins in on the giggles upon hearing that. “Aw, and a love heart. Cute.”
Logan hides her embarrassment by clapping her hands over her face. “Fuck off, Meech. Who knows what you have by Sean’s name?”
“Oh it’s just your standard hearts. You know, because I’m normal.” Michelle corrects, struggling to suppress her laughter. “Oh come on, Lo. Jake isn’t all that.”
“Well, you haven’t had him in bed like I have, huh Michelle?” Logan beams proudly, winking at Michelle, who looks like she’s on the verge of throwing up. Another idea pops into Michelle’s mind and Logan gets worried as she begins scrolling up. “What are you doing?”
“How about we look through your past conversations?” Michelle suggests, her malicious intentions clear but Logan knows just how to shut them down.
“Go ahead then. Keep scrolling if you want Jake’s dick embedded in your memory forever.” Logan retorts and instantly, Michelle is put off by the idea, her finger scrolling back down.
“Fine. You win that one. But we’re still drunk texting him.” Michelle clarifies, preparing to type something before turning to Quinn for suggestions. “Any ideas, Quinn?”
“I say, just start off by sending him a long ass heyyyyyy.” Quinn suggests and Michelle nods eagerly. “Any weird nicknames, Lo?”
Logan doesn’t respond, rolling her eyes in defeat. Clearly she’s just gonna accept that this is happening.
“Oh! Call him Princess.” Quinn exclaims, dancing with pride as she giggles with glee.
Michelle types out the message, adding a few extra emojis for good measure.
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Princess 🤤🥰❤️
“Threw in the drooling emoji so he knows it’s you, Lo.” Michelle points out, winking at an irritated Logan.
It takes a few minutes for Jake to reply, probably since he’s waking up from a slumber or something. Michelle and Quinn jump with eagerness and curiosity when the phone vibrates, signalling that a text has come through.
i thought it was my job to call you that darlin 😉
Michelle rolls her eyes at Jake’s response, hiding a mocking smirk. “Oh shit. One text in and he’s already hit us with the darlin’ crap.”
“And a winky face!” Quinn exclaims with forced shock. “Say something, Michelle!”
Well you’re a bootiful little princess sooo maybe that should be MYY job 🥺
Almost immediately, an offended response comes through.
Little?? 😂😂
Michelle is instantly confused by his reaction to her clearly mocking his masculinity. “Okay, so he reacts to being called little but is not offended by anything else?!”
“He’s just gonna laugh it off if you call him little.” Logan chimes in, shaking her head at how childish her friends are being right now.
“How do we piss him off then?”
“Like I’m gonna fucking tell you.” Logan denies, mimicking their mocking laughter.
Yes, little. You’re my little tiny babyyyyy 👶🤪
It takes a little longer for a response to come through this time. But when it does, it’s so worth the wait.
Are you drunk Princess???? 🤔
I thought you said you were sleeping early at Michelle’s.
Michelle reads the text aloud and that’s when Logan already can’t take it anymore. She rushes over and snatches back her phone before typing an apology to Jake.
Sorry baby. Michelle and Quinn stole my phone. 🙄
Logan moves to the other side of the room where Michelle and Quinn can’t sneak attack in order to get her phone back. Stressed, she runs a hand through her platinum hair as a response comes through.
Oh. Are they drunk???
Suddenly anxious that he’d find out she lied, she buries her face in the wall and curses under her breath, not sure how to respond to his question. In the distance, she can hear the snickers of Michelle and Quinn. Hell, Logan is still drunk herself so she doesn’t have complete control over herself right now.
No 🤫
Why did she have to add the emoji?! Why?
Pretty sure that means you’re hiding something princess 🤥
“Fuck!” Logan shouts as she gazes up at the ceiling hopelessly.
“Oh shit. Did Jake find out?” Quinn teases and Logan can’t hold back her frustration in that moment. In one swift motion, she takes off her shoe and tosses it at Quinn. The red head barely dodges it and her laughter only increases in reaction. “Nice shot.”
In the end, Logan just rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to her phone.
why would I lie to you?? you’re too pretty to be lied to 🥺
Oh shit. The drunk side of Logan is starting to really shine through.
yeahhhh you’re drunk too 😂damn i should’ve fucking known
Sure, he’s laughing about it. But it still fucking hurts that he found out this way. Thanks to Michelle and Quinn.
“Usually your fights turn to fucking so has it happened yet?” Michelle pipes up, only to receive a middle finger from Logan.
Out of nowhere, a phone call comes through from Jake and Logan freezes in place, unsure what to do.
“Oh wow. He’s calling you?” Quinn reacts, laughing igniting once more. “Better answer your loving husband.”
Logan sighs heavily before answering the phone, leaning against the wall as Jake’s muffled voice speaks through the call.
“Well, well, well, look who decided to get drunk and not invite me.”
Logan’s jaw drops at his reaction, not surprised with the constant teasing but more surprised by how little laughter is being expressed right now.
“Look, I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have lied to you. I just wanted to avoid this.” Logan apologises, exhaling sharply after she speaks. She wipes the sweat that creases her forehead, unsure why she’s so nervous.
“Hey, it’s fine. Anything to have an excuse to talk to you is a good thing to me.”
Logan lets out a soothing sigh of relief, still haunted by the mocking laughter of Michelle and Quinn from the other side of the room. Jake appears to hear it too, judging by what he says next.
“Hey, darlin’. Put me on speaker for a moment.”
Logan grants his request and walks over to Michelle and Quinn with a newly found smirk on her face, countering the mischief on their expressions.
“Jake wants to say something.”
Michelle and Quinn listen out of curiosity to what Jake wishes to say.
“Yo, Chanel and Ariel.”
They both roll their eyes at the nicknames, their expressions of mockery finally falling.
“Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night.” Jake requests at calmly as he can and Michelle and Quinn burst out into laughter once again.
“Sure, pilot. We’re so sorry for interrupting your beauty sleep.”
Jake releases a frustrated huff and Logan knows he could lash out at both of them right here right now. Before he can say anything else, Logan turns off speaker phone and brings the device back to her ear.
“Now, now Jake. Let’s play nice, okay?” She tries to reason with him and he seems to obey, judging by the collected tone he speaks in next.
“Hmph. With them, I will. With you, I won’t.”
The husky tone of his voice and the innuendo behind his words leaves Logan breathless. An unexpected rush washes through her body in reaction.
“Well, you’re just gonna have to wait until I get home.”
“Or not. You could come home right now.”
Logan checks the time once more. 3:30am.
“Jake, it’s half past 3 in the morning.”
“I’ll come pick you up. Come on, darlin’. I’m sure right now you’d give anything to be away from Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.”
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itsbrindleybinch · 5 years
Wish You Were Here (Beckett x MC)
Summary: “Well, I did find myself thinking on a few occasions that my Hawaiian vacation would have been more eventful with you around. But only a few times. I wasn’t pining or any of that kind of nonsense.”
Word Count: 976
Book: The Elementalists
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x MC (Freya Brindley)
Author Note: Beckett’s a terrible liar, isn’t he? Katrina knows what’s up. Just a little something after Chapter 1 of Book 2! Always happy to add to the tags for future fics. (The flower in the photo is plumeria, which is a bit of a symbol of Hawaii and is referenced in the fic! They look like sunshine in a flower, don’t they?)
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“… and that’s why when casting telethermic… Beckett, are you listening?”
Beckett was not listening.
Katrina watched her brother for a moment and gave a cough, but he didn’t even notice. With a small smirk, she followed his gaze. A young couple were walking along the shoreline hand in hand, the waves lapping at their bare feet. As Katrina watched, a larger wave rolled up the beach towards them. Without hesitating, the man gripped his partner around the waist and lifted her clear until the water receded. When he set her down, she stretched up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, grinning as he laughed.
With a grin of her own, Katrina glanced sideways at Beckett’s wistful expression. She lifted her pen and etched a tally mark in the margin of her notes. Beside her, she heard him sigh.
Down at the edge of the sea, the couple had paused their walk to share a kiss and to look out across the azure water, their arms around each other.
“Pining…” Katrina sang quietly, kicking off her sandals to recline back on her sun lounger.
Beckett’s head whipped around.
“I am not!” His cheeks were already pink from the sun, but as he glowered at her they turned redder still.
Katrina schooled her expression into the picture of innocence as she  turned her head towards him.
“I am not pining!” He was pouting now and Katrina was thrown sharply back to a twelve year old Beckett standing in front of her and insisting that he hadn’t  used the last of her burrowing ivy for his own potion. He had been just as convincing then as he was now.
“Yes, you are.” Katrina glanced down and made a nonchalant correction to one of her diagrams. “Just like the other times.”
“You’re drawing erroneous conclusions from limited and corrupted data and seeing patterns that aren’t there!”
“On the contrary.” Katrina flipped back a few pages to another margin completely filled with tiny strike marks. She pointed at the first one. “Seeing that it was sunny when we arrived and noting out loud that Sun Atts can perform extraordinary feats of magick in sunlight like that.”
“That’s true!”
“It is. And it was just as true when you said it the following day. And the day after that.”
Beckett spluttered.
“That one –” Katrina pointed at another tally mark. “That was when you spent twenty minutes staring at a plumeria tree.”
“The flowers have interesting properties.”
“Yes, one of them apparently being ‘would look pretty in Freya’s hair’.”
“I… No… That’s not –”
“And that one…” Katrina pointed to another. “… was when those sweet newlyweds started dancing.”
It had been an idyllic evening, actually. A glorious sunset, a small group playing music on the beach while the guests were served freshly-caught fish and beautiful fruits under a broad canopy. Katrina had seen them first, the bride pulling her slightly reluctant groom across the floor to sway together in front of the band. He had rolled his eyes, but the moment she tucked her head against his chest he had softened, his arms coming around her as he rested his cheek on the top of her head.
Beckett hadn’t been able to take his eyes off them.
“They were making a scene!” he said now, still scowling.
“They were slow dancing in the corner.”
“In a very ostentatious way!”
Katrina just smiled and moved on. “What else… what else…” She tapped the end of her pen against her chin. “There was ‘Freya would like these trees, she’s a Wood Att by the way’…‘Freya has developed a habit of referring to sunbathing as photosynthesising’… ‘Freya would be attempting a handstand on a surfboard if she were here’…” Katrina flicked back to the end of her notes. “You are aware that she is probably missing you as well, aren’t you?”
Beckett squirmed on his lounger. “I don’t miss her –”
“Yes, you do.”
“It’s just… very different not having her around.” He glanced at Katrina and hurriedly added, “Or any of them. They are incredibly intrusive and noisy.”
“When you’re gazing at hammocks for two, you’re not thinking about the rest of them though, are you.”
Beckett opened his mouth, then closed it again.
“I’m not pining,” he mumbled, but it was much more feeble this time.
Katrina gave him a fond smile and set her notes aside. “Beckie?” she said quietly, waiting until he looked at her. “It’s okay to miss someone you like that much. And it’s okay if every little thing reminds you of her.”
He stared down at his hands, chewing his lip in a way she hadn’t seen him do since he was nine.
“And it’s obvious that she makes you happy.”
Katrina was fairly certain that Beckett wasn’t even aware of the huge smile that spread across this face when she said that. It was so wide that the corners of his eyes crinkled.
“It’s… all very new,” he murmured after a moment. “How all of this feels…”
He didn’t need to say a word. It  was written all over his face.
Katrina couldn’t help but remember the little brother she had seen off to Penderghast from their main travel mirror at home, straightening his blazer with a frown and declaring that he was certain he wouldn’t need to bother with anyone during his undergraduate years because he would be spending all of his time studying. How different from the young man in front of her now, who could talk endlessly about the things his friends had done and said. And Freya, it always came back to Freya.
“But you like it. And you like her.”
“It’s… better when she’s around.”
“What is?”
Beckett smiled even wider and glanced at the sprig of white-yellow plumeria that he had woven around his beaded bracelet that morning. “The world.”
Tagged:  @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @divergentofhogwarts @flyawayboo @blackcatkita @symonde @silversparrow02 @thatspicegirlssong @llamasgrl @larryssunflower @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @elliementalist @brightpinkpeppercorn @feartheendlesssummer @melodyofgraves @moonlitavenue
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Making Changes: Sneak Peak
Sunday Sneak Peak. I decided to do a sneak peak instead of six sentences. So...enjoy. More to come on Monday. (I typed this on my phone at 12-1am and it’s unedited...sorry not sorry)
Making Changes: The Morning After
Angelina Sinclaire woke early the day after her wedding. Her heart pounded as she looked at the man sleeping at her side. Ernest’s golden locks fell into his eyes and across his pillow. His face was relaxed, softer, something she only saw when they were alone. It was a comfort to see him like this. Slowly, she took stock of her new surroundings. Soft morning light filtered in through the curtains, reflecting off of freshly fallen snow. Angelina shivered slightly and burrowed in toward Ernest, wrapping her legs around his. One of his arms, strong and sure, came around her waist and pulled her closer.
“Good Morning, Mrs. Sinclaire.” He murmured into her curls, pressing a kiss there. She giggled “Good morning, Mr. Sinclaire.”
“Did you sleep well?” He asked, pushing his own hair out of his eyes and propping himself up on an elbow.
“I did. I would like to go take a look out the window before breakfast though...” Angelina trailed off, a blush heating her face.
Ernest raised an eyebrow “what’s stopping you?”
Angelina’s eyes went wide “Ernest! I’m naked!”
“I am aware my love.” He lifted her left hand and kissed her wedding ring “I think we made sure we both were”
Angelina gave him a coy smile and sat up but as she did she winced. “Oh,” pain shot between her hips and legs.
Ernest sat up, pulling her to lean on him “what’s the matter Angelina?” His brow creased with worry.
“I’m a bit..ah...sore.” She smiled as Ernest blushed.
“Ah, right. Give me a moment then.” Ernest propped his wife on the pillows and slid out of bed. While he rooted around for his underclothes Angelina took the opportunity to admire his well toned backside. Finally, when he had his trousers on, he turned back to her. “I’ll return shortly. Wait here a moment.” Ernest leaned over and kissed her with the same passion and energy as he had last night. And again, Angelina felt a stirring within her she didn’t want to fight.
Yet all too quickly the kiss was over and Ernest was walking briskly out of the door toward their shared bathing chamber.
While he was gone Angelina shifted on the bed, laying her head on his pillow. She breathed in deep, relishing the scent of him. A thrill went through her. That man was hers. That man wanted her. Threatened a DUKE for her. Her, a common bastard. Angelina paused in her thinking. “No,” she said aloud “I am the acknowledged daughter of the Earl of Edgewater. I am a Countess in my own right, as stated by my father’s will. I deserve this.” Angelina restated what Annalise had told her. “I have more power than I realize.” It would just take some time to get used to it.
A few moments later Ernest reentered the room wearing a dressing gown of his own. He smiled at Angelina as he passed and went to her armoire, he pulled out one of her dressing gowns and held it up.
“Ernest, it’s a lovely color but I don’t think it will fit you.” Angelina teased. Ernest rolled his eyes and walked back toward her. He handed her the gown and then gently folded back the duvet. “If it pleases Lady Angelina” he paused to smile at her, his eyes raking down her naked form, “I’ve taken the liberty of having a bath drawn.”
“I-in the bath?” Angelina squeaked “I...I...” she took a breath, they were married now. He’d seen her naked. They’d done things beforehand. This was nothing new...right?
Determined, Angelina looked up into Ernest’s stormy blue eyes “It would please this Lady very much...Mr. Sinclaire.”
Tag List: @flyawayboo​ @youngbloodbound @shelivesinthewoods s @hopefulmoonobject @cocomaxley @super-secret-fandom-blog​, @agirlnamedegypt​, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo xo @hellospunkiebrewster @majesticmintyj @katurrade​​ @shirinalshabra​​​, @boneandfur r, @3pawandme @mrsernestsinclaire @drakewalkerfantasy @giulia2372 @lady-omfg-lannister
More on Monday 😈😈
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