loyaltykask · 2 years
The translations are done!
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So if you are aware and keeping up with the Progress then please let me to be the first to let you know that the translations for all 52 episodes the 2009 Monkey King cartoon done!!
I’m super excited that soon the 2009 series will be watchable for any English viewer and hopefully a lot more people are able to enjoy the series as well!
Now while the translations are done, I’m still going to need to take some time to put all the translations into the videos. Hopefully that won’t take more than a month or two but I’m still new to this whole video editing and hopefully I’ll get the hang of it soon!
I would like to thank @teamknees and MK stan for offering to be a beta reader for the translations! This will go long so much smoothly with their help.
All in all, just glad that it’s all downhill from here. I’m not sure if I want to release the videos slowly 1 by 1 or just all at once.... Well I’ll get a videos done first but I’m going to keep my options open! Can’t wait to get started!
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Who raised paramita and the rest of sun wukong's children?
A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 1640)
King Paramita and his four (unnamed) siblings don't actually exist. They are figments from a dream world created by a fish demon to distract Monkey. The novel mentions in passing that Sun Wukong and Princess Iron Fan are a couple with five handsome sons. But this comes as a shock to our hero upon learning second hand (a good representation of this realm's transitory nature).
Journey to the South (Nanyouji, 南遊記, c. 1570s to 1580s)
As for his other children, Jidu, Luohou, and Yuebei Xing, this novel never mentions anything about a mother. Perhaps they have different mothers, and then the entire community helped raise them. Monkey is after all the king of the primates on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. As the alpha, he would have his pick of any girl monkeys.
But I should point out that Sun doesn't show any interest in sex in the standard 1592 version of the story. One paper suggests that this was a response to an early-Ming play in which he is cast as a sex fiend.
Those wishing to learn more about the Monkey King's literary children can read my article:
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sketching-shark · 1 year
As you think what king paramita would look like, you have some idea of the clothes he wears, like his hairstyle, some image, I want to make a fanart of him for the only image he can find, it's not very helpful for me
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Hmmmm well as far as I know @maidenofthecloud King Paramita is literally part of an illusion crafted specifically to trap the Monkey King, so I'd say that gives you a lot of free reign in his design as to how much like a monkey yao or how much like a human you want him to look! You may however want to keep in mind that in the "real" world Princess Iron Fan only had a son with the usually VERY yaoguai looking Demon Bull King, but it seems to commonly be taken as fact that Red Boy inherited very few, if any, yaoguai-ish traits from his father. And this one illustration of King Paramita makes him look like he has a completely human form. Not to say you have to stick with that of course, but it may be one thing to keep in mind! (Or it could be that he has both a human guise and a more monkey yaoguai-ish true form that he hates, given that from what I understand Xiyoubu puts Sun Wukong and King Paramita on very bad terms with each other). The other thing is that since in Xiyoubu King Paramita faces down Sun Wukong on a battlefield during the Tang dynasty, you may want to research the clothing, armor, and hair styles styles of upper-class and ruling individuals from that era to get a sense of how his appearance could be a little more "historically accurate." You may also want to look a little more into how Princess Iron Fan is portrayed, as she is A) supposed to be his mother and B) presumably the only parent who had any real role in his upbringing since its said that King Paramita facing down Sun Wukong on a battlefield was the first time the two had "met."
Hope that helps a little!
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maidenofthecloud · 1 year
Sun wukong is king yama's replacement as judge of the dead
Sun wukong with an intimidating face looking a Recently dead and very scared qin hui, He changes his expression to a quiet smile with a soft voice said
Sun wukong: well, prime minister qin hui, as I am new to being a judge of the dead, I have decided to start with something simple for you
Qin hui: *sigh of relief*
Sun wukong: ¡¡ someone bring the boiling oil !!
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the-monkey-ruler · 10 months
How many Journey To The West sequels are there?
If you mean how many of are the 'ancient' sequels then I am only aware of three that are A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 1640) which isn't really a sequel but more like an extra adventure in the story. Journey to the South (Nanyouji, 南遊記, 1570s-1580s) and Later Journey to the West (Hou Xiyouji, 後西遊記, 17th-century) are more sequels as they are continuations of the story after the journey has taken place. These are the ones that I am more familiar with and they are the ones with Wukong having a small cameo or disciple.
Recently Lotus Lantern (Baoliandeng, 宝莲灯, 618–907) is also considered a continuation as more modern adaptions are having Wukong being Chenxiang's shifu. And while that wasn't the original intention I do like to consider that as well with recent media and think that is a great retelling!
But if you are interested in seeing Journey to the West Continuations in general then I have the hashtag #continuation that shows the movie summaries I have so far.
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jindouycn · 6 years
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Ya know, you smell reaaaaaal funny.
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Reading up on JTTW, right, and I discovered a sequel written by Dong Yue in the 1640s called Xiyoubu. And at the start of the book, Sun Wukong turns into an insect and goes into Princess Iron Fan's stomach to force her to give him her fan so the travelers can cross the Flaming Mountain. And whilst in her stomach, Sun Wukong becomes aroused for the first time. And so...I have made...this:
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The original edit is by @ wukongs-peaches (not real @ because I am under 15 and respect their prefrences) and the "fuck-boi" edit is by @ doctorpanda15 (not real @ because they don't wish to see NSFW content)
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You wouldn't happen to know if anyone has translated A Supplement to the Journey to the West, have you? I found a few online links to the book, all in Mandarin, and have been google translating it to read but of course, I feel like I'm missing a lot of content to things.
I know it is not that popular or that well-known but I still really think it's an interesting and fun addition to JTTW inspired stories.
There are two translations, actually:
Dong, Y., Lin, S. F., & Schulz, L. J. (2000). The Tower of Myriad Mirrors: A Supplement to Journey to the West. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan.
Dong, Y., Hegel R. E., & Li, Q. (2020). Further Adventures on the Journey to the West. University of Washington Press.
I've only read the first one.
Both are available on libgen.is (a great resource for book PDFs). Once you click on the respective links below, select "get" at the top to download a PDF.
I've never had a problem downloading from the site. I know it's very popular with professional scholars. This is because scholarly books tend to be very expensive.
For those not familiar with A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 1640), it's an unofficial sequel to the original 1592 edition of JTTW. Please see my article here:
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loyaltykask · 2 years
Macaque and Medicine?
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Hey does anyone have the article about the Six Ear Macaque being related to Healing/Medicine?
I thought it was just fan-made but a friend of mine said there was some basis for it and while they can’t find the link where they saw it.
So if anyone has like the article or pics, or even how their healing/medicine concept may be inspired by other JTTW media that would be awesome to know! Please send it my way I so want tot learn more!
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maidenofthecloud · 1 year
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Little moon king and old sun
Wuqing a demon fish
Characters of a Supplement to the Journey to the West
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PDFs of Foreign Language Journey to the West Translations
I’m happy to host a number of foreign language translations of the noted Chinese classic Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592 CE). This archive currently houses the following editions:
As of this writing, I don’t yet have a modern Japanese translation. But you can read an original copy of the 1835 translation here.
I have also included translations of the unofficial sequel, A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 1640), in the following languages:
I will add more languages as they become available. Please let me know if you have access to other editions.
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Heyy! I saw that you did a blog post as to where the Monkey King had several children, King Paramita being one of them!
Though I'd have to ask, was there a detailed reason behind Paramita's birth? I read somewhere that looked like it was a screenshot of the book that Wukong said to PIF, "let's make a baby" as if he was making a deal. (it might be my memory messing with me me, so forgive me if I got that last part wrong-)
The "let's make a baby" line comes from a different work, a play from the early-Ming dynasty. Monkey was just trying to flirt.
King Paramita briefly appears in a 17th-century work called A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 1640). His birth takes place in ... [SPOILER ALERT!!!] ... a dream world created by a fish demon to keep Sun Wukong's mind busy while it tries to eat the Tang monk. King Paramita claims his mother Princess Iron Fan became pregnant after Monkey went inside her stomach (an event from chapter 59 of the original novel). I guess the implication is that his alien presence acted like sperm. But Sun is said to have had a total of five children with her, so I guess, in the dream world, they decided to have the rest the old-fashioned way.
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loyaltykask · 2 years
Can anyone who knows Chinese help?
Hey so like in my last post I was excited because I was directed to ll 52 episodes of Monkey King 2009 CCTV! Super happy!
Bad news is that is all in Chinese and has no English subtitles options making it very hard for any English watchers to enjoy. Super Sad!
So guess who’s making a very stupid decision to download all 52 episodes of Monkey King 2009 and translating its Chinese Subtitles to English by hand despite only have a 30% understanding of the Chinese language?
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I already have two scripts of subtitles done and if things go as planned i should be done in about... 4 months
I am asking for someone with a good understanding of the Chinese language to beta read my script before I start putting them in over the videos.
Let me make it clear you do not have to translate anything, that taking on all the grunt work but I would like someone to help when it comes to names/places as google translate doesn’t distinctly understand when something is a name or not.
What I’m asking is for someone to watch 52 episodes of a cartoon while have my script side-by-side and just say “Yeah thats close enough” or making proper edits when I mistranslated something.
If anyone is interested or willing please let me know, this is a long term project and I’m hoping to get two scripts done per week.
PS The premise of the show is all about Sun Wukong living on Flower Fruit mountain and befriending the monkeys on there through several shenanigans and dealing with heaven. THIS IS ALL BEFORE THE ACTAUL JOURNEY TO THE WEST. A lot of the General Ba and Beng, Marshal Ma and Liu and of course the co-star of this show Six-Eared Macaque starring as Sun Wukong’s best friend (and not to spoiler but this does take a Villain Origin StoryArc if you get what I mean)
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loyaltykask · 2 years
I’m an bout to loose my shit because I can’t find the rest of these videos in English and I KNOW THEY HAVE TO BE OUT THERE If anyone has any idea of where i can find the rest please hit me up
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loyaltykask · 2 years
Okay but I can't stop thinking about these 5 non-canon kids in JTTW "sequel" I just might an AU where he keeps them himself after the JTTW, don't know how the timeline would work but just don't think about it too hard
Like he LITERALLY ACCIDENTALLY KNOCKS UP IRON FAN is like 5 levels of funny to me when it shouldn't be.
Can you imagine that conversation:
Iron Fan at Wukong’s door: Pay your fucking child support Wukong just getting back from promoting to Buddha status: Woah, first all we never did the horizontal tango, and two, I don't even have the equipment  for that to happen Iron Fan: You jumped my stomach so hard that I have quintuplets now Wukong who was born from stone: .... THAT IS NOT HOW THAT WORKS ..... (is it?) ((IS IT?))
I like to think Iron Fan treated it as more of a surrogate mom thing rather than Wukong and her having anything romantic (She's my sister! I would never!) Iron Fan and Bull Demon King get monthly visits to Red Son as long as they stay "good" while he's under GuanYin's teaching and he gets to hear about his new half-siblings... that's a conversation GuanYin had to intervene "Skinning a monkey alive is not 'merciful'"
 And just like.... the quintuplets themselves..... just the havoc I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the only named son is the firstborn (cause it always is) and keep that this Wukong is like JTTW 1996 Wukong so super into Buddhism so, of course, he names the first son Pāramitā after the six transcendent perfections that are generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, meditation, and wisdom
The second born is Upāya for skillful means
Third is Praṇidhāna for determination, this related to the Bodhisattva vows
Fourth is Bala for spiritual power
And youngest is Jñāna for knowledge
And now he's a single father of five children
Bajie gets his revenge for the Birthing-River Situation and harps on Wukong for being "loose." After several well placed hits with a staff Bajie admits the kids are cute and proceeds to spoil his new nephews/nieces
Wujing is a crier in this one and insists on staying around to help protect them. Despite Wukong living in a literal fortress in a Mountain, inhabited by immortal fighting monkeys and escorted by his generals and marshals.
But it's Wujing so of course he's always holding one of the Quintuplets at all times
Wujing crying holding monkeys like the drunk girls from youtube: I can't protect them all
Tripitaka also ascended to Buddha-hood but you cannot convince me that man isn't going to try to hold all five of them but they keep trying to slap his bald head cause that's what babies do
Wukong: Don't hit your grandmaster! Tripitaka: It's fine Wukong, it doesn't hurt Wukong: ...(I wanted to slap the head)... Tripitaka: What was that? Wukong: Nothing, Sifu!
Bai Long Ma insists that they have to have a royal celebration because they are now Royal Monkey Heirs. Wukong takes this as just a huge party but what Bai Long really meant was to have other people come "pay their respects" to the new royalty.
Wukong ain't about that life but he does like free stuff so it becomes a mix of both where he invites everyone in Heaven to come to pay his kids respect (except the Queen Mother as revenge for not being invited to HER peach festival cause he petty like that)
 It turns out to be a full blown rager in the Mountain considering he invented all of Heaven and the local 72 Demon Kings so considering it the first cultural exchange... with lots of drinking
Our five heroes are of course good monks and don't drink and while the party rages the rest of the night Wukong slips away early on (leaving a clone) to put his babies to sleep where it's nice and quiet.
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Human Sun Wukong
This is the most humanoid religious statue of the Monkey King I've ever seen. The picture was taken at "Henghua Xuantian temple at Wolskel Road, Singapore" by Ronni Pinsler in 2008.
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It reminds me of chapter 10 of A Supplement to the Journey to the West (Xiyoubu, 西遊補, 17th-c.) when Sun Wukong's spirit is depicted as an old man.
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