#wunder woman
balu8 · 3 months
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Adam Hughes: Wonder Woman
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nebelhaar · 6 months
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( ʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴘᴇᴇᴛᴇʀꜱ ⸻  27 Jährige Werwölfin, im Alter von sechs Jahren ihrem Clan und Rudel entrissen. Profil und Blog in Bearbeitung. )
some days I am more 𝔀𝓸𝓵𝓯 than woman and I am still learning how to stop apologising for my 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓭.
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„Wie ist dein Name?“
Bedrohlich bäumte sich der Mann über ihrem zierlichen Körper auf, das Augendual dunkel funkelnd, die Lippen spöttisch verzogen. Er wurde ungeduldig, das konnte sie spüren.
Sie hatte den Namen noch nicht einmal vollständig aussprechen können, als der nächste Peitschenhieb auf ihren Rücken hinab sauste. Schmerzerfüllt schrie sie auf, die Unterlippe zitternd und die Wangen feucht von bereits geflossenen Tränen.
„Wie ist dein Name, Mädchen?“
Greetje war verängstigt. Seit bereits mehreren Monaten wurde sie nun schon gefangen gehalten. Gefangen, allein und in einer fremden Umgebung. Es war kalt, sie fröstelte beinahe ununterbrochen und oft wünschte sie sich das wärmende Fell eines Wolfes herbei. Schneeweiß, rein, zwischen ihren Fingern seidenweich. „Ich habe dir eine Frage gestellt!“ donnerte seine Stimme auf sie nieder. Ihr Haupt wurde schwer. Greetje wusste, wer sie war und wie sie hieß. Das hatte man ihr immer eingetrichtert. War es törichte Dummheit, die sie dazu veranlasste, die Frage immer falsch zu beantworten oder schlichtweg die Angst, die unerbittlich ein Zuhause in ihrem zierlichen Körper gefunden hatte?
Ihre Lippen bebten, während ihr kindlicher Verstand versuchte sich eine Erklärung aus all dem hier zu reimen. Wo war ihre Familie? Wieso kannte sie hier niemanden und wieso tat man ihr weh, wenn sie doch nur die Fragen beantwortete, die man ihr stellte?
„Noch ein letztes Mal: dein Name ist Lieve Peeters, du bist sechs Jahre alt. Deine Eltern sind tot.“ Er wollte, dass sie ihm nachsprach. Doch bevor sie auch nur ein Wort zwischen dem Schluchzen hervorbrachte, wurde die Tür aufgestoßen.
„Was zur Hölle machst du mit ihr? Ich sagte, du sollst dich um sie kümmern und nicht sie misshandeln.“ Im Gegensatz zu der dunklen Männerstimme klang die weibliche Stimme wohlwollend, sanft, dennoch verärgert. Greetje kroch von den zwei Personen weg, bis ihr wunder Rücken auf eine kalte Wand stieß und sie ein Jammern von sich gab, was zur Folge hatte, dass beide sie anblickten. „Komm‘, ich bringe dich in Sicherheit.“ Die Frau bot ihr ihre Hand an, doch Greetje ergriff sie nicht. Das würde sie noch eine Zeit lang bitter bereuen. Selbst dann noch, wenn sie akzeptiert hatte, dass ihr Name Lieve Peeters war und nicht Greetje Verhoeven. Selbst dann bereute sie es noch, nicht nach dieser Hand gegriffen zu haben, die sich ihr anbot.
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( Interessiert an spannenden Gesprächen, die sich auf den Charakter beziehen. Texte haben bei mir im Normalfall Vorrang, aus diesem Grund können Smalltalk Antworten manchmal etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Open for plotting. )
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the-bar-sinister · 8 days
Chains of the Dragon (4445 words) by thesavagesabretooth Additional Tags: Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Drama & Romance, Eventual Happy Ending, ethical non-monogamy, relationship drama, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, genre: political thriller and soap opera, POV Multiple, Klavier Gavin-centric, Apollo Justice-centric, Nahyuta-centric, Ema Skye-centric, Trucy Wright-centric, No cheating, Polyamory Endgame, klapollo-centric, klavema-centric, nahyupollo-centric, skyemadhi-centric, klavmadhi-centric, plot heavy It takes almost four months for Apollo Justice's on-again off-again boyfriend Klavier Gavin to find out why he hasn't seen his favorite herr forehead–or their forensic investigator– in town in a while. When he discovers that Apollo has moved to Kura'in without so much as a goodbye or a phone call, the rockstar hatches a plan with Trucy Wright to swoop into action and rescue the derelict lawyer from his self imposed exile.
Meanwhile, Apollo has been building a life in the newly reformed country. After confessing his feelings to his childhood best friend Nahyuta, the two of them have settled into a fond relationship which has begun to grow into to include Ema in its strange dance. Of course, there hasn't been much time for romance while rebuilding the country, and tensions are only growing as a schism spreads through the ranks of the Defiant Dragons.
Klavier and Trucy, along with Trucy's new assistants, Bonny and Betty, arrive on the scene in a Kurai'in situation that's as tense and ready to blow romantically as it is politically.
September 30, 2028– 2:30 pm
It wasn't babysitting. Trucy was almost 18 years old now– practically a woman in her own right– and certainly Klavier's dear friend in her own right. 
No– while the rest of the Wright Anything Agency was busy with the Sprocket wedding, Klavier was more than happy to keep his good friend company. Even if he did have to take care of some of the paperwork sitting on his desk in the prosecution office before they actually went out and did anything fun.
Paperwork aside, usually Trucy would be laughing about something or other by this point–sitting on his desk while he worked and going on about something that happened at the Wunder Bar, or something she’d done with Pearl, or hell, some fresh news about the Wright Anything Agency.
Today, though, she was laying face down on his ergonomic chair. Her silk top hat had fallen to the ground, where it rolled in a lazy half circle back around to bump against the chair leg. He heard her whine another. “uuuurghhhh” that was muffled by the cushions. 
Klavier got up to noodle a few chords on his guitar in between papers, and he leaned on the display case looking over at Trucy.
"Forgive me for saying so, but you don't exactly seem your perky self today, fraulein. Wedding bell blues?" He glanced over at her, stroking his fingers idly up the neck of his guitar.
Trucy looked up, dark circles around her eyes speaking to a night of little sleep. 
“I mean…I’m really, really upset that daddy didn’t bring me to that wedding, sure…I’m the ONLY one in the office who hasn’t been invited! Even Miss EMA got to go! B-but…” 
Klavier fingered a low, sullen chord at the mention of Ema Skye. She hadn't been in town for months, and now she was at a wedding without him? He had to admit he was a little hurt about that too.
"But, fraulein?"
“Daddy just told me some stuff that’s been…I d-dunno. A lot.” She sniffled as she wiped her face, and her head dropped back to his fancy chair. “And I don’t even have the chance to catch the bouquet to make up for it.” 
"That's no fair. No fair at all, Trucy." He played another low, thoughtful chord and sighed. "Want to tell mr. Klavier what's on your mind? Or should we just drink our troubles away? Soda pop for you, of course."
“Of course,” Trucy said with utter despair. She rolled over with a frown . “I don’t even get to drink the good stuff.“...so, you wanna know something super funny?” 
"I always want to know something funny, fraulein." He set down his guitar and he came over and stood beside the chair. "Even if I suspect this isn't the kind of funny that'll make me laugh."
“Oh it’s a doozy though!” Trucy rolled to sit up, her smile strained and twitching as she said “my dead mom has been dead lying to me for my whole life! Or at LEAST the last two years or so!” 
Klavier put his hand on the chair and frowned. He had known that Trucy was an orphan– much like himself So this revelation was absolutely a shock.
He put on his brightest smile. "Care to run that by me again, I think I missed it."
Trucy ran her hand through her hair with a laugh. “My dead mom! She’s been lying to me. Because she’s not dead at all, Klavier! She’s still SUPER alive, and SUPER someone we know!”
"Well that's fucked up, fraulein!" Klavier leaned in over her. He paused as the full extent of her words hit him. "Wait did you say someone we know? As in I know your dear departed mother?"
“Uh huh!” Trucy nodded seriously. “I mean…she didn’t know she was my momma right away of course. She had amnesia. But then she remembered and asked Daddy to keep it a secret from me.” 
Klavier clenched his knuckles unconsciously. "Oh did she?"
“Yep!” Trucy seemed on the edge of tears, nervously tugging at a lock of her hair “Lamiroir, the Siren of the Ballad is my momma, I guess. She swore daddy to secrecy until ‘the time was right’. And… I mean, that’s pretty crazy right?” 
She sniffed softly.
Klavier stood frozen for a moment while the gears of his mind refused to move. Lamiroir– his friend, Lamioir– the siren of the ballad. The woman he'd gone on tour with.
That was Trucy Wright's mother?
And she hadn't told her?
Klavier could only stare for a moment in shock.
"Scheiße…" was all he managed to get out of his mouth.
“And that wasn’t even all of it, Klavier!” Trucy had begun openly sobbing now. Tears spilled down her freckled cheeks as she tried to stop them by holding her hands to her eyes. “there was…was somethin’ ELSE too!” 
"Oh. Oh. Oh. Fraulein… come here…" He reached down and he scooped Trucy up into a tight hug as she cried. He was still in shock at the very idea of Lamoiror…. But he couldn't stand to see someone crying… "Tell Klavier what's wrong, okay?"
Trucy’s head thumped against his shoulder as she sniffled and cried for a moment more before he heard her whisper something in a murmur. It was barely perceptible between the tears and the way she pressed her face into his shoulder…but he heard it all the same.
“I got a big brother.”
Klavier's heart thumped in his chest like someone had plucked a guitar string inside it.
"Oh yeah?" he asked hoarsely.
“Y-yeah.” Trucy looked up at Klavier, her eyes red and bloodshot and tears dribbling down her face. She sniffed again, hiccuping before she said, “a ha-half brother who I’m never gonna see again! “
"What? No! Absolutely not true, fraulein," Klavier insisted. His heartbeat was playing a staccato beat now. "Where is this brother? Who is he? He's not dead is he?"
Or in jail? The thought rang loud between the beats in his chest.
“Not yet!” Trucy sniffled “...he’s just gone and sent himself into self-exile in the middle of the mountains forever! ‘Oh no, Trucy. I’m not coming back to LA. I gotta stay here and take up the burden of fixing a whole country’s legal system! Goodbye forever! Apollo FRICKING Justice chooses Khura’in!”
She gently thumped her fist’s against Klavier’s chest…and broke out sobbing once more. 
Rockstar Klavier Gavin held the sobbing, thumping young lady against his chest in a gentlemanly manner– while young, confused Klavier internally struggled to keep up with what she had said.
The gears in his mind seemed to stretch too far and go 'sproing' internally.
"Did you say 'Apollo Justice', fraulein?"
Trucy laughed painfully against him, and shrugged her shoulders. 
“Oh, I didn't tell you? Turns out Apollo’s my secret half brother, this whole time! Gosh! Good thing that didn’t go and turn awkward, huh? That’d be terrible!” 
"Very awkward," he said in a low voice. Normally he would have made a joke about a soap opera perhaps. But he was still too busy catching up. "Apollo is your brother. How funny, fraulein. And is he at that wedding today too? I haven't seen him in… a while."
A while was generous. It had been months. Klavier tried not to be clingy. He tried to give Apollo his space. After all, they weren't really official. They weren't official any more than he and Ema were. It was just an on again, off again thing, whenever they weren't busy.
Even if Klavier would have preferred a little more attention. He wasn't going to be clingy. He'd let Apollo have his space. After all, if he clung too hard, he'd just end up pushing him away. Better to play it casual.
“Oh he’s moved to the himalayan mountains with a monk.” Trucy said dryly as she wiped at her tears. “forever. They’re fixing the legal system after their merry band of revolutionaries initiated an armed rebellion and overthrew their evil queen. Who looked like a sentai villain, by the way.” 
Klavier started to laugh, rather helplessly.. "Oh, Trucy that's very funny. Good joke, very good joke! Moved to the himalayan mountains– does Apollo know you're telling people this?"
“No!” Trucy said with a shaky smile “because he’s in the himalayan mountains! With terrible reception and one letter every two months, at most!”
She thumped her hand against Klavier once more, before she started to sob again. 
“I miss him so …so so much and now I find out he’s my brother just in time for him to go hide in a temple forever!” She looked up at Klavier with a sniffle and a sharp pout. “You don’t believe me? Ask Ema. Ema’s been there too! She’s been Mr. Sad Monk’s detective for the past buncha trials, including that horrible one with me and Mr. Reus!” 
Everything around Klavier was noise. Horrible, out of tune static that filled his head like a screeching amp. He swallowed. 
"Trucy," he said quietly to the girl in his arms. "I'm going to sit down alright? Sit down with me."
He didn't exactly wait for her to agree before he toppled backward into his chair, pulling her down with him into his lap.
Trucy thumped against him, before she settled rather neatly into his lap with a hiccup. 
“I know it sounds crazy, I–I tried to convince him to come back, but he said he h-had to stay. And now he’s barely even writing! I was surprised to see Ema back but I wasn’t invited to the stupid murder OR the wedding so I– I haven’t really seen her enough to ask.” 
Klavier closed his eyes, shutting out the terrible light from the office window that had started to mingle with the noise in his head. Trucy was a reassuring weight in his lap at least as he reeled. He leaned back in his chair, chin pointed at the ceiling..
"So Ema knows where he is. She's seen him recently."
“Probably…she was still lingering in the Kingdom of Khura’in with the intention to continue helping that Nahyuta guy with the prosecution of a bunch of old cases in need of retrial. I think she only just got back…so s-she’s probably seen him recently.” 
"Right." He took a deep breath. "So we need Ema. Get to Ema, we get to herr forehead. Your brother."
“My brother. And Ema…..” Trucy nodded against him with another sharp sniff. She paused. “Wait, g-get to him? I mean, Klavier, what…are you saying we should stomp up to the temple gates and yell for him to get his butt out here?” 
His eyes snapped open as all the noise in his mind went suddenly quiet.
Stomp up to the temple gates and yell for him to get his butt out here.
He smiled a slice of a smile like the moon hanging in a dark sky.
"Fraulein, we are going to stomp up to the temple gates, yell for him to come out, and if he does not, we are going to force our way in."
Trucy Wright’s tears finally stopped, and she wiped her eyes with a shaky grin. 
“...stomp to the temple gates…and if he doesn’t come out…force our way in…” She seemed to mull it over for only a second before she grabbed his shoulders with a grin. “Klavier, have I ever told you that you’re the absolute BEST?” 
She fumbled for her phone “I gotta…no, dammit, Pearl’s just started in the police academy. I can't– well I’ll at least say that I’ll be gone for a few weeks…and I'll bring back snacks.” 
"Good thinking, fraulein," Klavier nodded, searching for his own phone. "I'm sure they'll have many fine snacks for us to bring back from your brother herr forehead's monastic exile, ja?"
He shot a text to Ema Skye– Fraulein detective, could you see me at the office after your wedding fun? I can pay for your taxi.
He didn't expect a text back soon– but he did expect Ema to be blasted out of her gourd. So she'd probably agree to the taxi.
September 30, 2028– 4:30 pm
Ema Skye was blasted out of her gourd.
The world was swimming, Larry Butz had his ass absolutely kicked by her and the ladies. The bar was free, on the mighty Sprocket tab, and she had missed the bouquet she’d been hoping to catch for a certain pain in her ass…but in return she got to snack on some of the finest appetizers she’d ever had in her goddess-damned life.
Life was great. Fantastic, even.
And then her phone beeped. The letters swam in her vision…but the gist was easily deduced as she murmured. “...so the glimmerous fop wants to see me, does he? And a free taxi at that.” 
Miles Edgeworth– technically, technically her date to the wedding, at least in the sense that she was his plus one– swam into her vision with a cocktail in his hand.
"You were saying something, Ms. Skye?"
“Mr. Gavin wants to see me.” She raised her cocktail to her lips with a bleary blink. “at the prosecutor’s office after my ‘wedding fun’. The adora….rible Adorible fop.” She murmured into her cocktail– the combination of ‘adorable’ and ‘terrible’ was sure to be a hit. Just like glimmerous. 
"Adorable fop," Miles agreed. He reached out and put a hand on her hand as she went to sip her cocktail. "Maybe we've had enough for this afternoon?"
“Guh.” Ema looked up at him with a grimace. “Don’t stop me now, Mr. Edgeworth, I’m just gettin’ started.” “gotta console myself somehow after that farce of Larry’s. Why’d they even invite that pest?” 
She still lowered the cocktail despite her protest, sighing gently.
"I suspect that he invited himself," Miles drawled. He glanced over with a worried look to where Butz was trying to chat up some wedding guests. "Unfortunately. I should probably try to wrangle him. Were you saying that you had a ride home?"
“To the prosecutor’s office, actually.” Ema stretched with a sloppy grin. “My fop needs me, I guess.” 
Miles patted her on the back. "Dutiful of you, investigator."
September 30, 2028– 5:35 pm
The warm sun had just started to set when Klavier and Trucy stood outside the prosecutors' office, waiting for Ema's taxi. Klavier leaned on the wall of the building with his hands in his pockets, thinking over the situation and the plans that they'd been making.
After the shock had settled, he'd been able to get a clearer picture from Trucy on exactly what had happened.
Trucy leaned beside him, finally having stopped crying– though she still seemed pensive and hurt as she looked up at the sky. “You really think this’ll work, Mr. Gavin?” 
"We'll make it work, fraulein," he said, his jaw tight.
Apollo Justice had been born and raised in a far away country under the tyranny of a strange religious law. He'd been raised by guerilla rebels. He'd been exiled from them to the united states as a pre-teen. And now he'd been summoned back to his foreign homeland, to inherit the work of his surrogate father and put right the country's own dark age of the law.
Klavier's knuckles tightened. Bullshit. It was all bullshit. Apollo didn't belong there.
He belonged here. With him. With his sister, too. Why should he owe loyalty to the family who'd abandoned him? Why should he work to fix the law in a far away land when so much needed to be set right here?
Klavier knew.
Klavier knew that Apollo Justice had been coming apart at the seams for the better part of a year.
This wasn't duty.
It was self-exile.
The taxi drew up under the streetlights in front of the office, and Ema Skye stepped out.
Ema had her familiar labcoat draped over one shoulder, but the dress she wore, high cut on the leg and body hugging with a long red scarf was something altogether new. Klavier was not so entirely distracted that he couldn't appreciate it.
She rubbed one hand on her neck as she squinted into the sunshine, her perfectly pinned hair already starting to fall out of the handsome bun she’d gotten it into.
“....Trucy? Klavier? I only expected one of you.” 
Klavier hurried over to steady her, slipping an arm underneath hers, and letting her lean on him. "Well, lucky you, you got two when you imagined one."
“Hey Miss Ema!” Trucy chirped with her usual cheer. “How was the wedding?”
“Missed the bouquet,” Ema grumbled as he felt the full weight of an intoxicated detective fall against his side. “Stupid asshole Larry Butz ruined the whole thing, but the happy couple got to shoot into the sky.” 
"Well,we'll see about getting you a bouquet, fraulein, and anything else you want. Maybe an ice pack, ja?" Klavier didn't stumble under her weight. He was used to drunk Ema. "Come on up to the office."
He started to lead her toward the door.
“Ooooh…the bouquet? Were you hoping for something when you caught it, Miss Ema?” Trucy asked cheerfully, though Klavier could tell it was forced.
“....absolutely not.” Ema turned a vivid red as she muttered. She hung on Klavier, resting her head against his shoulder. “An ice pack sounds nice...especially since Mr. Edgeworth cut me off of the free bar.” 
"What an absolute villain of a man," Klavier sympathized performatively. He shared a glance with Trucy, and they led her upstairs.
Soon enough, they were situated in the office again, Ema now laid out in the ergonomic chair, which Klavier had pulled back to an almost sofa-life configuration for her, and he'd gotten an ice pack and bottled water for her from his mini fridge. 
"There. Now we're on the road to recovery, ja?"
Ema gave him a weak smile, before she pressed her ice pack to her head with a low groan. 
“Sorry you two couldn’t have been there. It was…” She trailed off for a moment, before finishing, “...weird.”
“Well, I guess millionaire’s weddings usually are.” Trucy mused as she crossed her arms. 
"It's true," Klavier nodded. "The Gavinners played at the wedding of this particular actor one time and it was a very strange affair. I began to worry for the bride…. but that's neither here nor there. You're excused for not talking us along, Fraulein Ema."
Ema sat up with a wince, the world must have begun to spin from the rather nauseated look on her face. She pressed the ice pack firmly against her head again. 
“Wasn’t like it was my choice, Klavier Gavin. I was only invited ‘cause Mr. Edgeworth needed a plus one and I’d helped solve the murder. Not like I had the authority to invite anyone.”
“You’re still excused.” Trucy said with a grin.
Klavier patted Ema on the shoulder. "Don't worry. There is an easy way to make it up to us."
“Yeah, there super is!” Trucy leaned in towards her.
Ema frowned, glancing between them with bleary eyes. 
“....what are you two up to? You’re up to something. This isn’t…you want something, don’t you?” 
"I've been missing you, Ema," Klavier purred, leaning down toward her. "Trucy and I have been catching up, and she told me you've been hanging out with herr forehead. You know I was wondering why I hadn't seen him around."
Ema flushed, and for a moment her mouth formed a wibbly little line that was almost a smile. 
“I..I mean I’ve missed you too, glimmerous fop. A lo—a little. I was going to come visit after the damned wedding. You know I…My work keeps me busy!” She glanced at Trucy, who smiled angelically at her, before her eyes snapped back to Klavier. Her brow furrowed “I mean…he’s been busy too. In the Kingdom of Khura’in…he didn’t tell you?” 
Klavier smiled quite widely, showing all his teeth. 
"He did not." Not a phone call. Not a letter. Not a word. Klavier shook his head. "So, sweet fraulein, we humbly beg a simple favor of you. You are going to take us to Apollo Justice."
Ema pressed her ice pack to her eyes, and let herself fall back onto the chair with a low groan and a drunken sniff. 
“I should have known this wouldn’t be a pleasure call.”
“We’re asking really nicely?” Trucy piped in, which only seemed to make Ema thunk her head against the chair much to her own regret.
“You wanna see Apollo Justice? Fine. Fine. The idiot didn’t think to tell you, then he’ll have to deal with the consequences. Pack a nice coat. Khura’in’s fucking cold.” 
Klavier leaned down, and kissed Ema on the head just above her ice pack. "Thank you, fraulein."
“Sure,” Ema muttered, “I don’t know what you’re thinking you’ll find, though.” Still, she flushed when he kissed her head, despite her grumbling.
“Was extorting plane tickets out of me all you wanted, Gavin?”
"Absolutely not," Klavier smiled. "I'll call Trucy a taxi so she can work on getting her father's permission for time off of school, and I'll help you with your hangover."
“Oough….” Trucy sagged “...I forgot I’d have to get permission. Shoot.”
“The perils of being a teenager.” Ema snickered as the rest of the conversation clearly caught up to her and she flushed. She cleared her throat. “....Ah. oh. ..It is a pretty nasty hangover.” 
Klavier reached for his cellphone. "Then it will need a pretty nasty cure, ja? Don't fret. Doktor Klavier is on the case."
September 31, 2028– 9:30 am (Khura'in time)
Apollo was standing in the lobby, leafing through the paperwork for the first case on the docket that day one more time. He couldn't believe they'd been doing this for three whole months– almost four now. It didn't feel like they'd made even a dent in all the cases that had to be retried…
It was a years long list of unjust convictions, but even still the number of people the Ga’ran regime had put behind bars for ‘dissent’ and ‘rebellion’ was staggering…especially when you were still the only lawyer in the country.
His concentration was broken by a soft knock on the lobby door. 
"Huh?" he turned as the lobby door opened. There was only one person he knew who made a habit of being polite enough to knock on a public door, and it brought a smile to his face as he saw him enter.
Prosecutor Nahyuta Sahdmadhi smiled at him as he entered the room as serenely as always. Even under the weight of the cases that fell upon both their shoulders, and even under the stress of the life of a palace regent– he still had it in him to project that calming aura of his.
At least until they got into the courtroom.
“Good morning, Attorney Red Pepper.” he said with a teasing edge to his quiet smile. 
Apollo felt the same little flustered sting he did every time Nahyuta called him by the silly nickname. At least it didn't feel quite so humiliating any more. Since he knew it was meant with love.
"Good morning, 'Yuta," he said with a deliberate, familiar smile. Then followed it up with his own tease. "I mean Prosecutor 'Yuta."
Nahyuta laughed , before his graceful stride brought him shoulder to shoulder with Apollo 
“Careful with the pet names in the courtroom or our esteemed Judge may give us a look again.”
Apollo laughed and leaned his head against Nahyuta's shoulder. "Can't have that. I get enough dirty looks from the judge as it is."
Nahyuta’s hand rested atop Apollo’s head, rustling through his hair. 
“Apollo….” his smile took on the barest trace of a wry smirk, imperceptible to most save for Apollo and a handful of others. “That’s because you keep trying to bluff your way through every argument…and startle even the Holy Mother with evidence that seems out of nowhere.” 
Apollo laughed awkwardly, and arched against Nahyuta's hand, enjoying the fond touch.
"You'd think after a few months the judge would be used to it," he said with a shrug. "Besides, it's not that often, is it? A lot of these cases really are as straightforward as they looked the first time."
And thank lady justice that they were. Because there was a lot of them.
“I think he’s still reeling from the trauma of your…eccentric former employer and his particular brand of defense.” Nahyuta drawled. “But it’s true. Most of them are fairly simple…which is good, as we have a loaded docket today. Which is in fact what I’d come to talk to you about.” 
Apollo's shoulders sagged
Don't tell me they added another case to the docket.
They probably did.
"Ah, yeah, 'Yuta? What's up?" Despite the cynical voice in the back of his mind, he rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at Nahyuta with a hopeful smile.
Nahyuta’s smile was warm, but there was an exhaustion behind his eyes that Apollo knew too well.
“Miss Inmee has asked us to fast track another case for today. A former defense attorney who’s daughter works in the temple. It’s been insisted on by the former Queen Amarta that we add it to the docket today.”
Apollo felt a little weak at the knees at the very suggestion and he swooned against Nahyuta.
Easy there, Apollo. Come on, we can do it. Apollo Justice is fine, right?
He took a deep breath. "A former defense attorney. That's great. So if we overturn his sentence, he'll go back to defending cases– right? Please tell me he'll go back to defending cases."
So far, not a single person, Dragon or otherwise, they'd exonerated had gone back to practicing law.
“I wish I could read the karma of the man’s choices as well I can the karma of a case.” Nahyuta sighed. “We can hope, at the very least, that you…and I…can convince him.”
Apollo saw how his brow wrinkled just the slightest. It must have bothered him too. All these months and not a single practicing lawyer except Apollo Justice. Not a single prosecutor willing to stay active after the end of the Ga’ran regime except him. 
Apollo grabbed Nahyuta's free hand and gave it a tight squeeze, looking up at him.
"Hey, whether we can or not, it'll be alright," he promised. "At least we've got each other."
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cantsayidont · 6 months
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July 28, 1941. Launched in October 1934, TERRY AND THE PIRATES eventually emerged as one of the finest newspaper adventure strips of its era, making cartoonist Milton Caniff a celebrity and one of the most-imitated artists in the comics field, along with Alex Raymond. The strip followed the adventures of a white American boy named Terry Lee on the loose in China along with his notional guardian, two-fisted Irish adventurer Pat Ryan. Unlike many comics characters, Terry was not immune to aging; a young boy a the start of the strip, he's a teenager here, and eventually plateaued in his mid-20s. The woman gently deflecting his awkward pass in this strip is Burma, a brassy American nightclub singer with a checkered past — she was wanted by the British for piracy, a hanging offense — and a heart of gold beneath her cynical exterior.
The plots and subject matter of TERRY AND THE PIRATES aren't always palatable today, especially the early continuities, which are full of Exotic Orient hokum and offensive Chinese caricatures, something that diminished but never entirely went away even in later years.
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However, Caniff's craft — his visual storytelling, his characterization, his use of light and shadow, his ability to craft complex and entertaining stories full of snappy dialogue and memorable characters — was of the highest caliber. Jack Kirby called Caniff "my art school," and a whole raft of comic book artists who began their careers in the 1940s (including Carmine Infantino, Joe Kubert, and Alex Toth, to name just a few) started off trying to ape Caniff. He represented the big time: In talent, in success, in acclaim, he was what they all wanted to be.
Caniff left TERRY at the end of 1946 because while he was earning a healthy salary, the syndicate owned the strip, so he wasn't getting a piece of the action on adaptations, merchandising, and tie-ins, which was substantial. On January 13, 1947, he launched a new strip, STEVE CANYON, which was all his; it continued until shortly after his death in 1988. After Caniff departed, the syndicate assigned TERRY AND THE PIRATES to George Wunder, who kept it going until 1973.
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marune2 · 1 month
Cry of the shadow chapter 14
I did go weak in this chapter the last page’s are dog shi€ I’m sorry but it’s going on
I did Start Hormon Therapie to be a full guy not a guy whit female voice and tits oh right now it’s going dark and people call it momy voice 🥲
But hey I going be a nonbay person more more I go the hinter sex round I’m man and woman right now so……….
Oh and it’s can be this I can be mannish right now because of it no Wunder if I going creasy here and I get a second puberty right now like a real puberty so……I’m sorry for all what will come 🥲🙃☺️
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
tag game!
tagged by @wunderlichkind ilu wunder <3
name: zhalia !
sign: i genuinely do not know
time: it's 2:45pm
favourite band/artist: halsey. has been halsey for years. that woman shaped me to who i am today. i evolve with her music and feel like i grow alongside her. main inspiration for everything. other than that i'm warming up to imagine dragons and i have quite some amazing dutch bands (with english lyrics) like Kuzko and Goldkimono i'm really excited about.
last movie: unfortunately i do not watch movies regularly, i do wanna start with that again, i fucking love movies. i think the most recent one i watched was the king's man, a kingsman prequel. it was nice, had a true kingsman ring to it but wasn't as funny as the first two.
last show: i'm binging h20 just add water and having a good ol' time. they don't make shows like that anymore and it's really sad. i'll continue with totally spies after this, i am forever stuck in my childhood. oh and also kaleidoscope, pretty decent show.
when I created this blog: this one was created in february 2019 as a sideblog to my mainblog and only fully transferred to an f1 blog in 2021 i think. i have not understood tumblr for the longest time and only think i started getting the hang of it in 2021.
other blogs: @thethirteenthcrow is my main blog (personal; watcher; shyan). i have most other the(number)crow-blognames on my account but not all of them are used. i co-own the shyanshippingsociety but i have not done anything for it in the past few years, i'll get back to that next year!
do I get asks: occasionally, yes! i'm very bad with answering them which is probably counterproductive to getting more asks, but i love getting them! i think i'm one of the few 4433 blogs on here so that's why most people come to me to rant/talk about it, and i love that :)) i mostly seem to get asks when i reblog things like 'send me x and i'll post a snippet' or something, which makes me feel like you guys are really engaged with my works and that motivates me to no end. so thank you :)!!
followers: 453 - holy shit where did you all come from
average hours of sleep: a steady 8-9 hours every day. i am a migraine babe in need of routine in fear of migraine so i get pretty decent sleep every night and wake up at around the same time.
instruments: only keyboards (the computer ones) and vibrators (the kinky ones). i take pride in the sexual sounds i can derive from words and movements (this makes me sound like more of a slut than i really am, i just love sex in all its shapes and forms to be honest here)
what I'm wearing: a cozy little outfit! some loose jeans and a lando norris sweater. yes it is too warm for this outfit but i'm celebrating fall already.
dream job: if y'all could donate to my kofi a bit more so i can live off of horny rambles for the rest of my life, i would die a happy woman. but realistically, i genuinely don't know! a place where i can work with parents n kids and truly feel like i'm helping them, and also where i can be creative and make fun stuff (i could make some badass powerpoints!) and also not too heavy so i can go home and crochet or write horny stuff or go rollerblading or make pretty photos. i just wanna do creative stuff all the time i think.
tagging: @xiaoluclair @formulaonedirection @lxndonorris @yuleneverwalkalone and whoever else wants to! <3
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trevlad-sounds · 5 months
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Saturday 09 December Mixtape 403 “Night Rolls EXCLUSIVE”
Multi Genre, Downtempo, Ambient, Electroacoustic, Experimental Tuesdays & Saturdays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom.
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
Gregg Kowalsky-Nights Move 00:31
Suzanne Ciani, Jonathan Fitoussi-Coral Reef 04:50
Drapizdat, Ито Кумаре-Сквозь Зазеркалье 09:03
Synthotherapy-It Takes A Long Time 12:25
Anantakara-Letting Go, Finding Light 16:57
Tarotplane-Descartes Camera 24:02
Thought Bubble-Devoider 27:31
Panama Fleets-Laguna Oscuramaru 33:43
Time Rival-Electronegative 38:24
Sven Wunder-Lunar Distance 43:50
Futuregrapher-Moog Meditation 3 47:45
F.U.S.E., Richie Hawtin-Nitedrive 56:40
Robohands-Jorge 59:50
Field Lines Cartographer-The Nest 1:03:01
Mary Lattimore, Roy Montgomery-Blender in a Blender 1:11:10
Subphotic-The Sitting Tree 1:17:18
36-Blow Out 1:24:15
Roy Werner-Late Chime 1:27:50
Actress-Chill ( h 2 ) 1:31:04
André 3000-The Slang Word P( )ssy Rolls Off The Tongue With Far Better Ease Than The Proper Word Vagina . Do You Agree 1:32:01
Burial Grid-The Woman Buried Beneath the Candle 1:44:04
Michael Brückner-Claudette 1:47:14
Survey Channel-Moss Tilt 1:54:36
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bl4ckadamx · 2 years
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{Dead Earth} [💫💫💫💫/5] 📍 "Ich habe die Erde beschützt. - Dann hast du aber versagt." - Diana und Dee 📍 Auf einer Expedition stolpert eine kleine Gruppe Abenteurer in eine verlassene Höhle. Aus Versehen erwecken sie die größte Heldin unserer Zeit aus ihrem Kryoschlaf: Diana alias Wonder Woman. Nur dass unsere Zivilisation im Großen Feuer untergegangen ist und die Überlebenden mutierte Haedras bekämpfen um zu überleben. Diana schwingt sich erneut zur Rettung der Menschheit auf. 📍 Nach kurzfristiger Überwindung (Danke @nerddaddy_flow 😉) habe ich die Reihe (in einem Anlauf) gelesen und bereue es nicht. Die Story ist mal etwas ganz Anderes. Diana ist nicht mehr die glänzende Heldin der Justice League, sondern ein Relikt vergangener Tage, die in eine Welt aus Verzweiflung und Hass geholt wird. Kein Wunder, dass auch sie sich dort verlieren kann. Zum Glück stehen ihr einige menschliche Helfer zur Seite, auf die Verlass ist. Nicht nur will die Amazone ihnen ein besseres Leben bieten, sondern auch die vergessene Vergangenheit aufdecken. Hier warten interessante Wendungen auf den Leser. Die Zeichnungen haben mich zunächst sehr abgeschreckt, entwickeln sich jedoch zum Aushängeschild der Reihe. Brutal und verwaschen wie die Apokalypse - erinnert an "Black Adam: Das Dunkle Zeitalter". Für Postapokalypse, aber auch Wonder-Woman-Fans zu empfehlen! 📍 #bookphotography#currentlyreading#books#bookaddict#bookworm#booknerd#bookshelf#bookreview#bookgraphics#dccomics#dc#deadearth#batman#superman#wonderwomancomics#batmancomics#themyscira#wonderwoman#paninicomics#comic#graphicnovel#blacklabel (hier: Themyscira) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_eYVIKKd4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chimpanzeedotcom · 2 years
*Hottest woman you’ve ever seen voice* I wunder what’s for dinner
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mygoobers · 2 months
Wunder Brando
Wunder Brando is supposed to be a direct son of Dio, he was born in Germany which landed him his name Wunder also meaning Miracle. He was born to a woman utterly devoted to Dio she was married but would do anything for him. Even raise him in his image so eventually he left at a very young age. He made his way to the Americas until he had gotten to New York. He grew up there making a living for himself. He had become knowledgeable of the Speedwagon Foundation due to him having a vague pet owner relationship with Iggy.
When they found out about his heritage they thought it was proper to send him with the rest of the Stardust Crusaders. He's the same age as Jotaro and Kakyoin.
He does have a stand named Stairway to Heaven, this stand has the ability to weigh one's soul depending on what good deeds they have done in their lifetime they may get stronger or younger either way it's a buff, if it's more bad than good you can age faster or lose your stand it's always a gamble.
He's very laid back nothing per se gets to him unless it's really upsetting, he acts in a very tired way. If he had an alignment it would be chaotic good
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goodvibes1983 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lululemon Wunder Under Capri Leggings Lotus Camo Pebble Blue Women's Size 6.
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royalgroove · 4 months
Looking Back at 2023
From acid jazz to hypnotic world grooves and beyond, Royal Groove presenter DeLuca (that's me 🤓) brings a personal selection of tracks from his favourite releases of 2023.
🎧 Listen to Royal Groove's Looking Back at 2023 over at Mixcloud.
The list is also available on Spotify.
Joy Guerrilla - Golden Gate
Azamiah - Night Woman
Tommaso Cappellato - The Flow Must Go On
Melodiesinfonie - Seaside (feat. OG Florin)
Golden Mean - The Breaks
Brian Nasty - Loso Na Madesu (feat. Natanya)
Robohands - Individuation
Sven Wunder - Ultramarine
Adja - Sambafassa
Yoni Mayraz - 1999
Mestizo - Arroyo
Surprise Chef - Spike Boy
The Lahaar - Chase Scene, pt. 1
Il Mago del Gelato - Maledetta Quella Notte
The Kanpai Quartet - Rick James Dwells In The Abyss
Huw Marc Benett - Red Valley
Qwalia - Electric Highway
Erobique - Acquamarina
Lorenzo Moressi - Pop Flop
Espen Horne - Bakeren
Psyché - Kuma
Last Nubian & Sweet Fruity Brunch - og outro
Gotts Street Park - Got To Be Good
Move 78 - Hal Wandered Off
Greg Foat & Ayo Salawu - Stasis Loop
John Roseboro - How To Cope (feat. Mei Semones)
Jasual Cazz - Mèches
Isobella Burnham - Roam The World
13th Ward Social Club - Chariots of The God
Bibio - Sorry Won’t Cut It
Mama Terra - A Mind Supreme
Don Leisure & Amanda Whiting - Walk With Us
Cujo - Early For Clink Street
Menagerie - Earthrise
Kutiman - Darkness In My Light
The Offline - Cap Camarat
JJ Whitefield - Parmigiano
Pedro Ricardo & Damián Botigue - Sem Dizer
Sholto - The Pearl That Glitters
John Haycock - Reunify
Me And My Friends - Witness
Flaer - Follow
Mocky - Just A Litte Lovin’
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vennwill · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Lululemon Wunder Under High Rise Crop Black Camo 6.
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marune2 · 2 months
Pregnant Ida :Ida and ichika finde out Ida is pregnant
Ida get pregnant and don’t know how Heinrich did. need to tell ichika and her what going on and ichika is anyway done whit ida devil biology and ida is scared as fuc€
Ida did show since of sickness what is not norm because ida don’t get sick
Ichika did kick her ass the let’s Heinrich looking at her at least because ichika is scared tow devil don’t get sic€ so she doesn’t know what going on and she hate it if it’s the case
Heinrich:uh how I telling your this……
Ida:spit it out old man what going on?
Ichika just stare
Heinrich:you are pregnant Ida
Ichika shot her a glare
Ida: HOLD UP you are joking I just have sex whit ichika and she is a woman!!!!!!
Ichika can tell it’s the true because of her Qi and relaxing more but is not in the same time
Ichika: I know you not lie but did somebody give you seriously stuff and you whas not in minde as it happened?“glare at her
Ida:wh- No I don’t take stuff from other and I can smell dru€s !!!!! But how?!?? Are you sure I’m pregnant!!!!!
Heinrich:I’m sure but let have some questions…..ichika did you and Ida have um…..se€ as you were really angry or did have other negative emotion?
Ichika going red:what have it to do whit it?
Ida red too:yes but we did have…she whas really angry….one time….
Heinrich:so what do your know how devils are born?
Ida:out of negative emotion they manifest in the underworld as fare I know…..
Heinrich:hm yes but it’s give a other way you must know devils can’t get easily children if then yes this there death there other devils kill them or there body’s is not made for this…..
Ichika:don’t you say Ida will die?“glare at him
Ida:are you seriously?!
Heinrich:hm yes and No devils can’t abandon there children there there behind is linked to the unborn and if the unborn die to early the mother die tow plus devils are specialized in hunting and scheming they are creatures of chaos and scheming but if the baby have evolved enough you can do a a birth or a Caesarean section
Ida:gread but this don’t tell my how I got pregnant!!!
Heinrich: you both have so a highly negative emotion what is mixed whit love and your both needs to have a child wishing this it can happen this ichika’s soul part and a part of you Ida mix’s in one new behind like in form of a baby you know gender doesn’t Mather really whit devils and human love…..
Ida:wha?! I did don’t wished a child!!!!! What I do oh fuc€ fuc€ fuc€ fuc€ fuc€-
Ichika take Ida in her arms: it’s ok breath Ida we will do it ok? I’m here and I will take care of ur child I promise
Ida crying
Ichika:shhhhhh it’s fine I’m here
Heinrich:well…..Here water
Ichika take the water and give it ida
Ida take it and drink it
Heinrich:I let your just come to if your are ready I will take care of the pregnancy if your want…..
Ichika: it would be the best you the only on she let’s on her after all from the doctor’s………whit out a fight at least….
Ida cuddling on ichika
Heinrich:is ok just be aware this Ida’s devil instinct will be hight up and um……devil have a higher sleep eat and how I gona say it….um higher se€ drive to reduce stress in there pregnancy and the need of there partner and family“ laughing nervously
Ichika:is good Heinrich sensei
Heinrich laughing nervously and get up and go
Ichika hold just Ida in her arms….she did Wunder why don’t fell she the baby? But it’s not evolved enough maybe?
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aboutmusiic · 10 months
Wolfmother waren LIVE im ulmer.zelt
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Am Dienstag Abend spielten Wolfmother ein Konzert im fast ausverkauften ulmer.zelt. Das ulmer.zelt Zelt war voll bis beinah nichts mehr ging, als Wolfmother Frontmann Andrew Stockdale gemeinsam mit seinen beiden Bandkollegen die Bühne betrat. Großer Applaus schallte ihnen entgegen - kein Wunder jeder freute sich, dass das Konzert trotz der vorigen Absage nun doch noch nachgeholt werden konnte.
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WOLFMOTHER © About Musïc | Stephanie Bauer Nicht mehr so oft wie noch vor einigen Jahren, verschlägt es den Australier mit seiner Band auf die europäischen Bühnen. Das letzte Album erschien 2019 unter dem Namen Rock'n'Roll Baby. Die Abstinenz hat aber nicht geschadet, ganz im Gegenteil, Ulm war auf jeden Fall von Anfang an am Start. Als das Set mit Dimension eröffnet wurde, gab es kaum noch ein halten unter den Fans. Mit Andrew Stockdale auf der Bühne ist ein Drummer und ein Bassist. Die ursprüngliche Besetzung von Wolfmother wurde einmal komplett ausgetauscht und reduziert. Dies tut der Show aber überhaupt keinen Abbruch.
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WOLFMOTHER © About Musïc | Stephanie Bauer Im Vordergrund bleibt weiterhin Sänger und Gitarrist Andrew Stockdale. Er ist ein Gitarren Virtuose der alten Schule. Wenn er etwas kann dann eben Gitarren spielen und dies stellt er auch gerne unter Beweis. So treten seine Solos immer wieder in der Vordergrund des Sets und diese werden vom Publikum gefeiert.
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WOLFMOTHER © About Musïc | Stephanie Bauer Das Wolfmother Trio arbeitete sich durch ein Set ihrer größten Hits. Women, White Unicorn, California Queen, New Moon Rising oder Joker & The Thief kamen natürlich am besten beim Publikum an. Es wurde gepogt, mitgesungen, getanzt, geheadbangt und im Takt geklatscht, wenn die Band dazu aufforderte. Nach fast 1 1/2 Stunden purer Gitarrenmusik und Rock wird das Set mit der Zugabe Rock’n’Roll Survivor vom letzten Album beendet und wir schauen in durchweg glückliche und verschwitzte Ulmer Gesichter. Die Setlist von Wolfmother beim ulmer.zelt 01. Dimension 02. Rock Out 03. Woman 04. White Unicorn 05. Apple Tree 06. Stay a Little Longer 07. Pyramid 08. Vagabond 09. Midnight Train 10. California Queen 11. Victorious 12. Gypsy Caravan 13. Feeling Love 14. New Moon Rising 15. Minds Eye 16. Colossal 17. Joker & The Thief 18. Rock’n’Roll Survivor Die Bilder von Wolfmother im ulmer.zelt Mehr zu Wolfmother     Read the full article
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trevlad-sounds · 5 months
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Saturday 16 December Mixtape 405 “Mind Flow EXCLUSIVE”
Multi Genre, Electroacoustic, Ambient, Electronic, Trevlad Sounds Tuesdays & Saturdays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom. https://linktr.ee/trevlad
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
Der Elektrische Traum-Continuum Flow 00:31
silentwave-Voice calling me 06:31
6WX_O-Enter the waterfall 10:05
Thought Bubble-Devoider 12:16
Anenon-Moons Melt Milk Light 17:48
Pageant-Structure No (3) 19:42
Don Leisure, Amanda Whiting-Beyond The Midnight Sun 26:16
Sven Wunder-Lunar Distance 28:58
Drapizdat, Reather Weport-Pattern #5 32:23
Off Land-Skyquakes 35:13
The Central Office of Information-The Mental Cupboards Of My Mind 40:01
Pietro Zollo-April — part 3 42:01
Imrryr-1st 48:01
Robohands-Moments 51:33
Mary Lattimore, Roy Montgomery-Blender in a Blender 53:57
Wojciech Golczewski-Otherworld 1:00:02
Hello Meteor-Gravity Yellow 1:02:28
36-Ghostfields 1:06:37
worriedaboutsatan-Choppers 1:10:08
Apta-Submerge 1:11:04
Burial Grid-The Woman Buried Beneath the Candle 1:14:48
Coda Nautica-Sequence 1:17:53
KNOWER-Real Nice Moment 1:23:28
Survey Channel-Moss Tilt 1:27:32
Bruce Gall-Brainwashed 1:29:06
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