#wukong x spider queen
pinklikeroses · 1 month
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“I can fix her “
“I can make him worse”
Before it all went up in flames
Wukong and the bad bitch he pulled while being autistic…
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respawn-juicebox · 30 days
"I want a baby" prank
— Featuring Lego Monkie Kid characters!
(Macaque, Wukong, Sandy, MK, Tang, Pigsy, Mei, Redson, Spider Queen, & Mayor)
╰⪼ Six-Eared Macaque
(I headcanon he's broke af)
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╰⪼ Sun Wukong
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╰⪼ Sandy
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╰⪼ MK
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╰⪼ Mei
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╰⪼ Redson
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╰⪼ Tang Sangzang
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╰⪼ Pigsy
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╰⪼ Spider Queen
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╰⪼ Mayor
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yanderelmk · 1 year
It's my birthday today 😊🎂
How do various yanderes celebrate their darling's birthday?
Oh my gosh happy birthday!! :D For the sake of not running out of space Imma group this together: ☀️MONKEY MEN🌑: They tried to make you a birthday cake...thing is neither of them know how to bake. They had to set their bitterness aside (or- well, they tried to) and the result was Wukong trying to distract you while Macaque scrambled around trying to find you something, even sending out his clones so he could sweep multiple stores at once (while pocketing a few shiny things for himself b/c mfer is a magpie). 🚦TRAFFIC LIGHT TRIO🚦: Mei got you a gift weeks in advance, she stays on top of birthdays. Same for Red Son! MK however didn't remember until the night before because ADHD is a bitch, but he likely ended up drawing a bunch of pictures of you, him, Red Son, and Mei. Mei also has a cake ready b/c she's The Best Ever. The trio's general vibe is just "BFFs 5ever because it's longer than 4" and everyone they care about is given the same treatment. 📖FREE NOODLES🍜: Pigsy is gonna be cookin' up a whole-ass STORM!! All of your favorite foods will be made, and breakfast is definitely served in bed. Dinner's gonna be a whole feast with the cake made extra special. Tang's the type of guy that follows "It's your birthday, so whatever you say goes!" He'll be fully open to trying out something new, and his gift is going to relate to a really niche subject that he knows you absolutely adore. It's likely he's done research to make sure he got the gift just right! 🕷️SPIDER DEMONS🕸️: These four are so wild it's funny. Spider Queen probably used her silk to make you a really fancy outfit, Syntax (who had your birthday set up as a reminder on his phone) probably is gonna give you some kind of drone that can help you out with mundane stuff (you get to name it). Goliath tried to make something, but whatever it is it's gonna be messy...he did his best. Huntsman? Deadass he probably went to go hunt your favorite animal so he could stuff it. If your favorite animal isn't in the area or it's a fictional one catch this extra-ass motherfucker carving a big-ass statue of it.
They had these gifts prepared. They knew your birthday was coming. They still all forgot until the actual day/the night before, for various reasons. Hey, at least the gifts are well-made. ☠️BONE DUO👻: Both the Lady Bone Demon and the Mayor are going to appear on your doorstep at midnight. They have a full day planned with ways to celebrate your birthday and 'no' is not an option. You will be spoiled!! The Mayor's got enough money to take you out in style, probably in his limo to fancy restaurants, most likely one of those rotating ones. The gifts will be exactly what you need, even if you didn't know you needed it yet. Even if it seems odd at first, best to just go along with it. 🪷CELESTIAL SQUAD🌙: Chang'e has a gigantic cake prepared, most likely one layer for each year of your life. She's been working on this for forever!! Nezha helped her prepare a big party on the moon for you. Both of them are likely to gift you presents of Celestial origins (blessed jewelry that protects you from demonic possession, or a very rare book). They might have lost count of their own ages, but they understand how important birthdays are to some people. 🦁THE🐘BROTHERHOOD🦅: They're completely unfamiliar with how mortals celebrate birthdays, but they're going to do their best. Cake? OK sure they can make one (it looks god awful). Presents? Surely any mortal would appreciate dangerous weapons and armor (it's horribly wrapped)! With the whole "listen to the birthday person" thing they might take it too literally. Like if you say "Let's hit the road" they are going to demolish that goddamn road b/c you said to and are the birthday person. Your wishes must be followed. They're trying they really are.
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lovesickletters · 1 year
So i was looking at your edits again and it got me thinking, what if instead of their yandere behaviors being brought forth naturally, what if instead it was a perisat, this would explain their sudden change in behavior. The reason why it hasn't been detected as a disease among humans is because it's a parasite that only attaches itself to animal brains. But due to the demon's obscure nature of being an assortment of a bunch of deaforent creatchurs the parasite has made its home in them, however due to their human-like intellect they don't get fully taken over by it. On the other hand it enhances their primal senses and feelings toward those they really care about which results in them acting out on their instincts more often.
Usoly the animal that has been infected by the parasite would act violently, biting whatever other living thing in its vicinity. It's the parasitic way of trying to duplicate itself and infiltrate other animals, but because it was only meant for animals it can't fully take over the human mind. But what it does do is leave behind some interesting… side effects ~
Traditionally when it's time to “duplicate” the host produces more saliva in preparation for the transmission from one vessel to another. But as stated earlier it can't do that with humans and or lack of animal attributes, however when our lovely demons and demonesses realize how the saliva affects you they use it to their advantage.
When the Scorpion queen kisses you your mouth will start to feel numb, for a while you won't be able to taste and or feel anything with it, except her. The feeling of feeling nothing but her is addicting and when she's parted from you you will be craving more, more, more
Jin & Yin are like living energy drinks, they make you energetic and jittery along with leaving you with a smal portion of their adoration towards you. And if you kiss them long enough you'll eventually experience something akin to a sugar crash, making you slump in their arms unable to move from exhaustion.
Sun's frequent consumption of peaches has affected the way he tastes, he gives off the feeling of bliss and lightheadedness with his kisses. It's hard to leave him when your halfway passed out, not to mention the strange aroma you smell, it's so soothing ~
I love this idea! It’s very interesting and brings plenty of new ideas to the table, reminds me of a love!plague au from another fandom. The pure intoxication that comes from their addictive kiss being enough to get you hooked… Sickly sweet enough to keep you coming back for more is such an enchanting thing to think about💜
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
You got anything for the old Silktea accidental court-napping marriage idea from a while back?
Hi there, yeah I couple of ideas.
Spider queen finds out and gets PISSED, Syntax thinks she's angry about Huntsman betraying them. Nope. She's pissed that Sandy didn't come to ask her for permission.
Syntax:...but....I your majesty isn't courtnapping done you know... without permission?
Syntax: I isn't that the point
Spider Queen: Yes. But it still would have been respectful.
Spider Queen: Also now I have to rush to arrange a wedding that is worthy of a member of my court.
Spider Queen: The rush fee on flowers alone will be ridiculous
The others go other to help Sandy and as he's telling them everything about what happened and all of them realizing what Sandy's done looking between them... no-ones to sure if they should tell him or not.
MK: I mean Sandy's gotta know what he did right?
Mei: Yeah I mean who wouldn't know.
Mac: Oh no it can happen
MK... what?
SWK:*Cough*shut up*Cough*
Mac: I was saying a that someone can totally accidentally courtnap someone and not realize
Mei:Holy shit seriously?? Hoe long did it take him to figure it out
Mac:hummm how long ago did we beat lady bone demon
MK/Mei: WHAT???
SWK:I hate you all
Bonus: Huntsman finally explains it to Sandy and Sandy's reaction is oh would you like to leave? and huntsman fumbles and embarrassed and then Sandy asks 'do you not want to leave?' and just agree that Huntsman stays courtnapped.
Mac: Wow didn't take them hundreds of years and a resurrection for them to sort it out
SWK: I am never going to live this down am I
Bonus Bonus: Spider Queen kidnaps Pigsy and Tang again but it's to discuss catering for the wedding.
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yznerpoo · 28 days
Did something for my lovely Hóngyùn Xu with the canon characters.
Also put some short texts about what she thinks about them🫶 a bit of Oc x canon btw (AKA Inkymelon✒️🍈)
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Template from @/w3b.lmk.
give credits if you wanna use it🫶
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glitcheslikeslego · 1 month
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 12)
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Chapter 12 : Teleport
Teleport, if used by a wild Pokemon, allows it to successfully run away from battle. If used by a Pokemon in your own party, the Pokemon will switch out with another, and will fail if the teleporting Pokemon is the only battling Pokemon left.
Your eye twitched as you walked into the street market in search of something Sandy sent you to get. 
Curse you and your bad luck. 
And now you somehow ended up following Pigsy and Tang through the marketplace. You had stumbled into the two ( curse you back luck!) and after you let it slip that you’ve never been to the market before, the two kindly decided to show you around. 
And it was at this point that your feeling of dread from your sleepover came back full force as you realised you were becoming less of a background character and more like a supporting character. 
You spent most of the time zoning out, because by this point, Pigsy was just dragging you and Tang around analysing carrots in excruciating detail. 
You spent the next while like that until you came across a very broken down stall. 
Spider Queen. 
You sneakily manage to dip back into the crowd, neither of them noticing that you had disappeared. 
You left the marketplace with the things you had gotten, but your list wasn’t done. 
Saving Pigsy and Tang is more important!
“Sandy! Guys!” You barged into the Sea-Crate base, something Sandy had shown you just in case something bad happened. 
The three all yelled in shock, seeing you so frazzled. Sandy walks over to you worriedly. “Woah, are you okay?”
“This isn’t about me! Pigsy and Tang are in danger!”
“I knew it!” MK shouted as Mei pulled up the camera footage to replay it. 
It showed Pigsy and Tang talking with and following after the Spider Queen, then them falling into the trap she made, then the screens went static. 
“Uh, Spider Demon!? Come on. No. Ew, yuck, I hate spiders! Hate, hate, hate! With their eyes and feet and furry butts!” MK whined fearfully. 
Ah, you forgot about his arachnophobia…
You sigh. “What do we do now?”
“Only one thing to do! It’s time for Operation Rescue!” Mei declared in determination.
“Operation: Rescue Pigsy and Tang from the nightmare hole!” You laughed before trying to follow after the group, but Mei stopped you.
“Nope! Sorry bestie, but you’ve been too stressed out! So leave this mission to us!” She said.
You pouted, but relented. The only person who knew about your weirdo powers was Sandy, and no one else.
You stayed back, watching as Sandy’s water friendly adventure boat drove off. Now that you thought about it… you’re actually rather thankful you aren't there if Mei really drives it through the city.
But you still wanted to help! Kind of…
You didn’t know why, but you guessed that the HeroicTendencies™ of this world is finally getting to you. Crossing your arms and pouting, you go to sit down, only to just fall butt first onto the floor.
But not butt first onto the metal floor of the sea crate base…
You fall butt first onto stone, and you open your eyes to find yourself surrounded by jagged stones and large webs.
Spider Queen’s base…
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lovelylittlelevity · 11 months
💝Welcome To The Blog💝
Lovely Little Levity is a Lego Monkie Kid Dating Simulator made and owned by Puppit! This blog is dedicated to answering questions about the sim and its development as well as providing updates.
The owner of this blog is Puppit, the creator! It is co-run with Melody, Levity's editor and assistant writer.
Puppit - 18 y/o - Any Pronouns
Melody - 20 y/o - syl/princess/sugar/moon/crystal/candy/they/he/rose
Ekko - 18 y/o - He/They/Cloud
Keep things respectful! No slurs or hate speech, no spamming the creators, no demanding positions within the team in asks/replies, no homophobia or TERFs.
Send in your questions in the askbox and they'll be answered as soon as possible!
Who all has their commissions open?: Melody, Puppit, Cas
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sublieu · 1 year
Random Thirst headcanons
"Just being held in someone's lap as you kiss their soft lips, Both of you getting needier and messier as you moan in the kiss, unaware or not really caring as whether or not someone could be watching you as you grind on the other's lap, drooling, tongue sucking, whimpering, and making each other's lips bruise before pulling away. Hearing them whisper something in your ear"
"I'll deal with you later"
-Nezha, Redson, Syntax, Huang, Peng, Huntsman, Mayor, Mei Sandy, Yin, Macaque, Dbk
"Having slow, sensual kisses as one groped the other, moaning passionately as you press your thigh against their pants, their hands groping your butt as they press you against the wall, their nimble hands roaming under your shirt to play with your breasts before whispering in your ear."
"Just give me a minute"
-Jin, Mk, Wukong, Azure, Scorpion queen, Spider queen, P.I.F, Tang
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
hi can I request a macaque, monkey king, Nezha, spider queen and Chang’E separatedly x transmac austictic reader
like reader is loving towards everyone and also chaotic plus they sometimes do crazy stuff like for example if there at a zoo and they see a animal they like for example a tiger they will stop what there doing and they will literally climb the bar wall and be with the tiger and start doing tiger noises as the tiger and the tiger replies back and start being affectionately towards reader as then macaque, monkey king, Nezha, spider queen and Chang’E noticed there gone and sees reader where they are with the wild animal and they will start panicking and will get them out of there and start scolding them as reader then start tearing up they will stop scolding them and try to comfort them and telling him that they where worried and the rest you can do what you want I don’t mind if you change it
Ngl I had a stroke trying to read this but yup I got the general premise! Also props to you for being my first spider queen request :)) I love her sm! I'm gonna do my best! I ran with the tiger idea ngl
SWK, MACAQUE, NEZHA, SPIDER QUEEN, AND CHANG'E x Transmasc!Autistic!Reader Headcanons!
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Pronouns: he/him
CW: mmm I don't think there's any?? Comment if yes
Macaque - between the two of you he definitely has the brain cell. He was excited to go to the zoo with you, especially after seeing how pumped up you were to see the tigers. He got the tickets and you two made your way over. Now, he’s got many ways of keeping track of you—being in your shadow, clones, or even just holding your hands—but he chose to use none of those. So when he turned around to look at you after checking out a different animal and you were GONE, panic mode set in. It’s too crowded for him to use his six ears, so he resorts to just running around until he sees you with the tigers. As fast as he can he gets you out of there and takes you to the side. He’s scolding you, telling you that you can’t just do that, but when he sees you starting to tear up he feels bad and reassures you that he’s not upset or anything. He’s just happy you’re safe, now please go wash your hands he SAW you smushing the tiger’s face after it ate—
SWK - this man is the same way with the monkeys. When you two went to the zoo, he stopped and made noises at the monkeys(and you got bored of their conversation so obviously you just wandered off…). He freaks out a bit when you disappeared, but thankfully you weren’t super far away. Not gonna lie, he’d probably let you have your fun with the tigers for a bit—but then it’s go time and he gets you out of there. He doesn’t “scold” you, but he does gently explain that you should at least give him a heads up next time so he can at least help you jump the fence! He’s laid back and honestly I HC him as neurodivergent so he’d vibe really well with you. 
Nezha - SIR PLEASE YOU WILL GIVE THIS MAN A HEART ATTACK (/lh)! Likes going out with you when you’re feeling up for it because he’s got a lot of cool knowledge stowed away in his brain that he can share. However he doesn’t like it as much when he has to use his magic ribbon first as a lasso to get you out of the enclosure but then as a leash to keep you close for the rest of the zoo visit. He half-drags you along to the bathrooms to help you clean yourself up, all while telling you the various ways that could have ended badly. But his demeanor changes when he sees the oncoming storm of emotions in your face. He would hate to upset you. So he stops, sits down with you, and reassures you that it’s okay, but you can’t do that. He values safety over ANYTHING else, so don’t blame him too hard for wanting you to stick by his side. 
Spider Queen - You’re treated like royalty by default because you’re her lovely significant other. Naturally a zoo trip is something she’d love to do with you! Her boys will most likely tag along as well, but they’re gonna go do their own thing while you two enjoy some time together! She cares about you a great deal, and is asking every few exhibits if you’re having a good time, do you need anything, it’s not too warm right? She thought she had your hand in hers, but when you simply aren’t there, she panics a bit, and calls the boys to tell them to help look for you. When all of them report that yup, you’re chilling with the tigers—no, like IN THE CAGE WITH THE TIGERS—she is there in a FLASH. You’re out of the cage and in her arms in seconds. She’s searching first for wounds and then giving you a mini-lecture. But she stops as soon as she sees your eyes glaze over. She gives you a little space and then has you take some breaths with her. No, she’s not mad, if anything she’s impressed. Just glad you’re okay!
Chang’e - (she was in like 1 episode so take everything here with a grain of salt) super sweet and it shows!! A trip to the zoo with you is the perfect fun date so she can take a break from her show for a while. Loves how much you like the animals, and she gives some of her own input as well! Out of the characters so far she’s the most likely to remain calm when she sees you with the tigers. Helps you out on your own time—clearly it wasn’t an accident you got in there, and you’re not in any immediate danger, so what’s the rush? Once you’re out, she has you clean up and just reminds you that you should try and admire from a distance sometimes. Then you two go sit down and eat some lunch that she prepared for you guys in advance <3
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broke-art · 1 year
Syntax x Abused reader
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Your coughing fit stole Syntax's attention from his work. He tilted his head at first, then threw you a glance over his shoulder.
"I thought I told you to rest."
You rubbed at your right eye sleepily.
"That's the pot calling the kettle black." You scoffed lightly.
Syntax set down his tools.
"In a manner of speaking, I am somewhat nocturnal." He took the first aid kit from the table and walked over to you. "You, on the other hand, are not."
"Oh did I thrash too much again?" You inquired with a guilty frown as he knelt next to your cot and began to replace the bandages on your arms.
"Mhm." He pulled his goggles over his eyes to remedy his far sightedness. "You kept apologizing as well. I was tempted to wake you, but then you went quiet. I assumed you had passed the worst of it."
"And my coughing gave me away?"
Syntax gently pressed your chin up to inspect the bandages around your throat.
"What time is it?" You glanced around the room looking for a clock but found none.
"It's almost 4 in the morning." Syntax responded casually packing up the kit again.
Fatigue slammed against your senses forcing you to lay down.
He hummed over his shoulder as he put away the kit.
"Thank you." As your eyes slid closed you heard his light chuckle.
"Sleep well, y/n."
Some time later.
You awoke to a light tapping sound. You blinked slowly and sat up. The room's appearance was slightly brighter, but not much due to being in a cave.
"Morning." Syntax greeted as he walked over. "May I check your bandages?"
You nodded and allowed him to check each.
"No blood is seeping through, that's a good sign." He muttered then reached for something behind you.
A mental image of your father reaching for you flashed behind your eyes and you flinched. The movement was slight, but Syntax caught on to it.
He paused and studied you a moment. Then he retracted his hand and stepped around you carefully. Still he kept himself in your line of sight knowing you couldn't stand people standing behind you.
Guilt pricked you. His adjustment had been minor, but you hated to inconvenience him nonetheless.
"Syntax, I'm really sorry." You apologized as he walked back to his desk.
"For?" He glanced back at you curiously.
"Being annoying." You mumbled rubbing your upper right arm.
Syntax rose an eyebrow.
"I don't see how you have been annoying in any sense of the word."
You weren't sure how to explain what you meant so you simply let your gaze drop.
Syntax studied you and opened his mouth to speak when the lab doors opened suddenly.
Your heart felt as though it stopped in your chest at the sudden movement.
"Y/n! How's my sweet niece doing?"
You fidgeted on the cot glancing at Syntax who has taken a knee at the Queen's entrance.
"U-Um I'm ok." You mumbled wincing at how your voice broke.
"Aw I know you're still shaken up, sugar. But don't worry. That father of yours can't hurt you anymore." She spat the word 'father' as though it disgusted her. "Huntsman handled it effectively. Right, Huntsman?"
The Huntsman grinned at you and nodded.
"Yes, my queen."
Horror swept through you at the reality of never seeing your father again. Never leaving this cave.
"He's-" you couldn't bring yourself to say it. Of course he'd hurt you. Many times. And you hated him for that, but he was all you had.
"Oh don't worry, sugar." Spider Queen soothed. "You can stay here. And Syntax will make sure you get fixed up properly."
Panic tore through you. What if Spider Queen attacked you? Syntax couldn't defend you from her. Infact, he'd likely side with her. You didn't know these tunnels well. You were basically trapped here.
Air became scarce in your lungs and you began to gasp as the world blurred around you.
When your senses returned, Syntax was leaning over you.
"Y/n I need you to breathe." He instructed gently helping you sit up.
Your memory slammed back into you at the sight of Spider Queen. Her features broadcasted shock, but it didn't ease you any. Fear rushed through you again and you hugged Syntax's arm.
A blush burned across his features but Syntax coughed into his fist.
"My Queen, I believe she requires time to take in the information."
Spider Queen stared at the both of you. But when you refused to meet her gaze, she slowly nodded.
"Alright. You rest easy, sugar. Come along Huntsman."
You watched them leave and relaxed slightly at their absence.
Syntax smiled when your muscles laxed.
"Don't worry, I won't let Huntsman hurt you." He assured.
Relief flooded your heart and tears filled your eyes.
"You mean that?"
Syntax looked taken aback by your tears.
"Well...Of course."
"Thank you." You mumbled quietly.
Slowly over the weeks, you began to relax.
Syntax seemed to be endlessly patient and kind to you. He'd often help you sit on his desk so he could examine your injuries. Today was such a time.
"You look better rested." Syntax mentioned approvingly. "I take it you had better dreams?"
Your heart raced as the last dream you had of him flashed behind your eyes and your cheeks flared red.
"Yep!" You chirped quickly praying he didn't ask much more about the subject.
He rose a brow inquiringly, but didn't say much until he noticed a bruise on your cheek.
"What's this?" He asked gently cupping your face. "This wasn't here yesterday."
"Oh." Your hand flew to your cheek. "I was training with Huntsman."
Syntax scowled.
"Is that so? I seem to recall you telling me, you disliked those sparring matches."
You wrung your hands nervously.
"He cornered me while you were getting material."
Syntax took a deep breath.
"I should have known. Forgive me, I should have initiated the traps." Syntax pressed up his sleeve revealing a touch pad attached to his wrist.
"Oh no, I don't want the Queen to trip them." You stopped him by placing your hand on his.
Syntax's head snapped up and you froze. It had been the first time you had done anything even remotely contrary to him.
After a long pause Syntax dropped his arm.
"You have a point. I will leave the traps down, for now." He sighed. "But we will have to work on your ability to say, 'no'."
Your gut churned. People pleasing was a bad habit, but it was so difficult to break.
Syntax grinned at you.
"Well I have a few ideas. We'll start off with something simple." He leaned against the table only a breath away from your face. "May I kiss you?"
Your pulse went wild and your face ignited into a scarlet blush. What kind of a test was this?! You were surely going to fail.
Syntax smirked at your reaction but waited patiently for your answer.
"Don't be shy, princess. I'll wait."
Your heart felt like it might explode with how face it was beating.
"Yes?" You asked finally.
Syntax rose an eyebrow at you but his smirk never faded.
"That isn't the right answer, princess. Try again." Despite how smug he looked, his tone was sincere and gentle.
"Am I supposed to say no?" You asked trying to breathe normally.
"Your answer depends entirely on what you want." He explained simply.
Only it wasn't simple.
"What if I want to say yes?" You asked quietly feeling your face burn brighter.
Syntax's smirk turned into an amused smile.
"Then say yes."
It took a few minutes to work up your courage but eventually you mumbled the word.
Syntax swiped a kiss on your lips that was sweet but swift and then gave you your space.
"That's... Not what I was expecting." You admitted dazed as you touched your fingers to your lips.
Syntax chuckled.
"Well, we don't want to make you hyperventilate again, now do we?"
You smiled at his tease and pressed a kiss on his cheek.
Syntax blushed and tossed you a smile.
As the weeks passed you did grow better at saying 'no' and get more comfortable with your surroundings.
And after what felt like forever Syntax finally asked you to be his. And once you agreed, the lair finally began to feel like home.
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Sneak Peek of Chapter 2|| The Isekai’d Oracle
This is short but this was all I could write atm. I tried making this chapter with more interaction with the characters in the show, but interaction with the main cast might be in a later chapter. Either 3 or 4. Remember this is but a rough draft and the final thing will be slightly different. You can always send in questions or requests.
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(I desperately need a header for this and draw the items and clothing for the reader/oracle. Fuck the melatonin is hitting me so hard rn.)
She slowly walks up to you, getting a good look at your face and at the dog.
“In all of my years, I never expect the divine oracle coming to visit little old me. Especially dressed like this.” She motions to your torn-up clothes before cackling.
The Spider Queen snatches the scroll away from Almond and your hands. Earning a yelp from the dog.
“Look I think you may be confusing me for someone else. My dog ran off and we were honestly not planning to steal anything.” You said backing away, trying to exit this situation as peacefully as possible.
“Oh? Playing pretend, are we?” Spider Queen said, closing the distance between you two. “Did your precious Goddess, threw you out?”
You bump into the display stand. Quickly the Spider Queen leans in close, making sure there was no room for escape. Your arms tightened around Almond, fear peaking.
“You definitely got the wrong person, I swear! I’m sorry for my pet, I didn’t know what got into her but we meant no harm-” You were cut off by the demoness laughing.
“Aww, look at you! I can basically smell the fear.” She leans in close, her stare drills into yours.
“Tell me little oracle,” She shoves the scroll into your chest. “Would you help this poor demon and look into my future?”
You felt your face twitch, not knowing what to do. The Spider Queen was adamant that you were this “little oracle” person. Which you know for sure that you aren’t.
Pushing the scroll back, you gathered all of your courage.
“I truly meant it when I said, you got the wrong person! I’m just some woman living on the street. I am sorry that my dog ran into your booth.”
Spider Queen smirk fell from her face. A stern look replaces it, not wanting to reveal her thoughts.
“So this little show is not pretend. That explains why the scroll hardly had a reaction. Just great, after all these years and the Oracle has lost their memories and most of the divine energy.” She sighs and finally steps back giving you space.
“How many times do I have to say it? I'm not an oracle, just a normal human!” You nearly yell it out, yet Spider Queen rolls her eyes and stares back at the scroll.
“If you’re not then why would the scroll, that belonged to the Oracle, shine? Albeit dimly, it still reacted to you.” She waves the old thing, showing the finials glowing softly.
You shrugged, not knowing how to answer. Spider Queen clicks her tongue, crossing her arms.
“You mortals are so annoying, this is why I eat you for dinner.” She mutters.
“Look this scroll here, belonged to the Oracle and will only react to her. So if this useless artifact is reacting to you then,” She leans forward. “You’re the Oracle!” She explains but it was clear her patience was running thin.
“Well tell that thing, it got the wrong person! I’m not getting mixed up in this mess.” You said, putting your foot down.
Spider Queen, pinch the bridge of her nose, sighing loudly.
“I can easily make you into one of my next meals. Here is how we’re going to settle this peacefully. Go retrieve something for me, I can get my prediction and I’ll let you go scot-free.”
You raise an eyebrow, while she smiles. As if she didn’t threaten you being her next meal.
“Pay me for retrieving this mystery item, then we got a deal.”
“Oh? Greedy are we?”
“I wasn’t lying about living on the street. It’s rough and I’m hungry.”
“And why should I care?”
“Then I won’t be doing anything for you.”
There was a short silence. She was waiting for any sign that you were bluffing. However, just like before you meant every word. Spider Queen sighs.
“Alright fine, but after this I don’t want you to see anywhere close to here.”
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Question for the yandere college Au:
What would happen if Y/N had a cleaning shift in the afternoon? (That shift turn that some students have to do after or before class stuff) I mean, they have to clean up after class and after everyone left
even if Y/N told them that they don't need help and is fine with themselves (In a good way of course, not being rude)
Who would help them?
Y/N better grab Macaque and Wukong, those mother fuckers have cloning magic they could have the whole school cleaned within the hour. Wukong might grumble a bit playfully, but he'd definitely help, intentionally taking on the heavier lifting so they don't strain themselves. Macaque is gonna try to one-up him by having more of his clones do work...and then the whole school's gonna be spotless because they got overzealous. Dumbasses (but they're your dumbasses). I can see Azure wanting to help b/c he is just Chivalrous Like That. Yellowtusk as well! Peng is more to Wukong and Macaque except he'd look at them and go "How childish". He'd only jokingly challenge Azure to see who can clean more rooms faster with Yellowtusk refereeing to make sure they don't go overboard. Traffic Light Trio are menaces, they'd want to help but end up causing absolute HAVOC when Mei throws a wet sponge that hits the back of Red Son's head. Red Son, then in retaliation, tried to yeet dirty mop water at Mei but she ducked and MK got splashed...thus The War Was On The Spider Queen cannot be bothered to help she's hiding in the bathroom doing her nails dfkjdhkj she'd tell you to just hang out with her and she'll have her boys take care of it. Said boys do not like cleaning. Syntax likes putting things in their proper place so it's not as bad for him, but Goliath gets bored super easily and Huntsman doesn't even clean his own dorm room why would he ever clean up the school? If you use puppy eyes they'd be swayed, though. Nezha is a Good Boi he always helps out with cleaning. Actually I think he and Tang are tied for who's the biggest Teacher's Pet it's so cute,,, Sandy out here leaving lil flowers from the Gardening Club on everyone's desks just so they have a good day 😭
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Part one
Same warnings.
Characters: shadowpeach, spiderqueen.
Mk found you and brought you to his two dads as he didn’t really know what to do. Sun had found you extremely adorable and wanted to keep you while macaque have said that they’ll wait and see if they can find your parents.
And after a month they haven’t found your parents anywhere so they decided to adopt you, ba he seemed to love being the older sister now anyways.
You imprinted on the couple and recognized them as your parents and siblings in those months with them before it was time for your blood related mother take you back.
She didn’t like how you imprinted on them as she is your true mother and not that dark haired monkey; that seemed to have angered sun as no one will ever insult his family so he took care of her while the others made sure to distract you from what happened earlier.
Spider queen:
She actually was the one to have found you instead of her minions; you were close to one of her lair openings that she was going to exit out from so to her surprise she sees you, a baby naga who haven’t even opened your eyes.
So she decided to care for you as you remind her of herself when she was young.
(Idk if she had a backstory or not as I don’t have journey to the west yet so I’m just making this up as I go along. 😅)
She made sure to give you the treatment you deserve as heir to the throne and had made sure that her minions take good care of you as she plans for hers and your future as future queen and princess.
The mother didn’t stand a chance as she was wounded trying to find you and other things to try and find you as your the only thing left that’s apart of her and the naga male she loved though she was quickly dealt with in a painless way surprisingly as spider queen was reminded on how she used to treat her subjects as her children before realizing that she would lose them so she made sure to not lose you either this time.
(A/n: omg! 2 post back to back wow!)
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The Great Beasts Wip Introduction (redo)
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Title - The Great Beasts
genre - fanfiction (monkie kid and other Jttw adaptions), gods + demons, half demons, adventure, fantasy, Chinese mythology & folklore
tropes and themes - family, sisterhood, gods and demons, half demons, learning about heritage, empowerment, demonic abilities, friendship, gaining and losing friends, betrayal (by family or friends), learning to use abilities through training, learning how to control abilities, emotionally maturing, a few slice of life moments, overcoming odds, motherhood, sacrifice, death and learning to overcome the grief it brings, vengeance, love, healing from trauma, slow burn romance, protecting those you love at all costs
Pov - Third person
current status - planning + drafting
content warnings - graphic violence, mentions of physical + verbal abuse, swearing, and alcohol
(Quick notes)
I am not of Chinese descent, nor have I experienced Chinese culture, so please don't hesitate to correct me if I get anything wrong!
characters such as sun wukong, the six eared macaque, the celestial apes, and other figures from journey to the west and Chinese mythology and folklore will be included in this story. there will also be a few characters from Monkie kid and other journey to the west adaptions.
: synopsis:
  Thousands of years ago there was a young half demon that lived with her human mother in a village that rested in the mountains. 
  Wei Xiurong was the last living child of her father, Wei Meng, and his entire family line.
  the Wei family, further known as 巨兽氏族 (The Great Beast’s clan) were family of powerful demons with the ability to transform themselves into a colossal kaiju beast based on the animal marking they were born with. 
   Eventually she grows into a powerful young woman and after accomplishing several good deeds both in the demons and the gods favor, she weds a young human soldier who moves into the valley with her so she can continue to protect the people in her valley. 
  Sadly, the day after she found out she was pregnant, her husband was killed by the same demon who killed her father. Then on the day she gave birth to her three daughters, The villagers came to her crying about the same demon and his army planning to come into the valley to kill them all. 
 Fearing for her daughters and village’s safety and powered by her grief for her husband, Wei Xiurong risked her life and ended up killing the demon and his army single handedly by awakening her inner beast.
 This act of bravery and display of power gains her favor among the gods and demons and ultimately secures her and her daughters' positions on both the gods sides and the demons' sides.
 From there we then follow the adventures, wins, losses, and the lives of her three daughters, Wei Chuntao the spring peach rabbit, Wei Rong the midnight dog, and Wei Qiaolian the sea sheep.
Three little half demons who would one day grow to be fearsome and powerful enough to scare those who dare to challenge them.
(Note - I'll be posting more detailed character introductions soon)
魏秀榮-Wei Xiurong - 東方大虎
-Half demon, Biromantic and demisexual
-her inner beast is a tiger that is so large that it could swallow mountains hole if she wanted to do so.
-loving mother, kind, generous, trustworthy, understanding and a leader who doesn't tolerate bullshit and will do anything to better her community.
-Through the sheer force of her abilities, her cunning mind, and her generosity she ranks high among demons and works well with the heavenly bureaucracy. the main reason the gods gave her a position
-earned her, her daughters and her descendant's immortality through her good deeds for the gods and solidified their status among demons through determination and building connections with the other demons.
-Xiurong is a person who's overcome the odds against and her continues to do so. so that her daughters can live good lives and that she can make sure their enemies know what they're capable of.
魏春濤-Wei Chuntao - 春桃兔
-half demon, panromantic + pansexual
-first born of the triplets. proclaimed as the shortest of the three sisters (5'2)
-her inner beast is a rabbit that could jump all the way to the moon and leave a massive crater in the earth
-energetic and impulsive, motherly and kind, and unafraid to stand up for herself and others when she wants to
-she has a keen ability to heal the sick and injured with the food and medicine she makes and can create and repair plants (such as flowers and crops) in a matter of moments.
-her main job was to help tend to garden of peaches of immortality and other gardens around the celestial realm. her side job was to work on foods and medicine to heal the sick and injured (be it gods or humans)
-befriended, fell in love with and married sun wukong when her and her sisters moved into Flower fruit mountain after keeping the other monkeys safe in his absence.
魏榮- Wei Rong - 午夜燈籠狗
-half demon, biromantic + pansexual
-second born of the triplets. proclaimed as the tallest of the sisters (5'8)
-her inner beast is a dog whose back can touch the heavens and armed with sharp teeth that could crack open mountains
-calm, blunt and charming, clever & mischievous, genuine and caring and willing to beat someone to a bloody pulp if she is given the choice
-she has the ability to create powerful enchanted weapons and objects and manipulate darkness and light to her advantage
-her main job is to create weapons and objects for the gods (with most of customers of her shop being demons), her part time job was being paid to hunt down demons or criminals and bring them back dead or alive
-befriend, fell in love with, and married the six eared macaque when her and her sisters moved to flower fruit mountain. unfortunately, after an 'incident' between wukong and macaque, she and him move out of flower fruit mountain and move into a smaller valley and does not speak to them for hundreds of years.
魏巧蓮-Wei Qiaolian-狡猾的水羊
-half demon, Lesbian + Demisexual
-youngest of the triplets. the second tallest of the triplets (5'5)
-her inner beast is a sheep who could make waves that could flood the land anytime she chose to enter the sea in that form
-clever, cunning, open-minded, curious, a bit of a perfectionist, secretly a huge softie, and just about fed up with dealing her siblings and their shenanigans in general (she is the epitome of 'I am surrounded by idiots)
-her ability to manipulate water and her intellect gained her favor with the dragon kings and other scholars.
-her main job is to be a scholar and advisor under the dragon kings. currently working under the dragon king of the east sea Ao Guang, a longtime friend, mentor and father figure to her.
-fell in love with and married the spider queen (I couldn't find her actual name anywhere in monkie kid or other sources, so I've nicknamed her zi = violet, for now). she met her on one of her sister's adventures and was completely awestruck by her and after a couple years of courting she married zi and moved in with her
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cleverri · 2 years
Who in your opinion are lmk’s most affectionate? And how would they take care of their s/o who’s come home from a bad day?
Most Affectionate LMK Characters | written by MOD clever
warnings; none
Top five most affectionate LMK characters...
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5.) MK. (Qí Xiǎotiān)
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He’s mainly just a really touch starved person. They’re kind, charming, and overall very affectionate. He’ll help dealing with a bad day with a little movie, sharing a blanket, and whatever snacks that their S/O enjoys. He makes sure to bring a smile to their face.
4.) Mei. (Lóng Xiǎojiāo)
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Similar to MK, she’s mainly just a touch starved person. She loves seeing people happy, and adores giving people she cares about affection. It’s how she shows her love/appreciation. Dealing with a bad day she gets them things that are a bit expensive, plays video games with them, and just spends time around them.
3.) Spider Queen
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She’s mainly just clingy, but it’s still considered affection. Definitely more on just, ‘hey, stick with her and she’ll give you all the love you need.’ She loves feeling adored, but being able to hug and snuggle with her lover makes her melt. Dealing with a bad day can be difficult, but it’s mainly dealt with snuggles and words of appreciation.
2.) Chang’e (How come she don't got no gif yall 🤨)
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An excited, and very affectionate Goddess. She loves peppering kisses, tackling her lover in random hugs, she just gives bursts of affection- But it’s not rare, it’s almost every five minutes she feels the need to give affection. She deals with bad days by baking stuff for her lover, and soon just spending some quality time with them.
1.) Sun Wukong (Ya’ll should have seen this coming)
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This little sh- Nah, he’s a very touch starved person, he misses what it’s like to be affectionate and actually receives it in return. He loves being able to hug his lover and actually get a hug in return. Bad days are just filled to the fucking brim with cuddles, and kisses. His main love language is physical touch, so this shouldn’t be shocking. He just, loves having someone be there to give him a hug and tell him it’s alright.
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