#withered leah
leah-the-lioness · 3 months
Mangle walked up to Leah in the lioness’s room, smiling gently. “Hi, Leah… how are you feeling? Sorry I couldn’t visit sooner. I was… preoccupied with the kids.”
(FNaF 2 Verse!) @themcngle
Leah is sitting in the corner, knees up to her chest, and her head back against the wall. Her long tail is curled around her legs. She's in horrednous shape, having deteriorated over time and the combination of what seemed to be dismantled again and again. She activates the moment she hears Mangle's voice.
She perks up and looks up at the other animatronic. Her joints are rusty, and her movements jerky. "Oh, h-hello.. I-I'm okay.. C-Could be better-r."
If she could, she would smile. However, it is obvious she's not exactly doing the greatest. Of course, she keeps details as to why or how she ended up like this quiet.
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awfcspencer · 3 months
Anniversary Night || leah williamson x reader
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prompt: Leah wouldn’t forget your anniversary right?
warnings: angst
a/n: this spent so long in the drafts so I figured I'd post it
Every second that passed felt like an hour. The sun had been high in the sky when you began baking the chocolate cake for tonight, but now the sun had dipped below the horizon, and it was beginning to get late. 
The extravagant dinner you had spent hours watching tutorials on and carefully following the recipe to its exact details had gone cold. It was Leah’s favorite dish her mother used to make during her childhood, and you enlisted Amanda’s help to properly prepare the dish for your third anniversary with the blonde tonight. She guided you through each step and even went alongside you to the market to get the ingredients. It sat untouched in the middle of the table that you decorated with tiny hearts and rose petals. 
The candles you lit minutes before Leah was supposed to arrive had burnt out and the flowers you had set on the table were lacking water as the night grew on. The vinyl you had put on in the background had long ended and left your shared home silent. It was quiet and you were alone.
The time you had spent perfecting your makeup and slipping into a tight black dress that you had been hiding in the back of your shared closet just for tonight was now a waste. The time you had spent decorating the kitchen and bedroom was now all for nothing seeming as it was entering midnight, and it would no longer be the special day. The time you spent using the icing bag to carefully etch ‘Happy Anniversary’ into Leah’s favorite kind of cake was useless. You would never get that time back.
You had tried to ring Leah several times throughout the night, desperately wondering when she was due to return home from training after she did not walk through your shared home at the normal time. Each time you called her it went to voicemail. As each hour ticked by, your smile seemed to fade and your patience began to wither, but most importantly, your heart was shattered. What was initially supposed to be a romantic evening had ended up a big disappointment and the hope of spending time with Leah had disappeared. On the fourth time you tried to reach Leah and were met with her voicemail once again sent your phone crashing into the nearest wall. 
You weren’t woken up exactly as the clock striked midnight and showered with kisses like the first anniversary.
You weren’t given breakfast in bed and spent the day in Leah’s warm embrace until the middle of the afternoon like the second anniversary. 
Instead you woke up to a cold, empty bed. Not a single text or note from Leah. Not even a kiss goodbye and a promise to return home soon.
Something in your brain allowed you to brush it off though. That should have been your first red flag. Leah always made you feel the most special girl in the world, surely she couldn’t have forgotten such an important day. 
Three years ago, Leah had asked you to be her girlfriend after several small dates and continuous messaging. You met the blonde in a low-key bar just on the outskirts of North London and she quickly captured your heart with her charming and compassionate personality. Today marked three years of loving Leah and three years of Leah loving you. 
So instead of dwelling in the fact the morning hadn’t been exactly what you pictured, you were sure that Leah would make up for it in the night.
You knew that Leah had thrown herself into hours of rehabilitation and countless physio meetings to help her desperate bid to return to the pitch. Sitting out during Arsenal games and being dropped from the England squad had taken a great toll on the defender. You supported her every step of the way, even when it meant she did not return home until late and left before you awoke the next day. But you figured she would be home on time tonight. You figured she would be home on a special occasion like tonight. But unfortunately, you were incredibly wrong. 
You quickly place the uneaten food and cake in the fridge to hopefully preserve them so you could possibly eat them tomorrow. You were met with the mini calendar that was located on the fridge to remind you and Leah of appointment, matches, or meetings. The single date had been outlined in a large red heart since entering the month. You wanted to rip the whole thing off the fridge and tear it in a million pieces, as a way to represent how your heart felt.
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you struggled to make sense of it all. How could she have forgotten? How could she have let something so important slip through the cracks of her mind? Tears fell from your eyes non-stop, ruining the pretty mascara you had done as it ran down the sides of your cheeks. With just a few minutes until midnight, you couldn’t help prevent your heart from feeling hurt, especially when it was still radio silent from Leah.
You wanted the black dress off. You wanted to take the makeup off. You wanted to tear down every decoration you had put up and throw it in the trash. Instead settling with a quick shower that did not aid in your severed heart and clouded brain. When the time came to enter your shared bed, you couldn’t bring yourself to be suffocated with the defender’s magnetic scent and the thought that she was out somewhere on your anniversary instead of with you. You snatched the comforter off and a pillow and slept on the couch. 
After another grueling day of rehabilitation followed by a team night out to celebrate the upcoming matches, Leah’s muscles and body ached with exhaustion. But as Leah stepped through the door of your shared home, her heart sank like a stone as she caught sight of the large ‘Happy Anniversary’ banner and the countless related decorations scattered around the house. The worst image of all was you sound asleep on the couch with red puffy eyes. 
Today was supposed to be a special day and Leah had forgotten all about it. You heard her enter the home nearly a quarter till 2 A.M. Your anniversary was long over. She seemed tired, most likely from how hard she had been pushing herself in the gym and in training. All that work to get back onto the pitch, to get off the sidelines, not knowing she was sidelining something else, the relationship you thought she valued as much as you did.
“You forgot, didn’t you?” you finally spoke, your voice hardly above a whisper but filled with accusation. You couldn’t meet the defender’s eyes, the hurt in your heart didn’t allow it. 
Leah’s head snapped up, guilt flashing across her features before she could mask it. Leah sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair, “I’ve been so busy with rehab and training… I guess it slipped my mind,” she admitted, her voice barely audible at the guilt she felt inside.
“Slipped your mind? Slipped. Your. Mind.” You couldn’t help but laugh.
A wave of hurt washed over you as you struggled to hold back tears. “I can’t believe you forgot our anniversary,” you whispered, feeling a lump form in your throat. You couldn’t shake the feeling of loneliness that gnawed at your heart.
Leah reached out tentatively, her hand hovering in the air before she pulled back, as if she was unsure whether she was welcome to touch you. “I’m sorry, I really am,” she said softly, her eyes pleading for forgiveness.
“It’s not just about today,” you choked out, your voice trembling with pent-up emotions. “It’s about feeling like I am not a priority in your life anymore.” She had been so focused on getting back on the pitch that she cut you so deeply in the process. How could she forget?
Leah’s shoulders slumped, her heart aching at the pain she had caused you. “You are a priority, you always have been,” she insisted, her voice think with emotion and guilt. “I’ve just been so focused on rehab. I didn’t realize how much it was affecting us.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked at her, torn between wanting to forgive her and wanting her to understand just how much she had hurt you. “I miss us,” you admitted. The weight of your words hung heavy in the air, but you couldn’t bring yourself to soften your face at the excuses she continued to usher out.
Leah’s heart clenched at your words, a pang of regret coursing through her. “I miss us too. I promise I’ll make it up to you, I’ll do whatever it takes to fix this.” Anger bubbled up inside you, fueled by the recent weeks of feeling neglected and ignored. 
You nodded slowly, feeling a glimmer of hope flicker within in. “I want to believe you, really I do. But what about me? What about what I need?”
Leah’s gaze dropped to the floor, unable to meet your eyes. “I’m trying, I really am. But it’s not easy.” The blonde’s expression crumbled, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and regret.
Your eyes stung as the tears feel freely, you heart aching with a pain that seemed to have no end. “I don’t know if I can do this anymore.”
The words hung between you like a chasm, a stark reminder of the divide that had grown between you and the defender. As the silence stretched on, you knew something needed to change. Whether that change would bring you closer together or tear you apart.
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kamotecue · 4 months
the one that got away ❆ l. williamson
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pairing: leah williamson x fem!reader
summary: after you had torn your acl, it was deemed that you weren't able to return to your football career. so, what happens when you pursued something different, that the one you love, ended up being the one who got away? singer!reader
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agony was what the blonde defender felt, it was the agony of losing you - the one that got away, for the english captain it was a relentless ache, the haunting melody of memories that lingers long after the music has stopped. her silent screams, the tumultuois storm of her emotions that threatens to consume every one of her thoughts and feelings. it was definitely a rollercoaster ride of emotions, the experience you both had together as a couple - the deep sense of grief and loss, the emptiness feeling that was impossible to feel, how every thought is consumed by the memories of you - how you'd both dance in the rain, her watching in amusement as you would always make blanket forts during movie nights, how she held onto you close as if you were going to disappear, and lastly, her favorite - the way she'd kiss you in private, how she showed you what it's like to be loved.
yet there it was, the winter of 2011 - you had suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury making everything fall down, as much as you tried there was nothing that you could do. and so, you had left the football world, despite being the arsenal prodigy. a knock was heard, as you gazed at your bedroom door - the blonde defender had carefully opened the door, she looked at your eyes to see them filled with tears, knowing how this moment would change everything. your career ending injury, the one you sustained was not just a blow to your body, but a devestating blow to your dreams. you had worked so hard, sacrificed so much, to reach the pinnacle of yourcareer, only to have it all taken away in an instant.
"i won't be playing alongside you, as we thought, lee." your voice broke as you buried your face into the crook of her neck. the blonde reaching to softly rub your back, in an attempt to calm you which it did. the sniffles was heard throughout the house, yet all she could do was be there for you. it took you a while to accept circumstance, so you moved onto something else - music was the second, no third thing you loved - besides football, and the english defender. a year later, you took off into the music industry with a storm - you decided to form a band with your childhood friends, performing in sold-out stadiums, releasing a whole album - and it was even worse when the band had even gotten more famous.
in the early days, the love between you two was a bright flame, burning fiercely and passionately. but as your music career soared to unimaginable heights, the glare of fame cast a shadow over their relationship, changing everything. you had never anticipated the level of fame and scrutiny that would come with the band's success. everywhere you went, you were followed by a throng of fans and paparazzi, eager for a glimpse into your glamorous life. in which the pressure to maintain your image became suffocating, and you knew that any hint of scandal could spell disaster for your career. asmuch as you loved the blonde defender, you also knew that being seen with her in public could invite unwanted attention and speculation. that's why you couldn't bear the thought of her being surrounded by the media, or having her privacy invaded - as she loved being private. and so, with a heavy heart, you made the painful decision to push her away, thinking it was for the best.
at first, lee was confused and hurt with the way you acted, the unnesscary coldness. you tried to explain it, to make her understand the pressure you were under, but the damage had already been done, the trust between you two had been shattered, despite your best intentions - it couldn't be repaired. so as the distance between you two grew, your love began to wither and fade - the bright flame that had once burned so brightly was now nothing more than a flicker, barely illuminating the darkness that crept into the relationship. in the end, you were alone - your fame and success, a hollow comfort for the love that you'd lost. you often find yourself pondering, if you made the right choice, if pushing her away had been the only option, but deep down, you knew that the price of fame had been too high, and that you'd always regret the day that you'd let her slip away.
yet there you were, in front of her eyes - performing in front of 90,000 fans. she still loves you, and a part of her is hoping that you still do. and you do, you still do - there are countless nights were you're looking up at the hotel ceiling, a lingering ache in your heart for the love you had lost, the one that could've been yours if fate had not intervened. you'd often wondered how things could've been different if the acl injury had never happened, perhaps you would've never pursued music with such fervor, instead choosing a quieter life by her side. the lazy mornings spent in bed, tangeled in each other's embrace, and peaceful evenings watching as the sun would set, hand in hand. but reality was cruel, and the injury shattered not just your dreams but also the future you had envisioned with her. and as the final notes of your song had faded away, you closed your eyes, imagining for a brief moment that she was there in the crowd, that the blue eyes you had fallen in love with - and when you opened them, she was. a wide smile was seen on her face, as you noticed the tears in her eyes that were begging to drop, she was watching you with pride and love.
the crowd had cheered, as you looked away - greeted them with a small smile, as you bid goodbye. her eyes followed as you left the stage, a concerned look was seen throughout your bandmate's eyes. the crowd began to leave, one by one - yet a dazed look was shown on her face, you saw her, yet you haven't made the effort to do anything. maybe you shouldn't, maybe you couldn't or maybe you didn't have to.
"come on, lee - the concert is done." beth, her club and national teammate said, as a soft sigh was heard. she didn't notice a tour staff had walked her way. you had given orders to invite her teammate's backstage. the defender had only looked up when she took note of the unfamiliar ones, her eyes locked onto someone in uniform, the lanyard confirming that she worked for, or with you.
"ms. williamson, i presume? i was ordered to give you these backstage passes, as well as to escort you backstage." the worker said, as her eyes gazed to the passes in her hands, beth and a few others, their eyes had widened in shock. she slowly stood up before nodding to the girl, as every step began to feel a bit heavy for the defender, you walked back in forth in your changing room - wondering if it was the right choice.
it was, as the team had been led backstage, leah had caught the eyes of your three childhood best friends - people that she also knows, as she formed a friendship with the trio while you were dating. an amused look was seen on oliver's face, as he stood up to greet the team.
"never thought i'd see you again, lee." oliver's charming voice was heard, catching the eyes of his two other bandmate's "childhood friends". a soft smile was shown on archie's and adeline's face.
"neither did i" the english captain's voice was calm, gaining the attention of oliver who softly hummed.
"we've missed you, but she misses you more." oliver replied, he gazed at your dressing room door - it opened, revealing you.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
Alexia being all relaxed and laughing at some ridiculous scenes during a horror movie while reader is watching through their fingers and flinching at every sound
Leah acting all tough and making fun of reader but is suddenly super concentrated on the popcorn whenever a scary scene comes up
Alessia being openly scared and screaming in readers ears and then laughing it off afterwards
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horror movies II a.puetllas, l.williamson, a.russo
"ale baby i'd rather watch football." you groaned, glaring up at your girlfriend with an annoyed frown who only laughed at the comment.
"no you wouldn't, unless its live you hate football." the blonde smiled knowingly, one of your only flaws which was easily forgiven considering you'd not missed a single one of her matches and alexia quite enjoyed teaching you the rules.
"i hate horror movies more! and i hate you for making me watch one." you huffed, pouting up at her as the captain hovered over you. "okay hermosa you win, we won't watch it." she smiled softly as you perked back up.
"no! stop complaining. it is my turn to choose, no?" alexia grinned as you deflated and she stole a kiss, making a shooing motion with her hands as you sat up and she slotted in behind you on the sofa.
"besides bebita your choices are horrible and i still put up with them." alexia sighed honestly as you smacked her leg, the catalan kissing your cheek apologetically as she clicked play, her arms wrapping protectively around your stomach.
"no you don't! if you don't like the movie you just do your best to distract and seduce me so we have sex instead of finishing it." you rolled your eyes. "and you are complaining about that?" alexia scoffed in disbelief.
"because mi amor when we are actually having sex, the last thing i ever hear from you is any sort of complaint." the blonde midfielder purred, lips curling into a smug smirk as you pushed her face away with your hand.
"romance movies are nice! you could take some notes." you huffed, crossing your arms but settling into her as your head slumped to her shoulder once you were comfortable, pout on your lips that you hadn't gotten your way.
"hey i am very romantic!" alexia defended herself, hands grabbing your cheeks and tilting your head back, ducking down and pecking your lips repeatedly until they curled into a smile and she let you go.
"cariño this is funny! this would never happen in real life." alexia scoffed, accent thick and laughter boisterously loud as you watched through the miniscule cracks in your fingers an hour later.
you swore loudly and jumped, burying your face in your hands as someone fell into what could only be described as a human sized blender, their shrill gargling screams of pain filling your shared home.
"how are you laughing? this is disgusting." you mumbled into your palms, eyes squinted shut as your girlfriend wrenched them away from your face.
"its just a bit of fake blood hermosa, don't be a baby." alexia cooed condescendingly as you shot her a withering glare, failing to pull your hands from her grip as she attacked your face with kisses.
"see! look that is funny." alexia laughed, nudging you with her knee as someones head was suddenly sliced off by a circular saw blade, rolling to land eyes up at the feet of another character who let out a blood curdling scream.
you watched on, eyes wide in horror and stomach churning as the deaths only seemed to get more and more gruesome.
"no, stay." the older girl ordered firmly, pulling you back down into her hold as you tried to get up to leave. "i'm not nala!" you glared up at her as she held you captive in her strong limbs, placing a few tender kisses to your exposed neck.
"i know, nala would not be so scared." "ale!"
"oh come on babe don't be such a wuss." leah teased, causing you to grimace as she harshly pinched your cheeks. "its not being a wuss to know im not going to enjoy something!" you quipped, shoving her away with a glare and rubbing your face.
"nah but in relationships there needs to be compromises." leah grinned as you mocked her under your breath, rummaging around in the pantry. "what is compromising about forcing me to watch some dumb movie about haunted possessed children?" you scoffed, reaching for the box of microwave popcorn.
"the compromise is that when it gets too scary you can hide your face in my boobs baby." leah smirked, moving you aside and grabbing the box which was just out of your reach.
"oh my hero." you replied dryly, elbowing her out of the way and throwing a packet of popcorn into the microwave. "i know, i'm just so selfless sweets. what would you do without me?" leah sighed, pulling herself up to sit on the kitchen counter.
"eat food with actual flavor and seasonings, watch reality tv whenever i want, not have to pick up your sweaty kits and dirty laundry flung everywhere, have peace and quiet when im trying to study-" you started to list off things on your fingers as leah scoffed and hauled a roll of paper towel at your head as the microwave dinged. "oi!"
"honestly woman its a wonder i put up with you." leah shook her head as you dumped the popcorn into a bowl and followed her into the living room. "honestly woman its a wonder you pulled me." you rebutted as leah made a face, unable to argue your point as you sent her a wink, settling on the sofa as she slung her legs across your lap.
"i am not giving you a foot massage if you're making me watch this crap williamson. think again!" you laughed sarcastically, shoving them off you and tucking your knees into your chest as the blonde rolled her eyes and clicked play.
hiding behind your hands you made no move to disguise your obvious discomfort and fear, quickly moving to press your body into leah's side, her arm settling across your shoulders and drawing you in close as she'd press the occasional kiss to the side of your head.
though you did notice that every time you'd flinch or jump, leahs gaze would coincidentally move to the ceiling or she'd suddenly become very interested in the popcorn.
"ha! you're also scared of this. admit it!" you accused the next time she did it, the blonde waving you off with a dismissive scoff. but as there was a jump scare suddenly she flinched, kicking the bowl of popcorn onto the floor as she clutched at her chest, heart racing.
"whose the wuss now?"
"lessi we really don't have to watch it." you promised, sat on the kitchen bench swinging your legs back and forth, watching your girlfriend dart around the kitchen preparing both of your favorite movie time snacks.
"you said you wanted to! and i want whatever you want gorgeous." the blonde smiled sincerely, stealing a kiss as she reached over your head to grab out another plate.
"so we can get a rescue dog?" you perked up, the italian only laughing and kissing you again, her non answer enough of an answer for you. "which one?" the girl held up two different kinds of m&m's.
"crispy, obviously." "obviously." she mocked as you kicked her with a playful glare.
"but really baby we don't have to, i can watch this anytime like when you're at training or when its your turn to choose and you fall asleep five minutes in..." you trailed off with a grin, the taller girl pinching you for the comment as you squirmed.
"you're not allowed to change the movies i pick even if i fall asleep, you know the rules! you play with my hair, scratch my back and educate yourself with my excellent film choice, cheeky." alessia teased, kissing your cheek and again reaching over you to grab down two mugs.
"you know i can just grab these for you right?" you smiled, stretching your arm up and grabbing what she was after with ease. "but then i can't kiss you every time i need to grab something, so thats a no deal pretty baby." alessia grinned, hands on your thighs as she leant in and pecked your lips several times to prove her point, smile widening at the blush that crept up your neck.
"such a charmer russo." you rolled your eyes playfully, jumping down from the counter and grabbing the two hot chocolates she'd made. "thats strictly baby or love to you thanks y/l/n. or i am partial to; my everything." you shot her a look over your shoulder as her hand collided sharply with your bum, the drinks almost spilling as she only smiled sheepishly and grabbed the rest of the snacks.
"you sure you don't want me to turn it off less?" you murmured to the taller girl laid down on top of you, her head tucked into your neck as she shook it firmly. "s'fine love its not even scary." she scoffed, though you smiled as she gripped you tighter as the thrills escalated.
as her body started to settle you assumed she'd fallen asleep, her head resting on your shoulder now, your fingers threaded through her soft blonde locks.
but the sense of calm within your little love bubble popped immediately as she let out a blood curling scream right into your ear, causing you to wince and shove her away from you out of instinct.
"oh that wasn't the nun, sorry baby." the blonde smiled guiltily, kissing your jaw a few times with a laugh as your ears rang from the sheer volume of her yell and how close she'd been to you.
"given i can no longer hear whats being said anymore, its going off. i told you we didn't have to watch it!"
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thebiggerbear · 5 months
Dean Winchester x Reader - Prompt Response - "I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
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Summary: You and Dean refuse to speak to one another after an argument and Sam has finally had enough.
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). I loved writing this but I always love it when it comes to Dean. 😊 And of course, I couldn't resist when it came to Sam in the end. Brothers, gotta love 'em. ;)
Thank you to my beta @rieleatiel for her services. You rock, girl!
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader; Dean Winchester x Female!Huntress!Reader
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Please do not do any of the above. Thank you for your understanding.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: mentions of implied sex
Word Count: 1449
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
Dean Taglist: @heartlessdelusions; @nancymcl; @brightlilith
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version | Beau version | Jenny version | Jason version | Tom version | CJ version | Rachel version | Anael version | SDV Leah version | Alec version
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Dean snuck a glance at you only to quickly look away when you looked up from your lore book. In return, you snuck a peek at him but pretended you were looking at something else when he lifted his head from one of the hunter’s journals he’d found in storage. 
Sam had watched this infuriating dance happen at least twelve times by now and it was getting on his last nerve. At first, he thought it was hopeful. Then heartbreaking. Now it was just damn aggravating, more so because he knew his older brother was being his usual stubborn self. All he needed to do was come out and apologize already, and Dean knew that yet still refused to budge an inch.
You and Dean had gotten into an argument during the last hunt. He’d been upset that you had taken on three vamps by yourself—something you had done back in your high school days, along with killing other creepy things that slithered out of the dark. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, which you had proven multiple times, and you knew when to ask for help. Dean didn’t want to hear it, claiming you could have been killed had he and Sam not been close by. You both dug in your heels no matter what Sam said, and you two were still at an impasse, giving each other the silent treatment. Still, that didn’t stop the longing glances Dean gave you when you weren’t looking, or the sad looks you gave him when he was none the wiser. It was driving Sam nuts. He had never met two people who were so stubborn—aside from his parents, of course—and now that he thought about it, stubborn or not, you and Dean were well-suited for one another.
“You know,” Sam broke the silence. “At some point, you two are going to have to talk to each other again.”
Dean shot him a surreptitious glare. You had no problem offering a withering glare of your own.
“Look,” Sam continued. “Y/N is right, she can take care of herself and if she needs our help, she’ll say something.” At your triumphant smile, Dean’s gaze darkened.
“No one asked you to butt in, Sammy,” he warned.
Sam nearly rolled his eyes. “If I don’t, this won’t get resolved because you both are too hard-headed to make the first move. Y/N,” Your eyes darted over to him. “My idiot brother won’t say it but the reason he got upset is because he’s scared.”
Dean’s free hand clenched into a fist and he gave a subtle shake of his head. Sam ignored him and continued, “He’s scared something is going to happen to you and he won’t be there to stop it. That’s why he freaked out that night. He’s not trying to tell you what to do or be a controlling jerk. He just wants you to be safe, that’s all.”
You bit your lip and turned your attention to Dean, who suddenly seemed very interested in the book in his lap. “Is that true?”
After a moment, he ground out, “Yeah. It’s true.”
You stood up, letting the book in your own lap fall to the ground with a heavy thud, and made your way over to Dean. You ripped the book out of his hands, tossed it to the floor, ignored Sam’s irritation at your carelessness with such old tomes, and crawled into Dean’s lap, his hands instantly coming around you to support you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned down to kiss him. You felt him immediately begin to relax under your touch and only when his lips were completely pliant and moving with yours did you pull back, staring into his green eyes.
“Why couldn’t you just tell me that?”
He slid his hand up your back and to your hair, tenderly rubbing the strands between his fingers. “I don’t know. I just… That vamp had you in a hold and it scared the crap out of me when I couldn’t reach you fast enough. What if he had gotten more of a drop on you? What if—”
You gently placed your fingers against his lips, stopping him from finishing that question. “He didn’t. I killed my first vamp at 12, took out my first nest when I was 16. Hunting’s in my blood just as much as it is yours. I know what I’m doing.” You ran your fingers through his hair reassuringly, scratching at his scalp, and watched him lean into the touch. “But if you want, we can talk about it. We’ll come up with a plan that makes you feel better and works for both of us. Okay?”
He gave you a dopey smile that melted your heart. The magic touch had worked; the tension from before had finally lifted. “Okay, baby. Sounds good to me.”
You kissed him again, this time with a little more passion. “You know what else sounds good?” You murmured to his lips when you both needed a breath.
Those green eyes you loved so much immediately lit with an all-too familiar fire. “Do tell.”
You leaned in and whispered your plan into his ear, making sure Sam wouldn’t overhear. By the time you pulled back, he was grinning like crazy. Clearing his throat, he helped you off of his lap and back onto your feet as you both turned to face Sam, a mischievous smirk fighting its way onto your face. You knew that would get him going.
“Actually, I just remembered I left the…stove on in the kitchen. And Y/N here has to go call Jody to…give her an update on the case and how it’s going.”
Sam gave you both a look; he wasn’t buying it. You turned and gave the same look to Dean. He really hadn’t come up with anything better than that? “I hate you.”
“You have a weird way of showing that,” he teased, subtly rubbing up against you and smirking. This man was so lucky you loved him.
You shook your head and looked away, your cheeks growing hot. The bastard was turning you on even more and he knew it. It’d been almost two weeks, the longest you’d gone without since — well, since meeting him.
Sam was the one to clear his throat this time. “Whatever. Happy you both are talking to one another again. Now, go do what you’re going to do but just not in front of me, please. Okay? And you’re welcome.”
Dean shot Sam a look but he was too happy to care what Sam was intimating about his being the one who settled things between the two of you. He gave his younger brother a wide smile. “If you need us, we’ll be…” He trailed off, gesturing to the hallway that led to the rooms.
“Oh my God,” you muttered in embarrassment as you grabbed his hand and pulled him after you.
“Oh, hey!” Sam yelled. “Keep out of my room this time, Dean. I mean it!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean called back.
You had just turned the corner when Dean immediately had you up against the wall, kissing you passionately and picking you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. When you pulled back for air, your brow furrowed in confusion at seeing Dean move past his door. “Dean,” you panted. “Where are you going? You just passed your room.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled.
“Okay, then where are you taking me?”
His smirk was so wicked you knew what the answer was before he said it. “Sammy’s room.”
“Dean, are you kidding me? No!”
“Relax, we won’t be in there long.”
“You know how upset he was last time and he just said—”
Dean came to a stop and kissed the crap out of you, effectively silencing you. You may have been a little dazed when he finally let you get some air. “He’s got the better bed and I want the very best for you, baby.” He then gave you a salacious smirk and leaned in. “Plus I know how much you love that headboard.”
He waggled his eyebrows at you as certain memories replayed in your mind. You were able to hold onto that headboard for a long time, it held you up well, and same for Dean…oh shit. Sorry, Sam.
“What are you waiting for?” You bit out impatiently, slipping your tongue into his mouth and swallowing his chuckle. As he walked you into Sam’s room, shutting and locking the door behind him, you made a mental note to later google the hell out of this headboard and find one for Dean’s bed.
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A/N: Please let me know what you think. 😊
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mrchiipchrome · 8 months
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W.C.- 1,7 k
prompt 8. -Loving you was a hazard, so I got my heart a helmet. prompt 11. -Oh I’m down on my hands and knees, begging you please. prompt 13. -I’m feeling so tired, really falling apart.
A/n: this started out as a song blurb, but it became too long. anyways if you want to request there's a prompt list linked in the masterlist :)
You knew it was risky to date the ‘fuckgirl’ of the team, but as she flashed you that cheesy loving smile, all those worries slipped to the back of your head. She was no longer the hot girl that your teammates told you to stay away from, she was just your Leah.
Your Leah that would kiss you oh so tenderly, your Leah who would look you in the eyes and tell you she loved you, your Leah who had you convinced that she’d changed. Your Leah who wasn’t yours.
When you notice the first signs of your declining relationship, you outright chose to ignore them. To this day you can’t understand why you did what you did, maybe you had inherited the same naivety as your mother, maybe you were just too in love with the blonde. 
Either way, it didn’t matter, not when she wasn’t yours to love.
When Leah started password protecting all her devices like she had done in the earliest stages of your relationship, you should have packed your bags and left. But you didn’t listen to that gut feeling that told you something was up, now you know to always trust your gut.
Then came the secrecy, the one that made you feel so stupid and like you were a stranger in your own relationship. Leah would leave you at random points during the day, claiming that the physio needed her to come in for a ‘quick session’, technically she wasn’t wrong it was just a different type of session than you thought.
After that most of the sweet, intimate moments began to wither away. You no longer got a kiss goodbye nor did you get to do something as simple as hold her hand. And when you finally did get an intimate moment with her, it was like she didn’t mean her actions. She didn’t mean the kiss she would press so feather light to your lips, the kiss that once meant so much. 
Leah was slipping through your fingers, and the worst thing was that there was nothing you could do about it. 
But it was really when she started to come home with gifts after her every outing that the pattern truly emerged. It was eerily similar to how it had been when your father had been having an affair with his secretary. You feel so incredibly stupid when all the puzzle pieces finally fall into place, of course history has to repeat itself. I mean it was just your luck.
No matter how disgusting you feel at the thought of invading Leah’s privacy, it was essential for you to get your proof.
So when Leah decides to take a shower at your place after another ‘session’ with the physio, you take the opportunity to look through her phone.
It only takes you two tries to get it unlocked, the woman having the audacity to have it as your birthday. It takes even less time to find the proof you need, the overly suggestive comments between her and one of the assistant physios telling you everything you needed to know about their less than appropriate activities.
By the time Leah exits the bathroom in one of your fluffy towels, you’ve already screenshotted it and sent it to your phone, the naked photos on her phone so revolting that you have to keep yourself from throwing up all over your expensive rug.
“What are you doing with my phone?” Leah questions carefully, her wet hair splayed over her strong shoulders and dripping onto your floor.
“What in the fuck does it look like I’m doing Leah fucking Williamson?” You shoot back at her, the usually overconfident woman retreating back at your tone.
“It looks like you’re invading my privacy.” You can’t help the scoff that escapes your lips, Leah always finding a way to flip all the blame onto you.
“I can’t believe you, I’m not even sure why I’m surprised. Of course that’s what I get for dating a fuck girl.” The offended look that appears on Leah’s face only makes you chuckle harder, the mask of finding the whole situation funny hiding the hurt you felt at her betrayal.
“Baby, I promise it’s not what it seems like. We’re only friends.” Leah hurries the words out, trying her hardest to make you believe them.
“Oh it’s not what it seems like, IT’S NOT WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE!? ‘I had fun last night, we should do it again sometime;)’ or maybe ‘Be careful, I think Y/n’s on to us.’ that does not sound like something I’d say to a friend.” The firmness in your voice worries center back, never having heard it sound like that.
“Baby please, I didn’t mean it-” 
“You’re pathetic and a FUCKING HAZARD TO LOVE Leah Williamson! I mean, I knew the whole ‘love’ thing would be risky, but god damn it Leah loving you is a hazard and I really should’ve gotten my heart a helmet while I had the chance.” You finish off your rant, moving towards your own door fully intent on leaving her there in your apartment. 
Just as you pass her on the way to your door, Leah grabs hold of your hand tightly, willing you not to go out the door.
The blonde soon found herself on her knees in front of you, your frame towering over her. 
“Baby, I’m down on my hands and knees begging you to not go. I love you so much and that girl was a mistake. I promise, just please give me another chance.” Her desperate voice rings out through the apartment, and the slight chuckle that escapes your mouth is enough for the tears to start streaming down her face.
“Get up. GET UP I SAID! I’m not going to accept any of your pathetic attempts to get me to forgive you. You knew exactly how I felt about cheaters yet you went and cheated on me, congratu-fucking-lations Leah, you lost me the second you started sleeping with that tramp. Now I’m going to give you four days to get your shit out of my apartment or else I’m burning it, you understand?” Leah nods her head frantically, her wet tears landing on your cheeks where you wipe them away.
Continuing on your way to the door, Leah’s choked up voice stops you in your tracks for the last time.
“Where are you going?” Sighing, you respond as quickly as you could, hand on the doorknob.
“I’m staying with a friend, don’t contact me and don’t try to find out who I’m staying with. I have proof of your affair so don’t even try to test me.” And with that, you’re out the door, leaving Leah to pick up the pieces of her heart she herself broke.
The rain soaks through your hoodie and all the way down through to your socks. Just great, of course the weather had to match your mood.
The alkaline water falling from the sky mixes with the tears falling down the vicinity of your face and paints a painstakingly beautiful portrayal of how it feels to love someone even after they’ve wronged you. How it feels to be betrayed the way you were.
Arriving at the house where your favorite lives, you can’t help but feel completely defeated when they open the door, the fight no longer in you at all.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Beth asks you as she swings the door open, seeing your slumped over form, despair written all over your face.
“She fucking cheated on me” You cry, Beth holding your rain soaked sobbing body in her arms.
As Viv appears around the corner she looks questioningly at Beth, but the woman holding you just gestures to the upstairs area. Viv gets the hint quickly and disappears up the stairs to get you some dry clothing, your current ones plastered to your skin like a second skin.
“I loved her so much and she cheated on me. Why’d she cheat on me Bethy? Am I really that hard to love properly?” The sobbed words feels like a stab in the heart for the older woman, she knew she should’ve told you exactly why Leah was bad news.
“Shhh shhhh, it has nothing to do with you sweetie. Leah’s bad news and she’s truly stupid for doing that to you.” Viv rejoins you, patting your shoulder awkwardly while trying to help Beth console you. It only gets her a glare, and she makes the motion of going to the kitchen to put the kettle on.
“I’m feeling so tired Bethy, she’s really succeeded in making me fall apart this time.” Beth leads you over to the bathroom and hands you the dry clothes to put on, the comforting smell of them leaving you to think about how Leah’s used to be equally as comforting.
Back at your apartment, Leah sits slumped over on the shiny hardwood floor, tears streaming down her face. The realization that she just destroyed the best thing that had ever happened to her came like a punch in the gut.
She’d never loved someone like you before, having been hurt the same way she just hurt you so many times before. Leah can’t help but think back on the beautiful times you had together, the feeling of being so incredibly loved, something she’d never felt from a romantic partner before.
She had gotten scared of her own emotions and she had hurt you in the process, if she could she would go back and stop herself from ever texting that girl back.
Like a wise woman once said, you never know what you’ve got until you’ve lost it.
At the same time, you’re laying with your head in your best friend's lap and your feet in your other one’s. Tears slip down your cheeks and color the older woman’s pant leg a darker version of its earlier shade.
Yeah, the next time your friends warn you about someone, you’re sure as hell going to take their advice.
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reminiscingtonight · 6 months
What She Doesn't Know Won't Hurt
Lia Wälti x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Fully inspired by all of the team pics with Myles
[WOSO Masterlist]
She’s gone. 
Despite nearly spending all your time joined at the hip, Lia’s not here. 
While normally heartbreaking and unbearable, today it’s exactly what you were hoping for. 
“Make sure to be quiet.”
The sound of something instantly crashing to the ground has you shooting a withering glare at the younger girl by your side. 
“What did I just say?” you sigh, knowing very well you’re going to have to clean up whatever just spilt later.
Alessia gives you a sheepish smile. “Sorry, hazard that comes from having long limbs.”
You ignore the dig at your height. “Do you want to see the surprise or not?”
She perks up at that, quickly scrambling to keep up with your pace. 
When you push open the door to the guest room, there’s a quiet whine before a sharp nose pokes out. 
You’re instantly plowed over by a brown blur, wet tongue dragging all over your face. Laughing, you have to fight to get back to a seated position, fingers digging through short fur. 
Next to you Alessia’s staring, barely able to hide her excitement at the sight of your new puppy. “Oh my god, he’s gorgeous,” she gasps. 
“You want to pet him? Bear doesn’t bite.”
Alessia reaches out without hesitation. Bear takes one look at the striker before his mouth closes around her fingers, lightly nipping at her digits. 
“Much,” you grin as Alessia yelps in surprise. 
She shoots your dog a dirty look as he sits down next to you with a proud look. “Aw, don’t be mad, Lessi. He’s just a baby.”
Whatever Alessia’s going to say is interrupted when he tilts his head at her, beady eyes trained on her face. You can practically hear her gulp, the blonde stiffening in front of you. 
Scooching forward, he gives Alessia an exploratory sniff. 
Whatever Bear finds next must satisfy him because suddenly he’s rolling over, offering up his stomach for some scratches. 
Alessia hesitantly reaches forward, smile breaking out on her face when he wiggles around in excitement at first contact.
For the next hour or so the two of you give Bear all the cuddles and love he could want. He’s all tuckered out, curled up in his dog bed with a new toy when Alessia finally gets up to grab her jacket, ready to leave for the day. 
“Remember, we have to keep this a secret.”
Alessia’s just slipped on her shoes when you remind her of the promise you made her make before taking her to your place after practice today. Lia had gone out with Leah for some light shopping, giving you all the time you needed to sneak Alessia in to see the new addition to your family. 
Something you and Lia agreed on when you first adopted Bear was keeping him a secret for the time-being. Of course there was no worry of the girls treating him poorly, all of your teammates being such dog-lovers, but what worried you guys was the possibility of not having another moment of peace and time alone once they all found out about him. 
So for the past two weeks both of you keep quiet about Bear. What the girls don’t know about won’t hurt them. 
But then there was Alessia. Ever since her move from Manchester she’s just seemed a little off, a little sad. She’s been spending a lot of time with Steph and Calvin to keep her spirits up, so when you adopted Bear it was a no-brainer who your first guest would be. 
So yes, maybe you lied through your teeth when you promised your girlfriend to wait a month before introducing anyone to him. But a month was a long time and you were just dying to confide in someone about your new son.
Alessia nods, pinky hooking around yours. “Just between you and me.”
It is decidedly not kept just between you and her.
Alessia’s got an apologetic look on her face when you run into her and a very gleeful Victoria after practice the next day. The way they’re standing by your spot in the nearly empty locker room makes you think they’ve been waiting for you to finish up.
You eye the two of them with suspicion. “Lessi. Vic. What can I do for you?”
Alessia does a quick scan of the room before deciding it’s empty enough to have this conversation. She leans in close to you, lowering her voice.
“I know you said it was just between us,” she starts, hands nervously wringing together.
“Alessia,” you groan, knowing exactly what she’s going to tell you before she does.
“The Dutch can be very convincing!” Alessia looks absolutely terrified. Of you or Victoria, you’re not really sure.
“I can be very convincing,” Victoria echos, not looking ashamed in the slightest. She gives you a wide grin before hooking an arm through yours. “Now what’s this I hear about a new addition to your family?”
You thank the stars that Lia’s gone to get her nails done with some of the other girls. 
You sigh. “Do you want to go in my car or yours?”
You’re not quite sure how you got here. Here being your living room, surrounded by most of the younger players on the team, superseded only by the likes of Kim, Cloé, and Jen. 
Alessia and Kyra are engaging Bear in a game of tug-o-war, Victoria egging them on while the rest of you, the older players and Lotte, are chilling with a couple of drinks. The air is light as you quietly joke around, basking in the feel of a small team get-together. 
You don’t really remember why Lia couldn’t be home today, but you ran with it, quickly inviting Alessia over. Only inviting Alessia apparently meant inviting Victoria which meant inviting Kyra which meant… well you get the point. Suddenly you were housing seven football players when you initially only intended for one. The only upside was that the girls all brought over food and drinks so who were you to turn them away?
You’re so caught up in conversations and laughs that you don’t hear the sound of the key turning in the lock. Nor the opening of said door. Or the confused murmur at all of the shoes by the door. 
What you do hear is your full name coming out of a voice you’ve come to associate with love and warmth. Only the sound of her voice tonight is followed by your heart sinking to the bottom of your gut. 
Spinning around you come face to face with an unamused Lia, arms crossed as she looks on at the sight of the living room. Alessia instantly lets go of the rope, sending Kyra flying when Bear pulls with all of his might. The Australian grumbles out some swear words as Bear sits up proudly, toy hanging loosely in his jaws. He trots over to Lia, tail thumping in excitement at the sight of her. 
“Lia, babe, it’s not what it looks like.”
Your girlfriend raises an eyebrow at you. “It looks like you invited people over to see Bear when we agreed not to.”
“Okay. It's exactly what it looks like.” There’s no point in denying what you both know is true. But that doesn’t mean you don’t try to deflect. “But it’s all Lessi’s fault!”
Alessia lets out a cry of dismay. “Is not! You’re the one who invited me over!”
“I wasn’t the one who invited everyone else now was I?”
The striker looks ready to argue, but whatever she’s going to say is interrupted when another familiar but unexpected figure comes flying in behind Lia. 
“I’m ready to see my favorite little pookie bea--” Leah breaks off when she sees the crowd of women already in your living room. Her feet come to a skidding stop, eyes darting between you and your girlfriend. 
“Oh hey, (Y/N). I didn’t realize you were going to be here…” Her eyes sweep the room. “Or half the team either.”
“Right.” Your lip pinches into a line, a sinking suspicion that you’re being played by your girlfriend. “And what pray tell are you doing here, Leah?” Though the question is directed towards your vice captain, your eyes never leave your girlfriend’s. 
Leah’s eyes also dart towards Lia, the defender not quite sure what to say or do. 
Your girlfriend on the other hand has suddenly found your dog very interesting, hands planted firmly in his fur as she avoids all eye-contact. 
“You’re such a hypocrite!” you laugh, pulling your girlfriend into your arms. Leave it up to Lia to try to sneak people in to see Bear just like you have been. Between you sneaking girls in when Lia’s gone and Lia sneaking in others while you’ve been out, there’s no telling how many Arsenal girls have already been by to see him. 
It isn’t until nearly thirty minutes later, when you and Lia have already laughed off your apparent inability to keep Bear to yourselves that Leah breaks the peace. 
“So I shouldn’t tell Beth to come over?” Leah whispers to the Swiss girl, albeit a bit too loudly. 
An offended sounding gasp escapes your lips, tilting your head to meet Lia’s embarrassed gaze. 
“You told me you only told Leah!”
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Ilysm but unfortunately I have some angst, sorryyyyy. Would you do how the Bachelors would react to the farmer maybe ghosting them? It could have a happy ending, though. (I live to torture myself with angst 😳) Tyyyy
I love you too which is why I apologize in advance for this lmao cause it’s all hurt no comfort I’m sorry! I love angst so much, maybe I’ll do another version when I have more energy with a happy ending!
You ghost the bachelors
He doesn’t have many people who support him to begin with, so when you came around and spent so much time with him? He was thrilled
He often awaited for when you would step into his beach house for your daily visit, often carrying little gifts for him, once a bouquet
But now, he holds the wilted bouquet you had asked Leah to give to him for you, a note attached that simply says who it’s from. No reason attached
His heart is breaking as he closes his front door, an apologetic look from Leah the last thing he sees before he’s on the floor, back to the door sobbing into his hands
He had loved you so much, with such a raging passion and zero regard for anyone else, why had you suddenly decided he wasn’t enough?
Why didn’t you come and explain your reasonings yourself instead of sending someone else in your place?
He tried to find you, to talk to you but it was as if you were avoiding his every attempt, turning around and leaving if you saw him at the saloon, avoiding the beach unless absolutely necessary to see willy
He couldn’t fathom what he had done so wrong for you to treat him this way, needles to say he isn’t going to be jumping headfirst into any relationship any time soon
How could you do this to my man, my love, my sweet sad chicken man?
He always thought it was to good to be true, that someone as beautiful and vibrant as you would waltz into his life and make his days infinitely better even when he tried to push you away in the beginning
You stayed by his side on some of his darkest days, he could hardly believe when you gave him a bouquet
Now it’s like the world is crashing down around him, the withered bouquet in his hands, you had taped it to his door, not even facing him in person to deliver the blow
He tried to convince himself that it wasn’t really happening, that you wouldn’t just ghost him like this
But then you were avoiding him around town, no longer stopping on his way to work to chat
You wouldn’t answer the door when he would go to the farm to see you, wouldn’t visit marnies shop if you knew he would be home
He had a mermaid pendent in his bedside drawer that he had intended on giving to you on your three year anniversary which had been just a few days later
Spends a lot of his nights sobbing in bed because you broke his heart
Good luck to anyone else who tries to build a relationship with him because now he’s more guarded then before
His days were finally full of color and laughter when you were around, but now it’s a dark grey sea and he feels like he’s drowning all over again
He had been out talking to rusty when you had snuck into his house and left the wilted bouquet on his bed, a note attached that said who it was from
Found the wilted bouquet when he had gone in to get some lifting done for the day, he’s never experienced a panic attack prior but he certainly is now
The note has no explanation as to why you’ve decided to tear his heart to shreds like this, and not even with the decency to do it face to face
Goes straight to the farm to ask why you’ve done this, but you aren’t there. Robin who was building you a coop at the time said you were in the mines, but Alex can see the lights on in the farmhouse
You don’t answer the door when he knocks, he scribbles a little note down and slips it under the door, asking what he did and if he can fix it
He never gets an answer, spends the rest of his night to sad in bed to even think about weight lifting
Once again throws all his focus into becoming a professional gridby player, no time for friends or relationships, he needs the distraction so he doesn’t just sit around and cry about you all day
You were the first person he ever thought he could love romantically, after watching his parent’s relationship fall apart he hadn’t believed in love but you changed that
And now he doesn’t believe again
Mans a whole golden retriever energy baby why would you do this
Everything was going great in the relationship with you, or so he thought
Because if it was actually going as well as he had thought, he wouldn’t be looking at the wilted bouquet sitting atop his guitar with nothing but your name scribbled on this little note
His eyes are filling with tears immediately, trying to think of anything he might have said or done to upset you recently
Trying to think about why you hadn’t done this in person, why hadn’t you given a reason
Writes you a letter asking why and what was happening, why hadn’t you said something sooner if you were unhappy
You never respond, it seems as if you’ve made yourself disappear all together to him
Your never home when he try’s to visit, you don’t go to the saloon on Friday nights anymore, his friends don’t know what happened either because you don’t talk about him to them
He’s so sad and he doesn’t know what he’s done, he just wanted to be the best he could be for you but now he can’t even do that
He found the wilted bouquet on his motorcycle one evening when he was going to go for a drive to the cliffs that overlook zuzu city
He had wanted to bring you with him but from what he’s gathered from the evidence in front of him, your not going to be going
He doesn’t really blame you, he knows he’s probably not the best you can do but that doesn’t make it sting any less
Rides out to the cliffs where he can have a nice little breakdown in private
He does want answers though, so he spends almost two weeks trying to track you down, to no avail
It’s almost like your avoiding him on purpose, you never visit robins shop if you know he’s home, don’t visit sams when you know they have practice, you avoid him at all the festivals
He’s hurt, it took a lot of convincing for him to open up to you and now you’ve gone and closed yourself off from him
Lays awake a lot contemplating what could have gone wrong, but he never does get an answer about it
Man, stepping out of his office for a quick breather and having Maru hand him a box addressed from you was a surprise
You don’t often leave packages for him, he takes it back with him and is shocked and saddened to see it’s a wilted bouquet with no explanation as to why you’ve decided to do this
Underneath it is all the little gifts he’s given you over the course of your relationship together
His hands are shaking as he sets it down, he doesn’t understand what’s gone wrong
Closes his office for the rest of the day and sulks in his apartment, tries to call you but you don’t answer
You avoid your annual check up that you had scheduled for a few days later, calling Maru and telling her you’d be in grumpleton then so you’d just have the check up there
He can never seen to catch you when your out and about either to try and get an answer as to why you’ve broken his heart with such little regard for his feelings
He’s had a hard time opening up to people and small talk makes him quite nervous so it had taken so long to break down his walls and then you’ve just abandoned him?
He spends weeks trying to pick apart every interaction you’ve had, trying to figure out where it could have gone wrong, what he could have done to prevent this outcome
In the end he’s left with no answers and a hold in his heart where his love for you use to consume and keep him warm
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Hi leah! I just found your strictly scandalous drabbles and I am panting! Woof! If you are taking requests, could you write a sequel to bob x reader x hangman polaroid one? The little hint at something more at the very end has me on my tippy toes !
I also loved the hungman one btw 😘
Ah yes, the much anticipated sequel to this bad boy. Please I beg you 🙏 save me from hell.
“You’re fucking kidding me.” Bob had sat you down in the shared living room of the dorms on base when he broke the news that Jake had not only gone through his stuff, but he’d stolen the polaroids of you. “Bob! We have to get them back!” You stood to your feet, panic rushing through your body as your heart raced in embarrassment–but when you actually went to leave? Bob was gripping at your wrist pulling you back down into his lap. “What are you doing? We have to get them back before–”
“I already got them back.” Bob admitted and you felt an instant wave of relief wash over you. “But not in exchange for nothing.” He couldn't even look at you, couldn't face you when Bob had to tell you what he’d agreed to in order to get your pictures back. He wasn't proud of it, but it seemed like the most tolerable idea out of the several options Hangman had given him.
“What don't I know–?” You asked softly, tipping Bob chin up so he’d face you, look you in the eye and hopefully tell you something that wasn't gut churning or hard to hear. “Bob honey, it's okay–you can tell me.”
“Hangman wants to watch next time I take pictures of you.” It physically stung when Bob had told you what the exchange had been. “And I said yes because out of everything he suggested it was the most mundane of them all.”
“Having you take Boudoir Photographs of me doesn’t extend out to Jake fucking Seresin!” You hissed as you pushed yourself out of Bob's lap. “God are you kidding me, Robert!” Oh, fuck–he really was in trouble. Bob hadn’t been called Robert since his mother had schooled him last for not separating the whites from the darks when doing his laundry. “I'm not some commodity that can be traded! I'm a person, with real fucking feelings and I'm not comfortable with this!”
“Before you rip Bob's head off–” Jake's voice echoed through the living room as he leaned on the wall, arms crossed over his chest. How long had he been watching? “He wasn't all that up for sharing either.”
“Get the fuck out of here Hangman before I break your fucking nose.” It wasn't a threat Jake took lightly as he approached you slowly, holding his hands up in surrender. “And how fucking dare you take those pictures! They weren't yours!” It was more embarrassment than anything taking–because deep deep down? There was something so hot about the fact Jake had taken them. It wasn't to anger Bob or piss you off–although they were added bonuses. Jake took the polaroids because he thought you were incredibly attractive for someone he thought had never touched a man in her entire life.
“Can you really blame me?” Hangman taunted as he stood toe to toe with you, tilting your chin up to match his gaze as he looked down on you slightly. “My favorite was the one of you in the men's locker room getting off with the shower head–bet I could do a better job if you gave me the chance?” You couldn’t fucking breathe, there was no way Jake was doing this right in front of Bob. “I bet Bob here wouldn't mind taking a pretty little picture of you withering away under my touch.”
“I said you could be present, I didn't say you could touch her Seresin.” That's when Bob stood up, stepping between you two as he came to your defense. “That's the deal, you’d sit in the corner and keep your mouth shut, that's what we agreed on.”
“How’s about it Vee?” Jake grinned as he waited for you to agree. “How about a front-row seat?” It wasn't that you were okay with it entirely, perhaps you needed a few nights to sleep on it–but there really was a part of you that found it fucking hot that Jake was so obsessed with you he wanted to see what went on behind closed doors when Bob did an x-rated Boudoir shoot with you.
“You can look but you can't touch.” That's all Hangman needed to put his plan to fuck you into place. Grinning ear to ear as he stuck his hand out for you to shake.
When the day had finally come–Jake stayed true to his word. Well, for the most part anyway. For the first half of the shoot, he watched with a hard on the the size of Mt fucking Evertest as you touched yourself, clad in Bob’s pick of lingerie. The more you thought about it? The more you tolerated the idea when you thought about being in lingerie–not completely exposed.
“That’s nice baby– touch your neck for me, yeah?” Bob instructed you as you spread your legs a little more as you held the pretty black vibrator against your lingerie-clad clit. Choking yourself as Bob zoomed in–capturing you for all you were worth as he laid flat on the carpet of his dorm. Snapping away. “Just like that, wanna see you cum.”
For the most part, you could ignore Hangman's presence as he sat on Bob's bed, completely entranced by your beauty as you softly moaned out Bob’s name and worked yourself towards an orgasm just so he could take a pretty picture of the moment and keep it forever.
“Can I suggest something?” Jake's voice nearly startled you as he slid off Bob's bed, crawling towards you before dragging you forward by your ankles so he could slide in behind you. “Don't worry, I'm not trying any funny business Bobby boy, just trying to help you capture the moment.”
“Make it quick–” You groaned as you shuffled forward a little more as Jake slid in beside you. “I was really close.”
“Trust me.” was all Hangman growled as he keeled behind you, pulling you back by your shoulders so your back was flush against his thighs. You could feel his hard-on pressing against the back of your neck. “Do you trust me, Vee?” You wanted to say fuck no–but you found yourself nodding as you went back to working the vibrator against your swollen core as Jake wrapped his hand around your neck. His exposed lower abdomen was barely in the shot as your jaw slacked and Bob took the shot.
“That looks awesome, Jake–just cup her breast really gently for me.” You’d tuned out to what the reality of the situation was. Your boyfriend was directing Jake fucking Seresin to touch you in ways you never wanted another man to touch you. But coming from Bob? It felt so right, it felt so powerful and it felt so good as Jake slid his hand down the valley of your chest–doing exactly what Bob had instructed.
“Like this?” Jake cooed as he squeezed over the top of your lingerie–making you shiver under his touch as you turned up the power on your vibrator.
“Perfect–” Bob was being extra careful not to capture Jake's face in any of the polaroids that fell from the bottom of his camera. “Stay like that until Y/n cums.” Jake tightened his grip on your throat as you tensed up, your breathing had increased to something beyond rapid as you coaxed yourself towards a high. “Come on baby, you look so pretty–doesn't she Hangman?”
“Just the prettiest.” It had surely been the praise that sent you over the edge. As Jake and Bob tandomed praising you with sweet nothings you felt yourself giving over to the tsunami that was your orgasm. Bob was laser focused as he captured you in the state you were in— your jaw slack as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Thighs trembling.
“Ohhhhh fffuuuggghhhh—“ You sounded like an angel, Jake swore he’d never heard a more beautiful sound. Arousal dripped from your cunt, seeping into your panties as you collapsed into Hangman who shared a look with Bob who just shrugged and continued taking photos. As much as he hated to admit it? Bob was capturing you in a way he’d never seen before and it was turning him on to new extremes.
“So, I have another idea—if you're down?” Unbeknownst to you and Bob, this had been Jake's plan all along. To wiggle his way into the picture just enough to take over and manipulate the situation in his advantage.
He wanted his own Polaroids of you—not that he hadn't taken photos of the ones he originally stole from Bob on his phone. He’d never jerked off to someone as perfect as you. He’d admit Robert Floyd was a lucky man but fuck he didn’t know how to handle a woman like you—no way no how.
Not only did Jake want his only Polaroids of you, but he wanted to taste you, he wanted to fuck you. He wanted to show you just what he could do to you—but he needed to crawl before he could run.
It was an experience you thought you’d never be able to check off your 2023 bingo card—Bob was positioning you just right. His hands guided yours to where he wanted them.
“So good for me baby, just want you to look up at Jake with those doe eyes I know you’ve got yeah?”
“Like what you see darlin?” Jake taunted as he looked down at you, you were down on your knees for him. As he beamed a shit eating grin at you—the grip his hand had in your hair only tightened to pull a reaction right out of you.
“Ahhh—“ You hissed as Jake twitched in your hand, you were palming him off through his boxer briefs. Again, Bob saw no identifying features of you nor Jake for only a few shots. He was preemptively preparing for the conversation he knew he’d be having after this was over. Jake would want his own polaroids. If Bob had the share Jake wasn’t getting any with your face in it. Or his for that matter. “Kinda feels like you like what you see too.”
“Vee, I’m fucking mesmerised.” Jake was honest as you slowly but surely slipped your hand into his briefs. Bob snapped away as he surged you through whatever thought process you were having.
“Nice baby, whatever you wanna do I’m okay with—so long as you’re comfortable.” You knew things would be complicated after this, but your inner self wasn’t holding you back. You wanted to explore, experience whatever this was that was being handed to you on a silver platter.
“Yeah Vee, so long as you're comfortable.” Looking up at Hangman through your lashes, you kissed up the side of his shaft. It drew an audible groan that was so deep and prolonged from the depths of his chest out of him. “Shit, you know what you’re doing after all.”
As you shifted your lips to wrap around Jake's tip, Bob kept snapping away, he’d surely be out of film soon—but he wasn’t missing a single moment of this. Perhaps he was into Voyeurism, because he’d never been so hard before. Palming himself off while he took polaroid after Polaroid if you sucking Jake Seresin off.
“Uuhhh fughh Y/n you nasty little bitch.” Jake had accepted the fact this might be all he gets tonight, not wanting to push the limit too far. He’d play his cards right and reel you into the idea of fucking him eventually. With or without Bob present. But for now? He’d settle for the way you were taking him inch by inch into your throat. Gaging as he shoved himself a little further down with a little force.
“Watch it Seresin, that’s still my girl you’ve got your hands on there.” Bob warned from behind his camera as you pulled away with a gasp. Teary eyed and a string of saliva connecting your lips to Jake's tip.
“Just such a pretty little mouth, I couldn’t help myself.” Jake winked as he tilted your chin upwards. “You aren’t gonna not finish me off are you?” He raised the question and you remained silent, not wanting to give Hangman the satisfaction of a verbal answer. Instead you just took him back in your mouth. Bobbing your head and hollowing your cheeks as you worked to suck him dry. “Ahhh yes that’s right Vee, suck my fucking cock.”
Bob was growing increasingly concerned that this was getting a little out of hand. As he snapped his last polaroid, he looked up and saw he was nearly out of film.
“I’m outta film Hangman, sessions over—“
“God, give me like ten more seconds.” He groaned as he took control of your head, his hands cupping your cheeks and fisting into your hair as he face fucked you. Gags echoing off the walls before a final primal moan escaped Jake as he pulled out and held your head back, jerking off to paint your face.
Bob just couldn’t resist using his last snap on such a sight. God you looked so pretty. Coated in cum.
“Come by my dorm with a few of those will ya Bobby?” Jake asked as he leaned in to lick a strip of his load from your cheek. “And make sure you call me when you actually wanna fuck Darlin.”
#Strictlyscandalous Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
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trans-axolotl · 6 months
tagged by @librarycards to share my nine favorite books I've read this fall!
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance by Rashid Khalidi
Disability Politics and Theory by AJ. Withers.
Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze
What Can a Body Do? How We Meet the Built World by Sara Hendren.
Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis
Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoir by Kai Cheng Thom
Nobody Needs to Know: A Memoir by Pidgeon Pagonis
Black Madness :: Mad Blackness by Therí Alyce Pickens (Technically read this before the fall as well but reread it again and it's so good I wanted to put it on the list!)
The Future is Disabled by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
I also feel like I read a lot of really meaningful articles + interviews + poems this fall, so I'm also going to add my top nine short form pieces that I read as well.
Out of My Hands: A musician in prison pines for his bass. by David Annarelli.
Diaries of Blood: The secret artists within Israeli detention facilities. by Eman Al-Astal.
Notes on Craft: Writing in the Hour of Genocide by Fargo Nissim Tbakhi
Ableism Enables All Forms of Inequity and Hampers All Liberation Efforts by George Yancy interviewing Talila A. Lewis
Occupied Land is an Access Issue: Interventions in Feminist Disability Studies and Narratives of Indigenous Activism by Jess L. Cowing
Perfect Storm: A time to refrain from embracing by Richard Hunsinger.
Sick4Sick by torrin a. greathouse
Fuck Your Lecture on Craft, My People are Dying by Noor Hindi
Languaging Memory by leena aboutaleb
tagging anybody else who wants to! too tired to tag individual people, sorry.
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whatwouldmickeydo · 1 year
✨ Tag game Tuesdayyyyyy ✨
Wahey look at me being active and present! Thank you Macy 😘😘 @celestialmickey
I’m combining this one with the previous Tag Game Tuesday since I didn’t actually do that one 🙈
Thanks for the tag beloveds @metalheadmickey (and @vintagelacerosette @heymrspatel @squidyyy23 for the precious tag game 😋)
Here’s what you missed on…
Name: Leah
Age: 148 in cat years
Where are you from originally?: Le garden state
Your go-to coffee, tea, or soda of choice: oat milk latte plz ☕️
Your comfort film: The Princess Bride 😋
How many siblings do you have?: ☝️
If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would it be?: Iceland plz!
Last song you listened to: Ain’t No Sunshine by Bill Withers 🌞
Do you believe in aliens?: I want to believe
What about ghosts?: Hmm ask again later
It’s 2am. you can’t sleep. you get up to get a snack. what is it: A cheese stick
and finally, share something you’ve done/made recently that you’re proud of: after many many (many) moons, I am finally 95% finished with the next chapter of Tender Hearts and very excited to share with you all ✨
And now for this week!
name: leah
when is your birthday?: september 27
favorite social media platform outside of tumblr?: instagram, i am a basic b
do you wear makeup?: sometimes, more often than not. but i love playing with eyeshadows and lipsticks so also yes
favorite board game?: does connect four count as a board game?
do you have any tattoos?: oui oui i have five
which of the seven deadly sins would you say you struggle with the most?: i am a gluttonous whore
best vacation you’ve ever been on?: either italy or amsterdam
how do you get around town?: driving ‘round town with the girl i love and i’m like -
describe your vibe in three words: silly, open minded, loving
share a song rec: put a flower in your pocket by the arcs
tagging some sweet fruit cocktails 🍹 @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @gardenerian @whatthebodygraspsnot @iansfreckles @energievie @howlinchickhowl @squidyyy23 @mishervellous @creepkinginc @abundanceofnots @smokey-mickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @vintagelacerosette @highqualitymercy @chokey-mickey @unbridgeabledistances @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @y0itsbri
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mortemhq · 28 days
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MORTEMHQ is a highly canon divergent and alternate universe harry potter next generation rp. we are 21+, appless, and based on tumblr. the fate of the wizarding world was altered forever upon voldemort’s victory during the second war. england withers in the shadow cast by his rule. how far will you go for what you believe in?
[ PLEASE NOTE ] this rp is staunchly anti jkr. we do not support her or her beliefs in any way, and anyone who does is not welcome here.
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[ . . . ] read our full plot.
[ . . . ] review our guidelines.
[ . . . ] find out who is taken.
[ . . . ] check out our mw tag.
[ . . . ] see our full navigation.
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[ THE ADMINS ARE . . . ] ⸻ online. offline. lurking.
[ ROLEPLAY STATUS ] ⸻ open for interactions as of 5/28.
[ CURRENT EVENT ] ⸻ the rescue mission.
[ RESERVATIONS & APPLICATIONS ] ⸻ under the cut.
all reservations last 48 hours unless an extension is requested.
greyback semi canon (jessie mei li) for admin sarah rose granger-weasley (taylor russell) for leah scorpius malfoy for eden logan lerman for sol
travers semi canon (cody christian)
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leah-the-lioness · 1 year
Rules And OC Info
Please respect the mun's boundaries. Do not beg for rps, as it will only earn you a block.
No smut on this blog, ever.
There will be violence on this blog, but I will be sure to tag it appropriately. If there is something you want tagged, please let me know. I will gladly tag them accordingly.
Please specify which verse you want to rp with in the asks, or I will not reply. I need to know which verse, or if you want, you can let me decide it for you at random if you want.
Please do not force a reply from me. It will earn you an automatic block.
This is a side blog. Likes and follows will be from my main @fantasy-writing-and-more
About the characters and Glamrock Leah’s are in the pizzaplex under the cut
About the characters:
Leah is a lioness animatronic and a rejected character of the main cast. She appeared between the events of FNAF 1 and 4. She was built not too long after Fredbear's closed. She was built haphazardly in a rush to compete against Showbiz Pizza after the bite of '83 after the King Kat animatronic was introduced.
It was clear she was built to fail from the start. She is powered by hydraulics. There is a small hydraulic pump in her chest that tends to fail at random, causing her to fail or essentially faint on stage.
She was put into storage and left to rot. She had developed a fear of Freddy over the years. She was used to test new technology, including the facial recognition for the toy animatronics before the events of FNAF 2. She has a long tail, long as she is tall. Her tail is 5'5 long, exact. She is 5'5 tall.
Gabriel is only for the Security Breach verse. He is a toddler sized lion cub animatronic. He's often seen in Leah's special area or seen roaming around the pizzaplex after hours. He's capable of recharging via USB port. He has a tuft of hair on top of his head along with speckles on top of his head and on his back. He matches Leah's colors, wearing orange to match her outfit. He's essentially the embodiment of a mischievous lion cub.
Fnaf 1 Verse: Leah has two options. She can be in her prime in her first body or stuck in storage.
While she was in her prime she was yellow in color with four sharp teeth; two on the top jaw and two on the bottom jaw. She was experimental in her design, allowing Henry some extra creative freedom in building her. The “hair” on her head is dark brown in color and is just a little bit past her shoulders. The employees found her hair to be a pain to brush and clean. Her eyes are bright green on color. She has a light pink nose similar to that of a cat’s, and her ears have a bright pink fabric lining the inside of her ears. They’re able to move independently, allowing her to listen in different directions. However, her most outstanding feature by far is her tail, which is long as she is tall, a whopping 5’5. Henry never gave a straight answer as to why he added that feature.
In her withered state, it’s a much more different story. This goes for the FNAF 2 verse as well.
She’s in horrendous condition, possibly worse than Foxy. The fabric that makes up her shell is shredded and ripped, exposing the internal mechanisms. She finds it difficult to move and speak, so she may need assistance. On occasion, she may be missing parts due to another incident with an animatronic. She has since developed a fear of one of the animatronics as a result. She has developed abandonment issues. She’s a lot more emotionally unstable in this state, feeling like everything was all her fault and not understanding what she did wrong, if she did anything wrong at all.
Preservation Verse: She has two options here. Her withered state, as described above, and her restored state.
In her restored state, she appears the exact same as the FNAF 1 verse during her prime. However, her hydraulic pump has since been fixed. She’s commonly seen around the daycare. This is the first time her being able to be ridden by young children is implemented. She has a bar between her shoulders that children can grab onto so they can ride on her when she walks (or runs) on all fours. She may or may not be able to carry adults on her back. No one has tested it yet.
Glamrock Verse: I have provided images for her in this verse. Credit to Hero Forge.
She still has the metal bar on her back between her shoulders and is still a rideable animatronic.
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Here’s another one for Gabriel. Credit again to Hero Forge.
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FNAF 1 Verse:
The original version of Leah, can be either performing in stage or put into storage. She is terrified of Freddy for some unknown reason. Could there be a reason she's so terrified of him? No one knows. Only one way to find out.
FNAF 2 Verse:
You think Foxy was in the worst shape for the withered animatronics? Wrong. Leah was left to rot for years and continuously and mysteriously ripped apart again and again ever night. Perhaps someone is tormenting her? She's much more reclusive and quiet than before. She now fears Toy Freddy too. Seems there's a pattern.
FNAF Security Breach Verse:
Leah had finally been discovered deep beneath the pizzaplex. Her memories and programming had been transferred to her new body. She was given a new area, and a son to watch over. She's programmed to be a mother, including to visiting children.
She has a few features that were.. questioned by engineers, but were given the green light regardless. Her claws are able to sheathe and unsheathe, and are incredibly sharp. It was listed under the guise of a security bot, but no one really knows why she was given such a feature, as well as the ability to climb vertically, and cling to ceilings. Yet again, she's terrified of Freddy, not knowing this one is different. She too wears orange to match with her son, Gabriel. She had been given long brown hair typical with the 80's fashion trends.
She's extremely protective of children, and seems to know something about the franchise's history.
Description of Glamrock Leah’s Area:
Her area is somewhere between the main attractions like Monty Golf and Fazerblast, but a bit further away from them as it’s meant to be a more calm place. It features a scavenger hunt, story time, and arts ‘n crafts. It’s a large area themed around a jungle. Fake trees tower guests and reach the ceiling which has a LED display that follows real time. There’s a chance random events are programmed into the lights and sound system, specially a thunderstorm or rainfall accompanied by the sounds of various animals. There are vines draped across the trees and act as cozy string lights shaped like fireflies. Every few trees or so have twinkling lights to simulate fireflies in the trees.
There’s a brown path, symbolizing dirt that leads to the base of a massive tree with steps or an elevator that leads to a treehouse. A playground is built into the base of the tree and if anyone is brave enough, they can use the slide that starts from the tree house and goes swirls around the tree several times before meeting the soft padding beneath. Next to the tree, is a rock half the height of the tree holding the tee house. This is where Leah performs and keeps a watchful eye over everything in her area. This includes a built in wireless charging station. All she has to do is rest on it and recharge that way.
The interior of the tree house is just as cozy as the rest of her area. It has a few pieces of furniture matching the theming of the area including a couple sofas shaped like giant tree leaves. There are more vines acting as string lights that give off a soft and gentle light, giving the treehouse a warm and welcoming vibe. There’s a table in the center built to look like part of the tree with appropriately themed chairs. In the left corner is a charging area for Gabriel, hidden behind a door meant to look like his bedroom. In the right corner is a cozy nook where stories are told by Leah or Gabriel. There are numerous cushions around the chair in this little nook. It’s possible there’s a few books revolving her and Gabriel that children can read on their own. These are available to purchase in the gift shop.
Movie Verse: In the movie, she would be a prototype animatronic and would reside in parts and service. She never made it to the stage as the company ran out of funds to put her on stage.
She runs on the same power system as the other animatronics, but she is not haunted by any of the children’s spirits. She sees and hears them, but they never take over her. She’s grown to become rather fond of the ghost children, offering them comfort as best she can. She is relatively gentle, but can become dangerous at the drop of a hat, becoming dangerous in the extreme. She’s capable of moving around on all four limbs, but only when running. This makes her nearly as fast as Foxy.
She’s extremely protective of children and probably would have helped Mike throughout the movie. She has likely seen the missing children’s incident unfold and has tried to warn the children about him, only to be threatened to be dismantled , which promptly made her shut her mouth. The best she can do is provide the ghost children and any children that may wander in, some comfort as much as she can. She remains a rideable animatronic for anyone brave enough to climb onto her back
Movie Verse:
In the movie verse, Leah is an extra animatronic that never made it to the stage. She's currently in storage in parts and service, but she can leave the room as she pleases. She has only performed a handful of times during tests before the pizzeria was closed down. She was one of the lucky ones, avoiding becoming possessed.
Her AI is advanced enough to almost seem human, yet she's still learning about the world around her. Think of her as a curious child learning new things every day, yet it seems she knows quite a bit about the history of this place . She picked up on the fact that the others are occupied by the spirits of children and has taken it upon herself to watch over the children, like a caretaker. She's quite fond of them as well as children in general.
She's gentle but not harmless, ready to defend at a moment's notice. Like an actual lioness, she would not hesitate to put herself on the line to protect those close to her or any children in her presence.
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
They were gonna find out anyway...
Crystal Leww: When I was in high school, I went over to a friend's house to work on a school project together, and she put on "Ms. New Booty" by Bubba Sparxxx. As teenagers, we were absolutely shrieking at that chorus, just like jumping up and down, hyped up on 7-11 Big Gulp soda. It is still one of the most viscerally funny, goofiest, most unserious things I've ever heard in music. I hope that feeling that I bottled up and hold dear to my heart even today is what what teens today felt the first time they heard "my coochie pink, my bootyhole brown!" [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: It was the pound heard 'round the town, and Sexyy Red became an instant star. It's easy to see why: she's having a total blast here while rapping with minimal effort, in a regular talking cadence. She lets out a laugh or two, throws in casual ad-libs, and says some of the most memorable lines of the year. Kanye talking about bleached assholes was always unrelatable; finally, a bootyhole song for the people. [7]
Ian Mathers: Look, I enjoy my trips to Pound Town as much as the next person, I just have some questions about how the Pound Town tourism board is spending their budget. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: This has been Sexyy Red's year, as last year was GloRilla's year, as last year was Doja Cat's year, as last year was Megan Thee Stallion's year, as last year was Cardi B's year... can we just let them all share the next year? I'm really irritated by the way we hype up a new femme rapper for a year, praise them to the roof and back, then give up on them afterwards (remember Chika? Remember Saweetie? Remember Free JT? Remember Maliibu Miitch? Remember Treety? Remember Dreezy?) We let too many mid male rappers get the chance to drop and hog the discourse with either praise or condemnation and seem to forget that women rappers are just as diversely populated and are good as hell. (REMEMBER CUPCAKKE!!!??) I can't even be too positive about this song cuz I know what happened to literally everybody who we were like, "they so good omg we love them, twerking on the runway" -- not doing that shit this year. All you folks pissed about Yachty making Tame Impala Feeding Music use that anger to engage with the next Rapsody album instead. And "Hellcats SRTs" is the actual best song Sexyy Red has ever done, but it's not as memeable. Fuck this. [9]
Alfred Soto: Wary of stanning for female rap artists who wield vulgarity like an épée -- the fandom, depending on its expression, can look an awful lot like exoticizing -- I resisted Sexyy Red. Her conversational tone reminded me what I admire about the Everyperson anonymity of dance singers from Shannon and Bernard Sumner to Katy B and Peggy Gou. I've accepted "Pound Town." Now, about her embrace of Trump... [7]
Taylor Alatorre: "TRUMP TO CITY: DROP DEAD" [2]
Katherine St Asaph: Please note as you read this score that for our 2023 return, we have also re-curved the rating scale, and the YouTube comments are a [-10]. [0]
Leah Isobel: "Pound Town" works wonders as a comedy bit and as an introduction to Sexyy Red's charismatic delivery -- the way she tosses off That One Line and then audibly starts giggling into the next is star power personified. I'm not sure it functions as well as a song as it does a meme, but that's what "SkeeYee" is for. [6]
Michelle Myers: Sexyy Red has better comedic timing than most professional comics. On "Pound Town," she's playful and winky, delivering unhinged lines about scouting Miami for hoochie daddies and exposing her cheating man (love u baby!). [7]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: "My coochie pink, my booty-hole brown" was the first line that made me laugh out loud. The rest of "Pound Town" is a treasure trove of deadpan punchlines, from the withering delivery of "I'm out here in Miami," to the feigned imperative of "come suck a bitch toes," to the fourth wall breaking of "I can't say his name, 'cause he be cheating." The Nicki remix, for what it's worth, is an [8]. [7]
Will Adams: Listening to a song shouldn't make me want to furiously smash Logic's nudge function to get the vocal to actually align to the beat. [2]
Jeffrey Brister: Somewhat less...technically complex than "WAP," but I value directness. There's a lot to be said about clever wordplay and all the other literary techniques you want to reference, but sometimes you just need to hear "come suck a bitch toes" and appreciate the simple beauty of being insanely and candidly horny. [7]
Thomas Inskeep: I've been known to enjoy filth, but you've gotta give me something to latch onto. Filth for the sake of filth is just sad. 2 Live Crew, for instance, were filthy, but they at least sounded like they were having fun. John Waters of course glorified in filth in his early work, and made it art. There's no fun or art in "Pound Town"; Sexyy Red just sounds bored and uninspired, like she's just waiting for this to catch on online so she can start cashing checks. I hope she invests well. [0]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Obnoxious! [8]
Jonathan Bradley: During his career peak, even while he was claiming to be the best alive, Jay-Z would often demur about whether he was actually a rapper. He didn't write anything down; he was a businessman; he would retire any minute now. This disengagement with the expectations of art, the notion that creativity might call someone to account and absorb them into a guild with traditions and limitations, has been resisted by other rappers since: Lil B, for instance, switching from Bay Area sneaker raps to rambling psychedelia or such MCs as Blueface or Teejayx6 severing the links between beat and flow. On "Pound Town," Sexyy Red reminds me of how Chicago drill icon Katie Got Bandz mumbled and smirked through her way through her rhymes, as if she were too dangerous to bother trying to be a rapper. Sexyy Red mumbles here, and cuts her lines off into short, simply rhymed taunts, as if she's too hot or maybe too horny to rap properly. She collapses into a giggle half way through some of these missives, switches to a playful sing-song for others, and breezily apologizes for almost giving away a man who's been sneaking around with her ("I love you baby!"). Despite the brooding piano-led beat, which approaches hook-ups the way Nas did paranoia home invasion in "Shoot Em 'Up," it's fun! Sexyy Red does what she wants; why would she bother putting in the effort of rapping properly? And even if "Pound Town" is more languid and less urgently anarchic than "Born By the River," and perhaps less insistent than "SkeeYee," it still has an important message about which parts of Sexyy Red are pink and which parts are brown. [8]
Brad Shoup: The textbook definition of "it ain't that deep". [8]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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wileys-russo · 7 months
this but with Leah who hates it when you are more than two feet away from her because she needs you right by her side + reader who is always getting sidetracked while shopping and stops everywhere driving her insane
sidetracked II l.williamson
"-and then on wednesday we have to..." leah trailed off as she realised you were no longer walking by her. she quickly turned around, bumping into various shoppers with mumbled apologies as she finally spotted you.
"oi! babe please stop dawdling." your girlfriend sighed, gesturing for you to follow her. "but look lee! new flavours." you pointed to the packets of two minute ramen that had caught your attention, leah swallowing the sarcastic remark which so badly wanted to be spat from her mouth.
"that's nice love. but we really need to get this done, your mums coming over for dinner remember?" leah forced a smile as you again joined her, the blondes hands grabbing the shopping basket off the floor as you resumed walking.
"how could i forget? you invited her without consulting me!" you huffed as you gave your girlfriend a withering side eye. "you ask my mum over all the time without consulting me!" leah argued back, nudging you along with her elbow as she noticed you start to become sidetracked by something on the shelves.
"its always while you're at training leah that doesn't count." you scoffed, grabbing a few packets of pasta at her request. "no! put them in properly." the blonde warned as you lingered behind her intending to toss them in like basketballs once she'd given you some distance to shoot.
"baby you are seriously no fun to go shopping with." you grumbled dumping the pasta into the basket as the older girl pinched you for the comment. "shopping is an errand it's not supposed to be fun love." leah chastised tiredly, again grabbing the back of your top and tugging you back up as you squatted down to read something.
"when you're in love everything can be made fun! lots of couples enjoy doing errands like shopping together, stroppy." you poked her sides as the taller girl scowled at you which only widened your smile of amusement, knowing very well how much leah detested grabbing groceries.
"what time's the match again on sunday?" you asked, the blonde still not playing but back in full training so you both knew it was only a matter of time. "well kick off's at four but i'd like to get there by three at the latest so i can watch the girls-" leah again stopped mid answer noticing you were no longer beside her.
spinning around she spotted you hunched over with your eyebrows furrowed, reading the cooking instructions on a box of taco shells. "in for ten and out for ten leah, you are calm and you will stay calm." leah closed her eyes and mumbled herself an affirmation as she made her way back toward you, her frustration levels rapidly rising.
"can you believe these only take two minutes to cook? i guess they're like giant corn chips after all." you shrugged, eyes still scanning the box before leah wordlessly took it out of your hands and put it back on the shelf.
she held out her hand again without a word as you took it, linking your fingers as you filled the silence with your usual chatter, your girlfriend humming every now and then as she continued to grab what was on your list.
"can you go and get a dozen eggs please sweets?" leah sighed, nodding toward the other end of the fridges as you ducked off to grab them. leah meanwhile stocked up ham, moaning in annoyance as her favorite brand was out and she'd need to trial another.
"oh for fuck sakes where's she gone now?" leah glanced to where she'd sent you, noticing eggs but a distinct lack of you as she hurried off with a groan.
she checked aisle after aisle, but still nothing, and with each one her irritation grew more and more.
until finally she saw the back of your head and charged toward you. hearing footsteps come closer you glanced up, a smile curling onto your lips seeing the blonde hurrying over.
"lee baby look they have-" you started as your girlfriend reached you, taking the eggs out of your hand before placing the basket on the ground. "what are you..." you frowned as she messed around with her keys which hung off her jeans.
"there! now, you can no longer be side tracked or run away." the taller girl hooked the two of you together by your belt loops using the carabiner on her keys. "i wasn't running away! i don't need this." you huffed as she fixed you with a stern glare normally only reserved for her team mates when in captain mode.
"leah this is ridiculous." you whined, trying to unhook it as she smacked your hands away. "considering it has taken us over an hour to grab about twenty things babe, yes you do." leah huffed, grabbing the basket in one hand and grabbing your own with her other, tugging you along with her as you smiled awkwardly to those giving you strange looks.
"leah this is embarrassing." you hissed, again trying to unhook the two of you as she once more smacked at your hands. "oh but babe are you forgetting something?" leah smirked as the two of you finally reached the check out counter.
"when you're in love everything can be made fun, no?"
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Character ask: Fan, Scrooge's sister (A Christmas Carol)
Tagged by anonymous
Favorite thing about them: Her warm, joyful, affectionate nature, and the love she gave Scrooge in his otherwise lonely childhood.
Least favorite thing about them: That so many adaptations leave her out, and especially that she's left out of The Muppet Christmas Carol. That movie would be even more perfect if only it included her visit to young Scrooge as his school, as well as a reference to their stern father to explain why young Scrooge never went home for Christmas.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm very affectionate to my loved ones.
*I love Christmas, especially with family.
*I love music, as it's implied that she did.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I don't have a brother.
*My father has always been a kind man.
*I haven't died young, leaving a son behind.
Favorite line: "Yes! Home, for good and all. Home, for ever and ever. Father is so much kinder than he used to be, that home’s like Heaven! He spoke so gently to me one dear night when I was going to bed, that I was not afraid to ask him once more if you might come home; and he said Yes, you should; and sent me in a coach to bring you. And you’re to be a man! and are never to come back here; but first, we’re to be together all the Christmas long, and have the merriest time in all the world.”
brOTP: Her brother Scrooge.
OTP: Her husband, Fred's father. Especially if he was as handsome as the actor who plays him in her deathbed scene in the 1951 film.
nOTP: See "brOTP."
Random headcanon: She suffered from chronic tuberculosis most of her life. (While I haven't seen it yet, it looks like the new animated movie Scrooge: A Christmas Carol makes this canon, as the trailer shows her collapsing in a coughing fit in her brother's arms.) This is what the Ghost of Christmas Past referred to when it described her as "Always a delicate creature, whom a breath might have withered." Fred's birth itself didn't kill her, but weakened her and hastened her death from her illness, much like what happens to Frances Earnshaw (who by coincidence shares her name – "Fan" would have been a nickname for "Frances") in Wuthering Heights.
Unpopular opinion: I wish adaptations would stop making her the older sibling, when in the book she's much younger than her brother, and stop making her more serious than Dickens made her. I have nothing at all against the gentle, nurturing young woman played by Carol Marsh in the 1951 film Scrooge, but she isn't the Fan described in the book: a little girl who, despite her physical frailty, has the same lively, joyful spirit as her future son Fred.
Song I associate with them: The folk song "Barbara Allen" (the melody only, not the lyrics), because the 1951 film so effectively uses it as her theme.
Favorite pictures of them:
This illustration by Charles Edmund Brock.
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Ira Stevens in the 1938 film.
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Carol Marsh in the 1951 film.
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The uncredited child actress from the musical Scrooge, 1970.
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Joanne Whalley in the 1984 TV film.
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Rosie Wiggins in the 1999 TV film.
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Leah Verity-White in A Christmas Carol: The Musical, 2004 (more shabbily dressed than the other Fans because of the changes this version makes to Scrooge's backstory).
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From Disney's 2009 CGI film (a cute little thing even if Robin Wright's attempt at a child voice isn't very convincing).
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