#with what the world needs from rtc
Ayo Footloose auditions today, wish me luck before I collapse
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dawningfairytale · 2 years
my favourite genre is characters forced to be in a musical and try to fight it but can’t and are shocked and terrified when they first start singing before succumbing
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katherines-howard · 2 years
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Day 72: RVJ Colorado Ocean attempting to take flight
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rainbow-sparks · 1 year
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squickkle · 1 year
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fetch me a coffee, shine my shoes / some of us are winners, some are born to lose!
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finleyforevermore · 10 months
Actually losing my mind over this HOW IS THE INSTRUMENTATION OF WTWN IN 2018 SO GOOD???
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safetymeeting · 10 months
whats a song that once u hear it that's it you cant think about anything else
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muddyorbsblr · 7 months
all will be alright in time [rtc what if…?]
'relinquish the crown' masterlist See my full list of works here!
Summary: Loki makes a realization about his role of keeping watch over the timelines when a branch slips from his grasp | sequel to 'bigger than the whole sky'
Pairing: Loki (God of Stories/Time) x Reader
Word Count: 6k [pls prep some drinkies & snacks before going in]
Warnings: 18+ | angst with a happy ending; some steamy moments at the end; this is the RTC universe so…themes of incest if you squint (he's adopted but still…); Loki S2 finale spoilers [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: no prior reading of RTC is required but reading 'bigger than the whole sky' is kind of required…
Dick-tionary: steamy moments (but no outright smut) starts at "We'll need it, my love." and ends at "Happy anniversary, my love"
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Time moved differently from where Loki sat, in his throne beyond space and time. It was as if he was simultaneously between two ticks of the clock and experiencing every moment to ever happen in every multiversal timeline all at once. He wouldn't be able to tell if two seconds or two millennia had passed since he bid you farewell.
All he knew was the routine he established. The one that functioned as his own form of a personal clock.
First he would choose one of the timelines at random, monitoring for any threats that could potentially be beyond the capabilities of that world's defenders. More often than not an iteration of Thor would be among that group, so he would check on the blond oaf as well.
In the timelines where his brother mourned him, he would send a snake or a black cat his way. The god's way to send a message. I miss you, too, Brother.
Then he would check on you within that timeline. He found that in a few of those lives you were not in league with his brother, but rather one of the innocents, living your life in a constant state of elevated awareness, anxiously waiting for the next invasion and preparing accordingly. In those lives, you found love with an echo of him. A hotel night manager. A decommissioned military tracker. Even a prince in some timelines. And in a few occasions, an actor.
After that he would check on your timeline. His final stop on his personal clock. Every time a slight anxiety would wash over him, wondering what he would find when he saw you this time.
The first few moons worth of visits he found you in bed, curled into a ball and clutching his pillow. You'd cried yourself to sleep, the disquiet showing on your features even in your slumbering state. You grieved long past what was customary in Asgard, seemingly returning to your wardrobe set in onyx fabric when in truth if one looked close enough it was truly set in the deepest emerald.
Grieving for the living. What a peculiar concept that ruled both your lives.
It was only after a year that you'd begun to re-integrate yourself into Asgard's society, most of your steps fumbling and truly only powering through with the support and occasional aid of your family, mainly Sif and Frigga. You'd made amends with Thor and Odin, apologizing for your behavior while you were under the effects of the spell that locked away your memories, telling them what you could of yours and Loki's story when you became ready.
Lately you'd been working on restructuring some lessons within the school curriculum, assuring that the information was kept up to date and refining where necessary. It gave the god a semblance of peace knowing that there was something that could finally occupy your mind that somewhat gave you some form of satisfaction.
With every cycle he checked on you the longest. Stayed with you until you were fast asleep.
After two years you visited Midgard, blending among the denizens of a town that still reverently worshipped the gods of Asgard and stayed with Loki's altar for a fortnight. You spoke with him as if he was right there in the sanctuary standing beside you, your hand still instinctively twitching to reach for his even after all the time that had passed.
Your last day on Midgard you placed an offering at the altar. Loki could have sworn his heart stopped beating for a good few moments once he caught sight of the gold wedding band laying atop the offering plate. "Husband, I know not if you can see or hear me, but I wanted you to have this. It's a Midgardian tradition, I know, but it's one that I was always quite fond of. To wear something on ourselves that could serve as a symbol of our love. Our fealty to one another. Had I not been under the spell's influence during our wedding I would have chosen to include this in our ceremony. This is the closest I will ever get to giving this to you, but I wanted you to have it regardless."
You placed your hands onto the altar, the god's air catching at the back of his throat and tears welling up in his eyes once he saw the matching gold band around your finger.
"I love you and I miss you desperately and always, my darling husband." You pressed your lips to the black and gold marble altar before walking away, keeping your head down to shield your tears.
It was possible that you'd assumed that the ring, similar to all other offerings on his and the neighboring altars, would either be swiped by a nameless faceless passerby or cleared away throughout the periodic tidying of the sanctuary. That it wouldn't even have crossed your mind that the moment that no eyes were on his altar, he'd conjured the ring over to him, and it was now worn on his finger for him to look upon fondly as he checked on you, pressing his lips to the gold band once you'd tucked yourself into bed for the night, hoping that somehow you would feel the message he was sending you through space and time.
Goodnight, little Princess. I shall see you again tomorrow.
In the years that had passed, you continued to work on various texts, constantly revising on parchments and going back and forth in the library you held in your chambers, still so careful not to disturb Loki's side of the shelves that housed his journals and textbooks. The work had kept your mind occupied, and the people that surrounded you offered pleasant enough company that from an outsider's perspective, you seemed almost as lively as you once were.
They couldn't see that your smile never reached your eyes. They never heard the clipped quality of your laughter or how you would cut it short, the slight wince in your features as if you were admonishing yourself for granting yourself the permission to laugh. And the way that you would start playing with your wedding band straight after.
When he checked on you during what would have been the tenth anniversary of your wedding day, he found you once again curled up in your bed, shaking and screaming into a pillow as sobs wracked your body.
He couldn't help himself. He reached out to you, a breeze blowing through and ruffling your hair in a gentle caress despite all the closed windows and doors in your chambers. You immediately stilled your movements afterward, clutching your pillow tighter against yourself.
"I'm sorry, husband," you spoke into the quiet. "It hurts monumentally worse today."
For the first time in what felt like eons, he was unable to fight the urge of his hand twitching and reaching for yours. And his heart dropped as he felt a branch slip from his grasp.
"No," he hissed in a panic, already moving away from his throne to start chasing after it before the light inside of it began to fade and the branch would die.
Only it didn't. The green glow emanating from the branch remained as vibrant as it was when it was within Loki's grasp. It didn't even move too far away that he'd been able to return it to his hand after a few strides, as if nothing had happened.
"I need to be honest, God of Time," a voice spoke from the void. "I was hoping you'd come to this realization a bit sooner."
"Who's out there?!" he yelled out, already conjuring duplicates of himself to be at the ready in case he would need to fight. "Show yourself, intruder."
First a pair of white glowing orbs materialized a mere few feet from where you once were the day that Loki last saw you. And then a body that resembled that of monks on Midgard, in robes that vaguely resembled the ones that he also wore, only set in different colors.
"There is no need to be alarmed, son of Odin. I pose no threat to you. I am the Watcher. I monitor all events within the multiverse, and I have been keeping an eye on how you have been adjusting to your new responsibility as the savior of the timelines."
"How did you get here?" He hadn't done away with his duplicates yet. Each of them were still poised to attack if this Watcher was lying and threatened the safety of the timelines. Any timeline.
"I was made aware of another set of eyes watching over the multiverse once you ascended your throne," the Watcher explained. "This plane is unreachable to most beings within these universes that we watch over, that is true. I am here and I can reach you because I live in the same plane. Think of it as a different room within a house."
"What realization did you speak of earlier?" He made the decision to move the topic along, his question about the branch not dying despite slipping from his fingers truly being the most pressing matter.
"You created a tree," the Watcher answered simply. "In its infancy, like any living thing, it requires a great amount of care. Do you agree?"
Why was this person speaking to him as if he were a child? "Yes, of course, but this doesn't explain what--"
"After it has been given enough time and care, however," he continued, not allowing the god to finish his sentence. "Would you also agree that it would not require as close of a supervision? Once a tree has grown to a certain size, on Earth or Asgard or any other realm, it requires less frequent tending to. It draws most of its energy, its nutrients, its life…from its foundation. The roots have become strong enough to support the rest of the tree, for the most part."
"I…I believe I'm beginning to see your point."
"You've created a tree," he repeated. "And its roots have taken form. They have strengthened. Now I know quite well how you are when spoonfed your answers, so I will leave the rest of this lesson for you to discover on your own. Be well, God of Time."
With that, the Watcher disappeared, once again leaving Loki on his lonesome. The lesson still not fully learned and due a good deal of experimentation.
He started with one branch in each hand, letting them slip from his grasp and observing how they behaved.   When there was no visible change and he'd realized that he couldn't feel any loss of life within those two branches, he released another pair. And another. And another.
Suddenly the lesson became crystal clear. He need not keep such vigilant watch on the timelines any longer. Much like a tree, it can be left to grow and flourish on its own, needing only the occasional visit to fortify and further nourish its foundation.
He could step down from this throne removed from time and space. He could end his isolation.
He could come home. To you.
It took a good long while, it could have been minutes or it could have been years, seeing as he constantly reinforced each branch with enough of his magic before setting them free. But finally his hands were empty, and the cape that had refashioned itself to hold more timelines roamed free as well.
He took a few moments to re-familiarize himself with his range of motion, bending and stretching in various positions to ensure that there were no sore points in his body. After that, it didn't take him long to decide on his next course of action.
Before he opened up a portal to his destination, he reinforced the foundation of the tree one last time, hopefully putting enough of a buffer that it would be a good long while before he would need to return.
Hopefully when he did, he would not be walking through the portal alone.
Once he was satisfied with the tree's reinforcements, and he could see that each branch was still existing safely and peacefully in its own place within the multiverse, he conjured a portal. Leading to the familiar corridors of Asgard's palace.
He'd forgotten what it felt like to have the sun on his face, to hear the footsteps of Asgard's people echoing throughout the halls. The sudden onslaught to his senses nearly disoriented him, but he persisted, striding down the hall and barely noticing how the people he passed began to look upon him and whisper words along the lines of Is that him? He's returned? Must we alert someone?
Soon enough he'd arrived at the doors to your chambers, nearly stumbling on his own feet because he couldn't move through the doors fast enough. "Y/N?" he called out, hoping that perhaps he'd arrived at an early enough hour of the day that you were still inside, preparing yourself for your duties ahead.
When enough time had passed with no answer, he accepted that he would have to embark on a search throughout the palace to find you.
"Before I have the guards take you, I expect you to explain yourself," a familiar aged voice pierced the silence of the room. "Who are you and why are you in the princess' marital cham--Loki?"
He turned and he was face to face with Odin, pure shock and a mixture of other expressions he'd never seen on the Allfather coloring his face. His mouth hung open, as if unable to find any words for what he was seeing.
"Hello, Father," Loki began, not entirely sure of what he could say after all the time that had passed. Before he could try and find any words, however, the Allfather's next action stunned him to complete silence.
He bent the knee, bowing his head to the ground.
"Come now, Father, this truly is unnecessary, there were times I've been gone for much longer," he attempted to joke, the tone coming out unnaturally, seeing as it had been eons since he'd actually spoken to anyone other than the Watcher.
Of course a tiny part of him relished in this moment, however. The Allfather bowed to no one. At least he thought…
"Y/N has kept us apprised of what you'd done, my son," he spoke, rising to his feet. "Of what you'd sacrificed to not only save the Nine Realms, but beyond our time, beyond our universe. She has worked tirelessly to ensure that all realms within her reach know the tale of your heroism. That they know you for who you truly are."
Odin motioned for him to look upon the parchments on your desk, illustrations depicting what you'd called "The Heart of Yggdrasil" on a handful of them.
"Children on Asgard and Midgard, and all realms in between, ask her what you are the god of now," Odin began to explain. "She tells them all that you are more than a god now. That you are the best of us. For those who cannot grasp such a large concept she named you the Keeper of Time. For the rest she named you the Savior of the Multiverse."
Loki found it near impossible to breathe trying to process the information, trying to understand that all this time the parchments that you'd been working on had been to tell one specific story. His story.
"She makes me seem some sort of hero," he said in awe.
"From the tales she has told, it is very much deserved." The Allfather clapped a hand on his shoulder, giving a squeeze as if making sure that he was truly there. "I'm proud of you, my son. We should have a ceremony to celebrate your return, and to anoint you your new titles. You have been greatly missed, by your family, by the people, but by no one more than Y/N."
There were no words he could muster to respond adequately other than, "Where is she? Where can I find my wife?"
Odin righted his stance, motioning toward the door. "I suggest trying the training fields. Thor does his best to keep her occupied so her mind won't wander too far. I suspect he will make more of an effort today considering--"
"Today marks a decade since our wedding," Loki finished, his heart constricting at the thought of you struggling to not even think of today, to keep yourself distracted until the last possible moment that you would have to be alone in your chambers, once again sobbing like he had seen you this morning. He began to step toward the corridor. "Thank you, Father."
Do not worry, my darling Y/N. You need not shed any more tears over our separation. Once I find you and have you in my embrace I will never let you go again.
When he made his way to the training gardens he was once again met with a pang of disappointment to find nobody there. Your sparring session with Thor must have reached its conclusion.
Still he attempted to call out to you. "Y/N? Little Princess?"
Again you did not answer, but Loki was met with another familiar voice. "Brother?"
He turned toward the direction of the voice, greeting Thor with a tentative smile, once again trying his hand at his former playful, mischievous tone. "Hello, Brother. Did you miss me?"
Once the blond god had made his way over he only responded by clapping both hands on his shoulders. "Y/N told us of your fate. How is this possible?"
"When last I saw her she stubbornly told me that there had to be another way," he explained, words getting caught in the lump in his throat. "I should have listened to my wife."
"She has been completely beside herself today," Thor offered, looking away the second his eyes began to fill with tears. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "It is agonizing seeing her like this, especially after she'd been doing so well the last few years. But today…today has taken its toll on her. More than she would ever admit, at least to me." He gave his brother's shoulders a light squeeze, not too dissimilar from how their father did a few moments ago. "Your return is the best possible gift you can give her today. Welcome back, Brother."
"Where can I find her?" Loki's tone had grown a touch desperate, his desire to find you and finally hold you again physically making his muscles ache. "Father told me to look here…"
"The armory," his brother finally answered. "She told me she would be there checking on the quality of the wooden swords for the young soldiers in training and that she wishes to be left alone, but I think she would be more than happy to make an exception for you."
He broke into a run, haphazardly thanking his brother before letting his feet carry him to the armory as fast as they could manage. The sound of your voice softly singing a familiar tune that brought him back to the days leading up to the festival for the Autumnal Equinox mere months before you two had become betrothed.
How shamefully oblivious he was back then to the fact that you'd been singing this while thinking of him. So consumed in his own efforts to hide away his affection for fear that you would find him so abominable that he had been unable to see that you had been doing exactly the same.
When he finally looked through the open door of the armory, it was as if he'd forgotten how to breathe, seeing how the light from the window hit your features just so that you seemed an angel. A forlorn angel with puffy eyes and a crease between your brows as you willed yourself to keep focused on the task at hand.
My darling wife.
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"No weapons for you today, dear Daughter," your father declared before plucking away your dagger from your hand and placing it down on a nearby bench. "Your mind is far too pre-occupied I cannot in good conscience allow you to spar with anything that could harm either of us."
Instead of sparring as you normally did, him with varying weapons while you stayed your course with your daggers, he tested your defenses. You knew quite well why he'd chosen to spar like this today. It was to keep your mind reactive, your reflexes sharp, and dissuade your mind from thinking of much else in the process.
But ultimately after a few rounds of him too easily breaking through your defenses of crossed arms weakly attempting to push back, he stopped. "Daughter, are you sure you wish to train today? I truly would understand if you wish to--"
"To what, Father?" you interjected, a slight sneer pulling at your upper lip. "To stay in the kitchens and gorge myself with every little cake and pastry I lay my sights on? To see how many pitchers of wine I could consume before I stumble into my chambers and fall asleep?"
"Y/N I simply meant--"
"Look, Father, I'm already sad. On any given day. There is nothing to gain in changing my routine today in a way that would make me any sadder. Today is simply another day, much like the day before and the day after." Your voice choked on your own words, as if your white lies were so potent your own body was recoiling against it. "I will be alright."
Those words tasted the most bitter on your tongue. No, you wouldn't be alright. You hadn't been alright for quite some time.
The sound of Halley's steps bounding toward where you and your father were standing did not alleviate your souring mood any. "Princess! Princess ohh have you heard--"
"Shall I take a guess, my friend?" She excitedly nodded her head telling you to continue. "Fandral and Narda have returned from their betrothal ceremonies across the Realms and they've revealed that they eloped. Probably in Vanaheim. Or even Alfheim."
Her smile dropped, concern coloring her features. "Y/N do you truly not know who has returned to us?"
You shook your head stubbornly. "Halley, much as I am elated for our friend I cannot bring myself to smile and put today out of my mind. Please, do go and send my congratulations to both of them when you see them later in the day but…I'm afraid that I will simply be poor company to keep today."
The words were near impossible to utter through the lump in your throat, a slight hiccup escaping you and making you step away from both of them.
"Princess, if you would please--"
"I will be in the armory," you spoke dismissively. "Ensuring that the wooden swords are still safe to be used. I would appreciate it if I were to be left alone for the remainder of the day."
Thor knew there were no words that could bring you comfort this day in particular, so all he could do was respect your wishes. "I shall have the staff bring your dinner to the armory then."
You gave both him and Halley a single nod before you strode down the corridors toward the armory, sloppily wiping at the fat tears rolling down your cheeks with the sleeve of your dress. Normally you were able to put up a brave enough front so that your friends and family would not have to be so concerned for your well-being, but today…today was nearly impossible to maintain that facade.
Too many thoughts plagued you today of how your hours could have been spent celebrating with your husband; you felt as if the sun was cruel to pull you from those blissful dreams where Loki was by your side and you got to celebrate a decade together like you were meant to. The dreams had felt so real, much like the first times you'd dreamt of your beloved when salacious images overtook your subconscious. So real that when you were ripped from them you couldn't hold back the tears that wracked your body.
And things were only made worse when you felt the breeze in your chambers. The windows were closed, and as were the doors. There should be no wind coming in to your bed chambers, and by that logic you knew exactly what had caused the anomaly.
And guilt overcame you knowing that you'd given your husband enough cause for concern crying in bed the way you were so early in the day that he reached out. The gentle caresses of the breeze that should not be possible ruffling your hair as if trying to tuck it behind your ear the way he used to.
He had enough on his mind keeping watch of all the timelines, he should not be burdened further by witnessing your grieving.
You hadn't felt him at all since that exchange, and for the most part you were grateful for it. The memory of his words the last time you saw each other worsened your guilt. I can't hold you. I couldn't watch you break like this and do nothing.
Perhaps it was better that he look away.
You made your way to the rack that held the wooden swords, lightly running a finger across the dulled blades and immediately finding a dented spot that formed a sharp corner. "That won't do…" you muttered, pulling up a stool and grabbing some sanding paper from a nearby drawer to start filing away and dull the weapon once more.
Absentmindedly you'd begun to start humming an old tune you once sang in the music room, back then trying to express your frustration over finding yourself falling in love with Loki.
I'd let you ruin the rest of my life
How was it that somehow the words rang truer now that you were his wife compared to back then when you were still in the midst of falling?
The sound of another humming along to the tune had you sitting up with your back ramrod straight and alert. "I said I wished to be alone why is everyone so insistent on--" You turned around to berate the unwelcome visitor, only for your words to die off in a rather unbecoming sound in the back of your throat as you saw the figure at the door.
"Hello, little Princess."
"Oh Norns, this is it," you muttered to yourself. "I've finally lost my grip on reality. Hallucinating my husband in the middle of the day and I haven't even had a single sip of wine." You promptly put away the wooden sword and disposed of the sanding paper. "Perhaps I'd inhaled too much of the wood dust and now it's having a bizarre effect on me--"
Your words were cut short feeling a hand curve around your waist, a body walking up behind you and pressing against your back. "I promise you, my love, this is no hallucination…" The air around you became near impossible to breathe as his arm wrapped around your waist, working his free hand up to put your hair over your shoulder and expose the back of your neck.
"Why does this feel so real?" you questioned breathily when your illusion had pressed his lips to the back of your neck, kissing a path to your ear, your voice thinning to the point you could barely utter the words. "Is this Valhalla?"
"No, my darling," he mumbled against your hear, his exhale warming your skin. He turned you around in his arms, placing your hands over his shoulders. "I truly am here. With you."
Tears began to blur your eyes as you tentatively touched your hand to his hair, the air leaving your lungs once he turned his head to kiss a trail from your palm to the inside of your wrist, his eyes never leaving yours.
You shook your head at him, refusing to accept what was right in front of you. "Loki I said no more illusions, don't do this to me," you pleaded, already starting to step back from him.
He had his arms around you, pulling you back into his embrace the second you moved even a fraction of an inch away from him. "This is no illusion, little Princess, I swear to you." He brought your hands back up to his lips, pressing a kiss to each knuckle. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Not without you."
Before you could utter a word in question, he grabbed the back of your neck and captured your lips in a desperate kiss, his other arm wrapping around you to lift you off the ground and set you down on the now empty wooden desk. You whimpered against him when his hands began to roam your body, grasping frantically at whatever was within his reach to press you harder against him.
You felt the sting of hot tears behind your eyes as you held on to him just as tight, feeling the skin straining and stretching over your knuckles with how hard you grasped at his back. If this was real, you would not allow him to slip from your fingers so easily.
Not like last time.
This time when you pulled away he was still there. You both were. "How is this possible?" you breathed out, your stubborn mind finally beginning to relent and accept that perhaps he truly was here, that this was no illusion cast by your husband to calm you some on what should be such an auspicious day for both of you. You rested your head on his shoulder, tears once again starting to fall down your cheeks. "How are you here?"
"I was wrong, little Princess. There was another way. It took a good deal of time for the solution to be plausible, but I finally found another way."
Neither of you moved from your spot, him stroking your hair and pressing a kiss to the top of your head whenever you sniffled, as he told you about how he'd seen you in your state just this morning and how the branch slipped from his hold. About the other being on that plane of existence called The Watcher leading him to the discovery that a strong enough foundation had finally been built. That now it would only need the occasional visit from him to ensure that its foundation was continually strengthened.
And finally about how the first thing he thought of once he was fully freed from the branches of the timelines was coming home and finding you.
You sat quiet for a good few moments, allowing his words to sink in before you spoke again.  "Does this mean…you're staying?" you managed to choke out before a fresh wave of tears begun to fall from your eyes.
"Yes, my love," he whispered into your hair, pressing a tender kiss to the same spot before tilting your head to look up at him, wiping your tears away. "I'm home."
He pressed his lips to yours once more, smiling against your lips when you threw your arms around his neck. He tightened his hold on you, breathing out a slight chuckle when you yelped at the feeling of the table disappearing from under you. When you opened your eyes, you were suddenly in your bed chambers, your husband carrying you across the room in his arms.
"That's…new…" you mumbled against his lips when he kissed you again.
"Eons have passed for me since last we saw each other in our chambers, my darling wife," he whispered into your skin, placing a soft lingering kiss below your ear before laying you down on the bed, your back settling into the soft mattress. "And yet through all that time my body, my heart, only ever craved to have you with me again."
Your heart felt as if it could burst at any moment. After all the time that had passed, it felt completely foreign to you, finally feeling as if you were no longer simply dragging yourself through life. There was no longer a void in your life in the shape of your beloved.
The visions of what your new future could hold now that he had returned overwhelmed you, rendering you unable to do much of anything other than pull him down to you so you could kiss him again, sighing into his mouth when he pressed his weight onto the bed and proceeded to deepen your kiss.
"In that time, little Princess, let's just say my abilities have…evolved. And in mastering them all, I've often thought about how I might use those abilities in this very room. Once we'd reunited and your memories have all been freed."
A small gasp escaped you as you watched a wave of his magic washed over the entirety of your chambers, a slight barrier appearing by the windows and doors before visibly fading into nothing. "Silencing enchantment?" you queried, unable to help the smile that stretched across your face.
"We'll need it, my love." With a small twitch of his fingers, both his robes and your dress dissolved into nothing, baring your bodies to each other. "Oh how I've missed this," he rasped, a thrill shooting through you as you watched him rake his eyes across your body before licking his lips. "How I've missed you."
"Husband," you whined, squirming under his gaze, the undeniable affection and desire shining in his eyes stealing all the breath from your lungs. "I've missed you."
Loki leaned down to hover over you, lips tracing along the bridge of your nose before proceeding to press featherlight kisses all over your face, letting out a shuddering groan when skin met skin, your chests pressed together as you trailed your fingertips down the length of his arm. Once you reached his hand, lacing your fingers between his, tears began to well in your eyes again as the gold band around his ring caught the light.
"You got the ring," you said in wonder, your breath coming out like a bewildered chuckle as he brought your hand up to his mouth to kiss along the backs of your fingers.
"Of course I did. For so long it was the only thing that brought me a sense of comfort, every time I looked upon it, it was almost as if I could feel you with me." He released your hand, leaning back down to capture your lips in a slow, languorous kiss. "And now I finally do."
You moaned against his lips as his hand wrapped around your knee, hooking your leg around him as he proceeded to roll his hips into yours.
"I know we should probably announce my return," he said in a teasing tone. "But I haven't even the slightest urge at the moment to do anything other than…reunite with my darling wife." He smirked against your lips as you whimpered desperately at the feel of him lining himself up at your entrance. "The only thing I plan on keeping for the foreseeable future is the love of my life, on our marital bed. Any and all forms of clothing forbidden."
"I have no objections to that," you said back breathlessly. "Happy anniversary, husband."
"Happy anniversary, my love."
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One day, centuries after your reunion, Loki helped you into a set of robes that seemed more suitable for lounging than anything else before conjuring up a portal that led back to the tree. He would have to be there for a while, tending to the branching timelines and ensuring that they would all stand on their own for a good long while after he would once again leave them to grow and flourish on their own.
"I want you to come with me, darling. We could make an adventure of it."
He didn't need to ask twice. You would go to the ends of the world with him.
He held your hand firmly in his as he led you through the portal toward the solitary throne he once occupied, giving you a soft smile as you discovered the changes he made to the space before he went home to you all those years ago.
There were now two thrones at the heart of the tree.
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A/N: I had to make it better I couldn't just leave my precious blorbos in pain even if this is an alternate universe 🥺🥺 And I just had to add that little bit of Odin bending the knee as a treat 🫡
Here's the song that gave me most of the vibe for this story:
And here's the song that Y/N was singing in the armory:
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Could i ask for platonic headcannons (tadc) for jax,ragatha, pomni for a reader who acts like Jane Doe from ride the cyclone ( says the most random facts, doesnt know wtf is happening half of the time etc)
Sorry if this is a long ask.
And tysm
Jax, Ragatha, and Pomni x jane doe!type reader!
funny thing is that today ive gotten a second jane doe reader request, like an hour or so ago :O, so ill probably answer that one right after this so !! originally i was gonna tie the two asks into one post but idk, so uh uh !!! we'll see! speaking of, i need to get into RTC, i never really. got into it, outside of some of the songs (ballad of jane doe, talia, and noels lament have changed me) ill also be relying on the other persons ask to guide me on janes personality, so im not totally blind on this !! apologies for any inaccuracies !
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she kind of finds your manner of speaking.. uncanny, in its own way. the flatness, the fact you dont put many emotion behind your words. and how you sometimes drop the most morbid bits of information (usually) unprompted
one time the two of you were doing an IHA and the topic of ants came up and you just started talking about how if ants find a rival colony they will engage in all out war in order to survive and claim the resources of the place. why did you start talking about ants? because caine conjured up an ant NPC to serve some role in the adventure
now if you have some knowledge on the digital world and its secrets and... perhaps a means of escape, then she may be more inclined to spend more time with you
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sometimes she has to keep an eye on you when you guys are having an IHA, just so you dont wander off and possibly get hurt when you decide you dont much care for whats going on
"oh thats nice..! can you tell me more?" when you drop some random facts about something. imagine randomly dropping some facts about centipedes and she just. grins and tries to act casual while you have this sweet little look in your eyes
not much else to be said, i think she would indulge in your little fun facts if she thinks it will make you happy
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"no one wants to hear about your net facts, reader"/ref
but like its worded a little meaner, if that makes sense
only really seems interested if he can find a way to use the new knowledge to be a little shit
otherwise, i dont think he would interact with you often :( i dont really see him being the type to hang around a character like that SOBS
he thinks its funny if your facts earn a look or reaction from someone else, though
if not romantic, i could see the possibility for a friendship!
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Let’s talk about the Infantilization/Over-Sexualization of the RTC characters for a moment, because frankly both sides of the issue piss me off:
Recently I’ve been seeing an influx of people who seem to think it’s okay to reduce the ride the cyclone characters to nothing but sex jokes and attraction symbols. On the other side of this, I have seen others act like a saviour of sorts, to save these “innocent children” from anything remotely adult being talked about in their presence… so I’m going to remind people of some facts as to why BOTH SIDES are bad…
- firstly, I should state that all of them except mischa (who is 18) and Jane are confirmed to be 17 and in their senior year. So, if you’re arguing to say “they’re anywhere from blank to blank” in age, that’s incorrect. And it takes like 5 seconds on google to figure that out.
-just because mischa is 18, doesn’t mean it’s okay to say downright disgusting things about him… although he is technically over the Canadian and American age of consent, he’s still only a teenager, and barely able to even buy his own alcohol (again, they’re in Canada).
-they almost all canonically talk about sex. I know this should be obvious, but apparently some of you watched the show with your eyes closed and missed the point of just how infectious the idea of things of that nature can be to high schoolers, especially those in their senior year, who under other circumstances would have potentially experienced those things for the first time already.
-the difference between art and smut. This is specifically talking to fan art and fan fiction, but there’s a very fine line between what’s there for art purposes, and what’s just plain smut. Because yes, in many realistic portrayals of humans around their age, the idea of sex or related topics would come up. A lot. Especially in the form of jokes, and for those in relationships… HOWEVER, just because something is natural for that age doesn’t mean it needs to be talked about in detail, or highlighted to an uncomfortable extent.
-sexualizing the actors isn’t better. This should go with our saying, however when people are talking about the over sexualization that seems to be sweeping the fandom, they often say “couldn’t you at least say it about the actors?” Which is also very wrong. Why? Because even if the actors are much much more age appropriate than the characters, the other major difference between them is that the actors are living breathing people who can see what you say about them, and the characters stop existing the moment the slime tutorial is done, or the actors steps off stage. Obviously that doesn’t excuse saying horrid things about majority 17 year olds, but my point is that both of them are bad, and neither should be done.
-lastly I give you my rule of thumb when it comes to things like this— if it couldn’t be said about them in a PG-13 or 14A movie, it probably shouldn’t be said (unless it’s under very specific circumstances)
So in summary, although it’s crucial to remember that these characters are only teenagers who shouldn’t be treated like sexual objects as they painfully seem to be by some, it’s also important that the realistic portrayal of them doesn’t stop because some 12 year old online thinks they’re their sweet little babies that need protection from the world… it really shouldn’t be that hard to understand how it’s appropriate to treat a teenage character.
(Also ps, this is all coming from a Canadian high schooler, who knows how Canadian high schoolers behave)
(Also added 14-A to the last point, because it was pointed out to me how restrictive PG-13 can be depending on where you’re from)
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My brother's opinions on RTC characters/songs
(Again. Warning: he's a hater)
Ocean: "She'd be better if she wasn't like 'ohh I'm the best thing on Earth'. Also the AUDACITY to try and change everything back after she found out it was a unanimous vote. Like the AUDACITY."
Noel: "Nuh-uh. No. It's not the fact that he's gay it's the fact the girl he wants to be. It's not working for me."
Mischa: "The best character but I don't like any of them so that isn't too hard to achieve."
Ricky: "No. His visions are no."
Jane Doe: "Jane Doe more like Jane No"
Constance: "I don't like what she did in the porta potty"
Talia: "She's probably fake. I hate to admit it to homebro but she probably is."
Monique: "no. i feel like. she's weird. again, it's not him being gay, it was about her being weird and murdering people."
Karnak: "Buddy's like Mr. Beast. Makes 'em do a challenge that one person wins."
Virgil: *sighhh* "I'd be mad at him but he was just a rat and he was hungry."
Fall Fair Suite: "It's alright."
What the World Needs: "mmm. It's OKAYYY. I don't like how she only sung about herself. She seems like the kinda girl to run for class president and wonder why she lost."
Noel's Lament: "I got excited when I heard the clip, like 'oh that's where it's from!', but then I realized what it was about and went 'oh.'"
Every Story's Got A Lesson: "She's WRONG but also she's right. Not every story has a lesson but Noel was a lil freaky"
This Song Is Awesome: Doesn't remember
Talia: "I dunno. Bro should not have sung two times in a row. At least Ocean got a break in-between with Noel's Lament."
Space Age Bachelor Man: "E-W-W"
The Ballad of Jane Doe: "It's alright. Why'd she sing if she got nothing to sing about then why'd she sing? Y'know what I'm saying?"
The New Birthday Song: "It's a new birthday song alright"
Sugar Cloud: Doesn't remember
It's Not A Game/It's Just A Ride: "I mean, it's alright..."
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raindrvq · 2 years
hello tumblr im back from my rtc watching with the results of my research
Mischa slaps a total of 3 asses, his own in what the world needs, Noel's in noel's lament, and Constance's in this song is awesome
He grabs his dick 28 times
and that is not even counting the weird shit he does during space age bachelor man
so do with this information what you please
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when you've been alone as long as i have, you tend to anthropomorphize your friends. (karnak)
-If you believe both armrests are yours exclusively, you are part of the problem. (karnak)
-even in competition against yourself, you can still walk away a loser (ocean)
-he was inspired by traditional african folk music, specifically the lion king (constance)
-raise a middle finger to that most ruthless adjudicator called time (karnak)
-i hope i wiped my browser history clean (constance)
-democracy rocks! (ocean)
-i trade mostly in prophecies that dont make any sense until they actually do (karnak)
-even in death i can't escape her- she's followed me to the afterlife! (noel)
-well played satan, well played (noel)
being the only gay man in a small rural highschool is like having a laptop in the stone ages. sure you can have one but theres nowhere to plug it in (noel)
When a lioness has children, she sops making love to the lion. the lion gets jealous, sometimes so jealous he eats the children. You think this would upset the lioness. far from it. they make love again like the children never existed. (jane/penny)
-noooo i cant get any wifi up in this bitch (mischa)
-my gansta persona is only armour to conceal the fact that i am naked child wandering through the wilderness holding in my hands my wounded fragile heart (mischa)
-that was wack (mischa)
-i dont know how it is in your culture but in ours, playing games with peoples lives? super illegal (ocean)
-if its yellow, let it mellow. if its brown scoop it out with your hand and put it in the compost (karnak)
-some people are right wing, some people are left wing but last time i checked it takes 2 wings to fly. we are community we are family, we are the world (ocean)
-what you need is a fother-mucking hero (ocean)
-your cousin was in grade 4 he had to get his stomach pumped (ocean)
-you challenged my preconcieved notion that all gay dudes are fun to be around (ocean)
-OHHHH sweet jesus christ. on a bike. (noel)
-its like a slurpee woodstock (noel)
-a s.xual provacetour and a novelist. who never wrote a novel. or had sex (noel)
-that was DOOOOOPEE YOOOOO (mischa)
-mad wicked awesome! (mischa)
-fornication under consent of the king (jane/penny)
-in my country it is natural for 2 men to show affection by kissing… not always in heels (mischa)
-theres a difference between affection and smut (ocean)
-not in my bible baby, bonsoir (noel)
mine will only have profanity in chorus (mischa)
-little orphan a hole (mischa)
-teen sex? kills (ocean)
-porno is magical (ricky)
whattt just because im all gangsta dont automatically make me homophobic. its not cool to be homophobe in rap game anymore since macklemore dropped same love. that sh.t was emotionally devastativing yo. (mischa)
he turned to the last fashion of pure stregnth and masculinity in society, self agrandizing commercialized hiphop (karnak)
grab yo dicks if you in the 306 bruh (mischa)
-autotune will never die (mischa)
-my rage has subsided, i am vulnerable now (mischa)
and that is why not everybody should have a library card! and you should vote for me (ocean)
and this is why you both SUCKED at math (ocean)
-on the other hand, given the context of german history, being a party spoiler might be a good thing. (karnak)
-i guess you could say im pretty sexy on another planet (ricky)
i told you moneky lovedrop (ricky)
-life is hard enough without making up reasons to be dicks to each other (ricky)
-incredible~ (ricky)
-theres only one commandment in the bachelor man bible: dont be a dick (ricky)
-we listen to you now space jesus (mischa)
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trashideas · 1 year
Spoilers for Kim Dokja’s backstory!
Kim Dokja is the average 28-year-old salaryman. He does his job, gets paid almost nothing for it, and barely survives off convenience store products. Except, that would be the case if he were in an ordinary world.
Kim Dokja lives in a world filled to the brim with magic. His mother and father were both middle-tier mages born with high amounts of mana but not a lot of power. Their child, Kim Dokja, was assumed to be a high-tier mage from the amount of mana he possessed.
Except, Dokja can't use magic.
Well... That's a lie. He can use magic, it just hurts him. A lot.
You see, Dokja has a condition. Nearly all the people of this world are born with magic resistance. Dokja does not have this resistance. At a young age, he was constantly getting sick from magic overdoses, which is common for Rankers that fight often.
But Dokja is a child.
It took a long while... 13 years to be exact, to figure out just what was wrong with him.
In that time, Dokja was mercilessly bullied by his peers. His father abused him and his mother for being useless. His father died. His mother was put in prison.
Dokja was diagnosed in the hospital.
“It seems you have a major case of what we call Intramana Acirculation. Which is a fancy way of saying that your body can't handle the amount of mana it produces.”
They prescribed him a series of pills that would hopefully block off the organs that produced mana.
This, however, landed him in the hospital again. This time, because his body was deteriorating. His skin was quite literally decomposing right off his body.
He was taken off the meds.
At the age of 16, Dokja finally was able to make his own solution. He used his own mana to block off the production of mana.
He got the idea while reading a novel. A novel that has now saved his life twice. Probably countless more times.
The main character needed to use their power to seal away their demonic heart, but the heart kept leaking demonic aura, so they set up a healing barrier to purify the aura before it could harm himself.
Of course, Dokja is not a main character, so it didn't work as well for him.
It took a lot of effort to keep the barrier up and it was a constant mental drain. It took a lot of time and effort, but somehow Dokja managed to turn the active skill into a passive one.
With that change, came another.
It helped Dokja regulate his emotions... To an extent.
Now 28, Dokja needs to go to the Ranker Testing Center, known as a RTC, to offload his excess mana.
As he grew, so did his mana supply. Dokja can't let this amount of mana leak around him, otherwise it might hurt people. So he has to conceal it within himself. It hurts. A lot. But Dokja’s Fourth Wall keeps the mana regulating rather than sitting in one spot till it explodes.
Going to the RTC costs a lot of money, so Dokja only goes when his body starts to decompose on itself. Usually it's just a toe or two that get miscolored, but sometimes it's a finger. Those are the times when he has to rush to make an appointment.
Thankfully, this time is like the other ones. While it hurts to walk, Dokja can handle the pain.
What he can't handle, is the fact that a bunch of newbie Rankers are here and have been able to skip all reservations to get into the Training Facility first.
Normally this wouldn't be a problem. Normally they would at least allow one or two people who reserved a time slot into the room as well.
But apparently some large guild bought out all the time slots and the RTC overbooked.
And Guilds get priority.
So Dokja is left to sit out in the waiting room’s couch as he waits for the Guild training to get done.
Dokja mindlessly reads over a chapter. He has been reading the same paragraph for too long. His brain is too muddled to think.
All he can feel is the slow pulsing of his foot.
“Hello!” a pleasant voice says. Dokja looks up to see a tall woman waving at him from a short distance away. “I'm Uriel, part of the Olympus Guild.”
“Kim Dokja,” he answers robotically.
“I heard about the overbooking.”
Dokja nods, not really one for conversation as of now.
“Well we have a slot in a room open. You'd have to share, but we figured you wouldn't mind.”
Dokja resists the urge to sigh. As a large Guild, they think their mere presence is a blessing upon people. To them, Dokja is just some guy. He isn't a Ranker, nor is he a registered Awakened. Therefore, the only reason he could be here is to take the Awakened Exam.
All Dokja needed to do was drop all his stored mana into a container and leave.
At least it wouldn’t take too long.
“I wouldn't mind,” he finally answers. Uriel nods and turns away to lead him to the room. Dokja takes this time to gingerly stand up. He tests his weight on his foot. It hurts like a bitch, but at least he hasn't collapsed.
He follows her without complaint.
They finally get to the room. It's a lot farther than the usual rooms Dokja has used. He hopes the crystal this room has is strong enough. He doesn't want another incident of breaking one.
Uriel gives him a strange look when she sees his partial limp. Shit. He hadn't meant for her to see it.
“Rock in my shoe.”
Uriel doesn't seem to believe him, but also doesn't make a comment.
“Uh, well... This is the room. The other man in here, Yoo Joonghyuk doesn't have the best behavior but he also won't comment on anything. He isn't one to start rumors.”
Dokja couldn't hide the sudden confusion on his face. “What?”
“You're here to take the exam, right?”
“Uh... No.”
There are a few moments of silence.
“Oh dear, I may have misunderstood.”
“It's fine, as long as this crystal can hold and consume mana.”
Uriel lightens up, “Yes! This crystal can handle that. Then will you be alright?”
Dokja nods, desperate to just leave. This was his day off and he already spent a few hours in here.
Uriel leaves and Dokja is finally able to enter the room.
The first thing he notices is just how dim it is in the room. The only light source is the light bleeding in from the hallway and the massive mana crystal in the middle of the room.
It's one of the biggest crystals he has ever seen. It takes a lot of mana to make one light up as bright as this one is.
In the soft haze of gold, Dokja can barely make out a figure sitting crossed-legged in front of the crystal.
The light from the crystal suddenly cuts off and the room is left in complete darkness. Golden eyes turn to Dokja and send a chill down his spine.
All he can think is how they look like a predator. Like a tiger’s eyes in the light of the moon.
Dokja’s fear is quickly replaced with annoyance. This man could never hurt him in a way that matters. Because Dokja has already done it all.
“Why the fuck do you have the lights off like a gremlin?” Dokja doesn't let the door close behind him. With this lightning angle, the man wouldn't be able to see his face. The playing grounds are even.
“This is a private room,” the man *growls* as if he is some sort of dog.
“That I was led to,” Dokja says as he finally lets the door shut, enclosing them in complete darkness. “Now move, the faster I get this done, the faster I can leave and you can get back to whatever cultist shit you were doing.”
“You can't-”
Dokja doesn't bother to listen to whatever he says. Dokja’s foot is *throbbing* after standing for so long and he needs to sit down before his knees buckle. He walked right next to those golden eyes and sat down a ways away from the other man.
Dokja hit the floor a little too harshly, but he pays no mind to it. His eyes have adjusted to the point where he can see basic shapes so he can see the man’s head follow his movements.
“What-” the man starts but Dokja shushes him.
Dokja finally is able to finally release all the stored mana and he is not about to let this man distract him for any longer. He places his hands against the warm crystal. Huh. This man’s magic was warm. Dokja relishes the gentle warmth against his freezing hands for a moment. It helps him organize his thoughts to clearly focus on his task.
Slowly, he parts a hole in Fourth Wall’s barrier. Without the block, his mana freely starts to flow out of his body and down his arms in a controlled stream. Even with this small part of Fourth Wall gone, the mana has started to rebel against him. His skin crawls as excited sparks of mana race across his skin in small bursts of light.
Like the flow of electricity, the stray mana follows the current into the crystal with minimal detours across his skin.
Dokja can see the clearness of the crystal starting to disappear, filled with clouds of inky black and blue that are quickly expanding to encase the entirety of the crystal. Dokja closes his eyes and focuses on just ridding his body of the polluted mana rather than looking at it.
Dokja can feel the other man’s burning stare on him. Judging his disgusting mana. It's like an oil spill in the clear ocean. Polluted. Dangerous. Dokja wouldn't be surprised if the man got up and left, leaving him alone in the darkness, surrounded by his vile mana.
For some reason, Dokja’s precise grip of Fourth Wall slips. It only takes a split second for the wall to crash and shatter against the pressure of his mana pool. Like a dam breaking, surges of uncontrolled mana bursts from Dokja’s body and towards the crystal with angry sparks of white. Crackles and hisses of mana fills his ears and a trickle of liquid down his arms catches his attention.
Even with his eyes closed, Dokja’s vision is darkening further. He shudders out a pained breath. The air in his lungs are more eager to leave than usual, and he needs to take a few calculated breaths to properly fill his lungs.
The crushing weight of his mana is slowly leaving him, allowing him to finally breathe easily after a month of struggling against the weight of his own power. The emptiness leaves him hollow and cold. He has never lost control of Fourth Wall like this and he would never like to repeat this experience.
His breaths feel like too much. The chilling air sends racking shivers through his body. His only solace is the warm liquid dripping down his arms.
The smell of copper invades his senses. There is also a warmth around both of his wrists. It's different than that of the blood. It's a solid presence. Like someone is gently holding his wrists and is helping guide the mana safely.
Dokja doesn't notice that his mana has stopped sparking, nor does he remember the seemingly stone-cold man that was sitting next to him.
What he does notice, is that his mana is draining at an alarming rate. The burn of his mana moving inside him is replaced with chilling emptiness.
As the last drops drain into the crystal, Dokja can't keep himself awake any longer. He slumps forward, unconscious before he can register the pain of hitting anything.
Joonghyuk steadies the irritating man before he can slam head-first into the mana crystal. He can't help but stare at the unconscious, maybe dead, man.
To say he is confused is the understatement of the century. Was this the true part of the training session? A “What would you do if a random man walked into your room and passed out next to you?” type scenario.
Because how could this not be staged? Joonghyuk swears he saw Uriel leave the man there, which had to mean that this was staged.
This was staged. Right?
Joonghyuk can't help but stare into the massive crystal. The color has completely changed in a way that he has never seen nor read about. It's color was a deep black with hints of blue and purple. Not only that, but constant sparks of mana made white bursts of light in the ocean of black. Each burst flickered for a few moments before being recycled back into the evershifting tides of color.
It was as if someone had bottled up a piece of the night sky and left it to sit in this room. It was... Joonghyuk didn't want to say beautiful, but it was definitely stunning.
As if the different colors weren't strange enough, the mana in the crystal was staying live. It acted as its own shifting ecosystem of producing and taking power.
Mana, akin to electricity, is powerful. But that power requires a power source to drain from. A person acts as the outlet for mana, without someone actively pushing their own power to control the mana, it will turn off as quickly as someone pulling the plug to an electrical device.
Mana was supposed to be put out like a match drenched with water when someone wasn't dutifully controlling it. To be unconscious and still have the mana linger... Joonghyuk looks at the petite man in his arms. How could someone like this be so powerful?
This man looked half-dead. Like he hasn't eaten a proper meal in weeks and hasn't been outside for more than 30 minutes in his lifetime.
Joonghyuk grimaced.
He dug his phone out of his pocket and dialed Uriel’s number. It rang only once before she picked up.
“He passed out,” he says before Uriel could even greet him with her overly sweet tone.
“The man you brought in.”
There's a series of frantic sounds in the background, “He *what*?”
“Passed out.”
“Oh my god, Yoo Joonghyuk you can't just overload people with your mana when you want to be left alone. Hold on, I'm on my way.” There is more sounds and a shout of: “He did *what* to a civilian!?” from someone that sounded suspiciously like Jung Heewon.
Joonghyuk felt the need to defend himself, “I didn't-” he starts.
“Hush, you can explain when I'm not on the line for paramedics.”
Joonghyuk huffed, but otherwise held his tongue. He was here to show that Guilds could in fact collaborate with each other despite this proving that they shouldn't try to collaborate for anything other than brand deals.
The only reason he hasn't left is because if got into any more trouble his master would have his head. Joonghyuk still had Mia to look after, so he couldn't die just yet.
And besides, Joonghyuk’s gaze wandered back up to the crystal containing the night sky, his curiosity has been peaked.
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hibiscus02 · 1 year
I just read Legoland and I decided to compile some helpful tidbits about Penny's character, for all your fanfic writer needs!
If you want to write RTC fanfic using her canon personality and backstory, this is the place for you. I apologize if someone has done something similar!
•Let's start with her basic introduction in the play;
"PENNY is a young woman wearing French braids and a private school uniform; she has a bright smile." "PENNY: Hello. My name is Penny Lamb, and I am an aspiring animal conservationist." "PENNY speaks at an incredible speed, being an immensely nervous and self-conscious teenager. She literally trips over her words -- a volcano of passion and eloquence."
Now I'll give you some backstory and character info without getting into Legoland's plot. This is so people who don't have an interest in the story itself can still grasp the basics of Penny's character.
Both Penny and her little brother (Ezra) were homeschooled. They grew up on the Elysium Community Farm, just outside of Uranium City.
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When Penny turned 13, she was already getting "itchy" to see the outside world (kids were not allowed to leave Elysium until they turned 16). She thought she knew what to expect after reading 'Anne of Green Gables'.
The Lambs snuck out to a Walmart and found out it was very different from what they thought it would be. They tried to strike up conversations with people but everyone seemed weirded out by them (they snuck out several times to try and "strike up friendly chats")
Eventually the manager called the police who drove them home. That's when "all that trouble happened"
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Penny's parents got 15 years in prison for cultivation and trafficking of narcotics. Her and Erza were sent to Saint Cassian Catholic School (which as I'm sure you all know is the same school that the choir members attend, obviously, since Uranium City isn't big enough to have more than one school). It is stated to be a boarding school in this so that's some extra lore for us I guess.
"PENNY: The instant I see the boys staring at me like gaping fish with their heads cut off… and the girls looking at me with those Queen of England smiles… Oh, little Penny wasn’t in Kansas anymore… Uh-uh… I was sent to the charred black bowels of everlasting Hell!"
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Despite her homeschooling education Penny is actually very smart, but the values taught to her don't really go over well with a catholic school system. She also likes to use 'big words'.
Penny gets sent to the school psychiatrist, and allegedly diagnosed as Bipolar and manic depressive (to me it seemed implied that the psychiatrist was a crook, but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Do with this information what you will).
She does go through a depressive episode though, or what sure looks like one; "PENNY: Like, sleeping in my room all day… tearing my hair and throwing up, kind of suicidal and depressed and everything… So, one day a bunch of girls were setting fire to my school bag -- second time that week -- and I wasn’t even crying anymore… because, you get to a point… when you’re waaaay beyond crying."
Penny can play the ukulele and she also composes songs (or, she writes at least one during the play, but y'know)
She seems to be very against cussing, just as much as Ocean is, and reprimands Ezra whenever he cusses throughout the play.
Penny is a pescetarian.
She goes on this insane cross-country trip with her brother to the US, and whenever they get to a new state she always recites how many endangered species they have there. I just thought this was cute, and very Jane-like.
So yeah, without getting too much into it, Penny throws hot coffee on this guy and uhhh, bites him? Apparently? The assault charges get dropped and she gets extradited back to Canada, but the story was leaked to the media and she was famous for a little bit.
The way Penny and Ezra got money to travel to the US in the first place was by selling his ADHD prescription meds, so she goes to trial for drug dealing, and gets probation (they don't specify how long she's on probation for in the play).
At the very end of the script, Penny states she'd like to say something about true love. I wanted to include part of what she said because it's quite lovely (and oh y'all can make so much fanfic with this); "In a world where we are ultimately alone, and die in our own arms, love is the closest you come to another person… because it is the closest you come to being another person. So be very careful what you love."
*this quote is apparently also in some versions of rtc, I assume as an easter egg of sorts.
Sorry this is so long. I love Penny Lamb a lot and I also think she's insane <3
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