#with their husbands. they'd be an absolute MENACE
fernlessbastard · 19 days
how do you think they'd react to the other getting hit on
Absolutely possessive, and they're both passive-aggresive about it. Like "ha ha yeah he is hot! I know, right? Ha ha ha and the best part is that he's all mine." type of thing
Ok so first and foremost: obviously if they get flirted with they'll immediately state they're not interested and are also in a relationship. That being said, when the other is around they let their counterpart handle the situation, cause that's just what makes it more fun
So, I'd imagine they both have a tendency to kinda like, use oversharing as a way to "gross" people out
They'll just start leaning against - or rather on - the one who's being flirted with more and more, and with just the most passive aggressive politeness they'll happily disclose some of their private life, making it clear that they are very much together
Wilbur likes to pull the "you know where his previous husband, before me, is right now? Six feet under. Or I guess at the very least that's where lies what remains of him..." with just the biggest smile ever. Quackity finds it too endearing to even bother clarifying that the guy died of a heart attack, that the 'what remains of him' refers to Quackity eating his heart, and that legally him and Wilbur aren't even married (yet). He just likes seeing Wilbur get that sparkle in his eyes, passive aggressively telling people how lucky he (Wil) is, and how unlucky they are cause he's the one dating Q and they're not
Ok tried to keep it pg13 so far cause it is a more general question, but I'll give a more nsfw elaboration in the context of like, at a club or something under the cut
While Wilbur's more so focused on making sure everyone around knows that Quackity is his and only his, Quackity more so loves to focus on reminding Wilbur about how he belongs to Q.
He'll pull Wilbur in by the waist, trace his hand over the man's lower back, play with his hair a little in a way where it curls around his fingers tightly so that all he'd need to do to pull Wilbur's hair would be to lazily gesture his hand slightly back, etc. And verbally he won't shy away from telling the person how good of a boy Wilbur is, and how obediently he listens, so on and so forth, sometimes even going a bit into detail. Basically he'll happily talk about Wilbur as though he's not there/as though he's a dog obediently sat waiting for his owner to finish talking. And Wilbur absolutely loves that. He loves Quackity being possessive, he loves the physical reminders that he belongs to him, he loves the praise, he loves that little sprinkle of dehumanisation, and everything is nicely tied with a bow of exhibitionism, humiliation of people finding out that he's "just Quackity's plaything", and also just being a general menace to people
Altogether I'd say that pretty much every time Quackity gets hit on Wilbur ends up in his lap (the second he's able to) which eventually turns into some very soft and loving sex with lots of reassurance and words of affirmation, meanwhile if it's Wilbur who gets hit on most of the time it'll be rather BDSM heavy (but still just as loving, obviously) and Wilbur's probably gonna be ending up as a happy, but extremely exhausted wreck, cuddled up to Quackity who's giving him countless little kisses and continues to tease him with little whispers
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reveluving · 1 year
oh, to be happily married to gojo and toji, unaware that geto has been perving on you ~
warnings: smut obv (includes voyeuristic!geto, dp, mmf/threesome, unprotected sex, 'baby' as your petname, dumbification, dacryphilia, possessive husbands who are also menaces in the sheets <;3)
c'mon im offering (pls)
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voyeur!geto watching you get dp'ed and doted by your husbands?? hello???
like, it's a miracle geto didn't unleash the ultimate catastrophe as soon as he learned about your marriage to the two?? it was initially a plan made by the higher-ups to ensure you, a special grade, aren't loitering around but you've known gojo and toji even before the arrangement was made, so they willingly ask for your hand, much to the old geezers' displeasure.
oh, how he despises the thought of even sharing you.
he also wonders if things could've been different for him? had he not turned out the way he was now, would he have the chance to ask for your hand, too?
poor geto tries his best to control himself—his anger isn't towards you, no no. but now, he has to live with the fact that his future queen is married to not one but two men he hated most—the infuriating smart-mouth he once called his best friend, and Zenin's very own disappointment.
absolute forces to be reckoned with.
so, the best he can do is wait for the right time. though he wouldn't be caught dead with his ways as a peeping Tom, how could he resist learning more about what makes you smile the brightest?
or what makes your cheeks burn the hottest?
or what makes you scream the loudest?
earning and receiving your affection have become a competition between those two—from buying you your favourite treats to being the first to give you a massage after a long day.
but, even when the two fight for your attention like the rent is due, it's when they'd put aside their differences for you that never fails to make your face grow hot.
having to control his own anger and raging hard on as he watches you—pretty blissful you, cock drunk pressed up against you, toji against your chest while gojo against your back. gojo licks your sweat off the back your neck, letting out the most lewd groan in your ear.
toji holds your head up by the cheeks, his signature wolfish grin as he continues to stare in your tear-stained yet lustful eyes.
"it's too much isn't it, baby?" toji's condescending tone was clear, but you couldn't care less nor feel shameful about it, "aw, it is? oh, my poor baby."
gojo's was no different, opting to hear your mewls even more by thrusting deeper into you, the smack of his hips against your much more obscene than the rest. your toes continue to curl and dig into the stained sheets, unable to stop yourself from dripping down their cocks.
not when the whole point of having you in between them is to turn your brain to mush and mark you both in and out with their cum.
"of course it's too much," he cooed, shooting toji a quick yet frightening glare for hogging your attention before the usual lilt in his voice returns, "she's my sweet dumb baby."
you raise your head a little higher, releasing a shaky moan as toji licks a stripe up your neck—absolutely unaware of the menacing pair of eyes staring at you on the other side of your window, craving to see you in your most intimate, practically taking in the sight of your delicious body glinting from the sheen of sweat and the beads of cum that decorated across your face.
also, there's something about toji and gojo knowing that there is in fact intruder watching, and it doesn't take them long to know. they may not agree with each other on a lot of things but more often than not, they can be quite similar at times, including now.
being the only ones who are allowed to see you this way, to feel you, to mark you.
to protect you.
this man has a breeding kink, and you cannot tell me otherwise.
but his urges have only escalated after the Cursed Child arc, where he not only learns about Yuta and Rika, but also the fact that they're under your care. something in him just gets released upon seeing you protectively push Yuta behind you.
just the thought of having his own little ones, possibly raising a bundle of joy, a reminder of two powerful beings looking after them; you and him.
the overwhelming yet pleasant urge only turns into something darker when both gojo and toji stands before you, widening the distance and keeping a close eye on geto for the way his eyes linger on you for too long.
he takes his leave after declaring a war, satisfied to meet Yuta and watch your husbands barely able to restrain their outrage as they watch geto kiss the back of your hand.
his goals may not be something to achieve overnight, but he'll kill thousands if not millions more if there's a silver of hope to have you by his side.
he's all too pleased with the thought of his future, looking forward to the day he finally gets to call you his and ravage his bride-to-be.
right in front of your husbands.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
I’d like to request a fic where Daemon challenges the readers betrothed to a duel for her hand.
Boom! There you have it! Daemon's gonna kick some ass!
Clean Fight
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
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Warnings: Explicit language, SA, death, gore, Lannister shithead is more of a pig than a lion.
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: Round One- Fight! Had fun w this one, Daemon and Caraxes are such a menace, both individually and together. Not to mention that thing absolutely deserved it. I love creating disgusting characters and then killing them off in brutal ways sm :,)
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The Rogue Prince sat in silence as he stared over at where you were sitting. He'd declined his brother's offer to join him on the Great Hunt, the need to stay behind so he could watch over you overpowering him. The old Lannister lord you sat next to laughed out, the sound reminding Daemon of a pig that had just had its throat sliced open. The fat lord even looked like one. A comically large upturned nose. Two small eyes, empty of any thought. Bald head with just a few blond hairs still clinging to it. He kept stuffing his face with duck breast, chewing with open mouth. It was his third or fourth serving, Daemon had lost count.
This plump old lord, your soon-to-be husband, was so enraptured by the magnificent meals being served that evening that he didn't even notice the disgusted look you gave him. But Daemon did.
Another arranged betrothal, all in the name of gold. You came from a smaller house that wasn't as well-off, due to a few prolific spendrifts; one of which was your own father. He found himself owing his future son-in-law quite a bit. So instead of paying back what he owed in gold, your father offered you in exchange. Unfortunately for you, the Lannister agreed.
"Just look at that face, Clarikk" The old man said to his companion as he squeezed your face with his dirty hand. "I might have lost some gold, but just look at what I got to make up for it..."
You were on the verge of tears. Ever since your father had handed you over to the Lannister, the perverted man hadn't kept his flithy paws off of you for more than few moments at a time. It was either a wandering hand on your behind or one on your thigh.
"...A young face and a maiden cunt to keep me warm" You squealed in horror as the degenerate's hand went under the table and found its way between your legs. He let another laugh.
"Lord Lannister!" A low voice said. "I strongly suggest you take your hands off the girl. It's quite obvious you disgust her."
"That it, boy? Let's see..." The man was so drunk, he didn't recognize the voice at first. "Is it true, you whore?"
You shook your head in disagreement, hands reaching to cover your face. You knew what men like this one were capable of, their recklessness and brutality growing with the amount of alcohol they'd consumed.
"See? She doesn't mind." The Lannister smirked, pulling you into his lap "And even if she did..."
"Let her go or I'll cut your fat little hands off."
"Do you even know who I am, boy?! Aye?!" Lord Lannister squealed.
"I don't give a shit about who you are. Let the girl go."
The old lord rose to his feet, throwing you off his lap. His dirty hand wrapped around your hair before you could make a run for it.
"Why don't you come and take her then, boy?"
You were too busy trying to pry your future husband's hand open to notice Daemon making his way towards the two of you. You found yourself being thrown to the side moments later, your midriff slamming into the wooden table.
The decrepit old lion was just about to unsheathe his sword when a high-pitched scream tore itself from his mouth. In the blink of an eye, Daemon had sliced his gut open, the man's intestines spilling down into a pile at his feet.
"Something wrong, old man?" Deamon was quick to grab him by the back of the neck. "Go on and pick your mess up. Now."
The Lannister fell to his knees, desperately trying to shove his intestines back in. He was weeping like a child.
"Mercy! Mercy!"
Daemon laughed whole-heartedly. He circled around the man and kicked his behind. The disgusting creature fell, dirt getting into his eyes.
"Why would I show you mercy, hm? Give me one reason."
"Please, my Prince! Mercy!" The old man cried out as he got on his hands and knees. His eyes were staring at the puddle of blood and urine below him.
A high-pitched growl came from above the man's head. Then clicking sounds. The people around gasped in horror, trying to put as much distance between them and the Blood Wyrm.
You were frozen in spot. You couldn't care less about the giant red beast that stood few feet away from you. As your hands tried to get your now disheveled hair away from your eyes, Daemon turned to you.
"My lady. I leave it to you to decide."
Your future husband's attention had turned to you as well. He tried to crawl his way to you, but Caraxes stopped him. The dragon hissed, successful in getting the disgusting thing that crawled around on the ground to stop moving.
It didn't take you much time to make up your mind. You nodded, a wicked smile taking the place of the frightened look you had on your face before. Daemon smiled back.
That's all Caraxes needed to hear. The beast took a breath in, savoring the smell of blood and fear. Then came the fire.
The Lannister could only scream as he was getting scorched to death. It all lasted a few seconds, but for you it felt like hours of pure bliss. At last, you were free...
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twinstarsies · 2 years
soulmate au, inko pov
Inko gives birth to a healthy baby boy on a hot July afternoon, after a grueling thirteen hours of labor.
She holds her little Izuku to her, bundled in a soft, pastel green blanket, and smiles even as tears trail sticky tracks down her cheeks. He'd wailed himself to exhaustion a couple of hours ago, and her heart has never felt so full of love and happiness as it does now.
"He's gonna be a mama's boy for sure," Mitsuki says from her chair beside the bed. "I'm already jealous."
Inko looks over to her best friend, watching her readjust the wriggling bundle of blond spikes and red eyes she calls a son. Katsuki looks like he's trying to escape a straight jacket, fighting against his mother's hold.
She chuckles. "Three months old and already a menace."
"Absolutely exhausting," Mitsuki agrees. She's smiling though, pressing a kiss to Katuski's cheek. "Izuku'll have his work cut out for him keeping him in line."
Inko hums, looking back at her son. She leans down and nuzzles his tuft of hair, kissing his freckled cheek.
He looks so much like Hisashi. She thinks about the way her husband had cried almost as loud as Izuku when they'd video called earlier and smiles even harder.
Katsuki is still wriggling around and fussing, so Inko shifts Izuku in her arms to bring them closer together.
"Katsuki-kun," she calls softly, and immediately red eyes are on her before falling to the bundle snoozing in her arms. "Would you like to meet Izuku?"
Inko and Mitsuki watch as Katsuki calms the longer he stares at Izuku. His wriggling stills, and he stops fussing. One of his tiny hands reaches out, as if to grab Izuku, but Mitsuki intercepts and lets him wrap his fingers around two of hers.
"Not yet, buddy," she says gently. "Let's wait until he's out of the hospital, okay?"
"He's going to be your very best friend," Inko tells him. "And you'll be his, right, Katsuki-kun?"
Katsuki obviously doesn't answer with words, but the way he continues intently gazing at her son warms her heart, anyway.
Since both of their husbands are out of the country, Inko goes home with Mitsuki and Katsuki. Katsuki hasn't taken his eyes from Izuku for longer than it takes him to blink, and Inko thinks it's the cutest thing.
"I think my son's in love with yours," Mitsuki muses, watching as Katsuki's slightly bigger body curls around Izuku as they sleep in Katsuki's crib.
They'd put their sons down together so they could get something to eat, and Katsuki had wiggled himself up against Izuku as soon as his mother's arms let him go. Right now, he's got a tiny hand fisted in Izuku's onesie, nose pressed into Izuku's pudgy cheek. Their breathing is even in sync.
Inko wipes tears from her eyes as she sends a video of them to Hisashi and Masaru. "It's so cute!"
"I can't wait for his angsty teen phase," Mitsuki cackles. "When he tries to deny having a crush, I'm gonna show him this video and all the pictures of him literally unable to leave Izuku alone. It'll be great."
Inko laughs with her, agreeing. Really, though, it's just nice to know her son will have someone to be close to, who will love him and protect him. His own special someone—a soulmate.
It's the thought she comes back to later, when both Izuku and Katsuki won't stop crying. Though, to be honest, it sounds more like agonized wailing. Like something hurts but there's no way for their sons to communicate what, and Inko sobs along with her newborn baby as she holds him close to her heart.
She and Mitsuki are on their way to the hospital—back to it, she thinks blearily—to see a doctor. They're given priority as much as possible after they explain the situation, and twenty minutes later, they're in a room with one of the nurses.
"We don't know what's wrong," Mitsuki tells the nurse. Inko is crying too hard to do anything more than blubber. "We put them down for a nap after taking Izuku home, and then when we picked them up to feed them, they started crying and wouldn't stop."
"Please, what's wrong with my baby," Inko sobs. Izuku still hasn't stopped, and she's so afraid he might cry himself to death. Katsuki isn't better, thrashing in Mitsuki's arms.
"If I may, let me take them for some tests," the nurse says, holding her arms out. "It might be internal, but we won't know otherwise."
She doesn't want to be apart from him, but Inko passes Izuku to the nurse at the same time Mitsuki hands Katsuki over. With practiced ease, the nurse gets them cradled to her chest, close enough their tiny arms rest together.
Like a switch was flipped, both Izuku's and Katsuki's wails stop, as suddenly as they'd started. They hiccup a few times, but both of them are quiet and calm for the first time since that afternoon.
Inko blinks in shock, the emotion mirrored in both Mitsuki and the nurse.
"Wh—How?" she asks, stunned. "What's happening?"
"I—" The nurse looks at the babies in her arms. "I don't know." She shifts them, readjusting her hold, and when their arms stop touching, the crying starts up again.
"Wait—You just got them to stop!" Mitsuki snaps, reaching back out for her son. "What was different?"
"I don't know!" the nurse says.
She shifts them close again, and Inko sees the crying stop when they touch, then start when they part. Something tickles at the back of her mind, a story her mother used to tell her when she was a child. A story about stars, and souls, and fated lovers.
A story about soulmates.
"They have to be touching," she says, faintly. Mitsuki and the nurse look at her in confusion.
"Touching?" Mitsuki's red eyes widen when she realizes what Inko is talking about—she knows the story, too. "Fuck, are you kidding me?"
Inko wishes it was a joke. Not that she doesn't want her son to have a soulmate, just that it didn't have to be so painful.
"They're soulmates," she says, still reeling from the realization. "I didn't think the stories were true."
They're old stories, about strangers coming into physical contact and being unable to be apart for a length of time after. It's their souls stitching themselves back together after being torn apart by the gods. They have to remain touching until they're whole again, or it causes them extreme pain.
Inko looks at her son and his soulmate, their sons of stardust and love, and cries again.
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naamah-beherit · 10 months
how different do you think the events of the silmarillion would be if hualian were there
Oh wow.
I'd say it depends on the time they'd enter the scene? Would they be Ainur? I imagine XL would be a Vala and HC a Maia, or maybe XL would be a Maia visiting Beleriand quite often out of his love for the Quendi and HC a Teleri who stayed behind in Beleriand, in which case I see XL make the same choice as Melian did. I can totally imagine them set up a city to protect people from Morgoth's forces, maybe choosing not to get involved in Noldors' nonsense and therefore surviving past the First Age.
Or not. Oh gods, imagine if HC died in the War of Wrath. He'd become an absolute menace in the Halls of Mandos, demanding to return to his husband, cleansing the bad memories and the stains of the Arda Marred be damned. XL would know he'd return, so he wouldn't have moved from their home even for a moment.
(please don't become a wip, please don't become a wip)
Or if we're talking about a universe crossover, then I think the outcome would depend on when they'd get there. The beginnings when Melkor was in full power? He'd win no doubt. The late stages, when he was a shadow of his own self? Hualian would beat him to a pulp and hand his arse over to the Valar.
And they would not, not once, take shit from Fëanor.
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gardenerian · 2 years
mick and ian are definitely ppl watchers. like they go to the park, sit on a bench and make up funny little stories abt ppl they see:
“look at that lady with the poodle over there, she’s waiting to meet her daughter and new grandchild for lunch! 🤗”
“wtf no, gallagher. she’s plotting the murder of her ex husband and is training her menace of a dog to hide the evidence”
- mills (gallavichsbitch)
omg mills hi love! this is so funny askjfdh i love the idea of them going out specifically do to this 😇 the absolute lore that they'd invent about total strangers, sitting on a bench very clearly drinking in public... but then what lore would the strangers make up for them? "see those two over there? they're noT AS QUIET AS THEY THINK THEY ARE"
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kheta · 1 year
No Thoughts Just Vibes
I have nothing else for this except–– Nishinoya at Johzenji. Just that. They're all so damn weird and he'd fit right in with them. He's also the same age as them and him being the defence they so desperately need to keep the game not only going, but also to let them run wild knowing he'd save as many points as he can for them. I also feel like he'd get a tongue piercing to match Terushima and the vibes are just *****<kiss Their offence still wouldn't like match Shiratorizawa, but they'd be menaces on the court I can't. (I also want Tanaka there bc he would single-handly try and force the team into shape for Misaki and it wouldn't woooork but he would try and i love him for that. I just kinda think they might be too compatible as a team. Like gas meeting fire and burning everything lmao. so much chaos I can't w them. I can see Tanaka getting a spike through and absolutely looking at his team like 'eat my shit and try and beat that' and they would try. bc they have no concept of chill or retreat or fuckn temperance.)
but bc we weren't blessed w/ that in canon. What about them being on the same community team? Nishinoya is libero when he's visiting and its all so v chaotic that Kiyoko kinda looks at them and really, really wants to dip. Like fully daydreaming about walking to her car and leaving her husband there to make his own way home bc this is them sober??? what if they want to drink after? she caaan't.
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manglednatalia · 2 years
Rosalie Octavius and Emily Osborn are underappreciated queens
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fischltao · 2 years
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characters: gojou satoru, nanami kento, toji fushiguro
warnings: swearing, breeding, creampie, manhandling
a/n: interact for more parts
gojo satoru:
is loud and not ashamed to hide it
he's a menace
tries to compete on who's louder but soon, he stops joking around and just rails you into oblivion
he's big, i know he's big
once he fucked you in his infinite domain to highten your senses and it must have been the greatest pleasure you've felt
just absolutely slams inside of you until you can only say his name
'toru, your beloved toru
he loves the control he has over you
he's also a giant and the strongest sorcerer so if you think he wouldn't be able to manhandle you, you're wrong
could go on for hours
"toru" you gasped as he repeatedly slammed against your cervix from behind. thankfully the classroom was empty and you couldn't sense any of your students nearing the premises "toru please, we have class in a bit- ah"
he softly laughed, going even harder as he left harsh smacks against your cheeks. it was so much, his hard cock was so big and you could only hold onto one of the tables as your toru's cock ripped your insides "then you should come baby, orrr, should i just pull out now? leave you leaking here empty before our students come for class?" teased, momentarily pulling out of your spend walls watching a string of your arousal connecting his tip to your aching pussy before driving it back inside.
"i think just for this time, i'm gonna give my baby what she needs"
nanami kento:
nanami is what everyone dreams of as the perfect husband
he's just so good when he slips it in and gasps before taking your face in his hands and leaves little kisses on it
don't tease him, he won't be gentle
this is a sign to tease nanami kento
he goes absolutely feral when it comes to you
his pretty little baby wants her boyfriend to empty his seed inside? that's what he'll do
whenever he's fucking you missionary he pushes your hand against your pelvic area to feel just how his cock destroys you
"fuck darling do you feel this?" kento groans as he plunges himself harder and harder, pushing your hand to your lower stomach and watching your expression contort into absolute pleasure. the nanami that was now above you and well, inside of you was nothing like the nanami you knew "this is us baby, wanna make my pretty baby a mommy, yes? gonna be so good for me and take everything i give you?"
you don't answer, overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure and that seems to irritate your beautiful boyfriend "say it" he spits grabbing your face to look in his eyes
"give it all to me kento, please, i-fuck-im gonna make you a daddy baby, just please keep going, please baby"
"fuck-i love you"
toji fushiguro:
never ready for him
loves to sit back and watch you try to fit him inside and try to ride him
doesn't take a while until he's nailing you against the couch
has you breathless, absolutely drunk on his cock
it just burns so good
he cums a load so prepare to get filled to the brim
"gonna cum inside your slutty pussy baby, gonna get you so full. you're the best baby to breed" he would groan as he'd throw you up and down his cock. if anyone were to walk inside the room now all they'd see was you absolutely broken from the multiple orgasms he had gave you being maneuvered on his dick.
"toji- toji kun, ah, 's too much"
"too much? come on baby, you've taken it so much worse, i can absolutely destroy you if i want" he moans, throwing his head back as he quickens the pace "fucking take it" and holy fuck you could feel his cum fill you so good and he just wouldn't stop, you almost feared for your poor couch and as if toji read your mind he lifted you up, cock plugged still inside, placed a pillow on the couch and laid your hips on top of the pillow before pulling out as you panted for air.
"this is gonna help for my cum to stay inside, you're not leaving this house not pregnant this time, okay?"
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rivers-fics · 2 years
💜JJK Character Headcanons (SFW)💜
My interpretation of the other JJK characters!
JJK Manga Spoilers!!!
Includes: Gojo, Sukuna, Geto (both of them), Toji, Uraume, Nanami, and Choso
Warnings: Light cussing, Mahito 🙄🤮
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He is,,, a lot to say the least.
Is super happy you chose to date him
He's like,, rich rich and will shower you in gifts
jewelry, clothes, food, etc.
an absolute menace >:(
will make fun of you (lovingly ig 🙄)
Would randomly kiss you in public just to get a reaction out of you
Gojo id def very touchy
must be touching you at all times (holding your hand, arm around your shoulder, just something)
Constantly wants attention
Reading a book? Not anymore it's time for cuddles
Cooking dinner? Fucker will wrap his arms around you from behind only to bite your neck
No matter how annoying or mean he is, can guarantee you he loves you more than himself (which is surprising)
Sukuna (4 arms!!)
a complete bitch. <3
you somehow wiggled you little way into his heart n now you won't leave
kinda annoying ngl
he'd never admit it but he loves seeing your small form in his 4 Big ass arms
also loves kisses, surprisingly
just something about them,,, hits different
Don't expect much attention he has better things to do
if needed you will be sacfraficed
he may love you but he has priorities lol
good luck don't die!
Very caring
can be a bit overbearing at times but he means well
Will let you play with his hair
He won't admit it but that's his favorite part of the day
Has a routine to greet you
1.) Kiss on forehead 2.) "Good morning/afternoon/evening, my love." 3.) Kiss on lips
very sweet <3
Everything he does has purpose so go easy on him luvs
Also a menace like Gojo
Geto (Kenjaku)
Kind of a bitch if I'm being honest
He's pretty busy, won't have much time to give you attention
Will also let you play with his hair while he does his work
You're gonna have to deal with Mahito 🤢🤮 and Choso ❤💫
When he does have time to give you enough attention it's amazing
will hold you to his chest and pet your head lovingly
movie nights are most frequent dates bc it keeps mahito entertained from being a sticky ipad kid :///
Like I said He's kinda mean so don't get in the way of his work
Yeah y'all knew what to expect
He may be a canon freeloader but I think he'd pay his end of the deal with a partner
Basically a sugar baby
Is a dick most of the time, but it's more of the little things with him
He can be sweet with small gestures like flowers or having dinner ready before you're home
Don't expect too much he's away a lot
Will always repay you tho 👀
You became their #1 priority when you came into their life
it used to be sukuna but you gave them a feeling they'd never felt before, at least not in that context:
Love <3
They're still pretty new to the feeling and taking care of someone because you want to rather than it being your job
please be patient they're trying their best!!
Likes when you play with their hair, will do it back if you'd like
Likes to be held against your chest, feels like home
Surprisingly Sukuna allowed you to stay with Uraume and so graciously chose not to kill you
but seeing his precious assistant in love struck a chord in him, I suppose
Just give uraume all your love and they will be loyal to you (and sukuna of course) for forever <3
Nanami <3
omg he is so sweet PLEASE
Ideal husband and honorary dilf
Will put so much care and effort into the relationship
always make sure you're happy and feel loved
If you're stressed he just knows and you won't even have to lift a finger
Loves when you cook for him
Loves just coming home and cuddling with you especially after a long day of overtime and/or Gojo
Will take you on the best dates
legit never disappoints
will show up with flowers and take you to a fancy restaurant and then maybe a walk in the park
Will love you with his whole heart I stg
Choso (My beloved)
He's still new to relationships so be patient
Will care for you SO MUCH in whatever way you need
like if you're stressed, sad, got hurt on a mission
he knows exactly how to care for you and get you happy n healthy
another ideal husband
def a family man (with his brothers y'know)
Love language is words of affirmation
"You're doing great sweetheart" OMFGGGG
the sweetest please
will ALWAYS try his best for you
also loves cuddles
baby just wants to hold you and make sure you feel loved 🥺🥺🥺
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I don't know anything about Sendak's family life, what kind of childhood he had, etc but Lotor and Tiashe had pretty shitty childhoods. Tiashe with being a bastard and a half-blood and looking way too different from other kids and facing discrimination, and Lotor with all that plus Zarkon and Haggar's bullshit. Their childhoods were awful.
So it stands to reason that they both would crave love, that they'd want to give their kids all the love and warmth and happiness they didn't get to receive. That they'd want to have so many kids, and give them what they'd always craved— a loving word, a warm smile, a gentle touch, encouragement, guidance, affection, and so much more.
Which is a pretty lengthy and feelsy way of saying Lotor wants a fuckton of kids, and Tiashe is absolutely down for it. In their eyes they're already taking care of so many kids (the colony kids) albeit in a more distant sort of way so what's fifty more? And the fact that they'll literally get to be a proper parent is just a bonus. Sendak is so damn exasperated with his two idiots (but he loves them so much)
Headcanon that not only kids but also animals are pretty fond of Sendak. They wanna sleep in his fluff. He is not amused.
Lotor being able to summon rift creatures and being able to use them as familiars though!! And purple fire or lightning! Magic + an evasive fighting style that makes him nigh impossible to hit = he's a menace on the battlefield. Add Sendak by his side and Tiashe supporting their husbands with bullets/lasers and magic from behind and they're terrifying.
The three of them spar a lot. Tiashe doesn't enjoy it so their husbands try to find ways to make it more enjoyable for them.
Before running away Tiashe probably worked under a Galra who was kind to them, and they loved said Galra, a parental figure they never had. Though something would rob that happiness from them, though I don't know what, hence Tiashe fucking off to space.
When Lotor becomes Emperor all three plan to just do a reform of literally everything, the way Quintessence is harvested, abolition of slavery, more rights for mixed ones and non-Galra citizens, if a certain ethnicity wants to declare independence they'd let them (though the half-bloods and Altean survivors and non-Galras have formed a tight-knit community in their little communities so I'm sure some if not all would like to stay), they've got so much work ahead of them. But they don't mind— some nights the three of them would look into the starry voids and talk about their hopes and dreams for the future. It's soft and good and warm.
Whenever one of them does something cool and badass, or when one of them is Soft™ with kids, the other two get absolutely turned on. Competent and would make a good parent? Sign them the fuck up!
...also if one member of the triad got injured or died the other two would go ballistic
Tbf, in canon we don’t get a lot of Sendak backstory (other than he was trained by Zarkon personally and was maybe around for the destruction of altea iirc), so pretty much everything on my end is conjecture
It’s definitely canon that Lotor had a shit childhood tho
Yes about the children and animals! Lotor’s prone to adopt anything small and helpless (much to Sendak’s chagrin)
May the gods have mercy on whoever is responsible for one of them getting hurt/killed. They could not run fast enough or far enough to escape retribution
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