#winds of ice
reginarubie · 1 year
Last chapter of WOI is up (you can read it HERE) whilst under the cut is actually the trailer of the coming sequel WADOW (wolves and dragons of winter)
Thank you for sharing this journey with me, I have had so much fun and honestly could not have done it without you all. Even just one small comment — months between updates — have been enough to keep my motivation to write this fic and bring it to completion.
Thank you for all your kind words and support. I am sorry some of you found Lyanna’ character distasteful, but I think it was very relatable and plausible for the circumstances and her age (I find that most fan-characterisation of her make her sound too mature for her age).
Hope you enjoyed the road until here, and to see you soon for the sequel or any other of my stories you particularly like.
As always sending all my love ~G.
Ps. Under the cut the trailer of WADOW
Nineteen years have passed since Avaelya of House Targaryen became Avaelya Stark, lady of Winterfell and later princess consort in the North. After two years of war she and Brandon had found their way home again, and now, seventeen years later everything is about to change again.
The Iron throne is calling. Aegon is of age now, has been for a while, and Robert has almost worked the Realm to the ground with his economy of the costly tournaments and whores and banquets while the people have almost less the nothing once winter come.
In the North the Enemy still slumbers but for how long still? The Realm needs to present an united front against It when the real cold comes.
It is time for the wolves and dragons of winter to raise from the late summer snows and take the Realm by storm.
Winter is coming, and it’s coming with Fire and Blood.
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grandkhan221b · 26 days
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HOTD season 2 coming up got me re-reading ASOIAF again wooops
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martellspear · 6 months
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i'm so normal about this (crying screaming shaking throwing up pulling out my hair)
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tonyloom · 10 months
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Arya Stark of Winterfell, Daughter of the north, Queen of Winter, The night wolf, The ghost of Harrenhal, Witch queen, Bloodwitch, Wolf witch, water dancer, The She-wolf, a bitch from the seventh hell.
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gia-d · 6 months
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Total time: 10 very hot hours
Someone give this image context because I sure as hell won't.
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nothingbizzare · 1 year
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Giorno when he is skipping school!!
He just walks away and does silly stuff chgguugughh
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milaeryn · 9 months
Ned: "You will train them yourselves, you will feed them yourselves, and if they die, you will bury them yourselves."
And then probably Ned 20 minutes later:
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thewatcher0nthewall · 4 months
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King in the North
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artctrlcee · 3 months
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/SHOUT: "Get behind the ice, get behind the ice!!"
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cleanbutsalty · 5 months
”I saved her… I saved the girl…”
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reginarubie · 1 year
Working on next chapter of «Wind of Ice»
Yeah, I have not forgotten about it!, and am working on it. It promises to be quite challenging and I hope, relatable and true.
It will a Ned' chapter and take place in Harrenhal.
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And, when they had left at the end of the tourney she had been looking down at him from that very same window. Ned had almost promised her himself — though he knew he could not, that he was already promised elsewhere — though she had given him all of her, she had understood. Her eyes had been sad, but filled with fondness as they had bid their farewell. 
Maybe in another life, my lord, had been her parting words, in this life I shall keep your memory close to my heart.
Ned had felt hollow. 
It hurt him now, feeling how he still felt weighted down and yet he felt full and warm, as her face shifted in that of his wife, leaving behind but the ghost of her giggling for Catelyn soft murmurs in the night.
It had made him uneasy the way Catelyn had carved a place under his skin. The way her warmth had filled him with promise, truth and love enough that he had found himself keeping the lady at arm’s length. 
But Catelyn had a way about her. She had been irresistible. — from the coming chapter of Wind of Ice.
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grandkhan221b · 1 day
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Being a king and war leader at 15 is so chill and fun 😊😊👍yay😄
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demon-blood-youths · 6 months
Into Hell: Oda's Dangerous Encounter Among The Cursed Ones || Closed RP
In the Akihabara ward, there is an arcade away from the busy crowd, and laughter is heard from the arcade. Hayato Itachi is drinking and eating skewers with his boys. His teammates Iku Takiyasha and Moudo Namazu are drinking at the counter.
Sitting in the middle is Yuria Niguredou who was taken against her will and is now spending time with them. Hayato is a bit bitter that he didn't get to beat the little demon hours ago but it's fine. He found some girls that could hang out with them. The girl, Yuria has her drink in her hands caught his attention. Yuria bit her lip and is now worried. However...the carefree laughter made her upset.
"Just you wait!" Yuria said. "You can laugh now but wait till my friends get here! You're going to be sorry!" She yelled angrily.
"Your friends? Like who? The raven-haired girl and that demon friend of yours! Both are gone and I bet they've run away. Well..Iku threw that demon away so far, she won't get up after a week!" Hayato laughed.
Yuria grits her teeth, "Don't talk about my friends like that! Because my friends at my school aren't the only ones you should be scared of but my teachers too."
Then Hayato laughs even harder.
"The hell?! What are those teachers going to do?! Throw a chalk at us?! They ain't going to do shit." Hayato slaps his thigh while his friends are with their girl companions laughing while Yuria growls. Iku sighs, shaking his head while Moudo continues drinking his bubble tea sheepishly.
"Dumbass...." Iku sighed "Good thing...that demon isn't part of that fraction from Shinseina Hogo or else we get our ass chewed out by Torahito." He said.
"Good thing it isn't, Iku, sir!" Moudo said. "But...that uniform...of hers. What school is she from" Moudo is worried.
"Eh. Just a school. Maybe she hasn't joined a fraction yet or maybe she's in a minor one." Iku shrugged, scrolling down his phone. "Who cares. We're just here for sightseeing."
The three demons of Oda are leisurely spending while at Jujutsu High....
Steps are ascending the stairs under the tori gates, they have reached the school. A shadowy creature carrying an unconscious petite girl in its arms is groaning softly, her eyes opening and closing a bit. As they reached the campus, there was already a commotion after Miko arrived.
@the-silver-peahen-residence from here
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superdogbiter · 1 year
These choices are either real food or not so have fun and don't think too hard about it
Feel free to add in the tags your favorite food from video games even if it's a real food or not.Also say in the tags if a video game food that was real food made you want to try it
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melinoyart · 9 months
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(named) Dayne sibs
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emptyportrait · 2 months
ship so good they yearn for each other without even knowing one another's existence
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