#windclan fireheart au
lakelyasleep · 1 year
I was playing around with warrior cats AUs earlier and an interesting thought came up. What if Fireheart was a WindClan cat and a Med cat? (And had amnesia, for funsies) Here are some jumbled ideas in (mostly) chronological order.
Rusty leaves the two-leg place at four moons, meeting Tigerclaw. As you expect this doesn't end well. He barely gets away alive, passing out inside WindClan's border.
It's Deadfoot that finds him, acting as his main parental figure next to Barkface.
When he wakes up he doesn't know who he is or what happened. Though because he smelt like ThunderClan, Tallstar could guess.
Because of Tigerclaw, he is very scarred, the most notable one on his left side goes from his shoulder to his flank.
He was five moons when ShadowClan chased WindClan from their home. He already wanted to become a med cat and helped Barkface where he was allowed.
Firepaw gets far more warrior training than the average med cat would due to the exile. This becomes a part of WindClan culture later on.
He has a very strong connection to StarClan in this AU! While they meant for him to be a ThunderClan warrior they aren't particularly disappointed with what he chose.
Firepaw keeps having dreams of the same two cats, one a tortoiseshell tom with a red tail, one a brown tiger-like tabby with sharp claws. The tabby looks familiar but he has no idea where he'd met the cat.
We're gonna move from WindClan for now, let's check in on ThunderClan, shall we?
Spottedleaf still gets the "Fire will save our clan" prophecy, but doesn't understand it until much later.
Tigerclaw becomes deputy after he kills Redtail, but is more patient than he is in canon.
Ravenpaw doesn't leave ThunderClan because he never saw Tigerclaw kill Redtail, though he is still scared of Tigerclaw. He gets the name Ravenflight for his flighty personality. Raven x Barley is still a thing, don't worry!
Ravenpaw is the one who helps Yellowfang and is punished because he feeds her. Ravenpaw acts in the place of Firepaw for the most part.
Sandpaw stays roughly the same, her arc does not change much until later.
While Spottedleaf isn't killed by Clawface the kits are still kitnapped, and Yellowfang is still blamed. They thought she was a spy or something.
Graypaw and Ravenpaw go looking for her and find out the truth. Things go the way they did in canon. Brokenstar and his followers are chased out. After the battle, they're given their warrior names and do their vigil.
Graystripe and Ravenflight are the ones sent to find WindClan. This is how our favourite trio meet.
They actually spot Firepaw hunting and run up to him, not expecting him to turn and swipe at them. It takes Deadfoot calling out to Firepaw to make him back off.
They take a break when they meet Barley, who offers to let them stay the night in the barn. He and Ravenflight talk for hours.
When Graystripe gets Firepaw to relax, he asks about Firepaw's scars. Firepaw shakes his head and says he doesn't remember how he got them. He doesn't remember anything from before WindClan found him.
The party of cats leave, deciding to cut through RiverClan territory. They still fight with that RiverClan patrol but no one dies, luckily.
Ravenflight and Graystripe go home, both their minds stuck on different cats.
And we're gonna stop there, for now, I'll probably rb with more ideas later. My brain is already rotting with this AU so I'll def be coming back to it!
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moppything · 1 year
tallstar x jake firepaw. jake is transmasc and has rusty after returning to his twolegs (tallstar didnt know jake was expecting)
rusty is a solid black cat and joins thunderclan like normal, but when the sun shines directly on him it turns his black fur into a fiery reddish orange colour, earning him the name firepaw. he could even get more reddish as he grows older, as time in the sun can turn a black cat permanently reddish brown.
when tallstar sees fireheart for the first time he recognizes Jake's eyes and body shape, and comes to the realization that fireheart is their son. he becomes a father figure for fireheart similar to in canon. fireheart could potentially even join windclan temporarily to hang out with his dad? gotta have his bf onewhisker here too
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theanoninyourinbox · 9 months
thinkin' very hard about hypokits rght nw so have two of my favorite crackships: Tallstar x Nutmeg and Brambleclaw x Frecklewish (Skc)
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bold of you to assume i wouldn't make rusty princess and tiny
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fancytacopaper · 2 months
Hi. I have made a book on Wattpad where I come up with (adopted/bio ) kits/litters for Warriors ships ( CCxCC, CCxOC,OCxOC and/or LBTQ)
Here's the batch of the ships I'm planning to use next.
If you have an idea of your own , comment below at least the following:
Names of the characters you'd want me to use:
(Please note: If the characters are OCs , tell me their appearances and Clan(s) )
How many kits /litters do you want them to have? : ( Max 12 kits/litter)
Are the kits adopted or biological?:
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bonefall · 2 years
Maybe have Bracken and Cinder be adopted into the litter. That’s why they are older than their siblings. Ofc Frost and Lion treat them just like their other kits and the four are as close as can be- plus the two seem like the cats who would gladly adopt any poor abandoned kits.
Wouldn't it be funny if Firestar went to go get the kits back from ShadowClan, but no one on the retrieval patrol actually knew what the kittens looked like, so they just went "WE'LL SORT IT OUT LATER" and brought back every unaccounted-for kit in the ShadowClan nursery?
Like they had been taken from WindClan after the battle so none of the ShadowClan cats knew either, so they couldn't have that reunion with their real parents right away, and then by the time WindClan actually comes back they're bonded to Frostfur
And it's especially weird since Brackenfur and Thornclaw look EXACTLY alike. In fact it would be kinda neat to imagine that Brightheart was actually a lost sister of Gorsepaw
Not committing to any of this (I'm very partial to the Dorito suggestion that was submitted before you suggested this) but it would be pretty neat to headcannon!
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chubfeather · 1 month
Fireheart x Morningflower AU Drabble
The old "what if I ship THIS rarepair as a joke?" but as per usual I get attached to said rarepair. Anyways. Here's some very scrambled `1 am thoughts.
I'll do something more concrete after I reread tpb again cause since Morningflower isn't a major character, somethings are blurry!
This is also a "Fireheart goes to Windclan" AU but its AFTER he's become a warrior of Thunderclan. Mostly because I thought it would be fun and also because I think it would be the most likely scenario for a Fire/Morning ship to work.
-In this AU, Fireheart fails to convince Bluestar that Tigerclaw is a threat. He's exiled, but finds refuge in Windclan [I think Jake tells Tallstar something about Fireheart at the end of Tallstar's revenge so that but its taken further]. Tallstar is more then happy to take in Fireheart when he both saved his clan and was talked about by his old mate [Tallstar/Jake is canon you can't tell me otherwise]. Tallstar almost sees Fireheart as a kit he never had.
-Kind of a take on what happens if one of starclan's prophecys fail cause they never do that and its lame [I'm only caught up to dawn of the clans so if they have done that afterwards my bad]. Since Bluestar doesn't end up trusting Fireheart's instincts "Fire alone can save our clan" doesn't pan out!!!
-Obviously this has a lot of implications when it comes to the main plot of tpb but I just like changing things to see where I would make them end up. Stuff like if Tigerclaw killed Bluestar, what happens to Yellowfang, what happens to Graystripe and Riverclan and Bloodclan, how Fireheart might be considered a traitor by other clans and how much Windclan would/wouldn't accept him. etc. lol. Big AU for tiny ship.
-Probably going to either fill in some windclan warriors or take a realllll close look at the allegiances between books because so few are actually listed in the first series.
-Not sure exactly when I want Fireheart's exile to take place- I think I would place it somewhere between Graystripe leaving for Riverclan and Tigerstar's murder attempt on Bluestar, but I'll think on that.
-Anyways onto the actual Fire/morning stuff.
-Other then talking at gatherings about how Gorsepaw is doing, the two don't really get romantic until after Fireheart joins Windclan. Originally on my main art blog I thought it would be funny if Fireheart was sneaking out to see Morningflower in the same vein Graystripe does with Silverstream, but I think that's too repetitive and a bit out of character for Fireheart [he's seen sneaking out and breaking the warrior code plenty sure, but he's also seen to be a complete goofball when it comes to romance]
-Fireheart acts as a sort of surrogate father for Gorsepaw [who lives in this au]. More father figures in Warriors please. [Pretty sure Morningflower's canon mate is Cloudrunner which is WILD becuase Cloudrunner was a moorunner warrior when Tallstar was a kit and Tallstar was Morningflower's mentor?????? What I'm saying is he's old as hell. I don't thin he's in TPB so I'm just assuming he's dead or generally ignoring his existence for now] Gorsepaw would absolutely adore having Fireheart in windclan
-Onestar and Fireheart being brother in laws is cute and they won't have the same kind of falling out if Fireheart is in windclan [Idk if Fireheart would ever become leader of windclan but hey. Question for another day]. Don't ask me about Ashfoot. I forgor what she's like
-I mostly like this ship because I like the thought of Fireheart being the one who comforted Morningflower in what was probably one of the darkest moments of her life!!! and also that Morningflower is such an underutilized character, with her retiring [rather early, i think she's brother's with Onewhisker?] to the elder's den after she feels like she avenged her son, but the way she fought so fiercely to do so always makes her stand out in my mind : (
-With how protective Fireheart is over Sandstorm in the last few books of tpb I think he would absolutely do the same for Morningflower and his adopted son.
-I have many doodles planned and will expand on this as I think of stuff haha. Will have to make some stuff up for Morningflower seeing as she doesn't appear in the books often.
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sophswritingthings · 11 months
Longstar AU — Chapter Two
    “.. So what did he say?” Swiftpaw bounded up to Longtail, his ears immediately flattening.
    “He.. said he'd talk to her,” Longtail meowed. “But nothings promised.”
    “That’s—it’s mouse-dung!” Swiftpaw hissed, “I should be a warrior! I earned it, and so did all the other apprentices! Bluestar needs to stop hiding already and come out!”
    “I agree,” Longtail murmured, swinging his head toward the High Rock. “Just get some fresh-kill and get some rest. We'll go hunting in the morning, how’s that sound?”
    “Yeah,” Swiftpaw flattened his ears. “Thanks, Longtail.” He purred, bounding over toward the fresh-kill pile. 
    “Apprentice troubles, hmm?”
    He turned around, seeing the dusky brown she-cat standing there.
    “Sort of,” He mumbled. “More like leader troubles.”
    “How come?” Mousefur settled beside him, “She’s just sick, Longtail, she'll get over it. She always does, y'know?”
    “I get she’s.. sick, or whatever,” Longtail said through gritted teeth, staring at the dirt under his paws. “But she’s our leader, Mousefur. She needs to pull herself out of whatever this is, step up, and act like she is,” He hissed. “Fireheart is practically our leader. But he cannot make the apprentices, deservingapprentices, warriors by StarClan. It isn’t fair to them.”
    “.. I know, Longtail,” Mousefur sighed, gazing across the camp at the apprentices, playing with a few of the kits. “Brindleface's kits are late to be apprenticed, too. And the apprentices are deserving to be warriors, nothing could say otherwise—but you must give her time. Give her that and she may become our strong-willed leader once more.”
    “If you say so,” Longtail murmured.
    He wasn’t sure he believed Mousefur. Sure, she was his friend, he trusted her—but Bluestar had been so taken aback and worn down by Tigerclaw's betrayal, well, Tigerstar now—as he'd been told—that she'd gone into hiding in her den. He wasn’t sure she could bounce back from that. Not this time.
    Mousefur padded away, approaching her apprentice, Thornpaw. Longtail watched for a moment as the two had a pleasant exchange, and padded away together. With a sigh, he turned into the warriors den, and curled up in his nest. All of it was too much to handle right now, too much to think about.
     “Fireheart?” Thornpaw slipped into the camp, the rest of the patrol following close behind. “We’ve found something out in the forest, near the WindClan border.”
     “Well?” Fireheart questioned, “What is it?”
     “Scraps of prey littered on their border,” Darkear's piped up from behind the apprentice.
     “.. It must be WindClan,” A raspy voice mewed from behind, the patrol laying their eyes on the worn down ThunderClan leader. Her blue eyes were dull, tired looking. “They’re stealing the prey from us.. even more proof that the other clans are planning to align against us..”
     “We can’t just assume that, Bluestar, what if—“
     “Hush!” The blue-gray she-cats eyes flared with anger, “We will confront them about it at the gathering tonight.” With a hiss, she slipped back into her den, Fireheart skidding after her.
     “She has to have gone mad,” Darkear's murmured, earning a nudge from Whitestorm beside him.
     “That’s your kin your talking about,” Whitestorm narrowed his yellow eyes. “She’s not gone mad. She’s just.. not thinking straight. I’m sure Fireheart will talk to her.”
     “Yes. I’m sure.” Darkear's growled, stalking away with his ears flattened.
     It is a bit crazy, though. Longtail thought, gazing after Whitestorm as he padded after his eldest son. She takes one piece of information and blows it out of proportion! That could get the entire clan hurt. With a deep breath, he padded toward the fresh-kill pile.
     He picked out a thrush, and settled down between the nursery and medicine den, his ears pricked up for any information. Was he eavesdropping? No. Well, okay, yes—but he needed to know what in the world was going on.
     “Bluestar, it wasn’t WindClan, I—“
     “Fireheart, silence!” Bluestar growled, her tail lashing. “I am your leader. And you are disobeying what I’ve ordered. Have you become a traitor just like the rest of this worthless clan?”
     Fireheart flattened his ears, taking a few paw-steps backward. “.. None of us are traitors, Bluestar,” He meowed, his voice quite small. “I am only saying that maybe you should think about this before we go through with it..”
      “I have thought about it,” She hissed. “Tomorrow we will have a battle patrol go to WindClan. Now, leave my den and let me rest.” And with that, she curled into a ball in the very back of her den.
      A few moments later, heavily sighing, Fireheart padded out of the den. With a swift glance around camp, the deputy turned toward the entrance and padded out.
      Longtail narrowed his eyes. Finishing his thrush, he hopped to his paws, bounding after the deputy. Where in StarClan was he going and why? He surely wasn’t going to WindClan, was he? That would be mouse-brained, why would he do that?
       After a few minutes of following the deputy, he realized that was what he was doing. He was going to tell WindClan what Bluestar was doing.
       “Fireheart!” Longtail jumped out of the bushes, landing in front of the orange tom. “What in StarClan are you doing?”
       “Longtail—?” Fireheart stumbled back in surprise, “Why did you follow me?”
       “I heard your conversation with Bluestar,” His green eyes narrowed. “And now your going to tell WindClan what she’s doing? Have you been doing this the whole time? I—“
       “Longtail, calm down! For StarClan's sake I’m not telling WindClan all our secrets,” He shook his head vigorously, sighing. “I am simply going to speak with Tallstar. I don’t want to battle with WindClan if we don’t have to, especially not now. Okay? That’s what I’m going to do.”
       “Oh,” Longtail murmured. “.. Sorry.”
       “I would think so,” Fireheart narrowed his eyes. “You may as well come with me. C'mon then, let’s hurry before the sun starts to set.”
       Fireheart began to pad closer to WindClan territory, Longtail at his heels.
       “I only followed you for the good of the clan,” Longtail piped up, earning a glance from the deputy. “.. If you were doing something wrong, honestly, I’d wanna be the one to tell them..”
       “Why’s that?” Fireheart questioned, cocking his head.
       “Because I feel they don’t trust me, and neither do you,” Longtail took a deep breath. “I also thought maybe it would help my reputation. I.. want you to feel I’m trustworthy. Because I am. Just because I was friends with Tigerstar doesn’t mean I’m a bad cat.”
       “.. Oh, er,” Fireheart stared at his paws. “I get that. I wanted the clan to see me as trustworthy and a capable warrior, too, when I was mistrusted for helping RiverClan—and well, for being a kittypet,” He glanced back up at Longtail. “I wouldn’t want you to feel like that. I'll do better, and trust me, the clan will come around again.”
       “.. Thanks, Fireheart.”
       “No problem.”
       And with that, the orange tom padded over the WindClan border.
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OK spoilers for like the new chaptwr but i kinda wanted to just ramble on what i tjink about that new prophecy thing. “Four split eight will become one , lightning will strike the leopard , and blood will rule the forest” ok so what i think of this is:
the four clans split into eight , meaning there might be divided loyalties. It might make sense knowing theres like. Frostfur and darkstripe then tigerstar’s whole group , along with thistleclaw , i donf know , thays just my thought. Maybe its like the 4 clans just have this internal fight within themselves so they’re basically .. split? Into 8..??? Im tryna make sense of this part , maybe i’ll come back to that later
“Lightnkng will strike the leopard” well whats likely is that lightningfur fucking kills leopardfur and we dont see her anymore😭 or maybe lightningfur heavily injured leopardfur? We dont really know
“Blood will rule the forest” from the “im the bad guy” bt animation w lightningfur , i’d think that sometime lightningfur takes over bloodclan and kills scourge the same way scourge killed canon tigerstar , and wins the battle w the clans.
these are really just my thoughts i’ll put more effort into tjinking about what might happen later. Tell me how wrong i am LOL
you got some things right and some things wrong and some things half-right!!
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outof--theshadows · 9 months
Some leaders and their deputies!
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Tigerstar, Firestar, Crookedstar, Blackstar, Bluestar, Mistystar, Brokenstar, Hopheart, Tallstar, and Leopardstar
Eventually I'll have higher res versions, bases are by Supurrnovae on DeviantArt!
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
i know he's just a prop for the story and serves his purpose well enough but i am always down for au's where redtail gets to at least be introduced in the story before being murdered, him being axed right away in the beginning of into the wild feels like a missed opportunity
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teakatt · 2 years
another firestar au?
instead of greystripe attacking rusty/firestar what if its a windclan apprentice that attacks him, and the same as before but windclan med gets the prophecy, and either instead of longtail its clawface that attacks him or tallstar just letting him join for free because he reminds him of jake. instead of graystripe its onewhisker hes friends with, and they help bring thunderclan back to the forest and so on.
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lakelyasleep · 11 months
HELLO HELLO, EXCUSE ME? WINDCLAN MEDICINE CAT FIREHEART? I didn't know how much I needed this in my life, can I have some more headcanons pls?
Of course! I love this AU and I can't believe I've forgotten to make another post on it!
Fireheart is a really sarcastic and sassy cat in this AU. An example being that if anyone asks about his past before WindClan in a disrespectful manner he says "They ask the amnesiac."
He doesn't like going to the moonstone/pool! Due to his strong connection to StarClan he already sees and hears them more than the average med cat. But the closer he gets to the moonstone/pool the deeper it gets. This causes heavy visions spanning to long after he's dead.
Sandstorm and him still become mates and have Leafpool and Squirrelflight. They also have two other litters, Redblaze and Whitefrost, then Hayleap, who almost didn't survive. Squirrel was sent to live with her dad, while Leaf stayed with Sand. Red, White, and Hay got to go back and forth between WindClan and ThunderClan.
The warrior and medicine cat codes also change between clans! In WindClan medicine cats are allowed to have a mate and kits, no matter the number of current med cats. Being mates with cats outside the clan isn't punishable. In ThunderClan there has to be at least one other medicine cat for the other to have kits. Being mates with other cats outside of the clans, while not punishable is still heavily discouraged. In ShadowClan things stay mostly the same, if anything they're harsher on the med cats. I have no idea what's happening in RiverClan.
Tigerclaw nearly had a heart attack when he first saw Firepaw after he attacked him. After all, he was sure he'd killed Firepaw.
Fireheart didn't take a clan name until his apprentice ceremony. This was because if he regained memory of his name and past before the ceremony he wanted to keep his old name. But he never does remember much. Just Princess and their siblings.
He knows Scourge is his half-brother, at least loosely. He knows they're related somehow.
Med cats have lighter four pointed stars as their pupils. Leaders have coloured pupils along with a leader mark. (This is just a general hc that I use everywhere)
And that's enough, I may come back later to talk about Squirrel, Leaf, Red, White, and Hay, though.
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Warriors - Thistledown AU fic
The Prophecies Begin arc
Fire and Ice - Chapter 8
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simplyventi · 3 months
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Long awaited Emberstar and Softheart aka Fireheart and Princess join Windclan au updated family tree is here.
Alot has been changed~
Softheart and Onewhisker are mates. Though they don’t become mates straight away. Cloudtail and Galekit are their first litter and then Kestrelflight, Harespring and Heathertail are their second. After Cloudtail and Galekit which were born from a small fling they had. Onewhisker isn’t sure what he wants and after being with Smoke for a short time resulting in Darktail, Lynxfrost and their siblings birth does he realize he loves Softheart and he was an idiot for not realizing sooner.
Harespring is trans and has Ivypool and Dovewing. Crowfeather is their father and they are mates. Crowfeather was with Squirrelflight but after realizing that Lionblaze isn’t his son but Squirrelflight’s and Shrewhearts(Shrewpaw) he ended things with her. Crow had been with Feather which Jayfeather was born and then with Squirrel which Hollyleaf and Breezepelt were born.
I kind of swapped roles with Squirrel and Leaf. Instead of Leaf having kits and Squirrel raising them as her own Leaf took Lionblaze and claimed him as her’s and Mothwing’s.
Squirrel and Shrew met at a Gathering and became good friends it wasn’t until the journey to the Sundrown Place that they grew soo close. This is also my own Shrewpaw lives Au built in as well. Shrewpaw survived but like Cinderpelt his hind leg is damaged but he still goes to become a warrior with the help of Cinderpelt who still got injured.
I’ll go more into Thunderclan in this Au but I don’t have much other than maybe making Ravenpaw the Fireheart. Instead of him going to live with Barely he does go against Tigerclaw who killed Redtail. Ravenpaw wants to tell the truth but Tigerclaw had already began to spread rumors and lies about him discrediting him completely. His part of the story is him becoming more confident and trying to expose Tigerclaw for his lies. He becomes Cinderpaw’s apprentice. He and Graystripe are the ones who brings Windclan home. His warrior name will be Ravenheart. Maybe he’ll still be Barly’s mate maybe he’ll join Thunderclan but I’m still working on that part.
One thing I know for sure is that after the dogs where Brightpaw gets badly injured and Swiftpaw dies. Bluestar renames her Lostface still and she leaves Thunderclan where she meets Cloudtail who tells her she’s the most beautiful she-cat he’s ever seen and she joins Windclan and becomes his mate.
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thunderc1an · 1 year
op im begging you to lore drop about the Scourge and Tigerclaw [evil!bluestar?] au you have going on i need to know if tigerclaw is good or not
Bluestar isn't evil in this au.
It's more along the lines that the events of "The Prophecy Begins" happen earlier (Brokenstar things, bringing windclan back, etc.)
Just think of it as if the protagonist of the first arc is Tiny (THEN the protagonist of arc 2, finding the clans a new home, is fireheart, and everything else from the other arcs get pushed back too)
What i want most out of this au is to see (from the perspective of Snowfoot, tiny) a complex version of Tigerclaw, how through his own grief he does the things he does.
Though Fireheart (as an apprentice) is still the character that will reveal what Tigerstar (Leader of thunderclan) has done, and Snowfoot (deputy of thunderclan) would be the one to end him.
So that being said, the whole thing about Bluestar, straying further and further from Starclan because of her own grief, causes for Thunderclan to crumble. This and her friendliness towards riverclan does cause for a lot of the cats that Tigerclaw cares for to die.
In a simple sentence Tigerclaw (later -star) is a bad cat, he does kill to get to his desired endpoint. His endpoint is "good", bringing strength and dignity to Thunderclan after Bluestar's leadership. But I also want the viewer to have their own thoughts about if he's good or not
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bunfloras · 2 months
if anyone’s interested in warriors rp i made a neat little chill 16+ rp server! it’s a canon-divergent au set in a world where fireheart never brought windclan back from exile, centering on windclan’s search for a new home in the city shared by none other than bloodclan.
join here if you want :D
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