#why does the vamp king look like that
itsdefinitely · 8 months
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i would like to draw attention to this drawing i don't remember making. okay that's all
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Lauren Bacall (To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Key Largo)—"Just put your lips together...and blow" excuse me ma'am i'm briefly going to turn into a kettle. She's the quintessential Femme Fatale who may betray me in the end but I'd let her it'd be worth it
Gloria Grahame (It's a wonderful life, Oklahoma, Human desire, The Cobweb)—I'm just going to link to this Film Comment article by Donald Chase, who makes the argument more eloquently than I can, although I think Grahame's Ado Annie is more than just the 'flirtatious goofus' he offhandedly describes her as. Between that role and Violet Bick in 'It's a Wonderful Life" she's played two of cinemas best irrepressibly horny ladies. That would be legacy enough for our hot vintage queen, but she is also GLORIOUS in 'In a Lonely Place' and consistently pulls focus from her co-star Humphrey Bogart, famously one of the most charismatic leading men of his day. I think she had even more, and hotter, chemistry with him than he ever had with Lauren Bacall, which is saying a lot I know. Anyway, your honor I love her and I want her to win it all.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Lauren Bacall:
"She is soooo neat. And hot. And everything. That one scene in To Have and Have Not where she says "you know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow" altered my brain chemistry during media archaeology class and here we are."
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"Lauren Bacall was a major lesbian awakening for me. Every picture of her makes it look like she’s about to destroy you physically and emotionally (why is that so hot, I may need help). She had incredible long running chemistry with her husband, Humphrey Bogart, but was an absolute star in her own right. I’ll never be over my crush on her."
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"She's got that confident, no-nonsense air about her. She's a boss babe who knows what she wants and gets it DONE. Staunch liberal Democrat her whole life. Campaigned for RFK. From Wikipedia: "In a 2005 interview with Larry King, Bacall described herself as "anti-Republican... A liberal. The L-word". She added that "being a liberal is the best thing on Earth you can be. You are welcoming to everyone when you're a liberal. You do not have a small mind."" Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful lips. She's just beauty. LISTEN TO HER VOICE. TELL ME THAT'S NOT THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF."
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"HER VOICE. Like yeah, she was absolutely stunning but oh my god, I'm obsessed with her voice"
"A gorgeous lady inside and out. One half of an absolute power couple with Humphrey Bogart, tended to him and other actors suffering from malaria whilst filming the African Queen, generally radiated grace and poise throughout her life. Also her last role was in Family Guy so she needs justice for that"
"The VOICE, the SLINK, the EYES. Woof."
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"She was stunning. Tall and beautiful with a distinctive voice and able to carry her own in a male dominated field. She won the heart of millions, including one of Hollywood's most iconic leading men, Humphrey Bogart. Their story was the stuff of legends, and the chemistry between them was apparent in the multiple films they started in together. She personified the film noir dame and yet she also adapted as Hollywood changed. Her career spanned decades, and she was honored multiple times."
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Gloria Grahame:
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Absolute Hollywood vamp, who had a fine comedic bone. Died far too young and was depicted by Annette Bening in the stellar Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool
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I’ve heard she’s horrendously miscast in Oklahoma (I have not seen it), so if you’re coming in with that framework PLEASE set that aside because gods does this woman shine in a NOIR!! She plays the battered woman more than a full on fatale, but she manages to bring interesting nuance to characters who are written as mere sultry divergences! Also: she’s sultry and an EXCELLENT divergence
She could do sexy, sweet and sinister in the same breath. She was crazy talented and had that lisp that melts me every time.
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Asking Eddie to move to Indy with him and Robin is the most natural thing in the world. After Vecna they became SteveandRobinandEddie, so it just made sense to live together.
Everything is perfect.
It changes one night, at their favorite gay bar. He and Eddie nurse a couple of beers at a hightop, while Robin dances with a cute blonde. Steve half-heartedly shimmies along to the Madonna song pumping through the speakers. Eddie watches him vamp to Material Girl with a look in his dark eyes that Steve can't quite read. It's not the usual fondness he's used to from his friend; too dark and too serious. It makes him nervous.
Eddie drains his drink, mouths the word "bathroom," at Steve, then disappears in the crowd.
Steve sips his own beer, letting his attention drift until he finds Robin, still dancing with the blonde, looking like she's having the time of her life. He expects Eddie back at any time, only--ten, fifteen minutes pass with no sign of him.
His eyes start scanning the crowd in earnest, desperately seeking familiar leather and denim and long dark hair. Anxiety builds in his chest, a dull sizzle beneath his skin.
He finally spots a set of leather-clad broad shoulders towards the back of the room. Eddie has one hand braced against the brick wall, pressed up nice and close to someone Steve can't quite make out.
There's bile in Steve's throat, nausea clenching at his stomach. He shouldn't look; he can't tear his eyes away.
The person is revealed in a flash of light from the dance floor. He has an All-American jaw, swoopy dark blond hair, and is wearing a grass green sweater. The closest thing to Indiana golden boy in the place, second only to Steve.
Room suddenly spinning, Steve struggles to catch his breath, but gives up entirely as Eddie closes the remaining distance between himself and the mystery man, sealing their lips in a searing kiss.
Steve watches, feels himself breaking apart piece by piece. He thought--he thought they were something. Becoming something. All their late night talks and casual touches. He'd been working up the courage to make a move for weeks, and now--
Maybe it's a mistake. Maybe Eddie breaks the embrace and gives an embarrassed chuckle before he comes back to Steve, only he doesn't. The kiss ends, sure, but then Eddie is taking the guy's hand, leading him down the hall towards the bathrooms.
Hands clutched in his hair, Steve sinks into a crouch. He pants, huffing like he just ran sprints, can't catch his breath. Tears dance at his lash line, threatening to fall. He can't have a panic attack now, here. Doesn't want Robin to see; doesn't want Eddie--
It's all too small, too tight, too loud, and Steve shoves his way outside. He rounds the building before sinking to the ground, hands shaking.
He waits outside until Robin and Eddie emerge from the club, both flushed and sweaty. He doesn't speak to either of them and they spend the drive in silence.
When they get home, he goes straight to his bedroom.
"Ste--" Robin calls, but he lets the door shut behind him. He doesn't think it slams.
Steve hasn't spoken to him in weeks. Not since that night at the bar. When Eddie hooked up with a guy and he's pretty sure Steve knows; pretty sure it's why they're no longer on speaking terms. Eddie keeps meaning to confront him. He really does. It's just--it'll change everything, and his life was finally going okay for once.
He reaches his limit when he joins Steve in the kitchen before work, and the guy literally, visibly flinches away from him. It hits Eddie like being punched in the dick.
"What the fuck, Harrington." Eddie's voice is too loud in the small space.
"S-sorry, I'll just get out of your way." Steve's eyes don't stray from his own hands.
"I hook up with one guy and now can't even bear to touch me?"
"What? Eds that's not--"
"Don't lie to my fucking face."
"I wouldn't. Eddie, please--"
"I can't believe that this is the last vestige of King Steve. Can say you're cool with me, but when you see me do gay shit, you can't hang? Fuck you. I'm done. I'll be gone by the weekend." His voice stays remarkably steady, even though he's pretty sure not even the bat bites hurt this much.
"Christ, Munson, I'm not freaked out cause I saw you do 'gay shit.' I don't care." Steve's looking at him now; his little mouth held tight and mad.
"Like hell you don't. You haven't spoken to me since it happened."
"Not because I'm homophobic, asshole."
That makes Eddie laugh, shrill and mean. "Oh yeah? Then why."
"It doesn't matter." Steve yanks his hand through his hair.
"It does to me."
"Just drop it. You don't have to move out. I don't care who you fuck."
"You can barely stand to look at me!" Eddie shouts; doesn't mean to. "What if I bring someone home, huh? How are you gonna cope with that, knowing I'm fucking a guy in the next room?"
"It should have been me," Steve screams.
Neither of them move in the ringing silence that follows. Eddie's throat is tight.
"Wh-what?" He manages.
"Forget it." Steve turns to go. "Just--forget I said anything."
"Steve." Eddie follows him into their living room. His heart's beating all funny. "What do you mean?"
"It's nothing," Steve's face is leached of color; his eyes too bright.
"Please? I want to understand."
Steve laughs a little, looks absolutely miserable. "I saw you. With the guy. And he...he looked like me, right? And I don't understand why I'm not good enough."
Eddie swallows hard. "You don't--you're not--I didn't think you were a choice. For me."
Steve's chin drops, anywhere but on Eddie. "Yeah. Well. Surprise." He doe a pathetic flourish with his hands that clenches at Eddie's heart.
"Ah," is all Eddie can manage. The world is shifting under his feet, tectonic plates realigning as he processes Steve's words.
"It's--it's fine that you don't feel the same way. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you have to like me, and I--I was trying to get over it. I didn't want to--"
Eddie can't stand to listen to another word. He crosses the distance to Steve. "Shh, sweetheart. It's--just. Stop okay?"
Steve is looking up at him now, doe eyes wide.
He laughs, genuine this time. "Stevie. I've had a crush on you for years. Years. I used to make the guys go with me to Starcourt. I told them it was because I liked seeing King Steve laid low. Really I just liked how you looked in those little shorts." Steve giggles, face blushing such a pretty pink Eddie almost forgets what he's saying.
"It only got worse when I met the kids, with how much they talked about you. And then I met you for real? Pssh," Eddie waves his hand in the air. "Gone. No hope for Eddie Munson when you're--you're so pretty and bitchy and brave and hot, Steve, and I'm the weakest man in Indiana.
"That night. That guy. It was--I'd just overheard you and Robin talking about a cute girl, and I realized that I had to stop doing that to myself, pining over a straight guy who could never see me like I wanted. I decided that I'd try to pick someone up, force myself to see you just as a best friend."
Steve's face falls impassive. "Did it work?" He almost whispers.
"Not even close, baby," Eddie whispers back. "I'm hopeless for you."
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redactahoe · 3 months
Things I believe are true about babe:
Has a very thick Russian accent and sometimes struggles remembering their English
Forgets certain English words and describes them horribly(ie: spicy plant when referring to a cactus)
Sarcastic as all hell
Really does not understand or care for pack/clan etiquette, like a vamp king said babe should respect their elders and babes deadass response was “why should I respect you when the only thing you’ve done is managed to look like a 2000 years old rotting corpse while only being 60.” Completely dead faced and monotone
Has cans and will call David out for his bullshit
Psychology nerd
Just a nerd in general, they love reading
Has a vast and very large book collection
Only person other than David to be able to rangle Asher in
Besties with darlin, they’re both book nerds(babe and Sam are the only one knows that darlin is a book nerd)
Artist/painter, their sketches mostly come of the pack and of course Asher
Tragic mad scientist vibes(no I won’t elaborate)
Super mysterious/ “this person has a dark and grimy past but you can only get that in subtext”
Loves the supernatural and true crime
Immediately picked up on what Quinn was doing with the whole “hurting the things darlin loves” and called that out at darlins first meeting back
Knows a lot of disturbing things like how to properly dissect and hide a body and where exactly you have to stab someone to hurt but not kill
Poet at heart, they are the theatre kid
Is not scared of David at all or at least now they aren’t. At first they were a little wigged out cause he’s one big dude but now they’ll call him a bitch to his face
Very blunt, doesn’t sugar coat shit
Has an arsenal of violent threats that Asher and the rest of the pack aren’t entirely sure if they’re just threats
Has told somebody who was victim blaming darlin that if they don’t shut tf up babe was going to string their guts up while making listen baby shark on loop
On that same note Chrissy was talking just a little to much shit and they told him they were going to sew all his orifices shut if he didn’t shut himself up
Somehow is the worst under pressure but also works the best under pressure at the same time
Know how to fight
Also knows how to use a sword
Surprisingly a lot of patience(I mean look at who their fiancé is guys)
They’re dad is a very big and intimidating man of few words and their mother is the sweetest women alive
Their like average height but Asher is tall as hell so they look short next to him
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anacecherry · 9 months
I was looking through the Fionna and Cake trailer to look for scenes we haven't seen in the show yet, and I noticed how most of them are most likely from the same episode. So, on this post, I will be talking about my theories/speculations for Episode 7, The Star.[Spoilers for the episode synopsis under the cut]
So this is what we know about the episode right now.
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My first theory was that the title came from whatever happens in the gumlee subplot or maybe it was about Cake being "the star" of the vampire hunters, but then my friend Will reminded me how the previous episodes were all names of characters (Yes, Im counting Destiny idc), and said it could be a nickname for a pre existing character. Maybe it could be this world's Marcy's "Vampire Name". I dont know enough on the topic to be able to tell if it would fit in with the theme the vampires in Stakes had, but it does have an article at its start.
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For the first screenshots we have these. The first image shows up near the end of the trailer, its 3 vampires attacking. I think these two are back to back, as the vamps are exactly the same. In the second image the third vampire is in the background and appears to have knocked Fionna down, with Simon standing next to the vampire. Maybe Cake does that attack in rage due to them hurting Fionna.
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This is a one second scene and the frame where the explosions dont cover up the whole screen is very hard to catch, but these are the same garlic bombs Peppermint Butler had in Stakes. Maybe the Bubblegum of this universe, along with Pep But, is working with the vampire hunters.
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Following up on what I said about Marcy having a "Vampire Name". When I first read the synopsis I assumed that Marcy was the one leading the vamp hunters, as it only makes sense. Being a Vampire hunter was a big part of her backstory that led to her *becoming* one. But I then realized, what's going on here, might be completely different. Not only is she already a vampire, both in the trailer and on the poster this Marceline looks pretty smug for someone presumably fighting for her life, and she has that dress which looks very "royal"(to me, at least).
I thought maybe she embraced being the vampire queen, and attacked the humans, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would she hurt the beings she wiped out an entire species for? And then it clicked: this Marcy never had a Simon at all. She was found by vampires instead of him. Remember the conversation Simon and little Marcy had at the beginning of episode 2?
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Someone rich? Living in a castle? With people trained to tend to their every need? Sounds a hell lot like a king.
This conversation is going to come up again. Simon is going to find out that No, Marcy would NOT have been fine if he didn't find her. He's going to see what would really have happened to her if she never met him. In all the past episodes Simon's been constantly told that he sucks, that Ice King was "better" and "more fun". He's been feeling like he truly did not matter and had no value, that it would be better for everyone if he just went back to being Ice King. He's going to see that that's not true, that he does matter. That Marcy values and needs him, even if things are different now. Maybe he won't get it immediately, but he might start doubting his decision to wear the crown again. I'm so confident in this I will eat my door if it doesn't happen.
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Human huntress wizard with a garlic arrow. Obviously its from this episode. She must be a hunter(duh) and maybe she's the leader as well. Or maybe Im right about Bonnie being there and *she's* the leader.
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Im only assuming this scene is from this episode bc the background color scheme is similar, I dont have any other evidence for it. It may be after Cake beats the vampires, where she gets approached by the hunters to join in. Im kinda basing this theory off the voice line that goes along with it in the trailer ("Now that is a party I don't wanna miss" Who'd wanna miss out on the fun of hunting evil vampires?), but the voice line may be about something else and she could be praising herself to the hunters here (she just has that vibe in here).
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A gun(?) Lowers down to face the gang. They smile at it nervously. The ground theyre standing on is wet, and so is Cake. I don't know the reason for that, because they didn't immediately come here after leaving the Winter Kingdom. They might have gotten their clothes wet on some other universe and then came to this world, or maybe this is after they fight the vampires and they somehow got splashed with water during the process. I came up with two possibilities of what might be going on here:
Option A) It is the vampires spotting and trying to kill them. If thats the case they might've destroyed the gun before it could shoot them, or maybe Fionna got shot and thats why she's down on the scene where Cake is attacking. Both end up with the 3 vampire goons attacking.
Option B) It's the vampire hunters seeing them, either after the fight or right as they arrive, and they think the gang are vampires as well until they show their teeth
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This isn't from the trailer its from a magazine. I think its from this episode because of the background, like that Cake screenshot. This may be after Cake is recruited. Fionna seems to be annoyed so maybe Cake is doing something wrong and Fionna's disagreeing with her. Or maybe Cake's trying to annoy Fionna and it's working. My friend @weirdlizard26 said this about it, which is far better than what I came up with:
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And that's it for the speculation! I wanted to talk about the rest of the scenes in the trailer as well but 1) this post is long enough as it is and 2) tumblr image limit is not being kind to me rn. I might make a separate post for those if I get the motivation. Untill then you'll have just one post of me going insane rambling about what could happen in a show about an old man having an existential crisis and a girlfailure with her cat.
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volturiprincess · 15 days
Im new on Tumblr and dont really know how this works,but i love the Romanians as well,would u be willing to write a head canon of how jealous they are and throwing a tantrum to their mates when getting jealous?
Have an amazing night☺️☺️☺️
When They Are Jealous
A/N: Hope you like it. To be honest when I found out the height for these two according to the book via google, didn't expect them to be short kings, Why was I expecting them to be tall? I mean everyone else is tall, look at the Volturi; Felix is freaking 6'7 [about 2.0 m], Demetri 6'3 [about 1.9 m], and Caius 5'9 [about 1.7 m]. No wonder its taken the Volturi so long to find them, they aren't looking down 😂. Anyways enjoy dear 💙
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Let's not beat around the bush here, Vladimir is the one who will get jealous easily and have his little fits (it's always the fictional blondish-white haired men who just have anger issues, what's up with that?? 😂)
Stefan has his days (Lets us not forget how in the movies he called the Cullen clan and others “Fools, you are all fools” when the others refused to go chase the Volturi down)
The thing is since you guys aren't around others that often, them getting jealous gets ridiculous funny 
Vladmir gets jealous if you spend too much time with Stefan or you supposedly are ‘favoring’ him when you ask Stefan to do somethings with you that you know Vladimir hates doing
The way this vamp will have his tantrums is how a little kid react when you tell them to share their favorite toy, it's a mess and if Vladmir could turn red with anger he would 
Mostly his anger is headed toward Stefan and not you (“Are you trying to steal y/n from me? Because I will gladly have my fist in your face?, sheesh 😬)
If you are with others, he will not leave your side, he will have a hand on your back or around you or his favorite thing, standing behind you and trying to size whoever is talking to you (According to google my dude is 5’4 [1.63 m], he's a short king, love that for him 😂)
He might not be vocal about his jealousy at that moment but in private he will rant to you about how that person was looking at you a ‘certain way’, you reassure him you would never leave him for someone else because you love him and only him, plus you are mates 
Stefan on the other hand won't get to jealous but he will do whatever to get a reaction out of Vladimir for his pure amusement 
Only times he will get jealous is if you are talking to others for too long or even when you are spending too much time on your hobbies (“but scumpa, why can't we do it together?” Or “What does that person have that I don't?”)
He will usually hold your hand when you are talking with others when he feels his jealousy kicking in or has a hand on your lower back (hold up…. according to google Stefan is 5’3 [1.6 m], ha another short king, love that for him also 😂, there's nothing wrong with being short, im 4’11 [1.49 m] 🙃)
He does not throw fits like Vladimir, he’s quite the opposite, he will tell you if he feels jealous 
Same with Vladmir, you will reassure him you only love him and won't leave him until death tears you apart 
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Breaking down the comics: Denial is Strange (Issue 36)
Moon Knight, Issue # 36: Ghosts
Written by  Alan Zelenetz and drawn by Bo Hampton 
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Now, I’m a long time fan of Dr. Strange. In fact, he’s number three on my list of favorite comics! (Number two being Scarlet Witch and number one being MK if I even need to mention that). So a Moon Knight with early Dr. Strange cross-over? Yeah, I’ll dip into that no problem! 
The first page is a note from the editor, Denny O'Neil. You see, in previous issues, they had asked where fans wanted to see Moon Knight go. They were running low on ideas and didn't know how they wanted to further develop the character, as it looked like he was going to stick around for a while. 
Since Moon Knight started in a supernatural horror book (Werewolf by Night), it only seemed fitting that Moon Knight continue to carryon his career as leaning heavily on the supernatural side of things. A fist of the moon and Spector of vengeance, they have decided to let Moon Knight continue on his path of walking the line of what lurks on the other side of the shadows. 
"Lots of heroes catch crooks. Moon Knight will be going after a different quarry. We hope you'll go with him." 
Also it's interesting to note that they introduce Zelenetz and Bo Hampton as the new MK team, when they only did three issues before the 1980s series ended and things had to get a re-vamp as MK again went in a new direction. Hmm. (He does come back periodically in later runs, but doesn’t stick around.) 
For those unfamiliar with Dr. Strange, ....things get strange. An original Marvel character from back in the day, created in 1963 by Steve Ditko himself, he embraced the psychedelic comic art style of that time. Let me put it this way, if Dr. Strange gets involved, you know things are about to get colorful, confusing to look at, and WEIRD. 
That out of the way, we open in Nubia, in Ancient Egypt during the twentieth century B.C. 
We see a classic Egyptian styled man about to sacrifice a cat for 'the demons of the dark'. He declares himself Amutef, first among necromancers and worthy to be a pharaoh. 
Okay. That's a start. 
Suddenly a bunch of men run into the room. "Seize him, priests of Khonshu!" 
Yeah, it's illegal to slay 'the holy cat in mockery of the gods.' 
Amutef declares revenge (Mummy style). "On a moonlit night, ages hence when we meet once again." 
Once the mummification of Amutef is done, the head priest prays to Khonshu that 'this enchanted pendant will keep the base Amutef's soul bound within these linen grave clothes for all eternity." 
Amutef's spirit enters into the necklace, waiting for his curse to come to light. 
And right on cue, we head to the present where we see a beautiful blond woman wearing the necklace. 
"I may have been an archeologist's daughter, but these cat mummies can still give me the creeps." 
Aw jeeze. It's Marlene. 
And we see her there with Steven at the grand opening to an Egyptian wing of a museum as a memorial to her father. 
Marlene, why are you wearing an antique Egyptian necklace? 
"It will go to the museum one day, Mr. Director. I'm wearing it tonight for the first time since my father found it in one of the tombs of the Seti Kings." 
Yeah no. 
Their social session is interrupted by a security guard trying to kick out a party crasher. 
"Listen, we get all kinds of crackpots crying CURSE every time we open an Egyptian exhibit--" 
"But I am Stephen Strange, and my conjurations have led me here. I fear that evil will be born this night--" 
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(I’ll start by saying the art style reminds me of the comic art from around late 1960s, but I’m also not a fan of how Marlene is portrayed here. She’s too soft and arm candy-esque. I miss the Marlene from Bill’s days where she was capable and intelligent.) 
Also, Steven clearly has NOT heard of Strange fully if he dismisses him after that display. You’d think by now that Steven would be like ‘oh. Right. I’ve fought zombies. This isn’t that odd for me.’
A cat (belonging to the security guard?) breaks loose and instantly goes to attack Marlene. Steven backhands it easily before it can sink it's fangs into Marlene. 
"In the name of the Vishanti! Don't you see? The animal senses evil." 
"Look. How are you at sensing harassment suits, Mister Magic?" 
"Dr. Strange, this is a museum, not a circus show." 
I love how no one ever takes Dr. Strange seriously when they first meet him. Even in today's age, they just write him off as a cheap palm reader. 
Marlene notes she feels terrible and wants to go home. Steven and Marlene head home and Stephen follows above. 
Stephen…This is why no one takes you seriously. I hate to hear how he talked BEFORE he became a sorcerer. Can you imagine him in the ER? “By Gray’s Almighty Anatomy, someone hand me the mighty retractor of Senn!” 
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(Stephen what is that pose? Steven…What is that lurking image of you?) 
He scans Marlene while doing what I like to think of as his Vampire flight pose. 
"Yes--But wait, there is a mystic aura about this man, Grant, as well. Then there are occult forces at work here that appear to defy even earth's sorcerer supreme, thus--" 
He lays a protection spell on Marlene that will keep the possession at bay for the next 24 hours then flies home to do research. 
Back in the mansion, Marlene gets into her usual skimpy night gown STILL WEARING THE NECKLACE. 
Look, if I ever go to bed still in a necklace that gaudy, please consider me cursed. 
Marlene is worried about the curse. She feels terrible and she's a little spooked. 
Steven Grant feels differently. 
"That black cat at the museum has got you all strung out. You'll sleep it off. As for curses... You should know better than anyone, Marlene, that these days--for sanity's sake, I like to keep a cool distance between myself and thoughts of the supernatural." 
Steven no… 
Jokes aside, we must remember that DID is a form of self preservation, protection, processing, and denial. When it comes to their DID, Stephen has ALWAYS been the first one to go "Nawh. I'm fine." and then try to strong arm his way through every situation. Marc is the first to go "May as well die" and throw himself head first into a dangerous situation, and Jake is the first to go "It ain't my problem. I'mma chill here with my buds." 
Here is classic Stephen Grant, fresh off his most recent run of self doubt and slow crawl into a mental break (for the third or fourth time) and he's living in denial land and choosing a path that he feels is the most conducive to compartmentalize and keep his distance from their trauma. 
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"I try to forget that the ruthless mercenary I once was--Marc Spector-- apparently died and was reborn in a desert tomb years ago... 
Under the gaze of a cold white statue of Khonshu, God of the moon... Whose spirit I use to believe reanimated me." 
And yet you won't shut up about it. (I kid, but seriously, Steven.) 
"Believed only too well. I relied on that superstition until I'd almost lost my mind --Forgot just where Khonshu ended and Spector or Grant began." 
Why does he always forget about Jake? 
"But you helped me see that I derived my strength and abilities from my own will and commitments, not from some long-dead mythology. You redeemed my soul and my sanity, Marlene...
And I'm not about to lose either of them again. So no more talk of witchcraft, okay? Just sleep tight while Moon Knight makes the rounds." 
Steven sure is in a mood. I don't blame him. 
(I also love how depending on who tells it or remembers it, we either see bloody beaten up Marc at the foot of the statue or we see a gently and sexily sprawled out Steven rendition with a gently weeping Marlene memory. I’d love to see how Jake remembers it.) 
Moon Knight takes off and a clearly possessed Marlene mutters a classic line about “After thousands of years we have met once more, fool Thosbi. Now Amutef’s spirit, given voice by inhabiting the mortal frame, shall utter incantations of revenge.” 
Meanwhile, Stephen Strange is doing his own thing. 
Stephen is...wordy. I'm going to summarize the WALL OF TEXT that is his ramblings and chantings. 
Marlene is possessed by an ancient sorcerer. Steven Grant has been mystically endowed with the spirit of an ancient priest of Khonshu. 
Meeting up on this moonlit night spells trouble with a capital T and now the curse is real. 
He must get Steven Grant to cooperate with him or it will spell doom for them both. 
And then we cut to Moon Knight, still angry about the implication of something supernatural happening to him. 
"Steel and glass and concrete. There's reality for you. No room in a city like this for superstitions." 
He spots some thugs assaulting a couple and he decides to glide down to intercept. 
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Yeah that…that seems about right. 
He barely manages to dodge a gun shot, his crescent dart whacks a guy right in the face and cuts him, and he barely manages to catch up with the other two fleeing villains. 
And of Course Detective Flint arrives to drive in the nail. 
"Say, everything okay? Not like you to lose your wind over a trio of amatures." 
"Just an accident, Detective--Cape got caught, you go on and treat the punks to a night in the slammer. Put it on my tab." 
And to make his night even better, Stephen Strange shows up. 
"It was no accident, Steven Grant." 
"YOU again!? Am I supposed to admire your persistence or--Wait, you called me Grant?"
"Yes, it was Steven Grant I sought, and I'm afraid your costume does little to disguise HIS psychic aura. But, that is inconsequential--It is your life, not your identity, that is in jeopardy." 
I...Could have SO much to say about breaking down that statement and we'd be here all night as I talked about the psychic aura of Steven vs. the others, his life vs. his identity, and all that fun stuff... But I have a feeling the writer wasn't aiming for that line...sadly... SO I'll leave it alone....this time. 
He tells Steven that he's in danger and Steven demands to be shown the demons after him. 
Stephen tells him that they were the ones that grabbed his cape, but he banished them before they could destroy him. 
Moon Knight still isn't buying it. 
I swear, half the Dr. Strange cross-over comics are spent with Stephen trying to convince everyone that magic is real and that he isn't full of it. 
"I have learned that you are endowed with the spirit of a priest of Khonshu whose mystic powers are needed to save Ms. Alraune from the evil spirit which possesses her." 
Honestly, while this isn't the first instance of the OG comic showing the cult of Khonshu and the priests, this is the first time someone has considered Moon Knight to be imbued with the spirit of a priest of Khonshu. 
As many of you may be aware, the current run with MacKay pushes heavily into the Priest of Khonshu plot line, which has often been dropped and lost by subsequent writers after this one. 
However, Strange is insisting that the priest himself is inside Moon Knight, while it's long been determined that Khonshu himself has imbued Marc and the others with his own power to make Moon Knight his own sort of priest. 
Let's see how this issue plays it out. 
"I would have mesmerized you without asking in order to summon the Ancient Priest within your being... But even your unconscious will is incredibly strong and I could not break through it." 
I'm cackling about this. Imagine Strange trying to get in there and just being met by a really pissed off Jake Lockley. 
"Bet on it, Mister." Steven is thinking the same thing. You know it. "My will's like granite, because that's what holds the real world out there together for me. It's my sanity." 
Oh Steven... 
Moon Knight calls Khonshu a myth and make-believe. "Do you think I'd ever embrace that madness again?" 
He calls for Frenchie. He's done with this. 
"If the spirit is not exorcised from Ms. Alraune by tomorrow night, she will be the one who knows true madness. Without the mystic aid of KHonshu, my spells can protect her no longer than that." Stephen Strange calls after him. 
Moon Knight calls him a "blasted Looney" and takes off. 
The next evening at Grant Mansion, the doctor informs Steven that he can't figure out what's wrong with Marlene. 
Steven tells her that he'll cut the Moon Knight patrol short and be back before midnight. 
(She's still wearing the necklace). 
As Moon Knight leaves, Marlene sits up, possessed again, and sending the evil spirits out after the Khonshu priest Thosbi. 
This time they attack the chopper. 
Oh no. Not the chopper! 
While the possessed Marlene chants of vengeance from the balcony, cats start to gather in the nearby tree. 
Dr. Strange arrives to the chipper and starts to fight off the invisible demons that only he can see. 
Frenchie tells Moon Knight to glide to safety. The chopper is going down. (My dear Frenchie always looking out for his friend.) 
Moon Knight refuses to jump and the chopper starts to function again. 
A particularly nasty demon shows up to fight Strange. 
"Begone, Mage, for my chaotic powers are summoned by a spell more ancient than any your mortal lips can utter." It taunts him. 
While Strange battles the demons, Frenchie manages to land the chopper. 
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Side note, I do love the way they draw Moon Knight’s costume. This is the start of the era where his shorts start to actually look like shorts and not underwear outside his outfit. You also see more black mixed in with his top and leggings. While you see the muscles, he isn’t drawn HUGE and ridiculous. It’s believable. 
Also behold Strange before the goatee! It looks wrong… 
Anyways, Moon Knight is not pleased to see Strange again. 
They argue and give me my most favorite image of Frenchie EVER. 
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This man. I love this man. 
Look at it. The moon hat. The lighting on his face. The relaxed sit. The smoke rings. Not one not two but THREE pens in his pocket. The gloves. The match book in his other hand. This is just another day for him. 
The copter nearly crashed for unknown demonic reasons and his BFF super hero buddy is outside arguing with a wizard about being possessed by an ancient Egyptian priest. 
Jean-Paul Duchamp I love you. 
Strange tells him that if they don't contact the priest of Khonshu within the hour, Marlene is going to be lost to them. 
Moon Knight concedes. He jumps in the chopper and they follow Strange back to the mansion. ....Why he doesn't let Strange fly in his chopper but makes him fly...You got me? 
They arrive to find the mansion crawling with cats and Marlene in a trance staring contest with one of them. 
Moon Knight decides to take a short cut to get to Marlene as fast as he ....OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. THERE ARE SO MANY Other WAYS TO ENTER YOUR MANSION! YOU BUILT IT! 
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(Adds another hash tag to the list) 
Moon Knight crashing through his own window with his nunchucks out in a room full of cats. I just... He is the ultimate catboy. 
They send away the cats, who were apparently there to attack the evil. 
Stephen sets the room up for the ritual and Steven carries Marlene to a chair. "Save her, Strange... Even if it costs me my mind." 
We get some interesting art here... They made Steven look like a bad anime magical girl transformation reaction or something. I can't even begin to describe this. I apologize for what I’m about to show you. 
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Flew too close to the sun with Frenchie. Now we must all pay the price with anime boy Steven Grant. 
So Strange does his thing and forces the demons to show themselves. 
"Do you think to conquer Amutef with glibness of tongue, mage?! I who was first among necromancers, who dared blaspheme the names of Khonshu and Osiris.." He summons his own demons to battle Strange. 
He summons the priest of Khonshu through Moon Knight and we get some CLASSIC Dr. Strange art. We got the symbols, we got the squiggle lines, we got the colors, we got the eyes, we got the floating heads and we even got the floating hour glass. 
As much as I love Dr. Strange, it takes me a while to read his old comics. My processing skills can't handle the barrage of EVERYTHING on every page. I’m glad it’s just a little in this comic. 
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We watch the two men do battle through time and space and in King Arthur's backyard for some reason... We see the great pyramids and some temples that my geographically challenged mind does not recognize... 
Just as the battle is picking up...
"What?! I sense emotions of abnormal pitch. No! They flow from the mind of Grant. The strain on his will is too great! But he can't succumb now---!" 
We see chanting and...wait... those words... They sound familiar...
"Khonshu, Nehem kua her entet ari-na maat! Amutef, thosbi! Affirms thee no longer to be!" 
Parts of that sound suspiciously like something Harrow chanted from the MCU show. HMMMMMM....
Yeah, the battle is over and Marlene and Steven come out of their trances. 
"You've survived, Steven Grant, and your mind is whole, stronger than before. You have experienced life AND death, the natural and supernatural. You have mastered your will and become a complete man." 
Then Strange essentially does the "I must go now" thing and zips away to fight the occult forces of evil elsewhere. 
We are left with Steven thinking things over. 
"Occult forces. Like Marc Spector's dying and being reborn through the ghost of an ancient priest. You know, Marlene? I believe him. I don't for one minute like the idea...But I believe him." 
The End! 
Okay you guys… This was a wild one. It was a disaster start to finish but it did what comics are meant to do and it made me laugh and it was fun. 
The art was…all over the place. It worked for an issue with Dr. Strange, but they made everyone FAR too baby faced and pretty. What’s weird is that the next issue is the same artist but he gets his shit together and it’s back to Moon Knight nitty gritty. What the hell happened? Let’s blame Dr. Strange on this one. 
Can you imagine THIS being the face of Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and slap a mustache on that and you got Jake Lockley!? THIS?! 
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He’s so judgy! 
I’m dying out here you guys. Someone draw a mustache on that and I’ll love you forever. I think this broke me. 
So… Aside from the… What ever all this was… It reminds me of the issue recently with Mackay. Where we got to go into Moon Knight’s mind-scape and we got to see Marc, Steven, and Jake all work together to defeat outside forces. They worked as a team and it was their special weapon. Going after Marc? No you aren’t. You’re gonna get punched in the face by Jake and Steven (steven gonna look at you like a highly disapproving father). In this early run, we don’t have the wonderful understanding and research into DID to fully comprehend or experience this, but looking back, I like to imagine it’s there under the surface. 
I also look at the priest as not being the one that revived them. Again, I cite Khonshu himself. The priest issue can be folded into current and then building lore of the Priesthood of Khonshu. This was an early and powerful priest that happened to have a grudge against this particular bad guy. Perhaps this is where Mackay starts taking his ideas and lore from. We’re already seen other ideas from the OG run that he’s explored. If this is the case, it’s nice to see him doing his research and getting back to basics. 
So what did you guys thing? Did it make you laugh too? Are we all cursed by the Magical Anime Steven image? 
Next time I’m dipping back into the past to cover some of the issues I skipped. We’re getting to the home stretch you guys. 
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 months
Sitting here with a cute aggression hewn rage over one of Doe’s little ‘isms in the TLB/Vampire AU. Cause like,
Doe is traditionally mute in every way conventionally human, Mapplethorpe ripped her entire throat out and she had to regrow it all from scratch, which in some cases were simple enough when the vamp blood could rebuild from the fragments, moulding to it like an artificial shell, but her larynx was *toast*
Doe has NO (human) vocal cords anymore, no larynx, nothing. She can try to speak but because the folds can’t vibrate in a controlled way, it’s nothing. Doe is silent, she can’t control or mould her breathing into words! There’s nothing to vibrate that can manipulated! And, unfortunately, given the circumstances, artificial larynxs or vocal chords are entirely unavailable.
HOWEVER, the Vamp blood, well it’s not an idle bystander just watching the operation of Doe and her body from the background. It’s active, it’s present and it has a couple of cards tucked away under its sleeve to keep her in tip-top order even in spite of her circumstances. See, it has a designed image it follows when rebuilding Doe into her fully vampiric state, and it’s design encompasses Doe’s WHOLE body, from her head to her toes and including her throat! The vamp blood, when she ‘goes vamp’ or so to speak, will activate, taking root in her empty throat and growing for her the vocal folds, larynx and membrane for BAT-LIKE communication. Not human, mind you, BAT.
So, needless to say, Doe isn’t getting back what she lost, this new voice doesn’t sound anything like her old voice, but it’s a worthy successor, especially once she gets the grasp of the Old Tongue it’s linked to. Most vampires never bother to learn it, I mean, why rely on bat sounds when you can just speak human? But that’s a different subject. Just know, Doe has a non-human voice in a non-human language that Carrie’s a different sound and volume than human-speech does!
Doe and her grasp on the vampiric true-tongue is nothing like what the language was meant to be from conception or how it would manifest in truly ANCIENT vampires.
Ancient vampires have their own song. Their language and voice are meant to carry and chitter in the wind while flying and disarm people. It’s a bit bird-like in that fashion, but always with this hiss of danger. But Doe? She carries the language with such a human flavor and understanding, there are her pretty bird like moments singing into the night, but normally she doesn’t speak like that.
Doe carries her chitters with a beat like a war drum to make her words distinctive so the others can follow more clearly. She shapes certain words around the human pronunciation, even if it ruins the word in the old language in the technical sense, it makes bridging the gap between her and her friends easier!
Doe works hard to find anyway she can try English and Spanish into the Old Tongue, finding ways to push her vocal tools to the very limit into a kind of human communication. AND GOD, THE FACT THAT SHES TRYING SO HARD TO SAY THE NAMES OF HER FRIENDS EXACTLY AS SHE KNOWS THEM IN ENGLISH!!! RAAAAHHH!!!
Doe knowing her words, while EXCEPTIONAL at bouncing around and carrying, do get confusing when you can’t hear the intricacies up close, so for more complex statements, often jokes, she’s leaning up to whoever she’s talking to in order to whisper in their ear so they can make it out easier, even if it looks ridiculous and like a scene straight from some fantasy movie about an evil manipulating royal advisor sewing seeds of doubt into a weak-willed king.
Doe happy to repeat herself several times so she can be clearly understood and never taking it to heart and still happily conversing as best she can, acting as though everyone’s speaking the same language, even when she’s the odd-duck out.
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heavenlyhoundoom · 11 months
Stakes bloopers. (Reality toons au, a universe where cartoon characters are actors entertaining people.)
1.(Peppermint Butler is chopping wood but can't get the axe out of the log.)
Peppermint Butler: Come on....
(Peps tries to unlodge the axe but the handle broke off instead.)
Peps: Shit.
Director: Take two.
2.Jake: You think I'm buying that boom boom mountain!
(Marceline breaks into laughter.)
Marceline: I'm sorry, your delivery of that line was hilarious.
Jake: (Snickers).
Director: Take five.
3.Cloud Dance: Look on the yonder!
Finn: What the fuck?...
Cloud Dance: Finn!
(The two start laughing at Finn's impulsive F bomb.)
Director: Take three.
4.Fool: Hey, you wanna see something funny?
Marceline: (jokingly)No.
(The two start laughing.)
Fool: I don't know why that was funny.
Director: Take two.
5.Jake: There was one that looked like an angry stop sign coming out of a loaf of bread.
(The vamps break into laughter off screen.)
Hierophant: That's such a ridiculous description.
Director: Take six.
6.Empress: Hello, Simon.
Ice King: Ahhh-(starts coughing)
Ice King: Sorry, something was tickling my throat.
Director: Take four.
7.Empress: He was happier then you know, back when he was serving me.
(Marceline pretends to break the ice.)
Empress: God damn!
Marceline: Sorry, was I too convincing?
Empress: No, I just kinda forgot this was a kids show.
Director: Take five.
8.Finn: One vampire.
(Finn steps on a pearl and slips and falls over.)
P.B: Are you ok?
Director: Take two.
9.Hierophant: Tell me everything!
K.O.O: Okay, okay! I grew up poor, dirt poor. The other kids called me Little bubbles because we couldn't afford a bathtub.
Hierophant: And how does that make you feel?
K.O.O: Dude, you're not my therapist.
Director: Take two.
10.L.S.P: Ahhhhhh!!!
(L.S.P hits Hierophant before he could turn into a rat.)
Hierophant: Ow!
L.S.P: Sorry about that.
Hierophant: It's okay.
Director: Take four.
11.P.B: Did you just yell pigs until it opened?
Moon: Yes...(laughs)
P.B: Of course you did.(giggles)
Director: Take seven.
12.Jake: What happened to your clothes?
V.K: Like you wanna know.(give smug look.)
Jake: Really?
Director: Take three.
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vintageseawitch · 1 year
if there are any twilight book sequels written then published, i promise to look up spoilers because if i find out the Volturi decide to create hybrids of their own (🤢🤮) then i will refuse to read let alone own them. as curious as Aro may be about it, it's horrendous that he would try it out himself. the creation of hybrids is legitimately terrifying body horror to me & even Aro's "indifference" towards humans doesn't automatically make him a psychopath about this sort of thing.
Aro, despite his penchant for ruthlessness, is a softie, too. i like to imagine the thought of putting a uterus-owner through such a specific & horrific form of torture fills him with revulsion & guilt. yes, humans are red-eyed vampires' food, but even humans get disturbed at the thought of animals they consume going through needless pain especially for selfish reasons.
at this point the canon of this silly franchise means approximately shit to me so if smeyers decides to make her refined, considerably more interesting clan of vampires into true monsters, she can fuck right off because they deserve better than that. they're not villains simply because they're doing what is natural to them & the Cullens are a creepier cult than the Volturi will ever be. at least everyone knows that the three kings are dangerous. the Cullens are too busy being gentrified hypocrites (completely beige & lacking a good, old-fashioned dungeon & set of coffins... the dark drama is what draws us to vampires in the first place & someone like Forever Emo Teenager McWalking Red Flag scoffs at such things like a good little boring creeper on top of them actually not giving a damn about humans considering how in midnight sun it's clear they wouldn't have batted an eye at killing bella because said little boring creeper - or the prodigal son 🙄 - can barely control himself around her like it's her problem to deal with. glob i hate that & his losing control around her would make their "lives" a Little Bit Uncomfortable lmao) with Whatever The Fuck Weird Dynamic they have going on.
if anyone would be cruel anyways, it would be Caius out of the three kings, but i refuse to believe even he would go that far. a part of it is the thought of needing to be close to a human like that would disgust him but another is at least when they feed it's quick. if anyone is to endure a terribly long torture it would be Nahuel's biological father because he's a real monster. like, yes, somehow the Volturi never found out about hybrids, but they never went & tried to find out what would happen themselves.
i like to think the more the three kings researched it the more horrified they would be, but that could just be my biases & preferences showing. bella & edward's daughter displays disturbingly similar compulsory "abilities" or however one would describe them like Immortal Children because everyone's sudden pull to her after she touched them is WAY too similar to the enchantment vampires experience around the latter type of child so i think the Volturi (especially Jane) would be weirded out by that connection considering how long they've studied them.
i'm not saying every hybrid is like bella & edward's kid, but i'm pretty sure Aro noticed that neither she nor the rest of the family really like or trust the Volturi that much PLUS the Romanians are some of her favorite vamps. pretty sure that has put the Volturi on their guard (so to speak) (also Carlisle what the FUCK why are you being so weird about the Volturi. why tf does edward have his stupid attitude about them whyyyy make them your enemy especially considering the drama in new moon & eddie blatantly disrespecting the ancient group by expecting them to be Suicide Assistance as though that's what they're there for & have nothing better to do & Aro doing you a MASSIVE favor). ya know, as pretty as he's portrayed in the movies, i'm liking him as a character less & less (he's the biggest hypocrite of them all & playing a dangerous game of delusions - like hun, sorry, but no matter how much you pretend, you are not a human any longer & maybe you don't realize it (or WANT to) but you totally think you're better than humans seeing as you bend their rules especially if it's for your extremely problematic red-headed "son" - but THEN AGAIN you're certainly good at wiping out local wildlife like big predators so maybe you're more like humans than you think & i mean that as a slur).
i totally get derailed in my little rants on here & i'm only a little bit embarrased since this is pretty much how my brain works & how i talk lmao so tl;dr if the Volturi become the worst kind of monsters in future books when it comes to hybrids (aka "making their own" 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮), smeyers can fuck right off some more & the Cullens & their creepy cult & creepier hybrid kid are the worst. i still like Emmett though even if he chooses to stick around the problematic bunch (pretty sure Carlisle has a gift as well; it's amazing that so many vampires are not only able to live with each other peacefully but rigidly stick to a diet that is unnatural to their kind - a kind of creature that follows their instincts above almost most things. oh Carlisle, you certainly transferred your wild need to repress almost too exceedingly well).
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panlight · 1 year
I think something weird and harmless I find funny is that
in all of Volterra realized that the Volturi aren't vamps or at least somethings off. Like, the vamps come out to join the St. Marcus festivities and someone's like, hmmm there is a very old looking dude named Marcus and we are celebrating an old dude named Marcus, oh well what a crazy coincedince!
I personally hc that most of the adults know, they just treat it like an inside joke or send all the snobbish/rude/people who do't need to exist to the castle, usually saying things like " Yes that's Heidi, prettiest woman in town *sniff* "Nobody has been worth her attentions *hmph* all though- she does seem interested in yoou- *Cue jerk flirting and following Heidi* Good luck!"
Or spmetimes for Halloween, EVERYBODY- even the kids who don't know- dress up as all kinds of vampires or go as the Three Kings ( the kings panic a bit, but surely they don't know, how could they? and send some guards to keep an eye out )
What's your favorite weird thing?
Oh yeah the Volterra stuff has a lot of weirdness. The whole Heidi thing just seems so unnecessarily complicated. I mean I guess she wrote herself into a corner with the whole “they eat tourists” thing because obviously in the modern era it wouldn’t really work, but it still just seems like “oh there’s this vampire whose job it is to make up fake contests and job offers to lure people in to eat!” is pretty weird. 
And yeah it would make way more sense that people in Votlerra knew. Relatedly, so weird that people in La Push don’t know. Like, they all know the stories. And why on earth does Embry have to keep it from his mom? That’s such a weird detail to create drama that never goes anywhere. 
I think the tear is still my favorite weird thing because it’s SO weird and completely out of nowhere. But I also always found it weird that Edward describes Bella’s blood as smelling like freesia and lavender . . . and that he also wants to drink it super badly. To me there’s a huge difference between “this smells pretty” and “this smells delicious.” I LOVE the smell of lilacs but I have zero desire to eat them. SM even had to make the blood smell pretty and ‘nice.’ 
Oh another absolutely weird detail is like the focus on how good the vampires’ breath smells????
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ilentari · 2 years
Nice chapter!!
I enjoyed it so much ^^.
I have waited for this chapter to come for a while! And it did not disappoint at all.
Looking forward to more Hisashi being embarassed and parented by a little kid 🤣.
Though if I am allowed to ask.
Why Nemuri was not mentioned as an ally in the attempted murder of Hisashi? I was more or less expecting to get executed at the spot (because her canon fate).
Did Eri watch the whole thing about how her father was bleeding and being punished for the king himself? And how the very tall vampire that turned out to be younger than her (really, I am surprised she didn't think of him as another kid, when I was 4, when someone who was like in their 20's told me in a playful way that they were 4 or 5 too, I believed them, I was just that innocent) spare him and her uncle?
And how did Eri know about Yoichi? Only Izuku should know of that.
I am kind of surprised that Hisashi does not remember Shikamuro; I am starting to think there is more to that that Aizawa and everyone else knows.
And last but not least...
Has Hisashi ever actually been with a woman before? Like a girlfriend?
(I know the death of Yoichi is his tragic backstory, but to addition to that, if Hisashi would have lost a wife and children, just damn, it would have been too much).
I’m glad you enjoyed the update! ☺️ Gotta love a flustered Hisashi 👏👏
Nemuri wasn’t mentioned because she wasn’t actually in on it! In a previous chapter, Gran Torino told Aizawa to keep the murder plans on the down low, but conceded when Aizawa wanted to tell Yamada. Nemuri, on the other hand, was completely in the dark. She had no idea what her friends were planning.
Nemuri genuinely just wanted some “alone time” with Hisashi bc she liked him 👀 Gran knew Aizawa was waiting for a moment to strike, and he knew what Nemuri was like and that she’d probably drag Hisashi away, incidentally giving Aizawa that moment he’d been looking for. Aizawa wasn’t even aware Gran and Mirai did that for him.
Eri was watching! Though there was likely someone ready to cover her ears and eyes if things got really bad. Good thing Hisashi wanted Izuku to be merciful! And Eri knows about Yoichi bc of a special type of magic she has that may or may not come back into play later on in the fic.
Hisashi doesn’t remember all the vampires he’s ever killed, they’ve just been vamps to him. So of course, he doesn’t remember Shirakumo, which Aizawa and Yamada are offended by. Not only did Hisashi kill their friend, but he doesn’t even have any idea who he even was lmao
And yes, Hisashi has been with a woman before. Once 😌💅 lmao. He got to fuck once.
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ilmacore · 2 years
✨ Songs that remind me Mahabharata characters (Part 1)✨
Yudhirstira- Copacabana (IZAL)
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This part of the song is something that He could say followed by his brothers... Just, his vibes I can explain why...
(translation just of the photo part):
First of all we will make it clear
The pages that matter
Those of open books of nearby lives walls that are forever silent
And to the rest of the world
I sincerely wish of successes in battle
Let's think slowly and love quickly
And let's walk with our heads held high
Bheem - are you ready? (Måneskin)
Simply, inner strength in every single word!
Duryodhan - (Villano Antillo:Brzp) music session 51
Bad bitch vibes... I'll translate this part!!!!! Just a bit of that energy 😌💅🏼
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A-a-a vamp, I'm a bloodthirsty
Carmilla of Styria, I am immune to your prayers'
I am the main and you the secondary
I am the principal of this high school
I am the boss and you are the secretary
You are not at the level to be my adversary
Arjuna - La increíble historia del hombre que sabía volar pero no como (The incredible story of the man who knew how to fly but not how-IZAL)
Arjuna's weak moments and not weak ones
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~Shine metal, all set, ready to take off They were days of worries And wasted hours fighting anxiety And sitting at the controls of my interstellar capsule Pure nerve, tachycardia and bad vibes The sweat fogs up my visor glass I thought I noticed some creaking Control tells me that I can be calm It is normal to hear so many noises say goodbye to mine The situation does not improve when I listen to my other half To my right Dimitri moving his mouth in his language I don't understand anything when he speaks We shot out, impending doom This ship, a flying undertaker is now my supposed sweet home And when I think all is lost I look through the hatch to infinity The universe speaking in my ear you enjoy the way ~
Karna-De Plata (Rosalía)
Sad song for my sad boy, short, like a last breath of life (I changed Spain for Anga)
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When I
When I...
I die
I asked you for an order
What with your braids
What braids of your black hair
Tie my hands
Oh, if love
The one that I have for you
If it was silver
the want
The one that I have for you
If it was silver
Another richer, richer than me
Oh, in Anga there would still be
Nakula-SloMo (Chanel)
Here a video with the translation ;) (a big iconic,divine,yass king energy) also the videoclip is gold...
Sahadev- Wallet (Anoushka Shankar)
Vibes of some anecdotes about someone or himself but, chilling 🥴🥴
RadheKrisnha song- Archie,marry me (alvvays)
Sad af no more objections... You know why...
Draupadi- Talking to the moon (Bruno Mars)
I like crying I know.
And... To be continued in the second part ;)))
Also, if someone want an entire translate of a song, just tell me, I'll do without doubt!
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bravenewolympus--hq · 2 months
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whooooo doesn't love a gool ol' fashioned re-vamp?!?! that's right, bay-bay! brave new olympus is back after a brief hiatus! we've moved to a new server for a fresh start and we are officially open for applications! i am in the process of queueing up all of our skeletons, but in the mean time - why not come check us out on discord?!
ʙʀᴀᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴏʟʏᴍᴘᴜꜱ : ᴀ 21+ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ɢʀᴇᴇᴋ ᴍʏᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏʀᴅ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ.
𝑰 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒚, 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝝂𝒆𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 – 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝝂𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔.
they called it an offering, and zeus had always been a glutton for those, especially when it was all wrapped up with a bow and delivered by someone devastatingly beautiful. an offering, an apology from prometheus for his misdeeds, overdue penance to the one true god of all gods. she’d memorized the script, smiled and breezed her way through the offering, and all that was left was for zeus to take the bait and open the box.nothing quite like honey, or a pretty smile, to catch the proverbial fly, after all. and in the deepest corner of hades, the shackles of cronus, the once and future king, came loose. second chances, after all, are not given to make things right, but to make things even. and what was just a little more waiting, when he had already sat chained in the pit in breathless anticipation for millenia? utterly meaningless, not unlike his promises of his progeny and their better selves. he would sit, and wait, and watch as his beloved children, for all their base selfishness, tore themselves apart in the name of ambition, pride, and greed. athens, new york: an island city, all trees and marble, glass and steel and highrises set against an ocean skyline. bustling and loud, crowded, but not without a bizarre sense that it must have sprung up overnight, somehow, when surely it must have always been here, no? on a clear night, you might even be able to see the lights of its more famous cousin, new york city, across the water…if you squint hard enough. it may not get as much attention as the shiny apple across the hudson, but those not so blinded by the lights must certainly have been coming here for years. is there something in the water here, too? no one leaves, not in any meaningful way anyway. feels like it has a special way of pulling you back in, if you try. they, that is anyone who was anyone or paid even an iota of attention to the evening news, called him the minotaur. the media does love a catchy nom de guerre, doesn’t it? sells newspapers like hotcakes in the morning. ambrosia, whether it’s the latest designer drug trend or the latest pestilence sweeping the streets of athens, just depends on how tightly you clutch your pearls on sundays. must infuriate the police, don’t it? that without fail, by the time they arrive to any crime scene at all, all that’s left is the heap of little cream-coloured business cards, the red lines of a labyrinthine logo more taunting than they are helpful. between an epidemic of pearlescent powder, neatly parceled out in small plastic baggies, a tide of crimson bull graffiti, casinos and bordellos and the nightlife (oh my!), it’s no small wonder they call this an atlantic sin city. it’s a vice eat dog world, ain’t it? and anyone who calls athens home is just living in it. powerless, with no memory of their past lives, what's a god gotta do to survive? what is brave new olympus? a crime-focused take on the greek gods, demigods and heroes we know and love, loosely inspired by once upon a time, set in the human world and modern age. we call athens, new york, home: a fictional island city across the bight from the boroughs of its more famous cousin, the big apple. look for the same active nightlife, energy, culture, and art deco-style architecture here.
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snekkohekko · 8 months
So let me start off with saying: How The Fuck Do Vampires Work In Adventure Time? So, I just finished watching Adventure Time: Stakes, and with Episode 7 of Fionna and Cake, The Star got me thinking: how the fuck do vampires work? First: Radiation (I know this is a weird first but bear with me) so Stakes Part 6 "Take Her Back" kinda implies that vampires are like, slightly radioactive, given that Princess Bubblegum uses what looks like a Geiger Counter to track the Moon, via her weird orb things, so it seems that they are at least more radioactive than background radiation, which would make sense as vampires, to my knowlage came to be because of the Lich (or the Green Catalyst Comet I guess)'s Magic Nuclear Bomb (well the Lich was the bomb, but still). BUT in Stakes: Part 1 Marceline is seen using "SPF 30 Million Sun Screen" (Which is ridiculous but it's a cartoon so ya know) to be able to protect atleast some of her skin from the sun. what does this have to do with Radiation? well that means that either A) Vampire's sun weakness come from vulnerability to Ionizing radiation and not from some magic thing, which makes no sense if they're radioactive or B) the thin layer of sunscreen is an accessible enough barrier to get around the sun weakness, so like would this work for other liquids too? If Marcelin covered herself in oil could she walk out into the sun? Plastic Wrap? does there just have to be SOME kind of barrier that separates skin from sun? If she, I don't know, fucking SWEATS hard enough is that enough of a barrier? then again it could just be the Moon that's radioactive, and her self-healing powers are counteracting the negative effects.
Thingy Dos: Ash. so Ash is canonically speaking, Marceline's Ex-Boyfriend, which would be fine if were not for the fact he seems to be a Vampire, and is still alive , given that it was implied Marceline killed all Vampires before getting turned herself while trying to kill the Vampire King (though after she killed the VK there were still vamps left, as right before the fight with him she states that "in a week they'll all be cleared out" though even after she was turned I don't see any reason why she would stop hunting them), and Jake even states that there are no other Vamps besides Marceline, as when the cattle are drained she is the only suspect. so is Ash just like, not a vampire? he's probably half-demon, like Marceline (with the gray skin, vampire skin is super plate to a blueish color it seems) and he just really looks like a Half-Demon half Vampire thing like Marceline (addendum: the the Episode Memory of a Memory it is stated that Ash eats regular food, and in the Episode Betty he is seen out in the sun unharmed, so i guess he's not a vampire)
third thing: Vampires can apparently drink the color red instead of just blood, with the deeper/darker the shade being more nuorusing (when Marceline Drains Princess Bubble Gum in and episode I cannot remember the name of she says that her pink is a "low grade red" and that it'll only last a short time) , which, as Stakes implies, means vampires only drink human blood because it tastes good (and Blood, being a pretty dark red would be very nourishing and decently easy to come across) (apparently, cause Finn is used as vampire bait multiple times) and because they're like Vampire Supremacists? which is weird because in Fionna and Cake: The Star, Bonnibel says being turned is pointless because Humans are dwindling, meaning they'll all starve soon, which makes me think that the Vampires A) hate humans so much they'll drive them to extection to eat and B) Are so picky with where they get their red from that they'd rather starve than get it from some lesser source.
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“If crows symbolize deadly omens, banshees personify them. These are the seers haunted by visions of death, wailing and mourning those lives lost in moments of foresight and thereafter. While some may look to them for comfort or salvation, others have deemed them untouchable, a plague walking amongst the true living.”
Most people who die to see the future, to know what may come. And maybe you thought that too, once upon a time, only now you can see what will come: and it is always the end. They say there can be no pleasure without pain but did they know there were people in the world who could see only the pain. The Banshee can not tell how or why death will come, but they always know who and when. What a terrible curse to know so much and so little all at the same time. You have a scream that shatters glass and a voice that is near silent in return.
Every Face Has a Name….
Age: 25+
Circle: Power
All Questions Need Answers….
Only knowing the bad parts of the future can likely be exhausting. What helps keep you grounded during the difficult days?
Is there anything you can do to keep these visions from coming?
Do you always have this foresight or does something have to trigger it?
Which candidate do you support?
All Debts Need to Be Collected….
Please outline one debt you owe to the candidate of that specific faction. Please explain the circumstances as to how you obtained this debt.
Possible Debts for The Banshee:
You owe the Mortalis for not warning them about the death of someone.
You owe the Night for getting you something you desperately needed.
You owe the Wild for breaking a promise you made to them.
You owe the Power for saving your life.
Connections are as Likely as Corruption….
The Siren: You would love nothing more if The Siren simply stopped causing chaos in the city. It gets incredibly exhausting waking up in a cold sweat with another drowned victim on your mind. It’s unfortunate then, to see just how charming they are. It doesn’t seem fair. And, honestly, it probably isn’t.
The Oracle: What you wouldn’t give to see something other than the morbidity of the future. What you wouldn’t do to keep yourself from spiraling down visions plagued with nothing but the worst moments of everyone's minds. You had hoped to see everything back then, but for whatever reason, the King of this world laughed and gave you this instead.
The Vamp: If you can tell for whom the bell tolls, why not use it a little bit to your advantage. Being able to tell creatures of the night who would be easy feeding because they’ll be dying soon could help you earn some money. At least you’d be getting something out of this power. Even if maybe you have to tell yourself that you’re just making sure the inevitable will happen.
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