#why atheism is increasing
1manatheist · 1 year
Unpacking the Rise of Atheism: How Science, Diversity, and Social Media are Shaping a More Secular Society
Atheism is defined as a lack of belief in a god or gods. This perspective is becoming increasingly common in many parts of the world, particularly in developed regions such as Europe, North America, and Japan. Several different factors are contributing to this trend towards a more secular society, including scientific advancements, diversity, social media, and declining credibility of religious…
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unpretty · 1 year
Your monster porn got me to do an ultrasound, and it turns out I likely have PCOS. Thanks for that, but now I am furious with the entire medical profession. Somehow having like three periods a year for the last 8 years didn’t clue anyone in? Not my PCP or Ob-Gyn or ANYONE?! And then after some google searching — lemme get this straight — there’s no cure for the underlying causes, there’s just treatments for the changes in your APPEARANCE and FERTILITY?! I want to be careful about crying misogyn
y, especially since I’m not a woman (possibly due to the aforementioned PCOS), but— like— the ONLY suggestions I can find after a quick google search are for “exercise to mitigate the weight gain side effects; you don’t want to be fat, so you!” “Take birth control to fix the infertility side effect so you can make babies!” “Here are some hormones to help with the acne and excessive hair growth!” Okay, but… what about the increased risk of diabetes, anxiety, and depression????? What about the fact that I don’t want lumpy cysts on my ovaries?! What if I am literally okay with the hair growth, oily skin, infertility, and gender atheism (and tbh having androgens just in general) but not with the everything else??? Alsjshaiahwvwj and exercise doesn’t even work!!! I gained ten pounds after I started exercising! Where is all the research on this shit and why does Google not know anything about how to fix the underlying root cause?!
Maybe if I hadn’t switched out of chemistry I could do something about this
if astielle gets a print copy i'm making the first sentence of this series of asks a cover review
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By: Ryan Burge
Published: Mar 25, 2024
I give a lot of talks about the "nones." This includes Zoom meetings, webinars, lecture series, and sermons at various venues such as churches, colleges, and social organizations. My slide deck is as dialed in as it can be. I know which statements will resonate, how to elicit a quick laugh, when to speed through a graph, and when to pause to let people take photos of a slide.
I aim to provide the audience with a few key takeaways from the talk. One of them is this: most "nones" are not atheists. I believe that when most people hear the term "none," they immediately picture an atheist. However, I emphasize the "nothing in particular" group more because it's significantly larger.
I do, however, believe that atheists are crucial for the future of American society and politics. As I've previously written, they are among the most politically active groups in the United States.
Link: No One Participates in Politics More than Atheists (paid article)
But how many are there? The Cooperative Election Study can help us with an estimate.
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According to this data, about three percent of the adult population were atheists in 2008. This number has slowly risen over the last fifteen years. It was five percent in 2014, then increased to 6% by 2016. What's striking is that there hasn't been any appreciable increase between 2015 and 2022; it's remained around six percent.
I've also attempted to generate state-level estimates of atheists, which is not straightforward. When a group comprises only 6% of the general population, the margin of error increases. This is even more challenging at the state level, requiring a large sample size to include enough respondents from states like Vermont or Wyoming to produce confident calculations. Yet, I'm giving it a try.
Below, you'll find estimates of the atheist population for all 50 states. I used two sources: the Cooperative Election Study (CES) data from 2016-2022 and an estimate from Nationscape with has over 477,000 respondents. Despite the large sample sizes, four states in the Nationscape sample had fewer than 1000 respondents—Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, and North Dakota. However, this is as accurate as it gets with the available data.
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I visualized the estimates with 84% confidence intervals. A rule of thumb is that if the error bars from each survey overlap, the estimates are statistically similar. This occurs in some states like Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, and Mississippi. Generally, the CES tends to have higher atheist estimates than the Nationscape survey, but the differences aren't substantial, averaging a discrepancy of 1.9 points.
I'll now share the atheist estimates from both surveys for all fifty states to illustrate the range of these numbers.
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In several states, one estimate may be 4% and another 5%, such as in Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Texas, and Florida. It's reasonable to conclude that in these locations, atheists may constitute one in twenty adults. Other states fall into a similar range, like Pennsylvania, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas. The largest discrepancies were found in Washington (4 points) and Oregon (5 points), it’s hard to figure out why this is happening in these two states.
To generate my best guess, I averaged the estimates from the CES and Nationscape surveys. Although the CES estimate might be slightly high and the Nationscape slightly low, the midpoint should provide a close approximation of the actual percentage.
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It's reassuring when the data align with perceptions - that’s the case here. For example, the Bible Belt displays a lower atheist percentage, with states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Kentucky showing shares below 3%. North Dakota's outlier status likely reflects the impact of sample size.
The atheist population in most states falls within the 4-6% range, encompassing the upper Midwest, the Rust Belt, and parts of the Southwest. Missouri, with a 5.1% atheist population, serves as the median state, aligning more with its northern neighbors than those to the south.
The dark blue states, which are most likely to have atheists, can be best described as including the Pacific Northwest, some Great Plains states, and New England. However, the epicenter is undoubtedly in the top left part of the map, with Oregon at 9.2% atheists and Washington at 8.2%. The only other states that come close are the relatively small ones: New Hampshire (9.4%) and Vermont (9.2%).
Let’s have some fun now, though. What factors predict a greater percentage of atheists? I think even amateur social scientists can probably do a bit of theorizing at this stage. Let’s start with some low hanging fruit - age. This is a scatterplot of median age on the x-axis and the share of atheists on the y-axis.
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The trend line is unmistakably positive—states with older populations tend to have more atheists. Surprising, isn't it? Take note of the three outliers in the top right—New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. These states are both significantly older and have higher proportions of atheists than the norm. On the other end of the spectrum lies Utah, a notable outlier. Despite its relatively young median age of 31.5, its estimated atheist share is 5.4%, which significantly exceeds the expected trend of 4%.
But what does this correlation translate to in concrete terms? If a state were to age by five years, on average, it could anticipate a one percentage point increase in its atheist population. This change might not seem substantial, but considering the implications of a statewide median age shift of five years, the impact is noteworthy.
Let’s explore another influential factor: politics. I analyzed Trump’s vote share from the 2020 presidential election and plotted it against the share of atheists.
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This relationship should be relatively straightforward to understand—the higher the percentage of Trump voters in a state, the lower the percentage of atheists. Vermont stands out as an anomaly in the top left, where only 31% of voters supported Trump and 9.2% of the population identifies as atheist. Massachusetts presents an interesting case for comparison; its Trump vote share was nearly identical, yet its atheist share was two percentage points lower.
Montana, Alaska, and Wyoming significantly deviate from the trend. I attribute this to two main factors: the small sample size and the unique political landscape in these states, where conservatism is not primarily driven by religious motives. A Republican in Montana is markedly different from one in Mississippi.
But what does this correlation look like in real numbers? For every ten-point increase in Trump’s vote share, the percentage of atheists decreases by about 0.9%. This is less than a single percentage point. For example, if Vermont's Trump vote share increased from 31% to 51%, we might expect its atheist share to decrease from 9.2% to 7.4%.
Before concluding this post, I put together a regression model with additional variables such as the percentage of the state population with a college degree, the median income, and the gender ratio to identify factors that influence the percentage of atheists. Here are the findings.
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Education, age, and income did not provide statistical significance in this analysis, which is certainly noteworthy. The primary factor influencing the atheist percentage was political orientation. A higher number of Trump voters correlates with fewer atheists, all else being equal. Additionally, two demographic variables—higher percentages of white people and men—were associated with increased atheism rates. The effects of these variables were positive and of similar magnitudes, indicating that neither is significantly more predictive than the other.
It's important to emphasize that atheists have not been growing at an exponential rate in America. They accounted for six percent of the population when Donald Trump was elected President, and this figure remained unchanged as of 2022. The increase in "nones" is attributed more to a rise in individuals identifying with "nothing in particular" rather than a surge in atheism. While states like Oregon and Vermont have notable atheist populations, atheism is relatively rare in places like Alabama.
Link: Atheists Just Don't Have Many Kids (paid article)
The inverse relationship between age and atheism deserves further reflection. When combined with data from a previous analysis highlighting the low fertility rate among atheists, it becomes clear that the growth of atheism likely depends more on converting individuals from other traditions than on passing atheistic beliefs down through generations.
However, the relatively high incomes and education levels of atheists, coupled with their lower fertility rates, position them to continue exerting significant influence across various aspects of American life, both now and in the future.
Keep in mind that I understand Ryan's definition of "atheism" to be, "believes that no god exists."
A better definition is anyone who isn't a theist. If you don't positively affirm belief in a god or gods, you're an atheist.
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During one of the interviews I had with a reporter from a secular news outlet during the opening of the Creation Museum in 2007, I was asked, “What are you really trying to do here? What’s your real motivation?”
I answered: “To stand on the authority of the Word of God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ—to see people saved so that they can be in heaven with us!”
The reporter replied: “So you admit it then?”
“Admit what?” I responded.
He said: “Well, that you’re deliberately trying to get people converted to Christianity.”
“Yes. Absolutely,” was my reply.
The reporter then looked at me and said: “Well, that’s refreshing!” I was somewhat surprised. “Why do you say that?” I inquired. The reporter stated something similar to the following: “I’ve interviewed many Christian leaders who are involved in issues such as creationism, prayer in schools, abortion, and so on.”
He then went on: “When I ask them what their ultimate purpose is in tackling the issues of the day, most would not admit that their involvement had anything to do with Christianity. These leaders usually say it’s because of ‘traditional family values’ or ‘what the Founding Fathers believed’—or something similar.”
The reporter added: “Why don’t they just come right out, as you did, and admit they’re involved because their real motivation is to see Christian thinking permeate the culture and see people saved as you say?”
The account above highlights what I consider to be a major problem in Christendom in general—and it has even greatly contributed (unwittingly in most instances) to the secularization of society and led to an increasing ineffectiveness of the church to impact the culture.
Many Christians have been duped into accepting a false idea: that there is a “neutral” position they can take in regard to social issues, or any issue. Some Christians in the USA even accept the myth that the U.S. Constitution declares that there should be a separation of church and state, and, thus, they don’t want their Christian beliefs to influence politics.
As I’ve stated many times, God’s Word, however, makes it clear that there is no neutral position. Matthew 12:30 states: “He who is not with Me is against Me.” Thus, people walk either in “light” or “darkness.”
When creation, prayer, and Bible readings were by and large eliminated from the public (secular) schools in the West , many people (including some Christians) thought that the system would then be “neutral” or “religion free.” But is it? All you have to do is read the main biology textbooks used in public (secular) schools to see that students are taught how the entire universe and all life can be explained by natural processes! These textbooks promote the religion of “naturalism” which is atheism.
A small minority of people has forced its anti-God religious views on the whole culture, and they have even succeeded in capturing the hearts and minds of children from church homes. Most of today’s youth in our churches attend the secular schools; so, we should not be surprised that most don’t think biblically!
Most Christians simply don’t know how to defend their faith against even “softball” attacks on the Bible. They freeze and avoid talking about the Bible; they don’t want to risk being confronted with tough questions and be forced to attempt a defense of their faith. Churches by and large haven’t equipped them to be ready for such a defense. And sadly, most of the church leaders and church goers have already (wittingly or unwittingly) accepted evolutionary ideas, and this has undermined the authority of the Bible in their own lives. They lack the ability to take on even the most blatantly unbiblical social issues.
God’s people need to be unashamed and uncompromising in their stand on the Bible. Like the apostle Paul, we need to boldly state: “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). We need to unashamedly proclaim a Christian worldview and the gospel, all the while giving answers for the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15).
The following admonition Paul gave Timothy is just as relevant for each one of us 2,000 years later: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Yes, we need to be equipped to be able to defend the Christian faith and boldly stand on God’s Word unashamedly, so his Word that convicts and saves will be proclaimed.
Now when you do this, be prepared to be mocked by our enemies. But let’s not be ashamed of what God’s Word teaches concerning biblical truths, including the accuracy of the book of Genesis and the doctrines that are found there (e.g., marriage between man and woman, the sanctity of life, origin of sin, creation, etc.).
My prayer is that all of us will be challenged to “not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” (2 Timothy 1:8).
“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me. Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you” (2 Timothy 1:8–14). – Ken Ham
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taylortruther · 8 months
There’s no issue with starting a graph/diagram/etc. at 15% (or any nonzero number), though it usually feels against our natural instincts, and while the different colors definitely should have been evenly distributed to avoid it being misleading there’s not technically anything wrong with dividing it however you want as long as you provide a proper key :) (hope this doesn’t come across as condescending or anything i just saw your tags and as a graph nerd i couldn’t help myself)
i hear you and i understand that if no state reported below 15% atheist, then there's no need to start from 0%. i still feel the graph is a bit misleading because of what you said: the colors/bins should've been more evenly distributed. but because the scales are so uneven, the map ends up lumping a state like texas (37% atheist) with maine (which is 54%), which just seems off. i think if the scales were more consistent we'd have a more detailed picture of the increase in atheism nationwide.
i think i understand why the creator made this map. it is still useful! but i think it would be just as compelling with more detail.
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This is What The·oc·ra·cy Looks Like!
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(The Overturn of Roe V. Wade is Only the Beginning.)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
What the hell do you care about this?! You’ve got your own problems! You car payment is overdue! You’re behind in your mortgage! You have to watch the mileage on your car because of Big Oil’s price gouging! Your small business is bossing you around ‘cause, now, IT runs YOU! To top it all off, your daughter was gang-raped by some Proud Men and, now, she is pregnant! By the way, she had a gun in her purse, but she couldn’t get to it. She’ll have to travel to California to terminate the pregnancy, but you don’t have the money for airline tickets! Maybe you can sell some meth? Yeah! This radical action by the Supreme Court will personally affect you and the whole, fucking country!
Maybe you’re not hip to politics. Well, now is time for on-the-job training. Theocracy? It doesn’t matter what religion controls a country, the result the same. Take Islam, for example. Look at Iran; it’s worse than Communist Cuba! Not only is there no abortion allowed, it is illegal to masturbate! If someone sees you engage in this Satanic activity, then they are required to contact the morality police squad. Should they discover that you did not report it, then you’ll be whipped in public! And, if you don’t pray to Allah three times a day, then its jail time for you, bub.
Religious repression causes people to become Atheists. Did you know that, in Iran, the Millennial kids secretively embrace Atheism? In the same vein, Cuban exiles become fanatical, anti-Communists, then immigrate to the USA and become supporters of American Fascists! Thank you, Castro, you fucking asshole! I’m glad you’re dead!! Thanks to you, the political Right is removing our freedom!
You know who else is taking our freedom away? Rich, elitist, WASP Republicans. They couldn’t care less about abortion rights; they can get an abortion on demand, anytime! These rich pigs are decadent sinners. They make concessions to the Religious Right—like making abortion illegal, without exception.
You see, the rich pigs want to arrest all those with instincts of resistance or rebellion. Humans are not evil, they are inherently rebellious—and the powerful rich are terrified about it! They think that strategically having religion to restrain human immorality will stop all revolution against them. When they say they want people to be moral, they mean people who will be submissive to the Corporate State. I have repeated this dynamic of the rich and the religious, time and time again. Will anybody listen? Nope? Well, then, it’s on them. Not me, babe!
If you believe that voting Democrats into office will help the USA, well...not so much. The two-party system must be destroyed or it will destroy us.
So, here is my gratuitous advice to you, America. First: Yes, go ahead and vote blue if makes you feel better. Second: Do you remember when Islamic terrorists were making the scene? The Conservatives in America had this talking point; it was a question: “Why don’t the mainstream Muslims denounce Islamic terrorists?” Well, now is the time for us to ask this question: “Why don’t the mainstream Christians denounce the fundamentalist Evangelical Christians?” When I say mainstream, I mean these denominations: Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Pentecostal, Methodist, Calvinist, and even the Roman Catholic Church. They should all make a joint statement denouncing the Theocratic Army of Christian Nationalists. I’m calling them out!
The best form of heterosexual sex is with contraceptives, unless the objective is to increase the population of the White race. Abortion as a choice, however, is about premarital sex. The whole crux of this debate—and I reiterate this belabored point—is: You have the right to worship any God you want, but I don’t have to follow your God’s rules! Just because you can’t recruit people of their own volition, into your fold, it doesn’t give you the right to make laws based upon your own dogma. The Supreme Court justices should exchange their black robes for white robes, because they have openly surrendered to the Religious Right.
You see, I knew this was coming. Back in the day, only a minority of citizens supported the American Revolution. The rest were loyal to the British Crown. If not for those revolutionaries, we would be speaking the Queen’s English today.
My point is that a minority of Americans can turn this country into a Theocracy—unless the rest of us, the majority—wake up and rebel against it!
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5minuteswithjoni · 5 days
Loosing and finding my faith
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After a really stale period in my journeying with God that included challenges transitioning into the teen years for the first time as a parent, school refusal, marriage difficulties, countless rejections from jobs I'd gone for to increase my satisfaction levels and finances and a terminal diagnosis for my spouse I felt myself loosing my faith. It was a bleak season and dry with no answers to prayers that I had been anxiously praying for and stress was increasing. I couldn't understand why the God I had known since I was 16 wasn't walking close by my side or answering prayers in my favour. It was a dark season and friends stood by perplexed. In the end I threw in the towel. I walked away from the God I had known personally for years and told him I couldn't do it anymore. Faith was too difficult. I stopped praying. I rang a Christian helpline who said if prayer was too difficult take a break and for me to know that God held me whether I was praying or not. But as I walked away from a daily communion with God, I questioned all of the foundational teaching I had been taught over the years. My conservative reformed Christianity became a place of deconstruction. Nothing made sense. The crux of it: why would God let me suffer under the weight of all these issues and not help me? I decided to question everything and read up on deconstructors and their journeys. Sarah Bessey was a warm help in this time of need, who has a compassion for people who's questions aren't easily answered. There were others I followed on social media who seemed to provide a lightness to the darkness I had been experiencing.
As I moved away, I now know I was vulnerable and my judgement was not the best. I started looking at atheism and questioning the very existence of God. I made some decisions in my life that took a completely different road to the one I had walked on for years. One of them was opening up our marriage to try and seek some salvation for the the loss of intimacy we had had over many years. I dated, met a swinger and sexually liberated man who could meet some of my needs. Foolishly I followed my heart and continued to date this man who I fell in love with and vowed to do my best to love him. Three months into a relationship of heady heights and fun that I hadn't had in years, he dumped me. He was not able to meet this woman's emotional needs, spilling over from the awful year I had had with my family. Devastated I cried out to God to bring us back together the first time I had prayed since throwing in the towel. My life was a mess and my heart shattered in a thousand pieces. This threw me back into praying and talking with God again. I have not experienced heart break like it - its absolutely devastating and my heart goes out to anyone finding themselves in this place.
God met me there. Over some days and weeks I told him for this to work I needed answers to prayer for me to find faith again. I was prepared for my life to be flooded with faith again and to talk with him again. During a trip to take my son and his friend to a adventure swimming pool in Dundee, we were coming home and my petrol light started flashing. We were in the middle of nowhere and a petrol station looked like it was further than what we had in the tank. I panicked. I knew my son's friend had some faith and asked him to pray whilst my son navigated us. There was literally 5 miles left and we found a turning and within minutes were at a petrol station. Such a coincidence, something hit me at this moment. God answered at such a timely moment! He was answering this today through my son's friend. I jokingly said that he should set up a prayer line and I would call him everytime I needed prayer answered. He smiled. A few more prayers prayed after this encouragement meant that with time I was seeing doors opening and healing to my faith was coming. God was encouraging me in my fledging faith that was so fragile following all the disappointment.
I know God is not a genie there to give us everything we want but I needed to know that he was someone who cared for my wellbeing. My relationship with him started to improve and more recently we've been having times of conversation where he shares with me what's on his mind as I learn to listen to him during prayer times. I'll write another blog on how you do that soon, but safe to say I am back in relationship with him and have found my faith. I don't have all the answers for the bad times but he was there all along waiting for me to come back and find him again. He never let me go even though I threw in the towel. He has shown me his kindness and love and provided for me to rebuild my life with him again.
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automatismoateo · 15 days
Religious references shouldnt be in government buildings via /r/atheism
Religious references shouldn’t be in government buildings The following objective facts explain why decorations with religious motifs should not be present in government buildings: 1) The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was added to establish a clear line between religious institutions and government functions. This ensures a government that in no way favors or promotes any one religion. 2) Historical court cases like Engel v. Vitale (1962) and Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) upheld this principle by ruling against government actions that involve religious activities or symbols. 3) Adding religious connotations to government establishments only cements one religion and sends a message that would exclude other people’s faith. This even extends to their citizens who belong to a different faith or, further, those who do not believe in anything. 4) Fact: Meanwhile, according to the Pew Research Centre, most members of the U.S. are either irreligious or adherent to non-Christian religions, all the more increasing the necessity of maintaining a government religion-neutral. 5) This practice can lead to feelings of exclusion and marginalization, which contradicts the principle of equal representation. Government spaces should be neutral realms that reflect and respect the diversity of the population they serve. This helps maintain integrity within a pluralistic society, where every individual is considered valuable and worthy of equal treatment. It is a practice that will go to the level of breeding feelings of exclusion and marginalization. Now, that is not something that would be in line with the principle of having equal representation. These, after all, are the realms of government that should be the neutral realms of diversity to be meted out in order to reflect such diversity in those represented. It maintains integrity within a pluralistic society in which every single person is treated as precious. This is beyond the fact that the exclusion of religious references squashes a possible future conflict and rift that would pop up from some quarters in cases of either perceived favoritism or discrimination. Submitted May 24, 2024 at 01:30AM by Truth-and-Logic (From Reddit https://ift.tt/8bh61xS)
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donveinot · 1 month
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systementcorp · 1 month
In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in Hollywood towards atheism. More and more celebrities are coming out as non-believers, openly discussing their lack of faith in a higher power. This trend has sparked debates and discussions within the entertainment industry and beyond, shedding light on the growing acceptance of atheism in mainstream culture. Celebrities Leading the Way One of the most prominent atheist celebrities is comedian and talk show host Bill Maher. Maher has been vocal about his atheism for years, using his platform to challenge religious beliefs and promote secular values. Other celebrities, such as Ricky Gervais, Seth MacFarlane, and Penn Jillette, have also been outspoken about their lack of belief in a higher power. Why Are Celebrities Embracing Atheism? There are several reasons why celebrities are embracing atheism. One factor may be the increasing secularization of society, with more people identifying as non-religious or atheist. Additionally, the entertainment industry has traditionally been a bastion of liberal values, making it a more accepting environment for non-believers. Celebrities may also be drawn to atheism as a way to differentiate themselves from the mainstream. In a culture that often glorifies religious beliefs, openly identifying as an atheist can be seen as a rebellious and provocative act. The Impact on Hollywood The rise of atheism in Hollywood has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. Atheist celebrities have used their platforms to challenge religious dogma and promote secular values, sparking debates and discussions within the industry. Some celebrities have faced backlash for their atheism, with religious groups and individuals criticizing them for their lack of faith. However, many atheist celebrities have also found support within the industry and among their fans, leading to a more open and accepting attitude towards atheism in Hollywood. FAQs Q: Are all celebrities in Hollywood atheists? A: No, not all celebrities in Hollywood are atheists. While there has been a noticeable increase in atheist celebrities in recent years, there are still many who identify as religious or spiritual. Q: Is atheism becoming more mainstream in Hollywood? A: Yes, atheism is becoming more mainstream in Hollywood. With more celebrities openly discussing their lack of belief in a higher power, atheism is becoming a more accepted and visible position within the entertainment industry. Q: How do religious groups react to atheist celebrities? A: Religious groups and individuals may react negatively to atheist celebrities, criticizing them for their lack of faith. However, there are also many religious individuals who support and respect the beliefs of atheist celebrities. Q: What impact does atheism have on the entertainment industry? A: Atheism has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry, sparking debates and discussions about religion and secularism. Atheist celebrities have used their platforms to challenge religious dogma and promote secular values, leading to a more open and accepting attitude towards atheism in Hollywood.
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xzczxdcs4556 · 2 months
Saudi Arabia's Top 15 Harsh Penalties: A Comprehensive Examination
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Saudi Arabia, a country well-known for its rigorous observance of Sharia law, has long come under fire for the harshness of the penalties it metes out for certain crimes. The country just carried out one of the largest mass executions in decades, killing 81 individuals, shocking the entire globe and bringing attention back to its legal system and penalty enforcement.
This article describes 15 of the harshest penalties known to exist in Saudi Arabia's legal system, ranging from the death penalty to corporal punishment. It is essential to approach this subject with a sophisticated awareness of local laws and cultural norms.
Penalties by Corporal:
Saudi Arabia's legal system has a long history of using corporal punishment, including lashings, as a result of strict interpretations of Sharia law. These penalties, which are frequently administered in public, have drawn a lot of criticism for their brutality and encouragement of violence.
The Death Penalty:
The application of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia, which mainly consists of beheading, is still debatable, particularly in cases of serious offenses like murder and drug trafficking. Public executions have drawn criticism for being a spectacle that spreads terror rather than advancing justice.
Adultery Stoning:
Although it is not often recorded, Saudi Arabia's legal system still includes the penalty of stoning as a means of punishing adultery. Stoning is a brutal practice that is widely denounced for violating basic human rights principles. It also continues to be a major obstacle to the nation's legal reforms.
Amputation due to Theft:
The nation's rigorous commitment to Sharia law is demonstrated by the amputation of hands for stealing. In spite of complaints about justice and savagery, Saudi Arabia has been gradually changing its policies regarding these penalties in recent years.
Executions in Public:
Even though they are becoming less common, public executions serve as a grim reminder of Saudi Arabia's criminal justice system. The nation's modernization efforts are leading to an increase in the volume of calls to abolish public executions.
Apostasy Penalties:
The country's desire to preserve religious uniformity is shown in the fact that apostasy—the abandonment of religious beliefs—is punishable by death. Saudi Arabia has been pressured by the international community to reevaluate its position on apostasy.
Penalties for Sorcery and Witchcraft:
Penalties for practicing witchcraft and sorcery have been severe mostly founded on gossip and interpersonal conflicts. For human rights campaigners, the absence of empirical evidence and trial transparency continues to be an issue.
Penalties for Trafficking in Drugs:
Saudi Arabia's strong anti-drug policies are a reflection of its efforts to uphold societal order. But there's a growing global trend favoring rehabilitation over retaliation, which is why there are demands to reconsider these harsh methods.
Penalties for Acts of Homosexuality:
In Saudi Arabia, there are harsh punishments for homosexual behavior, which is a reflection of firmly held religious and cultural beliefs. Reforms that uphold people's rights and dignity are something that can be hoped for while the country experiences profound transformation.
Making Atheism a Crime:
Saudi Arabia criminalizes atheism, which suppresses philosophical debate and religious opposition. Demands for a more accepting strategy that honors a range of beliefs emphasize the necessity of national legal reforms.
Blasphemy Penalties:
Significant limitations on the right to free speech and expression are imposed by blasphemy laws, which frequently lead to arbitrary imprisonment. There is optimism for legislative changes that support human rights and promote free communication as Saudi Arabia progresses toward modernity.
Treason Penalties:
Treason is punishable by harsh laws, which demonstrates the country's commitment to preserving national security. But worries about trial fairness and openness highlight the need for a more impartial approach to justice.
Punishments that Discriminate Against Women:
Because of patriarchal traditions, women frequently get punishments that are unduly harsh. With Saudi Arabia moving toward greater reforms pertaining to women's rights, there is hope for a more just legal system.
Torture and Unlawful Detention:
Torture and illegal detention reports raise grave worries about human rights. Demands for strict measures to stop these kinds of abuses highlight how crucial accountability and openness are to Saudi Arabia's legal system.
Making Political Activism and Dissent Illegal:
Dissent is criminalized, which restricts free expression and impedes the advancement of society. Reforms that encourage diversity and respect for human rights are becoming more and more necessary as Saudi Arabia makes its way through modernity.
Assigning Scenes:
Participants are faced with the difficult task of evaluating their personal attractiveness and considering where they fall on the  people struggle with cultural beauty standards, self-confidence, and personal growth journeys, candid conversations follow.
Managing One's Own Perception:
Different viewpoints surface during conversations, illustrating the complex process of judging beauty.
The Method of Elimination:
In summary, Saudi Arabia's legal framework and application of penalties have come under harsh criticism, resulting in requests for changes that support equality, justice, and human rights. The country has tremendous difficulties in balancing its historic customs with changing international norms as it works toward modernization. The world keeps a watchful eye on Saudi Arabia as it negotiates these difficulties in the hopes of a future where everyone's rights and dignity are respected.
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God is Great!
"Why magnify God, Who cannot become less by subtraction through our atheism, or greater by the addition of our praise? It is true not in Himself does God change stature through our recognition, any more than, because a simpleton mocks the beauty of a Raphael, the painting loses its beauty. But, in us, God is capable of increase and decrease as we are lovers or sinners. As our ego inflates, the need of God seems to be less; as our ego deflates, the need of God appears in its true hunger". - Archbishop Fulton Sheen [excerpt from 'The World's First Love']
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nebris · 7 months
Note: This is an extremely rough first draft.
~From a legal and an epistemological stand point, The Pentavalence is a Religion as it emanates from Revealed, and not Empirical, Knowledge, and it is meant to operate in a religious manner. However, we in The Temple of The Pentavalence view it as a Metaphysical Operating System and, in part, this is why.
The entire concept of Religion has itself has become problematic. Religion almost always implies Dogma, a fixed ideology that says, “The world is this way. Period!” and for a modern technological civilization, that is really a non-starter. Very few things ever stay 'this way' for long in such a civilization. And the Religions that now dominate our world clash with that paradigm more and more every day and with steadily increasing violence.
The problems the JudeoChristLamic Father/God Cults have with our modern technological civilization are fairly obvious. All three are the 'metaphysical operating systems' of Bronze Age desert nomads ruled by tribal Patriarchs. Their world view is narrow and provincial and their God is a Small God, one confined, at the very least, to this world alone.
Confronted with the modern scientific reality of The Universe, He is positively Lilliputian. For His faithful, such a situation evokes Fear, then Hate, and finally, Rejection.
There are a growing number who consider Atheism to be the ideal replacement for Religion, but it too says, “The world is this way.”, though the “Period!” usually goes unspoken. Plus Atheism has two major failings, both fatal from my point of view.
First, as presently constituted, Atheism is essentially reactive, specifically a rejection of the JudeoChristLamic Father/God Cults, and every one of its tenants seem couched as a direct rebuke of said. That tends to allow the Father/God Cultists to frame all the debates and every time.
Second, Atheism also does not in any way, shape, or form, address the existential questions of Human Purpose and Existence in a vast and seemingly indifferent universe. It is utterly cold and denies the need for Spiritual solutions that Humans have sought ever since we could form the concept.
Hinduism and Buddhism contain many useful concepts, but each has its own crucial limitations.
Hinduism is really a 'cultural religion', that of India and of its people. It 'exports' poorly. Her Prophet have watched Westerners practice Hinduism and, to him at least, it always seemed a bit embarrassing, while the experience of Indian practice is usually very moving. That latter gives him an understanding of why some non-Indians would be drawn to Hinduism, but that is akin to white folks wanting to be 'black'.
True Buddhism is essentially Nihilist, its real practice requiring a total rejection of The Material and as such it must be a rejection of any modern technological civilization, which is by its very nature is ferociously materialist. Buddhism can suit individual practitioners quite well, but is basically unsuited for a civilization. We do not include the types of Buddhism where The Buddha has been remade as a 'god'. We consider them 'apostate'.
Modern Paganism is rather a mish mash and barely any kind of an 'ism' at all and that in and of itself makes it unsuited as the Spiritual Path of an entire civilization. Plus, it too is deeply provincial.
Pagans - at least those that I know - are humans, so their Paganism is anthropocentric. They are generally born of two genders, so their Paganism is dualistic. They live on Earth, so their Paganism is geocentric. And the large majority of them here in the United States are culturally - and often racially - European, so their Paganism is Eurocentric.
But, as with Hinduism and Buddhism, Paganism contains a number of useful concepts and, like those, we of The Temple have incorporated many of them.
So, in barely five hundred words, I have just dismissed the world's five major religions and two of the most significant contemporary philo-religious movements. Such is the nature of this work.
While reading the above, some of you may have asked, 'why does an entire civilization need a single Spiritual Path?'
That answer is quite simple; we, The Temple of The Pentavalence, were created with the goal of utterly transforming human civilization as it presently stands and we were created is this form because history has shown over and over and over again that a Spiritual Path is the single most effective and long lasting method of achieving such a total transformation.
What is outlined in the following pages is the nature of the Spiritual Path we propose. Consider this our Liturgy, Manifesto, and Blueprint for the civilization we are going to create…
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By: David Silverman
Published: Jun 21, 2023
I changed my country.
In my book Fighting God, I presented substantial quantitative data supporting the argument that I, an individual activist, had significantly influenced American attitudes towards “God.” It’s a claim few can make, and one in which I have taken great pride.
Now, looking back, I find myself questioning whether I did the right thing. We, the atheist movement, championed truth and skepticism, considering them necessary for making good decisions and leading to freer lives with increased autonomy. That was good. We fought against religious zealots who used their might and money to curtail freedoms, from marriage rights to personal lifestyle choices. That was also good. We squared off against the religious Goliath and emerged victorious—Christianity has been steadily declining, with atheism surpassing the tipping point, as we hurtle towards a nonreligious future. That’s great!
Or is it?
Reflecting on the movement now, I see something I helped build, and then summarily destroy.
As a “Woke AF” leader of the atheist movement, I helped usher in the woke sea-change that has now completely derailed our original cause. Initially, it represented effective activism: advocating for LGBT and abortion rights from an atheistic perspective, positioning these issues within the framework of church and state separation. This broad activism established atheists as valuable contributors to our shared causes. Then wokeism emerged and the scene changed. Suddenly “Believe All Women” became consistent with skepticism, treating people the same regardless of skin color was deemed racist, and Freedom of Speech was labeled “oppressive.” I was right in the thick of it, leveraging my power to enact change.
In our fervor, we metaphorically “killed God.” The atheist movement triumphed—God is on the decline and the tipping point has obviously been passed. Yay.
As an activist, I envisioned a Scandinavian-style atheistic utopia taking shape in a post-religious country. I pictured a society where critical thought was prevalent, truth was prioritized, and autonomy and freedom were maximized because they were unburdened by manipulated information. In my mind, we would never resemble the atheists of China, who were simply mandated to be atheists but not taught critical thought, resulting in a country filled with atheists who still believed in ghosts, voodoo, and lucky numbers. But this wasn’t our path, I reasoned, because we emphasized critical thought—the key distinction.
I failed to consider that the members of my movement could reject skepticism yet label this rejection as skepticism to excuse their actions—and get away with it! I never envisioned that every significant player in the movement (save the fledgling Atheists for Liberty, on which I currently serve as Advisory Board Chair) would abandon our core principles and embrace the political hard Left, forsaking every belief and individual that was even slightly to the Right. I did not anticipate that the movement would leave the movement, become swallowed in Critical Social Justice, and lose its relevance and effectiveness in the process. I did not see it coming.
So, what has happened since we “killed God”? Not atheist Utopia. We won the booby prize—the religion of wokeism has completely taken over the Left side of politics, splitting both families and the nation itself. Riding on a wave of vapid emotion and a juvenile refusal to apply skepticism, the Woke Left—mostly atheists—have embraced this belief system as though it were the greatest new religion ever. Maybe it is.
However, lacking a deity, it allowed wokeism to reside within—and be propagated by—the state. This is why the Left has adopted it. We may have subdued the lion of Christianity, but we failed to eradicate religion; we merely revealed that the lion might have been safeguarding us from the Woke Kraken. This creature is now unshackled, entrenched in our government and education system, and is literally coming for your children.  
One question on the table is: would I have preferred for Christianity to remain strong today, effectively suppressing wokeism, even if that meant having never partook in this struggle?
No. We normalized atheism and substantially helped the LGBT Rights movement when they needed us. We did good, but we failed to comprehend the innate desire for people to be told what to do, or the power of the convergence of laziness, white guilt, and groupthink that is wokeism to provide the masses with such direction. The blame does not rest with those of us who fought, but with those for—and with—whom we fought. They failed to internalize the need for skepticism, which was the cornerstone of our fight for freedom. They have betrayed themselves.
Simply put, today’s failures do not negate yesterday’s successes. Societal evolution ebbs and flows, and our efforts may yet prove to be a monumental good in the long run. Yes, we did good, we did it well, and we won. The issue we now face is a corrupted state religion that is brazenly assaulting the principles we hold dear and posing a real threat to our way of life.
So, what do we do now? I don’t have the answers, but I do have a few observations I’d like to share as we navigate the coming years.
The notion of atheists returning to church as a defense against wokeism, about which I first learned several months ago, left me incensed. It still does.
This idea—that atheists should stop resisting and instead actively promote Christianity, perhaps even joining churches, in an attempt to fortify it so that it may defeat wokeism—is gaining traction. Evan Riggs wrote in the European Conservative: “This is a call for sheer pragmatism… Of the two inescapable religious choices before us, Christianity is undoubtedly the better option.” My friend Peter Boghossian echoed a similar sentiment, tweeting, “Better to believe that a man walked on water than all men can give birth.”
This is a pivotal time for us all, and nobody has definitive answers. However, I believe it’s essential to reflect on our morality during this critical period. As I’ve stated earlier, Skepticism fosters truth, which is crucial for making informed choices, ultimately leading to freedom and autonomy. If you are kept in the dark about the truth—if your information is manipulated—you have less freedom to make informed decisions, and you are more enslaved to the narrative. Personal autonomy (you own you) is a principle I hold dear, thus the truth, and access to it, must be a top priority. Therefore:
Indoctrinating a child with beliefs you know to be false, with the intent of controlling their actions and thoughts, is morally reprehensible. Think about this please. Scaring your children with tales of Hell and eternal damnation—which you know to be false—to deter them from becoming woke is nothing short of child abuse. It robs them of freedom and autonomy for the sake of convenience in raising them. You would despise your parents for doing that to you. It’s deeply immoral and truly fucked up. Don’t do it.
It’s also wrong to misrepresent yourself to gain others’ approval. That robs them of the freedom to choose, thereby curtailing their autonomy. In this way, lying to others is a form of attack. In that vein, if you decide to join a church for the community or support, do so as an atheist; do not lie about yourself or your intentions. Find a church (still repulsive to write that but the world is new) that accepts you for who you are, and be yourself. Make “Secular Christianity” a norm within their religion, so as it grows, we will be part of it, not its victims. Your position will be made ever more challenging because it involves simultaneously making Christianity and Conservatism more inclusive of atheists while pushing them to be stalwarts against wokeism. Walk that line.
Being openly atheist will become increasingly challenging; nonetheless, doing so is a moral obligation. We need to combat the growing bigotry against future atheists that’s being exacerbated by today’s woke atheists. Fight it, don’t fake it.
Continue to support Right-of-far-Left atheist organizations like Atheists for Liberty. Being present and truthful on the political center and Right will be all-important as we move forward. I cannot stress this enough: we must be present, as atheists, in every conceivable arena as we forge our future.
While I may not have all the answers, I do have my limits. I understand we’re in unfamiliar territory, and we are all decent people striving to preserve what's precious to us. But deceit is not the answer. Lying is not the answer. Brainwashing our kids is definitely not the answer. We must remain open to all options without compromising our fundamental morality, or we risk betraying ourselves like our brainwashed woke brethren. Can we cooperate with religions? Sure. Should we join them? Perhaps that’s a viable option for some. Regardless, we must uphold the humanistic principles of honesty and autonomy (which are closely related).
As I advocated in Fighting God: always tell the truth. Whether we win or lose, we won’t do so on our knees, praying to a fake Jesus, wasting our breath on lies.
David Silverman is the former leader of both American Atheists and Atheist Alliance International and Creator of the 2012 Reason Rally. His book Fighting God was published in 2015. Subscribe to his YouTube channel Firebrand for Good, and follow him on Twitter @MrAtheistPants
I reject both. If that puts me on the outer, I can live with that. I won't lie for convenience.
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munaeem · 9 months
Why Atheism is Increasing Rapidly? End of Religions 
In recent years, there has been a notable rise in atheism across the globe. People are increasingly questioning traditional religious beliefs and turning away from organized religions. This shift is driven by various factors that have contributed to the growing popularity of atheism. One key reason for the increase in atheism is the advancement of science and technology. As our understanding of…
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mycrofts-gunbrella · 3 years
Caring is the Greatest Advantage- Part Nine (Mycroft Holmes x Reader) SMUT
I am SO sorry for such a big delay between chapters! I’ve just had terrible writer’s block and my mental health has been.. challenging, to say the least! But here’s chapter nine! Sorry if Myc is a little out of character, I didn’t really know how else to write it! This is a shorter chapter but the next few should be longer! And expect some more emotional chapters coming up for when Mycroft finally talks to his parents about Eurus!
Word Count-  3766
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Mycroft wasn't entirely sure how long after you had fallen asleep that he had followed suit. He hadn't been planning on falling asleep at all, really; he was rather content simply laying there and thinking over in his mind how he had ended up in this position at all. It was a strange feeling still, feeling the weight of you in his arms, the feeling of your hands bunching in his jumper as though he were your lifeline, the light feeling of your breath skimming the skin of his neck. Strange, and yet welcoming. He was beginning to question why he had never tried harder in seeking this kind of thing out before, but he knew the thought was futile. He wasn't entirely sure he'd have ever wanted to be in this position with anybody else, as cheesy and cliché as he had sounded. He had a reputation to upkeep, an entire persona behind his Iceman nickname, and yet he felt entirely at ease, thawed, if you will, with you.
He had opened his eyes to find his head resting slightly atop yours, facing towards the television that had long since surpassed standby mode and instead remained a dark black. Mycroft couldn't help but focus on the reflection that he could see in its screen, the image of the pair of you laying embraced on the sofa, his hand resting so casually at your back that it could be mistaken for a position that had been practiced for years rather than only a few days. It was nice, he had decided. Nice that things had ended up this way, even if it had taken so many years to get this far. In both his mind and your own, it had honestly felt as though you had been together for far longer; as though it was some unspoken decision between the pair of you that neither of you would take the step to start the relationship, and yet made yourself unavailable for anybody else, cancelled plans to be with the other, enjoyed more meals together than apart. Though of course this was far easier on Mycroft's end, not exactly having many other social dependencies, and a lack of opportunities for such things with other people. Still, he had remained inwardly thankful that you had adhered to the same ideas.
In his own way, he was glad that it had taken as long as it did. It allowed for him to truly know you, far more than any information on a file could give. It let him introduce himself to you properly, allowed for you to truly get to know him, for him to feel comfortable enough around you to lower his walls and drop his public, heartless politician façade. Not that he had much choice in the latter part. You knew from day dot that it was, as you delightfully put, "a load of old bollocks." Though you never once taunted him for it, not really, at least not in a bad way. You just enjoyed teasing from time to time. Mycroft Holmes had always been the kind of man to laugh at the idea of things as trivial as fate, the whole 'being at the right place at the right time', or even luck, always claiming that every event was purely cause and effect. And yet, he found his ever so brilliant mind allowing himself to, for once, divulge into the prospects of it, liking the idea that perhaps the Universe wasn't always so cruel. And with this rarely optimistic thought in mind, Mycroft once again found his arm tightening slightly around you and allowed his eyes to close- not to sleep, but to take up the rare opportunity in his usually hectic life to just relax.
Only 15 or so minutes had passed since Mycroft had woken up before you began to stir slightly, the hand that was fisted into his jumper moved and instead wound beneath his arm, holding at his shoulder blade and pulling yourself impossibly closer to him, your leg twisting slightly and angling your hip to brush against Mycroft's crotch with just enough pressure to make him gasp. Mycroft had blinked slowly, trying to register the sensation while simultaneously trying to ignore it. He had felt his body stiffen, which had clearly been unwelcome to your sleeping form. You had turned once again, other hand circling his neck and tugging closer, pressing against him once more and humming at the warmth. Mycroft coughed rather loudly, face burning, eyes wide, utterly mortified and, quite frankly, half hard.
He was truly embarrassed, his body reacting in such a juvenile way from the slightest of touch. He cursed himself for his lack of control and placed his atheism aside to pray to God that it would just go away. It's not that Mycroft had never paid that part of his body any attention- he was human after all- but with his usually busy work schedule, and then the Eurus mishap, and of course having you in his home, he hadn't allowed himself to.. indulge.. so to speak. So clearly the smallest hint of friction was enough to turn him into a teenager again. He had also noticed that in your movements the hem of your shirt had lifted just enough that Mycroft's hand was now resting against bare skin and he swallowed thickly.
Mycroft had, of course, contemplated the idea of sex- in any form- in his past. It was in college that he had noticed his peers coming into school with hickeys on their necks, conversed between each other of their sexual encounters, parading body counts, and in University where he had found himself accidentally walking in on far too many students going at it in various cupboards and empty classrooms. He had taken a brief interest but soon let it die down when he had never found anybody interested in him, nor anybody he was interested in. Of course with his occupation and links there had always been the option to fulfil such desires with the security of utmost privacy, but Mycroft had never been keen on the idea of paying for sex. So that, of course, left him in the position of being completely sexually inexperienced, which had never bothered him or caused him any embarrassment until this very moment.
When allowing himself to enter the relationship with you, Mycroft of course suspected that sex would be on the cards at some point, but he had hoped it wouldn't be the result of basic instinct like this. Previously, the idea of being that intimate with you had been an exciting prospect, but now all that was left was embarrassment of his history, and insecurity of his body.
"God, how long have we been out? I feel incredible." You muttered against his skin, not making any effort to move away from the cocoon of warmth that Mycroft was providing. You hummed appreciatively at the feeling of the elder Holmes' hand on your back and the heartbeat that you felt under the fingers on his chest. Only the heartbeat was significantly increased since before you had fallen asleep. "Myc? You okay?" Now you did move, angling your neck to look at the flushed features of the man you were lying next to. Mycroft coughed and nodded weakly, making any slight attempt to angle his pelvis away from you. "If you're sure..? Was I being too clingy? Honestly, you can tell me and I'll stop hanging on you like a baby monkey." You heard a quiet 'no' and smiled. "Okay good, because I REALLY like the cuddling." You shuffled in a little closer and continued. "And, please don't shove me off, I think you like it too because you didn't let me fall and yo- Oh!" Your fidgeting had allowed your thigh to once again rub against Mycroft's erection and he hissed slightly.
"Y/N I can only offer my utmost apologies for reacting in such a callow manner." He stuttered out, making every attempt to wriggle his way from your grip with the idea of making a beeline for the door.
"You don't need to apologise, Mycroft. If anything, I should apologise for uh.. friction? Or perhaps Da Vinci should apologise for discovering friction in the first place?" You breathed a small laugh but Mycroft only remained stiff and uncomfortable. You manoeuvred yourself until you'd both sat up, you sideways slightly with your legs resting across Mycroft's lap and covering him. "Sorry, I tried to make a sciency joke to make you laugh. It was just my way of saying that you're okay and that you shouldn't be embarrassed. If anything, I'm flattered." You laughed slightly again and Mycroft's shoulders slightly relaxed. "Christ, I could, that's if you want to and please do not feel pressured, I could.. help. If you wanted to?" His eyes widened dramatically, brows raising to his hairline while his jaw comically opened slightly in shock.
"I don't.. that is.. you don't have..I-" In a rare moment of time, Mycroft found himself lost for words and an appropriate reaction.
"Don't worry, just forget about it. We don't have to do anything like that until you're ready.. If you're ever ready, that is.. If you don't.. do that.. kinda stuff, that's fine too." And now you were propositioning that you were willing to forego any kind of sexual activity should Mycroft never want it? Why? You answered his unspoken question with a chuckle. "I mean, I've gone 5 years without it, what's the rest of our lives?" Mycroft closed his eyes and took a breath.
"No. It's not that I don't.. want to.. I just.. I, well.. I'm a very busy man and I always have been so.."
"Mycroft, quite frankly I couldn't care less whether you've done anything with a hundred women or none at all. If anything, I find it kinda hot that you haven't. And even more hot if I were the one to change that." He nodded slowly and you smiled back at him. "Is that a yes? Because it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be. We have all the time in the world."
"Okay. Just promise me you'll tell me if you want to stop." He nodded again. "Promise me, Myc."
"I.. I promise."
--------- sexy times warning ---------
You raised your hand slowly to brush against his face before leaning in and pressing your lips against his. Mycroft sighed in content as you let your thumb graze his cheekbone. Shifting position, you moved your knees to either side of his thighs, straddling him slightly but with your weight resting above his knees, your other hand circling to hold the back of his neck.
"This okay?"
"Mmm." You let your lips travel along his jawbone, nipping slightly at skin and smirking in triumph at the tiny gasps leaving the politician's mouth. Running your hands from his neck down his chest, tugging slightly at the thick jumper in silent plea. Mycroft raised his arms slightly, giving you the access to lift it and chuck it at the side. Wincing, you watched as it knocked the half cup of cold coffee you left on the side, the brown liquid splashing from its porcelain confinements onto the burgundy cotton.
"Please don't tell me that jumper's some four-figured item hand crafted by only the finest of maids in a remote Peruvian town.." Mycroft took his focus back and grimaced.
"Five, and Venezuelan." You stiffened and gulped slightly. "I'm kidding, it's only from M&S." A dazed grin on his face, hands squeezing ever so slightly at your hips. The back of your hand slapped his chest as you relaxed again, breathing out a laugh.
"You are a very cruel man, Mr Holmes." Head lowering to kiss at his neck once more. "You're bloody lucky that you're pretty." His low chuckle was cut off with a deep hum as you bit softly at his collarbone. You dragged your hands down again, fingering at the top buttons on Mycroft's shirt, and not missing how his body became tight. "We don't have to take it off if you don't want to." Relaxed once more. "Can I just undo a few? You'll be more comfortable I reckon without being strangled by a shirt collar." He nodded once. And then again when you double checked. And once more with a small 'yes' when you really wanted to make sure. Taking it slowly, you opened the top three buttons; two to give Mycroft's neck more breathing space, and the other to give your hand enough space to explore the new area of skin- fingers brushing over the top of his chest, auburn chest hair tickling between your digits. You kissed him again, tongue running ever so slightly across his bottom lip; relishing at the small whimper as you pulled away. Myc let out a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding when your palm dragged down from his chest and to the front of his trousers, applying the slightest bit of pressure as you rubbed slowly. You looked up once more to make sure you weren't taking things too quickly, E/C meeting the tiniest speck of blue that hadn't been hidden from his blown pupils.
"Please?" His voice was barely a whisper, and you were sure you wouldn't have heard it if you hadn't been as close to him as you are now. You tugged at his belt and threw it with the caffeine infused sweatshirt, popping the button of his trousers open and lowering the zip. Mycroft threw his head back against the sofa cushions as you reached in and began to stroke him slowly, your lips latching onto the much better exposed neck. You experimentally gave a twist of your hand each time you reached the head, thumb brushing over the pre-cum that had formed at the tip and using it to slick up your hand- the elder Holmes let out a low moan from his throat, fingers digging into your hips so tightly that you wouldn't be surprised if they left small bruises. Not that you minded, anyway. Hearing Mycroft make those noises under your touch was exhilarating, and knowing you were the first to do such a thing only spurred the excitement on more. You could feel his thighs tighten beneath you, his breathing become slightly more ragged. You hadn't expected him to have lasted long, and you began to recognise the warning signs. Removing your hand completely, you couldn't help but send Mycroft an apologetic smile at the look of disappointment in his face.
"Look, I've already ruined a jumper and I'll be damned if I'm the cause of ruining your trousers too- which are certainly not from Marks and Sparks." You shimmied yourself back until you could feel the plush rug beneath your feet, dropping yourself until you were on your knees between his open legs. You could see in his eyes how he wanted to protest, or make some explanation on how it's unsanitary, but Mycroft's sheer need fed by his curiosity won over and he closed his eyes in waiting, regaining slight control over his breath before choking on it as you slowly ran your tongue from the base of his shaft to the head. "Unless you want me to stop?"
"Good God, no." His voice raised, making you grin as you took him into your mouth completely, head bobbing in a steady rhythm with your hand that pumped what you couldn't reach. Mycroft was certainly larger than any man you had been with before; his long slender cock suiting his form perfectly. You hummed as you imagined later sexual encounters with him- him filling you completely at last- and he writhed as the vibrations ran straight through him. Without a warning, you removed your hand and took him into your mouth completely, sucking and licking against the long vein that ran on the underside of his erection. Myc's hands instinctively shot to your hair as he felt the warmth build in his stomach, quickly cumming with a shout as you hummed around him once more. You pulled off him slowly with an audible 'pop', trying not to overstimulate while he was still sensitive, and tucked him back into his trousers. He tried to balance his breathing, removing his hands from your hair and running them through his own. Standing back up, you glanced over his form- his hair absolutely wild, shirt unbuttoned sligthly, red hairs poking between the fabric from a heaving chest, mouth still slightly open as he breathed, cheeks flushed immensely. God he looked gorgeous.
"Was that.. uh. Good?" You inwardly cringed at your words. Christ woman, you just blew him, not given him a cake. Uncharacteristically for Mycroft, his pale hand reached over to cup your cheek, bringing your lips to his in a sweet kiss; his tongue experimentally running across your bottom lip before pulling away. "Right, okay. That answered my question on where you stand on kissing after. With you sat there looking all messed up and sexy I was about ready to run and brush my teeth to kiss you again."
"Apologies.. I found myself.. curious."
"You bloody pervert." You winked, leaning to kiss him again. "So you'll kiss me after.. after.." You tried to think of a word that wouldn't sound overly vulgar to the man who had swallowed several dictionaries in several different languages.
"Christ on a bike, Mycroft if you call it that I'll never do it again." The pair of you laughed like a pair of idiots for a moment before you continued on. "Anyway.. You'll kiss me after I do that and deem it 'curiosity', but I dip my chip in a milkshake and that's considered 'improper'? I'm starting to think you make up these rules to best suit you."
"Well, one should indulge in the odd act of impropriety sometimes, else I fear we'd go insane."
"So you WILL dip a chip in the milkshake next time?"
"Oh God, no. I'd rather snack on one of Sherlock's experiments." You both laughed again before silence took over, Mycroft's brain whirring as he tried to both comprehend what had happened, and work out the appropriate way to go on.
"You know, there isn't any written etiquette on how to behave after your partner blows you on the sofa." A raised eyebrow in response. "I am not calling it fellatio.." You reached over and grabbed the tv remote, flicking it back on.
"And you said you couldn't read minds.." As the screen began to power on, you heard a small chuckle from beside you.
"No it's nothing. Just ignore me." He bit down onto two fingers slightly to compose himself; the composure being short-lived as he started off again. You tilted your head at him, urging him to speak about what had suddenly crossed his mind.
"Sorry I was just thinking about this morning."
"Bernice? Bit of a weird thing for your mind to flitter to right now, isn't it? Maybe I should be concerned you'll sack me off for her; one bit of action and you're planning to wed the nympho." You teased, loading britbox back up with the intention of continuing your filmathon- a word you used and Myc hated.. so you used it more.
"Before that. What you said this morning, after I heard you wince and ask-"
"Head.. And I said 'who knows what the day will bring'." You snickered into your hand and slouched back, resting slightly aside Mycroft's shoulder. "Speaking of that.. I do hope you're aware that I don't typically do that after only dating somebody for little less than a week."
"Usually wait two, do you?" You slapped his arm.
"Cheeky prick, I'm being serious! I don't want to make it all mushy and awkward so I'll say it, you don't respond and then we'll start up Carry On Camping. Deal?" He nodded his head slightly, bowing it towards you in gesture to continue. "Doing.. that.. and you letting me, it meant a lot. Which probably sounds weird for what it was but, and don't let this over stroke your ego, I don't feel like we've only been together a week. It just feels like we've been together for years with a random rule of celibacy that an innocent nap on the sofa broke. So.. there. I dunno.. I'm just.. proud of you? For taking that step with me.. and I'm massively looking forward to a few steps time when I can get your kit off." You coughed the last sentence with a laugh. True to his agreement, Mycroft didn't say a word. You played the next film and grinned when you felt a long arm wrap behind your back, tugging you to his form gently before warm lips pressed against your temple.
From an outside perspective, your little speech would likely seem a tad bizarre but you knew it probably meant a lot to Mycroft- the kiss on your head solidifying that fact. So you were more than willing to spurt a few awkward sentences for the sake of his reassurance; pleased that it was received well and not like some 'well done for trying' certificate you'd get in primary school for coming 6th in the sack race.
"Ooh this one has Babs in it, doesn't it? God I loved Barbara Windsor."
"Mmm. I met Dame Barbara once, a fair few years ago now. She truly was wonderful." Mycroft praised.
"Of course you met her, her last name's Windsor. You'd do anything to get to anything related to The Queen."
"Dame Barbara's surname was actually Deeks. She changed it to Windsor, inspired by Her Majesty, in 1954 following her role in 'The Belles of St Trinian's."
"Mycroft, sweetheart, I was joking. You told me you'd met her when she was given her title. I was a Barbara fangirl, I know." You twisted and pecked him on the cheek, not even noticing the petname that certainly didn't fall on deaf ears from Myc. The side of his mouth flicked up in a small smile; his hand squeezing slightly on your hip before he leaned over and spoke quietly.
"Thank you."
"What fo-"
"Shhh, film's starting." And with that, the pair of you settled into a comfortable silence, being broken only every now and then with your laughter as you watched the telly. Mycroft's smiles and light hearted reactions came from watching you much more than the film, but he didn't think you noticed. Or if you did, you didn't say a word.
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