#who definitely have no idea about semi's rockstar side
kimbapisnotsushi · 1 month
i think semi presents two very different sides of himself as a civil servant versus as a musician. i think the minute he clocks off he chucks off the uniform and slaps on eyeliner and hair product and pops in the piercings and shimmies into his stupid worn-down leather coat with the faux-fur trim over a faded tank top and ripped jeans and he laces up his boots and slides his guitar over his shoulders all bright-eyed and bright smile and whenever he passes by someone on the street they fall in love with him just a little
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ensemblesmile · 1 year
rockstar in love
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tags: best friends dad, age gap (reader in their 20s, semi in his 30s), fingering, hickeys, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, infidelity, (and probably more that i can’t currently think of).
warnings: minor and ageless blogs DNI!! i will block any that do interact without ages in their bios or pinned.
word count: 10.6k
summary; famous rockstar semi eita is thought to be in a happy marriage with two amazing kids, however his life isn’t quite so picture book perfect as his fans might think. or, at least it wasn’t. but the moment he met you, he dreams of the actual picture book life he could have with you that finally comes true during your final summer break of college.
a/n: it's finally posted! it feels like ages since i posted this thirst of a rockstar!dilf!semi eita. it is definitely different from that post, however the dilf rockstar semi is still the same, and that he is also readers best friends dad. also, this was my first time ever writing smut so i would like to apologize if that part of the fic is not written well... also also, i may or may not write a second part depending on if this is well received or not as well as if i get any ideas... anyways, i hope you enjoy!
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semi eita, lead bassist and composer for the infinity order, had prided himself on the fact he had the most perfect family anyone could ever dream of. the perfect wife, an amazing son, and a beautiful daughter. or at least, that's the façade he's kept up for years because his manager didn't want him to ruin his image or his bands.
however, behind closed doors, his family isn't all that it's cracked up to be. his son hasn't willingly talked to him in years, his wife cares more about money and status than being a good wife, a good lover. the only thing good in his life is his daughter, the only one who's been by his side through everything.
when his daughter had gone off to an arts school in the states, he'd thrown himself into his work, hoping to distract himself from having to see his wife or son the few times a day they would come home. due to his newfound dedication with his work, his band mates had started to worry about their lead bassist and composer. they hoped he wasn't pushing himself too much, but they couldn't lie and say they didn't find his dedication to his work admirable. and because of this need to stay away from home, the band had been able to crank out single after single, eventually being able to turn out a few new albums before the year was up and gaining more and more attention from new fans, both nationally and internationally. and due to this newfound popularity, semi and his band mates had been able to quit their day jobs in order to focus solely on their band.
once semi quit his day job, he'd moved out of the penthouse suite he shared with his wife and son, buying himself his own house and a huge property, thankfully being able to afford it due to his bands rise in popularity.
the few times his daughter had come back to japan for breaks, she'd brought various friends with her, though only one seemed to always be by her side. that friend was you, a sassy dancer semi had started to get to know as incredibly strong willed, stubborn as all hell, and, at least in semi's eyes, sexy as fuck and intriguing as hell. whenever you were visiting with his daughter, he would always find himself secretly searching for or staring at you, sometimes feeling an erection start to grow if you happened to be trying out a new dance routine when you thought only his daughter, semi aiko, was looking. he'd always curse himself when he found himself growing hard to his daughters best friend, hating that you, someone almost half his age, had such an effect on him. he couldn't help that he once recorded a new dance you had been showing aiko, jacking off to the you in the video who's hips swayed tantalizingly and the look on your face which was pure sin in semi's eyes.
you, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to his growing attraction towards you. when you'd first met him, he'd been nothing more than your best friends father, the one person in aiko's family that she even still talked to. but as you started to get to know him during your visits to japan, you'd slowly started to find him attractive the more you got to know him. you, however, would always shake off your attraction towards him, cursing yourself for starting to feel something for your best friends father. honestly though, you couldn't keep shaking off your growing attraction towards the mysterious, tall, dark, and handsome male that always welcomed you into his home with open arms. you would have to face your feelings eventually.
so one spring break, when you returned to japan with aiko, your attraction for him (and he for you) started to bubble over, resulting in "coincidental" run ins, lingering looks shared over meals or conversations, brief touches as you passed each other in the halls, or random excuses to touch each other in...less than appropriate ways.
you had also found yourself dressing differently. not in a way that would show more skin, but in a way that showed off your curves without revealing skin. you were confident in your body up to a point, but once clothes started coming off, your comfort levels started to decrease. that was why you'd stuck with clothes that accentuated your curves. and boy did semi notice these changes, finding that he seemed to be getting harder a lot more frequently, finding more chances for lingering touches or chances to talk with you more just so he could stare at you in the guise of being a good listener.
these actions, however, did not go unnoticed by aiko, the one person who knew semi the best. the mutual yet hidden feelings had become clear to her one day during her second year of college when she and you had been visiting japan for a short visit during spring break. at first, aiko was a bit weirded out by this development when she'd first found out, however she had slowly started to accept it — and even silently support it — the more she realized her father had been happier than he had been in a while. if you, her best friend, were able to make her father genuinely smile — a feat he'd only been known to do when onstage nowadays — then of course she would support a relationship between her best friend and her father. how couldn't she? if you genuinely made her dad happy, she would help your relationship blossom.
so, after months of secretly planning, she invited you to visit her father in japan with her during summer break where she would finally put her plan into action. well, she would start working on her plan before summer break by getting you more comfortable with wearing clothes you were usually less than comfortable wearing. and one day, after you had agreed to visit japan with her for the third summer in a row, she had suddenly brought up you and her father which had caused you to blush bright red and stutter hurriedly to change the subject. however, with that reaction, aiko's suspicions had finally been confirmed — at least on your end. she would still need to confirm things concerning her father, but that could wait. right then, she had to grill you about those feelings you were feeling towards her dad.
"so, y/n, now that you've agreed to visit japan with me for summer break, is it because you know my dad will be back from tour?" aiko had suddenly asked one day during a sacred girls day you and aiko usually did after a rather stressful week of classes.
"wh- what are you talking about, aiko? of course that's not the reason," you'd quickly rejected, face heating up into a deep red blush, quickly turning away from her so she couldn't see the blush coating your cheeks.
"i knew it!" aiko cheered upon seeing your reaction, hands thrown into the air in triumph.
"shut up, i have no idea what you mean," you muttered, shaking your head at your best friend in embarrassment.
"oh, i'm not mad," aiko assured, reaching out to give your arm a squeeze of reassurance. "yeah, when i first found out i was a bit confused and concerned, but the happier i saw my dad get, the more i found i was okay with it. sure, you're my best friend, and sure, it would be weird to start thinking of you as my stepmom, but so long as my dad is happy and finally out of that toxic relationship, the better off he'll be. and i just know he'll be better off with you in the picture."
"wait, so you're actually supporting this?" you had questioned, dumbfounded at the way aiko seemed completely okay with whatever might happen. "and don't get ahead of yourself. i don't even know if eita-san likes me in that way."
"so long as you make my dad happy, then yeah, i'll support you," aiko nodded, sending you a smile so big and contagious, you felt your own smile grow in response. however, you felt it slip away the moment aiko had given you a serious look. "but i swear, if you end up hurting my dad, i will make your life miserable. and don't be ridiculous, if he didn't also like you in that way, do you think i would even be bringing this up?"
"of course, ma'am, i would never dream of hurting eita-san," you responded seriously, earning a quick attitude change from aiko in the process. this had you raising a silent eyebrow in concern, musing silently to yourself about how the semi family — at least the two you knew — were very strange people. but you knew for a fact that if given the chance, you would never choose to not meet your best friend, the first true friend you had ever known — your own siblings excluded.
and so, the rest of that girls day was spent discussing aiko's surefire plan to get you and her father together.
step one: get you more comfortable with wearing more revealing clothes so that by summer, you could confidently strut around in clothes aiko knew would drive her father mad. step two: get you both chances for those lingering touches to get bolder, more insistent. in aiko's words, "build up that sexual tension." step three: set up the perfect occasion for you and him to be alone, setting the most perfect atmosphere for all that built up sexual tension. in aiko's words, "that built up sexual tension needs to snap at some point, why not make it while i'll be out of the house so you have the whole place to yourselves? besides, i don't want to hear any of it."
after giving you the plan, you and her worked continuously on it to refine and rework the plan before heading to japan for summer break, where you would start to enact said plan into your daily life.
it started the moment you arrived in japan, wearing a much too revealing outfit in public for semi's liking. you wore black combat boots, black fishnets, short jean shorts, a black crop top decorated by a silver sun design that happened to reveal your stomach if you were to move or stretch a certain way, and a red flannel that hung low over your backside so that from the back angle, it looked like you weren't wearing any pants. never in a million years would he have guessed it was you walking beside his daughter as you both made your way to the baggage claim, talking excitedly to each other with bags slung haphazardly over your shoulders.
as he stood in the airport, he realized that he must've been standing out too much because he found himself surrounded by a sea of fans, all bombarding him with questions and requests, though he hardly seemed to notice them as he barely took his eyes off you and your — in his eyes — very appealing yet revealing attire.
"sorry, my daughter and her friend are here, thank you for supporting my band and i," semi quickly spoke up, pushing through the crowd to get to you and aiko's side.
"hi, dad!" aiko smiled, giving her father a bright smile and big hug, happy to see her father after the semester apart. "you didn't have to pick us up, we could've called an uver," aiko added, glancing towards the large group of people who all seemed to be staring at them.
"nonsense, i wanted to greet my daughter the moment she came back to japan, just like i always have," semi responded, ruffling the younger semi's hair in amusement.
"hey, not the hair," aiko protested, sending her dad a glare as she fixed her hair.
"thank you for having me again this summer, eita-san," you finally spoke, having been silent the entire exchange, but now finally finding the perfect opportunity to speak up — though it may have had more to do with aiko giving you a sharp elbow to the side.
"of course, y/n, thank you for continuing to watch over my daughter in the states," semi responded, giving you a warm smile.
"of course, i'd never leave aiko, she'd be in trouble if it weren't for me," you spoke teasingly, eyes twinkling in amusement as you smirked at your best friend due to the look she had shot you.
"shut up, y/n, like you're one to talk," aiko responded, elbowing your side, causing you to double over in mock pain.
"ouch, i'm wounded, aiko," you responded, placing one hand above your heart while the other went to rub your side as if to soothe a sharp pain.
"payback's a bitch, isn't it," aiko teased, a twinkle of amusement in her eye that semi had grown used to whenever you and her were together.
semi simply watched your and aiko's exchange, used to the dynamic you shared due to your closeness. it was something semi had no idea he was missing until it suddenly came back into his life. he was so lost in thought thinking about how much he had missed his daughter, and especially you, that he hadn't realized that aiko was heading towards the carousel to collect your and her luggage until you were pulling gently at his arm in order to move off to the side so you weren't taking up so much space. with a muttered apology for getting lost in thought, he quickly followed you, watching from the corner of his eye as you tapped away furiously on your phone. he had an urge to see what you were doing, but he knew he needed to respect your privacy, so he refrained, deciding to simply watch in amusement as you reacted to what was on your phone with minute facial details. a crinkle in your brow to show confusion, a light blush to show embarrassment, a huff and pursed lips to show annoyance, a smirk to show smugness. semi should probably feel worried that he could pick up on so much when it came to you, but he just couldn't find it in himself to actually feel that way. after all, you were a puzzle he just wanted to solve — or was there more to it?
"—ther, father you there?" aiko questioned, waving a hand in front of semi's face to try and catch his attention. "i got our luggage if you want to get out of here." aiko explained, gesturing down to the two bags that now sat at their feet. "and also, to get away from...this," she added, glancing behind her to gesture to the sea of people still trying to get a good look at half of the semi family.
"ahh yes, sorry," semi apologized, glancing from his daughter to the crowd gathering behind her then back to his daughter before sending her an apologetic smile and then taking both bags for the girls and leading the way to his car so they could leave. he could hear you and aiko whispering together behind his back, however it was too soft so he wasn't able to pick up on just what you might be whispering.
"you take the front seat, talk to him," aiko was whispering, urging you to make a move, even if it was just a small one.
"you'll be in the backseat though, so won't that be a bit awkward," you whispered back, glancing nervously in front of you to semi's back.
"as if, i'll have my headphones in and i am a bit jet lagged, i'll probably take a nap on the drive there," aiko responded, rolling her eyes at your nervous attitude in amusement.
"but-" you tried again, only to earn a sharp glare from aiko to stop you from continuing.
"look, think of it this way, this is step one of our plan to get rid of the sexual tension between you and my father," aiko hissed, shoving you towards the front seat upon the arrival to semi's vehicle.
having finished putting your bags into the back of the vehicle, semi had watched the particularly insistent shove from aiko with a raised eyebrow, a small smirk taking over his features as he notices the subtle glare you had sent aiko before opening the front passenger door and taking a seat in the passenger side of the car.
aiko simply rolled her eyes at you in reply as she got into the back seat, instantly pulling out her headphones and blasting her music, loud enough you could just barely hear it in the front of the car. reaching a hand behind you, you swatted at air, hoping to give your best friend a smack for being so obvious. aiko simply watched a you flailed around in amusement, making sure to keep to herself until semi got into the car, stopping your vain struggle in finding aiko in the back seat. she noticed semi's mouth moving, meaning he was probably talking to you though she couldn't hear anything over her music, not that she wanted to hear anything you or he would be saying. with that thought firmly in her mind, aiko stared out the window, letting her mind wander as she watched the scenery pass by, eventually letting jet lag catch up to her and resting her eyes.
you were in a similar position as aiko, though you tried to push through it in order to continue the conversation you'd been having with the rockstar. it was mainly about his career and your semester since you'd last seen him. small talk that slowly petered out as you, too, felt the affects of jet lag starting to catch up with you.
noticing the newfound silence, semi glanced at you from the corner of his eye, realizing you must've been tired though you looked like you wanted to fight it. with a small smile on his face, he reached over, placing a large, calloused hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, urging you to go to sleep and that he would wake you when they arrived at his home. you sighed softly and nodded your head, resting it against the glass as you let your mind wander. absentmindedly, mind muddled with sleep, you had reached down towards his hand to gently start playing with his fingers as you felt yourself slowly fall asleep.
semi couldn't help the surprise that took over his face for a second before a soft smile made its way onto his face, stilling your fingers to gently turn over his hand and simply hold your hand, fingers interlaced as you slept. fleeting moments like these are what semi wished for, to bask in your warmth and acceptance of who he was and what he stood for. because that's what you did, accepted him for who he was the moment you'd met him.
semi silently lamented the fact you were his daughters age, because if you had been older, he would've instantly called for a divorce with his wife and had pursued you. no one besides aiko had ever accepted him for who he was, they were always too enamored with the fact he was a rockstar, too interested in his money or using him in order to get at his bandmates. they never seemed to see him as the man he was, but rather the man the media portrayed him as. but you were different, you had made an effort to get to know him, to understand the real him, who he was behind his rockstar persona.
upon arriving to the house, semi gently pulled your hand up to his lips where he pressed a gentle kiss against the back of your hand before he gently placed it back on your thigh and let go of your hand. you had made a sound of protest as he let go of your hand, though he couldn't tell if it was his imagination or not, so he simply leaned over, pressed a kiss to your temple, and then, in a whisper, promised he'd be back for you. then he got out of the car, grabbing both your and aiko's luggage, and bringing them inside and up to your designated rooms. then he came back for aiko, gently lifting her bridal style and bringing her to her own room and placing her on the bed. he knew he wouldn't be able to wake aiko so he decided he wouldn't bother. then he went back to the car in order to wake you up, though when he opened the passenger side door, he instantly found he didn't have the heart to. you just looked so peaceful, a calm look on your face instead of the worry that usually marred your beautiful features. sighing softly, he carefully unbuckled you and then picked you up bridal style, stiffening for a second when he felt you cuddle closer to him before heading towards your bedroom in the house. when he reached your room, he had carefully placed you down and then tucked you in, smiling to himself because you just looked so at ease while you slept.
as semi was turning to go, he froze as he felt a tug on his arm, causing him to slowly turn around to face you. "please stay," you murmured half asleep. semi silently cursed at the invitation, inwardly debating with himself on whether or not he should actually stay. he couldn't lie to himself, the thought of holding you while you slept did sound tempting, however he wasn't sure you knew entirely what you were saying as you lay there, half asleep, trying to get him to stay there with you.
sighing, he knelt down on the ground. "i want to, beautiful, but i don't want you to think i'm taking advantage of you or anything," he explained softly, cupping your cheek and rubbing his thumb on your bottom lip as he spoke.
"i don't care about that, i just want someone to hold me," you responded, leaning into his touch subconsciously. "please, eita-san, hold me, that's all i'm asking." honestly, you weren't above begging at this point, you just felt so touch deprived since your breakup that you didn't care who it was so long as they held you close. semi seemed to be debating with himself why he should and shouldn't give in, though he ultimately gave in to the desire to hold you close like he had when carrying you up to the room.
sighing, semi slipped off his shoes before lifting the blankets, urging you to scoot back as he climbed into the bed beside you and then enveloped you in his arms, smiling softly to himself the moment you shifted closer and buried your face in his chest. oh if only he could stay like that with you forever. finally holding you in his arms, softly tracing random patterns onto your back, semi felt at home, more at home than he'd ever felt when holding anyone — besides maybe aiko, though it definitely was in a different way from how he felt when he held you. you hummed softly, a content sound to semi's ears, as you slowly drifted off to sleep, your breathes evening out and lulling him to sleep as well. it didn't take long for him to fall asleep despite him trying to fight it.
it had been a few hours since you had arrived at semi's home when aiko woke up, slowly at first until she felt her stomach growl. after that sound, she quickly got up, dressed, and headed to your room to check if you wanted anything specific, though she froze in her steps upon opening the door, spotting her father cradling you against him as you both slept. a small smile took over her face as she whipped out her phone to snap a picture, forgetting that her sound was on and cringing when the shutter sound went off. despite the loud click her phone had made, she had managed to capture a sweet moment between them, smiling to herself as she closed the door and went towards the kitchen to make some food for herself, staring at the picture with a soft smile on her face.
in it, semi's back was facing the camera, his lower half covered by blankets. he had his arms wrapped around your midsection, with his chen resting softly above your head. she had managed to capture the picture at an angle, so she was able to just barely make out your face buried in semi's chest, a soft smile on your lips as if you were subconsciously reveling in the warmth semi provided as he snoozed right next to you.
"is that the picture you took of us?" a voice spoke up behind aiko, causing the young semi to jump in surprise and turn to face her dad who wore an apologetic smile at having scared his daughter.
"geez, dad, a little warning next time? i thought you were still asleep," aiko muttered, clutching a hand over her heart as she felt it racing beneath her hand.
"sorry, i thought you would've realized i woke up," semi grimaced, glancing away in embarrassment from his daughter. "but you have to admit, that click wasn't exactly subtle, im a bit surprised y/n's still asleep."
"oh please," aiko snorted, clicking her phone off and sliding it into her back pocket. "that girl can sleep through anything. it's a pain trying to wake her up in the mornings so she isn't late for classes."
semi hummed thoughtfully at this new information, enjoying the fact he was learning more about you, even if it was from his daughter and not directly from you. as he absorbed this new information about you, he made his way into the kitchen, grabbing pots, pans, dishes, anything he felt he would need when making dinner, aiko taking a seat at the island which sat in the center of the rather large kitchen. no words were spoken between the father daughter pair as the elder semi made dinner and the younger semi prepared a side dish, the pair working well together despite neither knowing what exactly the other was making.
when the meal was finally finished, neither semi had the heart to wake you just yet so they made sure to keep whatever needed to stay warm was nice and toasty in the oven while they cleaned up and set the table in the dining room that semi only ever used whenever the pair were there or he had guests over. the silence was broken by aiko who had been trying to come up with a subtle yet serious way to bring up the potential relationship between two of the three people who mattered most to her.
"so, you and y/n?" she had questioned, earning a raised eyebrow from semi as if asking what she meant by that. "like, what's going on? do you like her or..."
"why are you asking, aiko?" was semi's response as he continued to set the table, making sure not even the napkins were out of place.
"oh, you know," aiko responded, a teasing glint in her eye as she unlocked her phone and tapped on the screen a few times before sliding the phone towards the rockstar, a smirk on her face as she watched a light blush coat semi's cheeks as he glanced at the phone and then looked away. "i totally encourage whatever it is you might want to pursue with my best friend. just, yknow, don't do anything gross around me, that crosses the line."
"pursue?" semi questioned, eyebrow raised at aiko as if questioning why she was bringing up something like that now of all times.
"yeah, i saw the way you were holding her, and when you picked us up from the airport, don't think i didn't notice the look you were giving her," aiko responded, a smirk now permanently on her face as the elder semi just continued to prove her point. "look, i was a bit weirded out at first when i found out about your...mutual interest in each other. however, as i watched your interactions from afar, i realized that y/n makes you happy, more happy than i've ever seen you with...her. if she makes you happy, i won't complain. but if you hurt my best friend..."
"yeah, i guess you're right," semi mused, thinking back to the time when they'd first met and the many other interactions since. okay, so maybe she was definitely right. "look, i won't hurt y/n, i could never hurt her. and i promise not to show too much affection with her in front of you. however, i don't...does she really like me like that?"
"seriously?" aiko questioned, an unimpressed eyebrow raised. semi gave her a somewhat sheepish look as aiko sighed and muttered something unintelligible under her breath. "geez, it's like you're a lovesick teenager, dad. i'm not having this conversation with you. no, no way."
"alright, i get it, i'll figure things out on my own," semi sighed before turning towards the archway and leaving the room.
"where you going?" aiko called after his retreating form.
"to wake up y/n so we can eat," semi responded, striding towards the stairs and to your room. pushing open the door, what semi wasn't expecting to find was you curled into a ball, your breaths coming in short, shallow gasps, eyes squeezed shut as if you were in pain. "hey y/n-hey y/n are you okay?" he questioned, dropping to his knees in front of you in order to be level with you. he had never seen you like this, though, so admittedly he didn't exactly know what to do in this sort of situation. he shot a quick text to aiko who suddenly appeared in the room, shoving her dad aside so she could be at eye level with you if you were to open your eyes.
"hey, y/n, open your eyes for me and breathe," aiko spoke, her tone gentle yet demanding as she spoke to her friend. y/n cracked an eye open slowly, one after another, staring into a familiar pair of hazel eyes. "good, now breathe in slowly through your nose, and then slowly out through your mouth." when aiko instructed you to breathe, you followed what she said, over and over again as you slowly felt the pounding of your heart decrease. the three of you sat in your room for a good half hour as you slowly calmed down and regained your bearings, neither semi willing to leave your side until you were calm enough to move.
when that happened, you slowly pulled yourself from your ball and gently sat at the edge of the bed, smiling softly in thanks at aiko for helping you get through yet another of your panic attacks, before your gaze averted to semi, eyes widening at the pure, unadulterated worry and relief swimming in his eyes as he gazed at you, hands going up to reach up to cup your face as he stared into your eyes, searching them for anything that might give him a hint as to what had just happened. he hardly acknowledged when aiko spoke up, saying she would be getting their dinner on the table, instead keeping his full focus on the woman who was slowly starting to steal his heart for herself.
"ei- eita-san, i'm okay, really," you murmured, a sigh escaping your lips as you leaned into his touch, hands moving up to cover his own resting on your cheeks.
"you really worried me there, beautiful," semi breathed, thumb absently running over your cheek and causing you to sigh into the touch.
"i'm sorry, i think it was just the unfamiliar environment that caused the panic attack, or it could've been my dream...though i don't really remember what it was about," you murmured in response, closing your eyes as you tried to remember just what your dream had been about.
"don't worry about the cause, i'm sorry i wasn't able to help you with it, i felt pretty useless just sitting there staring at you," semi apologized softly, taking his hands from your face and instead holding them out for you to grab, pulling you up so you were almost flush against him. honestly, what he really wanted to do was lay back down with you wrapped securely in his arms, however he knew you needed to eat something and aiko was probably waiting for them so he instead settled for wrapping his arms around your smaller frame, chin resting on the top of your head.
"i'm sorry for worrying you, eita-san, thank you for staying though," you murmured, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning a cheek against his chest.
"shhh, it's okay, beautiful," semi responded. "now let's go eat dinner, i'm sure aiko's getting impatient."
"mmh, she does this to me all the time with her boyfriend, she'll survive," you hummed despite pulling away from semi and heading for the door, pausing when you felt a tug on your hand to turn back to him.
"stay with me tonight," semi murmured, interlacing your fingers together.
"feeling lonely?" you teased, eyes twinkling in amusement as a myriad of emotions seemed to pass over his eyes before landing on adoration.
"i just want to be there for you if something like that happens again in the middle of the night," semi responded, pulling you along with him as he led the way through the large house to the dining room where aiko was no doubt waiting for them. your brain seemed to have stalled at the new information which had caused semi to lead the way, making sure you were following behind despite your still clasped hands.
"ugh, dad, what did you do to my best friend?" aiko muttered, catching the almost vacant look in your eyes as you took the seat across from her, semi to your right at the head of the table.
"i don't think i did anything, she was fine until we left her room," semi responded, glancing worriedly at you as you absently started scooping food onto your plate.
the three of you fell into silence, both semi's casting worried glances over to you every so often. it wasn't until after dinner when you had offered to do the dishes that both semi's seemed to breathe sighs of relief that you were fine. aiko blamed it on the fact you still seemed tired, and the way you woke up hadn't been the best way, either, wracked with panic.
"yeah, okay, you do the dishes then, i'll set up a movie or something in the theatre to watch before we go to sleep for the night," aiko nodded, heading for the archway after having cleaned up her side of the table, handing the dishes off to semi as she left.
then, with hands full of dirty dishes, semi followed you into the kitchen and over to the sink where he set them down and then headed back out for the leftovers, transferring them to tupperware and placing them into the fridge.
the two of you worked in silence, with you washing the dishes and semi drying them after you had finished washing them. it felt so domestic to you, almost feeling like something you could get used to if it was with semi. the dishes were done faster than you would've liked, wanting to spend even just a little more time with semi before joining aiko in the home theatre room semi had redecorated part of the basement into.
it seemed semi had the same thought, wanting to spend even just a little more time with you before joining aiko for a movie night. after you had dried your hands with a towel semi hadn't used to dry dishes, semi had caged you in between himself and the island, hands resting on the island countertop to keep you trapped there. your usually soft e/c eyes went wide with surprise as you glanced from his arms to the smirk he wore. his hands slowly travelled from the island to your hips, lifting you up onto the island and setting you down on it so that you were almost eye level with him, though he was still taller than your seated form.
"eita-san, what are you doing?" you asked breathlessly, eyes never leaving his gaze.
"i was planning on finally kissing you if that was alright," semi responded softly, hands trailing from your hips to your thighs, spreading them apart so he could stand between your legs so he could be even that much closer to you.
"oh please," you murmured, wrapping arms around his neck to pull him closer to you, your bodies almost flush with each other as you got your first taste of each other. you smiled into the kiss as semi groaned, loving the way you felt against him. his lips parted and his tongue shot out, licking at your bottom lip as if demanding entrance. you responded in kind, parting your own lips to allow him entrance, tilting your head slightly to allow for better access, hands going from around his neck and into his hair to brush through his hair. when he slipped in his tongue, it met your own, at first fighting for dominance before he won, almost finding himself moaning at the taste of you and feeling himself go hard to the taste of you.
"ugh, please stop biting each others faces off," aiko muttered from the entrance of the kitchen before she entered and went about making popcorn.
semi silently cursed aiko for interrupting, pulling away from you who quickly buried your face in semi's neck to hide your blush from your best friend.
"i'm happy for you guys, truly, i am," aiko continued as the machine started the process of popping popcorn. "however, if i have to see anymore of that, i will cut you. i do not want to see my dad going at it with my best friend, that's a picture my mind would much rather live without."
"shut up, ai, it's not like i wanted to see you and your boyfriend going at it either, and yet here we are," you spoke up lightly, still blushing like crazy though your face was no longer hidden in semi's neck.
"shut up, that was completely different and you know it," aiko sniffed, turning her nose up and away from you in mock defiance.
"really? because at the time, your boyfriend happened to be my older brother," you responded, earning a sheepish look from aiko in response.
semi, who was simply content holding you close after you had pulled away from the kiss due to aiko's interruption, raised an eyebrow at the conversation between the best friends. "oh? you dated y/n's brother?" semi interrupted their conversation, earning a small nod from y/n in response while aiko sighed.
"yeah, they ended on good terms though," you murmured, smiling softly over semi's shoulder at aiko who couldn't help the slight frown on her face.
"they may have been good terms, but you never really forget your first relationship," aiko sighed, cupping her face in her hands as she thought back on her relationship with sora.
"if only you could," semi muttered darkly, though he had to admit that two good things came out of that relationship, and they were both currently in the kitchen with him. if he had never been with that woman in any way, he never would've had aiko, and if he never had aiko, he never would've met you. so one good thing that led to another good thing had happened between him and that woman — semi refused to think of her as anything else now that he was finally able to hold you in his arms.
"hey, stay with me, don't think back to then," you murmured, moving a hand up to his forehead to rub at the worry lines that started to mar his features. "be with me, in the moment, not then with her."
"you're right," semi murmured, moving his head to your neck to give you some featherlight kisses there.
"alright, and that's my cue to leave the room," aiko declared, taking her newly made bowl of popcorn and marching from the room, calling over her shoulder how the movie was ready whenever they were if they still wanted to watch it.
"we're coming!" you responded, pushing lightly at semi's shoulders in order to make him move back to give you space to jump down from the island. semi grumbled about having to watch a movie, saying he'd much rather spend his time doing something else to which you just laughed at, commenting how it was true guys only have one thing on the brain when it came to the object of their affection.
semi watched you for a few seconds, admiring the slight sway of your hips as you followed aiko, calling over your shoulder if he was coming or just going to admire your ass to which he chuckled and quickly caught up, grabbing your hand to guide you to a couch behind the one aiko sat at and away. he then got comfortable, reclining back before pulling you down to sit between his legs, back resting against his chest so he could cuddle with you as the movie played.
or maybe he wasn't thinking of just cuddling because aiko had barely even started the movie before semi swept aside your hair and you felt lips on your neck along with the subtle scape of teeth against your skin causing your breath to hitch in your throat at the feeling. without much thought, you exposed more of your neck to the bold male, feeling a smirk take over as he continued his ministrations on your neck, growing bolder as he listened to your breathing hitch in your throat or the way you exposed more of your neck to him. loving the way you reacted to him, he continued on, growing even bolder by lifting your shirt with his hands so he could trace your hips and stomach without barriers between his hands and your skin. another bold action was him trailing kisses along your neck until he found the spot on your neck that you reacted to the most and then biting down, leaving a bruise in its wake. he was quick to soothe the inflamed area with his tongue, feeling himself go hard at the breathless moan you released at the feeling.
"if you guys start doing it on that couch i swear to god," aiko spoke up, throwing a handful of popcorn in their general direction. "are you even paying attention to the movie? go upstairs if you're going to do...that."
"yeah yeah, i hear you aiko," semi responded, standing up with you in his arms bridal style. "enjoy...whatever it is you're watching. i think we'll be busy tonight so don't bother us any." he called over his shoulder as the two of you left, you slinging your arms around his shoulders for two reasons. the first being so you could steady yourself, not wanting to risk possibly falling from his grip. the second reason being to hide your face in his neck, your cheeks burning as you heard over and over again the exchange between your friend and the man you were slowly starting to realize you were in love with.
"hey now, beautiful, don't go getting shy on me now," semi spoke softly, stopping in front of a door and swinging it open, maneuvering himself and you inside before gently laying you down on the large king size bed on one side of the room in the center of that wall.
you carefully scooted yourself up the bed so that your back was resting on many pillows. then you took a moment to take in the room around you. directly across from the foot of the bed sat a nightstand with a large tv. on either side of the nightstand stood two doors, one of which you assumed led to a walk in closet and the other to the bathroom. a few pictures hung here and there of him and aiko mostly, though you did see some of him with his bandmates and even some of you, him, and aiko. honestly, the room didn't look how you were expecting it to. you thought the musician might have more instruments in his room just in case he thought of a melody or lyrics late at night. 
semi could see your mind racing with questions, smiling softly at the sight of you slowly taking in his room. "what are you looking for, beautiful?"
"your room just looks...different from what i was picturing, i guess," you replied softly, turning your head to face him.
"really? how so?" he questioned, crawling into the bed right next to you, laying on his side so he could stare at you as you spoke.
"i don't know, i guess i just assumed, with you being a musician and all, especially being the composer for your group, that you would have more instruments set up around the place," you murmured, sighing at the feeling of his fingertips dancing over your hip as you turned onto your side to face him.
"that's a fair assumption," semi responded, loving to see how you reacted to his every touch. "my recording studio is right through that door though, so i don't really need them with me in order to compose in the middle of the night. however, i will tell you that this room is soundproof just like my recording studio, so you can be as loud as you want to and aiko will be none the wiser." he whispered against your lips, having moved closer as he explained where his instruments actually were.
your face instantly bloomed bright red at the implications, wanting to turn away from the shameless man in front of you, though he wouldn't let you because he was now kissing you, rolling you over so that he landed on top of you, using his forearms to steady himself so that he wouldn't crush you under his weight. but before the kiss could go any further, you moved a hand to his chest and pushed him away, a look of hurt flashing in his eyes for a millisecond before being replaced by worry. maybe he was too bold, maybe you didn't actually want this, maybe maybe maybe. many other possibilities flew around in his mind but before he could get carried away, you spoke up, speaking words he never thought he would ever hear from your mouth.
"are you sure you want me, you want this?" you whispered uncertainly, voice shaking with emotion as you looked anywhere but at semi. semi, confused on where this was coming from, sat up and then pulled you with him, sitting at the edge of the bed and pulling you into his lap where he could watch your side profile even if you tried to hide your face.
"what do you mean, dove?" he questioned, wanting to get to the bottom of this sudden hesitation from you.
"i- i just mean like-" you spoke, pausing every few words because you weren't sure if you were ready to share the sudden flash of insecurity you felt. "you could have anybody you wanted, literally anyone at all, so why choose me?"
"are you kidding?" semi questioned incredulously, almost throwing his head back and laughing at the question though refraining before he could tell you were serious about it and he didn't want to give you any reason to get mad at him or leave. "look at you, dove, you're the most beautiful woman on the planet, nothing can change my mind about this fact."
"no i'm not, i'm really just average, there are so many more beautiful women out there," you responded, playing with your fingers in embarrassment at the conversation you two were having.
"hey, no, look at me," semi spoke, cupping your cheek and tilting your face up to look at him, his thumb gently tugging at your bottom lip to pull it out from between your teeth. "are you listening?" you nodded at his question, albeit shyly. "good. the first time i ever laid eyes on you, you stole my breath away. i couldn't believe someone as beautiful as you could ever exist. but it felt wrong to think of you in that way despite you being a legal adult. but now, you're here in my arms and i wouldn't change anything for the world. let me show you the love i feel for you in my heart, please beautiful." semi finished in a whisper, forehead dropping forward to rest against your own. you sighed at the admission, truly feeling the sincerity in his voice.
instead of answering, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his, arms moving to wrap around his neck as you kissed. with semi not moving from his seated position, you carefully shifted your own position so that you were straddling his lap, your lips not leaving his own as the musician deepened the kiss, licking at your bottom lip to gain entrance to your mouth. you granted him the access he desired.
as the kiss deepened, you rolled your hips, moaning at the friction you feel against your clothed cunt. semi let's out a hiss, pulling back from the kiss to watch your eyes roll back at the feeling of his growing erection. he loved this side of you, a side only he would ever get to see as he vowed to ruin you for anyone else. as you lost yourself in pleasure, semi carefully lifted your shirt over your head, his own shirt following yours onto the ground.
"you're so beautiful," semi murmured, taking in the sight of you, shirtless, before him. a blush bloomed on your face as semi fiddled with the clasps of your bra, unhooking it and watching as a little more of you was revealed. semi groaned at the sight, he couldn't help it, you were just so beautiful, so tempting. semi stood up, almost so suddenly you would've fallen had you not had the quick reflexes to wrap your legs around his waist.
semi was quick to throw you onto the bed and then climb on top of you, using his forearms on either side of your head to bare most of his weight. with this new position, he couldn't help the groan that escaped him at the sight of you beneath him. with one arm, he started to fiddle with your pants, causing you to giggle and help take your shorts off, with his being quick to follow. with the hand that had pulled off your shorts and fishnets, he cupped your warm cunt in his hand causing a moan to slip from your lips and grind down on his hand, wanting to feel friction against your pussy. semi watched your reactions, loving the fact that it was him that made you react this way, it was him that you were currently under. all those years of thinking he wasn't good enough, that he didn't deserve any love went out the window the moment you had first moaned for him.
without any warning, semi dragged a finger along your sopping slit and then inserted a finger into your hole, almost coming on the spot at the beautiful moan of pleasure that left your lips. you really were so reactive to him, evident by the way you were clenching around his finger. you gave another moan of pleasure as he curled his finger inside you, mouth falling open in pleasure when he added a second finger. this had you absolutely creaming around his fingers, a sign you were close to coming. with a few more thrusts, he pulled his fingers from your dripping hole, smirking at the whine you let out as he moved his hand up to lick his fingers clean of you, eyes closing in pleasure at just how sweet you tasted. it was better than he ever could've imagined, you were better than he ever could've imagined.
"you feel and taste so good, angel," semi murmured before he leaned forward to give you a sweet kiss on the lips. "but however pretty you may look coming on my fingers, you'll look even better coming on my cock."
"mm whatever you want, eita-san," you murmured, slowly opening your eyes to look up lovingly at the man before you.
"good girl," he murmured, kissing the side of your lips before rolling off you in order to reach into a drawer on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. you whined at the loss of his warmth before you rolled over as well, landing on top of him so you were straddling him.
"no need for that," you murmured upon realizing what he might be grabbing, reaching over to hold his hand in yours, fingers naturally intertwining. "m' on the pill. want to feel you, no barriers."
semi cursed softly at your admission, groaning at the feeling of you grinding down on him before he was quick to roll you both over so he was again hovering over you. "do you have any idea what you do to me?" he whispered against your lips, hands still clasped together as his other hand trailed from your hip to your thigh, prying open your thighs so he could drag his painfully hard erection along your soaking slit before entering you slowly, moving in bit by bit to allow you to grow accustomed to his size.
semi wasn't painfully large nor was he unnaturally long. he also wasn't short or small, but rather it felt like you were the lock to his key, you slotted together so perfectly. it was like he was made expressly for you and you for him, it was that perfect. once you'd grown accustomed to his size, you started to squirm beneath him, needing to feel his length move as you clamped down around it. semi couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled his chest and then traveled to yours, giggling at the feeling of the vibrations it gave off against your own chest.
as he started moving, he wrapped your leg around his hip to give him a better angle, allowing him to hit different areas you never even knew you had. you moaned as he continued his pace, head thrown back in pleasure which semi found extremely sexy. it stroked his ego to think of the fact he alone was able to bring this reaction out of you, he alone was able to see the side of you. as he continued pistoning in and out of you, he found you clenching tighter and tighter around him, a sign he came to realize meaning that you were close. with a few pleasurable thrusts, you came undone around him, coming on his cock and arm sling around his neck, moaning beautifully against his neck.
he continued to thrust in and out of you, chasing his own high.
"wanna feel- inside-" you babbled, a groan leaving semi at your words, coming inside you and filling you with his seed. after all, who was he to deny you?
with a final thrust, his collapsed on top of you, his now softened cock still inside you and plugging up your hole, keeping both your and his cum inside you.
"so good f'me," semi murmured, peppering soft kisses against your neck that caused you to giggle. "can i make a confession?"
exposing more of your neck to him, you spoke up breathlessly, a quiet yes slipping between your lips as you started to drag your fingers through his hair, pulling softly at his his hair each time he kissed an especially sensitive spot.
"i'm in love with you, have been since i first laid eyes on you," he murmured, looking up into your now wide eyes before softly kissing you on the lips.
"i think i'm in love with you too," you whispered against his lips, a moan surfacing after your words as you felt his teeth digging into a rather sensitive spot on your neck as if in response to your submission.
"then marry me?" semi questioned, causing your eyes to shoot open as you stared at him with wide eyes.
"b- but you're still married," you sputtered. "and what about your fans? and aiko? and what about-"
"shh," semi murmured, silencing you with a finger to your lips. "i'm in the process of getting a divorce, it's just been taking a long while because that woman has been refusing to meet with our lawyers. my fans don't need to know anything, you will be my secret, i don't want to share you with anyone. as for aiko, we can talk to her if you wish, however she has said she approves of us so long as i don't hurt you, which i could honestly never do. you're too precious to me, i could never see myself hurting you, angel."
"so she threatened you, too, huh?" you murmured, almost to yourself though semi was able to just barely catch your words, a laugh escaping him as he realized aiko had used the same threat for both of them. "relax, i want this, i want you, and nothing will stop me from getting you. i will even chase you to the ends of the earth if i must."
"i want you too, eita-san," you whispered, pulling him down to connect your lips and his in a passionate and heated kiss. if he wasn't carefully, his softening cock would surely become erect again, especially considering your current intimacy. he was, after all, still inside you.
"so then do you accept?" semi questioned happily, peppering kisses from the corner of your lips to your neck where he gave you a fresh hickey.
"i do accept," you responded, a moan escaping your lips as he continued to leave hickeys along your neck.
needless to say, that night was very...busy, though aiko had been none the wiser to what was going on because true to his word, semi had in fact soundproofed his room.
it wasn't until the next day that aiko found out about the proposal, not that you or semi had said anything about it. if it hadn't of been for the large rock on your left ring finger, she would've been left in the dark until you and semi had decided to break the news to her. but the moment she saw the ring, she let out a high pitched screech which had alerted you and semi to her presence as she rushed from the doorway of the kitchen to your side where you sat on the island, not even taking notice of the fact you wore a large shirt that belonged to semi that covered your shorts.
"you- my dad- he- i- you- when-" she stuttered, picking up your hand as she studied the ring on your finger.
you and semi simply shared a loving look over her head, both of you smiling softly as semi responded that you'd made it official last night. if aiko had seen that look, she might've walked out of the kitchen in mock disgust, however her attention was too focused on the ring.
"actually, aiko," you spoke up softly, watching as your best friend continued staring at your ring. "we were hoping you would keep this a secret between the three of us."
"of course, but do you mind if i ask why?" aiko questioned, finally taking her eyes off the ring to look between you and her father.
"we have three reasons," semi responded, continuing to make breakfast for the three of you. "the first being that i'm still not divorced yet, so if she was to get word of this, she could use this to get even more undeserved attention."
"yeah, that sounds like something she'd do," aiko muttered under her breath.
"the second reason being my manager would have a fit," semi continued as if aiko hadn't spoken. "he was adamant on my keeping up my image of being a happily married man with a happy family. however recent events have persuaded him to allow my divorce and now he wants to sell me as a recently divorced bachelor with a kid to appeal to...other crowds. or something, i don't entirely understand what goes through his twisted mind."
"what a questionable manager you have," aiko muttered, moving to sit beside you on the island to read your twitter feed over your shoulder.
"the final reason is because, well, i don't want to share y/n with anyone," semi finished, sending you a loving look to which you blushed at, aiko silently gagging beside you.
aiko was quick to hop down from the island when she noticed semi walking towards you. she really didn't want to be in the room when you guys started kissing, that was a sight she would much rather live without so she stole a piece of toast from the plate semi had set the finished pieces on before she headed out to the dining room, calling over her shoulder for them to hurry up with their lovey-dovey shit so they could eat.
semi responded with a comment for her to be patient as he stood between your thighs, hands resting on the island countertop beside your thighs to cage you in and give you a kiss. you giggled into the kiss, arms flying around his neck to pull him closer to you, chest to chest as he moved his hands from the island to your ass, pulling you to the edge of the counter to pull you flush against him, tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss. before the kiss could get any more explicit, you pulled back slightly, giggling as semi tried to chase your lips, though you kept pulling back, always barely out of his reach so that you could catch your breath.
"aiko's waiting for us, let's go eat," you whispered to a playfully annoyed semi who refused to allow you to move from his hold.
"she can wait, i cannot," semi growled, eyes narrowing at you as you continued to giggle.
"the food will get cold," you responded, not backing down. "besides, we can continue this after breakfast when my best friend isn't in the room next door."
"i agree, listen to her," aiko called from the dining room that sat adjacent to the kitchen. "besides, i'm starving so hurry up dad."
"what a cockblock," semi muttered as he pulled away, causing you to burst into laughter as you hop down from the island, collecting plates and cutlery that you would need for your breakfast while semi trailed behind with the food, all the while muttering about how he'd pay aiko back, just she wait.
the rest of that morning passed into afternoon where aiko soon left the house to meet with her boyfriend, leaving the newly engaged couple to continue what had been started in the kitchen.
needless to say, that summer break passed in a blur and you were reluctant to part ways with semi for another four months, the only thing pushing you to go being the promise of your secret marriage happening during winter break, as well as the promise of a spot in semi's bands dance group so you could travel with him during tours after you graduated in a semester.
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— 2023 ⓒ ensemblesmile, do not repost or translate my work. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A new kind of competition; RA on the Masked singer pt. 2
*Author’s note*
Okay I know I’m kinda doin this out of order but I was posting this part on Wattpad and since it was still in my copying memory I decided to post this part up first but no worries, pt. 1 will be posted up in just a minute. And I wanna tell you all that there will be only TWO MORE chapters left before I finally complete the Rock Angel series. Enjoy this chapter until next time my dears :)
*Round 5. THE SUPER 8*
Now it was starting to get serious, this was now the Super 8 and this was the first time this season that 2 people were gonna get eliminated.  I took a deep breath and gave a silent prayer to God and Freddie above to give me strength.
“And here to give us yet another star-stellar performance and another few hints as to who this mega star could be under the mask. Here’s the Lioness.”
“What very few people don’t know about me is that I didn’t always have that good of a homelife as a child.” I said as I walked through a child’s room.  I took hold of my stuffed lion and hugged him tightly as I continued, “The people who raised me were well—let’s just say they weren’t the nicest of people. The remainder of my childhood into adolescence was toxic for me.”
“Oh my god.” Nicole muttered sympathetically.
“Growing up with that much toxicity it really damaged my self-esteem. No matter how hard I tried, it just wasn’t enough for them.”
“Growing up in an abusive home.” Robin noted. “Wonder if she’s an advocate for domestic abuse?”
“But I knew I couldn’t let myself be buried underneath all that hatred. It took a long, long, long, long time. But I forgave them. Because in a way without them, I wouldn’t have found this inner strength within me.”
“You go Lioness.” Cheered Jenny.
“That’s why for this performance, if you or a loved one is dealing with toxic family members or partners. There’s no shame in admitting they’re in the wrong. Because if you continue to listen to their toxic lies, it’ll only lead you down one way. And you’re too good to leave this world just yet.” I set the stuffed lion down and punched the wall which shattered as I let out a proud roar.
I stood there on stage with the mic on hand as my girl Pink’s “Beautiful trauma” came on and I began singing in a ballad like tone first.  Slowly walking across the stage till I came upon a beautifully decorated swing (much like the Black Swan used a couple rounds ago).
We were on fire I slashed your tires It's like we burned so bright we burned out I made you chase me I wasn't that friendly My love, my drug, we burn out
I got on the swing and it slowly raised up, lifting me all the way high above the audience as I sang the 2nd chorus. As the mantra part of the chorus came up, silk extended from the ends of the swing and I slowly swung back and forth making the silks dance gracefully in the wind.  When the bridge came up, I turned on my semi-good rapping skills. As I rapped out the bridge, the swing lowered me down towards the catwalk that stood in front of the judges.
Once my feet touched the ground and I sung the last verse, I walked towards the judges and sung before each of them.  
The pill I keep taking The nightmare I'm waking There's nothing, no nothing, nothing but you My perfect rock bottom Beautiful trauma My love (my love), my love, my drug, oh
My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh My love, my love, my drug.
Mmm tough times they keep coming All night laughing and knackered Some days like I'm barely breathing Then after we were high and the love dope died, it was you
The pill I keep taking The nightmare I'm waking There's nothing, no nothing, nothing but you My perfect rock bottom My beautiful trauma My love, my love, my drug, oh
After walking back on stage with Nick standing at my side, he congratulated me on another amazing performance.  
“The Lioness is pulling our heartstrings once again.”
“I agree Nick. Especially after hearing that story of her going through domestic abuse that—that’s never an easy thing to go through. But Lioness let me just say you are a strong woman underneath. Because I can tell you’ve overcome that trauma and made a name for yourself.” Nicole told me.
I pounded my heart and raised my hand towards her.  She gave me a heart back.
“Now we raided through your fridge and found out just what exactly the Lioness loves to eat.”
“Oh come on Nick this is easy! She eats meat!” Ken exclaimed.
“Sit your butt down Ken!” Nick exclaimed. “Men in Black, bring out the Lioness’s favorite meal.” One of them came pulling out a cooler and sat it right beside Nick and he said. “Alright, let’s see what we’ve got in here.” There was a drumroll before he opened it to reveal a thermos that read JASMINE TEA.
“What’s that say on the thermos?” asked Jenny.
“Jasmine tea.”
“But there’s no food there!” complained Ken.
“To answer your Question Kenneth.” I scolded. That got the rest of the panel as well as Nick laughing. “Any type of food is good for me, but it’s this tea that will give you a clue. As to who I am.”
The audience and Nick ooed.  Jenny’s mouth opened widely as she rapidly pounded her stack of notes.
“Jenny it looks like you’ve got something.”
“I do! I do! I do! I do! I do! Okay so in the clue package she talked about her abusive childhood. Rough upbringing, but she didn’t say parents were the ones doing it. And the number code that was given to us awhile back, that 149121. I have been running through my head various codes as to what that could mean. Until the TEA is what gave me the idea.”
“Who is it?!” Ken demanded.
“At least she’s making more sense than you do Ken!” Robin dissed.
“Okay the code actually stands for 11-24-91. And this Rockstar has a tattoo of it on her shoulder with Angel Wings to remember her friend and mentor Freddie Mercury. This is most definitely the ROCK ANGEL (Y/N) KLINE!!!”
“Oh yeah that’s right. She does have a tattoo with that date on it.” Robin agreed with her.
“Nah I’m gonna disagree with you on that Jenny.” Ken said.  Oh boy here we go. “Now going off based off the clue package we saw domestic abuse. And on the number code the first few numbers I picked out were 911.  This actress started in a movie known as “The Call”. Welcome to the Masked Singer Halle Berry!”
I shook my head and crossed my arms at him.
“Look at her she’s agreeing with me.”
“Ken this is not Halle Berry!” Nick Cannon said.  I then waved bye to Nick as I proceeded to walk off the stage but he told me to come back, so I had no choice but to stand there. “See Ken you made the Lioness upset just like you did with Nick Carter last season.”
“Hey like I said before then. This isn’t the first time someone’s walked away from my guesses, and it won’t be the last.”
“I think I might have an idea on who it might be.” Nicole piped in.
“Go head Nicole.”
“Okay so we saw the domestic abuse, growing up in an abusive home. But I also remember from a few weeks back there was a sign that said AIDS. So I’m thinking she’s also an advocate for AIDS/HIV awareness. I’m gonna put my money on Rihanna.”
Oh wow that’s impressive.  But sadly she’s wrong.  Although I have helped Rihanna with some of her AIDS awareness promotion when the two of us were at a party together for MTV.  She told me she wanted to start a campaign for it but had no idea where to begin with it.  So I gave her some of my well known contacts and gave her some business advice that I remember learning from Deacy on how to handle everything.
“That’s not a bad guess. But Rihanna’s got a different voice. But whoever you are, you wowed us once again Lioness.” I bowed and blew them a kiss as Nick told me that I could head backstage.
“The judges are slowly but surely getting a grip with my identity. But I’m not ready to go home just yet. And if I somehow make it through, I’ll give them a performance that’ll definitely throw them off my scent.”
Thankfully, I was safe from being unmasked in this double elimination, however Seashell and the Yeti weren’t as lucky.
*Round 6. THE SPICY 6*
It’s down to the wire now.  This song might just make me or break me, especially since it’s the hardest song I’ll ever do in my entire singing career.  But like Freddie and I always say, “It’s go big or go home darling.”  Plus this is another special performance that I’m dedicating to.
“Now then we actually got to sit down and actually talk with this Megastar. Here’s what we managed to find out about the Lioness.”
This clue package showed me getting my mask taken off but I still had a black face cover hiding my entire face.
“Oh yes that feels so much better.” I praised at feeling the cool air on my face.  The Producer then asked me.
“So how has it been being the Lioness so far?”
“A lot of fun. She’s given me the courage to do things I never thought I could do before.” The screens would show some of my previous performances from getting on a wrecking ball to being lifted well over 10ft above an audience.
“What would winning the Masked Singer mean for you?”
“Well I’m not just doing it for myself. But for my pride as well. Especially my dad.”
“You’re dad?” I nodded.  The screens would then show me walking around my den with a picture of me and a shadow figure of a male lion.
“Not related by blood but he’s been my father figure for as long as I’ve known him. In fact without his love, I never would’ve found true love on my own. My husband, my kids, even my grandkids. They wouldn’t have existed had he not given me the love that I was denied growing up.” I stroked the picture of the shadow figure of the lion beside me.  The screen also showed my real family with my husband lion, 4 adult kids and 2 young grandkid cubs.
I pressed the frame up to my mouth and gave it a kiss, the screen even made a kiss sound effect as little hearts danced around it.
“So Papa Lion, this song is for you. I love you so much and thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” I blew a kiss to the camera as my clue package and interview ended.
The ballad opening for “I don’t wanna miss a thing” by Aerosmith came on and I took a deep breath.  This was it, but you’re doing it for Roger here (n/n).  Even though he won’t know it, this song is for him. I opened my mouth and soon began singing.
Once the bridge came around and the most difficult part of the song came on, I unleashed every ounce of alto rawness I had within me and just belted out that last yeah which made fireworks rain down from the ceiling and the audience seemed to enjoy it.
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender I could stay lost in this moment forever Cause moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Don't want to close my eyes I don't want to fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you, babe And I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream will never do I'd still miss you, babe And I don't want to miss a thing
And I don't want to miss one smile I don't want to miss one kiss
And just stay here in this moment For all of the rest of time Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Don't want to close my eyes Don't want to fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you, babe And I don't want to miss a thing
After finishing the song, fireworks came up behind me as I punched my fist into the air and panted from within my mask.
“Oh my god where did that come from!?” exclaimed Jenny.
“The lioness taking us to the far reaches of outer space with Armageddon!” Nick proclaimed as he came up beside me.
“I wanna say something first Lioness. That was probably your best performance ever.” Robin told me.  Oh my god seriously? I knew I had cracked up on that last ‘yeah’ but to hear him say this was my best performance surprised me. “You really laid it out on the line tonight with probably the hardest song but you executed it phenomenally.” He praised.
I bowed my hands in gesture to him telling him I wasn’t worthy.
“Alright now let’s see just who amongst our panel is the Lioness connected to.” The judges all looked up and soon my chute came down towards Ken but Nicole intercepted it from him and she said.
“Oh it’s for Jenny.” She passed it to Ken who passed it to Jenny and she saw the silver charm of a birthday cake.
“A birthday cake.” She told the crowd as she held the charm between her fingers.
“Jenny. I wanna thank your husband for performing at one of my kid’s birthday party.” At that the crowd got all suspicious and Jenny’s face was gaped wide in shock.
“Is Donny doing things behind your back?” Nicole accused Jenny.
“I hope not.” God these innuendos kill me. “Okay so apparently you know my husband Donny. But I-I don’t remember him ever telling me he performed at a kid’s birthday party.”
“What about the entire New Kids on the Block?” asked Robin.
“Possibly. Was it just my husband or the entire band that performed at your kid’s party?”
“You know she can’t answer that!” Nick snapped playfully.
“I’m sorry but I gotta know!”
“Alright panel. What’s this clue package doin for you?”
“Okay well in the clue package there was the picture of her family. I saw four grown kids and 2 grandkids. If she really is a grandma then I still gotta go with Rock Angel. Because her daughter Kelly just recently gave birth to a baby girl last year during the pandemic doing an at home birth.” Nicole said.
“Yeah and in the clue package she spoke about a father figure. And I read somewhere that she considers Roger Taylor from Queen her dad.”
“Okay, okay panel.” Damn they are starting to see it now.  But I hope this performance keeps me in the game.  “Well, all we know is was that was yet another killer performance. Make some noise for the Lioness. Go ahead and head on backstage.”
The judges really are seeming to close in on me. I really don’t wanna go home at this point but if I do then it is what it is.  I still had a lot of fun doing this show and it was an amazing ride.
But at the votes, I was surprised to see that it wasn’t me that was going home.  But the Russian Dolls, after doing Elton John’s song “I’m still standing”. I thought they did a hell of a lot better than me but I guess it’s not always the voices that count, but how you execute the performance.
Now it was onto the Semi-finals.
I’ve come too far to end this journey now. The Semi-finals is the last step to ensure that I can secure my spot in the finals.  And I have just the song to get me there.
“Week after week she has astounded us with pure, unadulterated vocals. But can she claim her spot for the finals. Let’s dig up some more clues on……the Lioness.”
“Being in this competition has taught me a lot about myself. On one side there’s the Lioness I present before the media, when I preform or out in the public. Then there’s the Lioness I am around my pride. A mother, a daughter, a grandmother. And I think that’s really the best job compared to my career.”
“She’s definitely a family woman.” Jenny stated as she took down some notes.
“I wouldn’t be anywhere without my family. They are my rock. Even those that had left me I still see them throughout my life.” I stood before a funhouse mirror maze and saw various shadows surrounding me. “And it’s their voices that give me the courage to continue the fight. So for this performance I’m gonna pull out all the stops and just allow you all to see the real me. Nothing but my raw vocals. I’ve fought to hard and I’m just not ready to go home yet.”
The stage screens were lit up with a rain animation as well as rippling water.  I stood there alone with the mic and the spotlight down on me as I sung the song that was once offered to me for the Original movie, but I recommended the Producers to Christina to do the song.
As the song grew more fiercer with the soft drumbeats and my voice became more powerful and intense, I could feel tears filling my eyes once more.  I was gonna get to the finals even if it costs me my voice.
Look at me You may think you see Who I really am But you'll never know me Every day It's as if I play a part
Now I see If I wear a mask I can fool the world But I cannot fool my heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection
Someone I don’t know?
There's a heart that must be free to fly That burns with a need to know the reason why
Why must we all conceal What we think, and how we feel?
I won't pretend that I'm Someone else for all time When will my reflection show Who I am inside? When will my reflection show Who I am inside?
At that last belt which I held longer than I ever held a note before.  A 9 full seconds which made the crowd go berserk.  I could see some people wiping their tears away as I sung the last couple of notes before finally ending it with a bow of my head.
“Heartfelt! Lioness once again pulling our heartstrings.”
“Okay I just need to say this Nick.” Ken said.
“Go ahead Kenneth.”
“Throughout this entire competition especially when it comes to the Semi-finals, it all comes down to who wants it most. And Lioness—” he wiped his tears away. “You didn’t just show us that you wanted a spot in the finals. You proved you’re worthy of the Rock Gods!”
Aww Dr. Ken.  I blew him a kiss and patted my heart and he blew me multiple kisses back.
“For once I agree with Ken.” Robin said.  “If people didn’t get teary eyed when you performed Whitney Houston’s hit song, they’re definitely not dry eyed by now.” The 2 women nodded in agreement.
“I agree with the guys. I grew up listening to this song. And to hear your voice do this song, not only did you just sing it. You felt it. And when a singer feels a song, it makes it that much more powerful.” Nicole added.  I nodded and replied to her.
“Agreed Nicole. This song……it really spoke out to me when I first heard it. And…..during a really, really rough time in my life. It—got me through so much.” I spoke through my choked tears. Knowing the judges could sense that I was crying underneath the mask, they all awed at me as Nick rubbed my back.
“Lioness even getting emotional up here. Panel, any guesses as to who she might be?”
“All I can say and have been saying is that this is a true, professional performer. And just that belt alone showed us what you’ve got. A true fire within you. Now I know that I’ve said the Rock Angel a couple of rounds but just this week alone hearing the voice, I wanna say this is Christina Aguilera.” Jenny said.
“But wouldn’t it be risky for her to do her own song?” Robin asked.
“She could’ve disguised her tone in order to sing it. But that recognizable control of the belt has to be her.” Jenny reasoned with him.
“I don’t think so Jenny. Cause in the clue package she says she’s a grandmother and Christina ain’t no grandmother yet. I’m still gonna say this is the Rock Angel.” Nicole said.
“Alright well, another heartfelt performance. Give it up one last time for the Lioness.” I waved to the audience and blew kisses at them before exiting the stage.
By the end of the round (and finding out the identity of the infamous Cluedle-Doo being none other than Jenny’s husband Donnie Wahlberg) it was time to see just who was gonna get eliminated and find out who was going into the finals.  I stood there with my hands in a prayer as I mouthed out a prayer before Nick finally said the contestant going home.
“The Black Swan!” oh no!  She’s actually been my favorite singer in our group.  Hell she and I were the only ladies representing Group B and now it was up to me.  “So congrats to the Piglet, Chameleon and Lioness, we will see you three in the finals.” I walked up towards Black Swan and gave her a hug and she hugged me back. “Aww look at that, Lioness giving Black Swan a hug. Seems we’ve got a friendship up here.”
I patted the side of her face before bopping her beak and finally left behind Chameleon.  Well it was up to me now, could I secure another female winner for the Masked Singer? Or be runner up? Only fate and the superfans will determine that.
*?????? POV*
I was reading the paper as per my morning routine.  Nothing new except this whole COVID talk and false expectations on the vaccine delivery. The world really has gone to shit hasn’t it these past few years?  That’s when I got a ding on my phone from my daughter Laura.  I unlocked it and read her text with a link to a video.
Dad, is this who I think it is?
I think I might’ve heard of this show. Yeah it started off in America and after it’s popularity, various of other countries began it.  Here in the UK we just completed season 2, so this must be the American version.  I’ll admit the costume on the thumbnail looked beautiful and the detail was astounding.
I clicked on the video and it read THE MASKED SINGER S.5 SEMI-FINALS LIONESS.
The lights were dimmed and the second she opened her mouth to sing, my heart skipped a beat and I went frozen in my chair. Quick as I could I turned on our smart TV and opened up the YOUTUBE app on the TV and impatiently waited for it to open up.
“My love?” Veronica’s voice spoke as she came down.
“I’m fine dear!” I told her as the app finally uploaded.  I went over to the mic icon and pressed down on it and spoke into the remote. “The Lioness Masked singer.”
Soon enough various videos popped up and soon the video that Laura sent me was the first option.  I clicked on it and of course bloody ads had to come up. “Oh for god’s sake!”  I sat down on my chair as the video finally played and I could hear the rest of the song.
“Reflection” by Christina Aguilera.  This version was the recently updated one for the live action remake but just hearing this voice alone I knew only one person who could sing like that.
It had been decades since we last saw one another, shortly after 9-11 to be exact.  But even though I’m no longer involved with the music business anymore, I’d always ask Brian or Rog to keep an eye on her and tell me everything about her.
And now seeing her perform as this Lioness creature for such a show, they didn’t know just how lucky they were to be in her presence.  As the song got more powerful, I could feel these old bones of mine feeling warm and secure, tears filled my eyes and at that last belt, goosebumps came all over my body and a shiver ran up my spine.
There was a slight tremble in her voice as she ended the song.  I knew it was because she was crying underneath that mask but as always she holds out strong and finished the song as beautiful as ever.
The audience roared with applause bringing back some memories of when she went on tour with us.  Only her and one other person could get a crowd to sound just like that.
“She’s gotten stronger with her vocals.” My wife’s voice spoke from behind me.
“She was taught by the best. And she now coaches the best.” Ronnie took her place by my side, placing her hand on top of mine.
“You really should give her a ring sometime. I’m sure she’d love to hear from you.” I turned away from her.  “You can’t have the boys and me be your messengers forever. I know for a fact she’d be happy to hear your voice again.” I sighed deeply. “At least think about it my love.”
“I will.” I placed my hand on top of hers and gave her a light peck on the cheek.
“Are there any more performances of her on this show? Luke says she’s been all over the media being the Lioness.”
“Well that was the Semi-finals performance, let’s see if someone collab all of her performances together.” I went back to the search box and soon found about a half hours’ worth of (Y/n)’s performances. I clicked play and soon her 1st performance came up.
Seeing her dance reminded me of our times on the dance floor back in the day.  She was the only person able to keep up with my crazy dance moves, and that’s why she was always the perfect dance partner.  Even Ronnie agreed to that statement.
“That girl never changes. She’s still got it even after all these years.” Ronnie smiled.
“That she does love, that she does.” God she has grown so much since the last time we parted.  Her voice much more mature and able to do things she never did before. And some of the stuff that she’s doing on this show is bonkers.
Never did I think I’d see her on a makeshift wrecking ball or be lifted high above the stage on a swing with silk ropes dangling down from it.
I hope she takes the gold and win this little show of hers because she rightfully deserves it.
It is time.  Do or die now.  It was me vs. Piglet vs. Chameleon.  After performing a beautiful, angelic performance with last season’s winner LeAnn Rimes, the finals were finally ready to start.
After a couple months of going from 14 down to 3, it all came down to this moment right here, to determine who was gonna be this season’s Masked Singer champion.  Chameleon went first and then I was going to be next.  Chameleon had stuck to his rapping but I could hear more singing out of him this time around and he actually had a pretty good voice.
“Up next. She’s been putting us through a roller coaster of emotions. From hard rock to ballad. Here is the last performance and your last chance to guess at who is beneath, the Lioness.”
I was walking through a tunnel slowly.  One foot in front of the other.
“Being on the Masked Singer has really been a lot of fun. When I first came on here, never did I think I was gonna make it this far.” The screen would show highlights of all my previous performances along with some additional clues.
Like a familiar band logo at the corner and season 3’s champion Night Angel’s wings. And the year 1981.
“This song was written by a very dear friend of mine. A friend that was taken from us far too soon. But it’s through this song that win or lose, I’ll always take with me till the day I die. Because no matter what, we will always make it through the tough times, especially with what we’re going through now with the Pandemic.”
The stage was dark except for a few lights as the familiar tune of Freddie’s last song he ever performed in the studio came on. I was having brief flashbacks of that day in the studio seeing him record this very song but I had to get my mind right as I sung the first verse.
Once the chorus kicked in, fire exploded from behind the stage as my rock and roll band came back on once more.  The stage was mine to command one last time as I walked across it for the chorus, giving it my all, just like Freddie did.
By the time the bridge came on, my voice was starting to tremble but I kept my emotions under control till the end of the song.  When I got around towards the end of the song, I would hold out a few of the notes till I finally belted out the last note much like Freddie did on the record.
And I swear it was like I could hear him singing alongside me, guiding me to hold the note out longer.
Empty spaces, what are we living for? Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on Does anybody know what we are looking for? Another hero, another mindless crime Behind the curtain, in the pantomime Hold the line Does anybody want to take it anymore?
The show must go on The show must go on, yeah Inside my heart is breaking My makeup may be flaking But my smile, still, stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies Fairy tales of yesterday, grow but never die I can fly, my friends
The show must go on
Yeah, yeah! The show must go on
Oh yeah! Yeah! I'll face it with a grin I'm never giving in On with the show
I'll top the bill I'll overkill I have to find the will to carry on. On with the show. Show. The show must go on.
As the song ended, fireworks fell down from the roof and fire and smoke exploded from the side of the stage as I panted heavily with my arms extended outward.  With the last struck of the drums and guitar, I punched my fist into the air.
I sent a quick kiss to the Heavens as the audience went insane.  I saw all five judges on their feet applauding me.
“The Rock and roll Lioness showin us that the Show must always go on.” Nick praised.
“I swear each and every performance you do, it just gets better and better! You could just be this season’s winner.” Jenny told me.  I clenched my hands and did a victory gesture with them, I could only hope I’d win but it’s not up to me.
“I would agree. She just keeps escalating and escalating her performances and I’m just in awe whether it’s her rocking out or pulling our heartstrings with her raw voice.” Nicole said.  Even last year’s winner LeAnne said.
“Hearing this voice alone makes me feel like I’m looking at a champion singer here.” I placed my hand over my heart in thanks.
The judges then proceeded to do some more guesses, Robin and Nicole were saying that I was the Rock Angel while Jenny was saying that I could be Christina Aguilera and of course Dr. Ken (out of the blue) decided that I was Beyonce.
“So tell us Lioness, what would it mean to you to win this competition?” Nick asked me.
“Well Nick, winning would mean that I’ve given my fans a whole new side of me that they’ve never seen before. But even if I don’t win, I still had a blast being here.”
“We were happy to have you here. Give it up one more time for the Lioness everybody!” I waved to the audience and walked backstage.
“This whole experience has been a wild ride. But I had a lot of fun, win or lose.” I told the camera with the Men in Black behind me.
The Piglet then did his song, “Faithfully” by Journey and man did he kill it.  He definitely pulled my heartstrings with that performance.  So it could be a close race between him and I, or there could be a game changer and Chameleon could take the trophy as the first rapper to sing solely Rap/Hip-hop songs.
“Tonight was a star-worthy performance, but as we know only one can take home the Masked Singer trophy. Now it’s up to our judges and Superfans at home to vote for your favorite now.” I stood between Chameleon and Piglet with my hands together in a prayer.  “The votes are in. The contestant with the least amount of votes and in 3rd place is…….”
There was suspense in the air as I felt my foot shake just waiting for Nick to say which one of us got in 3rd place according to the votes of the judges as well as America.
“The Chameleon!” the audience gaped in shock. “That means Piglet and Lioness you both are safe and can head backstage before we call you both back out to crown a winner. Let’s make some noise for the Chameleon everybody!” I walked up to the Chameleon and extended my hand and we shook hands before I walked with Piglet at my tail as we both waited backstage.
About 10 minutes later, we were told to come back onto the stage to finally crown a winner of Season 5 of the Masked Singer. Piglet and I stood on opposite sides of Nick as he held in his hand, the envelope with the Winner’s name.
“Welcome back to the Masked Singer.  It is now time to crown our new Season’s champion. Piglet, or Lioness. Which one of you will be taking the golden masked trophy home? The votes are in by the judges and the super fans. And the winner is……..” I could see Piglet’s legs shaking as he has made them every time throughout this entire season, while I was rubbing my hands together nervously.
Nick opened the envelope before proclaiming into his microphone.
“THE PIGLET!!” confetti soon exploded covering both me and Piglet up with strings of blue and silver confetti.  Piglet stood there shocked while I clapped for him. He deserved the win, he did a great performance and a great song to close out this season with.  He took the golden mask trophy and danced with it as Nick said.  “Congrats again Piglet you are this season’s champion. Which means you can stand over there in the championship booth till it’s time to unmask you.”
Before Piglet left, I walked up to him and patted his shoulder before giving him a hug and he hugged me back.
“Aww Lioness is being all cuddly with our contestants here.” Piglet and I shook hands with each other for a good competition while I went back to my spot to be unmasked once and for all.  “Lioness you’ve wowed us week after week and as sad as we are to see you go, I think I speak for everybody here, we cannot wait to see who you are!”
The judges all agreed as well as the audience.
“But first, let’s bring out the first Impression guesses. Men in Black! Bring ‘em out!” I could already see the judges pleading for them to not to.  “Yeah it’s been like—months since you guys wrote these down.”
“Can we please not do this Nick?” pleaded Jenny.
“Too late. And the first guess is from…..Nicole.”
“Oh god.”
“You guessed……Christina Aguilera. Not a bad guess.”
“Yeah that really isn’t a bad guess. However I’m not gonna stick with that. Based off the clue package of LGBTQ, and growing up in a domestic abusive home, plus the recent clue package with the symbol of the band Queen’s logo and the Rock n Roll hall of fame right beside that. I’m gonna go with the Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline.”
“Okay. Okay. Let’s see who else we’ve got here……Robin!”
“Oh no.”
“You guessed……Pink.”
“Oh that’s not too bad.” He shrugged.
“You stickin with it?”
“I am not gonna stick with that. Like Nicole I did see the Queen logo in this week’s clue package and just going off by the voice alone. I re-listened to some old records and this is clearly the Rock Angel herself.”
“Alright 2 votes for the Rock Angel. Mrs. Jenny McCarthy.” Jenny sunk down in her chair as Nick grabbed her envelope and opened it up. “Your first impression of the Lioness was……also Pink.”
“Oh thank god I thought I had pulled a Ken guess.” She wiped her hand across her forehead as Ken exclaimed.
“Ken sit down! Are you sticking with that guess.”
“No. The number code we were give, the 149121. Which I’ve coded as her tattoo for the date of Nov. 24th, 1991, the date when Freddie Mercury sadly passed away from complications from AIDS. And seeing how she talks about her family, her kids, her papa Lion. I’m going for (Y/n) Kline the Rock Angel!”
“Alright, alright, alright. Dr. Ken……” oh this outta be interesting to see who he thought I was at the first performance.  He opened Ken’s envelope and laughed.
“What? What did he write!?”
“Janet Jackson!” oh my god! That even got me weak in my knees as I laughed.
“With those dance moves I thought it could be her! No one could’ve done that dance better than she could! DON’T LAUGH AT ME!!”
“Are you sticking with that guess?”
“No because the clue package doesn’t support it. Okay so we’ve had LGBTQ, domestic abuse. She’s a family woman with 4 kids and apparently 2 grandkids. Although I think the grandkids is a lie. She went through some tough times throughout her personal life. This is none other than Lady Gaga! Welcome to the Masked Singer!”
“What?!” Nicole exclaimed.  “But she’s not a mom!”
“Well then she could be lying about the kids then too all I know is that the rest of my brilliant theories lead to Lady gaga!” I shook my head and placed my hands over my mask shaking my head in defeat. “See! She’s even admitting I’m right!”
“No she’s not she’s just done with how ridiculous your guess is.” Nick said.
“Well I don’t care. This is Lady Gaga and I’ll take it to my grave!”
“Alright. Ms. LeAnne. As our guest panelist you have the last say in who you think this might be.”
“First of all let me just say you are a super star whoever you are under there. If we had competed against each other last year, I would’ve been quaking in my boots.” We all laughed. “This is truly a rock legend under here with the few rare female rockstars that came with the time. And I actually got the privilege to see her perform with the band Queen one year for a birthday party. And there’s only one person that I’ve seen on stage that can sing with as much fire as you Lioness. And that is the Rock Angel herself.”
“Okay Panel. Everyone except for Ken Jong has agreed on their final guesses. Lioness! It is time for the moment we’ve all been waiting for. We wanna know—whose behind the mask. It is time for you to Take it off!”
“Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!” everyone soon started chanting.  I held my arms out in a shrug before shrugging my shoulders and finally reaching for my mask and tried to lift it off.  Nick was helping me as the audience and the judges kept chanting.  I could tell I was keeping them in suspense, just wait until they see it’s really me.
Finally the mask came off.
I shook my head and pulled my hair out of my face and the crowd went nuts, the judges all jumped up and cheered.
“OH MY GOD!!” I heard some of the judges exclaim.
“Look how beautiful she is!” Nicole praised me. I waved to the audience and gave them a “Freddie Mercury” like bow with a twirl of my hand.
“Hello LA!” I said.
“Angel! Angel! Angel! Angel!” I heard the crowd chanting out.
“Wow it is such an honor and a privilege to be standing here next to a true Rockstar.”
“It’s an honor to be here Nick. Thank you all for having me here.” I told him.
“Tell us why did you choose to be in this show?”
“I know this answer gets told a lot but for me personally I speak from the hard truth that we should all strive to do different things cause—you never know which days are gonna be your last.” I hinted my potential death scare almost 20 years ago.  The judges all nodded in understandment.
“And I’m told that you also wanted to say something about this performance in particular?”
“Yes. The song I had done wasn’t originally my choice.” The audience as well as the judges all looked at me in surprise. “Originally the Producers wanted me to do a Katy Perry song, but……this coming November will mark the 30th anniversary of the day my boys and I lost our beloved Freddie. And…….being there the day he recorded this song in only one take. I felt in my soul that I had to do this for him. To give him a grand performance because due to this covid Queen and I aren’t touring till we feel it’s safe to start touring again, like many artists are. So I really wanted to honor Freddie with a performance that I hope did him proud.”
“Well you did just that.” Jenny told me.
“Thank you. And I’m glad you managed to catch that Jenny, you truly are the Masked Singer detective.” She pointed out to me and that’s when last season’s winner LeAnne said.
“I grew up listening, to both you and Queen. And—I can say for a fact that you definitely did Freddie Mercury proud. And it’s good that you and the remaining members of Queen continue his legacy. Sure it’s not the same as it was before but you don’t refer to him just in the past. But in the present.”
“Thank you LeAnne dear.” I thanked her as I blew her a quick kiss.
“I just gotta say (Y/n). You absolutely crushed the choreography with Janet’s song for your first performance as well as your wrecking ball routine. I think those were my favorite performances of yours, will we expect any of that once you start your solo tours back up?” Nicole asked me.  I laughed along with the audience.
“You never know.”
“Well it has truly been an honor to have you on our show. Now then ladies and gentlemen, to sing for us one last time give it up. For the artist formerly known as the Lioness, the Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline!” the audience applauded and I sung “The Show must go on” one final time for the audience.  Putting my heart and soul into the lyrics before finally belting out that last note in a different key before punching my fist into the air and sending a kiss towards the heavens for Freddie.
After the show all ended and a few days passed by, I did a livestream on my Instagram as well as my Youtube page telling my fans that I was indeed the Lioness and just talking about my experience on the show. Of course Bri, Rog and Adam blew up my phone with calls/texts/DM’s (mostly Adam. Bri and Rog still don’t quite get DM’s) telling me why I lied and did that show in the first place.
I gave them my straight answer that I wanted to have a bit of fun and do some type of performance and show the audience a whole new side of me when it came to performing.
I was just about to go to bed after bidding Georgie goodnight (he had to work a late nightshift tonight) when my phone rang. I picked it up to see it was an unknown number from London.  Curiously, I pressed the answer button and said.
‘Sister dear.’ My heart stopped and I sat down on the bed.
“Brother mine?” I choked out.
‘Hey love. It’s uhh—been awhile, hadn’t it?’
“Try 20 years yah rotter.” I teased as we both softly chuckled. “What—how…..”
‘Laura sent me a video of you on the Masked Singer. The American one. You were beautiful up there.’ I placed my hand over my heart. ‘Although I do wish you had won. That—boy band person couldn’t hold a candle to you.’
“Oi now, Nick Lachey did just as well as I did.” I softly lectured him.
‘Well I still feel like you should’ve won.’ I smiled solemnly.
“Was it just because of the Masked Singer that you wanted to call me?”
‘That and…..’ he trailed off.  I lay against my bed and softly spoke to him.
‘I…….’ he sighed heavily. ‘I know I haven’t been the best at keeping contact.’
“John.” For the first time since……probably back when I was an intern for Miami all the way back in the autumn of 1980, I called him by his first name (unless I referred to him him by his full name did I call him John, most of the time it was Deacy).  “I get it. Plus my schedule has been quite hectic. And you—you’ve been busy yourself. After all Queen would’ve fallen decades ago without your financial brain.” We both shared another laugh.
From then one we talked pretty much the entire night up until it was almost 6am my time before we finally said our goodbyes. It was sweet to hear from him once again after so long.  Now whether or not I’ll ever hear from him again, I don’t know.
But at least I know my Brother Mine is still keeping his eye out for me, in one way or another.
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blush-and-books · 3 years
high school au, pining, confession, car
i got two requests for this!!! so i hope it’s up to the hype. i always get carried away with hs aus. thank you anon!! ps. the song mentioned is chasing fire by lauv. a banger indeed. 
It was Luke’s automatic duty -- like breathing, or walking -- to drive Julie home after a gig. 
She was a new driver who was still uneasy about driving at night, and Alex would always end the night with Willie while Reggie and Flynn were always eager to delay their exit and have some more fun for a couple more hours. So when Luke got tired, and Julie and him found themselves hugging the walls of the venue or breathing heavily from a tiring set; it was customary for her to curl into the passenger seat while he pulled out of the alleyway or driveway.
It was also an excuse to spend 20 minutes alone with the beautiful girl, even if she would be half asleep sometimes when they drove home together. 
Once in awhile, she would sneak him inside and let him stay over. (But they weren’t dating or anything, obviously, because dating within the band was terrifying.)
((Only because Luke knew that Julie held his love for music in her hands. And he didn’t know what would happen if he gave her the rest of him, too.))
Tonight, they had just played a party thrown by Julie’s friend Carrie Wilson, who happened to be the cousin of their ex-rhythm guitarist -- but a gig was a gig, and a lot of their classmates were going to be there, so it was a deal they were quick to take. 
Following a six-song set and a lot of dancing, Luke felt a yawn crawling up his throat. Julie was standing off to his side, with her arm wrapped around his as if she were worried he was going to suddenly join the party and abandon her against the wall. 
But he would never. In fact, he only moved closer to her and leaned his head on top of hers that was resting against his shoulder. When she offers her bottle of water, he gladly wraps his hand around her wrist to lift the bottle to his lips and hydrate. 
“You wanna head out, Rockstar?”
Without even trying to yell over the music, she nods against his shoulder. 
Warmth filling his chest, he winds his arm around her shoulders and leads her into the entryway where the coat closet lies. Slipping on both of their coats, he is sure to wave at Reggie and Alex as he slips open the front door and holds it open for Julie; signalling their exit. 
Luke ignores the knowing grins he receives from his beloved bandmates, and slips his jean jacket over Julie’s thin sweatshirt after catching her hands rapidly rubbing up and down her arms to generate heat. 
“No, Luke, keep your jacket. It’s freezing out here.”
“I’m hot-blooded. You’re right, it’s cold, so you definitely need this.”
Pouting, she tightens the wrap of the jacket around her. “You should just let me suffer the consequences of my mistakes.”
Jumping in front of her, he opens the passenger door as if it is a ritual between the two of them. “That won’t happen if I can help it.”
Julie just rolls her eyes -- she truly, painfully, has no idea how honest he is being. 
Luke can tell she’s tired, so he does what he normally does and waits for her to start any conversation because he doesn’t want to push her. Soft music, Chasing Fire, plays through the speakers off of Julie’s playlist, and the lyrics seriously make Luke grip the steering wheel tight. 
I was driving you home in the middle of the night, but I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye
What if he did that tonight? What if he just… Sat in the car, and told her he loved her, and waited to see how she would react?
It would be so stupid. But luckily, stupid is Luke’s middle name. 
“I love these drives,” Julie hums into the cold air, contrasting with Lauv’s voice. Her words fog up the window that she is resting her head against. “It’s so nice. Quiet, and dark, and just the two of us.”
Wow, she’s definitely exhausted. Sometimes Julie gets a little loopy and sentimental when she’s tired, but shit -- Luke’s heart pumps against his ribcage with a ferocity that can only be caused by Julie Molina. 
So, since it’s late, he’ll play her game. 
“Why do you think I always jump at the chance to drive you home?” Beat. “I just like spending time with you.”
God, does she really not know? Does she really not see it? 
Has he been letting her feel unloved all this time?
“I thought it was obvious, Jules,” he tries to smirk but it really just is a wince. “You’re like my favorite person.”
The girl in the passenger seat stays quiet, knees tucked into her chest despite the seatbelt because the seat has practically molded to her body at this point. She belongs there, next to him. 
“You’re mine,” he hears her sigh. It’s so quiet and is almost completely muffled by the sound of a passing semi truck, but he listens and he hears it. 
It shouldn’t be what puts him over the edge. 
But it is.
“You know I love you, right?” 
Finally, her head lulls to her left so that she can face him. If he was able to look at her longer, he would see her eyes shining as if she was about to cry -- but he has to keep his eyes on the road. “I love you too, Luke. You know that.”
“No, it’s-” His knuckles bleach around the wheel. “I’m in love with you.”
Again, more silence. Luke doesn’t chance glancing at her through his peripherals because he doesn’t want to see her disgust. 
He wishes so desperately that he could be looking at her, as focused on her as he is when they are on stage or at school or not in a car where their lives are in his hands. The quiet sinks into his stomach like a lead balloon, and he has just convinced himself that he’s ruined everything as he rounds the corner into her neighborhood, when-
“You’re in love with me? Actually?”
Luke scoffs. What kind of question is that? “It’s kind of hard not to be, Julie.”
The car rolls up in front of her house. He parks and turns the key in the ignition to turn it off, wondering if Julie is going to take the chance to run. 
She doesn’t. 
The second that he shifts to face her, he catches her face practically glowing -- she’s teary-eyed, but she’s smiling, and suddenly she is leaning across the center console and pressing her lips agsainst his with her soft hands on either side of his face. 
“I love you, too. But like, the way you mean it.”
It’s his turn to be shocked. “Really?”
God, her smile makes him want to kiss her senseless; but she beats him to the punch. He wants to push for more, but the chaste kiss she gives him before responding will have to do-
“It’s kind of hard not to, Patterson.”
Alex, Reggie, and probably even his parents would beg to differ. 
But none of them matter, because Julie is in front of him, and she loves him like he loves her. 
When she invites to sneak him inside as she has done many nights in the past, she holds his hand this time around -- and he eventually does get to fulfill his wish as soon as they reach her bedroom.
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cloudshapedpatch · 3 years
take my money (take my heart, too)
the awkward julie & luke sugar daddy/baby au no one asked for
rated teen and up for swearing and semi-mature themes such as the concept of a sugar daddy/baby arrangement
no smut! insane tooth-rotting fluff tho
slow burn juke
and disaster lesbians flarrie side plot and (eventual) willex
also a coffee shop au because i said so
read on ao3 (chapter 1 and tag list below the cut)
* * * *
Julie is nervous. No, nervous is an understatement. Her knees bounce uncontrollably under the table, shaky fingers twirling the straw in her iced coffee. And the knot in her stomach seems to grow ever tighter.
She pulls out her phone to check the time for the third time this minute. How is it still 10:57 am? Just as she is about to put her phone back in her pocket, it buzzes with an incoming text from her best friend/roommate, Flynn.
Flynn: calm down
Julie smiles despite herself, turning around to look at her friend a few tables away. Thank goodness for her friend, willing to throw away a morning to make sure she is safe and comfortable on her blind date. She shoots Flynn a small smile. Flynn, to their credit, is taking their job very seriously, wearing an absurdly large sunhat and sunglasses, sipping on a mug of hot tea with a decoy book under her nose.
Julie turns to anxiously watch the baristas, moving around the small space with ease, mixing drinks hot and cold alike. Twirling around each other without even looking. And she lets her mind wander.
How had she gotten here? Waiting for a man whom she had never spoken to, let alone seen? And she isn’t counting their text messaging. Not really. Not even if they had been talking for weeks. Not even if they regularly stayed up well into the night just to keep talking to the other. Not even if he had her blushing furiously, toes curling from giddiness and hiding under her sheets, smiling at the flirtatious speech bubbles on her phone for longer than she’d like to admit.
Because that doesn’t count. She has never heard his voice. She has never seen what he looked like. Anyone could be a charmer, and she is undoubtedly nervous about who she might find walking through the door and towards her.
How had she gotten here? It is a simple question, and one she has the answer to. Doesn’t mean she likes it. She had made an offhand comment to Flynn at work one day. Julie is sick of working 12 hour days in the cafe (not this one. she would be dumb to meet a stranger in her workplace) and barely scraping by. She had joked she needed someone to fund her shopping sprees.
Flynn had suggested a sugar daddy.
Julie wants to bang her head on the table. Past Julie is an idiot. And now Present Julie is going to pay the price.
Why had she let Flynn convince her to download that dumb app?
(Because she has a virtually useless college degree, bills to pay, and school loans creeping up on her and she is cutting back every month. Living in L.A. isn’t cheap.
And, if she really lets herself think about it, Julie is lonely.)
She checks her phone again, pleased to find it is finally 11 am. He should be here any minute. Luke should be here any minute.
Is it a red flag that he had only been willing to share his first name? Should it have concerned her that he didn’t have a profile picture on his online dating account? Is she dumb for letting him change the subject every time she asked about his job? Solid ‘maybe’s to all of those, but! After they had started talking, they had instantly clicked. He loves music almost as much as she did, maybe even more. They bonded over that, and many other things.
This is fine.
She straightens her posture, glancing down at her dress to make sure all is in order. It’s baby blue with golden sunflowers all over, and she had slipped a cropped denim jacket on top, the one with patches of all her favorite bands. She fusses with the loose curls hanging by her face, her hair pulled into a half bun at the top of her head, leaving a clear view of her sunflower earrings. It’s the perfect outfit to be noticed in, she had told him she’d be wearing blue and sunflowers, certainly he wouldn’t miss her.
Whenever he decided to show up.
Wait. he would show up, wouldn’t he?
Of course he would.
Before she can get too far down that rabbit hole, the chime above the door is jingling, and Julie has to fight hard not to turn and see who it is. The anticipation crawls up her spine and settles in her neck, jaw tingling.
A man comes in, approaching the counter with confidence in his step. One barista takes one look at him and gapes like a fish, turning to a coworker to nonchalantly point at him. Both girls look at each other and quietly squeal, letting one of the male cashiers help him.
Must be attractive, she thinks, and she isn’t disappointed by what she can see from the back. His sleeves are short, showing off his muscular arms and he’s tall. She’s always liked tall men.
Supposedly handsome stranger orders his drink and waits at the counter for it. One of the girls hands it to him with a gleeful smile. He accepts, then says something to her before the girl’s smile falters and points right at Julie.
Wait, she’s pointing at Julie?
Definitely handsome stranger follows her finger and lands on Julie, eyes scanning up and down her body (at least, what he can see from above the table), his face instantly lighting up in the most gorgeous smile she’s ever seen.
And then he’s turning back to say thank you and then making his way towards her and oh no what what what--
Because this isn’t her date. It can’t be, right? But Luke Patterson is stepping up to her booth, sliding into the seat across from her.
“Hey, you’re Julie, right?” His voice, sweet and thick as honey, and Julie would know that voice anywhere.
“Luke Patterson? You… you didn’t say--” She cuts herself off before she can say something foolish.
Because there is no way in hell she’d unknowingly put up her sugar baby services to Luke fucking Patterson. Not rockstar Luke Patterson. Not lead guitarist and singer and songwriter for her favorite band, Sunset Curve. Not literally in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Luke Patterson.
“Yeah, about that… I am really sorry about not telling you. It’s just not something I like mentioning to everyone I meet, you know?”
She’s having a hard time processing what he’s saying. He’s so close. Why is he leaning on the table like that? Why is he so close?
“Yeah! Yeah, totally. That’s understandable.” She laughs nervously, taking a sip of her coffee to avoid speaking any further.
“This… this is okay, right? You’re not mad?”
“Mad?” This clears her mind a bit. She takes in the way his hands fiddle with the rings on his fingers, his shoulders raised, and while his smile is easygoing, his eyes say otherwise. Why would she be mad?
She expresses this to him, and he just looks at his hands.
“Well, because I wasn’t completely truthful with you. And I totally understand if you want to walk away.”
“No!” She says before she can filter herself. His eyebrows raise in amusement. “I mean, it’s fine! I was just… surprised, that’s all.”
And surprised is correct. Luke Patterson is the same Luke she’s been talking to for the last three weeks, the very same one who’s been making her laugh and who’d almost made her miss work last week because they had texted about everything and nothing until the sun came up.
He seems to like her answer. His smile never leaves his face.
“You seemed to recognize me. You a fan of Sunset Curve’s?”
And maybe it’s the way his cocky smile burns her cheeks, or just the fact that he’s talking to her. Panic sets in and she lies.
“Never heard of Sunset Swerve.”
“You knew my name.”
“You know it’s a household name, right?”
“Your jacket says otherwise.”
And shit. She had forgotten about the Sunset Curve patch right over her heart. In fact, it was the first patch she had put on the jacket. But he doesn’t need to know that.
“Fine. You caught me. I’m a Curver. Happy?”
And though she’s teasing, he couldn’t seem to be happier. Seriously, she’s worried his dopey grin is gonna break his face. Then an ugly, ugly thought rears its head in her mind.
“Wait. You let me gush about Sunset Curve so many times and you didn’t say anything?” Her sentence ends in a laugh.
“Oh, Julie, I wanted to so bad. You have no idea!”
Julie finds herself not really registering the second half of his sentence. She had missed it, the first time he said her name due to being starstruck, and her face warms a bit when she recalls just how good her name had sounded when he said it. Like a splash of cool water on a hot day. Like sap dripping fresh from a tree, glinting in the sunlight.
“Then why didn’t you?”
He sobers a bit at this, though his eyes still hold the same fire as before. “Well, I didn’t really want to go around announcing that. Can you imagine how many matches I’d get if I put that little tidbit in my bio?”
Julie laughs at this, the absurdity of it hitting her. Of course. He’d want someone who’d like him for him, not for his status, or name, or fame or money.
Oh. Shit. She was literally here for his money.
“For sure! Must’ve been hard.”
“Oh, not really. I matched with you on day one and deleted the app once we exchanged phone numbers.”
“Really?” Julie felt a little guilty for still having the app on her phone now, even after she was pretty sure Luke was a good match. There was still the possibility that mystery man was a total creep. If she’d have known who he was, on the other hand…
“Totally! I’ll be honest, my bandmates put me up to this, but once we started talking I just knew I had to meet you.”
Julie’s mind still feels a bit foggy, like she was dreaming. A fantastic dream, might she add.
“I’ve been really excited to meet you too. My best friend also convinced me to get the app. She’s actually over there.” Julie smiled, nudging her head over towards her friend, where they were certainly trying their best to eavesdrop.
“Brought a plus one, I see?” Luke chuckled, giving Flynn a wave. Flynn hid her already shielded eyes from view with her book.
“Hey, you gotta remember I was meeting someone whom I had never seen before, and the fact that I didn’t know your last name was not helping.”
Luke’s smile turned bashful again. “Ah. She’s backup.”
“Yep! But I think they’re good to go.” Julie whipped out her phone and sent Flynn a quick message, relieving her of her duties.
“You sure? I might kidnap you.”
“I’d let you kidnap me.”
Oh god. She so did not say that.
He seemed to think it was funny. At least she was amusing. At her own expense, maybe, but amusing nonetheless.
Amusing to Luke Patterson.
If she doesn’t stop saying his last name, she’ll go insane. This is just the dorky guy she’s been talking to. The one she’ll hopefully get to talk to tomorrow.
Despite the rocky start, Julie would say it was a successful date. Coffee turned into lunch at a nearby bistro, and he walked Julie to her car a few blocks away. She didn’t get to her apartment until after 4 o’clock, and Flynn was waiting with two glasses of wine in their shared living room. Julie is eager to spill all the details, and Flynn is the perfect listener, oohing and ahhing at all the right moments.
As Julie crawls into bed after her eventful day, her phone dings on her nightstand.
PayPal: Luke Patterson sent you $500.00  “I had a great time today :) hope to see you again soon!”
Well. If she had calmed down any, this just undid all of her efforts. A wave of guilt floods over her. The concept of a sugar daddy sort of seemed too outlandish to really fathom. But now she feels awful taking his money.
She’s really doing this, isn’t she?
Julie: you really didn’t have to
Luke: but i wanted to
Luke: it’s ok tho right?
Julie: i guess it’s fine, it’s just a lot of money
Luke: i realise how conceited this is going to sound but its no sweat off my back. just think of it as a gift
Gifts. She could live with that.
* * * *
taglist! @ladyblanche :)
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daesungfmd · 4 years
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playlist 1.
seven songs describing different stages of daesung’s life so far.
lights, up we go  /  2008  ―  2012.
here, in a familiar place. we got our heads down and we pretend it’s ‘cause the night is dark and running out of space for us to run around, but it’s a dead end and money’s tight. it’s been a long time of this  ―  something has got to give. everyone here is ready to go, it’s been a hard year with nothing to show. from down this road, it’s only on we go. everyone here is ready to go, it’s been a hard year and i only know from down this low, it’s only up we go.
2008 is the earliest year of daesung’s life that he vividly remembers. before 2008, his life definitely had downsides, but he didn’t have much that he could rightfully complain about; at the end of even the hardest day, things were still… good. but 2008 brought more hardships than daesung was equipped to handle  &  saw his relationship with his mother deteriorating. they were both struggling, but instead of coming together to support each other, they frequently lashed out and simply made things worse. in the three years that followed, daesung became better at supporting his mother, but he rarely felt supported in return  ―  internally bitter with the idea that he was having to act as a parent, but in reality, she was so caught up in keeping their family afloat that she often fell short on the emotional side. they were also beginning to struggle financially (which only got worse and worse over the months, with his mom falling far enough behind that it didn’t seem like she’d ever catch up), which added a feeling of helplessness to the loneliness that daesung was (poorly) dealing with. generally a bad time all around, but they both continued to pretend that they weren’t struggling so no one around them would pity them, even though they definitely could’ve used some assistance. this was around the time that daesung became extremely ambitious (surprisingly). set high goals in his personal life, his school life  &  for his future career because……. life can not suck like this forever!!! it’s gotta be up from here, right?
john the ghost, red house  /  2008  —  present.
if you’re not everything, you’re nothing ‘til you try to be. nobody needs saving, just a little bit of empathy. you can’t save the ones you love, but who would really want to? who would really want to?
i touched on daesung’s relationship with his mom in the explanation for the previous track, but it goes a lot deeper than a few sentences could ever explain. before 2008, she was outwardly happy and very, very loving — after 2008, she hardly seemed like the same woman. she and daesung endured the same pain, but neither of them coped healthily. neither got counseling, either, so they often took their sadness and pain out on each other in the form of harsh words and accusations. more often than not, they were fighting. the only time they got along was when they were in daesung’s mom’s salon, and even then, they still argued quite a lot, just with softer voices. after the first year, they started to build back the relationship they’d had prior to 2008, but it was a slow process and often involved daesung taking blame for things that (usually) weren’t his fault & having to calm his mom down when she got too angry or sad. things never did fully go back to how they once were and even now, twelve years later, daesung’s still bitter over how things turned out. how he so often had to take on responsibility that he was too young to deserve and how she failed to emotionally support him like he supported her. he realizes that having to provide financial support took almost all of her energy, but still — it doesn’t change the fact that he felt like he was lacking parental love at that time and even feels like he’s still lacking it now. if you get them alone, a fight is almost always sure to occur, even if it’s a passive one that only ends with secretly hurt feelings rather than outwardly hurt ones. they both acknowledge the other’s suffering, but they’re both too clumsy and ashamed to apologize for the past twelve years or even give reminders that they love each other. most of their meetings are confined to her salon; a semi-public place where they can be semi-vulnerable without necessarily viewing it as a bad thing. they spend a lot of time together there, but rarely have conversations of substance and, as a result, they’ve both begun to feel a lot like strangers rather than family.
jimmy eat world, 555  /  2012   —   2014.
i keep my focus on the simple things, trying to find some peace along the way. i wish i knew how long i’m supposed to wait. holding on, but just barely. got the feeling i’ve been talking to a dead, dead line. there’s always a reason to let it change. is there anyone there listening while you cry, cry, cry? there’s always a reason for the pain. i’m doing the things that i’m told every day, every day, every day. then why does it feel like i’m moving in place?
training, in daesung’s opinion, simply sucked. he went into training completely blind, considering he didn’t even fully realize what he was auditioning for — just that it may or may not lead to him being a musician. the competitiveness was what hit him the hardest. he’s not a particularly competitive person, so he was more interested in making friends and having a good time (😔), but he didn’t encounter a whole lot of people who were as nonchalant as he was. he struggled to adjust to the trainee life and harsh criticism from trainers/supervisors hit him hard, being some of the first real criticism he’d ever received. he spent his two years as a trainee feeling really lonely, but he didn’t have anyone outside of the company that he could reasonably turn to — his lack of time meant that most of his friendships had vanished and he cut off all contact with his mom during this time, as well, so he couldn’t turn to her. he tried very hard to stay focused and optimistic, but his strength was wavering. especially because he frequently got scolded for doing things that he didn’t even realize he wasn’t supposed to do. felt like he was getting pushed around by life & the people around him, even though half of that was undoubtedly just self-pity amplified by his loneliness.
blackbear, i feel bad  /  2014  —  2016.
you’re so good at making me feel bad, at making me feel terrible about myself, good. you’re so good at making others hurt with only just your words, with only just your words and i feel bad. i don’t feel good.
daesung has a heart made of glass  &  his tendency to take things personal was a whole lot stronger when he was seventeen. sure, he was supposed to be the ~funny guy~, but constantly being the subject of jokes took a huge toll on his mental health in the beginning. he felt like no one acknowledged the fact that he’s an actual human being with actual feelings and, consequentially, felt like he wasn’t good for much aside from evoking laughter, even at his own expense. it didn’t help that inpulses hadn’t gotten the chance to know him on a more substantial level yet, so they, too, chose to make him into a joke. most comments or interactions at fansigns were ~playful teasing~ but enough ~playful teasing~ loses its humor, as he learned firsthand. eventually, he mastered the art of either initiating the jokes about himself so that they didn’t catch him off guard or swiftly changing the subject to something equally funny but not confidence-crushing. by 2016, he’d matured enough that he realized that’s just variety, baby! sometimes you gotta suck it up and get made fun of a little. learned to laugh at himself  &  fire back — nowadays, it’s virtually impossible to hurt his feelings with a joke and fans know him well enough to know that he’s more than just a jester.
glass animals, dreamland  /  2015  —  present.
you’ve had too much of the digital love, you want everything live, you want things you can touch. make it feel like a movie you saw in your youth, make it feel like that song that just unopened you. 
less than a year after debuting, daesung had already become bored of idol life. of course, it’s not like the industry itself is boring — it’s an eventful life with seemingly never-ending work hours, but all in all, it lacks the enthusiasm, color and realism that daesung has always, always craved. as a child and teenager, he already knew how big the world was beyond his own day to day life. half the reason he wanted to be a rockstar wasn’t because of his passion for rock music itself, but because of how rock ‘n’ roll is portrayed in the media. you can think whatever you want, but to daesung, their lively and borderline reckless lives appealed to him like nothing else ever had. to live like that — throwing caution to the wind, living for yourself and having fun was something he couldn’t fathom, but he wanted to experience it so bad. skip a few years in the future and he is a musician, but not the kind he wants to be. and nowhere near as free as he’d dreamt of being. his first complaint was backtracks on music shows; thoughts of how rock musicians would be called posers if they dared to perform without… well, actually performing. his second complaint was how strict the rules were. he learned to accept that there are extreme differences between idols and “real musicians” (as daesung himself would put it), but he still isn’t happy about it. you could say that he feels like his life is lacking something and possibly always will be lacking that something, but he tries to live as freely as he can while still avoiding ~controversies~.
grayscale, diamond  /  2016  ―  2018.
i know it took some time, but i got my footing right. feeling, i’m feeling so good tonight. can’t stop me from dancing, can’t keep me from blooming. welcome to my, welcome to my — this world is my diamond. 
as a public figure, it took some time before daesung was able to earn widespread approval. it’s not like he’s ever done anything controversial, it’s just that the rumors of him bring arrogant from next: origin story stuck around for a hot minute  &  his loud, impossible to ignore persona after debuting rubbed some folks the wrong way. by 2016, he’d managed to escape the negative opinions almost entirely and was able to ignore any lingering hate comments with ease. although he’s always had a happy and energetic demeanor publicly, any long-term fans could confirm in a heartbeat that he was the happiest from 2016 to 2018. during these two years, daesung felt like he was conquering the world — in retrospect, maybe this is really just the time when fame had him feeling the most invincible. but by 2019, there were other things factoring into his overall outlook, including his strong desire to break into acting versus gold star’s refusal to let him do so. he’s still pretty happy and grateful for where he’s at in life, but the elevated sense of self was left in 2018.
waterparks, lowkey as hell  /  2016  ―  present.
if you need me now, i’ll be there somehow. i’ll pick you up, we can ride. i’ll fly away like i bought my own airline, i’ll take you with me, we can ride. i’m highkey and lowkey as hell your diva, just wanna see ya. i’m highkey and lowkey as hell your sweetheart, don’t wanna be apart.
as a result from reading far too many hate comments about himself from next: origin story and promoting with songs that really, really embarrassed daesung, it took him a hot minute to fully adjust to idol life. he wasn’t sure what people thought of him (and as much as he tries to come off like he doesn’t care what people think, he definitely does), so he tried to shrink his presence as much as he possibly could. if for no other reason, then to at least get rid of the general public’s idea that he was arrogant. but by 2016, impulse had started making music that only slightly embarrassed daesung  &  he became more comfortable with the amount of attention that was on him. moreover, he become more comfortable with the love that his fans so readily gave him. he wanted to give them just as much of himself, even though the expected distance between idols and their fans made it hard to do so. since 2016, he’s been walking along a thin line more often than not, trying to get as close to his fans as he possibly can without ~breaking the illusion~ as his managers have so elegantly put it, even though daesung will argue that he’s not a magic trick and there shouldn’t be an illusion to begin with. he loves inpulses very, very dearly and constantly dishes out reminders in any way he can. he wants to be his best self for them  ―  not because that’s part of his job, but because he genuinely cares about who they are beyond a view count and nameless comments. their love and support is what keeps his spirits up and he wants to give them the same strength, no matter what. (aka daesung will never understand why he has to play a character instead of jus bein able to ACTUALLY be there for his fans)
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Pictured with You (vi.)
A/n: I wrote and rewrote this because it wasn't good enough. It's short and still not that great, actually. Also, in sorry for the ending
Summary: idk what Shawn and y/n expected to happen when they end up in his room together after a night out.
Warnings: it's like maybe 5% smut, also angst but like what else is new (and it might only be angsty to me tbh)
Word count: 2k
My legs are draped over his on the bed while we laugh about absolutely nothing. It's clear we're both still trying to sober up, but we've also come a long way from how gone we were at the bar. He's playing with my fingers while we talk and I can't help but lean into him, resting my head against his shoulder.
"Tired?" He asks and I only grunt in response, my eyes already fluttering shut.
"I should go back to my room." I whisper, afraid of breaking the comfortable silence.
"Stay," Shawn pleads.
"Come on, rockstar. You know I can't."
"You can have whichever side of the bed you want. Just… please stay?"
I wish it took more convincing, I really did. But I mutter out an okay and now we're under his covers and even though he gave me the choice of either side, I make my way to where he lays, cuddling into him, my head on his chest. His hand is combing gently through my hair, lulling me deeper and deeper into sleep. But then his hand strays from my head and I feel the ghost of his fingertips playing with and pushing at the hem of my shirt. And then they graze my skin, the warmth of his hand causing me to shudder at the contrast between his core temperature and mine. He's not doing it to get anything, though. I know because his movements are lazy, there's no underlying intentions, he's simply just doing it because he can. And I don't stop him because it feels good, his rough, calloused skin against my smooth hip.
"You keep doing that and I just might kiss you," I mutter into his chest, toying with his necklace.
"Then I guess I'll keep going," he says, amused. I hum as his whole hand slips under my shirt, rubbing gently over my tummy, his pinky slipping into my belly button and back out with a small laugh eliciting both of our mouths. I sit up, my hand resting on his chest.
"Shawn," I stop. I know I should tell him no. Because I know this shouldn't happen. That it'll change everything for us and I don't want that. But my want - my need - for the intimate contact overpowers my better judgement and before I give myself the chance to second guess myself, I lean in and I kiss him for the third time tonight. And it somehow feels even better now, when we're both just here, completely vulnerable in front of each other. There's no one watching us this time, betting on how far we'll go.
It's soft, my hand still holding its place on his chest, but both of his cradle my face, deepening the kiss. And before I know it, I'm on top of him, my lips trailing down his jaw and neck. "Is this a bad idea?" I ask when our lips connect again.
"This," he takes in a sharp breath when I pull on his bottom lip with my teeth. "This is the best idea we've ever had."
I wake up around 6:30, the sun still hidden by the night for another few minutes. My clothes is strewn across the room in messy piles. My bra near the chair by the window, leggings beside the bed, my shirt is god knows where, but that doesn't totally matter because Shawn's is adorning my body right now (and it seems to be the only thing on me besides his heavy arm.)
I struggle a little to get out from under his grasp, but manage to do so with only a small fight to keep him asleep. A couple protests leave his parted lips, but he stays asleep, soft snores following his words. I let out a deep breath and search the still semi dark room for my abandoned clothes. My head pounds as I try to slip on my bra, and I almost topple over when I pull up one leg to shimmy into my panties. I'm as quiet as I possibly can be as I pull my phone and room key from the bedside table. I'm about to just leave the room without a second thought, but I stop short and turn back to the beautiful boy's sleeping figure.
Shawn's on his stomach, arm outstretched as if my body were still under it, face turned to the side I was occupying. I press the softest kiss to his temple and murmur, "It was fun, rockstar," before taking my stuff and exiting the room.
I lean against the door once it's latched shut and sink to the ground. "Jesus, fuck," I mumble into my knees. I had sex. But I didn't just have sex. I had sex with Shawn! My friend! My employer! I feel gross, like I ran a few miles in the sticky, humid air. My hair is matted to my forehead and neck, and I just overall feel dirty. So I somehow manage to pull myself off the ground and into the restroom. The rush of the water hitting the porcelain tub echoes through the brightly lit room and while I wait for it to warm, I strip to nothing. I dare myself to look in the mirror, even for just a second and when I do, I'm nearly thrown back by my reflection.
My face is flushed, but that's no doubt from how I was laying in his bed. But my hair, it definitely looks out of place, like it was being pulling one minute and caressed the next - which I was. My eyes travel further down, noticing the ungodly amount of hickies that coat my body - on my neck and shoulders, around my breasts, an entire line of bite marks trail down my stomach, and just when I think that's all of them, I see the ones on the insides of my thighs and my face is red for a whole different reason.
The memory of last night comes in a little fuzzy, and I may not remember everything, but I do remember this:
He works so well with his fingers. They start by tracing delicate patterns on my chest and down my stomach, but when they get to where they're most wanted - most needed - they become a little less gentle. They leave me arching my back as they curl inside me and I have to bite my tongue to keep from crying out. But it's not just his hands that are making me feel things I never have before.
His tongue. Oh my heavens, his tongue is magic. Shawn starts slow, cautious, still giving me time to tell him no. But I would never. And after a few minutes of agonizingly slow kitten licks, he becomes bolder, licking and sucking and inching his fingers in and out of me at an ungodly, borderline pornographic pace, causing equally as erotic moans to leave both our mouths. And I know I shouldn't look down, but I do it anyway and what a sight that is. I swear I could come undone just by looking at him. He's laser focused on pleasing me, his mouth and fingers working nonstop all while he holds my body down with just one hand, and stares up at me with those dark, lust filled eyes.
The Shawn I've always known is gone and replaced by this hungry, ravenous man who lays between my legs. But in the midst of our drawn out moans I hear, "You're just so fucking pretty like this," and I know he's still here. But those words are also enough to send me over the edge. I'm yanking on his perfect curls as he helps me ride out my high. He pulls away with a final lick and I whimper at the lost contact. He's smug though, a smirk transforming his face as he moves off the bed.
"Where are you going?" I ask, still breathless.
He chuckles, pulling something out of his bag. "Can never be too careful, mea vita." He comes back, condom between his fingers and I sit up, tugging at his boxers before he can get back on the bed.
I sigh and let the still warm water pound against my aching muscles. Last night was… it was everything I ever thought it would be and more. But it can't happen again. Not on tour, not back home. It was a mistake. But if I could go back in time, I know I'd make it over and over again.
I'm just finishing off my makeup when there's a knock on my door. I pray it's not Shawn, but when I see who is behind the door, I take it back.
"Connor, what do you want?"
He holds up his phone, a white flag lighting up his screen. "I'm calling a truce." He shrugs with a lopsided smile, "I miss my best friend."
I can't help but smile at his proclamation. "Okay," I pull him into my room, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I miss you too." I say as the door slams shut.
"So," he plops himself down on my still made bed. "Can we talk about last night?"
I cringe, "you came in here with a truce. Don't go back on your bullshit."
I just want to know that you're being careful. Okay? With the way things were escalating with you and Shawn at the bar, you can't expect me not to be a little curious."
"Con, please."
"That was one hell of a kiss you two had. And god knows what happened in that bathroom, and I don't- I don't want to know any details. It's just that, if something did happen, I want you to feel okay enough to tell me."
I claw at his shoulders while he continues to push his way into me, hitting somehow deeper with each thrust. I'm breathless as I let out moan after moan into his sweaty skin. "You feel so good," he swallows an oncoming moan from my throat when his tongue slips effortlessly into my mouth.
I sigh, "nothing happened," I lie, brushing out my tangled hair.
He didn't say anything for a long time, but I know he was processing it. He didn't believe me. "Okay," he mutters finally. "Can we go down for breakfast?"
I hum out an affirmation. "I just need to get my shoes."
Everyone's already downstairs, except for one. Shawn. And by the constant buzzing of my phone, I can guess why he's not with us all now. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and see the four texts that light up my screen.
Y/n where'd you go???
Why aren't you answering your phone?!
Can we talk over breakfast pls?
"Everything okay?" Connor asks from across the table and I startle at the sound of his voice, not having realized that he was watching me.
"Yeah, no. Everything's fine. It's just Mom checking in. Guess I haven't been good at keeping her up to date with my whereabouts." I shove my phone in my back pocket, ignore the new wave of messages. If he really needed to talk, he'd come find me.
When he does finally come down, it's clear he isn't too thrilled, and I wish I could bring myself to go talk to him. Tell him that even though last night was perfect, being tangled in the sheets with him, it couldn't happen again. I don't get the chance though. Because not even two minutes later we're being ushered outside to the two waiting vans.
The crew is piling in, squeezing into seats, to head to yet another talk show performance, and Shawn visibly frowns when he sees I've taken my seat near the window. The seat next to me would be his on any other day, but today's it's taken by Connor.
We manage to get a few blocks from the hotel before my phone buzzes in my pocket again. I sigh and pull it out, reading the text over and over again.
Why are you avoiding me?
I'm not confident enough in my answer, so I tuck my phone away without a response.
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @anamariel2301 @turtoix @tomshufflepuff @ivegotparticulartaste @dino-16-avocado @sleepybesson
PWY tags: @lifeoftheparty74 @alinaxxshawn @rosesfromcth @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @5-seconds-of-mendes @shawnwyr @sweetheartmendes @strangerliaa @xoxohannahlee
I hope you enjoyed!!
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taltos-seidmadr · 5 years
I was tagged in a “Answer questions, tag people” thing by @apocalypticglitter so now I must oblige my civic duty! Thank you for tagging me!
Answer 17 questions (+1 because 18 is my favourite number) and tag 17 people (if you can)
Nickname: Sithi Sun sign: Sagittarius Height: I’m like... Three stacked cans of whoop ass. In a trench coat huge sweater. Hogwarts House: the valid one aka. Hufflepuff (Don’t @ me) Last thing I googled: BULL FROGS?! This is @mkingamess ‘s fault. I was curious how big they really are Favourite musicians: UHHHMM this is a super hard question for me to answer tbh cause my taste in music fluctuates daily. I will give a shoutout to some musicians/albums that I can think off the top of my head and imo don’t get enough recognition:
If you are into industrial metal/EDM type of shit, Hatari is really fucking lit. Some may know them from the Eurovision already. I just accidentally stumbled into them via the Discover Weekly on Spotify like half a year before the competition
The Magic Got Killed by Too Tangled - literally the two most attractive voices in the world, listening to this always makes me feel painfully bisexual
The self titled and only album of Fear and the Nervous System is is a curious experience. I have literally never heard anyone in my life sing with as much harrowing intensity and passion as this singer, to the point that I don’t even know if I would call it singing anymore... but it does work and fold into the instrumentals very well, creating a rather unique mood. Genuine “Let me wallow in my depression for an hour before I move on” kind of music. It might click with you, might not. But I do think it’s very underrated. 
Pagans in this corner of tumblr I think would enjoy the shit out of Faun, they got many good songs but my absolute fave is Egil’s Saga
Song stuck in my head: 
Probably best young scrolls track to date. Spits more fire than the Red Mountain, yo. 
Following: around 300 Followers: just passed 1k(?! That’s a lot?! Should I do like, a giveaway or something) 🤔 Amount of sleep: What a weird question... I slept about 7 hours last night. Lucky number(s): 3, 7, 8, 18 Dream job(s): illegal back-alley cyberpunk prosthetics designer/repairman (dont have the qualifications or the technology but one can dream) bog body that starry-eyed semi-feral singers write songs about (possibly attainable?) village cryptid (probably already achieved the status but unfortunately not getting paid for it) artist (I’m doing this one, so hooray!)  Wearing: I’m in my sleepwear already lol. It’s a pair of wide comfy black pants, and a big moss green shirt with a geometric pattern (there used to be gold and silver paint on it but that unfortunately faded out, now it’s just black).  Favourite songs: My answer is same as above really... Idk harrass me in my askbox maybe I will recommend you some songs.  Instruments played: I could play a little guitar at a time, but I’ve forgotten most of it.
Hey, this is only 15! I will add 3 more:
Something that I’m not good at but thoroughly enjoy: Videogames, hands down. My motoric skills and reaction times are less than desirable, lol. Nevertheless I’m a huge gamer and I just love to immerse myself in imaginary worlds. My favourite Halloween costume ever: I once recreated this dress from scratch with a fairly acceptable degree of accuracy My favourite myth of the god(s) I worship (if doesn’t apply, your favourite folk tale): I fear this is going to be an unoriginal answer, but seriously... could anything top Thrymskvidha?
Fun facts:
When I was born, I almost died.
In spite of my entire family being devout Christians, I remember believing in some form of reincarnation at such an early age that I had no business knowing what the word reincarnation even means. I was in fact very convinced at a time that I’m either one of my great-grandparents on my mother’s side, or from the generation before that. (Now that my religion is what it is, honestly I don’t really know if this is true or not. But I thought this back then for some reason.)
I’m left handed.
Before moving to Germany, I sang in choirs my entire life, some of which were fairly professional level, I guess? We would go to international competitions and stuff. 
I don’t know if this was a weird coincidence or the spirit world itself shifted reality around me to protect me, but I somehow never heard the Frozen theme song in its entirety. In my life. Not one time. Not even when it was on the radio non-stop. If I managed to catch it somewhere, it was always when it was just about to end. 
I used to want to be a professional animator, but when I grew up and researched about the profession more, it didn’t seem like it was worth the hassle. Regardless I’m still obsessed with animation, I watch cartoons all the time and I would like to teach myself how to animate even if just on an amateur level. 
I have no idea how to tie a shoe with only one bunny ear. I was taught the two bunny ears method and that’s all I’ve ever known.
Some things that I associate with Loki that have absolutely nothing to do with the lore or anything include snow, a very specific shade of blue, roses, cherry (but only the scent or flavor, not the fruit) and various forms of iridescence.
Like probably all kids who are into metal, I also dreamed of becoming a rockstar a little bit, but more interestingly, in my fantasy I was going to be blindfolded on stage and I thought that would be my schtick as a performer, for some reason. Of course the cloth would have to be sheer in order for me to be able to see just enough to orient myself on stage. It’s somehow both hilarious and bone-chilling to look back on now, that another and actually kind of obvious solution to the orientation issue never occurred to me on my own
The green shirt mentioned above is the only green piece of clothing I own.
I don’t believe in astrology. :/ (Sorry...?) 
When I was a kid, I entered a nationwide contest to write a faux folk tale and my tale made it to the semifinals. 
The only “what is your favourite” type of question I can give a straightforward answer to is what my favourite book is. It’s The Neverending Story by Michael Ende (who would have thought!)
I knew I was nonbinary my entire life, but I only learned that there is a word for it when I was 25.
Besides my native Hungarian, English, and a little German that I speak, I also learned Japanese and Norwegian (in highschool and during university, respectively) both for 3 years each, and I was on roughly B1 (low intermediate) level in them at my best. I don’t remember much of Japanese, and I only understand a little Norwegian when it’s in front of me to read, but once German is no longer the priority, I would like to relearn them at least a little bit. 
One of my completely useless talents is that if we talk to each other and I have a drink in my hand, I will somehow supernaturally detect it from your brainwaves when you are about to tell a funny joke and will attempt to drink just beforehand. This has happened so often that I can now suppress the instinctive urge to try to swallow the drink halfway wrong and choke on it. If you were planning to assassinate me this way, it would not work.
The reason why 18 is my favourite number is because my life seems to be entwined with it in a weird, almost supernatural way. For example an unnaturally large number of things that are important to me (including my birth) happened on the 18th of a month. 
Since there is no Halloween party I’m going to this year, I don’t have a specific costume but I will definitely take my make up kit regardless and go absolutely feral with it just to be in the Halloween spirit a little bit. 
Whew man... it was really tough to come up with 18. I’m more boring than i thought.
I tag:
@mkingamess @ragnarokfox @forest--walker @quietdedication @spellbookofthelostandfound @ast-heljar @cloudy-skyes @d-em-t @suilebhride @edderkopper
Anyone who wants to fill this out can consider themselves tagged as well. Tag my name in it too so I can read it. 
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actuallymason-blog · 6 years
i walk in circles  | selfpara
WHO: Mason, mentions of other people. WHAT: Mason could think himself to death. WHERE: Mason’s apartment. WHEN: Wednesday, December 20th; mid afternoon. WARNINGS: Nah. WRITER’S NOTE: this is a lot of introspective naval-gazing/character-study-ing; i’ve been bored and away from the internet and i wanted to write sth. pls 4give me and the length.
Mason had always been good at things.
Or, to put it another way, he’d never been bad at anything. He wished he was. He wished the stupid McCarthy talent didn’t seep into pretty much area of his life - he knew that made him sound like an insufferable egomaniac, but he was pretty sure that was just part of his genetic code, like the cheekbones or the eyelashes or the hair. He’d learned to work around it, the same way he’d learned to work around his immediate, incessant desire for praise and attention, how his mind couldn’t stay dedicated to one thought for longer than it took to think it, how his bones ached for music like his lungs ached for breath. He’d learned to work around it, his talent, but he wished he didn’t have to.
He wished he was bad at things, because if he was, he’d be able to know what, of the things he was good at, he actually liked. He liked being good at things; he liked being able to figure most things out quicker than other people. He liked the surprise that followed, the adjustment of a person’s view of him. He liked a lot of things, but...
But Mason was listless. He was lying on the floor of his apartment, his beautiful apartment he was already itching to redecorate or rearrange, in spite of having spent the entire last Saturday morning shoving his couch against the far wall and redoing the wiring for his speaker set-up to more-clearly reach all corners of his domicile, his beautiful apartment that he knew, he knew he didn’t deserve. He was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, a pet against each side of him. He’d been staying still for so long that Casper’s steady purring had soothed into the even breathing of sleep, but Mercury was watching him with her silver-blue eyes, the ones that had earned her name. She gave a little wag of her tail when he tilted his head to look at her.
He was listless. He went to work, he cooked his heart out, he made delicious food for hungry patrons, he hung out with his crew, he went home, he listened to music, he ate noodles out of the tupperware he’d stored them in, he watched the crappy early-morning TV that he couldn’t get away from no matter how he tried, and he went to bed. He was bored.
When he was bored, he picked up a new hobby, for however long it took him to get bored of it. Cooking was all the things he told people it was - therapeutic, comforting, focusing - but it was also just the hobby he’d been able to stick with for the longest. How he survived culinary school was still something of a mystery to him, and he’d been there - nobody had been more surprised than he was to find he’d actually met the requirements for graduation.
He turned his head to look at his apartment - or, as it could also be called, the Mason McCarthy Museum of Momentary Manias. There was evidence of his fleeting obsessions everywhere, from the easel shoved in his closet to the weight set rolled under his bookshelf to the bookshelf itself, which Mason had made during a brief flirtation with woodworking. He felt an odd mix of pride and shame when he really thought about it - so many things he could be great at, so many things he had gotten bored or tired of, so many things he either wasn’t good enough at or wasn’t able to reach the full potential he knew he had with. So many things that, viewed through a certain lens, were failures.
So he tried not to really think about it.
Mason sighed and looked back up at the ceiling. He needed to do...something. He felt like he was waiting, like he was stuck or being held back in some way, although it absolutely wasn’t true - he knew, had known for the longest time, that the only person who had any power to keep him or put him anywhere was he himself. He’d made it that way on purpose; the only person with power over himself was himself, and that was the way he liked it.
But it also meant that when he was in trouble or unhappy, it was unquestioningly his fault. And it was. He loved working at Rockstar; he loved the family dinners, he loved that people looked up to him, he loved that he was inching closer to either a promotion or a transfer with every long night, every overeager volunteering for extra shifts, every suggestion to the menu or seating arrangement - he was getting closer.
Closer to what, he didn’t know. He liked doing it - he found satisfaction there, he felt like he did something, and it hit a lot of his mental criteria for a job he could do that wouldn’t crush his soul. A good job, and a ‘good’ job, according to his own particular brand of ethics. He just didn’t know if he loved it, in the bone-deep, soul-rich, heart-bursting way he’d always thought he’d love his work.
Maybe it wasn’t required to love his work, at least no more than he did, which admittedly was no small amount--maybe he could fill his life with other things, and not just his hobbies, not just things that felt like work or required a skill to be functional at.
He slid his phone out of his pocket and thumbed through the contacts--it was due for a purge, now that he looked at it; the one- or two-night stands that had ended amicably enough for Mason to hang onto them in a ‘if we’re ever bored’ way whom he hadn’t seen in ages; the exes he still sometimes wanted to text when he was feeling uninhibited; the various New York City People that Mason kept a healthy rolodex of--Mason firmly believed it wasn’t the star-studded that made things happen, but the underlings, the invisibles, the ones that nobody thanked but made the world keep turning. He loved those people, and he loved them extra hard because hardly anyone else did. So he made a point to keep a pool of them on hand and a healthy stack of favors ready to be exchanged, just in case.
Just in case of what?
Mason sighed and let his phone plunk to his chest. He kept himself busy--he kept himself moving, on purpose, because when he held still, this happened. He got introspective and dissatisfied. He was happy, he told himself, or he was supposed to be, so what the heck was he doing lying here on the floor like the world was ending?
The voice sounded suspiciously like his sister’s, and he wrinkled his nose at it. But thinking that way, thinking of his sister and thinking of what was, truly, missing in his life, reminded him of the letter he’d gotten; his first official not toward the person the government had decided would be subjected to life with Mason forever and ever, amen, or not--Mason felt a stab of pity for them, for getting stuck with his dysfunctional goofy number, when they were maybe hoping for the honest to goodness love of their life.
He’d given up on that a long, long time ago. He’d trained himself away from the idea of a love so big and bright it burned all the dark away and warmed even the coldest parts of him - smaller, more sure, less important loves were the way to go. He’d made himself into something useful to other people, while somehow also managing to nearly erase himself from the equation - it was just easier that way, he’d learned. To not get his own feelings involved, because when he did things immediately, irrevocably went south. He didn’t mind, being what he was for people, but sometimes...
Sometimes, it was hard not to want more. It was hard to not want someone lying on the floor next to him, not talking, just thinking the same thoughts - or different thoughts, a million miles away, but physically there.
But people weren’t physically there, not when you needed them. People were unreliable and flighty and easily distracted - Mason himself was the prime example. People would fail to live up to any expectations, it was in their genetic code, so Mason didn’t have any.
Except for himself.
He didn’t expect much from other people, but he expected a lot from himself. He couldn’t not. He had too much ego that he couldn’t get rid of without spiraling (again) into a pit of self-loathing so deep and so wide he didn’t know how he’d climbed out of it to begin with. He was too good, at too many things, to let himself skate. He had to be amazing at the things he was amazing at, the things he did, all of them, or what was the point? Too many people either counted him out or thought they knew better--he was the only one whose expectations or himself mattered. He’d told himself that so long ago, for good reason; he got too tripped up in other people...then again, he got tripped up in himself, too, so...
Mason closed his eyes and breathed. Lying here and chasing himself in circles wasn’t doing anything but making himself miserable. He was too tired to go back to work; he wasn’t even sure his boss would let him.
But he couldn’t just stay there. He had to go. He had to do something, before his mind and his heart got in a fistfight and left him battered.
This was why he didn’t stay still long. He’d heard Madison describe it to a now ex-girlfriend once--that Mason vibrated at a higher frequency than most people. When he slowed down, he didn’t work as well.
So he stood up, grabbed Mercury’s leash from where he’d tossed it haphazardly over the couch, and clipped it to her collar. She’d sat up and was now half-jumping against him, like she was still too sleepy and warm from where she’d been nestled against his body but still wanted him to know she was excited.
Going outside would help. The bracing, biting New York winter would wake him up, shake him out of this introspective, retrospective, boarding-on-regretful thought exercise.
If he had something that made his soul light on fire, maybe he wouldn’t be lying on his floor quite so often.
If he was bad at something, at least he could count that out for sure - at least being bad was more definitive than being passably good at anything he really tried at. If he was bad at something, maybe people would see him for him instead of his collection of random, semi-useful, semi-impressive skills.
If he was bad at more than just making himself happy, maybe it would balance out and he’d have a chance at all the rest. Maybe then he could figure out how to make other people happy, too, for longer than it took for them to eat his food or lie on his bed.
The wind whipped into him and Mercury tugged him on ahead, and Mason pushed away every maybe - this was what he had, and it was so much more than most--he should be happy. He was happy. He was, he was, he was.
He was.
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feastingwhispers · 7 years
bully au.
Greg is fifteen. Sheila is twelve; got moved three grades up because its a Rockstar game, who tf cares about 100% realism?
When they first met, he literally looked down on her and told her she wasn’t suppose to be there. This is how Sheila’s grudge against him began.
Naturally they saw each other as competition. Greg really did not like the idea of a twelve year old being more intelligent than him. And Sheila didn’t like Greg for being the smartest one. If the teachers are going to favor anyone, it’s gonna be her.
Though Sheila’s a technical part of the nerd clique, they like...don’t want her there. Because for one, they’re (stereotypical) boy nerds. and two, they’re (white) boy nerds. Her whole presence makes them feel weird. She forces herself to be apart of their space.
On that note, Greg doesn’t like everybody in the nerd clique either because he thinks he’s too good for them. He only likes like...two-three members maximum. Sometimes he’s with them? But often he likes to do his own side thing?? Plus like. When it comes to their Grottos & Gremlins game they made a character for him called ‘swarthy’ with ambiguous features. And Greg felt it was p racist. Anti-Semitic or anti-Cuban??? he’s unsure. but he’s not forgetting that bs. 
Sheila and Greg start getting along over their mutual dislike of the Nerd Clique. Sheila tried to come to their Grotto & Gremlin game, and the boys didn’t know how to make like...a black-female character’s origin story without it including slavery. so she got mad, godmodded, and got kicked out. Greg followed behind her after voicing his complaints at the boys.
But basically, Sheila was sulking in the library and Greg tried doing whatever could make her happy. Took her to Rhoda’s diner in town. Then Sheila started crushing on him hardcore. Like!! He’s so smart and reasonable and tall! and she already thought his glasses were cute, so.  however at fifteen, Greg’s already at that age where he’s about to have a emotional breakdown and doesn’t even like real girls like that because he’s focused on himself. And Sheila looks like she’s ten so, he ignores her feelings. He knows its weird. and has definitely given her a awkward talk like, ‘you’re very pretty sheila, but you don’t need to be focused on boys. plus i’m practically a adult. ur gonna forget about me when you’re older.’ but yeah. she always wants to hang out with him. always wants to be paired with him in projects because they can put their intelligence together. and in secrecy she’s written down their age gap in her notebook like ‘when i was born he was three. when i am twelve he is fifteen. when i am thirty he is thirty-three.’ and that looks satisfying enough. she also gets very upset when it looks like blue-eyed, blonde-haired girls are liking him. but to be honest??? she doesn’t even like Greg’s nerdy male friends like that, either. though that’s from a pre-existing grudge. Its like...Sheila’s crush is obvious, but she coats it with plenty of; ‘ur not as smart as i thought!!’ / ‘u suck at this!’ taunts that even feel weak and way too playful to be taken with a ounce of seriousness.
anyway they go on troublesome adventures in town together w/ her leading the way and talk about how they want to be Preps, too. like...she’s influenced him to be mischievous when it comes to their Prep harassment. 
By the time Sheila’s fifteen and he’s eighteen? He’s about to graduate and she’s obviously upset about it because she figures ‘he won’t have time for her.’ however, she starts fooling around with boys and eventually dates a semi-Preppy Jock. So it ain’t that bad for her in the long run. Because this Sheila grows up well, she becomes a social worker for inner city kids. And is apart of a job readiness program in which she educates them. Greg may be a anchorman still...? Probably still is given his mindset on working? Regardless, they’re going to cross paths and he’s mind blown at how attractive she is and she doesn’t even hesitate touching him ‘platonically’ and laughing;
‘You know I had the biggest crush on you!!’
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smoothiemakers2 · 7 years
Email marketing Guide for Beginners
Social Media Marketing Guide for Beginners
brand equity Societal Media Marketing is a method of gaining attention and also web traffic through typically the social media sites. Throughout this process, usually creative articles to reach the world by means of publicity coming through a third-party respected resource needs to be designed for people to discuss the content with their curiosity with others as well as any vicious chain that could create business cover and head out beyond the market target audience expected. Every online marketing expert needs to have the purpose, a product, a services and a trigger for you to promote through the great as well as overwhelming World Large Web. If you actually possess those things characterized in your mind, in that case congratulations! That could always be probably the hardest aspect of entering into often the web 2 . 0 challenge, and from now on, every single energy will contribute to reach those goals efficiently along with flawlessly until you put your feet on the Interpersonal Media Guru standing. impact of social media marketing on brand equity The actual Social Media world is definitely wide and more comprehensive than ever. It is a very strategic technological platform this reaches different ethnics, ages, religion, sexes, areas, hobbies and such, therefore the item helps it be the perfect auto to reach as well as concentrate on the right audience and also achieve total success. The whole planet won't care about online video games, for instance , but merely the people that will video clip games is part of their very own interests. If a person target males audience having ads great for heels upon sale, maybe a few of them would go and buy some sort of pair or maybe 2 with regard to their wives, nevertheless the pair or 2 is simply not exactly the kind involving impact you would like to have. Consequently, you consider certain class ages and also certain some other factors that trigger a few services and products, movies and also news to move "viral" Initial, we want to know the essential social media sites Facebook Holding considerably more than nine hundred million customers, if you're by now the Facebook user it might certainly not be really new to help a person, but there usually are lots of features really worth mentioning. You can make a devoted business web site and work together directly, along with free, together with your customers publishing free pics, products and also videos of the services you intend to give or the solution you are trying to will sell. That way, you are able to build a data base of folks that will share your current posts to their friends along with therefore create the actual in no way ending chain. Most regarding these social communities have easily mobile incorporation so folks whether it is a transportable PC, a desktop, product or mobile phone receive usually connected with mass media in a way this you should take advantage involving. People log in to Facebook, in any circumstance, although commuting, in often the park, in your own home, at classes, at work. Subsequently if you're there, promoting your online business to get it to be exhibited within the news feeds, and you would be there, regularly doing the imagination strategy game to the point that people will find something attractive and also worth checking out according to all their interests. Many big companies similar to Starbucks, Microsoft, Apple company, Rockstar, Pepsi etc. are accomplishing the same, and it operates perfectly! Blogs Personal blogs are the way for people to communicate within a semi-professional approach when it comes to good quality of content. Level of quality content is actually the essential to a good producing and therefore, a fine blogging. There are many blogger CMS (content operations service) everywhere you can get the one you have up and running with regard to free in less than a few minutes, some of these kind of are Blogger, Wp along with probably the most user friendly one, Tumblr. 1 of the tricks this is knowing your audience, your current market, who you are usually targeting and you need to accomplish with that will. Now this has to accomplish with some SEO or even Search Engine Optimization know-how, which is put simply, employing the right keywords for you to rank as high because possible in the search serp i. e. Google, Msn. It has to become related to you and at the same time frame, you have to create sure you utilize a key word search program to look at the competition and number of search this given keyword has. The lowest the actual competition and highest range of searches it gets in a month, the more convenient for you. If anyone were to advertise your own web site holding a provider of technical support chat, an individual would have to make the keywords very specific and so people that are shopping for your services would certainly find you first. It truly is, for example technical help support for Windows, then you'll have to include specific words, as going a bit more straight to the place. Since the levels of competition might be really high and also Windows technical support is a wide content, a person would focus along with get further the specific providers your product offers, for that reason adding additional keywords to go straight to the place would be the almost all successful way to complete it so you would rank higher in a search engine and people would locate your personal product easily. Coming from "Technical Support Chat" in order to "Technical Support Chat for Microsoft windows 7 and XP" you can see how we are generally narrowing the very idea of the assistance you provide making it more specific, thorough in addition to then competition of support for mobile operating programs, cellphones, Mac, iPhone, House windows Sagacidad, Windows 8 and also such, are usually left behind and those sites offering the services you're not related to is just not acquire your chances to end up being found for folks that are merely looking for conversation support for Windows 8 and XP. Once grasped the keyword concept you could proceed and create information over a blog that might be easy to get over a search engine simply by including the correct labels. Then we have the particular Social Media integration once again inside the blog space. Presently there are many alternatives to be able to share the content regarding your blog. Many Information Manager Providers like Tumblr have the social media marketing links to share and just like or dislike. You want to try to find the possibilities to enable them (in the rare case they may not be enabled by default) and so every post of yours would have the control keys regarding share on Tweeter, Google+, Facebook etc. and also Reblog within the writing a blog network you are affiliated to be able to. With excellent quality and eye catching content material anyone are encouraging people in order to reveal your stories with additional media sites like the people mentioned earlier mentioned plus you revealing these people and there you may have excellent chances to reach a new wider audience. Twitter An instant growing, very popular interpersonal media website. With over 340, 000, 000 tweets a day as well as about 140, 00, 000 users worldwide, this software is actually pretty appealing to organization as well as companies as well as for celebrities, music artists and bands, actors, everybody! A twitter is a message regarding one hundred and forty characters maximum that one may write and also post and followers may read and discover any time in their news nourishes. Talk about it, socialize straight and start brand-new conversations is amongst the things that make this platform incredibly successful. The way many people follow Believe Kardashian as well as read in addition to talk regarding everything she twitter updates with a day, the exact same way they can complete with advertising and promoting campaigns regarding brands and products in their interest. a hundred and forty, 000, 000 users for you to target the right viewers might sound like the difficult task, but seen it from the other side of the piece, meaning more potential customers for a organization. As soon as you get into the particular mentioned previously vicious chain involving just about any social media internet site, things only keep arriving along by themselves along with first thing you'll see is definitely hundreds of 100 of people carried out your personal brand, talking about that, reviewing it and telling others about events, transmitted and such. Linkedin Quite possibly any not so common platform turning it into boring with regard to some people, but an incredibly professional and strategic 1 for the rest. A number of people is not going to spend long hours chatting or maybe discussing to other about childish, trivial things, instead, that social network goes directly to the purpose. People in Facebook along with Twitter intended for example, follow anyone of their interest for the particular sake of easily make friends as well as corporations and also companies, but Linkedin is intended to filter in addition to leave the fun right behind to focus further inside professionalism in social media. Throughout Linkedin, you can be part of the people looking with regard to a job/ provider, or part of a corporation offering a job/ provider. You could create either a new personal profile with your own personal professional information about on your own, studies, contact information, likes and dislikes, certification, identifications etc. or, create a business or company web site, same way seeing that you do it upon Facebook or Twitter sufficing the same purpose: reveal information about your model, service, product and hold your own personal audience and enthusiasts updated with the most current information about your company. Vimeo YouTube is a really exciting platform. People proceed see videos of any kind or even gets taken to by just about any website this has a backlink to barefoot jogging or search engines. Once people exists on a new given there you may have a few more "Related Videos" with a column on the right part of the tv screen. Clicking via video in order to video allows you to find things you never believed you actually would find, interesting matters, funny videos, how-to sort of videos, publicity etc. The odds to be seen tend to be overwhelming and you can also find people subscribe to your own Channel, which is throughout additional terms, your unique YouTube area where an individual upload your movies. A number of people find it means more exciting and less difficult to just observe a new video rather than reading through an entire article. You get the learning resource of looks. If you were to encourage fashion clothes and that is typically the purpose of your complete social media marketing, you are able to, along with other possibilities, upload a movie with persons modeling your clothes, route people to your major business internet site, recommend men and women to share your own videos, to subscribe for future video updates, to take a look at your "fashion blog", like your page in Facebook, follow you with Tweeter, Google+, Linkedin, etc . In close proximity your eyes and endeavor to visualize the Tree Diagram connected with the whole Social Growing media marketing strategy and how it gets to most likely reach every single corner worldwide Wide Web. Ambitious, isn't very it?
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Social internet marketing Guide for Beginners
brand equity
Interpersonal Media Marketing may be the procedure of gaining attention as well as web traffic through the actual social media sites. In this process, usually creative content material to reach the public via publicity coming through a third-party reliable resource needs to be developed to ensure that people to discuss the content of the attention with others and the vicious chain that could create business cover and also proceed beyond the market target audience meant. Every online internet marketer needs to have an objective, a product, a support and a trigger in order to promote through the huge along with overwhelming World Broad Web. If you currently possess those things described in your mind, after that congratulations! That could become probably the toughest component of entering into the particular social networking challenge, and coming from now on, each and every work will contribute to achieve those goals efficiently in addition to flawlessly until you place feet on the Sociable Media Guru position.
brand equity
The actual Social Media world is actually wide and more substantial than ever before. It is any very strategic technological platform which reaches different civilizations, age groups, religion, sexes, areas, passions and such, therefore this can make it the perfect automobile to reach as well as focus on the right audience and also achieve total success. The world won't care about movie games, like but just the people that will video clip games is part associated with their own interests. If a person target men audience along with ads an excellent source of heels upon sale, maybe a number of them might go and buy some sort of pair or even 2 with regard to their wives, however a new pair or 2 is not really exactly the kind regarding impact you would like to have. Consequently, you concentrate on certain team ages along with certain some other factors that result in a few services and products, movies in addition to news to move "viral"
Very first, we require to know the fundamental networking communities
Facebook Holding much more than nine hundred million customers, if you're previously the Facebook user this may not really be really new to be able to an individual, but there tend to be lots of features really worth mentioning. You can produce a devoted business web page and socialize directly, as well as free, together with your customers importing free photos, products and also videos of the services you intend to offer or the item anyone are trying to market. That way, you are able to develop a data base of individuals that will share your own posts for their friends along with therefore create typically the in no way ending chain. Most involving these online communities have effortlessly mobile incorporation so individuals whether it is a transportable PC, a desktop, pill or mobile phone obtain usually connected with press in a way in which you need to take advantage connected with. People log in for you to Facebook, in any scenario, whilst commuting, in often the park, in your own home, at college, at work. After that if you're there, promoting your company regarding it to be shown within the news feeds, in addition to you will be there, continuously doing the thoughts technique game to the stage that individuals will find some thing attractive as well as worth examining according to their particular pursuits. Many big companies such as Starbucks, Microsoft, Apple company, Rockstar, Pepsi etc. are usually performing the same, and that functions perfectly!
Blogs Weblogs are a good way for people to help communicate within a semi-professional method when it comes in order to high quality of content. High quality content is definitely the crucial to a good composing and therefore, a great blogging. There are lots of blogger CMS (content administration service) wherever you can get your own up and running intended for free in less compared to a minute, some of these types of are Blogger, Wp and also probably the most consumer friendly 1, Tumblr. 1 of the tricks the following is knowing your audience, your current market, who you are generally targeting and you would like to accomplish with this. This has to perform with some SEO or perhaps Search Engine Optimization information, which is quite simply, utilizing the right keywords to be able to rank as high because possible inside a search motor i. e. Search engines, Ask. It has to end up being related to you along with at the same period, you have to help to make sure you utilize a key word search device to examine the competition and amount of search this given key phrase has. The lowest the actual competition in addition to highest quantity of searches it will get in a month, the particular more effortless to match your needs. If you actually were to advertise your own personal web site holding a assistance of tech support team chat, a person would have to the actual keywords very specific therefore people that are searching for your provider would certainly find you first. It really is, for example technical assistance for Home windows, then you will have to include particular words, as going a bit more straight to the level. Since the competitors would likely be really high as well as Windows technical support will be a broad content, an individual would focus and also get further the specific solutions your product offers, for that reason adding additional keywords to look straight to the place would be the the majority of successful way to carry out it and you also would position higher in a internet search engine and people would discover your personal product easily. Through "Technical Support Chat" for you to "Technical Support Chat to get House windows 7 and XP" you can observe how we usually are narrowing the idea of the support you provide making the idea more specific, comprehensive along with then competition of help for mobile operating techniques, mobile phones, Mac, iPhone, Glass windows Windows vista, Windows 8 in addition to such, tend to be left driving and those sites providing the services you're certainly not related to will not take your chances to always be found for individuals that are usually merely looking for discussion support for Windows seven and XP. Once comprehended the keyword concept it is possible to proceed and create articles on the blog that will be easy to locate over a search engine through including the correct labels.
Then we have typically the Social Media integration once again inside the blog space. Generally there are many choices to help share the content associated with your weblog. Many Content material Manager Solutions like Tumblr have the social media marketing control keys to share and just like or dislike. You will need to search for the alternatives to enable them (in the rare case they may not be enabled by default) thus every post of the one you have would have the switches with regard to share on Tweeter, Google+, Facebook etc. as well as Reblog within the running a blog network you might be affiliated in order to. With excellent quality and also eye catching written content anyone are encouraging people to be able to reveal your stories in additional media sites similar to the types mentioned over plus you spreading all of them and there you might have exceptional chances to reach any wider audience.
Twitter A quick growing, very popular interpersonal media website. With more than 340, 000, 000 twitter posts a day along with about 140, 00, 000 consumers worldwide, this system is usually pretty appealing to company in addition to companies as nicely as for celebrities, music artists, actors, everybody! A twitter update is a message regarding 150 characters maximum which one may write as well as post and also followers can easily read and find out any moment in their news rss feeds. Talk about it, communicate straight and start brand new conversations is among the things that will make this platform very successful. The way these people follow Betty Kardashian along with read in addition to talk regarding everything she twitter updates within a day, the exact same way they can accomplish with advertising and advertising campaigns concerning brands as well as products of these interest.
one hundred and forty, 000, 000 users for you to target the right viewers might sound like some sort of difficult task, yet observed it from the various other side of the gold coin, which means more potential clients for a enterprise. As soon as you get into often the mentioned previously vicious chain involving any kind of social media web site, things simply keep arriving along by themselves and also first thing you'll observe is definitely hundreds of 100s of people done your own brand, talking about the item, reviewing it and informing others about events, transmit and such.
Linkedin Perhaps a new not so well-known platform which makes it boring regarding some people, but an extremely professional and strategic one particular for the rest. A few people is just not spend lengthy hours chatting or maybe speaking to other about ridiculous, trivial things, instead, this particular social network goes directly to the idea. People about Facebook along with Twitter intended for example, follow anybody connected with their interest for the actual sake of just interact socially as well as companies in addition to companies, but Linkedin is supposed to filter as well as keep the fun at the rear of to focus much deeper inside professionalism in social websites.
Within Linkedin, you can possibly be section of the people looking to get a job/ services, as well as part of a organization giving a job/ assistance. You are able to create either the personal user profile with your current professional information about your self, studies, contact information, hobbies, qualifications, identifications etc. or even, develop a business or business webpage, same way since you do it with Facebook or Twitter sufficing the same objective: talk about information about your brand name, service, product and maintain your own personal audience and fans updated with the most recent information about your business.
Youtube . com YouTube is a really fascinating platform. People head out view videos of virtually any kind or perhaps gets rerouted by just about any website in which has a backlink into it or search engines. When people can there be on any given there you will have several more "Related Videos" with a column on the proper part of the display screen. Clicking via video to help video enables you to find points you never believed you actually would find, interesting subjects, funny videos, how-to type of videos, publicity etc. The odds to be seen are generally overwhelming and you may also acquire people subscribe to your personal Channel, which is throughout different terms, your personal YouTube area where a person upload your video clips. Several people find it approach more exciting and simpler to just enjoy some sort of video rather than reading through an entire article. You have got the reference of pictures. If you were starting to market fashion clothes which is the particular purpose of your entire social media marketing, you may, along with other possibilities, upload a movie with folks modeling your clothes, refocus people to your primary business web-site, recommend men and women to share your own online video, to subscribe for upcoming video updates, to check out your "fashion blog", including your page upon Myspace, follow you in Tweeter, Google+, Linkedin, and so on Near your eyes trying to imagine the Tree Picture associated with the whole Social Press marketing technique and exactly how it gets to possibly reach every single part on the planet Wide Web. Driven, isn't very it?
Google+ The fairly fresh comer about the social media internet site battle, Google+ offers use of a variety regarding services such as Gmail, Google+ Basics, Google+ Circles this let you show info or "statuses" in ways Facebook or myspace does, but offers much less popularity so far. You might have the "Stream" feature much like Facebook's News Feed that will let you see exactly what other medication is up to, a good option for subsequent extremely similar as well in order to Tweeter.
The service is actually very attractive to professionals and also business systems because involving the exclusivity and implementation of services. You produce a Gmail account for instance, along with unless you turn off it, automatically you get access to all these kinds of provider and a account ready to become modified with a picture, info, etc. You have accessibility to the entire Google+ system including actually mention Googlemail, YouTube, You+, Circles, Fundamentals and even typically the widely recognized search engine saving in addition to displaying results to often the most appropriate things to be able to you. It is near have a spare Google+ take into account any Social Mass media Marketer simply because it's possible functionality because no supply is too small or maybe too much in marketing and advertising. Might not have the actual same impact, a new thirty seconds ad on TELEVISION than the usual small billboard with a tour bus, but the particular more you get typically the message sent the much better outcomes you will achieve.
Social Media Statistics
In accordance the new 87 research perform on social mass media marketing as much as 2012, this specific approach from businesses for you to customers called B2C as well as Business to Local community provides grown and reached 16% of customer engagement nevertheless has potential to develop to help 57% in often the next 5 many years. Much more than 30% of the actual globally population is right now online completely or include some sort of ultimate entry to the web. A lot more than 1/5 connected with customer's free time is becoming used on the social growing media sites, reaching approximately associated with 250 million facebook as well as 800 million Fb statuses updated every single time. Just in the Usa States, more than 85% regarding online active people invest their on sociable media sites or even weblogs. 60% of people utilizes 3 or more electronic types of research product evaluation, costs and information with regards to intended buys, being little less than a half of those carried out through social media sites such as Zynga or simply sent straight from one of those websites leading to even immediate interactions with retailers in relation to offers posted. Around 56% Americans have one in order to three information in the social media site getting 55% of them older among 45-55 and getting a minumum of one profile
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