#who could’ve seen that coming?
abowlofsourcream · 3 months
⏳💫Congrats Stardust! You got Memory of Dreaming!💫⏳
I’ll make sure you won’t forget this!
Teehee! Sweet dreams, Siffrin!
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If you got One Hat at the ending of the game, DO NOT READ THIS AFTERMATH! Get the secret in Act 6 and then you can enjoy this aftermath! If You got Two Hats, read on head! ;)
v Aftermath v
*He should be here any minute…
*You can imagine them right now.
*The poor little thing probably is so confused…
*Their most likely aimlessly searching for the party, thinking the worst is happening!
*You can’t help but pity him…
*Finally, You see them come to the foot of the Favor Tree.
“H-Hello, guys? The villagers said I should go here… Is… Is anyone here?”
*They forgot their eyepatch and still wearing their undershirt and pants…
*He looks so small…
*Were you this small? Back when it was you?
*Stars, has it been so long?
*That you don’t even remember what you look like?
“Mira? Isa? Madame? This isn’t funny!”
*You can’t help but stare.
*Okay, you’re wasting the time you have…
*You did your part! Now, it’s their turn.
*It would be silly to ruin all your hardwork!
*You hop of the branch and put on your best performance!
“Oh! You finally found your way, Stardust?”
*They jumped at your voice.
“What the-?! Who… What?!”
*You put your hand to your face…
“Oh my, Stardust! That’s no way to greet someone! Especially someone who has been helping your friends!”
*That gets their attention, of course it does…
“You’ve seen them? Where are they? How can I get to them?”
*… Stars, you forgot how clingy you were…
“Stardust, you know where they are…”
*After all, They should remember now! Remember what they did to the others…
*They can no longer hide behind their ignorance anymore!
*They know it’s all their fault…
“B-But! W-will they be okay? Without me?!”
*What a stupid question.
*You imitate picking your nails…
“They were doing just fine without you before… Besides, are you really in any condition to do anything useful? Hm?”
*Ha! Even now… You can see how much the loops destroyed your body…
*No, it’s not your body anymore…
*They look down on the ground, ashamed…
“But… I’m the reason why we’re suck here… Shouldn’t I be the one fixing it?”
*That’s exactly what you were thinking…
“And how exactly do you plan to do that?”
*They rub their left elbow, looking defeated…
“I don’t know… I didn’t think that far…”
*It’s amazing, how clueless they are…
*But it’s fine…
*That’s why you’re here!
“Well, I have an idea… You might want to try it!”
*They look at you, confused.
“Why? I barely know you, yet you somehow have me already figured out?”
*Ha, of course!
*How could you forget how paranoid you were!
*You roll your eyes.
“Believe me, I’m probably the only one who could understand how that silly little brain of yours… Unless, you want the others see how awful you really are?”
*Yea, that shuts them up.
*So eager to please, in hopes of getting people to stay…
*It’s funny how easy you are able to shift him into place…
*How pathetic…
*How disgusting…
“Hm… They should be nearing the third floor by now…”
“You want to hear my plan, now?”
*They chew on the inner part of their cheek.
“Hmm, okay… If it can help the other’s, okay…”
*You take a deep breath.
*Mira asked you not to do anything stupid.
*She made you promise to watch over them…
*She would be heartbroken if she knew what you were planning on doing…
*The others too…
*You would be betraying the little trust they had with you…
*But that promise was for this Siffrin, wasn’t it?
*She’s not your Mirabelle…
*She could never be your Mirabelle.
*Your Mirabelle is long gone, you think about that every blinding loop...
*Just like your Isabeau, your Odile, your Bonnie, they are all gone!
*Why should you care about that mere copy of your precious family that you destroyed?!
*For the fact that you’re letting them escape…
*For fixing this mess…
*Once and for all…
“You could… Make a new wish…”
*His eye grows wide…
*You take the coin from their pocket.
*You roll it across your hand.
*They stare at you…
“You can use this…”
“How did you-”
“You know how. Stars, you can be so annoying…”
*You can’t hide the venom in your voice.
*Sorry, Odile…
“Come on, Stardust…”
*You hand them the coin…
“Let’s take this from the top, and get it right this time!”
*They look at the coin, conflicted…
“After all it’s the least they deserve,”
*You make sure that they can hear you.
“After what you put them through…”
*You see their face crumpled as you say that.
*Yep, that got them…
*They take the coin and looks at them…
*Looking at you for any guidance.
*They only have you.
*How tragic…
”Make your new wish, Stardust, and free your family…”
*He looks at the coin, cautiously…
*They close their eyes…
*Breathe into the coin.
*Repeat the wish three times.
*Holds it to his chest, to keep it safe…
*Then… They flip it to you.
“So… Now what?”
*You see them yawn… The affect of your wish beginning to show on their face…
*Part of you feels guilty, on how easy this plan went…
*How all your little actors played directly into your hands.
*But you in to deep now, are you?
*This is what the Universe wanted from you…
*They should be near the king now…
*You can’t help but laugh!
“Now we wait!”
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emry-stars-art · 2 months
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When the misunderstanding is mutual but they’re both so sweet about it (coffee shop au edition)
Inspired by the tags below (originally on this post) from @blahblaheverythingisgay and @lovelyprincejehan accompanied by some thoughts:
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thank you for bringing this GALAXY brain take to my attention 😂 this guy comes in, all cagey about his past and his scars, always wearing baggy clothes but complaining about compression clothes (being on the run does a number on your joints and muscles), picking out a name for himself??? OBVIOUSLY he’s trans right
They somehow manage to have like three separate conversations about it without realizing they’re talking about two very different scenarios. Andrew only was so wrong for so long because scars on their own (and even being a criminal lbr) are such non-issues that it didn’t even occur to him that Neil could be talking about anything less important than being trans lol
Andrew had his little crisis about it and landed pretty solid on yeah he’s still into Neil regardless, and yeah he’s still super gay. He’ll figure out the rest from there. The only thing he didn't prepare for was Neil being uh. Cis
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
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merry christmas
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thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
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Jason Todd, eepiest boy in the dcu
Why’d they add a wig/hair to the robin mannequin …..
Batman: The Adventures Continue (2020)
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eriophorumcallitrix · 5 months
ok so i wanna talk about my biggest gripe with the latest reason for disliking tubbo. this ended up accidentally being a more in-depth character explanation from my/tubbos pov. and boy do I mean the compulsive overexplanation really popped off on this one
(disclaimer: you’re obviously allowed to dislike any character you want, I’m not your mom and I’m just voicing my own view + experiences lol)
one of the biggest criticisms for him im seeing as of the moment is that he’s being annoying. and I completely agree. I think he’s being inflammatory at really awful times. but what I don’t agree with is the lack of discussion about why he’s acting this way. chalking his callousness up to simple neglect or lack of care is a disservice to his character.
my interpretation of tubbos current mental state and how he got here is like this:
tension has been high strung for weeks now due to the egg island workers showing up and harassing people. they’ve killed empanada, and there really does not seem to be shit they can do about it. the federation doesn’t give a shit, the workers are OP as all hell, and tubbo has tried everything in his power to keep sunny and her siblings safe. not even his busted set of armor kept him from getting three-tapped. like tubbo said: “why try if there’s no chance of winning?”
so already, he’s depressed and frustrated with himself for not being able to do a damn thing to keep the people he loves safe.
then we get into his relationships with the people around him. in tubbos eyes, pac and fit are forming a close relationship that he feels is going to leave him behind. pac, fit and Ramon have each other now. they’re family now in a way that tubbo doesn’t seem to be a part of now. I can’t remember if he said this exactly, but it was along the lines of: well now there’s not going to be any space for me [if they’re that close.] his closest friends are moving on without him, and there’s nothing he can do about that either.
now we have a depressed barely-adult guy whose self esteem has TANKED because he feels like there’s no use for him anymore. his friends are moving on without him and the only thing he’s good for is how useful he can be to others.
except for sunny.
it barely took a week for them to get attached to each other, and now it’s them against the world. sunny is all he needs, and tubbo is all she needs. they mean everything to each other, and would burn it all down if it made the other smile. and right now? it’s looking like it’ll be just them against the world until further notice.
but sunny has her friends. she has her siblings! she loves them to death and they love her to death too. she has her accountant bad, her bodyguard fit and driver pac! (if I remember correctly xd) and they’ve got her. sunny can trust them, and has them to stick around for.
tubbo does not have this. don’t get him wrong, he’s incredibly grateful that she’s got people on her side that love her other than him! but this doesn’t come without unspoken jealousy and resentment. not resentment towards sunny, obviously, but definitely some jealousy of her relationships with the others. and possible resentment towards the others for not sparing the same kindness towards him.
this is where I tie back to my original point. the difference between sunny and her pa is mostly communication and trust of others. sunny is willing to communicate and trust others, and tubbo is not.
to start with why tubbo isn’t communicating with others right now: i believe he’s reached the point of emotional shutdown. he has tried his damndest to do what he can to resolve the situation and nothing has worked. this is already something I believe is stressing him out really badly, thus taking up a significant portion of his emotional threshold.
and now he can’t even seek solace or help in his friends because he cannot let himself trust them.
he has tried to give out cries for help in ways that aren’t necessarily straightforward. and he’s also said some seriously worrying things lately under the guise of being jokes. i don’t blame the others for not getting that, but I still can’t help but wonder why nobody’s really thought to look any deeper into it? like don’t get me wrong, tubbo says some completely inane shit sometimes. but has the frequency of these “jokes” and his inflammatory behavior not tipped anyone off at all?
regardless, tubbo feels like he’s tried. he’s not that good at communicating, and even when he is, he may not come off as treating the situation with proper sensitivity. it’s already a struggle to communicate, not even mentioning trying to ask for help. this is a whole other layer to wondering why he even tries doing things “right.”
he already thinks people only keep him around for what he can provide, so thats the only thing he thinks he’s got going for him and he’s barely hanging onto it too.
so as a result of not knowing how to cope with the situations around him and pretty much being extended past his emotional capability, he acts out. he doesn’t want fit and pac together because they’re gonna leave him behind. so he tries to ruin it. it doesn’t work, and they are continuing to move on without him. so he constantly comments on how annoying it is, and in a way, tries to get them to push him away themselves. he just wants a resolution to this hurt he’s feeling, and he wants them to just get “the move away” over already. but obviously that’s not gonna happen.
so he makes insensitive jokes, says stupid shit and does stupid shit too. he lies and blames others. he wants his friends to push him away already and give him a good reason to finally run away with sunny and completely isolate. this is beyond his capabilities, and all he needs at this point is a solid reason for him to finally hit the ground running.
but each day he comes back to spawn, doing everything he can to not completely lose it for sunny. he’s trying his best to keep it together for her, and he can’t let himself be weak. admitting his feelings in the place he’s currently in would end up coming out as a breakdown. and he cannot let the people around him see that. it would be a fatal error to open up when he cannot trust the feds nor the egg island workers not to take advantage of his weakness. and he needs to be there for sunny, to at the very least protect her if nothing else.
so essentially: tubbo is past his emotional threshold and is barely keeping it together. the facade is slipping and the harshness/what people perceive as annoying is continuously slipping out from the cracks.
(with this next bit, this is just me recognizing autistic patterns of behavior in myself + some others in tubbo’s character. i dont actually know if he’s autistic this is just me drawing parallels from my experience. and how I have seen these behaviors be treated within the qsmp fandom. don’t say I’m armchair diagnosing him or whatever for the love of god please)
so tubbo cannot cope with the situations around him, which is resulting in his mask slipping. he’s fully aware that he’s being insensitive and kind of an ass, but he is quite literally past his capability of keeping up with social niceties at this point. and i do think the unnecessary jokes in bad taste are purposefully to get people to either notice something is wrong or to get them to push him away so he doesn’t keep hurting their feelings.
and people getting onto him about communication I think simply do not get how utterly difficult it is to communicate when you have reached the point where you’re struggling to mask. not to mention the danger he could put himself in by being vulnerable to others on top of that. so ultimately, brushing off his fears and character traits as a simple “he could do this but doesn’t want to/is just stubborn and annoying for no reason/for a reason that isn’t good enough for me” is kind of ridiculous. it also reminds me of some things I’ve been told in relation to my struggles with autism, but that’s just me. not that i think people are actually being ableist but i do think some of y’all’s arguments are slipping a little too close to ableist rhetoric.
once again you’re allowed to dislike whoever you want and think they’re annoying, but i would encourage you to think a little more in depth as to why you think they’re annoying.
(and I’m not saying some people don’t like autistic traits that aren’t cute n quirky but… it’s getting a little too close for comfort >_>)
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celesionnn · 1 year
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spid3r-trans · 11 months
Mermaid Miles.
Shitty boat, shitty crew, shitty captain.
Well, Captain might be too generous of a word. Captain implies an earned rank, a position of power— not someone who stole his ship from an unsuspecting bureaucrat, who’s crew gave him the title in irony— but either way, the SS Anarchy is under the command of Captain Hobie Brown.
She’s held together by nails and rope— and worse— by a band of teenage runaways with a knack for getting into trouble. It’s a wonder that the ship is still afloat, let alone careening across a turbulent sea as she is now.
A heavy storm is brewing in the clouds overhead, but still the naval ships are hot in pursuit, undeterred by the worsening weather.
“Gwen,“ Hobie shouts over the sound of waves crashing, “Tell me you’ve got good news!”
His first mate peers down at him from the top of the lookout tower, her face grim.
“I didn’t want to alarm anyone,” she says barely audible above the wind, “but things are definitely not going in our favor right now!”
It’s the understatement of the century. Some sort of…vortex, a whirlpool, has started to form in the water in front of the ship— pulling them towards an inevitable, watery, grave.
“Gwendy!” He shouts back, “if we survive this, you’re fired.” It’s an empty threat, none of them actually have jobs or assigned roles, but this doesn’t stop Gwen from her dry response.
“Aye, aye captain!”
There’s nothing he can do. No order he can give, no enemy to distract, no trick he can use to get them out of this. So Hobie grits his teeth and gives his crew one final piece of advice.
“Everyone, hang on to something!”
Hobie shouldn’t have survived. In fact, he’s not convinced he did survive. He can remember the water rising up around him, the crack of the hull as she split, something hitting him on the head— and then darkness. He remembers darkness but also, bizarrely, a flash of yellow— hazy in his memory but still present. No, there’s no way he survived. Yet, here he is— sputtering and coughing on a beach.
His eyes have to adjust as he sits up, and even after, he has to blink several times to make sure they’re working properly. What he sees only confirms his theories. There’s no way he survived— because what he’s looking at is impossible.
Carefully perched upon a rock a few feet from the shore, blinking back at Hobie curiously— is his savior. A boy around his age, dark-skinned with sun-freckled cheeks. Golden scales dapple his entire body, matching the ones that extend down his torso into a long tail. A living myth, a legend— and above all —the most beautiful creature Hobie has ever seen.
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skillzissue · 5 months
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POV ur boyfriend just too damn cute ;0
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seek--rest · 4 months
me at the beginning of this year: I’m so close to finishing up a long fic. Feeling good about where I’m going. No big ideas coming up, this is a perfect time to start my MCU rewrite.
me not even a week later:
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 4 months
Prob know the answer to this but: opinions on either fanny or rachel? Just as characters in General, what couldve been done better abt them, or what shouldve been explored more?
Goes insane
I was waiting to be asked this. I’ve been incredibly attached to Fanny and Rachel since day one cause they were the first KND characters I saw other than Sector V and what got me interested in the show (mostly because I was thinking “the hell is that blonde kid wearing??”)
Fanny is my all-time favourite KND character and one of my top five favourite characters from any media ever. So I kinda like her. Idk how to describe why I like her so much but I think she’s generally written well. I wish that they’d at least attempted to give her an actual Irish accent cause hearing her voice for the first time physically pained me as an Irish person. Also, why did they name her that it’s SO awkward talking about her to people I know irl and it’s worse because she is Irish herself, the gag is so much cruder over here than in the us. Also, they needed to stop trying to give her male crushes it isn’t fooling anyone, numbuh 19th century barely exists in my head. There are a few things I would’ve liked to see explored, like her relationship with her family since I feel like we only got tidbits of it, and I wanted to see her and Kuki actually being friends after op Slumber. And I wanted to see her and Abby interacting more but that’s purely because I like both of them a lot. Also backstory on why she went from being a nurse to a Decom soldier!! What happened she looks so innocent in the op Maurice flashback. When I first watched I expected at least something being implied but we basically got nothing. I just wish we got to see more of the Decom squad and how they work. I have a lot of thoughts about Fanny that I cannot put into words right now or ever and I also do not want this to be too long but just know there’s more! That I could say!
Rachel is my 2nd favourite KND character (who would’ve guessed) and, as I said before, her garish outfit is what compelled me to get into KND. Op IT is one of my favourite episodes because I like how it portrays Rachel. It’s what set KND apart from other shows cause I don’t think a lot of kids' shows at the time would’ve acknowledged how, realistically, stressful the job of being supreme leader would be, especially for a kid. I wish we could’ve seen more of her, especially from before she became supreme leader. I know it’s a small moment in hindsight but the end scene of op fugitive gives me the idea that she acted really differently before she became supreme leader. Maybe it’s just me but compare how she scolded Fanny to how she scolded Nigel in op Zero, the one in op Fugitive just seems more personal and rude. And the fact she wanted to be the supreme leader when Chad left even though it’s established that no knd operative wants to be makes me think she was a bit arrogant before she became supreme leader. I also wish we could’ve seen her interacting with other moonbase operatives like 65.3 and 35. Also her and Chad!! They definitely were close in some way why didn’t we get to see it?!
Unsurprisingly I wish we could’ve gotten more of Fanny and Rachel’s relationship. Obviously, Fanny has a lot of respect and admiration for Rachel, which isn’t connected to Rachel’s status as supreme leader since she felt the same way before Rachel became supreme leader. Honestly, the most compelling part of their relationship to me is that there’s a bit of a disconnect between how they each view it. Fanny admires Rachel but she doesn’t consider Rachel a friend since she claims she doesn’t have any in op Slumber. But Rachel openly calls Fanny by her name which the show itself establishes is for really close friends so it’s clear that Rachel considers Fanny a friend. I’d have to guess that Fanny’s self-doubt and how much she respects Rachel makes it so that Fanny can’t imagine that Rachel would be her friend. These girls need to communicate. Also, they’ve known each other for a long time since they’re both in the op Maurice flashback. And the fact they could’ve been in the same sector cause both their brothers are in sector w. God! There’s just so much potential and I wish the show explored just a little bit of it! At least I wanted there to be a moment where it’s said out loud they’re friends cause I’m sick of people trying to claim Rachel dislikes Fanny it isn’t true (is incredibly biased)
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hearty-an0n · 4 months
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The bottle is so hard to open and the pills are so tiny, but i did it. (Aren’t you proud of me, big brother?)
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ilostyou · 6 months
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sammygender · 3 months
thinking about how one of the last things john ever tells dean is an admittance that the way he treated him was fucked. & of course this destroys dean and makes it so much harder for him to come to terms w his death right after and with his childhood in general bc he’s spent his entire life chasing after johns approval. he’s spent his entire life telling himself that the way he was treated was okay and justified and that their childhood was good because he could handle it and he was strong enough and that was how it had to be. he’s worshipped john as a hero and seen nothing wrong with any of it. because he’s had to. his entire life is built around this idea there’s nothing else. he’s his dads perfect soldier and punching bag and wife-replacement and suddenly his dads gone & he said he’s sorry and that he shouldn’t have treated dean that way. what the hell is he supposed to do now.
#augh. i don’t know i haven’t seen enough of this show yet but.#thinking about that episode with the abused kid who has psychic powers like sams and sam sees himslef in the kid a lot#but is horrified by the extent of the abuse and keeps saying like. Dean i never thought i’d say this but you’re right dad was pretty good i#guess we were really lucky to have him. it could’ve turned out a very different way.#and deans just like. idk there’s something about his face. like he wants to agree cause this is what he’s always saying but he Cant.#because. well. sams thinking about this kid with circumstances so similar to him who ended up entirely victimised by his father and#thinking Wow i had something that kid didn’t. i had MY dad who was so much better after all (despite kicking me out of the house and#always refusing to support me but wtv)#but really the thing sam had was DEAN.#dean as sam’s protector and john’s golden child and the adult of the family. dean as the person#john winchester comes home to after a hunt the person who tells him it’s okay#dean playing the part of his dead mom and still shielding sammy from the worst of their father and as a result internalising that this was#fine.#what the hell is he going to do now that his fathers dead? after his fathers dead and wrong and theoretically morally weak and admitted hed#raised dean badly?#IDK!!! i’m sure excited to see him continue to break down though#(have just finished s2e2 for future me ref)#supernatural#<- Sorry guys i’m batshit obsessed.#father by the front bottoms dean song of all time#spn#oliver talks
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knightoflove · 3 months
Ok. So uh, here’s the announcement.
New F/O Alert!! New F/O is Car.men Ber.zatto from T.he Bear!!
The tag is 🍯 Honey Bear
Plaintext in the RBs
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mossytrashcan · 1 month
joke postponed till tomorrow. I need sleep like rn
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peonyblossom · 10 months
I just remembered when I first play HSS in Choices I changed my MC’s gender in the second book (to m!mc) “just to see what it would be like”
anyway i’m trans now
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