#which makes sense he’s a Voe and he’s the king
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Edit: source, the Japanese website
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toushindai · 5 months
Seeing your thoughts on Rauru, I am now curious: how do you approach Ganondorf as a character? How does that compare or contrast with how you think about Rauru?
Thank you for the ask and all your thoughtful comments!! I've really appreciated them.
Approaching Ganondorf has been a different, more conscious process from how I approached Rauru; when I sat down to start brainstorming "A Sense of Entitlement" there was very much a moment where I had to ask myself "well, what am I trying to communicate about Ganondorf here?" I felt like, because I was putting all this mental work into complicating Rauru, I owed it to Ganondorf to complicate him as well, but I don't think the game presents quite as many juicy contradictions in Ganondorf's character. The game doesn't really seem interested in a well-rounded Ganondorf, a Ganondorf who has a point in resisting Hyrule's formation. Which sucks! Thank god we've all invented fanfiction and can do whatever we want forever.
It took me a little while to pin down the exact shape of him, but what I did decide on very early was that he is just deeply unhappy, the way a bottomless pit is unhappy. Nothing can fill him up besides being in control and exerting that control cruelly. Trace that backwards a bit--back further than he is willing to trace it, because there could be weakness at its source--and there is a paranoia, an inability to trust: only force and domination can be trusted to be real, anything else will be toppled when a strong enough force comes along. Any ally who does not fall 100% in line must be brought into line or self-evidently cannot be trusted. And then peel that feeling back a little more and I see alienation and a hideous, howling loneliness. A how-do-you-survive-this loneliness. And that's the feeling I place at his core--though it's well and truly obliterated from his conscious awareness.
I like writing about alienation? Not realizing that you're queer and autistic until you're in your twenties will do that to you, eh. The alienation from his people that I see in Ganondorf I do honestly read as a bit of a queer one, specifically, given that he is the only person in his culture who is going to exist in his gender category for the entire length of his lifespan. I think that has to feel pretty weird! I think it has to feel alienating, even if the form the alienation takes is that of putting him on a pedestal as king (but also, I have to assume--I will take the liberty of assuming--still being suspicious of other voe in a way that would be obviously visible to Ganondorf). In the fic I have him speaking of the Eighth Heroine, and while when I originally wanted that to be something he learned from Twinrova to inspire him to take pride in himself and the people he would one day lead, I uh. I had to nix that idea because the story of the Eighth Heroine doesn't accomplish that. It is not a story that would make a male Gerudo feel welcome among his people OR reassure him of his people's power! (It is frankly a bad story.) So instead it's something he found when he was--as a much younger man--searching for any evidence that a voe might have a place integrated into Gerudo society. The answer he found was "lmao not even if you save our entire ass 😌." He does not like this story. But to acknowledge how rejected it made him feel would be to look at something he believes is weakness, so instead he focuses on his disgust that even the Seven Heroines needed the strength of an outsider to conquer their enemy.
He has no place in his culture but he has an inescapably prescriptive place in his culture. He was raised knowing that he would be king, that everything he desired would be given to him because he is male. It is impossible to say textually what Twinrova wanted for him because they are. easter eggs. and so I just had to make it up: and what I decided was that they wanted him to be a conqueror, to lead the Gerudo and take over the rest of the land (solidified at some point during his lifespan into the kingdom of Hyrule). They wanted him to rule the Gerudo and the Gerudo to rule the world; but when Ganondorf lost his faith in his kinswomen he also lost interest in being an arm of the Gerudo and instead just wanted power for power's sake. I said this in a comment response but if the game is not going to give me a Ganondorf who is resisting Hyrule for the sake of his people--if it is going to give me a Ganondorf who, upon ascension to the form of the Demon King, seemingly abandons his Gerudo soldiers (Gerudo soldiers who were on board with his attacks on Hyrule! COME BACK THAT WAS INTERESTING) to go joyriding with a bunch of monsters and a rather cool horse instead--then I am going to make that a part of the tragedy of his character. It is a tragedy that he is so disconnected from his people. It is an enormous gaping hole inside him, this lack of connection with anyone.
But to acknowledge that, to feel it, would be to feel weak, and he cannot ever allow that. So he converts it all into cruelty and hatred and misery. He looks at people who have allied with each other and judges them weak for loving peace, for joining together instead of tearing each other apart. (In the Japanese, I am told, he explicitly hates the Zonai for accelerating this process.) He looks at any subordinate--or frankly at any other Gerudo--who does not fall in line with his agenda of unflinching conquest and scorns them for disloyalty and softheartedness. He hates whatever he sees and that hatred would be all-consuming if he were not so strong, so deliberately in control of himself. NOT to toot my own horn but I'm damn proud of this sentence:
Each movement is almost a meditation on his rage, fostering a measured alliance with the disgust and hatred he feels.
I think that is how he experiences just about every waking second. He has cut off all his access to happiness that does not come from dominating and taking away the power and happiness of others, and he has walked so far down this path--each step taking him further away from holistic contentment, each step taking him closer to the ability to dominate all he sees--that he could never turn back now.
Urbosa could've fixed him. imo. when he was much younger. (I'm saying this like a joke but I mean it.)
WAit I forgot to get into how he contrasts with Rauru. The thing between them is that both of them want power, want to have power over others; but Rauru hides this from himself because he thinks the desire for power is evil and he wants to think himself good, whereas Ganondorf... I think is probably comfortable thinking of himself as evil, or at least as what others term evil. And his comfort with his desire for power allows him to wield it much more effectively than Rauru does. We've got a bit of a hard power/soft power contrast going on. Ganondorf believes in power and physical force but Rauru's power lies in diplomacy and civility. In the trappings of social niceties. Ganondorf subjects himself to this framework by swearing his false fealty to Hyrule and finds it more ensnaring than he enjoys (he enjoys it zero), but once he has the opportunity to actually act in his own element by seizing Sonia's secret stone, the social niceties are powerless against his brute force.
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gerudospiriit · 11 months
[Bruh, not to be emo on main here, but I was just thinking about Nabooru as I do and hnnnnn. So, now I'm sharing that thought with ya'll.
I've probably mentioned it before. Growing up, Nabooru was basically the definition of "lonely but not alone." Basically, she always had people around her, and always had Aveil as a friend along with a few other people she would spend time with every now and again, but...she always had this feeling of not really fitting in or connecting with her peers. It didn't help that she progressed through her training faster than the other girls her age and trained more often with the older girls of the tribe, which created its own conflicts and challenges. It was always a struggle for her to relate to either group. The girls her age often had very different interests along with the bond of their shared experiences in classes and training. Even with the older girls, her interests still didn't quite line up, and most of them wanted nothing to do with the squirt of an upstart because she was too young and they didn't like that she could keep up with if not best them so young.
Even when she tried to be a "normal" Gerudo teen not obsessed with combat and becoming part of the Elite among other "boring" things, Nabooru always felt uncomfortable and like the odd one out. Talking about finding Hylian voe, dating, having children one day, and having just general fun and letting loose in Castle Town didn't appeal to her, and when she tried to bring up her interest with the others, she could see them dying of boredom. If she tried to act like they did, tried to feign interest in whatever they were talking about or wanted to do, it made her feel too fake. And she tried REALLY hard to not care and put on brave face about it, but there was definitely always a longing for someone that just...got her AND she could be her full self around without worry of judegement or boring or annoying them. Aveil was usually fine, but even with her, there was always SOME disconnect. No matter what, Nabooru always just...felt like she was different and I guess she technically his because of her dad but.
All of this is probably why she unwittingly found companionship with Ganondorf down the line because she wasn't really looking for a relationship, platonic or otherwise, with him. Considering her skill and goals to join the Elite, she knew she would be working with him eventually as king and subordinate, so she never expected to actually form any kind of deeper bond with him. But because she quickly found that they had a lot of common interests, similar goals, and dreams for their people, it makes sense she would gravitate toward seeking out his company. He didn't seem to get bored of her talking about some new fact she read about or a new move she was trying out or a new idea or dream she had for the Gerudo, and that resonated deeply with her, even if she wasn't really aware of it. Having someone just a few years older than her actually connect with her was huuuge for her, and probably helped her maintain her confidence and conviction in her path and decisions for her life.]
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avionvadion · 1 year
I went to Tarrey Town early and it made me wonder if the time skip was seven years (magic Zelda time skip number) but it also made me think about why the Gerudo have that law about vehvi being taken away from their fathers and I think it has to do with their personal history with their kings. They’ve had TWO we know of so far that were manifestations of Demise’s curse. It’s implied via visual cues that the Gerudo are descended from Groose so it’s probably a curse on their people due to Groose’s hand in helping stop Demise. He cursed Zelda’s bloodline and Link’s spirit so it would make sense for him to slap a curse on Groose’s descendants to only have women and the men in that line become manifestations of his hatred and curse, so they probably pull the vehvi away from the voe to protect them from being pulled into schemes like their previous king had and given they haven’t had a king for many years, probably have culled any voe children born which is really, really sad.
Might as well be seven given how this game is nearly matching OoT frame by frame. 🤣
Yeahhhh I try not to think about that last part too much. 😓 It’s really depressing. Just don’t name the baby Ganondorf!! He probably won’t be turning evil then. Problem solved. No culling the newborns please.
(Also there’s that lady in BotW who said she’ll name her child after Link and I lowkey wanna have her have fraternal twins in the fic, that way one will be named Link and the other Ilia, lol. OH LOOK WAIT ANOTHER OOT REFERENCE SOMEONE NAMING THEIR KID AFTER LINK)
But anyways.
Groose shot Sky out of a canon, and Demise really said, “And I took that personally.”
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 101: Toruma Dunes
 Before going to bed, Chief Riju and I took a trip to the spa. It was absolutely amazing. I was so relaxed my mind just kind of faded? My right arm was a little sensitive, and was very tense according to the… Spa ladies? Masseuses? I’m not sure what they’re called. The spa is attached to an inn so right after the massage I was given a room to stay in for the night. With my body so relaxed I actually fell asleep.
While I was sleeping, I had a dream. I think it may had been a memory. We were watching the courtyard from high above. A Sheikah was demonstrating some of the guardian’s functions to some knights. My heart leapt in my throat despite it not doing anything. Just walking around. The princess eagerly watched. She spoke of how it was incredible how we could now control them and added that it shouldn’t be long till we know everything about them. When she spoke, she was interrupted by the King. He asked in a demanding voice what she was doing here. His face was stern unlike now that he’s a spirit. The princess spoke of how useful learning about the ancient technology would be for driving back the Calamity. Once again, she was interrupted by the King. He said he already knew that and elaborated on how as princess there was a duty she had yet to fulfill, gaining her spiritual powers. He told her to stop treating that as some game to which she retorted back saying that she was already trying her best. She spoke of how she prayed tirelessly at the spring of courage. Once more she was interrupted. He said she was wasting her time. She needed to unlock her power and dedicate her time to nothing else. She said she was, there was nothing more she could do. She wanted to now focus on the technology since it was something she could do, but the king said that she is the only one with the power that can seal the calamity away, it was paramount that she finally unlock it. He then decreed that she have nothing to do with the technology anymore and commanded that she focus on her training. He then spoke of rumors that were being spread about. About how she is the heir to nothing but failure. She had to prove them wrong or else there would be nothing at all. I believe having read so much about her trying and failing caused this to resurface.
When I woke up Bossa Nova had his head resting on my chest. I wanted to get up, but he was just too cute, I couldn’t wake him! Once he did, I went looking around the bazaar for something he could eat. There wasn’t that much vegetation for him to just graze on whenever he wanted. I got him a Hyromelon since they also have lots of water in them so in a way, I’d be making sure he got something to drink as well. Even with it’s hard outer shell he scarfed down the whole thing right away. He must have been very hungry. I apologized by getting him another one. I tried hugging him, but he knocked me over, laid on top on me and kept rubbing the top of his muzzle on my face.
I went to The Noble Canteen for a Noble Pursuit but the woman behind the counter said that I looked much too young for that drink. Then the person behind me said that I’m much older than I look. It was Calisa! After getting our drinks and some mushroom risotto we sat in the lounge area and ate. I thanked her for vouching for me, but she said that the least the Gerudo could do for the person who saved them was let them have a good meal.
It was really nice chatting with her. We talked about traveling for a bit before we started talking about the town. Since it had been so long since she was last here, it felt brand new to her. I asked her if she had ever taken the cooking or wooing classes. She told me that every Gerudo takes those classes. A saying around here is that the best way to get to a person’s heart is through their stomach. It’s but one way of wooing a person. She regaled me with her early days where she first set off out of the town searching to get caught up in a whirlwind of a romance and passion. That she did find, not in a voe, but exploration. Before then she had never even set foot out of the town. Then suddenly she was thrust out into the world only armed with what she had learned back home. She spoke of her many failed romances. The wooing classes did help, but she felt that if anything it was more so of a class about how to interact with someone even with the culture shock of them not being raised Gerudo. Though she did add that the classes may have changed over time.
She then told me of a communal kitchen area where anyone one could cook anything they wanted and said that she could teach me recipes which are good to know for travelers. After getting a stone pot and ingredients we made many dishes, like chilly simmered fruit, mushroom risottos, curry rice, omelets, and some clam chowders. It was so fun learning from her. I told her about my time in the Sheikah Village and how I wound up learning from Koko. I should go back so I can teach her what Calisa taught me. It’ll be so much fun!
Calisa wondered what we were going to do with so much food. In the end I ate all of it. She commented on my appetite. I told her how I never get hungry or full. I just eat when I need to heal and not much else happens, though… now that I’ve eaten more dishes, I forgot how delicious food can be. And cooking in of itself is so fun! I think I’ll eat something at night when Bossa Nova is asleep. Though the smell of the food may wake him. I guess I’ll just have to figure it out when we leave here.
As I was dinning, we overheard a conversation between a woman with a guard. She had found the man of her dreams and soon after getting married he fell terribly ill. The only thing that could cure him is a certain medicine, the medicine is made from the innards of a molduga a giant and mighty fish/worm like creature which burrows through the sand. She wanted help killing one but none of the guards are to leave the town. The Yiga had been acting extremely aggressive since their leader was killed and they didn’t want to risk any of them getting in.
Sidon better make it home safely. And the Gerudo women with him hopefully are safe too.
I didn’t notice myself until Calisa placed a hand on my shoulder. She told me that before I go running off into the desert, I should protect my skin. She found an alovera plant and snapped a piece off and told me to rub the goopy inside on my exposed skin to protect it from the sun.
Bossa nova and I ran around for a while searching. When we noticed the wind picking up, we started heading back to town but before we knew it, we were surrounded by a sandstorm! I would have used the Sheikah Slate’s map, but it wouldn’t do anything. The side that showed the map and the frozen time images was just blank and no matter what I did it wouldn’t do anything. Bossa Nova buried his paws into the ground, and I held on to him. This way we at least weren’t being tossed around by the wind as much.
When the wind died down we were finally able to see. The Sheikah Slate was working again, so we made our way back to town, but as we did so the ground began to quake. The sand next to us began to pick up. It then leaped out and when it came crashing back down it almost swallowed us whole! Thankfully I was quick to draw my bow and shot it in that maw with a bomb arrow. I had Bossa Nova keep running as I shot at the thing. I decided to try shooting it when it was in the sand. It didn’t get hit but I think I discovered something. I think it senses vibrations on the ground. When I shot a bomb arrow into the distance moments after it exploded on the ground the creature leaped up there. After using up most of my bomb arrows the creature was finally felled. Using the Sheikah Slate I found it was the molduga we’d been searching for!
After taking out it’s innards I found it hard to leave. Unlike the moblins and bokoblins who’s bodies turn to smoke upon death this creature’s corps just laid atop the sand. It felt like such a waste to just leave it there.
I gave the items to the woman and she was so thankful. She was instant on giving me three hundred rupees. Calisa approached me asking why I looked odd. I told her about the molduga. She then stared at me for a moment before saying I certainly hadn’t traveled for long, but I had the soul of a traveler. She had us take her to the body.
She had me make a fire and taught me how to figure out what meat on an animal is salvageable and how to turn the meat into jerky. As for the scales and fins we could use them to make cloaks to protect Bossa Nova and myself from sandstorms and other elements. She told me that I could bring the bones to Death Mountain and have the Gorons reforge my weapons with the bone to make them more durable and stronger. If I couldn’t do that then the bone still could be used to make arrowheads. As we were making the jerky some Yiga attacked. Working together we were able to fend them off. She said I was more of a warrior than a traveler, then asked why I’m traveling. I told her everything about saving the champion’s spirits including the princess’, finally defeating the Calamity… about fulfilling my duty as her guard. I hadn’t realized it till talking with her, but I don’t think of this as my duty anymore. I just want too. I want to learn more about my past, who I used to be, who I knew, and I want to learn about this present, it’s future, the people here now, and who I can be.
With so much meat it took a while to make it all into jerky. There was still more meat even late into the night. Calisa left to sleep in the town while Bossa Nova and I are still out here. Bossa Nova doesn’t care for the heat, but he seems to resist the cold well. Perhaps it’s because he’s lived in Zora’s Domain. The water can be freezing there at night.
Maybe Sidon is there now? Deep in those waters, those little spots and his fins so gently glowing. Maybe he’s writing me another letter saying he’s alright, of battles he and the Gerudo had against the Yiga and were victorious.
I miss him. And with Bossa Nova nearby I miss Friend.
The day was alright, fun even, so why do I feel so alone now? I hate this.
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han100894 · 5 years
My NNT Ships
The people I ship, how I feel about them, and Misc headcanons
My two fav ships are Escalin and Monderi
Escalin: I got into Escalin after I first watched the first season, wanted more, and looked up the manga—reading VoE for the first time. Escanor is just so cute, and I always “fall” for the depressed/anxious but trying hard characters so I was routing for him with Merlin. Later as I read the mange I started rooting for him more, though it was only after I took a break and then came back with Season two and caught up in the manga that I got really attached, probably because it wasn’t until then that the two actually were face to face again.
I see them still needing some time to work out their feeling before they get together CoughMerlinCough but once they are together I think they’d have a pretty good relationship. Originally I had them as not having kids, but @bertazsleepyhead convinced me otherwise with her cute picture of Escanor sleeping with a little daughter ^^ so now they are the only main ship that ended up with a biological daughter ^^
Monderi: I’ve shipped Monderi since I first noticed they always seemed to be together (and also Deri sleeping of Mons leg), and partly it was for the shallow reason that they looked good together. But as time went on, and they had more little hints I feel hard, especially once they ended up in the villege, the talk they had before Esta showed up… I just love it ^^ They just have so much angst and history together, and I so wanted them to be happy…
Three things:
I actually like to think what was going on with Rejine wasn’t an onesided attraction/love triangle. Instead I like to think Monspeet actually did love her in return, it’s just that he ended up falling for both sisters. So yes, in a perfect world the three would be in a v-shaped threesome (Aka Monspeet would be dating both sisters)
Despite Derieri having been a commandments since she was a child, her and Monspeet didn’t really interact until after her hundredth (human-like demon’s majority) birthday, to avoid the uncomfortableness that could cause.
I have an OC, Lokan or Loki, a little half human/ half demon boy who often ends up more or less adopted by Derieri (and if Monspeet is alive) Monspeet.
Kaine: I like Kaine, it was my first big ship when I watched season one, and I still enjoy it… but I’m not as invested in it anymore. I think the constant losing of memories eventually tired me out a little. It’s still sweet, and I’ll write them as background ship in my stories, but I’ll probably never write them as a main ship in a story.
Also as HC, considering Fairies are born from plants, I HC that King is sterile. Since they both still want lots of kids they end up adopting a bunch across multiple races ^^.
Banelane: (Is that how it’s spelled?) these two are cute. I never shipped them super, super hard, but I want them to be happy and together after all the effort they went through ^^.
Plus, and I know this is an uncommon opinion but…I took the fight Ban and Meliodas had during the tournament to have been not “Loli vers Boobs” as I’ve seen some describe it, but Cuddling vers. Sex, and so I actually see them as an asexual couple, which makes me feel good because it’s really rare for me to see people like me in the things I watch or look at.
(I actually HC that fairies kinda default to asexual, partly because they come from plants and are sterile anyway, and partly because they have very little experience with outside races most of them to learn about sex as they have a much lesser instinct drive for the most part in that regard. King is a bit of an exception to that mostly due to the amount of time he’s spent with humans.)
And yeah that goes against some theories, like them having Lancelot, which my HC that fairies are sterile also messes up, which I figured… they could mentor the kid instead, or adopt (Though I actually see them as the couple who doesn’t really want kids, they want to go on adventures together, and are happy being aunt and uncle to others kids, but don’t really want their own.) Like, Merlin isn’t an old man and only met Arthur later in life, Escanor only takes the powers from his namesake and otherwise is completely different, and Gowther is nothing like his namesake except his armor kinda, let alone Merlin’s half-brother—it’s not all 1 to 1 connected… *shrug*
Meliodas/Elizabeth: Okay so real talk…I never really could get into this couple. Meliodas “Playful” sexual harassment turned me off pretty early on, made worse by Elizabeth being sixteen (Which is already kinda of uncomfortable) for most of it. Was it supposed to mostly be comic relief, yes. Did I find any of it funny, no. No shame to people who do like them, but I just can’t fully get past the squick.
That said it will show up, considering how major a thing it is in the story itself, as a background ship—one which will always either take place after Elizabeth got her memory back and is at least not mentally 16 or in some cases I upped her age to 18, to make me feel a bit better, even if it’s really not that much better. In AU’s I’ll sometimes also flip things around, aka Elizabeth is Margret’s and Veronica’s older sister (Taking inspiration of Goddess Elizabeth I suppose) instead of have her be the younger one.
Jericho/Guila: I love these two okay, ever since they became partners I’ve loved them, and that was only reinforced during the last battle of arc one. I love their relationship, and I wish there was an actual chance they would get together…
Veronica/Grimoire: I love these two, their “are they together or not” –ness is fun to watch and look at. I also feel bad for them quite a bit, both of them always seem to get the wrong end of the stick. Grimoire goes to train and gets turned into a child for a month while his firneds get even stronger than him, Veronica goes to train, sneaks off in armor to her uncle…and then nothing comes of it. I really hope they get at least one decent moment in the future.
Gil/Margret: Nothing really to say about this couple, they are cute, very canon, and will hopefully both survive what’s happening to them. Margret taking up a dsword and going out to find Gil was nice (Though it did kind of feel like she took Veronica’s arc from her a bit), and Gil’s devotion to trying to keep her safe while she’s possessed is also sweet. Also bonus point for being pretty much the only canon couple that doesn’t have some kind of abnormal height difference/age gap…
Honorable mention:
Ban/Elaine/Jericho: Look, the Raven’s arc was the best arc, and Jericho had the best character development ever, and honestly I could kind of see it, in a sense at least. Either way I want to see these three interact more together.
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b-lightwalker · 5 years
The Hylian Child Chapter 3
Previous: Chapter 2
Next: Chapter 4
Disclaimer: The Legend of Zelda does not belong to me
Link, now a young voe of ten, sat outside under a tarp with Tangela, who decided she wanted to be a merchant and left her position as guard. She sold arrows and was quite the expert of making them, making her perfect for the position. She also taught Link how to make them, which came in handy since he practiced with his bow a lot. A glance around and she noticed how many foreign vai were in town, keeping note of how many looked like they would need arrows.
Today will another profitable day, she thought with a smile.
She was then snapped out her thoughts when she heard Link hiss in pain. She turned her head and saw him shaking his hand. Her gaze softened as she reached for a bandage and cloth and carefully cleaned the cut Link received from the small carving knife. Once his cut was taken care of she started cleaning the blood-stained knife.
“That’s odd,” she heard one vai say.
“I thought boys weren’t allowed in town,” another said.
“No, that’s voes.”
She couldn’t locate who was talking, but she knew the foreigners were referring to Link. Voe weren’t allowed in town and Link would be voe soon. She heard these things being said by foreign vai far too many times. She remembered talking to Ender and Lisha about dressing Link up so he could look like a vai once. The conversation ended with Kyra mocking Link, Link going back upstairs to his room, and a big fat no from Tori. After that idea was thrown out the window, Ender decided it would be best to leave Link be and let him wear his usual clothing, which was currently being fixed. Link managed to get a tear in it. So today, Link was wearing a peach shirt with ¾ sleeves, brown capris, and light brown shoes. The clothing was breathable but not nearly as breathable as most standard Gerudo clothing.
I wonder if we have any Gerudo voe clothing. If we do, Link can wear it, and he’ll be more comfortable, Tangela thought.
Link let out a bored sigh and shielded his eyes from the harsh glare of the desert sun. It was then that he felt something wrap around his neck, he knew most would usually panic, and that he should be, but he knew it was his 13-year-old sister Kyra. He shot a glare her way, which she combated with a smirk and a light punch to the arm.
“Come on, pipsqueak,” one of her many terms of mockery. “Vaba wants us. And to that, I say sarqso. We’re getting out of this goddess-forsaken sun.”
Link released an irritated sigh, getting up to follow his sister. As he entered the house, he noticed how tidy everything was. Now a clean house shouldn’t be new to him, Tori cleaned the house everyday, but this time there was a new atmosphere surrounding it. He found himself marveling at how the multitude of vases and antiques looked so new, when they were probably older than time itself.
Tori turned to face her grandson and granddaughter and smiled. “Vasaaq, Kyra. Vasaaq, Link.” She walked outside to a tarp. She sat down and patted two spots next to her for the pair to sit. They hesitantly joined her and rested in the tarp’s shadow. “Soon, you’ll start training to become a soldier,” she looked at Link.
Link nodded with a smile. He’s watched his aunt train many times, and always told her that he wanted to become a soldier like her.
Kyra scoffed, “Like there’s even a spot for a Hylian.”
Tori ignored her and continued, “And when you do, Link, your sister will help you with the basics. The same way Lisha helped her. You see, we Gerudo stay close, and we always try to help each other. Even though—”
“Vaba, Link isn’t—”
“Even though we aren’t the same.”
Kyra huffed and crossed her arms, pouting.
Link found a grin growing on his face but didn’t have enough time to get rid of it before his vaba turned towards him, causing him to release an awkward chuckle.
“I want—no, I need you two to take care of each other, support each other, and love each other, like the siblings you are.”
“Link isn’t my brother,” Kyra hissed, “He never was and he never will be,” she glared at Link and scowled.
Link looked at his sister in shock. Sure, he knew his sister wasn’t his biggest fan, but hearing her say that hurt. He forced himself to hold back tears and dropped his head, propping his arms on his knees.
Tori rubbed Link’s back and looked back at Kyra, “Young vai, apologize to your brother.”
“For what? Telling the truth?” Kyra stood up and pointed at Link, “He doesn’t belong here.”
“Kyra,” Tori snapped, “that's enough!”
Kyra grumbled and stormed away. Link wanted to curl up into a tight ball and start crying but instead rested against his vaba’s side.
“Don’t listen to her, Link,” Tori cooed, “I think you belong. You’re just as Gerudo as anyone else here.” She stayed quiet for a moment before saying, “Unfortunately, she won’t be the only one who will put you down. You’ll meet tons of people who will make you feel like you’re not good enough. And when that happens, I want you to remember that the Goddess chose you specifically to be saved from the cruelty of the desert. Surprisingly, most foreign vehvi aren’t shown the same kindness you were. Do you understand, Link?”
Link nodded hesitantly and looked up at Tori before looking at the floor and messing with rug they were sitting on. Link then sighed, “Vaba,” he started.
She looked his way and gave a small hum to show she was listening.
“Can you tell me why the Goddess chose me?” he muttered. “And how you know?” Now he sounded like he was challenging her.
She let out a short chuckle, “Am I really that bad at hiding secrets?”
Link nodded.
“Well, I suppose your curiosity is fair for your age. Here’s the deal, I'll tell you some now, and as you get older, I’ll explain it more.” She looked over in the direction Kyra stormed off in, “Just so you know, Lisha is going to make you responsible for bringing Kyra back home.”
“…Yeah, I know.” To Link, it didn’t make sense why he was sent him to retrieve his sister, but he did it anyway.
“Don’t worry, we’ll still talk about this, but in a more private location.”
“Come on, Link. Put your back into it!” Kyra, now 20-years-old, barked at her younger brother.
Link, the 16-year-old in question, was currently sparring one of the best Gerudo soldiers who wasn’t a commander. She was tough, and much bigger than him. He only stood at 5 feet 2 inches, while she stood at the average height, for a Gerudo anyway, of 8 feet. But that wasn’t going to stop him, he kept pressing on. He dodged another one of her blows and attempted to attack her and succeeded. He hit her side with the side of his sword which knocked her off balance. This gave him the chance to trip her and knock her down. She fell and before she could get back up the tip of Link’s sword was resting just above her throat.
“Link wins,” Urbosa, the new chief, cried out. A mixture of cheers and groans followed the announcement. Link exhaled as relief replaced the adrenaline rush he was just feeling. He helped the Gerudo onto her feet and congratulated her despite the fact she lost. He then walked to his family. One of the vais obviously being the opposite of patient.
“Nice job,” Lisha said, “For a Hylian,” she added.
Kyra forced herself to stifle a giggle.
“Lisha, please,” Ender snapped, “I thought you were over this.”
“You should be saying that to Kyra. But will you relax? The one time I’m messing around and you get on my case. Besides, it was obviously Kyra.”
“Hey!” Kyra exclaimed.
“Hay’s for Hylian horses, sis,” Link countered like a young vehvi. He enjoyed being around his family much more now, even though he lost a loved one. A little before his vaba died, he noticed his aunt and sister stopped holding prejudice against him. Which they apparently stopped doing a few years before Tori died, he just hadn’t noticed.
“But you’re one of them.”
“You did well, Link,” a voice commented.
Link immediately turned around to see who it belonged to. The voice belonged to Chief Urbosa. He nodded in respect of her and her compliment.
“You know, with you being one of my best soldiers, I want you to be my escort to Hyrule Castle next week. Is that okay?”
“Yes, Chief.”
“Good. You’re going to need to pack enough supplies for two weeks and some. The trip to the castle is longer than you think.” With that said, she walked away.
“Lucky,” Kyra said when they made it back to their house. “You’re not even 17, yet you get to go with Lady Urbosa to meet not only the king of Hyrule, but the princess and the other Champions as well.”
Link stayed quiet for a moment before saying, “Maybe…maybe she sees something in me.”
“What’s there to see besides a sunburnt Hylian?”
“Kyra,” Ender scolded.
“I’m just saying,” she said quietly. She caught a glance of Link as he sat down on a floor cushion and started reading a random book. “…I just don’t see what’s so special about him.”
“It’s okay, Kyra. Besides, Link doesn’t know what Lady Urbosa sees in him either. You two are on the same page.”
“I guess.” She sat down on the sofa behind her brother and gave him a half-hug. “Just don’t forget that you’re representing the Gerudo, even though you’re Hylian.”
“And don’t forget your manners,” Lisha blurted from the kitchen. “You’re meeting the king and princess of Hyrule.”
“Yeah, that too. But what are we gonna do about your clothes? I’m not sure it’s appropriate to go greeting the royal family wearing Gerudo voe clothing.”
“Well, we don’t exactly have any Hylian voe clothing,” Link commented.
“True. But we need to think of something.”
“Kyra, relax. If I’m representing the Gerudo, that means I have to wear my tribe’s garb with pride.”
“Fine,” Kyra relaxed, forcibly pushing all her weight on her brother. “I’m just worried. Gerudo and Hylian relations are shaky.”
“And they always have been. I know.”
“I’m just scared of what will happen to the Gerudo if the royal family learns we raised a Hylian as one of us instead of returning them.”
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, sis. Besides, Vaba wouldn’t want us worrying. So be strong, sis. Be strong, for Vaba.”
“Only if you promise to be.”
“I promise.”
“No, you need to Gerudo promise.”
“All right, all right. I, Link, a Hylian raised to honor Gerudo ways, promise to be strong for my vaba, my family, and my tribe. And if I fail to keep this promise, may Nabooru haunt me ‘til the end of my days.”
“Okay, I believe you.”
Link shook his head and rolled his eyes, “Well, since I’ll be leaving soon, there are some things I need to do.”
“Like packing,” Ender suggested.
“I’ll do that later.”
“No, you’ll do that now.”
Link knew it was now an order and put his hands up in defeat and walked upstairs to pack.
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