#which is confusing and annoying
smile-files · 7 months
this is so silly. one of the perks of having goody gardens as a thing is that it gives me an excuse to have like 50 billion fursonas. but then i'll keep thinking "but what about my truesona" as if that doesn't completely defeat the purpose
#melonposting#like oh my god. my brain for some reason cannot handle having multiple entities to describe myself unless i put that in its own framework#like goody gardens being an imagination world and such (it's imaginary so it doesn't have to obey physics or whatever)#and i'm like yay!! i couldn't describe myself with just one fursona/persona anyway#but there's something about having one that is generally me that's appealing and it's annoying that it just doesn't really work for me#i mean hey mr. nice guy used to just be my persona - and he was a personified version of my objectsona anyway#and now he's part of that larger framework#i still go by mr. nice guy because i think he's the most central to me. like he's the 'protagonist' of goody gardens so to speak#but the others are just as 'me' as he is#i dunno. as it is it's annoying just picking one animal for each goody gardens character#and i don't want to just have every animal as an option cuz that kinda takes away the meaning#but like with my difficulty suspending my disbelief...#if i ever want to play splatoon right? i'd be a cephalopod of some sort in that game#so in order for my brain to believe that i could 'be in that game' i must have a cephalopod fursona for at least one goody gardens characte#and so on and so forth#for bluey i must have a dog fursona. for ducktales i must have a bird. for my little pony i must have some sort of ungulate#and then for the bluey example: honey-doo gets a dog fursona cuz that suits her#and that fursona being attached to her would inevitably affect that dog's design and breed and personality and so on#which means that the dog she'd be might not be the dog *i'd* be (as in my whole person)#which is confusing and annoying#so then what - for every fursona there's two versions? one general one and one goody gardens character specific? that's so weird though#i have a vague idea of what those general ones might be like (brown or yellow with rainbow accents) but it's still soooo confusing :[#god it's times like this when i realize that autism isn't good or bad it's just weird and annoying sometimes#like god forbid these two completely inconsequential things not match up perfectly. god forbid#like golly it could not matter less!!!!! stop worrying about this you silly goose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyway sorry for this. i have work to do :'D i need to read karl marx haha
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month
one of the funniest things about garashir are all those times when julian bashir -- not unequivocally the most autistic person in the quadrant only because odo and worf are also here -- steps in to function as garak's emotional support social skills. 'garak this isn't helping/garak this isn't the time/garak baby if I can read the social writing on this wall it's time to get out let's go go go'
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sadhorsegirl · 1 year
aes sedai: do you swear to speak no word that is not true?
moiraine, who grew up in a culture that required all participants to constantly obfuscate their true intentions and carefully manipulate others to try and avoid being assassinated by a paranoid member of a rival house before they reached the age of eleven: sure lol why not
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maegalkarven · 7 months
No, but all the implications!!!
Gortash starting to treat Durge's wounds as a mere way of ensuring his ally doesn't die while he still needs them.
Durge begrudgingly allowing it bc fighting against it is more trouble than it's worth, though they're a little peeved by the idea first. Letting others treat their wounds feels too vulnerable, too...intimate.
Gortash slowly establishing that as the means of control because well-treated dog is a loyal dog and he needs Durge loyal to him.
Durge getting used to that because for the first time ever they're offered comfort, for the first time ever their pain eases, even if only the physical one. Learning they don't have to bear pain, what they can simply go to Gortash and he'll make the best healers take it away. Or better yet, would bandage their cuts himself, almost as if he cares.
This gradually turning into routine to the point where Durge once gets hurt Badly, blacks out and drags their uncooperative body to Gortash's house bc subconscious is a bitch and connected Gortash = comfort/relief/no pain/etc.
Gortash being met with the bloody unconscious body of his ally on the floor of his bedroom and being both annoyed and, strangely, relieved, because his plan of leashing Bhaalspawn is working and because he'd prefer to know if Durge is hurt and be in control of their healing.
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notetaeker · 1 year
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May 29, 2023 - Monday - Memorial Day
3 day weekend well spent, Alhamdulillah! The first two days, I did hardcore grading + event logistics. Third day (today) I ran out of steam lol and spent the whole day tending to plants (indoors and outdoors) and trying to figure out how to paint them. It was such a healing time tbh. It reminded me about The Secret Garden and the healing magic of gardening 🥺✨
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troius · 4 months
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frogfacey · 2 months
"where's waldo" pisses me off so much. I can hear it said in a smug american accent right now. "where's waldo" it's such a bad title it has horrible mouth feel why is there suddenly a hard consonant in there why does it end in an o it's bad it's so bad. "where's waldo" HIS NAME IS WALLY. IT IS "WHERE'S WALLY" DO YOU SEE HOW MUCH BETTER THAT FLOWS AND HOW MUCH NICER IT IS TO SAY. I hate the USA and I hate Canada and this is only a small sample of the reasons why. why did you change his name to waldo. I AM NOT BRITISH I HATE ENGLAND TOO BUT AT LEAST THEY CALLED IT "WHERES WALLY" INSTEAD OF FUCKING "WHERE'S WALDO"
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thekidsarentalright · 5 months
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i wish i could blow up all professors that say shit like this abt late work in their syllabi like 😭 shut up and just say if u accept it or not fkjdsnkfs
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skyburger · 2 months
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whos your favorite of the crusaders from part 3... i think i love baofu the most tbh
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shoechoe · 10 days
hope this isn't going to cause shit but i think tumblr users have a warped idea of what being "pretentious" means
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jabberwockprince · 10 months
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apparently it's way easier to plan scenes and plotpoints for a fanfic if i draw them first, so here we are <3 featuring me rambling abt this scene under the cut!!
i was specifically thinking about Haym and Rikki's entire relationship?
especially very early on, right when Rikki is properly assigned as Neon J's apprentice and whatnot. this was meant to be the moment Rikki realizes they're not coping very well with leaving Ban behind in Beachside Archipelago, and how they're actually gravitating towards Haym because of how similar he feels to Ban - yknow. being the same model and all
cause Rikki has some serious issues with needing absolute control over every aspect of their life. and right now, they're stuck with a job they don't exactly care for, trying desperately to suck up to Neon J so he'll actually promote Rikki to a DECENT job designing security bots for Vinyl City, not BABYSITTING 1010
(which isn't even babysitting, moreso than being monitored 24/7 in a localized space where they can't be shady since Neon J doesnt. trust them. at all. for various valid reasons)
so witnessing Haym pull some stupid but well-meaning stunt to force Rikki show off how good they are at fixing and repairing shit makes Rikki go????
but they only realize this when their body shuts down and cannot act the way they would've wanted, seeing Haym entirely fucking wrecked being very similar to how they found Ban when they first met makes them spiral a little
Haym doesn't even KNOW he's not the original Yellow model, he has his suspicions but is overall kept in the dark. befriending Rikki is something he does entirely out of genuine curiosity, motherfucker has no clue he's in the middle of a 4 year long unresolved break-up between two losers who are constantly pining after each other both romantically and platonically
im thinkingggg Haym might be seeking out Rikki's presence mostly because he's noticed that they treat him slightly different than the others. not necessarily better, just different enough to get him curious. so the need to build an identity away from 1010 as a group/unit and his inherent curiosity just gets him into this mess
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katya-goncharov · 15 days
the new doctor who series is really just one big hate crime for people who don't like change
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
very confused by whatever happened to me yesterday unraveled was announced and i am suddenly not a hater anymore
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tswwwit · 11 months
howdy!!! @thatonegayship demanded that I tell you abt this silly idea I had abt reincarnated dipper AUs (which funny enough I think was inspired by you?? i think I saw a post)
ANYWAY, whenever dipper gets reincarnated, the placement of his birthmark changes, BUT the reason behind the new birthmark placement is because that was the place that dipper's lover (Bill, it's always Bill bye) kissed the most in the previous life!!
Well that's adorable! Very good 👌 And very sweet.
And you're gonna see a couple Dippers with the birthmark plastered right on their mouth before Bill starts to get the hint.
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Little guy on my balcony! I had no idea praying mantises hissed before taking these pictures
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nabaath-areng · 5 days
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mutual orbit
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