#which is TOTALLY NORMAL behavior
insult-the-glory · 6 months
Since there's a release date now for the ocean saga (!!!!!) I figured I might as well type out a thought I've been nursing for a couple months now
As much as I love Epic as a piece of art, fundamentally I disagree with Epic's philosophical position as I understand it from what has been released.
The point of Epic, at least as far as I see it, is that Ody is presented with several competing philosophies on how he must act in order to get home, among them being Polites', Eurylochus', and the gods'. Mainly I want to focus on the conflict between Polites' philosophy and the gods' (Eurylochus' as far as I can tell is just "be more cautious"). Polites' philosophy is "whatever we face, we'll be fine if we're leading from the heart...greet the world with open arms" while the gods' advocate a more ruthless approach: Athena tells Ody "Have you forgotten the lessons I taught you? / He's still a threat, until he's dead" and Poseidon's philosophy famously is "Ruthlessness is mercy upon yourself".
Now my fundamental philosophical disagreement with the show is that the text seems to agree with the gods'. Ody's refusal to kill Polyphemus directly causes all his troubles with getting home; Polites' open arms philosophy results in his death; Ody will eventually ask "if became the monster to everyone but us / and made sure we got home again, who would care if we're unjust?"
The thing is though , this isn't even about Ody's responsibility to his crew because he will ultimately fail to bring anyone but himself home! And if the text ends up thematically saying "it is good and right to do whatever's necessary to get what you want, no matter who gets trampled along the way" idk that super won't sit right with me. Now, hopefully the show will end up saying something different—I think Athena's relationship with Telemachus might end up reinterpreting or transforming her philosophy but frankly I don't know enough about what her relationship with Telemachus will be like. Also there are still two songs I believe of which we know nothing. And when we have the whole show I'll be able to properly do a close reading!!
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jesterjaxx · 2 months
Canonically his dad is a cop and there are a couple jokes about his parents not loving him, dudes dad straight up said "actually, do we love you?" Like sir damn anyways im taking that and running with it SO
Giving him a fucked up situation of him and his dad always butting heads and both of them escalating things constantly, and as he got older the ends to the arguments went from getting grounded or punished to getting kicked out or Duncan just leaving, probably escalating to his dad kicking him out semi regularly and eventually his mom or dad telling him to come back home to make a kinda fucked up cycle
And like i know they gave the convict kid a cop dad for the laugh like its not that deep at ALL
but like that sets up sucha fucked power dynamic and i want to use that
and we never find out what got Duncan sent to juvie for the first time, its said off screen while some characters are spilling embarrassing or dark secrets and in my fucked up world either he accumulated a couple charges while he was kicked out, indirectly the fault of his dad
or worse but more tempting
he got kicked out and his dad arrested him for trespassing
so like idk i just love the idea of a pyromaniac, vandal convict who has no respect for authority or mutual trust having the tragic backstory that his first time getting arrested was at the hands of his father
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saionjeans · 1 month
i love how wakaba/saionji is normie4freak except you wouldn't ever expect which is which
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coquelicoq · 1 month
if i were in charge of memes, i'd put a moratorium on two nickels until people learn how to tell when it's actually weird for something to happen twice and when it's pretty normal and unsurprising.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 months
Y'know, I feel really bad for the people who are still in that server and have to put up with all the hateful rhetoric that mod is spewing out because they can't speak up about it in fear of getting banned.
Yeah, and just to serve as a general reminder that it is not everyone in that server are like this; it's mostly Shandale, a couple other mods, and a few other members, with the other mods who haven't engaged with this behavior directly mostly being responsible for never doing anything to actually rectify this issue like removing Shandale's mod status or removing them from the server for repeatedly saying shit like this (or doing anything similar to the other mods who have explicitly backed up their rhetoric). There's actually a good few people who will stand against the rhetoric thrown around, which is absolutely something to commend them for knowing that they could easily be banned (since, you know, the person that's saying this shit is someone who has banning privileges and is known to ban people for pretty innocuous shit).
It honestly must suck to be an average Edelgard fan in that server knowing that at pretty much any time there's a pretty damn good chance that one of the members - or mods! - will spout off blatantly racist shit and there's just. Nothing that will be done about it, ever, just cuz that person is friends with a mod or are a mod themselves. And in one of THE biggest spaces for Edelgard fans, at that! I hope they can eventually find a better place to love their fave in, since this one's such an unsalvageable garbage heap
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glitterock · 4 months
i’ve seen some people claiming you’re a terf or at least friends(?) with a terf. is this true?
i’ve answered this before and i really don’t want to talk about it again because it’s super upsetting to me that people would even think that with 0 evidence but i’ll lay it all out one more time:
a friend of mine from irl also just so happens to have a blog. she accidentally reblogged a picture from an apparent terf on here and didn’t know. since then someone on here made a post about my friend saying that since this happened she must be a crypto terf and that since i know her, i must be a terf apologist or a terf myself. this post included absolutely no evidence that i hold terf ideals except for the fact that i simply know someone who accidentally reblogged a picture. since this person has a following and once someone in here is called a terf it sticks to them, now a large amount of people who know nothing about me and have no real facts to go off of are calling me a terf, telling my mutuals im a terf, and spreading a huge fucking nasty rumor about me.
for starters, my friend is not a terf. me and her are a part of the same irl community so i’ve seen her interact with trans people and trans women in our community as well as my friend group which consists of trans people and she’s nothing but kind. we also have had conversations about transness in the lesbian community so i know exactly what her morals and thoughts are on this particular topic and she isn’t a trans exclusionary person. she says she just doesn’t check where she reblogs things from as many of us do because we have lives and don’t have time to research every single username we reblog from. I am believing her because i know her actions in real life and my real life friendships and relationships are more important than what ppl i will never meet on the internet think of me.
i don’t want to have to prove myself because it feels fucking ridiculous and weird and performative to have to make a list of reasons why i’m not a terf but since people keep saying this about me:
i have trans femme friends, i have lived with trans femme roomates and currently live my my best friend who is a trans man, and a i have little cousin who i adore who is a trans woman. When my cousin came out i sent her a huge box full of old clothes, makeup, books about queerness and transness, buttons, accessories, etc. and my aunt called me crying saying what a huge difference it made. When i am out at queer events and see trans women who are are by themselves i always try to make a point of saying hi or complimenting their outfits so they feel a little less alone. When creating my zine, i knew that it would be imperative for me to include trans femme voices in it to create a proper narrative of the lesbian community because trans women are an important part of our community and i have nothing but respect and adoration for them. I always try and do my best to be a trans ally especially knowing the privilege i have as an afab femme in the lesbian community, and I have never once in my life held any terf ideals and never will because that is genuinely not how i am. it’s extremely extremely upsetting that people have stuck this label to me without knowing anything about me and especially without having any proof that i’ve ever said anything against trans women, trans people in general, and tbh i don’t even know anything about radical feminism.
the person who made that post also claimed i was friends with 2 people on here who are terfs, one of them being the person that said something along the lines of: “i would only fuck a femme but i could only be with butches” and it caused a huge fucking mess on here a few months ago. I need to make this extremely clear that we are no longer friends and haven’t been in over a year and have been no contact, again, for a year. i was in an absolutely terrible toxic sexual friendship with them that made me feel genuinely horrible about myself and I spent weeks in therapy trying to unpack it all, get over it, and get out of it. having this old friendship that was so awful for me being thrown in my face as if i’m still in it also is super upsetting for me.
if u want to see the post, im pretty sure the user that made it is meansweatydyke or something like that and im sure it’s still up so u can see for yourself. i want u to pay attention tho to the fact that nothing in their call out post actually pertains to my personal morals or thoughts and only is about my proximity to people who have mistreated me/ or have done things unknowingly. it’s super fucking irritating and upsetting. I am 100% on board for calling people out when their actions show that they are bad people, but i have made 0 actions that show this besides being guilty by association.
short answer: no i am not a terf, have never been a terf, and will never be a terf. it says that in my pinned post, and i always strive to uplift my trans friends and trans voices in the community with the platform i’ve made for myself online and in my zine. anyone who knows me knows i am not a terf.
id really love it if people would stop spreading this horrible fucking rumor about me and stop telling people i am a terf now with absolutely no evidence to back it up
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lorephobic · 5 months
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infizero · 9 months
every time i so much as think about that scene where light looks at porn magazines while scowling i go into hysterics its genuinely the funniest thing i've ever seen
#the funniest thing is is that i truly believe he thought he was being 100% convincing. that that's normal behavior for a completely straight#completely allosexual man#light is fucking awful and i hate him but also there's nuance to him. and sometimes i can get a little like. oh thinking about his life#before the series. specifically factoring in my headcanons about him being gay aroace and autistic and stuff. ppl have written some rlly#good fics surrounding those topics.... but yeah thats not even canon stuff but i dont care#anyways its not in a way of making excuses for how he is i just think it adds more to his character#hes total garbage but i think theres really interesting stuff with him when it comes to how he's.... VERY disconnected from others#just in general. he's like aware of how to act ''normal'' on like the most textbook surface level without being like. Aware enough to#be able to make it more convincing. and as ridiculous as it is i do see some of myself in him in that sense#also that person who said light and L is just autistic guy who's been masking his entire life vs autistic guy who's never masked in his#entire life. LITERALLY EXACTLY. genuinely perfect way to describe them they are both so similar when it comes to this#but the ways they go about it are very different. light has been playing the part of the perfect son his whole life. L doesnt try to change#himself for anyone and doesnt care when people think hes weird. both of them arent very socially aware and havent had any real friends#their whole lives. its such a fascinating parallel between them#i could go on a whole fucking thing about how light was pretending to be someone he's not around his family and at school and everything#long before he got the death note BUT. i wont. at least not right now#jesus christ how did i go from laughing about him with the magazine to this. my bad#derailed my own damn post. idk swagever#will say rq tho. watched a vid on youtube that pointed out how light expected his family to think nothing of the fact that he's gone to#such drastic measures to hide his diary when making the plan with hiding the death note which is like#that level of dedication would NOT be normal. so the fact that light expects his family to think nothing of it......#i mean you could read that as light just once again being socially unaware. but it could also imply that light's family kind of Knows#he's hiding something and just doesn't address it. (he's gay. im talking about him being gay)#the video also referenced this comic that i didnt rb cause the actual premise of it (lawlight wedding) is um.#not at all my kind of thing. BUT it was light describing himself as a house with a basement when his family sees him as a one story house#and i thought that was such a cool analogy#ANYWAYYYSSSS i need to go to bed. thanks if you read my ramblings#serena.txt#death note posting
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curiosityforstars · 9 months
Insanely funny to me how everyone who works at Princeton Plainsboro acts like House has held them at gun point at made them do the awful things they do. Like sure, he's pushed them towards being worse, he definitely brings out the worst in people, but they do have the option of saying no. Half the time, all he can really do is be more of an asshole. None of them want to admit that he just gives them an excuse to be awful, because then they'd just be admitting that all of them suck.
#house md#literally they're all just awful people. which. people are nuanced and good and evil are too simple to define people blah blah blah#but they are all so! bad!#they just get to conveniently blame all of it on House.#Maybe the fellows have the most justification in this because he's their boss.#but they are also crazy! so.#anyone else would've quit i swear.#all other hospitals would be like oh you quit.. (or were fired)... why? OH you worked for Dr. house? i hate that dude totally understandable#but like Cuddy and Wilson? they have no excuse! House just makes them look better so they seem normal and then they enable him and you#realize thag actually all 3 of them need help and none of them should hold positions of power.#(cuddy is the best of them but she's not totally great)#Wilson yells at House and gets upset when#House exhibits normal behavior of his#and then turns around and continues to enable him#Cuddy yells at House and acts like she keeps him on for the hospital#and then also enables him and breaks laws for him and does not stop his insanity! when she does she proceeds to cave!#and then they all turn to House and tell him he's an awful person who is definitely lying about his chronic pain from his disability and#he ruins everyone's life with his assholery and addiction#as if they don't put themselves there day after day#like damn all of y'all suck. House may bring out the worst in them but it doesn't even take that much#(i firmly believe the fellows would just be like that. House is not soley responsible for their behavior)#they'd all be fired from a better hospital though! Cuddy is the reason for all this idc how good House is. she couldve and shouldve#fired him.#anyways.#ik y'all like to talk about how Wilson looks like Mr. nice guy next to House to hide his own issues#but that's true of alllll of them#its great none of them should ever work in a hospital.
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gatito0000 · 11 months
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I love reading impostor!Miguel fic where he stolen his alternative universe life when on the surface it just domestic and established family fluff
most of the control freak, obsessive and near psychotic possessive mindset that impostor!miguel have is so close to miguel 2015/2019
spoiler: when he learned that his wife died, he was out for BLOOD / despite the fact that her death was an unfortunate accident/ he was single minded tracking down whoever responsible, in order to MURDER the person behind it
The good news is he wasn't that far off with his suspicions and eventually find his wife was alive and well but the thought of what he would do if shes actually dead.......and this was before he even learned she was expecting kid!
Miguel was always just a little bit more violence, a little bit more anxious and one bad day away from being the most terrifying spiderman and comic miguel was just a 5'10 guy
ATSV Miguel was an entire different league of his own and its a good thing he was a good guy :)
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
The way conservatives frame being trans as some kind of "social contagion" while literally calling for the erasure of all trans people from public spaces is wild because who the fuck decides to Be Gender because it's so cool politicians are telling you you shouldn't exist on the news?? Like the idea that trans people are deciding to be trans because it's a social media trend akin to the cinnamon challenge or the fuckin ice bucket challenge is an absolutely bonkers argument to make in the middle of "these people shouldn't exist" speeches. Surely at least one of these brainless lumps have taken a half a moment to consider how something could even become a "social contagion" when they're personally railing against the existence of these Very Cool People??
Plus, you know, implying whole swaths of people are too stupid to figure out their own damn genders is uh, deeply insulting to suggest just because they're confused about how being trans works.
#winters ramblings#frankly if anything is a social contagion its being CIS. no one pressures you to be trans but EVERYONE pressures you to be cis#and not JUST cis that's not good enough you have to be cis RIGHT and perform gender CORRECTLY Or Else#and also this is totally natural behavior of course thats why youre policed so heavily for your gender presentation#because gender is natyral and normal and has no cultural assumptions and pressures behind it at all#ill never understand arguing something is natural and then policing it to HELL and back because that 'natural' thing isnt being done 'right'#if it was natural you wouldnt be doing that- no one is policing how my eyes are blue and telling me to make them a better different shade#of blue. probably because its a NATURAL eye color and cant change based on how much im screamed at. unlike gender roles#which have ALWAYS been fluid and changing but like legit though. HOW can you make an argument for 'social contagion'#while ACTIVELY LEVERAGING SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION AGAINST THE GROUP YOU CLAIM ONLY EXISTS AS A TREND??!?!#if it was a social contagion your evidence wouldnt be that you think you should be able to do a genocide on trans people DESANTIS#amd if they want to argue being trans is a social contagion fine. what makes beung straight and cis NOT a social contagion?#oh just that you have no problem with those things and make a pittiful argument around nature despite knowing JACK ALL#about anything to do with nature? well thats convenient isnt it
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doctorweebmd · 2 years
Yo I ran into the dude that I thirsted for so hard 2.5 years ago that I started writing Intersecting Lines in the work cafeteria this morning and I pretended not to see him
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spring-lxcked · 3 months
remembering my canon of how william and elise get together is so funny and i realized i've never actually gone into detail abt the specifics, i'm always like "oh they met when she visited hurricane and he showed her around and they hit it off immediately" but i have failed to mentioned that they sleep together like five times before ever going on an actual date AND ALSO that the first time they have sex william quite literally hits her with the "i think i'm in love with you" immediately after and they both laugh it off like he wasn't lowkey serious
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barnbridges · 5 months
what's funny is that "the tism" or whatever is fed on people's inabilities to break certain cycles or habits, not because they can't, but because they feel uncomfortable doing so. having back problems isnt an inherent autistic trait, just most people have it because we don't comprehend posture very well. you at some points need to make greater effort to fit in and be happy and healthy. but some people would rather die than work on themselves.
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The Daycare
Danny moves to Gotham after Lady Gotham themselves asks for his help.
Gotham's natural ecto has been deteriorating, and considering ecto was what held everything in existence together safely this was a major problem for Lady Gotham.
If Gotham got too bad it would spread to the rest of the world, and could cause it to cease to exist entirely.
So Danny came, as the Ghost King he had the power to filter in great amounts of the corrupt ecto just by being in the city.
But part of his obsession was protection & helping, Gotham already had a lot of help (Batfam). So he decided to focus on helping not with the problem at the top (villains), but with the problems at the bottom.
The problems at the bottom that would be the root cause in breeding more problems.
After all, many didn't start evil, but need and desperation pushed them towards that path.
So Danny moved to the worst part of Gotham, The Bowery.
What did he do there?
Why open a Daycare of course!
Many parents could not get a good or stable job simply because they needed to look after their kids and could not afford to pay the daycare fee.
Danny wasn't worried about money after all the coffers that he inherited as king would take forever to even make a dent in it, and that's only if he was living a very lavish lifestyle everyday for several human generations.
With this in mind his Daycare fee was pretty much nothing.
He would take care of the children of a very wide age group, while the adults could focus on getting a decent job or even returning to school for a higher education for better opportunities.
How does he care for so many children?
He duplicates himself of course!
At least in the very beginning, after a while he begins expanding his Daycare offering classes and tutoring to the children as well as free food at all times.
Who's helping him ?
His ex-rouges and other ghosts who volunteered.
Lunch Lady absolutely adores having so many people and kids to make food for, and Box Lunch can socialize and play with the other kids while she works.
Ember even volunteers to be the music teacher!
Danny has the help of many ghosts who once they heard his plans were very excited to help, many having the obsession with teaching children or in general. Other ghosts helped with building, expanding, and just generally helping maintain the building in great shape. Even building a very diverse and fun playground.
Of course all this catches the attention of Red Hood. Danny just appears one day on his territory with many others and practically having a building appear out of nowhere with how fast it was built, asking literal pennies to take care of the children, and free food for anyone who asks.
All that gains a lot of attention and is rather suspicious.
But the crime rate has been going down since he opened, which is a good thing.
But many people don't want good things and decide messing with Danny and his Daycare.
Unfortunately for them cuz Danny is absolutely down for violence if he's protecting what's his.
Villain: "What a lovely place you have here would be a shame if something were to happen"
Danny who has the audacity to fight Gods and win: "Someone call an ambulance! But not for me!
Also Danny: "These hands are rated E for everyone"
Other people:"Should we call someone for help?"
The ghosts:" Nah, let him have his fun he needs his enrichment"
Red Hood: "He's very suspicious"
Danny is absolutely covered in paint and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with the young kids: "Ah yes I'm totally doing normal Gothamite behavior"
Lady Gotham is having some self care spa time she's having a grand time: "Should I warn the young king of the other halfa (Jason)? Hmm best not, it'll be more entertaining if it happens naturally"
Just an Idea
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wordsinhaled · 10 months
i’m so totally normal about the fact that aziraphale’s last (known) deliberate foray into the queer community was when he learned the gavotte at the fictionalized hundred guineas club (!!!) in the 1800s and now in the 2020s he’s like “grindr? what’s that?”
many are talking about his repression which is very valid… and yet the thing to me that stands out about aziraphale is that he’s actually… incredibly stable in his identity and that identity IS incredibly queer. queer by the standards of heaven AND by human standards as well
metatron describes his “de facto partnership” with crowley as “irregular.” and in fact aziraphale in his entirety is irregular. he likes and makes it his business not only to understand but to be a connoisseur of all manner of things angels aren’t supposed to even remotely care about. food. music. books. theatre. sleight of hand. and more.
it’s the sort of behavior that would’ve gotten him othered, treated as a bit odd, in heaven even if he hadn’t chosen to consort all across the earth with a literal demon. and it IS treated that way - the fact is aziraphale even as an angel has got proclivities that set him apart from the rest of the host (even after offering him the highest position in heaven, metatron still acts deeply dismissive of him… like aziraphale’s bookshop is merely a quaint little hobby of his that can be easily transferred to another custodian, and not a literal extension of who aziraphale has become, full of his tartan and unique bibles and special vintages of wine and the books arranged in a very specific way)
so. aziraphale is a queer angel but of course he’s also queer to other humans. but in such a way that… he had his realization a LONG time ago, and put the matter very much to rest after that. aziraphale is perpetually something like several centuries behind schedule. he owns an ancient computer that probably continues to run windows 98 simply because aziraphale’s decided it should. he wears the same waistcoat and coat for generations because he simply likes them precisely the way they are and sees no reason to change them. but the idea that he doesn’t know how he comes across to others - of course he does. he knows he looks like your prim and proper grandfather and he prefers it that way
aziraphale looked around at humans in the 1880s and said: ah yes. this is where i fit. and promptly ensconced himself in that queer subculture. learned the gavotte. read his austen. loved crowley from afar. aziraphale is fiercely and vibrantly queer. just with the sort of assurance of someone who lives with his lover in a commonlaw marriage for decades and then shows up at city hall for the certificate once society decides it’s ‘allowed.’ like… he hasn’t had any need to know what grindr is because aziraphale’s ‘scene’ was a century and a half ago and it defined romance for him too.
but my favorite thing about aziraphale is how much of him is about appearances versus the truth. he can lie straight to angels’ faces and sleep at night. he knows he comes off soft but he once wielded a flaming sword. he dissembles helplessness but he’s far from it and he knows precisely how it makes others treat him. and at the core of aziraphale is rigidity, inflexibility of ideas… his sense of self is stable where crowley’s is malleable, and so on, and so on
and the fact that he’s continuously fixated on trying to misguidedly do the right thing, the fact that he seeks heavenly approval and wants to fit the world into his schema of good vs evil… in no way do i think that means he isn’t one hundred percent aware of how he feels about crowley or what it means about him by angelic or human standards. i’ve seen some folks saying that aziraphale doesn’t want to like kissing crowley and like… as much as i love me some brideshead revisited/atonement flavored angst; i put forth that it’s not internalized homophobia or queer panic but simply: “i’m trying to do the right thing for both of us and you won’t let me.” and “i wanted our first kiss to be different.” he was envisioning an entirely different flavor of romance than what he got but he emma woodhoused too close to the sun
like, y’all. aziraphale in all likelihood has a glorious collection of historical queer erotica. he just has a feathery diva coat hanging in his closet, and for what. “oh, good lord” he says at crowley’s revolutionary outfit in the bastille, while eyeing him up like an entire meal. he’s so good at affected propriety, at carefully constructed stuffiness, but between the two of them aziraphale’s got to be the one who has experience
aziraphale had been physically throwing himself at crowley the entire season. he orchestrated an entire regency ball so they could touch hand to hand. he spends the entire season (well, and season 1) looking at crowley like he’s particularly coveted. he looked at crowley before the fall like he was glorious and beautiful. aziraphale’s queer and he knows it and i think that isn’t his problem, it’s the fact that he wants to build a different sort of future for the two of them but crowley’s gone and thrown a wrench in it by reminding him of everything he can finally have. like. that’s the heartbreak. it’s how dare you make this ugly? i forgive you for our first kiss being all pain and salt. it’s my dearest, i wanted to make heaven as beautiful as you deserve. as sacred and safe for us as our bookshop. and i can do that for us, because once i held a flaming sword and i still remember how the hilt felt in my hands. and now the taste of you is in my mouth.
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