#whew im so good at being a mess
yO omg i just found ur page and i love it so hi im requesting : )
can i get izuku x male reader (or gn! idrc) where the reader is pretty stoic, like todoroki times a billion, and is only friends (boyfriends LMAO, i should mention id prefer if they r already in a relationship) with izuku, like mutters to him to talk, n just follows him around most of the time, n is kinda insecure since he has a bunch of scars and his arms are messed up because of his quirk (like discoloured skin and such) and because him n izuku are childhood friends hes kinda clingy, and is only soft with izuku
but then one day izuku is kinda havin a tough time, and snaps at the reader by accident (the reader kept clinging to him cause he didn't know where else to go and couldn't read the social cues of izuku being frustrated) and just the most heartbreaking angst with a nice fluffy ending of izuku after like a day of realizing the reader hasn't been clinging to him or talking to him and him going to see the reader in his dorms and just walking in on him curled up with a plushie or smth that izuku bought him n trying to sleep and izuku just breaking
you dont have to do this!! have a great day/night and stay hydrated!! im gonna go stalk ur bnha masterlist now ;)
ndsjafbiw i love angst sm
And feel free to stalk my masterlist lmfao i get really happy when i put more and more stuff on there and it gets longer and longer...
brheupqbufverpw also i was listening to bad habits by steve lacy and i llove you so by the walters and bjhsbafw it set the scene so good yall omg.
Whew this has been sitting in my drafts collecting dust since I lost the motivation to write when my account was nuked, but it's back, so I'm back and you guys can have this as your peace offering :D
Masterlist <3
Warning: Scarring, mentions of vomit...
Izuku x Male!Reader - Quiet
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You were practically Izuku's shadow. Everywhere he went, you went too. At the beginning of the year you were incredibly quiet and didn't really react to much. You just kept to yourself, really. You had been suffering with some pretty damn crippling anxiety at the time, and it almost had you staying home and ghosting the entrance exam because you couldn't stop thinking about what could go wrong.
You had nearly forfeited your dream because you were scared.
What if you're too weak? What if they reject you? What if you humiliate yourself?
What if somebody sees the horrible scarring on your arms and says something? It's not your fault you're so hideous, but that doesn't stop you from feeling like it is.
Things stayed that way until Izuku spoke to you again for the first time in a few years, making your little heart thud in your chest as he mumbles and mutters hypotheses about your quirk and about how glad he was to have seen how you'd grown. The boy is so open and friendly, and so talkative that it more than makes up for your lack of input in the conversation. It had been that way before as well.
You both had been childhood friendsat some point, but for some reason you'd grown apart. It broke your heart, but lo and behold the quirkless boy is entering the exam too. Who knows, when you both fail maybe you could be friends again.
At least that was what you'd thought.
Except, you didn't fail. And neither did he.
You had stuck around him after that, following him to class and for lunch until he started to get a little freaked out when leaving for the dorms only to see you still trailing behind. He confronted you and bashfully asked why you've been shadowing him the whole day with an awkward smile, unknowingly hurting your little guarded heart as you realised that your company was apparently unwanted. Of course it was. What were you thinking?
When he saw your dejected face, and felt you practically deflate in front of him, speaking up quietly for the first time the whole day, he immediately felt bad and invited you to his dorm room to talk at you some more, since he knew you wouldn't be replying much.
"S- sorry... i'll go. 'didn't mean to bother you. I just felt safe..."
His poor little (gay, but he doesn't know that yet) heart melted on the spot.
It was from then on that the two of you stayed as close friends again, and Izuku became your safety net. Every time you would panic or cry and cower away in your dorm room he was there, ready to help you challenge your negative thoughts and give you the confidence to step outside again. You had grown even closer than before despite the rift that had previously grown between you.
When he had gained the patchy, discoloured scarring on his arms from abusing them so much with his quirk, he had smiled, and held your arms close together with his.
"We match! ... You still think we're so hideous?..."
Your heart had skipped a beat when he said "we", implying that he would share this burden with you.
Over time, you started to grow closer and closer, until one day, you cleared your throat to speak while sitting in Izuku's bed with him, some random hero documentary playing on his TV. He immediately shut up at the time, listening to you speak because it's so rare that you'd break your silence unless you were with him and he was honoured that he was the one to make you feel that comfortable, and you would never forget how his cheeks started to glow when you confessed to him that day. He was so proud that you were able to tell him, and immediately accepted your confession of love.
Ever since then you had hung around him at all times, clinging to his blazer with an outstretched hand when the halls got busy and even following him to the bathroom, his blush ever present every time you did. He didn't truly mind though.
But today, he had been in a rather sour fight with Bakugou, and he was reeling. You had never really been privvy to social cues, so when he let out frustrated sighs and huffs, and held his head in his hands during break, you just thought he was feeling a little off today.
Discoloured, scarred fingers reach out to hold onto his blazer sleeve when you start to feel a little unsettled, huddling close to him and showing him your affection, but he does not take kindly to it.
A sharp smack fills the silence of the room as Izuku swats your hand away harshly, growing irritated with and overstimulated by everything around him. You know he must have been having a bad day, but it must've been you. You didn't realise that you had ruined his day and part of you almost thinks of this as his way of breaking up with you, but you don't have much time to think on it before your boyfriend is yelling at you.
He had never yelled at you before.
"What's is it now?! Can't you see i'm not in the mood?! I can't do this right now. You don't have to cling to me every second of the day!"
Everything feels numb when, for the first time ever, Izuku raises his voice at you. He definately wants to break up. Didn't you hear, idiot? He said he doesn't want you near him anymore. He doesn't like you anymore.
It doesn't even take a second for the overwhelmingly depressing and intrusive thoughts to infiltrate your mind and swarm you, and you freeze up as he walks away from you, your throat suddenly closing up as your eyes sting from the salt in your tears.
For hours you sit alone in your bedroom, curled up under your sheets and crying so hard you almost vomit. Of course he doesn't want to be with you anymore, look at you. Your face is bright red and your skin is raw and sore from all of the tears and the wiping of your face. It hurts. And it looks like it does too.
You curl up into a large dragon plush that Izuku had won for you at an arcade date the two of you went on. It was one of your first dates and still remains one of the best memories of your life. The fur of the plush is absolutely ruined with snot and tears, and your voice is hoarse and it carries in your cries how torn apart you are. It's sad, the first time you've used your voice this much in such a short space of time is when your crying into a plush over your boyfriend. Or your ex.
Your hair is slick with sweat and tears and a few strands cling to your face as you cry, and you're completely exhausted by the time midday rolls around.
The next day, you skip school and stay in your room, your head pounding from the dehydration of crying out all the fluids in your body. You're only brought out of your trance as you hear a tentative knock on your door. Is the school day over already? Oh...
You didn't even bother to go to dinner, and you haven't eaten all day because you hadn't the guts to come out and face everyone after sonething like that. You may be a strong hero, but without Izuku, your crutch, you felt like nothing.
The last thing you expect to see is Izuku walking in to find you curled up in your bed, in a state worse than any he's ever seen you in. Considering that he's seen every one of your panics attacks since you had grown close, that's saying something.
Immidiately he's by yourside, relising how bedly he had fucked up. You were still cradling your hand close to your chest in an effort to stay close to the last place he touched you.
The freckled boy had come to apologise for snapping at you the way he did, but he never expected it to be this bad, and he truly worried when he didn't see you in class this morning. He felt unsettled not having you there beside him since you were both a package deal, and everywhere you went, you went with Izuku in tow.
His heart just about shatters as you look up at him with confused eyes, the colour in them appearing so much more intense with the flood of emotion and the redness of your sclera. your eyelashes are dark and bunched together with little tear droplets and the image is so etherial to him. He's so in love with you that it hurts, and there's an uncomfortable tightness in his chest and a lump in his throat at the sight of you like this. The second he saw you curled up and crying into his plush his heart had dropped to the floor and he had physically felt it.
In seconds he's apologising and tearing up, crying with you while he gets under the covers to cuddle.
"Baby, I- i'm so, so sorry! I never meant to hurt you like that, I swear! I was stressed and I took it out on you- i'm sorry! I've been a horrible partner- but i'll make it up to you, I promise..."
You didn't doubt him. The boy was torn up about how he treated you and the relief and comfort of finally being back in his arms again, coupled with the realisation that he didn't break up with you had your heart stuttering and racing and a hundred miles an hour while you cuddle the fluffy haired boy.
Your hands are already buried into his hair and he practically whines as you press your forehead against his under the sheets. As he rambles about how sorry he is you just scratch his scalp, still recovering from the heartbreak of what you thought was a split between the two of you, and you say nothing back.
Izuku knows you though, and he knows your silence isn't one of rejection. He holds you close with surprisingly strong arms, holding the hand he slapped away in his and trailing his thumbs over the discoloured scarring there. As much as you see Izuku breaking every record with his astounding strength, he's still just that squishy baby in your mind, with hamster cheeks and big, beady eyes that are like glass windows to his soul.
It brings a smile to your face and fresh tears to your eyes. You're so in love that it hurts.
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tangledinink · 7 months
Heya! First off I’m around halfway through teenage mutant what now and it is the funniest fic I have ever read - Beautifully written and overall brilliant but the jokes get me every time
And second, is it okay if I reference a pose from one of your gemini artworks for my own work? I’ll credit the inspiration if I post it anywhere ^^
whew we're overdue for an ask dump,,, OKAY ALRIGHT.
THANK YOU ; w ; I'm really glad you like it hehehehe. also yeah sure feel free! I don't mind! ^^
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oh he DEFINITELY freaked out at first. there was a lot of panicking and confusion and "how could this even happen?!" ("you think i'd genetically engineer a creature that's not capable of reproducing? all of you should be genetically compatible with practically any yokai," draxum said. "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO, I DUNNO, TELL US THAT?!" donnie said.) but eventually, he did calm down, and he and his partner talked about it (a bunch, multiple times), and eventually some of the panic gave way to... curiosity, first of all... and then maybe kind of excitement? and some fondness? i mean, he was still pretty scared, and sure, he doesn't really consider himself a 'kid' person, but it's not like he never thought about EVENTUALLY having kids, just maybe... not so soon? but. i mean.
well. if they're already cooking...
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THANK YOU ; w ; i'm glad you like them! @kiwi-smug-silvalina
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oh gosh, that's a good question. i'm not entirely sure... uhmmm... i would say perhaps... details about how gemini!donnie's witchcraft looks and acts, VS how venus's witchcraft looks and acts...
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it is very shiny. i like that people call it "the bean" instead of its actual title coz it pisses anish kapoor off.
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ah ; w ; THANK YOU SO MUCH,,, thats so sweet and this made me very happy,,, <3 im glad you liked it!!!! @allegedllama
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HEHEHE thank you. yes im aware that i am deranged.
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omg same hat!!! i was a lifeguard and it was.... uh.... INTERESTING to say the least... (sometimes lovely, sometimes AWFUL...) @datfearlesschick
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if by games you mean 'messed up deals that she can manipulate to her own advantage,' then yes! @frogonamelon
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@beannary @spectralsleuth @heckitall @livsinpjs and the sep council as a whole!!! y'all's support has definitely meant so much and there's no way i'd have gotten as far with any of my projects as i have without them... or without literally ANY of the people who take the time to do things like reblog with tags, leave commentary in the tags, send in asks about my stories, etc etc etc! that's definitely one of my main motivators to create more!!! <3 thank y'all!
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EEEE this made me smile, hehehehe. thank you :3c @thejavavoid
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thank you!!! u w u @fanrulerjynx
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THANK YOU ; w ; I REALLY APPRECIATE THIS,,, it made me very very very happy and HEHEHE IM GLAD YOU LIKE YASSIFIED DRAXUM,,, i just think he DESERVES it, y'know? also thats just my favorite way to draw characters lmao I think it's fun so I decided for this comic I just get to indulge...
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not necessarily-- this was mostly just a coincidence! @breezehurricane
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oh gosh. i'm not sure, but i know it definitely WILL affect their parenting... i think at first donnie will find himself just... deferring to his partner a LOT in almost any situation because he's afraid that he'll fuck it up, because he DOESN'T feel like he understands proper boundaries or what parenting is supposed to look like, etc etc etc, and he's afraid he'll mess up. he probably reads a TON of parenting books as well because RESEARCH and will often try to pull directly from them in any situation he can, and is confused when things don't go exactly the way they were described in the text... leo i think kind of tends to flounder between being overprotective and feeling the desire to protect his son from everything and anything and wanting to overcorrect this tendency by pulling back and trying to give him as much freedom and space as possible, which sometimes leads to some... inconsistencies. there's definitely a learning curve for both of them, but they both get the hang of it eventually. they both have lovely partners and a very loving and supportive family to help them and they'll figure it out with a bit of practice.
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ahhh thank you! :D im so delighted that my silly stories actually inspired something for you!!! hell yeah!!! MAKING THINGS IS GREAT!!! THANK YOU!!! @can-elope
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i like to imagine them all staying very close, especially coz i'm loosely planning on them all going through the kraang-apocalypse together (and then coming through to the other side!) so i can't imagine them ever drifting too far from each other, emotionally or geographically. there's a bit of a rocky start for a lot of them, but all of the siblings end up a very tight-knit bunch.
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tojisun · 6 months
the reader on toxic dbf!simon is so cassie howard coded from euphoria if you ever watched it… and there’s one scene that makes my heart wrenched and brought me sooo many bad memories. I’ve been there twice and it’s not a good feeling😕 craving for love and being so addicted to it can mess up with your head. your confidence specifically. putting that ‘i accept the love i think i deserve so i take whatever i can get’ throughout my two year of toxic unfair relationship lol. i love your writings sm🩷
hi my love thank u sm for sending this in :(( im so sorry that youve been through that. and ur right, god, the way it fucks u up and reduces ur self-worth until u feel like u deserve the pain that came with the relationship?? yea im so sorry my luv. im glad that u are out of it!! i hope the healing had been tender and kind, and thank u again for trusting me (us) with this!
and yea!! i’ve seen euphoria and ur so right my goodness??? also euphoria always gives me such sputtering anger. i have big opinions but also i get so heated but yea anyway: YEA. reader does give cassie vibes :(( the way she runs back to nate even though he ignores her and sidelines her. the way she finds affections from when they fuck even though all hes given her is physical ‘love’
whew oki im getting upset
take care sweetheart mwah!! :3
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quinloki · 1 month
Ok so, I shit u not, since u said I could pick who to talk about, I decided to use a number generator to pick for me and it picked my Kid Pirates OC LMAOOOO who was inspired by this, really fantastic fic by @standfucker (if I remember right the title is “Rotations” but don’t quote me on that)(also note that this is the crew I am the LEAST familiar with but the most FASCINATED by atm)
So, let’s get into Zella(he/she), my newest OC (like, literally came up with her in the last couple of weeks)! She is a 5’5”, 22-24 spunky lil shit from the West Blue, who loves her crew and ONLY them, fuck the rest of the world. He’s punk (ofc), usually sporting a cropped deep red and green leather jacket, long fingerless gloves, and black tank top and high waisted pants, with boots (a pair she’s had since before the Kid Pirates and would stab a bitch for as they were a gift). Short dark green hair, with two little white tufts that poke out in front of her ears and frame her face. (Im kinda shooting for like, a hummingbird kinda vibe for her, but not like “cute smol, wants some flowers” and more “I will stab u with my beak if u get near my flower” deal. A colorful chihuahua if u will)
Since Zella is so new I don’t have a lot aside from design vibes, but I have some key things
• as One Piece characters tend to have, his childhood? Fucked up. Got dragged around hopping island to island with their shitty parents until they finally abandoned him. He tried to find comfort and friendship with the local kids and it, didn’t go well. Let’s just say the fingerless gloves r there for more than fashion. Once she managed to leave THAT shitty place, Zella found an island home that, while on paper it’s not a good place, there were few people who actually took her in. Until that too was taken, resulting in Kid Pirate Zella.
• can and has climbed her crewmates like trees to get a better vantage point. It’s usually Wire or Killed, Kid in a knee-jerk reaction threw him overboard. Zella has not let him forget about it since.
• Has the filthiest mouth of my OCs, but is not immune to being flustered into place (which happens more often than she’d like)
• will pick the spiciest food and eat it with no reaction (Dive took a bite thinking she could handle it. She could not)
• very skilled at sewing and has helped her crew with fixing and customizing their clothes on many occasions. Do NOT touch her chaotic corner of supplies, she knows where everything is and somehow always knows if it’s been messed with. A l w a y s.
• has two tattoos (atm, may add more later), one in particular being an under chin tattoo of a red star/flower shaped pattern. Does not remember the night it happened, at all.
• always has a knife hidden somewhere on her person. Full body searched? HA u missed the one between her ass cheeks bitch
And that’s it for rn!!!! I have a lot more I want to develop and figure out for Zella, but I also have to get to know her crew first lmao thanks for letting me ramble!
The 🌷
Holy shit - hey Zen - idk if the tag in an ask will ping you, but I'mma assume yes - Your one-shot birthed an OC for someone!!
And yeah, it's called Rotation - that one and Whiteout whew.
Anyway, we're talking about your Zella and I love him \o/ What you have so far is fantastic, and it's certainly enough for a full fledged OC, so I don't think you have to worry about that.
And it doesn't take much honestly, sometimes character creation is a long long process, and sometimes they come to us all at once. And sometimes real development happens in the parameters of a story, but you've got her down solid already. I love the bullets and the little personal bits here and there with the crew.
If you're fascinated with the Kid Pirate crew, I gotta make sure you're aware of @swampstew - she's got a Meet the Crew series, and yeah it's based on her head canon of them, but it's a great place to start in my opinion. (I imagine you are if you follow me, I love her Kid Pirate passion, and I bet if you're nice and ask for some head canons she'd share as much as me xD ❤️🥰)
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grudgebird · 2 months
Rant about why I would have loved decay to have been Shigaraki's quirk (+musings about the future)
I mean it's still is 100% his quirk but him not being born with it is so disappointing to me. In 418 Tenko cries "why else would I have been born like this", only for the next chapter to answer such a heart-piercing question with "u weren't lol"…SUCH a cope-out omg.
Whew almost had to contend with reality that some kids manifest such horrible quirks as decay and horrible things happen because of it…thank god it was just a fault of this one dude (ughh)
In this very same manga we have examples of people accepting their quirks & assert that only they get to decide what is the meaning behind them, despite people trying to shove them into boxes. Shinsou using his "villainous" quirk be a hero <3 Shoto using his fire because it's HIS, not his father's <3 Eri, who was told she was born cursed, learning her power is like a knife - it can be dangerous but can also be used to make delicious food (I love that scene) <33 I've seen people saying that it would be repetitive for Tomura's arc end in the same way but I disagree. I thought that as the main antagonist, he is not only the final boss physically, but also the final boss thematically: His salvation could have been a culmination of the lessons we learned throughout the series, and a testament of their significance.
Tomura could have been the ultimate case of that setup. It's easy enough to tell Eri (someone with essentially super healing, who killed with it on accident) that she is born with a gift. But could you have told the same to Tomura (someone with hands that destroy everything, who used them to kill on purpose)? I guess we will never know. To have a man with destruction literally written in his genes, who was raised to believe there is something fundamentally wrong with his being, come to understand that only he can define his power, that he is not doomed because of the way was born. Aaaa it could have been so gooood :( What could have been a powerful story about self acceptance instead misses the mark completely (for me).
Ok FINE we also do have Toga's story incorporating this (with a few key differences) and we love her!! But it's still baffling to me that the main antag is doing a worse job at embodying the themes of the series than the supporting cast. Seriously, even if afo giving decay makes sense logically (it's in his character, it was foreshadowed, yadayada), what exactly does it add to the narrative, thematically?
+Not really a serious point but there was something so resonating about abused boy's hands turning to destroy everything they touch because, when no-one else cared to save him, he had to end the abuse himself. The same way it's resonating that a depressed man turned into a cockroach. It doesn't need a reason because it just makes sense that would happen. (magical realism my beloved)
Shigaraki's story could still end with him reclaiming decay and it would still be neat tho!!
Idk about that awakening of reconstruction thing…feels too much like "healing=good, destruction=bad" (im more of a "destruction can be used to do both good and bad things" typa gal (like using it to save people from under rubble and stuff like that)). I'm not ENTIRELY against it tho. (The league could really use a healer right now lol). +Shigaraki awakening hope for a better world coinciding with awakening the power of creation that was denied from him would be cheesy but also cute. But also uhhh - didn't decay first start to manifest when he was playing with Mon, shining smile on his face from the knowledge that his granny was a hero? So what would be the narrative reason for decay to manifest then, but reconstruction now? UNLESS that WAS reconstruction and he was actually repairing the ball from Mon's teeth marks?? Reconstruction coupled with regeneration opens the door for all kinds of messed up, gorgeous body horror <33 (Tomura using his own bodymass for overhaul, like healing someone's obliterated arm by ripping his own arm off and giving it to them lol it would be sooo mmmmhmm) (sidenote: Are we gonna see mangled overhaul vestige or what??)
While we are talking about cheesy metaphors…Shigaraki getting back his airwalk (if that is his og quirk) and learning to fly after being freed from the man who groomed him? HELL YEA that's what im all about. I don't like decay not being his og quirk, like I probably made clear lol, but this would be beautiful not gonna lie (im just a sucker for freedom symbolized by flight (imagine him tiptoeing through skies without care in the world like Howl from howl's moving castle….with a cape and everything…glamour off the charts))
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iovesia · 1 year
i can’t stop thinking abt him rn… (and btw im getting a 2003-2004ish vibe, so it’ll be set during summer in that time in this drabble🤭)
ure sososo right abt hank!! he’s a total perv and sleazy af!! thinking abt him and naive!reader (also a bit of a bimbo🥹) she has quite enough money now so ofc she’ll treat herself with some cute outfits!! and dw she still pays rent on time ;)
wearing flimsy crop tops and skirts just the size of a belt with platform sandals that really accentuate those pretty legs, walking past hank who’s chilling in his seat. when he saw his favorite girl in that flimsy attire, he immediately sat up and calls you over.
"c’mere sweetheart!"
"hi hank!!"
you ran up to him and waved at his direction. he eyes you up down, grinning and shaking his head slightly. he pats his thigh, signaling to sit on his lap, and god, you actually listened to him.
"who’d you get so dolled up for, huh? never seen you wearing all this before, must be new."
"it’s scorching hot so obviously i’ll be wearing these, oh and yea they are!! i’m glad you notice these are new."
grabbing your lip gloss and compact mirror from your purse before you apply them, hank stares at you for a good minute, examining your pretty face<3 his tongue in cheek. you noticed him staring and you looked back at him with that sweet smile of yours.
hank (being hank) squishes your cheeks and kisses you open-mouthedly. your bambi eyes blown wide but eventually closing and melt to the kiss. before realizing and pulling out, you look at his lips then looking at yours through your compact mirror, immediately whining and huffing.
"something the matter baby?"
"hank!! you messed up my lip gloss:(( now i have to re-apply them again."
you huffed out, pretty lips pouting while applying that sticky glittery substance. he just smirked at your whines as he caressed your thighs. silly girl. standing up and dusting your skirt, you tell hank that you have go to the audition, not before you pointed something out.
"you got glitter all over your lips by the way🤭"
"whatever doll. now run along, you don’t wanna be late don’t you?"
he wipes his lips and chuckles, knowing damn well he’ll get those goddamn lip gloss stains on his dick tonight.
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perv!hank and bimbo!actress!reader is officially top new au. hank being the sleazy older landlord (yes, i'm dropping the age gap trope!!) and reader is practically his human barbie doll— covered in pink, and miniskirts and short crop tops. i'm eating this blurb for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
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chompe-diem · 5 months
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just me tryna draw the vantasmos for the first time lol, i definitely drew penny the most bc he actively fought me the most (':
random thoughts/hcs under cut:
lol the first thing i drew was the bottom right frankie and honestly after that i was like: whew that's just an old man, moving on-
srsly tho thats just an gruff old detective man, thank u murph for making my life easier
penn. penny. pendark. caldwell love ya man but penny has so much going on. and i'm not even talking about mentally! canonically he has a fishing vest, the fucking beret, and a scarf. also caldwell drew him with glasses in his drawing. dont get me wrong i do love all this for penny but i am one measly guy, one subpar artist
anyways yeah i drew penny a bunch bc i kept wrestling with him, and tbh he's not quite there yet (i think i keep drawing him too young-looking), but now at least i think i have a concept sorta pinned down !
tbh did not give mavid enough love, so he's not fully formed yet, but i have some thoughts percolating!
am currently Considering white frankie & penny, and mixed mavid just bc i love brown ppl (i'm brown) and mixed ppl are sooo epic and cool. idk have to relisten before i commit tho i think
also ik mavid's supposed to be nasty and terrible, but also like. ik people who are balding in their early 20s and it's rlly not that bad, part of me thinks that mavid Could kinda go for that rogueish (heh) scruffed look if he wasnt committed to being absolutely disgusting. peanut dust everywhere
look im no good at genetics but for the faces up top i was trying to figure out what features i wanted to carry over and etc. all tentative but yea:
all having basically the same nose? frankie's is a little crooked bc i figure he's been socked in the face a couple times in his line of work
mavid maybe getting frankie's eyeshape?? but penny got his mom's. also penn got linette's ears idfk
oh yea i think penn is one of those ppl who's speckled in moles i just think it's neat [:
was tryna give frankie and penny a similar face shape but give mavid a longer one? dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also yes i drew them with too much hair, my sincerest apologies, i am planning to do better next time o7
was also toying with unibrow mavid and frankie/penny with deeper-set eyes
anyways love the vantasmos and crossing my fingers that we get more of them semi-soon! adore them fr theyre all kinds of messed up
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
But I'm glad you're having such a fine time, who is your tav going for?
I do have some problems with the game, but overall it's fun to play. Probably wyll or laezel. Initially I was gonna go for shadowheart bcs I really liked her character design and my tav also hs that similar kind of dry sarcastic sense of humour. But after having her for a while in my party, she got on my nerves real quick. I tried out some races and she almost always had something to say about it. Im not thst far into it and I like astarion but the fact that he can leave ur party if ur character kicks him in the nuts sent me and now I can't take him seriously. I think my tav enjoys messing around with him. I just keep throwing spells at him and reviving him and he hasn't left yet so he's a trooper. 😂
I was playing as a tiefling originally but they kept having stuff to say about them being a tiefling and it got kinda annoying so I changed it to something else. /lh 💀
Playing as a Sorcerer is so much fun I can just make shit explode. Idk how to use astarion though, I just make him throw arrows and hide, he doesn't really do much in fights, but he's funny so I keep him around. I might get rid of shadowheart, but she's also a cleric and provides good heals so idk. She's so fine but she's really got a poll stuck up her ass so idk. Some of the remarks she makes about certain races and some of her actions towards a certain character because they are that race (don't wanna spoil it) just kind of put me off especially with her being white. I'm aware it's fantasy and stuff and I haven't finished the story, but anyways we'll see, maybe she'll get better. 😅
Wyll is my fave so far, he's super underrated!! I do wish there were more romance options of color though. I think so far I've only met one which is Wyll. 😭😭
sorry for the late response! i have not been my best the past weekend!
I do have some problems with the game, but overall it's fun to play.
Me a salty, hater: Feel free to share~~
. I tried out some races and she almost always had something to say about it. Im not thst far into it and I like astarion but the fact that he can leave ur party if ur character kicks him in the nuts sent me and now I can't take him seriously.
DOES SHE?? I have done an half-orc but she hasn't said anything?? Unless I wasn't paying attention. Who does she say shit for? I know Giths for sure, and I imagine drows. Also ROFLMAO. I mean TBF TO HIM! hahaha
I was playing as a tiefling originally but they kept having stuff to say about them being a tiefling and it got kinda annoying so I changed it to something else. /lh 💀
omgoodness. the druids right? omg so like i have a druid tief and i thought it might be like double the fun bc of the grove, but whew. literally every breath like: WOW YOU DEVIL YOURE SO EDUCATED FOR A A DEVIL. WOW HAHA DEVIL. it's like dude. 1. not a devil 2. heard the joke the first three times, ain't yall tired? so far proving to be worse for my half-drow but havent made it far.
Idk how to use astarion though, I just make him throw arrows and hide, he doesn't really do much in fights, but he's funny so I keep him around. I might get rid of shadowheart, but she's also a cleric and provides good heals so idk. She's so fine but she's really got a poll stuck up her ass so idk. Some of the remarks she makes about certain races and some of her actions towards a certain character because they are that race (don't wanna spoil it) just kind of put me off especially with her being white. I'm aware it's fantasy and stuff and I haven't finished the story, but anyways we'll see, maybe she'll get better. 😅
i mean he's good for picking locks. that was actually his sole purpose for me for the longest. then is tarted respecing him/multiclasing him thus he became my lock picker AND my arrow man in certain PTs. or my arrow man/shadow man. i am sure i dont use that to the full potential bc i am such a newb but wte. so you're not alone.
lmao i mean if you get a paladin or a druid or you multiclass someone else ... but honestly i havent really dealt with her racism outside of lae'zel -- which i do admit really annoys me. lmao. i remember i had a PT where it was lae'zel that saved her but she gave all the credit to astarion and im like ....... is this a glitch or is she just that ... bad re: giths. and nah, it's still annoying. the fantasy racism.
also i feel i under use my sorcerers bc im still figuring out the meta magic stuff but i do like them. are you wild magic then? both mine [i ended up respecing my durge to multiclass paladin and sorcerer] are dragon ancestory bc everyone and the mom says its best and also bc im a sucker for that shit.
Wyll is my fave so far, he's super underrated!! I do wish there were more romance options of color though. I think so far I've only met one which is Wyll. 😭😭
He is LITERALLY the only one. I know people wnat to include Karlach bc of what Larian did with her features [some people said she was modled after Gemma Chan] but I do not, because her voice actress is white. IDC. She is white. She a white woman who got surgery. Blame Z----l, if it makes yall feel better. She got a fetish or something. But Karlach is WHITE.
But Wyll is. [You know why. But also because Larian gives him so little but ... YOU KNOW WHY.]
It is one of my many issues with the game.
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kuroosdarling · 11 months
what ifff, knight!kuroo one day decides u two have messed around enough n that he can’t keep doing this. In a heated argument, he tells u that he doesn’t want u anymore n u should find someone else but in fact, he’s so deeply in love with u that it hurts. n that is exactly why he lets u go, for u, for the sake of ur kingdom. He turns cold, just does his duty n doesn’t involve himself further in ur life..
it hurts more when he starts calling u "princess" n not by ur name. no more casual chatting, no fun...n u just bear it. ur parents want u to marry the charming prince who had taken a liking to u during the ball...n well, u agree coz how long could u deny them anyways? everyone’s happy but there's one person whose heart absolutely shatters upon hearing the news. he has no right to be heartbroken after all, he wanted this to happen, right? he reminds himself.
u look absolutely stunning on ur wedding day. Tetsu cannot stop looking at u n he constantly has to remind himself that u are not his anymore but if desiring another man's wife is a sin then he's more than willing to be a sinner. coz he still does want u so so bad.
u ask ur trusted handmaidens to come with u to ur husband's kingdom. n unfortunately, ur father suggests Kuroo to go with u too since he's the person he trusts the most to keep u safe n u feel most comfortable with him by ur side. Kuroo wants to say no badly, but he settles for a "as u wish, ur highness".
oh it’s a pain for him. he watches ur new husband give u kisses, he sees u two walking into the same room. it’s when he catches u alone that he expresses how much he hates all of this, how he should be the one to give u kisses n hold u. u catch his lips in an instant, he pulls back slightly but gives up when he sees ur pretty face. that one kiss turns to two, three n more. n those kisses lead to hot, passionate, intimate moments when ur husband’s not around. the sneaking around, subtle touches, longing stares….
he can never be yours fully, n u can never be his. he’s the “other man” who’s breaking a marriage, he feels guilty, but all those thoughts are thrown out of the window when u ask him to meet him in private, when u kiss him so sweetly n when u look so beautiful on his cock.
n u feel bad because ur husband’s not horrible by any means but no one could compare to ur tetsu, the only man who hold ur heart.
whew the knight n a married princess no less?? how scandalous!
gosh im sorry u must be sick of me typing brainless things into ur asks 😭
zuro anon
ZURO MY LOVE ! sorry this took me a second to get to, i wanted to give it my full attention :3 never apologize for sending stuff like this omg i live and breathe for it <333
okay this hurts my heart SM !! but in the absolute best possible away. bc it would b so realistic for him to pull back like that to try and protect his heart. but ultimately breaking it more … oh god 😭 im unwell.
imagining the night before the wedding you go to visit him in the middle of the night in hopes he’ll say he loves you, to tell you not to marry him, something.
but he doesn’t 😔 bc at the end of the day he’s a good knight and he knows that you marrying the prince is what’s best for the kingdom. he holds a certain amount of responsibility and he knows he can’t keep you from doing your duties.
or maybe he does — to an extent. he gives you one last night with him, the ultimate send off. making you come undone over and over again and savoring every time you mewl out his name. he knows it’ll hurt 10x more the next day when he sees you walk down the aisle to your betrothed but he can’t help but be a little selfish, even for a moment.
and then after some time and the two of you reunite?? ur right, there would be so. many. conflicted. feelings. UGH !! but there’s a certain level of nostalgia and familiarity with sneaking around with him, which is the warmest welcome being in a new place. your heart truly does only belong to him, and eventually if it comes down to it and your husband found out, you wouldn’t be that mad.
ur right, the scandal would be delicious >:3
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year
tell me moar about vince
yur wish is my command v-v
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Vincent is the adopted child of a pretty powerful local crime lord named Elroy Slaughter, who took her in in the midst of the European refugee crisis. Growing up, Vince was surrounded by a lot of underground criminal cutthroats, the politics of which were extremely stress inducing- at 13 she was clinically depressed and suffering from early symptoms of OCD. Elroy eventually drifted away as a parental figure and Vincent was more or less left alone to herself with only her tutors to really talk to. At some point Jack was hired as her bodyguard and the two became friends! And one day Vince convinced him to run away together; which they did, but unfortunately for Vince, Jack is legally Antumbra property and the organization tracked him down and took him away. So she was homeless, and left alone again.
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She found herself working as an illegal debt collector for some unsavory persons when she met Francis! Frank was fresh out of the hospital suffering from severe memory loss and trying to earn money just to eat, so the chimera spent a lot of time out on the street taking whatever jobs she could as a ten year old lol- and while Vince was concerned at first about Francis’s situation, she kept Frank around after Frank prevented her from killing herself so…it became a “i still have to be alive for SOME reason…and that reason is to take care of this child!! Haha!!!” and well.
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Yeah that didn’t pan out…after y’know, everything, Carmine more or less found her and was like “WOW LOL. YOU’RE A FUCKING MESS, wanna work for me?” because well, Vince may be a fuckup but she’s good at what she does and was at absolute rock bottom after Francis sent her to the hospital. Car got her off heroin and instead supplied her with free xanax and oxy as a leash of sorts, so now Vince works for Carmine!!. There’s more to it than that, but thats Carmine’s business, not Vince’s lol
During her stint with Francis, she met Jack again. And while they managed to rekindle their friendship, both had changed; Vincent falling further and further into her addiction while Jack refocused on his duties for Antumbra. Jack actually babysat Francis a couple times!! But Vince and Jack’s relationship didn’t really last either, when they both ended up on opposite sides of a job and Jack chose his job over her so…whew
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But yeah thats her history!!
Vincent is just…a mess. The queen of ruining her own life. She only feels like she has some control over her life when she does drugs and self-harms unfortunately, and juggles…a lot, emotionally. She’s a good person, deep down!!...maybe!!! She still cares about Francis but honestly doesn’t have the mental patience to deal with Frank as she is now so they fight a lot, made worse by the fact that they’re now coworkers. Francis is very "you should kill yourself...NOW!!!" at Vince and Vince makes fun of Frank and tries to get under her skin wnv she can
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Other stuff…hmm….
Powers!! Vince has ice generation powers that she doesn’t have the greatest control over, as well as some accelerated healing due to her nature as a mutant.
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Despite her weird on/off relationship with Jack, the two still hang out and the romantic/sexual tension is lowkey crazy. They sometimes go on ‘dates’ to the local aquarium and natural history museums (Vince likes to point at dino skeletons like “omg JJ those’re yur grandparents lol”). They were the only ones each other had for a while, growing up together as mutant transgender kids in a very volatile situation (aftermath of the Urban Civil War and refugee crisis) so even though they often fight and argue and kinda-not-really try to kill each other, they DO still like. YEARN FOR HOW IT USED TO BE BETWEEN THEM…
and shes a person in the NEC who knows somebody who knows somebody ya know what im sayin??? if anyone needs anything, Vincent is usually the one to talk to despite being seen as a bit of an annoyance and a HazardTM ("sir that lady has cost us 2$ million in damages alone plz stop hiring her-"). but she gets the job done!!!
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astrobei · 2 years
Also any other fanfic writing tips? Do you have thoughts on chaptered fics vs longer one-shots? Do you ever struggle with characters feeling ooc?
I'm working my way up to finishing a couple WIPs and am very very nervous about posting them on ao3 😬😬
ooshdjsfh i think it’s funny when ppl ask me for writing advice bc i am a Mess but i will try my hardest to be helpful w this!
for the first bit, personally i’m a fan of oneshots, both writing and reading (there are exceptions for both ofc!!) just because i usually don’t have the attention span to write or read chaptered fics unless they’re finished and under 5 chapters ! but both of my chaptered fics are/were chaptered literally because i wrote too much to make it a oneshot without it feeling kind of clunky and awkward LOL i don’t usually write fics with big fleshed out plots anyway, and it’s more like a general storyline with a focus on individual scenes instead of the overarching plot, so i’ll write it all in one go! and i always write more than i think i will, so stories i plan to be like 10-15k ALWAYS end up at least 20k somehow 😭 personally i just rly appreciate when chaptered fics are consistent w uploading (as much as possible for the author) because it’s really hard for me to commit otherwise, which is why i don’t rly write them myself!!
and Oh My God anon,, i struggle CONSTANTLY w characters feelings ooc im always so concerned w my mike especially, since so much of s3 and 4 was more will pov and we didn’t get as much of an insight into mike’s internal struggles and thoughts like we did with will (the castle byers scene, van scene, jonathan talk, etc) so i’m always worried that the way i interpret him is not the same way that others might! and characters like lucas and dustin and max are easier since their povs in the show have stayed pretty consistent since their first appearances, and even will is easier for me to write (although i prefer mike which is pretty obvious maybe LOL) but mike Stresses Me Out a lot,, whew !!
if ur having trouble w that my advice (or at least what i do, take it w a grain of salt siskfjsjf) is think whether or not u could imagine this character saying that in the show. like, if this dialogue was added to a scene would it feel weird and out of place? do they usually use words like that? are there words used in the show specific to this character? (e.g: robin with “dingus”) i do take a lot of creative liberty w characters like mike and will especially when writing fluff fics, since so much of s4 and the end of s3 has been Sad and we haven’t gotten much humorous interaction from them, but i always try to ask myself if it’s true to their dynamic. like, mike would never ever pull off being suave and cool (except maybe in will’s unreliable narrator pov) because he gets flustered and is kind of an idiot and will is canonically a little bitchy and a little snarky and one of the only people who can put mike in his place so .
and thinking abt their motivations and Why they act/think the way they do: in byler’s case for example, will is selfless to a fault where he keeps putting other people before him, he’s so scared of his own needs making him selfish or a bad person that he often backpedals too far trying to amend that (s4!!) but he gets frustrated pretty easily (he’s the one that’s Started both of the infamous byler fights, the one that blows up first) and isn’t afraid to call mike out on things !! vs mike who tries really really hard, and has so much love for the people in his life but he’s inexperienced in it and doesn’t know how to show it in the way they want (saying ily to el, being a good friend to will) and a lot of his own inner monologue being fueled by the fear that the people in his life don’t need him anymore and yk . stuff like that . idk i just think abt these things a lot when i write!
anyways i am not qualified in the slightest to give any of this advice so FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS !! but anon if u ever end up publishing those wips (pls do) PLEASE don’t hesitate to drop me a link i’d love to check them out! posting fics can be rly scary but my advice would be to have as much fun with it as u can! play around w tropes and dialogue and writing styles and povs as much as u want. it can be easy to get caught up in writing what u think ppl want to read or thinking u Have to write smth bc someone asked for it but literally just write whatever u want (that’s like . not insane and awful for obvious reasons) and enjoy urself!!
hope this helped !! <3
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gojoest · 1 year
okay okay, firstly I hope I'm not overwhelming you, I'm just excited.
Now now I kinda feel like everyone expects Ego to be into degradation and I think he is to some extent but not in the way we usually see.
I just see reader between his spread legs, hands resting on our thighs and we were kinda trying to avoid eye contact but he's leaning forward, eyes boring into face and lips twisted into a frown as he holds your jaw to keep you in place and not break said contact.
he's upset with you and rightly so, you knew you went too far and he knew that you knew as well and just watched as you continued acting up. he's never been one to not say what he's thinking but he doesn't like public marital squabbles and you know just that. so, he reacts the way you expect him to and he just watches your antics with calculated eyes behind freshly polished glasses.
but at home, here in this position, you can't hide from your punishment, can't prance away between moving people to avoid a quiet scolding.
his sigh is deep in the room and it speaks volumes about how he felt the past few hours.
"do you not get tired of disappointing me when you act like this?"
"it's a pain because you never like to do as you're told, your disobedience is a hassle and you are stubborn"
"but these are things i already knew before putting a ring on your finger and these are things i will not change, though i can remind you there is a time and a place for such behaviors, hm?"
okkkk I'm not sure about the dialogue and I didn't proofread it but whew here
no bc the way i agree with you on this ! he’s def not into degradation ! ( at least not my ego < 3 ) but still he will  be pretty snarky. part of me wants to believe he secretly enjoys you being all over him in public and pushing his buttons giving him the perfect opportunity to mock you later < 3 like ‘there’s a difference between being selfish and primitive’ . . . AND YES ! will definitely teach you proper manners at home < 3 AGAHAKSHBJ and let me tell you — he will edge you until you turn into a whimpering mess ! ( and he’s so good at that ) i just know it !!
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i just randomly remembered we talked a lil bit last summer on here re the nt at the olympics and i figured why not check in, i see u here all the time and im glad youre still around - how are u? have u quit teaching? any thoughts on whats been going on re the nt/tc/nwsl?
lots of light and love my friend, give charli a good pat on the head from me
what a kind ask! hi :)
- ok so yes i did quit teaching! i’m working as a director of professional development & school climate for a queer non profit in socal + doing some dei consulting in youth sport. it’s pretty cool overall albeit deeply disorganized lol — but a WAY better work life balance than teaching so for my first year out i’m p happy! i have no desire to stay in this position at the np long term but it’s all good for now :)
- vlatko + ussf admin can eat my entire ass !! like … obviously they’re not transitioning the team well, they’re overplaying players etc, so it’s not cute. i have loved watching england play this euros & there’s fun gays so that’s been a nice little balm in the wake of me breaking up for good w the uswnt lmao (unless cp has a comeback tour next spring then all bets are off)
- u know… tc… are so beautiful. hot, obviously, but just they rly deeply do seem to delight in each other in this very organic & genuine way. it makes me so happy lol. & also tobin in her little menswear outfit w her gay haircut (which is still not my fav but i Get It ok) just gazing adoringly at her wife in front of Everyone? idk man that hit! like she just looked like herself, idk how else to explain it. sentimentally i can’t speak for everyone but she’s 5 years older than me & so i’ve watched her play pro since i was maybe 12 or 13? & being a queer masc of center person kinda watch this player i LOVED just journey into like full gender expression & have a hot wife & just be Beaming… wonderful. that’s the stuff. it’s beautiful to watch someone u have admired for a long time just be who they are u know
- nwsl … whew girl. lmao. i’ve been to all the acfc home games except the sd game when i was in nyc a few weeks ago, & i will say it’s the COOLEST experience every time that i’ve had at any womens sport event. beyond that… what a mess of a league lol like where do we even begin !!
- also u didn’t even ask abt this lol but … the acl epidemic is so 😵‍💫 to me at every single systemic level.
(i’m fully out here in my nice home gym doing vigilant prehab for my knees & ankles tho bc hurricane charli gets excited on trail runs & at the beach & is ready to take me out sometimes lol)
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lifewithcake · 2 years
Ahhhhh I joined a P1S newb party I really hope this goes well I'm so nervous T____T
spam updates~
Edit 1: ok we've wiped twice to shackles lol and then one vet DPS ragequit on us, im sortaaa starting to understand the terminology but im struggling a bit. i have 0 experience with savages but this experienced tank is being very helpful so im glad, and the others seem pretty patient ;-;
Edit 2: We made it to intemp! we have quite a few first timers in the party so the vets are talking about who's gonna flex and im just sitting here like... dont mind me yall do ur thing ;3; I looked up the joonbob strat and it looks simple enough for a healer. also this Perfect Legend guy really is an MVP, willing to teach us through this all (and ofc the other vets who are offering helpful tips!)
Edit 3: Whew progging single mechs truly is interesting. And it feels so good to actually get past it :D Also wowwwww the healing is way more intense
Edit 4: oops we only got past intemp once LOL we keep wiping to it, this mech is kinda brutal. one person messes it up and we all die x_x
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ofniko · 5 years
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troye sivan. demiboy. he/them. / nicolas “niko” goldwater just pulled up blasting coming of age by foster the people— that song is so them! you know, for a twenty-one year old social media influencer/fashion guru, i’ve heard they’re really -mercurial, but that they make up for it by being so +gregarious. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say a shiny pink vinyl skirt with pristine nails to match, designer shopping bags weighing down twiggy arms, and margaritas with extra sugar around the rim. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble!
hello friends ! i’m lainie, she/her, cst, and i talk about stephen king too much :/ im!! so excited to introduce u to niko my fashion baby and to get to know all of ur amazing outstanding totally unique never been done before muses !! under the cut u can find a very lazy intro with some summarized points and i’d promise a real bio later but lich rally who am i kidding lmao anyway i have a p full day but ill be around for plotting n stuff so come smash a heart and ill slide up in ur dms or hmu in my ims or on discord (starslut#0877) whichever works best for you MWAH
niko grew up right here on the upper east side, born and bred into the life of new york’s elite and while his attitude doesn’t entirely reflect the sort of pretentiousness we get when we think gossip girl, he definitely exudes an air of wealth and privilege and of having a limited view of what the world is really like outside of his trust fund bubble
for all his ostentation and lack of control when it comes to the wealth at his fingertips, he’s always maintained a very genuine humbleness and sense of humility that, while not always strong, is definitely there. it can be seen in his passion for helping people through what he does--his greatest thrill in life is to know he’s helped people find themselves through fashion and self care
his dad is a wall street trader and entrepreneur and they’re new(ish) money. he got wealthy very young so niko grew up knowing nothing but a life of luxury. his mom is a socialite, and his relationship with them is about what you’d expect. they love him, he’s their child, but they don’t take a huge amount of interest in his life. their blasé attitude toward him was highlighted most in his mind when he came out to them at 15 and they just......didn’t really have a reaction. weren’t upset, weren’t really surprised, but weren’t necessarily proud or happy for him either
when he came out a couple years later to them as non-binary it wasn’t much different, only in that they didn’t really get what he was saying whereas “gay” was something they could understand
he did two years of school at nyu and dropped out because he simply wasn’t enjoying it and was making enough money through instagram and youtube and brand promotions that it felt like a no-brainer decision
again, his parents weren’t happy about it, but they didn’t fight him over it, either
his following is growing exponentially and he’s just released a line of scents and perfumes that, on top of the revenue from everything else, makes it so he hardly needs his trust fund anymore
gregarious and extraverted sometimes to a fault, niko can easily get on the nerves of people who don’t have the energy to keep up. he’s like a child who never quite grew out of adolescence, and with that boundless energy also comes a selfishness he’s usually unaware of. it can be very difficult for niko to be conscious of the way his actions affect other people and ends up hurting those close to him that way
in that same vein, when he does realize what he’s done, he’s more often than not consumed with guilt over it and will go to great lengths to try and resolve the issue
not that he always does a good job
he sleeps around a lot mostly because he enjoys it, but partly because he doesn’t know how to have a relationship. the lingering adolescence makes it so he doesn’t have the necessary awareness of another person’s needs to be in a stable relationship and he manages to a large degree to convince himself he doesn’t care and prefers being single anyway
fashion is his favorite thing in the world and though he doesn’t wear a lot of makeup on the daily, he definitely dabbles and has a lot of fun experimenting
catch him exploring the city and taking pictures, partying, clubbing, brunching, and shopping on the regs and if he’s in a Mood, you can usually tell bc he goes on shopping binges and fusses to an extreme degree over his appearance
also he he dyes his hair platinum blond
and his pronouns are flexible! he usually uses he/him referring to himself but genuinely doesn’t care whatever people feel like using
connection ideas
gal and gay pals :’) for fashion and shopping and instagram photoshoots
also a best friend ride or die pleaSE and thank u
i need enemies and angst and drama so give me everyone who hates niko/thinks he’s a fake bitch/can’t stand him
high school connections are cute so maybe someone he didn’t get along w back then and does now/vice versa where they were rly close and something turned them against each other and now it’s world war 3
COLLABS ?? youtubers/influencers/instagrammers he’s worked with or regularly collaborates with
a parental figure/figures :( since he doesn’t have much of a relationship w his real parents
umm!!!! someone who like they DONT get along usually and everyone knows they’re weird frenemies but they VIBE SO HARD when theyre drunk and partying
one (1) ex who lasted maybe like 3-4 months and it didn’t work out either bc they cheated on niko (would love this angst) OR bc niko was too flaky for them and they couldn’t handle the way niko doesn’t rly understand intimacy
someone who can challenge!! that!! and it’s freaking niko out bc he’s starting to catch Feels but doesn’t know what to do w it/doesn’t know if they feel the same way
casual hookups/one night stands/maybe a hookup or two from back in high school and they’re either on good terms and just friends now or like....it’s angsty maybe!!!!!!!!!
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wickermallow · 4 years
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