#whether their well behaved or horribly behaved kids
wendytestabrat · 5 months
why cartman sees through kyle’s bs when no one else does
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i feel like the reason why cartman can easily see how phony and hypocrticial kyle is bc of his sociopathicness and how he lacks empathy. kyle is always going on all these tangents bitching about all these issues going on in the world and how strongly he feels abt injustices and shit, so cartman just doesn’t give a fuck about anything kyle is saying and it all flies over his head LOL. kyle is rlly quick to try to pull on everyone’s heartstrings about shit that’s wrong, fucked up, or sad and i feel like this easily gets to some of the other characters, because well they actually do have a moral conscious. it can be easy for the other kids to be persuaded by kyle or manipulated by what he’s saying bc when he brings up an issue they feel bad too and don’t wanna seem like heartless assholes who don’t care. the fact that cartman is able to completely emotionally detach himself & think more rationally whenever kyle is ranting about shit is his superpower LOL. like yeah it’s fucked up how selfish and ignorant cartman can be that he doesn’t care or feel bad about certain things, but this makes it EASY for him to see through kyle’s bs and how deceitful kyle rlly is LOL. he’s not paying attention to the issue at hand kyle is getting all worked up about (nor does he give a flying fuck) or getting emotionally entangled in it, he just notices how kyle behaves and pays attention to his actions and not the words coming out of his mouth. all cartman sees is a rlly fucking crazy person that will go to extreme lengths to get his way, which is honestly how I just see kyle too LOL. like honestly i feel like i’ve developed a lot of sociopathic tendencies in recent years bc i know how to just completely turn off my empathy and not feel bad and look at shit rationally in situations where everyone else gets worked up about how horrible something is. i don’t lack empathy, i just reached a point in my life where it’s easier for me to just detach from shit and not care at all than to care too much, bc i can def swing the opposite direction and get WAYYY too emotionally invested in shit or try to help too much LOL. and I feel like all the bitchass fans who worship everything kyle does are people who feel bad way too easily and get worked up over EVERYTHING too, so they agree with everything kyle says and the actions he takes. but it def takes having a rational mind and learning not to care too much about every little problem in the world (bc life sucks and then you die get over it) to truly see whether or not someone is ACTUALLY good or does the right thing. that’s why it’s sooo easy for me to see through people’s hypocrisy when someone pretends to do good but they’re rlly just awful LOL. and i feel like cartman is able to easily do this too with kyle bc he just gives 0 shits about any sense of morality or what’s wrong in the world. he sees all of the horrible actions kyle takes, how he can lie, act pretentious, and just be downright selfish and cruel to the people around him in order to get his way.
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melusine0811 · 4 months
Angry teacher rant ahead. And this is a doozy.
I woke this morning to an email to find that one of my most sensitive kids, who trusted me, had been suspended, along with her friend, for something that should not have ended in a suspension. In my class, both are stellar students, they chat a lot, but they are ELEVEN. One has a severe mental illness for which the behavior they displayed is a manifestation (severe panic disorder). And no one but someone who deals with any sort of mental illness would be able to pick this out, but of course I cannot out myself. And their parents can't pick it out either because they only took the kid to the psychiatrist ONCE to get a diagnosis and that was it.
I am so tired of watching adults AND kids I care about get hurt by people who don't have any fucking perception or any room for it- even those on an antidepressant (aka my brother)---they are almost worse because they're boxed in thinking "well if I can handle it, so and so shouldn't act like that." Adults are no better than my 11 year old students. And for my kids it's even harder to watch when it comes from people they trust. Sometimes it’s the 11 year olds that are most ready for empathy, as sad as it is. They forgive easily and love the most readily after it's all said and done. But they're the ones that get trampled on fastest all over again.
Hear me out:
All people, in all positions, especially teachers and those working closely with the wellbeing of other human beings (medical, social work, psychology, childcare, etc), should have to go through rigorous and comprehensive sensitivity training for mental illnesses just like they do for CPR, sexual harassment training, and diversity training. In fact, mental illness should be a MUCH LARGER part of diversity training. Anyone working in a clinical or medical field should have to spend a week (5 days) visiting each day the same psychiatric hospital, and actually TALK to the human beings in there. But of course the stigma still dictates that it's not important enough, and that we're invisible.
CHRONIC MENTAL ILLNESS IS A LEGITIMATE DISABILITY- I.E. severe depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and many less common disorders. These disorders produce a massive array of behavioral consequences that constantly overlap. And demanding the same things from these students is just like demanding the same behavior of ALL students, no matter whether they have an IEP or 504.
***Every teacher and student in my school knows how to fight off a fucking gunman but not how to sensitively handle a twelve year old having a panic attack. In fact, other kids and even teachers would just laugh and blame the kid for not trying hard enough. ***
Every. Single. Action someone does, regardless of age, that you perceive as poor behavior, annoying, borderline irritating, negative, defiant, backtalking, rude, or even mean, or lashing out---and most especially if it's out of character for them---? It comes from a place of deep pain. It comes from a place of TRAUMA. Always. It's an even surer sign based on how they act afterwards. Do they not care? Do they go right on to the next dumbass thing? Or do they feel horrible about it, perhaps as if---hmmm--- they've been rejected before?
People do things and behave certain ways for a REASON. Throwing them into a suspension or separating them from others just isolates them and makes it worse. For kids and people who don't handle rejection, this causes ACTUAL PHYSICAL PAIN. I'm not saying you should put up with people's poor behavior. I am saying say your piece, tell them it's not okay, and then LET IT FUCKING GO afterwards. Because I guarantee you they will be having nightmares about it long after you will. People, especially kids, only act out around people they TRUST and can be vulnerable with, and the chances of something similar ever happening again are slim to none. If you are a parent, you know this to be true because your child is fine at school and can be a little shit sometimes at home.
Try, as hard as if may be for you, to see past it. Be bigger, you're not the one falling apart in that moment. Intervene. Because if this is something that is not a regular occurrence, that kid is careening towards a mental or behavioral breakdown. It costs you nothing but maybe your "pride" to back down and open yourselves to them. Maybe offer a hug instead sharp words. You would be shocked.
Years ago, I went on maternity leave. I had a 15 year old student named Dustin who I was very fond of. Dustin was autistic, he was gentle, and the other kids tormented him because of the way he talked and the fact that he was always filthy. He was bipolar. His father abused him and neglected him. He would come to my classroom just to sit and talk to me about Pokemon. I had no idea what he was talking about but I listened anyway. The person who replaced me during my maternity leave was, without exaggeration, an absolute bitch. She was a bitch when I was in high school and as far as I know she still is. She unsurprisingly triggered Dustin one day with her absolute insensitivity. A bunch of the other boys ganged up on him and told him they were going to beat him up the next day. The sub did NOTHING. Dustin brought a knife to school the next day to protect himself and he got expelled. There was nothing I could do when I got back. Dustin was killed five years later, hardly anyone ever showed that boy kindness.
Try to remember that the next time you push them aside, dismiss them, ignore their need for your reassurance especially in their time of deepest vulnerability. Because if that’s the case? You are not as special as you think you are— and you are faaar from the first that has dismissed their hurt, and you are only creating a hardened, more traumatized person much more quickly.
Adults especially should know better. Take care of our babies, people better fucking take care of mine. Adults should know better when it comes to each other, as well- fucking take care of each other, and open yourselves in others' time of need. I have seen so, so many forgotten people in the hospital.
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I haven't gotten to read you rewrite yet, but what's really intrigued me was how you said you'd handle Ozpin. Personally I find the concept of shady, mysterious, ominous, manipulative, archaic, ambiguous at best being way who pulls strings to accomplishing god knows what galaxy-scale goals more interesting than Heroic Good Guy who always tries his best, would never sacrifice anyone, who's always dripping in self-loathing.
He's been forced to live for thousands of years. Can you imagine what that could possibly do to a person? Just how profoundly screwed his mind is?
If my time on earth was unlimited, if I had to come back to see the same cycle and patterns of events repeating endlessly, if I was betrayed time and time again, intentionall or not, I'd become pretty horrible cynical asf and detached from reality. I wouldn't value human life as much as I used to.
Yeah, the way I see it, neither Salem nor Ozpin should behave "Human" after centuries, if not thousands of years of being there.
Just because one is "good" and the other is "bad" doesn't mean either should be any less terrifying than the other.
Ozpin still has human flaws and attachments and psychological tendencies to keep repeating the same patterns - as far as the morality of his decisions goes, a lot of his logic should, by all means, be terrifying or incomprehensible.
Even if he WANTED to be genuine, he has a thousand years of experience of just socializing with people - a thousand years of knowledge of how people react and how they respond, as well as possible outcomes of their behavior - that alone would completely alter how he would approach even most basic conversations. Could he even interact with someone without accidentally manipulating them? Even your everyday person would have completely different reasoning and debating skills as a kid and as a grown adult - how different would be a person who had a thousand years to live and learn?
The weirdest thing about the show for me is how Salem seems to care about destroying the Kingdoms and stuff, let alone killing Ozpin and having him reincarnate again when that is a "mortal villain approach" at best - did she suddenly wake up one morning and go "Okay this year I am finally doing this thing that I haven't done for centuries for some reason"? After a thousand years, things like a Kingdom falling should basically be Tuesday to her and it should make no difference to her whether a Kingdom falls in a week or in a century.
That's another thing that would be different for an immortal - the perception of the flow of time.
For a mortal, a decade would be around one-eighth of their average lifespan - for an immortal, that same amount of time should be no different from a second. Even the simplest things like "Soon" would hold a completely different meaning for someone who lived a thousand years. We are talking about beings who should have a completely different understanding of patience and would plan on a completely different scope of time than mortal people.
Ozpin would absolutely attempt to hold on to his values and ideals over centuries - but I don't think he would be capable of holding on to the humanity behind those ideals. The Ozpin I am writing is completely dedicated to his vision of the future and hopeful for humanity, but also, at the same time more than willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure that vision. Most of his decisions are well weighed and made with intent of manipulating things on a grander scale, yet at the same time his incompatibility with human nature of mortals also creates more problems for him in the end.
Likewise, for Salem things like anger outbursts or impatience are beneath her - there's a certain unsettling niceness to her and how she's all too willing to help people achieve their dreams like some fairy godmother. Yet at the same time, every action she takes still fits her overall philosophy and worldview and benefits her in her "debate" with Ozpin.
Salem would give you everything you wanted, while Ozpin would convince you that you actually want the very same things as he does - yet neither of their actions would follow mortal logic and would, in the end, benefit the grander game at hand.
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(Long post ahead, reposting a reblog I made and ended up deleting because OP was an anti. Placing a "keep reading" after the repost before getting into new info. Post is screenshot heavy, and such not compatible with screen readers. I do not have energy to transcribe alt text right now.)
So anyways, there are antis in the Pico's School fandom.
I love the ship picandra (Pico x Cassandra), it's super hot, but apparently there are antis shaming it. (What don't antis shame?)
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I'm not sharing OP's tags this time so it isn't as easy to find them. But the jist is that Pico isn't some pure hero, he's an anti hero. And it isn't canon that Pico has any trauma because of Cassandra. They express frustration with antis trying to demonize people who enjoy hero x villain ships.
This was my response before I deleted my post:
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I'd also like to add that antis, as well as this post, are focusing on whether or not this ship is problematic due to Pico being a victim being a victim of Cassandra attacking the school. Not once does anyone mention the fact that the characters are 10 years old in their source material and that "it would be disgusting to ship 10 year olds and imagine children dating and kissing when 10 year olds would be doing nothing more than holding hands." I bring this up because of how OP then went and behaved in the comments of their post. Throwing a huge fit when a proshipper tried to inform them of what proship means.
Blue is OP, light blue is whenever they replied directly to the proshipper they were arguing against (not me), and purplish white are buzzwords creating very serious accusations against proshippers.
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Any further comments from OP on their post were missing too much context due to the other side of the conversation being deleted. And such won't be commented on.
It's horribly ironic that they went on about pedophilia and their hatred for underage ships, when this post originated from a ship consisting of two 10 year olds. And on top of that, if their argument on proshipping being bad is because the dynamics of problematic ships are harmful and affect reality, then sorry to say, in my opinion as a proshipper is that Picandra is a comship. Even if Pico wasn't traumatized by Cassandra's attack on the school, she still caused irreversible damage to his life. She killed all his classmates and teacher. She is an alien who used emotionally insecure goth kids to kill humanity with no regard to the lives of her allies. She canonically couldn't give a shit about Pico, let alone be interested in him. In turn, after the attack, Pico had become a serial killer hitman that is very aggressive and closed off emotionally. If these two were to engage in a relationship, it would be toxic and abusive as all hell on both ends. But I guess that's fine because it doesn't disgust you personally. So it can't possibly be morally corrupt or questionable.
I do not plan on making a habit out of indirectly replying to anti bullshit on this level. I've already made sure OP is blocked and thus unable to see this post. The existence of my rebuttal points are more for the sake of getting my own frustrations out, practice making points against a real example rather than a hypothetical strawman, as well as providing a source of positivity for other proshippers who have dealt with this or other antis like the one featured above.
If you manage to find OP, do not harass them, send them hate, or even send 'helpful information'. A person like this is not in the right mindset to learn, and such trying to rebut them any further will only cause unnecessary stress and may cause them to root themselves more into the anti mindset.
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dulcewrites · 10 months
Whole different type of delusion that I see in this fandom is how helaemond shippers act. All they say is everyone should support Helaena cheating on her unfaithful husband because if you someone doesn't, it's misogynistic, but when you mention Alicent having sex with Criston in season 2 they are furious and say Alicent is not Rhaenyra to sleep around 😂
For them it's like helaemond makes sense because Helaena was smarter than Rhaenyra so no one knew Aemond's the father.
And then when you point out they behave exactly like daemyra stans they are surprised 😂
I knew Alys will be hated in fandom because of 2 things. By Blacks because she was better Queen at Harrenhall than Rhaenyra was for 6 months time and Alys have no supporters and no dragon and no Aemond by her side because he was dead then. And by Greens because she is the opposite of Alicent and Helaena who are stuck and doomed and living in the cage.
But the one truly doomed is in fact Alys. She is lowborn bastard and women, so she means nothing and can be used by her family as they please. And yet she survives and makes the best out of Dance. All without any political machinations, she just took power over Harrenhall and no one took it away from her. If this isn't the best character of this show I don't know who may be.
I think in general people in this fandom, and this is something I must remind myself as well, need to program their brains to stop relating every single thing that happens to a woman in this story to a man. Especially romantically
It is pretty clear that one major point at the base of hotd is patriarchy and how way men often use the girls/women in their lives as pawns or martyrs. Whether people think it was well done or not is their choice, but it is clearly there. That conversation I get, and think we need to have. But the way people are so hellbent on ‘pairing’ women in this story with someone, specifically men, can get exhausting.
Why is the most horrid thing that happens in the dance, something that fundamentally breaks Helaena as a person turned into an argument to either uplift/tear down Aegon or Aemond?? Why is her taking her own life out of grief and fear about her brother(s)???
Why does Alicent, someone who clearly has been through sexual trauma in her life at the hands of men - someone who already has creepy psychosexual relationships with men in her life, have to sleep with criston?? Hell, why does criston someone that’s been taken advantage of by nobility (depending on how you read that scene in ep 4) have to sleep with Alicent, his queen???
If Helaena wants to be unfaithful to her husband, I will support her bc Aegon is not a good husband lmao. But the idea she needs to be with her brother, and he had those kids with her is… very odd to me. I don’t see it and idc if that makes me a hater. In general, I think people’s insistence on taking one of the few targ characters that doesn’t have incest as a major footnote in his story (Aemond) and making him into someone he isn’t, is annoying.
People (rightfully) point out how horrible targaryen girls/women are treated but then perpetuate the one thing that has led to many targ women’s downfall: The idea that they are property to the men in their family.
As for alys, she was going to be hated on several reasons : 1. Ageism (people call show and book Alicent a hag despite show Alicent being in her 30s and book Alicent being in her 40s). 2. The fact that aemond is now the fandom fanfic bike aka he gets ridden/shipped with everyone and him having a canon love interest pisses people off. 3. Low born or bastard born women get treated very differently by the fanbase than their male counterparts. 4. The murky relationship between her and Aemond. Now as someone who is excited to see where they take alysmond, even I can understand why people may put off by it. First you have the age difference on the side of her taking advantage of him. Especially now that in the show it has been implied Aemond delt with his own s.a. But by the time they meet, Aemond is Prince Regent. Clearly in a position of power over her. It is dubious and it’s ok to point that out.
But I’m sure as hell not gonna be reprimanded by daemrya or helaemond shippers on that. They clearly don’t give a shit about what is above board 💀💀. At at the very least, every alysmond shipper I’ve personally come across is very open and clear about alys and Aemond’s relationship, and the possible stipulations. I can’t say the same for the other two camps.
Every woman in this story, nobility or low born, has been through shit. That’s the whole point and the bitch of patriarchy. It affects every woman to a certain degree. Of course someone like Rhaenyra or Alicent has lived a very different life than Alys, and that needs to pointed out. All women are not on equal playing field. But all of them have been trapped or stuck at one point or another. How these women maneuver this world is important because of how differently each live, which is why it is dumb when people advocate for their stories to be cut (Sara, nettles, alys). These characters being vehemently hated by ANYONE is weird asf to me.
I enjoy team green, I write for team green, but people take this ‘team’ stuff too seriously sometimes. Well.. when it comes to the women. The male characters can get it lmao. I personally don’t like the rhetoric around how most women in story get spoken about. People are so focused on whose winning or shipping that the point of the story gets lost. And frankly regurgitating the same points and arguments sucks the fun out a show…shame. If people hate everything about it or have to make up crazy theories for it to work… just don’t watch 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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what do you think megumi feels about his biological mother? she didn’t just up and leave like toji so it’s not like he hates her but he also never met her. he’s shown to be very independent from a young age but we also see that it’s not exactly natural for kids his age to not care one bit where his parents went. imo, he’s probably repressing any sort of feelings he has towards either of his parents bc it’s easier to just not deal with them.
id also like to see how megumi’s mother would react to her husband selling off their child. like she’s the one person toji fully devoted himself to and a part of that would probably include at the very least telling her small snippets of his family. she probably knew just how horrible the zenin were and then she meets her husband in the after life and learns that he not only stopped actively caring for megumi after her death but that he also would leave their son alone with random women for days at a time and add on top of that literally selling their son to his super abusive family. idc just how strong or prepared toji is, nothing could save him from her wrath.
also a very self indulgent headcannon that if megumi ever met his mother and got to know her, he’d be a huge momma’s boy. like an absolute menace to toji, a scary antisocial brooding guy to his friends and colleagues but with his mother he’s a perfect little angel who can do no wrong.
He has absolutely no idea who she is and doesn’t really think about her.
He doesn’t remember his dad all that much, let alone whether he ever mentioned his mom. He doesn't necessarily remember being with his dad, but he remembers remembering it, if that makes sense? He has some idea how he was living, and he remembers Tsumiki and her mom just being one in a long line of people his dad would barnacle onto for a brief period of time to bleed dry and move on. He thinks that Tsumiki's the first one that actually liked him. He just remembers being vaguely uncomfortable and afraid whenever his dad left him with those women.
His impression of his dad isn't "had overwhelming and devoted love for his mother." Megumi thinks that his mom was just another one of those women who would use his dad while his dad used her. His dad wanted to have a kid so he could sell him like a specially bred horse. He knocked up some random woman to do it, who probably never wanted Megumi to begin with, and the most notable thing about her is that she managed to saddle Toji with caring for megumi long term and get out herself. He doesn't know she died. He thinks she just didn't give a shit about him and left him with someone who she knew wouldn't take care of him. She's probably still alive out there and just... not caring about him.
That being said, Megumi's mother loved him with her whole heart and would kick toji's ass for selling him to the Zenin.
In whatever jujutsu afterlife there is, she smacked him senseless and gave him the cold shoulder for ages. that was her little boy and Toji fucking SOLD him? bitch. She adores Tsumiki and has become infuriatingly fond of Gojo over the years, who she considers a "nice young man" for saving her boy from the zenin. he was on thin fucking ice for a while at the start, but over the years, he's shown he really cares about her son.
Megumi would be a mama's boy you're absolutely right. He's a menace to his dad but he's very well behaved for his mom. Toji's like "he's going through some kind of rebellious phase" and she's like "psshhh no he isn't." and she's right. it's not a phase. megumi's just like that.
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master-k0hga · 5 months
/ Placeholder
| M O I |
[ Category: Misc OCs ]
| Loveable, friendly and very welcoming robo girl who's original purpose was an OC I created for an awesome group back on DeviantART and the admin was like the nicest person I've ever met online.. Sadly was only short-lived due to the said admin no longer in the world of the living that I don't wanna get into personal detail about..
Loved them to death but unfortunately along with their passing, the community slowly fell apart, so then I've decided to be respectful and have Moi be her own thing while also trying to keep the original meaning of said OC alive... Hence why she's an actual wonderful character and very much holds a special place in my heart along with a few others of mine..
I just want those times back.. I want him back, I just fucking want him back I don't care if he really did or not I don't care about the "controversy" surrounding it I just need him back...
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Moi Species: Love-Bot General Personality: Adorable, friendly, supportive, caring, shy, helpful, loveable Height: 5ft Relationship Status: Single
Extra Info:
Despite being very social, loving and talkative, she's actually the very nervous type
She comforts those who are dealing with bad times, whether it's a temporary struggle or long term; She will always be there for anyone in need
Her creator had been lost to her for a very long time that she is slowly wasting away due to no one able to keep maintaining her systems, her battery keeping her going slowly waning
Even though she's a robot, she feels very much real to everyone who she's helped.. Although even she can feel herself getting more and more tired
Loves arts and crafts of all kinds, also loves playing in parks and gets along well with the kids; Has been a babysitter on most occasions and loves it every single time
Contributes to a lot of places and services that either deal with mental health and wellbeing or even just in nursing homes in general. Always bringing many smiles to others
Has had a couple moments in her time where she would encounter aggressive or horribly behaved individuals, almost got busted and destroyed even though she was just doing what she was built to do
She can fix herself when it comes to minor damages or issues with her systems, but anything more than is completely damaging or anything or internal she would need external assistance for
Loves animals, especially dogs and birds, will literally gives scritches and hugs to every single animal or pet she comes across if she could
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
That's it really, it's mainly just me re-introducing all the OCs with the refs and overall trying to further adapt and develop them as much as I can.. It's not really easy when motivation doesn't hit you the same way as it used to, I find myself not being able to get passed the designing, somewhat naming and getting the basic information about an OC before I either lose the motivation to do more or lose the will to develop the OCs any further...
It's not because I have loads, in fact that's fine and I just want to entirely re-design them, improve them and develop them so far ahead than what they originally were.. But I think it's cuz I'm getting older, I'm dealing with more stresses of life in general and am just getting to the point where I'm like...
"What's the point"...? ... It's not gonna do much for me in the long run, I'm not gonna get anywhere with this and all these other things.. It's just to give me something to do, I'm not socially active, I don't have the energy to spare after work and over all I'm too tired to do anything.... But oh well, that doesn't matter now does it..
.. Anyway, another one down... Several more to go..
. Moi, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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sterlingwhitvale · 9 months
[Propo] What would you tell Mrs. Whitvale if she could hear you right now?
Sterling had relaxed in front of the camera more in his few weeks in 13 than he had in the many years filming Waking Up With the Whitvales. His shoulders had steadily dropped, the furrow between his brow had (mostly) disappeared. He even uncrossed his arms. But as soon as they asked the question, he could feel himself tighten up again, fingers clenching into fists at his side, teeth grinding together.
Since escaping to 13 he had thought many times how relaxed he felt despite everything happening, as he knew he didn't have to watch every word that fell from his lips anymore. But once more, ever since that horrible night of his Cecelia's interview, he felt like he was on unsteady ground. Were they expecting him to denounce her like she had him? Or did they want him to show his support?
The video had given him a whole new set of nightmares. Despite all the makeup and the beautiful outfit, he knew his wife's body language and face like the back of his own hand. He knew what she looked like when she was scared. When she was full of joy. When she was in pain. And it was clear to him as day, what must've been happening to her. Of course, he didn't know the specifics, but by the line of her mouth, the dip of her brows, the look in her eyes, he could only imagine. From that alone he knew not to trust anything said in the interview, even before she had started to ramble on about the yellow flowers.
Marry in yellow, you’ve got the right fellow...
No one but their families knew of the details of their wedding, the memories closely guarded by the two of them, so he knew the message was just for him, even if it made her sound half mad to everyone else. He was a closed book who would only reveal it's pages at his wife's touch, a touch he had been missing for nearing on a month now. A book that had slammed even tighter shut once had seen that video. But he knew, if in the off chance 13 expected him to renounce her like she had been forced to renounce him, he had to change their minds about her. He had to open up.
He knew there was no chance in hell that the capitol would let her see the video in whatever hole they were keeping her in, but he spoke to the camera as if that wasn't the case, as if she were just on the other side of the lens; he wasn't telling them what he'd tell her, he was just speaking to her.
The man's voice was rough, even now as he tried to open up for her safety's sake, he found it hard to stop himself from trying to keep the emotion out of it, so second nature to himself at this point. "You're the strongest woman I know. You're my best friend, you're a fierce mama and protector and I know everything you've done, including that interview has been to protect your family. But I did what I did for the same reasons, after they took Jax five years ago, I just knew no matter how well behaved we were or if you did whatever the capitol asked you to do, there would always be a sword hangin' over our heads, and we couldn't act in fear anymore. We had to act in defiance." It had occurred to him, that acting in defiance, while had led he and their kids to safety, had led her to a jail cell. But he also knew, whether or not he had joined the rebellion, there was still a good chance she would have ended up in the same place. The capitol was so threatened by the very things they created.
"I love you, baby. The kids are safe. I'm safe. Now we just need you safe, and we're gonna get you, I promise. I don't care if I gotta hang onto the side of the hovercraft or storm the capitol my damn self. I'm gonna come get you."
Before he could falter or his voice could crack, Sterling abruptly stood up and stormed out of the propo studio.
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vro0m-but-not-cars · 2 months
Remember how last year I was hesitant to apply for a job at a place that does ADHD and autism assessments because they'd been called out in the media 6 months prior for underpaying their employees and authoritarianism? And then they gave me an interview and the prof who's head of the place was super weird and asked me questions like we were in a therapy session rather than a job interview? (such as "do you feel like you hide behind your intelligence?")
Well they're hiring again. And I was thinking of applying again. And a couple of weeks ago I heard one of my friends was working in such an autism assessment center. So I reached out to her to ask for advice as to how she got hired in the first place. Turns out the center she works at is basically the only one under a different workplace management than this guy's in the area. And she proceeds to tell me that he has a horrible reputation in her own center. Apparently her colleagues, some of which worked for him before, told her he's behaving like a dictator, deciding for people what they can or cannot get specialised in without a care in the world for what they want, with the untold implicit threat that he can fire you if you disagree.
I told that to my mom a couple days ago, saying I don't know what to do because they still are one of the only places that hire people just out of uni like me in this country. And today she sends me a newspaper article that again calls him out for his behavior. On top of the whole underpayment scandal (that was judged in court and the past employees were retroactively paid sums that ranged from 5'000 to 50'000 !!!), families of patients are saying he asked them about their sexual lives in sessions about their kids neurodivergences. Like. "Are you guys still having sex? It's important to keep having sex because a lot of autistic children parents divorce." type of shit. He asked some moms if they were masturbating rather than sleeping with their husbands??? And one employee who came round to introduce her baby to her colleagues was asked if she's having sex again yet or not. Some other employees said they were asked whether they masturbated or not as well.
Anywayyy not applying anymore obviously 🤪
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quackingwolves · 4 months
Charles Dickens- George Orwell's A Collection of Essays Part 1
Again, this essay seems extraordinarily long. A brief look at the table of contents after I read the first part revealed that it's a whopping 56 pages, even longer than the last essay.
Because of this, I again decided to split the essay into parts- this is the first one. It also took me two days to get through the first part, though it was two days separated by almost two weeks. I've gotten busy with other things, but I'll try to read at least an hour each day.
While the first sentence of this essay is genuinely complimentary, the way I read it was certainly not. “Dickens is one of those writers who are well worth stealing” became “Dickens is one of those writers who are well worth stabbing.” Granted, I had just woken up so I’ll give myself some leeway.
I, admittedly, have never read Dickens, but I have seen some modern adaptations of A Christmas Carol, which is only thought of by most people once a year. But it’s not surprising some groups of people- Orwell mentions Marxists and Catholics- want to say that Dickens thought ‘almost’ like them. Most very successful people have other people claiming that they made them everything the successful person is, or at least are somehow like them. People love to see themselves and their own beliefs in successful people, even if it’s imagined.
Orwell writes of Dickens’ work, of course, but also the possible meaning of his work- what Dickens drew from when he sat down to write. As someone who’s never read a single Dickens novel, it was interesting to read short descriptions of specific events in Dickens’ books.
Orwell also writes that Dickens fell often on the character of a kind rich man, a rich man who wants to help his employees and others. This is a fantasy. Most rich people are more like dragons jealousy guarding their wealth. Nearly none freely give money to even their employees, no matter how well-earned. They tend to keep employees’ wages as low as they can if it raises their own, even slightly.
I was surprised when Orwell writes that Dickens seemed to disapprove of unions. As a child of a union worker, I would never cross a picket line of any sort- whether working or buying. Unions are just people trying to make work a little more tolerable. Unions are what protect every worker. If employers had their way, every second of work would be as grueling and uncomfortable as possible to raise profit for themselves or any shareholders. No one would have breaks, and there would be horrible conditions and child labor. 
Orwell also makes an observation that in A Tale of Two Cities, the only thing people seem to remember is the French Revolution. Orwell writes that that plot line only lasts a few chapters, but he seems to think it sticks in people’s memory because of its detailed and evocative writing. Orwell writes that Dickens wrote that if someone behaves as the French nobles had, it was inevitable. There was a particular fragment Orwell writes that I enjoyed- that while the lord is comfortable in their bed and people starved, “somewhere in the forest, a tree is growing which will presently be sawn into planks for the guillotine.” What I found interesting was that Orwell follows this with ‘etcetera etcetera,’ which almost sounds like he doesn’t believe either Dickens’ message or his own interpretation of it. My bed would be on the former, because Orwell already cast doubt on Dickens’ view of the average person’s right to overthrow those in power if they are not being fairly treated. 
As I already said, I have no opinion one way or the other on Dickens (based largely on the fact I had never read the man’s work) but from Orwell’s assessment I quickly found myself greatly disliking Dickens. I had to continuously remind myself that this is just one man’s opinion of works I never touched. As I mentioned- union kid taught to never cross a picket line. So reading that Orwell thinks that Dickens had a negative view of unions is distasteful. 
Orwell clearly writes this- it’s not just me reading subtext. Orwell writes, verbatim, “And Dickens is very sure that revolution is a monster.” Revolution is many things to me, but not monstrous. There’s only so far you can push people before they snap. And if the abuse was extreme, the snap is the same way. If it’s a whole group of people that was abused, the reaction will be felt. For things to change, people have to turn wheels themselves. And not always peacefully. I’m all for peaceful protest, but if those tactics don’t work, the next step must be taken. Letter-writing is effective, but so is punishing fascists on camera. The former is easier, the latter might be one act but there’s a reason Richard Spencer fell out of view. You need to make people ashamed of their actions, that there are consequences. If you’re racist, be prepared to be shunned or mocked for being one.
Orwell isn’t purely critical of Dickens- he praises the man for being able to accurately portray the way children think and feel, even when the same person reads the same work in childhood and adulthood. Orwell admits that the early 1800s, when Dickens was writing, “was not a good time to be a child,” which is a huge understatement. Children were generally treated as small adults at times, liable to be executed as anyone else for a crime. At the same time, children were seen as very unmotivated people, people whose wills must be broken in order for them to be proper. They weren’t allowed to be kids.
Orwell returns to criticizing Dickens for criticizing school (odd, considering the whole last essay was Orwell criticizing his own schooling). But Orwell makes a clear delineation between his own criticism and Dickens’- Orwell writes that Dickens wants the current system, but just ‘watered down’ and ‘moralized.’ For example- no beatings, but instead some unspecified form of punishment the children avoid. As for what the children are learning in school, Dickens is just as vague. In David Copperfield, the titular character apparently goes to a school that must be better than his previous one. In Dickens’ own words as Copperfield, the new school is “ordered,” though he doesn’t specify how. Dickens also writes that Copperfield and his fellow schoolboys had “an appeal, in everything.” 
Now, I’m a firm believer in giving children choices and a say, but those choices sometimes have to amount to the same thing. Not “do you want vegetables?” but “do you want carrots or broccoli?” Children don’t know what’s best for them yet, they have to be shown. Sometimes, showing seems too obvious, but you have to remember that children experience a lot of firsts very quickly. So if they see a trusted adult handling a similar thing, they will copy them. I once stumbled upon a parenting advice post that recommended narrating certain aspects of everyday life. I believe the example was a crooked picture, and it was something along the lines of “This picture is crooked. That makes me sad. How do I fix this? I know! I’ll straighten it. Now it’s straight and I’m happy.” It might seem ridiculous, but I can see how that can help a child. Children listen more than you think, and they’ll learn their own lessons- most of which you never intended to teach. So if you’re more deliberate, chances are the child will learn the ones you want faster. 
Orwell neatly sums up his issue with Dickens by writing that Dickens wants “a change of spirit, rather than a change in structure.” In other words, Dickens was mostly fine with the status quo- the only thing wrong with it is that those in power are too cruel. Dickens believed, according to Orwell, that if the powerful were simply more just, then everything would run smoothly. Which is a fairy tale. The people in power want to stay in power, and the way to do that is to take others’ power away. The system isn’t flawed- it was created to be grossly unbalanced and it works perfectly.
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Author's Note: I had to write this like 3 times over verbaitm because Tumblr wouldn't let me upload it. I'm annoyed.
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SEASON 1, EPISODE 6: Greetings from Mount Frigid!
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Mime and Paperplates were throwing pebbles and sticks at Period out of boredom.
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“...what are you two doing?” Starry asked. “Assaulting someone! :-)” Paperplates replied. “...but… why?” She continued. “F U N . “ Mime replied to the best of its abilities. “I don’t think that’s neither fun for the receiver, nor legal–”
“Uck! Funkiller, go talk with Phantom.” Paperplates groaned, cutting Starry off.
“PAPERPLATES! STOP THAT!” Phantom yelled at the two, causing them to scatter like mice.
Starry thought for a second, before saying— “I’m sure they’re good-hearted, after all, they ARE just kids.”
“Yeah, well if I don’t discipline them NOW, they’re gonna be a mess LATER.” Phantom groaned.
Cloudy, with Hangman inside of her, who then popped out using his rope asked– “like us when elimination time comes?”
“What?” Phantom asked. “We’d never lose! We’re on a winning streak.” Phantom said. “Anddddd he jinxed it.” Hangman said to Cloudy. “We HAVE to lose eventually, whether it be NOW or after The Merge.” Hangman now swung infront of Phantom.
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"So make a choice Phantom, who's going home first?" Hangman said, before hovering away with Cloudy.
Meanwhile, Sunny, Period, Mime and Paerplates played as Moony watched over them, Starry approached, but before she could speak, was cut off by Lunartic saying– “MOONY! Get to making FOOD! Dumbass!” resulting in Starry walking the opposite direction, and Moony walking off to ask The Gourd for the supplies for a Sandwich.
GyroGyro joined in on entertaining the children, while Exclaimation Mark and Question Mark spoke about Heart and Star.
“Couldn’t they pose a threat post-merge?” Question Mark said.
“Yeah, but… oh jeeze, maybe we should planning– what if we lose again? WHO WOULD WE VOTE FOR?! LUNARTIC’S SO CONTROLLING, HE MIGHT AS WELL—”
“CALM IT!” Question Mark told Exclaimy. “It’s nothing to panic about, and besides, Lunartic IS the next one going home. We CAN’T just expect him to behave like this and NOT get in trouble.”
Star and Heart were also planning nearby, before Penta appeared to note to them— “If you leave the challenges to me, I could probably just get us to safety EVERY time.” Penta said.
“Good plan, Penty!” Heart said sulturly. “Not like I needed more work anyways.” Star noted as he put his hand around Heart’s waist and walked away with her. “...we get Star out, he’s obviously the leader here, so if we get him out, the alliance will topple.” Penta told House. “Agreed, we have a plan.” House said.
“Alright children! Have a sandwich!” Moony calls for Sunny, Mime, Paperplates, and Period. “You too.” She grudgingly says towards Lunartic.
After the children finished their sandwiches, The Gourd called for the Teams to get back together.
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“THE 6TH CHALLENGE IS!” The Gourd hovered his hands over some trees, before uprooting them to reveal a mountain about 17,500 feet in height and 13,110 in width. “A TWO-PARTER! IN THE FIRST HALF, YOU MUST CLIMB UP MOUNT. FRIGID WITH EVERY TEAM MEMBER! IN THE SECOND HALF, YOU WILL HAVE TO SNOWBOARD DOWN WITH ALL MEMBERS ON A SINGLE SNOWBOARD!” The Gourd now clicked a timer, which went off. “GO!”
Teams began to walk towards their route, Team FUN! decided on climbing the mountain, Team “What?” decided to follow the less-than-ideal Tour Route, and The Masquerade decided upon using a secret cave they spotted under the tunnel.
Mime and Cloudy decided to begin some conversation. “...so.. what’s it like being a shapeshifter?” Cloudy asked as Hangman and Phantom lit two Torches to light the cave. “HORRIBLE! HAHA! Y’KNOW, IT’S A CONSTANT BATTLE!” Mime said through his barely usable mouth. “I’m constantly melting, and anytime I transform into a limbless person, I have to contort my arms into horrific shapes that snap and bend my body! ISN’T THAT JUST FUN..?!” Mime said as Lunartic. “...is that your real shape?” Cloudy asked Mime just as he snapped back into his form. “...” Mime walked with The Masquerade, alongside Cloudy.
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It looked at the waters inside the cave and said— “...I don't know.” Mime said. “It FEELS like me. I FEEL like Mime, but…” he shapeshifted into Phantom, then Paperplates, then Sunny, then Moony, then Cuby and Triangula. It landed on itself again, where it said— “...I don't know if I’m MEANT to be Mime. Am I… even… Mime?” It said as Phantom looked back at Mime, causing Comedy, Tragedy and Paperplates to pause too. “...It’s not about what you're MEANT to be.” Phantom walked to him, placing the torch down. “...but I’m MIME! I’m MEANT to support you guys! I’m… y’know?” Mime said. “...I never said that you need to constantly please me.” Phantom told Mime. “...Mime, when you look at yourself, your reflection, your goop, whatever… what do you see?” Phantom asked. “...I’m Mime, a freak of nature that's barely even able to figure himself out, if he’s even a him.” Mime said. “...what do you THINK you are, if not a him?” Phantom said. “...and… you may be a freak of nature, but you're MY freak of nature.” He patted Mime, resulting in Mime looking at the small lake of Cold Cave Water and saying— “I’m Mime, a freak of nature that’s Genderless, and I’m gonna win this contest with the rest of The Masquerade.” Mime said, looking down at its own reflection. “Feel better?” Cloudy asked. “HELL YEAH! LET’S GO!” Mime then realized— “Oh goddamnit, Hangman went far ahead of us!” It groaned as Phantom picked up the Torch and led Cloudy, Paperplates, Mine, Comedy and Tragedy out of the cave.
Meanwhile, on the surface, Team “What” was planning something. Heart and Star followed behind Penta and House, planning— “If we lose, we need to get House out, he’d be too much of a threat in the future.” Star told Heart. “Mhm! Penta’s easy, we could get people to turn on him in, a, FLASH, House though? Tsk! Inter-Team Minglers always make it so far ahead, and for NO reason? like, hello! We’re here to WIN! Not make friends!” Heart said. “EXACTLY! God! People are so easy on these shows.” Star said, the two went quiet for a moment before Heart said— “...so we have sex behind a bush?” causing Star to say “After the contest, I’m hungry for your pu—”
and on the surface of the Mountain, Team FUN! was climbing. “Loonie! Slow… down!” Moony said, slipping up as Lunartic left then behind. “We’ll meet you guys at the summit!” Question Mark said, now taking Period and Exclamation Mark with her.
“...hey, look! Isn't that someone from The Masquerade? :D” Sunny said as Starry grabbed onto the side of the flat area Moony and Sunny were on. “GOD THIS MOUNTAIN IS HUGE—” Starry coughed. “You're—” Moony said, shocked, before Sunny lunged at Starry for a hug, saying— “STARRY!! AEAEAEAEEAEEEEEEAAAÆÆAIISIENAPAISPSIS I MISSED YOU!!!” He hugged her TIGHTLY. “Yes, yes. Sunny, where’s…?” Sunny immediately answered with “He’s at the summit, he left us because we were Weak and Pathetic! :D” Sunny said excitedly. “..ah. Sunny, how about you leave with your friend?” Starry said about GyroGyro. “OK! Gyro, let’s go!! ^^” Sunny stopped as GyroGyro began howling. “GyroGyro says that he won't leave because you don't have a rope to climb with, so he'll take you! :D” Sunny said. “Oh. Alright, give me and Moony a moment.” Starry said, now turning and whispering to Moony as GyroGyro and Sunny played. “Moony, I’m sorry for—” Moony cut her off. “I forgive you.” Moony said. “...I haven't even—” Starry was cut off once again. “If it's about the… OTHERS… then I’m not angry. I NEVER was angry.” Moony told Starry. “Lunartic may still be enraged at you, but I’m not. Sunny has NEVER been mad at you either, he was just scared, that's why he was hugging you and crying.” Moony continued. “...I’m giving you a chance, Starry. Please. Come back?” Moony pleaded.
… “I will.” Starry said as Moony smiled warmly. “Sunny! Let’s go!” Moony said, climbing her rope as GyroGyro grabbed Starry and did the same, simultaneously, Sunny began to climb the last 10 feet as he started ahead of them.
“HANGMAN! You're the first person here! GREAT JOB! Now for the rest of your team to arrive.” The Gourd said as the wind blew. “TEAM FUN!! Everyone on your team’s here! and you even brought STARRY!” The Gourd said as Sunny, Moony, Gyrogyro and Starry rose, with Star yelping at the name “Starry” in the background. “...so, how do we do the second part?” Question Mark asked. “SIMPLE! You guys will slide down the Mountain’s Treacherous 17,500 Feet of Snow, Randomly Scattered Trees, and Rock Ramps, and even THEN, you still have to make sure you slide INTO The Plains, and NOT into the Abandoned Forest! Understood?” The Gourd said. “Yeah yeah, let’s go.” Lunartic said, placing his team on the Snowboard, getting on, and sliding down off a Rock Ramp into the Abandoned Forest.
Team FUN! then reappeared alongside their snowboard, resulting in Lunartic repeating this numerous times.
“ANNNNNDDD! The Masquerade’s here TOO!”
“PEOPLE! WE’RE FALLING BEHIND! PENTA! FLY US THERE!” Star yelled as Penta grabbed Heart and Star, floated to the Summit, then went back down for House and came back.
“WHATTERS, GOTTA GO!!” Star yelled over The Gourd’s explanation, grabbing Heart and House as Penta floated down onto the Snowboard. The board slid down a clear path. “Hey! We’re doing it! We’re—” House joyfully said before Team FUN! slid down, now having GyroGyro in control, alongside The Masquerade. “SHITHSITHSIT!!” Star panicked, GyroGyro slid away from them, so did The Masquerade. “HA! They're gonna hit a tree!” Star said, before he was shot down by a Rock Ramp sending Team “What?” flying.
“WATCH OUT!” Exclaimation Mark said as GyroGyro steered. “Let me take control, you’re gonna CRASH!” Hangman grabbed at Phantom. “CALM DOWN! YOU GUYS ARE ALWAYS FIGHTING!” Tragedy yelled. “Trage-dai, you need to calm down! Alright?” Comedy said.
Meanwhile, on the ground, Team “What?” ended up flying and… SLAM! The Gourd quickly revived House before saying: “Team “What?” is SAFE! Despite House dying, his body made it!”
“LOOK! A CLEARING!” Question Mark pointed out to Gyrogyro, making him steer towards the clearing. “Listen to Comedy, Tragedy! What I do is for the better of us– please understand that!” Phantom said. “and the rest of us aren’t included?! YEAH, RIGHT!” Hangman yelled. “We’re gonna make it! :D” Sunny yelled. “SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!” Tragedy said, angrily tearing up. “YOU GUYS CAN’T JUST GET ALONG FOR ONE SECOND?! WHAT EVEN HAPPENED?! JUST SHUT UP AND GET OVER IT BEFORE WE–” Tragedy was cut off by Paperplates yelling— “CRASH!!”
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The Masquerade’s Board now slid over a bump, causing it to become Verticle, before hitting a tree at immense amounts of force, causing it to snap in half and split the team into two.
However, they didn't make it into The Plains, sliding into the Abandoned Forest, while Team FUN! was able to slide into The Plains, making The Gourd yell “TEAM FUN! IS SAFE! No mercy for The Masquerade.”
“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” Hangman yelled. “It is. but it is also Your’s. Sigh. I keep my vote.” Phantom says, before speaking to The Masquerade. “Guys, we need to get rid of Comedy.” Hangman said. “How come?” Cloudy asked. “If we get Comedy away from Tragedy, he’ll side with US!” Hangman said. “...alright.” Starry sighed.
Meanwhile, Comedy joked— “I’m gonna vote for myself to see what happens!” Resulting in Tragedy stating— “Comedy, no, that’s STUPID.” Tragedy said, Mime overheard this however, and said— “I’ll vote too!” as a result of thinking Comedy wanted to be voted out.
“The Masquerade, the rules are simple! One of you will be getting eliminated at the expense of the Quarrel from Today.” The Gourd said. “Cast your votes!”
Hangman, Cloudy and Starry, as expected, vote for Comedy.
Comedy, as promised, voted for himself and chuckled.
Tragedy voted for Hangman. So did Phantom and Paperplates.
and Mime also voted for Comedy. “He didn't vote for himself anyways! ^^”
“Alright! Results are IN! Everyone but Hangman and Comedy are safe!”
Tragedy, Phantom, Mime, Paperplates, Hangman, Cloudy and Starry all got a Marshmallow.
“...Hangman.” The Gourd said.
“Hoho! Gotcha!” Comedy said.
“is safe.” The Gourd finishes.
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“...ho…” Comedy said. “NO! NO THAT’S NOT FAIR!! WHY EVEN LET HIM VOTE HIMSELF OUT?!” Tragedy sobbed as The Gourd turned him into a Porcelain Comedy Mask.
“That’s all for this episode! See you next time.” The Gourd cackles.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
“Traged-ster! Try to cheer up! Don’t be so down-hearted, yeah?” Comedy told Tragedy. “...yeah.” Tragedy replied.
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
dreaming of vomiting meaning
Dream that you upchuck The importance of dreaming that you are spewing can show that you will disapprove of your business, property, societal position, or individuals in your loved ones. In any case, some express that rather than questions, you will be fortunate in a portion of these perspectives.
dreaming of vomiting meaning
In the event that you upchuck on the floor, it could mean an improvement. It implies you dispose of old propensities or ways of behaving that hurt you. This change will be positive, carry best of luck to your life, and can create material government assistance.
Fantasy about seeing somebody upchuck The significance of longing for seeing somebody hurl is that you may be engaged with an outrage by somebody who doesn't need you well, regardless of whether you need to. Assuming that you have this fantasy, you need to prepare, in light of the fact that something horrible can show up in your future.
The fact is that that individual will do it intentionally, perhaps just the outcomes that others do to you. Right now, you want to comprehend that somebody is committing an error and you shouldn't hold feelings of resentment, and defeat this issue overall quite well.
dream retching on the body
Fantasy about seeing a youngster spewing At the point when you see a kid, retching in a fantasy shows that you have a great deal of stresses over the future and your whole family. It additionally shows that you care about your loved ones about new and unforeseen circumstances.
Yet, resisting the urge to panic is important. Eventually, all will be great, and the person who knows everything is God. Trust in God, and all will be well.
Fantasy about retching on garments The fantasy about retching on your garments shows that there are individuals near you who need your assistance. The time has come to focus on your environmental elements and practice compassion, of setting yourself in the place of others and understand the size of agony or issues experienced by others and afterward give your best.
You could have to engage individuals who need it. On the off chance that you can't do a lot to help, realize that occasionally an embrace or possibly a decent motion can exceptionally affect somebody's life.
Fantasy about tidying up upchuck In the event that you clean the regurgitation in a fantasy, you can end up being energized. That implies something tasty! It implies that beneficial things will come to you in both your expert and individual lives. Enormous and lovely things will occur!
In the event that something awful occurs in your life, this fantasy shows that you need to clean all the soil so the new space opens and beneficial things occur. Yet, recollect that you really want to act since it ultimately depends on you. It will prompt development, and hence you will improve personally.
Fantasies about feeling sick need to upchuck This sort of dream includes another person's inward sentiments, something you really want to do to liberate yourself from something or feeling. It can likewise express that you have something vital to explain with somebody who is exceptionally close however experiences issues making it happen.
Dreams hold to upchuck In the event that you dream that you are making an effort not to hurl, it shows that you experience issues offering your viewpoint since it goes against others' points of view.
It's critical to address this and need to know when to set up yourself when another person is off-base. It will add to working on everybody's solace.
Fantasy about spewing blood Spewing blood in your fantasies is straightforwardly connected with your wellbeing. It could mean something is off-base, so it's smarter to track down a specialist to check what's going on.
Another conceivable understanding is that you are missing a person or thing, and that makes you unmotivated. Ponder this so you can pursue the most ideal choice for your life.
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christ2525 · 2 years
Vomit Dream Meaning
Retching is perhaps of the most terrible human sensation. No one jumps at the chance to go through this second when the body compels us to deliver pollutants in it. The fantasy importance of regurgitating is generally not legitimate, in light of the fact that this typically shows that there is a horrible thing in an individual that should be delivered.
What is the issue is the aggravation related with somebody who is exceptionally close, the subject is unsettled and upsets you, the aggravation of an unparalleled issue. The fantasy about spewing implies we need to dispose of something that is obstructing our lives.
It is critical to assess each part of dreams to figure out their definite importance. The fantasy about spewing can have a bolder predisposition to get through boundaries with old and destructive examples and begin once more. There is likewise another chance, longing for heaving can mean a few monetary advantages through losing others you could have in your life.
What's the significance here to fantasy about spewing? Upchuck in a fantasy implies you are encountering hardships, and there is something in your life that you really want to survive.
It can likewise mean a feeling of dread toward acknowledgment of individuals around you. A gigantic trepidation will lose the glory that you have accomplished with them. You should be cautious to conquer your challenges, however recall not to be constrained by others.
Search for changes and enhancements in your day to day existence to dispose of all that harms you, and you will get the administrations of your work.
Dreams are just impressions of numerous things that occur in our lives: blissful or miserable, delicate, or alarming minutes. They are recollections put away in our psyche, combined with want, dread, and dissatisfaction. At the point when we rest, our cerebrum proceeds to work and acknowledge dreams, the consequence of a combination of everything in experience and creative mind.
In any case, certain individuals accept that fantasies address supernatural signs, and these address things that are going on or will occur, yet we haven't understood it yet. For this situation, the fantasy about heaving implies something is put away, and you really want to free yourself.
Dream that you upchuck The significance of dreaming that you are spewing can demonstrate that you will disapprove of your business, property, societal position, or individuals in your loved ones. However, some express that rather than questions, you will be fortunate in a portion of these viewpoints.
In the event that you upchuck on the floor, it could mean an improvement. It implies you dispose of old propensities or ways of behaving that hurt you. This change will be positive, carry best of luck to your life, and can deliver material government assistance.
Fantasy about seeing somebody upchuck The importance of longing for seeing somebody hurl is that you may be engaged with an outrage by somebody who doesn't need you well, regardless of whether you need to. In the event that you have this fantasy, you need to prepare, in light of the fact that something horrible can show up in your future.
The fact is that that individual will do it purposely, perhaps just the results that others do to you. Right now, you really want to comprehend that somebody is committing an error and you shouldn't hold feelings of resentment, and defeat this issue as well as could be expected.
dream spewing on the body
Fantasy about seeing a youngster heaving At the point when you see a kid, retching in a fantasy shows that you have a ton of stresses over the future and your whole family. It likewise shows that you care about your loved ones about new and unforeseen circumstances.
Be that as it may, trying to avoid panicking is fundamental. Eventually, all will be well, and the person who knows everything is God. Trust in God, and all will be well.
Fantasy about regurgitating on garments The fantasy about retching on your garments shows that there are individuals near you who need your assistance. The time has come to focus on your environmental elements and practice sympathy, of setting yourself in the place of others and understand the extent of agony or issues experienced by others and afterward give your best.
You could have to engage individuals who need it. On the off chance that you can't do a lot to help, realize that occasionally an embrace or if nothing else a decent motion can uncommonly affect somebody's life.
Fantasy about tidying up upchuck In the event that you clean the regurgitation in a fantasy, you can end up being energized. That implies something flavorful! It implies that beneficial things will come to you in both your expert and individual lives. Huge and wonderful things will occur!
In the event that something horrendous occurs in your life, this fantasy shows that you need to clean all the soil so the new space opens and beneficial things occur. However, recollect that you really want to act since it ultimately depends on you. It will prompt development, and subsequently you will improve personally.
Fantasies about feeling sick need to upchuck This sort of dream includes another person's internal sentiments, something you really want to do to liberate yourself from something or feeling. It can likewise express that you have something essential to explain with somebody who is extremely close however experiences issues making it happen.
Dreams hold to upchuck On the off chance that you dream that you are making an effort not to hurl, it shows that you experience issues offering your viewpoint since it goes against others' points of view.
It's pivotal to settle this and need to know when to set up yourself when another person is off-base. It will add to working on everybody's solace.
Fantasy about spewing blood Retching blood in your fantasies is straightforwardly connected with your wellbeing. It could mean something is off-base, so it's smarter to track down a specialist to check what's going on.
Another conceivable understanding is that you are missing a person or thing, and that makes you unmotivated. Contemplate this so you can settle on the most ideal choice for your life.
0 notes
grain-my-beloved · 3 years
Yknow what? I'd actually go so far as to say that, as much as ive seen it complained about, it's actually pretty hard to "UwU" or "Woobify" Grian within the context of yhs.
I mean. It's possible if you go really extreme with it, but it's hard.
Grian at his core is actually a primarily decent person most of the timeand is a primarily innocent party in most things. One who goes through a Lot.
If you really think about it Grian's moral compass isn't too far off normal basic human morality. He's often anxious and hesitant when faced with any involvement in criminal activity, he's frequently dismayed and offput by suggestions of violence (the less deserved the more dismay is expressed as well), he's disappointed and frustrated at seeing the people around him do fucked up things, he's almost always polite with a good head on his shoulders when faced with a kind or reasonable person. Even well into ts, long after first coming back to Japan, Grian is still incredibly uneasy and fidgety with the suggestion that he take part in violence, I mean, remember that time he, Taurtis, and Sam were tasked with killing Geode and Grian not only initially tried to refuse outright but then checked in shakily with the other two multiple times just to confirm if they were really going to kill someone. Grian's typically the character most likely in the entire series to be incredibly put off by and very hesitant about doing bad things (especially to people he's not one million percent certain deserve it).
And while one could argue that we can't really praise his moral compass for being hesitant about involving himself in crime/wrongdoing when he often ends up participating anyways. Actions speak louder than words and all. However I disagree. The fact that Grian vocally does not wish to be involved in this kind of thing and has proven to behave on the more reasonable and polite side when acting independently in relation to likewise level headed people....is Very important. In fact, in actual legal cases, oftentimes a factor in trying individuals is the question of whether they would commit the crime in question indepently or under normal circumstances. This is the basis for necessity, duress, and insanity pleas, amoung other's. People who would not act the way they did in a certain scenario under normal circumstances are often liable to be judged favourably in their actions. In fact, speaking of duress pleas, Grian's got a pretty solid one for a lot of his actions. The times Sam or Yuki held a knife to his throat or the times police threatened to kill him if he doesn't comply with orders or any alike incidents. In cases where duress isn't applicable to Grian's behaviour there are oftentimes incidents in which an outright case for violence in self defense can be made. In fact, most of Grian's circumstances leave him very viable to be judged sympathetically on a legal standpoint. The fact that he was a minor, the fact that he had no apparent history of violence or crime, the fact that he was in a severely abusive relationship with a criminal and entering said relationship marked the start of any sort of criminal behaviour from Grian, any criminal behaviour from Grian always being in a group setting never lead by himself, the fact that he always clearly and openly protests when pulled into these group settings, the duress and self defense pleas that are applicable to pretty much all incidents in which he does engage. Which are also all factors that can and should be accounted for on. a moral basis as well, obviously. And like, Grian has a reputation for being arrogant, cynical, and rude or whatever, but he's really not. He very rightfully calls out other people's horrible bullshit and makes snappy remarks towards his abuser but that's the opposite of a problem and Grian's proven himself more than capable of reasonable civility towards reasonable people. Grian just isn't the selfish arrogant disrespectful criminal that he's sometimes implied to be and in fact he's largely innocent- or absolvable, if you'd rather- in most of the things levied against him. Grian's not a literal saint giving to the needy and taking care of orphans in his spare time but he's a decent guy overall???
And hey, speaking of that super abusive relationship Grian landed in. Let's not forget the impact of that situation. Sam was undoubtedly abusive towards Grian. He threatened Grian's life various times, he basically told Grian he was nothing compared to Taurtis, he shoved plastic down Grian's throat and laughed when he choked, he got Grian locked up in solitary confinement through complete lies just because he thought it'd be entertaining I guess, he forced Grian to kiss an abnormally large amount of people against his will (some of these instances sam recorded despite being asked not to), he himself tried to make out with Grian without consent while Grian was sleeping in his own private room, he forcefully dressed Grian up in feminine cosplay meant to be ~attractive~ complete with fake breasts, he lied to Grian about the gender identity of someone Grian dated as a joke (his words) and lightly mocked Grian afterwards, he locked Grian in a basement for three days straight and it's unclear whether or not he was planning to let him out anytime soon, he dragged Grian into a closet with school staff despite Grian's very vocal distress and discomfort then scolded Grian for considering reported it when this staff member made uncomfortable comments on the outfit Sam had forced Grian into, Sam offered to give Grian to another guy who made a similar uncomfortable comment later on as part of some trade, he consistently dragged Grian against his will into criminal activity whether by threatening him, tricking him into participating, or just altogether falsely implicatng him, amoung Many other things. And every step of the way Sam did his best to completely gaslight Grian. He used every gaslighting technique in the book. Telling blatant lies (for example, "i would never stab taurtis", "you are taurtis", "grian's crazy and he stabbed taurtis"), he denies doing shit to Grian that Grian knows damn well he did ("i would never stab taurtis"). He hard projected his bs onto Grian (from blaming grian for 'making' sam do awful shit sam did to claiming grian actually fullstop did the awful shit sam did). He was just constantly trying to turn people against Grian (convincing yuki and taurtis to back him up in calling grian a bad manipulative friend and insisting he needed to apologize for 'making' sam horrifically abuse him. arriving in the police station and instantly without hesitation telling them grian was crazy and dangerous and pinning his own crimes on grian. having taurtis back him up and help scold grian for getting mad about being locked in the basement for days). Telling Grian he's crazy (taurtis incident again, solitary confinement incident, the time sam kissed grian without his consent while he slept and grian got mad). Telling everyone else that Grian's a manipulative liar (taurtis incident again, solitary confinement incident again). Yknow. Gaslighting. Sam was just so unbelievably abusive. In like. Every possible way. Which adds a LOT of trauma to Grian. That on top of his parents abandoning him as a little kid too because we couldn't leave it at severe abuse.
Grian's not a bad person. And he's certainly a very sympathetic person. Which is why it would be hard to woobify yhs Grian. It would be hard to make a very sympathetic very sad character egregiously sympathetic and sad. His whole arc is getting abandoned by his parents, going to visit his friends, and getting violently abused and forced into a multitude of disturbing activities against his will for an extended period of time.
One could argue that sure Grian isn't a bad person and sure Grian's got a pretty sad life, but certainly a lot of people are guilty of making Grian more helpless and scared and generally 'pathetic' than he is in canon.
To which I reply...not really?
Grian already doesn't have half the fight response people ascribe to him throughout the series. That was a whole other post but honestly Grian's response to traumatic situations is very frequently to cave to them and he's got a much stronger submissive streak than people often admit. I mean, Grian was asked to dress up as his best friend who just got stabbed "to make things less awkward and make me feel better" and he did it within ten seconds of being asked without the others even needing to threaten him at all. Grian does express quite a bit of despair, fear, and submissive tendency in canon when faced with dangerous or traumatic situations. And while it's possible to go a bit too far with that if you consistently leave out the token fight entirely, I see people swing way too far un the opposite direction way too often. There's a reason Grian never actually killed Sam in canon. There's a reason Grian never made a serious attempt to get him arrested for his crimes. There's a reason Grian never just left. When Sam found Grian after he ran out of the gym during the Taurtis incident? Grian didn't lunge for Sam. There was no serious altercation between the two. Grian scrambled back and tearfully babbled platitudes while shoving plastic down his own throat on command. And even beyond that, a lot of the interpretations accused of making Grian too helpless/scared/'pathetic' are works that involve Grian processing trauma years after the fact. Which. Even if Grian was the most aggressive on edge fighter in the history of trauma responses during the traumatic events? People don't process their trauma after the fact the same way they instinctively respond in the moment. Even if Grian never shed a tear throughout any of the traumatic ordeals he experienced, it would be far from unrealistic behaviour for him to still process after the fact by panicking and sobbing his eyes out regularly. Which, again, Grian wasn't even all that fight oriented while it was happening so panic and tears isn't even super far removed from his actual in the moment responses let alone processing after-responses. It's just. It's really hard to "UwU" Grian tbh. He's a decent person, he went through hell (his own words actually), and he was never even really very effectively aggressive when he did. And while it's possible to dip too far into that territory, far more often I see things swung egregiously far in the other direction.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Narutoverse Future Family Headcanons
This is a compilation of my headcanons about future families for my favourite Naruto boys (excluding Kakashi who is childfree in my headcanons.) 
This is very long, so I’ve put most of it under a cut <3 Enjoy~
Naruto:  : 4 children – Son (omega), adopted daughter (alpha), twin sons (betas). 
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Has his son about four years before he becomes Hokage.
His son is a huge daddy’s boy type and clings to Naruto every chance that he gets. 
Naruto never lets his role as Hokage take him away from his son any more than absolutely necessary. Does he take his son into his office? Absolutely. He puts down a little play pen on the floor while he works :’). 
His son loves cuddles so much and he is so gentle. 
He doesn’t like pranks though which makes Naruto a little sad but he would never do anything to make his little one sad. 
Male omegas can be identified from birth, so you both knew he was, but even if you didn’t it’s very obvious. He makes his own little nest next to Naruto’s but ends up crawling into Naruto’s for cuddles every time. 
As he gets older, he attends the academy, but he hates it so much. He reminds me a little of a young Itachi, a pacifist to the core. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone! He begs you and Naruto to let him attend the civilian school, and of course you let him. 
Naruto gets a lot of shit for allowing this from some parties *cough* the council *cough*. The Hokage’s children should be powerful ninjas according to them, but Naruto will always prioritise his children’s happiness. Naruto shields his son from the hate as much as possible, but some slips through.
 The transition is easier if you are a civilian, your son feels a little more secure if that’s the case, and he would consider following your footsteps depending on what you do. If you run a little business, he would definitely want to work with you. If you’re also a ninja he can feel left out and unsure, but he grows into such a quietly confident person, who starts a little business. 
Not being a ninja also means he can be there for his younger siblings. He is a dedicated older brother who is always there for them. He has a room for each other them at his house and loads of medical supplies for when they come back from missions injured and won’t go to the hospital. He always patches them up. 
All his younger siblings respect him so much. He is a very reliable person, and his siblings get so offended if they hear any anti-civilian talk from the ninjas they work with.
When Naruto is about a year into working as Hokage, he goes to visit the orphanage, a place that he reformed hugely as soon as he could. It’s so much nicer than it was and he’s so happy. 
But there is one girl that he sees there, and she’s being bullied by some of the other kids. At only three years old, Naruto’s heart breaks for her. Turns out that she’s being teased for being a female alpha. Times have changed a lot, but there are still some horrible stereotypes about male omegas and female alphas, even if those aren’t the norm anymore. 
He intervenes and wipes away her tears, uncomfortably reminded of his own stay at the orphanage when he was her age. He wraps up the visit and leaves, but he just can’t get here out of his head. 
He’s been wanting another child, but he’s still in a vulnerable position so early into being Hokage that he can’t afford the time off for maternity leave. 
Hesitantly, he brings up the idea of adoption to you, when you respond positively, he’s like great 😊, I have one picked already. 
It’s only about a fortnight later that you’re picking her up and bringing her home. At first, she is very shy and reserved but when she gets comfortable, you learn that she is the opposite. 
She’s very forthright and opinionated, she always says what she feels and stands up for injustice. 
Her favourite thing is to come home and tell you and Naruto about her day. She never leaves out any detail and has been known to demand to go and see Naruto while he’s working so that she can tell him about something that happened at school. 
Naruto ends up unwillingly up to date with all the academy drama. 
She’s quite serious and likes to have grown up conversations and sit at the grown ups table. 
She ends up attending the academy and she just thrives on all the history and politics lessons! She great at negotiating and learning about people. 
She makes strong friends and has a tight knit friendship group that she keeps all the way to adulthood. 
She ends up making Chunin pretty quickly but waits a long while before taking the Jounin exam. She ends up specialising in international relations. 
She works as an ambassador for Konoha and gets to travel around all the countries. She adores her job, but she does sometimes miss her family. Naruto gets sad when he sends her for long missions, knowing that he can’t come and see her for that time, but there’s no one he would trust more to act on behalf on Konoha and she always brings back souvenirs for everyone.
The twins are quite a bit younger than the other two. Six years younger than their older sister, and eight years younger than their older brother. 
In a better position now, Naruto wants to try for one final child. 
Of course, you get twins. 
It takes a bit of re-planning, but Naruto is overjoyed at the fact that he’s pregnant with twins! He gives birth to identical twin boys. You can’t tell from birth whether a baby is a male alpha or male beta, and they end up showing signs of being betas when they’re about 12.
These boys are little troublemakers, and Naruto rejoices and finally having some of his children who likes pranks like he does!
They excel at strategy and trap making when they join the academy but the oldest struggles a little with the more academic side. 
Naruto is so patient in helping him because he knows what it’s like to be a physical learner in an academic environment. 
They are the babies of the family and they get away with everything haha. 
When they end up graduating, they are put on the same genin team and they continue to work together for their entire careers. They are similar to Izumo and Kotestu. They know each other so well and both have complimentary skills, so they make a formidable duo on the battlefield. 
Naruto hates sending them on dangerous missions though. If they ever didn’t come back, I don’t think Naruto would recover, knowing that he sent them to the place that they died. 
These two also definitely take on a genin team when they first get promoted to jounin, and they’re great teachers! I can’t decide if they would have one together, or if they would have one each and compete in ridiculous challenges like whose genin team can get the most d ranks done in one day. 
They remind people of Kakashi and Gai in a lot of ways. 
Sasuke:  1 child – daughter (beta).
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Sasuke has a daughter in his late twenties, after he’s had some time to deal with his trauma. 
He’s undeniably in a better place but he struggles badly with PPD, making the first year very difficult on your family. 
Eventually things get better though, and you work together to raise your daughter. 
She is wicked smart, very much into scholarly things, but she also loves weapons, particularly any sort of blade. Sasuke teaches her how to use a sword and they bond a lot over it. 
She’s pretty quiet and withdrawn, preferring to read a book or practice with her weapons than socialise. Sasuke tries to get her to make more friends but she calls him out on being a hypocrite and he’s so offended that he drops the issue. 
She does well in the academy but she lowkey hates going. She likes going more if either you or Sasuke are there to pick her up and walk home with her, she doesn’t like walking home alone because the Uchiha compound is so damn far away and isolated. 
When she awakens her sharigan when she’s a chunin, Sasuke has a pretty bad reaction. The sharigan isn’t associated with anything good in his mind, so he freaks out when his daughter activates it. You need to give him some time and support and he’ll come around. He’s the only one who can train her after all. 
Sasuke is so proud of his daughter when she makes Jounin, which of course, she does. I could see her taking on a powerful advisory role for the Hokage as a jounin.
She is someone who believes that there is a lot to learn from history, and is a great advisory asset in helping to avoid past mistakes.
Itachi: Canon = none / Non-massacre Au = 2 children. Son (omega), daughter (beta). 
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Has a son shortly after you get married. 
Itachi is a family man through and through and can’t wait to retire from being a ninja (which he hates) to being able to raise his children full time. 
The day Itachi gets moved from the active list to the reserves list after he becomes pregnant is one of the happiest days of his life. 
His son is very responsible and serious. 
He likes to follow Itachi around and help him clean and cook and run errands. He always tidies up his toys and keeps his room clean, and he almost always behaves respectfully and sensibly. 
Itachi never forces him to do too much though, he wants his son to have a fun childhood like he never had. 
Itachi is over the moon when his son shows an interest in calligraphy, happy that his son is picking up a healthy hobby. 
He buys him all the supplies and gets him a teacher if he wants one. It warms Itachi’s heart to see his son interested in something other than chores for once. 
Despite the pressure from the clan for his children to attend the academy, Itachi puts his foot down for one of the first times in his life, saying that his children will only become ninja if they want to. 
His son does in fact want to attend the academy. 
Itachi kind of wishes he didn’t. 
Itachi’s son shows a huge proficiency for fuinjutsu, his calligraphy skills coming in handy. Seeing as the skill is so rare, he becomes one of the leading experts in Konoha. 
Itachi is very supportive and lowkey glad that his son is so powerful and can defend himself. Itachi is also very glad that his son can continue with his fuuinjustsu passion long after he retires from being an active ninja. 
Itachi hopes that safety net (producing seals for other ninjas and continuing to earn money from his hobby) will mean his son can retire whenever he wants and not have to worry. Rather than becoming stuck in the shinobi lifestyle.
Itachi’s daughter is born five years after his son, an age gap that was larger than he would have liked, but he had a pretty traumatic birth the first time around and he needed to give his body some time to recover.
Itachi puts a lot of emphasis on a loving relationship between his children, and his daughter adores her older brother so much! She follows him around and tries to copy him all the time, and he help her with homework and plays with her. 
It makes Itachi very, very happy to see them bond. 
Itachi’s daughter is a beta and has everyone wrapped around her finger from the moment she is born. 
She’s charming, well spoken, and polite but with a very sarcastic personality. 
She has a very similar sense of humour to Itachi actually. A sort of under the breath commentary style. Goodness help anyone who finds themselves opposing Itachi and his daughter. 
Academy teachers get put in their place so fast when they join forces, the teachers don’t even know what happened. 
As Itachi’s daughter joins the academy, she follows after her uncle and develops fangirls and fanboys… She’s very popular. Very popular. 
And she loves it. 
Itachi is not as fond. 
He is not above staring coldly at children for badgering his beloved daughter. 
When she grows up, she works as a ninja, favouring a more jack of all trades kind of style. She likes to learn a little bit of everything. 
She’s the same way with relationships too. She never gets married or mated, preferring casual relationships and has no interest in children, she lives her life doing whatever she wants with whoever she wants. 
Itachi is very proud of her, and secretly very amused when his clan constantly tries and fails to control her.
Shikamaru: 1 child – daughter (alpha)
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Shikamaru has a child at about 25, and he knew from the get-go that he was a one and done kind of guy.
He’s not a fan at all of the infant stage and does not want to do it more than once. 
The Nara clan have a very high proportion of alphas, so Shikamaru kinda expected his child to be one. And lo and behold she was. 
His daughter is the spitting image of him in every way. She is the most mellow alpha ever. So much so that most people assume she’s a beta, and she doesn’t really care enough to correct them about it. 
She is also very close to her grandparents, who dote on her and spoil her as much as they can. 
She excels at school in the same way her father did before her, retaining average marks despite being miles ahead of most of her peers.
Shikamaru teaches her how to play shogi and all about the beauty of napping. She takes to them both like a duck to water. She is so much like Shikamaru that everyone comments on it constantly. 
Although, while she loves a good cloud gazing session with her father, she actually takes to creative writing as her favourite hobby. She uses a pseudonym to avoid attention, but she ends up writing a series of books that becomes one of the most popular book series in the shinobi nations. 
Shikamaru is so insanely proud that his daughter can have both a successful ninja career and a successful hobby/side career. He brags to anyone who knows her pseudonym constantly, including you and his parents. 
He also keeps a set of first edition, signed copies of all her books. He reads them when she’s away on long missions sometimes, as a way of feeling closer to her.
Shikamaru and his daughter remain incredibly close all their lives.
Shino: 1 child – daughter (omega)
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Shino had a child slightly later than most of his friends, at around 34. 
Shino’s daughter is a very curious child! She’s quiet and withdrawn around strangers but very talkative with her family and close friends.
Her favourite place to be is on Shino’s lap. And when around strangers, she always hides behind him, or buries her face into his shoulder. 
Shino loves to spend time with his daughter outside. He teaches her all about insects and plants, leading her around the woods after when she can still barely walk. 
Shibi does the same with her, and those two are very close. 
Shino is fiercely protective of his daughter, and never forces her into doing things she isn’t comfortable with. He defends her right to be quiet and clingy, and it takes some convincing to get him to understand that she needs to make friends outside of her immediate family. 
When she cries for anything, Shino gives in straight away, as long as she isn’t wanting to do anything extremely dangerous. Because of this, she develops quite the sweet tooth, having had as many cookies as she wanted as a child. 
Shino’s daughter ends up teaching at the academy as a career chunin, because despite being shy around adults, she is fantastic with children, very patient and understanding. 
Shino is very happy with her choices, because he was a little worried that she would end up scarred from a shinobi career, and he hates any situation in which he can’t protect her. 
She has her own children pretty young, and Shino is just a good a grandfather as he is a father.
Neji: 2 children – adopted daughter (beta), adopted son (alpha)
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Neji is about 30 when he decides he wants to try to have a baby. 
And he’s 32 when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he isn’t going to be able to conceive naturally because of the suppressant abuse he endured as a child. 
Then, tragically, one of the branch members of his clan dies giving birth. Her mate can’t handle the stress and dies shortly afterwards, leaving their two-year-old daughter and newborn son behind. 
Dying after a mate dies is not super uncommon but is much rarer in the cases where children are involved, so this exact situation doesn’t happen very often. 
His heart breaks for them and he is close to begging you to adopt them with him. 
And soon enough you have two children, siblings, and both Hyuugas like Neji. 
You would never forget Neji’s face when he held his children for the first time. He would never let them be branded with the seal that has impacted his life so much. He would sooner run away from the clan forever.
Neji’s daughter takes a little while to adjust to her new parents, still distraught and grieving over the loss of her previous parents. 
Neji understands and gets her a therapist, but he finds it difficult to watch his child suffer. 
The first time she crawled into bed with you and Neji after a nightmare, Neji cried because she was finally starting to trust you both. 
Neji’s daughter is a beta and when she recovers from her childhood trauma, she shows her true colours as a limelight lover! 
She loves acting and dancing and singing whenever and wherever she can. She plans little plays for you and Neji, sitting you down to perform them for you every weekend. Neji is very proud! 
But he doesn’t really know what to do when his daughter says she doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
He loves and supports her, of course, but he’s thrown off, not really expecting it. 
Eventually, he agrees to send her to a civilian school, and she immediately flourishes there, making so many friends, even starting a little after school performance style club. 
Neji is so incredibly proud when she makes it as a famous actress. He lowkey brags constantly to his friends. 
“Oh, your child just got promoted to chunin? How lovely. My daughter made more money this year than any chunin will see in their life…” Sips tea. 
Neji’s daughter is so glamourous and outgoing and famous, but she never forgets her family, and loves to spoil you, Neji and her younger brother with her money.
Neji’s son doesn’t remember his biological parents and fits into your family seamlessly from day one. As far as he’s concerned, you and Neji are his only parents. 
Just like his older sister, this boy is very extroverted, but rather than singing all the time, he talks. He’s the chattiest person you could ever meet. 
Introverted Neji isn’t 100% sure about how to parent such extroverted children, he just doesn’t understand that they don’t enjoy too much solitary activity time. 
He’s feels a lot better if you’re an extrovert, that way, he can have some alone time to recharge while you handle the children. 
If you’re also an introvert… well, let’s hope Hinata was serious about her babysitting offer. 
Neji’s son talks to everyone as I already mentioned, and adults think he is the cutest thing ever. 
As he grows up, he always helps old people carry their shopping, he helps lost children find their parents, he is basically the alpha every parent dreams of their omega child bringing home. 
He’s very charming and Neji is a lot less surprised when his son says he doesn’t want to be a ninja. 
Eventually ends up working in the orphanage. 
The children adore him so, so much, and he loves his job dearly. 
Neji brags about him too. 
“Wow, your child got top marks in the academy? My child was hand-making birthday gifts for some children at the orphanage when he was 11. He decided to do it all by himself…” sips more tea. 
Whenever she’s in Konoha, his older sister turns up and gives all the kids at the orphanage gifts. She’s like a fun, rich aunt for all of them. 
Neither of Neji’s children have children of their own, as they find their respective careers to be the most fulfilling thing for them.
Neji is a very proud father and is happy when his children are happy.
Iruka: None, or 2 children (he’s happy with either) – adopted son (omega), adopted daughter (omega)
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Iruka would be happy with no children because he’s so dedicated to his work and his students, but he also adores children and wouldn’t mind having some of his own. This is an au in which he decides to have children. 
He adopts his son at age 27, pretty soon after the war, choosing to adopt an older child who has less of a chance of being adopted. 
A six-year-old omega with a bright smile and loud laugh, Iruka is immediately taken with him. The war had left many orphans, and it was hard on Iruka to walk around the orphanage, knowing he couldn’t adopt them all. 
Iruka throws as much love as he can as his new son, taking time off work to bond with him properly, making sure to scent him loads and get him used to his new family environment. 
Iruka is thrilled when his son shows a knack for pranks.
He plays the disapproving parent in public, but honestly, he loves it, as long as things don’t go too far. 
Iruka’s son is a very kind-hearted person, if a little rambunctious, and he also has a huge nesting instinct. 
You knew he was an omega when you adopted him, but it was very clear, nonetheless. He has a permanent nest in his room that he likes to chill in with his friends when they come over (he’s very popular with the other kids in his class.). 
When he gets a little older, he goes to the academy, walking to and from every day with Iruka, and develops a passion for medicine when he’s a genin. 
He has great chakra control and eventually ends up working full time at the hospital as an adult. 
He chose a similar path to Iruka, in that he works as a ninja but is primarily based in the village, rarely leaving on missions. 
He makes sure to come home for dinner at least once a week after he’s moved out, no matter how busy the hospital gets. 
Iruka is so proud that his son is so talented and selfless, that sometimes it makes him tear up. 
Iruka knows that he doesn’t want just one child. 
When his parents died, he was all alone and it was horrible for him, so he knows he wants to have two children, so that when you and him die, they’re not alone. 
Iruka is very ready to adopt again about two years after he adopted his son. 
Iruka found the adoption process so rewarding that he wants to do it again over having a biological child. 
He adopts a little girl this time, five years old and also an omega. When Iruka was meeting the children, this girl brought him a paper flower that she had folded as a gift and his heart just melted right then and there. 
She fits in perfectly to your family, your son adored her immediately! 
With three omegas living in your house now, you were very much outnumbered. It was a common occurrence to find yourself missing all your warm clothes, them having been borrowed and buried inside one of the three nests (minimum) nests in your house. 
Iruka’s daughter is a gentle soul, but she is also strong. She appears like an easy target because she is soft spoken and reserved but she has a strong sense of justice and always stands up for herself and others. 
When she’s young, she likes the idea of going into medicine like her older brother as she admires and looks up to him, but she doesn’t like the realities of the job very much. 
She’s great at chakra control, but the idea of wrangling disobedient, injured shinobi doesn’t appeal to her. 
Until one day, on her way home from a friend’s house, she finds an injured stray dog. She brings it home and begs you and Iruka to keep him. So, your family of four turns into a family of five, and she becomes obsessed with veterinary medicine. 
As an adult, she ends up working at the veterinary clinic in the Inuzuka compound. She is committed to helping as many animals as she can, with a particular soft spot for dogs. 
She also joins the rest of her family for dinners at least once a week. Iruka is so overwhelmingly proud that he has two medic children, because he knows how talented you have to be to do that. 
He is also very happy that both his children stay mostly within the village. The war made Iruka a little paranoid, and he doesn’t worry so much when his children are safe within the village walls.
Gaara: 2 children – daughter (alpha), son (alpha)
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Gaara has his children the youngest out of everyone his age that he knows. He had his daughter when he had just turned 21, and his son five years later when he was 26. 
His daughter is Gaara’s sweetheart. 
He adores her so much and spends as much time as he can with her. He is so gentle with her and loving all the time. 
Gaara’s daughter is very energetic and playful, but also quite sensitive. 
She loves positive attention, loves to play with everyone who will engage with her. 
She’s a very family-oriented person and loves spending time with Kankuro and Temari when you and Gaara are busy. 
However, because you, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro always treated her so gently, she was quite sensitive to people being angry or shouting at her. 
Once, her teacher at school shouted at her for talking in class and she ran straight to the Kazekage’s office crying. Gaara was furious. He hates when his children cry, so much. He let her stay with him for the rest of the day to calm her down, sending you a message to let you know he was looking after her. 
Gaara’s daughter visited him constantly, often bringing little lunchboxes of food for him, learning to new recipes constantly. 
Trying to surprise him, she develops a great skill in cooking. 
She decides, in the end, not to follow the shinobi route. She opens her own restaurant in Suna, charming customers with her amazing hostess skills and phenomenal cooking. 
She allows all her family to eat for free, but they all pay anyway, because they love to support her. Gaara, especially, always leaves a huge tip for her and her staff.
Gaara’s son is born five years after his daughter, another alpha, leaving Gaara very outnumbered, with both his siblings, his mate and his children all being alphas. 
Gaara’s son is very quiet and tactile. 
He loves cuddles and hugs but doesn’t speak very much. 
He enjoys spending time with Gaara in Gaara’s nest, despite not having nesting instincts of his own. 
Gaara’s son is very close to you and Gaara. He always tells you when something is bothering him, and although he doesn’t speak much, he chooses his words carefully and they always mean something.
He actually excels at shinobi school, both in academics and in sparring, and moves up the ranks quickly. He spends a lot of time training with Kankuro and gets into puppetry. 
Even when he becomes a jounin, he spends time with Gaara in his nest, still loving physical affection. 
Gaara enjoys hosting family gatherings for everyone, his daughter cooks loads of dishes for it, his son makes sure to take time off missions to attend, and sometimes Temari drags Shikamaru to Suna as well to join them all. 
Gaara smiles more often than not now, feeling so proud of the life he crafted for himself, and the family he worked hard to create.
(Phew! That was a lot! I hope you enjoyed, let me know what you thought and send me your own headcanons!!! <3)
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kaizokuwritings · 3 years
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i had this in my drafts for a long time but i had completely forgotten about it. sorry to the person who suggested it to me a long time ago, i hope you like it!
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᭝ roronoa zoro
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Zoro doesn't understand anything about romance, relationships,... so you had to tell him clearly about your relationship with Luffy (but you are used to it, Luffy is exactly the same)
However, he still doesn't understand why you would feel anything for Luffy. Something other than friendship. He wonders why anyone would even feel attraction for his fool of a captain.
But the facts are there, and he can see it when you're being hugged by Luffy or pulling him into a kiss. Despite his great respect for Luffy, a deep and incomprehensible rage seizes him. You are his little sister, he saw you grow up and you were always the person he would protect until death.
So seeing you being in a love relationship, whether it's Luffy or not, makes a dull anger rise in him. Zoro becomes even more irascible than usual and avoids talking to you or to Luffy.
He wondered for a long time how he could stand it, but he began to put it into perspective. The man you're with is the person Zoro respects the most. Luffy will never hurt you. Sure, he's as clumsy as Zoro is with everything sentimental, but Luffy would give his life for you. He's convinced of that.
So Zoro gets used to your relationship with Luffy and becomes more normal. However, he can't really stand the sight of you kissing Luffy and he gets a little angry at everyone. But he won't come between you to spoil your relationship.
᭝ killer
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At first, Killer thinks it's a bad joke. That's the kind of thing that happens on the boat. So he won't react right away, thinking that you'll stop your joke when you realize that it isn't working on him.
But this does not stop and reality soon imposes itself on him. And Killer almost thinks that this is the end of the adventure for him. He thinks he is in a nightmare, that the vision of you in the arms of a man like Kid can not be real.
He will then immediately try to talk with Kid, to make sure of the situation. This is one of the rare moments when Kid is a little embarrassed, not sure how Killer may react. And indeed, his reaction is a bit random.
On the one hand, Killer knows what kind of man Kid is, and how he behaves with women. He knows very well that Kid has no remorse to break the hearts of others. Killer is horribly afraid of what love can do to you, how it can blind you to reality. You seem genuinely in love with Kid, and that's so dangerous.
But on the other hand, Killer knows how important the crew is to Kid, and you're one of them. His crew is like the family he never had, and you are so important to him. So Killer will keep a careful eye on your relationship, trying to prevent potential risks.
Sometimes, the simple demonstration of love between you and Kid makes him angry and he can't stand it. Killer has never been very protective, but he knows how much Kid can ravage you, and he doesn't want that to happen to you. You're his little sister, his angel, and you're one of the few people he truly respects. Knowing that his best friend can hurt you drives him crazy. It's a heartburn to know that anything can go wrong.
He will never explicitly give his consent, he knows you don't need it to love someone, and he always remains tense about your relationship. He always wonders what he would do if you were to leave Kid, and how he could choose between his sister and his captain. He just hopes that you're an exception and that Kid will be at least a little bit serious with you, otherwise it might be the end of the road.
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tag list ⛲ : @decayz @pirate-shrimp @chloe-abbacchio @issatheartist @doctorgerth @ochizokulevy
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