#whether or not people know but arent interested to talk about this or they just dont know I literally dont know
inmirova · 21 days
I hate having to take lower-level classes not necessarily because they're boring but because I feel the need to fill in additional information in my answers and notes so it takes me twice as long. why was jean-baptiste lamarck wrong in his theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics? well the problem is he was almost right but we're not learning that right now.
#yes i just wrote a rant about how his exact idea of it was wrong he was so close to describing epigenetics#and how stressors affecting parental health lead to consequences in offspring.#like yeah he was wrong because if you reach for things all the time your kids arent going to be born with longer arms#but he was almost right because if you go through starvation your kids still have to deal with the consequences of it#physical and emotional distress lead to changes in gene expression without changes in dna itself which get passed on#HE WASNT ENTIRELY WRONG HE WAS JUST LOOKING AT IT THROUGH A LESS-INFORMED LENS#like i know. i know you want me to bring up the fucking middle school ass punnett squares.#i know you want to just discuss the passing on of encoded traits.#and i will! and i get that epigenetics itself is a manipulation of whether an acquired trait is expressed#not a manipulation of adding in a new trait or whatever#but. come on. is this not interesting to you? how someone could get so close? that what people used to believe is so close to the truth?#we spend so long talking about how people in the past believed silly things like that you can sail off the edge of the earth#that we fail to notice when one of those silly disproven things turns out to not be very far off.#just because mendel made people go oh never mind fuck this shit. we go oh this was proven definitively false#and we dont give it enough credit. dna wasnt even discovered yet! given modern knowledge he couldve straight up given us epigenetic theory#i dont like that my answer is supposed to be 'this theory of evolution is silly and wrong!' instead of like.#this early theory was not accurate but shows an early basis for a theory used today in research for cancer and addiction &c.#isnt that cool?
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aihaitahm · 1 year
hsr + genshin characters being your tattoo artist <3
idk! just an idea while i was driving:)! but i thought it would be hot to think abt kafka telling you its okay or seeing alhaitham having a tattoo sleeve bc of his arms ^_^
cw tattooing so mentions of pain ! maybe slightly suggestive.
very punctual and ready when the job needs to be done, so if your late, he would be irritated and would charge you a bit more. luckily you arrive in time but he couldnt help but observe you. he wont deny that he finds you cute.
doesn’t like to do small talk, just quietly sits there and he works on your tattoo. though he does listen to you talk if you talk. he would simply nod to most of his customers but for some reason he found himself talking to you and enjoying a conversation. cyno and dehya noticed this and quickly eyed on each other.
you couldnt help but stare at him and the way he is working. he is doing an incredible job while being so hot with it. seeing his amazing tattoo sleeve, you decided to ask him about it.
“did you do that yourself?” you pointed curiously.
“yes i did with the help of cyno. it was challenging but overall i think it came out amazing.”
queue dehya nudging cyno and snickering at the back. alhaitham looks at them and glares.
when he is finished with his work, he musters up the courage to ask you out. feeling a bit of pride since you complimented him and gave him a huge tip.
“i think you are lovely. would you want to go out sometime? its okay if not.” he bluntly asked, not caring about the looks he was getting in the tattoo shop.
“oh! yes of course i would love to. here’s my number!” you smiled.
when you went home, you received a text from alhaitham, asking if you want to go to the movies or eat somewhere to get to know you more. you cant help but be flustered and be excited to get to know him more. on the other hand, alhaitham could not stop grinning at his phone that dehya had grab his phone so that he could clean up his work station.
yae miko
her tattoo work station is so pretty!! it is filled with pink and purple colors. she makes sure her customer feels welcomed and comfortable.
as soon as you walk in, she would compliment you already. “ah you’re my adorable guest today, take a seat if you may please.~”
she smells so good. she smells so expensive with a hint of sakura and vanilla. she is literally enchanting you with her scent. of course you compliment her and she flirtatiously says thank you!
probably has a really chill, lazy cat that lays beside the guest whether by your arm or leg or tummy, he is just there and loafing.
wouldnt do this for most of her customers except maybe her friends but she asks if youre hungry and would order food for you. you insisted at first but you gladly accepted the offer.
“arent you hungry dear?” she asked as she grabbed her phone to order.
“ah no its okay!” you said but suddenly youre stomach decides to grumble so loudly.
“well, you’re stummy says otherwise babe. let me order you some food? and no need to pay me back. i know how tattoos can be expensive already. take it as a treat since im very interested in you. ~” she flirted, leaving you blushing and flustered.
he does piercings and tattoos. very skilled and professional at it too. has taught a lot of people and is known for original designs to go viral.
i think he can be a clean freak. everything has to be organized and his equipment has to be clean or else he cant work at all and he will have a bad day.
when you walked in for your session, blade had to fill in since the person who was supposed to tattoo you became sick.
he deeply sighed and fixed his equipment, getting ready. he was mentally preparing himself too because he has to tattoo someone who he thinks is attractive. he has to make his work perfect so that maybe you’d come back to him if you wanted more tattoos. maintaining his composure properly until you compliment him.
you were searching for ideas and he showed you his original designs. looking with awe, you didnt realize what you said.
“these designs are so pretty and unique just like the creator himself. though i think i’ll pick this spider lily flower.” you decided.
“o-oh thank you. and this spider lily it is.” he mentally facepalmed. why did he stutter.
this made kafka turn her head because of what she overheard. she smirked and of course silverwolf was curious so she turned to witness what was happening.
“wooo! thats our bladie. he’s a little bit awkward sorry!” she teased.
when it was done, you paid your bill up front and tipped him a great amount. stealing shy glances and light touches whenever you were paying him your tip. before you went out, kafka pushed blade to give you his business card filled with his phone number.
“xxx-xxxx-xxxx text me i think you’re cute.”
she loves to play music in the background and loves to talk to you while tattooing you. gives her customers free drinks of your choice except yours has a little note with a smiley face in it.
she is definitely not shy and up front when she says she is interested in you but she certainly knows her boundaries. you can spill her some gossip or any random topic and she will talk to you.
when she notices you stare at her a lot, she would give you a wink and smirk. she just laughs when you get flustered for being caught.
she smiles to you a lot and likes to gaze on you. she makes sure she is extra gentle with you and tells you to take deep breaths if it hurts.
“take a deep breath in 3… 2… 1…”
“ good job baby your doing so well.”
“im sorry this might hurt a bit…. there you go i knew you could do it. mmmm good girl/boy. take it like a champ.”
she smirks when she sees you flustered. she knows it makes you blush and she loves to see it. at the end of the session, she makes it known that she wants to take you out and shop.
did i mention she flirts with you a lot? winks at you whenever your gazes meet.
“if you clearly cant tell, i want to know you more. i would like to take you out. just you and me how does that sound?”
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damnfandomproblems · 15 days
Children cant fucking consent to sex. AND THAT MEANS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH IT.
I know the way interaction works with fics is more iffy but it still fucking applies.
No one is talking about purity culture or "innocent kids" or that kids arent allowed to write.
Like... Imagine this. You go to a convention and there a child selling sexually explicit material (highly unlikely for a REASON) and you buy it. Well now you are in trouble for sexually exploiting a child.
Say you give a child sexually explicit material. Now you are in trouble for endangering children.
These laws exist for a reason. Not just to keep us and children safe, but to make sure there arent loopholes for predators to use to groom children. And lets face it, do you really want those laws to go away? Just so a child can post bad smut on the internet?
No i dont think you SHOULD.
Its not a question about whether its "bad" or "immoral" for a child to have an interest in sex. Its a question about how much can people take advantage of them.
A lot of children who post smut online think they are immune to grooming, which is really fucking dangerous. Children don't need to put their interest in sex on a giant billboard post on the internet. They really really REALLY DON'T. and they most certainly dont even need to be telling people they are a minor in the first place. Children have gotten way too comfortable showing their faces and alot of other personal information that can endanger them. Im an adult and even i dont put my exact age or name on my profiles.
Posting as a response to a previous problem, seemingly the same anon as the previous post.
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 3 months
i think what really bums me out about tumblr hitting the shitter, is that no other site offers the same kind of engagement. said that in another post, but lemme explain a little further. yes, theres other fandom sites. yes, technically speaking other sites have the same features tumblr does. but the way they encourage the use of these features are not for actual engagement. its for gathering a follower count, gathering silent likes. getting an audience so you can make a profit. but what if you dont care about follower count? dont care about being your own business? dont care about trending or how many likes you got? what i loved about the engagement from tumblr was that, it was encouraged to respond in *some way*. whether it be just a quiet tag of a keysmash, or just a "lol" or maybe even a full paragraph to add onto a post you liked and wanted to share. i posted my art, not to gather a huge audience and a follower count, but to make people laugh, or smile, or just relate a bit. i also posted art to express my own interests, especially since fallout and pirates are a hyperfixation of mine. (not using that as a buzzword, im autistic and struggle engaging with people outside of these interests.)
silent likes, silent retweets, a hot take here and there, hell even comment sections arent the same because theyre really only used now if something is controversial for an argument, dont give the same kind of engagement or feeling of community.
i want a space where i can be "weird".people talk to me about my interests with the same kind of excitement i have, where we info dump without fear of being yelled at because "i thought that was obvious?" and "lol everyone knows that shut up." but now, everything has become sterile. even if you are openly neurodivergent, you have to be the kind where youre ACCEPTABLE, and more importantly, profitable. you cant be weird about anything, because then youre mocked and ridiculed by the same people who say "youve got to be more autistic about things". everything is public on other sites, your likes are public, your blocklist is public, your bio has to include personal details otherwise people dont want to engage with you. you have to keep up with everything and make sure youre "acceptable" to be around. TLDR: i miss the days when i went to the internet to escape, where i could drop the mask and be myself. without feeling like im being watched, or judged for just enjoying something. I miss the days where you had your own quirky blog and found people who enjoyed the same niche series you liked, and they had the same enthusiasm as you did even for the details everyone already knows.
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regular-gnome · 3 months
I love the new comic so much! Not only is it breathtaking on its own, but it adds delicious moral complexity to the collection incomplete verse. The Archivists eliminating all the titans is still very much not a good thing, but now we can see that the titans were far from paragons of virtue. Subjugating and extracting tribute from the populace. The titans may have considered themselves benevolent overlords, but overlords all the same.
Just this one comic gives a window into why the locals might have been down with joining the Archivists hunting the titans down. Conflict is so much more interesting when neither side is fully right or wrong and I'm thrilled to see this will be so much more complicated than "Archivists bad, Titans good,".
super happy you enjoyed it:P it took aaaa while to finish
But yeah, something I found interesting is that with creatures like Titans living among witches, there is a clear power imbalance between them, something that has many ways to go about. Especially considering how differently they are perceived by two groups of witches. On the Boiling Isles, they were seen as a source of all that's good amazing kind creatures of immense power, while Titan Trappers talked about them more like monsters. I like the idea there were societies or cults built around differnt titans, and the differences between how everyone interacted were more based on the personalities of those involved - leading to diffrent views on titans by the groups. And I know a cult focused on killing titans isn't going to be a source of reliable information on the titans. This is more about how they might have been perceived to make space for a third party to convince a group that murder isn't such a bad idea (it is, please don't)
Another thing is that all characters are people, not in the "humans" sense but there arent really levels of sentience. All characters have their own minds, whether they are titans, archivists, witches, etc. It's just different circumstances and abilities, and if the stakes were smaller and everyone was forced to sit down and reflect on what they were doing, it might have ended up much less deadly
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The screens are from King's tales of his past that were very much kids imagination, but I like the idea that somewhere in Kings nursery those depitons were drawn showing a diffrent titan and it fueled his story. Debatable if it was an accurate and not a demonised depition though
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kissohee · 4 months
stop stop hello could you please expand on fwb!sungho ??
i saw your post about it and i can so imagine him getting jealous bc he sees you with your guy friend and so later that night when he’s fucking you he pulls out so just the tip is inside you and he says he won’t let you cum and he won’t move unless you explain who that was and why you were with him
and you’re begging bc you need him to move so bad but you keep telling him that you’re not seeing anyone else and no one can make you feel like he can until he finally believes you and fucks you until you cum hard
YES YES YES!!! i feel like hes in between possessive and also insecure. like when he sees u talk to another guy, he immedeatly starts wondering if that guy fucks u better than him, (even if u've never slept or spoken to that guy before.) and then that turns into sungho feeling the need to prove to u that he can fuck u better than anyone else can. like hes aware hes not ur boyfriend so he always feels the need to compete. after all, he knows ur hot, so of course other people are going to find u hot as well, and it boils his blood. and on the topic of orgasm denial, i absolutely think he'd do that if he's trying to get something across. whether it's to assure him that u arent interested in anybody or even so much as to make u say that ur his. and once ur both on the same page and he feels better about the situation, he'll make u feel the best he can to make up for it.
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locallygrowndaikon · 19 days
Hi!! How do you meet and make genuine friends on Sky? I’ve been playing for a few years now, but whenever I get a chance to chat with other players they either speak a different language or ask me a bunch of personal questions 😵‍💫. There seems to be so many funny and interesting people online but I never meet them in person!
I had to think about this one for a bit since im not good at making friends either JGGHFJ
I think it’s definitely easier to find people to connect with online rather than in game. A lot of the people I’m closer with in sky are usually people I find through online platforms rather than in game (though not saying its impossible to find good ingame friends, just might be harder) . A general thing would be to find those who have similar interests or humour, and as well as to spend time with the friends every once in a while, whether it be candlerunning or just hanging out to talk.
If you want a more in depth rambling of me going on about everything I know about making friends, then:
Ok well this is kinda for anyone reading this JGHJDJ
A general thing about friends is to find a common interest to talk about like OCs, art, sky in general, other games, anything basically, especially if you’re like me and bad at conversations. Even after you find the initial spark, it can get hard to keep up with regular conversations afterwards and it’s easy to drift apart. If you want to get closer with someone it’s definitely good to start conversations every once in a while. This can go from telling them things you think will be funny or showing them things to just things about your day. A lot of people appreciate this kind of thing and usually get comfortable to reciprocate it (unless you’re like me and really bad at stating conversations HFBSIC)
In sky, this can also be asking the other if they want to cr together or eden, even oobing if you’re into that. It gives the chance to hang out and talk to each other.
Of course, if the other person doesn’t respond with a lot of enthusiasm or doesnt seem to put effort into the friendship, it might be time to back off to give them space. They could either be tired and need a break or they arent interested in the friendship anymore. An exception would be if the person is already socially awkward or isn’t good at starting conversations. It can be hard to tell sometimes.
If you wanna find friends
For finding friends online, its usually finding a community and finding people within it or becoming a part of the community. if you’re social enough you can join discord servers and talk to people. Even if you arent as social, discord server can still help find people to interact with, like cr partners, heart trade, needing help people/finding help, that could lead to friendship. There’s also being on social media, though it might be harder if you dont post things or if you arent really noticed or something, though it’s not like you need to be famous to be able to find people. You can also find others on social media who are already asking for friends. Ive seen quite a few on tumblr and sometimes on other platforms where people asks if anyone wants to be sky friends. Twitch, the streaming platform yeah, also has quite a few sky creators that are willing to friend pretty much anyone, which could be another way to find a community (since quite a few people on sky twitch know each other).
For in game in sky: Moths are definitely easier to become friends with since you know guiding them and everything and watching them grow up, except moths are wild cards and some are euaheh weird and others never show up again. A lot of older players already have their own friends and friend groups and then other people play inconsistently or have different timezones/playtimes, so theres a lot more luck when making friends on sky. Best bet would just be keep talking to people and when you do find someone you bond with, continue to join and check in on them every once in a while to keep up the friendship.
Joining friends in game can be scary for many (me included), but it usually ends up not as bad as you think, of course respecting dnd spells (or cape codes if they have those). Even if you do join at an inconvenient time, its a simple “oh, sorry/mb” and you head out, leaving minimal damage and awkwardness.
Of course since this is the internet and people can be bad, if people cross boundaries even after being warned once or multiple times, or you just dont enjoy hanging out with, its okay to block and cut people off. No one is obligated to hang out with anyone nor responsible for the happiness of someone else. Having self worth and internet safety is important folks
Anyways people are complicated and theres a lot of ifs and possibilities and other stuff what not so take whatever advice i spit out mindlessly for granted JFHDO i dont know what im doing
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notjennyfromtheblocked · 10 months
Im deliberately sending this off anon so you can see that you arent being 'attacked' by 'Anne', and the fact youre even discussing it that way is ableist as fuck. Im going to start this by making it clear, I have BPD, Im also trans and you will not be knowing my AGAB. You are the asshole in this situation.
We're going to start off simple, you are not an expert on BPD, google and tiktok is full of misinformation and harmful stereotypes about Borderline pplo. BPD is not an 'abusive person' disorder, there is no such thing as a condition that makes you an abusive person. BPD does cause intense, deep emotions that can shift quickly and be hard to control; often this includes having intense feelings for people around them and being scared of losing them/them not being who you thought they were. Because this condition comes from trauma (usually from family/relationships) there are often amplified feelings around abanonment and betrayals of trust especially from ppl you thought were your friends. It is in fact common for some of our nost intense lifelong interests start bc of stupid reasons, but starting bc of a stupid reason doesnt mean the interest isn't genuine. Have you never done something bc your friend wanted you too and you ended it up loving it? Why is it any different bc it was a crush not a friend? BPD doesnt make you a manipulative person, nor does it make you gaslight ppl and seeing as 'anne' has a psychiatric degree Im sure he understands his condition better than you do.
Secondly, 'Anne' is allowed to be trans in whatever way he wants too, she doesnt have to bind, or pack, or change his appearance for anyone. I have a beard, long hair, wear any kind of clothes I want, have tits, have bulge, am hairy and wear a full face of makeup. Some of those things are part of my agab, some of them a part of my transition. And its not a single iota of your goddamn business whether youre friends or not. Gender is a performance and you get to choose the outfit and 'Anne' is deciding what she want his to look like.
Thirdly, you do not seem to understand that part of the reason you very clearly show yourself to be the asshole is the way you speak about others. Describing being an introvert as being more sophisticated or above extroverts is just ridiculous, you are not superior bc you dont go out to parties. I don't either, I find them uncomfortable and loud, but that doesnt make me sophisticated. You talk about 'Mike' as if he cannot be the arbiter of his own interests or relationship, that hes just stupid and couldnt piece it together if 'Anne' was 'faking'. You talk about 'Anne' like she's some master manipulator but you did everything that happened to yourself, you went to the GC and convinced them that something was wrong, you took a group of ppl who didnt know 'Mike' to 'Anne's' house to confront him, you made a callout post about 'Anne' on facebook, you tried to immediately go running to 'Mike' for damage control when your 'intervention' didnt work and you are the person that blasted it all over facebook and now tumblr. And now you are the one losing friends and family, and you deserve it, because the ppl you convinced to attack 'Anne' realised wtf they'd just done and how fucking horrendous that is. You have no evidence of any manipulation, or that 'Anne' is faking, or that 'Mike' isnt happy, you just presented your prejudice. 'Mike' and 'Anne' realise what youve done and they have enough proof to convince a judge or they wouldnt have gotten that restraining order. You are the person behaving manipulative here and everyone can see it except you.
I've tried writing a response to this so many times but I end up deleting it because when I try to explain myself it just sounds like I'm going in circles. There are tons of other asks I've tried answering and rewritten like seven times each before giving up. I've been writing over and over trying to explain like how while yeah technically Mike never told me word for word that he was T4T, when he told me I wasn't his type and then like two days later came out as trans it felt very, very much like he was coming out specifically to let me know that's why I wasn't his type. Or how I was trying to explain how look I know it might be controversial but the constant "main character syndrome" of extroverts just gets on my nerves and is supremely selfish in general and also the truth is you're just GOING to be more intellectual if you spend your free time actually expanding your mind instead of smoking pot and grinding against strangers and how someone like Mike who prefers the same free time activities as I do is just not going to work with someone who would rather party and get wasted than pick up a book, or how Anne is pretending to be trans and I know this because she isn't changing ANYTHING, and I was going to explain that the group chat was full of people she didn't know because it initially was a fandom ship discord from a show she doesn't watch but eventually when I started getting concerned yes it kinda became my "complain about Anne" vent place because nobody there really knew her well enough to go tell her what I was saying and it was a safe place for me to vent and explain why I thought she was abusive and cheating and they would actually listen instead of tell me to knock it off like others, and obviously OBVIOUSLY I thought her and I were close enough as friends she wouldn't mind me using her spare key which she kept under the doormat so it's not like I searched hard. I've written all of that so many times to so many different asks I can't even count and then i just end up deleting it because it feels pointless to even try because I know people will just keep sending asks so why bother so I never wrote it til just now unless I deleted it.
Im gonna be totally fully honest here I woke up and I saw the 99+ notifications in my inbox and I haven't been able to stop shaking because I'm so fucking angry because nobody is on my side, I literally scrolled hoping to find at least one person who was agreeing with me and nobody was and honestly I was so mad I couldn't even see and then I finally found a couple of nice asks and they were signed and I was so excited someone finally agreed with me and when I checked on their blogs they were all fucking terfs. All of the people who were taking my side were fucking terfs. And like I'll be honest with you I have two very close family members who are trans and honestly they've both blocked me recently and even though I tried to contact them they didn't respond and I seriously hate hate HATE terfs because they've been so cruel to my two family members. And I'm so angry. But then I found your ask and at first I was so angry and I tried to reply but I just deleted it because I was getting angry. But then I found more terfs in my ask and then even more hateful anons from non terfs.
But then I kept thinking about how conservatives will literally LITERALLY have Nazis agreeing with them and dig their hills in and in like wtaf how are you not seeing that NAZIS are agreeing with you? But literally the only people agreeing with me are terfs. And honestly that's the last shit I want, I luterally hate terfs. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this is the nicest ask that WASN'T from a terf so I've just. I dunno. I am freaking out because this did not go the way I planned. I knew some people wouldn't agree with me but I thought it would be more split, like some YTA but mostly JAH and NTA. And then when I saw the poll for a hot minute I thought maybe it might veer ESH but obviously that isn't the case. It's just like have you ever really cares about someone, really really cared about someone, and he says oh please don't hug me and pulls away, and then other people hug him so you think I better tell these other people "don't hug him, he doesn't like hugs" and then he says its fine and then starts hugging other people but not you? And you realize at no point did he ever say he didn't like hugging, he just asked you, specifically you, not to hug him? Well imagine that but with Mike, and he stopped wanting to hang out with me and told me not to touch him but whenever I'd remind Anne not to touch him he'd say it was fine and I guess when he came out as trans it was just easier to believe he didn't date cis people than he didn't want to date me. And there were times I thought man I wish I were a trans person so Mike would notice me, and then it seemed like Anne was doing just that because of COURSE it crossed my mind to pretend just for a little while, because if he just gave me a chance he'd realize that we are compatible. Honestly I'm just freaking out because I made this blog a month ago after sent the ask to the aita blog but then it didn't get answered so I started the blog to get all this off my chest. And bam suddenly I was bombarded a month later and it took me a minute to realize the aita hadn't deleted it. Honestly none of this went according to plan and nobody except people I fucking hate want to hear my side. And I dunno. I just don't know. Bur if the only people agreeing me with me all day are terfs then obviously I need to think things through.
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otteroflore · 3 months
Fascinating and weird reading takes about Laios dungeon meshi and whether hes ace or aro or neither or both and whether hes a monsterfucker or not
Extremely weird to me that so many read him as a monsterfucker ngl. Hes not the one with romantic ideals about monsters, thats Senshi! Senshi specifically wanted to ride the kelpie and Laios told him they arent able to be reasoned with.
The others are horrified by the prospect of eating human like monsters such as mermaids and minotaurs, but laios isnt because he sees them as animals. I mean i guess you could argue theres eroticism and implied vore but it just doesnt read as monsterfucker to me.
Also people debate whether laios knows qbout sex or whatever but didnt he literally grow up on a farm? Also he talks about the egg sacs and reproductive strategies of various monsters.
Laios is just a very enthusiastic zoologist. I mean hes probably aro/ace but also hes just not that interested in humans.
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okkottsus · 1 year
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I usually dont mind ppl having different interpretations of characters and relationships, but this is just an insult to my boy’s character and his connection to nagi.
Reo may have developed an interest in nagi bc of his talent (and i find the notion of him doing the same thing he hated his family for at the start very interesting btw), but since then he obviously has developed an emotional attachment, and to him, it has to be nagi. he’s met people with even more skill than him in blk but he still hasnt spared them a 1/100 of the attention he gives to his best friend.
ofc i think it was important for them to improve on their own and maybe it was premature of him to go back to devoting himself to nagi so quickly, but i truly believe its bc he understood nagi’s perspective since he “abandoned him” and his true intentions.
the difference in their perspectives is very clear even before they enter blue lock:
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at that point winning the world cup was just reo’s dream but even then, to reo, the most important thing was for them to be together until the end (nagi was the one who made him promise that would be the case too !!) , while nagi was content with just going along with him bc he started caring abt him as a person
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until they lost to isagi’s team. from that moment, he decided (and was right imo) that they need to do whatever they can, even if they have to take separate paths for some time, to get stronger.
and nagi didnt “lose sight of their og goal” what are they talking about?? nagi literally mentions/thinks about their dream to be the best together every chance he gets?? he even got mad at reo cause he thought his friend was the one who forgot about their dream. he thought he was taking the vital steps to make it a reality and was frustrated reo couldnt see that:
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reo felt betrayed because he cared about nagi himself as much as he cared about their dream and thought that nagi used him as a stepping stone to move forward alone, when actually it would be more accurate to say that nagi views everyone except for reo as a stepping stone. (i dont blame reo for this, since even tho nagi tried to communicate that hes doing it for them, he did a terrible job of it).
but during their latest talk reo had already worked on himself and had acknowledged the fact that he was in the wrong for assuming that them being together no matter the cost was the right thing
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so when nagi approached him and explained himself a little better this time (boy was shocked when he realised how reo took their separation and put in a little bit more effort lol)
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reo finally understood how their desires intertwine now. how can people claim that reo sees nagi as a tool when its more of the other way around; meaning reo sees himself as a tool for making nagi the best striker in the world and he already declared that to Ego before:
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and again now:
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plus saying that he and nagi arent friends and they are just using each other is so out of touch with everything we’ve seen so far. reo’s devotion to nagi aside, nagi too cares for reo a lot outside of soccer. even after he left reo, he still got excited to see him and talk to him despite everything; to him it was obvious they would continue to interact no matter which team each of them was on:
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and he also felt bad for hurting him and expressed the hope that he would forgive him
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the only thing that i wish would happen now is for nagi to apologise to reo face to face instead of only doing it in his own thoughts, and for reo to also talk about why he was hurt. but i feel like they understood each other either way without many words, because in the end, their bond is just that strong.
they now both want to succeed more than they ever have before and have stopped being their complacent selves we met during the first selection. they are both thinking far into the future and not just within blue lock, so whether they keep moving forward together or separated from now on, it will be knowing they are working towards their shared dream.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Your platonic Baizhu fic is so heartwarming!!! Got any more thoughts on that fic???
( Also I think your fic links arent working because they send me to different fic and on chrome instead of the app. Though that might be me ahahaha)
Your amazing and don't let anyone tell you other wise! Bye bye
thoughts on chronically ill!reader.
summary. a collection of random thoughts about baizhu's junior herbalist.
trigger & content warnings. no applicable warnings.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. baizhu & reader, qiqi & reader. 0.3k words. they/them pronouns for reader. i believe the fic that this anon is talking about is invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
author's thoughts. hello darling! thank you sm, that fic is one of my personal favorites <3 i have SO many thoughts regarding that fic. here are a few of them. feel free to ask me to expand upon anything if you find something interesting!
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the implication about baizhu is that he's seeking immortality, right? yeah. i like to think that his sweet lil junior herbalist knows about that and does what little they can to help him—e.g., discreetly seeking information, whether that be through the suspiciously well-informed mr. zhongli or through foreign sources. their morals become somewhat skewed after working with baizhu for a while, but it doesn't really bother them. why would it? baizhu is soft and gentle and kind with them. they aren't afraid of him. they never will be. it's because of his attention and care that they can manage their life. this is how they're returning the favor.
changsheng and [name] ABSOLUTELY, 100% fight for his attention. they have a weird ass family dynamic going on with that snake LMAOO..... baizhu knows about this. he finds it funny.
qiqi and [name] like to wander liyue together. once they develop enough strength and endurance, they'll carry her on their hip and go wherever she directs them. sometimes, baizhu will trail after them (like a father!) and leave the pharmacy in gui's hands. bro is a single dad with two kids and all of liyue knows it.
"baizhu is a coward" not when someone threatens his kid! it's verbal assault ON SIGHT if someone does something to hurt [name]. he hasn't had any need to physically defend them yet thankfully, but he has definitely had a few choice words for certain impatient people.
sometimes baizhu lets them braid his hair after seeing them do it for qiqi a few times. it ends up becoming very normal for them to braid both his and qiqi's hair on slower days.
i hc that there's a room in the pharmacy with low sensory input (dim lighting, limited scents & sound, etc) in the case that anyone needs to rest for whatever reason; migraines, body aches, sensory overload... it's available for any reason at any time of the day. sometimes baizhu and [name] end up in there at the same time and just sit in the silence. it's a bonding ritual of sorts.
thank you for letting me know about the links. i use the tumblr website and it tends to be kind of difficult sometimes; i'll work on fixing the links shortly! in the meantime, if there's any particular fic you'd like easy access to, just send me another ask and i'll direct you to it <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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strawbubbysugar · 9 months
1. What would Monty's reaction be to Stink? Y'know, once the big guy is fixed and not acting like a sewer rat. Will he help take care of him?
2. Are we going to get a oneshot of Morgan and Monty interacting in any way? Maybe Morgan seeing Monty be slowly repaired with every visit and even helping when they can, or after he's fixed and they go home together where they talk things out and have a heart-to-heart conversation? I like to imagine ""The Big Talk"" happens on the way back home in Morgan's dinked up truck after a few minutes or even hours of painfully awkward silence and a bit of strained small talk, but seeing Monty's reaction to Morgan's home and us even getting to know what it looks like would be nice, too! I think seeing the home or living evironment of a character helps me understand them better, plus it's just interesting.
3. A bit of a continuation of my previous question- what does Monty think about Y/ngineer not being his soulmate? Will he ever find out what Morgan did to Y/ngineer? If so, how will he react to it? I can't remember if he even knows they're soulmates with Sun/Moon/Eclipse, so how will he feel if he saw them being affectionate, whether he knows or not? Is he over Y/ngineer and ready to move on with Morgan? On the other hand, what does Morgan think of Monty being their soulmate, Monty in general, and about having an animatronic for a soulmate? I can't remember if this was ever discussed, I apologize if so.
4. Will we get an update on how both Roxy and Chica are doing on the farm that's set a couple of months or so in the future, after everyone is repaired and the dust has settled? Will we get a little fluffy look into their daily life, relationship and how they both react to farm work? Or rather some hurt/comfort when the sky is depressingly dark, the house is dead quiet and the memories and phantom pains won't stop? I miss my girls. 😢
5. Could you share some thoughts you have for a potential oneshot with Cassie and Roxy? Maybe a bit of hurt/comfort with Cassie visiting and comforting Roxy after, y'know, everything, or seeing her when she'll all fixed up? Will Cassie get to meet Chica? (I'm assuming Cassie has a mother that's still around so would that make Chica her 3rd mother? 🤔)
6. How is Maddie? I think we had brief mentions of her near the end but I hope she's doing well and spending enough time with her dads! Juggling repairing 5 animatronics, taking care of a baby, and planning for the future must be overwhelming for Matt, even with Y/ngineer, Eclipse and his parents there to help him. :( Will we see Y/ngineer or/and Eclipse play with little Maddie? That would be so so cute! I suspect the boys didn't see a lot of infants in the daycare. 🥺 Speaking of... how did Maddie react to the long trip to Twin Falls? She's is an angel but I assume she didn't take the move too well.
I honestly think he'd be scared of him at first. like not over the top screeching but he'd refuse to hold him, and he'd freeze when hes put on him. eventually hed have a begrudging respect for stink bc stink likes to bite
Oooh that really puts me in the mood to write about them! Maybe Ill do a oneshot tonight for morgan & monty :)
He isnt stoked about the fact that they arent soulmates, he was starting to feel pretty sure that they were. but he isnt distraught over it - its more of a workplace crush than a real true "i need you" crush. He'd be pissed that morgan did what they did to them, but at the same time, hes done some pretty bad shit to people he cares about too - its another thing they can relate about. he sees morgan trying to be a better person and respects that. If monty were a human man he would 100% be morgan's type down to a t. however, they arent the monster fucker robot lover the y/ngineer is, so it takes more time for them to get used to the idea of a giant crocodile machine being their soulmate. it gets easier they longer theyre together, and the more they get to know each other!
I might write a oneshot for it possibly, along with cassie coming for a visit!! :) it'd be touched upon in the sequel if I ever write it!
tbh I have less ideas for these guys than I do other characters (mostly bc roxy is a mother NO DRAMA and no drama means less story hddsf) but I could see myself writing a oneshot where cassie comes and sleeps over with her dad's permission!
Maddie is doing wonderfully! She's a little angel and her grandparents are watching her while Matt and the gang make the move to the new home! Matt will drive back and pick her up once theyre settled in, so it isnt too much for her. Once shes there and all settled in, Eclipse ends up watching her most of the time while matt and y/ngineer run the shop. After someone sees him doing so well with their kids at the playground while babysitting maddie, they ask him if he runs a daycare, and he decides that YES, he does! Which is how Clear Skies Daycare starts! :)
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themetalvirus · 2 months
thinking about shadow and surge. surge shows up and shadow's like. wanna talk. and she goes i'm sick of talking and baps her fists together with electricity and shadow just doesnt move, maintains measured eye contact, narrows his eyes at her. and shes like (exaggerated sigh) (giant exaggerated arms down movement)
shadow has dealt with memories that arent his own, has gone from doing what others told him to forging his own path, and has Medical Trauma. hes seriously the best fit for actually talking with her about what she's going through and how to move forward. shadow DOES have a past, and surge has none, which is where they chafe (on surge's end anyway). but being stuck on that "past" and "doing what you're told to do instead of forming your own identity" stuff is exactly the kind of thing shadow has dealt with and overcome so he could provide some guidance.
i think he would stress that he isnt telling her what to do and the decisions she makes in her personal life arent of his concern, but if she continues to be violent, he will intervene. he isn't like (specifically idw) sonic, wanting her to have freedom of choice no matter what without consequences. there will be consequences for wrong decisions and he will see to that. he wants her to make the right ones, but knows he has no control or real say over whether she does or not, and has no interest in forcing ideas on her that she isn't interested in (he's gone through that before).
he also sees himself in her and identifies with her anguish surrounding her identity. i think he would try to express that it's okay to not know what you really want (aside from killing sonic lol), but it's important to search for what that is, to embark on that journey instead of following existing self destructive patterns
surge, of course, is not immediately receptive to any of that shit and is frustrated that people keep trying to give her life advice, but she senses something different about this particular guy and doesnt resort to fisticuffs. she'd stress that she really does have a helpless fixation on killing sonic and feels as though she can't have peace and will never have peace until he's dead so she can finally fulfill that one "prime directive" and move on with her life. the conversation makes her think, though. she didn't really think about the "after" piece, what she would do. she starts to think about it, but it's difficult, hazy, and she isn't sure where to begin. the conversation doesn't fix her but it does plant seeds, give her stuff to think about for later. she peaces out and shadow feels like hes done his good deed for the day and needs a nap. surge goes back to wherever shes nesting with kit and has a lot of thinky time
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itsaspectrumcomic · 6 months
this is kind of a vent and a bit of a silly rambled story (ooo story time! but feel free to ignore it if you want it wont bother me)
so i have been researching autism and adhd for roughly a year and a half now and its kinda become a special interest of mine (wild i know lmao) and its actually how i got my adhd diangosis! funnily enough the therapist who diagnosed me for adhd and evaluated me for asd was biased and had no knowledge about adhd or autism... :-] pained smile
(im afab and my sibling is amab and the comparisons between our assesments is insane. they got assesed easily but for me, the therapist was reluctant and judgemental. a great start i know /sarc)
anyway the therapist told me that i couldnt be autistic because even though i scored high, the test my PARENTS filled out for my childhood was very low. i wasnt even asked about my childhood experiences when it came back with a low score. i was just brushed off and told that it was only my adhd and that if i WAS autistic (which im not, according to her) that i would be "high functioning" and that "high functioning" people arent actually autistic. not word for word because i was half listening in shock but the general idea is still there. i have no clue how i even went to this woman tbh.
i have since made a list and included evidence for all the traits ive had since infancy but my parents 100% took the therapists word and are now completely convinced that there is zero chance that i can be on the autism spectrum. fun fact i think theyre both on the spectrum as well and ive talked to my sibling about it too. its wild lol
the thing is i keep going back and forth between denial and acceptance thinking i may be on the spectrum and ive had plenty of friends both professionally and self diagnosed tell me that i am on the spectrum but i cant help but accidentally find ways to invalidate myself and my experiences. i dont know if its worth it to get a professional diagnosis or to just exist as self diagnosed because they both have strong pros and cons. its all very confusing but i can wait 2 years until im a legal adult so i can at least try to get an assesment from a therapist who actually understands autism
i apologize for being so long winded and for any gramatical/spelling errors but i just wanted to thank you for making this blog in general. it feels very validating despite what other people and my negative thoughts try to say about my brain :-] i hope youre doing well !!
'"high functioning" people arent actually autistic'
UGH I hate that so much. I'm not really a fan of the the terms 'high functioning' and 'low functioning' anyway because it doesn't cover how autistic people can be really good at some things and struggle a lot with other things (also known as having a 'spiky profile') and just 'high' or 'low' doesn't properly take that into account, and then there's the whole questionable use of 'functioning' but that's a whole other discussion....
I'm sorry your parents aren't listening. Since autism can be genetic, it's fairly likely they are also on the spectrum and never noticed the traits when you were growing up because it all seemed normal to them.
It's a very personal decision whether or not to try for an official diagnosis, but whatever you decide is valid! The important thing is gaining self-acceptance and learning what works for you. Good luck and I'm so glad you're enjoying this blog :)
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tinukis · 5 months
i may seem to lean in more towards romanticism of zolu but imma be real here
theyre a whole secret third thing to me like— idk how to explain it it other than their love and bond transcends what romance and platonic. yes i will draw them smooching and have hearts flying all around them but it is not exactly romantic/platonic... (i mean honestly i dont mind how ppl interpret zolu whether its my art or in general)
bc i saw this one comic that just... perfectly described zolu and the strawhats to me? it was about law catching zolu and then discussing with the other strawhats about it and they explained that luffy does in fact love everyone equally and the same. for luffy, romantic nor platonic is Not a thing to him. (this is how i view luffy's aroaceness !! love isnt a category for him. love isnt something he could just pick and choose or whatever. love is just... loving someone. love is for the people very dear to him.) and in the comic, the strawhats say that zoro's the one and only guy who could keep up with luffy's energy and antics. so they dont mind the things they do together in privacy or in front of them. they know how much luffy loves them ALL EQUALLY and they all love him back
on topic of zolu and aroace... i've been around spaces and talked to a few zolu shippers (qpr shipping count) and noticed how many of us are at least on the aro/ace spectrum. there's just Something about zolu's special relationship that attracts us, and if you ship them and are aro/ace, im certain you'd agree. (even if you arent, we can mutually agree that they are a third thing, right?) like, theres something so... aroace about their relationship. they can be seen as romantic and they can be seen as platonic, but what can be absolutely certain is that their relationship is definitely queer. bc it's not something you can easily describe or that their relationship is The Norm. theyre insane for each other. luffy's the sun. zoro's the moon. luffy's a good. zoro's the king of hell. they complete each other. they absolutely need each other.
my memory is horrible and i cant say the words properly but basically: zolu's love and relationships transcends romance and platonically. yes you can see it as either, but as an aroace, i Feel it is way beyond that.
and again, will repeat it a million times over (mind you, it's not canon. it's a widely accepted HEADCANON. if you think luffy's sexuality is something else, thats cool): i believe that luffy's aroaceness is way beyond "not interested in attraction/xyz/whatever" like yeah, he doesn't think about it because it doesnt matter much to him. he doesnt apply whats romantic or platonic to HIS relationships. he can recognize romantic, sexual, platonic things. it's just not his thing to really think hard about (he doesnt think much in the first place (affectionage)) he feels love for the people he cares about and if they feel loved by him, however he approaches the love (and if they accept that kind of form) thats all that matters to him. he doesnt label/categorize love because it makes no sense to Him to prioritize someone over the other just bc he loves that someone a different way. he loves everyone equally and treats them as equals.
and when it comes to Any luffy ships, calling his significant other "partner" is what fits best. theyre not just best friends, theyre partners.
this is a mess of a rant but this is just how i feel abt zolu, luffy, his ship pairs, and his aroace hc :]
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yin-shimo · 6 months
Collective (and final) Post
- because I'll be deleting the previous posts and hoping this singular one is good enough for everyone.
Let's get the biggest issue out of the way,
Yes, I am a proshipper and no i don't care how you feel about it. As always, please feel free to block me now and not bother to read the rest, its the reason i was open about being one in the first place.
I never cared i was banned from yoonie's server. i never talked in it and i wasn't there to make friends. I was in there solely to see if they said anything about me and yeah they did. You can go crazy and call me a stalker for that too, I get it. What they said is irrelevant (such as my cc, i don't know why its made out to seem like im upset abt that..) to why im upset, i just disliked them viewing my account like stalkers even tho none followed or liked me. Thats it. I would have never called out names etc if yoonnie hadnt vague posted me.
secondly, for all the csa and sa mentions and me supposedly posting weird ships or whatever. Please, please actually scroll through my account and show me where i have EVER talked about any ships (aside from wx), posted images abt the topic, or anything similar.
while youre at it, please show me where it was that i failed to tag such 'problematic' nsfw posts. you do know i only tag them with #xian: spice, my oc tags and occasionally #simspice, right? My pinned says im an 18+ blog, my description says 18+ only, how many warnings are expected of me?
next, where and when did i ever interact with anyone, especially from that clique, that made them so uncomfortable? it couldnt be in yoonie's server. i didnt talk about my self or interests and no one ever posted in the nsfw channel of my own server when it existed. so again, it couldnt be there either. I dont even interact with minors on discord or tumblr!
please, please understand that i KNOW there are many many topics people arent comfortable with (i have some too) and theyre 100% valid! especially to block/unfollow me for! Aside from one recent render, I have never posted anything worth a CW (and the render is properly tagged with #cw: implied abuse) and if i do again, it will always have the proper CW. I am not trying to trigger anyone.
If somehow, my pfp, description, etc, is enough to trigger you, please please just stay away from my account for your own sake. and the yarichin argument is weak and only proves the people so uncomfortable and 'triggered' by me apparently still look at my page and saw my current pfp lol
the only post that will be left is the ask i answered showing how harmful corona 'jokes' are towards all asians whether theyre chinese or not
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