#when the main character is noone's favorite character
doodlboy · 1 year
Om tag ramble
#my hate 4 solomon is festering bc of that post bc its infuriating that#every1 was so scandalized that he was doing shady shit 2 lucifer from before but bc its asmo suddenly its okay#like- he's fine as a character ig but im tired of the hypocrisy in this fandom. if you're gonna b pissed off at him dr*gging lucifer#then be angry at him taking advantage of asmo while he was drunk too. its bullshit#ik hes a fictional character and its not a real issue but come the fuck on#its also bs that suddenly theyre all scary demonic demons who are evil and need to be contained and controlled#bc one second ppl are treating them like just some guy but when they need to make excuses for why bad things happen#to the characters its all 'well they're bad people sometimes and they're strong demons so its okay to treat them like shit'#its not. absolutely fucking not okay.#suddenly they deserve to have their basic rights taken away from them bc they do bad shit sometimes.#idc if theyre not your favorite character or what species they are or if they aren't a good person 24/7 NOONE should get taken advantage of#like- im more angry about the hypocrisy than i am the actual game content now. solomon does shady shit all the time#but when its done 2 golden boy lucifer its a fucking outrage for everyone#but when its asmo hes suddenly this violent hostile murderous creature that should be chained down or tamed#its just fucking UGHHHH#im not putting this in the main tag bc im not gonna have 10 different ppl tell me im fucking stupid for being upset abt this again.#elliot rambles#rant in the tags
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yeoja-dream · 4 months
Pairing: Minsung x reader, jisung and leeknow x reader, leeknow x jisung Genre: Smut with light plot, AU, light fluff, comfort Characters: Han Jisung, LeeKnow/Lee Minho, Fem!Reader Content Warning: dom/sub dynamics, unprotected sex, dollification, praise, degradation, safe word use with after care Word Count: 6.5k
It had been a stressful week between work and school, and you drummed your fingers on your steering wheel in anticipation as you traveled to your boyfriend’s house for the weekend. Between your mutually busy schedules, you had to survive the week with random and scant flirty messages, cat pics, and 15-minute FaceTime calls, and it certainly was not enough. 
The city traffic finally relented, and finally, you found yourself in front of the apartment of your boyfriend, Lee Minho. Punching in the door code, you let yourself in. The apartment was modest, a two-bedroom place Minho shared with 3 cats and Jisung, his roommate and partner. The main area was an open-concept kitchen and living area that was currently unoccupied, save for Soonie who had jumped up when you entered and had begun brushing against your legs. 
“I’m home!” You called out, bending over to give the cat some attention. You walked further in, removing your shoes, dropping your overnight bag, and plopping on the couch. You had gotten up early to drive over and it was a relief to be here finally.
A few minutes later, Minho padded out barefoot, all messy air and bleary eyes, smiling from ear to ear. 
“Y/N!” He said with as much enthusiasm as his sleepy voice could produce. He extended his arms making a grabbing motion at you to come and hug him. He always acted like a big baby when he first woke up.  
“Hi baby,” You stood up, hugging him tightly, inhaling his comforting scent. “Do not tell me you are just waking up! It’s passed noon!” 
He rubbed his eyes with his palms. “Late night,” He said, voice raspy. 
“I can see that,” You said, looking him up and down. “You must be hungry, go sit and I’ll make something up. I bet Jisung is hungry too.” 
“I can make my own food,” He began to protest. 
“You hush,” You scold him, shooing him to the couch. “I know you can but let me take care of you.” He faux pouted, but he let you push him down as you walked into their shared kitchen. 
For a pair of boys, their kitchen is always well stocked. You put on a playlist of your favorite tunes and get to work. Nothing special you decided, a hearty omelet with some bacon and toast should more than suffice for the two of them. As you began cooking, you found yourself taken by the beat of the music, dancing in place and singing loudly as you mixed and stirred, but still managing to keep one eye out to keep the eggs from burning. 
You didn’t notice the way Minho looked at you, eyes full of amusement and adoration. You also didn’t notice when Jisung woke from his mid-day slumber. You noticed him very quickly, however, when you turned around and suddenly he was standing over your shoulder, scaring the crap out of you. 
“Jesus christ, Jisung!” You smacked his arm. “You scared the crap out of me!” Somewhere on the couch, you heard Minho’s unmistakable laugh. 
“I was just curious what you were cooking! You didn’t answer me when I asked!” He said, holding his hands up defensively. 
“Bacon and eggs,” You said, turning him around and giving him a light push towards the couch. “Go sit with Minho you know I hate having people in the kitchen when I’m cooking.” Jisung shuffled in the direction you pointed him mumbling something in acceptance as you got back to work. 
Han Jisung was the other partner of your boyfriend. The two had met and started dating long before you met Minho, since high school if Minho was to be believed. The pair lived together, worked together, and spent almost every waking moment together. When you had first visited the apartment, you laughed to yourself about the seemingly completely superfluous need for separate bedrooms for a couple that otherwise did everything together. 
You had met Minho 2 years back when you were a freshman in college, he a junior. Initially, you had started off as classmates, and later, friends, bonding over your shared hatred for your dickhead organic chemistry professor and late-night study sessions. His long-term partner was no secret to you, which is what made his confession to you a year after you had met all the more unexpected. Of course, you had slowly found yourself falling for him. Outside of his sarcastic, cool, no-fun exterior was a man on the inside who was brilliantly witty, felt deeply, and had intense passion and empathy for the things and people he loved. You had also, however, resolved to keep your feelings to yourself and made peace with the fact that the two of you as a couple would never be. 
It was in the music room late one night. Despite it not being related to your major, Minho had convinced you to take a music theory class so he could share the thing that he loved with you. You had asked him to meet you and help you prepare for a listening exam, but the two of you spent two hours talking and goofing off on the piano. As the night was winding down and you were getting ready to go back to your dorm, he stopped you and confessed to you. He told you about his feelings, how he found himself attracted to you, how he adored the way you snorted when you laughed really hard, how he loved your passion for your field, how caring and considerate you were, and how he had hoped you felt the same way. 
To say it caught you off guard would be an understatement. Of course, the feelings were mutual, but his relationship with Jisung made things complicated. You had met Jisung, befriended him. You had been to their home, you saw how they interacted, how they seemed to be made for each other, and you wondered how you could possibly fit into that. 
In the following days, you talked a lot with Minho about what being together would look like. About needs and boundaries, about communication and jealousy. You’d take it slow, you both agreed and from that day on, you had become a couple. 
In the year or so that had passed since then, you had grown a lot as a couple. Of course, it helped that you had grown a close relationship with Jisung as well. He was cute, super silly but an insanely deep thinker and wise far beyond his years. On nights Minho was gone, the two of you would spend hours making silly songs and then singing them in ridiculous voices, playing board games, and talking about the bigger, scarier things in life. He had become your closest friend and confidant, and slowly, your worries about feeling like an outsider in your own relationship dissipated as you realized that love was not a finite commodity. Your worries about fracturing the close relationship between the pair relaxed too as it had become clear that being with you was not a sacrifice, and more often than not, involved doing whatever they were doing anyways but including you. 
The rules your relationship had been built on in the last few months, however, had become steadily more and more shaky. Originally, you and Jisung agreed to be purely platonic friends. You were limited and respectful with each other about physical intimacy, even keeping acts like hugs quick and on rare occasions. It was then also agreed, naturally, that there would be no acts of intimacy as a group. Slowly, however, those strict boundaries seemed to loosen and a comfortable, non-sexual intimacy had blossomed between both you and Jisung, and the three of you as a group. Jisung gave amazing hugs, and cuddle piles on Minho’s bed while you all watched Netflix were simply heaven. It was from the dissolution of those boundaries that you found yourself torn. In the privacy of your own mind, you could admit that you had developed a crush on Jisung. Some nights when the three of you were cozy in bed, you found yourself needing to resist the urge to plant a kiss on Jisung’s cute, sleepy face as you would run your fingers through his hair absent-mindedly. On the other hand, your dynamic was good, great even. Minho spoiled you. He loved you in a quieter way, preferring to silently send you DoorDash from your favorite restaurant on really hard days or be an attentive ear when you needed to get something off your chest. He was the type to keep a list of things you love on his phone, places, things, experiences, anything you had exclaimed you loved he wrote down. When you first caught him doing so, you called him on it and he told you simply that he wanted you to have everything, the world if you so desired, and that he would give it to you. You loved him too, and you would love him for as long as he would let you. It felt wrong, selfish even, to ask for more. For you, Minho was more than enough. 
You slid two identical plates piled high with omelet, bacon, toast, and some home fries you had found in the back of the freezer. 
“Food’s done!” You said in a sing-songy voice before turning to head back to the kitchen to clean up. Before you could, however, Minho had gotten up and in a flash, positioned himself between you and the sink, his arms crossed. 
“Every time you cook we do the same thing,” He scolded. “When have either of us let you clean after you cook for us?” 
“Fine,” you sighed dramatically. You filled a small bowl with the remaining home fries and plopped down to join the boys at the breakfast table. 
Conversation was light over what was, at that time, ostensibly lunch, rather than breakfast. And, despite immense protest from you, the boys cleaned up after your cooking mess with relative efficiency. 
It was a beautiful, tepid day outside, and the three of you agreed to head to the local park where you spent hours appreciating the weather, nature, and each other’s company. Before long, it was time for dinner. You all went back and forth, bickering about dinner options, and finally, just decided to order a pizza. You had a long-standing tradition, dating back to your first official date with Minho. The two of you couldn’t agree on what to have for dinner, finally settling on pizza and agreeing that no one could dislike pizza. From then on when you couldn’t agree on dinner, you’d order a pizza. 
The pizza was enjoyed and eaten on the couch, yet another inane reality dating show with a bizarre twist on the TV to act as conversation fodder. After the episode's conclusion, ever the cat-fanatic, Minho turned on the Playstation and you and Jisung watched him play Stray, the two of you mostly pointing to things in the environment and commanding him to investigate, much to Minho’s playful dismay. 
As the night wound down, the three of you decided to call it a night, Jisung heading to his room, you and Minho heading off to his. You had already changed into your sleepwear, an oversized t-shirt and panties, when you slipped into bed next to Minho, who was already in bed, passively scrolling on his phone. You slid your arm across his torso, pulling yourself towards him and resting your head on his shoulder. From this angle, you were able to see his phone clearly, growing bored immediately as you realize he was browsing the specifications of different audio controllers. Quickly, your mind filled with ulterior motives. After the stressful week you had, you wanted nothing more to be filled and pounded into a quivering, babbling mess by your boyfriend. The mental image alone had your stomach doing backflips. 
Taking initiative, you tuned your head to the side and began kissing his neck. Minho continued his scrolling, not reacting, so you went further, licking and sucking the sensitive skin gently. That too, elicited no response. In return, you rolled over in a huff, turning your back to him, and pulling the covers up high. At your antics, Minho chuckled deep and low. 
“Did you want something from me?” He asked nonchalantly. 
You sighed deeply again. “Do I really need to spell it out?” You retorted.
“Ah, but what am I always telling you about using your words?” He asked. With your back still turned, you heard the singular knock of his phone as he placed it on the nightstand followed by the crinkling of the bed sheets as he rolled over towards you, spooning your body with his. Almost directly into your ear this time, he speaks again. “What is it exactly that you wanted, lovely?” 
You weighed briefly weighed your feigned offense versus the growing ache in your core in your mind. You could continue to pout, but you knew damn well he wouldn’t lay a finger on you until you acquiesced to his demands. 
“Your cock,” You mumbled. 
“Mhm,” He said approvingly, running his hand up and down your arm. “And what is it you want me to do with my cock?” 
“Fuck me,” You arched your back, hoping to grind your ass against his member. “Please,” You added. 
He chucked again, placing a few light kisses on your shoulder blade. “Someone is needy,” He commented, his tone amused. Suddenly, however, he pulled away from you and you felt the bed shift as he stood. You sat up now, facing him directly as he stood now in the middle of the room. 
“Truthfully,” He began, “I was going to get you warmed up before I went through with tonight’s plan but, I think it will be more fun this way.” He said, turning on a heel and walking out of the room before you could question or protest. Not but 60 seconds later he returned, a very confused Jisung in tow.
“Go sit,” The older boy said, gesturing towards the bed. 
With an awkward and jerky gait, Jisung obeyed, sitting on the foot of the bed on the right side, the same side on which you were currently sat. 
“I can see you both are confused, but first, Y/N, what are our safewords?” Minho asked, standing over the two of you. 
“Red, yellow, green,” you reply quickly. “Red stop, yellow slow down and check-in, green good.”
“And Jisungie, what are our safewords?”
“Um, red yellow green. Same system.” He replied, looking off to the side, whether in embarrassment or discomfort, you couldn’t quite discern. 
“Very good.” He purred. “I’m going to take care of you both, but to do that I need to know that you understand you can use those safe words at any time. Can you do that for me?”
Your instinct was to simply nod, but you quickly remember that Minho always asks for verbal confirmation. “Yes,” You said, your confusion continuing to grow. 
“Of course,” Jisung confirmed. 
“Excellent,” Minho said, wordlessly prowling around to the left side of the bed. He climbed in, sliding himself into a seated position with his back against the headboard. Remaining in your respective spots, you both orient your bodies to face him as he does so, expectantly waiting explanation of the sudden intrusion. 
“I learned a secret about our Jisungie recently,” Minho cooed, looking first at the younger boy, and then at you. 
“Jisung?” You asked, confused. You turned your head to look at him, and as you did so, you watched his eyes go wide with realization. He looked down, burning holes into the sheets with his eyes. Despite realizing whatever Minho was about to confess on his behalf, he didn’t stop him from continuing. 
“Did you know that when I fuck you,” Minho continued, “and you make all of those lovely, desperate, needy sounds?” 
“I, uh, yeah?” You replied, voice squeaky. It was your turn to go red with embarrassment as you pulled your legs in close to your chest, wrapping your arms around them comfortingly. 
“Well, Jisungie has been listening to you beg and moan, stroking his cock and imaging it was his cock you were stretched out over,” Minho said, his expression wolfish. 
The image comes to your mind crystal clear, Jisung splayed wide open, his hand on his cock, his head thrown back in ecstasy, the sounds of your pleasure throwing him over the edge. It sends your heart racing and your stomach somersaulting. 
 “The walls are thin and-” Jisung attempts to defend himself, looking at you desperately searching your face for signs of rejection. Only when he’s sure he finds none does he continue. “You’re so cute and pretty and nice, Y/N, and listening to how good Hyung was making you feel made me imagine the two of you and suddenly I uh,” He paused finding the word. “Needed to relieve myself. I’m sorry that’s probably really weird of me. I know I shouldn’t have been listening I’m sorry once I started it was hard to stop and I feel really strongly for you Y/N in maybe ways a friend shouldn’t feel and…” He rambled on. 
Was he confessing to you? You asked yourself. “Jisung,” You addressed him directly, cutting off his apologetic word vomit. “Are you saying you like like me?” 
“Yeah?” His voice was squeaky, unsure, not of his feelings, but of your reaction. 
“I like like you, too,” You blurted, relieved. “I have for a little while,” you confessed. 
“Me too!” Jisung said in complete shock. 
“I do love it when my loves get along,” Minho spoke up. “But I know another secret about Jisung.” 
Whatever it was it couldn’t have been as much as a bombshell as the first. Even Jisung looked at him with an eyebrow quirked. 
“Jisung has never been with a woman,” He stated. “He sucks my cock beautifully and on occasion fucks me pretty thoroughly too, but I thought we could teach Jisung how to make you make all those lovely sounds you make for me, how does that sound, beautiful?” 
“G-Good,” You said, your voice dry. 
“Good,” Minho dawled. “Jisungie?” 
“Please,” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. 
“Good,” He purred again. “Good boys and girls who listen well get to cum, but those who can’t listen get punished, understand?” 
“Yes,” The two of you responded. 
“You are both so good at using your words, let's keep that up.” He stated, looking at the two of you. “Y/N, why don’t you kiss Jisung?” 
Wordlessly, you unwrapped yourself and crawled to the foot of the bed where Jisung was still seated. He turned his whole body to face you, and as you brought your face in close to his, you paused just millimeters away, teasing him for just a moment before closing the distance. 
Your lips gently met his, soft, plump, and full of nervous energy. It’s cute, you decided, taking the lead and kissing him again but harder. Jisung matches your energy, and despite his nerves to be kissing you , you quickly realize he is not an inexperienced kisser. As the kiss heats up in passion and intensity, he follows. You both used your tongues sparingly but tactfully, excitedly exploring and experiencing one another. Through it all you both manage to keep your hands off one another, not having been given permission to touch. 
“You may touch,” Minho finally allowed after what felt like an eternity. 
Jisung was sat cross-legged on the bed, and you were still on your hands and knees facing him. With Minho’s verbal permission granted, you parted briefly only to climb into his lap facing him, legs fully straddling his waist. In this position, you could press your chest against his chest, and your dampening core against the tent in his pajama pants. The increased contact made you both more heated, feverish. At first, your hands were wild running over his arms, then his chest, then his back. His body was lithe, all corded in lean musculature, you marveled at how toned he felt under your fingertips despite his thin frame. At the same time, Jisung’s hands explored your bodily readily, starting in the safe places, rubbing first your arms, then your back and sides, before coming around to cup a breast. Using his thumb, he drew lazy circles around your nipple, the sensation causing you to sigh with satisfaction. You kissed again, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and crushing your chest against his. He wrapped his arms around low around your waist, using the leverage to rhythmically rock you against his core. The contact was relatively minimal considering the two layers of clothes in between, but the sensation was already causing him to blush and pant. 
“Fucking gorgeous,” Minho approved from behind you. Before things could go too much further, however, he called your name, interrupting. “Y/N, Come sit, back to me,” He instructed, patting the space on the bed in between his parted legs. 
You do as you are told, your back resting against his chest in a reclined seated position. 
“Arms up,” Minho again commanded. As you comply, he lifts your oversized t-shirt up and over your head, leaving you completely exposed except for your panties. Jisung stared, his eyes transfixed and hungry. He didn’t dare move. The attention makes you shy, but you know better than to cover up.
“Give me a color, sweetness,” He asked you directly. 
“Green,” You breathed. 
“Huh? Oh, super green.” He said, blinking hard, clearing something from his mind. 
“I am also green,” Minho confirmed. “Now for this part, my love, all I need you to do is be a perfect little doll for Jisungie, remember we are teaching him how to make you feel good. You can make all the noises you’d like but you may not move, guide him, or if he does a good enough job, cum until I allow you, do you understand?” 
“Yes,” You breathed. 
“Yes, what?” He asked you again. 
“Yes, sir .” You added. 
Seemingly satisfied, he turned his attention to Jisung. 
“Jisung aren’t Y/N’s tits gorgeous?” Minho asked, reaching around and taking both breasts in his hands as if presenting them to him. You sighed at the warmth of his palms. 
“Yeah-” Jisung agreed, his voice hoarse. 
“The thing is, her nipples are pretty sensitive,” He began, shifting his hand placement slightly to trap your nipples between his thumb and forefingers, applying minimal pressure. “So the first way to make her make those noises you love is like this,” He punctuated his sentence by increasing the pressure of his fingers, rolling the sensitive skin in between. The sensation catches you off guard and you squeak in surprise, but ultimately relax and moan quietly at the feeling. 
“Come play with her tits,” Minho invited, dropping both breasts. You watch Jisung almost fall over himself scrambling to make his way over to you. He kissed you first, briefly, however as he moved on to peppering shorter kisses down your jaw and neck, all the way down to your chest. He took one breast in his hand, repeating the light rolling motion the older man had shown him, but with the other breast, he enveloped the nipple with his mouth, licking and sucking with eagerness. After a few minutes, he switched, showing the opposite side the same attention. You groaned at the feeling, letting your head relax back against Minho’s chest. 
“Good boy,” Minho praised. “But look,” 
The command made Jisung drop his hands and pull away, waiting to hear what exactly he was meant to be looking at. 
“Her panties are soaked, do you know what that means?” 
“I’m doing a good job?” Jisung replied tentatively. 
“Precisely,” Minho cooed. “Hips up,” He addressed you now. You do so without hesitation. “Take her panties off,” He spoke again to Jisung. 
Jisung pulled back a bit, giving himself a bit more room to hook his thumbs around the fabric and pull it down and off, discarding it somewhere on the floor. Minho then grabbed both of your legs one by one, lifting them up and out, placing them on the outside of his legs. From this position, even if you wanted to close your legs, you would be entirely blocked from doing so by Minho’s legs. In this position, you were pinned wide open for Jisung to see and appreciate, and appreciate Jisung indeed did. He stared at your dripping core like a man starved, and it was making you dizzy with desire. 
Minho reached down, using one hand to part your folds and the other to find the bundle of nerves. He does so quickly and easily, drawing painfully slow circles around the area. You want to protest, to beg for more, but you know better. 
“Got you are fucking soaked,” Minho groaned into your ear before addressing Jisung again. “This is the clit, if you want to make Y/N cum, this spot is really important.” He withdrew his finger and moved it lower, dipping it into your core. “Down here is her pussy. When you finger her, curve your fingers like this,” He demonstrated, lazily pumping a single curved finger in and out of your entrance. Your nerves are on fire , and even with one, unenthusiastic finger, you find yourself clenching around his finger and groaning, mentally screaming for more. Minho laughs darkly at you, “Ah, you just wait you haven’t earned it yet.” He looked up at Jisung, “The G-spot is what you’re aiming for, it's the spot on top that feels a little different than the rest.” With that, he withdrew both of his hands. “Jisungie, you suck my cock so well, why don’t you try eating Y/N out? You’ll know you’re doing it right by her reaction. Once you find it though, don’t stop.” 
A new wave of nerves clearly hits Jisung as he is now completely out of his element. Making out and sucking nipples was easy, everyone had them. Slowly he lowered himself, positioning himself comfortably between your legs. He parted your folds gingerly, and after taking a calming breath, stuck his tongue out exploratively. He took to your clit quickly, but his movements were decidedly slow. He took his time mapping and exploring, memorizing the points that made you gasp and jerk. Once he had found the best spot, he built up a shocking and punishing pace with his tongue, one that had your back arching against Minho’s chest. 
“Ah, fuCK-” You gasped, your hands white-knuckled in the sheets.
“Give her two fingers,” Minho instructed. Without breaking tempo, Jisung slid two fingers in, rocking them into you at a slow, deliberate, tempo, dragging his fingertips against the nerves of your g-spot, making you clench tight around them. The juxtaposition between his fingers and his mouth was divine, putting your full focus on pushing down the growing tightness in your core. You make the mistake, however, of looking down, the sinful sight of Jisung’s pretty face buried between your thighs and the wet, squelching sounds of your pussy greedily milking his fingers combined suddenly bring you much closer to the edge than you expected, in serious danger of careening off the edge without permission. 
“I- ah- cum! Please!” Was all you managed to get out. 
“Ah but princess, I wanted you to cum all over Jisung’s pretty cock, don’t tell me you’re gonna cum now.” 
“I can- fUCK, I can go twice,” You offer up, anything to negotiate your release. 
“Hmm,” He paused, thinking to himself. 
Think faster! You thought to yourself. 
“It’s a special day and I’m feeling generous, you can go ahead and cum baby but you still have to show Jisungie how pretty you are when you’re making a mess all over his cock.” He drawled, brushing a stray hair from your face and planting a kiss on your temple. 
With permission granted, and no more than 3 more pumps of Jisung’s fingers, you are coming, eyes closed head back, arched back, shaking and cussing through the shock waves. Jisung removes his fingers and backs off of you, and you allow yourself to fall back onto Minho, eyes closed, chest heaving as you recover. There are several seconds of silence followed by the sound of something wet, and when you open your eyes, you look up and instantly, you feel your core reignite at the sight. 
They were kissing , sloppily and messily, the shine of your slick still wet on Jisung’s lips. Minho, with his only free hand, palmed the boy’s erection through his pants while he whimpered, his arms dangling at his sides. The sight was beautiful and dirty and made your toes curl with desire. 
Minho gave Jisung a light push, pulling away from the younger boy. “I should punish you for moving without permission, but you still have another job to do, so I will let it slide. Clothes off,” He commanded. 
Jisung wordlessly obeyed, and while doing so, Minho sat you forward slightly, giving him room to peel off his own shirt and adjust your positioning. 
“He’s going fuck you really good baby, but this angle doesn’t quite work. Just lay here and enjoy I’m going to be right beside you appreciating the view.” He said, picking up your hand and placing a kiss on the knuckle. You do as he says, and after a minute, Jisung returns, giving you the chance to drink in his naked form. 
He wasn’t the tallest man, but damn was he nice and proportional. His cock was thick and flushed a lovely shade of pink at the tip, which was already glistening with precum. 
“Now Y/N does give fantastic head, however, today is about you learning so it’s time to fuck her. A gentleman always lets his lady cum first, so pace yourself. You may only cum after she does, understood?” Minho asked Jisung. 
“Y-Yes,” Jisung said, climbing back on the bed, initially kneeling in front of your feet. He nudged your legs open tentatively, and you complied. He came in closer then, kissing you again. Instinctively, you wrapped both arms around him. This kiss lacked the heat it did before, but this time contained a new, distinct feeling of intense care and passion. It was gentle, loving, sweet, even, and it caused your chest to ache. He was losing his virginity all over again, you realized, and it made you hold him a little closer. He continued to kiss you as you felt his cock probe your folds before sliding it home at last. Instinctively, he threw his head back and groaned, inch by delicious inch, the stretch of your cunt around his cock tip to hilt had you both gasping. 
You wondered for a moment what his plan was, it was obvious to anyone in the room that he was near the edge, and how he planned to make you cum before him and escape punishment piqued your curiosity. You didn’t have to wonder for long. 
He pulled up and away from you a bit, cock still buried deep inside you. He pulled up one of your legs up high, resting it on one of his shoulders. His hands found purchase on the wall and bed frame. This new position was significantly less intimate than the one before but allowed for a much better range of motion. He withdrew from you almost entirely and then snapped forward, the force of which had both your head hitting the headboard and an audible slapping sound as your pelvises collided. He pulled out again, and with the same force slammed into you. His pace was slow but incredibly consistent but hard . Sensitive from coming already, you found yourself gripping the sheets, the coil in your core winding up once again. Jisung was remarkably quiet save for his heavy breathing, his face was serious and his eyebrows were furrowed with concentration. Jisung took his hand off the headboard and snaked it in between your legs, rubbing and circling your clit in the same way Minho had shown him previously. The added sensation had you writhing under him, another orgasm quickly building. Jisung sucked in air through his teeth and groaned as your walls milked his cock, but again and again, he slammed into you. You were getting close, everyone could tell. 
“Cum, baby,” Minho told you again peppering your face with sweet kisses. 
“Please,” Jisung begged, his release painfully close for him. 
You were so close, babbling and begging to no one in particular, and yet you still couldn’t quite crest over that edge. Jisung growled suddenly in frustration, taking his spare hand from the wall and wrapping it around your throat. 
“You’re such a dumb cock slut that you can’t do what you’re fucking told? When you are told to cum, you fucking cum.” Jisung said through gritted teeth, staring daggers through you. He applied no pressure with his hand on your throat, but the sudden shift to dom Jisung sends you careering violently over the edge. Your orgasm ripped through you in waves, made even more intense by the rapid pounding and merciless pounding Jisung was now doing, chasing his own release which too found him momentarily, his head throwing back in ecstasy and filling you thoroughly. 
Jisung pulled out of you, but in a blur, Minho was on top of you, fucking you hard and fast. Oversensitive from having just orgasmed, it was far, far too much, tears beginning to pickle in your eyes.
“Tuh… tuh much…” You babble, rather incoherently. 
Minho continued fucking into you at breakneck speed, but his words were all encouragement, how beautiful you looked, how amazing you did, how good you felt, how close he was, and how good you were making him feel. Regardless, the overstimulation was turning rapidly into pain and you needed a break. 
“Y-Yellow,” You breathed. 
Immediately Minho slowed to a stop, pulling his cock out of you and watching your face carefully. 
“Do we need to stop? You did beautifully, you don’t have to push yourself anymore.” He caressed your face with the back of his hand and brushed away sweat-drenched hair. As overstimulated as you felt with him fucking you, the sensation of his cock pulling out sends you over and a couple of tears actually spill over. 
“No no this will not do,” Minho says wiping away your tears, getting off of you. “Today isn’t a day for tears, come on, let’s draw up a bubble bath and I’ll rub your back with the lavender essential oil.” He starts to get up. 
“No!” you almost shout, grabbing his wrist. 
Jisung, having finally recovered, was a frequent bottom and recognized the exact thing you were currently feeling. He sits back in bed, sitting next to you. He picks up your hand and brings it to his lips. 
“You wanna be good for Minho, huh, kitten?” 
“Yeah,” You said, nodding enthusiastically. 
“You wanna cum for him and make him feel really good, right? Make a mess all over his cock like you did all over mine?” 
“Wanna cum,” you agreed. 
“You have to tell him that, kitten,” Jisung said kissing your face softly. 
“I wanna cum, please. I wanna be good. I wanna make you feel good, too.” You begged Minho. He kissed you softly. 
“You’ve been so good, princess. I’m going to take really good care of you, okay? Lift your hips, please.” As you did so, he slid a pillow underneath, changing the angle so that when he slides back into you, he hit your g spot every single time . The break short was precisely what you needed, and as Minho fucks you again, the oversensitive feeling has already dissipated and the relentless assault on your g-spot brings you rapidly close to yet another orgasm. 
Jisung is at your side now, and as Minho is all sweet nothings and praise, Jisung’s mouth is fucking filthy . “I just filled you up with cum and you still can get enough, huh? One cock isn’t enough, you have to have two, how greedy.” He remarks, his tone patronizing but undercut by the delicate way he holds and kisses you. 
It isn’t long after your third and final orgasm hits you like a semi. Feeling your walls relax and contract around him sends Minho off of his precipice too as he unloads into you. 
Minho rolls off of you and collapses on the bed, silence cut by your heavy breathing settling in as you all recuperate. 
“That… was amazing,” Minho said between breaths. 
“You can say that again.” Jisung agreed. “I’m not a virgin anymore!” 
“You weren’t a virgin before,” Minho pointed out. 
“Well I’m not a virgin again ,” Jisung said with a pout. “I lost it twice.” 
Minho laughed at him. “Y/N was the star of the show.” He said, rubbing your leg and looking at you fondly. “And tell Jisung he can’t be a double non-virgin.” 
“I can’t disagree,” Jisung said, kissing you. “Wait yes I can, to the second thing you said though. Tell him I can so be a double non-virgin!”
You were thoroughly exhausted and still sub-spacy, but you still managed to laugh at the boyish antics of the man in front of you. “Jisung can be whatever he wants to be,” You fake-scolded Minho. “What happened to Dom Jisung?” You asked with a small laugh. 
“Yes!” Jisung celebrated. “Oh, he came and went,” He said with a wink. 
Both you and Minho groaned at that one. 
“In seriousness, I’m sorry that just kind of came out of me, I didn’t expect it myself to be honest! I wish we had talked about it before and I didn’t spring it on you.” 
“You’re probably right that we should have talked about it, but it is alright. Obviously, I ended up responding to it.” You replied with a laugh. “Thanks for not choking me without talking about it first.” 
“Psh,” he blew you off. “What do I look like, some 50 shades of grey Daddy Dom? Even my sudden subconscious dom side knew that!” 
You giggled at him, finally finding the strength to sit up a little bit. Your abs ached, and you were pretty sure your legs had turned to jello. 
“Hey Y/N?” Jisung asked suddenly, his tone much more serious. 
“Yeah, what's up?” 
“If I can be whatever I want, is there I chance I can be your boyfriend?” 
The vulnerability in his tone breaks your fucking heart. “Of course baby, but it’s not just my decision. We’d have to ask Minho too.” You looked at him expectantly. 
“Who me? The two people I love the most also love each other, sound pretty cool to me.” Minho said with a shrug. 
“Then it’s settled, boyfriend .” You said with a wink. 
He tackled you in a hug kissing all over your face. “I’m so happy!” 
You pat him affectionately but push him gently off. “Careful there I’m covered in enough cum as it is you’re getting more on me!” You whined. 
“Oh right, sorry!” He acquiesced. 
A couple beats of silence passed before you spoke up again. 
“So someone said something about a bubble bath?”
Hi! Thanks for reading and supporting as always, I hope you enjoyed <3
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yaeggravate · 5 months
last attempt to bring this to light: the tl;dr of the khaenri'ah/kaeya/angel(seelie) connections
kaeya owns a book called adventures of angelos; in greek angelos means angel
kaeya (and venti's) favorite haunt is angel's share; the logo for angel's share is two angels drinking from a wine glass
kaeya and dainsleif like death after noon, an alcoholic drink whose main ingredient is absinthe. absinthe is created from wormwood (apsinthos), also the name of a fallen angel or star
the abyss mages chant in enochian which is the language of the angels. they chant in this language to regenerate their shields or control hilichurls. when kaeya spots the abyss mage back in the temple of the wolf, it speaks to him in enochian. kaeya claims he's "blessed with certain linguistic powers" when asked how he obtained information about the abyss twin
there is a tale of a seelie survivor (speculated to be columbina) singing in a strange unfamiliar language to the listener
arama says the seelie used to be as fast as a storm; kaeya has a stamina decreasing passive called hidden strength
when we first meet kaeya it's notably in front of the anemo god statue, which has wings, in front of the cathedral. kaeya is also seen in front of this statue in official art, his character teaser and in his hangout in the venti route
kaeya mentions he likes listening to hymns
the traveler notes the sinner is reminiscent of the upside-down defiled statue of the anemo archon, which also has wings
nabu malikata is a seelie survivor, her last name malikata can also mean angels in arabic (malayikata); seelie are heavenly envoys/angels. venti is seen playing with a seelie in an official video
seelie will seek humans for favors and lead them to treasure. even though it was a ruse, in his story quest, kaeya sought the traveler for help and guided them to treasure.
the jinn are born from waterlilies nourished by nabu malikata's blood. kaeya gifts the traveler a ~mysterious~ lamp said to have housed a powerful jinni.
the symbol for the spantamad darshan is a peacock which is based on the mythical peacock angel. this peacock existed in-game and was sacred. kaeya's constellation is a peacock. (it's possible the peacock was the divine bird simurgh -> fashioned from khvarena -> born from nabu malikata's body)
venti writes a poem to kaeya that could imply kaeya came from the dark sea. the ruins in the dark sea contain palaces of the seelie
both nabu malikata and columbina don't understand or possess human emotion. columbina is unbothered in every situation not unlike kaeya's cavalier attitude towards serious matters <- see crepus's death scene
in the official art for genshin concert 2021, venti and kaeya are shown holding a harp and a trumpet, both instruments associated with angels
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sardonic-the-writer · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: none
↳ notes: forgot how good this movie series was. going to be thinking about it quite a bit these few coming days. especially egon! favorite character by far, with winston in next place
↳ song: main title theme (ghostbusters)—elmer bernstein
masterlist | commisions | carrd
• When a flyer for a job downtown mysteriously appeared in your mailbox slot, your first thought was to throw it away
• It looked scrappy. Par on course with the rest of the junk mail companies normally delt out to catch your eye
• Still. Three days later you were standing outside a mildly reevaluated looking firehouse with the paper clutched loosely in your hand, and your best clothes on
• As you’d walked towards the doors, a man came up from behind you, uttering an apology as he nearly bumped into you
• “Hey,” He had paused, allowing you to catch a glance of his tan suit and kinky black hair. “You here for an interview, too?” He asked, walking through the large off-green door as you held it open for him
• “Sure am.”
• “Well, may the best one win. Or get the job, I suppose.” He chuckled with a lopsided grin
• "I dont think they’ll mind hiring the both of us." You eventually responded, looking up at the way the ceiling sagged with old age
• Following your line of sight, the man beside you nodded deeply, and the both of you made your way up to a reception desk with a very annoyed looking lady behind it
• That was the day both you, and who you later learned to be Winston, got the job as the newest pair of Ghostbusters
• “Meet back here tomorrow at noon.” The snappy lady with glasses had said monotonly as she thrust a set of papers at you. You were still looking in the direction that two yelping men in jumpsuits had just gone holding a machine, that it took you a second to notice
• “With the way this job is looking? No way I’m missing tomorrow.”
• Meeting your employers slash coworkers for the first time— technically second if you counted the way two of them crashed your interview mid hiring —was certainly an experience
• Only one had been prepared for both you and Winston’s first days with a handshake and slightly unbuttoned lab coat
• He had introduced himself as doctor Egon Spengler, and shook your hand with a certain rigidness to it. Still, you caught him looking at the both of you with curiosity, so you tossed him an easy upward twitch of you lips. He seemed to relax a little after that
• The other two, however, had proved to be more difficult upon meeting
• Ray Stanz and Peter Venkman were certainly a pair, with the latter sure to be the cause of later headaches, but seemed friendly anyways—if the way they slapped you on the back said anything
• “Welcome to the nerd squad.” Peter has smiled teasingly at you, immediately wrapping an arm around your shoulders and bringing you close as if he was about to tell you a secret. “Stick with me, and you’ll be kicking it with the cool kids!”
• “Is he always like this?” You asked while pushing him away
• “Regrettably.” Egon responded in a flat tone as he moved back to statistics on a chart. “Try being roommates with him in college for six years.”
• “No thanks. I think I’d rather get possessed by one of those ghosts you guys hunt.”
• “Hey, still here!”
• You fell right into place with them pretty quickly after that. Something about getting slimed by a poltergeist in Central Park really brings a group of people together. Especially if they happen to get a really good meal of Thai right after
• In the days weeks and months following your hiring, you get to learn a lot about the little team you’d been squished into
• Winston was probably the first one you befriended. Maybe because the both of you had showed up around the same time, but you found him one of the easiest to just sit down and talk to after a mission without being interrupted every two sentences. The other guys were great, but he seemed to appreciate a little peace and quiet more than what you got in the headquarters
• “Seriously— do we have to call it the headquarters?” You interrupted Peter in the middle of his rant. Sipping on a cup of coffee, you took a moment before speaking more. It really was too early for this. “I mean, come on. It makes us sound like bizzaro superhero’s. More than we already do, anyway.”
• “Personally I wouldn’t mind playing a little Bruce Wayne every now and then.” Peter grinned back suggestively. From beside you, Ego let out his equivalent of an annoyed sigh as he tinkered with stray machinery. Apparently someone else felt it was too early for Peters antics, too
• “Gag me with a spoon.” You deadpanned while swirling your mug around moodily
• “Fine fine. We can call it home base. Happy, sunshine?”
• You grumbled at his sickeningly sweet tone before delving back into your coffee, missing the way Ray and Winston shared slight smiles at the exchange
• “Now that you four are done, mind helping me with our actual jobs?”
• “Oops. Yeah. Sorry Egon.”
• “Sigh.”
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katsuniverse · 2 years
hey love! i was wondering (only if you're comfortable with it) if you could do a sub!james x dom!reader smut where the reader is a cam girl hehe
anyways i love your writing!!! xx
warning: sex worker reader, SMUT, sub!james, femdom!reader, male masturabtion, unprotected penetrative sex, praise kink, bondage, subspace, slight degradation , slight mommy kink if you squint -lemme know if there’s more
AN: this was fun to write cuz i love sub!james but anywaysss hope u enjoy.{edited} let’s not pretend this request wasn’t ages ago and i deadass thought i finished and posted it only to find it nestled into my drafts. anyways i started writing this forever ago, so if you see a maturity in my language, you know why lmao) pls don’t be mad :))) obvious modern au
you were wearing something different, he noticed.
instead of the usual baby blue underwear, you were clad in a deep red lacy two-piece.
it extenuated your figure in a way that made you look more . . . assertive. as though you were looking down on him with a condescending grin, knowing how desperately he craves you.
except it wasn’t just him, unfortunately. every sunday at noon you would go live and entertain up to 5,000 people with your explicit vulnerability. letting everyone see your most sensitive parts and watch you as you tip yourself over the edge repeatedly.
you were james’s favorite. maybe it was in the way you would be doing the most erotic poses and making the most pathetic sounds yet still he would feel so mesmerized, so enamored that even he knew you were the one in control.
it was you that had him wrapped around your finger. it was you that made him so eager to clear off his schedule the moment he knew you would be live. it was you that made him feel aroused in a way that no ones else has seen or accomplished. and it was you that kept him wanting more even after his cheeks were heated, his thighs were trembling, his eyes were all glassy and his mind was all cloudy, only focused on you.
it was utterly shameful how often you were the star of his scenarios, the main character of his dreams and the supervisor of his mind.
now here he was, sitting on his bedroom floor in the closet so his parents wouldn’t here and wake from their slumber, watching as you run your hands down your body with a teasing smirk. he could feel that familiar haziness enter his head and it didn’t help you dressed in his favorite color, looking more ravishing than ever.
it didn’t even just stop at your outfit. you were matching in cherry red nails and heels, lips adorned in the ruby color, to go under your masquerade mask. he could feel the tent in his trousers tighten and he eagerly freed himself from the confines.
your eyes narrowed and your glanced towards the chat, deciding between all the entry’s of what you should do to tease the viewers next.
james scrambled to type a suggestion in hopes you would reply.
bambiboythechaser: love when you take your straps down and play with your tits
“hmm, bambi boy it is,” you cheerfully mutter, moving your hair away and slowly bringing down the strapes to your bra, one at a time.
your breasts fall out of their cups as you unclip the back and you make a show of pinching and pulling at your nipples. whimpers leave your throat, as you need at them.
james slows his pace with a fist around his cock, edging himself to enjoy your live. he watches as your hands hesitatingly wonder around your clothed naval, eyeing the chat for a request or offer to take them off.
bambiboythechaser: please take them off, wanna see all of you
a chuckle leaves your lips as you read the message, “ok bambi boy, seems like your extra active tonight then usual. well you know it’ll cost’ya, darling.”
james subconsciously bucks into his hand at the nickname, and makes quick work of sending the money. your eyes gleam as you see the payment and you teasingly run your fingernails downwards as you ease of the lacy panties.
a soft moan escapes him as he gets sight of your bare body. he’s always known you to be a beautiful woman but, every time is like the first time he wandered upon your content.
you slide your fingers through the arousal gathered at your folds and gently rub, leaning your head back to let out a slightly exaggerated moan. with heavy breathes you gaze down at the chat and easily notice how the viewers appreciate your lewd noises and view.
the bespectacled boys pupils zeroed in on your cunt as you quicken your pace and he does the same, wanting to finish with you. choked out gasps and moans fill the closet as he works his was towards the feeling building inside his stomach.
“get ready loves, i’m coming,” you mutter out, pushing your frame closer to the camera. james repeatedly rubs at his head as you curl your fingers to press on that one spot that has you seeing stars. you arch your back and cry out as the male releases on his stomach, whimpering as he comes down from his high.
you let out a happy sigh as you thank all your viewers and quickly dismiss yourself from the chat, reminding them to come back next week.
this was the part james was always curious about. what you did after ending the live and cleaning yourself up. did you study for school? did you even go to school? maybe you made dinner for yourself and took care of a pet. you seem like the pet-type, he thought.
but, that’s weird. he shouldn’t be thinking of you like that. he hasn’t even seen your real face and knows close to nothing about your actual identity. perhaps he’ll let it go.
if he can get you off his mind, that is.
≈ ≈ ≈
james combed back his unruly locks as he stood infront of his bathroom mirror. he was going over to his friends house. that friends parents conveniently being friends of his parents. that friend also being his first crush ever.
you had been friends since you were 12, james having fancied you since you were 15. is started out a just attraction towards you, post-puberty when his hormones took control.
however, he has soon noticed a pattern in the way his heart would flutter at your smallest affections and the wave of bitterness that would wash over him when seeing another boy try for your attention.
he had missed you over the few months you were separated in the summer and now that schools starting once again both of your parents scheduled a dinner party to catch up once again.
a sense of excitement passed over him at the thought of seeing you again. with that excitement however also came timidness. had you missed him as well? how had your summer been? had you been thinking about by him in the ways he was thinking about you? did you find someone to replace him in the weeks you were parted? he hoped not. surely you would never replace him.
he swiftly finished getting ready and met with his parents outside to apparate to your manor.
he couldn’t help but wonder if you looked different from when he last saw you. you were already naturally beautiful and he couldn’t imagine you getting anymore stunning.
he walked up the steps to your front door waiting for your appearance to ease the nerves eating away senses. to his disappointment it was your father who had led y’all inside and greeted his parents with a familiarity.
he chuckled, “you know y/n, always wanting to look her best. she should be down any minute, but in the meantime take a seat at the dinning table while we wait.”
james made sure he took the spot across from you, taking a bite of one of the rolls toward the center of the table.
in less than five minutes your heels could be heard clacking down the hallway and his head swiveled in the direction of the doorway, just as you make your way through the entrance.
he had to choke down a surprised gasp as you graciously strided down to your seat, a bashful flush decorating your cheeks.
“sorry for the wait. I couldn’t decide what dress to wear and-” you were cut off as james’s mother cut you off.
“oh dear, it’s alright we’re just happy too see you again. you don’t have to worry,” she sent you a warm smile, brushing away your fears in a heartbeat.
james could hardly focus on what anyone was saying. you looked. . . breathtaking. that was the only way to describe the sight in front of him. you were wearing a captivating red dress with a barely-appropriate cleavage and a slit down your left leg, exposing the smooth skin of your calve.
he shifted in his seat at the blood rushing downwards, trying to avoid the heat burning all over his face, ears, and neck.
the rest of the dinner went on with you trying to unsuccessfully maintain eye contact with him and james doing his best to avoid glancing at any part of your revealed physique.
after finishing up on desert, the parents made their way outside to drink and mingle while you convinced james to hangout in your room.
he was silent the whole time and you were worried he was conflicted with you, for something. determined to find out you quietly closed the door as soon as you both entered and turned so your back pressed against it.
he was facing the wall, away from you so you couldn’t see his expression making you walk over to him to see him staring at his shoes.
“jamie, why are you being so preserved? did I do something wrong? if so, you know you can tell me,” you spoke softly, taking your index finger and thumb to lift his head, and focus on you.
what you saw in his eyes startled you, seeing unexpected . . . lust clouding his irises. your eyebrows furrow as you place your palm against his cheek, feeling the warmth on his rosy flesh.
“why don’t I get you some water?,” you mutter, your feet carrying you to the bathroom.
james watches you walk out forgetting his promise to not stare at your figure, his gaze then landing on your dresser closest to the door.
despite his preoccupied mind, he noticed almost immediately the sparky item laying to the side of the surface. it was a masquerade mask. a sparkly masquerade mask. but no, not just any sparkly masquerade mask. her mask. the same girl he watched just nights ago in his room, jerking off to. the same girl he he saw finger herself and make herself come in front of hundreds of other people.
maybe he was being silly. perhaps they just happened to have the same mask. but then he walked over to you in the bathroom and he saw the same red heels, and the same red lingerie folded over in the corner on the counter.
your eyes zeroed in on him standing in the door way as you were applying your red lipstick on. he frantically turned to look at you and in an instant noticed the same red lipstick and nails.
“james, are you alright?,” you questioned, taking note of his widen eyes and struck-filled expression.
“i-it’s you. you’re h-her. she’s you. I saw you … n-naked,” he stuttered out, still staring at you in disbelief.
realization dawned on you as you took in his words. he was you naked, he doubled at the sight of your lingerie and heels. had he watched one of your lives? was he a subscriber? did he comment on the chat and interact with you in your disguise and outfit?
“oh shit, james! you saw my video didn’t you?,” you whispered-yelled as you run a troubled hand through your hair.
“are you kidding? I’ve watched all your lives. I’m a regular. bambiboythechaser ring a bell?” he says back, the tent in his pants growing.
you curse, remembering the username constantly requesting on all your chants and wonder how you be so dense. you open your mouth to ask james when he started watching, but closed it quickly at his expression.
he was trying to remain looking somewhat serious, and you had previously detected his prominent boner, but now the need in his eyes was more obvious now than ever. you made a decision then, that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to take care of him for once, and took his face in your hands.
“I suppose you’ve always been my good boy, now haven’t you?”, his irises enlarge and it takes everything to not kiss him silly in that moment.
his tedious gulp doesn’t go unnoticed and you’ve half a mind to take the pad of your thumb and soothe the pinched skin in between his eyebrows. instead of a verbal response, he shakes his head. too excited to hesitate another moment, yet too anxious to speak.
you don’t mind taking control though. he knows that already by the sound of him hurriedly shuffling towards your bed. with a relaxed smirk from you, he takes his que to strip himself of the clothing shielding his body from your watchful gaze.
“my boy. so good. so eager for me, hm?” you take your time removing articles of clothing, one by one except for your bra and underwear. teasing him with your slow movements and eye contact. he flusters as the show of revealed bare skin.
it’s hits you then, as you crawl your way on top of him and place featherlight kisses upon his goosebump-riddled skin that this may be his first time. “tell me if you need me to stop at any time, ok pretty boy?” you lift your head to watch his face for any sign of opposition.
he hums and nods like the ever-needy angel he is. as you straddle his naked waist with your hips, you feel his weak attempt to thrust up towards you and you gently place his hands on your waist. his whimpers reach your ears like a melody you could never get tired of and you grind your hips down to get more.
the more your kisses on his neck turn sloppy the more confidence he gains to where he moves his hands to slide up and down you back then wraps his arms around your middle, as if scared to let you go. you reach around your back to unclasp your bra in an attempt to help him get more comfortable.
his eyes go wide like saucers and with a gentle nod of consent he dives forward. latching on to your tits and worshipping them with his hands. using his appreciation to make her feel good. after you pull away from his bruised flesh you gently lead him away from your breasts for a soft kiss as your hands grab each of his and hold them above his head while simultaneously leaning him back all the way on the bed. his soft moans are muffled by your mouth as your tongue finds the inside of his mouth. with a chaste peck to his lips, you lean back up and with one hand keep his hands together and the other, hold his cheek sweetly.
“you ok with trying something new with me, love?” you ponder as your hand leaves his face and digs into the drawer on your nightstand to pull out two, wine red silk ties.
his face turns the color of said pieces of fabric and with a sheepish grins mutters back a frantic ‘yes please’. with that you make quick work of tying his hands with a gentle kiss to each wrist and not to tight to cut off much circulation. you kiss down his body while rocking your hips downward. his whines for you to stop teasing, echo faintly in your ear and you mercifully decide to strip your bottom half of your panties and straddle him once more.
his jaw hangs open at the feeling of your wet cunt brushing against his skin. “jamie darling, I need you to look in my eyes and tell me your ready, ok?”
his dilated eyes find yours and he replies breathlessly”yes please. need you now, please”. with that, you gently life yourself above him and line him up, before sinking down.
a strangled sound leaves the poor boys throat and you brace your palms on his shoulders to steady yourself into a good rhythm. “what a pretty boy you are, hm? so pathetic looking, spread under me like a helpless little toy.” your words fuel him on more, and he braces his feet on the bed to meet up with your trusts, desperate to make you feel good.
the sounds of skin slapping with groans of your name and whimpers of his fill the room. you reach an angle that has him pressed firmly up to your g-spot and your eyes roll back as your back arches with a cry through teeth-bitten lips.
james is in an absolute daze. taking in your beauty and watching longingly as your tits bounce with each thrust of his and your movements. he reaches forward as much as he can to take a nipple into his mouth and flick his tongue around it, feeling himself get closer.
you cards your fingers through your hair and clench around him while appreciatively humming praises and his whines cause your skin to vibrate. “you close, love?” you breathlessly get out while he shakes his head ‘yes’ and switches nipples.
in an attempt to get you both to finish at the same time you reach one hand to rub your clit and the other to grab his hair and yank him up in a passionate kiss. he whimpers once again and you make a show of biting his bottom lip before pulling him away. “let’s come together, okay angel? can you do that pretty boy?”.
incoherent ‘yes’s fall from his swollen lips as you clench around him with a final thrust and fall apart as your body tingles and you reach your climax same time as james.
“thank you, mommy! thank you, thank you”, breathless words tumble out of him faster than he can register and he doesn’t even realize what he says after his head kills back and he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck.
your skin sticks together with sweat as you untie his hands and rub at his wrists to soothe any remaining ache.with a kiss to his forehead and a promise of return you pull away from him to grab a wet washcloth to clean you both up. afterwards, you climb into bed beside him and lift the covers up to cuddle as he lays on top of your and wraps his whole body around yours.
“you did so well for me james. so proud of you”, you brush through his hair with your fingers as he gives you pecks along your skin before softly dozing off. you turn of the light beside you as you cuddle closer to shortly shut your eyes along with him.
moots! (pls lemme know if i forgot you lol)
-also rly appreciate reposts
@jamespottersmommy @morwap @moony-lupiin @why-what-no @wonderfilworld @natti-ice @my-my-only-angel @dylwrites @honeymunson @sereinegemini @fairydxll @i-cant-stfu @alexaaahh @qtcupid @lilithreplies @lilith-weasley @l0nelylibra @padfootprongsmoony @padf00ts-l0ver @ddejavvu @moonbcrry
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shininglikeyoursmile · 9 months
In the waves of your love , I wish to drown🌊🌊🌊
Pairing: Andy barber x reader
Warning: fluff and implied smut at the very end, no spoilers for defending Jacob.
Word count: around 300
Main Masterlist
A/n : I love him .
sorry for any grammatical error . No beta read , all mistakes my own!
Reblogs and feedback are always and most appreciated 🥰🥰🥰 please let me know what you think, dear !❤️
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Not that it's a secret that Andy loves you
But he never misses any chance to show you how much
He always have his hand resting on your back , his touch providing a sense of comfort and safety
Always kisses your forehead like morning, evening, noon, night
He hugs you whenever he sees you , before leaving for work, after coming back, when you achieve something, when you smile
He makes you dance with him after you both finish dinner or in the meantime, when you're him make breakfast
When you both go out he does a little slow dance, without any background music , just both of you staring at each other, giggling at silly jokes or appreciating each other in your lives
His favorite move is the one where you rest your head on his shoulder, your back to his chest and both your hands intertwined with his , while he sways you both
Just before your date start he takes both your hands in his, kissing each one softly , while he stares intently. His gaze never falters even when you shy away and just when you scold him with a light chuckle followed by whine of his name he chuckles back at your reaction
He softly cups your face and leans in to kiss your lips softly, stroking your cheek with his thumb and humming in the kiss
He starts with how much he appreciate you, how beautiful you are not only in appearance but as in your personality too
He tells you that your smile is one of his favorite, and that always makes you smile
You both go out for ice cream or any desserts after your date while walking
You both find it comforting when you both talk while walking for a while
You both play silly games after finishing your deserts, finding an odd comfort when the sky turns black
Like hide and seek, catching each other , blindfolding the 9ther while the one laughs and giggles uncontrollably
The date are mostly once a week , you both agreed , but it could be any day if you want to
The only difference is the food and rest is same at home
Your home. Your Andy. And You
He brings you mini toys of Marvel characters, pens, diary , stickers cause he knows how much you like those
You both go shopping like twice a month , and he showers you with anything you ask for
Always holds your hand in public, a gesture you find comforting
And after your trips you both end up on the couch, cuddling, talking about stuff, or on bed with you screaming his name from pleasure....
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aannonn · 6 months
A lil' fic I wrote on both my wattpad and ao3 account.. But wanted to post it here too, soooOooo let's go11!!
(aaand because i wanted to play around with Tumblr's colorful text once again xD)
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Fandom: Animator vs. Animation (Short Films - Becker)
Relationships: Can be considered as both platonic and romantic
Characters: Color Gang & Alan Becker & DJ (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hugs, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Sleepy Cuddles, Cuddle Piles, Platonic Cuddling, Team as Family, Family Fluff, The Color Gang Needs a Hug (Animator vs. Animation), No Dialogue
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Free Hugs!
   Finishing the final touch with a small click, Orange stood back, silently admiring his work.
   What our dear friend Orange just did, my friends, is steal Minecraft's wooden sign and drag it into Alan's Adobe Flash, grabbing a pen and quickly scribbling some letters onto the previously clean wood.
   Earlier that day, Orange woke up, as usual, at noon, and quickly left his house, feeling strangely refreshed today.
   This strange renewal was quickly erased when he saw the state of his friends, however.
   His friends, his friends who are so stupid but also so loving that they are always there for him. His friends who are also his family, his main reason for living, the main reason why his days always seem to brighten considerably even more whenever they are close by. His small but wonderful family - along with Alan, their creator, of course.
   His friends- No. His little family has always been so energetic and enthusiastic, full of plans and just so.. lively. Looking so much like a big strong flame and tough and just so beautiful.
He wouldn't know what he would do if that flame faded.
   His light at the end of the tunnel, his sun on rainy days, the platonic, no homo loves of his life... It seemed to have suddenly faded.
   It was so all of sudden, so... disconcerting. Seeing his friends sitting on the couch looking like they're dying of some sorts - when, in fact, they're not - is just... disconcerting, to say the least.
   Dark circles in their eyes - or, well, whatever was in place of their eyes, - slow movements, becoming more easily distracted and looking like, with every minute that passes, they get even more tired than he is when he wakes up way too early to his liking. And that says a lot.
   Orange doesn't know why - none of them gave an exact explanation of the reason The only thing they told him was that it was a tiring day and nothing more than that.
ᅠ Which, was absurd. In Orange's personal opinion, at least. His friends were never tired - at least, not tired like him.
   While he feels sleepy and tired and with each passing day he feels even more disconnected from reality, his friends can spend a whole day awake and, even so, still not be tired.
   Quite the contrary, there is a strong possibility that they will feel even more energetic in the morning, much to Orange's jealousy exasperation.
   So seeing his friends in such a depressing state broke his heart — literally? Metaphorically? Coded heart? Whatever kind of heart StickFigures like him have.
   So, Orange made it his personal goal to, at least, try to cheer up his friends.
   They always managed to brighten up his days, even unintentionally, so it's time for him to return the favor.
   Orange scribbled a few more minecraft drawing decorations into the empty corners of the wood, making sure they were some of his friends' favorites, before mentally patting himself on the back for his hard work.
   He sighed, nervous but hopeful. If that doesn't work... Well, he'll think of something eventually.
   The important thing is that his friends - his family, are happy and comfortable, and nothing else matters to him beyond that.
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   Walking slowly across the desktop towards the couch where his friends were still in the same state as before, lying down and sprawled out lazily.
   Which wouldn't be so unusual, almost making Orange think that his friends were happy again, if it weren't for the fact that they still had a, somewhat, depressing air around them.
   Sighing deeply, he walked in front of them, nervous, terribly embarrassed but most of all; Hopeful.
   He's usually not the one who initiates them, but...
   Red simply stares at him lazily, nodding his head in greeting. Blue raises his head a little to look at him, while Yellow and Green remain in the positions they were in, the only indication that they were listening is the small movement of their heads, although they still haven't given him a single look, very busy having a staring contest with the ceiling.
   Orange have a feeling that the ceiling is winning...
   Orange sighed again, his grip on the wooden handle tightening; Although it couldn't be seen, he could still feel himself blushing even without facial expressions.
   He slowly lifted the sign so the text could be read, shaking. - Not out of fear or nervousness, more like out of pure embarrasment because ohgodhesreallydoingitsomeonekillhimrightnowplease
   Orange simply stares at the ground, not making eye contact with any of them. - He can practically feel everyone's eyes on him, which leaves him a little overwhelmed, presumably reading the text over and over again to see if they're not reading it wrong.
   When a few moments pass without either of them making any kind of movement or noise or literally anything else, Orange slowly drops the sign, already feeling the regret and embarrasment growing even more, making him question why he even came up with this idea-
   He quickly broke out of his thoughts when he heard a small movement come from in front of him, making him tear his eyes away from the ground to look up, still slightly embarrassed about what he just did.
   ...Only to find a very excited Red doing little jumps of excitement, an equally excited Green although looking like as much as a smug, a shocked Yellow though looking grateful, and lastly Blue who, although he had no facial expression, seemed to be smiling softly at him, his head shaking in an fondly manner.
   Before Orange could literally do anything, Green slowly freed himself from the tangle of arms and legs on the couch, walking towards Orange in a certain way that would generate suspense, leaving the youngest of the five(5) extremely nervous and even more embarrassed.
   Green simply stood in front of him, staring at him for a long, unnecessary moment before finally leaning in to give Orange a hug, his gentle yet firm grip holding him gently and not looking like he wanted to let go.
   Orange stood stiffly for a few seconds, slightly surprised, before slowly trying to hug his friend back before he noticed Red jumping up from the couch - knocking Yellow and Blue over in the process, though none of them seemed to mind, not when the youngest of the four(4) jumped on the other two, giving them a tight hug that didn't hint like he would let go anytime soon.
   Red's sudden enthusiastic embrace threw him a little off balance, causing him to stumble backwards and, just like that, fall to the ground along with the other two StickFigures, the loud thud and Red's laughter echoing across the desktop as they all turned into one messy pile of hugs on the floor.
   He could distantly hear Yellow laughing too, before both he and Blue stood up to join the colorful pile, Yellow snuggling a little closer while Blue squeezed everyone in a soft, comforting grip, his signature bear hug.
   Well, great. Now Orange can't feel his legs with all of them on top of him!
   Not that he cares, though. Orange felt himself laughing, before, with some effort, he managed to free his arms from the deadly grip and hug his family with the same strength and softness, trying to convey the same comfort and happiness that everyone was providing each other.
   They were all happy and comfortable. Orange's mission was successful. And that was all that mattered.
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   At some point, they all fell asleep in the comfy pile, small soft snores coming from it.
   In that same place at some point, Alan eventually sat down back at his seat in front of the computer, only to find his little StickFigures friends all in a little tangle of hugs.
   Alan felt himself get a little worried when he saw that Orange seemed to be being slightly crushed by the others on top of him, although the latter didn't really seem to mind, not when he seemed to happily return the hug and snuggle even closer, their chests? Their bellies? rising and falling so smoothly and slowly that it made the animator quickly realize that they were all asleep.
   Alan smiled softly at the adorable sight, before quickly opening Adobe Flash - which, for some reason, was already open - and drawing a small blanket and some pillows, bringing them to the still sleeping color gang, carefully so as not to wake them up, lifting up their little heads to place the pillows beneath them, covering them with the blanket immediately afterwards.
   He could vaguely see the colorful gang huddling even closer, their presumably snores becoming softer by the second.
   Thinking for a second, he slowly moved the cursor down and, very pretty much carefully, stroked the StickFigures' heads, sighing in relief when he saw that they didn't wake up and, instead, simply leaned into his touch.
   The animator smiled again, before using his other computer so he could work on his programs without having to wake the little ones.
   Before that, however, he belatedly noticed the wooden sign from Minecraft thrown carelessly to the side, the text "FREE HUGS" written in large letters with small animal decorations, - most notably were the drawings of the pigs - redstone, noteblocks and.. NetherWarts? Drawn one in each corner.
   Huh. How convenient.
   Alan shook his head. Anyways, he has a video to finish with DJ. And with absolute certainty he will tell DJ about all of this.
   Ahh.. DJ will love hearing about this.
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AAand that's that! xD
also! some inspirations for this oneshot...
Inspired yea, but not entirely. xD
Pretty much the main inspo for this oneshot, although it is, in no way, meant to be related.
Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
lil' edit; I edited it a lil'! I noticed I got some things wrong and forgor others, so I fixed it. ;') It's nothing too big, don't worry! Just some grammatical errors and that I forgor to put the second link to the main inspo for this oneshot.. welp-
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lale-txt · 2 years
💗 One Piece characters as shoujo manga stereotypes (pt. 1/?)
a/n: i recently discovered that my love @eustasssimp and i share the same deep passion for shoujo manga. we probably have read them all and basically yelled at each other for three days straight about them. for me, shoujo manga had a HUGE influence on my wish to start writing again, i bascially owe them every fluff piece on this blog omg. Lemon is the reason those headcanons were born, feeding me with so many good ideas that occupied my brain for several days straight. just love putting our favorite men in those silly litte scenarios with you (ノ´ з `)ノ
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the ill tempered, grumpy male lead
never wears his school uniform the right way, something’s always off – no necktie, the fire red hair (which is his natural color but the teachers don’t believe him), wears too many shiny accessories and make up (his winged liner is on point)
everyone has a crush on him and he hates it, cusses everyone out who makes an attempt to get closer to him
he opens his locker and a dozen love letters fall out of it, he tears them apart on the spot and stomps away with angry flushed cheeks to probably rob some poor kid of their lunch money
he doesn’t buy proper lunch from it, just a big pack of energy drinks he downs within half an hour, vibrating in his seat during afternoon classes
eats his lunch with Killer (who made bento for both of them) on the rooftop where the people don’t find them
close up shots of them biting in onigiri, veiny hands holding chopsticks, long lashes that sparkle in the sunset (it’s noon but for the special effects the sun is setting, okay)
during The Field Trip Camping Arc™ Kid will yell at everyone who fails to put up their tent, building them up himself while huffing and puffing
he’s also the one that goes missing during the obligatory rain storm, making everyone worried until he returns out of the blue, probably carrying a puppy in his arms he rescued 
will complain to Killer all night about it as they lay in their sleeping bags, the puppy curled up between them (you wished that was you huh), but he’ll fall asleep with a slight smile though
the stoic, quiet side kick 
his mask stays ON despite school rules. also how else would anyone know he’s the sidekick if he didn’t have a quirky accessoire 
lowkey everyone has a crush on him too. it’s a shoujo manga, everyone crushes on everyone here
Killer gets his own spin off in the chapter cover art or as his own series once the main act is finished because he stole the show so often and became a fan favorite
he’s the head of the school’s food club, hosting cooking lessons once a week and rambling about the power and beauty of a good meal
every petition to turn it into an pasta exclusive club failed and he’s bitter about it, still only teaching recipes you can eat with a mask on
everyone is intimidated by him and then he just brings out tiny cupcakes he baked during cooking class and shares with everyone
master of cake decor – he might look scary but oh boy can he do those filigree sugar coatings with ease
knows Kid comes from a rough home and therefore makes him a bento every day to make sure his friend eats a proper meal at least once a day 
he’s still waiting for Kid to notice the hidden messages he wrote in ketchup on his omelet, asking him to be more than just a friend
the way too sexy home room teacher everyone has a crush on
like he sparkles a little when he enters the classroom and everyone’s heart just goes doki doki
his subjects are history and PE 
on PE days he walks around in a tight shirt and loose sweatpants, hair in a loose bun, making people clench their chest when he walks by 
has the biggest crush on his colleague Roger and it’s obvious to everyone except Roger
he almost got suspended once because he used the money for the field trip for gambling but luckily his class hosted a cake sale (Killer being the initiator) to raise funds and save the day
he’s a strict teacher but also a very kind one, always fighting dearly for his students while also showing them no mercy during tests
though he might “accidentally” leave the test answers written on the blackboard
can survive the field trips only with a little flask in his pocket and trusts his student enough to survive on their own while he checks out the hot springs with his colleague Roger
he gets his spotlight in the bonus panels where the mangaka just goes unhinged about him, giving the fans what they want (dilf on dilf action)
the headmaster and PE teacher that walks around in booty shorts and a tank top that are just a little too tight but no one is complaining, just enjoying the view 
has the biggest crush on his colleague Rayleigh and it’s obvious to everyone except Rayleigh
a menace in the staff room, leaving his belongings on every desk except his own (it doesn’t go unnoticed by him that Rayleigh lets Roger’s worn tank top disappear in his bag, just as planned)
loves the kids and spending time with them during their break, playing skipping rope or ping-pong with them and battling them at the cafeteria over the last strawberry pastry until Rayleigh shoots him a glance
will twirl his hair at Rayleigh asking if he’s getting anyone chocolate for Valentine’s Day and won’t sleep at night when Rayleigh confirms that he will give some chocolate out, yes
big men, big feelings
Roger plans to confess during The Field Trip Camping Arc™ but always gets interrupted for some silly reason (the soda vending machine is broken, one student forgot to pack socks, the class troublemaker gotten lost in the woods during a rainstorm)
the fanfiction writers for both are going feral
they kiss in the bonus panels of the very last volume <3
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82mitsu · 1 month
{18Trip} Tidbit collection of producer & scenario director interview with Numan
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A rather big tidbit collection of my personal highlights from the 18TRIP interview from numan, featuring A3! producer Okita-san and scenario director Fujii-san.
These are paraphrased and not a direct translation, but I hope it will be interesting information either way!
Original plans conceived during the pandemic. Okita-san felt a sense of indebtedness to the tourism & travel industry, so he wanted to ‘give back’ to it.
The philosophy of 18TRIP puts emphasis on forming an emotional connection with places outside of the game. It plays on the idea of doing ‘pilgrimages’, aka, going to visit places you have seen in your favorite movie or anime. They wanted to create a sort of incentive to go to the places featured in the game, thus establishing an emotional connection between the game and real life, leading to a newfound appreciation of the game itself.
The main scenario writers, Misao Higuchi and Raichi Kyuyozawa, were chosen because Okita-san himself is big a fan of their works. He believes they’re capable of creating complex characters, depicting them with a range of delicate, fierce range of emotions which feels satisfying. And more than anything, being able to write truly beautiful dialogue that will be etched within your heart. 
Context: Misao Higuchi is a writer for several BL manga and novels. Raichi Kyuyozawa’s most notable work includes the BL 18+ visual novel game Paradise, besides that they also worked on a selection of several BL mobile games.
The artist, Oyo-san, was chosen due their talent of being able to draw male and female characters in a charming way. They also excel at drawing backgrounds too. Being able to appeal to men and women, it creates an unisex appeal which is fitting for a joseimuke game born in the ‘Reiwa’ era. 
Context: Some of Oyo-san’s most noteable work are the designs for Vtubers Luca Kaneshiro and Alban Knox. Context2: The Reiwa era is the period of the current imperial reign in Japan. this started on May 1st, 2019.
For fashion, while it is a futuristic setting, they wanted to keep it grounded in the fact it could be something worn in reality. The characters have their own brands they prefer, and some of them might be wearing the same brands. 
A big theme in 18TRIP is how each of the Mayor Wards have “a burden they cant tell others about”. There is a so called “hidden” or “surprise” aspect to all of these characters. In the game, the more you unlock their intimacy, they more you will get to know their true self. By being able to touch upon each of the characters secrets, it will flesh them out in a three dimensional way, making you love and appreciate them even more.
While the creation of the groups follows a pattern just like in A3! (day, to noon, to evening, to night) there is no prerequisite to unlock stories. You can start with whatever group to your liking at any given moment, nor do they need to be played in order.
The volume of the main story scenario is a huge volume of 630.000 Japanese characters.
Context: English, this should equal to 250.000 english words, roughly the same length as a standard 20~ hour visual novel. 
Players can switch whenever they want between female & male player character. They wanted to keep the players tastes in mind and appeal to them. The MC’s are also siblings, simply because Okita-san would be sad if the other vanished from the setting when picking one of them. The siblings have a  good relationship and the absence of the other is explained by how they’re traveling the world while you’re working.
The staff team is aiming to cover all 47 prefectures, and want to make people think of 18TRIP wherever they go in Japan. The interviewer asks if there’s a possibility that there will be more than 100 characters in the future, and Okita-san quips with a chuckling “yes!”.
There’s also an emphasis on the characters relationships, related to the main story. Each dynamic has a ‘duo name’. Some relationships are a strong duo from the start, others get entangled within the main story and become stronger over time. Fujii-san hopes that you’ll be able to feel how precious these dynamics can be.
As Okita-san mentioned, he wants to create “contents that increases your feelings of happiness when travelling”, which is also his number one priority. He knows there are people that can’t go travelling right this instant, but they hope that they instead can create a memorable experience by also letting these kind of players visit tourist attractions with the characters through the contents, and create memories like that too. He’d be happy if you’d get hooked thinking about the characters, wondering where their next destination would be.
That is all I personally thought was interesting from the interview, as you can see it is quite a lot! Do check out the interview for yourself if you feel like it!
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
okay how do i get into the mechs ... i would like to know about these robots now i think
The Mechanisms are a steampunk space pirate storytelling band!! they are compromised of 9 members (up until one of them left). they retell myths n legends in space, tragic, and queer
they have four main story albums, a single, and two extra albums for extra stories
for the four main albums, you have to listen to all the tracks in order so i recommend listening on youtube
Once Upon A Time (In Space) is their first album. its fairy tales retold as an intergalactic war
Ulysses Dies At Dawn is their second one. this one is greek mythology
High Noon Over Camelot. oh boy high noon over camelot. my favorite mechs album and my favorite album just in general. arthurian legend retold as a space western
The Bifrost Incident. norse myth but eldritch horror
their single is Frankenstein (frankenstein except the monster is an AI), and their other two albums are Tales To Be Told volumes I and II. theyre both collections of extra songs that either work as standalone stories or fit into the same setting as one of the main albums but doesnt follow along the main plotline
they also have Death to the Mechanisms, which was a performance of some of their songs live plus a song of the same name as the album that describes how they died a final time. this was because they split up. no more mechs music </3
out of all of them i recommend hnoc the most. cuz its my favorite <3
i apologize for not explaining the albums further, but you asked about the mechs themselves so im gonna put more focus into explaining those guys
the mechanisms themselves are 9 immortal space pirates. they are immortal due to their mechanisms, mechanical replacements of certain body parts. they travel the galaxy on the starship known as Aurora, who is infact sentient and also dating the ship's engineer. they like to "have fun, violence, adventure, violence. violence." according to jonny
Jonny d'Ville - he/him. he's claims he's the ships captain. hes the first mate. he is the narrator to all of the albums and plays a number of characters. King Cole (ouat(is)), Ulysses (udad), Lancelot (hnoc), Galahad (hnoc), and the void (tbi) are a few. there's more, but theyre more minor. hes pretty shooty and has canonically committed every crime (that existed on a planet) except the sexual ones. his mechanism is his heart!
Gunpowder Tim - he/him. master at arms! hes another one that sings often. he also plays the guitar. a few characters hes been are Oedipus (udad), Gawain (hnoc), and Loki (tbi). his mechanism is his eyes. hes also on the violent side. he blew up the moon, as detailed in the song Gunpowder Tim vs The Moon Kaiser from the ttbt vol 1
Ashes o'Reilly - they/them. quartermaster. they sing often and their voice is beautiful <3 they play bass aswell. some characters theyve played are Hades/themself (udad), Mordred (hnoc), and Sigyn (tbi). their mechanism is their lungs. theyre also a mob boss and arsonist and have been since they were 12 years old, described in their backstory song Lucky Sevens
Drumbot Brian - he/him. pilot. he doesnt sing as often but its great when he does! he plays a few different instruments. a couple of his characters are Merlin/himself (hnoc) and the robot spouse in Stranger (ttbt vol 2). everything except his heart is mechanical. he was thrown into space because he brought someone back to life
The Toy Soldier - it/its. its just there!! it sings often and plays the mandolin. some characters are Cinders (ouat(is)), Orpheus (udad), and Guinevere (hnoc). its a toy soldier. it was never human it just started walking one day
Raphaella la Cognizi - she/her. science officer. she is another singer!! and pianist!! her voice is heavenly tbh. notable roles are Ariadne (udad), Ygraine (hnoc (one song but it Slaps)), and Odin (tbi). her mechanism is a pair of wings!
Marius von Raum - he/him. doctor (not even a doctor). he sings and plays violin. and mandolin the wiki says. Heracles (udad), Arthur (hnoc), Thor (tbi). his mechanism is his right arm
Ivy Alexandria - she/her. archivist. she plays a few wind instruments, no singing. her mechanism is her brain
Nastya Rasputina - she/her. engineer. she is in gay love with the sentient starship <3. she plays violin, no singing. her mechanism is her blood, which is mercury. she decided to go Out (she believed that aurora was no longer the same starship she fell in love with because of all the repairs over the centuries theyve been alive, so she takes the final piece of the original aurora and exits out of the airlock, never to be seen again) sometime after hnoc
and there you are!! them!!
despite me giving some examples to who they play in the albums, thats not all the characters they play. theres also extra characters in narration i didnt mention (ivy and nastya both have been in narration tracks before) and theres also characters they play in the extra songs in the tales to be told volumes
i hope you end up liking them <333 heres a photo of them all together for u
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[ID: A group shot of the Mechanisms. End ID]
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year
No Matter What
Summary: After trying to have kids for years, and coming up short, you decide to visit a clinic to see what was wrong. 
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Married au
TW: Infertility Issues 
Word Count: 2,670
Requested: would it be possible to request a dino x reader where the reader finds out from the doctor that they can't have kids (reader has a uterus) and has to tell dino?
Husband! Chan (Dino) X Afab! Reader
A/n: Also, you do not have to be married to have kids with someone, I just like the thought of husband Chan– And if you are having fertility issues, just know you’re not the only one, and that I promise someone would love you whether or not you can have kids or even have a slim chance of having them. They’ll love you for you. 
You wake up with your guts turning into knots after an afternoon nap with Chan and get out of bed. With hope, you shut the bathroom door, and your upset stomach disappears as you pull out a new test. “This is it. I’m sure of it.” You whisper to yourself as you hold out the stick and wait for the three minutes to be over. You pray and pray, hoping this time is different. The timer goes off, and you turn it over to see the minus sign. If you weren’t trying to get pregnant, you would be ecstatic. But now that you’re trying for a baby, and it's still coming out negative, it's making you feel hopeless. With a sigh, you throw the stick into the trash, wipe your tears of frustration, and get cleaned up. You swear you felt morning sickness, but your nerves were getting the best of you again. 
You hear Chan outside the bathroom door, “Babe, I’ll be back in twenty. I’m going to get our pizza!” You call out, “Okay, be careful! I love you!” He calls back, “I love you too!” You refuse to cry as you look back over at the trashcan. You wash your hands, hear the front door open and close, and whisper, “I guess it’s finally time to call.” You find your phone after drying off your hands. You dial the number to the clinic and walk out of the bathroom, thinking of all the possibilities. Maybe something was counteracting your combined efforts.
The receptionist asks you about your reason for calling, and she tells you about Doctor Yasmine, who specializes in fertility. You ask for the next available appointment, all while pacing. And she tells you that tomorrow at noon is the earliest she has, and you take it. You hang up with a heavy heart, deciding that going alone is your best option. Especially on such short notice, no matter how much he was by your side. There were some things you had to face alone, and this is one of them. Even if you want him beside you to hold your hand through it, you right yourself before heading up to your shared bedroom. With two cokes in hand as Chan comes back with a pizza.
You put on a brave face and act like nothing’s wrong, although your stomach keeps twisting into knots over your thoughts. You try not to let on as you eat pizza side by side, but Chan knows something’s on your mind as you eat your favorite food mindlessly. He doesn’t push you to tell him, knowing you'll let him know when you’re ready. He kisses your forehead as you watch an action movie together. You push back your negative thoughts and take in the moment. You were spending a day in bed with the love of your life, maybe if nothing else, as long as you were with him, it was okay. After dinner, you lean your head against his shoulder and watch as the main character defeats the villain. You both cheer and put the trash beside the bed and watch a few more movies before curling up together and falling asleep. 
You go to the doctor to see if there is something you can do. Maybe you weren't having sex properly? You concluded on the drive over that it couldn't be the case. You sighed, got out of your car, and made the trek over to the clinic. “Hello there! Did you have an appointment? If not, we have a thirty-minute wait right now.” You put on a brave face and go, “I have an appointment with Doctor Yasmine.” She smiles, “Ah, okay, have you been here before?” You shake your head no, and she hands you some papers to file. You finish filling them out as your name gets called to go in. You hand the paperwork over to the receptionist, who thanks you. And follow the nurse into the room who weighs and measures you. You follow him into the room and tell him the medications you take. After checking the rest of your vitals, he tells you that Doctor Yasmine will be in the room in a few minutes. You nodded and thanked him before waiting for her. 
She comes in with a big smile, “Hello, I’m Doctor Yasmine. It's nice to meet you, (Y/n)." You smile and tell her it's nice to meet her too, and she continues, "Today, I’ll conduct a few procedures to see if we can narrow down the issues.” You nod as she walks through the steps to make you feel more comfortable, and you ease yourself into it. Maybe it’s going to work out, and you won’t have to worry. You convince yourself before she finishes up with the tests and asks for you to sit back up. She bows her head and tells you that she’ll be back with the test results in ten minutes. 
Once she leaves, all you can think is, ‘I wish I had Chan with me,’ as you start fidgeting with your wedding ring. You spin it round and round while you wait for Yasmine to come back. Maybe you weren’t doing it right. And you just had to change something. What if there were specific days you had to have sex? No sex on the day of rest? Maybe that was it. Yeah, that had to be it. As you hold back your tears, already concluding it wasn’t possible for you. 
Doctor Yasmine returns and asks, “Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” You sigh, “I could take all the good news I could get right now.” She nods, “You don’t have any sexually transmitted diseases.” You crack a smile before she sighs, “This next thing I’m going to tell you is hard to take in.” You gulp, and she hands you a box of tissues. 
You take them wordlessly, and she says, “You’re infertile.” You pull a tissue out as she looks you in the eyes, and you ask, “Does that mean I can’t-?" Before you can finish your sentence, she nods, and you burst into tears. It was Chan’s and your dream to have kids together. And it’s just been smashed to pieces. She pats your shoulder, “I’m sorry, no one wants to hear that when they want to have kids.” You nod and cry harder, no longer able to keep your composure. 
“Will you be okay to drive? I can have Yuna call your emergency contact.” In sniffles, you go, “I don’t want him to know yet. I’ll be fine to drive. I think I'll need a few minutes to absorb this.” She nods, although you can’t see it through your tissues and tears. “Okay, please know you’re not the only one. And if you need professional help, I can recommend an amazing therapist who deals with infertility issues.” You nod, and she goes, “I’m going to leave you here now. Take as long as you need. I know this is hard news to take in. I wish you well, and I promise your significant other will accept you just the way you are.” She steps out of the room, and you wail. You want to curl up in a ball, fall asleep, and wake up to find this was all a bad dream. It couldn’t be your reality, you think to yourself, but you know it's the truth. 
You let a few more tears out before carefully getting off the cot. When the thought hits you, how are you going to tell Chan? What would he think? He’s always supported your decisions and held your hand through the most difficult of them. But what about decisions that your body has already made for you? Was this going to be any different? You lose your motivation to leave as you slump into a chair, having no more tears to cry. ‘Fuck’ you mutter that’s the only word that comes to mind as you think of all the dreams Chan and you will never get to fulfill. You look at your ring before remembering the promise you both made to each other that night. “From this day forward; in joy and in sorrow; in sickness or in health; to love and cherish as long as we both shall live.” If that vow meant nothing, nor did any other promise. You know deep down he would accept you, but it was a matter of telling him the truth. 
You get home after pulling over a few times and letting your emotions out. You pull off your coat and stumble out of your shoes. Go to the kitchen and grab a can of beer, thinking that would ease some of your worries. It’s Chan’s favorite. You pop it open, take a sip and go upstairs. You wanted Chan's comforting presence, even if you didn't know how to tell him why you needed comfort. You slip on his hoodie, take in his scent and go back downstairs. You wrap a blanket around you and turn on the tv, hoping the weather could bore you to tears. You gulp down some of his beer, and you smile to yourself, he sure couldn't pick a beer but at least it tasted good. You down the rest and don’t feel the slightest buzz, but you couldn't care less. 
You eventually fall asleep to the forecast playing in the background. You wake to see Chan sitting underneath your blanket-clad legs and playing on his phone. He smiles at you, “You’re awake!” You gasp, finally your safety was home, “I’m so glad you're here!” You reach up and hug him. He immediately wraps his arms around you. When you pull away, he asks, “You only watch the weather when you’re sad. What's wrong, baby?” You look up at the ceiling, “I thought I’d have more time to figure out how to tell you.” He tilts his head at you in confusion, “It’s okay if another test was negative.” You shake your head, “Yes and no.” You fight the tears that wish to come out just for one to betray you. Chan immediately swipes it away with his thumb, “Baby, it’s okay. You can tell me.” You gulp as a few more tears come out, and Chan reaches out and holds your hand hidden in the blankets. He wipes your tears and pulls you closer to him. And you whisper, “I went to the clinic.” He nods for you to go on, “They uh,...” “They um.” Sensing you’re about to break into tears, he pulls you from your blankets and into his chest, still holding your hand, “Yeah?” 
You gather the little courage you have left, “I’m infertile.” And you cry into his chest as you apologize profusely, and he lets out an ‘oh,’ which makes you cry harder. “You don’t have to apologize.” He whispers into your hair, and you continue to mutter apologies, maybe more to yourself than to Chan. He kisses the top of your head as you continue to cry it out, and he lets a few tears out himself. You both weren't able to have kids physically together. It only cracked his heart a bit, but as long as you were together, it didn’t matter. 
Yeah, he had to let go of the dream of watching you carrying your shared creation. But it didn’t mean you couldn’t have a family: you could adopt or have a family of pets. And he was happy with the notion of either or even a combination. Because if it was with you, it was perfect because he loved you whether or not you could carry children. Hell, he had started dating you with the notion you guys may never have intercourse. And he was okay with that too. Because, for you, he’d be willing to do anything. Especially after having married you, he knew whatever happened. He was ready to face it as long as it was beside you. 
When your tears turn into hiccups, he pulls you gently away from his chest and looks you in the eyes. “Do you remember the night I proposed to you?” You think back and go, “Yeah.” He smiles, “I told you that whatever happened from that moment on, I would be by your side. That, I loved you more than the number of stars in the sky.” You sniffle and struggle to keep eye contact. “And then the night we married, I agreed to love you ‘in joy or sorrow; in sickness or in health, to love and cherish as long as we shall live.’ in our vows?” You nod and look down at your intertwined hands, “I promised that no matter what, I would love you, and you being infertile is not an exception.” While you had no tears left to cry, it didn’t stop you from sniffling, “Really?” You rub your eyes and finally look at him and see the tears in his eyes too. 
You immediately reach your free hand to wipe the ones that slip away, “Would you doubt me when I say I love you no matter what?” You gulp, “I would never. I love you no matter what too.” He gives you a small smile and tells you, “This is just a change in direction, not a dead-end. We may never have kids physically, but it doesn't mean we can't have a family. What matters to me is that I have you. That's all I ever wanted and needed.” 
You thought wrong when you felt you had no tears left, but when you cried again, it wasn’t out of sorrow. It was out of joy. That you had someone who would always love you, and he holds you again as you both take a moment to process it all. You pull away, “I wish you were there with me.” He nods, “I wish I had been there too. I’m sorry you felt you had to go alone.” You sigh, “It's okay. I knew it was on short notice and that you were busy today, so I didn’t want you to cancel for me.” He shakes his head, “You are more important to me than my job.” You nod, “I know. It's one of the reasons I knew I had to do it alone. Because your job is important, it brings others joy–” He rolls his eyes, “I love your endless support of my career, but your well-being matters more to me, baby.” You reach out and grab his other hand, “I know, but we're together now, and that’s what counts.” He smiles and squeezes your hand, “Next time, we will go together, promise?” You nod affirmatively, and you stay like that for a while. 
“I see you have my hoodie on and had one of my beers.” He teases, and you blush, “Yeah.” He grins, “I thought you hated the taste of it.” You laugh, “When you badly need comfort from the love of your life, you’re willing to go to the extremes.” He laughs, and you say, “And your beer is not awful,... just sometimes.” He shakes his head, “I think you just say that to say it.” You smirk, “I do.” He rolls his eyes and kisses your forehead, “I love you.” You smile, “I love you too.” He pulls you the rest of the way out of your blankets, “Let’s go to bed. We can worry later. Let’s rest for now. Whatever tomorrow brings, we'll deal with it together.” You nod as he lets go of one of your hands and leads you up the stairs.
Some things are unforeseen and unpreventable, but it doesn't mean you can't overcome them, especially with Chan by your side. Any trouble or worry is insignificant compared to your love. Because no matter what, you had each other, and that was all that mattered. Things change, but your hearts stay resilient, and you couldn’t be happier to have someone like him.
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sweetstarart · 1 year
Imma start doing a thing where all the crewmates write about their day!
Since he's the main character, here's Wally's day!
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Home decided to sail the ship today, because they can become the boat, they are very good at it. I was happy when that happened, I think Barnaby was too. I like it when Home becomes the ship because it means that everyone is allowed to play instead of sail. I wanted to speak with Barnaby, but he said he wasn't feeling well. I hope he feels better.
Julie and I decided to give eachother "makeovers". She put flowers in my hair and tied ribbons on my wrists. I looked very nice, I wanted to make Julie look nice too. I put her hair into a braid and painted a picture on her arm. She smiled at me, that made me happy, because that means she thinks she looks pretty. Thats good, I want her to feel that way.
Poppy and Eddie are making music together. Poppy is clapping shells together and Eddie is banging the floor, they're making a lot of noise. A few minutes later Sally joined in and sang. Her voice was nice, but It didn't match their music very well. A few more minutes later Julie came in with a shell that she blew like a horn, Howdy shook two potion bottles and stomped his feet. Barnaby woke up and played with a rubber band, I think that means he's feeling better. Frank joined in, he complained about how loud we were being, that made even more music. Home joined in too, and splashed in the water. I joined in and tried singing with Sally. She said I sounded amazing. It was fun. We were being so loud that sharks started to swim around our boat. That's a good thing, Barnaby loves sharks.
We ate sharks for supper. The meat was soft but I think dragon fruits are better. We told eachother about our favorite part of the day, I told them that I liked every part of the day. It was all so fun. I went to my room and spoke with Home about their day. They said their day was mediocre. They say that every day, so I think it's a good thing. I hope tomorrow is even mediocrer. It was late at night when I heard footsteps outside. I wonder what my crewmate was up to? I'll ask them tomorrow.
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tolnas-vault · 1 month
WIP to Watch Out For: Good Measures
Reviewed: May 2 2024
Fic Data
Rating: M
Status: Incomplete
Publish Date: 2024-03-18
Last Update: 2024-04-04
Chapters: 3
Word Count: 11,187
Main Ship(s): Barcus Wroot/Zanner Toobin
Side Ship(s): Barcus Wroot/Wulbren Bongle
Other Side Character(s): Wyll, Obelia Toobin
At the end of it all, outside the Steel Watch foundry, when they stood before each other for the final time, the hardest part for Barcus was not the physical cleaving of himself from Wulbren, as he was already so used to being pushed away. It was not that Wulbren would not see reason, or even that when passion finally flared in his eyes as he looked at Barcus, it was clear, virulent hatred.
No, the hardest part of all was turning away, only to be left with the simple fact of his loneliness. Without Wulbren, who was Barcus, after all? What life was left for him to live?
He did not know.
Nearly a year out from the fall of the Absolute, Barcus Wroot finds he has the strength in him for one more go at love, after all.
Tags and rating to change.
Ao3 Stats (As of May 2 2024)
Barcus Wroot/Zanner Toobin works on Ao3: 1
Barcus Wroot works on Ao3: 37
Zanner Toobin works on Ao3: 7
Review (Mild Spoilers Only)
Warnings: Wulbren Bongle style Abuse, anxiety inducing procrastination.
Favorite Quote:
"Barcus gave Wyll a look of sheer exhaustion. “…They sincerely want to meet at half eight in the morning? I hope they plan to come bearing breakfast.”
He was only halfway serious, of course, but serious nonetheless. Even surface-dwelling deep gnomes — more used to the sun though they were — remained naturally averse to pre-noon activities, especially when deprived of much needed breakfast and tea."
Main POV: Barcus
Barcus Wroot really shows off his Steampunk Bilbo Baggins side in this fic. To the pleasure of everyone but himself. His social anxiety in this fic is very real, and very relatable. There's a lot of secondhand stress to be had watching him get caught in the endless loop of anxiety and avoidance. He wants to do right by the Ironhands but he's struggling in his new leadership role.
Someone who's not struggling with their leadership role (or at least not obviously) Duke Wyll Ravengard! Who responds to Barcus' avoidance with delightfully cheery passive aggressiveness. I cannot emphasize how iconic he is in this fic. The patience with which he calls out Barcus' bad behavior while acting absolutely charming and accommodating the whole time. It was such a delight to read. And had me grinning from ear to ear even as Barcus shriveled in embarrassment. This is the Wyll and Barcus friendship I've been wanting.
As for this fic's primary ship. Zanner is so sweet in this fic. He's clearly very into Barcus from the get go. And poor Barcus is very overwhelmed by this fact. It's such a brilliant way to build up romantic and personal tension. It feels so bad when Barcus' anxiety and history with Wulbren gets in the way, but it also feels very understandable. Zanner is giving Barcus everything he ever wanted from Wulbren and after so many years of rejection, getting what he wants is absolutely terrifying for Barcus.
This fic so far was an absolute page turner, I couldn't put it down. The political and social tension in Barcus' life makes me want to keep reading. I cannot wait for the next chapter.
Who I'd recommend this fic to: Barcus Wroot fans, if you wanted more follow up on the Gondian-Ironhand relationship after Barcus took over, this is the fic for you.
How Unsatisfied Would I Be If This Never Updated Again?: I'll be honest here, this fic is on the hurt part of the hurt/comfort at the moment. The hurt is delicious, it's so true to the character and realistic. But it's currently left at the "awwww I'm disappointed in the character's actions, I want to see them do better" stage. It would be rough not knowing where this story goes, not gonna lie. But the set up so far is absolutely brilliant.
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Well, just a little rant of this precious little baby♡
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Manga spolers
Her difference
I'm not making rules here, but she is one of the most well-written characters of the show. Literally.
Yeah, I know, I don't need argue in the comments. She doesn't have the most tragic backstory in kny. It's a fact, buut. But, her backstory is great because of how good Gotouge plays with it. In series we have a trop:
Happy family - All dead - Demon slayer Corps.
Wihtin hashiras we have 3 of them, which got through this and now have to be all alone(no family, I mean) Giyu, Muichiro and Shinobu. (There is only they 'cause, Tengen, Obanai never had a loving family, Sanemi by a start of main plot has Genya, Gyomei, Rengoku and Mitsuri have a completely different types of stories) And among this 3, Shinobu is the only one who choosed revenge.
Yup, she didn't completely forget or burry this trauma. No, on the contrary, she developed this trauma into something more. Suicidal thoughts and actions.
That's one the reasons why she's my favorite. Because, they don't say it out loud , but you can guess, her death was a suicide. I know, she didn't do it by her own, but still she prepared and led to it.
Her writing
A little girl, lost in this world, developed into the greatest hashira,boiling of rage and grief.
I adore character with facade. Honestly. So, from the very start her smile had something off to me. And when I got to the climax of her story, I knew she isn't just favorite kny character, she is my everything. The way how step by by step we get into the world of demons-hatered and self-insecurity.
While with demon-hatered everuthing clear. I want to turn your attention to the main problem of her character. Insecurity.
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It's crazy how in her first fight with spider-sister she asserts that her shortness is her advantage, but deep down she always wonders why she is like that, what would happened if she might grow taller. I love the fact that this is her last moments. I mean, there already was noone to help her in this situation, and it could end here but...
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Do you even relise that the reason why Shinobu stood up was not her own will, but a belief that Kanae believes in her. It's crazy, that earlier moment
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Led to the most beautiful and meaningful come back.
Do we still have time? Can I continue?
Her rage. Yup, it's continuation of her writing.
It 's kinda pisses me off that mostly we completely forget this even exists
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Like, there's the second reason why I even started this rant. Do I need to say more? Her anger leeding us to a fight with Douma, where she manages to turn the tables, and victory over Muzan, her helping Tamayo.
I adore the way how author from one trop gets completely different emotions. But we have to get to the last point.
Her smile
I know, it may look strange that I need whole paragraph just to say that I love it, but can you blame me?
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Being so cute, loveable and gorgeous need to be a crime. Because, I would be able to kill for her.
And, just thoughts that didn't knew where to put...
1. The fact, that in Kanae's chiring up monologe, Shinobu thinks of Kanao, making her the last person she ever thought of.
2. I don't know from where people gor that Shinobu still hates Tamayo, because it literally was written in manga, that she respects her.
3. Just want you to recall her last words "Burn in Hell" , that personifies her inner world and anger towards Douma
4. Love how Shinobu and Kanao's relationships changes through chapter. Like, in the last moment Kanao shouts "Master!", and at the end she talks of her using "Sister"
5. I can't even go a day without concluding that her fanbase, at least at Tumblr is one the reason why I still see hope and joyment in this world. Want to thank every Shinobu-lover in the internet, you may be a the reason why I still breath.
Loving Shinobu. Day 3
Don't stay up late. Good night.❤️
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the-down-upside-finch · 8 months
15 Questions (Tag Game)
Thank you for tagging me, @athenswrites! (The post I was tagged in is here!) I'm gonna gently tag (with no pressure) @harleyacoincidence, @my-cursed-prince, @maskedemerald, @amaiguri, @fire-but-ashes-too, @taveren-writing, and anyone else that sees this and wants to do it!
I'm going to be slightly chaotic and answer this in a more "conversational" style with the main characters from Stained Integrity! (Excluding Mirak because he doesn't interact much with the others.) I'll put it under the cut since it's going to get pretty long.
Also, for context: Clover is incapable of lying, LeRoy is able to lie but typically does not since he grew up in a place where no one can lie, and Laurie... well. He can certainly lie if he wants to.
Are you named after anyone?
Clover: "My parents named me after my mother's favorite plant." Laurie: [trying not to laugh] "Her favorite plant is clover?" Clover: "Yes. And what are you named after, Laurence?" Laurie: "No one, actually. At least—not to my knowledge. How about you, Blondie?" LeRoy: "I'm actually named after a somewhat-famous journer. He was the first to cross the aether straight across instead of by skyland-hopping." Clover: "You never told me that!" LeRoy: "I guess it just never came up?" ~ ~ ~
When was the last time you cried?
Clover: "Two days ago, three minutes after noon, when I finished reading a logbook that ended because the journer that wrote it died." LeRoy: "I think the last time I cried was prob'ly... No, wait." [turns to Clover] "Did I cry that time you and Fritz's father had to drag me out of the tavern 'cause I was so drunk?" Clover: "Yes." LeRoy: "Then that was the last time I cried." Laurie: "You got drunk to the point of crying? You?" Clover: "It was the anniversary of when his mother left." Laurie: [regretting saying anything] "...Ah." LeRoy: "So, what about you?" Laurie: "Well, I was taught that men aren't supposed to cry, sooo... it's been a while?" ~ ~ ~
Do you have kids?
All three: "No." Clover: "But I most likely will someday!" LeRoy: "Even if I did want to have children, I think most others would prefer if I didn't pass on my blood mix to another generation." Laurie: "Oh, look—something we can agree on." LeRoy: "I'm sorry?" Laurie: [gesturing to self] "I'm the illegitimate eldest son of a lord. I don't think my dear lord father would be too pleased with me if I came back with children." Clover: "But would you want to have children?" Laurie: "...I'll get back to you on that." ~ ~ ~
Do you use sarcasm?
Clover: "...Can I ask what sarcasm is?" Laurie: [sarcastically] "No, my dear—you absolutely may not." LeRoy: "...That's sarcasm." Laurie: [dramatically sighing] "Yet another day that I pity you Elmalians and your inability to speak anything but the truth." ~ ~ ~
What’s the first thing you notice about others?
Clover: "Usually their height, then their clothes, then their hair, and then--" Laurie: "My dear, the question was about the first thing you notice." Clover: "Oh." LeRoy: "I think the first thing I usually notice is clothing. The colors, specifically." Laurie: "The first thing I notice is which hand they favor." Clover: "What?" LeRoy: "How do you notice something like that?" Laurie: "It's simple, really—you throw something at them and see which hand moves to catch it." LeRoy: "..." Clover: "..." Laurie: "...I keep forgetting that Elmalians have a very different idea of humor and sarcasm than what I'm accustomed to." ~ ~ ~
What’s your eye color?
LeRoy: "Brown—which is funny 'cause my Elmalian blood is iriseye. I just happened to get my mother's eyes." Clover: "My eyes are green." Laurie: "Mine are blue." LeRoy: [to Laurie] "Really? I'd say your eyes are more of an indigo color--" Laurie: "No, no—my eyes are definitely just blue." ~ ~ ~
Scary stories or happy endings?
Clover: "Either, as long as the story is good." LeRoy: "Really? I prefer happy endings." Laurie: "I find happy endings boring. What's the point of a story if I know that everything will turn out fine in the end?" Clover: "But you don't always know that the story will have a happy ending. Sometimes it can be a nice surprise after so many things go wrong." Laurie: "Ah, now if only life had a guarantee of that sort..." ~ ~ ~
Any special talents?
Clover: "I don't think I really have any talents..." Laurie: "You can breathe fire." Clover: "That's not a talent! That's just an Elmalian ability!" LeRoy: "I can't do it." Laurie: "Well, you're a meld." LeRoy: "...Low blow, Laurence." Clover: "I guess not all Elmalians can breathe fire..." Laurie: "Personally, I don't consider myself a very talented individual." Clover: "I watched you throw a dagger a whole meter into the air and catch it perfectly by the handle!" Laurie: "That's not a talent!" ~ ~ ~
Where were you born?
LeRoy: [bursts out laughing] Laurie: "...Are you all right?" LeRoy: "Yeah, it's just-- I know exactly where I was born, thanks to everyone and their mother telling me the story of my birth." Clover: "Even I know about that." Laurie: "What's the story, then?" LeRoy: "Well, my mother was trying to insist that she was feeling perfectly fine 'cause my father wouldn't stop being paranoid about the whole thing, but then right as they were having their argument, her water broke—which of course sent my father into complete panic, and he rushed her down the way to the Quarters' place—they're the head apothecaries in town—but they... didn't quite make it inside the building." Clover: "He was born on their porch." Laurie: "Is that a normal sort of occurrence for commoners?" LeRoy: "Why—where were you born?" Laurie: "In my mother's quarters in my father's manor. My mother was on bedrest the entire month before I was born." [turns to Clover] "What about you, my dear?" Clover: "I was just born in my mother's room at our old home. LeRoy was also there." Laurie: "Oh?" [raises an eyebrow towards LeRoy] LeRoy: "I wasn't even a year old!" Clover: "My parents watched over him while his father was at work, so he just happened to be there." Laurie: "Ah, yes—you and your absurd 'adoptive sibling' relationship." ~ ~ ~
What are your hobbies?
Clover: "I don't have a lot of free time anymore, but I do like to read." LeRoy: "I also like to read. Sometimes I'll play card games with my father, but that's more his hobby than it is mine." Laurie: "Oh, to be a lower-class citizen with time for leisure activities..." LeRoy: "Can you be serious for five minutes?" Laurie: "Absolutely not." ~ ~ ~
Do you have any pets?
LeRoy: "No pets here." Clover: "I don't have any pets, either." Laurie: "What about that cat that was following you around?" Clover: "What? When?" Laurie: "The other day when you were in the library." Clover: "???" Laurie: "The calico? The one with the green eyes?" Clover: "ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT FRANCIS?!" LeRoy: [cracking up] Laurie: "...I'm getting the feeling that I'm missing some crucial information in this conversation." ~ ~ ~
What sports do you play/have played?
LeRoy: "I never really played any sports, but I would spar a lot with my classmates back in school." Clover: "I started learning how to dance when I came to the castle, if that counts." Laurie: "..." LeRoy: "What?" Laurie: "You weren't required to engage in pointless athletic activities as children?" Clover: "No...?" Laurie: "For the love of--!" [shaking fist at the sky] "Why wasn't I born a commoner?!" ~ ~ ~
How tall are you?
Clover: "I think I'm around a hundred fifty-five centimeters?" LeRoy: "That sounds right. I'm roughly two hundred three centimeters." Laurie: "I believe I'm around sixty-seven inches." LeRoy: "You use inches?!" Laurie: "Most of the eastern skylands do, yes." ~ ~ ~
Favorite subject in school?
Clover: "I really liked literature classes." LeRoy: "Same—but my favorite class was always geography." Laurie: "You both went to a school?" LeRoy: "You didn't?" Laurie: "I had private tutors." Clover: "Did you have a favorite subject?" Laurie: "Oh, I did rather enjoy my language lessons." ~ ~ ~
Dream job?
Clover: "I used to want to be a journer, but I don't think I would last very long." LeRoy: "If I weren't a metalsmith, I think I'd enjoy being a cartographer." Laurie: "When I was younger, I wanted to be an alchemist when I grew up. Quite frankly, I have no idea what I'll do with my life if I don't end up inheriting my father's lordship." ~ ~ ~
I'm giving a gold star to anyone that made it all the way to the end. Thank you very much for reading!! This was a really fun way to spend my lunch break haha
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themratts · 11 months
Dear Red Biretta
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Cardinal Copia x OC Slow Burn
Friends to Lovers
Rating: G
Chapter word Count: 2,180
Pairing: M/F
Synopsis: Sister Alena has been enjoying her life within the abbey walls and satanic chapel. What she doesn’t know, is that things are about to change, the moment she becomes aquatinted with a certain awkward Cardinal and picks up that dear red biretta.
Read on Ao3 🥀
Chapter One under the cut 🥀
• • • ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
The Library was always her favorite.
Which is likely why Alena had taken up the “Librarian’s helper” position with great pride and diligence for the past three years that she’s resided at the ministry. She did not have to come early, but she could stay late. Stay surrounded by books, endless worlds of knowledge and fantasy, for hours at a time. And most importantly, the tables and cushions and window sills made the perfect locations for studying. It was easy to balance her clergical duties with her personal ones. The library was her safe space.
While she didn’t do it often, her favorite task of all was running the book checkout. Situated at the front desk, it allowed her a sufficient view of the main area, satisfactory, the sight of fellow siblings and other members of ranks of all sorts enjoying this wondrous part of the building filled her with great joy. She liked the smiles on peoples faces as they slipped her their library cards, and well, she also liked knowing what everyone was reading.
However, this was not to say that the library itself was a frequently bustling area. Quite the opposite, in fact. If Alena wasn’t sorting, putting back books, or indulging in her satanic studies , then she was likely reclined at the librarian’s desk with her legs folded. Teacup to her left, her own book in hand, just enjoying the peace and contentment. Precisely where she found herself on this serene day. Noon’s sun was high in the sky and the rays that shone through both regular and stained glass windows decorated the interior beautifully. Average Wednesday, next to no one around, all was still.
Alena lifted the teacup to her lips and tilted her head back, ever so slightly. Her eyes traveled along the lettering on the page in front of her. This was how you spend a lazy afternoon. The librarian herself, Sister Margaretta, a gentle, much older woman, was off in the back somewhere, sorting her own personal archives. Alena had offered to help, but was declined. “Go enjoy yourself, child,” she’d said to her, “I’ll call you over if I need you.” But so far, nothing. So there she sat.
The slight creak of the heavy wooded doors brought Alena’s mind out of her book and back to reality. She peeked up, delighted at the thought of a possible visitor. Strolling through the doors was one of her fellow sisters of sin, their name was slipping her tongue at the moment but that didn’t matter. They weren’t friends, but had definitely spoken once or twice post-mass or during a lesson discussion. Alena sat up, flipping the end of her nun’s veil over her shoulder and preparing to greet her as the woman stepped right up to the desk.
“Afternoon, Sister.”
“Afternoon.” She smiled, and came to a halt right across from her. “Sister Alena, yes?”
“That’s right,” their smiles mirrored now, “How may I help you?”
“I was told you’re here sometimes. I was sent for you.”
“Oh?” Peculiar.
“Mmhm. Cardinal Riccardo would like to see you. He’s doing note checks. Something about, uhh..” she rolled her wrist in a tight circle, “...making sure everyone is writing their verses, you know, studying properly, something something..”
“Ohhh,” Alena set her teacup down, “I see. And, when does he want me?”
“Right now.”
“Oh dear,” this seemed a bit sudden. But, it wasn’t like that was out of character for Cardinal Riccardo. Now, Alena didn’t personally know all the Cardinals, probably couldn’t even name them all, but she didn’t need to to know that Riccardo was the strictest. She stood from her seat, “-All my note work is back in my room,”
“Then I guess you better get to it.” The other woman shrugged. Alena scrunched her nose and quickly thanked this sister, before scurrying herself to the back. She would have to let Ms. Sister Margaretta know that she was heading off, then, she could be on her way.
♡… ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ…♡
More than anything, a deep annoyance pricked at Alena’s being. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if Riccardo had let his scholars know ahead of time about this so-called random “check”, but no, that would just be too convenient for that grumpy old guy. She had not been attending his personal Cardinal’s meetings, or “classes” as they technically were, for very long, yet she already did not like him. He was unkind.
Trudging down the hallway, she wished she’d picked a shorter habit skirt for the day. The leggings she wore underneath were sticking to her skin and the stress created by her desire to.. not get yelled at was causing an innate feeling of discomfort. Inside her skin and out. The hallways weren’t full, by any means, they weren’t crowded, but a few siblings staggered here and there and it was taking a lot out of Alena to keep her focus on where she needed to be headed. Despite having been living within the ministry for three consecutive years now, one issue that she still hadn’t quite hurtled was the navigation.
The corridors were nearly identical.
She wasn’t one to get lost, but it could at times take her a moment or two to make sure she knew where she was and where she was going. The best way, she found, to (at least temporarily) solve this problem was to have a routine. Find a passage of halls that lead where you need to go, and learn them, memorize them. Stick to them. As well as that worked, of course, there was always the downside of the outcome being she’d left a lot of the monastery unexplored. Slightly disappointing, but was it worth getting lost? She didn’t think so.
Upon rounding the corner, she confirmed she did in fact know precisely where she was, that in itself was comforting if nothing else. She was almost there. This hallway was a little less full than the one she just came from, but she didn’t make much note of those around her. Under different circumstances, Alena enjoyed greeting people as she passed them or exchanging a few smiles. In general the atmosphere here was very friendly and welcoming, hell most people would probably give you a hug if you asked nicely. Which made sense, given the messages preached by Papa himself and the environment he enforced. Might not be everyone, but, most of these people were quite nice.
Which is why it surprised her a little when the sound of rushing footsteps stomped past her in the opposite direction, followed by a crash, and then laughter. Alena whipped her head around, started by the sudden noise. The sight that met her eyes was not very pretty.
Someone, who must’ve been skedaddling way faster than their own feet anticipated, had taken an awful tumble, right there in the hall. There weren’t many others around, but the ones who were were covering their mouths and giggling as they stepped around this unfortunate scene. Papers and a few books were scattered about. It caused Alena to stop dead in her tracks.
The person who’d fallen was a man. Not someone Alena knew, but, something about him was oddly familiar. Judging by his attire, he must’ve been one of the Cardinals. His cassock, which was a rather striking shade of red, stretched and flopped as he struggled onto his knees. Only then did she get a look at his face. She didn’t recognize him, his jawline was sharp and nose long and somewhat pointy. His hair, a dusty chestnut brown, fell in waves down the back of his head. And to match, a handsome pair of sideburns and light mustache. The typical Cardinal’s paint, an eye and lip look, were clung to him. Alena blinked, slowly.
She watched as the man, with very shaky limbs, tried his best to collect his papers. Some of them continued to fall from his unsteady hands, while others were getting stepped on by passer-bys. Something inside of her hurt. Why wasn’t anyone helping him? Or making sure he was okay? He looked so sad. No, no. This wasn’t right. She had to do something.
Momentarily forgetting just how much of a hurry she was in, Alena’s feet seemed to carry her right up to him all on their own. Without hesitating, she crouched and began gathering up some of the papers for him. By now they seemed to be the only two in the hallway, which made things easier, although still several of the documents were stamped with dirty shoe prints.
Once her hands were full, she lifted her head to inspect the man in front of her. By now, he’d noticed her presence. And he was wide-eyed staring. Now that she was close up, Alena could get a better look at him. No… she still didn’t recognize him, but she couldn’t shake the feeling she had seen him somewhere. She also noticed that one of his eyes was a different color than the other, one a warm green while its partner a stark white. It was… interesting. It matched the eye pattern of the Emeritus family. The most well known, highest ranking family in the clergy. The LEADERS of the clergy. But… this guy wasn’t an Emeritus? Right…?
Alena’s thoughts were cut suddenly as she realized, a black, wet stain of a tear was trickling down his cheek. Her heart broke. And gently, she held the papers out to him and tried to smile. He didn’t move.
“Here,” her voice came out a little less steady than she would’ve liked it to. Perhaps she was nervous, she didn’t want to upset him further, “-that was a nasty fall, are-are you alright?”
He remained silent. Although his lips parted as if he wanted to answer. Instead, his trembling arms opened and he took the documents from her. After another moment of staring, he nodded.
“Good.” Alena continued. Another black smudge ran down his face. She winced. “Oh, dear, please… don’t cry,” And her hand began mindlessly fishing her pocket. Fortunately for this poor guy, a case of seasonal allergies left Alena with tissues on her person at all times. When she managed to wrangle one out, however, she realized his hands were completely full. Wanting to avoid making this worse, she opted to reach forward, and gently wipe the smeared paint from his cheeks herself.
He remained frozen.
“-there, see? You’re alright..” She crumpled the dirty tissue and shoved it back into her pocket. Then, with a huff, hoisted herself back to her own feet. She extended a hand to the stranger, a helpful gesture. But he only stared. For several moments, as if he had never seen another human hand before. Then, hesitantly, he took it, and Alena helped him up off the ground.
Oh, woah. He was taller than she thought he was. Well.. taller than her, at least. Not that that meant very much. The man stood dumbfounded, books and papers still cradled his arms. Alena felt a little awkward. Why wasn’t he talking to her? Was he that upset? The best she could think to do was brush it off.
Just then, another sibling walked by behind them, and kicked something. A glimpse of that same pretty red caught Alena’s peripheral and she looked down. Oh, yes, of course. It was a biretta. It must have been his. She bent down carefully and picked up the prim hat, something inside her shivered at the contact. Cautiously, she looked up again and held it out to him. He was still staring. And without moving his gaze at all, took the hat from her hand and placed it back onto his head.
Waaiiiit a minute.
It finally hit her. Alena knew why he looked so familiar. She had definitely seen that look before. She had definitely seen that hat before. The tip of it skimmed the top of the shelves in the library many times. Yes! THAT was it! The library. THAT was where she had seen him. It MUST have been.
As quickly as the realization dawned on her, the memory of where she was supposed to be right now flooded back as well. Panic shot through her body. She visibly tensed up and, not wanting to be rude, began to scoot away from him. “-um, good day, sir,” And a nod was all she could manage out of politeness before she promptly began to scamper away.
Truthfully, Alena felt a little bad about helping him up and then ditching himso suddenly. She wished she could have done more or at least gotten his name. But, oh well. Perhaps she’ll just have to keep an eye out. Admittedly.. Something about him more or less had her attention. He had such an… odd look to him, intriguing almost. But who knows. Maybe she could get to know him, or maybe there wasn’t much to get to know. It’s hard to judge a book by its cover. Even if it may be the most alluring cover you’ve ever seen.
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