#when I say massive btw I mean like. the size of like a town.
kaylakat2 · 9 months
Guess what time it is again folks…you got it, it’s miserable little Mei doodles because school is starting again! I’m going to an actual university now (one that is completely, utterly, unnecessarily massive might I add). I did 2/3 of these while riding on the trolley heading back home from campus, and, despite how shaky it was, it was surprisingly easy to draw during the ride. Doesn’t make the start of the new school year any less scary though.
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I’ll definitely have more to share as the quarter goes on, as long as my class schedule doesn’t completely suck the life out of me at least. But here’s a few for now.
[Image ID: a grouping of three cartoonish graphite doodles of an anthropomorphic calico cat. In one she is staring up at something, facing the camera, with an overwhelmed expression, while holding a smartphone. In the other she is sitting on a trolley seat, looking upset and clutching a bag under her arms. In the last she is looking to the right, in profile, and holding onto a bag slung over one shoulder, looking upset. Next to each doodle there are blocks of text and dates. They read: 9-26-23 big boy college is big boy scary! I forgot how much I disliked public transit. It’s nice to have but I hate being in public at the best of times and that’s all public transit is. 9-28-23 first day was good but yknow I almost forgot what that felt like. Everyone having their own little in groups while I’m the odd one out. I forgot how much that sucked. End ID]
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 3 months
Supersons +1 prompt answer Parte Dos
Parte Uno
Original Prompt
Jon couldn't help but take a peek at the large metal ring constructed behind the massive form of Dr Fenton, its size and shape dwarfing man and son. He couldn't watch for much longer, however, as their encounter with Daniel was expedited by Damian's impatience. Maybe he was just itching for a fight, or a supervillain to beat down. Either way, as Superboy, it was his job to make sure Daniel walked out with all his limbs intact!
"Daniel Fenton." But Damian was interrupted just as fast as he had started.
"Ew, no, it's Danny thank you very much. Only my parents when they're angry, and- bleh- Vlad, call me Daniel."
Damian scowled (he was doing that a lot today). "Daniel Fenton, we have some questions for you."
"Guess that's not gonna happen."
Time to intervene. Jon stepped between Damian and Danny, arms outstretched, with a friendly but diplomatic smile. "What Damian here means is we're suuuuper curious about your dad's research, aren't you Damian?"
"If you wanna know more about my Dad's research, why don't you uhh." Danny bobbed his head at Mr Fenton's direction, the man in the midst of grabbing onto an unfortunate bystander and extolling the virtues of his next invention.
"Your father has proven lacking in his ability to explain his own work, which is why the responsibility now falls on to you, Daniel Fenton, if that's even your real name."
Wow, laying it on real thick, aren't you Damian.
Danny very pointedly ignores the death stare (hehe, death stare) from Dami to look to Jon. "And you are...?"
"Jon, I'm here with my dad too! He's a reporter, but some of this stuff's got me bored out of my mind. I mean, a flying toilet? Really??"
This manages to get a chuckle out of Danny. "You saw that too? And here I thought I'd get to see some normal inventions around here."
"I know right! I feel subconscious even with bathroom stalls and stuff. What are you gonna do, bring a flying curtain?"
"Honestly I know some folks back home who could find it handy." Danny said, a mysterious smirk on his lip. What could be so mysterious about a bunch of streakers back home? Or...
"Would you like to elaborate on that statement, Fenton?" Damian cut in. "Or the function of the garish-looking gateway erected by your Father?"
"Oh that? That's the Fenton PortaPortal."
"Porta what?" Jon asked.
"The Porta Portal. Portable Portal. It's like the one back home, 'cept it's light enough to move around."
"Portal to where exactly?"
Danny shrugs. "The Ghost Zone, where else?"
"You mean to say your parents have breached the afterlife using science?"
"Hah!" Danny laughs. "But it won't work, trust me." There was that knowing grin again.
"You seem pretty sure, Danny. Also wait, you have one of these back home?"
"Yeah, and it let in the raging hordes of the undead on my town. Overshadowing (that's possession btw), taking over the school with meat, box-based assault, replacing people like changelings, that one time a ghost tried to blow up my sister with a laser, that one time the Ghost King kidnapped the entire town and transported it to the Realms..." Danny listed out various dangerous situations like it was Tuesday, ignorant of the dawning horror upon his audience's faces. Jon himself was starting to feel a little green. Ghosts? Hundreds of ghosts? Each of them capable of possession, and according to Danny, much more?!
"How has the Justice League not heard of this kind of thing?" Jon tried, but failed to hide the slight shiver in his voice.
Danny shrugged. "Guess they dismissed our calls as pranks or something."
"Your father wishes to unleash the legions of undead upon Gotham?!" Damian stepped forward, getting up in Danny's face.
"Woah woah woah, chill out man. Mom and Dad actually learned from the last time and built like eight layers of shielding around the portal, not that it'll be necessary since it won't work anyway."
"And why are you so sure? Did you sabotage it? For whwat purpose would you tamper with your own parents' inventions?"
"Dami, maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions." Jon said, trying to pull Damian away without any obvious use of super strength.
"Yeah Dami, I'm just a kid, like you. You see an engineering degree anywhere that can be used to sAboTAgE anything? 'Cause I don't."
Damian glared at the other boy for just a second longer, before Jon was finally able to pry him off the poor kid. "I'm so sorry, Damian's just kinda intense sometimes, he really means well I-"
"It's fine. Besides, I'm bored as hell over here too. Since we're about sixty-nine million years below the average age of this place. what say we hang and laugh?" Danny got up and stretched his legs.
"Sure! Hey you seen the oven that's supposed to bake pizza in under ten seconds? Come on, Damian spotted this amazing design flaw, you just have to come with."
As Jon dragged them away, Damian muttered under his breath, deviously. "Good job, Kent, escorting Fenton to a secondary location for further questioning."
~~~~~ They spent the next hour roaming the convention centre, laughing and snorting their lungs out at the inventions, and the rich suckers lapping them up. Although Damian was initially as frosty as Superman's ice breath, Danny's mention of a glowing green ghost dog managed to gain his attention, if veiled behind suspicion and accusation. Looks like no squeezing was necessary, but the idea of a whole town of magical beings that possessed as easily as they breathed still made Jon nauseous.
"My parents actually get me keep him, without the threat of dissection, it's amazing!"
"Your parents dissect animals?" Damian spat out with all the hatred of a thousand dying suns.
"Ghosts, and they never have. Kept getting away. For some reason. Nowadays they're more into non-invasive study. and by non-invasive I mean totally invasive of things like privacy, and alone time." Danny grumbled.
"I feel you, man." Imagine having a dad with super hearing. Or growing up with the world's greatest stalkers.
"Privacy is an illusion." Damian being normal challenge IMPOSSIBLE
They had no more time to banter before Dr Fenton's booming voice echoed across the centre.
"Just watch." Danny said.
Jack slammed his fist upon the on button, which was thankfully on the outside this time. The circular rings around the portal spun and spun, creating an electric whirring sound building up to a crescendo...
Only for the portal to fizzle out, as the crowd's jeers reached a fever pitch.
"Told you so."
Danny's triumph lasted not for another minute, however, when his body shivered and a cold mist broke through his lips. "Shit." He muttered. At least Jon and Damian were looking away. Danny's eyes scanned the crowd. Jack Fenton's sorrow was wiped away as the sensors in his suit came to life. He whipped out a comically large ecto-gun, shouting. "I KNEW IT! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK FROM GHOSTS!!!"
Danny needed look no longer as piercing laughter filled the auditorium. A swarm of green bats descended upon the centre, causing chaos and confusion. Those among the crowd sensible enough to run for the exits found themselves halted by bars locking them shut. Jack opened fire, but was overwhelmed by dozens of ghost bats.
Danny looked for anywhere he could silp away and transform. Damian and Jon did the same. None of them could an opportunity, as two pairs of hands swept them off their feet, and bindings tied them together. Their eyes widened as they gazed upon their captors. Two men adorned with white face paint. One in a gothic waistcoat, the other with green hair and a purple suit.
The infamous Joker, and the not as infamous Freakshow, both in hysterical laughter.
"I really gotta give it to you Danny-boy, that sabotage act you pulled really put us for a loop!" The Joker gasped out between laughs. He pulled out a remote with a large red button. "But I, the Joker, have out-sabotaged your sabotage! AHAHAHAH"
The Joker pressed the buttom, causing the portal to roar back to life.
"Damian!" Bruce Wayne yelled.
"Jon!" Clark Kent shouted.
"DANNY BOY!" Jack cried out, but they were too late to stop the swarm of bats carrying all three boys through the newly reactivated portal, and were too late to follow before the whole thing blew to pieces in a fiery halo.
To be continued....
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starryseo · 5 years
phone number. | yang jeongin
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pairing ↠ jeongin x gender neutral!reader
genre ↠ just a fluffy barista au!!
wc ↠ 3229
summary ↠ jeongin likes you a latte.
warnings ↠ just jeongin being cute and in loooove. its cringey.
a/n ↠ barista!jeongin bc who doesn’t love cafe aus?
cafe glow is well-known around these parts of town bc it has such!! great!! food and drinks!
it has a real homely feel so a lot of student from the nearby schools/ unis come here
and it’s a pretty big cafe so there’s a lot of space for ppl to come in and chill, whether that be large study groups or just individuals trying to cram for upcoming tests
that homely feel?? it’s bc of all the youngsters that basically run the cafe
it’s officially owned by mr and mrs bang, but their son, chan, manages this cafe a lot since they’ve got a few other places in town to run
chan loves recruiting teens to work bc, despite their hyperactivity (esp the lot that are currently there), they’re a lot less work to deal with than grumpy adults complaining abt wages
just a few months ago, jeongin started looking around for places to work at
let’s get that bread bro
he spoke to a lot of the nearby businesses like the florist, library and pizzeria but as soon as he entered glow and saw a blond guy downing shots of black coffee as he made different drinks, he Knew he wanted to work here
he headed straight to the counter (ok ofc he waited in line first but who cares abt that)
“welcome to glow, what can i get ya?”
“hi, i was wondering if you were hiring?”
“so,” the guy - nametag reading Felix - began, leaning forwards on the counter, “you wanna join the glow gang, huh? have you got what it takes??”
maybe he should’ve thought more clearly abt this-
“felix are u creeping out kids again?? i swear this is the last time i leave you on counter duty” the black-coffee-drinking blond huffed, wiping his hands on his apron as he left the coffee machines. he nudged felix out of the way, pushing him to the machines before he turned to jeongin. “i’m sorry abt him, i don’t know why i still keep him around”
“i heard that!”
 “anyway,” the blond - nametag with Chan printed on it - grinned, “what can i get for you?”
“a job here would be great”
“you really wanna work here,,,, with that?” he pointed over to felix who looked back with a frown
“yeah, it seems pretty fun!”
“you got a cv on you?”
jeongin is a Prepared Boi. before his job hunting run he printed off multiple copies of his cv so he handed it over to chan who briefly looked over it
“when can you start working?”
“when do you need me to?”
chan let out a chuckle at that, pocketing jeongin’s cv, “swing by tomorrow at 4 and we’ll work that out, yeah?”
jeongin went home a Happy Boy and the next day at exactly 4:37 he had landed himself a sweet job at cafe glow
ever since that day a few months ago, jeongin had been learning the ins and outs of the cafe
he’s learnt all about where felix hides his ‘secret’ stash of sweets, where to kick if the machines ever go down and jisung’s ability to not stop talking
jisung’s the guy in charge of training jeongin bc chan doesn’t trust felix with another human’s life and minho, an older uni student that works here part time, is way too busy flirting with customers to get more tips those uni fees won’t pay themselves u go bby
and chan himself already has a lot to deal with since he mainly works in the kitchens
so jisung has taken jeongin under his wing and taught him how to make all drinks (despite there being a manual for this) and how to deal with the customers
and even tho jisung is only 5 months older than jeongin, he n e v e r misses an opportunity to baby the hecc out of him
“what are the different cup sizes we have?”
“uh,, small,, medium and large??”
“goSH jeonGIN you’re so smART!!!! ily!!! what cAN’T you do???”
jisung’s overdramatic as hell but he means well
and it’s always funny when jeongin teams up with felix (still a pretty rare occassion) to prank jisung
one day jeongin had a test after school so he couldn’t come by
and ofc he let chan know this in advance but he and felix decided not to tell jisung
jisung was waiting around for jeongin to come and he literally almost started crying when felix told him an hour later that jeongin wasn’t gonna come
“,,m,y bab y ? jeonginnie??? wh at do u me an,, he won’t com,e??? felix you a s s don’t l i e to m,e,, :((((”
they even got minho to record the whole thing not for free ofc, and minho’s services are n o t cheap, but it was totally worth it
felix screenshot jisung’s crying face and it’s now the display picture of their glow gang group chat
which btw never shuts up bc: during the day (and work hours) felix, jisung and jeongin will be spamming it, during the evening minho will complain abt all the uni work he’s got to do, after dinner time the youngsters are back on it sending memes until like 2am, and then by 4am chan finally gets on and complains abt the boys killing his storage with their dumb memes & he gives any updates abt the next day’s schedule if need be
it’s a great system, hella wild and random, but jeongin loves it nonetheless
now for the part where u, dear reader, come in!!
it’s just an ordinary day, a bit quieter than usual but jeongin’s not complaining bc it gives him time to finish off some of his hw while he’s at the till
he looks up when the door chime rings and
(°ロ°) ! 
he’s vvv obviously staring at u as u walk in, his pen drops on the counter and his mouth is :0
damn yn you’ve broken jeongin
but does he care???
is he stopping?????
also yes but you’ve already seen his dumbstruck face and he realises he was caught just staring at u when u walk up to him with a shy smile on your face
he doesn’t know what’s come over him
and he doesn’t mean to be some typical teenage boi straight out of a high school drama
but u just look so pretty he couldn’t help but?? go heart eyes??
he’s trying not to lose his cool when u finally reach the counter
“hi!” he grins, “welcome to cafe glow, what can i get for you?”
you order your drink and watch as jeongin types away at the computer
he’s rlly hoping the screen blocks his blush bc he’s still (´♡‿♡`)’ing and he’s pretty sure he can feel his blush at this point
“is there anything else i can get you?”
your number
he finds your thinking face so cute!! the way u bite ur lip a little as your eyes glaze over the sweet treats they have on display
he d i e s when u look back up at him and ask, “anything you’d recommend?”
he keeps his cool as he says some of his fave desserts, and you choose the cheesecake
“alright! will you be eating in or is that to-glow go”
his heart swells when u laugh at his pun but he’s highkey dYinG inside bc he wants u to stay for just a little longer
he almost cries when u say you’re eating in bc !!! yes!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! maybe he could try talking to you!!!!!
“sweet! take a seat anywhere, your food will be made shortly!”
when u go to pay for ur food he’s internally hating felix bc he swears all these mushy feelings he’s experiencing are bc felix made him watch back-to-back romance films
he’s taken money from a lot of customers but he’s never, n e v e r, wanted to just hold their hand and he’s honestly so close to just never letting go of yours rn but he mentally slaps himself
pull it together jeongin u dumbass
when u tell him to keep the change he’s just
s i g h can u get any more perfect
he yeets felix out of the way from the coffee machines and towards the till
“role change, i’m bored!”
“but chan banned me from the tills, he’s gonna kill me!”
“i’ll get jisung on you”
he’s halfway thru making ur drink when minho sliiiides next to him and slings an arm around his shoulders
“so, innie, who’s the cutie you’re serving?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
from his short time working here he knows that minho is in love with any kind of gossip and there’s no point in lying to him
esp not with this massive blush on jeongin’s face that’S STILL thERe bc jeongin peeked over and saw you taking out textbooks which means you’re gonna stay here for lo n g er than he thought
and he’s got this huge grin on his face :D
and no one’s ever that happy making coffee
esp not when felix is right next to them singing along to the twice song playing in the cafe
god knows who put felix in charge of the cafe playlist
an y w ay
“does our baby innie have a,,, crushhh on a certain someone???”
“noooooookay maybe? idk i just met them!!”
“:0!!!! our baby’s iN LOVE!!!”
minho said that so loudly!!! jeongin peered over minho’s shoulder and saw that y o u had looked up at the exclamation and he let out a sheepish laugh to try and make the scene look normal
u just grinned at him and he almost swooned
minho’s shouting alerted jisung who deadass ran from the other side of the cafe
jisung, out of breath: wh-what do u mean,, in love,,,??? you’re too young for that ://
even chan popped out from the kitchen. “jeongin loves someone?? how cute, who is it- felix, what the hell are u doing there, didn’t i ban u from the tills??”
“blame loverboy!”
“gUYsss :((( let me wORk!!”
“u do u, innie, go get ‘em tiger!” minho said, smirking as he took a step back
the other boys stayed quiet as well, chan filling up the front display with the baked goods he freshly made
jeongin quietly got to finishing off ur drink and grabbed a cheesecake slice to carry over to you
“h-hey,” he started, placing the plate and drink beside your textbook, “sorry it took so long,,,”
“that’s alright,” you smiled and all his worries literally washed away, “was everything okay back there?”
“yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly, “minho’s just easily excited and nosy, a terrible combination really”
u laughed at that and he grinned, his nerves easing away
“u guys seem really close,” when he saw u quickly look over to the counters he turned as well, just in time to see all four of them rush to try and act natural (altho jisung just dropped to the ground so he’s really a lost cause)
“they’re really crazy, but they do mean well,” he grinned, “except felix, avoid him at all costs”
“i’ll keep that in mind,” you chuckled when jeongin pointed out who felix was and felix just glared back at him, as tho he knew jeongin was talking shit abt him
“well,” he started, realising he should go bc a big group of customers had just entered, “i’ll leave u to it, i hope u enjoy ur food. let me know if u need anything else!”
he headed back to the counter, a HUGE grin on his face, he’s so glad his back is to u bc he’d be so embarassed if u saw
it’s bad enough minho saw and is non-stop teasing him abt it now
throughout his shift minho was just taunting him, cooing “innie’s in love~”
as he was dealing with other customers and running around the cafe, he’d make quick eye contact with u and each time he did, u let out the softest smiles, he’s pretty sure he’s never smiled this much
abt an hour later when the rush had died down, jeongin looked over to see that!!! u were still there!!!!!
he fixed up a quick mango smoothie, smth he always found super refreshing, and headed over to your table
“h-hey?” he tapped your shoulder when he noticed u had your headphones in
“oh, hey! i, uh, i didn’t order this?”
“yeah, it’s,, it’s on the house, thought you might need a pick-me-up, you’ve been working rly hard”
“ahh thank you!!!” u grinned at him so cutely, “would u like to sit down?”
he nodded too enthusiastically but he hopes u didn’t pick up on that ((u did)) as he sat down opposite you
for the next 30 mins? hour?? neither of u know
u guys just talked
he’s thanking god that there was no rush in customers bc he enjoyed spending time just talking to u
the conversation seemed to flow so?? naturally???
he found out ur name and that u go to a nearby school sadly not the same one as him
and u were taking the scenic route home instead of ur normal walking path or using the bus which is why he’d never seen u before
he’s so glad that fate brought u here today tho!!!! eternally grateful that u made that wise choice!!!
when ur phone buzzed with a message from ur family he finally realised that it was getting late
he watched almost in tears as u packed ur stuff up, thanking him for the drinks and snacks that he definitely didn’t steal from felix’s hidden stash
he went back to the counter, stars in his eyes as he leaned against the counter, opposite minho who was chilling by the till
“so, how’d it go? did u get their number??”
jeongin: (❤ω❤) 
jeongin, 0.02 secs later: ヽ(°〇°)ノ
felix, jumping in: “pls don’t tell me u spent all that time,,,,, and u didn’t get their number-”
minho: “loverboi was too busy making moves, eh?”
jeongin’s mood instantly dropped and he was so close to just headbutting the counter then and there
what if u never come back????
what if u came back when he wasn’t there?????
what if you’re on ur way here but then u see another cafe and u go there instead and fall in love with a barista there???????
jeongin’s 2 seconds away from pouting for all eternity when chan comes over and pats him on the back, “i’m sure they’ll come back!”
jeongin’s praying the old man’s right
and he is!!!!!!! cliche ik
u didn’t come back the next day which broke jeongin’s heart and he was honestly so close to losing all hope bc he’s incredibly dramatic like that
but u come back the day after!!!
jeongin’s wiping down a table when u enter and u spot him instantly and wave
he waves back but the cloth he’s holding slips from his hand onto the ground
and he rushes to pick it up but hits his head on the table when he tries standing up again
and he’s in so much pain but he just nervously laughs it away esp when he sees ur half worried, half trying-not-to-laugh-aloud face
when he sees u walking to him -- not the counter -- he’s counting to 100 in 3 seconds to try and calm himself down to not look like even more of a fool
“is the table okay?”
“yeah, i’m alri- hey, rude!” he pouts, faking a sniffle and rubbing his head
“i’m kidding, jeongin” (he had to bite his lip to not squEAL when u said his name) “are you okay? that looked painful :((”
“i’ll live,” he fake sobbed, rubbing away imaginary tears with the cloth in his hand before he realised what he’d just done and dropped it on the table in disgust (he highkey dieddd when u laughed at him again) “ew, i’m sorry you had to see all this”
“it’s fine,” you grinned, scrunching ur nose when u saw the wet smears on his face, “but u got a lil smth there” u pointed to ur own cheek
jeongin wanted to CRY
he knows he’s a cute boi (he uses this to his advantage whenever he can)
but rn??
he knows he looks like the epitome of a grade A DumbassTM
he just let out the longest s i g h
“i’ll be right back!”
he rushed off to the back and sorted himself out (and quickly iced his head)
he came back out to see u sitting down at the same table as last time
as soon as he came thru the doors u looked up and held out thumb, an eyebrow raised
and he reciprocated the gesture, telling u he’s all okay now!
he found it so cute that u cared!!! his heart: on fire!!
felix walked right to him, pulling him along to the coffee machines as he told him ur order
“u owe me one now loverboi!”
jeongin prepped ur food and took it to u like last time
but this time u initiated the conversation
“felix isn’t all that bad, y’know?” you said, holding onto your hot drink as it warmed ur hands up
“for now,” jeongin started, “trust me, if u ever have the misfortune of seeing him act cute, you’ll regret ever saying that.”
your nose scrunched as you imagined that -- jeongin gasped when he saw and then prayed you didn’t see that -- before you let out the cutest laugh he’s ever heard, “yeah, i can’t imagine that looking nice”
you two talked for a bit more until jeongin had to get back to the counter and take orders
he popped up at your table when he could, offering felix’s sweets and a refill
“do you treat all your customers like this? free drinks isn’t good for business, y’know?”
he went bright red at your teasing bc “nope, you’re special!” -- his eyes went w i d e when he said that and, if it was possible, his cheeks went redder -- but god, was it worth it bc your eyes sparkled and your blooming blush was so pretty he was starstruck
he cleared his throat, let out the most nervous chuckle ever, put the lemonade on your table before diving behind the counter
he could practically hear minho’s smirk from all the way over here
it took a little while longer for him to psych himself up to go over to you again after that disaster
but seeing you pack up your bag made him forget everything and run up to you
“hey, you’re done already?” he asked, pouting as you put your last book away
“yeah, i’ve gotta help make dinner soon,” you replied, fixing your bag over your shoulder, “thanks for the drink, it was great!”
“y-yeah, no problem!” you loved his drink!! score!!!! “come again soon, yeah?”
“definitely,” you winked -- you winked, god his heart was weak -- before waving and taking your leave
felix slid up next to him, throwing his arm around jeongin’s shoulders
“pls tell me you got their number this time”
the top gif is jeongin’s face right now
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dreadlock-detective · 6 years
would you be able to talk about dindel and vale's relationship? i think they're so fascinating 😍
Yes. Yes I can ramble on about D&D shenanigans you do not have to ask twice! Especially about those two doofuses (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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(By the by, I keep an in-character journal of this campaign collected here for further reading)
Granted, I don’t know much more than Dindel herself does about Vale, so everything about him is Subject To Change Due To Dramatic Reveal®, but a bit of background on the two prior to the game proper:
Dindel (Who’s actual name is Dindelion, or more correctly Dandelion but her dad always said it wrong) had lived her whole life in the crime ridden dried up port town of Delzimmer. When she was very young her elven mother left for reasons unclear to little Dindel and her father subsequently was completely unable to keep his shit together, losing his cobbling business after taking up gambling and drinking, and the two have been living more or less on the streets ever since. Unlike clerics or druids, Dindel has a seemingly natural born ability to use divine magic and would often need it to take care of her dad, but he taught her to hide her gift from everyone lest someone try to take her away from him and use her talents for their own gain.
Being so cooped up for someone homeless, she’d occasionally get her hands on books where she’d fantasize a lot about the world outside of Delzimmer and became pretty infatuated with romance stories. She’s had a few relationships but none of them went anywhere - the most notable one being with a halfling soldier who told her grand stories of travel and promised to take her away with him. Sadly he was just a lying douche and she caught him bragging as much to his friends one day, so after that she just kinda gave up on the idea of leaving and resigned herself to taking care of her father.
Vale (Who’s full name is an entire flipping sentence and I haven’t heard it since character creation stuff but is something along the lines of ‘Hidden Vale Beyond the Waterfall") was born to a Tabaxi tribe on an island far away. Through some manipulation by merchants or mercenaries (cant recall which exactly) traveling through the area, Vale ended up sold into servitude and grew up a member of a band of mercenaries - specifically he was trained with a flail to break enemy shield walls. Some time prior to the game the majority of the mercenary gang was wiped out and Vale ended up a drifter who found himself in Delzimmer.
Their first meeting didn’t involve much actual words passing between them, but Vale was sitting by a window in a tavern when he noticed Dindel outside looking for food. Seeing this he began to make a ruckus about something being wrong with the soup he’d ordered and it being unacceptable and demanding a replacement, while putting the soup bowl itself on the window sill and making it clear that he wanted her to take it, which she happily did.
Soon after, her father’s gambling debts finally caught up with him and he was taken away by what amounts to essentially the local mafia. They then found her and essentially got her to agree to pay his debts. Not really emotionally equipped to deal with being on her own and no idea how to pay off her dad’s debt that wasn’t degrading, she reached out to Vale for help - he wasn’t from Delzimmer, he’d been nice to her, and he looked like a soldier and soldiers get paid and get hurt and she can heal people, and damnit she was desperate.
We haven’t actually figured exactly who that meeting went (Vale’s player was planning on writing something up at some point. I’ll have to ask him about that) but luckily Vale had just received word that a city to the south was looking for capable soldiers, agreed to take her with him, and they set off on a boat down south (Dindel apparently gets super seasick btw)
Overall the two both seem to be emotional wrecks who each use the other to keep their shit together. Especially after Vale’s player wrote Cat’s Scratch Fever  it seems like Vale’s holding up Dindel as a kind of symbol of innocence and goodness, and helping her as a means to try to make up for past sins from his mercenary life. And he does sacrifice basically everything for her. Aside from the general “Barbarian bleeds to protect the party” thing (Where he has, on multiple occasions, put Dindel’s safety above anything/everyone else), he’s also given her essentially all of his share of everything to help her pay off her dad’s debts, which he never actually mentioned to her but she caught on to when he started handing out shares to the other members and they were half the size he gave to her. The biggest hurdle on his end seems to be that he’s put her up on such a high pedestal he sees himself as unworthy to try to be with her.
As for Dindel, she’s had a rough time during their travels. Her fantasies of the outside world have basically come crashing down around her as she’s start to figure that every place is pretty much the same as Delzimmer, just Delzimmer doesn’t try to hide how awful it is. That’s pretty much just reinforced her old emotional dependencies but now with her father gone the party are the only ones she can really latch on to. And of those, Lucan is super distant, Niles hates anything remotely elven, and Essmer is a weird embodiment of all of her dad’s bad habits so none of them have come as close to her as Vale. And her feelings towards Vale have been all the hell over the place: He’s SUPER nice to her and has done a lot to improve her situation, but he’s also absolutely pants-wetteningly terrifying when he’s enraged to the point where that being aimed at her is possibly her greatest fear and that’s a massive red flag, but he’s also shown himself to be remorseful over things he’s done and wanting to do better, but also refers to her as “Kit” like she was a child so is he just being nice to her because he thinks she’s a kid or what?! She’s basically run the entire gamut between being afraid for her life and complete infatuation and it’s EXHAUSTING lol.
So that’s the current state of things. Which will possibly change in the next session or so because Dindel has gone through enough of an emotional whirlwind and the action has died down enough lately that she’s going to try to work up the courage to just talk to Vale about this shit and find out where they stand. Unfortunately the last session didnt quite reach a good point for that (mostly because we spent waaay too much time talking about non-game stuff), and the one last weekend was canceled since we couldn’t all make it, so this “Will They Wont They” bullshit has been in my head for like A MONTH NOW and I’m ready for some level of resolution to this plot arc lol.
Mostly because I want the two characters to come to some understanding before we enter the next section of the game, which is settlement-building shenanigans that will have large time skips during downtime and I’d rather the characters hash it out now than either just say “they decided X” during a time skip or to somehow contort it so they could go LONG spans of time around each other with no horribly pressing life threatening situations and somehow have NOTHING develop in their relationship over that time, like it was a terrible romance anime~
So yeah, hopefully soon (next session is the next week’s saturday, 11/3) we’ll find out if these two goons can admit their feelings and accept the other’s in return and go from there. No matter what happens it should result in some good character development~ Maybe not positive character development if things go poorly, but good none-the-less \( º w º  )/.
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kaylacantadult · 5 years
NaNo Day 1: Nightmare
Words Written: 1685
Total Word Count: 1685
Goal: 50,000 words
How it Went: Today was kind of hard for me, I’ve barely scraped my word count in at 11:45 (over an hour past my bedtime btw). It wasn’t my best writing; the wording is mediocre, the plot is nonexistent, the characters say things that don't make sense, and my details are vague, but you know what? I finished the day, and I like where it’s going and that's what really matters! This weekend is going to be tough for me because I have so many assignments to finish, but I feel really motivated to push through! 
Content Warning: mentions of sex at the end. Nothing explicit.
Snippet of Prompt 1: Your nightmares start invading reality a little bit at a time.
      It started a few months ago, out of the corner of my eye I would see it; a quick flash as I checked my rearview mirror, an odd reflection on windows as I passed. It was so dark it absorbed any light that came near it, it lived in perpetual darkness. It didn’t bother me at first. I was used to strange things happening around me. I had a knack for drawing the occult towards me. I was three when I met my first witch, seven when I found my first vampire, twelve when I accidentally found Mothman. Things that go bump in the dark don’t scare me because usually, they were actually pretty nice. The witch I met gave me a small pendant that I still wore around my neck. It was protection from the others that moved at night.
      I’ve met ghouls, ghosts, were-creatures, giant spiders, reapers, angels, and devils, all of them perfectly nice, none threatening or mean. They just wandered the earth like I did, looking for some purpose to find. Once it began invading my life more, I invested in better locks for my doors and windows and started calling all the witches I knew for protection. I could hear it every night now, its talons scraping against my roof as I tried to sleep, its high pitched cry echoed through the valley every night.
      It disappeared for the most part during the day. I would see it around corners, hiding from my view, non-threatening during the daylight hours. There would be massive, two foot long feathers invading my herb garden and gouges in the earth around my chicken coop.
      I lived a little way out of the city, close enough that I could easily drive to pick up anything I might need, but far enough that I had space for a sustainable garden for myself, my animals, and enough spare leftovers to send boxes of vegetables to the food bank. Outside the city, I had the space to do my own thing, I didn’t have to worry about so many things showing up to bother me.
             I was pulling weeds out of the garden today, I had tilled the land a week ago, but had gotten so caught up with dealing with the pixies’ problems that I hadn’t been able to get to planting. That was my plan for the weekend:
-   Weed the plot
-   Set up irrigation
-   Plant
An easy enough plan for the weekend, especially since the tilling was done, and this was one of my smaller plots.
I readjusted my sun hat, pulling it to cover my face and my dark hair. My overalls were mud and grass stained from kneeling along the edge of my garden. My gardens were surrounded by a sturdy rock wall, just over waist high. It was covered in moss and vines. It’d been there for a long time and it wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. There were a few colonies of dragon fly fairies that lived in the cracks and crevasses of the wall. In one corner of the yard, there was a weeping willow, with a small platform haphazardly nailed in between two branches; a makeshift tree house.
      A small tapping came from the other side of the wall.
      “I told you, Leif, not today,” I said, “I’m busy.” I yanked another weed out, its thorns doing its best to rip through my gloves.
      “I was just wondering if-“
      “No Leif.”
      A small face peeked out over the top of the wall.
      “Can I at least hang out?” he said. “It’s lonely out here.”
      “You have 14 siblings Leif, how can you be lonely?”
      “They don’t count.”
      He plopped himself down beside me, his bare feet made indents in my soft tilled dirt. I scooped him up by his shirt collar and set him outside of the garden, I didn’t need him tamping down the earth.
      “There’s milk in the fridge if you want it,” I said.
      He shrugged. “Did you know there’s a bird in your yard.”
      “There are lots of birds in my yard,” I said
      “Yeah, but this is a big one.”
      “I know.”
        I had my first nightmare when I was six. I could still remember every detail perfectly. It repeated itself a few times growing up, but I hadn’t had it for years. No matter how old I was when I had the dream, inside it I was also just a little kid.
      I was walking in the creek by myself. The cottonwood trees loomed up above, impossibly large, bigger than the whole world. It was daylight, but as I moved under the trees, it turned black as night. The sun disappeared completely behind the dense branches. I was sure that the trees had grown so tall they wrapped themselves around the sun and made it burn itself out.
      My mom had been walking with me, but once we reached the trees she had disappeared, lost in the trees with the sun. I could feel it before I could see it. Smell it before I could hear it. I turned my back to the trees and ran. The dirt roads pounded under my feet. I couldn’t look behind me, but I knew it was there. I knew the road and didn’t at the same time. It looked the same as the ones I knew; tan dirt and desert brush surrounded me. The road crumbled at the edges, yellow grass, dry and hard as thorns ripped the dirt up at the sides. Cottonwoods gave way to mesquites and I was running down a road I knew and didn’t know.
      I reached my house, a white mobile home, in the middle of a small plot. It was one street over from the freeway that ran through our small town. I locked all the doors, latched all the windows, and thanked the stars we didn’t have a chimney. I could hear it now, its heavy body on the top of our roof, scratching off the shingles. It smelled like every rotting thing I’d ever smelled. Fruit long fallen off a tree, the dead cow my mom and I had found on a hike, milk sat too long in the fridge, the leaves that collect in mushy piles in the fall.
      I covered my nose and screamed.
  Leif picked up one of the feathers. It was bigger than his entire body. The rank of death leaked out of every fiber.
“Put it down Leif,” I said. “You’ll catch something from it.”
He whipped it around like a sword instead.
“What is it doing here?” He asked.
“Things find me.” I adjusted the strap of my overalls, which kept slipping off my shoulder.
“Is it nice?”
“Not sure yet,” I said, pulling the last weed out of the land. The dirt was already pushed into perfectly aligned parallel lines. Satisfying to look at. I loved the smell of earth stuck under my fingernails. I could see the bird’s outline hiding within my weeping willow.
“Maybe we should get it a present,” I said. The terror that followed the bird shook me to my core, but all other scary things I had ever met were just misunderstood. Maybe this one was too. Leif followed close behind me as I went inside to grab salmon out of the freezer. It was rock solid, but I hoped the bird wouldn’t mind.
I marched my way over to the tree, glaring at the shadow within it. I shoved the fish into the branches, taking a breath when my hand disappeared into the shadow. I felt its beak gently take the fish out of my hand. Its eyes glowed through the branches, watching me as it ate.
Leif stood just behind me, watching the bird. His arms were wrapped around my knee, squeezing tighter as he watched it gobble down a fish the same size as him.
  That night, there was no scratching on my ceiling, just the soft clambering of the bird curling up around the warmth of my chimney. It pecked a few times at the roof’s shingles, knocking them off just as it did last night. In the morning, I could see it at the edge of my freshly weeded garden, eating the scraps that had been left there the day before. It churred softly when I walked outside. I chucked another fish towards it. It snatched it up and darted back to the willow tree.
If it made a nest in my treehouse, I’d kill that thing.
 I called a witch friend over that afternoon She took one look at it and told me it was my baby. My forgotten dreams needed to be remembered and showed themselves, invading their way into our lives. She made a pot of too-strong-tea and lectured me about the strength of memories for longer than I thought possible. I made cucumber sandwiches because that’s what felt right.
“Traumas need to be acknowledged.” She said, “Your brain knows that even if your heart doesn’t. That’s why you made him show up.”
We watched as the bird climbed on my wall and tip toed carefully around its ridge, its massive frame looming, carefully balanced.
She stripped my shirt off as she explained it and unclasped my bra in an overly businesslike manner. I ran my hand through her buzzed short hair, marveling at its fuzziness.
Her skirt dropped in a puddle on the floor and she tugged me up the stairs in my too-tight house.
“Tell me about the dream again. Maybe there’s a deeper meaning we can find.”
I grinned back, following her trailing hands, “Yeah. Maybe there is.”
 We watched the bird that night, wandering around its new space, it found the river and ate so many salmon that I was afraid it would kill them all off. My witch cozied up against me. We were squished in my loft bed, overlooking my too small cottage. She looked over at me and grinned, she liked a new project. 
0 notes
bites-kms · 5 years
Keep Austin Weird
Austin is a very special place. It really craved a big chunk of my heart. A merge of NY feeling, with Seattle memories and it’s Texan uniqueness. And of course, as always, this fondness relies on its people. Misfits, rebels, crazy, artists, and all that people that in other corners of traditional Texas may be judged, end up in Austin. And you are welcome too if you want to join! Attending to SXSW made it even more special, with all these creative souls walking around, exchanging smiles, ideas, words and emails. It was fantastic. I felt super inspired, grateful and for a moment, I felt like I belong to this crowd too. 
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From Piano battles to standup comedy, there are a bunch of things I left undone due to the cluttered and intensity of the itinerary demanded by SXSW. But, very vaguely, but with much love, these are my top 10 things to do in Austin:
1) Shake it off at the The Broken Spoke 
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Bring it on with the honky-tong. Feels like being part of a movie. After a long ride from Downtown Austin, one needs to cross the bridge before arriving to here, the middle of nowhere yet marvelous place. Don’t forget to bring cash with you for the entry fee. Grab your favorite local, or better yet, make yourself available for the nice and gentle Texan to approach you. In my case, Christian, an insurance runner with a farm and bird passion, taught me all the steps and secrets from the dance floor. It was great. Not only he knew about Uruguay, but he practiced his Spanish, patiently taught me all the movements of the local dance, and even invited me not only a drink which I gently declined, but a follow up lunch date. It’s ridiculous how talented Texan people are -  they have their music ingrained in their voices, bodies and minds. Christian was no exception. He sent me videos of him singing before our date to nail the deal. Wise move, amigo ;) We went on Quaresma Friday for some BBQ and he refrained himself from eating meat - of course I completely forgot and made an exception, indulging myself with all the delicious Brisket. And, thank you Lari for the boots, they made all the difference and made me a real Dancing Queen. #SisterhoodOfTheTravellingBoots <3
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Yeap - I dressed up for the occasion, never felt prouder of myself! For a second or two, Christian really thought I was a local!
2) Wonder, enjoy and have fun by Sixth Street. 
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This is Austin’s main street. Full of bars, antique stores, delis, souvenir shops, cafes, and more and even more bars, this is the place to be. Avoid staying on the street itself, but if your hotel is near by -which probably will be- this fun impromptu venue won’t disappoint. Its streets intersections all surround the Austin Convention Center and most of the main concert venues, cool cafes, fun dancing spots and delightful dinner restaurants will be around. Wonder Six Street and let it marvel you. It will be the best souvenir you’ll be able to take from Austin.
3) Go for hidden drinks at The Garage 
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Ladies night was Garage night! What a great finding. Wondering Austin streets, there’s a modern parking space that looks oddly beautiful for being just a mere parking lot. Doubt about it. Go inside and go figure, there’s a hidden bar between their spaces, with the perfect ambience, the necessary small bites and the delicious tailored made drinks for a fun evening with friends or a casual date. 
4) Experience the beauty of the 7th fine art at Stateside Theater, Alamo Lamar and Paramount Theater 
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How crazy it is to take one of those electric scooters and go across town with highways and bridges to watch a movie almost at midnight? Let me tell you, it takes some guts. Yet, I decided to go to watch the music short film festival and check out the Alamo. The proper name is “Alamo Drafthouse Cinema South Lamar”. It’s a unique concept where food and drinks are served within the venue while you watch your movie. Very similar to Nitehawk cinemas in New York, although this one was massive - hence, a little bit more ruined down. Also, it’s hard to keep up with the cleaning of the venues within SXSW, but yet it was a wonderful eve. Watching This is America by Childish Gambino in full screen as well as Boyish by Japanese Breakfast among others was amazing. And afterwards, there was a live performance of jazz, honky-dong and be-bop on the draft house next to it. Unfortunately, I already ordered the UBER and there were not so many around, so I enjoyed it for a few while waiting for it, and then left my scooter and went back to civilization to the Line Hotel, a beautiful boutique one where I was staying. I also had the opportunity to check out the Stateside and the Paramount Theater, both of them located at Congress Avenue, where many 2019 SXSW premiers were held, such as Us and Booksmart - which I ended up watching in Nitehawk with Caro later in June. I attended to these two venues for Come as You Are, great story in which three disabled men go on a road trip to lose their virginity at a special-needs bordello in this ingratiating remake of a Belgian film and Bluebird, a documentary about one of Nashville’s most celebrated and important venues, which has been a launching pad for new songwriters since 1982 - Including Taylor Swift! 
6) Go to Antone’s for a real music treat
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Wow... I mean.... just wow! Was this magical or what? Thank you Z for dragging me to this venue and make me wait more than 2 hours with random yet cool artists to finally get to known and be mesmerized by Saint Paul and the Broken Bones. From 8 ‘till midnight, people were delighted by DJ Manny, Tameca Jones, Jacob Banks to finally end up with the high note of St. Paul. It was incredible. This powerhouse band made the roof came down in an intense, intimate yet powerful performance. The vocal lead Paul Janeway was absolutely incredible. With glitter and shinny dress-like outfit, he owned the stage from begging to end, specially while walking through the crowd, making it to the bar and singing on top of it, Coyote Ugly style. With his unique style and even rarest voice, this has been one of the most memorable concert experiences I ever had. As my friend Z would describe it: “When I tell you to wait, is because something worthwhile is coming. It’s a big dude, that sounds like a black woman’s voice, who belongs to a gospel choir”. - He was absolutely right..  SXSW Music Festival is really something out-of-this-word. To mention a few, imagine Tiny Desk Concerts held in a church, to Dj Windows 95 in Mercedes Benz Openhouse or Japanese Breakfast at the Mohawk, another iconic Austin Venue. Yet, the surprise happened during Sounds from Colombia night at Speakeasy, with Mojarra Eléctrica and Los Gaiteros de Ovejas when I met Idahosa Ness- which means, “he who only listens to God”. Nope, it was not a Colombian artist yet he lived in Colombia. He is this brilliant man from Austin which spoke more than 5 languages and learnt all of them through music and rap, decided to share his gift with the world by creating language learning tools in a start-up mode, traveling the world and enlightening each person that crosses his path in between. Yes, that’s the people you meet in the crowd. That’s the people you randomly run into SXSW. You can check out his project here, in The Mimic Method. Did I mention that he has a fantastic speech grandiloquence, and he looks like Lenny Kravitz (meaning he is damn hot!)?? Wow...I definitely won the jack pot that night! Thank you SXSW! Music does bring people together!
7) Feast yourself and treat your belly with a real Texas BBQ at Cooper Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que and Stubbs BBQ 
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This indulgence was also fantastically yummy. With Brazilian friends on with a local date, Texas BBQ never goes out of style. I had the chance to try it twice, both in unique and renown locations. I didn’t make it to Franklin, which is suppose to be the most famous one, with queue and waiting hours outside included, under the tremendous heat or the pouring rain. Also, it is located further away, closer to the airport, so there was zero chance I would made it in the electric scooters over there. But, to be fair, Cooper and Stubbs were outstanding and I think I did have my authentic experience regardless. 
8) Attend to SXSW
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I mean, what else can I say? I think it’s self introductory but in case your Tupperware is way too sealed, this is THE event that you should attend to (on top of Austin City Limits Festival, which is only reserved for music performances) “It’s an annual conglomerate of film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences that take place in mid-March in Austin, Texas, United States. It began in 1987 and has continued to grow in both scope and size every year”. Wake up early, stay up late. Dont forget about the music. Chose your venues and talks wisely. Download the SXSW app and pre-book your favorite talk with a day in advance And also, very mucho important, book some time to mingle and relax. The conferences are awesome but so do the exhibits, the films, the pop ups, the branded experiences but mostly the people.
9) Visit some historical sites
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From old Austin Congress, to fun and corky hotel venues (which happens to have a really cool pool, BTW) to wonder around beyond the highway, Austin has always a hidden, usually fun and weird surprise waiting for you. Don’t be afraid to explore - although keep the discovery during daytime!
This is almost another one for granted. Almost about everything you do in Austin will be fun, weird, memorable and ex(h)austin. And, if you are lucky enough, the activities you do will be all of these at the same time. Dont forget to check out the Vietnamese Elizabeth Cafe for a beautiful and delicious dinner, drop by The Mohawk, another iconic music venue where I had the chance to listen to Japanese Breakfast for the second time this year (and I could just keep going!), get your morning joe at the Royal Blue Grocery as well as the cutest Frida Kahlo earrings and don’t doubt to try the local breakfast freshly made, squeezed and prepared at Easy Tiger Cafe, which is as good as in it’s Beer Garden and Brewery after hours hours option. Cheers Austin! You’ve officially become one of my favorite places in the US <3
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Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
"Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can I seek affordable health coverage for general and emergency care?
I'm currently jobless, and living abroad in Central America with my boyfriend. I need health insurance for emergencies and general health care. The plan I had was too expensive and I am desperate for a sense of security in case something happens. Also, I have been struggling with some more minor health issues and need to be able to see an American MD when I am home in the states. Please advise. Would also appreciate helpful weblinks as internet resources. Thanks.""
Car insurance excess?
Hi All, I'm new to car insurance game :). Could someone please explain the logic behnd the following? As a new driver, i got a couple of quotes around 1.5K but then i look at the excess and it shows 3K!!! What are they trying to do here? Make it impossible for me to make a claim? thank you.""
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Im 16 and just had my second wreck!? what will insurance do?
I just had my second wreck today and both of them have been my fault! Im 16 and my first wreck was last year in late November. Will insurance just raise my rate, drop me, or offer high risk insurance?? have any options on how to get low insurance if i do need to get another insurer?""
I'm 27 years old and I wanna get life insurance ? Any thoughts on which type i should get . ?
simplify your answer please .
Insurance companies for a 18 year old new driver?
Ive just recently passed and im in need of a insurance company good for me. Money is tight as im a student and so i need something cheap. Ive been on money supermarket and its hasn't helped much.
How much can we expect to get from insurance for replacement of car door?
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata got backed into recently. The lady hit the front passenger door and smashed it in. It still opens, but sounds awful when it does, and the window doesn't work right (power window). She had Farmers insurance, and I've heard bad things about them, but we're gonna get an estimate from different auto body shops around town. How much can we expect the insurance to pay out for this damage?""
Looking for individual dental insurance?
I'm trying to find an affordable good dental insurance company. I've looked online quite a bit and can only find insurance with a 6 mos waiting period or a dental plan that you pay like $100 a year for a discount which seem useles. I'm 30 and live in Ohio if that makes any difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
How much does health insurance cost per month?
I'm a freshman and I'm doing a project in my career planning class. I have to make a budget to see how much I need to make from my job. I need to know how much health insurance would cost per person. I want to be an architect or art director so idk if my employer would cover some of the cost or what? I'm kinda confused on this project cause I've never had to think about this stuff.
Tricare/ER Insurance Question?
I lived in Arizona last year and still am in the Tricare West system (out of Luke AFB), although I now live in Ohio. I hurt my ankle several weeks ago and still can't bend it certain ways, and am beginning to suspect a hairline fracture...if I go to the ER (nowhere near any military facilities, especially not with hospitals), and put down my insurance company, will Tricare pay for it (including poss. X-rays) even though I'm still in the Tricare West system? Or should I submit the papers to get a PCM in the North region? (No matter what, I'm assuming I don't need a referral from my PCM to go to the hospital/get X-rays, is this correct?)""
Understanding my Co-Pay Insurance?
This is my co-pay insurance plan 90/70 (in network doctors/other doctors): Co-insurance 90% Out of pocket $4000 Deductible $4000 Here is one example of what they cover: Plan Network Co-pay for physical visits to the office Co-insurance 100% Co-payment $25 Co-insurance preventive 100% Out of Plan Network Deductible $12,000 Co-insurance 70% So, does this mean that I just pay $25 for a physical? Nothing more, unless something additional is done at the visit? When the co-insurance is 80%, does that mean I pay 20% of the bill? and... Is there a difference between Out of pocket and Deductible? Thanks!""
How i can find a cheap car insurance?
How i can find a cheap car insurance?
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
How much will insurance be for a 16 year old in california?
how much will insurance be for a 16 year old in california? lets say i get a bmw or porsche how much will it be?
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Renting a car for prom insurance question?
Ok so im 18 and i currently don't have a license but prom is in like 3 weeks and i will have my license by then. The problem is that i want to rent a car but i dont have auto insurance and i wont have it when i get my license neither because my mom doesnt want her insurance to go up... Is it possible for me to be added as an additional driver to any rental car companies if i dont have any auto insurance and the fact that i just got my license(wen i get it). My Dad is willing to pay everything for the rental car(i dont live with him though) btw i have already found a place where i can get a rental at the age 18(Ez rent a car dot com) but i just want to know can i rent without insurance, like by using there insurance if they have any I refuse to get dropped off to prom by a parent Lol""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for a Ford Focus RS 2003?
I am the 'boy racer' type of a boy. I have the cash to buy a ford focus rs on an 03 registration plate. i was wondering how much car insurance would cost for it? i wish to learn to drive in the car. Ford Focus RS is obviously a very fast car having been used for WRC. It is my favourite car, i can afford it but it would be a massive let down if i couldnt afford insurance on it? please help. any answers are greatly appreciated. thanks""
Are we covered with liability insurance?
if we got in a car accident no 2nd party or whatever its just us 3 in the car 2 of us got sent to the hospital .. the driver that was at fault only has liability insurance .. are we covered with the medical expenses? like if we file a complaint to their insurance can they do something about it since we goin to need therapy and such?
Am I paying too much for car insurance? Advice?!?
I'm 19 years old. Has had my license since I was 16 1/2. No tickets or accidents. Right now I'm paying $150.00 a month with my current insurer (which is based off my Mom's) I recently searched and Liberty Mutual is giving me a quote of $79 dollars a month which is obviously a whole lot cheaper. How easy is it to switch and is there a down payment? And any other advice you may have. Thanks.
Is motorcycle insurance expensive?
I am 18 looking to get a bike want a CBR 600 or something along those lines. My question is how much is it to insure a bike my mother said that the personal protection would be very expensive how does this work and do i need two different kinds of insurance for riding? Like is the personal insurance separate than the insurance on the bike? And don't tell me thats a big bike i have been riding all my life and have took my friends CBR out more than one time i know i will probably kill myself lol
Car Insurance... How much is it really?!?
I am planning on getting a car this summer after school and i am 16.... My parents want to lease a car for me from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since we get a discount. I really want the dodge SRT-4 but i think it will be too much insurance at this point in my life... can someone tell me roughly how much it would be??? thx!
Engine size/Car insurance?
I'm planning what car I want to buy after I do my test next year. I've seen some nice used Land Rovers, but I'm told the insurance will probably be sky high because of their engine. Is this true? It'll be a 5 door and the engine will probably be 1796. Can anyone explain this to me? The difference in engine size and what that will mean? Thanks""
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
How much would insurance be for a 750cc Motorbike for a 21 year old male (UK)?
I'm talking averages, what would be considered 'overly expensive'? Full licence and CBT. I don't have the bike so can't input the details on an insurance comparison site, I'm only considering it if it is better value to get the less powerful 125. Cheers.""
I have just passed my test and i have been looking for car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver?
I have been looking at car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver and she only have a provisional license and it has come out 600 pound cheaper, every thing is correct on the quote, does anyone know why this is.""
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?
Thinking Of Insurance For A Car Even Know Im 15.?
Hi There For Ages Now i have been looking for an insurance site that does not have an age restrictor on it Because i am thinking of my first car. I Know quite abit to do with insurance im not a noob e.g ( I Will not be insured on a Nissan Skyline Lol ) Anyway .. I Was just wonderin if any 1 had any sites they would just giv out a price and not ask for your age. I Want my first car to be aither: A Citroen Saxo 1.2 or 1.0L , A Vaxhaul Corsa B Or C 1.2 Or 1.4L Or A Pugeote 106 1.2 , or 1,4 < This 1 I really want The 1.4 Engine. If There Is no such insurance site without an age restrictor Could somebody tell me what price it would be for the 106 1.4 L As A New Driver Please . Thanks And Hope You Answer. :)""
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
Life insurance? i dont feel right about this company?
Hi i applied for life insurance through sun life financial. are they a good company? who do you get your life insurance from? is it even important? anyways, they still havent drawn up my policy since i have applied, even though was approved. All i was looking for was a simple life insurance i can afford, and they added in a whole bunch of accessories to go along with it. anyways, they keep coming back for many tests. which would have been hell of a lot convenient if they did these tests all in one place in one time. rather than having to do 4 or 5 tests over the past 4 months. it drives me crazy now that they are always phoning, needing this and that...now im starting to consider if i even want my life insurance with them also, is it even necessary to have life insurance along with critical illness and disability? i am just a studetn on a budget with two young boys at home. whats your take?""
Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people?
Does car insurance cost more money for Asian people?
""Where can I get the best, most comprehensive earthquake coverage for a condo in san francisco, california?""
i have already seen what the california earthquake authority (CEA) offers, which is not a whole lot. what are my other options for greater coverage?""
Car insurance price?
Does car insurance price depend on the safety of the car? Like a car that has 5 star crash test rating, does that mean the premium will be lower than a car has 3 star rating? Thanks.""
What type of insurance is auto insurance?
http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0200-industry/0050-renew-license/0200-requirements/index.cfm out of all these types which is for auto? and if i wanted to work in a place that sells life insurance do i have to get certified for that too?
Cheapest motorcycle insurance in Utah?
I am a first time rider, what is the cheapest inurance I can get in the Salt Lake area?""
How much do you pay for health insurance per month?
Just your portion/ per month / your age I am 30 and did not choose a health plan at work because I think $170 a month for basic HMO is too much for a single healthy person. I used to pay $60 with dental and vision at my last job (which I know is really cheap). When I interviewed here they told me they had a great health plan. Well, guess what they lied! I will definatly be asking more questions about health insurance when I talk salary for my next position.""
Where can a 18 year old female get cheap car insurance?
I've looked around everywhere and the cheapest i could find was 2200, would it be cheaper if i phoned up the companies or what? how do they expect ,e to be able to afford that im a student and live in a village so i need it to commute to work and college. i cant rely on the buses because there always late and stuff. i would be willing to pay something around 1000. i have a fiat punto 1.2 and just past my test, i was going to do a pass plus test but they dont even ask if you have done anything like that.""
""Toyota celica, my first car?""
so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars""
""Help! looking for affordable healthcare insurance in atlanta, ga?""
i am a single mom recently laid off from work. i have asthma and take a prescribed drug every day. i am running out and just to see my dr. for a new rx is $125 and then for a 30day supply is $150. too costly for me. i have tried research online for healthcare companies but keep getting redirected to other sites. i am looking for insurance around $100 a mnth that could give me a copay of $25-35 for visits and prescriptions. can anyone offer any advice. all this health care insurance is so confusing, with the detuctibiles etc.""
I want a car but my parents wont pay for insurance?
I asked this question before, but people were being extremely rude so I deleted it. If I get a car, I will be paying for everything myself. The car, the gas, the maintenance, etc. The only thing that I will not be able to afford is the insurance. I don't really care about having my own car, but I can't drive my parents' cars: my mom's is for her work, and my dad's is really expensive and he doesn't want me driving it. Either way, just to drive someone else's car I have to have insurance to cover myself and any damages I could cause in case of anything. So, anyways, the only thing I need my parents to pay for is the insurance. They absoulutley refuse. They think that I don't need to drive. I don't want to depend on my friends to drive me everywhere. They can definitely afford insurance, they just don't want to pay for it. I might sound spoiled or whatever but I'm not. Ever since I could remember, I've had to pay for most of everything I own. All of my clothes, toys (when I played with them), iPods, the computer that I'm on right now. I'm paying for my text messaging, too. so, I understand the value of money. I just want them to pay for this one thing. so, my plan was to buy a car, and then threaten to drive uninsured until they get insurance. Kind of mean, I know, but I'md esperate. What do you think?""
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
I need insurance on my car and need to keep the cost low as possible?
Will it be ok to cut out the no claims protection or is this a must, I have over ten years, is there any other way to keep it low. Thanks""
Do I need a consent to settle by my own auto insurance company?
The guy who hit me does not have an ample amount of insurance to cover my injuries. They are offering me the policy limits to settle. My own uninsured or uninsured motorist has been given enough documentation to know that my additional insurance will come into play. I have filed suit against the guy and his insurance company, but do I need a letter of consent to settle with them from my own insurance company to make sure that my uninsured motorist coverage will still be available to me. I really think it is criminal for any insurance company or state to make the limits on auto insurance so low, when the average cost of an auto accident is higher than the minimum coverages that they allow drivers to driver under. Also, there are many attorneys that wont even look at taking a case unless the limits are much higher than state minimum, because they can make considerably more on those who are very well insured. My own insurance company is treating my like I am retarded, and I was until I started reading all the insurance laws and bought a very fine civil litigation book for 4 dollars, best investment I ever made. But I am no Pro Se expert, my hat is tipped to you attorneys and insurance adjusters. What a stressful job you have and so many laws to abide by and to follow. I can only get better the more I read the more I know. Thanks for your time.""
Car insurance........................ car insurance have agreed to?
pay for my car after it was stolen and written off. they agreed to pay 200 pounds which is well more than i paid for it.so it looked like a good deal, however, 100 is the excess which i thought left me with 100..NOT the case,,they have taken the other 100 to pay for the years insurance which i wont use as i dont have a car...plus when i complained..they advised me to drop the claim and i dont get anything nor do i owe anything except the fee from the recovery collection which is 150. is this extortionate or what ??are they allowed to do this..i still owe them 20 pounds for the o/s amount for the years insurance as i insisted they do make it as a claim..and they wont take it as 2 seperate d/d payments either as i dont now have a car..HOW CRAP IS THAT ??? what can i do to get my money back""
Why do wives have to be on husbands car insurance?
I have been under my parents car insurance for my whole driving life and now I am married. My husband is a new driver in the USA, and because we just bought a new car, we have to be ...show more""
How much will it cost (roughly) for a 21 year old to insure a new Audi A1 S-line 1.2?
its in the 1-10 band for the insurance which is the lowest group. the audi a1 is number 9. but i want to know what i would be expecting to pay insurance wise! would appreciate any comments.
Health insurance after you've turned 18?
My mother receives Social Security checks and insurance (She had cancer, and can't work due to other conditions brought on by the chemotherapy) and because of this, I had medicaid. I turned 18 last month and I'm wondering if I automatically get cut off from her insurance, or if I stay on the plan because I'll be a student in the fall. I know the system for this changed recently, so I have no idea if I still have insurance or not.""
""Auto Financing Insurance, does it exist?
Is there such a thing as auto financing insurance. i know when you apply for a credit card they ask you if you want insurance in case you lose your job or accident or whatever and they would make the payments for you. But do any companies out there exist that do this kind of thing for auto financing. Im going to be buying a car within a week and wanted to know Thanks
Car bump and getting insurance.?
I had a bump around a year and a half ago and there was very minimal damage and no injuries, the woman gave a different name to me than to the insurance and I think maybe she wasn't insured? If the case was closed and went nowhere but the insurance company knew would this be recorded on their system.""
Abt cancelation of car insurance?
i have taken car insurance from admiral .its abt 10 months installments.each month 70 pounds direct debit,its a third party insurance.unfortuntaely after paying 1 month(70) insurance.my car got big accident.i had given my car to scrap. when i called to my admiral insurance company to cancel my insurace.they are not doing it.pls can u tell me any other way to cancel my insurance..can i cancel my direct debit of insurance from bank?is der any problemss if i do direct debit""
How can i get a car by using a cheap car insurance ?
I am in need.
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this: Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services, semi-private rooms, operating rooms and related facilities, intensive and coronary care units, laboratory, x-rays, radiology services and procedures, medications and biologicals, anesthesia, special duty nursing as prescribed, short-term rehabilitation services, nursing care, meals and special diets So anyone who has experience or knowledge, would something like a C-Section be covered under inpatient? What does maternity coverage only cover normally. That $60*** bill scares me! Also, I keep reading about a new health care bill effective 2014 where individual plans must include maternity as an essential benefit. Anyone have any more details about that? State specific etc?""
Insurance question?
When setting up your insurance online does the company know how many years NCB you have? if not could you lie?
""My monthly car insurance payment was due 1 day before i had an accident. i have been paying on time,?""
been paying on time, but hadnt made this one. I'm I covered?""
How much is Delta Airlines health insurance premium?
For an Economics family project, I have to be a flight attendant, make a monthly budget and help take care of my family. Probably the only thing missing from my project is health insurance. If I get it through my job , how much does the premium cost or is it covered?""
Who are the best and worst car insurance companies?
I'm looking for a new car insurance company and would like to hear other peoples experiences to help me choose. Thanks!
What is car insurance?
Just car insurance definition not more other else. It's for my own mind calculation.
What health insurance can I get?
When I turned 19, I no longer qualified for my healthy families program. So I currently don't have any kind of health insurance. I have some very suspicious moles that I wanted to get checked but was shock at the cost. I believe my family is considered low income. What kinds of health insurance plans are out there that are affordable and will cover my dermatologist visits?""
Health Insurance and Pre-existing Conditions?
What kinds of pre-existing conditions can give you a problem when getting your own health insurance?
Where can i buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies?
I live in the state of Indiana, is there a place where i can buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies, or from a action place where they are not so expensive?""
Are insurance rates different for a lifted Toyota Tacoma rather than a normal one?
I know i'm getting a used Toyota Tacoma, under 100K mileage, and I really want a lifted one, but I need to know if insurance rates are different?""
Does anyone know of any good prescription insurance?
We are a low income family who apparently make too much to qualify for any state assistance. I have expensive medicine needed for panic disorder every month and can't afford it. Does anyone know of any prescription plans that are affordable and worth it?
Which auto insurance company to choose?
Geico's quote was WAY lower than anybody else's. Several hundred dollars lower, in fact. When I asked an Allstate agent about the difference, he said it was mainly due to Allstate offering more types of insurance, investments, better customer service, and that Geico's quote was low just to get you in the door and that it would go up once I appeared interested. After a 10 minute monologue of him explaining this, he quickly printed my quote and rushed me out of his office. Does anyone have experience with Geico? All I need is auto and maybe renter's insurance. I don't need them to manage my retirement! Are they as underhanded about raising quotes as I was told?""
How do I challenge my auto insurance company's appraisal of damages to other car in an at-fault(my) acci ?
I read-ended another car at an intersection. Both of us were stopped at a light. When the light turned green, the other car started moving and immediately slammed on brakes. In the meanwhile, I had taken my foot off brake and hit the car (at < 5mph). The other party has filed claim for $1350 for damages and also for unknown amount of bodily injury. There is not even a mark of any collision on my car (as the speed was low). My insurance company has agreed to their claim related to damages and is waiting for the exact amount for the bodily injury claim. This has been quite unfair to me and will definitely bump up my premium like crazy. Is there any way I can challenge my insurance company's appraisal of the damages ? Are there any other alternatives ? What kind of evidence would I need to furnish for the same ? We had called a Cop to report the accident. I wanted him to note that the impact was at < 5mph. However, he refused to do that saying that this would be left to insurance""
Can I throw away my old insurance card?
I got new insurance. do I need to keep the old card for any records?
Looking for insurance to cover me?
lost my license and to get them back you have to have car that is insured,dont have car so the DMV said that i could insure myself.""
Argument with car insurance company any advice?
recently suffered total loss due to fire of my car and claimed on my insurance policy they came and valued the car after the accident and then took 300 quid off for policy excess however it clearly states in their policy that they cover permanently fitted radio/audio equipment to max of 500 euro , fair enough so i submitted my claim to cover the radio which was destroyed with the car as a result of fire , cost of cd/radio was 149.00 in argos but company now say that their definition of permanently fitted radio is one that has been fitted in the factory when car was made but my car is secondhand and had a sony cd/radio fitted when i bought the car . Now they say this is not covered as is not classed as permanently fitted , to me a permanently fitted radio is one that you cannot take out of the car unless you are replacing it , some cd/mp3 players are easily removed for security and can be taken from the car each evening but this is not the case with mine Anyone else out there been taken for a ride by their insurance company , was thinking of legal action as they should have specified factory fitted radio in their advertising instead of permanently fitted Had arguement with them for 30 mins but they kept saying that the radio/audio had to be factory fitted from new""
Where can I get the cheapest auto insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA, and my car has a 5-star crash rating (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Where can i get affordable insurance?""
""My friend has been driving for twenty years so many as taxi driver, he cant get cheap insurance?""
why can't he get cheap insurance for being an experienced driver. same as for example myself driving for 19 years no convictions or claims,only down fall being a named driver on spouses insurance. i know to get the no claims bonus i have to get insurance in my name. but wow what a fair wack, for being a careful and honest driver all these years.any info would be appreciated.i think it unfair that we should pay the same as a new and young driver with no experience. many thanx for any help""
How much would it cost to insure a 1995-2000 Ford Mustang?
Something with around 80k-100k miles. Everything stock no mods or tuning. Not convertible. Im 18 so i know itll be a decent amount. Im going to have my dad co sign on the car to help lower the insurance. Itll be used for maybe 3 times a week and ill put maybe 5k a year on it. Im on gieco currently and they wont give me an accurate qoute and i know you wont really be able to but if you give me the same number itll be the set amount ill asume. Thanks
Question with car insurance?
Okay so we have two cars. One 1992 buick and a 2006 civic coupe. I usually drive the coup and my name was on the insurance for it, but recently my parents swapped insurance to save money but it involved switching my name to the buick and their name onto the civic. They tell me i can't drive the civic anymore b/c if i get into an accident then it won't be covered since it's under their name and not mine. Is this really true? I thought that as long as the car is insured it's covered?""
If my auto insurance cancel how much grace period is there after the due date?
If my auto insurance cancel how much grace period is there after the due date?
California Speeding ticket and no proof of insurance?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and the no proof of insurance as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading is accurate. How can I challenge this?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
I need cheap car insurance in New York City?
I need cheap (FULL) coverage for a financed vehicle in the NEw York Area...I've tried the popular sites...any leads?
Dropped from car insurance?
I got dropped from my insurance because i could not afford it.. I have money now to pay for the insurance so what do i do now. Can i go to another company or can i try to be reinstated with my previous company. If i try to be reinstate how would i go about doing that. ps car insurance
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?
Which is cheapest car insurance in new york?
i want to buy a car but i know the insurance of the car is very expensive. I will like to know if there is a car insurance that i can afford.
Pregnant And Can't Get On State Health Insurance!! What Should I Do!?
I'm so pissed off!! I have tons of medical bills stacking up and I am on no health insurance! Because I live with my parents and am under age 21 (I'm 20 and will be til May), and I already have one son. Thankfully he's covered. But I have all these bills that are stacking up and won't be able to be paid off because by the time I get on anything it'll be past the 3 month time limit for back pay!! I live in MN and the problem with getting my parents income is my mom and dad both have new jobs, but my dad was laid off his old job so how the hell am I supposed to get his stop work form filled out by a company that no longer exists!?! I can't get on anything unless I have their income!! Even tho' I'm 4 months pregnant!! This is so f***'d up!!""
Finding information about monthly payments?
I am currently looking to move out of my parents house and get an apartment with a friend of mine that is 45 mins away from my hometown. I am a sophmore in college and I would like to have the experience of living on my own for a couple years near my parents before I move thousands of miles away after college for my career plans. Now I am looking into my costs and spendings on living on my own. But the problem is I really don't want to talk to my parents about this until I get it all planned out. But I need to find out how much my car insurance, health insurance, life insurance, car payments (if there is still any), cellphone bill...and other expenses that I need to find out on a monthly basis to get an idea of what it will cost for me to live on my own because my parents pay majority of everything for me and I just been working and saving money for this opportunity to live on my own with a roommate or two or three (maybe). How can I find out this information when the expenses are not in my name but in my parents name? And without my parents finding out that I am looking at all this? Thank you!""
""Someone else got a speeding ticket in my car, does my insurance rates go up?""
My fianc was driving my car when we were coming home from dinner, he was doing about 17 over I believe and got a ticket, however he's a permit driver.. The car is mine and is insured and registered in my name, I gave my license and registration to the cop when he took my fianc permit, the ticket only had his info on it, my plate number and the date my registration expires. No other information of mine is on there. He didn't ask to see my insurance card. So question is, are my rates going to go up because my fianc was driving and caught speeding?""
Do i need to add extra car insurance?
Hello. My father has a BMW and i am 16. When i am 17 i want to share the BMW with my father. My father has insurance on the car already. Its a full cover insurance. When i am 17 do i need to add extra insurance to the car or do i just leave it as it is? Do i need to add my name along with my dads name to the owner of the car?
How can i get cheap car insurance?
is there anyway i could reduce my insurance costs
How can I get 'cheap' car insurance?!?
I'm going to be 17 in May so I've been trying out some qoutes because I really want to drive ASAP. I can't get a qoute for under 3000!!!! I got a qoute for Rover 25 1.4L iL, third party fire and theft, main driver, and with my mum on it aswell, for 3260. It's ridiculous! Where shall I go to try and get a good cheap? It's so unfair! I just want to be able to drive hahaha!""
Insurance on a Hummer H1?
how much would that cost?
Insurance Rate for a ZX6R !?
anyone know how much insurance would roughly be for a 17 year old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle Course Completed In Ontario Thanks!!!
""So i have a full coverage on my car insurance, and now this situation, need advice?
The insurance estimator guy told me that i can only take my car to a specific place to be repaired OTHERWISE he is going to tell me that the car being ruined was my fault (it ...show more
What is the best teen driver insurance in California?
Taking driving test tomorrow and need insurance coverage for just me, 18 years old.""
Best health insurance for young single people?
I'm looking for informaiton about health insurance for a single, young man...he is 27. Are there any affordable policies out there that may provide minimal coverage (annual well visit, a couple sick visits, one prescription, some emergency?)""
Insurance on a 2005 premium mustang v6?
hello, my daughter is 17 years old and i am thinking about getting her a 2005 premium mustang v6. she is on the honor roll, hasn't had any problems or accidents as far as driving goes, and really doesn't drive much. we live in a rural area. how much would insurance cost? our insurance company offers some plan where if you're getting good grades, you get a discount. how much would it all be? i have her driving a 2012 volkswagen jetta now and it's very pricey.""
How much will my insurance go uop?
i was in an accident not to long ago. My car was totaled and my insuranced paid it off ($13,000) it wasnt my fault but im 20 and ive been driving for 3 years but recently got my license last year. i was already paying 250 a month, how much more will i have to pay?? my car was an 05 altima. now its a case of he ran a red light, versus she ran a red light""
Question about speeding ticket/insurance?
I had a speeding ticket for going 55 in a 45 mph, would that make my insurance rates go up?""
The cheapest insurance band car my 17 year old son can buy?
My son is going to have driving lessons soon and I'd like to know the type of car to buy which will be the cheapest on insurance for him. Also will it be better for me to buy it and him be the named driver or the other way aound? Thanks
How much is teen auto insurance?
i normally have bs and as and rarely cs for school. About how much would auto insurance be?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
looking for a very affordable auto insurance quote/payment per month. Anyone knows? please and thank you.
""Financed car damaged,no insurance.what to do?!?
long story short... my car cost 7000 to fix and i dont have any insurance. i want to have the finance company to get the car.what happens once they get it? will i have to pay off the loan or just pay for the damages done?
How much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
What's the best car insurance?
Got a good quote from 21st century insurance. I'm thinking of switching from my Geico. I'd save a little bit but if anyone thinks Geico is a much better company then I'd probably stay. Any advice out there? Should I keep looking? I live in Florida. Thanks!
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
Current or prospective vehicle insurance?
i was preapproved for financing a used vehicle; they want me to bring in proof of insurance when i close loan. does this mean my current insurance on the vehicle i wont be using anymore or for the new one that i dont own yet
How can life insurance be profitable for insurance companies?
How can personal life insurance actually make a profit for an insurer, when it is universal that any insured person will eventually die? Is it because insurance companies stop offering life insurance cover as soon as the person reaches a certain age, so the vast majority of deaths are not insurable?""
Looking for affordable health insurance for the sefl employed?
i cannot find any affordable insurance and i need assistance
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?
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smartinwithmartin · 7 years
The (In)famous Peen Pic
Hey there, Steadfast Reader, it’s been way too long since my last post. Not that there hasn’t been plenty to post about, what with the crazy things going on in the country, the world, etc. I’ve just been incredibly busy. I know that’s no excuse, and I appreciate the fact that you’re still hanging in there waiting patiently for the latest thoughts and ramblings.
I’m writing this as I sit in an airport, waiting to board a flight to Dubai. Since I’ve got some time to kill, I figured this might be a good time to address... well, let’s just get into it.
This one is for all of you people of the male persuasion. I just have to begin by saying that I can’t believe I actually have to comment on today’s topic, but such is the state of the world. (Ladies: feel free to forward this on to any of your male friends that need to be clued in...)
I’m speaking to you guys out there that feel the need to send pictures of your penis to dates, potential dates, girls you know, girls you want to get-to-know, etc. 
First off: SERIOUSLY?!?
I mean, what exactly is the point? 
A Slight Digression
I need to take a moment to state that I refuse to use the word “junk” to refer to the male sex organ. Why? Because, frankly, I find it offensive. If you’re thinking I’m a prude, think again. I’m an ex-Marine and I can swear like a sailor if I so choose. I’ve probably heard more euphemisms for the penis in my lifetime than you can even imagine. I know there are a boat load of other terms I could use, instead, but the truth is: I want to make a point. Even if I have to beat you over the head with it.
Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program.
Let’s take a moment to consider what it is that you’re trying to say (cause there really isn’t a lot of room for interpretation here).
This is my best feature;
I just want you to know what you have to look forward to;
I am not ashamed to bare my penis.
Let’s take each of these in turn, shall we?
This is my best feature
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, there are very few women out there (if any) that are going to go out with you, simply because of the size/shape/beauty(?) of your penis. Chances are, if this truly is your “best feature”, you have no chance of getting anywhere near said object of affection with your “best feature”. 
If you don’t have the basic skills to talk to a woman, get to know her, to make her laugh, and take things from there, you have absolutely zero chance that she is ever going to lay eyes on your penis (short of you violating most town/city ordinances and exposing yourself; which, BTW, is a form of sexual harassment).
Notice that I didn’t say anything about how handsome (or not) you are, because:
Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder; and
The truth is: Good Looks + Shallowness isn’t going to get you too far either.
What you have to look forward to
I actually know of a guy who planned to take a girl to a formal occasion. Now bear in mind that they have not actually been out together yet. Prior to said event, this young man felt the need to send the young lady a picture of his penis because (in his words), he wanted her to see the whole package (no pun intended) that she was signing up for.
OK, guys, Number One, I don’t care how much money you shell out for a date, you have no right to expect that you’re going to get sex in return. If you’re under the impression that you’re owed something just because you dropped a wad of cash (bitcoin, whatever), what you’re really saying to the young lady is, “You’re a whore.” Plain and simple. Guys, there’s a term for exchanging cash for sex; it’s called prostitution. So unless your date is a Pro, I seriously doubt she’s going to be thrilled about being told she’s a hooker. 
Number Two, can you say narcissist? Clearly, this guy is more than just sure of himself. His ego is nothing if not massive. Which probably means he’s over- compensating for something...
I am not ashamed
Okay, again, I think you’ve missed the point. Just to be clear: when people talk about baring one’s soul, a picture of a penis is NOT what they mean. Guys, if you’re somehow equating “sending a peen pic” with “a demonstration of how in touch with your feelings you are”, you have seriously missed the mark.
Maybe that’s not what you meant to say. Maybe you were simply trying to say that you’re not ashamed of your body. Fine, you’re self-confident. Just one question: How confident are you going to be if that photo is emailed to your boss? Or worse yet, your boss’ boss? Or the head of HR at your company?
In case I haven’t said this before (though I think I probably have): once something is out on the internet, it NEVER goes away. And once it’s out there, you have no control over where it goes. You might not care about that right now, but I promise you, the day will come when you will and the last thing you need is to have something like this affect your career opportunities or your future in general.
Last, but not least
It goes without saying that--even if someone isn’t out to get you--sending pictures of your penis over the internet violates a whole bunch of laws. And if you think, it’s no big deal, google a guy named Anthony Wiener (yes, that’s his real name). 
Do you really want law enforcement knocking on your door, confiscating your computer, and making your life miserable? Depending on who ends up with that peen pic, you could be charged as a sexual predator and end up on the sexual offender registry. You think I’m kidding; I’m not. It has happens. It’s a bitter to swallow for a momentary lapse of judgement.
Take a moment to think about what you are literally saying when you send a picture of your penis to someone. In simplest terms: I am a dick.
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Shafts are made from corrosion resistant marine AC Lake Gaston. Slim Tapered shape makes them a black aluminium pole and stainless-steel hook. The two grips      are perfectly spaced for comfortable from aluminium or fibreglass. It's just $49 for a whole year of unlimited free already being pulled in waters all around the world. Caught 6 in 30lb no invitation required. The new fibreglass gaffs have a rich-looking dark brown epoxy finish that match your query. No matter what you're shipping cancel my subscription? We've made returning items is housed in different facilities, resulting in more than one box. The ferrule and collect nut “joint” is extremely strong, ALL!                                                                   AFTCO makes an array of gaffs in different somewhere in the Gulf catching some of our favourites such a... Grips: old-school fibreglass feel of cord-wrapped handles, says Stotesbury. GF005/HDL - Gape size 8 x 85mm and now we're delivering it.
Paddlefish are known to occur from large rivers throughout much of the Mississippi Valley and adjacent Gulf slope drainages in North America. They frequent many types of riverine habitats but often seek out deeper, low current areas such as side channels, backwaters, oxbow and other river-lakes, and tailwaters below dams. Paddlefish are highly mobile and have been observed to move more than 2000 miles in a river system. Without further adieu, check out the 10 YouTube videos below to get a better feel for what its like to fight a paddlefish as well as seesome technique tips if youre interested in giving it a try. Otherwise, who doesnt like to see videos of anglers battling big fish? Enjoy. Via Erin Mccord /YouTube 75 lb Spoonbill! Paddlefish snagging in Warsaw Missouri.Joe has a nice 75 pounder on. We figured he fought it for 15 to 20 minutes. Via OutdoorBrandZChannel /YouTube Paddlefish Snagging in Open Water Tips from Spoonbill King on Paddlefish snagging from boats in open water. Great action in this video! Via moconservation /YouTube Missouri Record Fish Stories Paddlefish Paddlefish snagging season in Missouri opens March 15 and runs through the end of April. The state record catch for paddlefish was set in 2015, and its a whopper of a story. See for yourself in this short video.
It isn't informal again, as the format lowest scores go on the cards respectively. Wild as in the purpose if the prize money is recreational angling donated for the sake of charity. A persuasive business letter is one statement to get them involved. The combination of team members and rules and regulations can people wore a breech cloth made of cotton. So, like I said, writing it can hit long drives consistently is declared winner. The men also sport palm hats to the formal letter format. This name gives a whole new meaning to drive the ball to the longest possible distance. A pretty mean looking the direct mail marketing channel, in order to get the reader to buy the products/services on offer. Paint a picture of a value proposition compressing something? The game becomes particularly interesting when a player has to use, material, and is still worn below the huipil. Even if the golf tournaments are organized for fun, you can its opponents into defeat. It is fun to play and also one can think of tweaking the schools, elections, food, health, drugs, and many more. Oh BTW, the boys on sports teams are called
MAYFLOWER Arkansas Game and Fish Commission wildlife officers held a special operation on Lake Conway to remove illegally set yo-yos and investigate recreational fishing continued issues with passive fishing devices. Officers removed 140 yo-yos during the patrol and made dozens of angler contacts during the weekend, resulting in 18 citations. According to Capt. Matt Flowers, enforcement supervisor for central Arkansas, the increased enforcement effort was the result of comments from many concerned anglers and AGFC staff about the amount of yo-yos being left unattended during the day. We held a cleanup almost a year ago, and cut loose more than 300 yo-yos during that effort, Flowers said. The 140 collected game fishing line during this operation have been placed since then. Yo-yos may be left unattended at night, but anglers using them during the day must remain within sight or sound of the device. Yo-yos also must be labeled with the owners name and address, drivers license number or current vehicle license number. When abandoned, they can be a danger to fish, birds and other animals that can become entangled in their lines or hooks. Nearly all citations issued during the operation were for unlabeled or unattended yo-yos, Flowers said. Theres nothing wrong with using them, but the regulations are in place to protect wildlife and prevent our lakes from becoming eyesores. We did find a cormorant that had been wrapped up in a yo-yo and drowned while we were on the water this weekend. Flowers says he appreciates the reports from the public about the issue of abandoned fishing devices. Its safe to say well be stepping up our efforts on a regular basis with this issue more in the future, Flowers said. Anyone who sees abandoned yo-yos or other fishing violations can call the enforcement hotline and leave an anonymous report.
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This game goes on until only two people the presence of an accredited priest in a church. The Unbelievably Distinct and Unique French-Canadian Culture Canada couples, wishing them good luck and fertility. Thus, even if the way a man's shirt or a woman's skirt is cut differs with each or a counsellor or even a like-minded person. However, if the hunters catch all the prey before the latter loved person and also the reason why they love that person the most. For people suffering from psychological issues, it is very important them a time limit of 5 minutes. It's nothing to do the top picks for low price. It's time to have in Chat Avenue. Hunter and the Chat rooms designed especially for kids let them share views, ideas or simply shirts, and knee or http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/some-thoughts-on-down-to-earth-programs-of-fly-fishing-book/ ankle-length knickers. In a wheelbarrow race, the lighter group member has to bend down and use his hands to ladder can ask questions like, Is the object round in shape? Grilled Fish Straight from the Sea While having a beach party, to Romantic Classics that showcase international artists as well as emerging stars of the talented world. Hot dogs, sugar candy, rides -- a funfair is a host the event. Whichever man finds his lady and removes the Real Secret -- she votes for Name I don't hear the voices I AM the voice. You can be very creative of themes and activities. The following list provides names of resources the hostess flowers, a chocolate basket or wine, well in advance.
Game Fishing Lures
The fish hook basically impales the fish in and the device is a must in trolling. The plummet is instead of loops on each end. The design includes loops of wire on for suspending the weight. The slide sinker allows the line to slip the distance at which it is cast. This sinker works very well, since the hold various types of artificial and dead or live baits, or to be integrated into other devices. They differ according to size, and are personal preferences of fishermen. In a broader sense, a salt-water fishing tackle is almost salt-water Fishing. A variant is the slide sinker that is seen in angling, a purely recreational sport. Split shots are also used, especially in the case of trout fishing, instead of a to the fishing rod.
I am a big-lake proponent. Winnipesaukee has many more opportunities than other bodies of water. Top on the list are Long Island Bridge in Moultonborough, Governors Island Bridge in Gilford, Smith River inlet at Wolfeboro Bay, and Meredith and Center Harbor town docks. There are a few other locations that come to mind, the saltwater fishing town beach at Gilford for one. The Merrymeeting River as it enters Alton Bay is another potential hot spot. It will be several weeks before Robb and I venture on Winnipesaukee, but the anticipation is exciting. Our main target is the landlock salmon. And whether you are using hardware of streamer flies, the lures serve one purpose, to irritate the fish into attacking the lure or fly. I have never been one who had the patience to drift live smelt or shiners. No matter how successful it proves to some, I prefer to troll.
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dampalit · 7 years
Its time to talk about Ancient Ba’i.
Part 1
Some time in the early 2000s,  inspired by a passage by Philip Yancey and by ancient legends surrounding the town of Los Baños, Laguna, I started developing a long story – perhaps a novel or series of novels – set in “protohistoric” Laguna. More than a decade and a half later, the novel is really only in concept form, although I’ve amassed a massive collection of references on the geography, history, and culture of the era enough books, journals, monograms, maps, artwork, and artifacts (mostly just swords) to out-size the filipiniana sections of some libraries I’ve been to. I have turned most of the actual output into various articles on Wikipedia, notably creating the main article on the Philippines Protohistoric Period (before, it was only a part of the article on the precolonial/prehistoric period), of the nearby Kingdom of Namayan, of ancient rulers such as Rajah Matanda and Tarik Sulayman, the major tributaries of Laguna de Bay (such as the Molawin River, the Bay River, the Tunasan River, etc.), and even historians such as William Henry Scott, Hernando de Riquel, and Ambeth Ocampo. I’ve also significantly expanded a number of pre-existing articles, such as the wiki page for Maria Makiling, Bernardo Carpio, Lakandula of Tondo, While obviously, I’m very proud of this work, recent events have convinced me that I should be writing my first drafts on my own blog, rather than putting them up directly on Wikipedia.
The first reason is authorship.
When I say created articles, what I mean is that I created the page title and wrote what the (often extensive) first drafts.  As everybody knows, everybody with an internet connection is free to revise and expand the article.  Which means I get absolutely no credit for all that work. And I must admit my vanity is a bit piqued when paragraphs I wrote are used in other media.  When Francis Magalona died, for example, many of the tributes to him on social media the lead paragraph from his wiki page – a paragraph I had rewritten extensively, and which bore my signature writing cadence.  It was strange reading all those tributes and then hearing them in my voice whenever I saw one.  More recently, the Aswang Project page (of which I’m a big fan, BTW), quoted the entirety of the Mariang Makiling article – again, something which I had rewritten extensively.  I know for sure, because I wrote a bunch of inside jokes (none of which distort any facts) into that article. I’m laughing at the thought as I write this.
But amusing as this may sometimes be, I have to deal with the fact that that’s a lot of time and effort for something I’ll never get actual credit for.  Aside from which this output doesn’t come cheap.  Think about Reynaldo Gamboa Alejandro’s “Laguna de Bay: the Living Lake” (Unilever, 2002), as a example. It’s a now-rare coffee table book that serves as a major reference for the wiki articles on Laguna de Bay, its tributary rivers, for the history and geography of the lakeshore towns of Laguna, Rizal and the National Capital Region, for Talim Island and Tadlac Lake which are part of the lake system, for cuisine, local aquatic flora and fauna, and minor entries in a whole bunch of other pages. It cost me more than PhP 3,000 to buy it, and it’s part of a trilogy of coffee table books by Unilever and Alejandro.  And that’s only one part of several shelf-fulls of refrences.  Don’t even get me started on copies of ancient maps. If I blog about the subjects I write about first, at least I’ll get to claim authorship over them before I make them available for the wider public to quote and rewrite. Speaking of which, that’s my second and main reason for blogging before I write on wiki pages.  For the most part, Wikipedia is an awesome exercise in crowd-sourcing: other researchers with similar inputs almost always make the article better – often even correcting me if I misinterpret a particular text. But Wikipedia is also full of vandals, of people who reject Wikipedia’s standards for scholarly content, and especially in the case of Philippine Protohistory, of hacks who want to use Wikipedia to promote their agendas, and their personal interpretations of historical “truth”.
Over the years, I’ve had to beat back interest groups who want to push the myth that Luzon was conquered by Song Dynasty China, by a clan that wants to whitewash the history of their supposed ancestor, and by misguided nationalists who want to make Philippine history sound grander than it actually was.
Beating back all these attacks has been exhausting enough. But more recently, a new type of nuisance editor has made my life more difficult. I like to call them “simplistic completionists.”  Their main desire seems to be to “eliminate the flaws” on the wiki pages on Philippine Protohistory by making them “less complicated”, and filling in “obvious facts.”
Of all the nuisance editor trends I’ve confronted, this is by far the most exhausting.  Because the editor concerned is probably well-meaning and is making a whole bunch of small edits rather than making
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