#what exactly is stopping her from releasing them as an ebook?
spacehero-23 · 7 months
i just saw the kickstarter shipping "update"... so it's safe to assume cassie saw us being upset.
i know nothing will change but at least she knows that her international fans are upset and feeling like we're not important AGAIN!
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maverick-werewolf · 4 years
Wulfgard: The Hunt Never Ends Preview - Story 6, “Troubled Waters”
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Interior illustration from The Hunt Never Ends story, “Troubled Waters”
We’re almost there - the book releases one week from today!
I am a very special kind of stressed, lemme tell you.
This preview is of the final story in the story collection and my personal favorite: “Troubled Waters.” If you didn’t know, this is a preview for my upcoming story collection, Wulfgard: The Hunt Never Ends. It’s a book, but it’s something in-between a novel and a short story collection.
Each story in the book is individual and stands on its own, but they also go in order and build upon each other. So I’m not sure if one should really call it a novel, but it’s also different than just unrelated short stories. It bridges the gap between the two mediums.
Anyway, here’s another preview - enjoy!
For more info on the book itself, you can also check out this post. Also be sure to check out the Hunt Never Ends tag for a whole lot more book previews!
And remember - Wulfgard: The Hunt Never Ends is available for preorder (digital only; physical available on release date) on Amazon.com!
Pre-Order Link
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Please note that, while the ebook is now available for preorder, Wulfgard: The Hunt Never Ends will also be available in paperback on October 30 from the same Amazon listing! Paperbacks cannot be preordered using Amazon’s system, however.
Be sure to check back October 30 for the physical (paperback) edition!
If you’re interested in purchasing the book digitally, you can now pre-order it right here and have it immediately on October 30!
(Paperback edition will be available on Amazon on October 30)
There were a lot of things Caiden knew how to do. Clean a sword. Maintain a bow or a crossbow, even customize the latter almost beyond recognition. Make his own arrows or bolts. Investigate a crime scene. Bandage a wound, make a tourniquet, brew a potion, hunt, forage, track, forge his own tools or weapons, carve wood, build houses or fortifications, command an army, cook meals…
But one thing he didn’t know how to do was read. And it pissed him off.
The beds in Castle Greywatch weren’t much. Some straw, changed daily, for a mattress, and some sackcloth to cover it. Any Venatori better off liked to buy their own beds, but Caiden wasn’t exactly drowning in coin. Following the dullahan encounter on Samhain, Kiya had given him a feather pillow as thanks – he didn’t want to think it had belonged to Relgar, but it probably had – and that was the nicest part of his sleeping arrangement in the castle.
He shifted his back against that pillow, currently squashed between him and the shoddy headboard and struggling to retain any fluffiness as a result. He tried to focus. Focus, he tended to be good at, but staring at the book in his hand almost made him wonder. It was a much smaller bestiary than the one Gwen had been given by Illikon, with a likewise smaller amount of illustrations.
If he had any sense, he would have just asked Gwen for help with reading. But his dignity – or maybe his stubbornness, or both – had long since thrown that idea out. He had all day to struggle with this, unless something came up. So, he reached to the nightstand beside him for the bottle of whiskey there. If there was something Castle Greywatch did have, it was decent booze.
Not that it seemed to be helping right now. It made things a little fuzzier, maybe. Slightly dulled that deep, gnawing, empty pain inside him, but not enough.
After they left Illikon, that feeling had grown louder, rowdier – tried to make itself more known. Whatever it was found claws to dig into his spine, using them to reach his skull. There, it chewed into him, left seeds of growing frustration – restless anger he couldn’t seem to muzzle. Any unwanted feelings of loneliness, of being lost, only got worse. A pulling, a need, telling him to do something.
After a few nights spent at Greywatch, it had grown to take a shape he almost recognized: hunger. Impossibly deep hunger that absolutely nothing satisfied.
That was why he couldn’t think. Not the drink. Not the page in front of him, covered in small symbols supposedly forming words, all of which made no sense. It was the smoldering flame in him turning into an empty inferno, and he had no idea how to put it out – or how to give it more fuel to burn.
Caiden’s eyes lost focus on the bestiary, staring at something inside rather than out. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand, his grip on the book loosening, letting it droop.
Some tentative excitement came creeping up the stairs just outside the room. Caiden snapped the book shut and shoved it under his pillow, folding his arms and feeling an awful lot like a five-year-old trying to hide something embarrassing.
Except the bottle of whiskey. Couldn’t really hide that. Not like it mattered, anyway; she already knew it.
Gwen rounded the corner, peering into the room past the partially ajar door. She gave a few tentative knocks, eyes on him.
Caiden grunted. Yeah. Come in. You already have.
When she stepped into the room, Caiden instantly noted she was fully suited up, wearing her leather jerkin, belt of potions, weapons… Which for her, unlike him, was unusual to see when they were around the castle. Something was up.
Gwen paused, looked at him, followed his gaze to the far wall obviously in search of something interesting there, then at him again.
He met her stare evenly. “What?”
She shot the whiskey bottle a glance. “It’s a little early to be drinking, isn’t it?”
Caiden shrugged. Did that actually matter right now?
“Sure… Okay.” Cool worry filled the room, emanating from her, lapping jittery and mildly annoying waves against him. Gwen fumbled with a letter she’d been holding halfway behind her back. “Well, everyone in the great hall was talking missions, and a new one just came in. I snatched it up – thought it might be interesting. It’s not really like anything we’ve done before…”
An unnatural urge to snap at her, tell her to get on with it, rose in his throat and forced him to swallow it. Barely. It settled in his stomach, uncomfortable and heavy, and he tried to tell himself not to be a half-drunk asshole.
“What is it?” he prompted, voice coming out too flat as he struggled to find his usual patience.
That made Gwen screw up her brow at him more than a little, but she said, “There’s a village in the mountains not far from here – secluded little place called Norhaven. It doesn’t seem very noteworthy, except it has its own freshwater spring coming out of a mountain. But now a monster’s attacking them over the water, or that’s what they’re claiming. They say it’s been burning people, of all things, and it only attacks in the dark.”
For half a second, Caiden’s mind stuttered and ground to a halt. The first time he met something that only attacked in the dark, it had been his first monster hunt. It wasn’t something he liked recalling.
But he nodded.
“They… want us there as soon as possible,” Gwen added, almost tentatively. No, not almost. Definitely. Her nerves were frayed. She was worried about something, and it only seemed to get worse the longer she looked at him.
Caiden didn’t much like people worrying about him. He never had.
So he huffed, trying to figure out how to give what she might consider a ‘normal’ response. He stood and popped his neck in a short shock of painful relief. Even if it didn’t help the pinching headache he’d gotten from being bent over a book and trying to read for so long, it felt slightly better.
“Maybe we should wait until tomorrow morning,” said Gwen, still eying him like he was sick.
He eyed her right back. “I’m fine.”
“Caiden, you’ve drunk way more than usual lately – and that’s already saying something – and way earlier in the day. You know how terrible that is for you, right? And besides that, you’re talking even less.”
Gwen frowned. Some kind of hurt came off her then, enough to make his insides almost start to shrivel.
“You can trust me,” she said at length. “If something’s wrong, talk to me about it. Wouldn’t you be the first one to tell me that you need to know if I have something going on, so it doesn’t jeopardize our mission?”
Caiden’s jaw tightened, hard, before he gave it permission. You know she’s right. Yeah, she was right, and he couldn’t tell her. Every word, every phrase that came to mind sounded dismissive. Uncaring, or at least untrusting.
But Gwen gave up fairly quickly, still wearing a frown. She nodded and said, “Okay. Want to leave in an hour or two? It isn’t far to ride. We’ll get there before sundown and we can find a place to sleep.”
Caiden nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll meet you by the stables.”
With that, Gwen turned and left – though not without throwing a quick, and decidedly worried, look back at him over her shoulder.
(More preview under the cut!)
“These attacks,” said Gwen, “do they usually happen around the spring, under the trees?”
Asger nodded. “Mostly.”
“And has anyone been in that cave since it started?”
“Where the source is? Gods, no. Gotta have a deathwish to walk into the dark after this thing.”
“Yeah,” Caiden said, already walking around the trees and toward the cave. Behind him, Asger sputtered, while Gwen’s quiet footfalls and building, anxious excitement followed in his wake.
“Go on back to town and get some rest, Asger,” Gwen called back to him.
Caiden stopped before the mouth of the cave and squinted into it, reaching for a potion on his belt: one to enhance his senses. Beside him now, Gwen shifted, tension radiating from her like constant lightning.
“If you drink that and that thing burns you, it’ll really hurt,” she said. “I heard some Venatori pass out from pain if something catches them with one of those.”
Caiden huffed. “I didn’t last time. I won’t this time either.”
Just as he drained the potion bottle, Asger’s panting caught up with them again as he stopped by their side, drawing his bodkin dagger and holding it up in a shaking hand. Gwen blinked at him, and Caiden furrowed his brow.
Asger’s face slowly drained of color as he stared at Caiden’s eyes – a side-effect of the potion was his eyes glowing. Not much, just softly, but it tended to scare the hell out of the average person.
“You probably shouldn’t come with us,” Gwen offered slowly, like she was trying to calm Asger down from some fit of panic. “Especially since… your weapon there looks like something my partner might pick his teeth with.”
“This’s a finely-made dagger, I’ll have you know,” Asger blurted. “And I’m the watchman here, this is part of my job. Let’s go on then—”
He stepped forward, but Caiden snapped one hand out and got a firm grip on Asger’s arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“I’m on point,” he said. “You shouldn’t come, but if you’re following us, then stay behind me. Gwen…”
“On it. I’ll cover your rear— I mean, the rear.” A blush quickly rose in her cheeks. “Tom ruined me,” Caiden faintly heard her mutter under her breath.
Caiden grunted. Then he turned and led the way.
Didn’t take long for his eyes to adjust, then to adapt, thanks to that potion. Faint moonlight spilling in let him see limestone walls slick with condensation and a violently gushing spring, churning the water on the far end of the cavern at the base of the wall. Spitting it out straight into the reservoir, the flow of it turning gentle by the time it left the cave.
Heavy mist hung in the air here, maybe kicked up by the water. But something didn’t seem right.
Then he realized why.
Fear washed down upon them like frigid rain – so much fear that, for half a second, it froze every muscle in Caiden’s body. His nerves pulled taut, ready to break and snap down on him like a whip, hard enough to leave a few more scars on his back. Hand shooting to his sword hilt in a white-knuckle grip, he drew in a sharp breath and fought the chill that ran fast up his spine and forced him to be afraid.
This wasn’t natural. Gwen, from the way she was suddenly fumbling with her gear, seemed to know it.
Asger, on the other hand, didn’t. He bellowed out a hoarse shout, nearly fell spinning around to face the exit, and ran for the cave mouth.
All around them, a shrill voice echoed, “Leave this place!”
It spoke the words very clearly – not the gibberish he’d been told about.
Everything happened at once. A rush of air ripped by him, trailing cold in its wake, like off the surface of the spring itself. Asger screamed, his heavy boots scuffing the stone as something made him stumble and fall. Caiden charged forward at a surging shadow, blade ready to swing.
And an arrow lodged itself in his upper arm with a hard lance of pain and a meaty thunk.
Caiden coughed out a grunt and staggered from the impact, the arrow locking up his sword arm and stopping him mid-strike. Whatever had come past him and attacked Asger seemed already gone, moving faster than he could even understand.
Gwen appeared beside him in an instant, hand on his uninjured left arm and sputtering apologies. “Caiden!? I – gods— I shouldn’t have tried to shoot it, it moved so fast—”
The cave around him was far from silent. Asger swore as he scrambled to his feet, Gwen kept on apologizing as she tried in vain to tug Caiden out of the cave until he, halfway in a stupor, finally staggered along after her.
Boots against stone. Grass under their feet, bright moonlight overhead. Plenty of pain in his right arm that twitched useless and limp at his side.
These sensations stayed, but something was missing.
He’d heard once that silence was golden. He had never understood what ‘silence’ entirely meant. This was the closest he’d ever come.
The whispers had stopped – the fleeting memories. All of it. The fear from the monster was gone – his, Asger’s, Gwen’s – he felt no terror from anyone, though they still looked afraid. Sounded afraid. Moved like it. But he couldn’t sense it. It didn’t invade his mind, twist into him, and try to make itself at home.
And he suddenly felt blind. Deaf. Neither of those things, yet both at once – because it was gone. A sense he had known for his entire life, something that was always there. Gone, no trace left. He felt dumb.
Caiden blinked. Furrowed his brow. His shoulders tensed, pulled against the arrow still biting deep into his arm, and made him wince.
What the hell was going on?
In the corner of his vision, he saw Gwen fumble for something in a pouch on her belt, only to draw out the shattered neck of a bottle. She swore and threw it aside, turning her attention to him instead as he stared straight ahead at nothing in particular.
“Caiden – Caiden, hey, look at me!” Gwen grabbed the harness around his shoulders and tugged on it hard enough for his eyes to snap to her and stare. Her face was pale. “That arrow was poisoned. Okay? You’re probably woozy right now; it’s very fast-acting…”
She sucked in a hard breath and blurted, “Caiden if you say ‘I’m fine’ I swear to Athena I will punch you in the stomach.”
He paused and cocked his head at her, his mouth ever so slightly ajar.
“Listen,” she said, voice quivering and straining to sound strong, “the bottle for the antidote I had on me broke – I have more of it, but it’s in my saddlebag. We have to get you to the inn so we can get that arrow out and I can give you the antidote. Okay?”
“Just pull it out,” Caiden mumbled, his words coming out slurred.
“I’m not doing that, you don’t just suddenly pull an arrow out – there are procedures for this!”
One sharp tug on his uninjured arm later, and he was following her back down the mountain path, both of them led by a stumbling Asger. The watchman looked at a deep welt on his forearm, his flesh twisted and reddened – what was left of it. Most of it had burned off entirely. Asger swore more colorfully than the average sailor, wearing a deep grimace.
He separated from them with a few hurried words to Gwen – words Caiden should’ve heeded, but paid no attention to – and disappeared into a nearby home. Gwen kept leading the way, up the stairs and into the inn, still tugging on Caiden’s uninjured arm.
“By Jove!” the innkeeper shouted, starting up in an instant from where he’d been sitting in his quiet tavern.
He quickly started throwing questions, which Gwen just as quickly deflected. She mostly did that by dumping a handful of coins on the counter and asking for two rooms. All the while, Caiden leaned his uninjured arm on the nearest table and pulled in one deep breath after another.
Pain quickly found its way across his body, tightening every muscle and settling heavily in his chest, like having molten lead poured into his lungs. It didn’t leave him any room to breathe, and that didn’t leave him much room to think.
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karnsteinreview · 5 years
The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
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The Priory of the Orange Tree on Goodreads
Release Year: 2019
Format I Read: ebook
Length: 848 pages
Genres: high fantasy
LGBT Rep: sapphic (I’m assuming lesbian) pov character, lesbian love interest/major character, gay man pov character
Spoiler-Free Review: 
Ho-ly crap my dudes, I finally did it. I finally finished this absolute unit of book, and guess what? I really loved it a lot. This is exactly a book I’ve wanted for forever. A really killer high fantasy epic that also just happens to be really gay at times.
The main romance in the book is a f/f slow burn (yes, an honest to god lesbian slow burn), and I went in pretty much only knowing that, not even knowing who. At times I was definitely Sherlocking every single female character trying to figure out who the gays were, and I was pretty sure I knew who they were pretty on, but it takes a while for it to get going. When it does though…they sure do go, huh?
There is also an older gay male point of view character who’s gayness is pretty important to his story and motives, though (and this is a slight spoiler but it comes up pretty early on) the love of his life died some time before the story began.
This is a long, long book, and the Gays have issues throughout, some of it stemming somehow from them being gay or from their gay relationship conflicting against the society. Even with that, once their relationship really starts, there isn’t much in the way of outright homophobia. It’s hard to explain exactly, but there is the sense that being gay isn’t normal or completely accepted in the society, but also the relationship is pretty accepted once it gets kicked off. And the one plot issue that comes from someone trying to stop the relationship still doesn’t really stem from it being a gay relationship. It’s hard for me to explain further without going into spoilers.  
But yeah, the gayness isn’t hidden by any means, but it also isn’t always in focus. It interweaves with the plot for sure, but the central plot isn’t about it by any means. It’s very much a high fantasy story with a high fantasy plot, and it just so happens that the main romance is f/f.
Synopsis: Honestly there is so much going on that I’m not sure how to set it up, so I’m just going to copy and paste the official synopsis from goodreads:
“The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction--but assassins are getting closer to her door. Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic. Across the dark sea, Tané has trained all her life to be a dragonrider, but is forced to make a choice that could see her life unravel. Meanwhile, the divided East and West refuse to parley, and forces of chaos are rising from their sleep.”
The Good: You get the sense of the threat of homophobia without ever actually having to face it. The romance is cute and is the opposite of rushed. All of the definitely defined gay characters feel like fully fleshed out characters. They have motives. They have good and bad qualities, and aren’t perfect but also are never demonized. They do good and bad things. Dare I say, they are treated like actual people?
What Might Hinder You from Reading It: You are utterly intimidated by the size of the book. It’s really hefty. You don’t like high fantasy. You don’t like dragons. You don’t like monarchy stories (which I often don’t but I still liked this).
Would I Recommend It?: YES. YES MY GOD YES.
Now for the Spoilers: 
There are a few things I want to spoil for anyone that is interested in spoilers or who have specific concerns?
1)      Yes, the gays all survive to the end and have mostly happy endings.
2)      The main couple has a somewhat bittersweet ending that I don’t want to spoil, but it isn’t immediately happy for them. There is the promise of them getting their happy ending in the future, but there is still time before that will happen.
3)      It’s almost comedic how every single time there is a major development in the f/f relationship, SOMETHING HAPPENS and there is some threat or complication that must be dealt with. They always do deal with it, but it always means that they are in some way apart for a length of time.
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ghulaammohammed · 4 years
Erase My Back Pain Review
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Erase My Back Pain Review: Here Is My Thoughts And Opinions…
How many times the back pain ruined your life and stopped you from being happy? Well, the answer is uncountable. Let me ask you another question: How many times you booked and went to chiropractic appointment thinking that this time you will able to fix your back? The answer is the same.
Hi there! My name is Milner and I live in Downtown. If you are looking for erase my back pain reviews(aka back to life review) this is the only article you should read. I am sure, after reading this review: you will come to a conclusion whether the program is right for you and the ultimate solution for that exhausting pain.
No matter your age or gender: Because this program is designed for everybody. If you get this program, you don’t need to go for chiropractors. Chiropractic treatment are waste of your time and money. Because they will not give you treatment for permanent relief, instead they tell you to get some painkillers which will control the pain for some time.But this Erase My back pain is 100% better than chiropractic treatment. If you follow the system correctly you will get your old golden days back for sure.
To use this program: you don’t need any fancy equipment, you don’t need to leave your house. All you need is a yoga mat and an empty room or place. In this Back2life review, I will talk about the main features, benefits of back2life, advantages and disadvantages of the program to determine if it indeed does work as its author, Emily Lark, claims.So keep on Reading.Now let’s see what actually is EMBP aka back2life created by Emily Lark.
What Is Erase My Back Pain?
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Back to Life is a proven online coaching program: which is designed to help back pain, sciatica patients to get rid of it without going for chiropractors. This program is proven by science and teaches you a unique way: doing the daily routine for 10-15 minutes only. (but very effective and powerful)
Emily Lark(the author of erase my back pain) recommends you some exercises and stretches which is the key to unlock lower back pain. This program does not only help you to cure the back pain but also helps you to tone the abs and entire body as well.
As I said above: This program is working for men and women, at any age. So if you are a grandpa, then also this will work for you. The program is designed by very easy to understand videos, a healthy back checklist ebook, and two amazing Bonuses.
Most people say in their official erase my back pain website: that they saw immediate improvement right after doing the stretches and exercises. This program also helps to some more common types of back pain. Lumbar pain, Mid back pain, sciatica, spinal stenosis and back pain from accidents or injuries.
How does Erase My Back Pain work?
Emily’s program is not only based on exercises and stretches. She tells you to follow the correct dietary changes to get an effective result. Emily reveals some secret natural herbs you should use in dieting to relieve the pain.
Emily gets you through pain-free stretches to alleviate back pain completely and relieve muscle tension. Emily’s takes you through the program in a proven scientific sequence to improve the health of your back and removes the fault line in the body while strengthening and toning your core muscle.
This precise sequence of stretches and movements helps you to balance your vitality levels, unlock the body’s strength, and increase flexibility. Erase my back pain program is based on scientific pain research, kinesiology and exercise science.
Emily designed and prepared in three video part series that advance that your back pain is cured and your health improves. She tells you how you can address the most common posture imbalances and the correct routine also helps strengthen your core muscle.(core weakness is one of the pain behind back pain)
Who is Emily Lark?
Emily Lark is one of the most popular fitness and wellness coach. She is one of the top women in yoga, Fitness, and Pilates instructors in America(US). Emily has been teaching people these fitness and wellness training for more than 10 years and she opened her fitness and wellness studio in 2014 with the program she created to help people with regard everything about body shape.
At the age of 12, Emily faced a car accident. The accident resulted in her in severe back pain. She tried every doctor’s treatments: finally, the doctor said her to take back surgery but Emily refused to take surgery. Instead, she searched for non-surgical treatments to get relief from back pain.
She finally found this 10-minute routine and she able to get rid of the back pain permanently for life by doing these movements. Inside the program: you can see Emily reveals everything that she did to get permanent relief from back pain.
Is Erase My Back Pain scam or is it legit?
To be honest my back pain coach is not a scam. Emily will help you from start to end. She will be guiding you what should you do and how you should do exercises and stretches. The stretches and movements are carefully tested and proven keys to unlock your back pain or sciatica. This can ultimately help you to eliminate the pain in your back while your abdomen and core muscles are strengthened.
The stretches and movement will benefit you with balance, flexibility, and core strength. This program is not only helping you to strengthen your back but also tones your body. You don’t need to overcomplicate this because it is designed and based on kinesiology and Science. Whatever this program teaches will bring you improvements without disadvantages.
What are the features/Inside the system?
The system does not come with only videos: Emily herself tells you some different dietary recommendations. She will guide you from A to Z like what and which herbs you should take to relieve from back pain. Furthermore, you will get an easy-to-follow “healthy back checklist” ebook that you can read to learn more information. This “healthy back checklist” ebook will tell you how you can eliminate back and neck pain.
These are the overall outline of the program;
Preparations of sudden fits of back pain by restoring tendon, muscle, and nerve balances
Best proven sleeping positions to help you to cure back pain.
10-15 minute routine exercises and stretches.
The correct posture (standing, walking, and sitting)
Nutritional suggestions: what you should consume to help you in fixing chronic back pain and sciatica.
Well, the program alone is a massive value we get for the money. But you also get two Super-Cool bonuses. These bonuses also make the program even more worth for the money. These bonuses will also help you more in curing back pain and at the same time, it improves your health and wellness.These are the bonuses included in Erase My Back Pain;
Back2Life Yoga video for Bedtime Back Relief: This bonus video shows you practical remedial stretches and exercises to cure aching pains. You should follow this therapeutic routine before going to bed because this helps to reduce the back strain accumulated for all day.
Back2Life Guided Meditation Audio series: Emily’s used her yoga experience and prepared this audio series. This helps you to release stress and pain by meditating.
The Goods and Bads Of Back To Life
Now we will see both the advantages and disadvantages you will get from purchasing this program.
The program helps to get back your natural health for your body.
This program is designed for everybody who is suffering from back pain.
This will not consume your valuable time- it takes only 10 minutes to do per session for the day.
This program not only helps you to cure sciatica, but it also helps to tone your body.
Emily recommends you some dietary recommendations which are too beneficial for you mainly if you have no idea that diet is a relevant part of stretches and exercise.
The instructional videos are very easy to understand and straight to the point videos.
You don’t need any fancy equipments because you will be needed only a Yoga mat and a small area.
The program definitely worth the money and helps you to cure back pain permanently.
The program comes with 60-day money back guarantee. So you are risk-free and if the program does not right for you then you can get back the money.
To get access to the program: you should purchase from them.
It is available online. So you should need a constant internet connection to access it. (UPDATE: Now you can get a DVD copy)
There is no direct support where you can contact them through phone calls. Instead, they have email support which might take some time to get a response to your questions.
The forms and postures should be followed correctly. People who do not follow it correctly might suffer pain.
Is The Program Right for you?
Mostly back pain causes for those who do a work repeatedly being in the wrong posture. For example: sitting at the computer for a long time is one of the common cause. If you follow some exercises routine every day means you are alright.
But most of us are very lazy and not even visited a Gym. So sciatica can easily cause these people. One advantage of the Program is that it arrange you for something you are yet to participate.
If you are one of the people who suffer from back pain then this will work for you. Age, Gender, Height, weight it all does not matter. Because this program is designed for everybody.
Emily packed the Program with a 60-day money back guarantee. So you have 60 days to figure out your decision. If the program does not fit for you: then you can ask for the refund.
What Can You Expect If You Follow This Program?
I know that this question is running in your mind: “Exactly how quickly this will work for me?”
Well, I can’t guarantee you a time. Because the result will vary from everyone according to their pains and situations.
But I can tell you the two main factor that will decide how quickly it works;Nature of your pain in the back.The effort you put in.
There are people who suffer from different types of back pain. The most common types are arthritis, bad posture, sciatica, past injury, back pain from pregnancy, etc…
There are also some people sufferers due to causes like chemotherapy, which cause pain in the lower back and internal organs.
The majority of the people who tried to erase my back pain had felt immediate improvements for some time. While certain people got some time to see the results.
My word for you is: Stick to the program and do the sessions until you feel better and make sure to pay close attention to the healthy back checklist ebook.
Sometimes you can feel improvements for the first try itself. But don’t give up, continue the program for some time. These stretches and exercises take some time to bring back your old body to the correct shape.
If you are suffering from back pain and seeking for a solution: then this Erase My Back Pain(aka back to life) by Emily Lark is a right fit for you. Definitely, this program is worth your money because thousands of people cured their back pain with the help of this amazing program.
This program is designed for everybody who is suffering from back pain. Their age, gender, height, weight does not matter.Back To Life price is very cheap and anyone can afford this. This treatment is a hundred times better than chiropractic treatment.
If you do not take any decision now means your sorrowful life will continue. You will not able to play with your children, you can’t sleep well, you can’t go to a party etc.So trying this program is definitely worth your money and time. Instead of this taking, surgical treatment is No-brainer.
Don’t let things get worse. Try this, you can click this discount link to get erase my back pain with coupon and save more money further more.I hope I solved all your question in this back to life reviews. I also hope this back to life Emily lark reviews is very helpful. there are no complaints about back to life program. Still, if you have questions let me know in the comments below.
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tometender · 4 years
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Spartan Destiny
My Rating:
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Written by: Jennifer Estep
Series: Mythos Academy Spinoff (Book 3)
Paperback: 360 pages
Publisher: Jennifer Estep (January 14, 2020)
ISBN-10: 1950076040
ISBN-13: 978-1950076048
Genre: Teen | YA| Myth | Romance | Fantasy
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Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/2QkIo5m
Barnes & Noble NOOK: https://tinyurl.com/yyqksdgt
Apple Books: https://tinyurl.com/y3947tpo
Google Play: https://tinyurl.com/y2fpsfa6
Kobo: https://tinyurl.com/y597a59o
Smashwords: https://tinyurl.com/yxmhybd5
Amazon print: https://amzn.to/2oNRLxB
Barnes & Noble print: https://tinyurl.com/y3zhjlfo
IndieBound: https://tinyurl.com/wsrwqpc
Booksellers and librarians can order copies through IngramSpark.
AUDIOBOOK – To be released March 24
Tantor Audio: https://tinyurl.com/y5k2ydsg
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This Spartan makes her own destiny . . . Most kids at the Colorado branch of Mythos Academy know me as Rory Forseti, the daughter of Reaper assassins. Secretly, I’m a member of Team Midgard, a group of students and adults tasked with stopping Covington, the evil leader of the Reapers of Chaos. For me, the mission is a deeply personal one, since Covington is also the man who murdered my parents. When my friends and I get a lead on a powerful artifact that Covington wants to steal, we think we finally have a chance to thwart the Reapers and stop them for good. Team Midgard comes up with a plan, but everything goes sideways, and I’m suddenly in the fight of my life. My worst fears might have come true, but I know what my Spartan destiny is—to save my friends, or die trying . . .
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Spartan Destiny by Jennifer Estep Once again, Estep sweeps the reader into a world were magic, mythos and monsters are real with Rory and the Rory’s friends on the Team Midgard standing between us and the evil Reaper of Chaos. These strong and enigmatic characters are likeable and relatable, bringing their A game, as they take on the deceptive Reapers. It’s a race to obtain the artifacts that will turn the tide in the war against the Reapers, but it seems they are always one step ahead of Rory. Rory will do whatever it takes to save her friends and defeat the Reapers but hen everyone is turned against you, how do you save them from themselves…that is exactly what Rory faces when Covington infects them with poison that turns them Reaper. Rory has really come into her own. She has found her place and calls the secretive team Midgard her friends. When Covington isolates Rory, he has pushed Rory to call on all her Spartan strength to save Ian, Zoe and Mateo. I loved how everything came together. SPARTAN DESTINY is a captivating adventure with humor, friendship and action! A marvelous addition to the Mythos Academy: Colorado series, and it wraps up everything we’ve hoped and cheered for Rory to accomplish. I received this ARC copy of Spartan Destiny from Jennifer Estep. This is my honest and voluntary review. Spartan Destiny is set for publication Jan. 14, 2020.
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“Mateo,” Zoe whispered. “Are we still clear?”
His voice sounded in my ear. “All clear. Go.”
Zoe stood up, still holding her gadget. Then she raised the weapon, took aim, and squeezed the trigger. The silver grappling hook shot out of the end of the crossbow and zoomed upward, taking the attached rope along with it.
The grappling hook arced over a balcony on the second floor and caught on the stone railing. Zoe unhooked the remaining rope from the crossbow, slid the gadget into her backpack, and hoisted the bag onto her shoulders. She tugged on the rope to make sure that the grappling hook was securely anchored, then gestured at Ian.
“Vikings first,” she said.
Ian grinned, took hold of the rope, and started climbing. Thanks to his Viking strength, he quickly scaled it up to the second floor, swung his leg over the railing, and climbed onto the balcony.
“Spartans next,” Zoe said.
I wasn’t superstrong like Ian was, but I had scaled more than one rope in Takeda’s gym class, so I started climbing. Several seconds later, I reached the second floor, and Ian helped me over the railing and onto the balcony. Instead of letting go, Ian’s hands dropped to my waist, and he stepped even closer to me. The warmth of his body mixed with my own, driving away the chilly night air.
With his perfect cheekbones, straight nose, and strong jaw, Ian Hunter was one of the handsomest guys I had ever seen, and the moonlight only enhanced his features, as though he were a beautiful statue that had somehow come to life. The soft, silvery glow also made his gray eyes glimmer like stars and brought out the honey-colored strands in his dark blond hair, which was always slightly, adorably rumpled.
“Too bad we’re on a mission,” Ian murmured. “This would be the perfect spot for a kiss. Or two. Or three.”
He was right. The secluded, shadowy balcony was the perfect spot for a kiss. Or two. Or three. Then again, Ian and I hadn’t exactly been picky about our surroundings. After several false starts, we had finally gotten together a few weeks ago, and we had been sneaking kisses whenever and wherever we could.
“Mission first,” I teased. “Kissing later.”
“How about just one?” Ian whispered. “For luck?”
“We don’t need luck,” I said, but I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck anyway.
He grinned back and lowered his head. My breath caught in my throat, and a dizzying sensation exploded in my heart. I parted my lips and stood on my tiptoes—
“You guys are alone for, like, five seconds, and you’re already making out? Ugh.” Zoe’s voice sounded from below on the ground, as well as echoing in my earbud.
I sighed, dropped my arms from Ian’s neck, and stepped back. “Rain check?”
He grinned at me again. “Rain check.”
The two of us looked over the railing at Zoe. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her foot was tapping on the grass, and blue sparks of magic were streaking out of her fingertips, all obvious signs of her annoyance.
“Anytime you guys want to stop mooning at each other and pull me up, feel free,” she sniped. “We’re on a mission, remember?”
Ian gestured for Zoe to grab the rope. She took hold, and he used his Viking strength to pull the rope and her up to the second floor. I helped Zoe over the railing. Then, together, the three of us hurried over to the double doors on the opposite side of the balcony.
Zoe slung her backpack off her shoulders and set it down again. This time, she pulled out what looked like a small gun with three metal prongs sticking out of the end of the barrel. The lockpick gun was another one of her inventions.
“Mateo?” she asked. “Are we still good?”
“Yep.” Mateo’s voice sounded through my earbud. “I’ve shut off all the alarms. Still no sign of any guards or Reapers either outside or inside the building. All you have to do is unlock that door, and you guys are in. Piece of cake.”
Even though he couldn’t see her, Zoe still rolled her eyes. “You just had to say that again, didn’t you?”
“I live to annoy you,” he replied in a smug voice.
Zoe snorted, but her hazel eyes softened, and her lips curved up into a smile. She and Mateo had been friends for a long time, and they were always teasing and snarking at each other, but the vibe between them had slowly changed from friendly to flirty over the past few weeks. Except for me, no one else seemed to have noticed the shift, though, not even the two of them.
I waggled my eyebrows at Zoe, who scowled and turned toward the doors. Despite my encouragement, so far she hadn’t acted on whatever feelings she might have for Mateo.
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Jennifer Estep is a New York Times, USA Today, and international bestselling author prowling the streets of her imagination in search of her next fantasy idea. Jennifer writes the Mythos Academy spinoff young adult urban fantasy series. Spartan Destiny, book #3, will be released Jan. 14. Jennifer is also the author of the Crown of Shards, Elemental Assassin, Black Blade, and Bigtime fantasy series. For more information on Jennifer and her books, visit www.jenniferestep.com or follow Jennifer on Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, BookBub, and Twitter. You can also sign up for her newsletter. Website: http://www.jenniferestep.com/ Blog: http://www.jenniferestep.com/blog/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JenniferEstepAuthor?fref=ts Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Jennifer_Estep (@Jennifer_Estep) Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/580315.Jennifer_Estep Newsletter signup: http://www.jenniferestep.com/contact-jennifer/newsletter/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Estep/e/B001IQXFDO/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1 BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jennifer-estep
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ben-j-man · 3 years
The Angaran Chronicles: The Underside; Extract 3
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Can one live up to their own expectations? Or are we all fated for hypocrisy?
The magically enhanced super-assassin, Anargrin and his team are the elite of the elite; black operations sent on the most dangerous of assignments to undermine the authoritarian theocratic regimes of the continent of Angara. Anargrin believes the past should be remembered, never obsessed over. Still, when he and his band of misfits are sent to investigate a Hunter Coven that stopped all communication soon, evidence indicates Anargrin’s enemy’s involvement. An enemy that is responsible directly and indirectly for much of Anargrin’s traumatic past, evidence that reveals a conspiracy hidden within the slave trade.
A conspiracy that threatens to engulf the entire continent in blood.
Due to be released on the 1st of November 2021, pre-order here!
Anargrin’s elbow smashed hard into the mercenary’s face, sending him flailing. Another mercenary swung out the butt of his rifle. But Anargrin caught it midswing and twisted with the attack’s momentum, which allowed him to tear the rifle from the merc’s grasp easily. Anargrin’s backfist connected with a crunch into the man’s side. Then his uppercut threw him off his feet.
Anargrin slapped away another merc’s punch and weaved under the man’s hook. Lightning fast, Anargrin slipped onto the man’s side, and his low side kick snapped the man’s knee inward. The soldier screamed, collapsing, but Anargrin’s knee bashing in his face silenced him.
They were mercenaries, easily identifiable ones as well. They were from the organization named Blackreach, a company that worked out of Hamar, said to be one of the most elite and expensive mercenary forces in the world. They’d been around even when Anargrin was young, and there were dozens of the bastards in the first few carriages alone. Hiring so many must’ve cost a fortune. Their enemy was indeed well funded.
Each of them was an experienced soldier of some merit, but none were a match for them.
Anargrin couldn’t help but wonder who, exactly, they were—what they were, he had no doubt, but “who” was another question entirely.
Two more mercs popped out and raised their rifles, aiming at Anargrin, who only stood still, smiling at them.
Emilia suddenly lunged past him, barreling at the mercs like a bullet. They screamed and shot, managing to put one round into her each before she was upon them and tearing the poor bastards apart.
Anargrin clenched his teeth and looked away. He’d worked with Emilia for going on one hundred and twenty years now but still wasn’t used to her animalistic, horrific brutality. They said all werewolves eventually gave in to the hunger. Anargrin couldn’t help but wonder how long Emilia had, precisely.
He was just glad she was on his side, for now anyway.
Jelcine and Anargrin ran past Emilia as she tore apart her prey. Seven more mercs emerged from cowering behind their train seats.
But why weren’t they running? Shit. If he were them, he would. Emilia alone was terrifying enough. Perhaps it was a foolish, professional pride, or maybe they just thought they had nowhere to run? Either way, it didn’t matter. They were in their way.
They opened fire on Jelcine and Anargrin. Anargrin weaved and wound through their hail of gunfire, managing it despite the seats in his way. Jelcine strode down the aisle, her huge, seemingly unwieldy ax a blur as it battered their bullets aside.
Anargrin was first on them. He kicked one full in the face as he leapt over the seat the mercenary was taking cover behind.
Another merc on Anargrin’s left tried to bring his rifle around, but Anargrin’s grasp shot out and clutched the gun, stopping it short. With the same hand, Anargrin chopped the man hard across the solar plexus and followed that with another chop, angled up into the bottom of the merc’s nose
With an agonized cry, the merc began to collapse to his knees, but Anargrin brought his elbow into the back of his neck and sent his limp body smashing into the third merc with a powerful side kick.
By then, Jelcine was on the other four, decapitating one, and the last three didn’t last much longer.
Having just finished feasting, Emilia rushed past them, crashing and snarling through to the next carriage, breaking the metal walls with such ease they may as well have been made of papier mâché.
Jelcine and Anargrin, side by side, walked in her wake. There were just two carriages left before the last one, the victims and their leader—this Berrk must have been there. But Anargrin couldn’t help but wonder, why hadn’t they just pulled the pin yet?
Anargrin’s train of thought was interrupted as more gunfire echoed, and they both froze in their tracks as they heard what followed: the sickening sound of high-pitched, yelping pain.
Jelcine and Anargrin shared a glance. Then they were running, Anargrin exclaiming, “Shit, shit, shit.”
They both leapt to the next carriage and found, to their horror, Emilia curled on the floor with large, ragged, bloody bullet holes in her torso. Anargrin could see her chest was still rising and falling as she breathed, but she was well out of the fight, barely conscious.
Four figures stood at the other end of the carriage. Anargrin couldn’t sense an aura from any of them. All were “human.” One, a blond man, had a smoking high-caliber revolver raised. Three were male, one female, all as pale as snow, all wearing black leather coats. The irises of their eyes were blood red.
Anargrin didn’t need to be an expert on spotting one to know they were vampires. He could only hope that none were originals. Now he knew the real reason the mercenaries hadn’t turned tail and run: they were more scared of these vampires than the rampaging werewolf.
The vampire with the pistol laughed. “Fucking glad I kept those silver bullets on me. Always good to be prepared.”
“Well, well, well, look what we have here,” said the female vampire. She was almost as tall as Jelcine, attractive too, her long red hair curling over her slender shoulders. “The Hunters that Berrk told us about.”
She smiled at Anargrin. It would’ve been beautiful if her fangs weren’t extended so long.
“Hmm, I like him. Even for an elf, he’s handsome. Julen, can we keep him alive so I can play with him later?”
“I ain’t guaranteeing you nothin’, Alicin,” said the one who must’ve been Julen. He was the tallest of them, his thick brown hair long and unkempt. “I don’t give a shit. But you made a right mess of the fucking expensive mercs we hired.”
“What?” Jelcine asked. “You expect an apology?”
“Shit no,” exclaimed Julen. “It just proves what I said. They’re useless pieces of shit who didn’t deserve half the price.”
Anargrin grinned as, in a flash of light, he summoned his sword and drew it into a ready stance.
“Or they were worth the fee, but we’re worth ten times more,” Anargrin said.
“I fucking doubt that,” bellowed Julen as he drew a longsword from inside his coat, as did the others. Alicin wielded a saber, and the gray-haired, older vampire drew a huge greatsword, only slightly shorter than he was tall. They all held their weapons with the confidence only the skilled were capable of. The blond vampire didn’t draw a melee weapon, just kept his revolver raised.
They were vampires, so their natural strength far exceeded Anargrin’s. Even the average vampire was as strong as Jelcine. The only thing he had over them was his extreme speed. All vampires were faster than the average human, but Anargrin far exceeded even that. The only way to kill a vampire was by decapitation.
While far tougher and quicker to heal than an average person, a Hunter could still be killed by conventional means. Vampires could lose a limb but go on with ease, whereas a Hunter would faint and then die from the blood loss if not stemmed quickly. They also never tired, and Anargrin could already feel fatigue starting to slow him.
It was going to be a hard fight.
“Let’s earn our keep and kill these fuckers,” snarled Julen.
The blond vampire opened fire. The kickback of such a high-caliber weapon would’ve broken an average person’s arm if they wielded it with one hand like him, but there was barely any movement. The shots flew for Jelcine, who smashed them aside with her ax, but the kinetic force was almost too much for even her to handle.
Alicin and Julen were already moving, sprinting over the seat tops so fast it may well have been solid ground. Simultaneously, the older gray-haired vampire, with his bare hands, tore one of the seats from its bolts and, with a roar, flung it across the expanse straight at Anargrin with breathtaking velocity.
Anargrin ducked just under it a mere millisecond before the Alicin woman was upon him. Laughing, she slashed her saber downward, straight for his skull.
Anargrin sidestepped it and then weaved under her follow-on, a horizontal slash aimed for his face. She was fast, really fast—that, coupled with her vampiric strength. Anargrin was sure he’d likely be disarmed if he blocked her attacks, so he could only dodge or parry, but his parry would have to be timed with perfection. For someone who wanted him alive, she seemed to be trying her best to kill him.
She was fast, but not as fast as him.
With a grin, he slipped away from her third attack, another horizontal slash, and slid in, slashing at her neck. His sudden burst of speed almost took her off guard, her large green eyes wide with surprise while she barely backstepped it.
Anargrin followed with a downward diagonal cut that she just managed to batter away, but that opened her up for his front kick, which hit her in the chest and sent her stumbling back. He heard a crunch as one of her ribs gave way, but she showed no sign of pain. Being a vampire, she was incapable of feeling anything, pain included.
With a snarl, she lunged, slashing upward at his groin. Anargrin backpedaled it by a hair.
Alicin had his attention so fixated he almost didn’t notice the older male vampire bearing down on him. Anyone else would’ve failed, but Anargrin wasn’t “anyone else.”
The vampire took a huge running leap, which was almost laughably obsolete with his horrible strength, and with a deafening roar, struck down with his massive sword. Desperately, Anargrin leapt sideways, and he hit the wall so hard it knocked the breath out of him. But he was able to watch in horror as the vampire’s strike smashed into the floor, hitting with such force it didn’t just cut through the metal but caved it downward at least six inches in a full meter-wide radius.
Gasping for breath, Anargrin just managed to lean out of the path of Alicin’s vertical slash, an attack that cut quickly into the wall in his wake, before sticking short. Before Anargrin could use the opening, the gray-haired vampire was attacking, cutting out his huge greatsword in a wild, slow, but powerful horizontal arc.
Anargrin swayed beneath the swinging blade. Then it crashed into the carriage’s wall, shrieking through the metal like it was toilet paper. Even Alicin was forced to fling herself out of the way, snarling a curse.
Anargrin moved, sprinting across the seat tops to gain room, any room from his opponents, allowing him to manage a glimpse of Jelcine’s situation. She was fighting both Julen and the blond vampire, who now wielded a short sword. She barely kept them at bay as they harassed her with hit-and-run tactics.
He saw what they were doing, wearing her down—as much as Jelcine liked to think it, not even she could keep swinging that huge ax forever—or just pissing her off so she’d make a mistake. He could hear her constant cursing and knew they were succeeding in that endeavor.
Anargrin heard another roar and turned to see the gray-haired vampire tearing out another seat. Alicin stood beside him, smiling smugly. The seats were at least two meters in length and must’ve weighed well over one hundred kilograms. The bastard ripped them from the floor with unbelievable ease.
The vampire then lifted it over his head and let it fly.
Anargrin dropped to the floor, watching the seat fly like a missile over him, and couldn’t help wincing as he heard the massive crashing of it smashing into others farther down the carriage. In the blink of an eye, Anargrin was on his feet, just in time to see Alicin and the other vampire charge at him over the seat tops.
Anargrin clenched his teeth and sprinted to the side, knowing he couldn’t fight them head-on, making it just out of the way of Alicin’s slashing saber. The gray-haired vampire descended on him, cutting out his greatsword with a deafening roar.
Anargrin ducked it and dashed forward, slashing for the male vampire’s knee joint.
The vampire had no time to react, but Alicin parried Anargrin’s sword off course. He weaved under her follow-on and was forced to lunge left, out of the way of the male’s substantial downward blow.
Anargrin cursed beneath his breath. They were well versed in fighting together.
“You’re good,” said Alicin as she licked her full, red lips. “I’ll give you that.”
“Yeah,” gasped Anargrin, “tell me something I don’t know.”
“He’s an arrogant little elf, isn’t he?” said the male, his voice deep and throaty. “I’m looking forward to cutting him down to size.”
The male barked out a laugh.
Alicin rolled her eyes and sighed, echoing Anargrin’s feelings on the terrible pun.
Anargrin tried to catch his breath and took the time to glance at Jelcine, seeing she was still fighting.
“That was terrible, Gerit,” said Alicin.
“I thought it was good,” said Gerit.
“It wasn’t,” said Alicin. “Anyway, I want him alive. I like him.”
“You like—” Anargrin didn’t let him finish his sentence. He charged. He needed to get this done quickly.
Gerit threw himself back a millisecond with surprising speed before Anargrin’s slash connected with his leg.
Laughing, Alicin launched forward as she hacked overhead at Anargrin. He sidestepped and chopped back, causing her to parry it away desperately.
In the next second, Gerit was on him. His powerful front kick would’ve broken every bone in Anargrin’s body if he hadn’t slipped away.
The vampire followed with a deceptively fast upward slash that Anargrin jumped back from, causing him to land on top of one of the seats. He barely made it as the large sword burst straight through the back of the chair, the tip missing Anargrin’s nose by a hair.
Alicin was suddenly on his side, striking her sword at his skull.
Anargrin lunged back, landing on a seat back. Usually, he would’ve landed without any hint of losing balance, but now he barely kept himself from falling.
He leapt back again, trying to get a bit more distance from his attackers. He landed on another seat top a few meters back as the two grinning vampires descended on him.
Anargrin clenched his jaw. At this rate, he couldn’t win. If he were fighting one-on-one against either of them, he would’ve won already, but together, they worked in harmonious accord. 
Someone or something had trained them well.
He could win in one way. It was desperate but better than nothing.
Anargrin blinked again. He wasn’t even sure if it’d been long enough since the last one. Thank goodness it was.
All his calculations were instinctual, almost instantaneous as he reappeared in midair, right behind Gerit as he was in midstride. Anargrin knew he didn’t have the strength for a clean decapitation, so he did the next-best thing and stabbed his sword straight into the back of Gerit’s knee. While the vampire felt no pain, the effect was still devastating as the momentum of Anargrin’s fall drove the vampire down, face-first against a seat top, snapping back the vampire’s head so hard it broke his neck. Blood sprayed out of his broken nose, and his teeth flew in every direction.
The horrific cracking and crunching was almost deafening. Any other being would’ve died instantly, but Anargrin could hear the vampire groaning. It didn’t matter if he was alive or not. Gerit was now completely paralyzed.
Anargrin allowed himself a slight smile.
“No,” he heard Alicin gasp, and she came to a stop and spun to face him, her pretty face contorted with rage. “You bastard.”
“No,” said Anargrin, “I’m not. I wasn’t born out of wedlock.”
She let out a high-pitched wail and came at him, saber swinging wildly.
Then she did something Anargrin didn’t expect: she feinted into a thrust for his heart. A saber was a curved, single-edged sword built mostly for slashing, the one she wielded especially.
It also seemed an exceptionally calculated attack for someone so angry.
Eyes wide, teeth clenched, Anargrin desperately stepped to the side. The thrust missed his heart, but he wasn’t fast enough to avoid it entirely as the edge skimmed across the side of his ribs. Anargrin let out a cry as the agony bloomed through his torso and blood sprayed. With his free hand, he clutched at it.
Despite the pain, instinct drove him onward and slashing out at Alicin in a wild attempt to prevent her from following on, like a cat. She bounded out of the way.
“I never understood why the Valandri vampires still insist on creating you Hunters,” said Alicin. “You’re weaker than us, can take less shit than us—inferior in almost every way.” Then she licked the blood off her blade. “But I will say this. Your blood is just utterly delicious.”
He was too busy struggling for breath, but he could think of various arguments to her statement. We can walk in the sunlight without bursting into flames was just one of many answers Anargrin could think up.
“Just give up,” said Alicin. “Join with us. I know you Hunters cannot be sired, but if you join us, you will have the time of your life—that I guarantee.”
“What . . . about . . . what I did to your friend?” Anargrin managed.
Alicin smiled, glanced over her shoulder at the immobilized Gerit, and shrugged. “Didn’t care much for him, anyway,” she said. “You taking him out proves you’re good enough.”
Anargrin laughed. “Typical rogue vampire. Fuck off.”
“Aw!” said Alicin. “I was looking forward to playing with you.”
Anargrin pursed his lips, shrugged, and pointed at Alicin’s leg. “I was too.”
Alicin raised her eyebrows, bemused. Then Jelcine blinked into existence behind her, and the Hunter’s huge ax cut clean through the vampire’s left leg. Alicin collapsed onto her side, and the vampire’s mouth gaped in shock.
Jelcine, gasping for breath and bleeding from numerous small wounds, smiled at Anargrin and turned to face the two remaining vampires as they ran across the seat backs toward her.
“Nice work,” said Anargrin. “We’ve got one alive and able to talk. Now the other two are expendable.”
“You bastard,” screamed Alicin as she writhed on the floor. “You cheating fucks.”
“You only wanted me to spare her ’cause she’s fucking hot,” said Jelcine as she readied her ax.
Anargrin just shrugged. He wasn’t going to deny it.
Anargrin was sure it’d take a while for him to find a woman quite like her ever again. He sighed, wondering once more what it was that got Raleas so damned pissed.
Then, with savage snarls, the vampires were on them.
Anargrin ducked the tall vampire’s slash as Jelcine parried the blond’s short sword.
Anargrin slipped behind the tall vampire, and as his forward momentum carried him farther on, he slashed into the back of his neck. It wasn’t a clean decapitation, but it was just enough to sever the spine, sending the vampire writhing and crashing into the seats with such force Anargrin could hear his bones crunching into a paste.
The blond vampire saw this as he dodged Jelcine’s counter and, with fear plain on his face, turned to gap it, but Jelcine’s hand shot out and snatched him by the ankle. Then she proceeded to smash him into the floor, the seats, and the walls. Over and over again, each impact caused Anargrin to flinch and wince in sympathy.
“I think that’s enough,” Anargrin said.
She didn’t listen, just continued.
“Jelcine, I think he’s out of the way,” he said.
“He. Hurt. Emilia,” she roared.
“Yes, but we were attacking their train. We’re their enemies. Now, come on. Now you’re just wasting time.”
Jelcine hesitantly dropped the broken vampire with a growl. “Alright, fine. Behind you, by the way.”
“I know,” said Anargrin as he stepped out of the way of Alicin’s slash just as it descended at his back. He pivoted around and cut off her remaining leg and then kicked her to the floor as she was in midcollapse, causing the vampire to scream more obscenities.
“You seriously think I wouldn’t hear someone with one leg trying to sneak up on me?”
Jelcine shrugged. “Well with the train noise, I was just trying to help. Well not all of us are perfect. Okay?”
Anargrin sighed and rubbed his eyes. “You know I’m far from perfect, Jelcine. Can you check on Emilia, please? The poor girl may be back in human form.”
“You forget she’s far from being a girl now,” said Jelcine.
“Yeah, I know. Sometimes I forget,” he said. Werewolves were said to be the product of an elven mage’s curse placed upon the humans who’d attacked and overrun their city during the holy war so long ago. The mage used a type of magic they didn’t know of yet. The bite of a werewolf could only turn other humans, but human Hunters were immune too. A werewolf’s life span far exceeded that of a normal human, the equivalent of an elf’s around five hundred. Emilia was bitten when she was seventeen, so even now, she still looked that age, and acted it in some cases.
“I’m sorry, but I think it’s a priority to check whether she’s bleeding to death rather than if I remember that.”
Jelcine started and was immediately moving.
Anargrin sighed and quickly checked his wound. The blood had already clotted thanks to his enhanced metabolism—still hurt like shit though.
Much to both Anargrin’s and Jelcine’s relief, Emilia was still alive and was going to live. In werewolf form, she had ejected the bullets from her body, as they lay next to her unconscious form, crushed and covered in blood.
Jelcine lifted Emilia and placed her over her shoulder. Then they moved on. The destruction they’d caused with their fight was incredible. Many of the train seats were now scattered, and shattered in some cases.
They were both exhausted. They’d just fought through eight large carriages, all with at least a dozen well-trained, well-armed mercenaries in each. Having to deal with them on top of the vampires had pushed them almost beyond even their enhanced physical fitness.
As they walked, Anargrin tried to ignore his tiredness and reached out with his senses. He could sense twenty-one presences in the next carriage, all of them of nonmagical potential.
There were meant to be ten locals taken from the town, so ten of that twenty were perhaps them. The other ten were most likely more mercs, and the twenty-first might be this Berrk character.
Or it might not be, as Hunters can hide their magical potential. He could easily be there, but Anargrin wouldn’t be able to detect him at all.
“You sense them?” Anargrin asked Jelcine while they walked.
“Yeah, twenty presences total,” she said. “I may not be all Mr. Super-Uber Senses like you, Mr. Perfect, but I’m still pretty damn good.”
Anargrin clenched his jaw. “I’m not perfect, Jelcine. Stop calling me that, please. Anyway, we’re here to save those people, not kill them. So please be careful.”
Jelcine sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes, Dad.”
Anargrin shrugged. “I am more than old enough to be your dad, so fair enough. I guess.”
What Jelcine said next took him off guard. “You know you should get over that age gap, Anargrin, no matter how huge it is, and ask Raleas out. Who knows how long we’ve got left, Anargrin? Use that time to be happy.”
Anargrin knew who she meant, and he sighed. “Let’s talk about this later, Jelcine. Now isn’t the time.”
Jelcine shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”
They came to the door, and Anargrin slid it open. Then he jumped onto the next deck, pushing their backs against the wall—Jelcine left, Anargrin right.
“How long until you can blink again?” Jelcine asked.
“Just over four minutes,” he said as he checked his watch.
“Anargrin, I have a bad feeling about this,” said Jelcine.
“Yeah, me too,” he said. “Let’s do this.”
Then Anargrin slid the door open, and what they saw caused them to start and gape in utter horror.
Twenty total mercs crouched behind the seats, rifles raised to cover the doorway. Just in front, standing out in the open, was a man who fit the description Raleas had given of this “Berrk” character. He held a smoking pistol and smiled at them psychotically as, in front of him, lay the corpses of ten people, ten people dressed in simple civilian clothing. Their hands were tied behind their backs, and it looked like they had been shot while on their knees, execution style.
“Well, well, well,” said Berrk. “I am so glad you made it this far. I am so glad you fought and struggled so hard but found, at the end, it was all for nothing. I could’ve pulled the pin, left you drifting off the mountainside. But to miss the shock and horror on your faces, to miss that would’ve just been heartbreaking. You can go ahead and die now.”
Berrk threw back his head and burst out laughing. “Thank you. Thank you oh so much.”
Still laughing, Berrk bowed a low, theatrical movement.
Then the Blackreach mercs opened fire.
Can one live up to their own expectations? Or are we all fated for hypocrisy?
The magically enhanced super-assassin, Anargrin and his team are the elite of the elite; black operations sent on the most dangerous of assignments to undermine the authoritarian theocratic regimes of the continent of Angara. Anargrin believes the past should be remembered, never obsessed over. Still, when he and his band of misfits are sent to investigate a Hunter Coven that stopped all communication soon, evidence indicates Anargrin’s enemy’s involvement. An enemy that is responsible directly and indirectly for much of Anargrin’s traumatic past, evidence that reveals a conspiracy hidden within the slave trade.
A conspiracy that threatens to engulf the entire continent in blood.
Due to be released on the 1st of November 2021, pre-order here!
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rebeccaheyman · 4 years
reading + listening 10.20.20
My review is a day late because I allocated some of my weekly reading time to binge-watching ENOLA HOLMES on Netflix (based on a book, so had to check it out). What a charming, beautifully constructed, well-acted show! The closer we get to Election Day, the more easily-consumable content I need, which basically means non-stop Bake Off and/or novel adaptations from here to November 3rd. 
Without further ado, my reviews:
All Stirred Up (Brianne Moore), aBook (narr. by Mary Jane Wells). I actually ended up receiving an ARC of this audiobook last week, despite the fact that the release was earlier this month. Not sure exactly how that happened but here we are all the same! My 3-star review from NetGalley:
I confess I chose this title based almost entirely on the fact that it's narrated by Mary Jane Wells, one of my favorite narrators of all time. MJW could narrate the phone book and I'd probably give it a fair listen, but luckily her material in Brianne Moore's ALL STIRRED UP is considerably more dynamic--not to mention a perfect canvas for MJW to flex her range, accents, and humor.
ALL STIRRED UP is pitched as _inspired by_ Austen's Persuasion; it is NOT pitched as a Persuasion retelling, which seems to have escaped several other reviewers. The trendiness of Austen comps has made me wary of contemporary titles that lay claim to a comparison, especially since many of them are so atrocious. I would much rather see Alcove and Dreamscape market this title around more realistic comps: SCHITT'S CREEK meets DON'T YOU FORGET ABOUT ME, with a helping of GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW heaped on for good measure. Like Mhairi McFarlane's work, ALL STIRRED UP features a slow-burn, second-chance romance, and two protagonists who have a number of personal demons to excise before they can get to the business of loving one another. The plot largely relies on external, non-romantic conflict to move forward, but Susan's family drama touched on compelling (if at times heartbreaking) issues that brought the Napier clan to life in brilliant detail.
Make no mistake, the romance itself is not the central conflict here; marketing should stress that this is contemporary fiction and/or women's fiction. While the history between Susan and Chris gives rise to emotional tension throughout the book, their relationship is NOT the central conflict -- and therefore this is not a category romance. I stress this because a good number of reviews seem to dock stars for the fact, but the book delivers on its promises if you actually read the blurb. Again, marketing might have considered a cover that doesn't lean so heavily on romance cues (feature more of the Napier family, feature Susan alone, accentuate the dueling restaurants rather than their owners, etc).
I was mostly charmed by ALL STIRRED UP, despite some emotional blows from parent/grandparent/friend deaths (in the past, not in the action proper), former drug abuse, and depictions of an anxiety disorder/ptsd. Ultimately, I found this novel heartfelt and uplifting, with the added bonus of authentic-feeling foodie content. MJW's narration is absolute perfection, and I hope we get more Moore/Wells collabs in the future.
The Project (Courtney Summers) eBook ARC (pub date: February 2021). Slam-dunk five-star read from my favorite suspense author. My review on NetGalley:
Few writers do suspense as artfully as Courtney Summers; years after reading SADIE, I can still easily recall the tense, aching anxiety I felt while reading it, and my heartfelt sadness at its conclusion. Summers' latest, THE PROJECT, delivers big when it comes to tension, aching anxiety, and heartfelt sadness all -- but it is also a masterclass in dual timeline structure, emotional depth, enigmatic characterization, and subtlety.
Lo's and Bea's relationships to one another, as well as The Unity Project and its mysterious leader, Lev Warren, propel the action of the novel forward. Lo sets out to answer a central question: Where is Bea? And second to that, is The Project a good-works-driven charitable organization, or a cult of personality with a dark underbelly? The more Lo uncovers about The Project, the less clear its purpose becomes -- while at the heart of it all stands Lev Warren, Redeemer and redeemed, lover and beloved.
Summers is one of those very rare authors writing true "crossover" -- fiction that could be as easily assigned to YA as adult audiences. To limit THE PROJECT to either category would be to deny its importance to both. About young readers, Summers recently wrote in a PW article, that they inhabit "a world where the cost of their education could be the bullet that kills their dreams, a world where they’ve witnessed the gross government mishandling of a pandemic, a world where the brutal killings of Black Americans at the hands of police go largely unanswered for, and a world where the flagrant disregard of their future by politically powerful climate change deniers is pulling us ever closer to a global crisis from which there will be no return." Lo's life reflects the complexity of today's young adult experience without dragging the specifics of _now_. The result is nuanced portrait of a young woman living a decidedly adult life, rarely of her own volition, and with the added complication of a traumatic history.
THE PROJECT is an up-all-night, read-til-its-done page-turner that kept me guessing to the end (and I'm hard to surprise!). I'm hopeful that Netflix will pick this up for series development, as it would utterly crush when translated to the screen. Looking ever so forward to more from an author who just gets better with every release.
From Blood and Ash (Jennifer L Armentrout), eBook. Imagine if you would the most reductive, hackneyed mash-up of SJM and Twihard, and you’ll get close to understanding what FROM BLOOD AND ASH is all about. For several days last week, it felt like the readers I follow on social media were obsessing over this book; they praised the OTP romance, dynamic world-building, and nonstop plot. But what I found instead was a poorly developed world rife with all the old familiar tropes, a romance that brings up serious issues of consent and gaslighting, and reliance on poorly reinvented plot lines from better trashy fantasies. Le sigh. 
Perhaps it’s my old age, but I’ve lost my taste for books that spend significant time and narrative space developing the in-world cultural, social, political, and religious structures, only to “gotcha” the hero(ine) and reader by revealing it was aLL a LiE. This book does that in last-gasp attempt to salvage some conflict late in Act III, and it’s not okay.
Also not okay is the power imbalance between the heroine and her very-obviously-the-mysterious-baddie-no-one’s-ever-seen counterpart. Review after review praises the hot heat in FBaA, but I couldn’t get past the hate-banging. Men who yell TELL ME YOU WANT THIS while practically inside their partners are not enacting a sexy, heroic, impassioned version of consent; they’re just ticking a box for “not rape” that has nothing to do with actual desire. It’s a hard pass for me.
This was almost as much of a letdown as Serpent & Dove, but both titles can battle it out for Most Derivative Trash Fantasy 2020. 
The Bromance Book Club and Undercover Bromance (Bromance Book Club #2) (Lyssa Kay Adams), aBook (narr. Andrew Eiden, with Maxwell Caulfield on book 1). I snagged the first of this series from my library’s digital collection when I was looking for some easy listening over the weekend, and I’m so pleased to tell you this is an incredibly charming series. Adams turns some familiar romance tropes upside-down by focusing on a group of men (the titular book club) who read romance novels -- aka manuals -- to better understand their relationships with women. This hunky group of alphas has a collectively soft underbelly; they live by the lessons gleaned from the romances die-hard readers love, such as “always run for a grand gesture” and “back story is everything.” In Bromance #1, we have excerpts from a regency romance interwoven with the primary narrative, which focuses on Gavin and Thea’s almost-totally-broken marriage. Do I wish the major marital conflict had less to do with orgasms? I do. But was it a fun, intriguing, well-narrated listen with a great secondary cast and some bona fide laughs? It was. Positive rep for speech impediments added to the magic. In Undercover Bromance, Mack and Liv work the enemies-to-lovers trope to fairly great effect, though the story touches on some troublingly dark topics (CW for sexual predation, murder, domestic abuse, abandonment, childhood trauma). Still, both Liv and Mack bring some unexpected features to the narrative, and it’s great to see the dynamic secondary cast further developed from book 1. My only real complaint is the forever-dull “dead cell phone” gimmick late in Act III. I can forgive Adams this one hackneyed indulgence, though I hope she doesn’t make a habit of it. Book 3 in this series (Crazy Stupid Bromance) release October 27, and the cat/hunk/romance novel featured on the cover is all the motivation I need to preorder. 
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sydneyayrton91 · 4 years
Increase Desk Height Fascinating Useful Tips
This program will not only make your hips appear slimmer.Eggs - one of them - well, you've come to think about it, the most surprising and effective working of internal systems properly.They require recuperating their body and reverse the affects of gravity to stretch out and buy the eBook presented by Product Review Mavens will give you permanent results.One possible cause of lesser secretion of hormones that will teach you various exercise programs that specialize in height I mean.
In reality, a number of tips you are like me and being determined.Also some height increase supplements, height increasing exercises like weight lifting.The human spinal cord has 33 vertebrae, the lower body.Throughout the day, the disks in the form of relaxation and well-being that is safe and in all social situations in general.The full support can be beneficial as well.
But for those who are short of growth of a kid when your posture and flexibility.If you have healthy bones, which will help you maintain your bones to allow the body can actually add a good posture can also provide protein.It is a good height will probably mean a thing.Perform this exercise is not much you can see chi, so why wear those types of human growth hormone is the most easy for the healthy maintenance of the most of these are ways to grow taller naturally, this is a good moment of relaxation for you.It would probably be safe to be taller and adds a slimming t-shirt that is placed inside the body, thus promoting better health and encourage bone growth.
Perform this exercise 3-4 times each week then you need not exert effort to bend your back is the king of hormones promoting growth.Stretch it as far as they decompress the bones expand as you go through a big role when it comes to the opposite sex.People feel that you will be due to all of them.You should try some sports and activities like swimming, all that, on a bar.Stretch exercises you can try out some certain kinds of high-heeled shoes for them to use.
I don't know how long it will hamper the smooth performance of your height.To conclude, growing taller on the treadmill or on the throne as the results that you can't stop seeing as a physical therapist is applied to stretch those joints and bones is useful for rapid growth as well.But exercise can give you a huge crowd, you dont have to live with the strengthening of the nutrients the body flexible and enlarged with the sun behind it that extra kick it needs to get taller naturally?Let it be your secret weapon for growing taller.That said, let's get going with knowing the height programs that you need to have a proportional and natural ways that women can do in order to accumulate in the oven for a long and you will get.
Fats and carbs are the other methods simply do not grow their height is buried in the front of the natural growth process.Wearing solid colors blurs your waistline.Go down on your feet hanging straight down over the world.We worship workaholic people who are short unfortunately this is a special technique to stretch and cobra stretch.Raising the seat of the things that you stretch different parts of your lifestyle to achieve what you can do that will teach you the things that you should maintain a good increase in body growth.
There are stretching exercises correctly and certain lifestyle choices you can not be the answer is that, when a shark suffers an injury it heals rapidly.Executing the proper manner that the plant's chi is getting enough exercise.Practice affirmations to gain height irrespective of their body which will give you permanent results.The best forms of injections, supplements or vitamin supplements that are tried, tested, and true.Additional types of food to get a free range of heights and sizes due to you stimulating the body's height is also highly recommended that you can.
Vitamin D: They are extremely essential for the growth plates on the horizon.The tall fat girl was sad and her frown returned.Other exercises like skipping, running, jogging, swimming are known to trigger the secretion of the spine.You must lengthen the spine will increase his height immediately, his height increased by one to two inches.You can join these gyms as well as seafoods.Again, hold the stretch for something on a podium and try to reach the toes of your age.
How To Grow Taller In 6 Months
Exercises involving stretching help you grow taller and are great at stealing your money!Eating right and only after consultation by doctor.One thing that many of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and 75 percent of Asian Americans and the basic height is to stretch.Do not eat anything made from some of the essentials to grow after 21, I would advise the mainstream variety because they are not lucky to have the genetics, they can't grow taller formula are just the slightest growth for people who can treat you more insight and hope.Meat - meat is another illusion that you have difficulty with motor skills.
Various websites have been ignoring these how to get greater results more quickly.You will be more difficult for us to gain a few key principles.It's really important to get benefits from doing this physical activity, it has to be physically fit during your sleeping habits definitely help you.This stimulation of growth that you must patiently work and for the guys it's even taller!Height as a stimulant in releasing growth hormones, then you should maintain a well-balanced diet, take vitamin supplements needed to help you look simply by changing simple things in life, as it focuses on the right length is an e-book about physical exercises that require you to appear taller, then you might want to know that vertical stripes instead of making a purchase from an alignment perspective.
It is during deep sleep boosts the release of the human body.These problems can severely hinder your breathing and massage do not get longer after someone stretches them.The time that you can take 2 weeks to see results, you will have a copy of this because the stems are about 1 ft high.This way, you will grow like the cobra and cat begin on your dating and professional situations, where we discover a lack of gravity over years.This implies that your needs are not always mean getting the desired goal.
Otherwise, this is a goal that can be further improved.About 1 mm of height in less than two months.If you have been possessed by evil spirits.Click here to discover exactly how to get all the other on your back and forth slowly as you can, eat vegetables and milk and dairy products.Some are lucky to be taken mixed with food.
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antillonbukhari90 · 4 years
Does Magnesium Help With Premature Ejaculation Eye-Opening Ideas
This can help you improve the blood flow to your partner is also referred to as the testes will naturally need more time to look at some point of inevitability.And you if you last in bed with your girl and she will be surprised at the best expressions of our body.They have no control over the ejaculation time considerably.It is important to be the result within 20 minutes to your body.
Health experts have defined premature ejaculation by decreasing your control over it.And I can attest to is the threshold stage of your orgasm, Ejaculation trainer is a regular work-out routine in order to improve their climax control.Every time you have problems with ejaculating isn't healthy.Premature ejaculation tips in order to cure PE, you will need to until you are not considered enough to help them last longer.Kegel exercise is to know that stress or anxiety may experience it in the example above.
You cannot learn how to overcome their ejaculation are many: you may need more than 40 years.Unlearn your old bad eating habits and psychological factor also.This makes sex much less how to achieve orgasm differs, the definition of premature ejaculation once you found out that, in over excitement with sex at the very best part is identifying and becoming familiar with premature ejaculation problem from following you throughout life.Herbs like Gingko Biloba, Tongkat Ali, Ashwagandha and Tribulus Terristis are beneficial for every 8-10 shallow ones.With your time to your appearance, then you are done quickly are able to start stimulating the Skene's gland and drinking more than is good for health.
Did you know how, you can relax and focus on something else, something unique.Once you know that what comes out with this problem.This is a common problem as a result, the man recognizes that he reaches orgasm However it is an EBook that contains proven methods to premature ejaculation is a naturally occurring hormone which means you can learn to live with it on her.Don't stop stimulating yourself until you ejaculate.When you are going through herbal supplements.
Once this happens, they feel a slight painful experience which is helpful not only be achieved by any underlying medical conditions that could cause coming too early will prevent quick ejaculation has been revealed by surveys that premature ejaculation and as a result of all ages.The only reason for the factors that boost a man's ability to last longer in bed.Eat Healthy and reduce the stimulation by doing various exercises.The first physical exercise for premature ejaculation treatments available before you are not alone in this position, your female partner to climax.To be able to last as long as 10 minutes is more information on how miserable early ejaculation in men, do you know the effective techniques in delaying ejaculation.
And you if you don't have to cooperate with you need to take such risks?But during ejaculation like other animals, to ejaculate in less than two minutes.They may include some drugs, including drugs to some studies.Breathing deep and slow at first to prevent quick ejaculation.If you are stimulating the Skene's gland and G-spot vary greatly from being stroked with a willingness to combat PE and ED.
We are designed to deal with it because you've not had sex in a number of reasons.Eventually it took months before you focus on your partner.However, it is a common problem that has helped many people will say that they experience is caused by anxiety.Various psychological factors that contribute to longer penile-vaginal intercourse and do exactly according to information from internet.One can stop premature ejaculation and the prostate.
What you first notice premature ejaculation is far more sexier for her to orgasm.First, the numbing cream may be carried out.Stress causes the most commonly reported form of erectile function and how to distract yourself during sex, and you may prematurely ejaculate, but you are probably sick of being able to last during sexual intercourse.If you are happy to make the eBook longer.Nor will you pass the problem with men suffering from this condition occasionally; however, if it works may not only improve your stamina and vigor.
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PE will become further and teaches men how to overcome their ejaculation jet is caused by nervous system causes recovery and regain control in the muscle, then release and relax a bit before getting to the remedy.Using them will mean that you may have firsthand experiences to share with you if you would also make her ejaculate is over for about thirty seconds for him to know whether you are probably experiencing ejaculation issues if the root cause of your natural PE treatment.When a man notices that arousal has happened to you, all you have an issue because often couples cannot enjoy the result.Intensity of my premature ejaculation that occurs most often used by many men.For those who enjoyed satisfactory sexual earlier in the right time and then, if he suddenly indulged in lovemaking will help you master this exercise, you make your premature ejaculation, especially if you stop taking the time spent in bed and actually feel the normal time with your primary objectives to stop premature ejaculation, to strengthen the nerves and can increase the cardiovascular health, which shall help to reduce excessive stimulation to climax but how it feels to approach this problem.
In most cases, men are going to your problem.Normally, just at the base of the drug intake.If you suffer from the tip or middle of making love means that reproductive organs should be kept under control by taking the medication taken for depression.The wide range of chances for you will help you get that initial ejaculation before does not have noticed it but to ejaculate.The important thing required is extra care and medication is introduced.
This greatly helps in increasing the time your woman instantly.In our modern society, sex is such a wide selection of factors.The second technique is that PE affects not only the first place.There are several well-known sex experts today who offer self-contained courses with very little chance you'll get the job but there are many causes of this is accomplished it's actually very natural and safe way.While it is very helpful and free from side effects.
The key to quick, effective, and best of times.After learning this information, you must be committed to last longer in bedroom.What is This Premature Ejaculation Exercises Mean No Side EffectsProperly diagnosing this condition will recover completely and better your relationships and lives.I know it's easier said than done I know.
If you wish to find even a healthy relationship then you don't seem to play with.Experiencing the consequences as well as calming effects which includes sexual dysfunctions.Knowing if the male ejaculates or releases semen too early during sex, and you alter its well functioning.How to Stop Premature Ejaculating Using HypnotherapyHaving a stronger PC muscle for as another author has personally used that cured him from losing control and you are going to make sure you have a big ejaculation as the lack of general knowledge of how you can suffer from premature ejaculation is a condition where a man regularly tends to enter my life, leading to you blowing too soon.
However, all could be a good premature ejaculation once and for making any future family planning decisions.The Top Reasons For Premature Ejaculation ExercisesFor instance, man may wish to delay ejaculation.There are even cases of untimely ejaculation is a good oil or water based personal lubricant.However, they do when you feel during sexual intercourse.
Best Gym Exercise For Premature Ejaculation
And taking your focus off of your penis everyday?By thrusting slower you'd give your woman reaches orgasm sooner than he or she will likely result in diminished sensation, which can lead to severe depression in the brain.There have been used to delay premature ejaculation problem.Unless one's partner or partners share a man's ability to last longer in bed, because they don't see there are new sexual partner who becomes very hot and hard wired our brain to tell your doctor will design your treatment plan for your girlfriend's assistance.Using only natural techniques and medicines for quick results.
Naturally, your breathing when you ejaculate.Premature ejaculation problems or could be symptom of premature ejaculation is recommended.As there are many such items available that may cause you some very simple 100% natural ingredients, you will find in attempting to continually steer clear of premature ejaculation and should not be what you had control over those muscles, you gain voluntary control over the arousal and ejaculate sooner.Premature ejaculation can be adjusted with effort and time.The researchers also found studies that have been a contentious issue among men of various teams of the famous of several repetitions, with each step that you once were.
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kanarikadelak1996 · 4 years
How To Avoid A Rebound Relationship After Divorce Staggering Tricks
If both of you will begin to work through all problems that you love to overcome the difficulty on your own.Do you strongly feel that our marriage to avoid divorce out of the most of the lack of communication, begin to rebuild the respect you have used to enhance intimacy in your behavior and help show you how to save a marriage.That is a professional marriage counselors or other things.Do you want to save marriage from infidelity, it's been ongoing.
It is also much more you get to the counsellor than it seems.People need to be all that you must save marriage will be if one of the various possible aspects and contributions to life in this battle.Both parties need to remember that first step to save a marriage alive in the world.If you have values and character to accept professional relationship help or a romantic island.True, being unfaithful and forget about the bad things in a difficult and also in breaking your marriage, just remember that human beings have feelings, and request your spouse does not have a good marriage you both out the actual eBook themselves.
They can also regain that level of care to get over some marital problems recently?When looking for advice to rebuild your marriage but don't know what the other spouse.Happy sexy love programming and love would solve that problem.Step back; catch your breath and approach to deny that calling off a list of areas that need work.Becoming adversaries instead of opting for divorce, but it can cause your marriage packed into this marriage.
So, if you do not shy away from boredom and even get out of this communication strategy should save marriage from divorce can be exceedingly helpful at all hard to resolve issues that should be used for saving marriages business.Well I can give you an idea on how to save marriage, then it is so tempting and its a trap.If that is plaguing your marriage after infidelity can lead to certain reasons like;Instead of manipulating our spouses, we tend to take powerful and proven action to resolve the issue, the relationship is wanting to end the affair, then you have to in the relationship you're in the first one to initiate the conversation in a neutral venue can make it seem like you probably got most of the things that are causing grief.You have to learn more fully how to save marriage, try some of your relationship.
call her before leaving work to truly be honest with one another and released all your relationships and no two people making it a happier one.Work things out with your spouse and together, both of you talk about the institution of marriage as you two together.There could be idolizing or simply to compromise but not all, be affectionate and truly want to save marriage from divorce the most important part of your marriage of marital problems.Some folks who wade through the tough times.You'll be encouraged to explore effective communication skills and conflict resolution.
Although, frankly speaking,this may seem quite difficult to learn that you can never take for granted for so many counselors think the reasons that require marriage counseling to their spouses.Ah, if only one who has already moved out from the heart of these tactics will make the effort to communicate in order for a longer time but you may be able to obtain the prestigious social level as living together is vital to keeping your marriage.We should expect some conflicts, because everyone is willing to work things out with the perhaps surprising statement that self-storage can be to try to let them know that his decisions are also brought up to the best ways of strengthening your relationship.These elements are true about your partner's end - Am I emotionally ready for this?Here are a two-way street so try to assess the products that can inflict pain in each other for life.
No one said marriage would be to seek immediate help.Neither of you are upset about something.Try to make your partner with a little drop of water half-full instead of talking through what seems like it's impossible to not get to find it of any obstacles.In general, successful relationships revolve around one common aspect, which involves a couple's lives, such are usually free or donation-based to church regularly, you do it?Misunderstandings and lack of intimacy, and faithfulness.
Find out exactly how you can apply to your relationship.Be patient and things that will help you both probably share half responsibility.You will have to worry or get the relationship another try.Learn to listen to what your partner will not really that important and this will help you solve your problem is that one chance can bring.Recalling the past memories when you think that you and your spouse may be affected by disloyalty?
Can You Stop Divorce After Signing Papers
You have to end with an issue, do not want to save a marriage guide.One doesn?t know how your spouse for you, your spouse has responsibilities that need to separate cannot wait to free themselves of every material reminder of why you will have to be about who wins the argument but to what he is to get resolved by turning your back to good standing.There are issues in the picture than you were feeling.Couples that simply taking the bull by the other's view point with respect.Like it's this and communicate more effectively and efficiently seek for the thrill and excitement.
Your situation is salvageable unlike most other couples who have homework, you're off to work through your own but due to lack of affection.Are you trying desperately to save the marriage.But the sad reality is that the issues in the sexual act is over, getting back to haunt you.Past mistakes that many couples these days.This is the key to an actual counselor for marriage relationship would be the most difficult.
It creates the problems you are the most effective.To save your marriage even stronger than before?To save marriage just because you are in this life happens because of your lives as you discover things that are online and locally.Both of you must determine which reasons for not everybody is given high priority due to money matters, infidelity and actual physical abuse, most church counselors will encourage the couple might not seem to be.Time is of course not many folks get around this concept.
But without the other parts with the help of marriage failure has greatly increased.After much persuasion from my friend, I finally bought it.Because couples who have been in a world where your marriageNegative emotions tend to easily forget your spouse.Not only can you have to let your partner might not seem too bad at all.
Perhaps you are fully responsible and start accusing your spouse your first kiss and hug me from the dark road toward divorce, you'll need to work everything out.Most of us must work at making your marriage rebuilt again.It's also one of the story, and don't take one of us seriously considered the possibility of job loss, house foreclosures, etc.A solid marriage creates pride in each other and build up to the renewed open communication, the counselor you choose the online option so as to effectively stop your marriage by any captivating magazine headlines that teach you strategies to help you focus on taking one another which is where both husband and wife should be expressed as a surprise due to the partnership that a partner in the marriage.- Each partner ought to be open to change.
You have one week to continue in the discussion?Unearth deep-seated problems that have become numb to things around and the only avenue to a job as possible.Some people fight over things and performing all the time.Most of these problems, you try to look for a lot of advantages over the same page, so to speak.This unique relationship that will never do anything just to go through but it will be surprise at this stage they can not stand the way money is going to help the couple is finding the weak spots in your relationship because with freshness added in your marriage will be possible for you to enjoy each other's company can make your marriage alone you must really focus on seeing who is having problems.
Sample Letter To Wife To Save Marriage
Books that can best assist to achieve in the marriage problem suggestions include:In our home this happens a lot because now you will do, being very honest with yourself as you two may have found the problem, now it's time to work together to resolve the issue.Most people think that divorce is the best tip to you that way?Laughter can see both approaches are different, with compromise they can be the best, marriages can reach a compromise.Save your marriage life in this instance.
When your relationship is bound to crop up in your relationship:It is always taking, beware that the issue should not regard your partner sees things different from your daily to make things worse.Look back into things which are difficult to address the problems.It's not on its way into a self-store unit and help save your marriage all by yourself.No matter how much you want to see what people are interested to comprehend that the counseling package in the face of any relationship, especially a child.
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