#Jennifer Estep
housebaylor · 10 months
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2023 Books. ⋙ Only Bad Options by Jennifer Estep
“Once again, I was in a situation where I had only bad options. Sometimes I thought that was the sad story of my life. No good, easy, simple choices, only those that ranged from bad to worse to catastrophic.”
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sandythereadingcafe · 7 months
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SPIDER AND FROST by Jennifer Estep at The Reading Cafe:
'a quick read, fast paced short story: captivating and engaging'
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wearethekat · 9 months
May Book Reviews: Only Bad Options by Jennifer Estep
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Picked this one up on recommendation by Ilona Andrews as a particularly fun space opera. When lab tech Vesper Quill discovers a deliberate flaw in the newest design of spaceships, she inadvertently sets off a manhunt-- and puts herself on a collision path with the dangerous Kyrion Caldaren, the emperor's own assassin.
This is a fun read, if a bit silly (psy powers strike again). I would say it's a level or two pulpier than Winter's Orbit, for reference. Estep also writes a surprisingly nuanced take on mandatory psychic bonds-- in her worldbuilding, it's not "fate", it's two people's psychic powers involuntarily latching on to work together, essentially. It's not inherently romantic and it doesn't mean that the two people are well matched personality-wise, although it does force a level of emotional closeness. Still not my favorite trope, but acceptable. The inevitable romance was played very slow-burn, with no real resolution in the book, which I like.
However. after reading through around two hundred pages about Mr. Kyrion Caldaren. yeah yeah, he wears all black, he stabs people with his glowing laser sword. he killed his father and serves the evil space empire as a personal attack dog. his psychic space powers bond with protagonist woman, his long floppy dark hair, striking eyes, and slightly large nose-- WAITAMINUTE. to make matters worse he's literally Kyrion CaldaREN. if a resemblance to a certain star wars man is a problem for you, rest assured that he's just doing a little situational cosplay, more or less. Once you mess up the setting and context that much, you have a functionally completely different guy.
If these tropes sound like fun, you'd probably enjoy it, if they make you wince, better to steer clear. Light, pulpy fun.
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the-final-sentence · 1 year
The pure, hopeful light made me smile as I left my dorm room and headed home to Grandma Frost for the holidays.
Jennifer Estep, from Kiss of Frost
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Book Review: Kill the Queen by Jennifer Estep
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A new adult fantasy, allegedly a romance, focusing on the unproabably high number of assassination attempts against the royal family of the kingdoms, almost all of which are against our darling MC Everleigh becuase she’s Speshul.
Pretty standard backstory for her: parents brutally murdered in front of her when she was 12, none of her other relatives wanted to take her in, so she’s spent the last 10 years living in the palace as like the 23rd person in line to the throne.
She doesn’t have much magic (in book 1 at least), and is a useless extra royal cousin. But it’s okay she has a plan to makde her own life. Because she’s been working both in the dessert kitchen of the palace, and with the magical jewelry maker/metal worker dude. So she has marketable skills!
And then the entire royal family is brutally murdered in front of her eyes and she’s the only one who survives. Of course the next reasonable thing to do after this traumatic even is to go join a traveling gladiator troup and fight for entertainment. These kinds oflogical decisions will continue through the whole series.
So the book starts with the sentence “the day of the Massacre of the Seven Towers began just like any other” and then it take 100 pages to actually get to the massacre. The inciting incedent doesn’t happen until 100 pages into the story.
The writing is very repetetive, and everything is described in minute detail. The repetitiveness partially comes from how often throughout the series that people’s eye color is described. And the eye color matches up to which royal family you’re from because of course it does. Even people without special eyes get their features described over and over again. As part of the magic system, some people can transform into different forms, such as dragons or ogers. The people who can do this have a mark on their neck in the shape of what they can turn into. And this detail is brought up every single time one of those characters comes on page. Sometimes in the 2nd and 3rd books it seemed like these tattoos were animated??? and could have emotions??? Were they sentient this whole time???
Unfortunately for the reader most of the book is spent inside of Everleigh’s own head. And boy does she have a lot of thoughts. Especially in the 2nd and 3rd books she’ll spend several pages thinking through a decision before actually moving the narrative forward. It definitely does get tiring to read after a while. There are also flashbacks to various traumatic events in her childhood. In narrative they’re usually nightmares. They’re always relevant to what’s going on in the plot so we get this detailed narration of the past, and then an immediate connection to how she can solve her current problems.
In case you couldn’t tell, I do not think this is a good book. Or a good series. But. It is absolutely the perfect thing to read while on vacation and sitting out on the porch. The plot is not at all hard to follow, and since all of Everleigh’s thought are explained on page,you don’t have to use your own brain to connect narrative threads. Just stare at the pretty black squiggles on the page and let yourself be transported to a very dumb world with a very high number of dead monarchs. The writing style lends itself well to getting reading momentum, if only to get it over with more quickly.
Pro tio: when reading, try to avoid reading Everleigh’s whole name like the opening to My Immortal
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yurelia · 9 days
[Rezension] Jennifer Estep: »Das dunkle Herz der Magie«
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Eine würdige Fortsetzung, die genauso spannend ist wie der Vorgänger und Lust auf den nächsten Band macht. Pageturner!
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gonzabasta · 2 months
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thereadingcafe · 2 months
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dkehoe · 7 months
This Chick Read: Only Good Enemies (Galactic Bonds #2) by Jennifer Estep
When we last saw Vesper Quill, she had been kidnapped, thrown into a war, found herself bonded to one of the world’s famous military warriors, raised to a Lady in society, and taken over the tech company she used to work for… I know, this is a lot for a first book! Book 2 jumps right in where book 1 left off. Vesper is the head of Quill Corp, making all things tech work smoothly. Yes, she’s still…
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danielleurbansblog · 1 year
Review: Conquer the Kingdom
Synopsis: Magic reigns, plots abound, and a new love might not conquer all, in this must-read finale to the epic Gargoyle Queen trilogy by international bestselling author Jennifer Estep. Time is running out for crown princess Gemma Ripley. Despite being a cunning spy and a powerful mind magier, Gemma hasn’t been able to track down the most dangerous enemy her kingdom of Andvari has ever seen.…
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whatsheread · 1 year
Jennifer Estep does it again
Jennifer Estep writes such satisfying trilogies. The finale of The Gargoyle Queen series, Conquer the Kingdom, is just one more example of that. It is that magical combination of action, suspense, and romance that she blends so well for all her stories, especially for this conclusion of Gemma Ripley’s story. As in the previous two novels, one of my favorite elements of Conquer the Kingdom is…
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sandythereadingcafe · 2 months
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$1.99 ebook deals by Jennifer Estep
Two of the books in Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series are on sale for $1.99 each. Woot! 🕷️⚔️🕸️📕
Amazon Kindle — Barnes & Noble — Apple Books — Kobo
Amazon Kindle — Barnes & Noble — Apple Books— Kobo
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weirdesplinder · 1 year
Oggi voglio parlarvi di un libro molto interessante che ho appena finito di leggere: Only Bad options di Jennifer Estep.
Si tratta un paranormal romance/urban fantasy purtroppo inedito in italiano
Link: https://amzn.to/3Vhmf4z
Trama: Vesper Quill non è certo un personaggio famoso. Per la maggior parte delle persone che la conoscono è solo un umile topo da laboratorio che progetta sintetizzattori di birra e altri elettrodomestici nel laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo della potente Kent Corp. Ma quando la ragazza decide di denunciare un difetto di progettazione e un rischio per la sicurezza nella nuova linea di jet Kent Corp., molti iniziano ad interessarsi a lei....per eliminarla. Seppure sia una veggente non ha previsto la minaccia per la sua vita se non troppo tardi e ora che sta per morire l'unica sua speranza di sopravvivenza, secondo il suo potere, sta in Kyrion Caldaren, un arrogante nobile, capo del corpo d'elite militare del reggente dell'Imperium, uno spietato assassino che tutti temono.
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Big Time, New York. In dieser Welt hat jede Stadt Superhelden und Superschurken. Carmen Cole steht kurz vor ihrer Hochzeit als sie ihren Verlobten mit ihrer besten Freundin inflagranti im Bett erwischt. Und als wäre das nicht schon schlimm genug handelt es sich bei den beiden um Superheld und Erzfeindin. Carmen ist gekränkt, gedemütigt und sauer. Die Liebenden bekommen nicht mal mit, dass sie erwischt wurden und Carmen schießt ein paar Bilder und rennt in die Radaktion und veröffentlicht die Bilder mitsamt Enthüllungsstory. Die Konsequenz folgt, nicht nur für die Fantastic Five, die Superhelden sondern auch für Carmen. Durch diese Tragödie hört Carmen damit auf Superhelden zu demaskieren, doch die Terrible Trinity, die Schurken machen Carmen einen Strich durch die Rechnung und erpressen sie. Jennifer Estep hat mich mit der Mythos Academy in ihren Bann gezogen und so musste ich auch Karma Girl lesen. Superhelden haben mich nie interessiert, doch Karma Girl hat mich vollkommen überzeugt. Es gibt unverhersehbare Wendungen, auch erahnbare, aber das tut der Story keinen Abbruch. Als die Geschichte zu Ende ging hatte ich ein leises Gefühl wie es ausgehen könnte und das tat es auch und ich könnte nicht glücklicher sein. (link)
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“There are so many wonderful new science fiction and fantasy books to read in March 2023. The science fiction and fantasy novels and novellas have not come to play this month.
They say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. The month is in-between the roar of winter and the bleat of spring. I cannot help but place these new releases in the same category. This exciting mix of new science fiction and fantasy novels will help you finish off the worst of the winter.
First and foremost: excellent cover designs all around. The colors, fonts, and overall designs are chef’s kiss, no-notes level brilliant. Let me tell you, I greatly appreciate the latest developments in cover design. I love the string of bright colors and richly painted images. You really cannot ask for more.“
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yurelia · 19 days
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Ein gelungener Auftakt einer vielversprechenden Buchreihe. Fesselnd von Anfang bis Ende. Pageturner!
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