#what does this say about me?
friendrat · 18 days
Realizing I seem to be drawn to unpopular characters in large fandoms, and not sure what that says about my personality...
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gophergal · 1 month
I spend so much time on the Hellsite that I keep forgetting that meatspace culture doesn't find average middle aged people breathtakingly attractive
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bnhababe · 2 months
me, picking a book or movie: my favorite dynamic is enemies to lovers! i don't really care for friends to lovers also me: writes friends to lovers again and writes friends to lovers again and writes friends to lovers again and-
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misc-magic · 2 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (no pressure of course but spreading positivity IS cool :D)
Omg I have to say FIVE things I like about myself?!? That’s a lot lol
Okay uh… dang this is tough!
Let’s see… I’m gonna go with my piercings, being nonbinary, being a writer, being independent, & uh… being super chill???? Haha wow I am not good at this exercise at all! Hopefully that works 😅
Anyway thank you for this lovely message, I appreciate it!
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i used to be a lot happier back when i binged CW 8 season shows that actually should’ve lasted like 2 seasons and were also bad to begin with
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sylaiselavellan · 2 years
Realized something.
Zevran likes things that are beautiful and dangerous, yes? So imagine Zevran with a Surana/Amell Warden and they're doing their thing and fire/electricity goes fwoosh and Zevran is like 😶. Maybe Zevran thinks they did something wrong and Surana/Amell is awkwardly explaining/guessing its because they got too excited (a la DoriBull) and Zevran is doubly excited now. Maybe they can get shocked?
And then you have Hawke and Fenris. Fenris plunging their hand through someone's chest and Hawke going to 10 immediately.
What I'm saying is that 2/3 of my romances are about one person finding dangerous situation top-tier mood making and I don't know what to do with this information.
Edit: Thought about Pavellan and they're into danger as well. Dorian's, "Haha I could do this all day" and Lavellan "Practically a second honeymoon".
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only-wonder · 2 years
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Art vs Artist 2022
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Tagged by @jynxed13 (thank you!)
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people.
Tagging: @zennialemo @gooseras @godotismissingx @gem2117 @nineninepetals @beyoonce @mauvends @a-single-log-bridge @jaehyuns-confused @evil-moonlight
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Out of all the things that could annoy me about episode one of SNW, the fact that Captain Batel called a Comm unit a phone is literally the only thing that did.
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hcavcnswept · 1 year
I just got a message from a bartender that me and my husband like to see. He was telling me how he's going to be working at another bar and like... This is wild to me.
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
Weirdowithaquill 100!
Okay, so over the course of around 2 years, I have uploaded 100 fics to Ao3. That's... a worrying number, seeing as it means I've uploaded roughly 1 fic per week.
The first fic I uploaded is... gone now, because it's revamped. But the second fic I ever wrote was 'Mavis the Vociferous Engine' - and from there I have since written 42 ERS books, the most recent being 'Ivo Hugh the Young Engine'.
The longest fic currently in the lot is 'The Informant' at 75, 562 words, while the most kudos work is 'Saiko Metori and the Psychic' at 457 kudos. I call that a win. Most read work is 'Delinquent Meet Geek, What Now?' at 5, 787 hits.
Some stats as of Weirdowithaquill 100:
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Somehow, even though almost half the fics I've uploaded are RWS, the most popular fandoms I write for are Saiki K., Assassination Classroom and Total Drama. Your guess is as good as mine. Naruto is creeping up in the rankings though...
So here's to 100 fics written, and let's hope for 100 more... just maybe a bit slower this time? Depends on when inspiration strikes, I suppose!
The next time I do a celebration, it'll probably be at 500 fics or 1 million hits, whichever comes first. (It'll probably be 500 fics, let's be honest XD)
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callmeshifty · 2 years
So, I just started watching The Punisher series on Disney+. Mainly, you know, the love of my life Ben Barnes. Just finished episode 8 in season 1 and I'm just... oddly turned on???
And the utter audacity I have to think that a dangerous man such as Billy Russo could bathe me after he knifed my partner and I'd probably do the horizontal mambo with him afterwards is really making me question my taste in men.
(Side note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN BARNES!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
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wandering-soul-1993 · 2 years
I don't know what kind of reaction this will get, but rewatching Hetalia, I realized that America is pretty much how I picture Daniel Malloy.
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peachsayshi · 2 years
sukuna brain rot sukuna brain rot sukuna brain rot ksdjflskjdf 
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criminal minds is my new comfort show
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chippedmoon · 1 year
Me, 13 years old, not realizing I was queer, having a deep infatuation with Sunny from Girls’ Generation & Amber* from f(x).
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*this was many many years before I learned of amber’s problematic comments.
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