#wha chapter 71 spoilers
beldaroot · 9 months
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i love this parallel because it implies that for both qifrey and hiehart it's simply instinctive for them to protect their apprentice since they don't think about the dangers before they act :')
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buzzykrueger · 10 months
heyyy witch hat atelier squad, how are we feeling about this new chapter...
I dont remember being this scared over a chapter like I am about next month's update.
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*aHEM* okay. let's try this again
so i did a theory thing i guess like months ago where i tried to figure out why Fukuchi said that Fukuzawa's answer was wrong about his motives, and it SUCKED tbh. which is why it is now in the trash next to my sanity
and recently i did that again, but this time i went back and read 30+ chapters (starting from chapter 71 and backtracking a few times) and collected Too Many screenshots of panels to use while i write a new theory because i was unhappy with my first one but i promise i'm not going to make you look at all of them because that would be cruel and make this post infinitely longer
i'll include a tldr at the bottom for this since it really boils down to one point, and to get to that one point i want to cover quite a bit of context so i understand if you just want to read the Main Point lol
so let's try this Fukuchi's goal theory again but better this time
*distant sleep-deprived sobbing*
🔺spoiler warning for chapters 70-104.5🔻
Starting with what we know...
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So this is the first thing we learn before we even know Kamui is Fukuchi, coming from Mushitaro in chapter 70. What I want to focus on is Ango's response to the information, because YEAH that's exactly what I said too the first time I read it!! Why does he say "eliminate" and not "overthrow"?? Don't people usually overthrow a government? Well, this makes more sense to us later once we learn Fukuchi doesn't actually plan on overthrowing anything. What he really wants is to eliminate the concept of different "governments" and different "nations" altogether. This is what we learn in his speech about heading what he calls 'the Humankind Army', in chapter 82. He's not trying to become the leader of the entire world, so to speak, he just wants the entire world to be united with a single army so that there are no borders and no armies beyond the One Single Army.
Okay, but why?
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Fukuchi, now that he's be revealed in chapter 85, just straight up admits he plans on "eliminating" every single nation. He doesn't want to leave a single one out of his Humankind Army, because that would leave room for error. Every nation must be brought into the fold or eliminated altogether in order to prevent wars from ever breaking out again, according to him. I'm not going to explain how ludicrous this plan is because I don't need to, he's a villain doing villain things and he genuinely believes that he will get away with this because he has Bram and One Order. Not to mention, he is amplifying Bram's power to some degree, as this is something he reveals to Tachihara when the latter claims that taking over half the world's armies is an impossible feat in chapter 90. It’s possible he could do the same with One Order, since it is an ‘ability weapon’, but it’s impossible to know for sure until we see him use it.
I think the second image pretty much explains why he wants to eliminate the nations. He was a weapon of war, essentially, commanded by the nation he served to slaughter his adversaries while he watched his comrades die around him. He's clearly traumatized/haunted by the deaths of his comrades, as we're shown a couple of times that he has PTSD-like flashbacks or hallucinations to when he was on the battlefield. In one of these flashbacks/memories, we see him being told by a dying soldier to seek revenge.
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calm down walmart batman
Now, here's where things get interesting, because in chapter 104.5, we learn that revenge is not his goal.
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Fukuzawa guesses it is, saying it's revenge on the government that sent him and his comrades to war over and over again using a healing ability, and also punishment for Fukuzawa himself for ‘betraying’ Fukuchi and not going to war with him. However, Fukuchi immediately corrects Fukuzawa by straight up stabbing him in the gut... So his goal obviously isn't actually getting revenge on the government or Fukuzawa, or the ADA as a whole even.
I don't think he wants revenge, either. He's not necessarily vengeful, despite what those flashbacks might say. No... It's worse.
Fukuchi wants justice.
There's a few things that led me to forming this theory, so bear with me here...
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I think these pages specifically are interesting because, while it doesn’t say much about his motives, we clearly see he has complicated views towards Fukuzawa. He offers Fukuzawa (him, specifically, not the ADA) protection from the government and the Hunting Dogs, and even acknowledges that he considers Fukuzawa a close friend in front of Atsushi. However, he is also upset or maybe even spiteful that Fukuzawa didn’t go to the battlefield with him like he wanted, and therefore didn’t have to experience all the horrors that Fukuchi did during the war. To some degree, he wants to make Fukuzawa suffer as he has (hence why he captured the ADA members and is displaying them for Fukuzawa to see).
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Fukuchi also talks about angels a lot. Which does make sense considering he heads the Decay of the Angel, where ‘angels’ are more accurately Devas from Buddhist scriptures, which are mortal angels. The 5 stages of decay are what we witnessed at the beginning of this whole thing, when the DOA went through the first 4 stages with high-ranking politicians, and then Nikolai framed the Agency for the final stage with even more politicians as victims. The line about reincarnating is interesting to me, because it could be alluding to Fukuchi eliminating every nation and then creating the Humankind Army in its place as the ‘ideal reincarnation’, as there would be no more war. This, with Fukuchi, could be manifesting in the form of wanting to bring the world itself and these ‘angels’ to justice for their wrongdoings. But also enact justice on behalf of his fallen comrades who no longer have the ability to do so.
The entire theme of the Hunting Dogs is that they all have an extremely strong drive for justice, but all in their own ways. Currently in the story, however, almost none of them agree with Fukuchi anymore, and have either formed their own sense of justice that goes against Fukuchi, or has placed more value in something else over that justice.
Out of all the Hunting Dogs, the one who talks about justice the most is Tecchou. But we’ve already seen Tecchou find something worth putting above his sense of justice; Jouno, who he wants to find more than he wants to enact justice on Kenji for being a ‘terrorist’. Jouno also has his own form of justice, which is to protect the innocent above all else, as we see him declare as he defies Fukuchi in chapter 93 before being bitten.
Tachihara was the first to abandon his belief in justice and Fukuchi, stating that orders make him who he is as we see a panel of Mori telling Tachihara to destroy the enemy of the world (aka Fukuchi). Unfortunately, following orders apparently can’t save you from being stabbed from the past. And then blinded. And bitten. Tachi can’t catch a break or any story time even 2 years later
Teruko, who has already been told all of Fukuchi’s plans by the man himself as of chapter 103.5, still chooses to follow Fukuchi of her own free will, telling Atsushi that ‘justice is but a word’ in the face of that. I’m not sure if this means she’s no longer following a sense of justice at all, or if she just puts her will to follow Fukuchi to the end of the earth above it. Either way, she’s the only one still following Fukuchi in the Hunting Dogs at this point. However, she lets Atsushi go, which makes me think she’s resigned to letting Fukuchi carry out his plans but doesn’t want to get involved herself.
Fukuchi is the only one who believes in his own sense of justice above all else, and it could be what is fueling him to carry out whatever world-ending plans he has. There’s not many other explanations as to why a man like Fukuchi would be so determined to reach his goals, since we know for a fact that revenge is at least not the main contributor here. Not to mention, Atsushi calls Fukuchi a ‘representative of justice’ in chapter 83.5, and Fukuchi doesn’t correct him or mention it.
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So besides another reference to angels, it’s interesting to see Fukuchi call the chairman ‘foolish’ for thinking he was doing all this to save the world. This adds to the idea that he doesn’t see salvation for the world as it is, which ties into the fact that he wants to remake the world under the Humankind Army. He doesn’t plan on saving the world as it is, nor does he plan on dominating it at the basic definition of the concept. He wants to carry out justice to destroy and then reincarnate the world under one army controlled by one man and one nation. It’s probably more accurate to say he wants to unite the entire world under the army more than under himself specifically, but it’s still debatable at this point.
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Fukuchi’s mental state is also called into question a few times. We see Atsushi questioning it in chapter 91 during the ADA meeting in Lucy's room, and then obviously there’s the handful of flashbacks we get of the battlefield Fukuchi stood on, either surrounded by bodies or witnessing the end of one of his comrades, or standing before a crater where soldiers were most likely standing at one point. We also see during the two Fukus memory flashback that Fukuchi was scared he’d return from the war a changed person, which is why he wanted Fukuzawa to go with him. This is most likely what Fukuchi is referencing in chapter 103.5 when he tells Fukuzawa that ‘the person he knew before does not exist’, and that ‘the battlefield changed everything’. This mental state probably doesn’t help the whole destroying-and-rebirthing-the-world thing he has going on right now. Not to mention, in the memory in chapter 104, Fukuchi originally went into the military with the idea that his actions were ones that saved lives, and that war was not the enemy of everything on earth. He genuinely believed he could protect his comrades in war. But when he couldn’t save anyone, his views changed drastically to what they are now, which is shockingly similar to what Fukuzawa said in opposition to Fukuchi in the memory: that the only things found at war were actions that took away lives.
Conclusion/TLDR: Fukuchi doesn’t want revenge or to dominate the world by himself, he wants to destroy the governments and nations of the world and then create the Humankind Army to begin the reincarnation of one unified nation under that army. All for the sake of preventing war from ever breaking out again, and therefore enacting his delusional form of justice upon the negligent nations that allowed war to happen in the first place. This is also justice served for his fallen comrades that beg him to take revenge.
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nyaruhodou · 10 months
wha 71 spoilers below the cut but omg shirahama went OFF on the facial expressions in this chapter???? also shit seriously popped off in this chapter im so excited for yall to read it. very jujy and hiheart centric!
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
T-W: Our Precious Deleted Scenes - TwstOBer Specials (Day 5)
Date Published: 5 October, 2:35 PM UTC / 21:35 PM WIB Words Count: 829 Warning(s): Spoiler to TW:OPT Chapter 67-71 and 78-80 TwstOBer Prompt: Day 5 - Dance
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Leaning against the railing, Riddle overlooked at Prydain City below him. Riddle always tolerated this type of silence. It wasn't like his silent cold room where he would curl when he disobeyed his mother, but it was a welcoming coolness.
A lukewarm can was pressed against his cheek making him flinched. Looking at the culprit, Jonah was smiling at him, carrying a can of hot drink in each of his hands. "They have strawberry tea."
The corner of Riddle's lips raised as he took the warm can, Sipping the content inside, he scrunched his nose. "I like yours better."
Jonah just chuckled. The wind blew softly between them, their ahoge waving the breeze. "I've never been outside the school before."
Riddle shrugged. "Me neither. This is actually the first time I ever go out for the whole day."
"Really? What do you usually do?"
Jonah hummed. Sometimes he forgot that the boy next to him was the former Crimson Tyrant. While, yes, he was still strict, the level of punishment was better than previously. "I wonder where the other went."
"Probably they get lost in the crowd." Riddle huffed. "It was their idea, you know."
It was Cater's idea actually. There will be a firework party at Prydain City later that night and since yesterday was the last day of the final exam, the Heartslabyul decided to celebrate by going to the city. Well, it was more like convincing Riddle to join in and inviting Jonah to stick around. It was a fun day, filled with running around the city, playing in the arcade for a long time (Riddle just made a forever rivalry with the crane game), and having a giant parfait for lunch. They decided to watch the firework far from the crowd but it seemed like only Jonah and Riddle arrived at the meeting spot. The others were nowhere to be seen.
"Oh." Looking up to the sky, Jonah smiled. "It's another full moon."
Riddle looked at him strangely. "Yeah, so?"
Jonah chuckled, shaking his head. "It was also a full moon during that All Hallow's Eve party."
Riddle frowned. "You know, you never tell me the full story about that night."
Jonah shrugged. "It was a long story anyway." He sighed. "In the end, I didn't get to enjoy the party. And..." He scratched his cheek sheepishly,"... I guess we didn't get to dance that night, right?" He chuckled again. "Maybe it was better that way."
Riddle's eyes widened, remembering that one-off comment from Trey. He looked down at the half-drank strawberry tea in his hand. "Because... You don't want to dance?" Riddle didn't understand why he left hurt when asking that.
Jonah shook his head lightly. "No. I'll probably trip in the end."
Riddle clicked his tongue. "I can teach you," he mumbled.
Jonah turned to him, blinking in confusion. "I beg your pardon?"
Riddle puffed up his red cheeks before sighed. Nodding to himself he turned to Jonah. "I can teach you. Right here, right now."
"Wha-" Jonah didn't get to say anything as Riddle pulled him away from the fence to get more space. The redhead stepped back for a bit before getting himself in position. Riddle posture was poised, right arm folded behind his back while his left one was stretched out toward Jonah with an open palm.
"Jonah Argentum." For a moment, Riddle looked more regal, lips curled up in a confident smile as if he was in his element, unlike the flustering mess he was earlier. "May I have this dance?"
And really who could say no to that?
Jonah smiled. He faced the opposite and got into the same position. He put his left hand on top of Riddle. "I would be my pleasure, Your Majesty." Riddle smiled back at him. 
Both of them bowed lightly before Riddle stepped closer, lifting his right arm, and Jonah spun around. They found themselves in each other arms as their silent waltz continued.
It was nothing like during the All Hallow's Eve party. It was a simple dance. Gliding and twirling with the background of the shining Prydain City behind them. But Riddle loved this. The more they looked into each other eyes, the more they never wanted to look away. Jonah, for the first time since that final exam, finally felt relief in Riddle's arms. All the tension had been lifted up from his body. He rested his head on Riddle's shoulder and the Red Queen became a blushing mess, never once thinking things could actually come to this.
Acutely they could hear the fireworks above them, signally it was already passed their curfew. But they didn't care. If they could wish for the blessing of the Great Seven to stop time so they could stay as long as they can, without caring about the future, they would do that. They would wish as hard as they can...
They had each other...
And that's all that matters...
Giving this challenge a bit more flavors, I decided to share some contents that were cut from the main fic because of reasons. Chapter 67-71 is the Halloween Special and in Chapter 68 Trey suggested that Riddle and Jonah should dance after the obligatory Prefect Dance. However, because of the whole soul-sucking ghost that happened next, they never get that dance. Originally, Chapter 80 would have a 'double date' with ADeuce and ROnah, which included a giant spicy parfait and dance under the moonlight, calling back to Trey's suggestion. However, this was cut because I really want to get to the main story quickly and felt like it'll make it too filler-y.
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