#wes morrisey
randomlifeunit · 11 months
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Some art I made of my OCs.
From top left to right, Wes Morrisey, with bi flag; Ransom Cahill, with demi flag; Rune Vala, with demigirl flag; and Sean Reynolds, with gray aroace flag.
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depressedraisin · 5 months
why did he do this. why
credit: @/elijahhewson on tiktok via @milex.kaner on instagram
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anteroom-of-death · 4 months
Teacher's Pet part 4
(No gif today since I can't find one that fits)
Synopsis: Reader has a small mental breakdown over her developing feelings for the Doctor.
A/n: yall are the realest bitches I ever met for enjoying this. I love you. Also, I'm going to keep some things mysterious for now. But hey, I got a vague plot and I pound out these to keep the scaries away.
Stupid, stupid and foolish! Pig-headed! Dumb! Childish! Total Moron! You chastised yourself as you went into the women’s restroom and locked yourself in a stall.
Where did you get off developing feelings for a professor? Where did you get off by allowing yourself to get yourself to even begin that? Especially this fucking fast? You knew how men were! You knew that even the good ones weren’t ‘good’ in an empirical sense!
They lie, they cheat. They steal. They manipulate. They go on their phones and take hundreds from “Timmy’s uni fund” and transfer it to their private bank account (often that their poor, downtrodden wives didn’t see or have much access to!) to get their dicks fucking wet. They refuse to shower and they bullshit their way into places they really shouldn’t be.
But him? His smile? His poetry? The way he adored his wife even from a few sentences. Like every cell of his body belonged to this dead woman? The deep Scottish brogue? The way he was tender and cared for every single student? Including your dumb ass? The arch of his nose…and his hands?
It got inside you so quickly.
You continue to internally scold yourself, breaking down into tears.
It borderlined on cliché. Hot for teacher. Daddy issues. One man made you feel special so you got giddy and went and got yourself a crush. You truly were exhibiting what people called “Fatherless Behavior”!
You sobbed deeper into your arms, bringing your legs against your chest. Trying to keep balanced on the toilet, you gently banged your head on the wall beside you a few times. You had to meet with the accommodations people in about forty-five minutes. You had to pull yourself together. Even if it would demonstrate a point. You still had to retain some of your dignity.
Plus, you thought quite pathetically, what if he was out roaming and saw you like this?
You banged your head on the wall about it some more.
You let yourself cry for a few more minutes. Just to exorcize whatever was in your system. You weren’t going to allow yourself to cry over a man, even if that was exactly what you were up to!
After that little emotional outburst was over, you scraped yourself off the toilet and back into the general restroom area. You had to put yourself back together.
Splashing your face off with cool water in the wash basin, you noticed that your skin was inflamed and you had some pimples on your forehead.
“Oh, that’s attractive.” You muttered and started on trying to find the willpower to not pick at them. That’d make it worse. And would affect everything. No amount of makeup covers a sucking wound in a visible area.
You didn’t have much on you except for a medicated chap stick and some concealer, so you made do.
You really regretted listening to him and not smoking now…
Deep breaths, you told yourself. Just keep breathing. Healthy stuff. Plenty of people had told you before. 1, 2 3. Hold, longer 1, 2 3 release. Wash, rinse, repeat.
It worked a bit.
You didn’t work tonight, or tomorrow night. You could afford a bit of a drink. Tonight. Tomorrow would be too late and you’d have dry skin for Thursday night.
That’s what you needed. A night of shit TV, skincare and most of a large bottle of coconut rum drowned in a can of Coke Zero.
Would help remove the feelings coiled in your chest a lot.
Reset the system.
Remove ‘it’, whatever ‘it’ truly was…
You steadied yourself and went to the Disabilities Office and sat in the waiting room after signing in for your appointment.
You pulled out your phone and started flipping through a familiar social media site. The memes perked you up and put a smile on your face. Helped you keep composure. You even replied to a few mutual’s messages and congratulated the one on their new job.
Your meeting came and went. Apparently you could go to student-lead tutoring from people who already took the classes. You got signed up and thanked the councilor, taking the emails for the students to message them and get more in-depth about the struggles you were having
You’d do it later, once you got home…
Speaking of which, you stopped at the store and got a can of Coke and a bottle of rum before trudging inside of it.
You started studying and sending out the emails to your new tutors. Truly a task from hell.
You stopped yourself from having thoughts of another type of tutoring.
The drink you mixed was strong. Perhaps too strong. The show you put on in the background was harshing the vibes so you closed the tab it was on. You checked the site for your place of work. You scoffed at your photos and wondered how little you could pay to get a professional update to them.
Back to school work. Back to projects. You couldn’t afford to let yourself have a stray thought.
The liquor highlighted the slight soft pain you had on the side of your head from the pounding you gave it. You touched it gingerly and gave up.
You weighed your options, you could drop the class and take the failing marks. Or you could be brave and normal. And take the class, just skate by. Hardly ever speak. Take the lowest grade and still fail.
It was a matter of what left you with the most amount of dignity, but also didn’t waste your money or time.
Or heart ache.
Could you really spite yourself like that?
Or just cut off contact for good.
What would not break your heart nor your bank nor your ethics? Was there any option that left all intact and unscarred? Let alone your precious, stupid dignity?
You had too much on your plate as is, now this stupid crush?
And disposing of it?
You drained the rest of your glass and did the bare minimum in the shower. Mainly just let the hot water spill over your head while you stared at the wall.
You put even less effort in on your skin care and teeth brushing.
Just climbed in bed and let sleep find your semi-drunk body and fully-fucked up and over brain.
Your alarm shot you out of bed, leaving your heart racing and your chest heaving. You just didn’t go to get up, let alone do anything. You sent in a mass email from your phone saying that you were sick. You’d let yourself go to work tomorrow night. But you didn’t want to set foot on that campus until you had a better, more stable grip on yourself.
You had a hangover and a sore throat anyways, so it wasn’t a total lie.
Responsibilities be dammed. You chose to rot in bed and doomscroll on social media. It was your mental breakdown and you chose to make it worse. It was your right! And entirely your fault!
You kept yourself in that ball of blankets far too long. Going in and out of consciousness, phone in hand.
Before you knew it, it was Thursday. Late afternoon. You sighed and got up.
You were quite dehydrated and famished. Hardly leaving the bed and relying on the cups that littered the side of your table for your main sources of water for well over twenty-four hours had left you weak and you fainted upon leaving the coil of your bedding.
When you came to, you thanked your lucky stars and any God that may have been paying a half-lick of attention to you in that moment.
You kept it simple and reheated some Chinese takeaway you had in your fridge. It was edible. That’s all you could ask for at the moment. Edible and got you through the waking world…
You went into your bathroom and started not only the long ritual you did to prepare yourself for work, but also repair work for the past two days of neglect. It was hard work. Your face was inflamed, your left side had creases in the skin from the corners of your blankets bunched up.
You stretched out and did a bit of a warm up exercise.
After all of that malarkey, you started chugging a bunch of cold water. Then you started to get your work bag together.
This, this, that, that other thing there, you kept mentally chiding yourself. You were out of materials, hopefully one of your coworkers would be able to lend you some. Just enough to get you by until Friday when the shops would be open. You were pulling a double shift anyways, so what was a sneak out and in. Maybe you’d convince the owner/manager to let you work when you’re usually not on during Friday. Whatever little cash you would make would certainly be welcome, and certainly wouldn’t hurt. You could sleep between appointments or walk-ins!
Maybe you would break your promise to Professor Smith and get yourself a pack of cigarettes and to hell with the entire engagement!
You stretched again and got into street clothes.
You repeated to yourself that you had to keep your mind on money and money on your mind. That it came naturally. Whatever all those dorky manifestations you occasionally saw said. Anything. Just to keep your spirits up and get your mind off other subjects.
Money on your mind was a whole lot healthier than a certain silver-haired professor being in there. And his class you were skipping today…
Who knows, maybe something bad would happen to you and you would be sworn off men in any way except the bare minimum to survive this world for good! You thought catastrophically.
You slid on your street shoes and your coat, slung your work bag over your shoulder and made your way out your door.
What was that one song? And how did it go?
‘So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time…”
Yeah, like that.
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donniefrankdarko · 1 year
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The images behind The Smiths album covers!
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batemanofficial · 5 months
can i be mean for a second. i find the whole "uwu don't kill bugs they don't deserve to die for the crime of being small" thing SOOOOOO annoying. like it's a garden spider. they die when it gets below 30 degrees. god isn't gonna weigh all the souls of all the bugs you've killed to see whether or not you'll get into heaven. relax
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pirateboy · 4 months
right quik i would like to see my albu m
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The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead
Favourite songs: Cemetry Gates, There Is a Light That Never Goes Out, The Boy with the Thorn in His side, Bigmouth Strikes Again
Songs I think you'd like: Frankly Mr. Shankly, I Know It's Over, Cemetry Gates, Bigmouth Strikes Again
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thefrontofmymind · 11 months
ngl the video of rina was POWERFUL.
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amouramaryllis · 9 months
Artists I've shit talked on tumblr to varying degrees:
• Anish Kapoor
• Damien Hirst
• David Lynch
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The Cure and The Smiths - Byler edition
Will is a The Cure kinda guy and Mike is a The Smiths kinda guy
Will - Friday I'm in love and Boys don't cry ofc
Mike - Bigmouth Strikes Again and This Charming Man
Dudes love music and they listen to both but they lean more towards one than other
if you come across this post and haven't listened to these songs PLEASE give it a chance to all of these bc all of them are pretty great
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castielsparkle · 1 year
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suchacomet · 2 years
only me and gerard way know how joan of arc felt
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Broke: Trying to tell if Morris or Maury are fronting by their names 
Woke: Figuring out if Morris or Maury are fronting by which faceclaims of their respective partners they react to.
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shanardo13 · 1 month
Obikin College AU - RA/Don!Obi-Wan/First year!Anakin - Part One
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I’ve been reading a lot of modern au Obikin fics recently, so one could say I’m on a bit of a kick.
That’s where this idea comes from!! I’m gonna outline it below so I can reference this if I ever decide to write it/for your enjoyment. Also, the pic is what I imagine they look like 😎.
Link to Part Two
Link to Part Three
Anakin and Obi-Wan go to Uni together.
It’s Anakin’s first year, and he moves into residence ready for FROSH week.
Obi-Wan is a RA/ Don for Anakin’s residence building, mainly because it looks good on a résumé and it helps cut living expenses.
Anakin becomes obsessed with him. When he first moved in, he was honestly going to skip all the FROSH stuff, opting to explore the new city on his own. After meeting Obi-Wan he is the first one to show up for all their activities, volunteering to help whenever he can. Anything to be on the older boy’s radar.
They get through FROSH, Anakin flirting desperately through little side comments the entire time. Obi-Wan just believes he’s excited and eager about the events.
During FROSH, Anakin makes friends with other incoming students - Padmé, Rex and Ahsoka. They become a little group. Everyone is quite fed up with Anakin’s Obi-Wan obsession after the week. They pray once the semester starts and they no longer spend every day with Obi-Wan he will shut up. He doesn’t.
“Dude, do us all a favour and actually talk to him.” “Please, Anakin, we really can’t take this anymore.”
“Oh Come on guys, what are friends for if not to listen to each other ramble about highly likely unrequited crushes?”
He does try to talk to Obi-Wan one on one during FROSH. To say it was a little awkward would be an understatement.
“So, what’s your major?”
“English/Literature with a minor in philosophy.”
“That’s nice. I read a book once.”
They kinda just stare at each other and then Anakin rushes back to his little group of friends who all wear mortified expressions.
“Don’t even! I was nervous!”
After this, they don’t really speak during FROSH, until the last night of events. They are the only two left cleaning up after the evenings activities.
“Thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it.”
“Oh, no worries!” Please marry me
“Out of curiosity… what is the one book you’ve read?”
“I’ve read more than one book!”
“I sort of figured, considering the University acceptance and all.”
“Yeah… I don’t know why I said that.”
“It’s alright, it was charming. In a himbo sort of way.”
Oh my god, you think I’m charming? Take me right here in the common room, I’ll show you charming.
The semester starts and they don’t see as much of each other anymore.
Part of Obi-Wan’s job as RA/Don is to take shifts working the desk in the lobby of their building. He does this every Friday night.
Anakin discovers this by accident. He and the gang had been at an off-campus party. They’re coming home late one night, all quite drunk.
As they walk through the door and see Obi-Wan everyone starts giggling and poking at Anakin as he flushes.
“Hello folks.” Obi-Wan greets cheerily.
“Hello Obi-Wan.” Ahsoka smirks at Anakin.
“Did you tell him yet?” Rex pushes him forward.
“Tell me what?”
Nothing! It was nice seeing you Obi-Wan!” Anakin ushers them all toward his room, leaving behind a confused Obi-Wan.
Every Friday afterward, Anakin takes advantage of the knowledge that Obi-Wan is working the desk.
He hangs around, striking casual conversation. They talk about anything and everything. School, classes, hobbies, music, other interests. They become well-acquainted.
“You’re telling me you’d pick The Cure over the Smiths?”
“Oh, of course. Easily. The Smiths are so depressing.”
“So is The Cure, idiot! At least Morrisey’s hot about it.”
“Are you saying Robert Smith isn’t hot?”
Anakin flirts shamelessly. Oblivious, Obi-Wan doesn’t catch the hints and just thinks Anakin is killing time waiting for his friends. Unbeknownst to him, Anakin bails on his friends every Friday to hang out at the front desk.
“You sure you don’t want to come tonight, Ani?”
“It’s his Obi-Wan night. He won’t come.”
Another part of Obi-Wan’s job is being the “Don on Duty”. This means he responds to any complaints/emergencies the residents have. He carries around a special phone for emergencies. He does this every Saturday night. Again, Anakin discovers this by accident.
A loud knock at his door interrupts Anakin’s dorm room party. He and his friends are wasted, watching movies and screaming about them.
He opens the door to reveal Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan is looking down. “I’ve received several noise complaints about this room. You guys are going to have to - Anakin?” He cuts himself off once he looks up and blue meets blue.
“Obi-Wan! Come drink with us!”
“Anakin, I can’t. I’m on duty.”
“Oh come on, pretty pretty please?”
“Don’t say no! Please”
“Oh fine, but if this phone goes off I have to leave. And we really must be quiet.”
Obi-Wan spends the evening getting drunk with Anakin and his friends. Thankfully the phone doesn’t go off.
They watch films together, everyone growing drowsy. Anakin curls up next to Obi-Wan and rests his head on his shoulder. When Obi-Wan wraps his arm around him and holds him close, it’s merely because he’s drunk and tired.
That night, the two finally exchange phone numbers.
Anakin starts texting Obi-Wan relentlessly. Obi-Wan would call it harassment.
Anakin: do you ever think about the overwhelming and paralyzing passage of time? How you can’t do anything to stop it? (Sent at 3:42 am)
Obi-Wan: no, but I am now. (Sent at 3:44 am)
Anakin: lolz look at this silly kitty pic. He’s u! (Sent at 3:47 am)
Obi-Wan: go to sleep!!!!! (Sent at 3:48 am)
Anakin: jeez ok Mr. Grumpy pants 😡😡 (Sent at 3:50 am, Read at 3:50 am)
Obi-Wan starts getting invited to Anakin’s friend group hang outs. He was charming enough last time. Truthfully, it’s mostly because if he’s there, it saves the others from having to hear Anakin yearn for him all night.
Alright, this is kind of just the general idea/ all I’ve got right now! Lemme know if you guys want to hear more or have any suggestions! My DM’s are always open if anyone wants to brainstorm, or just chat in general!
I’d also be down as heck to rp this if anyone was interested.
Thank you for reading if you’ve gotten this far!!
I’ll update it later when I think of more! (:
EDIT: I've created a second part to this! if you wanna read more, the link to part two can be found at the top of this post!
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on-this-day-mcr · 1 year
On this day, April 9
In 2002: My Chemical Romance gave their first ever interview. The interview, featuring Gerard and Mikey, was for Snagglezine, a New Jersey fanzine run by two Eyeball Records interns.  Read the interview here, or below the cut!
M: I'm Michael Way, I play the bass guitar. G: I'm Gerard Way, I'm the singer. K: Your biggest influences? G: Iron Maiden. M: The Smiths. G: At the Gates, Brit pop, Blur, Morrisey, shit like that. Like metal, like melodic metal. We're all about it, like Helloween, big influences. M: Oh yeah. Keeper of the Seven Keys. G: You can't hear any of our influences in our music though but it's there. M: It's subconsciously in the music, but nobody else can pick it up unless you're looking for it, you can't really pick on what's there. K: We hear that you just signed to Eyeball (Records). How's it feel to be signed to such a great label? G: We're fucking really excited. M: It's so excellent. G: I've know Alex for a while, I probably shouldn't say that, Alex is fucking great. M: ..and an amazing human being. We've known him and he took care of fucking Thursday and we were psyched about that, but not only that, we were really psyched to be with Pencey Prep because those kids fuckin helped us out right from the start. They gave us their tour van when we needed it, they gave us their fuckin tour van! Hambone gave us the tour van and fuckin cause they're getting a new one and they gave us a spot in their practice studio that we share with them, so we share a practice studio with them. C: Yeah Alex got us our first interview, Thursday. M: Yeah I remember, I was right there. No, but it's great cause it's like a family, we all hang out all the time, it's amazing. G: We can't hang out with Thursday as much as we'd like to cause they're always on tour which is gonna happen to all our bands now. K: Favorite bands to play with and favorite venue? G: Pencey (Prep). M: So far it's just Pencey (Prep) but the Loop (Lounge) was hot. G: But the Loop, even though they don't let kids in which sucks, I don't like that 21 and over stuff, but it had great sound. M: Yeah, there's like a professional sound guy. G: But this place (Garfield American Legion) had great sound. C: CBGB'S had good sound for Thursday. M: Oh the Piebald one? C: Yeah. G: Oh I want to play there. C: It's good. M: So far we only played about 5 shows, out of 5 shows, the Loop was the best. G: And we got an encore there. M: Yeah people were calling for an encore. K: That's awesome, we've never been there. Have you guys played in any bands before? G: Me and Mikey had this band called Raygun Jones and we were like, you know, really young and he was the bass player back then too. We had a female bass player and she just dropped out so we just put a bass on Mikey pretty much the same way we did this time. We put a bass on him and said play. We trained him. M: Yeah exactly. It's like I normally play guitar but like my brother came up to me with the material and I was just so blown away that I had to join. I was like, "I don't care what I play" and "I have to be in this somehow". G: He really filled out our band. We had a good vibe going anyway but then when he was in it, it clicked. And that's why, the way you saw us play out there today, we weren't playing like that until Mikey was playing tight with us and joining. K: How long have you guys been established and what was your reason for starting a band? G: The band, uh, me and Otter really got together in November, I believe, and the real reason we established it was because it has a lot to do with the September 11th attack. I was on my way to get ready for a Cartoon Network meeting because I do cartoons and stuff and he had that option. We saw the plane hit right from the train and when we got there we were all just standing on the pier in Hoboken like right on the edge. There's like 300 people that were friend and family and we all saw it go down. That's when I realized that doing this cartoon was bullshit, I love to draw and make art but it was so commercial, it was just that I felt like having meetings with people in suits, it just made me realize what the hell I'm doing with my life. That's what our 1st song that we always open with "Skylines and Turnstyles" is about. It's about the Trade Center. C: Although I'm a big fan of the Cartoon Network and like 3 in the afternoon in your pajamas... G: Yeah but dealing with them is not fun. That actually got it and everyone like came together through the music. It's like therapy. K: How did you get the name and does it imply that you guys are quite the partiers? M & G: Hahaha Oh!!! G: We used to call Mike "Mikey Party" but now he's "Mikey Romance". K: That's how we met you! M: Yeah it was at a party. G: It's like 11 different meanings for the band. You can take them anywhere. On a personal level, for me, it's about anti-depressants. I was like so depressed about a year ago and I just wanted to cut my fuckin face off. It's also like a reference to Irvine Welsh and his books. M: All his books are like classified as Chemical Romances. It's like love stories where there's like drugs involved. C: Yeah, I went to google to see if you guys had a site and all his stuff came up. M: Yup yup, Irvine Welsh. Now there's only 2 people so far that picked up on that. Two people were like "Whoa, you mean like Irvine Welsh?". But it's a personal level, like we took the name and we brought it to a personal level. G: Yeah it really means for me anti-depressants. Like we drink beer and shit... M: We like to party. K & C: Hell yeah. G: We drink and party, we rock and roll man. K: Yeah, the most "un-edge" name, right? G: We don't like do drugs though. C: You're not my friend then. (haha, he's kidding). M: Yeah we don't need drugs to have a good time. :: Gerard announces slumber party and that guitar player takes guitar to a whole new level because he has a gash and is bleeding:: K: One more serious one, what do you guys think of the sudden outburst of bands on indie labels such as Thursday, Phantom Planet, Hot Water Music, and Rival Schools being played on MTV2 and MTVX? G: I think, I always thought this because I've been an artist with comics from that whole scene too. Anything from the underground eventually makes its way up. It's like something underground, it's new and fresh and it's eventually gonna make its way up to the tv. It's bound to happen, it happens with everything. Nirvana is the best example of it and I think that's what's gonna happen with Jersey and I think it's gonna be great. M: I think it's like survival of the fittest cause like whoever's doing it for the right reasons is gonna survive and whoever's doing it for the wrong reasons is gonna get chopped and fried and we all know who's doing it for the right reasons. C: Yeah we know. Do you guys like Dragon Tales? G: We're Lord of the Rings fans. M: No, he's talking about the cartoon. C: ...on PBS. G: The only exposure I have with Dragon Tales is that little kids come in and ask for the cd @ B & N. C: Best Valentine's gift you ever got? G: I'm about to get one right now but I haven't seen it yet. Shit. I haven't really gotten any. I got roses, I love roses so a girl got me roses. That was pretty cool. M: You know what, I can't even remember getting one because there hasn't been a powerful female outlet in my life to give me a Valentine's day gift. So there's no Valentine's day gift I can remember. C: No little candy hearts from grandma or mom or anything like I usually get? M: No way! K: You got frogs this year. M: You're lucky dude. C: Yeah I got frogs from her. Disney character that most represents you? M: Donald Duck. G: Yeah Mike dressed up like Donald Duck in 2nd grade. M: It was a fuckin rad costume, my grandma made it. G: It was fuckin hot and then the next year he dressed up as a stay puff marshmallow. M: And it was also really hot. G: Mr. Toad. C: Would you guys ever cover "The Lady Is A Tramp" by Frank Sinatra? M: It could be done. G: Could we do that? M: It could totally be done. G: Yeah I could see us doing that. M: Cause Frankie's awesome. G: What about doing a Dean Martin or a Sammy? M: Those guys knew how to party man. C: The Rat Pack. G: The Sans Crew. Vegas man. We want to bring Hambone with us cause he always wins on slots. M: He's the King of Slots. ::tangent on Hambone:: Other members not in interview: Otter (Matt)->drums Ray Toro->guitar, phenomenal
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coochiequeens · 28 days
Good news for Women’s sports!
By WDTV News Staff Published: May. 2, 2024
CLARKSBURG, W.Va (WDTV) - Judge Thomas A. Bedell has granted a preliminary injunction, allowing the four students who sued the Harrison County Board of Education to continue playing after their protest on April 18th.
The ruling came after more than three hours of testimony from school officials, a parent, and two of the five girls who participated in the protest.
Judge Bedell addressed the court to specify this hearing was not addressing the issue of transgender athletes in sports. Instead, it was focused on whether there was a violation of due process and if the school prohibited free speech.
Much of the plaintiffs’ case hinged on whether an unwritten rule could be enforced. According to Lincoln Middle School Track Coach Dawn Riestenberg, she adopted the “scratch rule” four years ago, one year after taking on coaching the team.
According to Riestenberg, if a student opted out of participating in an event voluntarily, they wouldn’t be allowed to compete in that same event at the next meet. Importantly, that rule was never written down, nor given to the student athletes in writing.
Instead, Riestenberg testified that she tells the student athletes of her scratch rule at the beginning of the season. The two students testifying disputed that claim.
A lawyer with the Harrison County Board of Education claimed that the students’ free speech rights were not infringed upon by following the scratch rule. Multiple people testified that there were other forms of protesting the issue of transgender athletes in sports throughout the season.
Riestenberg, LMS Principal Lori Scott, and a student all testified that multiple students wore “SWS” shirts -- short for “save women’s sports” -- at meets and were not reprimanded. They only reason, the BOE’s lawyer argued, that the students were not allowed to participate in the next meet was because they violated their coach’s scratch rule.
In the end, Judge Bedell said that both sides made good points, but was going to grant the plaintiff’s preliminary injunction motion.
That means the students will be allowed to compete in their next (and final) two matches of the season, regardless of whether they protest by violating Coach Riestenberg’s scratch rule.
All parties agreed that should the scratch rule want to be enforced in the future, it would need to be in writing.
Riestenberg and Scott committed to making that happen for next season.
Attorney General Patrick Morrisey issued the following response on Judge Bedell’s ruling.
“I want to say to these students and their parents: I have your backs. You saw unfairness and you expressed your disappointment and sacrificed your personal performances in a sport that you love; exercised your constitutionally protected freedom of speech and expression. These girls didn’t disrupt anything when they protested. They should be commended, not punished. We need to teach them that it is noble to stand firm in their beliefs and address their grievances within the protections guaranteed by our constitution. They need not to be silent. They have won by having their voices heard. So glad we were able to weigh in on behalf of these courageous young girls and that they are able to play.”
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judethebrood · 9 months
When Paris said "If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her. The emotional torture, from the head of your high table. She'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fate".
When Hozier said "When my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth. No grave can hold my body down. I'll crawl home to her".
When Florence said "Then bow your head in the house of God. Little girl, who do you think you are? You think you need it, you think you want love. You wouldn't want it if you knew what it was".
When Lana said "Is it me, was I wrong to have trusted you? Did I see what I wanted, what wasn't true? Was I wrong to go on like a little fool? It's amazing what women in love will do".
When Marina said "Started in the strangest way. Didn't see it coming, swept up in your hurricane. Wouldn't give it up for nothing. Now I'm all caught up in the highs and the lows. It's a shock to my system. I don't wanna run away so I stay. My head gets messy when I try to hide the things I love about you in my mind. I don't really know a lot about love".
When Morrisey said "And if a double-decker bus crashes into us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side, well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine".
When Stevie and Lindsey said "Love somebody save their soul. Tie them to your heaven erase their hell. Love their lifestyle if you feel it. Don't try to change them you never will. Sunflowers and your face fascinate me. You go into the dusty pink day. I come a calling unto you, but you run. You're the winner. Long distance winner. You're the winner. Long distance winner".
When Kate said "And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get him to swap our places. Be runnin' up that road. Be runnin' up that hill. Be runnin' up that building. Say, if I only could".
When Joni said "The last time I saw Richard was Detroit in 68. And he told me, "All romantics meet the same fate. Some day, cynical and drunk and boring. Someone in some dark cafe" "You laugh", he said, "You think you're immune? Go look at your eyes, they're full of moon. You like roses and kisses and pretty men to tell you all those pretty lies, pretty lies. When you gonna realise they're only pretty lies? Only pretty lies, just pretty lies".
When Bob said "She said, "Where ya been?" I said, "No place special" She said, "You look different." I said, "Well, I guess" She said, "You been gone." I said, "That's only natural" She said, "You gonna stay?" I said, "If you want me to, yes".
When Mitski said "You're growing tired of me. You love me so hard and I still can't sleep. You're growing tired of me, and all the things I don't talk about. Sorry, I don't want your touch. It's not that I don't want you. Sorry, I can't take your touch. It's just that I fell in love with a war. Nobody told me it ended. And it left a pearl in my head, and I roll it around every night. Just to watch it glow. Every night, baby, that's where I go".
When Glass animals said "Bye bye baby blue. I wish you could see the wicked truth. Caught up in a rush, it's killing you. Screaming at the sun, you blow into. Curled up in a grip when we were us. Fingers in a fist like you might run. I settle for a ghost I never knew. Superparadise I held on to, but I settle for a ghost".
When the Killers said "They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet. You don't have to drink right now, but you can dip your feet, every once in a little while. You sit there in your heartache, waiting on some beautiful boy to. To save you from your old ways. You play forgiveness. Watch it now, here he comes. He doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentlemen, like you imagined when you were young. When you were young".
When Radiohead said "You are the sun and moon and stars are you. And I could never run away from you. You try at working out chaotic things. And why should I believe myself, not you? It's like the world is gonna end so soon. And why should I believe myself? You, me and everything, caught in the fire. I can see me drowning, caught in the fire. You, me and everything, caught in the fireI can see me drowning, caught in the fire".
Yeah. That.
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