#we're cleaning house to build new community
softrosedyke · 10 months
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the great culling begins.....
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hadesoftheladies · 5 months
sure you need to exercise and sleep and eat well. but gyns, you really, really, really need to de-stress as much as possible. if that means deleting your social media, or regulating/restricting it severely, or cutting off idk how many other toxic relationships you need to get on that. you need to find or build a healthy community. that is an integral part of your health.
it is toxic to your body to be bombarded by horrifying news each morning you log onto your phone. it is toxic to your body to be in constant hypervigilance. it is toxic to your body to be hyper-aware of all the awful things that are happening or could happen. your brain should not be in constant hypervigilance.
if you want to do activism, it needs to become less reactive and more strategic. meaning, no replying to ugly comments. read a feminist book instead, donate to feminist organizations instead. you don't have to stay in radfem IG, twitter, tumblr, reddit or whatever to continue being feminist. yes, perhaps these are the only places you can access feminist community where you're at right now, but even then, you've got to get in control of it.
cut off the males in your life that leech your energy, whether mental or otherwise. stop negotiating about it. it doesn't have to be a dramatic bridge-burning. you could just disengage. (this applies to your mother or any other codependent relationship) remain friendly without being a friend. even toxic female friendships. if your negative friendships outweigh your positive ones, you have serious house cleaning to do. because those are affecting your health.
put more energy into making positive connections (they do not have to be deep or dedicated, just positive) with the women around you. the woman who works at the pharmacy, or the plumber, idk. just foster positive attitudes with the people around you.
and de-stress, de-stress, de-stress. practice mindfulness, keep a clean gut, sleep better. this is your life we're talking about.
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trulybetty · 5 months
Sunday Week In Review XVI & 2023 Wrapped
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I feel like 2023 just started five minutes ago, am I the only one who feels like this year as passed by quickly but at the same time dragged its heels?
I've seen so many lovely end of year close out posts and years in review. I toyed with how I wanted to close out the year and what I could say that could sum it up sufficiently.
Betty rambles under the cut with this weeks reads if you're interested...
2023 has been a weird year if I'm entirely honest and somewhat isolating. I returned from mat leave, back to working from home, and having to scramble to make adjustments when things fell through. Which resulted in Mr. Truly and I working opposite shifts to ensure the S.S. Truly stayed afloat.
But during the last six months somehow I made it back to Tumblr, to an old account from way back when - pre-dating when the Canucks made it to game seven kinda old - I blew off the dust, cleaned house and made myself a little space. I still don't know 100% how it all happened, though I think it started with the Reddit forum.
You don't need to know the whole spiel about Pedro, because while we're here because of him, it's the community that holds us here. After floating and not really knowing what I was doing, I started to make connections within this community and finding a seat at the table (we'll come back to that) and I found joy again. I'd kinda lost myself in the fog that is half a dozen other titles/roles others looked to me as that had replaced just Betty.
I started writing, hadn't done that in years. I rekindled by love for graphic design, what I went to school for. I was reading books again, as well as so many great fanfics here. I even bought poetry books, something I hadn't done since I don't know when.
I've been really fortunate in my experience that I've encountered so many wonderful people. I may not get to be as social as I'd like to be, and I still have a fear of dropping into DM's & Asks unannounced. I have the shittest memory, if I don't keep a tab open or reply straight away it's sometimes days or weeks before I remember again. But I really hope that I've returned in kind what others have given me because I'd hate for anyone to feel like they don't belong here, because you do.
This community is a table (told you I'd come back) and it's size is immeasurable. It has no bounds and there's always room for whatever kind of chair you pull up and if you don't have one? We'll find one. Need to leave for a while? We'll save your seat. This my friends is a community, and if you're met with those who tell you the table is full, I'm telling you now, they're not a part of it.
Are there going to be those with more notes? Yes. Are there going to be people you're going to compare your writing to? Yes. Are you going to maybe want to pack it all in and delete your masterlist now and then? Yes.
But none of that takes away anything that makes you, you and what you bring to the table.
Life is hard enough without the added pressure of thinking you need to score imaginary internet points with stats and metrics that carry no value. I wish I knew the magic formula, because I'm still trying to figure it out myself, but let's try and be kinder to ourselves eh?
But I'm really going into 2024 with the goal of curating my own joy - whether it be indulging in the fanfics I want to write and read, more obnoxious coffees, a new fountain pen, giving myself permission to buy the fancy notebook, get back to baking or binging both seasons of Julia and pretending I can make one of her recipes.
So to sum it up, before this goes into a further incoherent ramble, this year has been about reaching out, starting connections and building something meaningful. I've met some amazing people that I am lucky to call friends and without their kindness and extending a seat at the table I'm not sure I'd still be around these parts.
Here's to more of that in 2024 - while I'm not always the best at replying to messages, my DM's and Ask's are always open, feel free to drop in at any time 💕
Pedro Tax™️ for your time...
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
December x 500 is complete-ish? Thanks to being sick towards the end of the month there's three entries missing, but I'm hoping to sneak them in during the new year! I'm looking forward to a quieter writing schedule that's for sure!
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . . Didn't read as much as I wanted to this week - but I'm off this next week, so hoping to do a little more and get through some of my TBR list!
All I Want for Christmas (Frankie) by @morallyinept This was a delightful festive meet-cute that had me on the edge of my seat and also explores the character of Frankie and the ramifications of his actions on his friendships and his ex. 
All I Want (Will Miller) by @laurfilijames This was a bittersweet one-shot that touched on the idea that the festive season isn’t always for everyone and that you never know what’s going on with someone. 
I Put My Book Down to Be Here (Dieter) by @frenchiereading My first New Year’s Eve fic I’ve read this season and it’s so sweet and has a soft Dieter (my fave), who is still his chaotic self! I loved this from start to finish and such a great meet-cute!
Had Me Fooled (Dave) by @wildemaven Heidi has done such an amazing job with this mini series that can be read as a standalone or as a series. I love a soft Dave and Heidi does it so well. This last one had my toes curling in all their romantic glory and I will be revisiting this series again I'm sure!
Reunions (The Thief) by @ladamedusoif I'm behind on Rose's December prompts, but this was the steamy follow up to My Kiss, Only For You (go read that first, no seriously, go read it) and it was so delectable and my greedy self hopes we see these two again in the future.
Cookies (Tim) by @ladamedusoif Speaking of delicious things, this was as indulgent and sweet as the cookies made in this fic. Tim was one of the characters I didn't see becoming such a favourite this year - but I love seeing everyone's interpretation of him. This one here? In my top ranked versions 🫠
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So here's to 2024!
Thank you for every interaction, reblog, or tag - every single one is held clutched to my heart in appreciation every time!
Stay safe, and whatever you're doing or wherever you are sending you much love!
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
You Drive Me Crazy
A/N: Self-indulgent Rick fic, whaat-- @joelsgeetar tagging you because I brought it up to you while we were chatting lmao
Pairing: Rick Grimes x GN!Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, Language, Spencer is a DickheadTM, Alludes to sexual themes but it's really only making out and slight grinding/dry humping whoowhoo, lmk if I need to add anything else
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Alexandria. A place of new, a place of light. This was your new home now - much to Rick Grimes' disapproval - everyone felt so much safer behind these walls. There were other people. People who were clean and neat. People who had friendly smiles. People who were old and young. Women, Men, Children. This had to be your new start. It had to. If it wasn't, you weren't sure if you even had faith in any other community. In the future.
Rick was the only one who seemed on edge with the whole situation. Everyone else was enjoying the scenery. The kindness of everyone within the walls. The safety. The house.
"I don't trust 'em," Rick spat, fingers pushing the curtains back so he could peak out the window. "Rick," you sighed, reaching out to rub his shoulder blade. Standing beside him while peaking through the blinds yourself. Just you didn't pry them open like he did.
You felt his muscles tense and then relax under your touch. A soft sigh left his lips before looking down and over at you. Waiting for you to continue. "Let's just give them a chance, okay?" He scoffed, shaking his head while looking back to the window before pulling his hand away. Crossing his arms over his chest. "What if they turn out like with the Governor. Or Terminus? What if we get hurt?" You shrugged, you had thought about that. That crossed all of your minds. "We're too tired to keep running, Rick. Just a couple days? That's all we ask, okay?" He sighed, looking back down at you. He hated how you could convince him to say anything with just that look in your eyes.
"Isn't it your turn? For the interview," you nodded with a sigh at his words. You knew he was just trying to get you to leave him be for a little while. He needed a moment to think. You didn't blame him. You watched as Carol walked up the steps to welcome herself into the house. "Yeah, guess it is." You muttered, letting your hand fall to your side.
Rick reached his hand out in order to brush his fingers against yours. The both of you stare with a needy glint in both of your eyes. "Don't let me lose you, I can't," He nearly whispered, and you chuckled, reaching up to give his shoulder a light punch. "Mr. Grimes, you ain't losin' me anytime soon. Who else is going to make sure you don't do anything stupid?" You snickered, and he laughed back. Light and breathy while his head dipped down to look at the floor. "Yeah," you hummed, patting his bicep with a sigh. "I'll meet you here after I'm done. Maybe we can check the place out together, yeah?" He nodded, "Yeah, I'd like that." And with that, you were heading for the door. Walking off to the building you were instructed to go to in order to speak with Deanna.
The interview wouldn't take too long, and Rick knew that. You weren't the most open person when it came to discussing your past or present. Hell, Rick still had a lot that he didn't know about you. He opened up to you like a book, telling you all about his past. Yet, you didn't. It worried him that something may have happened to you, but truthfully. It was just due to the fact that you would rather focus on the present rather than the past.
Rick took the time that you were away to tidy up. Taking a shower, shaving. It was like looking at a whole new man when he looked in the mirror. He was excited to see your reaction when you got back. See how you would react to seeing him without his unruly beard. He loved it when you seemed to notice a change in him. It always seemed to ignite this flame deep within him. A flame that he thought died with Lori, but you proved that to be wrong.
The knock on the door is what grabbed him from his thoughts. Stealing him away from memories and fantasies with you. Nothing sexual, not right now anyways. Just thoughts of you and him, being together.
He opened the door with a cautious gaze. A hand resting where his knife was tucked into his holster. He could never be too sure these days. A friendly-sounding knock could turn into a shit show in no time flat. Yet, to his surprise, once he opened the door, he was met with a friendly face... A woman that he recognized from the streets when he left the interview with Deanna.
"Hi," She spoke. Voice light and sweet - nothing like yours, though. All that he offered was a low "Can I help you?" Which only seemed to make the woman smile more. She continued her spill. She offered hospitality and a haircut, and he turned it down. Shaking his head with a sigh. "Look, you don't know me," "But I'd like to," she spoke, "I just want to cut your hair. We don't have to talk." He hummed, thinking. "Just a trim, nothin' too short." He muttered before allowing her to enter the house.
"So, anyone special in your life?" Rick didn't answer, only shooting her a glare before sitting in the chair. "Right, just the cut.."
The door opened and his head lifted, eyes scanning the doorway until you slipped through the frame. "Honey, I'm home," You called out in a sing-song voice, and he smiled, a small chuckle escaping his throat. He knew the term of endearment was only a joke, but he couldn't help but ponder if you meant it. It was sure to fuel his fantasies later. "In the kitchen," he called back out to you. Jessie was thankfully finished, running her fingers through Rick's hair once more before pulling the apron off of him. "All done." She smiled, and he nodded, standing to his feet while thanking her. "What do I owe you?" He asked, and she shrugged, peeking over at you as you stepped into the kitchen. Looking her over with weary eyes. "Nothing, I told you, Rick, it's my welcome gift." She added, cleaning up her workspace before leaving. Shutting the door behind her with a 'click'.
You watched her leave, but your attention was quickly drawn back to Rick. A soft smile graced your lips. "You clean up nice," he smiled back, feeling that familiar warmth within himself. "Yeah, ya think so?" You nodded, leaning against the frame of the entrance to the kitchen. "Yeah, now you don't look old enough to be my dad." He scoffed, rolling his eyes with a sigh. "Oh shut it, I'm only eight years older than you." You snickered, shoving his shoulder playfully as he approached you. "Uh-huh, anyways, you ready for that walk around town, Mr. Clean?" He sighed once more, nodding his head. You were always so mouthy, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
The two of you left the house together. Rick followed close behind until the both of you were down off the porch and on the sidewalk. The man towering next to you, sturdy frame walking close beside you. Both of your steps are in sync with one another. As if he were still protecting you from whatever monsters could lurk around the corner. You always felt safe next to him.
"Deanna told me about a party they're throwing for us." Rick's knuckles brushed the back of your hand, electricity shooting through the both of you. "Oh yeah?" He asked, looking over at you with a brow raised. "Yeah, I think it'd be nice if we went. For a bit at least. Maybe we could get to know the people better." You commented, and Rick nodded with a hum.
He licked his lips as he thought. Sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. Chewing it a little before allowing it to slide back out. "Maybe," you let out a soft grunt at his words, Rick smiling a little at your noise. "Come on, it won't be that bad. You could be my date, and we could get to know them. Maybe if they have anything worth taking if we do leave." He liked every word that fell from your mouth, but hearing you talk about being his date? God, he felt sick to his stomach, but in the best way possible. A nervous and giddy way. Like the words excited him more than your fingers that would ever so lightly brush his.
"Fine, I'll go," he said, and you cheered. "Sweet! I hate drinking alone anyways," he raised a quizzical brow once more. "You? Drink? Please, I don't think you'd last a shot." You scoffed, "I'd like you to know that I could drink you under the table any day, Rick." You spoke, and the way you hissed out his name in such a teasing manner had the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. A light flush crept up the sides of his neck that he would definitely blame on the heat if you questioned it. He despised how you affected him, yet, he couldn't get enough of you. He never could and probably never would be able to.
The days that passed weren't as horrible as Rick thought they would be. Everyone seemed to get along well, or so he hoped. He was trying, but he just couldn't feel like he fit in. If it weren't for you and his kids, he'd feel like a total outsider. Plus, Spencer Monroe was slowly pissing him off the more he saw him, especially the way he looked at you.
He hated to admit it, but he was jealous. He didn't worry about you going out with the guy. He could tell you only interacted with him to be nice, but he hated the way he still seemed to try and get closer to you. The closer he got, the more of an urge Rick had to throw him up against a wall and tell him to leave you alone. He didn't have the authority to do that, though. You weren't his to make that decision for. His luck, he'd be reading your emotions and body language wrong, and you would have liked Spencer if he did something so stupid.
He didn't dare take his jealousy out on you, though. If anything, it only made him clingier.
The night of the party he tried his best to look decent. Wearing a nice outfit with his hair styled like it used to be. Before the apocalypse hit. His ring was still snug on his finger, but it meant nothing to him. Other than a reminder of the man he used to be.
When you came out of the bathroom, his reaction was priceless. He glanced over at you, looking back to the door, before turning his head to quickly look back at you and what you were wearing. You looked so... "Gorgeous," he murmured, and you tilted your head, unable to hear what he said. "What was that?" you hummed, approaching him. "Shit, uhm, nothin', I was just sayin' you look nice. You clean up nice, too." He muttered, wetting his lips again before his eyes wandered down your body. Taking in everything that he saw. Before they reeled back up to your own. You smiled, but before you could say anything Rick was quick to intrude. "We should get goin', we're gonna be the last ones there," he chuckled, and you nodded, motioning to the door with his head before the both of you left.
Rick couldn't explain how nervous he felt walking beside you. He wasn't used to the formality of this all. It was weird, unusual, and intimidating for the former sheriff's Deputy. He was so used to being covered in dirt and blood, being unshaven while wearing week-old clothes, and you looking just as disheveled and homeless. He had completely forgotten what dates were like. He forgot what feeling clean and nice felt like. What it looked like, even.
"Rick," you called out, noticing how he stared off into the distance as the both of you walked closer and closer to the house. He was so good at getting lost in that head of his that you often had to call him back to earth. "Rick," you spoke, voice more stern. Finally drawing him out of his trance. "Yeah, I'm here," he sighed, and you frowned, "If you don't want to go, we can go back to the house." You added, stopping in front of the porch with the man that you grew to love. He shook his head, reaching out to grab your hand with his fingertips. "I want to go, though." He assured you with a gentle grin, motioning to the door. "Now come on, before I do decide to take you back to the house," He spoke, eyes darting down your figure with a hungry gaze before tugging you towards the door. You didn't even have time to react to his statement before the door was opened and people were greeting you from all around.
It was easy to get separated from Rick. People pulled you left and right in order to get to know more about you. How you survived that long, where you were from... If you and Rick were dating. The last question was only asked by one individual. The man standing in front of you that seemed to have you blocked from the door and Rick. "Why does it matter?" You asked, trying to keep up a friendly demeanor, but it was running short with the Monroe. "Just curious is all, trying to figure out who all is on the playing field." The analogy he used had you scoffing. Your eyebrows furrow while crossing your arms. "Excuse me?" He opened his mouth to explain, but quickly closed it, chuckling before holding his hands up to show he meant no harm. You hardly took it that way, though. The way he seemed to stare at your body more than he did you. It made you sick.
"I just meant you're very intriguing. I'd love to get to know you more." You nodded your head reluctantly, giving him a cautious gaze. You hardly doubted that, but you hated being rude when his parents were so kind to you all. "I may not be dating Rick, but I don't want a relationship with you, I know nothing about you. Why would I trust you?"
Even if you were blocked from Rick, he could still see parts of you past Spencer. Your crossed arms and defensive posture. It had him clenching the glass in his hands. Staring at the both of you with a clenched jaw. The conversation he was holding with Spencer's father was long gone, and Reg could tell. He wasn't about to interfere though. If anything, he was rooting for Rick when he saw the way his son continued to pester you. Maybe the former cop could teach a lesson or two to his son. He was an adult now, he could care for himself without his father's help.
"See, I want you to trust me. I wouldn't hurt you, I could take care of you. We all could," He spoke, reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder, to which you flinched away. "Don't fucking touch me," you snapped, going to shove past the man. A hiss left your throat when he grabbed your arm. Slight panic settled into your eyes as you jerked back towards him. "Wait!" "Let go of me you asshole!" You snapped, people turning heads to look towards the two of you. "I just want to talk," he started, but he was quickly shoved away from you.
"They said don't touch 'em!" Rick snapped, pressing Spencer up against the wall. Breathing down the man's face with his chest puffed out. A hand gripping tightly at the collar of his shirt. He'd been wanting to do this to him since he met the guy. His ego only infuriated him more and more with each passing day he saw him. You watched, unsure whether to feel amused and honored that Rick was still protecting you. Or worried and scared with the way he clenched onto Spencer and the murderous intent you caught in his eye before he had the man pinned.
"Hey! I wasn't doing anything wrong!" "You grabbed 'em, they wanted to leave, don't do that shit," He snarled, "They say leave 'em be, you leave 'em be," He snapped, and Spencer only glared. "Who gave you the right to come into my house and tell me what to do?" "Spencer!" Deanna was quick to interrupt the quarrel between the two men. "I didn't-" "Spencer, you need to respect the newcomer's boundaries just as well as they need to respect ours. I raised you better than this. If someone asks you to leave them alone, you leave them alone." Spencer was quick to look back to Rick. Glaring while waiting to be let go, but Rick wasn't backing down. Hands lightly trembling out of frustration.
"Rick," God, the things he could do to this guy right now. All he could see was red. What gave him the right to be touching you in the first place?
"Rick..." He could snap his neck just as easily as a baby. Bite out a chunk of his throat, dig his fingers into his eyes so he couldn't even look at you.
"Rick," You raised your voice a little, but not too much. Hands gently settling on his broad shoulders. He flinched, head jerking around before he caught sight of you. His gaze softened and his grip released from Spencer's shirt. "Sorry," he spoke to you, but his gaze was quick to land back on Spencer. Hardening once more. "If I so much as catch ya lookin' at them. I'll make ya wish ya never did," he snarled, and Spencer didn't move. Only falling more against the wall when Rick let him go.
Rick was quick to grab your hand, looking you over with worrisome eyes. "Are you?" "Rick, I'm fine, thank you." You smiled warmly, and he did the same. Motioning to the door before looking around at the others. Everyone's eyes were on both of you. "We're gonna head back to the house. I apologize for the scene," Reg shook his head, smiling over at Rick as he approached the both of you. "No need to apologize, Rick. I'd do the same for my Deanna too if some other guy was making her uncomfortable." His eyes drifted over to his son with a disappointed scowl.
You and Rick felt your bodies go warm at what he was inferring. His hand squeezed yours while parting his lips. "Oh, we're not-" "Sure you aren't, Rick," Reg added, motioning for the door. "How 'bout you both leave now? Get some rest, we can finish our conversation tomorrow." You both nodded, thanking the family before departing out the door.
Spencer didn't seem to be done with what he started with you and Rick, though. Moving for the door after everyone went back to what they were doing. No one was watching him - or so he thought. "I'd reckon you stay back unless you really wanna find out how elastic those balls of yours are. They gotta be pretty big, at least, if ya think you'd get away with a go at Ricky." A voice chimed, and Spencer looked up at the ginger that blocked his path. "From now on, you got a problem with Rick, you come to me, yer ol' pal Abraham, at your service," he muttered, leaning down a little in order to get more in the brunette's face. Spencer was definitely nervous now.
Rick's hand didn't leave yours the whole walk back to the house. The both of you walking in silence once more. It wasn't unusual for the man to grab your hand, or keep you this close when he was worried, but it felt so different right now. Like the tension between the both of you was stronger than ever. Able to cut it with a knife if either of you really wanted to try.
You finally let out a sigh, breaking the tension between the both of you. "So, what do you wanna do when we get back? I think Daryl's with Aaron and Eric." You added with a light shrug, and Rick smiled, giving your hand a light squeeze before glancing over at you. "Are you suggesting something?" It was your turn to feel flustered, looking over at Rick with raised brows before furrowing them. "What? No! Of course not, I wouldn't suggest sleeping with you like that," you scoffed, and he smiled even more in amusement. He'd blame his overly flirty attitude on the whiskey coursing his veins at the moment.
"How would you initiate it, then?" He asked, climbing up the porch with you. Not letting go of your hand even as he opened the door and led you inside. "Not like that," you added, eyes avoiding his icy blue stare. "Too shy to say, huh? Y've never been this bashful before." He added with a light chuckle, and you gulped. Keeping your gaze away from his. Until you couldn't help but peek at him when he moved his body directly in front of yours once the door was shut behind you two. "You wanna talk big games, Grimes, how would you initiate it?" You asked with a lopsided smirk, and it only caused his mischief to grow. He was just happy you were playing back with his flirting. Glad he was receiving back what he was giving you.
You took a step back towards the couch when he stalked towards you. Noticing the way his pupils dilated the closer he got to you. One of his hands held at your waist when the backs of your legs hit the sofa. "Like this," he muttered, letting go of your hand in order to grab the side of your face.
You held your breath the moment his lips met your own. He was soft at first, testing the waters before he cocked his head to deepen the kiss. You both felt like you were on fire. Bodies heated up as his hand on your hip pushed you down to the couch. Maneuvering you so he could climb on top of you. "Rick," you muttered against his lips and he let out a soft grunt. His tongue ran against the bottom of your lip before sucking it in his mouth to bite on your lower lip. "Rick, what if someone walks in," you spoke. You wanted to move him to the bedroom, but your hands portrayed a different story. Your fingers hooking on his belt loops, pulling his crotch down to meet your own. Soft hums leave both of your throats. "Shit, no one's coming'," He muttered, head dipping down to kiss your neck. Slowly making your worries leave as he hungrily continued his action.
His hips continued to rut against yours here and there. Soft noises escaped your lips as Rick ran his hands under the dress shirt you wore that was now untucked from your pants. Calloused hands mapped out every inch of skin he could feel. A low chuckle left his throat when you scrambled to undo the buttons of his shirt. "Need help with that?" He asked, kissing over a mark he left under your ear. A shudder running down your body at the feelings. "Please? I can't get these damn buttons," you breathed, and he nodded, leaning back after pressing a chaste kiss to your lips once more.
He took his time undoing the buttons on his shirt, until there was only four left.
Three... Your breathing sped up as you watched his body expose.
Two... You'd seen it so many times before, but it left you in awe each time.
One... Then it was shrugging off his shoulders. Rick smiled as he leaned back down to pull you in for another, loving, kiss. His hands roaming, your hands roaming. You were both so lost in each other, it was intoxicating.
His hips lurched forward once your fingers danced closer to his buckle. He was aching for you more than he ever had, and he prayed that you would undo his belt fast, or else he might have to do it for you. "Dad?" Carls voice caught you both out of your act. Rick shooting up from the couch, you doing the same.
Both of you were disheveled and it was obvious what both of you were up to. The boy's smile only grew as he looked between the both of you with a raised brow. "I was wondering when the two of you were going to do something," Carl added, Judith cooing in his arms. "Next time, maybe go to the bedroom though. I support this, but I don't want to see it.." He added with a cringe before walking past the both of you to head up the stairs to Judith's room to get her ready for bed. The little girl was already nearly asleep on his shoulder.
Rick stood there, dumbfounded. Staring where Carl used to be. "I told you the couch wasn't a good idea," you muttered, fixing your shirt to look more presentable if anyone else came home, but with Rick standing beside you shirtless. Anyone could put two and two together. "Yeah, I know you did," he muttered with a sigh. Leaning down to pick his shirt up before slipping it back over his shoulders, looking over at you with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I was just... Happy you reciprocated the kiss and all." He added with a light chuckle, and you chuckled back. "Rick, I'm not mad at you. I wouldn't button up your shirt if I was you, either." He furrowed his brow, watching as you stepped closer to him. Your hands resting on his chest. "We've still got the room option if you're willing to be quiet," you muttered, kissing the side of his throat. His eyes fluttered shut as he leaned his head back a little. "God, you drive me crazy, you know it?" "Rick, you've driven me crazy from the moment I met you back in Atlanta." You mumbled against his skin, and he smiled. "Now, room?" He nodded, "Room," grabbing your hand before leading you up to his bedroom. Both of you smiling like idiots.
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Some devotional tips for closeted pagans, based on our own experiences
Not everything on this list will apply to everyone, and that's perfectly fine. Use what works for you and your practice, and leave what doesn't work. The beautiful thing about the pagan community is that we can each shape our own path based on our personal beliefs and practices. So without further ado, here's some things we do that might help you if you have to hide your spiritual beliefs.
Deity jars: this is one of the first things we ever did when we started leaving physical offerings for Loki a few months ago. A deity jar is basically a small jar filled with little things that you want to leave as offerings to the deity you work with, and it can be useful if you have to hide any objects that are of spiritual importance to you. We're able to hide ours in plain sight on top of our dresser where our altar is, and our mom just thinks it's another weird thing we like to collect. Our jar is filled with offerings to Loki such as a small pinecone, twigs, shells, a worm on a string (he loves those for whatever reason), and small coins.
Nonphysical offerings: sometimes you just aren't able to leave physical offerings for your deities on an altar like candles or food. What you can do instead is devote your time to them, especially if the activity you're doing is something related to your deity or is something they encourage you to do for your wellbeing. Shadow work and journaling are a fundamental aspect of our practice, so we always devote our journaling sessions to Thor and Loki. We also incorporate a lot of trauma work into our practice, especially our trauma related to storms and natural disasters; to honor Thor, we've developed a habit of thanking him anytime it storms where we live and use any moment where we work through our trauma as an offering to him since that's the main reason why he reached out to us.
Baking and cooking: this ties into the point listed above. If you're like us and enjoy working in the kitchen, making food for your deities is a great way to not only build your connection to them but also improve your skills. Thanks to the Internet, it's so incredibly easy to find recipes containing spices and other ingredients that your deities favor. Loki in particular loves it when we try new recipes that we've never made before, even if we're not entirely sure we'll like it.
Taking care of yourself: if you struggle a lot with your physical or mental health, this one is especially important. Sometimes the ultimate form of self care is doing what's best for you even when you don't feel like doing it, whether that's cleaning your room or getting a shower. We've all struggled with self care at some point or another, and the gods understand that. One of the greatest things you can do to honor them is to take care of your needs and be gentle with yourself, because they want what's best for us and understand that life can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. It's not always easy to get out of bed and eat or clean the house, but even baby steps are better than nothing and will make your deities happy all the same.
Giving back to those around you: if you're able to do something in your community that's related to your deity and would honor them, do it! For us personally, one of the biggest ways we honor Loki is to look after the younger neurodivergent and/or queer kids at school, because we've been in their place once and we understand how much of a difference it makes to have someone to look up to. It's common in the Norse pagan community for Loki to be the patron of those deemed to be social outcasts for whatever reason, so we've taken it upon ourselves to always look after our fellow outcasts and be a support for them whenever possible. For many of these kids, we're the first older person they've ever felt safe enough to come out to. And what could honor Loki more than that?
Again, these are all just based on our personal experiences and not all of it may apply to you. We're just sharing some things that we feel may help other folks out there who aren't yet able to be open about their beliefs, because we're in the same spot right now with our current living situation. And for those of you who can unfortunately relate to this: things will change. You won't have to hide such a core part of your being forever. One day you'll be able to openly practice your religion however you want, with nobody to tell you what you are and aren't allowed to believe in. -Blu
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kp777 · 9 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Sept. 20, 2023
"This historic victory," said the youth-led Sunrise Movement, "marks the beginning of a new era in the fight for a Green New Deal."
After years of pressure from environmentalists and progressive lawmakers, the Biden administration on Wednesday announced a new program aimed at training tens of thousands of young people in skills and jobs critical to combating climate breakdown, from land and water conservation to clean energy development.
Inspired by the New Deal's popular Civilian Conservation Corps—a popular decade-long program that employed millions of young men—the Biden administration's American Climate Corps (ACC) will establish a paid training program with the goal of providing "pathways to high-quality, good-paying clean energy and climate resilience jobs in the public and private sectors," according to a White House fact sheet.
The administration estimates that the program, established via executive action, will train more than 20,000 Americans, "putting them to work conserving and restoring our lands and waters, bolstering community resilience, deploying clean energy, implementing energy-efficient technologies, and advancing environmental justice."
Specific pay for the training program has yet to be disclosed.
The new initiative was unveiled days after dozens of U.S. lawmakers and advocacy groups sent letters imploring President Joe Biden to use his executive authority to launch a Civilian Climate Corps to "prepare a whole generation of workers for good-paying, dignified, union jobs, and build the workforce we need for the robust green economy of tomorrow."
The youth-led Sunrise Movement, which spearheaded the advocacy groups' letter and has been organizing in support of a Civilian Climate Corps for years, celebrated the announcement of the ACC as "a response that begins to meet the moment and show young people how their government can work for them."
"Three years ago, I sat on then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders' Unity Climate Task Force and shared one of Sunrise Movement's top priorities for the future administration—a Civilian Climate Corps, a visionary jobs program to put thousands of young people to work in real career pathways fighting for their future," Varshini Prakash, the Sunrise Movement's executive director, said in a statement Wednesday.
"Now, after years of demonstrating and fighting for a Climate Corps, we turned a generational rallying cry into a real jobs program that will put a new generation to work stopping the climate crisis," Prakash added. "With the ACC and the historic climate investments won by our broader movement, the path towards a Green New Deal is beginning to become visible."
"We're often asked how President Biden can win the support and enthusiasm of young people. He's gotten our attention. Keep going."
Biden previously embraced the idea of a climate corps as he crafted what was known as his "Build Back Better" agenda, which included tens of billions of dollars in funding for such a program.
But due to opposition from oil and gas industry ally Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and other right-wing Democrats—as well as the entire Republican congressional caucus—the administration agreed to dramatically pare back its agenda and approve the Inflation Reduction Act, which included a number of giveaways to the fossil fuel industry but not a climate corps.
NPRreported that the ACC is "likely to be smaller in scope than early proposals" and is "much smaller" than the Civilian Conservation Corps. The Biden administration did not say how much it plans to spend on the new program, which "will rely on existing funding sources," according toThe Washington Post.
Nevertheless, climate advocates welcomed the ACC as a critical first step while urging the Biden administration to do more to phase out fossil fuels.
"We need an all-hands-on-deck approach to address the climate crisis, and the Biden-Harris administration establishing an American Climate Corps—with specific opportunities for youth to work in climate resilience careers—is a historic effort to meet this moment," said Sierra Club executive director Ben Jealous. "The Climate Corps will mobilize young people, workers, and federal resources in a way never seen before."
Keanu Arpels-Josiah, a member of Friday's for Future NYC, argued that "a climate corps is important but the executive actions we desperately need are those that will directly and swiftly phase out fossil fuel expansion and production."
"A climate corps that focuses solely on promoting renewables doesn't do the job," said Arpels-Josiah. "It won't undo the Biden administration's damage in approving climate bombs like Willow. It won't end new fossil fuel projects and phase out existing projects in the timeline we need for our generation to survive."
In a memo released Wednesday, the Sunrise Movement called the establishment of the ACC "a show of the strength of young people in the national political arena" and "a hopeful pivot by the Biden Administration towards a 21st century New Deal society."
"Moves like the creation of the American Climate Corps harken back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's vision of government—meaning American government has a responsibility to invest directly in its people to provide relief, reform, recovery, and good jobs in collaboration with and support of organized labor," the group wrote. "This historic victory for Sunrise and the rest of the climate movement marks the beginning of a new era in the fight for a Green New Deal."
A number of federal agencies will be involved in supporting and implementing the new program, including the Department of Labor, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Energy, and AmeriCorps.
The Biden administration also announced Wednesday that "five new states—Arizona, Utah, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Maryland—are moving forward with state-based climate corps that are funded through public-private partnerships, including AmeriCorps, which will work with the American Climate Corps as implementing collaborators to ensure young people across the country are serving their communities."
Other states, including California, Maine, and Michigan, have already established climate corps programs.
"This past summer we saw record climate disasters, record labor strikes demanding good, meaningful work, and major climate protests led by young people," Prakash said Wednesday. "We're often asked how President Biden can win the support and enthusiasm of young people. He's gotten our attention. Keep going."
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eulchu · 10 months
and it's so fucking crazy that some of you treat blogs as if we're ccs. we're held to insanely high standards and if you don't like what you see or if you think we're wrong some of you harass us for days and threaten us to come to our house to do awful fucking things to us. we're just fucking fans none of us want the attention. we just want to be part of a stupid fucking community.
i asked people to dial down the hate and the bait and every single time i don't post flowers and happiness it gets thrown back on my face because "and you were crying for people to stop being so negative🤓". that post came from a moment of horrible tension in the fandom where i was seeing my friends genuinely suffer over this. when people were getting awful horrible things about the dteam. now i can't even hold a light and meme-y conversation about things that piss me off (yes!!im human!! people piss me off all the fucking time)
we started a stupid camp server from the bottom of our fucking hearts because we truly see the good in the fandom. because we wanted to build a place where people would interact with the content and each other in a positive light. because we truly believed it was doable, we've seen the love in this fandom countless of times. the very first day that server launched there were already people rooting for it to fail.
i suggest a second book, for the dteam this time, because i know it wouldn't hurt the dteam to hear some nice things. because the first one was so meaninful to dream. because i know a lot of people were so fucking happy that they got confirmation that their words matter, and i wanted that to happen again. and my friend gets asks about how i shouldn't be in it when i promote SA threats.
do any of you have any idea how awful it fucking feels to have everything i do get thrown in my face every time i do something one of you doesn't like. do you think it's fucking fair at all. because i don't.
im a meme and an overreacter and a stupid fucking bitch sometimes but holy shit every time ive messed up with someone ive fixed it. i dont deserve to be picked apart like this. every single project ive ever participated in every single word of encouragement and positivity i have meant it one hundred percent. every single time the conversation has turned from fun to dooming ive cut it straight up. every single time there's been mass panic ive tried to keep it clean and be reasonable about it - i already have enough anxiety for all of us, i don't need more people to have a rough time.
and what i get in exchange? genuine horrors. if you think you're better than me by sending me asks and wanting to hurt my feelings,i have news for you. you're a horrible fucking person. cope
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izabesworld · 1 year
I’m very interested in knowing more about the Appleby horse fair and any other cultural knowledge you’d like to share! Thank you for being such a generous resource for information!
Appleby Horse Fair
Appleby is the largest traveller fair in Europe, people from all over the world come for it and I'm not joking! I've been many a time with my Grandad and have made friends globally, while I think the furthest person I met that came to Appleby was a 23-year-old girl who was living in Vietnam at the time.
We call Appleby Horse Fair a huge family gathering as there are all types of traveller groups that attend to show off their culture: Romanichal, Irish Travellers, Scottish Travellers, Kale and English Travellers.
Appleby takes place beside the River Eden where the horses wash, if you search for photos of the fair you'll see people on their horses all in the same body of water. There's a photo of myself doing the same on my Grandads Facebook! It's weird to think we're all washing our horses modern day in the same river our great granny and grandad did at our age.
At the fair, there's a market on the field, I think it used to be called "Our Jimmy's Field" but I'm not too sure now so maybe don't quote me on it, lol. However, at this market, you can buy and sell things from other communities, so the Irish would come to buy trinkets from us and we'd buy concrete house standing from them.
The fair isn't in Appleby, instead is outside it, not too far from Gallows Hill (which was named after the place hangings took place).
Now, if you ask us, we'd say the fair was organised and given to us in 1685 by King James II of England, however, it's BS. The fair began in 1885, which we called the "New Fair". The place once was used by horse and sheep dealers to sell their animals but developed into what we know it today.
Many dislike this fair, not travellers but country people. Rather than celebrating the culture, year after year we receive abuse about the mess we "may" make, rather than any mess we do.
Obviously, I can only speak for myself, but I've never gone somewhere and not cleaned up after myself. Travellers love nature, love outside and we rely on it thriving to support our culture. If you want to complain about a cultural, once-a-year, fair - which has paid cleaners to clean the land after... Maybe complaining about the many festivals a year run by country people where they leave is DISGUSTING and is a hot spot for drugs.
The highest amount of arrests we've EVER had at Appleby was 24 arrests, compared to the country festival high of 710. The nuisance people think we cause really isn't as bad as people make it out to be.
Travellers rely on this event to build our community stronger. Although we're all of different ethnicities and backgrounds, we're all brought together by this fair.
Here we find family tree connections, build stronger friendships and seek advice from the old. Year after year the older members of our community seek us out and tell us how to live a full life.
It's spiritual, you find yourself here. You feel a sense of tradition and a sense of ancestry.
When it began, many travellers couldn't read or write, and many travellers still can't. Many didn't have a home address to send letters. You'd see the families you know once a year only - someone may have been born, passed away or married.
I have so much more to say about this and may end up making several posts about Appleby, but this is all I have for now, I end up spending WAY too much time writing and not enough time doing real-life things. So, thank you so much for this question. Feel free to ask anymore you may have, and have a blessed day! <3
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godsliltippy · 2 years
***Please, feel free to scroll on by! There is absolutely no pressure to read this or click the link!***
I don't do this often, but it is something immensely important to me.
For the passed 20 years (ah! When did I get this old???!), I've been exploring and learning about my relationship with God. It's been a roller coaster of stages between brand new Christian ready to spread the Word to frustrated follower who has to watch people use God as a crutch to do whatever they want because "God's got me".
I'm currently at a place where I'm trying to love everyone no matter who they are. I may not agree with them or support what they're doing, that's not what I'm called to do (and sometimes what they're doing is awful). I'm called to show love.
Love people no matter who they are or what they've done.
No judgement, because that's not my job.
So, for anyone who reads this or needs to hear this:
You are loved. Wholely and unfailingly loved.
Now, the other part of this (because it got away from me and what I meant to post :3)
Every weekend, I drive 45 minutes to get to the church I attend. Why so far? Why not find a local church?
It's not just about going to church.
It's about getting involved with a church that practices what it preaches. I drive 45 minutes to a building of people who's passion is loving people where they are and helping them grow in their relationship with Jesus. They want to reach outside these doors and spread the love of God through helping those who need it, whether that's food, education, housing and a safe space.
Its not about who has the biggest congregation or who teaches the best. Its about figuring out how to help single parents. Finding ways to protect vulnerable women and empower them with ways out of the life they thought they would never escape. Creating communities for orphans. Providing clean water where there is none.
I don't want to just go to church, learn a lesson and then go home.
At the same time, this group understands that they aren't perfect. We're human and make mistakes. Even though we're broken, we're still loved.
I needed that 20 years ago and I need it everyday.
So, long story short, I just wanted to share my church with anyone looking for a safe space to learn and grow and get involved no matter where you are. I'll be here if you just need to talk!
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theotherwom · 2 days
The Other Woman: Your Trusted Partner for Exceptional Home Cleaning Services in Raleigh! 🧹
Discover The Other Woman, your go-to solution for professional home cleaning services in Raleigh and surrounding areas. With a commitment to excellence, personalized care, and fair wages for our employees, we provide top-notch cleaning solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you need regular house cleaning, deep cleaning, or move-in/move-out services, we're here to make your home sparkle. Visit our website to book your cleaning appointment today! 🌟
About Us 🏢
Welcome to The Other Woman, where we specialize in providing top-notch home cleaning services with a personal touch. Our office in the Glenwood South area is not just a workplace; it’s a community where we care for each other as much as we care for our clients. We are easy-going, stress-free, and dedicated to making your life easier by taking care of your home as if it were our own.
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Our Founder: A Rare Breed 🌟
I’m a Raleigh native through and through, with a deep love for my community and a strong belief in the power of family. My journey started with the birth of my first child, which inspired me to create The Other Woman. As a single mother who pulled herself up by her bootstraps, I know the challenges of balancing work, home, and personal life. That’s why I pay my employees a living wage, ensuring they can live comfortably while providing exceptional service to our clients.
Our Mission 🎯
Our mission at The Other Woman is simple yet profound: to provide exceptional home cleaning services while fostering a supportive and caring work environment for our employees. We believe in:
Delivering top-quality cleaning services that exceed our clients’ expectations.
Treating our employees with respect and ensuring they earn a living wage.
Creating a stress-free, enjoyable experience for our clients and staff.
Building long-term relationships based on trust, reliability, and care.
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Our Services 🌟
At The Other Woman, we offer a comprehensive range of home cleaning services tailored to meet your specific needs. Here’s a glimpse of what we provide:
1. Regular House Cleaning 🧼
Thorough cleaning of all rooms, including living areas, bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms.
Dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and sanitizing surfaces.
Customized cleaning plans to suit your schedule and preferences.
2. Deep Cleaning 🧽
Intensive cleaning of hard-to-reach areas and neglected spaces.
Detailed scrubbing, polishing, and sanitizing.
Perfect for spring cleaning, moving in/out, or preparing for special occasions.
3. Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning 🚚
Comprehensive cleaning to ensure your new home is spotless or your old home is ready for the next occupants.
Cleaning of all rooms, including inside cabinets, closets, and appliances.
Flexible scheduling to accommodate your moving timeline.
4. Specialty Cleaning Services 🏆
Customized cleaning for specific needs such as post-construction cleanup, event preparation, and more.
Eco-friendly cleaning options available.
Tailored services to meet unique requirements and preferences.
5. Office Cleaning Services 🏢
Professional cleaning for small to medium-sized offices.
Regular maintenance to keep your workspace clean and inviting.
Customized plans to fit your business schedule and needs.
Why Choose The Other Woman? 🤔
There are numerous reasons why The Other Woman stands out in the home cleaning industry. Here’s why you should choose us:
1. Personal Touch and Care 💖
We treat your home as if it were our own, with meticulous attention to detail.
Our team genuinely cares about your satisfaction and well-being.
Friendly and approachable staff who are always ready to help.
2. Experienced and Trustworthy Team 👥
Our employees are carefully vetted, trained, and experienced.
We prioritize trust and reliability, ensuring peace of mind for our clients.
Consistent, high-quality service you can count on.
3. Customized Cleaning Solutions 📋
Flexible cleaning plans tailored to your specific needs and schedule.
Attention to your unique preferences and requirements.
Eco-friendly cleaning options available for a healthier home environment.
4. Fair Wages and Employee Care 💰
We pay our employees a living wage, ensuring they can live comfortably.
A supportive and caring work environment that fosters loyalty and dedication.
Happy employees lead to happy clients.
5. Commitment to Excellence 🌟
We strive for excellence in everything we do, from our cleaning services to our customer interactions.
Continuous improvement and adaptation to meet your evolving needs.
High level of client satisfaction and positive feedback.
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Conclusion 🎬
The Other Woman is more than just a home cleaning service; it’s a commitment to excellence, care, and community. With a foundation built on family values, hard work, and a passion for serving others, we are dedicated to providing the best cleaning services in Raleigh and beyond. Our personalized approach, experienced team, and commitment to fair wages set us apart in the industry.
Whether you need regular house cleaning, deep cleaning, move-in/move-out services, or specialty cleaning, we are here to make your life easier and your home sparkling clean. Choose The Other Woman for a stress-free, reliable, and caring cleaning experience. We look forward to serving you and making your home a place of comfort and joy.
Contact Us:
Website: The Other Woman
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vgrc-llc · 5 months
Clean Home, Happy Neighborhood: The Ripple Effect of Exterior Cleanliness
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Welcome to a sparkling journey through the radiant world of exterior cleanliness, where your home isn't just a residence, but a beacon of joy and health in the neighborhood. 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐋𝐋𝐂 (𝐕𝐆𝐑𝐂, 𝐋𝐋𝐂) is here to guide you through the wonders of house washing and roof washing, ensuring your abode shines like new. Don't forget, a clean home is more than just an aesthetic delight; it's a cornerstone of well-being and community pride!⁣
The Luminous Impact of a Clean Exterior:⁣
⁣Have you ever noticed how a clean, well-maintained house radiates positivity and invites admiration? It's not just about curb appeal; it's about setting a standard of care and respect that ripples throughout the neighborhood. When one house shines, it encourages others to follow suit, creating a cascade of cleanliness and pride. At 𝐕𝐆𝐑𝐂, 𝐋𝐋𝐂, 𝐖𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐊, transforming your home into a gleaming inspiration for the entire street!⁣
⁣Health Benefits: A Breath of Fresh Air:⁣
⁣Dust, mold, algae, and other unwelcome guests make their home on your exterior surfaces, not just compromising your home's beauty but also potentially affecting your health. Regular house washing eliminates these irritants, ensuring the air around your home is as fresh and clean as your sparkling siding. And let's not forget the roof over your head! Roof washing not only prolongs the life of your shingles but also prevents the build-up of harmful organisms, ensuring your sanctuary remains safe and sound.⁣
⁣𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐋𝐋𝐂: Your Shield Against the Elements:⁣
⁣We're not just any cleaning service; we're your neighborhood's first line of defense against the grime and gunk that life throws at your home. With our 𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄 #𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐆𝐂𝟕𝟕𝟎𝐋𝐖 we are fully licensed and insured, offering peace of mind along with our top-notch services. From gutter cleaning to roof blow-offs, roof washing to house washing, we've got Spokane County, WA, covered. And remember, 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒, 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐔𝐒 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐚𝐭 𝟓𝟎𝟗-𝟓𝟑𝟎-𝟏𝟑𝟑𝟎. Safety and efficiency are our mottos, and we stick to them like moss to an unclean roof—except we get rid of the moss, of course!⁣
⁣Humor in Cleanliness: A Laugh with Every Wash:⁣
⁣At 𝐕𝐆𝐑𝐂, 𝐋𝐋𝐂, we believe a chuckle can make even the most daunting tasks enjoyable. As we eradicate dirt and debris, we're not just cleansing your home; we're lifting spirits with a dose of humor. Because let's face it, life's too short to live in a dirty house or to take everything too seriously!⁣
⁣Join the 𝐕𝐆𝐑𝐂, 𝐋𝐋𝐂 Family:⁣
⁣Ready to transform your home and contribute to a happier, healthier neighborhood? Visit us at 𝐕𝐆𝐑𝐂𝐋𝐋𝐂.𝐂𝐎𝐌 and become part of the 𝐕𝐆𝐑𝐂, 𝐋𝐋𝐂 family. Together, we'll not only 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐊 but also elevate the joy and well-being of your entire community.⁣
⁣Connect With Us:⁣
⁣Don't forget to 👍 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤.𝐜𝐨𝐦/𝐕𝐆𝐑𝐂𝐋𝐋𝐂 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 📲 𝐗/𝐡𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐬://𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫.𝐜𝐨𝐦/𝐯𝐠𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐥𝐜 for more tips, updates, and a regular dose of humor to brighten your day!⁣
⁣Here's to a clean home and a happy neighborhood, where every house wash ripples out into a wave of community pride and well-being. At 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐋𝐋𝐂, we're not just cleaning houses; we're cultivating health, happiness, and a touch of humor along the way.
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imminentbir · 6 months
Finding the Perfect Estate Agent in Birmingham — A Guide for Buyers, Sellers, and Renters
Navigating the Birmingham assets market can be overwhelming, particularly in terms of deciding on the right estate agent. Whether you're shopping for, selling, or renting, finding an agent who understands your wishes and can manual you via the technique smoothly is important. Here, we're going to explore key elements to not forget while deciding on an estate agent in Birmingham, at the side of useful hints for finding the correct shape.
Estate Agent in Birmingham:
Factors to Consider whilst Choosing an Estate Agent
Local Expertise: Look for an agent with substantial expertise in the Birmingham property market, especially the neighborhood you are interested in. They have to be able to offer insights into modern-day trends, asset values, and marketplace conditions.
Experience and Qualifications: Choose an agent with an established track file of success in accomplishing fantastic effects for their clients. Look for qualifications which includes membership of professional bodies like the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
Services Offered: Consider the range of services provided by using the agent. Do they concentrate on sales, lettings, or each? Do they provide extra offerings along with assets control or mortgage recommendations? Choose an agent whose offerings align with your precise desires.
Fees and Commissions: Compare fees and commissions charged by using distinct dealers. Some retailers charge a hard and fast fee, at the same time as others charge a percentage of the sale price. Choose an agent who offers obvious and aggressive prices.
Communication and Customer Service: Look for an agent who is responsive, communicative, and attentive to your desires. They have to be able to give an explanation for complicated procedures in clean and concise phrases and be quite simply available to reply to your questions.
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Estate Agent Near Me.
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Finding a Estate agent near me to you can be convenient and provide peace of mind. They will have a deeper expertise of the local marketplace and be without difficulty accessible for asset viewings and consultations.
New Build Letting Agents Birmingham
If you are inquisitive about renting a brand-new construction New build Letting agents Birmingham, finding a letting agent specializing in this zone is important. They could have gotten entry to one-of-a-kind listings and precise records of today's developments.
Here are a few additional pointers for finding the perfect property agent in Birmingham:
Get hints: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for tips on estate dealers they have had high-quality studies.
Read online opinions: Check online review websites to look at what other clients have stated approximately extraordinary sellers.
Contact shortlisted agents: Get in contact with shortlisted dealers to talk about your desires and ask any questions you may have.
Schedule-free valuations: Many sellers provide loose valuations, which let you get a sense of your home's market price and examine extraordinary dealers' offerings.
Trust your gut feeling: Ultimately, you should pick out a property agent you sense snug with and who you consider to symbolize your first-class hobbies.
By carefully thinking about those factors and following these beneficial suggestions, you can find an appropriate estate agent in Birmingham who will help you obtain your property dreams. Remember, the proper agent can make a sizable distinction in your house journey, making sure a clean, stress-free enjoy.
I wish this blog facilitates you in your look for the appropriate property agent in Birmingham!
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Dear Gavin
If some liberal-leaning wannabe progressive state (cough, cough California) or rogue governor were to charge the banksters and Aristocrats with collusion to create false scarcity & price gouging the people of California, and then civil asset forfeiture all those empty houses (maybe apartments too), they could quickly house the majority of unhoused people and you'd be on your path to POTUS for life. You could be a beloved POTUS for life in 8 years.
Just follow the logic here, Gavin.
You give a homeless family in a house or put a homeless person in an apartment and they immediately have an address, a place to bathe, a place to store their shit, a kitchen so they can buy and cook lower-priced and healthier unprepared food, AND a place to live & sleep out of the public eye. No more "dirty" homeless people in our cities and streets. Sure, maybe some just continue their street life but now they have housing and are at least far less of a concern, less trouble, and/or less of the ugly aesthetic of homelessness in our communities.
Most of them will probably take a shower and go get a job. (Yeah, they will apply for benefits too, but at least they will also be working and not working's the official reason we give for hating the unhoused.) With a house to live in, they will have the actual ability to get a job. With basic housing needs fulfilled, they will have the ability to participate in general society and to do so more fully, they will probably start working to get spending money because they like Starbucks and buying new snazzy clothes just like the rest of us and they don't take SNAP there.
Yeah, Faux News will make a big deal about some people wrecking up their houses, "welfare queens," neighbor disputes, and whatever.
Fuck that noise. You will have solved the housing crisis and stuck a stick in the eye of those seemingly infinitely wealthy ultra-rich Aristocratic bastards. You can even point out they are the main clients of the Epsteins of this world and are the true drivers of child trafficking. And if the POTUS thing doesn't work out, you can still be Mr. Governor for life.
BuT wHAt aBouT OUr VetErAns!? Point out so many homeless are our most traumatized and uncared for veterans. Plus it's not like the veteran "lovers" have ever truely loved the veterans with real actions thus far. They can shove that shallow disingenuous "love" up their asses. You can say you are the one truly loving our nation's most hurting veterans and the poorest of your people with actions.
People will complain that they have been working hard, paying their bills, paying their mortgage/rent all this time. Say they are right. They are being conspired against too. Civil asset forfeiture their mortgages and cancel them too. Threaten the rental companies/individuals with seizure of their buildings unless they drastically lower rent to a reasonable rate and tie rental increases to state median income fluctuations. They will complain a whole lot less (there will always be some of that "not fair" bullshit from people who still think like they are 7 years old with a super simplistic and regressive concept of "fair.").
You will get GOP resistance and the whole propaganda machine against you. But this is left-leaning California and the majority of the people will support it even if the Republicans won't. Actually, it might get a lot of initial pushback from propoganda machines that will sway even moderates to be against it at first. But once they start seeing clean streets and the economic bump, they will mostly come around.
You will get national resistance. Definitely from Congress. Possibly from POTUS himself. Play the states rights and "we're the Republic of California" card to buy time.
You will definitely get legal trouble. Keep things tied up in courts for as long as you can. You know for sure SCOTUS or some federal judge who is bought off/worships capitalism will overturn it.
You will get local official and police trouble resisting, refusing to implement, confounding, and trying to criminalize people taking advantage of the program. You will need a real strategy for that. Especially for the police/sheriffs.
Eventually the program will get overturned in the courts. I'd bet my house on it. So start getting butts in housing day one. Have that program well designed and implemented like a well-oiled German-engineered machine. Because here's the thing, once you got millions of new bodies in houses, good luck to the Banksters and Aristocrats getting the vast majority of them back out. Especially without police/sheriff help. Squatters rights. Legal obfuscation. People will get to keep those houses.
People might get dinged on their national credit reports for a few years for refusing to pay their mortgage, but we mostly care about our credit report for housing anyway. And if we have housing, temporarily having a more expensive car loan or reduced credit card limits will be an acceptable tradeoff to most.
This will jumpstart the economy. A whole state full of people with extra cash to spend! We spend half our paychecks on housing. In cash. That cash will all be freed up. You will see businesses bloom. Corporations will make a shitton of money and might even be happy about it. For sure a whole new crop of mom and pops open up and more of them will flourish. The economic success will be self-evident and it will be very hard for the propaganda machines to keep making it look bad.
You will probably have a lot more people getting medical/dental care as well with their extra cash. Healthier people do more stuff, work more, and spend more money on things, and keep our ERs available for true emergencies. Plus better teeth. Prettier people for our beautiful state.
You are planning a run for POTUS. It promises to be very nasty. I hope you win and can stave off GOP fascism. But to be POTUS, you are going to have to be a good boy and competently run the world's largest military industrial complex. That will be the last big progressive thing you will have the ability to do for quite a while. I have my doubts about your idealism, but even if you were, with constant GOP resistance, sold out Dems, and the constraints of not wanting to end up JFKed, you are going to have a hard time of it as POTUS.
You could win a lot more easily if progressives and dems like you. I don't really know much about you, but I know people don't really like you. You just are younger than Biden and better than Trump/Desantis. But pull this stunt in California and even if it all goes sideways, you will get nationwide massive voter turnout for yourself.
And even if you settle down and go back to being a career politician and are POTUS as just an HRC or watered down Obama clone, you'll have the satisfaction of at least once standing up to the Aristocrats and putting a stick in the eye of the banksters before going back to working for them like a good boy.
Here's the thing though. California will flourish. You will have done that one good thing in your life that will be your legacy. And your "Bill of Jubilee" (google "jubilee") or executive orders will be used as blueprints by other blue states. Then by purple states. Maybe even by a few red states. By the time your 4-8 years is up, no matter how bad the first 4-8 years were, you are going to be very popular with the American public.
You'll have the wind at your back in almost everything you want to do to tame this MIC run amok. Wouldn't it be nice to be a popular and beloved POTUS rather than an at best tolerated but resented POTUS who has to slog and fight for every little thing?
Chances are there will be grassroots support to overturn the FDR Amendment. You could be POTUS for life if you had the inclination.
You'd have the support to reign in the Aristocrats if you had the guts to fight them. You'd have the support to get to work with China, India, and the rest of the world on climate change before it's too late for massive disruptions.
You could be a legend.
However you will probably just be a popular but generic POTUS. I'd bet you will probably just go back to playing it safe. Disappointing, but if you did that housing thing, even though I'd be disappointed, I wouldn't be surprised and just out of gratitude I'd keep voting for you as long as you didn't go lefty fascist or ignore climate change. I'm sure most others would do the same.
So how about it, Gavin? Don't you want to do at least one courageous and truly loving thing in your life?
Of course, I doubt you'll ever do any of this.
A. The chances of anyone reading this, let alone anyone connected to you, let alone you, are effectively 0. lol.
B. This thing is so fucking long, nobody will read it.
C. I truly doubt you have the heart for it. I think you are probably just a normal rich asshole who lacks empathy for the poor and hates the poor and especially despises the unhoused. I think you probably like our current economic situation because it benefits rich assholes like you. And nothing I've seen of you indicates that you are a good rich asshole. You're probably just some guy born lucky with too much money and power for our good.
D. I doubt you have the ganas.
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HOA 101: Understanding the Basics of Homeowners Associations
Welcome to the world of Homeowners Associations! If you're new to HOAs or considering joining one, you might have questions about what they are and how they operate. We at HOA Management Services are here to help guide you through the basics.
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First things first, what is an HOA? An HOA is an organization that oversees a residential community. This can be a neighborhood of houses, a condo building, or any group of homes that share common areas.
So, why join an HOA? Being part of an HOA means your community has set standards. These standards can be about how homes look, how lawns are maintained, or even the color you can paint your front door. This helps keep the community looking nice and can even boost property values.
Now, who makes the rules? The HOA has a board made up of residents. They decide on the rules, called covenants or bylaws. Every resident gets a say, often through community meetings or votes.
It's also worth noting that HOAs come with fees. These fees go toward community upkeep. Think of things like mowing shared lawns, cleaning community pools, or fixing streets. The exact amount varies, but it's usually set to cover these costs.
And what if there’s a disagreement? Let’s say you want to build a big treehouse, but the HOA has rules about structures. This is where we come in. At HOA Management Services, we help mediate these kinds of talks. Our goal is to find solutions that work for everyone.
Lastly, remember that joining an HOA is a commitment to being part of a community. It's about working together to make the place you live better for everyone.
HOAs offer a structured way to manage and improve communities. They have rules, yes, but these rules often lead to cleaner, safer, and more friendly neighborhoods. And if ever in doubt, remember that we're here in the San Antonio area, ready to assist and guide you through your HOA journey. Browse our website at: https://hoamanagementsanantonio.com.
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lomfenny · 11 months
I wrote a thing.
Day 1
First foot over the threshold, and I already want to set the place on fire.
It's nothing wrong with the house. It's a fine house. Small, cozy, close to work. And free too, as it is an inheritance. From my uncle who isn't dead. Yet. He's in jail, but not in death row. It's just that he won't last. I know him like that.
This is his summer home, up here on a hill, just a scooch over from the rest of civilisation. I wonder if the people here knew him. If they remember him. If they've heard.
Maybe that's it. Maybe it's the burden of living in a space that a life-taker inhabited. Maybe it's the burden of knowing that I'll think about it later on, likely on a bad day.
Well, nothing to be done about that. It's a fine house after all. Small, cozy, close to work. And free too, as it is an inheritance. It'll just take some cleaning up. Remove some cobwebs, some dust bunnies.
And that ant hill near the door.
Day 3
Maybe the sun will set the place on fire for me. I didn't know this place got so hot.
I have a soda, long since warmed by the weather and my hands. I hate my hands now. I also have mango cubes. I got them from my closest neighbours. They brought a fruit basket over yesterday, wanted to welcome me. They're nice. They're new. They never knew my uncle.
My sister hasn't called yet. She said she would.
I've taken down the cobwebs because I don't like spiders. They come into my spaces, build their own little webs, spin their little lives. They don't discriminate in how they catch the flies and the mosquitoes and the butterflies. The pests, the parasites and the proper.
A mango slice falls out of my hand, lands next to the ant hill. I should remove that. But it's hot, I'm lazy, so later.
Day 7
I don't hate my job. It's at a convenience store, and the owner is nice. Mr Gates have me a free chocolate today.
I don't hate the town, either. These people don't know me beyond "new person". They haven't asked where I live, so I don't have to lie. I like not having to lie.
There's a community college in the town. I don't go to school anymore, but I tip my hat to those who are willing to die for 4, 5, 6 more years. Sometimes, students come to the store. Some older than me, some younger, but all within my age range. Makes them talk to me. Think we'll relate with each other just because we're all from the same generation and none of us has died yet
I talk to them. Don't give them discounts, though, even when they ask. I've only had this job for five days, can't do that. Won't.
When I get home, I look at the ant hill. There are ants there, as always. I think of removing it, as always.
I go in, as always.
Day 16
I've made a friend. He says we're friends, my sister says the things we've done are things friends do. She didn't call, I did.
His name is Terrence, says I should call him Terry. Thank goodness, Terrence is too many sounds, releases more air than saying Terry does. This is the true way you measure word length. Not with letters or syllables. With how much breath and energy you need to refer to another human being, to acknowledge another existence besides your own. Everyone has a limited number of breaths. Save yours for shit that matters.
Terry goes to the community college. He came in and started talking. Didn't shut up. Didn't ask for a discount, though, so I didn't write him off. Gave me a cookie, even.
He took me to a park, we fed ducks, domestic shit.
It's good shit.
Day 20
Mr Gates have me a free orange. Says I should stay healthy.
It's juicy.
Day 21
I met some old ladies at the park. They have tiny dogs. They're cute and tiny. The women call me cute and tiny.
But I'm not.
Day 29
I don't hate this town.
Terry and I are dating? I think? Kissing is what you do with someone if you're dating them, right? Unless you're married. Then, it's just to remind yourself that you own someone.
He invited me to a party at his friend's house. I don't know anyone there. I don't remember anyone there, afterwards. Everyone's a little drunk, a tad stupid, and a smidge less stressed.
Good shit.
Day 33
My sister comes to visit. It's a long drive, I didn't expect her to come. She has a new car, red like barbeque pit embers. It burns my hand under the sun.
"How are you liking it?" She asks me.
"I'm liking it."
"Better than home?"
We share melting ice-pops that Mr Gates gave me.
"That's so ew!"
She's pointing at the ant hill near my door. It's bigger now, and a couple of ants have come to lick at the drops from from our ice-pops.
"Lets go inside." I tell her. Wouldn't do to fight the ants over leftovers. Not in this heat.
Day 42
My neighbours invite me over for dinner. Say a young person like myself should have people with them around dinner time. They don't ask about why that is not the case for me.
I like them.
They're nice.
Day 58
My mailman doesn't feel nice. He doesn't sound nice, or smell nice, or look nice or look at me nice, but this is too much to explain, and I can't just say he ain't nice based on these few observations, so I say he doesn't feel nice.
I catch him as he's about to drop some letters in my mailbox, so he just gives them to me instead.
"How you like the house?" He asks out of the blue.
"Fine." I hope to escape conversation with him. He doesn't feel nice after all.
"Your uncle said the same thing. Never stayed long, though. Thank God."
Under the sweltering heat, I freeze, unable to move as the mailman walks away. Only when I can't see him anymore do I start to speedwalk back to my house, flipping through letters as I go.
I pass by the ant hill, dismissing it and the letter from my cousin, asking if I want to visit her anytime soon.
I go up the stairs, dropping the rejection letter from the university I applied to and refusing to pick it up.
I burst through my room door, holding the damning one.
"Your Uncle, Weston." It says on the front.
Like I don't know the fucker's name.
Day 61
Everybody knows. This town is a small one, the mailman is popular. Thus, everybody knows. And everything changes.
Like it usually is every time juicy news gets revealed, it starts with whispers. In the store, at the park, on the way home. People on the streets who recognize me whisper about me and shuffle away when I get too close to them. Close being within four feet. The old ladies won't let me pet their dogs anymore.
But I don't hate this town. It's still a nice town. It's no one's fault that my uncle abducted, abused, and annihilated several, several people in his life.
No one's fault, I think.
My fault, the people think.
Day 70
Terry comes over to my house for the first time. Ever.
"You live here alone?" He asks after he's done inspecting my ground floor.
"I have ants."
Terry laughs like he thinks I'm joking.
We watch a movie, eat some cookies. He puts a hand on my thigh sometime around nine pm and says he hasn't seen upstairs yet.
I'm not dumb.
We go upstairs.
He leaves the next morning.
Day 80
It feels like days are simultaneously longer and shorter now. As temperatures climb higher, tempers grow shorter.
A customer snaps at me, tells me to watch myself, lest he call the police on me. For what? I don't now. But I know it's meant as a threat, so I watch myself.
Terry doesn't invite me to anymore parties. I get the feeling it's less of his own choice. But we still hang out.
My neighbours still invite me for dinner.
I don't hate this town.
Day 87
My uncle sends more letters. I don't read them, I don't need to. The contents fall from the lips of residents who seem to care less about me overhearing their conversations.
The mailman is reading my letters. He's not even bothering to be careful or discreet about it. Such audacity is a mildly respectable.
I pass by a couple and the man tells his partner that "Weston Fisher had other properties. Maybe other bodies are there."
"Old Mr Fisher says he'll never talk to the police, never tell them where all the bodies are! My cousin told me this!" Is what I hear at the park from some eleven year olds.
"Are you going to see your uncle?" Is what an older woman outright asks me at work.
I don't act like it doesn't gaze me because I can't act to save my life. I'm not a theatre kid. It shakes me and quakes me and throws me to the ground to get tossed around like salad.
But it's not like I can just move. Moving is expensive! I still have my job, and my dating friend Terry, and my house with it's stupid ant hill so I can't move yet.
Day 90
Some of the college kids come by, try to follow me home. I lose them by heading towards the police station.
They smelt like drugs.
I change course after they're gone, go straight home with my grocery bag. Mr Gates gave me a discount and I bought food and toiletries and a can of bug spray.
It sits in my kitchen, unused because I'm lazy.
But, I find a single ant wandering my floor as I come out of the bathroom.
Ants have great smell, great sight, great strength and great speed.
None of this stops my shoe, though.
Day 103
My neighbours very politely asked that I don't come by anymore. They never say anything about my uncle.
I don't like them.
They're nice.
Day 118
"Why you never answer him, huh?" The mailman asks me as he hands me my unsealed, read letter.
"Guess." I respond.
He watches me go inside.
He isn't nice.
Day 130
"Should I — should I ask about your uncle?"
I look at Terry, wondering what to say here. "Do you want to ask?"
"Not particularly, no."
"Then don't. Or do. Do whatever pleases you, dude."
"You please me."
"That line is three words too long."
"I'm three too long, but you never complain."
"Shut up."
Endearing. Charming. Handsome. Unchanged. Terrence is longer than Terry.
It's worth the breath to say.
Day 150
Terrence is out of town for a month. His aunt had a baby and the timing matched up with a family reunion. He worries about leaving me, because Terrence is sweet. I tell him to get out.
Mr Gates also has to leave town for a bit. He's visiting his daughter in university. Funny enough, it's the same one I applied to. He makes me promise to look after the shop, saying he'll being me a souvenir from his trip. I tell him everything will be fine.
Day 151
Some of the college boys jump me on my way home. Drag me to an alley, ask unnecessary questions about my uncle and whether I'm a murderer like him, get nothing in reply, beat me up and make it home in time for dinner while I begin a long trek uphill, made that much harder with bruised legs.
Day 152
It happens again.
Day 154
Terrence calls. He asks whether I'm fine. I say yes while holding an ice pack to my stomach.
Day 155
I order tasers and pen knives and other self defence tools.
But I can't bring myself to use them. Frustration makes me curves the bullies taunt me.
Criminals only cry when guilty, they say.
I think of my uncle, teary eyed and droopy the last time I saw him.
I stop crying.
Day 160
I'm woken up in the middle of the night. I don't know what it is yet until I throw off my bed covers and discover ants, the tens of them, crawling over my legs and sheets. I
It's not disgust that fills me, or discomfort or irritation. It's a rage that can only be defined as pure.
How dare they?
How. Dare. They!
Because I haven't bothered to clean up my crumbs, crumbs that they sustain themselves with.
Because I haven't used my insecticides to decimate their home.
Because I haven't paid them much mind, because I've ignored them this long, they dare to come attack me! To disturb me!
How dare they mistake my negligence for benevolence?!
Day 161
I message Terrence and Mr Gates, ask them when they'll be coming back to town. Terrence says in two days, Mr Gates says in four.
My house is finally on fire. I predicted this, don't know why I bothered putting it off for so long.
The flames eat at the structure, pieces crumble down to ashes. It's beautiful.
It's the starter.
I walk away from the house, my body coated in flames. Squirrels and insects flee from my blazing form.
What? did they think I was normal? Did they the I was mortal? Because I catered to the whims and followed the general rules of society.
I am the incarnation of Iphrit, the son of hell.
I am beyond these ants.
Day 162
I don't hate this town. Hatred is such a tiring emotion. It is a finite fuel, an ignition point.
I dislike the town. This is my fuel. It is infinite and will last.
The entire town is on fire. The police station, the suburbs, the park. Everything.
Except for Terrence's house, Mr Gates' house, and the store. I like those two, I won't destroy them.
I stand at the top of the ant hill that once was this town. I have doused it in my fury.
They wanted my attention.
God help them, they have it.
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synderscarpetcare · 1 year
Top restaurants near Cedar Hill, TX
Cedar Hill, Texas, is a suburban town of 50,000 just outside the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area. Cedar Hill is home to numerous restaurants serving a variety of cuisines at all price points. Here are some of my favorites:
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Twisted Root Burger Co.
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With high-quality made-to-order burgers, a ‘come as you are’ environment and a strange reverence for Chuck Norris, there’s no place else quite like Twisted Root. Way back before ‘gourmet burgers’ was a thing, Chefs Jason Boso & Quincy Hart decided to build a restaurant around half-pound, fresh ground burgers with a menu that allowed customers to build their own burgers with a list of crazy and inventive toppings. The two met in culinary school, after jobs in stock brokerages and telephone line repair.
After paying their dues working the line at The Four Seasons & Pappas Bros, Jason & Quincy finally opened Twisted Root Burger Co. in the Deep Ellum neighborhood of Dallas, Texas in 2006. Twisted Root appeared on the second season of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives with Guy Fieri (2009) and suddenly Twisted Root was a dining destination in Dallas. While Twisted Root Burger Co. has seen incredible growth, Jason & Quincy have stuck to their roots and their senses of humor, using a hands-on approach to high-quality, fresh food in an casual atmosphere with tons of personality.
Amaya's Bar & Grill
You can get delicious Mexican food when you want it. Amaya's Bar & Grill in Red Oak menu has excellent items, including quesadillas, fajitas, and seafood specialties. Stop by and see what we have for you, or let us cater your next event. When you want a great meal, but you also want to save, there is only one place to go. You can save with our excellent specials, including senior citizen discounts, happy hour deals, holiday tamales, and daily lunch specials.
No matter what you're craving, you can enjoy our delicious Mexican cuisine and save with our great specials. We also have gift certificates for birthdays or Christmas presents.
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We are Snyder's Carpet Care! We are a family-owned and operated business that has been serving the community for over many years. Our team is dedicated to providing the best service possible—and we're always looking for ways to improve. We offer rug cleaning, residential carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, and tile and grout cleaning services.
If you want to give your home a new look, or just get rid of the dirt, stains, and smells that come with living in an older house, Snyder's Carpet Care can help. We offer rug cleaning services for residential homes and businesses!
Snyders Carpet Care 321 Chapman St Cedar Hill, TX 75104 (972) 898-3886 https://snyderscarpetcare.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12601674771166224847
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