hotdogtybes · 3 years
Ways to make me angry:
Say that Tybalt killed Mercutio on purpose and did not feel terrible about his death
(if you dare to do so, side effects can include a two hour rant as well as being hit by Will’s complete works)
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
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Today I offer you more Shakespeare memes. Tommorow? The same.
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
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The Capulet’s are terrible parents but boy do they know how to serve looks
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
god i love juliet so much
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
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I’m 99% sure this is how their relationship works
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
Benvolio: what the hell is wrong with you!?
Tybalt: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
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There is a fabulous performance of Romeo and Juliet (2019) from Shakespeare’s Globe steaming for free until March 31 2021. It is directed by Michael Oakley and has some wonderful dual roles.
Jeff Alexander plays both Friar Laurene and Lord Montague, strengthening his relationship to Romeo. Likewise Debbie Chazen plays Lady Montague and Juliet’s nurse. Ayoola Smart plays both Tybalt and the apothecary. (However Lady Capulet’s ominous declaration that she knows a person who will poison Romeo with “an unaccustomed dram that he shall soon keep Tybalt company” that would normally link Tybalt and the apothecary is strangely omitted from this performance.) Christopher Chung plays Abraham, Paris, Prince Escalus. Chung’s whiplash transition from Abraham to the Prince feels like a kind of artificial sublimation. It is as though he is retreating from of his own prejudices and violent instincts into a position of authority only to chastise others for those same flaws. Chung’s role as Paris also strengthens and clarifies his kinship with the Prince.
Lastly, as someone who first became obsessed with Shakespeare’s plays because of Mercutio, I was obviously the most struck by Ned Derrington taking up the roles of Samson, Mercutio, and Friar John. The play’s introductory fight with Samson, Tybalt, and Benvolio was particularly interesting since it foreshadows Mercutio’s death, but with Samson having entirely different alliances from Mercutio. As Friar John, Derrington is prevented from delivering the pivotal message to Romeo that Juliet is alive when he is falsely believed to be coming from “a house where the infectious pestilence did reign” in heart-breaking fulfillment of the “plague o’ both your houses” curse he delivered as Mercutio. Derrington also serves as a drummer in the production, playing with a brass band during the Capulet ball and curtain call while the actors dance, allowing the production to celebrate the youth and energy that dominate the play rather than ruminate in its gloomy conclusion.
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
tb to when i created a playlist for tybalt (and it´s still the best i have ever made) and then even for romeo and was planning to create one for juliet too and then my friends told me to get a therapy 🤪 🤪 🤪
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
What Romeo+Juliet characters you kin/relate to says about you
(don't take this seriously l'm just making dumb assumptions)
Romeo:You're a hopeless romantic aren't you? How's the not being able to tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction/feelings?You are dramatic and aware of it. You can be a dumbass but you are honestly sweet. You think that love is gonna solve all your problems one day. Also, fam lmma be honest if you do date people you put in way too much effort, effort that they won't give backkkk, and you just end up more crushed when you break up. THINK, that's it just think, you don't think enough you just do. MUSICALLLLSSSS are your life, l think you really like Disney and want to live in some aesthetic run away with your lover life. There's a chance you have adhd :))))
Mercutio:Hello lgbtq+ community, you're some flavour of not straight or cis. l'm guessing you have good fashion sense. How's the god complex going? Even if it's only a temporary thing,chances are you have one. You've responded to your friends' texts with "mood" or in verbal convos. Stop using jokes to cope with tramua, no it is not healthy. You're a dark humor bitch. You are either very loud and you think you're chill or you are actually chill. Probably sends way too many memes. Punssssss. You probably like those white modern house aesthetics or you like some royal aesthetic. Maybe dark academia. l have a feeling you flirt with friends for fun. Either an only or youngest child.
Tybalt:You're also gay but with tramua you don't deal with. How the mommy/and or daddy issues going?Guessing you went through a repressed gay phase sometime in your life and you're still probably struggling with the internalised homophobia and just overall self hate. Got any validation lately? Just kidding, you haven't. Either you relate to Tybalt's easiness to frustration and rage or you wish that's how you could deal with your feelings but you don't because you learned being angry=bad and rude so you repress anger and don't know how to express it but man do you wish you could fight and tell people to fuck off. You try too hard with everything,give yourself a break honestly. Middle or only child, maybe oldest. I just think it's unlikely that you're the youngest. Indie and/or rock music. You've been alone for most of your life and when you have the chance to not be lonely you still choose to be alone because it's familar and safer. Deep down you're fucking terrified✌ Again u could have adhd, l doubt those are "mood swings" you're dealing with
Benvolio:How's being the mom friend of the group? Got some gremblin children? Omg stop putting your self up for so much work for everything you do. You don't have to put all your effort into everything to the point where you feel like you're gonna pass out. Life lesson,people are mean and you can't change that no matter how much you want to. I have a feeling you cling onto broken people/characters because you think you can fix and help them, no, no you can't. You are very wholesome and considerate. I'm guessing you're the eldest kid or you're an only child. You grew up too fast or you are growing up too fast. Do you like stuff animals?l think you do. I'm guessing you have some childhood snack as a comfort food.
Juliet:Absent mom?Anyways, you're smarter then you give yourself credit for. You're curious and l'm guessing you like pastel, light acadamia or cottagecore aesthetic. I think you could be a quiet person, shy or not. You day dream- A LOT, you plan things out and l think you went through a scheduling phase, do you like those fancy stationary stuff? Polite quiet kid who didn't get in trouble. You can be very sweet and kind and you just want someone else who will give you the same treatment you would give them. Things in your life are unfair even though you did everything right. I'm guessing you like poetry and flowers but a specific type of flowers.
Paris: b r o . You try, and life takes one look at you and goes no💖. Okay so ehhhhh, you might be clingy and not realise it.But maybe not. Anyways, you're awkward whether you are aware of it or not. Overally polite, how's being a suck up to adults in your life? That is if you are still in school, if you aren't, were you? Never got in trouble for anything or least never got caught. You really do just try to be humble and friendly but sadly some people think you're just weird. You get anxious A LOT. Overall nice person tho.
Nurse:Comic relief best friend but make it irl. You're a theater bitch aren't you? Lol well if you relate to any of these characters on a personal level you're probs a theather kid.You just want to make your best friend laugh and be happy. You're dorky and awkward but you embrace it. Hella clumsy. How's the ignoring your own problems cuz they aren't that big of a deal cuz you "aren't important"?
Lady Capulet:Toxic💖. You're azula from atla but as a mother
Lord Capulet: bro chill, you get mood swings. You are hella competitive
Lord Montague:You're also competitive but without the anger issues
Lady Capulet: Bro u just wanted everyone to be nice
Rosaline:How's the giving blank characters your personality so they are basically just an OC? It's cuz you don't relate to characters that are fleshed out so you just use blank ones.
Friar Lawrence:Pussy, man up honestly ✌ Everything you do you mess up, lol sorry l just heavily doubt anyone relates to him and l don't like himmmm
The Prince:You don't like people not because you have issues it's just cuz they annoy you. You just want to be chilling in bed or drinking tea in a cosy little room
Gregory and Sampson:Lower your ego, or raise it, chances are you THINK that you believe you are great but really you're insecure. You like dumbass narrastic characters. Wait, editing this for spelling mistakes and adding stuff. I'm guessing you tend to just like very minor characters, this is essentially the same as rosaline expect you do have some canon moments to work with
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
Any Veronese citizen after the end of Romeo and Juliet
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
If i could make a Romeo and Juliet movie l would have the panic at the disco's version of "The greatest show" as the opening sung by the chorus with the main singer being this mysterious figure dressed in white and grey
There would be lyric changes to actually explain the story
l imagine it opening with one stop light on the lead singer then them pointing to things that light up like a stage to show them like...turning on? this world and opening up this story as if it was a play, this is happening on the streets of Verona
and the backround singers join in
then it ends with the figure disapearing with smoke
the character would be dressed in a fancy white and grey old looking suit with a white hood and white and sliver face paint,with white gloves and knee high boots
:))) the mysterious is revealed to be the ghost of Mercutio in the act which he dies, when Benvolio announces him to be dead we see a glimpse of the same white/grey character before they disappear
so this means the story at the start was that of Mercutio explaining the tale
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
ok we´ll stay with the aestethics and all cause i have headcanon for like every character but like imagine: benvolio but dark academia
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
this has been probably already used or idk but like rosaline is goth ok
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
“not all men” you’re right, benvolio montague would never do a thing like this 
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
If i were to make a modern version of Romeo and Juliet l would have the song "Big fun" from the musical Heathers in Act 1 scene 5
but with a lot of lyric changes
plus l would have to change the party a bit, like in a modern version l would think the feast would be some teen party instead of just a formal one with family
like l would replace Lord Capulet with Rosaline for the part where Tybalt goes bitching to him
(Also make Rosaline aro ace cuz her being a nun would be weird nowadays)
but l would still want to show Tybalt being a daddy issue having guy so l would show him interacting with Lord Capulet in other ways
ALSO l would have him interact with Juliet!
just ahhhhhhh ideas but brain doesn't make any :,)
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
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Tybalt and Mercutio - Two of Swords.
tycutio ft some homoerotic swordfighting !!:D
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hotdogtybes · 3 years
what if mercutio was a very dramatic theatre kid
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