#we'll say it's a winter pic
gingerjolover · 5 months
Imagine taking Julien as your plus 1 to a winter wedding, imagine the (loosely) matching festive outfits and the warm lights against her lighter her up, super festive super sweet holiday jb
this could send me into orbit actually plus one!jb is such a vibe
are we talking plus one like yall have not been dating for very long but you got a plus one so you're brining your gf
or like its your friend whos getting married or maybe a family member and you and jb have been together a while so she is also invited
i think either way, im getting strong vibes like from the wedding the boys performed at
i feel like since its a winter wedding its giving dark clothes, maybe red or dark green, obvi not white but something festive but not over the top
and julien is like, "I'll get a matching tie❤️" so whatever color your dress or outfit is, julien is matching you
and julien doesn't like Christmas but loves the winter (idk if this is canon but it is to me) and so a winter wedding is so her vibe
if its outdoors there's lights all around and trees wrapped up and the dancefloor is under a huge tent and maybe there's fake snow and greenery everywhere
and julien is living for it and you take so many pics and vids or julien just looking at her surroundings because the reflections in her big brown baby cow eyes.... i could pass out actually
look i mentioned this in the one smut fit but i don't think julien is like totally sober i think she has drinks on occasions, and we'll say for consistency sake that shes very excited at the festive drinks and foods, the two of you perusing around the venue
finds every mistletoe and kisses you under it
also takes a ton of photos of you in your outfit
the pic y'all get with the couple is sooo cute, you and JB on either side of the couple, both smiling and color coordinated
probably plays a lot of Christmas or holiday music at the reception (in combination with bangers)
but i just imagine you and julien slow dancing to a slow Christmas song or like julien bopping around with your friends or family
julien gives me "children love me and want me to play with them all the time" vibes at family gatherings
so your cousins or maybe like the kids at the wedding LOVE julien and they are all dancing together
if it's a kid-free wedding then you know julien is just having the time of her life dancing to fucking pitbull or something with your friends
julien is so genuinely sweet and fun and kind and the best to be around at an event like a wedding (and all the time) so you are just so happy you brought her
and its one of the only times julien is all for the holiday-ness of the season, so she enjoys herself
i might add more to this later??
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missvelvetsstuff · 10 months
The Wrong One
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Steve while he is on the run and stands by him through everything. Until he sees Peggy Carter again.
10. The Aftermath
Warnings: swearing, angst, difficult childbirth
Starting the next morning there was a barrage of romantic gifts showing up on her doorstep multiple times a day. Flowers, jewelry, candy, books by her favorite authors, knick knacks that Steve thought she would like. Constant texts checking up on her, phone calls where he sang love songs to her voicemail.
Y/N was already exhausted from her pregnancy and Steve's attentions, even though they weren't in person, just made it worse.
On top of that, the incident at the gala was all over the internet and gossip news sites and shows. Everyone was talking about Captain America's sudden reappearance and the confrontation with his very pregnant ex girlfriend and best friend.
Y/N woke up to hundreds of tags and notifications of articles, pictures and social media posts speculating on the meaning of last night's events.
Pictures of Bucky leaving her house as the sun was coming up. Putting a large bouquet of roses and a teddy bear with a Captain America shield in the house and stoically moving through the paps without saying a word. Even some pics of him jogging away.
When she tried to go for her morning walk, she opened the front door to find a mess of reporters still on her front stoop, keeping her from leaving. She could hear the sounds of cameras and was blinded by the many flashes.
Too many voices throwing questions out at her:
'Can you tell us what happened at the gala? Why did Captain America call you a whore?' 'When is your baby due?'
'Is that Steve Rogers child? If not who's the father?' 'Did you cheat on him?'
'Are you involved with The Winter Soldier?'
'Why is Bucky Barnes staying with you? Did he get into more trouble after the Flag Smashers?'
'Weren't you one of those pardoned after the snap? Do you think you deserved it?'
She felt overwhelmed and blurted out a distressed "No comment" and quickly went back into the house.
Y/N slammed and locked the front door then leaned against it and sank down to the floor, tears running down her face. She sat for a bit until she felt the baby start kicking up a storm. The movement reminded her of what was at stake. She laughed a little through the sobs and rubbed her belly.
"We're gonna be ok, little one. I don't know how we'll get there but I'll always be there for you."
Once she had calmed herself down, Y/N struggled to pick herself up from the floor, her large belly making the act impossible. She had to crawl across the floor until she reached a chair that she could use to support herself on her way up. As she was struggling to get up Bucky returned from his run.
He hurried over to her "Doll, are you alright? Why are you on the floor?"
He helped her stand up and pulled her into a hug when he saw that she had been crying. "What happened?"
Tears started forming before she could try to stop them "I was, I just I tried to go for a walk and th-th-they were all there, yelling and flashing and I couldn't-" she flinched and started panting, grabbing her belly.
She tried to curl up "Fuck!" She grabbed his arm "Bucky, it hurts" she whined.
Bucky's eyes grew wide and his heart sped up "Nonono, sshhh, you're ok doll. It's ok. Ivegotchu." He settled her on the couch and called Sam for a ride. While they waited for Sam he helped calm her down, breathing through the contractions.
She looked at him with tears in her eyes "Bucky, I'm not ready for this. Her room isn't done and I need more onesies. And, and I'm not ready to be a mom on my own."
He pulled her close and rubbed her back "I told you. I've got you. You aren't alone. If she's born tonight I'll get her room finished before you're ready to come home." He kissed the top of her head "You're gonna be a great mom. I just know it."
She nodded and calmed down enough to breathe through the contractions until Sam took them to the Tower. He waited in his office for them in case they needed a lift home.
Helen Cho was waiting and had Y/N hooked up to an assortment of monitors. As she relaxed Bucky held her hand and told Helen what had happened.
Helen shook her head "The press has been going crazy since Captain Rogers showed up at that party. They've been camped out in front but can't get into the parking garage. You might want to see about staying here in the Tower."
Y/N shook her head. "I just want to go home."
Helen pursed her lips "Well, let's keep an eye on you for the night and discuss what's next tomorrow. Remember we discussed the possibility of delivering early, especially considering how fast she has been growing. Try to get some sleep. Sargeant Barnes, you can stay in your quarters here tonight, she'll be carefully monitored."
Bucky shook his head "Not a chance, doc. I'm staying right here."
Helen shook her head "It's your back Sargeant. I'll see you in the morning"
Y/N looked over at Bucky with fear in her eyes but she tried to be brave "You don't have to stay in here all night, those chairs can't be comfortable. I'll be fine."
Bucky looked at her lovingly "Don't be silly doll. I'm not going anywhere."
She relaxed noticeably when he said that and whispered "Thank you Bucky."
He squeezed her hand "Anytime sweetheart."
She felt the butterflies but her heart clenched when she reminded herself he wasn't hers and eventually he would get tired of helping Steve's ex raise a kid that wasn't his. Even though he said he was fine with it she knew that couldn't last.
She tried to relax and get some sleep but it was a long time coming. When she finally did find sleep there were strange disjointed dreams with Steve and Bucky that she could barely remember in the morning, except for the feeling of unease they left her with.
Bucky woke early as he always did. He sat up and stretched without letting go of her hand. He sat and stared at her sleeping, in awe of her beauty. He couldn't wrap his head around Steve's actions. How could he leave this woman, she was so perfect. One of the few that didn't treat him like a monster.
As he watched he saw her stomach move and bulge he smiled, gently pushing on the spot that moved. He pushed softly and laughed a little when the baby pushed back. He spoke softly "My baby girl is an early riser like Uncle Bucky, huh?"
Y/N groaned, feeling the baby pushing on her bladder, and stretched. She felt Bucky rubbing her belly and opened her eyes. "Hey Buck, you sleep alright?" and yawned.
Bucky smiled "I'm fine, you're the one I'm worried about. How are you feeling?"
"M'alright. Contractions seem to have stopped." She looked at her belly and whispered "I really need to pee."
He chuckled "You need help getting to the bathroom?"
She shrugged "Probably." sat up and turned to the side, her feet barely touching the floor.
Bucky put his arm out for her and helped her to the bathroom.
Once she was settled back into bed he brought her some water.
They sat quietly for a little while before one of the nurses brought some breakfast. Helen showed up while she was eating.
Helen smiled as she entered the room "Good morning. How are you feeling today, Y/N?"
Y/N nodded "Much better. The contractions stopped."
Helen looked at the read outs "Your blood pressure is back down to normal, heart rate is normal and baby seems like she's good." She made some notes before sitting at the edge of the bed and looking back to Y/N.
"Everything looks fine now and you can be released. You have a couple of options. You don't need constant medical attention but the extra stress from a baby affected by the serum and Rogers erratic behavior are increasing your risks. I would recommend you stay in the tower. The sergeant has a room or there are some empty quarters we can set you up in.
You can go home but I really would feel more comfortable if you stayed close."
Y/N shook her head "I won't be able to relax in a strange room. I just want to go home. I can have Friday monitor me and contact you if there are any concerns."
She looked at Bucky pleadingly and he scratched his head "I don't know sweetheart, maybe staying here would be safer...." he trailed off, wanting her safe but not wanting to upset her any more.
He looked at Helen "I'll keep a close eye on her."
Helen shook her head "She needs to be on bed rest, no strenuous activity! And if the contractions start up again I want you to call me right away."
Bucky and Y/N promised to follow her instructions and Y/N dressed to go home.
When they arrived back at her home the press were mostly gone but the pile of gifts from Steve had grown. While Bucky helped Y/N inside, Sam cleared off the stoop, tossing Steve's gifts into a bag and shoving that bag into the coat closet for Y/N to deal with when she was up for it.
A few days passed quietly before they heard a loud knock at the front door while they ate breakfast.
Y/N, jumped at the sound and looked towards the front door with dread, who could it be this time?
Bucky went to answer the door, squeezing her shoulder, on his way to the entry, reassuring her that he's got it.
They knocked again, Bucky sighed as he reached the door. He tried to look through the peep hole but it was blocked, which made him consider leaving them out there. He decided it could be important so opened the door and was almost knocked down by Steve as he rushed in.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Rogers?" Bucky spat out.
"I'm here to check on my girls. Where is she?" He hurried to the living room where Y/N was struggling to stand up.
Her face turned to stone when she saw him. "Why are you here, Steve?"
Steve glared at Bucky "I'm here to check up on my best girls. Tell your boyfriend to back off."
Y/N scoffed "Your best girl died before the Blip. The only one here was just a sorry substitute. You're not welcome here."
Steve walked up to her and reached out for her hand, scowling when she pulled back. "Look, Y/N, I know I messed up but I'm here now and I want my family back."
She rolled her eyes "You have a really bad memory problem. You've already had your second chance and we are over. I won't be the one you settle for because I'm having your kid."
Steve tried to interrupt "I'm not settling honey, I made a mistake. Peggy was my dream, you're the reality."
She shook her head "So I'm the crappy wish version? I want to be with someone who wants me, who chooses me first not like some consolation prize." She was breathing heavily and feeling lightheaded.
Bucky moved quickly to her side to support her, murmuring supportive words into her hair. "Are you alright, love? You look a little pale."
He helped her sit back down and gave Steve a dirty look. "She is high risk because of the serum and doesn't need you coming in here stressing her out. We've already had one scare so you should just go. We'll let you know when she's born."
Steve shook his head "I won't let you push me aside when it's my fiance and my child you're trying to take away from me. You're talking like you're a couple, like it's your kid."
Y/N had it. "Enough! I am not your fucking fiance, Steve! All I am is your baby mama and that's all I will ever be to you. How many times do I have to say this?
Bucky isn't the one who deserted me without a warning. He has been here, by my side ever since he found out." She rubbed her temple "you're giving me a migraine, I'm on bed rest. Please leave you are stress-" her hand moved to her belly "owww, oh no. Bucky" she cried, panicking.
Bucky wrapped his arm around her shoulder, rubbing gently "Try to relax doll, you're ok and I- what the fuck was that"  the bottom of his pants suddenly felt wet.
She started hyperventilating "I think it's my water. My water broke." She looked at him scared.
Bucky rubbed her back "Don't worry sweetheart. I'm gonna take care of you, ok. Let's get you dressed and get your go bag. Ok?"
Y/N nodded nervously and went to her bedroom to take a fast shower and get dressed. She put her hair away from her face then threw on a pair of sweats, one of Bucky's t-shirts and a pair of slippers.
She returned to the living room carrying an overnight bag and noticed Steve was still there, looking concerned.
She pointed at him "Why are you still here, I told you to leave."
Steve shook his head "No. It sounds like you're about to have my baby so I'm coming with you."
She scoffed "Like you care. You can sit in the waiting area because I don't want you anywhere near me." Her face pinched and she growled "Fuuuck!" looking around to see Bucky on the phone.
He finished up quickly and went to take Y/N's bag and offer his arm in support, looking at her concerned "You ok honey? Remember to breathe. I spoke to Helen, we're meeting her at the Tower. I also sent a message to Pepper, she will check up on you after we get you settled."
Y/N nodded quickly and tried to remember her breathing while keeping a bruising grip on Bucky's arm. He flinched lightly and started walking towards the garage, leading her slowly.
Bucky realized Steve was still there and shouted back at him "We're going to the Tower, don't much care what you do."
Steve nodded curtly "I'll meet you there."
By the time they arrived at the Tower Y/N was crying, sweating profusely, trying to breathe between sobs "Bucky, this is too much, I can't"
He picked her up bridal style and headed up to the medbay "I know it hurts doll but you can, I know you can. Helen will help and you'll have our beautiful girl in your arms before you know it." He grimaced as she tensed during each contraction but didn't notice the blood until he set her down on the bed Helen Cho pointed towards it.
Bucky looked to Helen with wide eyes, scared for the first time in years.
Y/N felt like she was being ripped apart as the contractions increased until she barely had a chance to catch her breath in between. She had a death grip on Bucky's hand and cried in pain as Helen did an exam to see how far along she was, brow furrowed at the blood.
Helen spoke softly as she removed her gloves, calling for an anesthesiologist and faced Bucky. "I'm going to give her a spinal for the pain, her blood pressure is pretty high as well. I'm going to do an ultrasound to see where baby is because she was head up last time." She spoke softly to Y/N explaining what was happening next and assured her that the baby was not in any distress.
As Helen performed the ultrasound her face showed her concern. She kept her voice calm so as not to stress Y/N any more than necessary. "So, she's still head up so we're going to have to do a c-section. The umbilical cord is wrapped around her neck as well. She still not showing any signs of distress and I want to get her out before she does. Sargent Barnes, you need to scrub and get a surgical gown and we'll meet you in the OR."
Bucky nodded and tried to keep the fear off of his face when he spoke to Y/N "I'm gonna go get cleaned up and meet you in surgery, ok sweetheart? They're gonna hook you up with some pain meds so you'll feel better soon and we'll get your baby girl." He kissed her forehead and walked away.
After she was given the pain meds Y/N calmed down a little before she was prepped for surgery until the baby monitor started beeping. She looked at nurse "Whats that? Is something wrong? Is she ok?"
Bucky came in wearing a surgical gown/cap/shoe covers and took her hand to calm her down as Helen quickly went to work.
30 minutes later Y/N's newborn girl was placed on her chest. Bucky took a couple of pictures and teased her about her slightly stoned looking smile.
After baby girl was cleaned and weighed, and mom was all stitched up they were taken to a small room where they worked on nursing until baby latched on. Bucky was right there making sure she was comfortable, warm enough, had enough support, gave her drinks and couldn't have been more proud if he had delivered a baby himself.
Steve was in the waiting room and looked anxiously at Helen when she told him that baby and mom were in the first room if he wanted to see them. He almost ran there but stopped at the doorway. The scene in front of him broke his heart.
Y/N looking beautiful but very tired holding his daughter as she nursed while Bucky was sitting on the bed next to her, metal arm around her shoulders, talking sweetly to the baby as she gripped his finger, a look of love and awe on his face. They made a beautiful little family.
Steve couldn't stand it and left without saying a single word.
Chapter 11
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hanniluvi · 5 months
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[ DAY THIRTEEN ] of the advent calendar !
( 🚋 ) SYNOPSIS . . . after a heated argument with K, little did you expect that the last time you’d see him would be at his departure, after leaving you in silence for days.
( — ) PAIRING . . . best-friend!k x gn!reader FT. EJ &TEAM
( 🚋 ) GENRE . . . angst lolz, misunderstandings, friends 2 …?
( — ) WARNINGS . . . INSPIRED BY THE MOVIE “20TH CENTURY GIRL” (sorry guys), k and reader kinda frustrating ..
( 🚋 ) NOTE . . . Hi!! Super late Sorry!! but originally this wasn’t even gonna be angst if i be honest … but train station … 20th century girl … so yes!!! also pretend the pics above give christmassy vibes LMAO it js seemed right to keep it like this and yes i can hear u quivering miles away Ms Sonata 😊
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Once again, and unsurprisingly, K had missed yet another hangout. You really tried waiting and being considerate, but not even him in sight. Seated alone in the cafe with two drinks you bought with your own money, frustration grew. The plans had been made two weeks prior, and despite K's assurances, he was nowhere to be found.
Unable to bear it any longer, you navigated to your contact list and pressed on his icon, hoping for an explanation. Anxiously biting your nails, you waited through two beeps until he answered with a casual, "Hello?" Your scoff was loud enough for him to hear, a response to his nonchalant greeting after ditching another hangout without any warning.
"Huh?" Did he genuinely believe he had the right to question you after what just happened?
"Are you serious right now? You just missed another hangout, K." His mumbled apology reached your ears, sounding like he was cursing himself for even forgetting. "Damn it—I'm so sorry, YN. Can I make it up to you tomorrow?"
"You've got to be kidding me." You couldn’t help the anger slowly rising in you. “I’m here, waiting in the cold for you just to not show up again?” The hot air escaped your mouth as you scoffed. “You know, you shouldn’t suggest ideas for a winter hangout if you’re just going to not appear.”
"It—it just slipped my mind! I'm sorry," K explained, but you weren't buying it. You've let him slide too many times.
“It just ‘slipped out of your mind’? We planned his hangout 2 weeks prior—you even promised to show up today! Do you think I’m really going to buy that bullshit?”
“I know, I shouldn’t have done that but—”
“You say this all the time. What the hell have you been doing?”
“Listen—I just…” You could hear him trail off, as if restraining himself from saying more. What could he be hiding that's so important? “I’ve been busy.”
“And so have I? But I've always spared time to hang out with you and show up to everything you schedule. And suddenly you can't show up to something we both agreed on? K, you're slowly becoming distant with me.”
“It's not like I'm trying to!” He lowered his tone, recognizing his anger taking hold. “I just couldn’t do it today. It’s just—it’s not something I can tell you that easily.”
“I'm your best friend, what the hell do you mean?”
“I—I can't say. Not right now.”
“You really have to be an idiot if you think I'm gonna believe that. This friendship can’t work if you’re like this.” You pushed your hair back in frustration. "I get it, you're busy. But this is a pattern, K. A pattern I can't keep ignoring," you stated firmly.
"I know, YN. I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you," K continued apologizing.
"I've heard enough apologies, K. You're not the only one with a busy life," you replied, frustration evident in your voice.
"Please, just give me another chance."
But the more he apologized, the more irritated you became. "I need some space, K. Figure out what's going on with you. We'll talk later."
“But YN—”
“Just leave me alone, will you?” You angrily said, clearly sick of his pleading. “You clearly have no problem doing so, it seems like, anyways.” Without another word, you hung up, leaving K with the dial tone and a realization that he screwed up real bad.
And you’ve made it your goal to make him feel how you felt every time he ditches you.
DAY ONE. K attempted to act as if everything was okay, anticipating that you'd eventually give in and talk to him as you always did. Little did he know, you were determined to make him feel the weight of his actions—even if it felt harsh.
“Hey YN,” he greeted, met with your silent response.
“You need help?” you simply shook your head.
“Wanna go together?” He tried once more, but you walked away without a word.
Undoubtedly, a sense of guilt crept in, but the memory of that night kept replaying in your mind, fueling the anger you harbored toward him. K seemed to notice the shift, creating awkward moments and growing distant—much like that regrettable day.
You didn't care; in your eyes, it was deserved.
DAY THREE. You're enduring the silence longer than you initially thought. Ignoring him, refusing to even cross paths, felt strange considering how inseparable you used to be. School had become a bit dull without him, but you were determined to hold out for a week…right?
“Are you seriously not going to talk to him?” EJ asked, straw twirling between his fingers. “You're really creeping me out.” He says, as if you aren’t supposed to be the one creeped out by him instead for drinking an Iced Americano during the first days of winter.
“What do you mean?” you blew onto your cup, closing the lid back to take a sip of your coffee.
“You never hold grudges like this—what's up with you?”
“Okay...but he messed up.”
“Did you hear him out?” EJ maintained eye contact, sipping his drink. “Not blaming you or anything, just wondering.”
“Well—if he wanted to, he would’ve reached out by now!” you tried defending yourself, but he was already sighing.
“You’re both too stubborn, aren’t you guys?” EJ shook his head, smiling a little. “Give him another chance—oh look, he’s right there,” he pointed, making you whip your head around, only to turn back to EJ when your eyes accidentally met.
“I have to go,” you hurriedly grabbed your bag, saying a quick goodbye. “Thanks, EJ!”
“YN, your drink—” But you were already running off, footsteps following closely behind. You wanted him to reach out, yet here you were, fleeing and feeling like a loser. But facing him seemed unbearable in your current state of embarrassment.
“YN,” a familiar voice called out, a hand on your arm, pulling you toward him. His warmth had such a contrast from the chilling weather today. You turned around, finding K with a serious expression. “Can we please talk?”
You wanted to be petty. For some reason, having K reach out first, you weren't going to make it easy for him. “I don't think there's anything we need to talk about.”
“Can you stop being like that and just talk to me?”
“Like what? Just some lame excuse about why you're missing time with me?”
“It's not useless—” K scoffed, running his free hand through his hair, locking eyes with you. “Do you really think I'm just here to tell you the same stuff I've been saying all the time?”
“So you've been lying?”
“That's not what I'm trying to say—”
“I've heard enough.” You tried to pull away from his grasp, but he held on, disappointment evident in his eyes. “YN, what is so hard about sparing a minute of your day? Why is it so hard for you to fucking listen?”
You took a deep breath. “Me? How about you, huh? Have you ever listened to me? Do you think you have the right to say that to me with all this shit you’re doing to me?”
“Here’s your answer then. Because I've spent so much time waiting for you to explain, and you only choose to do it now.” You give him a stern look. “I’m tired of hearing your bullshit—your constant, useless reassurances when you clearly don’t keep your word!”
“I'm tired of waiting for you.”
“YN! Please–”
You turned on your heel, determined to walk away and put an end to the conversation. As you took your first steps, a part of you hoped he would chase after you, while another part was tired of hoping for something that seemed uncertain.
K stood there, conflicted. He debated in his mind whether to let you go or chase after you once again. He longed to. He longed to reveal everything to you. Yet, was it the right moment? Were you even in the proper state of mind to even grasp onto his words? Letting out a substantial sigh, K pivoted, reluctant as he was, and proceeded to walk away from you, leaving you both to walk on two different pathways.
DAY FIVE. K hasn't been showing up to class for the past two days. You felt guilty – you didn't know why, but you had this nagging feeling that it was somehow your fault. EJ quickly picked up on your changed demeanor, his face reflecting concern. As you walked home together, he blurted out, "Did you say goodbye to him?"
You turned to him, confusion etched on your face. You had no idea what EJ was getting at, and he wasn't sure if you even understood the gravity of his words. "Say goodbye to who?"
"To K...?" he hesitated, confirming his suspicions when your expression shifted to one of shock; you were completely unaware. EJ wished he could vanish on the spot.
"EJ, that's not funny." You looked at him, not seeing his joking face he’d usually have. “You’re joking…right?”
"Well, I'm being serious. I'm not the type to joke about that."
“Why did I have to say goodbye?”
“He’s leaving today, YN. Did he not tell you?”
“Can we please talk?” You didn’t hear him out.
“YN, what is so hard about sparing a minute of your day? Why is it so hard for you to fucking listen?” He wanted to tell you something important. It was your fault.
“YN! Please–” It was your fault. All yours. No one to blame this time.
“You mean like…right now?” You looked at EJ, hoping you still had time to make things right with K. With glossy eyes, you could see his hurt expression, knowing what you had put yourself through. “Yeah. About to leave at the train station nearby.”
“I have to go.”
“YN! Be careful; you might get hurt–” You didn’t care. You didn’t care if you were going to get scrapes on your legs, you didn’t care if EJ was yelling your name—nothing could hurt more than losing a best friend that you didn’t leave off on good terms.
You ran as fast as you could, disregarding the chill in the air and the sting in your lungs. The train station came into view, and there he was—K, standing with a suitcase, staring into the distance. Your heart raced as you approached him, a mix of relief and fear coursing through your veins.
"K!" you called out, breathless.
He turned to you, surprise and uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "YN? What are you doing here?"
"I... I heard you were leaving," you panted, trying to catch your breath. "I had to see you before you go."
He sighed, his gaze dropping to the ground. "I messed up, YN. I messed up big time, and I'm sorry."
"Let's talk about it," you urged, reaching out to touch his arm.
"I thought it was too late for a conversation," your heart shattered upon hearing those words. "But it was my fault anyway. I should've been truthful with you."
"Quit blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault—it was mine. I should've been more empathetic." Tears threatened to spill over as you maintained intense eye contact with him, your insides twisting with emotion.
“I didn’t mean to avoid you,” K began, his eyes searching yours for understanding.
“I know I messed up too,” you admitted. “I should have listened instead of shutting you out. I should’ve not said those things to you either.”
He nodded, a sad smile playing on his lips. “We both made mistakes, didn't we? But, let’s not worry too much about it—we’ll get over it like we always do. I’m leaving for a while, but I don’t want us to end like this. I care about you—damn, I even like you, YN," he said, causing you to gasp a little. "I’m sorry if this is too sudden—I just don’t know if I’d be able to tell you this any other day."
As you stood there, absorbing his unexpected confession, the reality of the situation sank in. "K, why didn't you tell me earlier?" you questioned, a mix of emotions clouding your mind.
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I was scared, afraid it would ruin our friendship. But now, facing the distance, I couldn't hold it back any longer."
“K—” The train's arrival interrupted your conversation, and K looked at you with hopeful eyes. "I'll be back, YN. Let's talk when I return, okay?" he pleaded.
You nodded, and he pulled you into a hug, and for a moment, it felt like everything might be okay. “You should go,” K whispered, releasing you from the embrace.
“Take care, okay?” you said, holding back tears.
“You too, YN. I hope we can figure things out when I come back,” he said, a mixture of hope and uncertainty in his eyes.
"You promise to come back?"
"You know me. Who am I to fail to keep my promises—well, besides about the hangouts," he joked, attempting to lighten the mood. You smiled, finding comfort in his smile. "Then can you promise me on this one, and try not to break it?"
"I promise," he extended his pinky finger, waiting for you to interlock with him. Once you did, the warmth of his hand—similar from last time—transferred to yours, making it such a bittersweet moment. He brought his hand closer, kissing the side of your hand. "Hope that wasn't too sudden."
He smiled at your blushing face, releasing your hand. He had noticed how little layers you were wearing—did you really run like this just to see him? Taking the scarf of his neck, he wrapped it around yours, looking at you lovingly. "I'll do something sweeter next time. See you later, yeah?" You nodded, and he finally carried his bags to the train.
As K stepped onto the train, you stood there, gazing into his tear-filled eyes. How badly he didn’t want to cry in front of you. Waving, you declared, "I like you too, K!"
His heart warmed slightly. "I can't hear you," he teased, as he would've done by your side. Smiling, you shouted, "I like you so much!"
The doors closed, and you glimpsed K crying. Witnessing his tears always tugged at your heartstrings, and your own tears flowed uncontrollably. The train started moving, and as K disappeared from view, you stood there with tears streaming down your face. The reality of his departure hit you hard. "Come back soon," you whispered to the wind, as if it could carry your message to him.
Your heart felt heavy, and you couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of loss. As you wiped away your tears, you realized how much K meant to you and how the abrupt end to your argument had turned into a farewell.
Walking away from the train station, you carried the weight of mixed emotions. The confession, the unspoken feelings, and the promise of a future conversation lingered in the air. Most importantly, the emptiness lingered, but the promise of a reunion kept you going. Determined to make things right when he returned, you whispered to yourself,
“I’ll wait for you, K.”
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ADVENT CALENDAR MLIST — @en-dream @i-yeseo @yizhoutv @yuma-is-mine @wtfhyuck @sansfransisco
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 24 days
acacia and grayson head canons
@never-enough-novels requested this so here it is! it might be short bc im so tired but we'll see. this is also my only hcs post today. i think that after im done with my current requests i'll take a break for a few days. i really apologize if these suck. hope you like them <3. @ariscats helped with this. i love her sm. I apologize for any spelling mistakes or things that dont make sense. im too lazy to proof read.
she insists on giving him a hug whenever they leave the other even though he tries to act tough (tries to act like he doesn't want one)
she'll buy him suits she thinks he'd like whenever she's out and either ships them or shows up at his house with them wrapped in gift paper.
they'll sit on the floor and look at old pictures of savannah and gigi in these picture books that acacia has.
acacia ends up creating a separate picture book for grayson (and also has one with the three (sav, gigi, and gray) of them all together - 3 picture books in total)
when acacia first met skye, she 'accidently' poured wine all over skye's white dress cause acacia knows she’s a horrible mother to gray.
acacia asks grayson for fashion advice whenever she doesn't know what to wear. she'll send him pics of options she has to wear and he'll reply with comments for each and everyone of them (like dress #1- this color doesn't match your skin tone as well as the others. dress #2 - this dress is not suitable for winter, etc)
she majored in art when she was in school, she didn't really do anything with her degree but, when grayson shows up, starts trying to teach him all of the things she knows. he already knows how to paint but doesn't say anything so that he can spend time with her.
acacia calls him under the pretense of having a favor to ask, but, in reality, she just wants to make sure he's ok and doesn't want to scare him away by just calling to ask about his feelings.
he spends some time at the graysons manor every year. he and acacia like to just stay quiet and observe the nature/read/paint together
acacia and grayson will go out on nature walks where he takes pictures with his camera and she paints those pictures (she's very talented and the paintings look very realistic)
acacia goes to his graduation (harvard. she helps him decide do go back)
nash calls acacia whenever gray gets sick so that she can come over to hawthorne house and take care of him (cause he can't take care of himself. he always ends up overworking himself and shit). she makes him soup, gets all of the medications he needs, etc  (i also hc that she's literally a miracle worker when someone is sick. she can literally make them better with her concoctions in a matter of hours)
when grayson sits down to play the piano, sometimes acacia will appear out of nowhere, sit down next to him, and sway to the music. gray got more confident over time and started singing sometimes too. she'd harmonize with him and shit. basically, its really beautiful.
they love watching historical romances together. they've watched so many that whenever they greet each other, gray will bow down and kiss her hand like all of those men in fictional historical tv shows.
grayson went out to buy acacia skincare at some point in time bc he once saw her bathroom (and thus the products she uses) and he was so horrified he gasped. he made her promise to never use that shit again.
acacia loves birkin bags so grayson gets her one every year for her birthday
when acacia goes on business trips (idk why though cause she has no money but she takes trips in my head), she always buys a pen from the country she's in to give to gray so he can add it to his collection.
speaking of her business trips, grayson stays at her house when she’s gone to water her plants (she loves them).
when they paint/read/take walks in silence, they either listen to laufey or taylor swift.
grayson is really big on labeling things. he labels his binders, notebooks, pens, clothes etc and sometimes acacia sits there with him creating labels for him. (20)
whenever they watch tv, grayson cuddles up in acacia’s arms. no one says a thing, and it stays between them
grayson secretly paints acacia sometimes when she isn’t watching (or so he thinks). 
I mentioned earlier that acacia loves plants and flowers. grayson would totally go out, buy tons of different kinds of flowers, and make her custom made bouquets.
although she’s not his mother, grayson still buys her a mother’s day gift (a bouquet of flowers, and smth else (that changes every year) like some new paint, perfume, etc)
they wanted to start learning smth together as a bonding activity of sorts so they got into pottery. they watched videos (cause they didn’t want to get a teacher/attend classes) and practiced as often as they could together. they would laugh at each other in the end cause clay would end up everywhere. they’re now quite good at it and make each other little things every now and then
they are huge fans of listening to music the ‘old’ way. whenever they listen to music, they listen to vinyls or cassettes.
whenever they see each other, they go out and buy themselves bubble tea.
speaking of bubble tea, sometimes acacia will take some of the remaining bubbles (she never eats/drinks all of them) and throws them at grayson to loosen him up a bit. he does the same sometimes and they have what they call ‘bubble tea fights’.
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zaenaris · 5 months
#50「Meet his fate」: and today we say goodbye to TR best antagonist
wow, they really gave Kisaki a gay ass weird flash back(?) about Takemichi?
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That "I just wanted to be like you" wasn't in the manga (even if, reading between the lines, even from the manga the reader could get there was this feeling involved, beside Kisaki’s superiority/inferiority complex towards Takemichi)
I didn't expect it since his death in the manga is quick and brutal but it's a very good adaptation choice, it makes sense and it explains better Kisaki's contrasting feelings for both Takemichi and Hina. But surely we had some kisatake fan in the anime team for this episode which, again, good??? but really unexpected
I like Kisaki, he's a good villain, but, I'm sorry Truck-kun arriving and doing like in "Mean Girls" is still funny to me (and I talk as someone who appreciate Kisaki as a character and as a villain lol). But after that, the way his limbs are all broken and he's like that on the street it's really sad/horrifying, Wakui was able to show how much pain there was in his dying body in that moment, beside the psychological fact he knew he was dying and didn't want to, he still had so much to do for his evil plan.
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They kept unchanged the moments with Inupi and Hakkai on Inupi's bike which is cute, especially considering their past with the Black Dragon, with Taiju as Inupi's boss.
I would have like to see the relationship between the inuneko duo and Hakkai and Yuzuha, prior the BD arc, where of course they're opponents: what I mean, is that I would have liked to see their "everyday life" relationship: did they have to watch over Yuzuha and Hakkai - we know Taiju has a weird/abusive sense of familial love, but he still cares about them and kokonui are his second in commands and most trusted soldiers- or were they indifferent to the younger Shiba Sibling? Something else? we'll never know.
It's also cute considering the Thousand Winter🥹 and Hakkai's birthday pic where he asks Inupi for a strawberry lol
They also kept Koko, that should be on Inupi's bike with him, but he walks away, alone for the first time (and he will be alone from now on, kill me right now)
Also, they closed the season with a weird cliffhanger?
For the other parts we really had some Big Cliffhanger™️, here everyone gets that something is pending but well… I guess they really had no time, they made a faithful adaptation of the manga, there was no time to add anything else. The arc is not really closed like that, we still have to say our proper goodby to Emma, Izana and Kisaki, we still have the inukoko farewell...
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...but alas, it is what it is.
I hope we'll get the confirmation for a next season, that sure, will open saying goodbye to the tenjiku arc, -it opens with an ending... weird- but i guess there was no other choice given the pacing of this season
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chand-ki-priyatama · 1 month
Ek Khat meri Pyari Sakhi ke naam ...
Someone as beautiful as her name... Someone whose name means "Desire" and thus is desired by all.... To my Bestie "Tamanna" aka Jalebi and pishachini
From her Sakhi Rasmalai and Chudail aka me Kaya ek kaviyitri aur lekhika
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Someone who's like sunshine in winter
Someone who feels like a warm hug after crying....
My bestie, Jalebi, pishachini, sakhi, sister from another mother, gawar , pagal and in short everything
Dear Sakhi ,
I wish you were here with me , we would have been besties irl too. I remember when I first interacted with you, pretty awkward wasn't it but look us now , behaving like two peas in a pod..... This actually proved that the best people are the most unexpected ones .....
You are the most opposite of me , me being outgoing, talkative, bubbly while you being shy , reserve and childish , yes I am the mature one but as said "opposites belong to each other" so in a sense we pretty much complete each other
We are always together in everything although not physically but whenever you see the stars and moon remember that they bind me together with everyone and whenever you feel alone just look at them somewhere I am doing that too...
They bind me to you
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You are the most beautiful and sweet girl Jalebi... and even talented as hell , you won't accept it I know but you are....
These are your vibes according to me :-
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You are the shoulder I cry on you are the one I rely on...
छू कर मेरे मन को किया तूने क्या इशारा
बदला ये मौसम लगे प्यारा जग सारा
I associate these lyrics with you cause you make me feel myself....
You are the literal ray of sunshine who can brighten up anyone's day with just an interaction with her....
Now imagine we met and you know my obsession with Polaroids so think these pics as them...
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I am like your elder sister (even if it's just by days) so I know the best for you... I'll always make you remember that there's someone who's worshipping the ground you walk upon so never lower your standards for someone cause you deserve the best...
I'll definitely meet you irl once as we always discuss then we'll go on a tour together (hopefully) and Jalebi trust me or not I don't know about you but for me you have become an inevitable part of my life , so if you ever think I'll leave you , Nah never cause I am way too connected with you and the fact that I am clingy as hell...
If you were a colour I'd say you are blue cause Those with Blue color personality strengths tend to be enthusiastic, sympathetic, communicative, compassionate, idealistic, sincere and imaginative....
We both love reading that's the thing which is common in us , but you know what ,there is one more thing which is - we both love by our whole heart and soul..... we both would put ourselves at stake to protect our loved ones....
And that's why I admire you so much , in such a short span of time you have managed to be my favourite quite fascinating isn't it...
Whenever call you names , whenever I tease you , kabhi kabhi thoda daant bhi deti hu but trust me it all shows my everlasting love for you....
You definitely are Naina from yjhd cause you are that silent type girlie who'd let her loved ones go for their best you'd never even once try to come between their dreams....
You are so silent on group VC but whenever we are alone you seem to talk so much I don't know if it's because you don't want me to be upset or cause you genuinely enjoy talking to me, it's a dilemma fr
And whenever we text we both have so much to say , I've been through hard times the past month , so thank you so much for always being there for me..... thank you for making me believe in friendships again cause honestly I lost my faith way too early but guess what - you and few others revived it....
I know deep down you desire someone who can love you unconditionally, who is not going to judge you , someone who will cherish you.... You'll find that guy Tamanna , it's just the matter of time , you'll find someone jis par aap haq se keh sakti hai ki "ye sirf Mera hai" , and upon getting unrequited teenage crushes/love isn't it a part of growing up , let us experiment and experience the beauty of this sweet agonizing love... And as I always say , jab bhi kisi se mohabbat ho Jaye - "Mohabbat karlo par khuda se kaise ladoge kyunki do tarfa Mohabbat nahi kismat hoti hai " and it's true to an extent... So apni do tarfa kismat ka itminaan se intezar Karo kyunki sabr ka fal meetha hota hai....
And now imagine me playing a guitar and singing "long live" by Taylor Swift to you...
All these lyrics I dedicate them to you :-
"Will you take a moment?
Promise me this
That you'll stand by me forever
But if, God forbid,
fate should step in
And force us into a Goodbye
If you have children someday
When they point to the pictures
Please tell them my name
Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life with you"
So Yeah pretty much a beautiful song isn't it....
You are the brightest star in my sky and are loved and cherished by me always.... You cheer up everyone's life and we all are lucky to have you....
Just so you know I love you to the moon and back and will always desire the best for you... I'll always be by your side
As I always say I'll dedicate these songs to you and it's voice note well I already sent it to you....
Now I think I have spoken enough
So signing off pishachini
~With love always
-Kaya 💗
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wenclairfamily · 6 months
"A Wednesday Addams Christmas Carol" - Fanfiction Story (For Wenclair Fans!)
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A story set twenty years in the future...
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage. Now, Wednesday and Enid work at their old school: Nevermore Academy as teachers, raising up an entire new generation; including their own twin seventeen year old daughters: Harmony and Ana. Harmony, who carries both of her mother's special abilities, continues to grow and explore the world with her girlfriend Megan. Ana meanwhile... is a different story...
One morning on Christmas Eve: a fresh layer of snow was laying everywhere, while the sound of Christmas carolers could be heard from a faraway distance. Harmony and Ana Addams were walking through the park together wearing winter clothes, as they were looking around at the scenery. Harmony had a small smile on her face as she said, "Wow. The town has never looked this beautiful around Christmas before. I wish Megan was here to see it." As Ana also took in the scenery, she said, "Yeah, but I think it's nice she decided to spend her Christmas with her extended family this year. It means we get one more Christmas with just the two of us and mom together before you get married." Harmony suddenly had an overwhelmed look on her face as she said, "Wow. You're right. It's also dawned on me... me and Megan need to start making some plan on what our wedding will look like." Ana smirked as she said, "Well if you want, I can officiate the wedding." A confused looking Harmony then said, "What!? Since when can you do that?" Ana continued to walk as she casually said, "Since I became an honorary priest in the catholic church. The Pope owed me a favor after I saved him from some Australian Polar Bears that were trying to swap brains with him." Harmony looked very confused for a moment... but then casually said, "Of course you did. So anyway, where's that cat of yours Ana?" As Ana turned her head in multiple directions, she said, "Yeah, I've been keeping my eye out for him, and... Wait. Hold on."
Ana then moved towards a tree where she heard meowing noises. Harmony followed, and eventually the two sisters saw behind a tree were Ana's cat and a white female cat making lovely meowing sounds at each other while they gently rubbed their heads against one another. A smiling Harmony put her hands together as she said, "Aww. How cute!" However Ana looked nervous as she said, "Oh no. Tell me that isn't the cat that belongs to..." Then Ana heard a male teenage voice yell, "Princess Snuggles!" Ana turned her head with a disgusted face, and saw a teenage boy walking towards the scene. Ana glared forward as she said, "Duncan." The teenage boy Duncan immediately saw what the two cats were doing, and quickly yelled, "Princess Snuggles, get away from that cat. He is the enemy!" Ana meanwhile took a big deep breath, and then looked straight at Duncan as she said, "Look Duncan. We may not like each other, but our two cats obviously do. So in the spirit of Christmas, lets try to make a little peace on Earth and try to get along for the sake of the love between our pets that we so love. What do you say?"
Duncan stood silent... for two seconds, before he angerly yelled, "No! You're a freak, and so is your cat!" Ana rolled her eyes and said, "So we're gonna do this the hard away." Then Ana immediately took out a taser and shoved it into Duncan's chest shocking him very hard. Duncan then fell to the ground hurt, as Ana casually said, "Okay Stormageddon the Conqueror. Lets find a nice fancy restaurant for you and Princess Snuggles to dine at." Then suddenly the sound of an explosion nearby was heard. A concerned Harmony then asked, "What was that?" Ana grinned as she said, "I don't know... but lets find out. Stormageddon the Conqueror, enjoy your date with Princess Snuggles. There's a great cat-friendly Italian place nearby you should try. We'll pick you up around six." Harmony and Ana then began to run towards the sound of the explosion as Harmony said, "It's a good thing mom and mother told us to take a long walk from the house and get some exercise today. Otherwise we might have not heard that explosion." Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Oh, I'm pretty sure mother and mom didn't want us to take a long walk because they were concerned about our needs."
In the family home, Wednesday used her hands to pin Enid's shoulders to the wall of the bathroom. A smiling but slightly nervous Enid said, "Wednesday, what if the girls come home while we're in the middle of..." Wednesday then suddenly covered Enid's mouth with one hand as she said, "Silence. I sent them on a long walk. We'll have time." Wednesday then quickly pulled off her black dress as she kept a straight face, while Enid had great excitement on her face as she pulled off her own clothes. Wednesday then pulled off her underwear, and began to turn on the nearby shower. Meanwhile as Enid pulled off her underwear, she began to look confused as she said, "But why are we doing this around 11am? You usually prefer to have sex either early in the morning to help stimulate your senses, or late in the day to help relieve your stress levels. Getting hot and horny right before noon isn't normal for you." A now completely naked Wednesday turned to look at Enid as she said, "Enid, your questions shall only hinder this sexual encounter." Then Wednesday suddenly put on a pair of fake cat ears as she kept a very straight face while saying, "Now be a good puppy and obey your feline master." Enid's eyes suddenly lit up as he said, "My God, what is it about those cat ears that turns me on..."
Harmony and Ana were running through the woods, as Harmony yelled, "Hey. I think I see smoke. I think something crashed." A curious Ana then yelled, "I think we initially misjudged where it landed. It seems to be actually pretty close to our house." Then Harmony and Ana ran towards a smokey crater that wasn't too far from their home. Then as Harmony and Ana got close, the smoke began to disappear. Then within just a moment, Harmony and Ana realized at the center of the crater was a large red sled attached to several reindeer. Then the two teenage girls realized that sitting in the sled was a large bearded man in a red suit. A very confused and freaked out looking Ana then said, "Santa Clause?" An equally confused and freaked out Harmony then said, "What is going on here... and why did this happen so close to our house?"
Inside of the shower, Wednesday was in the middle of kissing Enid. Enid was very much enjoying herself as she said, "Mmm. Yes Wednesday. Yes, this is amazing. Although... do you smell smoke from outside? Also, did I hear a crashing sound a few minutes ago?" A nervous looking Wednesday then quickly got on her knees and brought her face to between Enid's legs. Out of instinct, Enid immediately said, "Ohhh! Yes Wednesday!"
Harmony and Ana walked carefully towards the red sled where Santa Clause was getting his bearings. Harmony then stood unsure of what to do as she said, "Hello. Who are you?" Santa smirked as he said, "Well who do you think I am? I'm Santa Clause. I was just about to begin delivering my presents to all the girls and boys around the world before my sled got brought down." A very confused Ana then stepped forward as she said, "Hold on. This doesn't make any sense. Santa Clause isn't real." Santa chuckled a bit, and then said, "Well where do you think children all over the world get their presents every year?" Harmony had a practical tone to her voice as she said, "From all the parents of the world."
Santa laughed for a moment, and then said, "You two actually believe that parents every year decide to give their kids more presents, after already losing tons of money on birthdays!? That's ridiculous! Besides, you think your mother: Wednesday Addams would have allowed you girls to receive all those colorful toys you received growing up? Not a chance! Besides, that goth gal has had it out for me for years. I've always had to be real careful delivering gifts to this house the night before Christmas every year. Now then, I wonder why I crashed so suddenly?" A look of clarity went across Harmony's face as she said, "Hold on. Our mother for years has had it out for you? I don't think your crash here was accidental."
In the bathroom, both Wednesday and Enid were now sitting up on the shower floor as a happy Enid said, "Mmm. That was amazing Wednesday." Wednesday then looked at a nearby clock in the bathroom as she said, "Indeed. Especially since the task is now done." Enid suddenly sat up straight as she glared at Wednesday while saying, "What task?" Wednesday suddenly looked a bit nervous as she said, "I mean... the task which was our sexual intercourse." Enid continued to glare at Wednesday while saying, "Oh no Wednesday Addams. You never refer to sex as merely a task. You were up to something just now. But since we were busy going at it in the shower, it had to be something you already laid out... and didn't want me to know!" Enid then quickly got up and began to put her clothes back on. Wednesday then quickly got up and began to put her own clothes back on as well. Enid then rushed over to the nearest window as she said, "Hold on! Is that Santa Clause outside our house!?"
Outside the house: Harmony and Ana were helping Santa Clause repair his sled. Ana smiled as she said, "Okay Santa. I updated your GPS, and gave all your reindeer some amazing protein shakes. You're all good to go." Then suddenly Wednesday came running out of the house holding a sword forward as she yelled with an enraged face: "Your reign of jolly ends now Saint Nick!" Enid suddenly ran out of the house and held Wednesday back as she loudly said, "Whoa! What the heck is going on!?" Santa rolled his eyes as he said, "Let me guess. You are the one that sent that missile up to make me crash." A confused Harmony then said, "Wait mother. You know Santa Clause?"
As Wednesday struggled to get free from Enid, she bitterly said, "Only by reputation. Santa Clause is one of the oldest outcasts in the world that ever attended Nevermore Academy. He had unique psychic abilities that allowed him to manipulate time and space to move across great distances within short periods, such as the entire Earth on Christmas Eve. However, rather than use his special abilities for something more productive, he's instead used his powers to perpetuate happiness around the holiday season. But after years of trying to stop his reign of good tidings to all, his time ends now!" Then Wednesday quickly broke free from Enid, and ran at Santa Clause with her sword out. However the magical reindeer quickly flew into the sky, and pulled Santa and his sled up with them. Santa laughed as he said, "Better luck next year Mrs Addams!" Once Santa and his sled were out of sight: Wednesday simply stood in front of the house, glaring up at the sky as she clenched her fists.
A short time later, Wednesday and Enid were sitting next to each other on the couch in their living room. Wednesday sat with anger on her face. Enid meanwhile starred at Wednesday with shock and disappointment as she said, "You tried to kill Santa with a missile, and tried to distract me with sex so I wouldn't stop you!? Wednesday, do you realize how this must make me feel!?" Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Terrible... because I wasn't able to get the job done." Enid gave a frustrating moaning noise as she covered her face for a moment. Then Enid turned to look at Wednesday as she said, "Wednesday, every year you always try to ruin Christmas for everyone! You try to convince all the volunteers from the Salvation Army outside the grocery store that their work has inconsequential impact on improving society, you're the only person in existence that's protested against the Angel Tree project because you believe none of their funding should be spent on toys due to their short span of use in a child's life, you regularly try to dump hot oil on any Christmas carolers that come to our door..." Wednesday interrupted Enid as she said, "They had it coming, considering they chose not to need heed the warning signs I put up around our property that explained quite clearly that trespassers and solicitors will be punished."
Enid grunted in frustration for a second, but then said, "The point is - you keep trying to ruin Christmas every year for all of us, and it's gone too far now. Look... I understood when I married you that we weren't going to have the kind of family I had while growing up. I understood we couldn't have a garden in the front of the house with flowers. I understood that you would train our children in the basics of assassination. I understood that Valentine's Day would forever involve corpses for some reason. But I don't get why we can never simply celebrate Christmas in this house. You've never even let me bring a dead tree in here for the holiday!" Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "All Christmas trees are technically dead as soon as they're chopped down." Enid looked more angry as she said, "That's not the point! You never let me make Christmas cookies for the family, you never let me send out Christmas cards to the relatives, you never let me play Christmas music on the radio..." Wednesday interrupted Enid as she bitterly said, "If Mariah Carey still hasn't gotten the individual she wishes for every Christmas through song, then perhaps she should try a different tactic."
Enid tried to remain calm as she said, "Wednesday... you never even let our girls watch Christmas movies growing up." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "If you forgot, I did allow Harmony and Ana to watch one festive movie when they were five years old." Enid's eyes got wide with frustration as she said, "You showed them How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but then stopped the movie after the Grinch stole all the presents, telling our girls that was the movie's happy ending!" Wednesday kept a calm face as she said, "As I recall, doing that was a compromise I made with you. In addition, I still have accepted our long standing compromise that you and the girls shall exchange gifts and enjoy them on the morning of every December 25th."
Enid gave a sad sigh, and then said, "But you're never there with us opening presents Wednesday. You always spend every Christmas morning off doing whatever it is you do alone. Christmas is supposed to be about family!" Wednesday then glared at Enid once more as she said, "On the contrary, I thought Christmas was about celebrating the birth of an individual that was created to become a sacrifice due the declining quality of humanity." Enid looked a little more frustrated again, as she said, "But it's much more than that Wednesday. Look... instead of trying to destroy the holiday this year, you should really try embracing the Christmas spirit for once, and experience everything fun the season has to offer." Wednesday then glared at Enid while saying, "What? And turn our home into something akin of a cliche TV Christmas special?" Enid suddenly had an excited look in her eyes as she said, "Actually... that sounds like a lot of fun..."
Enid's Imagination...
On a large TV studio that was made to look like a living room, an announcer was heard saying to a large studio audience: "It's the Wenclair Family Christmas Special! Starring Enid and Wednesday Addams, along with their daughters: Harmony Addams, and Ana Addams. Also featuring special appearances by our planet's new warlord: Stormageddon the Conqueror. Plus, special warm family friendly Christmas songs that will be performed by KISS, the Sex Pistols, and world famous signer: John Lennon - who we brought back from the dead thanks to tonight's sponsor... the demons of hell! Plus, one super special surprise guest will be showing up at an unexpected moment, so don't touch that dial! And now here are your hosts... Enid and Wednesday!"
A smiling Enid then walked onto the TV set wearing a long white dress, while a grumpy looking Wednesday also walked onto the set wearing a long black dress. As Enid happily looked at the camera, she said, "Hello everyone. Welcome to our wonderful home! My name is Enid, and this is my wonderful wife: Wednesday! Say hello to the people at home Wednesday!" Wednesday then glared at one of the cameras as she said, "You all live meaningless lives if you can only have an ideal Christmas through vicariously experiencing it through this hollow performance." The studio audience then laughed very loudly.
A smiling Enid meanwhile continued to look at the camera as she said, "Well tonight we plan to have lots of guests come over, but I'm worried they won't make it due to all the unexpected snow that's coming down outside." Wednesday meanwhile continued to keep a straight face while saying, "A natural side effect of global warming, which our countries' leaders still seem to ignore." Then studio audience then immediately laughed loudly again. Enid meanwhile kept a happy face as she said, "Well I'm so excited to see what presents I'll get for Christmas this year. What are you hoping for Wednesday?" Wednesday gave a deadly glare at the camera as she said, "A guillotine... that I plan to use on whoever came up with the idea for this special." Then a grinning Enid said, "Well, me... I want... a hula-hoop!" The studio audience then happily laughed again.
Then suddenly Harmony and Ana appeared walking down a set of stairs, while Harmony said, "Good evening everyone!" The crowd then applauded and cheered loudly as Harmony and Ana came to the center of the stage. Enid then walked over to the girls as she said, "Hold on Harmony. You put your dress on backwards. Were you having 'intimate relations' with your girlfriend Megan just a minute ago, and put your clothes accidentally on backwards when you rushed down knowing the show was about to start?" Harmony gave a goofy smile as she said, "Maybe..." The studio audience laughed, as a grinning Enid said, "Holy guacamole Harmony. You sure are a handful. And Ana, I heard the state of Wyoming just got turned into jello. Did you cause that with another one of your wacky experiments?" Ana then also gave a goofy smile as she said, "Maybe..." The studio audience laughed once more, as a grinning Enid said, "Holy guacamole Ana. You sure are a handful." Meanwhile Wednesday looked angry as she said, "There is certainly nothing 'holy' about this experience."
Suddenly the doorbell rang, and an excited Enid said, "Oh my gosh everyone. That must be our super special surprise guest. Lets see who we're going to greet at the door." Enid opened the door, and then suddenly walking into the house was... Chewbacca as the classic Star Wars theme song played on speakers around him. Chewbacca then made many loud noises, as subtitles appeared below him saying: "It's not Christmas without Chewbacca!" The entire studio audience immediately cheered and clapped very loudly. A very happy Enid hugged Chewbacca as she said, "Chewy, it's great to see you. What would you like to do with us tonight?" Chewbacca then made several loud noises. Then a super excited Enid said, "You want us to go visit your family on your home planet and celebrate Life Day with them? Okay! That sounds like a perfect way to enjoy the holidays!"
Enid looked up with happy starry eyes, as an angry looking Wednesday said, "Enid, that's the most ridiculous fantasy that's ever been conjured in the history of existence." A smiling Enid then turned to look at Wednesday as she said, "But that's the thing Wednesday. Christmas is a time where you get to do silly ridiculous things that are reminiscent of childhood. It's a season to think about happy memories and embrace good times. I mean your parents told me that you actually did celebrate Christmas in your home when you were young, and loved getting gifts from Santa. You should recreate some of your favorite childhood memories with our girls before it's too late." Wednesday then stood up and angerly said, "It is a waste of time to re-create a childhood that can never be lived again. It is better to dwell on preparing for a future that is inevitable, versus dealing with the guaranteed failure of reconstructing the past." Then Wednesday quickly walked out of the room, while Enid sat with a worried look on her face.
An hour later: Enid, Harmony, and Ana were sitting in the kitchen eating Christmas tree shaped cookies (while Ana's cat also sat on the table eating Christmas tree shaped cat food). A smiling Ana then said, "Mmm. Mom, you make the best Christmas cookies!" A panicked looking Enid then said, "Shh! I told you... this tradition of us eating cookies on Christmas Eve is supposed to be a secret. Your mother cannot know!" A curious Harmony then said, "Mom, what's the deal with mother always trying to be so anti-Christmas? It's like she wishes the holiday didn't exist." Enid sighed, and then said, "I've been married to that woman for over seventeen years, and there are still some things I don't understand about her. I mean... your mother has certainly evolved and become much more accepting of things she never would have tolerated back when we first met. However when it comes to Christmas... she's always been a real Scrooge."
Then Ana's cat lifted it's head with a profound look on his face, and then said "Rowr." Then a wide eyed and excited Ana said, "That's a brilliant idea Stormageddon the Conqueror! We gotta Scrooge mother!" A very confused looking Enid then said, "Excuse me?" An eager looking Ana then stood up as she said, "A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. We all know the story. It's famous because of how Scrooge's experiences with seeing his past, present, and future changed his outlook on Christmas. So we just gotta re-create that experience with mother, and then her outlook on Christmas will change." A skeptical looking Harmony then said, "Yeah... but how are we gonna pull that off?" Then Ana got out her phone as she said, "Don't worry. I know a guy in the Seance Society that owes me a favor."
That evening, Enid was walking with Wednesday down to the basement of the home. A confused looking Wednesday then said, "I am confused as to why we going down to my private area of the house together." Then Wednesday eventually saw Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat were sitting around a large circle on the floor that had strange carvings and candles inside of it. Wednesday glared at everyone as she said, "If you are trying to force the deceased to appear before you, don't bother. I've been trying to pull that off for years and have consistently failed." Then a smiling Enid held Wednesday's hand as she said, "Oh, we're not trying to call upon the spirits of the dearly departed Wednesday. We're trying to call upon the spirits that always have been amongst the Earth, such as... the spirits of Christmas!" A wide eyed and horrified Wednesday then said, "No! You don't mean..."
Then an excited Harmony said, "Come on mother. You've always wanted me to get more in touch with my psychic abilities. So tonight I am through a special book Ana's friend gave us." Wednesday then began to walk away as she said, "No. I refuse to be a pawn in your twisted scheme." Then a grinning Ana said, "Fine. But if this whole conjuring of spirits goes wrong, it would really stink to not have an expert on these matters around to fix everything. I mean the last thing we'd want is the spirits of Christmas to accidentally get trapped in our home for all eternity." Wednesday paused for a moment... took a deep breath... and then sat down in a chair with an angry look on her face while saying, "I longed for the day my children would be as manipulative as me... but I did not foresee it would be for such horrific goals."
Harmony smiled as she held out a book over the strange circle on the floor. Harmony then focused her mind as she said, "I, Harmony Addams, member of the Addams Family clan, descendant of Goody Addams, call upon the spirits of Christmas past, present, and future to show themselves to us tonight. I now recite the ancient chant to bring forth these spirits. Venite ad nos magni spiritus Natalis Domini. Tuam sapientiam reverenter petimus. Vosmetipsos ostendite! Appare! Appare! Fa la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!" Then suddenly a blue mist began to spin around the room. A curious Enid then said, "What's going on?" Suddenly Harmony's body began to glow as a blue energy came out of the floor and into her body. Then the mist disappeared. A worried Enid then walked towards Harmony as she said, "Harmony... are you okay?"
Harmony then turned to look at everyone with a big smile as she said, "Yes. Harmony. I am her... and yet I am not her." A confused Ana then said, "Wait. What's going on?" Harmony grinned as she said, "I'm the spirit of Christmas past. I have temporarily possessed the body of this girl. I have all her memories and personality... but also my own. Do not worry though. When I am done here, I will leave Harmony's body, and then the spirits of Christmas present and future will temporarily possess two other bodies." An excited Enid then said, "Okay. So... Spirit of Christmas Past... we're trying to help my wife Wednesday here see Christmas throughout the span of her existence. Think you and the other spirits could help us?" A smiling Harmony then said, "Ah, yes. Harmony has many memories of how her mother feels towards this season. Hmm. Well... yes! Me and my fellow spirits will indeed help your entire family see things more clearly tonight. Now, first things first... I shall show you events from long ago that you all would benefit to see." Then Harmony waved her arms around, and suddenly everyone in the room disappeared.
Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat all suddenly appeared in the old Addams Family home. An excited Enid then said, "Wow Wednesday. We're in your childhood home!" A smiling Harmony then said, "Yes. Nearly thirty years ago. Don't worry though. We haven't traveled through time. We're simply witnessing the past as unseen observers. Now behold..." Then everyone saw in the living room of the old Addams Family home: Gomez, Morticia, Fester, young Pugsley, and young Wednesday were sitting around a Christmas tree. The tree has no green pines, but still had many decorations on it, along with many presents surrounding it. An excited young Pugsley then held up some bows and arrows as he said, "Wow! My own archery set! I can't wait to use this!" Then Fester happily said, "How about we go outside and you can practice hitting apples off the top of my head?" An excited young Pugsley then said, "Wow. Can I father?" A happy Gomez then said, "Of course Pugsley. But be careful. If you hit Uncle Fester by accident, that will ruin the arrow." Then as Pugsley and Fester left the room, an excited young Wednesday then jumped up as she said, "Mother! Father! Look! Santa gave me a new Marie Antoinette doll, and a new guillotine that cuts heads much faster! I can't wait till I see how quick I can chop this dolls' head off!" Meanwhile as Enid watched, she held Wednesday's hand while saying, "Look Wednesday! Little you is so happy on Christmas! See how much joy this holiday used to give you." Wednesday however had an angry look on her face... but also looked ashamed as she said, "We all have a past."
Then everyone turned their heads, as they saw the door to the home open. Then suddenly Wednesday's grandmother appeared walking into the home carrying a bag as she said, "Merry Christmas everyone!" Then a smiling young Wednesday ran towards her grandmother as she yelled, "Grandma!" Then young Wednesday hugged her grandmother tightly. Wednesday's grandmother made a warm smile as she said, "How are you doing my favorite grand-child?" A smiling young Wednesday then said, "I'm okay. But grandma, why do you say I'm your favorite grand-child? Mother and father say you love me and Pugsley equally." Wednesday's grandmother chuckled as she said, "Aw, come on. We all know that's a bunch of phony baloney. Every parent and grandparent has a favorite. Just be grateful it's you. So anyway, let me see that mouth of yours. How's it looking?" A smiling young Wednesday pointed to her mouth as she said, "I've lost three baby teeth in the last four weeks. See the holes in my mouth!" Wednesday's grandmother looked amazed as she said, "Wow Wednesday! You look uglier than ever before! I'm so proud to call you my grand-daughter. Anyway, it looks like Santa accidentally left a present for you in my room. So here's your extra Christmas gift." Then Wednesday's grandmother took out of her bag: an old record player. Young Wednesday's eyes lit up as she said, "Wow! It looks so old and gloomy! Can I play a song and dance to it?" Wednesday's grandmother chuckled as she said, "Sure. But you'll need a dance partner. Not me. I'm too old."
Then Lurch suddenly walked into the room as he said, "Uuuuuuuuh." Then an excited young Wednesday immediately jumped up and said, "Hey Lurch! Dance with me!" Then young Wednesday immediately started playing a dance song on the record player. Young Wednesday then walked over to Lurch as she said, "This is the latest. It's called the droop." Then young Wednesday started shaking her legs while waving her arms back and forth. Lurch stood looking uncertain of what to do, while Morticia (who had been watching everything) said, "Come now Lurch. I know there's that zombie girl living down the street that you've been wanting to impress. I'm sure if you learned a few dance moves, you'd give her one more reason to not return to the grave." Then a young Wednesday happily said, "Yeah. I think that zombie girl down the street is a swinger." Lurch looked confused as he said, "Swinger?" As young Wednesday continued to dance, she said, "You don't want her to think you're square do ya?" Lurch then quickly turned his head. Then an excited young Wednesday said, "Then if you learn how to dance well, she'll think you're boss." Lurch looked confused again as he said, "Boss?" A happy young Wednesday continued to dance as she said, "Neat. Groovy. Come on. Try it." Then Lurch began to attempt to copy little Wednesday's dance moves.
Meanwhile: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, and Ana had been watching the entire scene. Everyone tried to keep a straight face... but then suddenly Enid, Harmony, and Ana's mouths burst open as they began to laugh hysterically. As tears came out of her eyes, Ana said, "Really mother? Swinger? Neat? Groovy? What century did you grow up in?" As Enid chuckled, she said, "Be nice Ana. I mean... you don't want your mother to think you're square do ya?" Then Enid fell down laughing more. Meanwhile Ana's cat ran over to the scene of young Wednesday and Lurch dancing, and then began to dance with his little paws beside them. Then Enid and Ana joined in as they began to mimic young Wednesday's dance moves. Meanwhile Wednesday glared at the scene for a moment... and then glanced at Harmony as she said, "Be honest with me. You're really the spirit of Christmas Torture, aren't you?"
Meanwhile little Wednesday ran over to her grandmother as she said, "Thank you for the record player grandma!" Then Wednesday's grandmother grinned as she said, "Oh, but there's more. I also got one more surprise gift. How would you like your very own, straight from the Tennessee prison system, electric chair!" Then Wednesday's grandmother pulled a curtain nearby, and showed hiding behind the curtain was an old rusty electric chair. A super happy Wednesday jumped up and down as she yelled, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! My own electric chair!" Then young Wednesday immediately hugged her grandmother as she said, "Thank you so much! I love you grandma!" Wednesday's grandmother smiled while hugging Wednesday as she said, "I love you too Wednesday. So... how about we find your brother and test this on him." A young Wednesday grinned as she said, "Neat."
Meanwhile: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, and Ana were still watching. As Enid put a hand on Wednesday's shoulder, she said, "Just look how happy Christmas used to make you Wednesday. Doesn't this change how feel about it now?" Wednesday then crossed her arms, and glared at Enid while saying, "No." Then Harmony smiled as she said, "Well, there's still more to see... but not with me. The rest of your journey will be led by my fellow spirits. Now... we depart." Then a blue mist began to surround the group, and suddenly they disappeared.
In a blue flash: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat all appeared in the basement of their home again. As Wednesday looked around, she sat back down in a chair while saying, "Well this is at least some improvement." Ana then walked towards Harmony as she said, "Harmony... are you back to normal?" Harmony nodded her head as she said, "Yeah. The spirit of Christmas past has left my body. But... where is the spirit of Christmas present?" Then Ana looked puzzled as she said, "Well it's not with me... and it's not with mother. So that means..." Then everyone turned their heads and looked at a grinning Enid... who then waved her hands and said, "What's up party people! I'm the spirit of Christmas present... with a big dash of Enid as well! So... who wants some gifts?" Then Enid snapped her fingers, and suddenly several wrapped gifts magically appeared in the room. A confused Harmony then said, "What's up with these?" Enid raised one eyebrow as she said, "Well I am the spirit of Christmas Present. It's a pun. Get it? Come on everyone. Check out what's inside."
Harmony then opened one gift as she said, "Let see what's in here. Hey! There are a few Christmas movie DVD's in here." Then Ana opened another gift as she said, "Yeah, along with some old Christmas music CD's. Hold on. These are copies of songs and movies we listen to and watch every Christmas when mother is gone from the house all day." Then Enid glanced at Wednesday as she said, "Come on Wednesday. Time for everyone to see what's inside your present." Then Wednesday reluctantly walked over and opened one gift before her... only for everyone to see nothing inside. A confused looking Ana then said, "I don't get it. Why is mother's present empty?" Then a bitter looking Wednesday said, "Because this is all Christmas means to me now... nothing."
Then Wednesday tore up the empty box, and threw it to the ground. Suddenly all of reality around the women came apart, and everyone saw themselves now standing in a black void. A nervous Harmony then asked, "Where are we now?" Enid kept calm as she said, "You're looking into a manifestation of what Wednesday's soul is always like on Christmas. A black void that contains nothing." Then a confused Ana asked, "But why?" A confused looking Harmony then said, "It doesn't have to be this way. Mother, before this black void appeared - you saw all the fun stuff that is always part of Christmas for the rest of the family. Don't you want to be part of that? Christmas doesn't have to be full of emptiness." Then Wednesday glared at everyone as she said, "All of you make those frivolous things part of your Christmas. But not I! End this display now spirit!" Enid sighed for a moment, and then said, "As you wish." Then a blue mist began to surround the group, and suddenly they disappeared.
In a blue flash: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat all appeared in the basement of their home again. As Enid looked around she said, "Whoa. Okay, that was weird. But I'm me again. So now I guess we're about to be visited by the spirit of Christmas Future." Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "This will only be remotely enjoyable if he actually chooses to show up in his traditional grim form." Then as Ana looked around she said, "Well I still feel like myself." Then a confused looking Harmony said, "Yeah. And I'm definitely still me too. But if the spirit of Christmas Future didn't possess mother, mom, me, or Ana... who did he possess?" Then suddenly the four women heard a raspy male voice say, "Well it's about time I finally get to voice my feelings to all of you doll faces." Ana suddenly had a very surprised look on her face as she said, "No way!" Then everyone turned their heads and saw Ana's cat sitting on top of a table smirking as he said, "How do you do ladies? I'm the Spirit of Christmas Future, with a mix of your feline friend's personality and memories. And by the way, the part of me that is your cool cat has so many things he's wanted to say to the lot of you dames for ages."
A super excited Ana then exclaimed, "Stormageddon the Conqueror! This is the coolest thing ever! I can't believe my best friend is now finally talking to me. This is unreal." Ana's cat smiled as he said, "Well, hey. I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal. But thanks for letting me know I'm your best friend Ana. I mean outside of a cat, a book is a girls' best friend. Inside of a cat though, it's too dark to read." Then a confused looking Enid asked, "What's with the way you're talking? You sound like you're from a black and white movie, or some old comic strip." Then Ana's cat raised one eyebrow as he said, "Hey. If you want to see a comic strip, you should see me in the shower." Then a curious Harmony asked, "So since you can talk now... can you tell us the full details on where you as a cat originally came from?" Ana's cat then held up one paw as he said, "Hey. The part of me that is the Spirit of Christmas Future isn't allowed to tell you anything about your cat's past. Only what he's feeling in the here and now. Those are my principles; and if you don't like them... well I have others."
Then Enid cleared her throat for a second, and then said, "Well... the part of you that is the Spirit of Christmas Future... can you show my wife her future now?" Ana's cat then glanced at Wednesday as he said, "Yes. Your gloomy loving wife. Ah, marriage is a wonderful institution... but who wants to live in an institution?" Then Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "This prolonged torture is sickening me." Then Ana's cat jumped over to Wednesday as he said, "Well if you're not feeling well, maybe we need a doctor. Quick! Ring the nearest golf course!" Then Wednesday angerly glared at Ana's cat as she loudly said, "Can we have this ridiculous experience expedited!?" Ana's cat then smiled as he said, "Hey! You just said the secret word! Now it's time to show all you ladies a glimpse into a possible future!" Then suddenly a blue mist surrounded everyone, and they immediately disappeared.
In a flash: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat appeared in a dark field. A concerned looking Harmony then asked, "Where are we?" Ana's cat then casually said, "The future, doll faces. Now, why don't you dames look at what's before you." Then Enid suddenly saw a dark cemetery in front of her as she said, "The cemetery!? NO!" Then Ana's cat quickly said, "Whoa! No, no! Not over there. Over there to your right." Then everyone turned their heads to the right and saw a retirement home. Enid breathed a huge sigh of relief as she said, "Ohhh. A retirement home. That makes more sense." Meanwhile Ana looked confused as she asked, "Who puts a cemetery right next to a retirement home?" Then a curious Harmony walked forward as she said, "Hold on. Everyone... is that who I think it is in that window over there?" The four women then walked over to a window close to them, and then saw sitting in a small retirement home apartment was a very old Wednesday reading a book all alone. Enid breathed a sigh of relief as she said, "Oh good. I'm so glad to see Wednesday is still alive in the future." Ana's cat then jumped on the window sill as he said, "Hey. No person goes before their time... unless the boss leaves early."
Then inside the retirement home apartment unit, three female teenage volunteers walked into the room. One of the female teens then said, "Good evening Mrs Addams. We're volunteers with the local high school. We've come to bring you some special Christmas gifts. We made them for all the residents here." Old Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "Christmas presents, again? You do know I could report you all for elderly abuse." Meanwhile as Enid watched through the window, she said, "Wait. I'm not here with Wednesday, but some random teenage volunteers are? What's up with that?" Then Ana's cat grinned as he said, "I don't know, but all I can say about those young ladies over there is they remind me of some girls in bikinis I saw at the beach last summer. I even took pictures of them, only to realize they weren't well developed. But hopefully when I see them again next year, puberty will take care of that." Ana looked very surprised as she said, "Stormageddon the Conqueror! How can you talk about teenage girls like that!?" Ana's cat grinned as he said, "Hey. You're only as young as the woman you feel. Wait. Those teenage girls are leaving! Hey ladies! Come back! Let me know when those outfits get too heavy for you! Rowr!"
Ana's cat then ran off, while inside the retirement home unit - an old Enid walked into the room. Old Enid then looked at old Wednesday as she said, "Hey Wednesday. I'm about to go see the girls and the grand-kids. You sure you don't want to come to the big family Christmas party?" Old Wednesday glared at old Enid as she said, "I told you. I will never participate in any ridiculous Christmas parties. I have better things to do on this day anyway." Old Enid then looked very angry as she said, "Wednesday, I've tried for decades now, but... I just don't get why you won't ever do any Christmas activities with me and the rest of our family. I guess I won't be seeing you again until New Years." Old Enid then stormed out of the apartment unit.
Meanwhile: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, and Ana had watched the entire scene. Enid then turned to look at Wednesday as she said, "Now do you see where your choices will lead you Wednesday? You'll forever be alone on Christmas not doing the things the rest of your family likes to do. How does that make you feel?" Wednesday then crossed her arms, and kept a completely straight face as she said, "Like I won." Enid then groaned in frustration as she turned her head away. Ana's cat then walked back over to the group as he said, "Well, I lost track of those ladies. But it's okay. I still got Princess Snuggles in the present, so I'll take that." Then a worried Harmony looked at Ana's cat as she said, "Spirit of Christmas Future, I don't think this journey turned out right. My mother hasn't experienced a change of heart when it comes to Christmas."
Ana's cat made a little smile as he said, "Eh, a change of heart won't do her any good. She'll still have the same face. But I've shown all you dames what you were meant to see tonight. So it's time to go home." Ana then got on her knees to look at her cat as she said, "Okay. Well... I guess I'm never gonna really hear you speak again then." Ana's cat looked down for a moment, and then looked right at Ana as he said, "Ana... listen... the part of me that's your cat just wants you to know..." Ana then held a hand up while smiling as she said, "Stormageddon the Conqueror... you don't have to say anything." Ana's cat paused for a moment... and then made a little smile as he said, "I never did." Then a blue mist surrounded everyone, and then suddenly they disappeared.
The next day (in the present): Enid, Harmony, and Ana were sitting in the living room wearing Christmas themed pajamas as they were surrounded by wrapped presents. A smiling Enid then said, "Okay. We already called the relatives on the phone, Ana's cat is off on a little Christmas date with his lady cat friend, and we've already eaten breakfast. So... who now wants to open gifts first?" Suddenly Wednesday came down the stairs wearing a black coat. Wednesday paused as she looked at the rest of her family surrounded by gifts. The rest of the family looked back at Wednesday for a moment. Then after the moment passed... Wednesday turned her back to everyone and left out the front door. Enid sighed, and then said, "I still can't believe that after everything we went through, Wednesday didn't learn anything."
Everyone sat quiet for another moment... until Harmony suddenly broke the silence as she said, "Wait a minute. The spirits we saw last night said they would help the entire family see things more clearly. What if... we were supposed to learn something last night?" Then Ana began to ponder as she said, "Yeah. I mean... when we saw mother in the future, she was all alone... just like she is now every year." Harmony nodded her head as she said, "Yeah. Every year mother just leaves the house all alone while we celebrate Christmas... but we never go where she goes. Does anyone know what mother does while alone every Christmas?" Suddenly a look of clarity went across Enid's face as she said, "Wait. I... I think I know..."
As the cold wind blew threw the air, Wednesday Addams sat alone in a cemetery. Wednesday then starred at a tombstone in front of her, which had words engraved into it which said: "RIP - Esmeralda Eudora Addams. Mother to Gomez and Fester. Grandmother to Pugsley and Wednesday." Wednesday then put several dead flowers in front of the grave as she softly said, "Merry Christmas Grandma. I... I wish you were still here with me." Then suddenly Wednesday heard Enid's voice yell, "Wednesday!" Wednesday turned her head and saw Enid, Harmony, and Ana walking towards her. As the three women approached Wednesday, a surprised Harmony said, "Wait a minute. That's Great-Grandma Addams' grave. Also... look at the dates listed there." Then an astonished Ana said, "Wait. The day she died was... December 25th?"
Enid sat down next to Wednesday as she said, "Wednesday... why didn't you tell us?" A few tears slowly began to appear in Wednesday's eyes as she said, "Because... for many, Christmas is a day of joy and happy childhood memories. But for me... all it reminds me of is... is..." Then suddenly Wednesday broke down and burst into tears as she began to sob. Enid immediately held Wednesday close as she said, "It's okay Wednesday. We're here for you. Any time you want to be here... we'll stay with you here as long as you want." Harmony and Ana then got on the ground and put their arms around their two mothers as well. The family of four then held each other close as the chilly Christmas day slowly began to feel a little less cold.
Check out my HUGE Wenclair Series for the FULL STORY:
https://www.wattpad.com/user/WenclairFamily (T-rated version of my stories)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14168842/1/The-Passion-of-a-Moment-Enid-and-Wednesday-s-Family-and-Legacy (M-rated version of my stories)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43420609 (alternate link for M-rated version of my stories)
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libraryofloveletters · 6 months
Don't Fall
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Rodri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: rodri is soooo boyfriend, the ice skating skills are sooo bad, friendly teasing, some falling and a few sweet moments - might be directionally wrong?? I googled, my bad in advance lmao.
Word Count: 844
Author's Note: only pookie gets it, this is my bookie fr - you would not believe how are it is to find a pic of rodri where he isn't in his man city kit. like why must these men make my life hard???
It was safe to say the man who comes from sunshine had yet to ice skate in his life. You made it your mission to change that; he was in Manchester, after all.
Winter break boredom was hitting you both hard. You had been cooped up in the house over the last week or so, lazing around the apartment.
The original plan was to soak up as much couple time as you could before you had to go back to work and Rodri was back to training but there's only so much you can do indoors before you start to become a bit stir crazy.
Your head rested on your boyfriend's lap, his fingers gently tangled in your hair as he flipped through the channels. "Rodri mannnn," you groaned.
"Y/n dudeeeee," he mimicked, making you smile.
"I'm losing my mind in here, we need to go out."
"Where? Most places are closed for the holidays." He looks down at you, poking your nose with his middle finger. You shrugged, feeling around for your phone. Rodri unplugs it from the changer and hands it to you, you hum a thank you and head to Google - the only place to go when you need an answer right away.
You Googled things to do in Manchester and found a few options.
The first on the list was to tour the Etihad and you were almost certain that Rodri didn't want to tour the stadium in which he spends most of his time in. You could go sightseeing or do some sort of Sherlock Holmes tour but none of these seemed like anything your boyfriend would be interested in.
You stumbled upon the thing you figured you'd both be into; ice skating.
"Cathedral Gardens had an ice rink," you show him your phone, and Rodri nods, his head tilted to the side as you rattle on about how much fun it is.
"I've never been, I don't know how to skate." He tells you and you shrug, pulling him up and off the couch. "That's fine, I'll teach you. Granted I'm not great either but we'll figure it out."
It didn't take much convincing - a few kisses and a promise to make his favourite dish tomorrow and he was on his way to get dressed.
He drove, parking a few streets away so you could enjoy the lights as you walked down to the ice rink. Rodri watches as you tell the man at the counter the sizes and he hands the skates over to you.
You and Rodri sit on an empty bench and exchange your shoes for the skates. Rodri, being the man he is, kneels in front of you to tie your laces - he always complains that you tie them too long and that's why you always trip over your feet. You rolled your eyes, you never trip over your feet.
It was a slow walk to the entrance of the ice rink, Rodri holding onto you as he tried to balance himself on his way.
You stepped onto the ice first, your back to the crowd as both of your hands stretched out to your boyfriend. Rodri carefully and hesitantly steps onto the ice, letting you help him balance himself. It took him a second of looking like a baby giraffe but he got the hang of it.
He stumbles a bit but you hold onto his forearms, keeping him steady as you two make it around the rink for the first time. You go to let do but he doesn't, gripping tighter on your arms.
You bite back a smile, "do you want one of those gripper things? That the kids use?"
On cue, a little girl comes skating by with her little holder thing which was keeping her up. Rodri rolls his eyes, "I'm not that bad, I swear."
"No!" You giggled, "you're good, you're doing good." You smiled, pulling him a bit closer so he could stand straight.
It takes you two a few minutes, slowly starting to move faster with each lap of the rink and eventually Rodri builds up the courage to let go of your hands, skating next to you rather than in front of you, holding onto you.
Right as you were setting a good pace, you tumbled over a chip in the ice, causing you to fall flat on your ass.
"Babe!" Rodri stops, sort of tumbling into the wall to stop himself. He kneels down, moving over to you - the wetness of the ice freezing his knees but he couldn't care less at the moment.
"Are you okay?!" He asks, helping you sit up.
You nod, laughing. "It's not my fault, there's a chip in the ice!"
Rodri shakes his head, smiling as he helps you up. You two decide it was time to call it a night, your clothes a bit damp from the wetness of the ice and your egos a bit bruised after seeing the little kids skate circles around you.
"Wanna watch Home Alone?" Rodri asks, unlocking the front door.
You hum, walking into the foyer. "Let me change and we'll watch it?"
The man picks you up, tossing you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing. "We'll watch it in bed."
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fizzingwizard · 3 months
Five: the one you've been waiting for, about Moomintroll!!
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It is so much fun to go on a rescue mission to find Moomintroll. The bittersweet beginning, with Moomintroll sad as Snufkin leaves for the winter, and Snufkin's dread when he returns in spring to havoc and no Moomintroll... mwah. Love it
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Goodness Snufkin chill out would ya
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Snufkin might love you, Moomin, but that doesn't mean pics of your body gone splat in the mud isn't absolutely getting posted on his Instagram
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So in this game Moomintroll is pretty angelic. He doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone. It's nitpicking of me, but yeah, that take isn't for me. I like my hospitable, awkward, endlessly tolerant Moomins with a pinch of spice. Actually it's rather funny because so much of the game characterization seems to pick off the cartoon, but Snufkin and Moomintroll themselves are just so nicey-nice...? At least we spend enough time with Snufkin to hear him take a few digs at the other colorful characters lol.
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I MISSED TAKING A CAP OF SNUFKIN FALLING ON HIS ASS that would have been perfect revenge too ugghh
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[fizz.exe has stopped working]
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Can't get over how cuuuute this is. If the whole game sucked, it would still have been worth it just for this ending haha. Btw I will definitely have a piggyback in a fic some day and this is the inspiration xP
I love how Snufkin's flower-covered hat blends right in with the flower bed when they're hiding teehee
So theme again. When Snufkin hurts his foot, he encourages Moomintroll to go on without him. But Moomintroll says no, we'll go together, hence piggyback. This is my favorite way the theme comes out, and not just because it's cute, but because it involves Moomintroll overtly offering to help and then really helping. Not needing to be coaxed and indulged or endured first. Yes, in the real world there are all types and we all need to get along. But Snufkin accepts nearly all help, talks to everyone kindly (much more kindly than they are to him!), and isn't even wrong when he tells Moomintroll to go on without him - neither does he make a fuss about going together anyway.
So what growth is he supposed to have here? He doesn't decide to not leave in winter anymore (and I certainly wouldn't want him to). The story is like "Snufkin learned something" and it's... that he should keep being friends with the people he's already friends with? Even though he never said he planned on doing otherwise...? Or are we just punishing him for daring to go on loner adventures period? Maybe a cut scene showing him running away from the Fillyjonk or avoiding parties or something would have helped frame things better, but as it is - I fully understand what the story wants to say, I just don't believe it actually says it.
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Take this scene. In essence, I don't have a problem with it. But, since when does Snufkin kick people out of Moominvalley? More likely he's the one skedaddling... "But it's the Park Keeper!" So? In Moominsummer Madness he destroys the park but the Park Keeper still is the one with authority, so it's Snufkin who tries to leave. That's minor, though, what bugs me more is this "Moomins tolerate everyone!" bit. Of course it's not bad...! But Moomins definitely do not tolerate everyone and go to lengths to drive certain types away... Including potential romantic threats haha. This isn't a complaint, the game just goes in a different direction than what I prefer when it comes to Moomins. But Moomintroll is a little over the top, that's all I'm saying...
"He just dammed the river without asking and imprisoned all the animals and caused a forest fire... But I'm sure deep down he's a nice guy"
psst fizz it's a game for kids...!
yeah i know it's my blog and I'll bitch if I want to bitch if I want to bitch if I want to
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I digress. The point is how cute these two obviously are. Gaaah. The piggyback 💕💕💕 Also Snufkin's little (>m<) face!
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endlessvoidsnkittens · 5 months
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I house-sat for some friends this past week. They have six dogs, three cats, and chickens.
Miraculously, we all survived! But I was exhausted, ahahaha. It was a new experience for me. I like dogs but we all know I'm a cat person. This experience solidified this feeling. 😅 They're good dogs but whew. It was just a lot for me. But obviously we had some good snuggles too. I don't have pics of every animal.
I'm back to practically being crippled coz of my back though. Slight increase in activity and no Chiro visits and oof. Concerns me a little. I was actually supposed to be gone for two weeks but things changed, so I made some Chiro appts after Christmas. I can discuss this with them and see if this much increase in pain is normal.
Now for the big news....
While I was house-sitting, my local housing dept called me to say I'd finally reached the top of the wait-list. My appointment with them is Jan 3. I don't know any details yet other than the cost and the fact that I now have a space.
Uhhh, I'm scared but I'm also excited. The only time I've lived on my own was at college and that doesn't completely count, IMO. I was in the dorms then.
So. Merry Christmas to me. Except I'll be moving in winter. If we have one, lol. And I may have to skip my St Louis trip in March, so that's a little disappointing, but I haven't done all the final number crunching yet, so we'll see.
Whew. This past week has been a wild ride.
Now it's Christmas Eve. Which is also being weird, but differently. Anyway. I hope y'all have a good one. Whether it's Christmas or Sunday / Monday.
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fourseasonsfigs · 5 months
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Warm Winter Clothes
Following up yesterday's New Year's figure, we have another New Year's figure!
Today's Wen Kexing happens to come from the exact same scene as yesterday's - the paper hanging party in Episode 28. This version, however, is properly wearing his fur-collared overcoat. I like this overcoat (as does everyone else, I think) because it matches the winter vibe of A-Xu's fur overcoat. A-Xu's blue outfit and overcoat gets a lot of screen time - it still remains a tremendous pity that this one only gets one scene.
But the scene is a wonderful one, so I can't complain (too much!).
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This version of Lao Wen is holding a plateful of melon seeds out for his beloved A-Xu to snack on. You can tell he's offering these seeds to A-Xu because of the hearts in his eyes!
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As you can see, the plate required what appeared to be minimal assembly. Just drop the plate (gently) onto those grooves on his open hands, and done, right?
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I mean, more or less. I think I was expecting the plate to sit in his hands and stay in his hands. Instead, the slippery little thing eeled out every time I turned around. And even when I didn't turn around! I tried sticking it with putty at first, and then when I found the plate mysteriously lying on the shelf next to him, I called it quits and glued that thing down. It isn't going anywhere now!
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He is super cute. He's made by one of my all time favorite fig makers. All her little guys have so much personality.
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You can see the challenge here with the angle that the plate is at, right? No surprise it kept wanting to slide downwards.
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I like how they designed the fabric detailing. Just enough to be beautiful but not too much to overwhelm the fig or distract from the overall presentation.
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Little bit of paint overspray on the hairpin there, but since this hairpin is fixed and didn't require any assembly (and didn't break during shipping), I can't say I mind! I think it's really hard to avoid overspray from the black hair on the white hairpin when it's all one piece like this.
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As you can see, he stands beautifully, with the help of his robe. No glue needed here.
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The plate angle looks even steeper from this side!
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He has the cutest little expression on his face - a very Wen Kexing expression, I must say.
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You can see here how the fur detail on his robe was mostly painted on - no texture or too much in the way of modeling. I think it would be quite difficult or expensive (in the case of flocking, say) to do so. I think he looks great though, I don't mind the painted look at all, and the beaded chain is done gorgeously, with no paint overspray at all. I love him.
Hmm, I guess I considered the first pic my bottoms-up pic when I was taking pictures, so I didn't take another one. We'll just skip to the top down set.
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I was going to say those seem like fairly large melon seeds, but compared to the size of fig heads, they're just about right!
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Just the normal Wen Kexing loop of hair here and his iconic hairpin.
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We have our gorgeous two-sided box card art here. Just a plain box, but these beautifully designed cards.
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 510
Scene Count: 35
Rating: Warm and as gentle as jade!
[link to the Master Post Index]
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nokingsonlyfooles · 3 months
Dropped the feed and ran off without plugging the thing because....
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It's hard to see. Shitty phone camera. But it was getting darker so I snapped a pic to share.
We need this real bad. A lot of our water is stored in snow and BC is 39% lower than it should be. We had one significant snow this winter. And we ran out to get supplies tonight, because THIS is what happened - in ONE NIGHT...
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That there is, uh, over 12 inches, and it paralyzed the lower mainland for a couple days. We don't spend enough on snow infrastructure around here. And I needed a prescription, so we tried to drive in it and... Oh, boy, we didn't get stuck for a long time or hurt anything, but it was real bad. And the pharmacy was closed anyway because it knocked out their power!
Also, as long as I'm photodumping, you know how I say "moss is growing on our car"? Did you think, "Oh, the admitted storyteller is engaging in some more playful hyperbole"?
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No, moss literally grows on our car. And that's an indication of how warm this winter has been too.
We'll be safe if Canada decides to bury us again, so I hope it does. We don't need to drive again until Friday, and it's something we could reschedule if need be. LET IT SNOW, BABY!
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doubleddenden · 1 year
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Next, gonna take a lighter dive into Indigo Disk, but still some decent talking points. Still slated for Winter 23.
Blueberry Academy has its own Terrarium-
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Now obviously people are excited to see pokemon like Metagross, Zebstrika, and Flygon back, but we've got something bigger. We'll, tall.
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That's ALOLAN Exeggcutor. Until now, we haven't been able to catch regional variants outside of their respective regions unless it was via a trade with an NPC. This opens up a lot of doors, and could even mean the return of Hisuian and Galarian pokemon- Hisui especially.
Now idk about anyone else, but the Terrarium is giving me some HGSS Safari Zone vibes- if you don't know what that is, basically the Safari Zone was added to the Gen 2 remakes and it had a twist where we could adjust the environments along a grid to get certain pokemon to appear, like Larvitar before the last in game dungeon
According to the website, this place has an artificial sky and has carefully regulated areas- judging by Alolan Exeggcutor, that probably means even regional specific biomes can be maintained.
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My last pic we'll go over is Terapagos- but not just because he's actually shown in game now. Look at the background, and at the dividers between the areas of the Terrarium.
I think Terapagos is helping maintain this place- essentially a SECOND Area Zero. The area looks small, so it may go deeper in fact.
Anyway that's all for now. I'm surprised the dlc is still slated for this year given all the issues with the main game. It does look lightly more polished in the trailer though- but that says nothing about performance.
Anyway that's all.
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always-wizu-you · 7 months
WITH Winter Live 2023 Rehearsal Log (part 1)
WITH's seiyuu (Yamashita Seiichirou, Kobayashi Tatsuyuki, Tsuchida Reiou) have been meeting up for Winter Live rehearsals since earlier this month. Here's their tweets translation!
November 7th
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Kobatatsu: Rehearsal today It's been a while since I danced this much and it was fun I secretly took a picture of a certain someone who's busy drawing something 😀 His eyelashes are so long 🏅✨‼️ It's our first live after a long while, so WITH is really excited!! We'll take a pic of us three next week ❤️🫰 Reiou: Guaranteed muscle pain [pic of him and Seichi] Kobatatsu: So you were taking pics after all! 😆🫰🫰🫰🫰 Reiou: If I don't, he might sulk, so 😉 Kobatatsu: Oh my Seichi is a baby 👶 huh ✨✨🥹👶 Seichi: What a dull face I worked hard all day today
November 10th
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Kobatatsu: We've been rehearsing (^^)! Can't wait for Winter Live ✨‼️😆 It's really calming to be with these two after all 😉 The three of us drank Starbucks on the way home (lol) We were like "It feels as if we're high school boys huh" but saying that actually makes me think we're getting old lololol Look forward to our performance 😍 Reiou: We're the best~✌️ [pic of low-res starbucks with decorative texts "hanya? (huh?)" "LJK (last-year joshikusei/high school girl)" "Isshou nakako (BFF)"] Reiou: I intentionally make it low-res so that it looks like flip phone photo quality Kobatatsu: The "Hanya?" is too much lololol This is so good lmao also the "Isshou nakako" is too funny lololol Seichi: This Winter Live is very maji yabe. Seriously 🤭 Stay tuned ❗️
November 15th
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Pretty Series: ⛄#Winter Live 2023⛄ Rehearsals for each member for the event are progressing smoothly♪ Today we are showing you off-shots of WITH's #Seiichiro Yamashita, #Reiou Tsuchida, and #Tatsuyuki Kobayashi👀 They are very excited for their first appearance after so long🌞🌌🕛 The live will be held on Sunday, December 3rd at Makuhari Messe✨ 👇Venue tickets are now on sale!! Seichi: ※After this [rehearsal], I had muscle pain Reiou: This is the photo where I was told to look serious Kobatatsu: Please give us lots of "IIZE!!!" calls on the D-day! ❤️😆
Bonus: WITH talking about flip phone
This happened in late October, likely before their first rehearsal.
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Seichi: WITH's LINE group interaction has been very Y2K-themed lately Why are those two kids so excitedly talking about their flip phones from their school days? Looking forward to see you guys in Winter Live Seichi: These past few days, I've met some Winter Live performers in the dubbing studio. "Can't wait to work with you on December" I'm so happy to be able to say it, it feels very nostalgic like some kind of a tradition. Reiou: This guy [Seichi] is only lurking in the chat, as usual 🤷‍♀️ Kobatatsu: I talked about old flip phones on WITH LINE group 📱 lmao Even though we were talking about Winter Live at first lol By the way, the one I used was docomo's What about you guys??? lol Reiou: Facts about people who spent their youth using a docomo flip phone: they usually remember the model name Mine was the blue F905 🟦 I watched TV a lot back in the days, so I really enjoyed 1seg* 📺 *) 1seg is a broadcasting service that allows flip phone users to watch TV programs Seichi: It's amazing how the model numbers of the flip phones they used when they were both students came out so easily. Yabbe Everyone… Do you know… About vodafone…? ✋
Bonus 2: Seichi comments about Kobatatsu's Primagi
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Seichi: I can't stop thinking about Kobatatsu's Primagi pretend live during the rehearsal Seichi: Sorry, I said it was pretend But he actually sang about 3 songs
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harukisakisblog · 1 year
Angst / Fluff Mitsuba(tbhk) X gn!reader? reader was Mitsuba's friend while he was alive (and Crushing). After his death, they were heartbroken. After making a deal with hanako, they finally meet again.
Mitsuba x gn reader
So it's like mitsuba has a crush on y/n and dies? Okay!
And holy moly, I forget I have a request I'm sorry!!!
Well I guess I can make this a normal one, not the yandere one
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"Y/n, can you pose for a moment?" Y/n turn to mitsuba
"Sure!"*click!* "let me see it!"
That was the last time you talked to him, who had thought that he would die in an accident. You came to his home that day. They didn't let you see mitsuba's body, and you can understand why the way he died is very gruesome. Even if you want to see him it's not like you can.
"I'm sorry, mitsuba-Kun. I hope one day we'll meet again"
Most people look at you with sad eyes, you hold back your tears from falling. After that, you leave and go back to your house, right after you get to bed you let your tears fall. Your heart hurts so much you don't know what to do, mitsuba died and you miss him so much!
The next day you go back to his house. You were invited to his house, mitsuba's mom knows how close you two are so she decides to let you go to his room and...well, suit yourself. When you get to his house you can see her tears ' She must have cried all night' you thought. you greet her and go to mitsuba's room. When you get into the room...you feel like you want to cry again.
Tears falling again, you hurriedly wipe them out. Mitsuba doesn't like it whenever you cry! You then walk towards his desk, there are a lot of books on it but there's one that catches your eye. "diary..." you read it out loud. But is it okay? To take your dead friend's dairy? Isn't it bad? Unfortunately, curiosity got the best of you. You take and read it
Day 1
I and y/n go to their cafe after school! The way they eat...and the way they walk are sooooooo cute~!
You giggle. Mitsubas has always liked cute things, but the way I walk? What's so cute about that? It's not like you walk with your hands up whenever you take a step.
Day 2
I got bullied today, but you came and saved me! They're so cool, I wonder if I can become cool like them one day...
"one day..." you said, "you...you already become a cool guy mitsuba..." and just like before tears were already falling from your eyes. "I'm sorry, I fail to save you...this time"
Day 3
Y/n and I got partnered up together! I'm so happy! But something feels wrong, I don't know what it is...
"Mm Hm?" Is something wrong? What is it? But it's too late. It's not like mitsuba can tell them what it is. He's dead. Y/n look at another page.
Day 4
They say it's love, but is it? I...I don't know, well even if it's the love I won't tell y/n anyway. There's no way they'll like me
Day 4
So... I fell for y/n huh? I guess that makes sense. After making sure I truly love them, I'll go and confess to them! After this winter and after school opens! But right now I want to go buy some chocolate and groceries! I can't wait I hope y/n will like the chocolates.
So that's how it is, mitsuba loves you and wants to go and buy chocolate for you but unfortunately, he ended up getting into an accident. You look at the diary again and look at another page. The rest of the diary was just filled with your picture pose and mitsuba's face. There's also a bird, flower, and all bunch of other things he takes a pic with.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry mitsuba..."
You spoke softly, "the truth is...I do love you too" you were planning to confess to him next year valentine. Had you known sooner you would have just confessed to him immediately.
[at school]
"Hey! Didn't you know? There's a rumor that said. There's a ghost that can grant you wishes!"
After school, you go to the girl's toilet. "they said to knock 3 times...but will it work?" 'since I'm here I guess I could try
"Hanako-Kun, are you there?"
Silence ....
"huh...I know this is going to happen, well I guess I can go-"
From the door behind y/n can see a hand, and then the person goes out. "wha-!" Before you can say anything, it seems like the rumor was true. "yeah! It's me!" you stood there you were too scared, and now what? Oh yea, you need to make a wish right?
"Hanako-san..., um...can you grant my wish?"
He look at
"well that's what I'm here for!"
You look at the floor.
"I...I want to go meet mitsuba,"
"mitsuba-Kun was my friend, and...um...well... He- he died. I want to meet him again"
You can feel his eyes on you, but there's also a pity in those. You're a person who has just lost their friend, and now is trying to meet them again.
"you want to meet the dead. Do you want to know the price?"
Hanako asks, you look at him. "I do..." the rumor said, even though he can grant you, your wishes. In return, he'll take something precious to you as payment.
"meeting the dead. And do you want to live with him forever?" he asked. You fell into silence, "I do...but I also want him to be able to be with me in this school and be together with him at my home. Like how he used to live"
"that would mean you want me to revive him,"
"that is impossible, I am a ghost but reviving someone already dead is forbidden. But, I can grant your wish to be with him."
He goes closer to you, "you want to be with him and see him, but you also don't want to die right? Then sure." "I'll grant your wish"
You don't say anything after.
"mitsuba-kun...can I still be with him?"
Hanako looked at the outside of the window
"yes, but in return, I'll take half of your lifespan. The more you are with him, the faster you die"
You nodded.
"Are you sure?"
Everything goes to black.
"y/n-san y/n-san!"
You open your eyes and...mitsuba! "mitsuba!" you woke up and looked at him. "haha! What's wrong?" tears falling from your eyes. "i-i thought that you died!" mitsuba does not reply. And then it hits you "y-you..." "you did die?" mitsuba nodded. "I was a ghost for a couple of days. And I know you read my diary! Stupid y/n is so rude. Reading a dead person's diary," you only laughed.
"so...is it true you like me too?" you hug mitsuba "yes I do..." you stop before you continue "in fact, I like you a lot too~" mitsuba then kiss you on your forehead. "y/n...you know what's going to happen right? You're going to died."
"that's fine, I'm with you after all"
"yes mitsuba-Kun, I'm not going to leave you again. Let's be together forever"
You both hug each other and embrace the warm feeling you both have. Perhaps to others, this might look foolish, but you want this so...who cares? Perhaps one day, you two will be able to date each other normally.
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jellybeanshortbread · 10 months
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I took this picture back on Feb 1st because it resonated with how I was feeling at the time. I related to the black vulture sitting calmly in freezing rain, knowing that there was no point in looking for shelter when there was none to be found. "Might as well let the sorrow pour over me until there's nothing else left." Now? I still like it because I do think it's kind of a cool pic; dare I say a powerful image, even if that sounds lame being I'm the one who snapped it. Plus, living in the South where it's generally warmer there aren't many opportunities to capture such a thing. Although, as we know, our climate is continually changing. The winters are colder and the summers are (much, much) hotter. Scary prospects. Hopefully we'll die off as a species before the vultures do though; we'll make great snacks (sing it like Perry Farrell)
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