kenway-headcanons · 3 years
If you look at the timeline of the AC4 game, it actually makes sense that Edward is or can actually be the father of Mary's child.
Note: This is purely based on my personal analysis of the game's timeline and how logically things would fit in. I have no objections at all for those who may have different views from me. :)
Aug 1720 - Mary gives birth and dies a few days later. Basis of the month of August is that at the start of the cutscene where Edward is on the gibbet it says 4 months later after Mary's trial cutscene which happens on April 1720. Of course this would mean she's 9 mos pregnant at this time assuming the birth is not premature.
April 1720 - Mary and Anne are captured and announce they're pregnant. So if Mary gave birth on Aug, this would mean she's already 5 mos pregnant at this time (even tho in game she has no baby bump during the trial).
Dec 1719 -Based on Rackham's entry in the AC Wiki, the trio got captured within 4 mos from leaving Nassau. So it would mean that Mary, Anne, and Rackham formed their crew and set off to sea only during Dec 1719. This entails that only sometime after December will Mary meet the anonymous sailor in Rackham's crew who is said to be the father of her child. It's also around this time that Kenway found the Observatory and saw Mary and Anne (thru Rackham's blood vial) chatting in Nasau, which would then be the start of the trio sailing together.
Nov 1719 - If you count 9 mos backwards from Aug 1720, it would mean that Mary got pregnant at the month of November the previous year. We've already established that she only joined Rackham's crew in Nassau on Dec. Remember that in May 1719, she was in Inagua when Kenway got back to his island from being marooned. As Nassau is currently Rogers' domain now, it would make sense that Mary would instead choose to stay or resupply at Inagua whenever she's not at sea or in Tulum. It would also makes sense that Edward would from time to time come back to Inagua in between his journey for the Observatory to resupply his ship. We can then assume that at some point in Nov 1719, Edward and Mary would hook up in Inagua resulting to Mary getting pregnant before finally parting ways as Edward would continue on to finally go to the Observatory and Mary would somehow find herself in Nassau (possibly for some Assassin business there) and eventually join Rackham's crew.
Okay this account had been dead for YEARS but this shit slaps
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kenway-headcanons · 6 years
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
i know his last name isn't kenway but desmond is related to the kenways. are headcanons about him something that could be submitted?
Yeah dude! Go for it.
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Oops! Sorry we renamed it a while ago c: sadly we haven't done much to update it recently
i just tried to go to the blog kiddway-headcanons and it’s no longer there??? anyone know if it’s gone or just renamed :(
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Once, Mary surprised Edward by wearing his coat. And nothing but the coat.
hell fucking yes
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Edward use to tell Haytham stories of his pirate days before bedtime, carefully changing them to make them suitable for a child his age.
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Modern AU where Haytham brings Ziio home to meet his family and Edward cries because he was so happy that Haytham found a girl. He thought Haytham was making it up.
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Headcanon that Mary is a really hot dominatrix. Edward loves it. Everyone loves it.
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Au where Mary isn't captured so instead it's her and Anne who save Edward from the jail and then Mary smacks him for being such a fucking idiot.
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Oh my god im so glad this blog is active again so how about an au in which Mary's daughter is rescued by ah tabai and Edward and Edward raises her daughter along with haytham and jenny as if she were his own
Yessssssssss please someone write this as a fic
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kenway-headcanons · 9 years
Ok but since no one has touched this blog is like a fucking year. I've decided to update it If you send me stuff I'll post it and if you don't I'll make it up myself. Happy new year guys !
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kenway-headcanons · 10 years
Not really a headcanon, but I went to the tavern in Kingston (where Edward did all that drinking after Mary died) and looked up after coming out the door... Turns out you have a clear line of sight to The Windmill from that particular establishment. No wonder he got so blackout drunk. I would too if it were me.
I'm gonna cry.
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kenway-headcanons · 10 years
Headcanon (that had better become canon) that one of Shay's Templar contacts in Rogue is revealed to be Mary's daughter, taken from her in Kingston's prison and raised by one of Torres' or Rogers' associates to spite the Assassins. That or Ah Tabai rescued her after Mary's death and she becomes one of Shay's Assassin mentors that he turns on. /(*o*)\
YES! Thats amazing!!!
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kenway-headcanons · 10 years
Is the writing community allowed to use the headcanons on this blog as writing prompts for fanfics? After citing the source, of course.
Yes! You are 100% allowed to use them as prompts for fanfics! And send us a link to it, and we would love to read them.
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kenway-headcanons · 10 years
AU where Haytham finds out about Lee burning the village and goes to find Connor and adopts him and raises him as a Templar.
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kenway-headcanons · 10 years
uhm hi so
school starts on monday and i know we haven't updated a lot this summer but
just don't expect much
sorry .^. 
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kenway-headcanons · 10 years
Sometime after Anne becomes the quartermaster of the Jackdaw her and Edward sleep together, but upon waking up they look at each other and decide that what they'd just done wasn't right because neither of them are Mary.
That was... kind of sad. 
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