#we'll probably go get groceries tonight too
good morning!! <33
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luvfy0dor · 1 month
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“Please Don't Cry ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; crying, Nikolais kinda an asshole
Description; The BSD men seeing you cry, whether it's their fault or not
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A/n; hi guys :333 one more request until they're all finished!! It only took me 6 months to do what, 11? 12? I don't know, I'm really slow when it comes to reqs, so I'm sorry it took so long!! I've also decided not to change to a gray theme cuz I don't wanna feel like I'm copying anyone, maybe one day though!!
Osamu Dazai ★
• It's probably his fault in most cases, but for this scenario we'll assume it isn't. Your day has just progressively gotten worse, and you were at the point where any minor inconvenience or annoyance would set you off and make you cry.
You pushed open the door to your apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, bags in your hands ready to rip from the weight of the groceries inside. You huff and kick the door shut behind you, annoyed when it doesn't fully close and requires you to kick it one more time. You carry the bags to the kitchen counter and set them down rather aggressively, not minding the strength you put into roughly placing them on the surface while you turn to put them away and wait for your boyfriend to arrive home from work for once. You sigh with a hand on your hip and the other on your forehead, opening the fridge and observing your current minimal amount of food and get to stocking up. A few things make it into the fridge before you hear the door open again and your boyfriend call out to you. "Y/n? Home?" A hum erupts from your throat in response and he quickly makes his way to you, following the sound of your voice. "Hey, babe, how was your day?" He asks, grabbing a head of lettuce to hand to you. "Terrible, 'Samu, nothing tragic happened but like, all the little things, you know?" You say, shoving the head of lettuce into one of the bottom drawers of the refrigerator. He reaches over to grab the milk, but realized that the half-gallon wasn't completely full, and upon further investigation (lifting the jug up), he realized that the plastic had broken and milk was spilling out into the plastic bags, onto the counter, and down onto the floor.
"Oh, the milk broke." He says, taking a large, exaggerated step past you and over the milk to bring the half-gallon to the sink. You straighten your posture and stand up straight, head swiveling towards the counter with whiplash inducing speed. You felt your throat close up, making you unable to say anything in response. Before you knew it, your shoulders started shaking and your tears quickly followed that motion. You whimpered quietly into the palms of your hands which attracted Dazais attention again over the milk. "Aw, don't cry over spilled milk now!" He jokes, but when you give him an agitated glare and open your mouth to defend yourself, he switches up and pulls you in for a hug. "No, I was just joking, but it's okay! There's nothing to cry about, we can get more milk. Do you have any idea how it coulda happened?" He asks you, stroking your back. "M-might've put the bag down to roughly.." you say, sniffling and wiping your tears from your face. He gives a pitiful frown and kisses your cheek quickly.
"Well that just means you're too strong for your own good! Oo, see I knew there was a reason why I had to clarify I was joking, you could've broken my neck if I didn't." He playfully says, trying to cheer your up a little bit. You let out a shaky sigh and nod. "Yeah...I guess. We can go without milk for tonight, I'll get some more for tomorrow." You grab some paper towels from the roll on the counter and start cleaning up all the milk. He nods in agreement and pulls you into his body, pressing a kiss to your forehead and squeezing your shoulder. "Yeah, we'll live. We should get take out for dinner, I don't think either of us are really in the mood to cook." A little bit of weight is lifted off your shoulders, one less responsibility for tonight. "Okay, Chinese?" he nods and smiles. "Yeah. I'll call right now, you want your usual, right?" He asks, pulling his phone out of his pocket. You hum against his chest, ready to knock out and take a nap. His words blurred together as you felt yourself slipping into sleep, but with that you also felt great amounts of gratitude for your boyfriend for making you feel just a little better. Or maybe you just needed to cry a little, who knows.
Chuuya Nakahara ★
• Chuuya is no stranger to annoying co-workers and tiring missions, often wearing him down through the day, but sometimes he's unintentionally snappy. Don't worry, he's always quick to make it up to you.
Throughout the day, the texts between yourself and Chuuya had indicated that Chuuya was having a rather troublesome day, especially because of the frequent complaints followed by the facepalm emoji. You decided that you'd kick back with Chuuya and relax, opening a new bottle of one of his favorite wines and maybe giving him a back massage or something to relieve his stress. You eagerly awaited that familiar sound of his key in the door, and when you finally heard it, you stood up from your seat. In walked Chuuya, his appearance a little roughed up. He hung up his coat and hat without a word or glance to you, walking right passed you into the kitchen. 'That was kinda rude.' You thought to yourself, but you knew Chuuyas job was stressful and sometimes overwhelming, so you let him walk off on his own for a while. You knew where he was going and it didn't concern you, just to the balcony for a cigarette. You crossed your arms over you chest, hoping that he'd come back in a bit of a better mood. You turned on the TV and occupied yourself with that for a little bit before his familiar, light footsteps were heard coming back into the house. "Chuuya?" You called out to him. You could hear his loud sigh. "Yes?" His tone of voice was clearly agitated and disgruntled.
You were taken aback by how clear it was that he didn't want to talk to you right now, and you knew it wasn't personal, but you couldn't help but be saddened over it. "Are you alright-" you go to ask, but he quickly cuts you off. "Yes, I'm fine, y/n, just leave me alone. God..." His words were followed by the bedroom door closing. You were stunned. Your mouth hung agape for a moment before you had to close it to swallow the shock that closed your throat up. After prying your eyes away from the closed door, you averted your gaze to your feet, feeling tears well up in your eyes. You felt bad for crying, but what could you do? All you wanted was to make him feel a little better and he wouldn't even give you the chance to. He chose to take some alone time instead, which you didn't mind, but he didn't have to be so mean about it. You went into your hands, some of the tears falling through the cracks in your fingers and silently onto the floor. Your sobs became louder and audible to Chuuya, who laid face first on the bed. He felt a bit guilty too, he never once asked how your day was and for all he knew, your day could have been just as bad as his. He knew you only had good intentions, and he didn't need to shove you off like that.
He sighed and got out of bed, opening the door gently instead of swinging it open and walked into the living room again, frowning at the sight of you. "I'm sorry, doll, y'know I didn't mean it..." He whispered quietly, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to look into his eyes, seeing the apologetic expression that painted his face. "Yeah, I know, but you didn't have to be so mean about it." He sighed and pulled you into a hug. "Yeah, I know, that was a dumb move. I just wanted some alone time, ill be better about it next time though, I promise." He says, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles. "Wanna tell me 'bout your day?" He asks, looking over at you. "Thank you. It wasn't terrible, just bland and regular." You tell him, erupting a hum of understanding from him. "I can only assume you already know I had a rough day." He jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm real sorry though." The smile from his laugh turns into a more neutral one, almost a faint frown. "It's fine, just don't let it happen again, I don't like it when you're annoying like that." You punch his shoulder playfully. He groans in response, laughing as he stands up. "I won't, promise." He says, tilting your head backwards to kiss your lips. "I do still want that alone time, though, so I'll see you in a little bit, alright?" You nod in understanding. "Alright." He walked back into the room, giving himself some time to do nothing more than exist. He didn't sleep and he didn't think, just existed. You stayed on the couch, waiting for him to return with open arms, happy to see him giving himself personal time instead of forcing himself to be around people, even if it was yourself. Everyone needs a break sometimes, and Chuuya was grateful that you understood.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
• Fyodor came home to you, and that was enough to make you sob your eyes out. Happy tears, ofcourse, but your days had been riddled with anxiety since he left. He knew you'd feel that way, and he was fully prepared to open his arms to you again with that faint smile.
You watched the helicopter land on the helipad with your heart pounding in your throat. Your fingers fiddled with the collar and fabric of your shirt as you waited for the propellers to come to a full halt and your lover to step off. Leaves, gravel, and dust alike all blew around your feet as the blades finally slowed and your boyfriend came into view. Your body tensed and almost started moving towards him on its own, but your anxiety stopped it, keeping you in your place. Your eyes scanned over his intact body and granted you a sense of relief when you saw no visible large injuries. He took notice of you and gave a small wave, walking towards you with a steady pace. You couldn't stop it anymore and all of a sudden you were moving towards him at an increasing speed. Before you knew it, your arms were once in their familiar spot around his torso and he was quietly chuckling. He ran one hand up and down your back and kissed your forehead. "Someone's excited." You nodded, feeling your tears falling down your face. It wasn't until he got a better look at your face that he noticed you were crying, and his smile widened. "You missed me that much, Myshka?" He says, tilting your head upwards to look at him.
"Obviously! You knew I would." You huff, sniffling and wiping your tears off of your cheeks, but they just kept on flowing. He laughs at you and pulls you back into the hug. "Well i'm home now, and you don't have to worry about me anymore. For now, atleast." Now he's already got you stressing over his next leave, but luckily you're able to push it away from your head in the moment and be grateful to breathe in his familiar scent again. You felt him place a hand on your head and exhale, his heartbeat being your favorite sound next to his voice. The feeling of his hands on your body was easily #1 in the category of touch, and his appearance was, to you, the very best sight. And his kisses, his lips, were by far the best taste. It had been so long until you felt his lips on yours, so you went for it again, cupping his face with your right hand and pulling him into you. He hummed and kissed you back, rubbing your hip with his thumb. When you pulled away, his face was pinker than before and his breathing unsteady. He swallowed before speaking. "Everytime I come back to you it's like adding gasoline to the bonfire that is my love for you." He says, looking into your eyes.
You couldn't help but find his words as silly as they were romantic and pulled him in for another brief peck. "You talk so formally all the time, it makes me giggle." You tell him, caressing his pale pink lips with your thumb. "It's better than the things I say that make you cry, yes?" He had a point. "Very true." He grabbed your hand and held it in his own while leading you away from the helicopter and to your car, more than ready to go home. "Your face is still wet from your tears." He whispers, wiping the remaining dampness from your cheeks with a smile. "Much better." You blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm glad you're finally back to wipe my tears for me." You tease. "Was a workout doing it all by my lonesome." He laughs at your remark and 'tsks'. "Well then maybe you should get more active or stop crying so much." He replies, a smug grin on his face. "Says you, the only arm movement I ever see you getting in is moving the mouse of a keyboard around." He shakes his head. "That's very untrue, you see me using my arms for other things rather frequently, actually." He insists. The sun shone down on his raven hair and gave him a halo-like highlight. How unfitting to the rest of the world, but sensible to you. "Fine, I guess so." You leaned your head on his shoulder as you continued to walk, finally liberated from the depression and anxiety that overcame you when he had left all that time ago.
Nikolai Gogol ★
• Nikolai doesn't mean to hurt your feelings with his teasing and jokes, but when you trip and fall face first into the pavement in front of a bunch of people and all he does is laugh with them, you can't help but cry out of embarrassment.
You walked along a sidewalk with your boyfriend, one hand holding his and the other holding a coffee. Your conversation was filled with mindless chatter as your stride stayed at a steady speed. Your eyes were flickering between him and the pavement in front of you as you were careful to watch where you were going. You saw the feet of many people walking passed you both, avoiding the states they were bound to give you and your clownish boyfriend. Something astonishing must have come out of Nikolais mouth at a point though, because you've never turned your head so fast to look at him and stare for long enough to not notice the tree roots that poked out of the ground far enough to trip you and land you right on your face with both coffee and dirt all over your shirt. All falls silent for a moment before you start hearing snickers and then the outrageously loud cackle of your boyfriend.
You pushed your body up off the ground, clearly embarrassed over the whole thing and shot a glare at Nikolai. "Really? You're just gonna stand there and laugh?" Your cheeks were hot and your heart heavy with both annoyance and fluster. "I'm sorry, dove, it was just so funny! That stains gonna take awhile to come out, though." He says, pointing out the big splatter of coffee on your light colored top. You can't help but scoff. "It was so funny that you couldn't even help me up?" He nods, exhaling audibly and wiping a tear of amusement from his eye. "But ofcourse! If I wasn't paralyzed by my laughter than I would have been the first to help you." He started walking back home along the paved path with you, going to grab your hand but furrowing his eyebrows when you snatch it away. He looks up to your face with an exasperated frown. "Oh, don't tell me that made you cry." You just sniffle and huff, letting your tears drip from your waterline. "Come on, don't be such a baby. It's just a material item, I can always get you a new one." He says, referring to the shirt. Your expression is one of confusion before you snap out of it and correct him. "It's not that, it's the fact that you just let me trip, fall, and spill coffee all over myself and let everyone laugh at me! You even laughed with them! That's so rude." You say, trying to cover the stain to no avail.
He blinks. "Oh. Well, I told you I would have if I wasn't laughing- I thought we were like that, we laugh when the other falls, you know?" He raises an eyebrow. "Okay, yeah, but not in front of other people." You say, chewing on the inside of your lip. "That was....oh my god, I'll never erase that from my memory." You say, still completely overtaken by embarrassment. He bites his cheek and grabs your hand before reaching over to wipe your tears from your cheeks. "I'm sorry." He tells you, leaning his head on yours. "It wasn't ever with ill intention, darling. We'll go home and I'll get you changed out of that ruined shirt and whatever it takes to make you smile again." He says, smiling and opening his portal to whisk the two of you away. Soon enough you were standing back in your living room with a new shirt already in hand. "See how quick that was? Can I take this off for you?" He asks, tugging at the hem of your ruined shirt. You sigh and speak. "I can take it off on my own, thank you very much." You roll your eyes and pull it off, but it's quickly replaced with the new one. He laughs for a moment at your discombobulated expression, but the noise quickly quiets. "I really am sorry, sweetcheeks." He says, leaning in to rub your noses together. You peck his lips and brush his hair from his face. "It's fine, but don't be doing nothin' like that again. That was so embarrassing." You say, averting your eyes. He hums. "Alright, as long as my dove forgives me!" He smiles and pulls you into a hug, happy with your decision to forgive him.
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A/n; dawg I'm writing this in the tj Maxx bro forgive me if it sucks lol
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bamsara · 2 years
“Pet goes missing” for the SL prompt! IMAGINE THE LITTLE KITTY AW
Moon-Centric | Wordcount: 1,252 | A03 Version
(Contains some light flirting)
The kitten has been gone for about a day now.
It was an accident. Someone left the door open while bringing in groceries (that you had bought) and maybe didn't see something small and quick run out from underneath their feet (there were bags in the way) and didn't notice until a certain animatronic is filling up the kitten's food bowl before scouring the house with special eyes and very much on edge when he cannot find the little friend, no matter how you try to console him.
(Which isn't long, because you're already putting on your shoes and jacket from when you first noticed the absence of the newest addition to your home, as fast as you can manage because there's a robot with three limbs out the door ahead of you.)
Which brings you here, in the fridged cold of midnight out on the streets, rubbing your hands together and blowing visable breath clouds as your animatronic friend crawls on top of fences and light poles in his search.
Moon is clad in thrift store sweatpants and a t-shirt while you're bundled to the max, and his lack of need for warmth is something you envy right now. "She's probably where she stayed before Gramps found her and took her to us." You breathe into your hands as you walk, a audible chatter in your teeth. "We could start there?"
"No. Damp there." Moon crawls like a spider, uncaring about his form in the outside world. He misses his wire, but he has no problem getting to high vantage points; something that comes in handy when on the search for a kitten in the dead of night. "She'll be somewhere warmer. Not on concrete."
"...Like a exhaust pipe of a car, or a dumpster. Got it." You sigh. With this cold, it's worrying for the kitten, fur or not. It doesn't take a scientist to know that Moon too knew this detail. You would only hope that your searching would not end up fruitless. Or worse; tragedy.
The roads you walk are empty, save for cars that pass by every twenty minutes or so. The animatronic is probably using infared vision to find her, judging by how quick he scoured the bushes and is now crawling on all fours to look underneath the cars parked on the side of the road. Your frown deepens, worry lines sinking in. "Hey, don't stress out. She might find her way back home, too."
Moon doesn't look at you, but makes a noise of aknowledgement.
"We'll find her. If not tonight, we can put out missing pet posters in the morning." Hiking your jacket to cover your neck, you curl into the warmth and look out onto the dark street. It's wet with recent sleet, and the reflection of still lights feel warm in contrast to the air. You sigh, turning back to Moon. "Maybe if we put a shirt and food out, we can-HEY, Put the car down, Moon! Don't pick that-put it down!"
Moon has the backend of a parked car lifted upwards a foot or so off the ground, his head swivels to frown at you in disagreement, but the robot settles back tires back on the pavement quietly and crawls (yes, crawls) on all fours away from the street, onto the sidewalk and up on the fence where he stays crouched. "Just looking."
"You're already crawling. It's not hard to crouch a bit more to check under the cars." You sniff, and see a runny nose in your future. "Don't get us arrested."
Moon's gaze is red and focused, darting to and fro as you walk and briefly turning to you as you round the corner, pausing. "Cold?" He asks, and continues before you can answer. "Home. Go."
"Not a good idea to have you out here by yourself." You snort. A puff of air comes out of your nose as you do, and the animatronic's head tilts at the sight. "Don't want you lifting cars or doing...I don't know, Grand Theft Auto to find the cat."
Moon stands to his full height on the fence, survalience mode returning, scanning. "Cold's not good for you. Or her."
"I'll live-." Your response is cut off as his hand comes up, signaling to be quiet.
"Hush." He hums something quiet, coiling into someone's backward, halfway leaning down the side of the fence and calling out into the darkness. "Pssp pssp pssp pssp pssp."
You try to look over the fence and into the yard, but the space behind the wood is dark and there's nothing you can make out besides fog and some foliage. "Moon?"
"Baby." He says. You raise a brow and there's a moment of pause before he continues. He wears a comfortable grin. "Cat baby. Not you, baby."
"Stop it."
"Is the kitten over there?" You crane your neck a little further, listening. You don't hear any meowing or anything rustling, and there's a barrier in the way otherwise you'd investigate yourself. "This is someone's backyard, it's kinda trespassing-"
"Says the trespasser." Moon scoffs, and suddenly without warning, leaps from the fence into the darkness.
You wait there awkwadly on the sidewalk, curling further into your jacket and listening to the crikets. You're only alone for a few moments though, a blur shoots back into your vision and Moon reappears, crouched atop the wooden fence, gripping for balance with one hand hard enough it splinters the wood; in the other hand something is held close to his chest.
The kitten is held to his t-shirt, looking blearly eyed, a little doozy but unharmed. It's mouth opens in a tiny yawn and it's limbs stretch out in Moon's palm, and said animatronic's happy face faulters a little in a deadpan at the realization that he just woke the kitten up from sleep.
"The kitten!" You exclaim, smiling. Moon hops off the fence, careful as the kitten seems to be coming to her senses. Without asking, he pulls open the front of your jacket at the top, unzipping it a bit and putting the kitten at your collarbone. Your arms and hands come up to hold it there, keeping it close to your chest where the warmth is the strongest. She's chilly, but not bone-cold. You sigh in relief. "She must have found a little shelter back there somewhere."
"Not enough." He zips up your jacket as quick as he undone it, just where the kitten's head sticks out. She looks a bit startled, not alarmed, but a tiny mew sounds out from your neck at the realization of her holders. Moon brings a finger down to brush against her head. "Home, now."
"You don't have to tell me twice." Spinning on your heel, you start the brisk walk back towards the apartment. Moon is faster besides you than he is behind you, not following along on the fence but hunched over to your side, walking in long strides with you.
A brisk wind makes you shiver, but you're careful to protect the kitten from the cold's bite. "She needs a bath. There's muddy gunk on her legs." You sigh. "You know, a hot bath myself wouldn't sound half bad."
Moon moves to your other side, breaking the wind's gust on you and hoisting an arm around your shoulders. Judging by the way he was pacing, he wanted you out of the cold, and probably was going to force you to sleep the second you stepped through the doors. "Later."
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brbsoulnomming · 9 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 14
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | AO3
Everyone does end up having to go home. Except him, obviously, and Steve, whose house Eddie has learned he's apparently going to be squatting in until they can figure out a way to clear his name.
Is it squatting if he's invited? Eh, whatever.
Nancy and Robin swing by to drop off the prescriptions they'd picked up for Eddie. Both of them linger, long enough that Eddie thinks they might just stay - kind of wants them to stay, torn between wanting to be alone with Steve and not wanting to be alone with Steve.
Robin hugs Steve really tight, and he folds her up in his arms and holds her close, just staying like that for a long, long few minutes, talking so quietly they can't be heard. Nancy takes both their hands and squeezes when they're done, and surprises Eddie by giving his hand a squeeze as well. Robin looks like she kind of wants to launch herself at Eddie and hug him, too, but she settles for ruffling his hair, and then grimacing when her hand comes away grimy.
He laughs at her, and they promise to check in tonight, then they both leave.
Mrs. Sinclair comes to pick up Lucas and Erica and Max, and Eddie stays out of sight with his heart hammering in his throat, but they don't venture beyond the front hallway. Eddie can't quite make out what she says as she picks them up, but her tone is low and worried, and there's an underlying note of a familiarity, a gratitude, as she speaks briefly to Steve.
Eddie wonders, again, how long they've all been doing this. How many times their parents have worried about them, how many times Steve has apparently brought them home safely, looking beat to hell.
Mrs. Henderson is much louder when she comes to collect Dustin, though she doesn't go into the living room either. He can hear her fussing over the bandages around Steve's neck, asking how bad it is, sounding only mildly reassured when he tells her that it wasn't as bad as Starcourt. She asks him to come stay with her and Dustin, and Eddie thinks he can hear something like longing in Steve's voice when he declines, promising to come to dinner next week instead.
Then it's just him and Steve.
Steve collapses on the recliner, tipping his head back. Eddie's eyes are drawn to the long line of his throat, the stretch of tendons and muscle broken up by white gauze.
His mouth goes dry.
"I've got a guest room ready for you upstairs," Steve says.
His throat works as he speaks, and it takes Eddie a moment to process it.
"Fuck," Eddie mumbles. "Stairs, really?"
Steve laughs softly, tipping his head back up. "Yeah. It's got an ensuite and the bed's decent, we can set you up a lot better in there."
Eddie swallows. He wants to ask why Steve's doing this for him, but he's a little bit afraid of the answer, so he just makes an exaggerated whine of complaint.
It works to make Steve chuckle again, at least, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, you'll be glad once you're in an actual bed. Look, I'll get you some food and your next dose of meds first, just hang tight for a bit."
Eddie grumbles unintelligibly, but honestly, Steve's probably right. He must doze off a little, because the next thing he knows, Steve is gently shaking him awake, helping him sit up, and giving him something.
"What's this?" he asks, blinking blearily down at the bowl Steve handed him. It kind of looks like chunky baby food, though it smells pretty good.
"Oh, uh, frozen shepherd's pie," Steve says. "Not a lot to work with right now, we'll have to see about a grocery run soon. But I figure it's probably at least better than snacks and hospital food."
Eddie shrugs. "Not exactly a picky eater over here," he says as he digs in.
It's warm, and tastes a hell of a lot better than it looks. Like meatloaf and mashed potatoes all mixed up together, all hearty and comforting.
"S'good," he mumbles around a full mouth, prompting Steve to make a face at him.
"Don't talk with your mouth full, gross," Steve bitches.
Eddie feels compelled to stick his tongue out at him, still with some mashed potato remnants stuck to it, and Steve rolls his eyes.
"You make this?" Eddie asks, once he's swallowed the rest of the potato.
"Yeah." Steve scratches the back of his neck, just above the bandage. "Sometimes I'll freeze up smaller portions if I make something big, so I have stuff to grab when I'm in a hurry. Or when I've got recuperating metal-heads in my living room."
Eddie huffs a little laugh. "That a common occurrence? And here I thought I was special," he teases.
"You're something," Steve returns, though the grin he gives him is wide and fond as he reaches for the prescription bag Robin'd dropped off, pulling out the pair of bottles within and reading them over. "You're not due for your antibiotics yet, but you can have the pain meds."
He opens the bottle up, then pauses, frowning down into it. "Did they give you the wrong prescription?"
"No," Eddie says, feeling exhausted.
"But we have the same meds, and mine is like. Four times this amount, even though your injuries are way worse, infection aside," Steve says, looking back up at him with his brow furrowed.
"They said it's because I left against medical advice."
Steve snorts. "That's a load of crap."
Eddie sighs. "What do you want me to tell you, Steve? You know what my side job is. The whole town does. Every time I go to the ER for something, to them, I'm just drug seeking."
Steve looks stricken, and god, Eddie's not sure he can take any well meaning pity right now. He kind of wants the couch to just swallow him up.
There's just silence, though, and then Steve's jaw sets in determination. He gets up, leaving Eddie floundering a little and staring after him as he walks into the kitchen, returning with a bottle that looks almost identical to the one Eddie was given.
He sits back down, popping them both open, and promptly tips his bottle to start dumping his own pills into Eddie's.
"Whoa, hey, what the fuck!" Eddie struggles to get up without hurting himself or dropping his bowl, gives up, and tries his best to glare at Steve from his position on the couch under the blankets.
"You need them more," Steve says stubbornly. "It's not like I'm going to take them, anyway."
Fuck, that's worse than pity, and Eddie feels his blood boil.
"No, of course not." Eddie sneers. "Is His Majesty above such petty things like pain? Would he rather muscle through on sheer meathead determination than turn to drugs like the lower class?"
Steve goes very still. "Do you really think that?" he asks quietly.
Eddie opens his mouth to snap that he doesn't have to think it, that Steve just showed him it, but - he looks at the expression on Steve's face instead, how it's gone closed off but it isn't hard, isn't angry. It's just blank. Abruptly, Eddie feels wrong-footed, like he'd fallen back on old habits and responded as the guy everyone thinks he is, to the guy he used to think Steve was.
"No," he says, just as quietly. "I don't really think that."
Steve's frozen exterior melts a little, and he shakes a pair of pills out into his hand, holds them out for Eddie to take. Eddie does, swallows them dry, and shovels another spoon of shepherd's pie into his mouth to keep it occupied. Steve looks like he's thinking about something, and Eddie doesn't want to risk saying something to throw him off.
"It's not that I'm trying to muscle through," Steve says, apparently coming to a decision. "I was drugged last time we dealt with Upside Down shit, it was a whole thing." He waves his hand. "I was high as hell for some of what was going down, and it was. Not a great time."
Eddie tries to imagine fighting off the demobats while drugged out of his mind, and goes a little pale. "Fuck."
"Yeah," Steve says. "I can't really do anything stronger than alcohol or the occasional joint now."
"Fuck," Eddie says, softer and with more feeling. "Jesus Christ, I'm such an ass, why do you even like me?"
Steve opens his mouth, and Eddie flails, slapping his hand over Steve's mouth before he can say anything.
"Nope, nuh-uh, this is an apology, not a ploy to get you to say nice things about me," Eddie insists. "Okay?"
Steve's laughing at him, he can tell just by his eyes, but he waits until Steve nods before he pulls his hand away.
"That's not what I think of you," Eddie says again. "I got defensive and lashed out, and it wasn't fair. I'm sorry."
The laughter in Steve's eyes fades, and he looks - caught out, all surprised and vulnerable, and he's staring at Eddie with something like wonder.
It makes Eddie squirm, feeling both like he doesn't know what he did to get that look and like he never wants it to stop.
"Thank you. Apology accepted." Steve's quiet for a moment before adding, "I'm sorry, too. I could tell you were upset but you didn't want sympathy, so I just."
He shrugs, and Eddie's going to press him more about what he just, but first - "You could tell?"
"Yeah. Your face does this thing - you're usually so expressive, but you just kind of shut down, like you're resigned."
Oh. Fuck. He hadn't realized Steve noticed him like that, and he focuses really hard on the other thing he wanted to push about to avoid thinking about it too much. "So you just?"
Steve gives him a crooked little smile. "Jumped to fixing it. Robin says I have this thing, where if someone I care about is upset and I don't know what else to do, I try to fix it. But sometimes how I try to fix it and what they want are different things."
Eddie's mouth opens, and before he knows it he's said, "I'm okay with that."
Steve blinks at him. "Really?"
Eddie'd shrug, but he's not sure his shoulder - or his entire torso - is up for the motion right now, so he just tries to look as casual as possible while half huddled on the couch, in hospital scrubs. "Yeah. People don't try to fix things for me, not unless it's my uncle. Might be kind of nice."
"Oh." Steve's got this look on his face like he doesn't know what to do with that - maybe he hasn't gotten many people who let him try to fix things for them.
Which, fair enough. Under any other circumstances, Eddie'd probably be one of those, just - he doesn't think he's lying, even not touching the fact that Steve hadn't reacted to what he said. "I'm probably going to be a dick about it when I'm not recovering from being half dead, though," he adds, just to be safe.
Steve snorts. "You've met just about all of my friends, man, that's nothing new. Usually I do a decent job at figuring out when they're just being dicks and when I'm actually going too far, but they're good about telling me when I don't get it right. They do it when I'm being too much of a dick, too."
"I can do that," Eddie decides. "Tell you if you're going too far."
He probably shouldn't make decisions right after leaving the hospital against medical advice, but screw it, he's doing it anyway.
"Okay," Steve says after another moment of consideration, then narrows his eyes at him. "I'm still taking a rain check on telling you all the things I like about you. It's getting to be kind of a long list."
Eddie gapes at him. Fuck, he can feel his cheeks burning, and he really hopes he can blame it on the bite wounds or the pain meds.
Hopes Steve won't ask, because he knows that would be a lie.
"Go away," he says, curling over his bowl so he doesn't have to look at Steve. "Let me eat my luxury baby food in peace before I have to drag my ass up all those stairs."
Steve laughs at him again, but it isn't mean, and he does leave, heading upstairs to - Eddie doesn't really know what Steve Harrington does with his free time when he's not ripping apart demobats or complaining about babysitting, actually.
He thinks he might like to find out.
He shovels the rest of his shepherd's pie down methodically, then sets the bowl down on the coffee table and eyes the stairs. Despite his earlier words, he's pretty sure there's no way he's going to make it up them on his own. He pulls in a breath and lets it out, then calls, "Hey, Steve?"
Steve emerges almost immediately, a couple of towels tossed over one shoulder and an armful of plastic bottles. "You done?" he asks, tromping down the stairs.
Eddie eyes him. "What's all that?"
"The hospital did a pretty good job at getting most of the Upside Down grime off of us, but I thought you might want to wash it out of your hair," Steve says.
And fuck, yeah, Eddie really, really wants to - it's not just Upside Down grime, honestly, what with the whole being on the run for a week thing, and it just feels gross. Still, Eddie grimaces.
"Not, uh. Not really sure I can stand up long enough," he admits. "Plus I'm not supposed to lift my arms that high yet."
Steve's ears turn just a little bit pink, and Eddie struggles to keep his expression neutral, not to let his eyebrows raise up or to lean in too hungrily.
"I can wash it for you," he offers. "The laundry room's got a pretty deep sink, and I can pull up a chair and have you lean back a little."
He looks so fucking earnest that it makes Eddie flounder a little, once again having to restrain himself from asking why. Why is Steve doing any of this? Is it just because this seems to be what he does, because he thinks of Eddie as part of their Upside Down fighting group now and is focused on taking care of a party member? Were the handful of stolen moments during all of the fuckery and in the hospital real, or is Eddie just fooling himself that this is something he could actually have?
"Yeah," he says before he even realizes he's agreeing, while his thoughts are still a tangled up mess. "Appreciate it, man."
Steve shoots a smile at him. "Gimme a sec, I'll be right back."
He disappears down the hall for a few minutes, then comes back to help Eddie up. It's slow going, with Steve taking most of Eddie's weight, but he knows it's not going to be near as rough as the stairs will be, so he tells himself it's a practice run.
There's a low backed chair pulled up in front of the sink when they get to the laundry room, a folded up towel already pillowed on the edge of it. Steve guides him to sit down and tilt his head back, neck cushioned by the towel and hair spilling into the sink.
And then -
Fuck, Steve is close.
He's been close before, obviously, he let Eddie get all up in his personal space when they were walking through the Upside Down and he leaned over Eddie's shoulder a few times to watch what he was doing, and Eddie's literally been leaning on him to walk since he got here, but - with all of that, there was something else going on, some kind of other purpose or at least a buttload of pain he was trying to ignore.
Sitting like this, Steve leaning over him as he fiddles with the knobs to get the water to a good temperature, he's just close. Eddie can feel the body heat coming off of him, and he can count every freckle and mole on Steve's forearms, where he'd pushed up the sleeves of his sweatshirt. He's not trying to look, but he can still see the scrawl of writing that disappears under the sleeve of his left arm, can just make out I don't think. He can hear the heavy beat of his own heart and the way his breath quickens, and he forces himself to breathe slow and even, trying not to draw attention to it.
Then Steve's fingers are in his hair, gently sweeping it all together as he starts rinsing it out.
"Shit, man, this might take awhile," he says apologetically. "The water's coming out as black as it did for mine, and I've got less hair."
Eddie hums noncommittally, afraid if he says anything he'll end up telling Steve that's fine by him, they can stay like this all night if he wants to. There's the sound of a shampoo bottle opening, and on his next breath in he's hit with the scent of something, he has no idea what, like a honeyed summer day, all sunshine and sweet and clean.
And then Steve's hands are on him again, fingertips rubbing small circles over his scalp, blunt nails scratching in just the right way to send shivering goosebumps down his spine.
He's not proud of the way it makes him fucking whimper, but mostly because the sound prompts Steve to freeze.
"That hurt?" Steve asks softly.
"No," Eddie manages to get out. "It, uh. Feels nice."
Nice is an understatement, but not a lie, so it's the best he's got right now. It makes Steve continue, at least, so Eddie's taking the fucking win.
His eyes slide shut, and he thinks he might drift off to sleep right there if it weren't for the fact that he really wants to cling to how fucking good this feels. God, he can't remember the last time he felt a physical sensation that wasn't pain or discomfort, and he tells himself that's the reason that this is making him react so strongly.
No one's ever done anything like this for him before. No one's ever wanted to, even before the murder accusations, and between the exhaustion settling over him and the pain meds kicking in and the euphoria of feeling good - Eddie's dangerously close to begging, here. To saying please, just, please can he keep having this, please can this mean something, can this be because Steve wants to and not because he feels obligated.
"You okay?" Steve asks quietly as he rinses Eddie's hair out, and starts lathering up for a second wash.
Eddie hopes it's just a general are you okay, in light of the whole everything, and not a specific hey you look like you're going through something right now. Doesn't actually matter, he guesses, because he still has to say something, and he doesn't know what to say that isn't a lie or isn't something that's too much.
"Haven't, uh. Haven't had anyone do this before," he admits, because that seems like the safest thing to acknowledge.
He thinks what he means by this was pretty obvious, but apparently not, because Steve gives a thoughtful little hum.
"Take care of you?" he asks, cradling Eddie's skull in his hands so delicately it makes him want to weep.
Or shove him off and run until he can't anymore, but that's not any better.
"Fuck, Steve, not holding back any punches here, huh?" he asks, his voice a little raspy.
"I mean. We almost got eaten by demobats together, and we're in kind of a bathroom. That's prime bonding time, for me."
Eddie'd shake his head, but he doesn't want to do anything to dislodge Steve's hands, so he settles for heaving a pointed sigh. "No, Steve, people haven't been lining up to take care of the freak. It's not like I need it, anyway."
Steve makes this little sound - Eddie's not sure he's even aware that he does it, really, but it's like the verbal equivalent to rolling his eyes. "Everyone needs it, sometimes. It's okay to want that, especially after all of this. This isn't the first time some of us have stayed together in the aftermath."
"Yeah? Who looks after you, then?" Eddie asks.
"Robin, usually, sometimes Dustin. Why, you volunteering?"
He can't see Steve's face, but he thinks that was probably meant to come out as teasing. It doesn't quite land there, though, a little too soft, a little too genuine, and it makes Eddie swallow.
"Maybe," he says, feeling his heart beat in his throat.
"Oh," Steve breathes out, his hands stilling for a moment.
Eddie fights not to open his eyes.
"Yeah, okay," Steve says, a little too carelessly, fingertips scratching back over his scalp again. "I look after you, you look after me."
That's not quite what Eddie meant, but he doesn't know how to say what he meant, so he just says, "You don't have to. Take care of me, I mean. Just because you think it's okay to want to be taken care of, you know, it doesn't have to be you."
He waits for Steve to point out that Eddie'd just said that no one else was lining up for the job, maybe make a joke about how it's him or nothing.
Instead, Steve says, "I know. I want to."
If this is the way Steve always is, Eddie can see why so many girls were into him in high school.
When he's reasonably sure his voice isn't going to shake, he says, "Thanks, man. For - all of this."
He's kind of worried Steve is going to tell him that he's doing it because he wants to again, but fortunately that seems to be enough talking about not quite emotions for both of them, because Steve just hums as he starts rinsing Eddie's hair again.
Eddie lets himself relax, sinking into the soft, floaty feeling that wants to pull him down, and just enjoying the feel of Steve's fingers in his hair, the edge of pain blurred and fuzzy from the meds, and finally, finally feeling like maybe he's safe.
It takes another round of lather and rinse for Steve to be satisfied with how clean his hair is, but Eddie sure as hell isn't protesting. Time kind of slips and wobbles, anyway, as he doesn't doze so much as just fucking melt into the chair and under Steve's hands, like all the tension from the last week plus is oozing out of him. He thinks Steve murmurs something about conditioner, but he honestly doesn't care, as long as he can keep sitting here like this.
Eventually, the water's shut off, and Steve's tilting his head up, draping his hair over a towel and gently scrunching it before wrapping it up.
"You awake?" Steve asks, voice a little sing-song like he's teasing.
"Depends on how you're measuring awake," Eddie mumbles back, not entirely sure he managed to get all those syllables out in the correct order.
Whatever he says, it makes Steve laugh softly. "Come on, Munson, up you go. Let's get you to bed."
Eddie's hindbrain immediately takes over, and the next thing he knows he's saying, "Fuck, yes please, finally."
Fortunately, Steve seems to take his eagerness as an eagerness to be in bed in general, and not in Steve's bed specifically, because he just says, "You gotta stand up for that."
Eddie whines, and Steve's hand on his elbow where he'd been tugging him to get up slips, and Eddie looks up at him, eyes wide.
Steve's staring back at him, and holy shit, Eddie might be high on pain meds and a boneless mess from what was basically a head massage, but he knows what desire looks like, knows Steve's eyes are probably a mirror of his own right now.
Then Steve's eyes are closing, and he visibly shakes himself like a fucking dog, before his hand finds its spot on Eddie's elbow again, nice and firm.
"Steve," Eddie murmurs, even though he knows he's missed his moment to speak, because Steve is already guiding him up and wrapping his arm around him to help him walk.
"Not too far, Eds, I promise," Steve says. "We'll be there before you know it."
"Steve," Eddie says again, and this time Steve pauses, swallowing once before he looks at him.
Steve's arm is still around him, and he's so close they're practically breathing the same air - so close he can see the flecks of hazel in Steve's eyes, see the way his lashes brush against his cheek, and Eddie -
He doesn't want to do it like this. Eddie knows he's pretty far gone right now, a little floaty and a little loopy, and he's honestly not sure what words he can even get out of his mouth, let alone if he's going to remember this tomorrow.
"This is gonna have to be mostly you," he says, not letting himself think about how it could mean more than one thing. "I'm barely standing after that, let alone navigating stairs."
Steve laughs softly, steering him out of the laundry room and towards the stairs. "Long as you keep your feet on one side of the steps, you'll at least have one up on Henderson last time I had to help him up the stairs."
"No promises," Eddie replies, but that does make him look down at his own feet, trying to be careful and deliberate about how he places them as they slowly make their way upstairs.
With the meds, it doesn't hurt as much as it probably should. It mostly just takes so much goddamn effort, feels like walking through jello, and Eddie's not ashamed to admit he's breathing heavily by the time they make it to what must be the Harringtons' guest room.
It's… well. It's boring, honestly, minimally decorated, but the bed looks huge and insanely welcoming at the moment, all the blankets turned down and the pillows carefully arranged to resemble the way he'd found was the most comfortable at the hospital. The lamp on the nightstand is glowing softly, and there's a glass of water and Eddie's bottles of pills next to it.
Clean clothes are laid out on the bed - a pair of black boxers, black track pants with a white stripe down the leg, and a dark blue Henley.
Another lump forms in his throat, and he swallows past it as Steve points out the door to the bathroom.
"I'm just down the hall," Steve tells him.
Eddie manages to mumble out a thanks, and only stares at him a little as he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
Honestly, Eddie's too fucking exhausted to sort out anything about anything right now, so he just shuffles his way over to the bed. He strips out of the hospital scrubs, leaves them in a pile right where they fall, and struggles into the clothes Steve's loaned him.
Like the stairs, it doesn't hurt, but he knows that doesn't mean he can risk overdoing it. He's careful, moving gingerly to pull the shirt on and sitting on the bed to step into the boxers and pants. Then he collapses back, tugging the covers over him. His head lolls to the side for a moment as he stares at the lamp.
If he's honest, his decision to leave it on is part that it feels like too much effort to turn it off, and part that he's not sure he wants to be alone in the dark right now.
Maybe in a bit, he thinks, but he's asleep before he can think anything else.
Taglist (let me know if you'd like to be added!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
Part 15
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freckle-face-ace · 1 month
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Portgas D Ace X CisFem Reader
You returned home in the middle of the afternoon when the snowfall became too much and you couldn't find anything else to occupy your time. As you sat in the slowly cooling bug your phone began to ring startling you from your daze.
"Hey Thatch." You greeted.
"Hi F/N, are you with Ace right now?" He asked.
"Not at the moment." You frowned staring through the windshield, "Everything ok?"
"Oh yeah, it's just his phone is broken so I can't reach him. Can you tell him we'll be closed tonight it looks like a nor'easter is rolling through."
"Sure no problem." You replied wondering what could have happened to his phone and if Thatch knew why didn't he call you sooner?
Your stomach dropped. Maybe he really did go home with Katie and Thatch supported it? Why wouldn't he? He knows her better and she's gorgeous.
"Ya still there?" Thatch chuckled.
"Uh yeah sorry."
"I asked if you have everything you need in case you lose power." The brunette rumbled.
"Yeah yeah a generator and everything. I'll call you if we need anything." You assured.
"Alright then stay warm."
"You too." You hung up the phone and sighed.
It was still quiet inside so you busied yourself putting away groceries and feeding Kuma. You went back to your room to put some things away finding Ace snuggled up in your blankets. It shouldn't have been surprising considering that's where he slept every night anyway. You found yourself standing next to the bed resisting the urge to brush his hair from his face.
Regathering your resolve you turned to make your exit. Warm fingers coiled around your wrist firmly keeping you in place. You hoped he couldn't feel your pulse hammering erratically beneath his digits.
"Were you just gonna stare?" His tone was playful but you didn't dare turn back to peek at his face.
"Thatch called me to say they are closing the restaurant tonight. We're supposed to get a lot of snow." You stayed perfectly still it was the only way to keep your voice from faltering.
"Good then nap with me. I know you didn't sleep." He tugged you toward the bed.
"No I - I have to make sure the pipes outside don't need to be rewrapped and the porch and steps are salted."
"Fine, I'll help you and then we can nap." He released you and sat up swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.
You quickly made your way to the door pressing the back of your hands against your cheeks.
"I'll get the insulation wrap and meet you outside."
Kuma hopped around in the fresh snow while you and Ace trudged around to the back of the house to wrap the two exposed faucets that were already set to a steady drip. Once the task was complete you returned to the porch to spread the rock salt over the creaky wooden slats.
"It's faster with two people. Your nose and cheeks are already really red." Ace commented while the two of you removed your coats, scarves and hats, wafting lingering snowflakes to the floor.
"Yeah." You murmured kicking your boots off, "It's fitting weather for Christmas eve."
"Like the song." He chirped following you down the hall.
You couldn't help but feel irritated, normally he followed you around the house like an eager puppy and it never once bothered you. Today you tried your damnedest to get some distance and he just wouldn't allow it. Even when you were out all morning you only thought about what he could have been doing all night.
Ace frowned. He knew acting like nothing had happened probably wouldn't work...but that didn't keep him from trying. Clearly you weren't happy. The conversation was going to have to happen whether either of you liked it or not.
"F/N." He called lowly after flopping back into the bed.
You hummed sitting at your PC to check the weather.
He sighed feeling sort of childish, "Are ...you mad?"
Were you mad?
"No." You huffed stubbornly.
"Liar." He chided.
"Why should I be?" You stared passed the screen in front of you, "You're an adult you can do whatever you want. I am disappointed that you already broke your phone."
His chest was tight, "How did you know it broke?"
"Thatch told me." You replied curtly.
"Let me tell you what happened." He sat up.
"I have a good idea." Your breath caught in your throat as you swiveled around finding him now standing quite close.
This was the first time you'd seen this expression. Brows knit, eyes dark, lips pressed into a straight line. He raked his left hand through his thick black waves.
"You're so stubborn." He rumbled, "Katie got completely wasted and broke my phone when I was trying to call you."
That bitch.
"Remind me to bill her for that."
He snorted and continued, "Thatch had left so I didn't have a way to call you. I ended up driving her car to Thatch and Grace's."
"So you moved your date to your brother's house." You commented.
"It wasn't a date." He leaned down resting his hands on the armrests caging you into your office chair, "She slept in the spare room and I stayed awake on the couch until Thatch got up."
"Wh-why are you telling me?" You croaked passed the lump in your throat.
He moved in closer, eyes half lidded but smoldering, breath fanning over your cheeks, "You were upset about it."
Before you could protest his soft warm lips gently pressed to yours. After a few seconds you matched his rhythm scooting to the edge of your chair to gain more real-estate. Sensing what you were trying to accomplish his right hand moved to your nape, his fingers leaving trails of tingling heat into your hair line pulling you closer. It was tender but intense leaving you completely overwhelmed. There was no winter storm, no stress, no anger, no Katie -  only Ace.
He sucked your bottom lip between his teeth earning a small surprised gasp. Taking advantage of the opportunity he pushed his tongue passed your parted lips deepening the kiss. You surrendered immediately clinging desperately to his hoodie. Before long your lungs burned for oxygen and you released each other huffing.
"Forgive me?" He murmured nuzzling against your cheek.
"There's nothing to forgive, you didn't do anything wrong." You dropped your still shaky hands into your lap.
"Can we nap now?" He smiled tapping his forehead to yours.
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And for our last Whumpcember prompt, and probably my last fic for a little bit because I've got stuff to do in January, may I present you some teenage Tazercraft!
(sorry I haven't watched FI or FI2, nor would I understand it if I did, but I know a bit of the gist of it...)
So without further ado... A fic!
TW: sick children, offscreen violence against children, homelessness said children are managing the best they know how but they're still only kids, theft
Mike gets the wallet and Pac gets a black eye and all in all they can count it as a success. They took the cash and dropped the rest on the street where they found it, and carefully divided the money.
It's not a lot, but they make do. With the rest of their takings it's just enough for a multipack of waterbottles, some crackers, and a night in the shitty hotel on the outskirts of town.
The place isn't pleasant, is run down and a bit leaky, but they don't ask questions, don't turn away money, and serve an all you can eat buffet for breakfast every morning.
With some napkins to wrap things in and putting it in their bags, they can even make their takings last a few days.
Added to which... It's wet, and it's cold, and it's June, and Mike's pretty sure Pac's getting sick.
So he tugs on his older friend's arm, and applies his big eyes.
Pac sighs, and coughs into his elbow, but relents.
"Okay, fine," he says, gathering up the stolen money. "One night. I'll go sort the room, you get the groceries."
Mike looks at the black eye, the results of making a distraction, and hesitantly agrees. He knows if he stops scowling he can pass for innocent and cute, while if Pac straightens up and feigns confidence he can almost pass for an adult.
It gives him a chance to maybe take a couple of extra things, too...
"Fine," Mike says, then hesitates and adds. "Be safe."
"Don't worry, Mike," Pac smiles. "It's just getting a hotel room."
And that's what Mike's worried about.
Mike buys the crackers and the water, and a cheap block of cheese because it came with the crackers - their lucky day, except that the scene Pac made so Mike could pick pockets was a brawl in the town square.
A brawl, while he's already getting sick.
... There's also the things Mike doesn't pay for, slipped into pockets. A bottle of cough syrup, a box of painkillers, a tiny bottle of orange juice and a couple of sachets of hot chocolate mix.
He knows, he knows he's not supposed to steal from /this/ grocery store, that it's the cheapest in town and they need access to it to spend anything they make.
But they need it, he needs it - Pac's cough has been getting worse and Mike's scared! He's scared, because he knows Pac is sick, and no matter what his friend says Mike knows he's not okay! He tries to hide it, keeps making sure Mike is safe, and Mike gets it - he's small, he's easy to pick on, his cuts close more slowly and bruises sting more - he gets it, but it just isn't fair!
And there's no point in being angry with the people who closed the orphanage, and there's no point asking an adult for help when they'll just be split up, and Pac turns sixteen this year and then maybe can get a job but if they were in care Mike would never see him again!
And Mike has to see Pac again, he has to, don't you understand?
He doesn't believe in God, but he's a powerful figure to be angry in.
They stop by Churches, sometimes, a little respite from the rain. Pac prays - the rosary the nuns gave him on his confirmation is too cheap to be worth selling - and Mike sits there and mentally screams at the heavens on his own.
They don't go to confession.
Not even Pac.
To go to confession, they'd have to be sorry for their sins.
Pac is waiting for Mike outside of the hotel, room key in his hand.
Mike smiles, and presents his shopping bag, "the cheese was free with the crackers."
To hear that Pac's face lights up, even if his swollen eye cannot beam in the same way the other does. "You did good, Mike - we'll feast like kings tonight!"
He doesn't reveal his other takings - not yet, anyway.
They go to the room, and fate grants them one with no water. The hot tap on the sink doesn't work, but the shower goes warm at least.
Mike insists on Pac taking one first, letting him have the best of the water and the choice of the free soap left on the counter. He's in and out quickly, and so is Mike.
It's still early in the day, so there's still hot water left. Mike scours the muck from his body and his hair and, yes, it is unfortunately true that a shower makes you feel better.
Once he's done and the two are dressed in towels, Mike grabs all their clothing - bar two clean shirts for the night - and sets about washing it in the sink.
Pac tries to take the work, but Mike knows what's in his pockets, and he's seen the way Pac keeps swaying as his eyes drift shut.
Mike knows Pac is sick, because he doesn't object, just lies down on the bed with a quiet, "okay, Mike."
It's hard to get clothes clean with only cold water, hand soap, and a sink, but Mike thinks he did pretty well. They don't have many, so he throws them over the shower door and the towel racks and the radiator in the bedroom. With luck they'll be dry enough for tomorrow, and if not they'll probably be fine in the backpack until they find somewhere for the night.
All the while he works, though, he can hear Pac coughing - no longer hiding it when he thinks Mike can't hear. It's why he makes sure to put some clothes in the bedroom to dry - so he can check on him.
Pac is half asleep on the bed. He seems to be getting closer to actually asleep every so often, only for coughing to wake him back up again. Mike's heart twists in worry, wanting to yell, wanting to scream; Pac is not even cutting the cheese.
That's an in five minutes Mike problem, though. For now he uses the shower mat to dry the floor around the sink, chases mud from the sink, and cleans up his hands. The things he stole from the shop go in the bag he carried the cloths in, hidden until Pac can't say no.
And then he runs the cold tap until it's truly cold, and bunches up a bit of toilet roll, and gets it wet. He squeezes out the worst of the water, wraps it in a bit more, and goes back to the bedroom.
Pac doesn't even look up, but he's sleeping on the wrong side. Leaving his bad eye to the air.
Mike takes the bundle of cold, wet toilet roll, and presses it against Pac's eye.
Pac wakes a bit more, moving to sit up.
Mike keeps holding it in place.
"Mike..." Pac begins
"Don't you dare tell me off." Mike narrows his eyes on him.
"... Alright." Pac takes over holding the wet paper, keeping it properly on his eye. "And what else did you do."
And then Mike hesitates, because he stole them for Pac. He stole things to make Pac more comfortable while he's sick, but he knows it's not wanted.
Stealing isn't the problem.
The fact Mike is worrying about his older friend is.
So he doesn't answer. Instead he fills and turns on the shitty kettle. He turns it on, and lets it heat. Grabs some spoons, and goes back to the bed.
Pac is watching him, watching him with lidded, exhausted eyes as Mike empties his haul onto the bed.
Pac sounds /exhausted/, like the living dead.
"You said you wouldn't tell me off."
Mike squints at the cough syrup instructions. Painkillers he knows, but this is weird - he hands Pac the painkillers and the juice, though.
"Don't you want some?" Pac asks.
"There'll be juice at the buffet in the morning."
It's... probably true.
Pac hesitates, but must be feeling crappy because he takes the medicine.
And neither does he object when Mike shoves a spoonful of cough syrup in his mouth.
And neither does he object to having crappy hot chocolate with the crackers and cheese.
Mike ends up being the one to cut everything, making sure the two of them get a perfectly even amount. Pac often tries to give him a little extra, so Mike dodges the argument by making it perfectly fair.
The block of cheese is tiny, so they make sandwiches by squishing it between two crackers. Mike eats it, because it's food.
Pac eats it, but Mike can see him struggle to swallow hard crackers on a sore throat.
So he makes more hot chocolate, and hopes for the best.
Eating is quiet because Pac is sick - he took the medicine, he's admitted it now - and Mike doesn't really know what to say. They're here, in a shitty hotel room, but they're together and for tonight they are both dry and relatively safe.
They eat all of the cheese, but leave most of the crackers. Mike puts them next to the kettle, so they go at the top of the backpack in the morning. The bag of medicine and waterbottles go with it - Pac can't take more until morning anyway.
By the time Mike turns back, Pac is as good as asleep. Mike climbs into bed with him - there's only a double in here, of course - and snuggles up.
Pac wraps a protective arm around him, and Mike thinks - you're sick, you're sick, you're sick, let me protect /you/.
"Maybe you should leave some space," Pac whispers. "So I don't infect you."
Mike just clings onto him, "if I'm going to catch it, I've already caught it bro."
Pac can't really object to that, and doesn't seem to want to - he cuddles Mike closer, and Mike returns the favour. They twist themselves together, to save warmth and to save space and because this is what they've done for as long as Mike can remember.
He knows there was a before Pac - he remembers them first meeting.
He doesn't remember the before, though. The before is not of his concern.
The concern now is Pac, who is sick and taking medicine but Mike can only hope he stole the right ones, and sleeping in a real bed, and the fact they actually get breakfast in the morning.
None of those would have been problems, if when their orphanage closed and they were forgotten they'd spoken up. But speaking up would have meant splitting up, and there's nothing in the world that could convince him to do that.
It's just the two of them, against everything trying to destroy them.
It's just Pac and Mike, against the whole entire world.
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anticomedygarden · 8 months
solangelo ficlet based on a duolingo story (yes, i've gotten to the point where i'm taking inspiration from duolingo)
it's on ao3
When Will dragged Nico to the supermarket at 8 p.m. on this fine Tuesday night, the son of Hades was absolutely dead on his feet. See, his day started 17 hours ago when he got up at 5 a.m. to get ready to teach literature to 4 different high school classes. It would have been 7 classes, but he'd taken a half day after his boyfriend called to say their landlord was kicking them out early, and they'd need to move all their stuff out by 4 p.m. which meant that none of their friends were free to help them. Then, they'd spent four hours unpacking all the necessities and putting them away to save some drama come morning. Altogether, Nico had probably sat down for about 5 whole minutes.
So, yeah. It had been a long day.
But Will was pulling him through the aisles of an unfamiliar grocery store, a tired smile on his face, clearly intent on replacing the food they'd had to leave behind in the move. "What do you want for dinner?" he asked as they passed a pyramid of melons in the produce.
That was unfortunate. He did not feel like cooking anything at all. "Can't we just get takeout?"
It seemed Nico's day was not nearly over because Will shook his head, eyeing the meat section. "If we cook tonight, we'll have leftovers for the rest of week." He took Nico over to look at the hamburger. "Do you want some pasta?"
"But I'm tired now," Nico protested, ignoring his boyfriend's suggestion in the hopes it would stall him. "Besides, that sounded so grown up."
"We are grown up."
Instead of answering, Nico shoved his body up against Will's front with his face in the crook of his neck and groaned. Loudly. "I want to go to bed!"
He didn't care that he sounded like a child throwing a tantrum, not even when a woman walked by followed by two actual children with judgemental looks on their small faces. He just burrowed farther into Will's warmth and tried to keep his eyes open.
"I know, baby," Will said, threading his fingers through Nico's hair comfortingly. Nico could feel the bastard checking the dates on the hamburger behind him. "Alright, let's find the spaghetti and spaghetti sauce."
Reluctantly, Nico unburied himself from Will and followed the blond through the store, wondering idly when pasta turned into spaghetti. He was still wondering when Will said, "Where the hell is the pasta stuff?"
Nico finally looked up from Will's back to see that they'd made it all the way back to the front of the store. The automatic doors swooshed open behind them. Will was still holding the raw hamburger.
"Did you try the Italian section?" Nico asked, partially serious. He really was exhausted (and hadn't been paying attention during their impromptu tour of the store).
"Yes," Will bit out. "Did I miss it somehow?"
"Probably." Nico sighed. "Why don't we just get takeout?"
He should've known that would only serve to make Will more determined.
"No," he said, squaring his shoulders. "Let's go."
They walked through the food sections again, and Will checked every aisle up and down. This time, they found the spaghetti noodles, but not the pasta sauce.
("Who doesn't keep the sauce with the noodles?" Will asked in a strained voice.
"Crazy people. Let's go home.")
By the time they made it back to the front, Nico was tripping over his feet. "Babe, can we just go home? I know you're tired, too."
Will, gods bless him, shook his head despite the bags under his eyes. He'd been off that day, but he'd still done a lot of work, and they weren't as in shape as they had been at camp. "No. I'm gonna find it."
Nico didn't try to stop him this time. "Fine, but I'm staying here."
Will nodded and ducked back into the aisles. When he came back 10 minutes later, he was triumphantly holding up two cans of spaghetti sauce.
Nico cheered. "Yay!" He grabbed Will by the arm and steered him toward the doors. "Let's go."
Laughing, Will pulled him back toward the checkout. "We still have to pay."
This time, Nico fell forward onto Will's shoulder with a great huff. "Why?" he whined. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing wrong with shoplifting a little food from a (probably) multimillion dollar chain store.
"Because we are functional members of mortal society." Nico gave him a disbelieving look. "Fine. If we get arrested for shoplifting, we could lose our jobs."
Nico rolled his eyes but didn't stop Will from paying for their food, though he did feel a little smug when the cashier gave them a dirty look. Homophobe or tired, overworked customer service employee, Nico maintained that they should have just left.
Once out of the store, Will turned to Nico and said, "Yay, spaghetti," in a decidedly monotone voice unfit for the joys of the squiggly tomato pasta.
Nico glanced at his watch and raised an eyebrow. "Do you really still wanna do that?"
Will shrugged. "I don't wanna give up after all that."
"It's 9:15."
Will's eyes widened. "To McDonald's!"
This time, Nico cheered for real.
A half an hour and a trip to McDonald's later, the two sat on the floor of their brand new living room surrounded by half empty boxes, Nico's back resting on Will's chest.
Will took a bite of a chicken nugget. "This was a really good idea."
"I know," Nico said, mouth full of his last bite of burger. "Now shush." Finally, he closed his eyes and rested his cheek on Will's right peck, pulling their orange and purple quilt (courtesy of Sally) farther up himself and smiling when he felt Will's hand come up to cup his neck. They hadn't time to set their bed up, so he didn't feel bad about passing out on top of Will on the stiff black carpet.
Of course, when his alarm went off at five the next morning and he felt the awful crick in his neck, he had a different perspective.
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final-girl96 · 9 months
Firefly Chapter Forty-One
October 31, 2002
It's finally Halloween! Tonight would be filled with scary movies, pizza, and popcorn with Sarah after going trick or treating. "Are you sure you can't go to the party tonight?" My friend Vicky asked. I rolled my eyes at her. "I promised I would take Sarah trick or treating and then watch scary movies." She hummed and gave me a look. "What?" I asked. She shook her head, "nothing," she said, smirking.
"Just not nothing, so just say it," I said. Her smirk grew wider. "You just want to see her dad," she said. I scoffed and pulled the driver's side door to my car open. "I do not. I see him, like every day, he is my neighbor, you know." We got into the car, and she rolled her eyes. "Look, I don't blame, okay? The man is fucking hot. I mean, I want him to be my daddy too," she said, giving me a suggestive look. "Oh my God, Vick! You are such a whore!" I laughed, pushing her a little.
After dropping Vicky off, I headed home. "Nonna!" I called out. I walked into the kitchen to see her grabbing her purse off the table and was all dressed up in black with a witches hat on. "Going somewhere?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile. "Yes, me and the girls are going to have a little book club Halloween party at Pearl's house tonight. You know, have a few drinks and talk about our latest book. What are your plans tonight?"
"I'm taking Sarah trick or treating, then we're going to order pizza, make popcorn, and watch scary movies the rest of the night," I told her. "No going out with your friends? There aren't any parties where underage drinking will be taking place?" I looked at her with a little shock but laughed. "No, there are, but I don't want to go to any parties. I'd rather stay in with Sarah." She hummed and gave me a look. "Oh, my god, this has nothing to do with Mr. Miller! I babysit for him, and he's, like, way too old!"
There was a honk outside, and she sighed. "That's Ruth. Just be safe tonight," she said and kissed my forehead before walking out the front door. I looked at the clock to see it was two-fifteen. I ran upstairs and grabbed my Halloween costume, then got in the car to go pick up Sarah from school. I waited outside with the top down and the radio on.When she walked out and saw me, she ran up to the car and got in. "Hey, kid! How was school?" I asked.
"It's school, you know how it is. I'm more excited about tonight!" She said excitedly. "What do you want to do? Get pizza on our way home and eat before we go out or do you want to eat after trick or treating?" I asked, pulling out onto the road. "Let's get pizza first then you can help me with my costume. Who knows, maybe dad and Uncle Tommy will be home before we go out and we can drag them along." She laughed.
"Knowing Tommy he probably has a date or something tonight or plans on going to the bar to pick one up." She nodded her head in agreement. "Can we make cookies?" She asked, looking at me with puppy eyes. "You don't have to look at me with those puppy dog eyes. We can make cookies, but we'll need to go to the store first." She cheered and turned the radio up. I pulled into the grocery store parking lot and we got out of the car and walked into the store.
"Okay, what do you want to do? Get the stuff to make fresh cookies or get those Pillsbury cookie dough roll things?" I asked, grabbing a cart. "Can we make homemade cookies?" She asked. I nodded my head, "of course, we can make homemade cookies. Maybe grab some snakes while we're here." Sarah walked ahead, going straight to the snack aisle first.
She threw chips, pretzels, popcorn, and bags of candy into the cart. "You're going trick or treating, which you will be getting candy," I said. "Yeah, but these are better than what I'll get trick or treating. The Adler's hand out apples, and the Smiths hand out floss! Who hands out floss?" I chuckled at her rant. "Dentist's hand out floss and apples are healthy for you." She made a face that made me laugh harder. "Okay, okay, candy is way better."
After we got all the stuff we needed, I paid for everything, then we headed for the pizza shop and ordered two large pizzas before heading back home. We carried the bags and pizza inside and started on making the cookies. Sarah wanted to get them started before we sat down and ate. And just as we were getting ready to sit at the table Joel walked in the front door. I looked at the clock to see it was five.
"Smells good in here!" He called, walking into the kitchen. "We have cookies in the oven!" Sarah said, grabbing another plate. "And we got pizza for dinner." She set the plate on the table and sat down. "You're home early," I said, sitting across from Sarah. "Yeah, we finished the job early, shockingly enough. Tommy decided he wanted to go out to the bar, so I dropped him off at home."
I gave Sarah a look, and she rolled her eyes. "Well, after the cookies are done and we eat, we're going to get ready to go trick or treating. Did you want to join us?" I asked. He sat down at the table between me and Sarah. "I think I'm a little old for that, but you two have fun. Don't be out too late."
After dinner, Joel said he would make sure the cookies were taken out of the oven in time so that Sarah and I could get ready. After we got our costumes on, I took her around the neighbor, making sure to hit every house before we headed back. Now we were sitting on the couch eating popcorn and a bunch of other snacks while watching scary movies that Sarah swore up and down she wouldn't find scary.
Every time Jason popped on the screen though she would hide her face in Joel's shoulder. After the third movie, she was out like a light, and Joel carried her upstairs. "Clara, still out with her book club friends?" He asked, coming down the stairs and into the kitchen where I was putting everything away. "Yeah, knowing those four, they probably got drunk and passed out," I laughed. Nonna was not your normal grandmother.
"Well, you're more than welcome to stay in the guest room if you don't want to stay at home alone." I smiled at him, "Thank you, Mr. Miller. I'll be fine, though. I have to get up early for work tomorrow." After I helped finish cleaning things up, I went back to my house and went to bed.
Present Time
"You okay? Firefly!" I snapped back into reality and looked over at Joel. "What?" I asked. "Where'd ya go?" He asked. I shook my head and gave him a weak smile. "Halloween 2002. Seeing Ellie laughing and being a kid…I just wish that…" I didn't need to say anything because I knew that Joel understood. I didn't need to say out loud that I wish Sarah would have been able to grow up. She was Ellie's age when the outbreak happened. "Yeah, me too. We should get going though. Come on."
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sheppyscribbles · 5 months
Baby New Year
Tumblr media
Story under the cut.
"Dude, this is amazeballs ... are you, like, actually pregnant? Lookit the way it moves when I touch it!"
"Hrrrgfh-- f--fucking contraction-- what is happening to me -- why is it fuCKING GLOWING--?!"
This was not how Levy had planned to spend the night of New Year's Eve. He just wanted to go to his pal Eddie's place, enjoy the block party, get fashionably drunk, and maybe get a kiss from someone random at midnight. Probably brunch on New Year's Day.
As it was, he woke up in his one-bedroom flat on the morning of 31 December feeling bloated and strangely jittery, like a bottle of soda shaken to its limit and left out for some unsuspecting schlemiel to open and spray half the room in Diet Pibb Xtra. Stretching didn't seem to help ... and when the lynx stumbled into the bathroom, he was only half surprised to find his wiry body graced with a rounded little potbelly that stretched out his abs.
"This is new," he muttered, prodding carefully at his sudden convexity. It didn't hurt, didn't feel uncomfortable ... if anything, the soft pressure of his broad paws on his tight middle was more pleasurable than he wanted to admit. In the end, he threw on some baggy clothes and went about his day as normal.
By noon, however, Levy was getting nervous. That feeling of energetic pressure had been slowly building, and his jeans were riding low under the furry bowling ball he was carrying on his hips -- and he could swear they were getting wider too as he went about his errands. And yet no one he knew acted like they noticed anything weird! He decided to test this theory when he ran into Eddie at the grocery store.
"I ... dunno if I can make it to the party tonight," Levy stammered to the rotund bear. "I've been having some kind of swelling issue today, and I might have to go to urgent care if it gets too much worse ..."
"Aww, that's too bad, buddy! You know we'll miss you ... but you know you don't gotta feel embarrassed about your weight, right?" Eddie gave Levy an impish grin. "Not when I'm here to make everyone look skinny! Besides ... some women go for the 'dad bod' look, you know?" And without even asking, he gave the lynx's round belly a conspiratorial pat. Levy tried to protest, but ... that felt way too nice ... and he could swear it left him imperceptibly heavier ..?
The day passed in a blur. A round, growing blur. Every time Levy tried to hide out at home, another surprise errand popped up to drag him halfway across town, hauling his bloated gut with him. And everywhere he went, familiar people completely glossed over his new addition like it wasn't even a thing. His boulder of a belly, wider hips, rounder backside drew as much attention as an extra throw pillow on a couch.
In fact, the only way people acted differently was how often their hands found his middle. It never seemed to be intentional, but Levy was no less perturbed by the relentless parade of pats, presses, wobbles, rubs, caresses ... did he look like a statue of Budai to them? Worse, why did every touch feel so good? At this rate, he was going to be craving tummy rubs like a common house cat. And it was still growing.
By the time Lev arrived at Eddie's house, he was exhausted. Even his thicker thighs were having trouble hauling the tan beach ball everywhere, and he could swear he'd walked every inch of the city and talked to (and gotten felt up by) every person in it. The lynx gave up on dressing up nice for the evening, squeezing his massive body into the largest sweatpants he owned and hoping a sweater would cover at least his bloated chest.
And still he was the most popular person there! Neighbors he'd never even met found their way over to chat him up, wish him well, unconsciously pat his belly for luck ... at 10:30 exactly, Levy's sweatpants gave up the ghost and left him in his boxer briefs, and STILL no one seemed to notice or care. He wanted to panic, but all the belly rubs kept his mind swimming in a haze of too much pleasure.
By 11:45, Levy was pretty sure that literally every person in the city had touched his gut that day. It was the size of a yoga ball, heavy and tight and occasionally pulsing, shifting ... he was literally bare from the chest down, too big for any clothes he owned, and yet the other partygoers were completely oblivious. Was he going mad? Was he--*urk*--
The sudden jolt of squeezing pressure drove Levy to his knees. "H--holy shit, what now--hngrrreaouwrrh?!" He clutched as much of his belly as he could wrap his arms around. "... you've got to be kidding me ..!"
And suddenly Eddie's arm was around Levy's shoulders. "Hey, there you are." The plump bear gave an easy smile as he knelt next to the bloated lynx. "You doing all right, buddy?"
Suddenly Eddie's eyes widened, as though he saw Levy's condition for the first time. "Holy--" But then he grinned. "Dude, this is amazeballs ... are you, like, actually pregnant? Lookit the way it moves when I touch it!"
Levy was ... less than impressed, but his focus was on his heaving, flexing middle, which had started to glow on top of everything else. Worse, his body was reacting with even more pleasure, especially now that Eddie was rubbing over his belly in slow, steady circles ...
Time seemed to slow around him, people moving in a haze, an electric current running up and down his body and sending shudders through him. He was vaguely aware of other people in the room, but their attention was on the TV, chanting with a deep pulsing rhythm that seemed to match the throb of his own body ... fiiiiiive ... fooooouuur ... threeeeee ... twoooo ... wuuuuuuhhhhhh ...
Levy threw his head back in a screaming yowl, back arching hard and hips slamming forward as streams of pure energy erupted from him and bathed the room in every hue of light imaginable. The pyrotechnics on the TV screen were nothing compared to the fireworks blasting out of his body, sending a spectral shockwave across the city and bathing the people in a flood of hope and goodwill. By 12:01, Levy was out cold, utterly spent.
"Znuhh?" Levy groaned and rubbed at his face. His paws felt heavier than usual ... all of him did, really.
"Sorry - I said, are you feeling all right?" Eddie was kneeling next to the lynx as he lay on the bear's couch. The bear had gotten a bit confused about how to help Levy recover and was dabbing the lynx's forehead with a handkerchief dipped in chicken soup.
"Never better, and that scares me." He gave a sheepish smile and sat up slowly. At least Eddie had covered Levy's lower half with a bedsheet ... even then, Levy was aware of some lingering bonus effects. "Did ... did all that really happen? I blew up like a party balloon and splooged good luck all over the city?"
"Your guess is as good as mine, dude." Eddie laughed, and his own soft belly bounced against the old football jersey he wore. "All I know is, the rest of the guests didn't even skip a beat. Just went right on partying till they all wandered home." After a moment, a wry smile crossed the bear's muzzle. "So do you do that every year?"
"I ... have no idea," Levy mumbled truthfully. "Had no idea what was going on there, got scared out of my mind ... Honestly, the way no one else noticed, I thought I'd gone insane." His expression softened a bit as he looked back to Eddie. "... thanks for helping me know it was real."
"Any time." Eddie gave Levy's hand a tender squeeze. "... hey, uh ... I know this is sudden and all, but ... you wanna come get New Year's brunch with me? You can borrow a pair of my pants, because hot damn, boy ..."
Levy doubled over cackling for a moment at Eddie's candor ... but when he sat up again, he was smiling warmly. "Y'know ... I think I'd like that."
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the-firebird69 · 21 days
There are several businesses that we took over and several that we have cordoned off and shall take over shortly the stock market was where we began
-we have about 90% in the Telecom company and that's what it's called and we're going to fix everything it's a lot of work
-50% in Comcast and infinity and that's what the company is we have controlling share we are beginning to make changes now and we're going to reinstate the government programs ridiculous everybody's poor. The government is willing to do so
-we have taken over 50% of Boston Edison no that's a tough one but we have 50% of one of the world's largest energy companies and construction firms Bechtel and that's controlling share we expect a lot of people to try and get in there and it will clean tons of them out and yeah we'll be able to get him his funding and they'll see that it's from them and that's the motif
-they're also some other companies that we took over fast food restaurants literally there are probably about 20,000 of them and their teams and we are taking them over we have about 40% of those at the 50% share and plus and we're making changes to the menu now eventually we'll have it all but this week we think we will have total of 60% at 50% shares where revamping all of their menus
-we have taken over Lane distributors and they distributed for food companies and we have 51% and we're making changes and we'll have more shares shortly. Included with them no but additional green we have 49% you might have 50% today and getting a report that says we do so he's clapping and we will begin changes today and tonight all night and they are shipping company too as is Lane and they're very big international and we'll have probably 60% shares by the end of the week, Westlake we have 30% and we're seeking at 50% this week but there's something different about that company they're having trouble and the owners want to sell it they're not doing any business and nobody will deliver even when they're ordered to from their own people it's actually making it harder what's the point well 20% of their business was to Australia but we will assume control and bring it to Mexico or South America or California or through the Gulf around the horn and all of those are an option and we're going to look at it and he says if it's an option we should go for it and it's true we now have 20% they want to sell 40% and that would be within the next few days and they don't know who's really buying it but they want to put it out so we're going to seek that this other companies for sale but these are huge there's another distributor Kroger foods and we have 20% this week we think we'll have 60% but moving forward so we have some other companies we acquired
-they are selling some other companies that are pretty big they're not yet selling Walmart but we are gaining and have like 30% chance now and still only 15 or less and we simply have to get those but they don't want to so we are purchasing chairs stater Brothers and they sell to like five grocery store chains and there are three other companies and we're buying those and they're grocery store distributors one of them is Lakeland or not and we have only 20% but this week and the other is the pretty big one Richmond they do it all over the world and we're only at 10% but we're trying to buy more
-there's a couple other things John remillard is playing bad boys song saying he's a cop and we see he's going to do the series trying to come here as one as a black guy or something and we're going to get him every time and it's fast he does a lot everyday and every night fully aware of how many times it needs to
-those other things too happening along with purchases we made last week like Morrison Knudson we are purchasing floor Daniel we're at 40% a little bit more but we're getting there soon we're going to be there and we are going to have control and share in the meantime we are taking tons of stuff over and coordinating off huge areas they see it and they want to sell so tomorrow they will probably sell 20% and we'll be right there and we'll mobilize we're mobilizing Morrison now and it's probably why he is making all these songs it's like a happy-go-lucky thing look at each other stuff I would try harder. There's a few other companies we're still not too close but this week will be a deciding factor the reasoning is that they are not building things and we're going to cordon off all their holdings outside of the center areas and they will sell and we'll take it over
-there's a huge deal with regards to who has control over oil and gas it's finally coming to a head with Max but we have about 40% of the domestic oil and gas production and we're going to grab more because we have to preserve it and use it for that it's going well a huge company is coming to us with sales is not right but we're buying stock we have about 30% across the board and a couple of them they're not too huge we're going to have this week and that's great the oil fields are part of it within their companies
-other areas we are working very hard in making purchases but we have to coordinate off areas outside because they were trying to turn into military complexes and we are having battles over it tons of them everywhere and they are losing of course but it's increasing in ferocity not decreasing as soon they will have to stop
-we've had a few successes a Chevy and Ford are starting up their plants all over the place but it's within the pseudo empire areas everybody agrees that it sucks so they need them they still have stupid things in them but pretty soon we'll take it over and they won't we have 20% in each and we will move on the rest we'll have it in a few months and we are going to start up firebird Pontiac that is in just a few days we're beginning production and no but we are gathering up the factories we have about 80%, but 90% of those are in our areas and we have to turn off the other ones but it's a real touchy subject we tried a few and it is very touchy so we're going to do it to a parent will do it to attract and so does ideas are pretty good so we might try that.
-we have an idea of what to do but his ideas are very nice there's another topic we need to discuss so we're going to publish
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
capriciouscaprine · 2 months
saturday and numbers!
had all sorts of frustrations actually getting my new phone into my hands from UPS so I still haven't got it and probably won't until monday that the earliest :/
had low f ham slices (20 * 4 = 80) and a microwave vegetables medley with potatoes (200), and wow potatoes are filling!! I haven't actually finished it yet, I've set it aside for later, that's how filling it was
now, I am actually an unhinged student stressing about my final presentation, which is due on tuesday; my problem is I struggle significantly with low energy after work, to the point that forming sentences becomes difficult; of course, caffeine allegedly helps with this, although I usually don't feel the effects of caffeine particularly strongly anymore, which sounds like maybe I need to go overboard with it to feel the effects
SO, I'm planning on doing a caffeine drink haul after work and cramming this presentation for as long as I possibly can tonight, which probably won't be all that long compared to most college students but will hopefully get it almost completely finished
the wild part is that on paper I don't even have that much to write, but I'm trying to genuinely make it a creative presentation that looks good, and the amount of customization I'm having to do for the backgrounds and layouts is putting me behind; however, I genuinely want to be proud of this presentation and have it be a true representation of myself and what I've learned over the past five years, so I'm putting in the effort to do that
I am going to go for lower c options for my energy drinks (no full sugar monster or starbucks frappes); tho I might pick up one of their grab and go bags of 2-3 cookies if they have them and they're ~250 c; if they don't have them out I'll see about a new bag of arrowroot cookies (20 c each); honestly the thing I'll have to be strict with myself about is not spending too much TIME there, as this is not a time to shop for groceries, just get my drinks and get home to work on my presentation
otherwise, I'm going to have more of my frozen veggie meals today, so we'll see where that all nets out by the end of the day
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noveldivergence · 5 months
Jan. 6, 2024 Update
Still sick (not covid) but had to mask up and go to Target to grab more shampoo and conditioner because a miracle occured: both bottles ran out within a week of each other. Don't think that's ever happened to me?
Chapter one is polished up and it's longer than it was even before, which delights me, cause I feel like I did it to spite just that one guy from yesterday's update lmao. Still some pacing issues near the end, but I need to move to chapter two lest I get caught in editing Groundhog Day and never move forward. I really have a lot of confidence in this project being good enough to actually query an agent once it's done. Might face a lot of initial or ultimate rejections, but worth trying!
Probably won't get chapter two done tomorrow though--have to get groceries and then have a book club meeting. Though if I feel horrendous I won't go to the book club mixer. But it's also right beside my favorite art supply store so....the temptation is greater possibly. We'll see.
Drawing classes are progressing but not as quickly as I hoped--that SAID, I acknowledge that's because I'm impatient. I'm trying to work on that too, but that's slow going...ironically.
Keeping a physical commonplace book isn't working out so I think I'm going to create it in Notion? Maybe? Makes my hands hurt to write that much with a pen, even worse than crochet and needlework, which are less frustrating for me. I'm hope that when I get my fountain pen and inks it's not too bad :/ I'm still excited about them though! I've got a Kaweco Sport pen, a converter, and some Diamine inks on the way, as well as some alcohol markers (skin tone pack and a general colors pack).
Gonna see if I can get any of chapter two written tonight, I suppose.
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quixotickaya · 11 months
First of all, @staff, the fact that I can't make a title for my entries from the mobile app is probably 40% of the reason that I don't use your platform more often.
The rest of this is irrelevant to you, most likely. Thanks for reading.
ANYWAY, I shut down my weight loss TikTok the other day, and it had a lot to do with feeling like a failure. As I'm walking along tonight, I find that I'm reminding myself that my feelings are inside me. People can't see them, don't somehow just know them, don't adapt based on their perceptions of how I feel. They are relevant to me, and with rare exception, that's about it.
I'm out in the woods now at dusk on a Wednesday getting eaten alive by mosquitoes because I had to find a way out of that section of my brain before I was eaten alive by my own thoughts. It's got everything to do with me, myself, and I, and nothing to do with my partner, my job, my family, my friends, etc... of course it doesn't help that I haven't had a therapy session in almost a month, leaving me with no one to bounce this shit off of who can't take it personally.
Back to the weight loss thing, I'm sure I've said this before, but this journey is my own. I keep feeling like I owe it to the world to publicly track my progress, check in, tell people what I'm eating, explain how wanting to be healthy IS SELF LOVE, not an inability to accept my body the way it is... You get my point?
One of the problems that I mentioned having concerning losing weight in the past was that everybody seems to think it's their business to comment on my body when I gain or lose. It's like I have no privacy, no say in my own body no matter what I do. I never thought about how putting all of that on the Internet for everyone to see might exacerbate that problem. Maybe I thought that if it was going to be public anyway, I may as well make it super public. Maybe I didn't, and it was completely subconscious. I don't really know. At this point, I have moved to another state where people don't really know me, and I have so much less to fear by walking into the local grocery store and having someone comment about my weight, because chances are they've never met me before anyway. I'm thinking that maybe I need to seize this opportunity instead of running from it. I need to stop talking about it, and just do it. I need to be more deliberate about finding motivation, and I need to stop trying to find it in other peoples comments, because no matter what I do to my body, someone is going to have something shitty to say about it. I could step on the scale tomorrow morning and weigh 150 pounds, go out to Walmart, and run into someone who tells me that I am "too skinny," and that I "look sick." That's one of the comments that I've been afraid of this whole time, one of the ones that eats away at me  from a decade ago when it happened to me when I was working at Shaws. I guess I can't ever stop people from having opinions, but I can keep my shit to myself as much as possible, and flip off anyone who thinks they have a right to stick their nose in.
My goal is my goal. My journey is my journey. I choose to walk a lonely path, even avoiding my own husband and family because they want to eat large meals and decadent desserts, and I just don't want to feel like garbage anymore.
I guess that's it for now. We'll see if I stick to it.
-Ky Star
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Episode 14: "It's just us two, plus this extra vote."—Zee
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In this round: Alex destroys the competition in Puzzle Paradise; Jack narrowly beats out Colin on Purgatory and comes back after tribal council; Zee plays another idol but ultimately doesn't need it (on brand); Champ dabs throughout tribal council; the newly formed 28 and Up alliance splits their votes in case Zee has an idol; and they would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids and their Banked Vote
Okay, well the back-up plan still worked! Props to Jack for going down swinging and for making it until that last tribal before ever receiving a vote. And props to Champ for reading the way the votes were headed. So Trin is talking jury management and I'll be honest: Kaleigh and Michael are both playing bigger games than me, when I think on it. Michael has had 2 big moves so far and the girls are at least still talking to Kaleigh, but they've fully stopped talking to me. Steven sent his advantage to Kaleigh, Astyn would probably vote Michael as an original Calypso unless they were still upset that he's the one who went home over them, and I'm not gonna get Kolby's vote cause he think I flipped on Soca (props to Zee for that gotta admit). I burned Eman at least once at this point, with stealing their half of the extra vote, though to be fair, that was only a last resort after Zee stole Michael's. Jack I could maybe get but he reached out to me specifically about the Eman move which we ended up not doing so he could easily be feeling burned by that, but realistically he's probably just more impressed with Michael's/Kaleigh's game over mine. Tony would vote Michael. Steven and Colin are the only ones that really feel up in the air but they're also probably impressed by Michael's moves. I am. Even if the girls don't want to vote Kaleigh they'd probably vote Michael over me. There's still a lot of game to go, though, and I don't want to get ahead of myself. But I don't see how I win unless I'm in the finale with other people and tbh that's not a Final 3 I want to be in!! This is all for fun (and stress) and Michael and Kaleigh are the ones I had the most fun with so obviously if I can't win, I want one of them to! I Sorry I'm bad at wordle and choose your own adventures so I never found an idol, I guess? I can make the case that my game was always more social and that I was always willing to be flexible until someone made it clear they were no longer interested in working with me, but at a certain point, all y'all made it clear you didn't want to! If I keep offering I either look a fool or desperate. Again, this is getting aaaahead of myself and damn I would love to get immunity at least once for both security and a little bragging rights, but we'll see what happens. Even if I am kind of the goat out of the three of us, I can't NOT hope that our 3-person minority could make it to the end together after all this.
LET'S! FUCKING! GOOO! I'll have more to say later, once more strategy gets talked, but FUCK THIS FEELS GOOD. I DOMINATED THAT.
sigh this game is rly something huh??? colin and jack are in purgatory, we are at final six, and colin is presumably coming back today. zee lost her vote last round so i’m guessing colin did that LOL wonderful. who will go home tonight? i do not know. i need to go to the grocery store for pesto and tinned fish. so. we have champ and zee, obviously a tight pair, and then me, alex, michael, and tony. champ and zee are SCRRAAAAAMBLING! i do feel zee has an idol, but that might j be bananas. but i do feel it. she is RELENTLESS. now saying she’s down to flip on champ. my god. maybe we will try to make it seem like it’s gonna be champ in the hopes that zee will feel safe enough to not play her idol (if she has one) and then j vote for zee. i still have my steal a vote and my idol. idk what’s gonna happen tonight. alex won the puzzle challenge and did insanely well, good for u alex!!! like damn!!! everyone has been kinda offline for the past couple days, it feels like we are j all burnt out - we have been playing for 33 days and i’m just zzzzzz tired. we’ll see what’s in store tonight. also i started reading a good book it’s called the indifferent stars above :)
So we lost Jack last tribal after Tony flipped, another hot girl, gone with the wind. This is very much not ideal, however I did expect it. Tony and Michael are Ride or Dies, I’ve been saying this since we hit the merge. Michael and Tony refuse to vote each other, so when Tony suggested Michael last tribal I had a bad feeling, especially with Eman gone, Tony had no reason to align with us anymore. But I banked my vote in the hopes that things would go well, and as a bit of security in case they didn’t. Currently there’s six of us left, Champ and I have been playing from the bottom/in the hot seat ever since the Raffy vote out, and since then our numbers have been quickly dwindling from flips and vote outs. It’s just us two, plus this extra vote. Problem is, I don’t want to use my idol, because if I use my idol and Champ goes home, then I’m idolless, and I was planning to use this to idol myself into final four. Our only hope right now is to pull one or two people from the other side onto our side.
Last night I said to Kaleigh like, what is going to happen once they finally vote the rest of us out? They’ll have to turn on each other. I should probably say more about that today too tbh. Like, she’s the only girl, and if Jack comes back that means they’ll have to turn inward at final four, and if not, they’ll have to turn inward at final five if Colin is the one to come back. Tony and Michael would bring each other without a doubt, so it would be her or Alex battling it out in final four, or Alex would vote with the majority in final five, adding Kaleigh to the Jury. All she replied last night was “oh I’ll have to think about it. I want to see the challenge results.” which roughly translates to “Oh I won’t be voting with you, I just want to see if either of you win the challenge so we know who to pick.” Kaleigh also said last night that she “wasn’t willing to go to rocks” if it was a 3-3 vote, so I suggested she bring in Alex and we vote Tony or Michael, genuinely I don’t even care if it’s Tony at this point. I doubt she will but we’ll see.
The final countdown! I’ve obviously flipped over to the 28+ club and it’s been nice so far. I’m trying to go final 4 with Alex, Kaleigh, and Michael but tbh, would love to make it to final two with Michael but only time shall tell! I’m nervous if Jack returns as he knows I voted for him. I’m also nervous about Colin because I’m not sure if he’ll want to work with me.
Me and Champ really need to bust our asses off and pull some A-level gameplay in order to survive this tribal in the slim hopes that Jack comes back. I’m suggesting that we tell Tony that Alex and Kaleigh suggested either him or Michael for the tribal, and that they’re planning to blindside them, maybe even fabricate some messages that Kaleigh could have written. Tell them that since it’s only us two we genuinely don’t care anymore and just wanted to let them know. Then suggest that they Vote Kaleigh with us. I mean, I’ve been playing/trying to play a pretty honest game so far, but at this point it doesn’t really seem worth it if it means I get voted out. I really don’t want to waste my idol. Not after last time. Also there’s at least one other idol out there that somebody else found, and it could be Alex or Kaleigh since Alex said that stupid chicken phrase. If we can scatter their votes, then we can have the power in numbers with our three votes. And we could finally get Michael out, OR, vote Kaleigh, but I don’t really want to take that risk.
Last ditch efforts to flip me by zee and Champ are kind of wild, but it's survivor. Feel like I'm going home tonight, every night I don't go home from last tribal on is a win to me. They should really cut me. If they were smart they would cut me rn.
Everyone left in the game is so ugly tbh except queen Zee- she’s so iconic duh! Musty Michael thinks he’s running the game LOL! Anyways tonight I’m dressed for my funeral tonight🫶🏻
Tribal Council
Zee: Tony (Bonk)
Zee (Banked Vote): Tony (Bonk Bonk)
Alex: Champ (I’m just part of a split that’ll hopefully result in you still being here. If not, nothing personal I promise <3.)
Kaleigh: Zee (i somehow doubt ur going home but ily :’))
Michael: Champ (Hey no hard feeling we just ended up on different sides, I could see myself playing with you in the future! Who knows it could be me tonight.)
Tony: Zee (your challenge endurance is unmatched and I’ve had a great time playing with you.)
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Bathroom is looking lovely, I have a couple more hours to go of work, and then it's game night. I'm probably going to have myself a nice little soak after game night and maybe do a full wash day routine since I haven't in a while. Then it's blessedly my weekend and I will be enjoying the heck out of it (while also finishing the tidying of course)
I did the full cleaning supply inventory while I was at the bathroom one, and we definitely needed more than I thought. I picked a couple of useful extras and a couple of bath bombs because fuck it. It'll be a while before I can order everything, but that's okay. It'll be nice to have a fresh supply of cleaning things to get excited about. Also looking forward to moving the air freshener bottles around so that the unscented one is in the kitchen and the fun scented ones are in the bathroom and bedroom finally. Want my bedroom to smell like fresh cherry jam. Might do that bit early since the air freshener bottle is getting low.
Anyway, there's still a bit more cleaning to do in the kitchen and bedroom of course, but today's work already makes the apartment look much nicer. I wonder if I might bother reorganizing the bathroom shelves while running my bath tonight to make it even tidier looking. Probably so, but we'll see. If I do that, I may organize and clean the inside of the sink cabinet too.
Wifey usually does the bulk of the kitchen cleaning, so I'll probably just come along behind her and scrub the floors, cabinets, and baseboards. I may or may not actually tackle the fridge tomorrow. That's really its own whole project because I should empty it out, unplug it, and clean all the parts thoroughly, which maybe isn't the best thing to do right after getting groceries lol. Might put that one off again for now. And of course the biggest thing about Monday is laundry. I want to clear out my dresser and sort through all my clothes for things to scrap and so I can actually fit all my clean clothes put away at once in my dresser. That should be the biggest project, and everything else is just a quick sweep and mop and maybe washing the dog food bowl.
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evebjournal · 1 year
Alright, it's been a hectic week shall we say. I've been quite busy with NaNoWriMo and basically, life happened so that's why I've kind of been forgetting to post but that's okay because I will get back on track. Last weekend my cousin had come to visit so I went over to see her. We watched Bela Lugosi's Dracula and then Bram Stoker's Dracula and it really inspired me on my current WIP. I've horribly titled 'The Last Drop', it's just a working title for now. I'm horrible when it comes to story titles.
I managed to write 923 words and finished Chapter Seven so that seems like a small win to me. Hopefully, I'll be able to write tomorrow but seriously debating on whether or not to go to the gym, but I have to go grocery shopping first ugh. Well, we'll just have to see what happens tomorrow.
Smoked some new strains today. Tried Jungle Cake + Walter White and White Gushers for my evening smoke. Jungle Cake and Walter White were a total vibe, very nice and euphoric. Had a good case of the giggles and it helped a lot with my back pain. Then smoked White Gushers and it made me cough but it was really nice. However, the taste of Jungle Cake and Walter White, the taste was like a creamy blueberry desert with a nice kick of diesel in there. Well, I'm off to Dreamland now. I hope I don't have nightmares like I did last night. I should probably also do some skincare but I think I am too tired for that tonight.
G'night lovelies,
~ Eve
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