#we'll be back with another update next Monday!
224bbaker · 1 month
An update and a thank you from 224B Baker Street!
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Hello again, detectives!
While the crowdfund for season 2 of Fawx & Stallion technically wrapped up a few days ago, we thought it would be good to take a day or two to regroup, take a nap, and think of a few words to express our thanks. This being May 4th, the day in 1891 that Sherlock Holmes fell to his (alleged) death at Reichenbach Falls, it seemed strangely fitting to say a few words about the story of the detectives across the street and slightly to the left on the day Holmes ever so temporarily bowed out of his own story.
Last Monday, we crossed 100% of our goal. And on Thursday, we ended our campaign with 104% of our goal. We are beyond honored and completely grateful to everyone who donated, shared, sent along encouraging words, recommended, baked, drew, wrote, all of it, in support of us bringing more of this show into the world.
Everyone working to create this show has made art at some point that feels like it went out into the void--something they felt deeply, sacrificed for, put small, weird, jagged, still-beating parts of themselves into day after day, and then never knew if the thing those parts of themselves funneled into actually reached another human. Much less another human who saw themselves in it. We've been quite honest about the fact that our characters are very much an exploration of that feeling, of wanting to be seen, wanting the things we've done to be seen, to matter to someone.
We could write a million words, fifty seasons of audio drama, and never truly be able to put into words how grateful we are to you for reaching back to the art we create and telling it "I see this. I felt it. I love it. I want more."
Creating art is so hard. Most things are hard, but art is Hard, especially as the world and the algorithm and the AI and the Content creeps in and shuts off means of doing the personal, weird, silly, risky little things with any sort of official funding. It's why we funded season one ourselves, because we thought it was worth it. It means more than the world to know you thought so too.
And now, with all of that self-indulgence done: a practical update on NEXT STEPS!
MAY 2024:
We'll spend this next month prepping crowdfund rewards--writing thank you notes, getting extra supplies of stickers (they were VERY popular), etc! We expect those rewards to go out mid-Summer. The annotated Scandal in Bohemia will go out to our $30+ donors later this month via email. Also, if you pledged at $250 or up (THANK YOU again), we will be reaching out to secure details of your perks (start thinking of what mystery you'd like us to solve!). If you are expecting an email and do not receive one by the end of the month, please check your spam folder and if nothing is there, reach out to us via IGG!
We are also in the process or pre-production currently! This season will have a cast of roughly 22 voice actors, so we're taking the full month to get our recording plan. We'll also spend the month refining scripts, doing rehearsals, working with our composer on some original pieces (perhaps some violin) and giving our fantastic sound designer, Sarah, time to do the prep work she needs, and laying the groundwork for what is looking to be a very full summer of production! We look forward to updating you as the season progresses!
Again, thank you. Thank you. This second season is, aptly, a bit of an inverse of our first season. It's about the weight of expectation. How to operate in the world when you go from unknown to known. Invisible to spectacular. Alone to loved. It's also about a murder at a theme park but that's a bit less relevant to the emotional core of what I'm driving at here. But actually, fuck it, I guess it's still relevant, because we've always been excited about the weighty and the silly all the same.
So again, and not for the last time: #ForAmbrosius
-Lauren, Ian, and the whole Fawx & Stallion Team
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fujocoded · 2 months
Tiers spotlight
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We’re now about 48 hours in and already so close! Without further ado, it’s time to showcase all our pledge levels and the rewards you can get for giving us your seed... money.
See them all here ⬇️ and go under the cut for a longer description.
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Back our campaign here!
Tiers descriptions:
First of all, not pictured, we have the classic $1 “thank you” reward tier. While this tier doesn’t give you any reward other than our fervent gratitude, it will give you access to future updates and our a-la-carte add-on menu where you can choose from our campaign merch & more
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Next up, the “digital rewards” tiers. "Lime" includes our old-school website badges (see pic), and "lemon" adds in 20% off the store this campaign will fund! 
If you’re nervous about shipping fees (collected later) this is a good option to bide your time and still give some!
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One level up we get to the physical rewards. "Orange" will get you one of our logo sheets (again, see picture) to add some fujin pride to your favorite items.
If you *really* like stickers, the lime tier is for you! In addition to the logo sticker sheet, lime will get one of our two exclusive sticker sets.
Choose between the brand or slogan set, show everyone your tech-flavored humor, and support our artists! Spotlight coming soon.
Is one sticker set not enough? We hear you! Add as many as you want in our add-on page. You can even get an extra "legacy pack" with older stickers from the BobaBoard store–featuring some of the same artists as this campaign!
(A note: our sticker designs are subject to small tweaks in design and specs. They need one more tiny bit of polish!)
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With lemon and grapefruit, things start getting spicy 💦 In addition to all previous rewards, you can now get one (or TWO!) mix-and-match tote or t-shirts from our "stealth supporter" or "proud fujin" sets.
Once again, if you want more the add-ons tab is your friend!
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Last (definitely not least) our sponsor Fujin tiers. In addition to all the previous rewards, our sponsor tiers buy you a special, exclusive spot on our website's supporters wall.
Want to watch this wall being created? See you Monday at 3PM PDT at https://www.twitch.tv/essentialrandomness 
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And with this, our tiers spotlight concludes! As a reminder, you can snatch additional items in the add-ons tab. Some of these, like our exclusive "catboy bathwater" or cheaper-than-ever FujoBoards, are not included in any tier by default!
See you soon with the unveiling of our stretch goal add-ons. And don't forget: once we hit 45 backers, we'll unveil yet another sticker! Only 8 backers to go!
Back the campaign here
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conkers-thecosy · 7 months
So, this might be long, but I wanted to write a proper wee writing update. I have my fingers in a few pies and as October is coming to an end, and thus "Bagginshield-tober" with it, I thought it might be nice to let folks know what my plans are as far as projects go!
I've got three chapters left to write for "Stealing Moments, Moments Away" - I've decided not to do the prompt for Sunday, so this weekend I'm going to park my butt in my desk chair and write those last few chapters. I'm out on Tuesday (my friend is doing a drag show, so I'll be at work all day, then going out for dinner and drinks right after) so I won't have time to update the final chapter on Tuesday. I'm thinking of updating Monday's chapter on Sunday, and Tuesday's on Monday, but we'll see!
Once that's done, I'm going to take a few days off! I wouldn't usually, but I've had such a busy month and I got a bit burned out there for a bit, so I think I need to start scheduling breaks for myself. Next weekend I'll get cracking on "Backs to the Wall" and hopefully get back to weekly chapter updates with that once again!
Now, I know folks were waiting for me to start "King" in November (because that was the original plan!) but if October has taught me anything, it's that I can't work on multiple projects, haha 😅 I had meant to do NaNoWriMo and work on it for that, but honestly? I got so stressed when I was writing "Poet" for Camp NaNo and it's actually the fic I'm least proud of in my whole collection. I've worked so hard on the series, I really want to do the finale justice!
I do feel bad because I know folks are waiting for this one, but I'm going to focus on "Backs to the Wall" first, then write the smutty one-shot set directly after "Poet" and then work on "King". I really hope no one is too disappointed, as it's likely that I won't make a start on it until the new year now - please forgive me! 🙏 
After that I have another canon-verse one-shot that I've been toying with since day dot, and then I might branch out into some AU ideas. But that's a ways off yet!
I know this is a bit of a long post, and honestly I don't know how much anyone will be interested in any of this, but I just wanted to document it somewhere for anyone who might be wondering what I'm up to! I wouldn't want to leave anyone hanging, especially after changing plans with regards to what I'm working on in November.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and supporting and showing any kind of interest in my little fics! I mean to keep scribbling out my silly bagginshield nonsense for a good while yet, so your enthusiasm keeps me going!
Ily guys! 💛
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severussquick · 6 months
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Welcome to my little fic rec event that I just made up! I have decided to put together a month of fics that I really loved and share them with you - one per day!
Each day of the week is themed, and you can see what kind of a story is coming from the calendar below. I'll keep this post updated with links to each rec post as they come out, so if you miss one you can always check back here.
The posts will go out at 8am NZDT/11am PST/2pm EST/8pm CET which means that for most of you I am posting from the future! Don't worry about it, you'll catch up!
The Themes!
I have chosen these themes for the fics I want to rec because when I looked through my bookmarks, subscriptions, and history there were some definite patterns. Many MANY fics are still sitting in my to-rec pile so if you all like this let me know and I'll do another.
Bottom Snape
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Self explanatory! It's Snape as a bottom, I adore this and very much wanted to share my favourites with you!
Time Travel
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Oh Boy Am I A Sucker For Time Travel Stories!!!!! It's so bad I actually had to draw the line and disqualify Time Loop stories from consideration or else you'd have gotten a Month Of Time Travel! I'll do the loops next time.
Voldemort Wins AU
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I really like these, they're always so fascinating with how they portray 'victory' for the Death Eaters (spoilers - it always sucks So So Bad). Most of these are pretty Dark so heed the tags.
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Snape! But a woman! That's it. That's the category. These particular fics I'm recommending are classic gender-bends, not Trans Snapes, just FYI.
Marriage Law
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Probably only second to Time Travel in terms of Tags I Am On The Hunt For. I am a sucker for these. It's a bottle episode, but the bottle is a marriage! Love that!
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Stories focused on Snape and only Snape, character studies and such. I love these and they can be hard to find!
Long Reads
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Over 100k and not falling into another category. I like to read epics so I cannot promise that the other categories AREN'T long....
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Named after the host of that one challenge way back when, this tag means that Snape is Harry's parental figure or mentor. Some feature a pre-Hoqwarts Harry, some don't, but in all of them Harry and Snape have a father-son style relationship.
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Week 1:
Monday - Bottom Snape: When Dreams Come True
Tuesday - Time Travel: Elective Affinities
Wednesday - Voldemort Wins AU: The Snidget
Thursday - Marriage Law: Legislation
Friday - Genfic: Two Hours Late
Saturday - Long Read: Chasing the Sun
Sunday - Severitus: Grease & Lightning
Week 2:
Monday - Bottom Snape: Where Have You Been
Tuesday - Time Travel: Time Mutable Immutable
Wednesday - FemSnape: Equal and Opposite
Thursday - Marriage Law: The "not-so-little" Problem
Friday - Genfic: Repast at the Table of Glorious Toxins
Saturday - Long Read: Assisted Living
Sunday - Severitus: Time Left Today
Week 3:
Monday - Bottom Snape: In Perpetuity
Tuesday - Time Travel: Falling Apart
Wednesday - Voldemort Wins AU: A Fighting Heart
Thursday - Marriage Law: We'll Fall Quietly
Friday - Genfic: Where Loyalties Lie
Saturday - Long Read: Come Once Again and Love Me
Sunday - Severitus: O Mine Enemy
Week 4:
Monday - Bottom Snape: Tonight
Tuesday - Time Travel: How Should I Greet Thee
Wednesday - FemSnape: Lady Lazarus
Thursday - Marriage Law: Happily Ever After The Fact
Friday - Genfic: Penultimate Acts
Saturday - Long Read: A Dream Carved In Stone
Sunday - Severitus: Far Beyond a Promise Kept
Week 5:
Monday - Bottom Snape: The Second-Youngest Professor
Tuesday - Time Travel: The Bat Effect
Wednesday - Voldemort Wins AU: In his embrace
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remadorafest · 5 months
Today is the first official day of Remadora Fest! We'll be posting one fic a day, Monday-Friday, for the next two weeks! Today, we kick-off with a fic titled "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back." (Also: for authors, feel free to change the posting date on your fic so it's showing as most recently updated!)
All fics will remain anonymous until the fest is over - and then we'll have a big reveal! So please join us in reading our first fic of Remadora Fest 2024!
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Summary: After Sirius's passing through the veil, Nymphadora Tonks steps up to assist Remus Lupin with his monthly transformations at Grimmauld Place.
Rating: G
Word Count: 2727
The first thing she heard after lifting the charm was snuffling. It dawned on her that it was Remus and she wondered if he could smell her. Almost immediately, though, the noise was replaced by a sharp whine. For a second, she worried it was directed at her and debated going to the door, but stayed frozen in place as it rapidly developed into a howl. She debated casting another silencing charm but was frozen in place. 
As she sat there, tears filling her eyes, the howls changed, not easily or fluidly, but they became reminiscent of screams. Then there were screams. Terrible, blood-curdling screams that rivaled anything she had ever heard. Abruptly, all of the noise stopped.
Tonks was at the door in an instant, pounding heavily on it. She tried to lift the charms and defenses, but most of them stayed firmly in place. “Remus Lupin, let me in,” she snapped. Leave it to him to charm the door so she couldn’t open it. “If you don’t open this door, I’m blowing it off its hinges.” What was he doing in there, casting cleaning charms? She thought angrily. A more likely answer, in her mind, was that he was unconscious, perhaps gravely hurt, and she couldn’t help him.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 month
4/28 - 4/29/2024
In my last update I wrote "I'll probably just crumble into dust" and while that was not actually the plan it was a completely accurate premonition. For posterity (and because I'm still sitting in this airport at demise o'clock, utterly incapable of doing anything I actually need to do), documentation of various memorable stages of dustmaking:
Stealing half an hour in late March to write about seven actual words because most of it was just sitting with the concept mentally, but it was such an indulgent wondrous slice of time. And then I deleted it all because it doesn't actually belong, but it was still an INCREDIBLY EXCELLENT TIMEEEEEE
Not thinking about Bleach or fanfic at all because there was no mental space available to it
Feeling great despair because the idea of remembering what Bleach was seemed like a lot of work, to say nothing of *having to reread my own fanfic to remember what that was*
Going to a conference which, inasmuch as it was Extremely Full of Conference, was single-track enough--in the sense that all I needed to think about was Conference, as opposed to "other people and all their problems"--that it was very easy and pleasant to Bleach LARP things.
Standing in a TSA line for so long I did, in fact, have plenty of time to start mentally drafting dialogue for three chapters from where I chronologically am in this fic, and then writing it out while taxiing on the runway! 🎉🎉
In exciting news (to me, I know Tumblr does not care whether I live or die), I do not have another major deadline until May 15. If I'm being realistic it's probably going to take that amount of time to catch up with all the regular work stuff and life stuff that's been deprioritized in favor of Big Deadlines, but I think I want to try building back my writing habit starting next week. We'll see how this week goes before I decide whether "next week" means "next Monday" or "next Saturday."
I am also eight billions years behind on fanfic I am reading and Other Posts. I wish that were something I felt capable of doing now, since I still have two hours to kill, having only killed one so far, but if it's not a rambling and inconsequential bulleted list I cannae
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study-coffee-chicago · 6 months
Halstead Headcanons Pt. 5
A/N: I wanted to write a Halstead Thanksgiving imagine and I also had a headcanon where Halstead sister chokes sitting in my drafts. Since they're both pretty short, I decided to combine them into another installment of Halstead Headcanons.
You anxiously looked at the forecast for the third time this hour. But, at this point, you knew it was no use. It was currently Monday morning and a snowstorm had hit Chicago late last night. Seeing as your 9 am Monday class was the only class that hadn't been canceled this week, you planned to leave right after class and make the eight-hour drive from Kansas City to Chicago, and planned to get back home around 9 pm at night. You, Will, and Jay had been discussing this possibility of you not coming home since last Thursday when the storm had been forecasted.
You sighed and looked at all you stuff that you had lined up in the hallway of your apartment, right beside your door. You figured maybe they'd be wrong, so maybe you'd be able to leave today...it wouldn't be the first time meteorologists had been wrong.
You dialed Will's number and put your phone on speaker as you started to make your coffee.
"Hey, kiddo," he answered.
"I can't come home. It's supposed to keep snowing and there's accidents everywhere when I get about two hours from home and--"
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Will said.
"But it's not! I wanna come home for Thanksgiving, Will!"
"And you will. Thanksgiving's on Thursday. It's only Monday. You can always make the drive on Wednesday if it clears up."
"But what if it doesn't!"
"Hey, don't think like that. The plows will be out soon and then we'll go from there, okay?"
You sniffled. "Okay."
"Now, get ready for class and me and Jay will keep you updated on the road conditions. Sound good?"
"I guess," you answered.
"If there's one thing I know about Chicago weather is that it's unpredictable, so think positive."
"Yeah. I'm gonna go now. I'll text Jay and tell him I won't be coming home today. He's probably gonna call me in the next thirty minutes, too."
"Good idea. Have a good day, kiddo. And, there's still three days until Thanksgiving, so don't stress."
"Easier said than done."
Wednesday, 7 am
Jay stood in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Then, he looked outside. It wasn't snowing as hard, but after one quick look at the traffic and road conditions online, he knew most of the roads were still glare ice. There was no way you could make the drive back.
"Morning," Hailey said. She grabbed a mug from the cupboard. "Roads not looking any better?"
"No. I don't know what to do, Hailey. I don't want her to miss Thanksgiving, but it's not safe for her to drive. I mean, we could try to go there later in the day, but with traffic and everything..."
"We wouldn't get there until the middle of the night," Hailey finished.
Then his phone buzzed. It was a text from Will. There was also a picture attached.
Train tickets? the text read with a picture of train tickets that left at 9:30 am and got into Kansas City around 5 pm.
"Don't tell my brother I said this," Jay began, "but he's a genius." Hailey furrowed her eyebrows and Jay passed her his phone. "The Amtrac is still running."
Hailey smiled. "Nine-thirty, huh? Guess we better start packing."
You curled up on your bed. Even though it was only 6 pm, it was dark. And, hey, maybe you'd sleep for over 24 hours and could sleep through Thanksgiving. You and Jay had talked this morning and he told you it still wasn't safe for you to drive home. He said that if he could drive out, he would. But, even he knew it was unsafe to drive long distances in this weather.
You were just about to turn your phone on silent and put it in sleep mode when a call came through. It was from Jay.
"Yeah?" you asked while you held back tears.
"Come to your window. We're outside."
"What? Jay, I think I heard you wrong."
"Just, come look out your window," he repeated.
"You're scaring me. I'm not gonna go look outside without knowing what I'm gonna see. It's dark outside! Is there a serial killer near me? Is that why you want me to look outside? I didn't get an emergency alert or anything!"
"Y/N, nothing's wrong. But, the Amtrac was still running and we rented a car when we got down here and--"
"You're here?!" you exclaimed and jumped out of bed and ran to your window.
You quickly peeked through the blinds and sure enough, there were Jay, Will, and Hailey standing in front of a small, blue rental car, the headlights illuminating them.
Your face lit up. "I'm coming down!"
Then, you hung up your phone and quickly threw on a hoodie over your t-shirt and slipped your feet into your shoes, not caring if the sweatpants you were wearing had a little stain on them.
You ran from the walking gate to the parking lot. "How did you guys...Scratch that! When did you guys think this up?"
Jay pulled you into a hug. "Ugh, missed you, kid. Morning's aren't the same without you trying to steal my coffee."
"You loved it," you joked.
"And, to answer your question," Will started and you gave him a hug, "It was my idea."
"Jay even went so far as to call him a genius," Hailey supplied.
"I told you not to tell him that," Jay muttered.
"Oops, must've been all the drinks I had on the train."
"You didn't even—" Jay cut himself off with a sigh. "Forget it. Happy wife, happy life."
"Glad I wasn't on that train," you muttered.
"Wasn't too bad," Will said. "If you had headphones."
"You're an ass," Jay said.
"Well, this ass was the one who had the idea to get Amtrac tickets."
"So, you're a smart ass then?"
"C'mon you guys," you said, trying your best to stop their bickering. "Grab your stuff. Let's get inside and then we can order from the pub across the street."
"Sounds good to me," Will said. "I gotta try that fried chicken sandwich you're always talking about."
"Holy shit," Will said after he took his first bite of the fried chicken sandwich. "You weren't kidding."
"I think this is one of the best things I've ever tasted," Jay agreed.
Then, Hailey quickly reached over and stole the other half of her husband's sandwich.
"I wanna try it!" Then she took a bite. "You guys are right, this is really good!"
Then, she gave Jay his sandwich back and dipped her five cheese grilled cheese that she'd gotten in her bowl of tomato soup.
"So, what are we doing for Thanksgiving tomorrow?" you asked.
"Shit. I didn't that far ahead," Will said.
"Can't get a turkey now, wouldn't thaw in time," Hailey said. "They'd probably be sold out anyway."
You stood up and started looking through your fridge. "Let's see...I have eggs, bread, milk, a bunch of condiments, wraps..." you continued listing off what you had in your fridge, freezer, and cupboard. "I probably have the stuff for sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and we can do sandwiches instead of turkey. Oh! I can also make these apple butter cinnamon rolls I've made a couple times when I have friends over."
"We can probably find rolls somewhere in the morning," Jay supplied. "And maybe some carrots somewhere for cooked carrots."
"I can make spanikopita if I can find the ingredients tomorrow," Hailey said.
"And I'll find the wine aisle tomorrow," Will said.
"Or Trulys. We can always have those," you suggested. "The tropical pack, though."
Will rolled his eyes. "Of course you'd suggest that."
"So, me and Will will go to the store tomorrow morning and you can make the cinnamon rolls. Hails, what do you need for the spanikopita?"
Hailey then told Jay what she needed and he wrote it down on his phone. Then, the four of you continued eating and thinking about everything you needed to do tomorrow.
"Morning, sleepy head," Hailey greeted when you woke up the next morning. She was standing at the stove making eggs, a cup of coffee sitting on the counter next to her. "Want some eggs?"
"Oh, you don't have to make me any. I can cook for myself," you answered.
"I know you can cook for yourself. But, I'm already cooking, so if you want some, I can make you some."
"Okay," you answered. "Thank you."
"No problem."
You went back to your room and grabbed the current book that you were reading.
"Here you go," Hailey said a few minutes later and handed you a plate of eggs and toast along with a cup of coffee.
"Thanks, Hails."
"You're welcome. Hey, you mind if I steal a book from you to read?"
You shook your head. "Go right ahead," you answered. "I'd highly recommend The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue."
"Alright, I'll read that one then."
Then, the two of you ate your breakfast and read your books and you had a quiet morning with your sister-in-law before you started cooking.
Six hours later, the grilled sandwiches were made and all the sides and the cinnamon rolls and wine were on the counter. There was a Blackhawks game on your tv since none of you watched the game that they played yesterday. And, even though it wasn't the Thanksgiving you had in mind, your brothers and Hailey still made it one to remember.
Request from anon on tumblr: Hey can you pls do a story of like the Halstead siblings with y/n Halstead (their sister) and they are at dinner and she starts choking and they like save her and she passes out and worries them
A/N: The age in this one is first grade.
For Jay and Will, grades had always been something important...well, Will a bit more so than Jay. But, they were important nonetheless and they had instilled that in you. Because of this, you were super excited to show Jay your report card after school because you had gotten all As (the A in math could definitely be attributed to your brothers going over subtraction flashcards with you almost every day). So, Will sent a quick text telling him to meet the two of you at Applebees because that's where you wanted to go for dinner. And, if you got all As (or all As and Bs, but you didn't know about the B part, which was between Jay and Will), you got to go wherever you wanted that night for dinner. Tonight, you chose Applebees.
"Will!" you exclaimed when you saw him while waiting for your table. "I got all A's!"
"I heard!" Will said, matching your enthusiasm. "You might be smarter than me!"
You quickly shook your head. "Nuh-uh."
"And what makes you say that, missy?"
"Because you a doctor!"
"Well...you're definitely smarter than Jay."
"Hey!" Jay yelled, faking offense.
"You did mess up that subtraction problem that day," Will reminded him.
"I had been up for over 24 hours!"
They quickly stopped their petty bickering when Jay's name was called for their table.
Half an hour later, you were eating your chicken tenders and fries while your brothers ate their food.
You swallowed a big bite and felt it get stuck a bit, so you took a sip of water. It still wouldn't go down and you still had the water in your mouth!
You started to cough and the water spewed out of your mouth.
Jay saw your red face and quickly started hitting your back, trying to get the food to come out.
"Keep coughing, Y/N," Will told you as he stood up and got right next to you.
You did three big coughs and still nothing.
Will crouched down next to you. "Y/N, I'm gonna get this out."
Your head was starting to feel weird, so whatever Will said, you didn't hear him. But, the next thing you knew, you felt hands wrap around your belly and then you felt yourself go forward and then back quickly and then then the big piece of chicken tender came flying out of your mouth and hit the spot in the booth where Will had previously been sitting.
You gasped for air.
"You okay, kiddo?" Jay asked and ran a hand through your hair.
You shook your head and buried your face in his chest.
"I'll go get the bill and order a milkshake for her to go," Will said and stood up.
Jay nodded and just continued to hold you.
"No more chicken and fries!" you told him.
"It's okay," he said. "You don't have to finish them. Will's gonna get you your milkshake and pay and then we're gonna go home. Does that sound okay?"
You nodded.
No more chicken tenders for you!
The next day when you came home from school, Jay inspected your lunch box and saw that all you had eaten out of it, was your juice box. It had taken a bit of coaxing last night to get you to drink your milkshake, but they finally got you to drink it by explaining that you didn't have to chew.
He walked into your room to see you grabbing some stuffed animals, presumably bringing them out into the living room to play with.
"Are you feeling okay, kiddo?" Jay asked and crouched down to your height and handed you your stuffed cat.
"Uh huh," you told him, even though your head felt funny.
"You sure? You didn't eat your lunch today."
He put a hand to your forehead. You didn't feel warm.
"Wasn't hungry," you answered.
At that, your stomach growled.
"Well, you're hungry now. How about you come eat your sandwich or Goldfish, alright? Your animals can come with you, too."
At this, you started to cry. You were scared, you felt funny, and you were hungry.
"No!" you wailed. "Just juice! I want juice!"
"Why just juice, Y/N? Why don't you want Goldfish? You love Goldfish."
"Don't want Goldfishies cause they get stuck. Like the chicken nugget!"
"No. They won't," Jay reassured you.
"How you know?"
Jay thought for a second. How could he make a first-grader understand this.
Then, a lightbulb went off in his head.
"C'mere. I gotta show you something," Jay told you.
You followed him out of your room—arms full of stuffed animals—and into the kitchen. He grabbed an empty cardboard toilet paper roll from the recycling bin and set that on the counter. Then, he grabbed a piece of bread from the fridge.
He held up the empty toilet paper roll. "This is like your mouth, okay?" You nodded. He crumpled up the piece of bread. "And pretend this is the chicken nugget you ate last night."
"But that's not a chicken nuggy! That's bread!"
Jay smiled. "I know that. But just pretend. Just like when you pretend you're a princess."
"When you put a big piece of food in your mouth, like this–" Jay tried his best to shove the piece of bread into the empty roll. "--it gets stuck," he finished. "Then, someone has to help you get it out." With a little effort, Jay managed to squeeze the piece of bread out. "Like this. That's what happened to you last night and then Will had to help you get it out."
"Uh-huh," you agreed.
Jay then proceeded to rip the bread into little pieces. "But, when the food is smaller, it doesn't get stuck. See?" He fed a few pieces of bread through the empty roll and then let them fall out the other side and onto the table. "Then they go into your tummy. You just need to make sure the food is small and chewed up."
"I just gotta bite my chicken nuggies and then they don't get stuck anymore?" you asked with a curious look on your face.
"And chew them good," Jay confirmed.
"Can I have chicken nuggies now? And Goldfishes?"
Jay laughed. In a normal scenario, he wouldn't let you have both chicken nuggets and Goldfish; he'd make you eat your sandwich that was leftover from your lunch. But, seeing as you've barely eaten today, he figured one time wouldn't kill you.
"I think we have some Dino nuggies somewhere."
You gasped excitedly. "You got me the Dino ones?"
"I did. Now, how about you and your animals go sit down and I'll bring them to you, okay?"
You did as Jay suggested and went and sat down, putting your stuffed animals on the other chairs at the table.
And, when Jay told Will about everything and how he convinced you to eat with that demonstration, Will told him that he could be a science teacher. Of course, Jay had laughed and told him no way. You were more than enough. He didn't think he could deal with twenty of you.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Don't forget to reblog and comment!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @911ls-tarlos @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88 @glitterquadricorn @luvreading67 @smoothdogsgirl @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @actlikesummerr @lcothr523 @star-wars-lover
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stars-of-kyber · 11 months
Faithfully Chapter 5: Right down the line's been you and me
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He could feel Simon and Ben’s worried eyes on his as he moved a few steps away and brought the phone to his ear. His family was aware he was busy and not to call unless it was an emergency.
“Mum?” Anthony’s voice shook as he spoke into the screen.
“Oh, thank God.” Something was really wrong. “Anthony, dear, something’s happened.”
Tragedy strikes the Sharma family and Anthony tries to help Kate deal with her grief.
Well, folks, here we are another Monday. I have one more Faithfully Chapter ready to go for next Monday and then I'll see how it goes with the regular updates.
This chapter is SAD. I cried, like actually fully cried writing it (only done it once before, while writing Lockdown). If talking about losing a loved one and grief is not your thing, maybe sit this one out. We'll be back to the fluffy fluff next week!
To my girlies, who helped me out with this... You have my all-time love and thanks, you are all amazing and I wouldn't be doing this without you hearing me blab on and on. Thank you dolls <3
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elenadoeslife · 9 months
🌧: update
Today we received notice that we have to leave this house by October 16th.
Babe and I had already been talking about looking for another place, because of the increasing mould problem. This morning he called to ask if we could be put back onto the weekly mailing list, so we can see which properties are available. That's when the secretary told him she was happy he called, because they received an email from our landlord that their contract with the landlord wouldn't be extended. The contract for them to rent out this house will therefore end on October 16th.
The old clubhouse two doors down the road was emptied out this week, so we suspect that building and this house will both get demolished at once.
Now- we were already eager to move out of this place. This news still came as a shock to the system, because we were hoping to move somewhere within the next 2-3 months (as soon as we found a suitable place). That date has been moved up to roughly five weeks from now.
We haven't received the weekly email with available properties yet. It used to get sent out on Mondays. We don't have a clue where we're going to end up this time. My only demand is to live somewhere either closer to my family, or someplace with decent public transport. Being secluded from everyone and everything hasn't been good for my mental health. And I really, really hope we can take birb with us, because not every property allows pets..
So, over the next week or two we'll -hopefully- be viewing houses, and within 5 weeks we'll be moving. Again. I'm just crossing my fingers we'll at least get to celebrate a one year anniversary at the next property, since we haven't been able to stay in one place for longer than 5 or 9 months.
Here's to the third time being a charm 🥂
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830poll · 10 months
(Happy Saturday! Today's housekeeping is rather hefty, so let's get right into it.)
(I'm sick again. Yes, really. For the third time in as many months. And for unrelated reasons. This week's ailment is a perpetual, very sore throat. Not exhausting so much as very annoying so we'll see how my concentration levels hold up.
My work/life balance is getting shifted around next week. That sounds more dramatic than it actually is lol. Point is, I'll either have way more or way less free time soon. Won't know 'til it happens so we'll see how the ol' update schedule goes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tumblr is trying very hard to be pre-Musk twitter, and that's messing up the story's archives. Okay, this is the big one. So as you've probably noticed, Tumblr has been going hard on copying Twitter's layout this past year. Some of them - like adding polls - are great news for us! And then you get the changes to the app layout and the toolbar and this tumblr live shit and good lord just stop. What worries me most is the website trying very, very hard to pivot away from custom blog themes. Most links redirect to the in-dash browser, asks can no longer be sent from people who are logged out, and if you try to read a blog without an account it eventually cuts you off and tells you to sign up. For a webcomic - even a silly, informal one like 8.30 Poll - this is very bad. It's impossible to view the story chronologically when on mobile, and posts with polls in them are set in stone so I can't even manually go back and add in links to each update. If custom themes really are getting removed then these problems will extend to desktop as well. In short, I need to find a way to back up or mirror this story. We're not moving sites because we can't. There isn't another platform out there that has all the features necessary to run a story like this (besides maybe /tg/, but I'm not prepared to run this there lol). So instead I ask how I should go about backing this up. A plain .pdf with the text and images? The animations wouldn't work but it'd be easy and accessible. A HTML5 archive (similar to the Ruby Quest ones) would be more time consuming to put together and would be incompatible with screen readers, but would improve the pacing and allow for animations. Either way, we're almost at a hundred updates so if ever there were a time to start thinking about it, it's now. 'Cause the longer I wait the more of a pain it's going to be to maintain if/when tumblr shits itself.
...And that's about it!
Thank you as always for reading, and for your patience. Can you believe this thing's been going for six months now? Wild.
Will see you all on Monday, barring unforeseen bullshit!)
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Weekly Update for 5 March, 2023
What is going on in the realm of Mind Games: Trepidation?
Chapter 5 is fully done!
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HOORAY!!! God, it feels so good to have another chapter done!!! The final word count for Chapter 5 was 41,220 (without edits). This brings the full word count of MG:T to 94,978 for Chapter 1-5, or 97,786 if I include the startup and stat page. We're nearly to 100,000 words!!! THAT'S SO EXCITING!! AAAAAAAAAH!!!!
I will say, I have not started the Interlude I just yet; I'm gonna let the game sit for tonight, Monday night, and Tuesday night, and pick it back up on Wednesday so I have fresh eyes and am ready to get some good edits in! Truly, all we have left for me to do is edits, Interlude I writing, and some minor testing as Chapter 5 has a LOT of coding. I'd dare say I put more coding in it that a few earlier chapters combined, as some of your previous choices will begin to take effect...
There's also loads of variation, so I have to make sure that registers properly, as I would truly hate for anyone to miss a section of writing just because Cy is not really great at coding. I just hope for the best every time I go to write LOL
However! I expect I'll have the game in with the betas somewhere between the 9th-12th, give them a couple of days to look at it, then it'll start to be released. Again, Patreon gets first dibs for a day, then Discord gets it for a solid day, and then it's released everywhere else publicly!!! Just something to keep in mind if you haven't joined the Bottlecap Rabbit Games discord or my Patreon!
We'll also be doing like we did last month, with a public scenario you all get to vote on, and the others go to Patreon. I actually do think it helps me write better to take a break from the script and write for fun, as it lets me see other sides to the characters I haven't been able to yet! The poll will be coming out shortly after this and will be up for a week again, so keep an eye out!
Alright, that's all I got!!! Thank you for tuning in, and I'll see you all next week!
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cocrante · 3 months
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I Start Over With You
summary: After the great battle against the forces of Gaea, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had formed a long-lasting alliance. Everything had gone well, and everyone was ready to start anew. This included Nico, who, after confessing his feelings to Percy, was prepared to open a new chapter in his life—perhaps the happiest one the Fates had ever written.
note: the chapters will be updated every Wednesday. If you want to read upcoming chapters of the fanfiction in advance, I invite you to follow me on Patreon. Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free on the platform on Mondays and Fridays. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
Reblogs are highly appreciated c:
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THE TWO DEMIGODS BID FAREWELL before returning to their respective cabins. Even though Nico intended to go out again for some more exercise before lunch.
Nico hoped to find Jason at the climbing wall, convinced that he would request an infinite rematch just to beat Jackson at least once. Upon arrival, he could confirm that his assumptions were correct. As he had imagined, he found the two boys challenging each other once again. Percy was ahead by more than a meter, while Jason was forced to remain immobile, risking – if he moved an inch – to singe the hairs on his arms. The son of Hades almost pitied him. He could easily use his powers over the air and push himself to the top without any difficulty.
"Decided to put down roots?" Percy shouted at him.
"Think for yourself, Jackson!" Jason replied, actually hesitating to move. The son of Jupiter huffed, letting himself fall, and as if made of air, he returned to the ground, noticing only at that moment who was present. "Hey!" greeted the son of Jupiter, surprised to see him. Nico responded with a nod, staring at Percy, who was about to reach the top. "What's the score?" Nico asked, injecting a hint of curiosity and sarcasm into the question. Jason remained silent, he didn't even know how many times Percy had beaten him. "Who cares!" the boy exclaimed. "Tomorrow, I'll manage to beat him" he said confidently, though it seemed like he was trying to convince himself more than Nico, who nodded out of sympathy.
A little later, the son of Poseidon descended from the wall, pushing back the hair sticking to his forehead. "For all the gods, Grace!" he exclaimed, slowly catching his breath. "I beat you again" he laughed between one sigh and another. "Hey, Nico!" he greeted, noticing him only then. "Didn't see you. When did you arrive?" he asked, stretching an arm that had become sore.
"A while ago" Nico replied.
"Do you feel like showing Grace how to overcome the wall?" he asked, leaning on Jason's shoulder, who gave him a sideways glance. Nico tried to stifle a laugh. "I'm not in the mood," he admitted. "Maybe tomorrow" he suggested, getting a nod of agreement from Percy. "I'm in!" exclaimed the son of Poseidon.
"Assuming I don't win" Jason said challengingly, removing Percy's hand from his shoulder.
"We'll see" Percy chuckled.
"This might be the time" the son of Jupiter scowled.
Between one chat and another, the conch shell sounded, drawing the attention of the demigods to head towards the dining area. The three didn't even have time to take a shower.
As that morning, the table of cabin number 13 was occupied—Annabeth and Piper were already seated, engaged in what seemed to be a very interesting conversation. However, as soon as they saw the three approaching, they immediately stopped.
Percy approached his girlfriend, giving her a kiss and sitting next to her, holding her hand. "He accepted" updated the daughter of Athena.
"Yeah, he told me" Nico replied, taking a seat on the bench. "But it still seems like stupid" he sighed, not understanding the need to bring him along.
"Well" Piper cleared her throat. "Who won today?" she asked, changing the subject.
"I did" Percy gloated, with the son of Jupiter giving him a skeptical look.
"Tomorrow, you won't be smiling!" Jason warned, getting only a compassionate nod from Percy and Piper.
The four friends talked animatedly, trying to involve Nico in the conversation, who responded only with monosyllabic answers. He was too absorbed in staring at table number 7, thinking about the morning just passed and reflecting on what the boy under the tree had told him. It was nice of him to say it, he was pretty sure he meant it, but what eluded him was why he had told him. Nico was so lost in his thoughts that he completely withdrew from the conversation, not even hearing Percy's question. "Hey, Nico" Percy called him for the second time.
"What?" he asked, returning to the real world.
"We were asking if you're joining me and Jason at the arena tomorrow" Percy asked, hoping for an affirmative answer. Nico stared at him for a moment, then said, "No" dryly, returning to focus on his plate.
"Why?" Percy asked, not wanting to drop the subject.
"Because I have things to do" he sighed, trying to appear less annoyed than he seemed. "And then, I have to meet with Will" he added, knowing they would continue to pester him. As a response, he only received quick glances from his friends, convinced that they were already building sandcastles in their minds. "He wants to learn how to fight" he explained further, rolling his eyes.
"And he asked you" said Annabeth, arousing some curiosity in Nico.
"Isn't it obvious?" Annabeth asked, unable to avoid a sweet laugh.
"What?" he looked at the girl perplexed.
"He wants to spend time with you" Piper intervened, finding it a very sweet thing. The boy looked first at one and then the other, his ears began to turn red from embarrassment due to that conversation.
"You should ask him" Annabeth suggested. Nico sought support from Jason, who instead of taking his side, nodded to what the daughter of Athena was saying.
"What should I ask him?" Nico asked, trying to maintain control over himself. "Why he likes being with you" Piper smiled.
"Okay, that's enough" Nico burst out, taking a long sigh. "I've already told you, we're just friends. There are no other reason, okay?" he tried to keep a calm tone, but he imagined he was betrayed by his gaze. "Don't get strange ideas in your heads" he added, lowering his gaze to the plate that suddenly wasn't so appetizing. Even though a small fantasy was growing inside him, but that's all it was: a fantasy, and all the chatter and encouragement from his friends served only to fuel it. Nico didn't want any kind of hope to take root in a corner of his mind—things were fine as they were. They were genuinely fine.
"You should still ask him" Annabeth insisted, not willing to wave the white flag. Nico looked into her stormy gray eyes, sure that they were already planning something.
"I'll ask him" he appeased her. "At least this way you'll be quiet" he mumbled, playing with the chicken thigh on the plate.
Later, the boys got up from the table, and the son of Hades went back to his cabin to rid himself of the sweat he had accumulated. During the walk, he found himself thinking about what Annabeth had told him; she wasn't entirely wrong. In fact, he didn't know why Will was always around him, not that he minded having him nearby. Upon entering the cabin, he headed straight to the bathroom, turning on the showerhead, distracting himself from those thoughts that had arisen at the table.
Ten minutes later, he emerged from the cabin with his hair still slightly damp, heading towards the infirmary, where he had promised to return to help with the vials and put an end to all those silly questions from his friends. In the infirmary, Will wasn't there, instead, other children of Apollo were checking on some demigods who had been roughed up during the festivities by some children of Ares. "Do you need something?" a voice asked, drawing Nico's attention. The boy in question resembled Will a lot, as most children of Apollo looked alike. He had the same features, yet he lacked that sparkle Nico saw every time he looked into Will's eyes. The son of Hades shook his head. "No, I was waiting for Solac— I mean Will" Nico mumbled, getting only a nod from the boy. "He'll be here in a moment" he said, briefly sizing Nico up from head to toe. "Make yourself comfortable" he indicated a chair, then went back to his work. Nico sat down, playing with his ring and swinging his feet, still reflecting on the conversation he had just had with Annabeth.
In a way, Nico also enjoyed being in Will's company, but that was because the boy had the strange ability to make him feel immediately better. In a broader sense, he could warm him up just by looking at him. Nico didn't realize that he was smiling at that thought.
"Here I am!" exclaimed a voice from the entrance. "Have you been here long?" Will asked, pushing a strand of hair behind his ear.
"No" Nico replied, getting up from the chair.
"Good" Will smiled. "Shall we pick up where we left off yesterday?" the son of Apollo asked, heading towards the small table and bringing out the boxes they had stored. Nico helped, bringing one out as well. Together they got back to work, one filtering liquids of bizarre colors, and the other labeling the vials. Occasionally, they would look at each other without saying anything. Nico wondered if Will was thinking about what he had told him under the tree.
"What did your siblings say when they saw you with a sword?" he asked, keeping his eyes fixed on the vial.
"They called me crazy" he chuckled.
"Maybe because you are" the boy replied.
"How kind!" Will put on a fake pout, bursting into laughter a moment later.
Again, silence fell between the two. Nico was thinking about Annabeth's question; on one hand, he also wanted to ask him, as he was curious too. "Solace" he called after a while, needing to ask him. "Why did you agree to participate in the games?" but it wasn't the question Annabeth had asked him to ask. Will pursed his lips. "I thought it needed to be done" he explained. "At least once" he added, even though it wasn't entirely the truth. "Why did you agree?" he asked, thinking that Nico wanted to stay on the sidelines rather than participate. Nico shrugged. "Annabeth is good at persuading" he said, although there was more to it, but Will didn't need to know everything. The son of Apollo nodded, having to agree with Nico—it was difficult to say no to Annabeth.
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1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20
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partnersincrimesuau · 11 months
Another Few Updates ☆゚・:*:・。★
Yes I am aware it's Sunday. Yes I am aware I haven't posted Chapter 2 Page 43 yet. Yes I am aware my Information Centre says "Pages posted every Friday at 8pm Central Australian Time". Yes I am aware I haven't posted a page on a Friday since, like, January.
I'm getting off track LOL
UPDATE NUMBER ONE - Where's Page 43?
I have one week left of school before a two-week holidays, and I'm SWAMPED with homework for now. For clarity; I have three assignments due on Monday, two more I finished today, and one I finished last week. I hope this clears some things up... and explains why I'm so behind on Partners In Crime.
Page 43 IS finished, and IS ready to upload. However, I am still working on Page 48; and for those who don't know, I like to always be ten pages ahead of my posting page. Therefore I SHOULD be working on Page 53. Once the holidays start and my assignments are finished, I can catch up on these pages. Some of them shouldn't be as long as others so hopefully it won't take ages to finish them.
I plan on posting Page 43 next week. So sorry for the delays, I know there's been a few this chapter. I'm not doing this on purpose.
UPDATE NUMBER TWO - A brief solution
It's currently 12:03am as I'm writing this sentence and I'm about to jump into bed, so yes I won't be posting anything after this post tonight. HOWEVER! I've decided that tomorrow, instead of posting Page 43, I'll post some concept art!!! I feel like that'll be a good placeholder for now. There are plenty of concepts for earlier pages that I plan on posting, and I might throw some early drawings of Condor in as well!!! ^^
I finally went through every "infected" page and fixed the 'next' and 'previous' links. For anyone who didn't know, there were a ton of early Chapter 2 pages that were "infected" somehow, by something I can hardly begin to explain. The "Chapter Start" links, as well as the "FAQ" and Discord links were completely untouched. They worked fine. But EVERY SINGLE 'NEXT' OR 'PREVIOUS' LINK, FOR SOME REASON, JUMPED TO THE MOST RECENT PAGE!!! There were pages from December that sent you to the page I posted eight days ago - it made NO sense.
Thankfully, I've gone back and fixed every one of them. HOPEFULLY, it won't happen again. (If it persists, PLEASE tell me. Don't hesitate to comment saying "Jinxy this page has a disease, it's doing the link thing again" - that's actually really helpful. Shoutout to the readers who did tell me btw, you guys are legends!)
IT'S JULY!!! That means... NINETEEN DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! (It's on the 21st of July for those in other timezones, lolll). I'll probably be partying with my besties then so you won't find me online, but I'll probably do a little picture of myself like I did last year. Just thought I'd mention it here, haha.
Anyways I think that's about it... it's now 12:14am and I might go to bed. Or I might catch up on Miraculous Ladybug because I heard the finale for Season 5 is out...? We'll see ^^
Thanks for your patience everyone!!!! See you tomorrow ^^
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romanarose · 2 years
A one shot request
this is a request that @ahookedheroespureheart sent me!
I hope you like it! It's kinda like the start to Sunshine, but different! I kinda took a lil inspo from the Spider-Man/ Mj kiss from the first spider man movie bc that scene changed my life.
Remember kids, if someone is knocked unconscious, take them to a hospital! But for the sake of this fic, we'll ignore that
'Prompt idea. Steven has a crush on a coworker at the Museum. One night on his way home he notices her getting roughed up by a group of guys that jumped her. She's rendered unconcious & he has to step in to rescue her. He takes her back to her flat & waits by her side till she wakes up slowly in a daze, confused wondering who this mysterious stranger saved her. She wants to know who he is so she slowly lifts up his Mask just below his nose brushing his face lightly with her finger tips 'Are You Real? Or am I dreaming' 'I can assure you love,you are not dreaming' 'How do I thank you for saving my life?' *She looks at his lips & shyly smiles. Blushing *"
My asks are open for head canons or one shots!
Not beta read, have mercy
Steven Grant was in awe. Granted, he was generally in awe of you most days. He was in awe of you when he first saw you. It was your first day of work and he couldn’t believe that someone could look so casual but so beautiful. He was in awe of you every day as you led the children's groups, so friendly and kind to the little kids as you guided them through history themed crafts. And he was in awe of you now, how he saw you groaning and rubbing your eyes, but when he walked over to check on you, you swept it all away and lit up when you saw him. 
“You alright, love?” He asked.
You smiled at him, touched by him checking in “Yeah, just tired. I’m heading home now. Thank God.”
“I’m not off for another half an hour, if you’d like to wait I can walk you home?” Steven offered. He walked you home many nights during the week. Most nights, actually. And you wanted to wait for him, you really did. You relished those walks, he always asked you a million questions about your family, he listened to you complain about your younger sister getting in trouble with your parents again or your friend drama. Why did a guy care so much about people that he didn’t know? He seemed genuinely sad when you said your sister has been drinking a lot and he laughed so much when you explained your friend's mess of a dating life.
“As much as I would love to, I gotta get home. I have an early morning doctor’s appointment and I need to stop at the store before I get home.”
Steven was disappointed. He looked forward to the walks as much as you did. “But who will tell me how Amy’s tinder date went?” He joked. Really he cared more about updates on your sister. The whole situation seemed to stress you out so much.
You laughed “I’ll fill you in on Monday, I promise the weekend will get you some good stories.”
“Okay, be safe.”
“Thanks, you’re a sweetheart.”
Steven was walking home, wishing you were with him. You two lived pretty close to each other, you used to play around with paths to take, switching streets and sometimes going down an alley to “spice things up” as you said. Eventually, you settle on a path you liked. It passed a gay bar that was always having a good time and you two had gotten to know the security guard at the hospital you passed. Whenever the walk sign was about to change red, you both ran across the street to make it. If it were up to him, he’d stay and wait for the next round of green lights, but the first time it happened you took his hand and dashed across the street. The look of joy on your face from that tiny hit of excitement? Well, he’d run across every yellow light for the rest of his life if it made you smile like that. He was in awe of you. Steven took the way home the two of you always took, he missed you.
When Steven heard shouting, he didn’t initially think it was you. All he knew was a woman was in the alley getting attacked and he knew what he had to do. Steven summoned the suit and rushed to where he found, to his horror, you. Before he could react, he saw one of the men attacking you knock you out and Steven jumped into action. He made quick work of the men. He wasn’t sure if they were dead or not; it wasn’t his intention to kill them, but it wasn’t like he was trying to keep them alive… He looked over to you and could see you were in an out of consciousness, watching him.
First things first, he checked your pulse. Breathing, that's good. Steven sat down and carefully pulled you up onto his lap, checking for injuries. No blood, that’s also good. He scooped you up and still his suit, he carried you to your apart. You occasionally stirred, which was also a good sign. You had looked up and seen his masked face, but you didn’t look scared.
Steven sat by your side in a chair he pulled in from the kitchen, watching you, waiting for you to wake. Steven kept the suit on, knowing he could reveal his secret identity to you.
When he finally saw you wake, he moved to your bedside. You looked at him in confusion “Who are you?” you ask, not really expecting an answer.
You reach out, slowly, pulling up his mask just under his nose, brushing over his skin with the pads of your fingers. You tried to pull it up further, but Steven took your hands, stopping you. You saw him smile and despite not feeling well, you were comforted by the smile. You would recognize those lush lips anywhere.
“Are you real?” You whispered. “Or am I dreaming?”
Steven knew he wasn’t doing well with keeping his secret, but he didn’t much care “I assure you love, you are not dreaming” He brushed back hair out of your face as you still laid on the pillow. 
“How do I thank you for saving my life?” You glance at his lips, hoping he gets the hint.
“You don’t have to do anything but get better” You bring a hand back to his face, not daring to make a move on the mask again, but you brushed his lips with your thumb. When he didn’t move in but didn’t pull away, you figured he would never make the first move. You know your sweet Steven would never want you to think you had to do anything. But boy, did you want to. You gently guided his mouth to yours, and finally did what you had wanted to do since the day you saw him.
Hello! Comments mean the world, reblogs help a lot! If you like this, come drop a follow and check out my ongoing MK story, sunshine starlight sweetheart Brightside which you can find on this blog or on my AO3, which is romana_rose!
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bigbadfrostwolf · 1 year
Well, it's been a little over a week since our little "Potato Tony" was born (and it was initially a struggle to get Bean to call him by his real name) so I figured I might as well update anyone interested.
Little Tater was born last Monday, March 6th at 9:16pm. Delivery was quick and uneventful. I still can't believe I waited until I was 9cm to get an epidural. To be honest, I was completely in denial that I was in transition because I legitimately thought my labor would take longer (and because I was so damn determined to finally get to eat a Jimmy John's sandwich... of which, I ate two bites, promptly vomited, and asked my nurse to start the fluid bolus for my epidural haha). If I had known I was that far along already, I probably would have opted to go without one, but ultimately I don't regret doing it. All in all, it was a good experience and my coworkers took excellent care of us while we were in the hospital.
Since coming home on Wednesday, it's been a bit of a whirlwind. Tater had his first appointment with his pediatrician on Friday and she heard a heart murmur so she consulted a pediatric cardiologist. My husband was absolutely beside himself even though I tried to reassure him that lots of babies have murmurs and many of them grow out of them. He doesn't have any other symptoms so that was reassuring. He also has a sacral dimple (so did Bean when he was born) that we'll get an ultrasound of when he gets a little bigger, but the pediatrician was more concerned about the murmur. Then over the weekend, Bean started getting sick again so we suspected he has yet another ear infection.
We took Tater to the cardiologist yesterday for an echo. He does have a small ventricular septal defect (hole in his heart), but the cardiologist said due to the size and location, she's hopeful that it will close on its own as he grows. In the meantime, they'll track his weight (he's already a little past his birth weight) and have us come back regularly for follow-ups so we go back for another echo next month. While we were there, my mom took Bean to the doctor for me and he does indeed have another double ear infection. So I called this morning to schedule him an appointment with an ENT to discuss possible tube placement but the earliest they could get him in was early May.
So it's been... busy. I'm glad I had such an easy delivery because I definitely don't feel like I've been able to rest and recover as much as I should, but I knew it was going to be more difficult this time around with a 3.5yo to look after. Bean has been acting out a bit, but for the most part has been adjusting well and is pretty smitten with his brother.
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aria-ashryver · 10 months
hey 💐 hows the week been goin? & possible story update? get better 💝
hey anon! 🌸
my week has been mixed, i've been horrendously unwell, but i also had my mum and three of my aunties come visit for 4 days which was so lovely (literally within 2 minutes of arrival, two of them were doing my dishes lmao, I've been AGGRESSIVELY taken care of recently)
Next week will be chemo #10 out of #12 for this first cycle, so hopefully i'm on the home straight now! (unless the doctors get my scans back and decide I need another 3 months of chemo, but fingers crossed I don't!!)
Ooh, I can give you a fun spoiler this week hehe
Spoilers below!
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Bit of worldbuilding and looooore in this upcoming chapter (*cue the distant, feral Luca screeching*)
it's taking its sweet time coming together, but I'm very hopeful to have wrangled it together to post this coming Monday! (mind you, I thought that last week and couldn't push through the health stuff 😔 so we'll see. Fingers crossed, hey?)
Coming up in CH 34 (Sink Your Teeth In) of snow in crimson, starlight in gold:
The Flagstone Cove vampires proceed with their appeal for sanctuary within Crimson Beech - we'll see some familiar faces, as well as some we haven't seen before. The Flagstone Cove vampires aren't in great shape following the Creator's attack, but that doesn't mean they don't come bearing gifts 👀🔪
We sit in on a class for the ✨ Gifted Kids! ✨ We'll learn a little more about which Clements and Venandis have vampiric gifts and which of the bloodlines they fall into (bonus spoilers! Maeve, Cas, and Juniper's gifts all fall under the Impero bloodline - "I command".)
Gabriel visits Cas at his apartment to "check on his furniture". For moving. Reasons. Uhh... Absolutely nothing will happen that may warrant me needing to split this chapter in half like I had to when Luca visited Gabriel at the Adalhard family home, I swear!
Really though, I'm looking forward to getting this one up! Been missing the Crimson Beech gang so much 💖🥰
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