#we will make it work but boy I wish I knew what faces people usually make. or how they move or say things lol
windmillcrusader · 6 months
keep putting myself in situations where I need to physically act and perform as if my typical emotional output isn’t🧍
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juyeonszn · 8 months
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PAIRING lee juyeon x f!reader
GENRES fluff ﹒ smut ﹒ minuscule bit of angst
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, boy next door/neighbor au, reader was in a toxic-ish relationship, juyo is so cute and so sweet, until he’s kinda 😵‍💫 yk?, um kevin and changmin appearances, reader being absolutely irrevocably impossibly down bad for juyeon’s hands, so hand kink lol, making out, vaginal fingering, cum eating…. lol, they get a little sappy at the end
SUMMARY maybe this was for the better. maybe it was okay to let your guard down every once in a while, so long as it was always for your flirty neighbor.
MORE i would like to apologize for putting this out a day late… um i was really busy preparing for my enhypen concert so 😭 not a lot of writing was happening since there wasn’t enough brain juice flowing. anyways. ENJOY <3 pls rb if u did! (ALSO THANK U REESE AND @sungbeam FOR BETAING AND EDITING <<<3 i love y’all sm)
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri
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If there was one thing you took pride in, it was your keen sense of hospitality.
You’d been raised as the type of girl to always be welcoming when a new face arrived, to be that guiding light for them as they adjusted to all the changes in their life. When you were little, your mother taught you to introduce yourself first, because you never knew if that person was shy or not. Of course, there was the usual ‘Stranger Danger’ pep talk, but it differed greatly from the new friend pep talk.
The first time you exhibited this wonderful trait of yours was in middle school when the foreign student in your class was forced to stand at the front of the room. He wasn’t necessarily shy, but you could tell he didn’t really enjoy being put on the spot, hands behind his back as he said his name and where he was from.
Kevin Moon. Age 13. Vancouver, Canada.
The only empty desk in the classroom was the one beside yours, and that was the golden opportunity to become best friends with the new kid. As soon as he settled into his seat and class had resumed as normal, you leaned over slightly and cupped a hand over your mouth to whisper loud enough that he could hear.
“Hi! I’m Y/N!”
He gave you a small smile in return and from then on, you and Kevin Moon were the best of friends.
The second time you proved your kindness was your freshman year of college. It was still syllabus week, but your professor had sent out an email over the weekend with papers that needed to be printed and brought to class. The guy next to you didn’t get the memo, freaking out over already messing things up on the first day.
You didn’t know him at all, but you felt bad that he was so stressed. In turn, you decided to rip up your own papers. He looked at you like you were crazy, maybe because you were. What idiot does something like that?
You give him a warm smile. “There. Now we’re both missing it.”
All he can do is laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’m Changmin.”
After that, Ji Changmin came to be another one of your closest friends. It was kind of silly that something your mother instilled in you at a young age had become such a big part of your life. It brought you people who you’d cherish forever. But it also brought people you wish you’d never met.
“Get the fuck out.”
“Y/N, babe, we can work through this—”
“Are you deaf?” Your tone raises and your feet carry you to the front door, swinging it open. “I said to get out of my apartment.”
“We’ve been together for three years. You’re not gonna fight for us?” He pleads, clasping his hands as he stands in front of you.
“Why would I? Why should I stay with someone who doesn’t value me enough to stay loyal?” You seethe, your anger growing in size the longer you glare at his pathetic face. The face of a man you thought would love you until death did you part.
“She meant nothing to me!” He tries to rationalize with you, but you won’t have any of it. You weren’t stupid and you sure as hell weren’t blind.
“Do you take me as a fucking fool, Daehyun? I’ve known for months that you weren’t ‘working late at the office’. She even DMed me and showed me screenshots of your messages. Now get out before I call the cops.” You’re so pissed off that you don’t even realize you’re crying, fat tears trickling down your hot cheeks.
“After all I’ve done for you and all I’ve given you? You’re gonna act like a bitch?” He drops the innocent boyfriend act, backing you into the doorframe.
“Leave, Daehyun.” You say flatly. You’re not gonna give him the satisfaction of crumbling beneath the weight of his words. You knew the truth, you knew what kind of person he truly was after all this time.
He scoffs, grabbing his jacket off the hook beside him and finally storming out of your apartment. You cover your mouth with your hand to muffle the sobs that so badly want to escape. You watch as he bumps shoulders with a stranger holding a box, thankfully not looking back at you.
You make eye contact with said stranger, eyes wide like a child who’d just gotten caught with their hands in a cookie jar. His eyes resemble those of your friends’ when you told them you’d found out about your boyfriend’s infidelity. You both stand there for a moment, an impromptu staring contest ensuing.
Quickly, you snap out of your trance, cowering into your apartment. You vaguely remember the elderly woman across the hall mentioning that someone was moving into the unit beside yours. She had never told you a specific date, though. Had you known it was today, you might’ve expedited the dramatic break-up with Daehyun.
How could you possibly introduce yourself to him after he witnessed that? And in your current state; snot-nosed and teary-eyed? There was no way. You’d just have to postpone that for another day. Hopefully he didn’t mind too much.
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“Was he cute?”
“Kevin, why is that what you’re worried about?” Changmin’s mouth pulls into a thin line, smacking the slightly older male over the back of the head. He winces, caressing the spot to ease the pain.
“I wasn’t really paying attention to that when I had just shoved my cheating ex boyfriend out of my apartment,” you push around the ramyeon on your plate with your chopsticks. “I do feel terrible that he had to see that though. But how can I face him after that?”
Kevin taps his chin with his index finger, lips pursed in thought. “Why don’t you bake for him? Welcome him to the complex like the hospitable neighbor you are.”
“That’s not a half bad idea, actually.” Changmin nods, shoveling some rice onto his spoon. The Pisces deadpans and reclines in his chair.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Okay, enough bickering you two. I need you to finish eating so I can start planning what to bake.”
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The third time you practice your mother’s life lesson, is the next evening when you’re face-to-face with your neighbor’s door.
Your hands have begun to clam up beneath the warm tupperware of cookies you were holding. Were you supposed to just knock on his door like everything was fine and dandy? What if he wasn’t even home? Maybe you should just leave the baked goods with a note and—
The door swings open to reveal the stranger from a few days ago. However, this time he also wears that expression of shock, cat-like eyes widened. Your mouth moves like fish out of water, not sure what you should say or how you should say it. So you don’t think and you just act, extending the tupperware towards him.
“H-Hi, I’m Y/N, I’m your neighbor,” your speech is a little shaky, but you’re too nervous to focus on that. “I— um— I baked these for you as a housewarming gift to welcome you to the complex. As well as an apology for making you a bystander in my messy breakup.”
His features relax as a smile inches its way onto his face, graciously accepting the treats you made for him. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that. And don’t even worry about it, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“N-No, you’re fine, I swear! We shouldn’t have aired our dirty laundry so publicly like that. You did nothing wrong.” You wave your hands as if physically dismissing his words. He lets out a little chuckle that warms your chest.
“If it’s any consolation, I’m glad that you left the dude. He sounded like a total asshole,” your neighbor tucks the tupperware under his arm, leaning against the threshold of his apartment. “You seem too nice to settle for somebody like that. From what I’ve seen, of course.”
You don’t know why that has your heart skipping a beat like a high school girl. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he really was cute. He had a boyish charm to him, but not so much so that it overpowered how handsome he was. Kevin was going to have a field day with this information.
“Uh, thank you. I should be getting back to my place now. I have an early day at work tomorrow. Have a good night!” You clear your throat to kick yourself out of whatever stupor you were about to fall into, bowing. As you’re turning on your heel to make the ten foot trip to your own apartment, he calls out your name.
“I’m Juyeon, by the way.” He grins, waving as you push open your door.
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“Now that is quite the interesting development.” Kevin snorts, helping himself to one of the raspberry filled donuts you’d just finished baking.
“If you keep eating my product, I’m gonna have to kick you out of the kitchen and out of my bakery,” you chide, swatting his hands away from the baker’s rack. “And how is that interesting in the slightest? I literally gave him the cookies, apologized, and that was that.”
“He was literally flirting with you, Y/N. Changmin, tell her I’m right. Apparently I’m no longer a voice of reason here.” He says through a full mouth.
“I mean, yeah? Kinda? Calling a girl nice is usually guy code for ‘I think you’re attractive and I could see myself sleeping with you’,” Changmin shrugs, tearing off a piece of Kevin’s donut. “But I also see where you’re coming from. You did just meet each other. He could’ve just been trying to console you in a way.”
“Why am I even friends with men when they’re useless?” You throw your head back, speaking to no one in particular.
Perhaps Kevin truly was overthinking the situation. Juyeon seemed to be a kind person who probably didn’t want any problems with his neighbors. It made sense why he’d side with you after witnessing your break up. Besides, the wounds were still too fresh to even consider thinking of anyone else in such a way. No matter how hot they may be…
You’d just have to wait and see for yourself. Only time could tell what would become of the nature of your relationship with your cute new neighbor.
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You look insane with everything in your cart, filled to the brim with baking ingredients. It was around 10 PM and here you were, at the grocery store buying the things needed to make cinnamon rolls. Being a baker with a bit of a sweet tooth meant your cravings got a little out of hand at times, forcing you to make drastic decisions. (I.E. grocery shopping so late at night.)
Even your clothing choice was silly: flimsy pajama shorts with Care Bears patterned on them, a baggy t-shirt, and matching slippers. It’s not like anyone cared anyway. And it wasn’t like you were trying to impress anybody either.
But as you’re walking towards the registers, you start to regret your outfit. You very quickly spot your neighbor with a basket on his arm, waiting in line for self-checkout. You feel all the color drain from your face as you stand there, staring like an absolute idiot.
He’s dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants, a hoodie swallowing his figure. He looks so effortlessly good, it kind of makes you upset. Because how are you just now meeting a guy who’s both kind and attractive? As far as you were concerned, they didn’t exist in real life— they only existed in fairytales.
Juyeon looks up from his phone and catches your eye, his hand coming up to give you a little wave and one of those crinkly eye smiles that he does when you pass each other in the hall.
As the weeks have passed, you’ve seen him more and more than you deemed normal. You’d bump into each other on the way to or from picking up your mail, you’d hold the elevator for the other in record time, and you’d even leave your apartments at the same time. Now it appears you’re running into the guy at the supermarket, too. You tried to chalk it all up to coincidence, that you just both happened to be thinking on the same wavelength.
But shyly waving back to him right now reminds you that divine intervention had crazy ways of working its magic. Perhaps those had all just been openings for you to engage in something more with your cute neighbor. And there was only one way to find out.
You psych yourself up as you walk towards him, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Juyeon’s smile grows wider as he notices you approaching. “Hey, stranger. What are you up to tonight?”
“Some late baking,” you giggle, wanting to punch yourself in the face for sounding like a goddamn school girl. “I was actually wondering if you’d like to come over and keep me company? Totally up to you of course! I just thought it might be nice to get to know each other properly.”
Your suggestion is what leads the two of you to meet back up at your apartment after purchasing your respective groceries. You attempt to tidy up as best you can while you wait for the knock at your door, setting out all the ingredients on the counter and preheating your oven.
The soft knock comes moments later and you find yourself practically running to open the door, grinning at the sheepish expression on Juyeon’s face. You allow him inside of your apartment, trailing after him into the kitchen. Part of you felt like you were moving on too fast after Daehyun. As a baker, your kitchen was your safe space. It was where you went when you needed to be alone and in the comfort of what you knew best. Kevin and Changmin were the only ones you trusted to be within that element. For you to let Juyeon in— to let him permeate the walls you’ve never let down before, not even with your ex— was brand new territory.
“I almost forgot you own a bakery,” Juyeon speaks up, fingers tracing along the stand mixer. “But seeing all this expensive equipment reminded me of that. It only makes sense that someone as sweet as you would constantly be around sweet treats.”
You fail to bite back your smile. Maybe this was for the better. Maybe it was okay to let your guard down every once in a while, so long as it was always for your flirty neighbor. He laughs when you nudge his shoulder, grabbing all the dry ingredients for the dough.
“On a scale of one to ten, how patient are you?” You ask, avoiding his eyes as you open the flour. The question was in regards to several things.
“I’d say about an eight or nine. Patience is a virtue, you know. It comes easily if you practice hard enough.” He answers, leaning against the counter and watching you.
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in, searching for your measuring cups. Both you and Juyeon begin to measure out the dry ingredients, dumping them into the mixing bowl. You decide to let him take some of the reins, folding in the mixture of milk, egg, butter, and yeast. While he does that, you prepare the cinnamon sugar.
“I think I’m done. What do I do next?” He turns to you, head cocked to the side slightly. You might actually die of cuteness aggression. The duality of man would one day drive you to the brink of insanity.
“Now you just knead it until it’s smooth.” Your back is to him as you say this, putting away any refrigerated items so they don’t go bad. But as you face him again, you wish you hadn’t.
Your eyes zero in on his hands, kneading the dough with careful, nimble fingers. You feel light-headed as you slip into a spell, gawking at how long and slender they are, massaging the dough like an expert. How had you never noticed how big and pretty his hands were?
Maybe baking with Juyeon was a bad idea. You could barely focus on anything but his fingers pressing the under-construction-cinnamon rolls into the counter. Oh how badly you wanted to be that dough— his hands all over you, groping and massaging and kneading and caressing everywhere they could reach.
The veins running up his arms weren’t helping either, instead fueling the fire burning in the pit of your stomach. You feel your lips part, eyes glossed over with that all too familiar lustful intensity. You wouldn’t be surprised if you had to wipe away drool after this.
“Y/N?” Juyeon glances up from the dough, a little taken aback by your reverie. He follows your line of sight, grinning to himself smugly when he realizes what has you so transfixed. He’s finally found your weakness, and he couldn’t wait to dangle it over your head. Patience was a virtue, but perhaps it would be okay for him to dabble with a vice for once.
He pushes out the dough, using his thumbs to spread it into a rectangular shape. He feels his blood pressure rising the darker your eyes get. However, he’s aware that you just recently got out of a relationship. He wants to move at a pace you’re comfortable with. So he won’t take the first step. He has to leave that up to you.
It’s at a certain point that you come to, blinking to force away the dirty thoughts plaguing your mind. You travel your field of vision to his face, where you find him already looking at you. Your cheeks heat up in mortification from being caught red-handed. You were just gawking at the poor guy’s like they were a piece of fresh meat. This was terrible.
You swallow thickly, averting eye contact to grab the bowl of cinnamon sugar. “Uh, we can start forming the rolls now so they can rise. And then— um— and then we can make the glaze.”
The burn of his gaze on your profile has you tripping over your words, cinnamon sugar sprinkling onto the counter space surrounding and the knife almost slipping from your grip when you go to cut the dough. Juyeon catches it for you, wrapping his fingers around yours to guide your movements and keep them steady.
You feel his breath behind your ear, his chest pressed to your back. His hand is so much larger than your own, nearly covering it entirely. He doesn’t make an effort to move either, rolling the dough into swirl shapes along with you. The whole time this is happening, neither of you are saying a word, letting the silence consume you and the air around you.
As the rolls are rising/baking, you set up everything necessary for making the icing. Juyeon watches with hearts in his eyes as you whisk the sugar, cream cheese, vanilla, and butter in a separate bowl. He wonders how many other people you let see you in this setting. How many people get to see you do the thing you love so dearly?
“I’d like to visit your bakery sometime, if you wouldn’t mind,” Juyeon suddenly says, resting his elbows on the counter as you taste test the icing. “I wanna try all of the desserts you bake.”
“I’m opening later tomorrow morning actually,” you smile, humming in appreciation when the sweetness of the glaze hits your taste buds. “You can come with me to try the fresh batches before I put them out? I’ll warn you though, I get there at like six.”
“AM?” His eyes practically pop out of their sockets.
“Yes, AM.” You laugh, lightly shoving him backwards.
“I’ll put like ten alarms so I can make sure I’m up in time, then.” He pokes his cheek with his tongue, tipping his head to the side. The goofy smile on your face remains even after minutes have passed and the two of you are just waiting for the cinnamon rolls to finish baking.
It feels like hours have gone by with the two of you standing there when they’re finally ready. The ding of the oven has you springing into action, putting on some oven mitts and taking out the baking sheet. Juyeon's eyes light up and even though you’d just been losing your mind over how insane he was making you, you find yourself cooing at him.
He laughs as you grab a couple spare icing bags for the cinnamon roll glaze, filling them generously. You hand one over to him and decide to split the rolls evenly, icing one half yourself while he does the other. And for once, you think that tonight might end normally. You think that nothing eventful will happen and you’ll just ice the cinnamon rolls without problems.
But you were wrong, like always.
“Ah, shit—”
You glance up from the roll you were glazing to see what the fuss was about. Juyeon’s icing bag tore somehow, the sticky topping getting all over his hand. Truly, you were no better than a man, with the filthy thoughts inhabiting your brain almost instantaneously.
He brings his hand up to his mouth, licking the glaze off the back of his hand and wrapping his lips around his thumb. You felt dizzy, drunk on the sight of your extremely attractive neighbor doing something so sensual without even trying to. You bite your lip, accidentally dropping your own icing bag due to lack of attention.
Juyeon smirks slightly, relishing in the way it takes absolutely nothing to hypnotize you with his hands alone. He really tried to keep himself contained. He really wanted you to extend the first olive branch, but he knows you’re apprehensive. So just this once, he tells himself that it’s okay to initiate, to give you a little push in the right direction.
He takes a step closer to you, caging you against the counter. You stare up at him with wide, doe eyes, as if you were completely innocent despite the naughty images flashing behind them. Juyeon brings his thumb up to your lips, the pad of it still covered in icing.
“Think you could clean this up for me?” He asks, voice low and husky. You could actually combust with that all on its own.
Just like your formal introduction, you don’t give yourself the time to think, and act, instead, running your tongue along the length of his thumb. Juyeon doesn’t restrain the groan in the back of his throat, holding your face in his hands and pulling you in for a kiss.
You reciprocate immediately, fisting his hoodie like it was the only thing capable of stabilizing you. Maybe it was, with the way Juyeon’s lips synchronized with yours and his fingers tangled in your hair. You thought the ground would swallow you whole and wake you up from this dream. On what planet did someone like Lee Juyeon like a girl like you?
His hands slide down your body, groping everything in their path desperately before cupping under your thighs and lifting you onto the counter. He knocks the baking sheet of cinnamon rolls out of the way, palms rubbing up and down the sides of your legs. You want more, so much more, but you’re afraid to ask. You’re afraid to start something you’re not even sure you can emotionally handle.
Juyeon senses your hesitation, detaching from you momentarily. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want. I understand if you still need time.”
“N-No, I want this— I want you— I'm just… scared.” You breathe, your forehead using his shoulder for support.
“I'm not him, Y/N. I can give you the world if you’d let me. I’d never do what he did to you, that’s a promise.” He holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger, kissing the crown of your head.
“Okay,” you nod, smiling up at him. “I trust you, Juyeon.”
You reconnect your lips as his fingers slip beneath your pajama shorts, toying with the waistband of your panties. His lips curl up when he feels you squirm, legs parting to make more room for him in the middle of them. You sigh, body shuddering when he drags his knuckle down your clothed slit.
Juyeon hooks his fingers into your shorts and underwear, hauling them down your legs. You place your hands behind you to brace yourself, a shiver trailing your spine when the cool air of your apartment hits your warm core. He groans again at the sight of you bare for him, using two fingers to spread your lower lips.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he swears, his thumb slowly circling your clit.
You whine, tossing your head back as he applies more pressure. Bit by bit, you begin to lose yourself to the pleasure of Juyeon’s gorgeous hands. Soon the stimulation on your clit amplifies when he adds another finger, thrusting it in and out of your entrance. He curls deep inside of you, like he was reaching for something he’d left.
One finger turns to two, and before you know it, Juyeon’s openly finger fucking you on the counter. He leans over your body to keep your lips together, kissing you sloppily while all his focus is on drawing you to the edge. You can almost taste it, your saccharine release in your field of vision now.
It’s a little embarrassing how quickly he was able to wind you up and trip you over the edge, but you feel too euphoric to care. You pause in your kiss to look down at his handy work. (No pun intended.) It makes your head feel foggy and your vision blurry to see his deft fingers fucking you open, veins bulging, like he’d done this many times before. Your hooded eyes follow them up his forearms, a whine escaping your lips.
A particular curl of his fingers and circle of his thumb have you clenching around him, creaming like you’d never had an orgasm in your life. He doesn’t slow his assault, bringing you down just to put you back up on that summit once again. The overstimulation has you cumming a second time in a matter of what felt like seconds, whimpers becoming voluminous moans.
Juyeon kisses you softly, gently pulling out his fingers to lick them clean like he did with the cinnamon roll glaze. A choked groan bubbles past your mouth, tossing an arm over your eyes. He laughs, towing you to the edge of the counter.
He brushes some stray hairs out of your face, moving your arm to smile dopily at you. “I hope you know I was being serious about the whole treating you better thing. If you’ll give me the chance.”
“I know. I told you I trust you, remember?” You nip at the inside of your cheek. His eyes crinkle up like they tend to do when he’s smiling so genuinely. It forces the wind out of you, because how could you ever get used to a sight so stunning?
“You’re so cute.” He laughs, kissing all around your face and smushing your cheeks together.
“Juyeon,” you mumble. “I’m half naked…”
“Even better,” he grins, pecking the tip of your nose. “Makes it that much easier to do all of the other things I wanna do to you.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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starkwlkr · 8 months
It’s been a pleasure to read your works Jen, no one writes quite like you. Wishing you well and hope you’ll come back soon. I understand this isn’t your usual pairing but it would mean a lot to me and if you have the time: I could request: ‘Toto x Susie x reader’ where she is an upcoming driver, her family weren’t supportive and the Wolff’s take her under their wing as one of their own overtime? Thanks so much 🥰
what was i made for? | F1
for the purpose of this fic, the reader is going to be a rookie during the 2019 season because yes <3 live laugh love 2019 rookies 🫶🏼also this is my last post so thank you for all the love and support!!
Y/n knew how her parents felt about karting. They always told her the same thing: that’s no place for a little girl, you’re going to get hurt blah blah blah. But she wasn’t a little girl anymore. She continued with her dreams. Eventually she found herself winning trophies and raising it on the small podium. Then the small podium turned into a bigger one.
The journey to F1 was hard, but she was proud of herself. The holidays were especially hard for her. She hard received the news that her family wasn’t going to be with her for the holidays at all.
She didn’t live in Monaco like most of the drivers on the grid, she couldn’t afford it. For now, she was living with a roommate in London. But even her roommate had plans with her own family so Y/n was going to be spending her time alone in her flat with nothing but takeout and Netflix.
Toto Wolff was the first one to notice the frown on the young girl’s face. It was a late night in there paddock and all the team principals had a late meeting. He was surprised to see her. All the drivers were gone, most likely already on flights to their families or vacation homes. But she was still here.
“Are you waiting on someone?” Toto asked.
“No, I just don’t want to leave right now. Is that weird to say?” She replied.
“I don’t find it weird. I just thought you would’ve already been on a plane headed towards Ibiza or Mallorca. I think that’s where most drivers and their families go for the holidays. What are your plans?”
“Well . . . I have a new season of this show that I’m watching to catch up on. I might watch all the marvel movies. And if I finish everything before break is over then I guess I’ll just sleep.” She said casually.
“You’re not going to spend time with your family?” He questioned.
“I don’t know where they are. Last time I checked, they were in the Maldives. All I got was a text saying they couldn’t meet me at the airport and my roommate is away with hers, but at least I get the flat all to myself.” She tried to sound cheery, but Toto could hear the hurt in her voice.
“No, that’s unacceptable. You’re not spending the holidays alone.”
And that’s how Y/n ended up on a flight with the Wolff family to their preferred vacation destination. Y/n had gotten to know more about the young boy, Jack Wolff, and his love for Legos. He even let Y/n build a car, which surprised both of his parents since he didn’t like people grabbing his legos.
“Can Y/n come over for Christmas too?” Jack asked his mother.
“Why don’t you ask her if she wants to come over?” Susie encouraged the boy. She was hoping Y/n would say yes.
“Y/n, would you like to spend Christmas with us? Papa and I always make cookies and Mama always lets me open one present before bed! And we can make gingerbread houses and stay up all night!” Jack said.
“All night? What if Santa sees us?”
“We can be really quiet.”
Susie and Toto watched as Y/n and Jack talked about what they wanted for Christmas. “We can’t let her be alone on Christmas, Toto.” She whispered to her husband.
“She won’t, she has us.”
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“And that’s P8, Y/n! Good job, you did great.”
Y/n would be lying if she said she didn’t feel like crying a bit. The beginning of the season wasn’t good, but she kept going and soon she made it into the points. She did it, she scored her first points in F1.
After getting back to the garage, she spotted Jack and Susie waiting for her with big smiles on their faces.
“You did it! Go Y/n!” Jack pounced on her the second she got out of her car.
“Thank you, Jack!” Y/n smiled and gave the little boy a hug.
“Did you hear me yelling your name? I was with papa, but I wanted you to win.” Jack said as he grabbed Y/n’s hand and walked with her towards Susie.
“I heard you, you were yelling so loud.” Y/n chuckled. She then saw how proud Susie looked and couldn’t help herself so she immediately gave Susie a hug.
“You did so well, Y/n! And you scored points! That’s amazing!” Susie cheered.
“Thank you, I think I might cry.” Y/n admitted.
“You should be proud of yourself. I am.”
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Drive to survive
“How did you feel when you scored your first points?”
Y/n instantly smiled at the memory. She remembered it all too well. Her and the Wolff family celebrating afterwards, her being congratulated by everyone on the grid.
“Oh man, it was my happiest day. Before that I used to say my happiest day hadn’t happened yet. I was content with at least scoring one point, but I got four! It was amazing and I’m glad that the people that love and support me were there to witness that special moment with me.” Y/n smiled.
The camera cuts to a smiling Toto. He looked like a proud dad and he was. Toto considered Y/n to be part of his family.
“Proud. That’s all I can say.”
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devilishchaos · 8 months
BABYYY drop the daddy Ruben fic, don't be shy <3
Calls | Dad!Rúben Dias imagine
Rating / genre: pure fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Rúben goes on a business trip. Me and our son George are sad he is away, so we face time him.
Warnings: use of pet names "babe", "baby"
Word Count: 1 347 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
While begging my husband to go on this 3 day business trip, I thought to myself "What can happen in the span of 3 days, right?"  Well, a lot. 
I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with twins and have a year and a half year old baby-toddler that needs my attention 24/7. Not that I am complaining but the pregnancy alone is being hard on me and my beautiful son throwing constant tantrums about missing his dad doesn't help my situation. Now, I was usually the preferred parent, but George had the tendency to not want to eat and nap while Rúben was away.
Today was going to be a long and hard day for me, I just knew it. I woke up from my nap at 7:00 am, got ready and headed to wake George up because I had an appointment with my OBGYN in an hour and had no one to look after him while I was gone, so I had to take him with me. 
It was a battle but I somehow managed to get him ready for the day, made it to my appointment safely and on time and both of us were back in the coziness of our household before we knew it. 
The moment we stepped through the door - the nausea hit me. And my head started spinning. I somehow made it to the bedroom and laid down on the bed and tried to take deep breaths in hopes for it to go away faster. I closed your eyes for a second and out of nowhere a loud cry pierced the silence. 
With eyes wide open, all my senses on alert, I sat up in the bed and looked at the door to see George standing there, tears falling from his eyes and his tiny hands holding his favorite stuffed animal close to his chest. 
"What happened baby? Are you okay?" I asked, holding out my hands in his direction. 
"Dada.." he managed to say in between wheezing. 
I gave him a sad knowing look. Ever since he was born he was a mama's boy but ever since I got pregnant again he looked up to Rúben more and more, and wanted to do everything that he was doing whether it was directed towards me or other people. And Rúben was the happiest person on earth, soaking in every moment because he knew that it could be taken away from him just as fast as it came. 
"You miss daddy, huh bud?" I softly asked as I helped him get up on the bed to join me. 
He nodded, the movement making his tiny curls shake a little. 
"How about we call him? Would that make you feel better?" 
"Yeah.." George mumbled, while wiping his eyes.
I was already reaching for my phone before I got an answer from him. Since Rúben is in New York and we are in Manchester there is a 5 hour time difference, but it was now way after noon in Manchester and knowing Rúben, he had been awake for some time, so that's why I suggested calling him. Okay and maybe because I miss him too and want to talk to him, but that's another topic. 
I dialed his contact and gave George the phone. After two rings I saw Rúben's gorgeous face and he saw a head full of curls and two big dark eyes watching closely the screen, since George held the phone so close to him. 
"Hey, gorg-" your husband started "-oh, hello big man. What are you doing with mama's phone?" you saw him smiling widly. 
"Dada, miss you." George said and started crying again. 
"Oh, no. Don't cry buddy. I miss you so much too." 
"I'm coming home tomorrow, baby and I'm not going anywhere after that, okay?" Rúben asked as a sad smile made its way on his face. 
"Home now?" George asked as he tilted his head slightly the exact same way Rúben does and it made your heart throb. 
"I wish buddy, but I have one more thing to do and then I promise I'm gonna catch the first flight back home and I'm coming straight to you. But I need you to do something for me, okay. You have to eat lunch and dinner, and you have to go to sleep when mommy says. Can you do that for me? That way I'm going to come home faster. Do we have a deal, G?" Rúben asked, slightly raising his eyebrows. 
"A deal.." his son responded while rubbing his eye "Now play." 
"Okay, you can go and play now. Loves you." your husband said as he leaned into the camera and kissed it, your guys's little tradition that now George did too. 
"Loves you." George said cutely and kissed your front camera. He gave you the phone and ran out of your bedroom and into his playroom. 
I took the phone and positioned it against my big water bottle in front of me as I greeted my hansome husband "Hi, meu amor." 
"Hey, mama. How are you holding up? Big man giving you a hard time?" Rúben asked you giving you sad eyes. 
"He just misses you." I exhaled "Nothing changed after the call yesterday, we're going to see what happens today. I miss you too, tho. We miss you too." I simply explained rubbing my round belly.  
"I'm sorry babe. I miss all of you. Can't wait to be back home. I'm never leaving again." he shook his head as to make it more believable.
"Rúben, we talked about this. What you're doing right now is for your career and for us. So that you can take more time off while the twins come, just as you did when we welcomed George. Don't feel guilty, you're not doing anything wrong, babe. We'll get through this. We have to. In fact it's almost over." I smiled at him trying to lighten the mood. 
"This is why I made you my wife. Eu te amo muito." Rúben said looking lovingly at the screen in front of him. 
"I love you more." 
"Period." he said while snapping his fingers, which made both of you to start giggling.
"Stop. I'm gonna pee my pants!" I said in between laughing. 
"Okay, okay. So how did the appointment go? Everything alright?" Rúben's face went completely serious in a spare of seconds. 
"Yes. Babies are doing just fine." I said and took a breathing break "I however, am struggling. Babe, I'm 27 weeks into this pregnancy and do you know what my doctor told me? That I'm measuring full term compared to a singleton pregnancy. That's very overwhelming considering that I hopefully have 8 or 9, 10 weeks left in the absolute ideal case scenario. And technically I am still 6 months pregnant. At the very end of my 6th month. Can you believe this?" I looked at him with a questioning face. 
Rúben's eyes went wide "Wow." 
"Wow indeed. I mean..that's what I get for having children with a freaking giant, I guess." 
"Hey. You looooove this giant. And the babies that you both made." Rúben winked at me, eyes going soft and a smile appearing on his lips "Everything will be okay. Just try not to overwork yourself. And no, I'm not saying don't do nothing and just lay in bed all day. But you are very pregnant and are taking care of a fussy baby-toddler. Please, just take it easy while I'm away. When I come back it will be different." 
"I'm gonna try my best. Now I have to go to make a snack because I'm starving and you have work to do. So talk to you later. You also take it easy, okay." I lovingly smiled at him, damn I can't wait for it to be tomorrow already. 
"Alright, talk to you later. Loves you." 
"Loves you." both of us said at the same time, smiling at each other, leaning in and kissing the front cameras on our phones, sharing a virtual kiss and ending the call.
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caffeinemachine · 10 months
Life Jacket - Chapter 1
Conrad Fisher x Eldest Conklin Sibling Reader
I just wrote this so quickly cause it was sitting in my head and it had to get out. Go read this post for an idea of what this series will be! I'm very excited about it!
Here's Part One!!!
Word Count; 1.2K
Cousins. Lots of mixed emotions came with going to Cousins. I loved it I really did, but I wasn’t blessed with the privilege of experiencing the blissful, worry-free love like my sister. Things still followed me to Cousins, responsibilities. And I always was stuck wishing they didn’t.
My siblings got to go swimming whenever they wanted, I had to swim once a day to “keep up with it” in my parents' words, mainly my Dad. I know they don't mean it. That in their hearts they do it out of love. Cause I do love swimming, I really do, but sometimes I wish reality could go on pause so I could live freely for a little while. With no concerns, or right way or wrong way, just me doing as I please. Without my Dad here the past two summers it helped. He’s harder on me than Mom. I grew up to realize it was just cause he didn’t really know how to be a parent. Does anyone really?  But his way of showing me love as a parent was by promising my success and ensuring my future. Well, I got recruited to Harvard's swim program with a scholarship so I guess his way of love kind of worked.
Despite everything, Cousins meant I got to see them. Susannah, Jeremiah, and him. Conrad. He was what stirred my emotions about Cousins the most. I’d had a crush on him for as long as I could remember. But I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t jeopardize our families like that.  I didn’t have time for boys. I had tried to date here and there, but everyone got bored, or mad that I “didn’t have enough time for them”. I couldn’t even get upset because they were right. I didn’t have time for them like normal high school girls did. I couldn’t hang out after school, I had swim practice and very few high school boys wanted to hang out just to do homework together once I got home if you know what I mean. I couldn't afford to be distracted, so I let them all go. I couldn’t do that to Conrad, put him in that situation. I also think I couldn’t do it to myself. The other boys didn’t matter, but him? Losing him would crush me so hard that I don’t think I would recover.
I drove to Cousins with Steven in my car.  I had saved up all summer and bought my trusty Volkswagen Passat last Fall. That was another pro about Cousins, the money. I've worked as a lifeguard at the club since I was 15, and I also did swim lessons there as well as private lessons. Those people will pay real well to have an all-star swimmer teach their three-year-old how to float I’ll tell ya.
“So you excited to work this summer?” I asked Steven. He got a job at the pool snack stand at the club and I had helped Jeremiah get a position as a lifeguard.
“Yeah, I guess, I’m excited to make big bucks like you have been all these summers.” He smiled at me making me instantly light up. Steven just had a natural energy to him that brightened people's moods. 
We jammed out to music for the rest of the drive and before I knew it we were pulling in the driveway. I noticed my mom's car wasn’t here yet. Knowing her and Belly, they probably stopped for snacks. Man, this house. I dreamed about this house. It was absolutely beautiful. I honked, our signal to them we had arrived. 
Jeremiah was the first one to run out to see us, but Susannah was not far behind. Conrad was nowhere to be seen, odd. I didn't have time to think about it though as Jere scooped me up in a big hug and spun me around. I noticed then how much he had grown since last summer. He probably started working out and he definitely grew a couple of inches. As we said hello he had a huge smile on his face, he usually did Jere was always a golden retriever in human form. 
Then Susannah came up to me. when Susannah hugged me it was like life went on pause, the way I always wanted it to. In her arms I was safe, in her arms I was still just her baby, the first born girl. 
“ Wow Y/N look at you, my precious girl, you've bloomed," Susannah said to me as she held the sides of my face. I never doubted a word Susannah said, the way she said things made me believe them. Susannah never said it and neither did I, but we were each other's favorites. She always spoiled me, she always was my number one fan. Susannah had a level of enthusiasm to her that most people didn't have. It probably wasn't fair for me to call her my favorite. She got to love me like a mother and spoil me like the fun aunt, and she never had to give me any of the negatives. So yes it probably wasn't fair for her to be my favorite, which is why I only ever told her private.
We all walked back inside, Susannah and Jere helping Steven and me carry in our bags. Still no Conrad. I dropped my bags on the floor as I scanned my eyes around my room. Nothing out of place, everything was as I left it. I really do love this room. It was bigger than my one back home, it even had a small walk-in closet.  Conrad and I had the biggest rooms, we were the oldest so we got the first pick of rooms. 
I'm mindlessly unpacked for a while before hearing the same signal I had done myself just a bit earlier, Mom and Belly were here. I didn't rush down after all, I had seen them just a few hours ago. I thought it was okay to let them have their own proper reunion with the Fishers. So I finished putting the rest of my clothes in my drawers before I went downstairs. However, when I open my bedroom door, I open it to find Conrad with his hand in mid-air as if he were about to knock. 
“Whoa- oh, hi,” I said somewhat skeptically, he had just appeared out of nowhere, where had he been when I would got here? He cleared his throat, shuffling his feet somewhat awkwardly as he put his arm down from its spot in the air and clasped his hands behind his back.
“Hey, um I was uh coming to say hello!  I was down at the beach surfing all morning, I didn't even realize you were here until your mom pulled up and you weren't with her.” He seemed nervous for some reason, I wasn't sure why.
“Don't worry about it, was the surf any good?” 
He smiled at me then, “ Yeah it was so good, I lost track of time.” I smile back at him, I had missed him. 
“Glad to know you missed my entrance for something worthwhile.” He laughed, me along with him before his face went back to being relaxed. He stared at me in silence for a few moments before suddenly, before I could even realize what was happening, Conrad had his arms around me. Conrad was hugging me. It was nice, but odd. Conrad wasn't the most affectionate person and this was very out of the blue.
“I'm happy you're here Y/N.” He whispered, slightly muffled by my hair. We backed away as I said,
“Me too.”  The silence stretched a moment too long for my level of comfort. He was too intoxicating, his gaze on me was all consuming, I had to get out of there. “I'm going to go say hi to my mom and my sister.” I rushed out, going past him down the stairs before he even replied.
This summer was already off to an interesting start.
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hoes4lino · 5 months
A Love Letter I wish It Didn’t Exist 💌
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A/N: I been doubting to post this, since this story is an adaptation on a real letter I made about my first love. Hope you guys enjoy! (This is also written in first person)
Genre: Romantic, First love, Angst, Suggestive
Word count: 5k
Reading Time: Approx 18 min
Pairing: Reader x Minho
Warnings: Mentions of substance, Reader can’t express emotions, some suggestive content nothing too explicit, happy ending? is as happy as real life can get.
Do you ever wish to fall in love? Hold someone’s hand in the cold breeze of autumn as the leaves fall. Be someone’s lover as the flowers bloom in spring. Be someone’s warmth during the freezing temperatures of winter? Be someone’s shadow on the strong sun rays of summer?
Yeah, well this doesn’t work for me.
Why you may ask, Ever since I was a child I was spoiled with love from my family and friends, growing up I wondered what I did in my past life to deserve such love.
As I went through my teens I started to despise such attention, why? I wish I knew. Growing up I didn’t have any crushes at all, just people I admired. I would often hear my friends babble about boys, fantasies I wished I never heard, and rant about their love life.
Though I never understood why, why couldn’t I be like them? Feel such a desire to love someone and have that feeling reciprocated.
Faking crushes became part of my life during middle school and high school, I felt like an outcast whenever my friends spoke about love, they were all experienced, yet I barely knew how to love myself.
I started dating a boy, not because I was in love but because I felt I had to, everyone I knew was experienced, yet I kept turning down boys.
I craved to get that tingly feeling my friends always talked about. I wanted to know what was the big deal about, and why people found it so addictive.
What is wrong with me?
This is the phrase that would haunt my mind every time I stared at couples walking on the cold breeze of autumn. ———
My high school years felt like something experimental, I went to parties, drank alcohol, did some weed, and hooked up… not because I was into those things but because I wanted to feel. I wanted to care about something. Yet I never felt anything but regret.
Why can’t I express my emotions? I know they are there. It’s as if they are locked up in a box inside of me.
On the first day of college, I was in a room filled with strangers, not a single familiar face, I felt like an outcast. Everyone is sitting next to someone but me.
As I sat at the back of the class next to a window, my eyes followed the leaves that fell from the trees announcing the beginning of fall.
My mind drifted into a peaceful scenario, everyone’s voices being muted by my brain as I took in such a beautiful scene. My chest felt heavy with emptiness, I would usually have a friend to share this moment with, yet here I sat alone.
I must have been too distracted cause I didn’t notice when he sat next to me, my body slightly jumping at the sudden appearance of the boy who sat next to me.
He was rather handsome, sharp nose, cat-like eyes, dark brown hair, and plump lips. He didn’t say a word though I know he must have felt my eyes on him, maybe he was trying to not embarrass me or maybe he was waiting for me to say something, yet I didn’t.
Once I was done staring I went back to stare at my window, noticing him shifting to look at it too, I couldn’t help but feel some warmth.
Why did I feel like that? He is just a stranger looking at the window… but why out of all these strangers he somehow make me feel at ease?
Freshmen year of college passed by, and I didn’t talk to this man, god knows what’s his name, but for some reason, he felt familiar, as if we had some type of bond. Maybe I’m crazy.
Our interactions that year went from walking to class together to sharing a couple of words when needed during class, it wasn’t until the last marking period that I realized I spent most of my time with him yet we were never close enough.
I felt weird. It felt weird.
Like imagine spending 70% of your day with the same guy for an entire school year and yet you don’t know his name or talk to him at all.
What’s crazier to me is that I feel like I got to know him through that silence… is this feeling what my friends call delusional? Is this real at all? Is it all my head? Can he feel it too?
Summer depression hit me like a truck, I’m not a sad person why do I feel this way? Empty… it’s like my body is craving something yet I don’t know what. I started getting frustrated, I thought spending time with friends and family would fix it, yet it didn’t… I’m missing a part… something.
During summer I went to a bunch of places, all of them filled with hundreds of people, yet my mind seemed to look for one each time… is it… him? ———
Sophomore year of college… I was too excited for my liking, I am usually terrified of new school years, afraid for what awaits me, but today my heart seems to beat faster than usual and it's not because I am nervous, it feels as if I'm waiting for something and I can’t wait to see it.
My day went by pretty fast, I went to my first two classes my heart filling with disappointment each time I scanned the room. At that moment I didn’t exactly know what I was looking for, I never really felt that way before.
The cold breeze was hitting my face as I sat in my business class, my mind focused on whatever I was working on.
“Is this seat taken?”
His voice sent shivers down my body, and my ears immediately recognized his soothing voice.
I look up to glare at him, the breeze coming from the window slightly moving his hair. I could feel my heart beating fast, my tummy doing backflips in excitement… I felt happy… but why?
“No, you can have it” I could feel my voice trembling as I spoke. As soon as he sat down I could only think of one thing.
Should I talk to him? What if I annoy him?
These thoughts consumed my head until the slight shift of his gaze moved toward me, my head immediately snapped to look at him.
“It's been a while,” He said softly with a thin smile on his face, I am not quite sure how I looked at that moment but I felt so self-conscious as I could see his eyes looking at me.
I nodded in response not quite sure what to say to that, I had a million thoughts running through my head, why do I feel this way around him?
“Minho” He continued, it must have been the way my eyes blinked in confusion as he slightly laughed “I figured you didn’t know my name, since we never really introduced ourselves last year” He explained. I wish the earth could eat me whole at this moment, I’m being too awkward. Say something y/n. SAY SOMETHING.
“uh oh,” I chuckled nervously, jesus christ why do I feel like imma puke right here “I’m y/n” I smiled, my gaze moving back to my computer. I was not too fond of the way I was feeling, It felt unknown and that scared me a lot.
Like why am I craving his attention but at the same time I wished he could disappear and leave me alone?
From that day on we became good friends, We would often greet each other and have casual conversations during class.
How much I loved your attention Lee Minho, yet you were clueless about it. If I had to name something I loved about him, I would stay and talk for hours.
“Y/n you are clearly in love” Those words repeated over and over in my head as my friend's voice muffled in the background. Love? “Y/n?” Is this how love feels like? “Y/N!”
I turn to look at my friend as she nudged my shoulder “All you talk about recently is about that damn boy, maybe you are finally catching feelings”
That night I stared at my ceiling, my eyes feeling heavy. Even when I was half asleep I would think of him. It wasn’t until I was almost asleep that I realized I was smiling hard at the thought of seeing him tomorrow.
I quickly sat on my bed, the darkness of my room surrounding me. Is this what love feels like? On one side I felt warm, but on the other side, I felt cold and afraid… what if he doesn’t like me? what if he does? Am I confused? Do I like him? Why him out of everyone? Why now and not before?
The next day I was so excited to see him, waking up a little earlier than usual to look good for him. I made my way through the lengthy hallways of our college when I spotted him. I felt nervous as I walked up to him, my heart falling to my stomach as I spotted him next to this beautiful girl.
She had long black straight hair, she was short and had a fit body, her curves were out of this world… and her face… don’t get me started.
I turned around with heavy feet, immediately searching for a bathroom.
I locked myself into a stall, it was 8:36 am.
Rule #3 don’t cry. Ever since I was a child I learned that crying doesn’t solve anything and that crying makes things worse, therefore I always hold my tears no matter how big the urge to cry.
In all my years of living, I never felt such an urge to cry as I did at that moment. I sat on the toilet concentrating on my breathing. The number of thoughts filling my mind was suffocating, I needed fresh air. Why do I feel like this? Why does my heart feel so heavy?
I left the stall to go to my business class, seeing him that day felt different, I was mad at him for some reason. Why? Is it because of the girl? He can have friends, is not like we are something, I remind myself.
That day I rushed to get home, the intrigue to know who this girl was, eating me alive.
I should have stayed curious.
Jasmine Kim, president of the architecture club, Asian student union, business manager of the robotics club, Academic weapon, and athletic.
How come have I never seen her before?
“ouuuu seems someone is jealous” My friend teased me through the phone, making me even more mad. I called her seeking help not to be made fun of. Ever since I did an FBI-type research on this girl I can’t help but compare myself to her. I never knew how to love myself, and this… this brought me to my lowest.
I hate feeling this way. I wouldn't say I like it. But no matter how mad I was, I couldn’t hate him.
Sophomore year went flying by, Minho seemed to grow close to Jasmine, and as much I wish I could say that didn’t affect me… it did. I decided to distance myself, after all, it was all a one-sided thing and it was for my well-being… right?
He had no clue about my feelings, so it wouldn’t matter if I suddenly disappeared from his life.
I felt selfish during this time, selfish of the way I treated him, I would ignore him during class or even his texts and he wouldn’t know why. He didn’t deserve this treatment, he didn’t deserve to be affected by my own emotions. ———
It’s the last summer days of 2023. Junior year started and it feels like it’s about to end. This year I haven’t seen Minho at all, my heart dies to see him but we have no classes together and my tight schedule keeps me busy from thinking of him.
“Remember Minho, The guy you had a crush on” My friend spoke on the the phone as I was too concentrated doing homework “What about him” I asked as I felt a knot forming in my stomach. I hated the way his name could get under my skin.
“He just joined my division in the robotics club and let me tell you that man is a complete dickhead” For some reason I felt the urge to fight back, defend him, and ask for an explanation; but I was too embarrassed for feeling this way I ignored her words “He is a man after all” Is all I managed to say, the curiosity eating me alive as I tried to not seem interested on what he could do to upset my friend.
After I found out about him being on the robotics club, I found myself going to the club often, I wasn’t part of it but I would make excuses to go and get glimpses of him.
The way he looked with his goggles on and thin layers of sweat on his skin. That man was dreamy no matter what he did.
No matter what I did to forget him, he would always be on my mind. In every room with hundreds of people, he would be the one I would look for.
“Excuse me” I raised my gaze to be met with a blond guy, he was the opposite of Minho, blond hair, a soft innocent face, freckles, and light brown eyes.
He was indeed pretty, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in knowing who this man was “I’m Felix” He said cheerfully.
I couldn’t help but compare him with Minho, unlike Minho he was friendly and straightforward “I’ve seen you around and I would like to get to know you”
To this day I feel so selfish for what I did. I thought that having someone's attention would make me forget you, yet you would still live rent-free on my head 24/7. I would often catch myself thinking about you. How was your day? Why do you look tired? Did you eat anything?
How much I wished I could get you out of my mind Lee Minho.
Putting him to the side, I and Felix spent a lot of time together, we had an art history class together, so we often met at the library to finish our projects.
“Would you like to go out for some beers with me and my friends?”
How much I wish I would of said no that day, maybe, just maybe that would have changed the track of things now. ———
I showed up, wearing my favorite cargo pants and a cute lace top, I had my favorite jewelry on and I went for a half-up hairstyle. I didn’t wanna go full-on dress up but I wanted to look classy and comfy at the same time.
How much I wish I would have worn something else.
I could feel my heart dropping to my stomach as the first person I spotted was him.
There are at least 100 people in this bar, yet there he is, sitting under the dim neon lights of the bar, he is wearing a full-on black outfit, his shirt unbuttoned showing a bit of his chest.
Talk about a man whore.
I jolt as I feel the warmth of a hand on my waist, turning around to be met with Felix. To this day I remember all this crystal clear, detail to detail.
I could tell he already had a couple of shots by the way he would slur his words.
“This is my homie Minho” He patted his back as he introduced me to him “We have known each other since high school, he can be our best man at our wedding”
I tried my best to not scoff at his words, wedding? We not even dating. I can tell Minho didn’t like this comment either by the way his posture became stiff and sat properly.
“Damn Felix, already feeling drunk,” He said in a tone that I can’t decipher to this day. It sounded annoyed but at the same time playful.
Minho stood from his chair and let Felix take it, he ordered him another drink and took me to another table.
“So you and Felix huh?” He sounded annoyed. At that moment I felt like I had to give him an explanation “We are not dating” I said briefly, why did I say that? That’s not his business.
“I see,” he said shortly. I remember the way my heart would pound, my hands were sweaty and I could feel my stomach doing backflips. I have never been so nervous around him till this day.
Maybe it was because it was our first time alone outside of school hours… or the shot of tequila I had was hitting.
As we both sat at a table away from our friends I could feel the way his eyes would travel around my body, I felt self-conscious.
The way his eyes would burn my skin is a feeling I miss with my whole heart. The chokehold you have on me Lee Minho.
“I love your necklace” He leaned to take a better look, his hand hesitating to grab the little Swarovski swan that hung on my neck.
His breath tickled my neck and I could feel myself shiver. I'm not sure if he was doing this on purpose but he was driving me crazy.
“Thank you, It’s my first ever expensive necklace,” I said as I tried to ignore the warmth of his breath on my neck “I bought it for myself on my birthday” I smiled as his gaze moved to look at my eyes.
“You gifted it to yourself?” I nodded “It’s expensive, I didn’t expect someone else to get it for me” I’m not sure if I was tripping but by the look on his face I could tell he wasn’t pleased with my answer.
His eyes looked at me with a million expressions written in them, the soft neon lights of the bar shone like a galaxy in them.
“I would treat you like a princess if you were mine”
I hate you.
How can you say that to me and then leave Lee Minho?
To this day I can hear your voice saying those words to me at night. It’s like if you engraved it on my brain so that every time I'm about to go to sleep I can hear it.
After he told me those words, I felt him getting closer, his hand on my hand as his eyes begged me for permission.
“May I?” His voice was as soft as the singing of an angel. Next thing I remember his plump lips were against mine. It was a sincere kiss.
There was no way he liked me back… I mean… I saw the way he treated Jasmine. This had to be a sick joke. I gently pushed him away, his face pouting as my lips left his.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped” He backed away, as he was getting ready to leave. I panicked. I didn’t want him to leave.
I grabbed his wrist out of instinct “What’s your relationship with Jasmine?” My impulsive thoughts got the best of me. He looked at me with a puzzled look “Jasmine?” He chuckled.
“Answer me,” I said coldly, no expression on my face. I was trying to not crack in front of him. I wanted to hear the answer I craved for months.
“She is a mutual childhood friend, she is captain of my robotics subdivision, so we keep in contact” His words lingered in the air as I tried to fit the pieces together in my brain.
Does that mean he likes me? Why he kissed me?
“Is that why you pulled away?” He asked softly as if he was trying not to scare me away. On the other hand, I was embarrassed, I didn’t have the guts to say yes so I simply nodded.
He chuckled one more time.
If he only knew how much I adored his laugh, the way it would fill my heart with joy. His laugh was like listening to my favorite song for the first time. How much I miss it.
He sat down again and leaned closer, his hand cupping my cheek as he stared at me with soft eyes. How much I wanted to kill him in that moment, why would he ever look at me with such a gaze?
“That was my first kiss” My world stopped. What? No way… he was playing games with me.
Before I could even talk he stood up from his chair and offered me a hand.
“Would you dance with me?”
That night we danced under the neon lights of the bar, without a single worry of the world. I was shy but with him, I felt like the most confident person in the room.
This was the beginning of an intoxicating relationship. ———
Maybe our story didn’t last long but the time we spent together is something I will treasure my whole life.
Dating Minho was like walking by the shore late at night. It was peaceful, too good to be true. I was too drunk on his love I wished it would never fade away.
I'm grateful for the amazing experience he gave me those years we dated. I learned to love, but most importantly I learned to love myself.
“You look beautiful” I opened my eyes to see him laying next to me, eyes in awe as he moved my hair away from my face. “Ur lying” I giggled trying to cover myself from his gaze. It was 8am, this man was definitely blind in love if he thought I looked beautiful in the morning.
That day something felt off, he was not the type to speak his mind, he talked through gestures not words. Yet today he was too talkative. Complimented me every chance he got.
It was around 7pm, he was in the kitchen cooking dinner while I was in our bed scrolling through TikTok mindlessly. I heard a notification coming off from his phone. Im not the type to check my boyfriend’s phone but the notifications weren’t stopping.
I stood up to pick it up from his desk and go leave it to him, whoever was texting definitely had something to say; however as I saw who was texting him, I couldn’t help myself but take a peek.
‘Minho you need to tell her now’
‘Don’t make this harder for yourself’
‘Think about her happiness’
I was puzzled as I read the texts, it was Jasmine who was sending them… what she meant by that… I was startle when he called me name “y/n dinner is ready”
I placed his phone down. Anxiety consuming me, tears threatening to fall, thoughts suffocating my mind.
As I sat in the dining table I contemplated whether I should confront him or not, he looked happy. What was he hiding.
“If someone ever asked me what I love the most about you” His words brought me back from my thoughts. I looked at him, my face had no expression, I didn’t know how to feel. “I would say your eyes” I could see the way his face lit as he spoke about me, his cheeks flushing as he giggled like a teenage girl in love.
I couldn’t help but smile, this was something I loved about him, he always knew how to make me smile. “What is this compliment for?” I knew he had something to say, I looked directly into his eyes, trying to make him crack. Reveal his secret.
“Nothing special, I have always loved your eyes but I was too shy to say it” He said vaguely while he ate his pasta “And why say it now?” I never took my eyes off him, I saw the way his eyes looked at me nervously, he was definitely hiding something.
He didn’t answer my question, he just smiled “Would you love me even if we were kilometers far away?” His tone was serious, I felt shivers running down my spine as I felt the coldness from the question.
“Of course I would silly, why?” I said trying to kill the tension that suddenly sparked in the room. He remained quiet but then he shook it off and offered me a smile, though there was something off about it.
We were preparing to go to bed, I was already changed into my nightgown while I brushed my teeth. Minho was taking a quick shower before bed, although he was taking longer than usual, so I decided to wait for him in bed.
About an hour had passed my eyes felt heavy, debating whether I should check on him or try to sleep, His behavior today kept worrying me, he was acting weird and he wasn’t getting off the shower. I didn’t like the tension that has been lingering since dinner.
I entered the bathroom, the shower was still on, the hot water causing the mirror to fog “Honey?” I said softly, the water turning off at the sound of my voice. He took his towel and dry himself vaguely, wrapping it around his waist.
He stood in front of me, hair wet, eyes glossy and lips parted. Im not quite sure if it was steam trapped in the bathroom or his breath taking appearance that made it hard to breathe.
Without notice he kissed my lips, his body pushing me towards the counter, I gasped as he picked me up so I would sat on the counter, he kept kissing me, so desperate so passionate. Something was off.
Minho was the type to take things slow yet today he was kissing me like it was his last time. That’s when my stomach dropped, the texts flashed in my head, his glossy eyes, the long shower, his question during dinner.
He was leaving me.
I placed my hands on his shoulder, gently pushing him, my heart shattering into pieces as I saw his tears rolling down his cheeks. I was quiet. Should I say something? Should I let him talk first?
He just stood in front of me, his gaze on my chest. I took a deep breath, a breath that held back my emotions, I know Minho and the last thing he would want to see is me crying for him.
I gently placed a hand on his cheek, ever so lightly like I was touching his fragile soul, and slowly I leaned to kiss his lips.
“I love you” I muttered in his lips, his hands moving to wrap me into a tight hug. This was the first time in three years of our relationship I ever said ‘I love you’ ———
The next morning I was cradled in his arms, my fingertips gently rubbing the scratch marks I left from last night.
I looked up to see him in a peaceful slumber. I looked at his plump lips I was busy kissing last night, I heard his stable heartbeat that brought peace to my mind, and I felt his warm skin touching mine. I wish I could capture all this in time. In all our years of knowing each other, that day felt like we truly got to know each other.
“I’m leaving to study abroad” My heart stopped. His words repeated in my head, tears threatening to fall “I’ll go wherever you go” My body betrayed me as tears rolled down my cheeks.
“Y/N” He hugged me as I tried to push him away “Your life is here, you can’t just abandon everything for me” He started crying as he hugged me tighter. I kept fighting back I wanted to push him away and look him in the eyes.
“You are my everything Minho” I screamed into his chest, my words being muffled. I could hear his heart-stopping, and that’s when I realized he was equally heartbroken as me.
I stopped fighting to hug him back, breaking into an inconsolable crying, he cried with me, our bodies dropping to the floor as we never separated from each other.
I had to let go. ———
A year passed after our break up, our memories playing vividly every time I walked by our favorite restaurant or the park he took me on our first date.
It was a cold day in the fall of 2023, I was making my way into the subway. I was listening to our shared playlist. I always listen to it when I have a bad day, it brings me comfort, and our memories warm my heart.
That’s when I saw him. My eyes must have been playing with my heart, I didn’t have time to process it when I found myself running towards him.
“Minho..” I said shyly, I hadn’t seen him in a year and now he dared to appear. His expression when he saw me copied mine. We were both equally stunned to see each other.
He hugged me without saying a single word, though I’m not surprised he spoke through actions, not words.
However, this is not a Disney fairytale where everything has a happy ending. We caught up with each other’s life, we had a great time together, and our connection didn’t fade away although we spent a year with no communication; however, it was time to say goodbye again.
It’s up to fate if our future is meant to be together, but something we both left clear is that we will always love each other.
So in conclusion. Lee Minho I hate you for stealing my heart but at the same time the love I profound you is a light in my heart that will never turn off no matter what the Universe has planned for us.
A love letter I wish it didn’t exist.
The end
A/N: The amount of tears I shed writing this is astonishing- anyway hope y’all liked it, the timeline in this is very inaccurate and my brain kept messing up, so if something looks off please tell me. Thank you <3
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
Hello, oh god, finally!! I want to request so many times but i always too late!! So, what i want to request is ror gods meeting child reader who gives them a chance of heart about humanity. Child reader is lost and wandering the tournament and bumped into the gods fighters. You know how most people are terrified of them? Child reader was not scare of them, was really adorable, and even somehow making their heart melt. When the human fighters were looking for her, they found her being cradles and carry by the gods and they decided to have a change of heart.
-You looked up, a smile on your lips as you explored these new surroundings, seeing a large door before you, and you heard voices behind it.
-You had wandered away from your family, the human fighters, who had all adopted you, as they were preparing for Ragnarok, so they hadn’t been paying attention.
-You pushed the door, finding it open and it swung open, and you landed on your hands and knees, not prepared for it to open so quickly.
-Several sets of eyes turned towards you, seeing a human child there as Thor, the one closest to the door, turned, “A child?”
-You heard the voice, and you looked up, seeing the foreboding figure of the Norse god looking down at you and Zeus winced, “Oh boy here we go.” As they waited for you to stop crying.
-Jaws fell open as you instantly grinned, standing up, reaching your hands up, “Pretty!” Thor’s eyes were wide in shock, seeing you making grabby hands towards him, silently wanting to be picked up, that and you called him pretty.
-The other gods present were also stunned, as Thor kneeled, down, hesitating to open his hands and he froze as you ran into them, hugging him.
-Odin thought it was rather cute as Thor, holding you as if you were made of glass, picked you up and carried you over to the table.
-He sat you in front of Odin and usually most people who saw Odin didn’t immediately smile and clap their hands in glee, seeing someone new, holding your arms out, “Hug?”
-Odin also froze, not expecting that you weren’t afraid of him, something Zeus poked fun at, “Look at this- someone who’s not afraid of you!”
-Odin glared darkly and you instantly started to giggle, overjoyed, not realizing he was angry.
-Poseidon initially didn’t want anything to do with you, as you got passed around amongst the gods, Hercules cooing up at you as held you up above his head, making you squeal with delight.
-However, when you wanted to go and visit Poseidon, Hades, who had been holding you, immediately handed you over and you smiled warmly, little hands coming to his cheeks, “Pretty!”
-His face had the rest of the gods immediately roaring with laughter, he was so stunned, eyes wide, gawking at you, seeing you being so forward.
-You were squealing in delight again, “Fun! Fun!” as Apollo waltzed with you, spinning around the room before the door burst open, “Y/N?!”
-There were the human fighters and you beamed, seeing Adam, “Papa!” and instantly the fighters breathed in unison, a sigh of relief, seeing you safe.
-The humans and Brunnhilde were stunned as the humans entered the room, after Zeus brought them in, telling them, that thanks to you, they had a change of heart, no longer wishing to destroy humanity, as that would mean you would be destroyed too.
-Adam and Brunnhilde were stunned, learning this, seeing how easily you had won over the gods while Kojiro was holding you, “That’s because you’re so cute- right Y/N?”
-Your little fists came to your hips, puffing up your chest in pride, looking quite pleased with yourself, not really understanding what he was saying, but you knew praise when you heard it.
-It seemed the gods had work to do, to right their wrongs, mainly so they could spend more time with you.
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The crack post saga continues... =D
Warning: long, long post 😊😅
To be very honest though, for today's ep I will be getting serious more than usual, because it was quite significant in the flow of the plot, and also had moments of communication (this emotional constipation is what makes me yearn for Cherry Magic ah) that need to be studied a little closely.
HOWEVER, there will most definitely be crack because this group of friends is (unapologetically) batshit crazy and my brain refuses to not make comments at the most inappropriate times.
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The sheer panic in his movements, oh my gods. It should not be as hilarious as it is 😭😂
To be very honest though, I would've panicked a bit in his place too, with friends like those, they'd never let him live it down
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Peem is so cute 😭
Nothing to see here, just a guy getting shy over how his prince charming hom-ed him, and they kissed through his hand and cuddled all night hehe
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Phum: here he comes again :) *eye twitch*
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Peem's expression, how he's still holding his hands as if he has the cup, Kluen's disbelief, and Phum's smug af face-
I'm wheezing 😭🤣
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Kluen, I'm kinda starting to like you, but no.
You don't stand half a chance against them and their situationship.
Hope you find another boyfriend to fall in love at first sight with (and leave my boys alone please, they don't need any more complications) <3
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Oh, Fang knows too. Of course he does, that's his little brother right there
We all know how protective of his brother he is, there's no way he'd let anybody else take care of him... unless, he knew Phum liked that person
les voila
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Poor Tan, his theerak just ignoring him T-T
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*looks between them* yeah, pretty much the same pic 👀
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And here it is. The root of all his fears.
See, in this camp, almost all of them are paired up in the sense that they usually stick to that person. Even Beer has MIck. But then comes wild card Kluen, who's hogging all of Peem's attention as much as he can and that leaves Phum. Alone.
I will be getting back to this running motif of Phum being alone and how it changes through the ep in later scenes as well
Also, after they went back, both Mick and Beer asked if he really was okay, which made me smile, because maybe, Phum isn't as alone as he thinks himself to be. There are people who care for him, who are concerned, who'll support him, and of course, he always has Fang, his beloved phi
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My poor babie Tan 🥺🥺
Also, notice how the shot is taken in such a way that they're the only ones in the frame, and are also standing within one specific part of the wall? (Ignore Kluen's head and hands please). It reflects how they're in their own world with each other, especially Tan
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The nosy peeps gang strikes again!
Jokes aside, the synchronised strides, the background music together set the perfect levels of suspense and comedy
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Peem, smug: yes! that emotionally constipated dumbass is finally getting out of De Nile
Pun: wait... is my plan actually working? Ah, of course it is
Toey: head empty, no thoughts, but... DOES P'Q ACTUALLY LIKE ME OMG I'LL DIE
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Oh gods, FINALLY. I wish them a happily ever after. Sadhu 😌🙏🏼
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Pun forgetting all about being quiet when Toey finally confesses is so on character 😭👍🏼
Also... what's even the point of being quiet? Q and Chain have been friends with these idiots since high school, of course they know they're peeking
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Toey: *shooketh*
Gays in thai bl and staring off into the distance 😭
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This scene was so, so beautiful and also quite important for both Q and Toey
Q knew what was up, more or less, but his confusion stemmed from his knowledge of Toey
Would Toey really go to these lengths? For him?
"Why? Are you the only one who can tease me?" <- Q says this to tell Toey that he might have been angry, but now he understands that Toey didn't really have any bad intentions
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Hugs always get bonus points from me, and this was pretty up there
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Pun hiding behind Chain is so on point
His friends: you're an idiot so we had no choice but to intervene 😭😭
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Matt's (JJ) comedic timing is >>>>>>
Toey and Matt's friendship is also given weight in the series, and I'm happier for it.
Also revenge is sweet ehehe *coughs*
Moving on.
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If there's no live singing dedicated to your One True Love, is it even Thai BL??
We Are making generous use of MSP songs 😭👍🏼
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This scene.
The apology. It is at this point that they're leaving all the past pain, grief and anger in the past
Q makes sure to tell Toey that yes, he may have loved Milk Frappe Boy, but now, in the present, all his love was for Toey, his lovable annoying mentee
This apology is not only to Toey, or Milk Frappe Boy, but to himself as well, because by causing pain to a person he loves twice, he'd caused himself pain too
The perfect sweet and romantic moment, but also with a teeny bit of teasing, because that's who they are
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No joke, I gasped and nearly stopped breathing when he said this
Peem's reply, his soft but kind of hurt voice were just so painful to hear
But it's also this moment that Peem gives Phum a reality check – if he really didn't want to, he wouldn't be doing any of this, and Phum had no business trying to control his life
The conversation outside with Q was significant, but also a diluted reflection of Peem's earlier (in ep. 7) talk with Q
Even a few episodes earlier, Q would have gone ballistic on Phum for treating his bestie like this, but now, he asks Peem how he feels for Phum, tries to understand exactly what their relationship is
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It was at this point that he knew, he fucked up
Beer is a godsent. I love him <3
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I think Toey says "I asked hia Tan to blow it up for me."
Also, Tiw and his rubber duck floater from MSP anyone? 👀
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And, we are back to square one where Phum is left alone again
As I'd said before, this a repeating motif throughout the series, but especially the last two episodes
This is how it has always been in Phum's life: he has been left behind. He does have Fang, but now even Fang has a boyfriend. And while this does not affect his brother's affection towards him in anyway, it does introduce a new strand of lonliness for Phum because 1. no matter what, he loves his brother a lot, and knows how much he loves Tan, so he definitely will try to stay out of their way at least sometimes and 2. he wants a boyfriend too. Further, he wants Peem, but there's a push and pull there, and after what he said, in his mind he had pretty much ruined his chances with his crush
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This is the moment Phum starts to hope that maybe, just maybe, his feelings aren't as unrequited as he'd thought.
On the other hand, Peem is the one afraid here. What if the deal is all that's holding them together? What if without it, Phum will have no reason to be as close to him?
Peem, baby, for one, your groups are already merged, and secondly, this guy is head over heels for you, no way he'd stop following you like a lost puppy
(Apparently, it's not Peem's turn with the communal braincell this week 😭)
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Here, Phum is technically alone, but he's surrounded with friends, and he's smiling
He isn't left behind here, for once, he's sitting there by choice (to shamelessly ogle his crush, but shh we don't talk about that) with the comforting knowledge that when/if he jumps in, he won't be left out, Kluen be damned
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Once the floodgates of affection have been opened to Q, there's no going back <3
(Also, notice how Tan is already asleep on Fang's shoulder? 👀)
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Jokes apart, this moment is so, so beautiful. The kiss, the soft question "are you ready for my answer now?" (maybe Peem isn't, but hell if he denies this man his kissies).
Everything leading up to this point is also so very delightful
Phum helping them out in the cafe, despite probably having never worked a day in his life, discovering how Peem still kept the roses and finally, finally, the completed painting. This sight, above all, is what convinces Phum that Peem might have feelings for him after all; because which fool would lie about not having completed something that would free them from being a slave to someone? A fool in love, that's who
if they don't get together and have the fluffiest moments in the next ep, I swear to god, hands will be thrown *grumbles* they're already making me wait a whole damn week
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep! (I cannot promise I won't be jumping around and screaming, but then again, this is supposed to be a crack post so-)
And if you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea and a sandwich 🧋🥪
[If you'd like, here are my previous posts: Ep 8 and Ep 9.]
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bagopucks · 1 year
A. Matthews - Needs Approval
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Auston Matthews x Reader
Word count: 3.4k
Warning(s): itty bitty happy crying
Proofread once
“Alright. We have plans.”
Spontaneity was not something I knew Auston for. So when he came through my front door with these ‘plans’, I had to refrain from looking too surprised.
“Auston, you can’t just blow through here unexpectedly, trying to take me out. I have a kid-“
“No, that’s who I’m looking for.”
My face lit up in shock and slight amusement.
“Sad is the day a woman is outshined by her son. To the man of her dreams, I have become but a mere oracle to consult.”
“Okay, Shakespeare.” Auston smiled, walking over to help me pick up Hudson’s few toys scattered across the floor.
“What are these plans?” I asked, watching him sit next to me.
“I was gonna take him to see that new kids movie.”
“Is there a reason I can’t go? I mean- I’m all for the bonding, but.. I’m a little surprised there’s no invite.”
“Well.. ya know I just thought,” Auston shrugged, “give you a night to yourself. Maybe you could call one of your friends, or- you could always go to my place and hang with Felix. Whatever you want.” I couldn’t quite tell what he was hiding, but I knew it was something. Auston didn’t like to make eye contact when he was avoiding a topic.
“You know I go stir crazy when you boys aren’t around.” I teased, gently nudging his leg with my foot.
“I promise I’ll invite you to the next movie outing.”
“Alright. He’s coming home from a friend’s house. They were working on a project.”
“What kind of project?” Auston glanced up at me before setting another toy into the tub Hudson had designated to his action figures.
“A science project. Creating your own habitat. He and his friend are doing something Arctic with penguins and polar bears.” I smiled, recalling the creativity Hudson had been blessed with. He had so many materials he wanted to use, and so many great ideas.
“He asked me if you could get him a little plush of Carlton so they could set it up in the hall by their habitat.”
“Sounds cool. I’ll definitely get one when I can.”
“By next week.” I was quick to add. “They’ll need it by Friday. That’s when the project is due.”
“I feel like two weeks is a long time for a project like that.”
“Not all kids can be as smart as the one we’ve been raising together.” I didn’t miss the way Auston’s eyes lit up. Then a sheepish smile took over his lips.
“That makes us sound like bad people.” He commented.
“But not bad parents.” I would never tell another person that my child was smarter than theirs, nor did I ever feel as such. I was aware all kids grew and learned at their own pace. But at times it was nice to admit that Hudson was such a curious and driven child, always eager to learn. It was nice to admit Auston and I were shaping a pretty successful child.
“So we’re parents now?”
“Auston, you’ve been here long enough. I’m not ignoring what’s in front of my face. You’re a father to Hudson. You know what he told me the other night?” Auston stopped what he was doing to focus on me. “He told me he wished you didn’t have to bring clothes over all the time. That you could just stay here and be with us every day.” I smiled and tossed another toy into a smaller bucket. “He also said he really loves your house. He said he loves when you have sleepovers there, because he can swim and have ice cream all day.”
“I feed him other stuff!” Auston laughed, shaking his head. “That kid. I promise I feed him other stuff.”
“I’m not too worried about it.” I admitted with a shrug, reaching for another toy. I glanced up at Auston, watched the way his eyes went blank, staring me down. I didn’t ask. Usually he spoke his mind. So I waited, going back to tossing toys in the bucket.
“Do you want me here?”
“You’ll have to explain a little.”
“If we ever move in together. Do you want me like- in this house with you, or do you want to live with me? Or we could get our own place.”
“Change is gonna be a little hard no matter what we do. But I think what’s best is searching for a new home together. Something that’s ours equally. I want a new house, with new memories. Unless that’s too expensive.”
“No, I totally understand. And nothing’s too expensive.”
“We’ll buy a place we agree on. And as much as I love the modern touch of your house, I still want something that feels like a home.”
“Whatever you and Hudson want.”
“I’ll let you have a man cave.” I teased, smiling at his quiet laugh. We had time to discuss it. We were in no rush. We had just only started talking of marriage a month ago. We actually had to get married before anything else. At least that was the next step Auston and I agreed on.
“Do you want any more kids?”
“Are you kidding?” I laughed, resting my hand on the floor to support my weight. “Every time I see you with Hudson I think I want another kid.”
“But after the change?” Auston asked.
“Yes.” I picked up the last action figure and set it in the small bucket. A small test. I knew Auston would pass it before his hand even reached into the bucket to remove the figure, tossing it into the bigger one. “I want Hudson to feel comfortable in a new place, and feel secure before we go making any additions.” I watched a brown curl fall out of place. “It’s important that he feels like your kid before we have any others. The last thing I’d want is for him to feel like you’ll love him any less.”
“I could never. He’d be my kid just as much as the others.” Auston slowly leaned back to lay on the floor. I made my way over to lay with him, resting my head on his chest.
“Others plural?”
“At least three.”
“Three between us?” I gasped.
“No! No. Like- Hudson, and then two others.”
“Why three?”
“‘Cause kids that grow up in families with just one sibling- they end up weird.”
“My first example is Mitch.”
“Auston!” I scolded through soft laughter. “He’s not weird.”
“He’s pretty weird.” Auston chuckled, warming my heart with the way his body moved beneath me. I lifted my hand to check the time on my watch. A sigh fell from my lips. We’d only just laid down, and already we had to get up.
“You wanna come stand with me on the porch? Hudson’s gonna be here soon.”
“Boy do I.” Though Auston’s words were teasing, I knew he was excited. I stood up and helped him off the ground. I walked toward the door and unlocked it while I put my slippers on. Pulling the door open, I walked out onto the porch, Auston close behind.
“What time do you think you’ll be getting back?” I asked as I pulled the door shut.
“Probably around eight? If thats not too late.”
“Eight is just fine. Maybe hold off on the sweets though if you get movie snacks.”
“What do you mean if? You always get movie snacks.” I laughed at Auston’s argument.
“The popcorn is pretty good.”
“And the little chocolate crunchy things.”
“The Buncha Crunches?”
“Yeah, those.” Auston nodded. I leaned against the porch rail, and Auston mirrored my stance next to me.
“He’s gonna be so excited to see you.”
“Oh, quit that.” Auston bumped his hip against my own.
“You don’t understand how much he loves you. Or how much he misses you. When you’re on road trips. And how scared he gets when he thinks you’re hurt.”
“I’m always a call away.”
“Yeah I know. I just hate not knowing your schedule when you’re in another city.”
“Shoot me a text.” Auston rested his hand atop my own. “You’re a first priority. I’ll always text you back fast.”
Our conversation was cut off as a car pulled into the drive. The back window rolled down as Hudson hopped out with his book bag. His friend waved and shouted goodbye.
“Thanks for the ride Mrs. Haleigh!” Hudson bounced up the driveway, but the second he turned in our direction, his speed picked up. I waved to Haleigh before she pulled out of my driveway and left.
“Auston!” He climbed up the porch steps and dropped his bag.
“You mind if I steal ya for a bit tonight?” Auston asked, holding his hand out for their elaborate handshake.
“Did you ask mom?”
“Of course I did.”
“Can I put my stuff inside?”
“I’ll get it.” I answered quietly, laughing. “I’ll take a hug first before you leave.” I added quickly. Hudson was swift to spin around and hug my legs. “Be safe. And listen to Auston.”
“I always do.”
“I’m serious.” I pulled away to grab his bag from the floor.
“I’ll see you boys later.” Hudson was already jogging down the stairs by the time I turned to Auston. I rested my hand beneath his chin and guided his lips to my own. “I love you.” I whispered.
“I love you too.” Auston smiled, pressing another quick kiss to my lips. Hudson had never been one of those kids to gag or groan. He usually just smiled or looked away. I had no doubt it was because of his happiness. He didn’t grow up for five years with a proper example of love. He was content with knowing love provided happiness. With understanding that we had a good situation.
“Ready, Hudson?” Auston finally followed the kid down the steps.
I gave one last wave before they left. When the silence set in, I felt both at ease and antsy. I decided to slip back inside to find something to busy myself with.
“So what snacks do you want?”
“Can we get gummies?”
“I’m cool with that. What about slushees?”
“Oh! Blue!”
Auston followed and enforced every rule you did. Almost every rule. When it came to movies, he didn’t give Hudson a sugar limit other than what would make the kid sick. And when it came to hockey, Auston told Hudson sometimes cursing was appropriate. Hudson however, was keen on saying words and phrases you told him never to say. Like “stupid” and “jerk.” Hudson knew of curse words, but they weren’t well rounded in his vocabulary yet.
“Did you get that?” Auston asked the woman behind the counter, who smiled and nodded.
“Cute kid.” She complimented.
“He’s my girlfriend’s.” Auston used to love the attention in Toronto. Girls always managed to find him, speak to him, contact him. It brought a lot of confidence, and worked wonders on his ego. If he was honest with himself, Auston didn’t know what he was getting into when he first met Hudson. Auston always said he wasn’t opposed to meeting somebody, he just never found the right person. Turns out his right person was actually two people. Now he only needed one love to make him feel like a million bucks. And the admiration of the kid standing next to him, trying to gnaw open a bag of gummy worms.
“You think mom’s okay on her own?” Hudson asked after Auston had paid, and they were handed the rest of their snacks.
“I think she’s doing just fine.”
“How’s come you didn’t invite her?” Auston led the kid toward the theatre corridor.
“‘Cause I just wanted to have a fun night with you.”
“You always invite mom.” Auston sighed, glancing down at Hudson.
“I have a really important question for you.”
“How important?”
Auston had to pause, thinking of a good comparison.
“Like.. Stanley Cup important.” He found amusement in the way Hudson immediately looked up at him, wide eyed.
“Dude…” Hudson whispered. “That’s pretty important.”
“I know.”
“Why do you need to ask me?”
“Because right now, you’re kinda like.. the keeper of the cup.”
“That’s cool. What does he do?”
“He protects the cup. Makes sure it doesn’t get any scratches. Travels everywhere with it, and keeps an eye on it.”
“Well that sounds like a pretty boring job.”
“Yeah, but its important.” Auston paused as he pulled the door to their theatre open.
“So what are you asking me?”
“Well I can’t tell you right now.” Hudson groaned as he walked up the isle into the theatre, Auston following close behind.
“Why do I have to wait?”
“I wasn’t gonna bring it up until after we watched the movie.” Auston reasoned as he helped Hudson find their seats. Hudson’s silence was a bit out of character, but Auston let it slide. Once they got comfortable, Hudson turned to him.
“Nobody’s ever told me I’m as important as the guy who watches the Stanley Cup.” He admitted softly.
“Well I’m glad I got to be the first.” Auston smirked, reaching for the extra straw he’d stuffed in his pocket.
“What’s that for?” Hudson asked, watching as Auston peeled the wrapper off and crumbled it up. They made brief eye contact before Auston stuck the straw in Hudson’s slushee and took a sip.
“Hey!” Hudson laughed quietly, and soon Auston was laughing too. “That’s not fair!”
“Yeah, we’ll I paid for it, pal.”
“You’re mean,” Hudson teased as he swatted the bill of Auston’s hat.
“I only do it cause I love ya.” The words left Auston’s lips before he could really think of them. He looked away almost immediately, holding his breath and trying to act natural. A kid can smell panic from a mile away. But instead of Hudson asking any more questions, or teasing, he let out a big old sigh and looked forward as well. Auston saw him smile from the corner of his eye. Then he felt a small hand rest on his arm.
“I love you too.” Auston could hardly contain his smile, and he was still grinning like an idiot as soon as the movie began.
The boys sat quietly through the movie, though admittedly Auston missed most of it, replaying the quiet moment he shared with Hudson over and over again in his head. He’d worked hard to earn Hudson’s respect and acceptance. He worked hard to fill a role he knew he hadn’t been prepared for.
When the movie ended, Auston knew he’d have no trouble asking Hudson his important question.
“That was such a cool movie.” Hudson beamed as the credits began to roll. Auston helped him gather their trash before they left the theatre and threw everything away.
“Thanks for taking me out, Auston!” Hudson skipped along the tile floor in the lobby, careful not to step on any cracks. Auston laughed at his excitement. The kid was all hopped up on sugar.
“Hold up, Buddy.” Auston immediately reached for Hudson’s hand when the boy made it to the door. Hudson high fived Auston before pushing the door open.
“No, Hudsy. It’s a dark parking lot. Hold my hand.” Auston’s amused laughter was met with a bashful smile from Hudson, who slipped his hand into Auston’s. They were careful when walking across the parking lot, and Auston opened the front door for Hudson.
“My car seat’s in the back.” Hudson reminded.
“We have to talk first, little dude.”
“Oh! Oh yeah.” Hudson climbed up into the front seat, before Auston walked around the car to join him on the other side. He pulled his door shut and turned the vehicle on.
“So, this big question.”
“Yes.” Hudson pulled his legs up onto the seat to fold them up, turning to face Auston.
“You ready for it?” Despite his certainty that he’d get a yes, Auston still felt nervous.
“Yes!” Hudson insisted.
“Alright.. I want you to be honest with me. Like completely honest. Okay?”
“Just ask, Auston.” Hudson urged. His impatience got the best of him.
“Is it okay if I marry your mom?”
There was a beat of silence. Hudson taking time to process the question, while his wide eyes studied Auston’s face.
“You wanna marry my mom.” Hudson repeated.
“Yeah? I really love her, Aus. And I love you. I’d love to join your little family.” Auston fidgeted with his own hands, occasionally glancing down to avoid the steady gaze from the kid across the console.
“So you mean like.. I’m gonna have a dad? Like a real dad?” Auston immediately looked up.
“Of course, Hudson. That’s what I’ve been trying to do.”
“I’m gonna have a dad.” Hudson’s features shifted from excitement to shock, then he couldn’t sit still. His hands pulled at the fabric of his pants, seemingly distressed as tears clouded his vision.
“Hudson?” Auston immediately reached across the car to rest a hand on the boy’s arm. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m gonna have a dad.” Hudson cried out, the tears spilling down his cheeks. Years of confusion and grief, always feeling like he was missing out on something. It was finally coming to an end. Hudson’s mind could only focus on one thing. Having a second parent.
“Buddy, come here.” Auston gently guided Hudson forward. The kid practically climbed over the console and right into Auston’s lap, wrapping his arms around the man’s shoulders to sob against his collar. Auston held onto Hudson like his whole life depended on it. The situation choked him up, but he kept a brave face. At least he thought he did, until he felt a few tears of his own sliding down his cheeks.
“Hudson,” Auston forced the word from his lips. He knew Hudson would be happy eventually, but the pain had to come first. Kids were too young to completely understand their emotions. Hudson’s tears came from fear and relief. Relief of knowing the wait was over, and fear of not understanding why that made him want to cry. He just needed to let it out. Auston learned he was pretty good at sitting and waiting for that.
“I gotcha, Hudson. You wanna take a few breaths for me?” He felt Hudson’s choppy breathing stop for only a moment before it started again. He was listening.
“Those were pretty bad breaths, dude.” Auston teased softly, sniffing quietly, a quiet quivering laugh falling from his lips.
“Shut up.” Hudson pouted, his voice broke as he spoke. He gently punched Auston’s shoulder.
“You wanna try that again?” Auston moved one of his hands from Hudson’s back to reach for the hand that hit his shoulder. Hudson only tightened his grip.
“I just-“ he hiccuped. “I just wanna hug a little bit longer.” He whispered.
“You got it.” Auston nodded, wrapping his arm back around Hudson.
At some point, Hudson’s legs grew tired, and his grip on Auston finally loosened. So, the hockey player took his chance to help Hudson lean back, a smile on his lips as he pulled the sleeve of his sweatshirt over his palm.
“You okay now?” Auston asked as he wiped Hudson’s face with his sleeve. Hudson managed a smile and nodded.
“I’m really happy.” Hudson finally admitted, though his voice sounded as though another round of tears were close behind.
“You can’t tell your mom, okay? You’re gonna help me with everything, but you can’t tell her.”
“I can do that. I won’t tell anybody.” Hudson spoke as he stood on the seat between Auston’s legs, leaning back against the steering wheel.
“Betcha didn’t expect me to ask that kinda question tonight. Did ya?”
“That’s bigger than the Stanley Cup.” Hudson giggled quietly, still sniffling as he rubbed at his face.
“I know. That’s why I had to ask your permission. You and your mom mean the world to me. I wanted to make sure you were okay with it first.”
“It’s okay with me.” Hudson clarified, as if he needed to. “You can marry my mom.”
“You know.. as her son, you’ll get the third piece of cake in the wedding.”
“Who gets the first and second?”
“Me and your mom.” Auston helped Hudson back across to the passenger seat.
“You’ll share a little bit with me though.. won’t you?” Hudson’s question made Auston scoff out a laugh.
“We’ll talk about it more when the time comes.”
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
hey can i request? asshole king!steve harrington x popular!reader with some real angst with unrequited love trope.. so y/n is in love with steve for years shes practically attached to him anywhere he goes annoying him cheering him up its embarassing and all but he never respond or look in her way rejecting her in harsh way or something like that and instead went for another girl in front of her eyes then one day she just done with him and get herself a boyfriend or something and when steve found out he realized he fucked up and he regret it he tries to win her back but shes not going back or you decide the ending lol smndksksd pls this is shitty but i just need some good unrequited love angst that hurts the most 😭 no pressure tho love u so much ur an icon <3<3<3
Oh absolutely!!! And this is not shitty whatsoever, I love this plot idea and I try to do it justice.
If this isn't what you wanted please let me know so I can rewrite it :)
We are going to pretend Eddie was very involved in Steve's years in highschool for this.
Steve x Reader,Reader x Billy
I want to mention that I know some people do not like the character of Billy Hargrove and may be uncomfortable with the reading being involved with him. So if you wish to read this but want a different character let me know and I can create an alternate version with no Billy!
In this post we are going to act like Billy is a new guy with a clean slate. And he's not an asshole :)
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Y/N did not make it a secret that she was infatuated with Steve Harrington. She made it very obvious she adored him and had a massive schoolgirl crush on him. But he never gave her the time of day. It hurt her, she will admit, but you are never supposed to give up on love, right?
So when she asks him about his day, she'll ignore the eye roll he gives as he answers. When she asks to be his partner for projects, she'll ignore him when he lies to say he already has a partner. When she holds open the door for him, she'll ignore the glare sent her way. When she tries to sit next to him in the cafeteria, she'll ignore him when he slams down his backpack to cover the spot. She'll have a tight smile and sit next to Tammy. All these things she could easily ignore, all because she loved him.
Things were getting ugly when Billy Hargrove came into the picture. Y/N could tell Steve was getting angry with this new guy. Billy was trying hard to dethrone King Steve and take the title for himself. It was slowly working.
Billy was making Steve look like an idiot on the basketball court. He was running circles around him all day long. Glares and harsh words were being thrown at each other. At one point, Billy shoved Steve to the ground to take the ball. Y/N was watching from the other side and quickly ran over to check on him. As she kneeled next to him and offered her hand, "Hey, are you okay?"
As usual, Steve answered with an eye roll and moved away from her hand. "Leave me alone." He jumped up and returned to the game. Yeah, she was a little embarrassed to be bluntly rejected in the middle of gym class, but hey, that's what she's used to when it comes to Steve.
But as she was getting up, a body stood over hers with a hand stretched forward. She looked up and made eye contact with beautiful blue eyes. Her cheeks blushed at the smirk on the boy's face. "Let me help you up, gorgeous." She grasped his hand and let him pull her up to her feet. With quick exchanged smiles, they went opposite ways.
Another day, another conflict between Steve and Billy. Steve was hosting his usual Halloween party, and dancing around with Nancy. He heard screams and chants of "Billy. Billy. Billy" and he knew exactly who showed up. His body stiffened when the man himself walked up to him. His beer-coated chest was shown off through his unbuttoned shirt.
Y/N watched with her usual observing gaze. Even if Steve didn't like her, she'd always watch out for him. She knew he didn't have a good relationship with his parents. He was alone, and she wanted to fix that. She watched as the guys seemed to be arguing, and a sudden punch landed on Billy's right eye. Steve had just poked the bear, and Y/N knew he was going to pay the price. She watched as Nancy stood, drinking and not diffusing the situation. The music stopped as Billy landed a blow to Steve's stomach. His knees hit the floor within seconds. As usual, Y/N quickly ran over to drop next to him. Before any words could make it out of her mouth, Steve was beating her to it.
This was the first time he had ever looked directly into her eyes. She could see all the different types of browns swimming around. Her heart quickened but shattered just as fast when Steve's eyes went into splints. Angered and annoyed, he was spitting right in her face, "I told you to leave me the fuck alone. Why don't you get that? "
And he puffed out his chest and got up to walk to the bathroom. Billy was long gone, and Nancy was watching the pair closely. Embarrassed yet again, Y/N brushed it off. As she got up, she noticed Nancy going after Steve. Y/N felt a soft smile graze her face, happy to know someone was going to take care of Steve tonight at least.
A few minutes passed as she stood outside, smoking a cigarette. Her eyes looked up and landed on the same blue eyes, already staring back. She sent an inviting smile that he gladly took advantage of. He walked over and took out his own cigarette and lighter. He lit it up and inhaled the taste. He looked over at her again.
Billy truly thought she was beautiful. She looked like she didn't even have to try; she barely wore makeup. She wore cute outfits to school. She is popular; that's a given. But he could tell she'd look gorgeous in a hoodie and sweatpants, if he ever got to see it. He didn't notice he was staring for a decent amount of time until he felt the sting of his cigarette burning the tips of his fingers. He quickly threw it on the grass and stomped it out. A giggle caused him to look up, a questioning expression on his face as he looked at her.
"You totally just wasted that whole stick just because you were staring." She was teasing, but she couldn't lie that butterflies were storming up inside of her. This gorgeous guy, who could be doing many things with anyone here, was standing next to her and just staring at her. She felt beautiful.
The burning stares were caught off guard when she saw Steve slamming the back door and stomping towards the edge of his pool. She could practically see steam flying out of his ears. But she noticed his shoulders were slumped, a sign he was upset.
She looked over at Billy with an excuse on her lips. He seemed like he understood and watched her walk over to place a hand on Steve's shoulder. He didn't understand what was going on between them. They seemed to be into each other, but he takes account of all the times he's seen Steve blow her off. He always felt bad for her when her cheeks would flare up with her head down. He doesn't understand why Steve would treat her so horribly when she was like an angel to him.
Steve felt a hand on his shoulder. The familiar touch sent heat into his body, and he knew exactly who it was. He felt her body sit next to him. With a soft touch to his knee, she asked, "What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it? "
Steve knew she was being nice, and she doesn't deserve the way he treats her. But the alcohol, anger, and sadness took over his mind and picked out his words for him. Before he knew it, he was staring into her eyes again. He felt like he was receiving another punch in his gut when he saw that familiar adoration shown through her eyes. He hated it. He doesn't deserve to be looked at like that.
"God, how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone? No, I don't want to fucking talk about how my girlfriend just broke up with me because she isn't even in love with me. I don't want to talk about this fucking Billy Hargrove coming to steal the one thing I own in this school. I'm King Steve, and that's all I have. And if he wins and gets to take them from me, I will have nothing and will be nothing. So you and your little touches, sorry filled eyes, and comforting tone can just leave me the hell alone because I don't want you here. I don't even fucking like you. This little obsession you have with me needs to stop. No more notes in my locker, no more extra food in your lunchbox to try to feed me, no more asking to be partners for random shit. I don't want to spend time with you or even be near you. I despise you. "
That was going to be a whole lot harder to ignore. She couldn't ignore the broken pieces of her heart falling into the pool. She couldn't ignore the tears filling her eyes. She couldn't ignore the feeling of her throat closing up on her. And she couldn't ignore how easy it seemed for Steve to say that to her. He truly didn't care about her. He didn't even care a single inch to try to protect her feelings, and she wasted all her time trying to protect him.
It finally got through to her this time, and she felt a little bit angry. Even if she was annoying, she was still being nice to him, being a friend, and she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. With a deep breath, she removed her hand from his knee.
 He hated that her touch leaving caused his knee to turn cold.
"You know what, king Steve, you are such a selfish asshole. You don't have to like me or even stand me. But all I was trying to be was a friend, because let's be honest, our friend group won't be there for us the second we graduate. No one will have my back and I want someone to at least have yours. It's hurting to see you so alone, Steve, and I just wanted to let you know you have someone in your life that's there for you. But I'm starting to think maybe you deserve to be alone. Fuck you, " with that she got up and went straight back into the house. And here Steve was sitting alone next to the pool. He let her words sink in.
Steve spent the weekend cleaning up from the party and letting Y/N's words sink further into his head. He knew he had fucked up. He was scared of how he felt for her, scared that he was falling for her as he had Nancy, and it got him messed up in the head. And now he's lost both of them.
 By the time Monday came, Steve wasn't prepared to walk in to see Billy Hargrove smiling up against Y/N's locker.
With a tight smile on his face, he walked up to them and said, "Y/N? Can I talk to you? "
He hated the way he could see her body go straight. It was easy to tell she was uncomfortable. His eyes were focused on her, but he could see Billy squaring him up from the side.
Y/N gave Billy a smile and a quick, "It's okay B, I'll catch up with you later." B? Now Billy gets a nickname?
"Hey, Steve." No Steve, no nickname, no smile, and no warmth.
"I just wanted to apologize. You were right. I was being an asshole, selfish, and a dick. And you did not deserve that in the slightest way. " And he truly meant it.
"Steve, look, I get it. I was this annoying girl who followed you around like a lost puppy because of this huge crush I had on you. You were also right. I think Friday proved that we are both not meant to be in each other's lives, not even as friends. I hope things work out for you. " And she walked away. Steve felt like this was what he was supposed to want. He asked for this, but it didn't feel as freeing as it was supposed to. As a few months passed, this was definitely not what Steve wanted. Day by day, he lost his title of King Steve. He watched each one of his friends slowly leave his circle to join Billy. God, he hated Billy more than anything. He stole his title, friends, spot on the basketball team, his popularity, and one thing he didn't know he cared to lose, her. He hated that it hurt when he saw them on a date for the first time; he hated that it hurt when he saw her cheering for him at games. She used to be cheering for him, but now her eyes don't even leave Billy. He watched her walk by his cafeteria table every single day, even when he kept his backpack away from the sextant just to show it was open for her. But she never looked back. She walked right by and slid her body onto Billy's knee at the next table over. Her giggles always caught him off guard when he'd kissed her. Steve hated it. He also hated that every project in class he had to do alone. She never walks up with that smile, asking to work together. He never sees a note fly to his feet when he opens his locker anymore. He overhears her every day asking Billy if he needed to eat more, she packed his favorite sandwich just in case. Everything Steve rejected from her, Billy was happily accepting. Steve regretted every single time he turned her down, made her sad, made her cry, and that he made her hate him. She didn't want him to be alone, and he pushed away the last person who was willing to stay.
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bookshelf-in-progress · 4 months
A Wise Pair of Fools: A Retelling of “The Farmer’s Clever Daughter”
For the Four Loves Fairy Tale Challenge at @inklings-challenge.
I wish you could have known my husband when he was a young man. How you would have laughed at him! He was so wonderfully pompous—oh, you’d have no idea unless you’d seen him then. He’s weathered beautifully, but back then, his beauty was bright and new, all bronze and ebony. He tried to pretend he didn’t care for personal appearances, but you could tell he felt his beauty. How could a man not be proud when he looked like one of creation’s freshly polished masterpieces every time he stepped out among his dirty, sweaty peasantry?
But his pride in his face was nothing compared to the pride he felt over his mind. He was clever, even then, and he knew it. He’d grown up with an army of nursemaids to exclaim, “What a clever boy!” over every mildly witty observation he made. He’d been tutored by some of the greatest scholars on the continent, attended the great universities, traveled further than most people think the world extends. He could converse like a native in fifteen living languages and at least three dead ones.
And books! Never a man like him for reading! His library was nothing to what it is now, of course, but he was making a heroic start. Always a book in his hand, written by some dusty old man who never said in plain language what he could dress up in words that brought four times the work to some lucky printer. Every second breath he took came out as a quotation. It fairly baffled his poor servants—I’m certain to this day some of them assume Plato and Socrates were college friends of his.
Well, at any rate, take a man like that—beautiful and over-educated—and make him king over an entire nation—however small—before he turns twenty-five, and you’ve united all earthly blessings into one impossibly arrogant being.
Unfortunately, Alistair’s pomposity didn’t keep him properly aloof in his palace. He’d picked up an idea from one of his old books that he should be like one of the judge-kings of old, walking out among his people to pass judgment on their problems, giving the inferior masses the benefit of all his twenty-four years of wisdom. It’s all right to have a royal patron, but he was so patronizing. Just as if we were all children and he was our benevolent father. It wasn’t strange to see him walking through the markets or looking over the fields—he always managed to look like he floated a step or two above the common ground the rest of us walked on—and we heard stories upon stories of his judgments. He was decisive, opinionated. Always thought he had a better way of doing things. Was always thinking two and ten and twelve steps ahead until a poor man’s head would be spinning from all the ways the king found to see through him. Half the time, I wasn’t sure whether to fear the man or laugh at him. I usually laughed.
So then you can see how the story of the mortar—what do you mean you’ve never heard it? You could hear it ten times a night in any tavern in the country. I tell it myself at least once a week! Everyone in the palace is sick to death of it!
Oh, this is going to be a treat! Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a fresh audience?
It happened like this. It was spring of the year I turned twenty-one. Father plowed up a field that had lain fallow for some years, with some new-fangled deep-cutting plow that our book-learned king had inflicted upon a peasantry that was baffled by his scientific talk. Father was plowing near a river when he uncovered a mortar made of solid gold. You know, a mortar—the thing with the pestle, for grinding things up. Don’t ask me why on earth a goldsmith would make such a thing—the world’s full of men with too much money and not enough sense, and housefuls of servants willing to take too-valuable trinkets off their hands. Someone decades ago had swiped this one and apparently found my father’s farm so good a hiding place that they forgot to come back for it.
Anyhow, my father, like the good tenant he was, understood that as he’d found a treasure on the king’s land, the right thing to do was to give it to the king. He was all aglow with his noble purpose, ready to rush to the palace at first light to do his duty by his liege lord.
I hope you can see the flaw in his plan. A man like Alistair, certain of his own cleverness, careful never to be outwitted by his peasantry? Come to a man like that with a solid gold mortar, and his first question’s going to be…?
That’s right. “Where’s the pestle?”
I tried to tell Father as much, but he—dear, sweet, innocent man—saw only his simple duty and went forth to fulfill it. He trotted into the king’s throne room—it was his public day—all smiles and eagerness.
Alistair took one look at him and saw a peasant tickled to death that he was pulling a fast one on the king—giving up half the king’s rightful treasure in the hopes of keeping the other half and getting a fat reward besides.
Alistair tore into my father—his tongue was much sharper then—taking his argument to pieces until Father half-believed he had hidden away the pestle somewhere, probably after stealing both pieces himself. In his confusion, Father looked even guiltier, and Alistair ordered his guard to drag Father off to the dungeons until they could arrange a proper hearing—and, inevitably, a hanging.
As they dragged him to his doom, my father had the good sense to say one coherent phrase, loud enough for the entire palace to hear. “If only I had listened to my daughter!”
Alistair, for all his brains, hadn’t expected him to say something like that. He had Father brought before him, and questioned him until he learned the whole story of how I’d urged Father to bury the mortar again and not say a word about it, so as to prevent this very scene from occurring.
About five minutes after that, I knocked over a butter churn when four soldiers burst into my father’s farmhouse and demanded I go with them to the castle. I made them clean up the mess, then put on my best dress and did up my hair—in those days, it was thick and golden, and fell to my ankles when unbound—and after traveling to the castle, I went, trembling, up the aisle of the throne room.
Alistair had made an effort that morning to look extra handsome and extra kingly. He still has robes like those, all purple and gold, but the way they set off his black hair and sharp cheekbones that day—I’ve never seen anything like it. He looked half-divine, the spirit of judgment in human form. At the moment, I didn’t feel like laughing at him.
Looming on his throne, he asked me, “Is it true that you advised this man to hide the king’s rightful property from him?” (Alistair hates it when I imitate his voice—but isn’t it a good impression?)
I said yes, it was true, and Alistair asked me why I’d done such a thing, and I said I had known this disaster would result, and he asked how I knew, and I said (and I think it’s quite good), that this is what happens when you have a king who’s too clever to be anything but stupid.
Naturally, Alistair didn’t like that answer a bit, but I’d gotten on a roll, and it was my turn to give him a good tongue-lashing. What kind of king did he think he was, who could look at a man as sweet and honest as my father and suspect him of a crime? Alistair was so busy trying to see hidden lies that he couldn’t see the truth in front of his face. So determined not to be made a fool of that he was making himself into one. If he persisted in suspecting everyone who tried to do him a good turn, no one would be willing to do much of anything for him. And so on and so forth.
You might be surprised at my boldness, but I had come into that room not expecting to leave it without a rope around my neck, so I intended to speak my mind while I had the chance. The strangest thing was that Alistair listened, and as he listened, he lost some of that righteous arrogance until he looked almost human. And the end of it all was that he apologized to me!
Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather at that! I didn’t faint, but I came darn close. That arrogant, determined young king, admitting to a simple farmer’s daughter that he’d been wrong?
He did more than admit it—he made amends. He let Father keep the mortar, and then bought it from him at its full value. Then he gifted Father the farm where we lived, making us outright landowners. After the close of the day’s hearings, he even invited us to supper with him, and I found that King Alistair wasn’t a half-bad conversational partner. Some of those books he read sounded almost interesting.
For a year after that, Alistair kept finding excuses to come by the farm. He would check on Father’s progress and baffle him with advice. We ran into each other in the street so often that I began to expect it wasn’t mere chance. We’d talk books, and farming, and sharpen our wits on each other. We’d do wordplay, puzzles, tongue-twisters. A game, but somehow, I always thought, some strange sort of test.
Would you believe, even his proposal was a riddle? Yes, an actual riddle! One spring morning, I came across Alistair on a corner of my father's land, and he got down on one knee, confessed his love for me, and set me a riddle. He had the audacity to look into the face of the woman he loved—me!—and tell me that if I wanted to accept his proposal, I would come to him at his palace, not walking and not riding, not naked and not dressed, not on the road and not off it.
Do you know, I think he actually intended to stump me with it? For all his claim to love me, he looked forward to baffling me! He looked so sure of himself—as if all his book-learning couldn’t be beat by just a bit of common sense.
If I’d really been smart, I suppose I’d have run in the other direction, but, oh, I wanted to beat him so badly. I spent about half a minute solving the riddle and then went off to make my preparations.
The next morning, I came to the castle just like he asked. Neither walking nor riding—I tied myself to the old farm mule and let him half-drag me. Neither on the road nor off it—only one foot dragging in a wheel rut at the end. Neither naked nor dressed—merely wrapped in a fishing net. Oh, don’t look so shocked! There was so much rope around me that you could see less skin than I’m showing now.
If I’d hoped to disappoint Alistair, well, I was disappointed. He radiated joy. I’d never seen him truly smile before that moment—it was incandescent delight. He swept me in his arms, gave me a kiss without a hint of calculation in it, then had me taken off to be properly dressed, and we were married within a week.
It was a wonderful marriage. We got along beautifully—at least until the next time I outwitted him. But I won’t bore you with that story again—
You don’t know that one either? Where have you been hiding yourself?
Oh, I couldn’t possibly tell you that one. Not if it’s your first time. It’s much better the way Alistair tells it.
What time is it?
Perfect! He’s in his library just now. Go there and ask him to tell you the whole thing.
Yes, right now! What are you waiting for?
Faith told you all that, did she? And sent you to me for the rest? That woman! It’s just like her! She thinks I have nothing better to do than sit around all day and gossip about our courtship!
Where are you going? I never said I wouldn’t tell the story! Honestly, does no one have brains these days? Sit down!
Yes, yes, anywhere you like. One chair’s as good as another—I built this room for comfort. Do you take tea? I can ring for a tray—the story tends to run long.
Well, I’ll ring for the usual, and you can help yourself to whatever you like.
I’m sure Faith has given you a colorful picture of what I was like as a young man, and she’s not totally inaccurate. I’d had wealth and power and too much education thrown on me far too young, and I thought my blessings made me better than other men. My own father had been the type of man who could be fooled by every silver-tongued charlatan in the land, so I was sensitive and suspicious, determined to never let another man outwit me.
When Faith came to her father’s defense, it was like my entire self came crumbling down. Suddenly, I wasn’t the wise king; I was a cruel and foolish boy—but Faith made me want to be better. That day was the start of my fascination with her, and my courtship started in earnest not long after.
The riddle? Yes, I can see how that would be confusing. Faith tends to skip over the explanations there. A riddle’s an odd proposal, but I thought it was brilliant at the time, and I still think it wasn’t totally wrong-headed. I wasn’t just finding a wife, you see, but a queen. Riddles have a long history in royal courtships. I spent weeks laboring over mine. I had some idea of a symbolic proposal—each element indicating how she’d straddle two worlds to be with me. But more than that, I wanted to see if Faith could move beyond binary thinking—look beyond two opposites to see the third option between. Kings and queens have to do that more often than you’d think…
No, I’m sorry, it is a bit dull, isn’t it? I guess there’s a reason Faith skips over the explanations.
So to return to the point: no matter what Faith tells you, I always intended for her to solve the riddle. I wouldn’t have married her if she hadn’t—but I wouldn’t have asked if I’d had the least doubt she’d succeed. The moment she came up that road was the most ridiculous spectacle you’d ever hope to see, but I had never known such ecstasy. She’d solved every piece of my riddle, in just the way I’d intended. She understood my mind and gained my heart. Oh, it was glorious.
Those first weeks of marriage were glorious, too. You’d think it’d be an adjustment, turning a farmer’s daughter into a queen, but it was like Faith had been born to the role. Manners are just a set of rules, and Faith has a sharp mind for memorization, and it’s not as though we’re a large kingdom or a very formal court. She had a good mind for politics, and was always willing to listen and learn. I was immensely proud of myself for finding and catching the perfect wife.
You’re smarter than I was—you can see where I was going wrong. But back then, I didn’t see a cloud in the sky of our perfect happiness until the storm struck.
It seemed like such a small thing at the time. I was looking over the fields of some nearby villages—farming innovations were my chief interest at the time. There were so many fascinating developments in those days. I’ve an entire shelf full of texts if you’re interested—
The story, yes. My apologies. The offer still stands.
Anyway, I was out in the fields, and it was well past the midday hour. I was starving, and more than a little overheated, so we were on our way to a local inn for a bit of food and rest. Just as I was at my most irritable, these farmers’ wives show up, shrilly demanding judgment in a case of theirs. I’d become known for making those on-the-spot decisions. I’d thought it was an efficient use of government resources—as long as I was out with the people, I could save them the trouble of complicated procedures with the courts—but I’d never regretted taking up the practice as heartily as I did in this moment.
The case was like this: one farmer’s horse had recently given birth, and the foal had wandered away from its mother and onto the neighbor’s property, where it laid down underneath an ox that was at pasture, and the second farmer thought this gave him a right to keep it. There were questions of fences and boundaries and who-owed-who for different trades going back at least a couple of decades—those women were determined to bring every past grievance to light in settling this case.
Well, it didn’t take long for me to lose what little patience I had. I snapped at both women and told them that my decision was that the foal could very well stay where it was.
Not my most reasoned decision, but it wasn’t totally baseless. I had common law going back centuries that supported such a ruling. Possession is nine-tenths of the law and all. It wasn't as though a single foal was worth so much fuss. I went off to my meal and thought that was the end of it.
I’d forgotten all about it by the time I returned to the same village the next week. My man and I were crossing the bridge leading into the town when we found the road covered by a fishing net. An old man sat by the side of the road, shaking and casting the net just as if he were laying it out for a catch.
“What do you think you’re doing, obstructing a public road like this?” I asked him.
The man smiled genially at me and replied, “Fishing, majesty.”
I thought perhaps the man had a touch of sunstroke, so I was really rather kind when I explained to him how impossible it was to catch fish in the roadway.
The man just replied, “It’s no more impossible than an ox giving birth to a foal, majesty.”
He said it like he’d been coached, and it didn’t take long for me to learn that my wife was behind it all. The farmer’s wife who’d lost the foal had come to Faith for help, and my wife had advised the farmer to make the scene I’d described.
Oh, was I livid! Instead of coming to me in private to discuss her concerns about the ruling, Faith had made a public spectacle of me. She encouraged my own subjects to mock me! This was what came of making a farm girl into a queen! She’d live in my house and wear my jewels, and all the time she was laughing up her sleeve at me while she incited my citizens to insurrection! Before long, none of my subjects would respect me. I’d lose my crown, and the kingdom would fall to pieces—
I worked myself into a fine frenzy, thinking such things. At the time, I thought myself perfectly reasonable. I had identified a threat to the kingdom’s stability, and I would deal with it. The moment I came home, I found Faith and declared that the marriage was dissolved. “If you prefer to side with the farmers against your own husband,” I told her, “you can go back to your father’s house and live with them!”
It was quite the tantrum. I’m proud to say I’ve never done anything so shameful since.
To my surprise, Faith took it all silently. None of the fire that she showed in defending her father against me. Faith had this way, back then, where she could look at a man and make him feel like an utter fool. At that moment, she made me feel like a monster. I was already beginning to regret what I was doing, but it was buried under so much anger that I barely realized it, and my pride wouldn’t allow me to back down so easily from another decision.
After I said my piece, Faith quietly asked if she was to leave the palace with nothing.
I couldn’t reverse what I’d decided, but I could soften it a bit.
“You may take one keepsake,” I told her. “Take the one thing you love best from our chambers.”
I thought I was clever to make the stipulation. Knowing Faith, she’d have found some way to move the entire palace and count it as a single item. I had no doubt she’d take the most expensive and inconvenient thing she could, but there was nothing in that set of rooms I couldn’t afford to lose.
Or so I thought. No doubt you’re beginning to see that Faith always gets the upper hand in a battle of wits.
I kept my distance that evening—let myself stew in resentment so I couldn’t regret what I’d done. I kept to my library—not this one, the little one upstairs in our suite—trying to distract myself with all manner of books, and getting frustrated when I found I wanted to share pieces of them with Faith. I was downright relieved when a maid came by with a tea tray. I drank my usual three cups so quickly I barely tasted them—and I passed out atop my desk five minutes later.
Yes, Faith had arranged for the tea—and she’d drugged me!
I came to in the pink light of early dawn, my head feeling like it had been run over by a military caravan. My wits were never as slow as they were that morning. I laid stupidly for what felt like hours, wondering why my bed was so narrow and lumpy, and why the walls of the room were so rough and bare, and why those infernal birds were screaming half an inch from my open window.
By the time I had enough strength to sit up, I could see that I was in the bedroom of a farmer’s cottage. Faith was standing by the window, looking out at the sunrise, wearing the dress she’d worn the first day I met her. Her hair was unbound, tumbling in golden waves all the way to her ankles. My heart leapt at the sight—her hair was one of the wonders of the world in those days, and I was so glad to see her when I felt so ill—until I remembered the events of the previous day, and was too confused and ashamed to have room for any other thoughts or feelings.
“Faith?” I asked. “Why are you here? Where am I?”
“My father’s home,” Faith replied, her eyes downcast—I think it’s the only time in her life she was ever bashful. “You told me I could take the one thing I loved best.”
Can I explain to you how my heart leapt at those words? There had never been a mind or a heart like my wife’s! It was like the moment she’d come to save her father—she made me feel a fool and feel glad for the reminder. I’d made the same mistake both times—let my head get in the way of my heart. She never made that mistake, thank heaven, and it saved us both.
Do you have something you want to add, Faith, darling? Don’t pretend I can’t see you lurking in the stacks and laughing at me! I’ll get as sappy as I like! If you think you can do it better, come out in the open and finish this story properly!
You tell it so beautifully, my darling fool boy, but if you insist—
I was forever grateful Dinah took that tea to Alistair. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen the loophole in his words—I was so afraid he’d see my ploy coming and stop me. But his wits were so blessedly dull that day. It was like outwitting a child.
When at last he came to, I was terrified. He had cast me out because I’d outwitted him, and now here I was again, thinking another clever trick would make everything well.
Fortunately, Alistair was marvelous—saw my meaning in an instant. Sometimes he can be almost clever.
After that, what’s there to tell? We made up our quarrel, and then some. Alistair brought me back to the palace in high honors—it was wonderful, the way he praised me and took so much blame on himself.
(You were really rather too hard on yourself, darling—I’d done more than enough to make any man rightfully angry. Taking you to Father’s house was my chance to apologize.)
Alistair paid the farmer for the loss of his foal, paid for the mending of the fence that had led to the trouble in the first place, and straightened out the legal tangles that had the neighbors at each others’ throats.
After that, things returned much to the way they’d been before, except that Alistair was careful never to think himself into such troubles again. We’ve gotten older, and I hope wiser, and between our quarrels and our reconciliations, we’ve grown into quite the wise pair of lovestruck fools. Take heed from it, whenever you marry—it’s good to have a clever spouse, but make sure you have one who’s willing to be the fool every once in a while.
Trust me. It works out for the best.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
Reasons why we think the 26th bday message was from bunny laoshi. 🗒️
I know that a lot of us don’t need “reasons” to even cpn that xz made this letter, but it’s still fun to look at the clues that make the conclusion much stronger. a lot of us just knew once we read it, who the author is. as with all other candies, if you believe it, you do. if you don’t — there is no amount of evidence that will change your mind.
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i’m so happy that the bday letter is back, last year was understandable (considering what was going on) so to have it this year made everyone emotional. as usual, it’s a beautiful letter. i am thankful that yibo is loved. that aside from us fans, he has someone close to him, who adores him that much to write something like that for him.
this post is only for the letter, not the bday photo/art. that will be a separate discussion.
As with most candies, context is key. We don’t usually react this much without it having some story behind it. There is almost always a pattern. The “birthday” message first popped up for Bobo’s 23rd bday. Then 24 and 26. You could say anyone can make a birthday message — but this is different. It’s way too personal and the way it’s written, to us who pay attention, is very xiao zhan. There were already CPNs for the past 2 years, so we were actually just waiting for the 26th bday letter — and boy did it not disappoint!
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• They all start with saying hello to the *age* Yibo. It’s like this person wants to be the first one to greet WYB in his new year of life.
• The way it’s constructed is very similar. It starts with a recap for the year, what WYB has gained from the past and wishes for the future. I have to say that the 2020 letter was the start and then it evolved into what it is today because of the time they spent together. XZ now has more and more things to say.
• The message of growing up slowly is also there. I think XZ really wants this for him, that even if WYB had to “grow up” faster than other people his age, even if he has so many responsibilities — that he still gets to enjoy his youth. 🫶🏼
Even if you let someone else read this letter, and you tell them, “it’s from their s/o”, they will believe you. To those who look at it and think it’s an employee, i don’t even know what to say. You don’t even have to believe that it’s XZ, but it is most definitely WYB’s significant other. Look at UNIQ_OFFICIAL weibo account birthday caption, that’s what employees do.
Now onto the “reasons”. I have listed a couple and I know there might be more out there but here are the ones that made us 😭😭😭😭:
1. My absolute favorite part of the letter:
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In the past year, you've gradually learned to relax while working hard and understood how to face the world with a gentler attitude. You've been willing to watch the stars while hurrying forward. You've been willing to enjoy a pouring rain happening one afternoon. You've been willing to quietly see the horizons at the other side of the sea. You've been willing to stop for a beautiful sunset.
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A person who knows you will only be the one to write this. The level of understanding XZ has for WYB is just. I can’t. He really loves him. The things he decided to use : stars, pouring rain, sea and sunset is so THEM. He might as well add the moon to have the whole cpf symbol set completed. 😂😂😂
And for comparison, XZ wrote these words in his Oasis for the DC wrap-up:
There are two pictures that I really like, one is the beach outside of the Xiangshan hotel balcony, another is the scenery from the highway in the middle of the Hengdian Xianju forest where we frequently ran. These two different places and different views are both places that comforted me when I was lost and helpless. When I was down, I would sit on the balcony, and the sea breeze, the beach and the moonlight would give me the answer; when I was tired, I could rest on the path in between the forest scenes, and upon opening my eyes I would see the raindrops and the fog that would also give me the answer: in each and every moment, I chose to not complain or be negative, I put my all towards each choice and decision I make;
It’s how freakin descriptive he is. He has a way with words that make you “feel” what he is saying or even see it.
2. This part too, about stopping. Slowing down. It’s the same thing XZ said before. Plus in a couple of XZ’s videos, you will see shots of him admiring the sunset.
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Time never pauses, but you seem to know the secret of making the world stop occasionally. You use your calmness and poise to welcome and get in touch with the world. Yibo, sunsets are beautiful, just like every dusk that you missed when you focused on forging forward.
AND THE “Yibo,” OMG. I can hear XZ’s voice in my head saying it. It’s too intimate. I know it’s his name but the way it’s written here — Are we even supposed to read this? It feels too personal 😭😭😭
But my answer is always, WYB wants to show off. He wants us to feel single. I’m in a long term relationship and even I felt single 😂😂😂😂
3. “The small number has changed again” referring to his age. There might be no hidden meaning, but some cpfs interpret this as the person who wrote it is older than him. Because he considers yibo’s age as “smaller” than his. Hello to their 6-year age gap. 👋🏼
4. There is 🎂 emoji in this letter compared to previous years. We think it’s because WYB is at home and they are celebrating together, no need to send a virtual cake. There is also some talk of XZ not being photographed today (8.4) on set. I won’t go to that part of Weibo but the fact that some people are nervous that he is suddenly MIA so close to Yibo’s bday is 👀
5. WYB went online for a bit, we thought he was gonna pull the same stunt he did last year and remove the automatic weibo bday post. He didn’t. What did he look at? The love letter? 🤔
6. Someone asked where was the quote “"stay cool, grow up slowly" on Baidu and the most popular answer is it’s from a book 君生我已老. We know XZ is fond of reading. I found a synopsis, and well, interpret it as you will…..
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Excuse the google translate but you get the gist. It’s synopsis is also kind of similar to his drama SUNSHINE WITH ME. The part of age gap. Meeting and falling in love then having to separate, only to meet again. So if I’m to speculate that XZ got it here and liked it, maybe that’s why he chose to film SWM even if he has lots of scripts sent his way.
7. Similar with GG, who does not look at challenges in a negative way. How he regards it as a part of life and something he has to overcome.
Just regard all the adversities as the numerous mountains you have to climb and the endless waves you have to ride.
8. I don’t have to explain it that much. They both have a thing for “living with no regrets.” It’s all over their interviews.
As a young man full of mettle, you have no regrets.
I will stop right here. Again, to a lot of us, Xiao Zhan might as well sign his name at the end of the post and we would be like — Okay, we knew that. LOL.
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apomaro-mellow · 11 months
Part 3
Do yall got a favorite cereal mascot? Mine’s the Honey Nut Cheerios bee
Steve watched as Eddie dazzled a field trip of elementary students by having a load of birds up and down both arms, perched on his gangly limbs like branches. This demon, who had shown him more human compassion than his own parents. This demon, who Steve would only be able to be around so long as his wish was unfulfilled...
They were around snakes next and Steve got to watch as Eddie entertained a different group of children by letting a large snake curl around his shoulders after a quick ‘don’t try this at home, kids’. Eddie kept the more adventurous occupied, while Steve got to have a small moment with a boy who was more apprehensive around snakes.
He felt a surge of triumph and warmth when he was able to get the boy confident enough to pet the snake that was coiled around his wrist. The boy lit up like a whole new world had been opened up for him. Steve was beginning to understand the feeling.
“So?”, Eddie asked as they walked the path between exhibits. “What about this?”
“I like animals. And kids. And being outdoors”, Steve said.
“So is it a winner?”
Steve thought about it. “Don’t people usually feel like a...a spark or something? Something that makes it feel like their calling?”
“Is that what you want? A calling?”
Steve nodded. “Something that makes me really feel like I belong.”
“Then we’ll find that place”, Eddie promised him.
“Before we go, can we see the tigers? They’re my favorite.”
As if Eddie was going to deny him anything now. They stood outside the tiger enclosure and Steve watched them move about, lighting up a little when he saw one of them had a cub tailing after it. Meanwhile, Eddie watched Steve. Beautiful, beautiful Steve.
After the zoo stint, Eddie took them through a door that took them back into the apartment.
“We’re here again?”, Steve questioned, back into the t-shirt and sweats he put on that morning. He looked to the door and tried opening it himself, but it was locked shut.
“We’ve had a big, full day. And little mortals need their sleep. And that door only works for me, by the way. Even if you did get it open, you’d be falling through an endless void until it chose where to spit you up.”
“What are we gonna do for the rest of the day, then?”
“Now we get to do what I want”, Eddie waggled his brows and his voice got deep and for a moment Steve felt a bit like prey.
He didn’t know whether he was relieved or disappointed when Eddie sat him down on the small couch and put a movie on.
“So tigers are your favorite animal, huh?”
“Yeah”, Steve replied as the movie started.
“Alright”, Eddie got comfortable next to Steve and grinned. The kind of grin that worried Steve. “Fuck, marry, kill - Tony the Tiger, Count Chocula, the Trix Rabbit.”
For a moment, Steve just sat there, dumbfounded by the question. While Eddie waited expectantly. When Steve finally found his voice, it was in spurts and bursts.
“Why would you-how would you even-fuck?! First of all, Tony is a mentor. He’s a coach, he’s not gonna fuck his players. And I wouldn’t kill him.”
“Okay, you’d marry Tony. Good to know.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“And the rabbit?”
“I wouldn’t marry a rabbit either. Or fuck one.”
“Kill the Trix Rabbit. He’s a cereal thief anyway. So that just leaves the Count...and one choice left...”, Eddie smirked.
Steve took a second to catch up and his jaw dropped. “No.”
“You landed on marry Tony, kill the Trix Rabbit. By process of elimination that means-”
“I wouldn’t fuck Count Chocula!”
“Why not?”
“First of all, he’s a cartoon-”
“Irrelevant to the conversation.”
“Second, he’s not even a real vampire. He’s a chocolate vampire.”
Eddie turned to sit on his side, facing Steve more while draping his arm across the back of the couch. “Are you gonna change any of your answers?”
Steve’s arms crossed as he seriously contemplated it. Eddie knew he was in deep trouble when he could just stare at him sitting there for hours.
“What’re you thinkin’ about, gorgeous?”
“Tony the Tiger would be a good husband. He’s great with kids”, Steve answered and tried not to think about how warm he got when Eddie called him that. “And the Trix Rabbit is notoriously bad with children.”
“Hey, Steve?”
“You’re a vampire fucker.”
“Did you put a movie on just so we could ignore it?”
“I was just getting a feel”, Eddie said. “There’s two kinds of people who enjoy Robin Hood.”
“I don’t even wann know what kind of people you’re referring to”, Steve said with a shake of his head. Then a thought occurred to him. “You know, you’re kinda like a vampire.”
Eddie’s brain shot to the moon with what Steve could be implying and where this conversation could take them.
“....Go on.”
“You’re ancient and you need to drink blood.”
Eddie gasped. “Ancient? I don’t look a day over 20 and I have the stamina of a demon half my age.”
“And the blood?”
“Well you know that’s true.”
Steve’s gaze dropped from Eddie’s and went back to the screen as he began. “Speaking of...”
“Speaking of?”
“Don’t you need some now?” Steve looked back at him.
“’Need’ is a strong word.” But ‘want’? ‘Desire’? He was leaning heavily towards ‘lust’ at this point. Eddie’s throat bobbed as he swallowed. Steve’s eyes followed the motion. It felt like they were teetering towards something.
Steve thrust his hand out towards Eddie. “Here. Considering that coffee you made, I think your body could use this.”
Eddie took the hand without thinking, let his thumb stroke Steve’s knuckles. There was a prominent vein sticking out on the back of his hand and Eddie wanted to follow it to Steve’s heart with his lips. But as it were, receiving a bite on the back of the hand was probably pretty painful.
Instead, he held Steve’s hand delicately. Eddie held eye contact with him as he bit down in the meat between his thumb and index finger. He was rewarded with seeing Steve’s eyes flutter as he broke the skin. What was even sweeter than the blood on his tongue was the blush growing on Steve’s cheeks.
Eddie only sipped for a couple of moments, knowing that if he indulged, he wouldn’t know when to stop. He licked at Steve’s hand to heal the pricked skin but couldn’t release him just yet.
“You wanna ask me something”, Eddie surmised, looking into his eyes.
“I wanna ask you...for something. But I don’t know if I can.”
“Is it the kind of thing you’ve asked for before?”
The corner of Steve’s lips pulled up. “Not verbally, no. I’ve always just like, put out a vibe or something.”
“Try me then”, Eddie smirked.
Steve looked down at their hands, still in each other’s grasp and slowly put his fingers between Eddie’s. His other hands moved to cup Eddie’s face, his fingers getting lost in that curtain of hair.
“Come here”, Steve nearly whispered as he pulled him in for a kiss.
Part 5
Tag Team
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marie-swriting · 25 days
Waste Of Time - Jake "Hangman" Seresin [1/2]
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Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Emails I Can't Send Masterlist
Part two
Part one - two (French version)
Summary : You can't stop reminiscing your relationship with Jake despite your break up.
Warnings : angst, sad ending, Jake being a dick, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 1.9k
Song inspiration : Things I Wish You Said by Sabrina Carpenter
Sitting on your bed, you’re holding your phone in front of you with Jake’s contact picture on the screen. You’re so excited to talk to him again that you have a big smile on your face. You’re currently on deployment so you haven’t been able to communicate properly with your boyfriend for the past few days. 
After a few seconds, Jake’s face appears and you see he’s sitting on his couch.
“Hey, I’m sorry for not calling earlier, it’s crazy out here.” you apologise.
“Don’t worry, I totally get how complicated it can be to call.”
“Anyway, what’s up?”
“Not much, it’s pretty calm.” Jake says before avoiding your gaze. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“I… Look,” he nervously starts and you stand up, fearing what’s about to come next, “I don’t know how to tell you this so I’m just gonna rip the bandage off; we should break up.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“It’s not you, I swear, it’s me.”
“What kind of bullshit is this?” you say, angry and confused. “Everything is fine between us. I don’t understand why you want to break up. Did I do something?”
“No, like I said, it’s not you. I just want to focus on my career and-”
“And what? I’m some kind of distraction? You can’t be in a relationship and work like a big boy?” you retort, annoyed.
“You’re mad and I understand it but it’s for the better.” Jake calmly replies which makes you even angrier.
“Y/N, you’re a good person, I don’t want you to doubt it for one second.”
Jake’s sentence should bring you some kind of comfort and yet, it just makes you turn on him even more. You don’t even look at your phone anymore, a million emotions going through your head. You don’t know if you’re more devastated or mad. Understanding it’s of no use to insist, Jake sighs before talking one last time:
“I’m gonna leave you alone now.”
You glance at your phone again, waiting for Jake to say something else and yet, nothing comes. Jake doesn’t even add a “I’m sorry” before hanging up, leaving you in your bedroom alone and in a heavy silence. You keep your eyes on your phone, still in shock by what just happened. You can’t grasp it. 
You met Jake four months ago and everything happened so quickly, but you both didn’t mind it. Some people tried to warn you by telling you about his reputation with women, nevertheless you ignored them. You and Jake clicked instantly and that’s what mattered. And also, you’re not going to lie, he knew how to get you hooked in one conversation. You felt like it was the same for him, that Jake was as attached to you as you were to him, now, you have some doubts. What bothers you the most is that your relationship was becoming more serious - until now. You were seeing each other whenever you could, you even talked about owning a house together. You had begun to imagine a future together and with just one phone call, Jake threw it all away.
That night, you don’t shed a tear. You tell yourself you made this phone call up. Though, the next morning, once you wake up without Jake’s usual morning text wishing you a good day, you realise it was, indeed, real and you break down the second you come home from work. Never had your heart known such heartbreak, it didn't see it coming.
Five months passed since this sinister call. Every night, your last conversation is stuck in your head, you think back to your relationship with Jake, searching for what you could have done wrong and the more you think about it, the more you realise you always put more energy in this relationship than Jake did. Now, you consider yourself stupid for hoping for something beautiful when you had been warned that Jake couldn’t commit to someone. You thought you were different. You are not. You find yourself even more pathetic because Jake is always in your head. Even when he’s not with you anymore, he still manages to make you waste your time. 
Tonight is another proof of it. You ran into Jake at a Navy event. Unfortunately for you, you saw Jake there and now, here you are, laying on your bed, thinking back to him and this event and more specifically the moment you saw him in the parking lot when you left the party, a moment that won’t leave your mind for the next several days.
You went to this event without much conviction. You were accompanied by your new friend Scott whom you had met during your last mission.
At first, you didn’t want to be here, then you saw Jake and the second you recognised his laugh from the other end of the room, you wanted to run far away from the get-together. Scott, always a good friend, stayed by your side and distracted you. He even managed to make you laugh, although internally, your heart was breaking all over again. You didn’t talk to Jake all night. In fact, you didn’t even get close to him, you avoided him like the plague. You did until it was socially acceptable to leave the party. The second the evening began to wind down, you wanted to bolt far away from this place. While you were walking to your car, you found yourself face to face with Jake. At first, you both stood there, looking into each other’s eyes without talking and then, as you weren’t ready to confront him, you started to walk away to your vehicle when Jake held you back.
“Can we talk, please?”
“I don’t have anything to say to you, Jake.” you had told, on your guard. 
“Yeah, I imagine talking to me is the last thing you want to do but I need to tell you something.”
“You said more than enough last time.” you had declared, turning on your heel to go in the opposite direction to him.
“Actually, I didn’t say enough. You deserve an apology.”
At his sentence, you turned to him, surprised. Getting an apology from Jake was the last thing you expected. You stood in front of him, your arms crossed over your chest as a way to show him you wouldn’t let him get under your skin so easily - when in reality, this felt like doing something impossible.
“I’m sorry I left you in the dark when I broke things off. I’m sorry I pulled the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’. It wasn’t fair to you. And I’m…” Jake had sighed, “you deserve a real apology, better than this one, though I had to, at least, tell you this. Maybe I’m going too far but I’d be happy to make it up to you correctly by meeting each other someday soon.”
“Jake, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” you had refused, looking down for a second. “But thanks for what you just told me, it’s always nice to hear it.”
Following your sentence, you thought the conversation was over so you took out your car keys from your purse when Jake’s voice resonated in the parking lot once more:
“Is it because of the guy you were with tonight that you turned me down? Have you guys been together for a long time?”
“Scott? He’s just a friend.”
“The way he made you laugh…,” Jake had scoffed, “it didn’t feel like you were just being friends.”
“And yet, there is nothing between us.” you had replied, defensive. “And anyway, why does it bother you so much? We’re not together anymore, do I have to remind you this was your decision?”
“And it was a dumb decision. I miss you so damn much!” He had exclaimed with a guilty look on his face. “God, you have no idea. Everything reminds me of you. The second one of your favourite artists is on the radio, I can still picture you singing the lyrics with a huge smile on your face. What I wouldn’t do to see that smile again!” he had added more softly. “Even now, I always reach for your leg over there on your side of the car then I realise you’re not here anymore because I fucked up. I’m watching everything that you do, every achievement you make, I make sure to know them. I’ve always known you were a damn good pilot but you keep impressing me. I should’ve realised the chance I had when I was with you before ruining it. I can’t move on, I can’t even stomach loving somebody else beside you.” Jake had confessed, taking a step towards you.
As soon as you saw him getting closer, you couldn’t help but look at his lips, oh, how you’ve missed those lips so much! Looking at him more carefully, you also noticed he wanted to touch you, too. Several times, his hands had almost reached over for yours, nonetheless he held himself back, not wanting to ruin anything with you by acting impulsively. Listening to Jake’s confession almost made you fall for him again and forget about the pain he caused you. Though, you stayed silent, knowing that if you opened your mouth, you wouldn’t know how to resist him. With a desperate voice, Jake tried to go all in by stating one last time:
“I swear if you gave me one last chance, I would do better for you. I will be the man you deserve, I won’t break your heart. I learned from my mistakes, I promise.”
“Jake, you hurt me.” you had said with a weak voice.
“I get it but if you ever were to change your mind, I’d always be free. Again, I’m sorry.”
With this last apology, Jake left you alone and you got in your car with teary eyes. You hold them back until you left the parking lot.
Unfortunately, this is not what happened. 
You did run into Jake in the parking lot but he stayed silent. At one point, you thought he was about to say something nevertheless he just walked away, a guilty look on his face.
And here you are now, in your bed, fantasising about things you wish he said to you. Despite the break up five months ago, you’re still desperate for his love. Despite the pain he caused you, you yearn for his apologies, but especially you wish he’d still want you and even if in the scenario you made up, you refused to see Jake again, you know that once you would have gone home, you would have called him and said yes. You still love him and you wish you didn’t. He’s still playing with your feelings when he’s not even talking to you anymore. Your heart conspires against you by torturing you and making you long for a Jake who would know how to fix his mistakes and be the man you deserve. Yet, it’s of no use. Jake will never change and if he came back, it’d be just to play with your feelings before leaving you hanging again. You waste your time on idiotic things. It’s a waste of time to hope for him to change, it’s a waste of time to think of things he never said and things he’ll never say to you. Jake is a waste of time and you’re mad at yourself for dedicating so much time of your life for a man who stopped thinking about you a long time ago. You just hope one day you’ll be able to feel lighter, away from Jake and your feelings for him.
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Part two
Emails I Can't Send Masterlist
46 notes · View notes
detectivestucks · 2 months
A Jealous Hokage XIII
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader x Obito
Summery: You go on your first mission and come home to a loving Kakashi, he trains you before your next mission where reality sets in.
Warnings: NSFW, canon violence, fingering, oral sex
Word Count: 10.3k
Art Credit: @akirasukuna
A/n: Just realized this was my 50th fic. Fun fact, part 1 was my first.
Part 12 New here? Check out Part 1
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You and Naruto leave the Hidden Sand after a successful negotiation. Naruto had noted how easy it was to sway the Sand’s counsel of advisors this time compared to others. Usually Gaara has to work harder to make negotiations reach an agreement but the elders were nothing short of appreciative words and submissive smiles when they found out your name. Apparently everyone on the council already knew who you were. You did your best to assume it was because of your work but you were terrified to know if they knew of you before or after the mess at the gala. 
The entire ordeal was far more diplomatic than you were expecting and didn’t seem to garner a hint of danger. …leave it to Kakashi to find some loophole that makes you ‘active duty’ without being active. 
It almost made you wonder why he was so hesitant to do this to begin with. It was barely dangerous. You doubt that Naruto has used a single jutsu in the past year if these are Kakashi’s missions for him. It almost seems like a waste of his talents. Except the kid is crazy likable and powerful enough that people who don’t like him still respect him. 
Either way, you go as a group to look at the ruins and you make quick work of the translation. Much to the surprise of the Sand’s governing body and to the chagrin of their intelligence team, it takes you 4 days to work through all the tablets. Before you left, Gaara even asked to speak to you about a permanent position with his administration. As tempting as the offer was, you thought about Kakashi and Shiho and your cousin. You didn’t want to move far away from them like that. 
“The Leaf is very lucky to have you. Of that I am certain.” Gaara says in reply to your rejection. 
You shrug and give him a cocky smile saying, “Maybe tell them that sometime.”
Gaara gives a small chuckle, not entirely sure what you mean, but he makes sure to bring it up in his raven back to the Hokage thanking him for your visit.
Jumping tree to tree you notice how keen Naruto is to get back to the village. It makes you happy to see the boy’s eagerness to see Hinata. You wonder if Kakashi would’ve been that way had the two of you met sooner. Your mind starts to wander to Obito. He had once said how he’d teleport back home even during missions so he could be with you. You bet Obito would have the same look in his eyes that Naruto does. 
The thought pangs you. The way Obito’s eyes soaked in your presence the last time you saw him. The love you feel from him with nothing more than a single look, it touches your soul. Part of you wishes he'd stop looking at you that way, the other part of you knows a little piece of you will die the day he does.  
You shake the thought from your mind as you near the village gate. You’re home and ready to see the man you chose, the man you’ve been in love with from the start. Much to your surprise, Kakashi is actually at the village gate waiting for you. 
“Angel.” he greets with relief laced through his voice. He instantly pulls you into a strong hug. Both arms are wrapped around your smaller form and you feel as if he might crush you from his strong hold. 
“Hi baby.” you say in muffled tones. You could barely breathe let alone talk from the way Kakashi held you. 
“Kakashi-sensei, do I have permission to turn in the report tomorrow.”
“Go home to Hinata. We can talk tomorrow.”
“Thanks Kakashi-sensei.”
Naruto’s face says it all. The boy is madly in love. Similar to the man holding you hostage at this very moment. 
“Kashi, you didn’t have to be so worried. Everyone was very friendly. And Gaara is Naruto’s friend. There wasn’t any danger.” you whine. 
“There’s always danger when I let you out of my sight.”
You think back to the event shortly before you left. Now it feels like a lifetime ago but maybe for Kakashi it was too soon. He did have the trial while you were out of the village. Perhaps for him this is all too fresh.
“Kashi, I’m fiiine.” You struggle to say as you reassure him. “And can you please stop crushing me? I can hardly breathe.”
Kakashi gives you one last harsh squeeze before loosening his grip and settling for just a hand around your waist. The two of you walk across the village to your home so you can shower and change into less sweaty clothes. 
“How was your trip?”
“Very productive. I assume you already knew that though since Lord Kazekage sent a raven.”
Kakashi gives you a proud smile. 
“Four days.” He says. You crack up at the implication. “I bet his translators were pissed.”
“Oh they were. They gave me death glares.”
“See? I told you it was dangerous.”
“Oh please.” You roll your eyes with a smile. “I think they all believe I’ll be responsible for their unemployment.”
“Ah, so you are thinking about the job offer.”
You study Kakashi’s face at this remark. He was joking but his eyes were dark with sadness.
“No, I wasn’t.” you correct him. “Did Gaara seriously tell you about that?”
“He asked me to have you reconsider.”
“Hey,” you coo as you lift your hand to brush his cheek, “I didn’t even consider it for a second. I don’t wanna leave the village.”
The worry on Kakashi’s face remains. “I’d think after everything that’s happened…”
You stop in the middle of the street and turn to face him. “I’m not leaving. I wanted a break, not a relocation. I’m happy with my new position. It makes me feel a lot better. Thank you.”
The puppy dog look in Kakashi’s face melts your heart. You had the man utterly wrapped around your finger. You weren’t sure you were comfortable with the influence you had over one of the most powerful men in the village. It could be dangerous if you are in the wrong mood. 
You walk in comfortable silence the rest of the way home. 
The second you are through your front door, Kakashi dotes over you. You walk in to find all your favorite takeout is already waiting in the fridge, fresh flowers are at the table, and he had all the fixings for a lovely soak in the tub waiting in your bathroom. Kakashi heats up your food and then moves to get your bath ready while you eat. You can’t remember a time you’d been pampered so much in your life and it has you worried that Kakashi did something wrong while you were away. 
He comes out of your bathroom, his sleeves rolled up, rubbing the suds off of his forearms. He paces over to where you are sitting, happily slurping away at your noodles, and plants a wet kiss on your forehead.
“Your bath is ready my Angel.”
His eyes twinkle down at you.
“Will you be joining me in said bath?” you ask as you walk your fingers up his shirt.
“Only if you agree to sit in my lap.” he whispers into the shell of your ear.
You close your eyes and hum at his sultry tone. 
“Here” you say, trying to feed him some of your noodles with your chopsticks. “You’re gonna need your energy.”
Kakashi happily takes several bites, letting you share your supper as his hands wander under your shirt. 
Once your noodles are gone the two of you practically sprint over to your bathroom, stripping as you go. He loves how even though you are much more muscular now, you’re still soft and pliable like you always were, just with some extra hidden strength below the tender flesh. He slips into the bath, holding out his hand to let you in. You sink down beneath the bubbles and lean against Kakashi’s hard chest. He somehow remains in exquisite shape even after taking an office job. You wonder how much training a Hokage goes through to stay sharp in the face of a true village threat. You allow yourself to settle against his warm milky skin and turn your head so that your ear rests on his heart. His arms wrap around your waist just under your chest. 
You breathe deeply, taking a moment to appreciate the epsom salt relieving your muscles. You look around to the lavender candles lit along the rim, the purple bubbles filling the tub up to your shoulders, and listen to the soft music playing in the background. The man knew how to draw a bath. 
You nestle into him a little deeper and feel his member stiffen a bit in the small of your back. You sleepily let the tiniest giggle slip out when you notice.
“You think it’s funny, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s funny.”
“You’re the one pushing against me.” he says as he draws shapes on your arm with his finger.
“I know.” you simper. “I can only imagine how your fangirls would feel if they found out I gave you a boner and didn’t do anything about it.” That thought really pulls at the corners of your lips.
Kakashi scoffs. “My fangirls…”
“I’m sure I could fuel their little fires for a year with that tidbit of information.”
“Don’t go telling anyone about your Hokage’s boners, now. Especially not my fangirls. That’s an order.” he punctuates with a playful kiss to your cheek.
You hum. Him giving you orders is very seductive and the mood this bath is putting you in has you pliable to suggestions. 
“Why? Afraid of an international incident?”
“You might start one.” he jests, now kissing your neck. “What if my fangirl forms an alliance with a fangirl from another nation? I’m quite famous ya know.”
“Oh I’m well aware. Some girls from the Sand were asking me about you.”
That piece of information doesn’t sit well with Kakashi. He knows that he made a fool of you in front of the representatives of other nations at the gala. He also knows that’s part of why you were so furious with him. He wishes he could take it all back and never put you through that humiliation. 
“Kashi,” you hush with gentle strokes along his forearm, “it’s okay. I’ve gotten over it. I forgive you.”
Kakashi lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding in. 
“Since when do you forgive me?”
“Now that you’re letting me go on missions. It’s a lot easier to forgive when you feel at peace.”
“So you- you feel at peace?”
You sleepily nod against his chest. 
Kakashi responds by cradling you protectively, relief flooding through his muscles.
“Word’s already spread that you’re doing international visits. I got three ravens while you were gone.”
“One from the kazekage thanking us, one from the Hidden Waterfall, and one from the Hidden Stone.”
“That’s a good thing, right?”
“It is. You’re a powerful resource. But it also means you might be targeted.”
“How so? They’re gonna capture me to interpret a dusty scroll?” you laugh, “Let them.”
“Y/N, I’m serious.”
“The more of these visits you do, the more S class intel you know about various nations. Rouge shinobi will want to capture you for that knowledge. They will interrogate you and possibly torture you.”
“I guess I hadn’t thought about that.”
“That’s why I never entertained this idea before.”
You chuckle.
“What’s so funny?”
“You thought about sending me to other nations before?”
“Of course. My first week in office.”
You snort. “...knew it.”
Kakashi’s hand plays with yours. His thumb brushes your knuckle as you interlock and unlock your fingers with his. 
“We’ve got to be at the training grounds early tomorrow.”
“We do?”
“Yes, I promised I’d train you.”
You nestle into Kakashi further, making sure to wiggle an extra amount down below, earning a grunt from the man. 
“Y/n…” he warns
“What?” you pout with doe eyes, “I thought maybe I’d earn some extra credit by doing a pre-workout tonight.”
The wolfish glint in his eyes excites you. You feel him spring to life against your lower back and the lazy conversation you just had washes from your mind as your hormones replace it with thoughts of more engaging activities. 
Kakashi raises a hand to your chin, turning your head and kissing your neck slowly. Your eyes close and you feel your entire body relax. His lips move slowly over your skin, allowing you to feel the gentle tickle of his soft lips and warm breath. You tilt your head out of his way, granting him further access. 
He moves both hands to your waist, gripping you firmly and pulling you against him. You roll your hips backward providing him with friction while one of your hands reaches backwards to tug at his hair. One of Kakashi’s hands slides down between your legs, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing slow circles.
“Fuck Kashi…” you whisper 
Kakashi hums into your neck, continuing his gentle strokes. You struggle to catch your breath and use your free hand to grasp your chest. Your fingers pressing into the fat of your breast, adding to the building sensation in your core. 
Kakashi’s hand kneads the muscle on your hip as his other hand lowers, slipping two fingers into your folds. Your breath hitches with the insertion followed by a low moan. Teeth graze over your skin and goosebumps erupt all throughout your limbs. 
Kakashi strokes his fingers in and out of you lazily, allowing you to bask in the feeling. He’d occasionally pull all the way out to rub a few circles around your nub before sinking back in, stealing your breath away completely. You tried to keep swirling your hips against him but soon you were unable to keep rhythm as his fingers distracted you from all thoughts and actions. 
Enjoying how he threw you off your game, Kakashi shoves in a third finger, stretching you out. The bathwater began lapping at the edges of the tub as his hand quickened in and out of your hole. His fingers curl upwards to stroke where you like it most. Your feet push against the front of the tub, your legs stiffening from ecstasy. Your back pushes into his chest as you squirm in pleasure. The faster he stroked the more you moved causing the hand on your hip to grab around your waist and then ultimately grip you at your breast, your hand still cupping the other one. 
“Going somewhere?” He taunted
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” is all you could pant. Breathing out the words like a mantra. The hand that had a death grip on Kakashi’s silver mane found a new home clutching the rim of the bathtub as you braced for your impending orgasm. Your legs straightened against the tub, shoving you fully into Kakashi’s abdomen. He gives your chest one last squeeze before lowering the hand to whirl around your clit while he dug four digits into your straining cunt. He finger fucked you till your walls spasmed around his knuckles and chocked moans are all that mingled with the sounds of the splashing water.
Your eyes rolled back and your body went limp. Kakashi could feel how your walls trembled with aftershocks from your release. Your heart was beating heavily in contrast to the near lifeless state of the rest of you.
Kakashi chuckles into your ear. “Greedy girl, giving me a boner and then getting herself off. Tsk tsk.”
His voice was smooth as honey and his words made a wave of chills wash over you in the warm soapy bath water. Kakashi fed you his fingers before he used one to trace along your cheek and jaw bone, musing aloud, “I guess I’ll have to take care of this myself or risk getting blue balls. What a shame that I have such a selfish girlfriend.”
“Kashi…” you whisper, exhausted from both your mission and your orgasm 
“Yes Angel?”
Too fucked out to form a sentance, you instead lazily turn around in the tub and push Kakashi’s legs together so your knees could rest on the outside of his hips. You prop yourself up on his chest and lay your head in the curve of his neck. You line up your entrance over his hardened length and slowly sit down. You hear him suck in as he sinks inside of your gummy walls. There is a slight twitch inside of you but you’re too tired to care. Instead you drift off, falling asleep and napping while cockwarming him inside of you. 
Eventually you find yourself in your bed but you don’t have any recollection of how you got there. You’re dry with comfortable pajamas on and your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you. It was quite blissful. If this is what being home from missions is like, then this is by far the best career move you’ve ever made. 
The next morning, Kakashi decided against going to the training grounds and instead had you running up and down the stairs leading to the cliff above the great stone faces. While this was once a workout you relished in, you never had to do it so many times in a row and you were never expected to spar afterwards.
“Kakashi, we’ve been going at it for hours…” you pant, bent over with your hands perched on your knees.
“Wrong attitude.”
“Babe, I mean it” you say sternly, trying to communicate that you were at your limit.
Kakashi ignores your tone and only charges at you, forcing you to block several strikes with your forearms. You catch him smiling below his mask. 
“It’s not funny” you grunt between blocks.
Kakashi’s slick fingers pull out a kunai as he continues his attacks. You can’t believe how relentless he’s being. You feel like you might collapse and he still chooses to pull out weapons. 
Obito was harsh but Kakashi was down right dangerous. He backs you up to the cliff’s edge and you almost fall over. A gasp slips from your lips in fear. Kakashi feels the length in his pants twitch at the familiar sound. However he ignores it and keeps pushing forward till you fall off the side. You draw the last of your chakra to catch yourself before you plummet to the ground and what would have been certain death.
“You’re a mad man!” you shout up at him with every spare drop of energy you had. 
All you hear is laughter coming from your boyfriend atop the cliff.
“Dick…” you grumble while you pull yourself back up to where he stood. 
Exhausted and unable to stand, you crawl to his feet before falling over on your back, eyes closed as you face the sky. Kakashi continues to chuckle and you open one eye to glare at him. 
“Something funny?”
“Oh nothing…”
That’s when you realize a tent is pitched in his pants. “Did you seriously get a boner from pushing me off a cliff?!”
Kakashi’s face blushes, small laughs still rocking his chest. “Whatcha gonna do about it?”
“I hate you so much right now.”
Kakashi lowers himself to the ground, beginning to whisper in your ear as he hovers his body over yours.
“Sorry, you make your bedroom noises while you train. It’s quite distracting.”
If you could roll your eyes you would’ve, but instead you just lay there collecting your breath.
“Hmm, your lack of response is really quite concerning. Perhaps you need more motivation.”
You go to swat at him but instead he grabs you by the waist and throws you over his shoulder as if you were no more than a sack of potatoes, marching off to a wooded area with you like the spoils of war. 
Once there was a little bit of privacy Kakashi sets you down against a tree, the trunk helping you sit up. 
“Tsk tsk, still unresponsive. Maybe we should work on your breath control to improve your cardiovascular endurance.”
You give him a questioning look as a wicked smile stretches over his face. Oh no. You feel Kakashi fist your hair with one hand as he frees his hardened length with the other. 
You look up at him pleading. You’re so exhausted, you can barely keep your eyes open let alone give head. He holds the base of his cock and lightly beats your cheek with it. “I said open slut.”
As you feel the weight of his girth strike you in the face you flinch but you comply, opening wide so he could stuff his salty member between your lips. Your eyes nearly close at his taste, your tongue instinctively tracing up the underside of his shaft.
“Good girl” he coos as his thumb brushes your cheek before both hands settle into your hair. 
You relax your jaw and stick out your tongue as Kakashi strokes lazily into your mouth. His tip prods at the back of your throat, slipping all the way in before pulling out. Your tired breathing is interrupted by selfish pleasure. You cough around him still winded from before. 
“Hmm” he hums disapprovingly. “Let’s try that again, shall we?”
He slides himself all the way in and holds you there. Your exhausted body begins to wake up, half heartedly pushing him off of you. He pulls back allowing you to pant and catch your breath. 
He shoves himself back in, hands holding your head captive. You struggle and cough with him shoved all the way down but he just tauntingly slaps the side of your face with his hand before loosening his grip so you can breathe. 
“I think the lesson’s starting to stick. Let’s try one more time.”
Your eyes look up at him begging for mercy but there’s none to be had in his lust-fogged mind, he buries himself in your throat again. Your head is pushed up against the tree’s bark, no way for you to get off of him. 
You try inhaling but there is just no way for oxygen to get past his girth. Kakashi pinches your nose, shaking it side to side. The evil teasing is causing a surprising amount of wetness between your legs. He starts to stroke in and out of your mouth.
“You know, you never returned the favor last night. Maybe it’s time to remedy that.”
You’re dreading his words, knowing what they mean. Both of Kakashi’s hands grip your hair, threading his fingers through your locks as he widens his stance. “Relax your throat for me Angel.” Given how tired you were, you were barely capable of tensing up. You were so oxygen deprived that your chest was heaving and your mind was fuzzy but that didn’t stop the puddle of arousal forming in your underwear. 
His fingers tighten and that’s your cue. Kakashi throws his hips into your mouth, fucking your face with reckless abandon. Wet ragged breaths are pulled down your windpipe between thrusts. Kakashi’s quick to cut off your air supply with his manhood. Your tired arms claw at his thighs making an appeal to be granted a breath. Gurgling sounds are all that are emitted from your mouth as he abuses your throat for his own pleasure. Your watery eyes look up at him but his head is lolled back, looking towards the treetops. More choked breaths lead to him twitching inside the column of your neck. 
“Fffffuckk…” he grunts, his pace slowing down. 
You feel hot cum spring out of him and travel down your throat. “Oh shit… Angel... Fuck.” He draws a breath through his teeth as he trusts in and out of you, emptying himself in your mouth. He finally withdraws and leans his forearm and head against the tree, holding his softening cock in his hand. You pant with your mouth open, tongue hanging out, the back of your head perched against the tree. 
Once Kakashi catches his breath he tucks himself away and squats down next to you. One hand cupping your cheek, he releases you with the words, “I think that’s enough training for one day.”
You close your eyes and fall limp against his chest. “Thank gods.”
He chuckles as he holds you, brushing your hair and cradling you in his arms.
You were only home for three days before Kakashi caved and sent you on your next mission. During those remaining two days, Kakashi had you run drills with Naruto so you could get used to his fighting style and practice defensive formations that would allow you to escape while Naruto restrained and eliminated enemy nin. 
At the end of the day, no matter how strong you might become, you could never compare to the power of an Uchiha susanoo like Obito and Sasuke or a tailed beast like Naruto and Kuruma. That was why Kakashi left the responsibility to Naruto to fight off the enemy single handedly while you ran for safety. He was not about to risk your life fighting when Naruto could do it for you and do it easily at that. 
During these training sessions you became rather familiar with Naruto and grew to enjoy the boy quite a bit. He was turning out to be a fun teammate and even entertaining to fight with. Kakashi’d actually have to break a sweat when fighting him which you found endlessly humorous after he spent so much time beating up on you. 
Inevitably though, the day came that Kakashi would be forced to say goodbye and send you off on another mission. This time you were to visit two villages before returning home. First you are headed to the Hidden Waterfall to interpret markings found on a cliff face. Then you are to make your way to the Hidden Stone to evaluate a set of scrolls that the village was too hesitant to transport to the Leaf. According to Kakashi, the Tsuchikage had been asking for the Hokage’s permission to have you look at these scrolls for quite some time. 
You couldn’t help but notice how well respected you were by other nations. You also couldn’t help but contrast that to how you were being treated here at home. Doing your best to not dwell on the comparison, the thoughts still slip through and it causes a tightness in your chest. 
Naruto and you leave the Hokage’s office bright and early that morning. Another goodbye riddled with emotions as Kakashi looks at you like it’s the last time he’ll ever see your face. 
Once out of the familiar village your mind is able to focus. The mission was clear. Transcribe for the Waterfall then send a raven to the land of earth when you are on your way. 
It was going to be a longer mission. Partly due to the amount of distance you’d have to travel but also because you were unsure how long each interpretation would take. The mission could easily turn into a two month project. That was a long time to be away. Especially for Naruto. You wondered about how Hinata felt about his long absence. Especially one with a questionable return date. 
“How does Hinata feel about you always being away on missions?”
“Well back when she had missions of her own she didn’t mind at all. Sometimes we even had missions together.”
“Aww, that’s sweet”
“But now that we’re thinking of trying for a baby, I know she misses me.”
“What for?”
“Trying for a kid is a big deal!”
“Is it? Well gosh. Thanks I guess!” he says with a nervous scratch to his head. You feel a sudden wave of guilt wash over your mood as you contemplate how Kakashi is risking Naruto’s dream of having a family to save your skin. What a sacrifice for him to make all over a small possibility of someone trying to abduct you over some silly language skills and intel you may discover in the process. Before he was doing normal diplomatic visits. No risk involved whatsoever and now…the way Kakashi made it sound had you nervous. 
Your thoughts are broken by the sound of your name.
“I said, why did you ask?”
“O-oh, cause Kakashi seems to be struggling with my absence. And well, he went on missions for a long time. So he should understand this lifestyle better than any other boyfriend I could have-”
“Maybe that’s what’s making him nervous. He knows how often we come home by some stroke of luck or by the skin of our teeth, ya know?”
“But, I have you. How could he question if I’m gonna make it home?”
“Kakashi-sensei knew me when I was nothing more than a hard headed kid. He might not view me the same as the rest of the village.”
You chuckle remembering how crazy he used to be. Kakashi had shown you his official ninja ID photo just yesterday.
“Did you know your file still has that crazy photo of you with red and white paint?”
“It does?! Aww man!”
You laugh and shake your head. “Thank you Naruto.”
“What for?”
“For protecting me. And for being the reason why Kakashi is letting me do this. I needed this…more than you might now.”
Naruto did know. He knew exactly how the village turned on you when they found out you had been secretly seeing the Hokage. Not to mention the events the day before you were assigned to him. He wasn’t going to say anything but he could imagine just how much you needed a break from the Leaf after all of that.  He remembers when there was a time he needed a break from it too.
“...You’re welcome.”
You smile to yourself and continue your travels to the Hidden Waterfall in comfortable silence.
The Hidden Waterfall was even more beautiful than you expected. Both the landscape and the people were gorgeous. You felt like you entered a fairy tale while you were there. The hieroglyphics you were tasked with deciphering were etched into the side of the cliff by one of the waterfalls. It was a harrowing climb and the job was definitely not for the faint of heart. You suddenly became grateful that Kakashi shoved you off a cliff during your last training session but like hell you were ever going to tell him that. Despite the bodily exhaustion of getting to the engravings, the actual symbols themselves weren’t too far off from a dead language you had learned for fun a couple years back. 
Your first visit to the site, you were accompanied by the village leader, an archaeologist, and two linguists with Naruto serving as your chaperone. However, once you got to work and they saw how quickly you began stringing the pieces together, the next day there was an extra person watching you. Then the next day there were three new faces, and by the fourth day you had to express your discomfort because a total of 12 additional strangers had come to stare at you as you clung to the side of a cliff trying to wraith and decode simultaneously. 
On the fifth day you had written down all the symbols on a scroll along with your initial thoughts of the translation so you didn’t need to climb back up again. When you started trying to blend the message together, you found that some parts of the cliff didn’t weather so well and the symbols must have been distorted with time. Being the perfectionist you were, you drew what you believed the original shape was and worked till the meaning made sense. 
To your great surprise, the cliff held clues towards a secret hidden power within the city’s walls. Something similar to the secret star in the Hidden Star Village.
This must be the kind of thing Kakashi was worried about me learning. 
“People will already notice you because you are beautiful. They will pretend that is why they are staring at you. Pile on that you are a genius, the hokage’s girlfriend, and the amount of village secrets you know and it’s a recipe for abduction.” Kakashi’s words of warning run in your mind. 
All those people. What was their motive for watching you? Cause you were the pretty girlfriend of the hokage, or because they were impressed with your skills? Were they interested in what you were doing or were they observing with nefarious intent? 
Either way, you were relieved that the head of the village was respectful of your wish to be alone. He would not allow you to be completely alone, of course. He needed to make sure you didn’t make a copy of the translation for yourself or a copy to sell to other nations. But he was very polite in the way that he asked to sort through your belongings at the end of your stay and you made certain to assure him that you understood his intentions. 
Ever grateful for your help, they sent you off on your journey with copious amounts of rations and per Naruto’s request, provided several packs of instant ramen. Many people involved in the project waited at the village entrance to waive you off as you left. You felt like a small celebrity as you reentered the forest.
“Is this how you feel all the time?”
“What’d you mean?”
“Everyone recognizing you and waving at you as if you know them.”
“Well…I guess sometimes, yeah.”
“Does it ever bother you?’
“No. There was a time where everyone knew me but they either ignored me or gave me looks of hate. I’m much happier knowing no one thinks of me like that anymore.”
The boy once more tugging at your heartstrings. Naruto was just so wholesome, it was impossible not to like him. No wonder Kakashi used him for all his diplomatic dealings.
As you smile at Naruto, you notice his face drop into a stern expression. He peered over his shoulder, nodded, and then looked forward again. 
“What was that for?”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I saw that”
“Saw what?”
“Saw you nod at something- or someone. Is someone there?”
“No, I just thought there was.”
You didn’t appreciate how Naruto brushed you off like you were stupid. He had just watched you bring an entire village to marvel at your intelligence. Clearly you were smart, so what was with playing coy?
What you didn’t realize is that Naruto sensed familiar chakra. A certain Uchiha to be exact. The worried aura appeared suddenly and as Naruto glanced over, his suspicions were confirmed. Obito had teleported over to see how you were doing. Naruto gave him a reassuring nod to which the Uchiha nodded back. It wasn’t the first time Obito had checked in on you nor would it be the last. The idea of you being so far from his protection was extremely distracting and though he had fought side by side with Naruto and knew his strength, he was still haunted with worry after he wasn’t there to protect you from Aoto’s attack weeks prior. So even if it was in secret, he'll pop in and check on you, just for his own peace of mind. 
At last you made it to the Stone and to your great surprise, you were greeted with a small entourage and a young woman. 
“Hello, Y/N I take it.”
“I, uh, yes. I’m sorry, who are you?”
“I’m Kurotsuchi, the fourth Tsuchikage.”
“Oh!” You immediately bow, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. I was expecting an old man.”
“You mean my grandfather!”
She laughs and puts her arm on your shoulder signaling for you to stand up. 
“It’s okay, how would you know? You were pretty distracted the first time we met.”
“We’ve met?”
She bursts out roaring, almost making herself cry. You weren’t a fan of being kept in the dark so you stood there growing in frustration till she explained that you had met the same night that Kakashi blew up an entire street fighting with his best friend. 
The blush that took over your cheeks is so bright it can easily be confused with a sunburn. 
Kurotsuchi clutches her side, “Oh,” she wheezes “I don’t think Kakashi will ever live that one down.” Your blush now growing to your ears, you wished you could’ve dealt with the old man. You doubt he would’ve cared about idle gossip as much as his granddaughter did. You quickly clear your throat to cut her off. 
“So I understand I was summoned to look at a set of scrolls?”
The tsuchikage calms herself before clearing her throat like you, “Yes, we’ve been holding on to these for quite awhile. Please follow me.”
You follow her though the village, several armed guards convoy after the three of you. 
“I apologize for all the security. We’ve been concerned about these scrolls for quite some time and we need to make sure you are protected while you’re here.”
“Thank you. I’m sure Kakashi would appreciate it.”
“They are also here to guard the scrolls from you.” You’re left a little stunned into silence. “While we cannot help what you will learn in this process, you will not be permitted to write anything down and take it outside of the secured area.”
You exhale as you comprehend. “Oh, no worries. I handle classified information all the time. I understand.”
She leads you to the village headquarters and through several doors that are locked with both ID cards and chakra signatures. You walk through windowless corridors and realize though the intel is likely just as precious to the village, it is a very different environment from your visits to the Sand and Waterfall. You couldn’t help but notice how much more severe the people of the stone were. They were quick to laugh but equally quick to scowl. 
Your eyes continue to wander around and your appreciation for Naruto’s company grew. You would never want to be behind so many locks and doors without an ally on the inside. Eventually you come to the end of a hallway and are asked to raise your hand. You comply and see a chakra force field materialize. Kurotsuchi weaves signs and then pushes your hand into the force. You feel a warmth tingle against your palm till suddenly your arm falls through. She pulls you through but you stop halfway across the threshold.
“What about Naruto?”
“He can guard from the outside.”
“Did you just say no?”
“I’m not going anywhere without him. Kakashi’s orders.”
“These are classified village secrets. You’re in no position to determine who does and does not have access to this room.”
“And I am a world-class mind. You’ve been holding onto these scrolls for a year looking for someone who can interpret them. I know what value I bring and so does my Hokage. Hence why he sent me with a jinchuriki bodyguard. I am not going to put myself in a more compromising situation than I already am by being a foreigner in a distant village. Either he enters with me or we leave.”
You see her face twist in anger. 
“If you need to discuss it with your village elders, we can wait.”
She begins to chew on her bottom lip in thought before she nods and gestures for Naruto to put his hand on the chakra barrier. 
You both step through and enter one final door before you are greeted with a floor to ceiling bookcase of scrolls. 
“Wow” you whisper, barely audible as you gawk at how much work awaits you. 
“May I?” you ask, turning towards Lady Fourth. 
She gestures for you to move towards the scrolls. You stride up to the shelves and grab one at eye level. You unfurl the paper and scan down the old parchment. The symbols looked familiar but also very strange. You wished you were at home where you had several textbooks that you could use as reference but alas they were too far away. 
“How many are there?”
“One hundred and twenty three. We wondered if it was an intentional amount.”
Naruto lets out a small groan, surely distraught at the idea of missing Hinata’s ovulation window.
“Why didn’t you warn us that this was going to be a lengthy job?”
“The less information the better.”
“I disagree. Having adequate expectations and perhaps an idea of what resources from home I might need would’ve sped up this project. It could be entirely possible that we will have to return home before I’m done.”
“Are you saying you can’t do it?”
“I can, but if I had a small sample of this writing, there would’ve been a couple textbooks I would’ve brought for references.” You purse your lips together in thought. “I’ll do what I can. If I get stuck we will have to come back for a second visit.”
While Kurotsuchi didn’t seem pleased about your answer, she didn’t seem displeased either so she left two guards in the room with you and Naruto and made her departure. 
“Oh, and by the way, we will provide for all your needs while you're here. You just have to promise to stay within the main part of the village where my Anbu can see you at all times.”
“Understood, Thank you Lady Tsuchikage.”
You turn back to the scroll in your hand. “Naruto, I’ll do my best to make this quick. I won’t keep Hinata waiting.”
“Thank you Y/N, but don’t worry about me. There’s always next month.”
“Here, grab the scrolls on the top shelf for me. I’m gonna need to see if there is a numbering system. Maybe I can put them in order.”
Fortunately for you, the numerals used in the language of the scrolls weren't too archaic and you figured them out without reference but the language of the scrolls themselves was perplexing. They could almost be read in three different languages but none of the sentences made sense when read as any of them. You were really wishing you had your textbook. The one in your office in the bottom drawer of your desk. Why didn’t you just think to pack it just in case?
You turn to one of the guards feeling a headache coming on. “May I take a walk outside? I need to clear my mind.”
They bow and lead you through all the barriers and doors, bringing you up to the front of headquarters. The final rays of sunlight can be seen through the glass doors. Naruto follows your lead and steps outside with you. The sun’s fading light causes you to realize you’ve neglected your needs the entire day. Soon you hear Naruto’s stomach call for food. 
“Let’s get something to eat.”
“Thanks.” He said with a grateful smile. The two of you head off to a local ramen shop, not feeling adventurous about your food choice. Naruto stuffs himself then heads to the bathroom, leaving you alone at the table. You pay the bill with the money left by the tsuchikage and decide to wait outside in the sweet smell of dusk. 
Something about the way the fresh air fills your nose and the falling darkness of night comforts your mind, brings you peace. That is until a heavy hand lands on your shoulder frightening you. You spin around, ready to attack. 
“Princess, relax! It’s me!”
Your fear quickly melts to relief as you jump into the man’s arms. He holds onto you like a precious treasure. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I was worried so I decided to check in.”
“Did Kakashi send you?”
“No, he thinks I’m still on my mission.”
“Are you still on your mission?”
“Technically, yes.”
You let out a little giggle. You missed him more than you realized. Your arms restrict around his upper body in an impossibly tight hug. Obito hugged you back and spun you around like you were weightless. Setting you down where he first startled you. 
“Wait, Obito, I just had an idea.”
“What is it Princess?” 
“This assignment, it’s going to be long. Like really long. But I think I have a textbook in my office that could help me figure out the language. Would you Kamui back to my office and bring it to me?”
“Kakashi would know I’ve been visiting you then.”
“Is that a problem?…aside from the fact that you’re supposed to be on your own mission.”
“Well he specifically didn’t want me checking in on you.”
You hum, “I’m surprised. I’d think he’d want reassurance that I was alright.”
“He’s insecure about our relationship.”
You don’t respond. If the roles were reversed you’d feel insecure too.
“But I’m sure Shiho will keep quiet for me.”
Your eyes light up at this. “Really?! It would make the translation go so much faster.”
“Sure. I can’t say no to you.” His face softens significantly as he stares down at you. It warms your heart to look at him. He was too good for your silly love triangle. He deserved better. He should be someone’s first and only choice. Why did he choose to love you?
“It’s the biggest book in the bottom drawer of my desk. You can’t miss it.”
“Care to tell me the title at least?”
This brings a small laugh to your lips. “I could but it’s in a language you don’t understand so I doubt you’ll remember it.” 
You gasp at his profanity pretending to be insulted before you break into a smile.
“You remembered!!”
“Of course I remembered. I remember everything you tell me.”
“Aww Obi”
“Stop swooning I just told you to fuck off” 
You giggle and wonder how many of the curse words you taught him that night he still knew.
“Still doesn’t mean you’ll remember the book title. Just ask Shiho if she’s there cause if anyone moved it, it would’ve been her.”
“Fine” he grumbles. “I’ll be right back.”
In a blink he swirls away, leaving you alone once more, just outside the noodle shop. You can’t help but think Naruto must be having a terrible time on the toilet if he’s taking this long. You wonder if he hadn’t relieved himself in a while. Fortunately you don’t continue musing on this thread much longer as Obito reappears in front of you holding one massive textbook. 
“You weren’t kidding when you said I couldn’t miss it.”
“Thank you!” you say as the weight of the pages is transferred into your arms. “Anyone see you?”
“You’re the king of sneaking around.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“And I never plan to.” you say with a curt nod. Obito only smirks at your response. 
“Stay safe, Princess.”
“Same to you Obi.”
Before he goes, he wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. “I’m proud of you, miss hot-shot interpreter.”
You sink into his chest. He really does give the best hugs. “Thanks Obi but you’re embarrassing me.”
“Oh I embarrass you huh? Should I make a scene?”
“Obi!” you shove him off to which he laughs with a jolly and boisterous chuckle. “I’ll see you back at the village.”
“Not if I see you first.”
“Gonna keep spying on me then, huh?”
Your face softens into a grin. “Niiiight!” you sing at him
“Night Princess.” and with a twinkle in his eye you watch him vanish.
Holding the text to your chest, you wait for Naruto while the warmth of seeing Obito fills your weary mind. 
“There you are, Y/N. What’re you doing out here?”
“Hm? Oh, just enjoying being outside. We’re going to be indoors a lot over the next couple weeks. I wanted to say goodbye to the sun.” You finish the last sentence in a dramatic fashion earning a chortle from the golden haired boy. 
“Hey, uh, Y/N?”
“Where, uh, where did you get that book?”
“Oh! I un-” Should you tell Naruto about Obito? “I-I bought it from a shop nearby.”
You weren’t sure if lying to Naruto was the right thing to do but you also weren’t sure how he would feel about Obito following you. He would be loyal to Kakashi for sure but how would that loyalty manifest?
“Is it gonna help you with the scrolls?”
“Very much, yes.” you beam.
The two of you turn towards your lodgings and head back for the night. You had weeks worth of work to get to in the morning. 
You did your best to go through all the scrolls in a timely manner. The first one took the longest, about two days to work all the way through. But by the fourth scroll you got the hang of the language. Naruto’s eyes widened as he watched you graze through the fifth scroll. 
“How’d you do that one so fast?”
“I don’t know. It just kinda made sense.”
“But you read that like it was in Japanese.”
“That’s how it is for me. Languages are easy. Once I get it, I’m fluent.”
“Woah. No wonder Kakashi-Sensei likes you. You’re even smarter than he is”
“Be sure to tell him that for me.”
He sniggers at you.
Now that you have the hang of the language you are able to run through the scrolls at a substantial pace. You could decipher about 7 of them in a day. Your speed was so fast in fact that there was quite a bit of buzz coming from the Anbu who were aware of your reason for being in the village with the infamous Naruto. 
Of course you’d draw attention wherever you went. The kid was one of the most famous ninja in history. Plus you still gained quite a few stares for being the significant other of the Leaf’s Hokage. It was impossible for the Tsuchikage to hide your presence in the village which only made concealing your reason for being in there that much more of a challenge. You only hoped that all the paparazzi that followed you around were there for celebrity reasons and nothing more. 
Kurotsuchi ensured you always had Black Ops over your shoulder but they didn’t make you feel nearly as safe as Kakashi’s student did. For all you knew, the Black Ops were ordered to eliminate you as soon as you were done. You were sure the Tsuchikage had thought about it. If she had any real clue what the scrolls were  about then it was definitely a possibility. They told of a hidden weapon within the Land of Earth, in a remote part. If it were to fall into enemy hands, it could destroy the village and all surrounding areas. But this weapon also could put a target on their backs. Other nations might conspire against them to ensure it is never used. 
You had contemplated if you should be sharing the intel with Kakashi. Maybe during a time of war but not during a time of peace. At least that’s what you tell yourself. 
The scrolls were fascinating to say the least. They told the story of why the weapon was created and how it was developed. Along with all the instructions on how to use it and ways it was used before. There was so much history and culture embedded in the text. You were certain that historians, intel officers, and shinobi captains were anxiously waiting for you to finish. After only 19 days from start to finish, every scroll was transcribed and put back on the bookshelf in order. You stand before the reorganized bookshelf internally patting yourself on the back. You hold the stack of parchment containing your translations in your hands. That is when Kurotsuchi pulls you into her office for a debriefing.
“I have to say. I am incredibly impressed with how quickly you completed all one hundred and twenty three scrolls. The rumors about you do not do your work justice.” She speaks as she leaves through the pages of your handwriting. “Now our alliance with the Leaf is still somewhat new. While we couldn’t have done this without you, and believe me we tried, we still would like to ask you not to share what you’ve learned with anyone else.”
“My men have told me you didn’t share your findings with Naruto. Why is that?”
“Yes, well you didn’t want him in the room so clearly you don’t want him knowing what the scrolls said.”
“This is true.”
“Like I said, this is an S rank mission and I am quite familiar with S class intel. It’s a little unusual keeping the information away from my comrades, but if this is the kind of thing I am going to be doing, I should show respect to every village I visit.”
“That is appreciated.”
“Please note, if you ever try to use the information from my translation to hurt the Leaf, that is where my loyalty ends.”
“I understand. But I must warn you in turn, if it is discovered that you share the information you learned during your time here, my Black Ops will be after you.”
“I expect them to.”
“So we understand each other?”
“We understand each other.” 
“Then you are free to go. Please share my gratitude with your Hokage” 
“Will do my Lady.” you say with a bow.
You open the door to let Naruto come in and say his goodbyes. He and Kurotsuchi are friends and fought together in the recent war. They laugh together before parting. The both of you making your way to the village border and soon you and Naruto are back on the road. This time headed home.
You hadn’t been there in so long. It had been over a month. You were anxious to see Kakashi and tell him all you could about your travels. The beautiful Hidden Waterfall, the strange Hidden Stone, the people who followed you around and asked for your autograph. How proud you were of yourself for deciphering both projects in record time. Though you were a confident woman, you still really appreciated the validation from others.
You and Naruto are gifted food from some of the villagers you had come to know over the past few weeks. Naruto couldn’t help the look in his gluttonous eyes as the boxed lunches were handed over to you. You stored some in a sealing scroll and the rest you shoved in your pack.
You traveled the majority of the day but stopped eary. Choosing to make camp around supper time when you grew hungry. You pull out the meals from you backpack and begin to eat, Naruto wolfing his down like a teenager. You smiled and shook your head at his unrefined behavior. 
“You know you’re gonna give yourself a stomach ache like that.”
The boy shrugged but sure enough, thirty minutes later he disappeared to use the bathroom. Naruto always put a lot of distance between himself and you when he needed to ‘go’ on the road. You decided to lay out the tent and your sleeping mats, even crawling in yours though it was not yet time for sleep. 
You heard twigs snapping underfoot.
“Wow, that was shockingly fast! You ready to turn in?”
Instead of hearing the  familiar voice of your teammate a shuriken slices through the wall of your tent. 
You panic and immediately slip out of your sleeping bag. You slip your hands into your tactical pouch and pull out two kunai ready to  defend yourself. When you run out of the tent you see them standing in the trees. One rogue Stone Black Op and eight rogue shinobi. What made it worse is that you knew them. All of them. The Anbu man was the main guard who stayed in the room with you. The very one who complimented your talent and walked around the village with you the most. A few of them were people who you noticed following you and made you uncomfortable. But four of them, the last four were shinobi who had helped you out throughout your stay in the village. One of them was the one who had given you the rations…shit, what if they poisoned Naruto?!
You come to terms with the realization that you will likely fight this battle alone. You know as soon as you scream for help you will be forced to start fighting. So before engaging, you center yourself and draw a deep breath. 
The name barely passes your lips before the first knife is thrown. You run to the side of the clearing, putting the men in front of you rather than surrounding you and weave the signs for Mind Confusion. All nine men fall to their knees clutching the sides of their faces with their hands. Some of them fight against the swirling feeling you stirred inside of their brains. 
You run up to the ones who begin to stand back up and pool your chakra in your fist before punching them in the back of the head, successfully knocking them unconscious. 
Two down.
You do it again, bringing them to their knees with your jutsu and knocking them out with a heavy blow to the back of their heads.
Threes more, that makes five.
You head to the sixth shinobi who begins to rise but he throws a shuriken at you and you have to backflip away to dodge the blade. You begin to weave signs again but three of them round on you to begin hand to hand combat so that you are denied the opportunity to weave signs again. Fuck.
You hold your own against the three, oftentimes dodging their attacks so that they hit each other, letting them do the work of fighting for you. However soon the fourth remaining attacker tries to restrain you. 
“Come ‘ere pretty girl. I don’t bite…hard.”
You glare at him and channel your chakra for another punch. This time directed at the attacker’s mouth. 
“Aww, seems she didn’t like that Botan. Better luck next time.”
“Yeah, sorry Botan, you just got your jaw broken by a girl.”
There is a round of laughter among the group. You were in the fight of you life and these fuckers were laughing. It killed you knowing you were no match for all these men but Naruto could wipe them out in ten seconds. You needed Naruto. Where is he? Is he okay?
Your anger helped you command your chakra and you were able to land blows on two more of them but still all four conscious men were able to continue the fight. You tried, you really did but you were taking on four targets at once, one of whom was a member of the Stone’s Anbu. You struggled to free your hands. If you could use Mind Transfer on him, then maybe you could use him to fight his comrades. But even as the thought entered your mind you were slammed against a tree by that very Anbu. 
“Sorry sweetheart, but you know too much. Maybe the Tsuchikage was willing to let you live but I’m not so trusting.”
“I wouldn’t share village intel. I have no need for it.”
“Maybe you don’t but we do.”
“Hey, didn’t she go to the Hidden Waterfall on her way here? Maybe we should find out what she knows before we kill her.”
“Shut it Koko! I’m in charge here.”
“I’m just saying… Plus it’d be a shame to put such a pretty face to waste.”
You see how the man currently holding a knife to your neck eyes you. He pushes himself against you and you know you’ve lost. Your mind is a swirling mess of fear, worry for Naruto, and flashbacks to the bathroom at headquarters. Strength you didn’t know you had exuded from your body and you begin to push the shinobi back but then two more come to his aid, restraining you against the tree. 
Suddenly a blue giant appears before you, so massive that all you can truly see is its foot. Then following a crack of thunder all the men around you are beheaded. It happens in an instant. You blink several times as your mind registers the bodies falling limp at your feet. Blood gushing from their necks as their hearts pump their final beats. Your entire face, chest, and arms are drenched in blood from the severed bodies that once restrained you yet now lay heavy against the ground.
You look up at the garganchuan and realize it was Obito’s susanoo. Tears burst forth from your eyes as your mind registers what happened. You’re safe…Obito saved you. He relinquished his susanoo and returns to the ground. You run to him as he marches towards you. But before you can hug him he grabs your wrist, snatching you into his void. 
“Obi wait! Naruto! Our things!”
“But what about Naru-”
“You’re going back to the Leaf. NOW!”
Obito pulls you out of his void and suddenly you are just outside the Leaf’s headquarters. Despite nearing the end of the day, there are still quite a few people around. Obito drags you by your arm, his large hand wrapping around your bicep. You stumble beside him through the halls up towards Kakashi’s office. The blood that’s coating your face, chest and arms is beginning to dry on your skin and make you itch. 
“Obito, slow down!”
The man just huffs as he pulls you up to the double doors, kicking them open and throwing you inside.
Part 14
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strawheart-pirate · 6 months
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Trafalgar Law x gn!Reader
December 17th 2023 Words: 1281 CW: SFW / fluff / no/pre relationship / some swearing / an annoyed captain
You were anchored on an island where some sort of winter festival was taking place, and you were eager to skate around the ice rink. Unfortunately, your captain wasn't in the mood for any fun... was he?
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You walked back to the Polar Tang, which was anchored in the harbor, your arms full of groceries. Your captain walked beside you, also packed, and you noticed that he relaxed more and more as you got closer to the Tang. He had been in a bad mood since you entered the city because it was so crowded. There was a winter festival on the island and the city was teeming with people. The crew and you were excited and you talked to Shachi, Ikkaku and Hakkugan about maybe staying a day and joining the festivities. You had seen that there was even an ice rink, and you would die just to strap on some skates and take a few laps. But your dreams and wishes came to a quick end, because yes... unfortunately, you knew your captain better. The moment you asked him to stay for the night to enjoy the party, his mood took a turn for the worse and the death stare he gave you said it all. He ordered the crew to replenish their supplies as quickly as possible so they could all leave. So, with a heavy heart and a wistful look, you bid farewell to the festivities and the ice rink with every step you took toward the Tang.
Just as you're putting everything away in the pantry, you hear a loud crash and Shachi yelled from the deck. "What the fuck, Penguin! You ran in the direction of the shouting and saw a stuck Penguin. A plank of the deck had broken when he stepped on it, and now he was half stuck in the submarine. You giggled at the sight, but stopped immediately when your captain approached the mess, a scowl on his face as usual.
"You're going to fix this..." he growled through clenched teeth at Penguin. "And you help him, no one else." He pointed at Shachi.
Shachi was tempted to disagree, but he didn't dare say anything back. Instead, he glared at Penguin, ‘grateful’ for the extra work.
"We probably won't leave the harbor tonight, but...if I catch anyone ashore, I'll make them help fix this mess." Law ordered in a deep, stern voice and then went to his quarters.
The crew dispersed with mixed feelings, and you helped Shachi get Penguin out of the hole. The damage was much worse than a broken plank. You could even see inside the ship through the hole, and metal, wood, and even pipes needed repairing. You looked at the boys with pity before you said goodbye. Better follow captain’s orders and not upset him any more...
Later that night, you lay on your bed and looked out your window. The constant hammering of Shachi and Penguin echoed through the Tang as you gazed longingly at the island. The lights of the Winter Festival still looked enchanting, and you still carried a heavy heart for missing the opportunity to skate on the ice. Suddenly, you saw fireworks in the distance and pressed your nose to the window. It was a beautiful sight, and a small smile crept across your face. Even if you couldn't enjoy the activities, you could still enjoy the fireworks. You were about to change your clothes and go to bed when the blue light of your Captain's Devil Fruit powers filled the room.
What's he up to now? You asked yourself, and a second later you were standing in a side street in the middle of the city, your captain beside you. You looked at him, confused.
"Here, put this on," Law said, handing you a jacket. His gaze was hard and neutral, giving nothing away as to what he was up to.
"Um... thanks." you said and put the jacket on before you started to shiver. It was freezing cold and dark, not a soul to be seen on the streets as the festival was over for the day. "Why are we here?"
"I want to show you something, let's go." Law said in a neutral voice, showing no emotion, and started walking.
You followed him closely, curious what he was up to. "I thought no one was allowed to go ashore?"
"No one but us."
It sounded like there was a slight playfulness in his voice, but you weren't sure, so you decided not to pay any further attention. It's better not to annoy the captain again. It was always like dancing on a razor's edge with him. Especially when you couldn't read his eyes because he walked ahead of you.
You followed him through dark, narrow corridors, wondering where he was going. With his powers, he could easily get you anywhere on the island, and yet here you were, walking for at least half an hour. You knew that his powers always took their toll on his stamina, but this walk was no better...
Just as you were about to ask again, Law stopped and you almost bumped into him.
"Close your eyes," he ordered, and you obeyed. You were nervous, your heart beating a little faster when he put his hand on your shoulder. "Room. Shambles." You felt the sudden change in atmosphere and the slight dizziness that occurred every time he teleported you. Thanks to his grip, you didn't lose your balance.
"Now open your eyes." He said softly, his cold and stern voice gone.
You frowned at the change in his voice and blinked, opening your eyes to see the ice rink. It was dimly lit and there was no one in sight. "Did we just break into the rink?"
Law just grinned and handed you a pair of skates.
Although it was rare for you to see your captain smile, your attention was immediately focused on the skates. A beaming smile spread across your face and you quickly put on your skates. Your heart did a backflip because you were so happy to be able to skate a few laps. You didn't know how your captain knew or why he was doing this, but you were overjoyed and didn't question it. You wanted to enjoy this opportunity to the fullest. After putting on your skates, you stepped onto the ice and a familiar feeling shot through your veins as you glided smoothly across the ice. You turned and watched as Law stepped onto the ice. Law took careful steps, his hands gripping the boards with a firm grip, and you had to stifle a laugh.
"Have you ever skated before?" you ask Law, who is watching you from the edge of the rink, still gripping the board tightly.
"No." He replied with a growl, and you glide over to him with gentle tugs.
"Give me your hand, Captain. I can help you." You smiled at him and held out your hand.
"I can do it myself." He growled and pushed himself away from the board. He made it a short distance until his feet drifted apart and he twisted his arms to keep his balance and not fall over.
Just before his feet slipped away, you caught him under the arms and lifted him up before he could fall. "Gotcha. Still don't need any help?"
He turned away, hiding his flushed cheeks in the high collar of his coat. Instead of an answer, he grabbed your hand, so you slowly slid forward, a smile on your face as he copied your movement. By the time the two of you had completed a full lap, Law was much more confident on his skates.
"Thank you." He said quietly, almost in a whisper.
"Sure thing, Captain." You said, smiling. Just as you were about to withdraw your hand, his grip tightened.
"Call me Law."
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated! Snowflake banner by ©firefly-graphics
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