#we already know piper cuts her own hair
jankwritten · 2 years
there is so much power in cutting your own hair oh my god. I think I saw somebody somewhere explain that if you pay someone else to cut your hair and they fuck it up that's horrendous and you've lost money but if you fuck up your OWN hair for FREE then it's cool and sexy and gay.
anyway. we'll see if i cut it too short once it dries
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lukecvntstellan · 1 month
do you reckon u could do a leo x reader fluff plsss 🙏
a/n: this is the first time i've written anything ____ x reader in a LOOONNNGGGGG time... forgive me if i'm rusty. don't be tooo mean i'll probably sob idk
improper grammar probably (not proofread) and written in all lowercase because i dont feel like capitalizing
hurt/comfort with leo valdez x reader i guesssss
leo had been down on himself recently. him and his significant other had been together almost a year now. as of late he had been locking himself in bunker nine, away from his friends and s/o.
leo had been drowning himself in work, alone in bunker 9, as an excuse for his loneliness. over his music he hears the door swing open, he looks up expecting to see his s/o, but is instead greeted by one of his best friends, piper mclean.
"hey, leo. we noticed you've been spending a lot of time in here... is everything okay?"
the question he knew was coming, but had been dreading.
leo unplugged his radio before saying, "yeah, piper, i've been great. just working on a big project!" trying to feign excitement over his project, which in reality was a pile of scrap metal on his desk that he wasn't quite sure what to do with.
"i'm sorry, but you're the most social out of our friend group? locking yourself in here for days is unusual. y/n has been worried about you. you haven't even spoken to them?"
"okay piper. i'm sorry. okay? i just don't know what to say. you're the only person i've opened up to before. i'm scared y/n would leave me if they knew what was happening. i can't tell them. being with me is already hard enough, i don't need to add on additional burden with the nightmares i've been having..."
despite being "closer" with jason, leo had only ever talked about his feelings with piper before. jason already had enough of his own problems, and never really noticed when leo was going through something.
ever since leo was claimed by his father he had been told by multiple people that he was fated to always be the outsider, never have a place, always the seventh wheel. those words echo through his mind constantly, never ending. because of this, having an s/o was hard. thoughts of "do i deserve this?" "are they going to leave me?" and "am i good enough for them?" were always cycling through his mind.
piper's voice cut through leo's thoughts, "i'm not the one you should be apologizing to. i think you need to talk to them. they're worried about you. do you want to tell me what's been happening first though?"
"do you remember a few months ago i told you about the dreams i had, with hera in them?"
"oh gods.. they're back?"
"yeah... i haven't been sleeping to avoid them. but now i'm so tired and i want to sleep. but i'm scared."
piper moved to give leo a quick hug. "i'm sorry that the dreams are back. i'm gonna get y/n to come talk to you. okay?"
"thanks beauty queen." (**LEOS NORMAL NICKNAME FOR HER IN THE BOOKS**)
as piper was leaving leo walked over to the bed he had made for his late nights in bunker nine, preparing for a conversation he did not want to have.
emotions weren't leo's strong suit. he always tried to be funny and cool to distract from any emotional issues that were happening. no amount of jokes could hide the dark circles under his eyes and his unbrushed hair. he looked rough.
the door opened, and y/n walked in and sat down next to leo. running their hand through his unkempt curls they asked, "are you okay, what's going on? i'm worried about you."
leo laid down, his head in y/n's lap, and their hands gently playing with his hair.
"my dreams have been really bad recently. i haven't been sleeping to avoid them. i'm so tired. i haven't been able to finish any project i've started. i can't do anything right-" leo pointed to the haphazard pile of junk on his desk.
tears started to form, leo tried to blink them away, to no success.
"i guess i've always been insecure? i've been told by hera and nemesis that i'm meant to be this outsider with no role and will always be alone and now i just feel like i don't deserve you. and all my dreams lately have just been those same words on repeat. hera standing there telling me that i'm always going to be the seventh wheel. i'm never going to find my place. i can't take it anymore."
y/n pressed a light kiss to his forehead while contemplating their words.
"leo. you realize that isn't true, right? you DO deserve me. you're not an outsider either, you have a place in our friend group. everyone there loves you. and I love you-"
"love me? you haven't said that before"
"i've been thinking it for a while"
leo couldn't hide the smile that was taking over his face. "really? i love you too, actually, i love you more." he sat up and tackled y/n down on the bed in a hug. "you can't ever leave me now, you're trapped here!" leo said through a laugh.
"you know, i wouldn't dream of it."
"i mean, you probably will. the demigod dreams go kinda crazy."
"you know what i meant, stupid."
"WHAT! you think i'm stupid?" leo protested.
"no. i didn't mean it like that and you know it."
leo shut up after that. being in the arms of his partner after not sleeping for days was making the sleepiness overwhelming. y/n noticed leo drifting off, running their hands through his hair and whispering soft "i love you's" and other sweet nothings.
this was the first night of no nightmares in a week for him :)
this is ASSS bc i wrote it at mostly 4am and i dont proofread. the concept is there, the execution isn't.
i love leo i think he deserves some comfort in his life PLEASE
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Helpless part 6 :D
Nico woke up to a loud knock on the door, he had slept in his jeans and camp shirt so he just put on his jacket and ran his fingers through his hair before opening the door. Standing there, with far to much energy for someone to have in the morning: Will Solace.
"What in the Hades are you doing here Solace?" Nico asked rubbing his eyes before spotting the sun towards the east, well it wasn't past 12, truly a miracle. "And what time is it?"
"It's 9:30 and I am here to make sure you take your meds, it's protocol to make sure it's been taken."
Nico rolled his eyes as he grabbed the container that was next to his bed as well as a glass of water that he had left there, as he swallowed he said.
"Happy now Solace?"
"I told you it's protocol, normally we get someone else from the cabin to check but Hazel went to New Rome."
"Aren't you head? Doesn't that mean you made the protocol?" Will put his finger to his lip before responding with,
"Bye Nico, I'll wait for you at the Hades table for breakfast. Oh and watch out for Piper, she is insistent on taking you shopping and Chiron already agreed to letting her take you." He said as he walked out the door. Nico sighed, well there was no chance he was getting out of something if Piper wanted him to do it. He needed a new jacket anyways.
Will had annoyingly made sure Nico got food, he picked up a single slice of toast and was forcing himself to eat.
"Neeks don't forget to take the other one as well."
"Don't call me Neeks." He said grumbling as he put the pill in his mouth and swallowed.
"It's a cute nickname."
"Would you like an army of skeletons chasing you? Is that cute enough?"
"No underworldly stuff Neeks, or else-"
"You're kidnapping me and locking me in the infirmary again."
"Exactly." Will smiled resisting the urge to ruffle the Ghost Kings long hair. Then Piper ran up to them,
"Nico I'm taking you shopping today. You can't stop me, I've already asked Chiron and he agrees you need more social interaction." Nico gave her dagger eyes, the Apollo kid had already left to go to the infirmary seemly please with Nico's eating. "Also you need a haircut-"
"Not a chance McLean, I do not trust those people."
"Nico it'll be fine, unless you would rather me cut it."
"No chance."
"One or the other, come on di Angelo. Son of Hades scared of a haircut?"
"Oh fuck you McLean."
"You aren't denying it...."Piper grinned as Nico thought about his options, he knew he wasn't getting away, Piper would probably charmspeak him into getting it cut anyways so there's no point resisting.
"I hate you so much McLean, either way I trust you more." Nico sighed, Piper's face lit up.
"You're the best Nico, trust me I know what I'm doing. Oh you're still not getting out of shopping by the way, you need to own something that isn't black."
"I don't think I do,"
"You act like you're allergic to colour I swear, hey you might even enjoy it."
"We can go to McDonalds? I remember Percy saying something about you loving that place."
Nico considered the offer, it had been two year's since he had gone to McDonalds. He was almost certain Piper had charmspoke him considering after that offer he agreed.
"Great, I'll meet you at thirteen in an hour." Piper said before walking off to celebrate her success with Jason. Then he reaslied what he agreed to, Piper would probably find out about his eating thing. Fuck. At that point though there was no going back, 'well let's hope that Piper McLean can keep a secret.' he thought before walking to the Hades cabin and throwing up everything he had eaten. He still thought it was a miracle no one had found out, he always made sure to be in his cabin before it happened. People worry about him enough already, he didn't need them worrying even more, he would be fine, it would fix itself.
Nico heard a knock and went to open the door, Piper looked back at him with a smile.
"Hey McLean, please do not make me regret this."
"Trust me you won't Nico, and you do realise that people have first names right?" Piper smiled as she walked inside; Nico rolled his eyes at the comment and closed the door. As they walked inside the bathroom the Aphrodite girl pulled out some scissors, a comb and a spray bottle filled with water. "Okay so since your hair is straight so it'll be easier to cut while it's wet, I'll cut it to around your shoulders and add some layers, any objections?"
"You forced me into this, I'm hoping you know what you're doing."
"You have so much confidence in me, why are you so against getting your hair cut anyway? I'm genuinely curious."
"Great explanation." Piper muttered as she started brushing Nico's hair, it was soft and wasn't that thick but not thin either.
"Last time I got it cut was like two years ago, I asked for it to but cut around my shoulders and this bitch cut it shorter than Jason's saying it 'Wasn't right' so now I refuse to have it shorter than my collar to spite her."
"I'm surprised you didn't kill her, I probably would have." Piper laughed as she continued brushing,
"Well social anxiety is a real bitch." Nico smiled as he said it. The daughter of Aphrodite started to spray his hair with water and cutting carefully half an inch above his shoulder and adding layers into it. Nico stood perfectly still the whole time, neither talked until Piper had finished.
"So di Angelo, thoughts?" Piper asked,
"You're surprising good at this McLean." Nico smiled, a often a rare occurrence for the child of. Hades yet it had become more common in the last few days.
"Don't be so shocked Nico, my mother is Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty." Piper said as she handed him some hair ties, "You'll need these, I have no clue how you've survived so long with your hair out but you don't have to suffer any longer. Also Will would love it." Piper winked, Nico rolled his eyes.
"Oh leave me be McLean, but thanks for the hair ties." he said as he put them around his wrist. The two cleaned up, Piper started collecting her things and glaced at her watch.
"I'll go get ready, meet you back here in twenty minutes." She said running out of the door, giving Nico just enough time to overthink. Piper had actually done a good job at cutting it, he ran his fingers through it, pulling some part from the sides in front of his face. It was shorter than he was used to but it probably looked more decent, the longer hair had started getting on his nerve either way and he mentally noted to thank Piper for cutting it. He wondered what the Apollo  boy would think; he took one of the hair ties off his wrist and tied his hair back, trying to stop thinking about it, before getting ready to be dragged out by Piper. He wore the first pair of black jeans he saw with a black T-shirt and his aviator jacket, he suspected the colour may be making less of an appearance in his closest after Piper was done.
Guys I'll try to keep updating daily but I will be away for five weeks and I don't know how good my internet will be and how much time I'll have to write in general. I have 9.5 chapters written already so I'll try to post those if the internet will let me, sorry.
@midnightisday2 Tysm for reading each part, ur like the best person on this app mate. Also ur drawings are fucking amazing.
Have a good day peeps, I'll (hopefully) see ya tmr
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corruptedmind · 2 years
Really, dude? [Leo Valdez]
Genre : Fluff, Funny
Summary : Y/N has had a crush on Leo since the moment she saw him. They were best friends now. What happens when she tries to confess her love for him?
"How about no?"
"How about yes-"
"No Leo. I will NOT help you make vibrators to sell them online and get money"
"But imagine the amount of money we'll get. We could buy new shoes and-"
"Shut up before I tell this to Percy and make him drown you in the camp's lake for corrupting me"
"You're the most disgusting minded creature I know, woman"
"But does HE know?".
Leo sighed in defeat. He knew I won this argument too, like I did always. He had this stupid idea to make vibrators and illegally sell it to people outside camp so he could get money and buy a new playstation.
Being his best friend, it was his job to annoy me and pull me in in all of his antics.
Some of them were good, and I would gladly accept making vibrators but if anyone found out we'd be in more trouble than usual.
"Why don't we just hang out near the lake for the day?", I asked.
"The same lake your brother was supposed to drown me in?", He raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his hip.
"Oh my Gods you're so smart, McShizzle Man Daddy Leo", I said in a high pitched voice trying to mock him.
"See lady, when you say that it isn't hot-"
"You sound like this though"
"No, I don't. I sound hot"
"You sound like a bitch"
"A hot bitch"
"An ugly bitch actually-"
"Y/N! LEO! THERE YOU ARE!!". Both of us turned behind to see Jason running towards us with a small smile. His blonde hair swept behind as he ran. His purple shirt tight against his muscles.
"Stop eye-fucking him, Y/N. He's already taken", Leo whispered into my ear.
I looked at him and smirked, "Don't worry. I'm into scrawny guys".
"Wait really-"
"Hey Y/N, Leo". Jason finally reached us and softly panted. He brushed his hair to the side and gave his respectful smile.
"Wassup?", Leo and I both said it in unison, but that was a natural occurrance.
We're best friends, we share one braincell.
"Percy and I decided to hangout at the Posiedon Cabin. We wanted you to come too", Jason looked at me and said.
"You're not gonna invite me?", Leo gave a fake hurt expression.
"It's a hangout for the seven of us, and we decided to invite Y/N too"
"You're going to invite me in my own Cabin?", I raised my eyebrow at Jason, making the boy beside me laugh.
"We'll come, but we also have to go to the lake before the night", Leo cut him off and took my hand.
"Someone's getting jealous", I wiggled my eyebrows as we both set off in the other direction.
"No man can let my mamacita look at them like that", He crossed his arm and winked at me.
I laughed loudly and patted his arm. Just as I was about to comment something back, his sister Nyssa called him.
"Hey Leo! We need your help in making the new catapults!!", She said as she hulled a sheet of celestial bronze over her shoulders.
Leo looked back at me. "I'll see you later, Ma'am", he bid his farewell with bowing down and hopping off to his sister.
I smiled at his retreating figure with loving eyes. He was truly the best person I had met. From his cute features and charming personality, falling in love with him was easy.
"He's so oblivious, yknow", I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to find Piper and Jason standing side by side with their eyes on Leo who was now going back to his cabin.
"No, Pipes. I'm just good at being platonic"
"You flirt with him mercilessly"
"Which shows how platonic we are"
"Y/N, you should confess-"
"No, Piper". I cut her off. "After Calypso, I don't think he's ready yet". My arms circled around me as I give myself a hug.
"It's be a YEAR, Y/N", Jason softly said.
I just shook my head at him sadly and looked at his cabin. The nights where he cried in my arms, lonely and betrayed after his sudden break-up hurt me alot.
Calypso had broken up with him at dinner. She didn't explain at that time, and that hollowed Leo up. He wasn't okay after that. Calypso had left camp the next day and that left Leo's head filled with doubts.
I knew that if we ever got together, Leo would just hurt himself more.
"Lets just go and have lunch". I started walking away with my head down.
Lunch had finished in a blink of an eye with Percy talking on and on about how Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid were the best movies in existence.
The talk from before had drained away my happiness and left me numb. I didn't eat much, but i didn't care. My fear for Leo's feelings increased with each passing moment.
Percy opened the door in front of me, snapping me out of my daze. As I entered my cabin, I saw Annabeth and Piper setting up the sofa with a bunch of board games. Drinks and popcorns and chips were set on the table beside.
Just as I sat on the couch with my knees up to my chest, a loud voice came from the door. I turned around and saw the rest of the guys come in. Frank entered first with a look of regret on his face with Hazel and Jason following him with small smiles. Just behind him a scrawny guy popped in laughing loudly
Instantly my mood became better.
Leo must have teased Frank making him pinch the bridge of his nose and silently sit by my side. Frank turned his head to me and frowned.
"Out of all the guys at camp.... You choose him???", He whispered.
I gave him a big smile, "Yes Zhang. Yes".
Leo then instantly came beside me and pushed Frank to the other side of the couch and sat beside me. "Hey Mama, long time no see", he wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh.
"Yes, and I missed you very much", I said and rested my head on his shoulder.
I felt him stiffen under me, but just a second later he loosened up. Resting his back on the couch, he became comfortable by my side.
"You okay, Y/N?", He softly asked me, not to get any attention.
"Not really. But after you came I feel better", I confessed.
Leo didn't reply back, but I could feel him smiling big.
Minutes later, Percy decided we all play Uno. In short, it was a mess.
Piper used charmspeak on all of us and Hazel used her magic mist to fool us what card she had. In the end Annabeth won with all the guys whining.
We played another game of Uno, but now without the three girls. I sat in beside Leo in the circle and continued my game. Though it was absolutely chaotic, with Percy and Leo continuously cheating, I loved having Leo beside me.
Two hours had gone by. We'd ended playing charades in which we had a girls vs boys match.
Of course the girls won.
As the hours went on, I naturally came to Leo's side without him questioning me. We comfortably sat on the couch with his legs over mine.
"Ahhh I had fun today", I heard Leo say softly.
Turning my head towards him I smiled, "Yeah. It was good. But look at the time, I guess we'll have to go to the beach tomorrow".
Leo suddenly pushed his face towards me and looked at me with wide eyes. In shock, I pulled my face back and stared at him back with my own wide eyes.
"Lady, when have we ever followed the rules of this camp? You literally sneaked out with me a bazillion times to go to Bunker 9. What's stopping us now?", He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
I laughed and pushed his face away from mine. "You make sense. So.... After dinner?", I proposed.
"Meet me there by 10", Leo winked at me as the conch horn blew for dinner.
Of course I blushed at his small action, but thankfully he didn't see me as he stood up at the sound of the horn.
"LET'S GO DEEP THROAT OURSELVES WITH SOME FOOD YO", Leo cheered and ran out of the cabin to the dining pavillion.
Just as I was about to follow him out, I heard Annabeth calling me. "Hey Y/N".
"Yeah?", I turned back to see her and the rest of the guys looking at me with concern.
"I don't wanna seem nosey, but will you ever confess to him about your love?", She frowned.
Of course she wanted to talk to me about this.
"I don't know, Annabeth. But at the moment, this is the best option-"
"Please, I'm no daughter of Athena but that is the best option", Hazel got up from her seat and looked at me right in the eye. "We all can see how much the both of you like eachother".
"T-The both...of us??", I tilted my head.
What did she mean by 'the both of us'?.
"Yes. The BOTH of you. I know you both spend more time with eachother than what we see, but all the moments we both see of you I know Leo likes you back. Heck, I feel like you're all on his mind", She explained.
I looked down at my hands. Suddenly feeling insecure about myself as I remembered who was Leo's first girlfriend.
It was a Goddess for fuck's sake!!!
I remembered how beautiful she was when she was still at camp. Her beautiful long blonde hair that rested by her face perfectly. Her almond eyes that could make anyone dreamy. Her pouty lips that made her look like a doll.
I had none of that, and that was what Leo fell in love with.
His standards were too high, and I didn't even reach it.
"I don't really know, guys. He fell in love with Calypso who broke up with him out of the blue. If we were to ever date, then he'll just be too paranoid about me leaving him", I softly said.
My mood that was once good, going down the drain abruptly.
"But you'd never leave him. He just has to learn to trust you, and that's something you both have to work on", This time, Percy was the one to speak.
It was rare to have him give any advice, but I knew what he said was right. A relationship works only when both the partners work together, and Percy had alot of experience with Annabeth throughout the years.
I looked down and nodded, a sudden burst of motivation flowing through me.
"I'll confess to him tonight. When we're at the beach", I announced with confidence.
"But won't the harpies be there?", Frank asked looking around.
"Don't worry, Y/N. You go ahead with no worries. We have your back", Jason got up and smiled. "Now let's go to eat, we're getting late".
Dinner was done fast, with all of us sitting in our respectful tables since it was dinner.
At about 8, we all head back to our cabins for the night, but with my plan to confess to Leo, Percy and I were up.
"So, should I wear this?", I held up a red frock in my hands and directed it towards Percy.
He was laying down on his bed propped up on his elbow. "Little Sister, you're not going on a date, you're going to a hangout", he yawned.
"But I'm gonna PROPOSE-"
"But does he know about it?", Percy raised his eyebrow.
I sighed in defeat and sagged down on my bed. It was 9:30 now, and thirty minutes were left for me to meet the love of my life.
"Hey Y/N", I heard Percy call me out.
"Mmm?", I grumbled.
"Wear anything you want. Keep it simple and probably put on something you know he would like", he said from his bed.
"He likes the colour red", I stated.
"That's why you took out your red frock....", I could hear the smirk in my brother's voice.
"I know, stupid. I'll just wear a hoodie with some sweatpants. I don't think he'll really care".
"Don't you have one of his hoodies with you...?", Percy finally sat up and looked at me with bright eyes.
My eyes widened in realisation. I got up from my bed and walked up to my wardrobe to find one of Leo's favourite red hoodie he had given me one night when we were at bunker 9.
"I like what you think, brother. Now I shall go change". I picked the hoodie up with my black sweatpants and went to the bathroom for a quick body bath.
I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy ponytail. I didn't put any perfume on, since the scent of Leo was already driving me crazy.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I blushed crazily.
I was going to fucking CONFESS to a boy!!!
I rubbed my cheeks and went out of the bathroom to find Nico lying on my bed as Annabeth laid beside Percy.
Annabeth noticed me coming out of the bathroom and smiled. She then looked at Nico, "I called him to shadow travel you safely to Leo".
"Yo", I greeted the emo boy.
He simply nodded his head and got up from my bed.
Nico and I too were very close friends after I found out about how he had a crush on Percy. It always made me crack how Percy just wasn't Nico's type.
"Come on, Nicola. We have a boy to confess to", I said as I put on my vans.
"I've already confessed to my boy. And please, stop calling me that", He groaned.
"What? Nicola???", I smirked.
"I will cut your breasts off-"
"Okay! Let's go Death boy", I cut him off and dragged him out of the cabin.
Soon, we were in the shadows.
I didn't necessarily hate shadow travelling, but it's side effects were horrible. Though we had just traveled a small distance, I felt nauseous and lied down on the ground.
I was about to thank Nico but he disappeared as soon he left me. I scoffed and got up from the ground, making my way to the beach.
The sound of the waves made me smile, and the smell of the sea water calmed me down.
This was my element, and I loved it here.
As I smacked a branch away to see the sea, my eyes landed on Leo who sat on the sand. The moon was right in front of us, with stars shining brightly above us.
I smiled and walked towards the scrawny boy.
"Hey Leo", I greeted and sat down beside him.
He looked at me and smiled, not responding back. The look in his eyes was enough to tell me he was thinking about something. And that something wasn't good.
"You wore my hoodie", he stated.
"I love this hoodie", I smiled at him.
"Hmm", he hummed and looked up at the stars.
His eyebrows suddenly turned into a frown as his eyes scanned the sky. It seemed like a memory passed in his mind, reminding him of something bitter.
Why would a beach make him sad?
Just as I thought that, I remembered he and Calypso met at an island, a beach... Maybe he was remembering his days with her on the same background.
"Are you.... still thinking of... her?", I hesitantly asked.
Leo let out a deep sigh, his eyes becoming cloudy. "No matter how much time goes by, I'll still think WHY she left me. Was I seriously THAT bad that she had to leave so fast? Did I really treat her so horribly that she broke up with me in front of the entire camp?".
I simply listened to him as he spoke, denying his words in my mind.
His voice wavered as he took in a sharp breath.
A moment of silence past through us, the sounds of the waves only being heard. I decided to break it.
"I don't really know where you came up with all these thoughts but we all know those are all lies", I started. "You were probably the best boyfriend to her, so caring and loving and considerate. You were the first one to be there for her in THOUSANDS of years. I can't really say why she broke up with you, maybe she has her own reasons. But what I know that it isn't even one that you said".
Leo looked at me, the stars shining in his eyes. He really looked pretty tonight. His hair naturally ruffled, with a small stain of grease on his cheekbone. His elfish ears poking out from his hair.
"I don't.... I don't really know what I would do without you, Y/N", he said softly.
"Haha we were meant to be", I joked looking away, a small blush appearing on my cheeks.
Leo then stood up, stretching a hand to help me up. I took it and dusted my pants as I got up.
"Let's take a walk", Leo announced and took my hand in his.
I gladly intertwined our fingers and went closer to his side, know him making the first move was very rare. I smiled by his side as we took slow steps, a comfortable silence hanging over us.
I was sure we had walked for about fifteen minutes, but I really didn't care. Being by his side alone in silence was the best thing I could wish for. Though not possible, I snuggled further into his side, making him chuckle.
I rested my chin on his shoulder and looked at his face. He was seriously very beautiful. Each curve and bump made my heart beat faster. His eyes drowned me further into the love I held for him. His nose just seemed more kissable that night. His lips twisted my stomach, building fantasies in my mind.
"Gods you're beautiful", I muttered softly.
Leo looked at me in shock and then pointed at his chest. "Me?", He asked.
I simply nodded and smiled at him. Under the moonlight, I could see his ears getting red.
"You're also very cute, señor bonito".
"Where are you getting these Spanish words from, señorita", Leo flushed.
"I've been learning", I said.
"Anything for you, baby", I winked at him.
Leo blushed agressively. "You're becoming too much like me".
I laughed heartily and walked ahead, dragging Leo with me. We walked for a few more minutes till a different atmosphere settled around us.
Our pace slowed down till we stopped and faced the sea. Our eyes lingered at the small waves coming to the shore.
It slowly dawned to that it was time.
It was time to tell Leo about my feelings.
Though I was absolutely nervous and my heart bet faster than when I faced monsters, I tugged Leo's hand to face me. He turned and tilted his head cutely.
A second went by as we just stared, but then I did it.
I kneeled down in front of him as my left hand went in my pocket while my right held his.
His eyes were wide in shock, but I didn't let that stop me.
"Leo Valdez, Son of Esperanza Valdez. I am here today, or tonight, to tell you about something important", I started. But the moment I found my flow, I let my heart control me. The love I held for Leo from the moment I laid eyes on him finally were free.
"I remember the day I had come to camp, after being rescued by Jason in my school. You were there, talking with Harley about something he wanted to know. You seemed so passionate about what you loved, and I understood that when I sneaked into the forest that night to find you in bunker 9, building. I couldn't believe how we immediately clicked after the first words we shared, and how fast I felt connected with you."
"I was heartbroken when I saw you and Calypso kiss, but that day I understood that what I felt towards you wasn't a simple crush, but true love. To see you happy with her made my day. Just to see you genuinely happy and smiling made ME genuinely happy and smiling. I never expected myself to experience such healthy love towards a person who was already dating. But the day she broke up with you was one of the worst days I'd experienced. I felt so much rage towards her for leaving you. All I could see was you crying in my arms. I hated her, Leo. But I just couldn't blame her"
"After that day I started feeling us getting closer. Not physically, but emotionally. At those times I knew the love I held for you was correct, because you never made me feel bad. You understood me in ways no one ever had. You embraced my weird self, and slowly molded into my other half. Leo, it was YOU who made me feel loved and happy. You being you made it so easy to love you back, and I know that I'll keep loving you no matter where your heart lies"
"Tonight, I don't want you to force yourself to love me back, but tonight's the night where you get to know how LOVED you are. If you don't like me back, that's really okay. But please know, that I will always stay by your side no matter way. Leo Valdez, I am absolutely in love with you. Will you please be my lover till eternity?"
Finally, as I regained control over myself, I looked up at Leo.
Tears were streaming down his face and I heard him ugly sobbing. He agressively wiped his nose with his hand as his chest rises up and down.
Worried, I got up and cupped his face. "If my speech of love was that bad, you could just say so. No need to cry", I said wiping his tears away.
His eyes locked to mine, and the next moment he was embracing. "Y/N, you have no idea what you make me feel. I really can't believe a person is capable of making me feel so... Needed. I-... You're seriously the bestest friend I've ever had", he sniffled.
So I'm being rejected.
"I'll keep being your best friend no matter what, Leo. You're my official permanent buddy", I said making him laugh.
He pulled away from the hug and cupped my cheeks in his long hands. He smiled softly and scanned my face. "Thank you for everything, Y/N. Thank you for being their at my worst. Thank you for making me feel loved. Everytime you stood by my side, I just fell harder for you".
"Yes, Y/N. I love you too. And I'd love to be your lover for eternity", He spoke with a wide smile on his face.
His confession made my ears burn, my heart race against my chest. I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Is that a yes?", I asked.
Leo laughed, "Yes, it is".
I broke away from him and laughed, my own tears coming out of my eyes. Two years of loving him, and finally he was mine.
"I love you, Leo Valdez", I said.
"I love you too, Y/N", he responded.
His hand circled my waist, pulling me close to him. At the close distance, I could feel his heart beating as fast as mine was.
"Can I kiss you, mi amor?", His accent slipped out, making me blush.
I looked up at him and let myself smile. Getting up on my tip toes, I leaned in to carefully set my lips on his. A shot of electricity passed through my body, though the touch was so soft.
My eyes closed down, and Leo pressed into me. We didn't move, we just stayed like that. Lip to lip, as our love finally reached to the other. Breaking away to get breath, I looked at him again.
"I forgot to tell you, but you look very fuckable in my hoodie, Y/N", He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Really, dude? Not even five minutes since we confessed"
"You love me like that, though".
"True true".
"So....now what?", He asked looking around.
An idea sparked in my head. "I tell everyone you rejected me and then we make out at lunch in front of everyone".
"Oh I have the most perfect girlfriend".
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percabeth4life · 2 years
Will Solace Personality
@onthishamsterwheel I... apologize for taking so long to make this post. I know your requested it ages ago, but I have been... extraordinarily busy and my ask box overwhelming so I’ve only just started answering the longer more complicated ones.
So, Canon Will Solace’s Personality.
(it got long, and doesn’t really dive into TOA, so warning if you wish to read below the cut)
In PJO proper we don’t have much of will, only one scene with him.
‘Poison on the dagger,’ she mumbled. ‘Pretty stupid of me, huh?’ Will Solace exhaled with relief. ‘It’s not so bad, Annabeth. A few more minutes and we would’ve been in trouble, but the venom hasn’t gotten past the shoulder yet. Just lie still. Somebody hand me some nectar.’ I grabbed a flask. Will cleaned out the wound with the godly drink while I held Annabeth’s hand. ‘Ow,’ she said. ‘Ow, ow!’ She gripped my fingers so tight they turned purple, but she stayed still like Will asked. Silena muttered words of encouragement. Will put some silver paste over the wound and hummed words in Ancient Greek – a hymn to Apollo. Then he applied fresh bandages and stood up shakily. The healing must’ve taken a lot of his energy. He looked almost as pale as Annabeth. ‘That should do it,’ he said. ‘But we’re going to need some mortal supplies.’ He grabbed a piece of hotel stationery, jotted down some notes and handed it to one of the Athena guys. ‘There’s a pharmacy on Fifth. Normally, I would never steal –’ ‘I would,’ Travis volunteered. Will glared at him. ‘Leave cash or drachmas to pay, whatever you’ve got, but this is an emergency. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to have a lot more people to treat.’
(TLO pg 90)
Here he quickly takes control of the healing, and makes demands of those around him meant to respect those they’re taking from. He heals Annabeth fully and properly. He has a thing against stealing, and takes job seriously.
In TLH we see Will a few times, first speaking to Annabeth
“Annabeth!” A guy with a bow and quiver on his back pushed through the crowd. “I said you could borrow the chariot, not destroy it!” “Will, I’m sorry,” Annabeth sighed. “I’ll get it fixed, I promise. ” Will scowled at his broken chariot. Then he sized up Piper, Leo, and Jason. “These are the ones? Way older than thirteen. Why haven’t they been claimed already?” “Claimed?” Leo asked. Before Annabeth could explain, Will said, “Any sign of Percy?” “No,” Annabeth admitted.
(TLH pg 45)
Here he’s a bit rougher, focused on the chariot more than the demigods brought in. Then he ignores them right after to focus on Percy once more. This sharper manner of speaking seems likely to be his normal attitude, as even in TLO he gets sharp when not healing someone (Annabeth).
With Leo he’s vague as well, avoiding answering questions while giving him a tour and seeming uncomfortable with Leo:
“Do I get a sword?” Leo asked. Will glanced at him like he found the idea disturbing. “You’ll probably make your own, seeing as how you’re in Cabin Nine.” (TLH pg 79)
“The Titan War,” Leo repeated, “which has nothing to do with this very fine bed?” “The Titans,” Will said, like Leo was an idiot. (TLH pg 84)
He’s a bit rough here, and not the most welcoming, but they’re also worried about Percy still... not that it makes his treatment of Leo any nicer there.
Will doesn’t show up again until BOO, where Percy sees him first in a dream:
‘She’s right.’ Will Solace, head counsellor for the Apollo cabin, put his hand gently on Clarisse’s wrist. Not many campers could’ve done that without getting stabbed, but Will had a way of defusing people’s anger. He got her to lower her dagger. ‘Everyone in our cabin has been affected. It’s not just Rachel.’ Will’s shaggy blond hair and pale blue eyes reminded Nico of Jason Grace, but the similarities ended there. Jason was a fighter. You could tell from the intensity of his stare, his constant alertness, the coiledup energy in his frame. Will Solace was more like a lanky cat stretched out in the sunshine. His movements were relaxed and nonthreatening, his gaze soft and far away. In his faded SURF BARBADOS T-shirt, his cutoff shorts and flip-flops, he looked about as unaggressive as a demigod could get, but Nico knew he was brave under fire. During the Battle of Manhattan, Nico had seen him in action – the camp’s best combat medic, risking his life to save wounded campers. (BOO pg 94)
‘I agree,’ Will said. ‘I wish I was a better archer … I wouldn’t mind shooting my Roman relative off his high horse. Actually, I wish I could use any of my father’s gifts to stop this war.’ He looked down at his own hands with distaste. ‘Unfortunately, I’m just a healer.’ (BOO pg 94)
Will here is... described as someone soft, and calming. Which is strikingly different from the prior depictions of him, and his later depictions. Will being able to calm Clarisse with a single touch makes me inclined to believe he has some ability specifically able to calm people, whether he knows it or not. 
It’s also specified that he isn’t a warrior at all, he’s a healer. But still willing to step into battle to heal his allies.
Will is seen once more at the end of BOO, when Nico is readying himself to interfere with the camp.
Nico was about to attempt it when a voice behind him said, ‘Nico?’ He spun, his sword instantly in his hand, and almost decapitated Will Solace. ‘Put that down!’ Will hissed. ‘What are you doing here?’ (BOO pg 271)
‘Me?’ Nico asked. ‘What are you doing? Getting yourselves killed?’ Will scowled. ‘Hey, we’re scouting the enemy. We took precautions.’ (BOO pg 271)
‘Fine. A very cute little satyr boy.’ Will shuddered. ‘But I delivered it. Have you ever delivered a baby?’ ‘ Um, no.’ ‘I had to get some fresh air. That’s why I volunteered for this mission. Gods of Olympus, my hands are still shaking. See?’
(BOO pg 271)
So first off, Will has delivered a baby just a short while ago... and because he needed air volunteered for a very important scouting mission to keep an eye on the enemy when he’s literally still shaking from the delivery. This is the opposite of responsible, like on several letters.
First off, he’s compromised. He’s literally shaking, he’s not able to act properly.
Second off, he’s notably not a warrior, as said in the earlier quotes. He cannot aid his team in fighting if it came to it and would thus be a liability.
Third, he’s a healer with the enemy right there and a battle about to commence. Whether the camp knew the battle was about to start or not, they do know that they need to keep their healers safe, especially their top healer (as stated by Nico earlier) and the fact that he was sent into the field like that, when he was shaky and not in the right state, is not a good idea.
And they were sent on this scouting mission to interfere with the Romans if necessary, it was a subtle action meant to sabotage them. A healer is 1. Not necessary 2. Actively a liability for not being able to help with the fighting or sabotage
This is proven a bit later, seeing how Nico had to rescue Will who was not able to fight when they were facing enemies
This time the Mist didn’t work so well. One of the onager guards yelled, ‘Hey!’ ‘Got this.’ Will sprinted off – which was possibly the stupidest diversion Nico could imagine – and six of the guards chased after him. (BOO pg 274)
‘And, uh –’ Cecil pointed – ‘somebody better help Will.’ Even in their armour, the Romans were starting to gain on Solace. Nico cursed and raced after them. (BOO pg 275)
It’s notable that he didn’t even lead all the enemies away, and they still had to fight and defeat them which took only a few seconds and that Nico handled the one’s attacking Will in about 10 seconds... making him not only useless in the fight as a whole, but possibly drawing more attention from their surroundings by running around wildly.
It shows remarkable stubbornness on his side, or knowingly misleading those that would approve such a mission to make them believe he was able to. Neither are good things when people’s lives are on the line.
And then of course there’s how he spoke to Nico about his shadow travel
Will said. ‘But, if you’re planning to shadow-travel to that command tent, forget it.’ Nico glared at him. ‘Excuse me?’
‘I just did try it again, Solace. I’m fine.’ ‘No, you’re not. I’m a healer. I could feel the darkness in your hand as soon as I touched it. Even if you made it to that tent, you’d be in no shape to fight. But you wouldn’t make it. One more slip, and you won’t come back. You are not shadow-travelling. Doctor’s orders.’ ‘The camp is about to be destroyed –’ ‘And we’ll stop the Romans,’ Will said. ‘But we’ll do it our way. Lou Ellen will control the Mist. We’ll sneak around, do as much damage as we can to those onagers. But no shadow-travel.’ ‘But –’ ‘No.’ 
(BOO 271)
Now, as a disabled person let me tell you that someone who does not have what you have, and is not educated in your illness, telling you what you can and can’t do is the height of frustration. Here Will is declaring himself effectively an expert on Nico’s powers, declaring he knows Nico’s limits more than Nico does. He states that he knows exactly what will happen to Nico (and you can’t even say it’s a prophecy ability as 1. he doesn’t have those abilities and 2. they’re not working at the time anyways).
On top of that, he ignores Nico’s own autonomy and orders him to obey. No matter who the doctor is, they do not get to decide how you act or what you do. Patient consent is extremely important. He can advise Nico, but he cannot order him.
And in this Will is showing that he views himself as the ultimate authority when it comes to any matters regarding health.
This makes me inclined to believe he’s fairly arrogant when it comes to medical matters, and thus isn’t one most patients would want as a doctor. His skill with medicine aside, I have had a doctor myself whose an expert in his field, but after he outright ordered me on what I should do and dismissed my concerns I fired him and found a new one who may not have been as good, but actually respected my choices.
Respect for the patient is an absolutely vital part of being a doctor, and Will does not have that.
And moving back to the times they fought: Nico summoned some skeletons to handle a larger group of enemies and was promptly told off.
‘No,’ Nico said. ‘Let’s give them what they expect.’ He spread his hands. In front of the Romans, the ground erupted. Five skeletons clawed out of the earth. Cecil and Lou Ellen charged in to help. Nico tried to follow, but he would’ve fallen on his face if Will hadn’t caught him. ‘You idiot.’ Will put an arm around him. ‘I told you no more of that Underworld magic.’ ‘I’m fine.’ ‘Shut up. You’re not.’ From his pocket, Will dug out a pack of gum 
(BOO pg 275)
Now, it is notable that Nico was exhausted here but there are several other things to note.
1. Will said he would effectively die using his powers again, obviously this was wrong, proving he doesn’t actually know the powers.
2. Will gets annoyed with him for using his powers, saying he said not to use them, and calls Nico an idiot in the process (they don’t know each other, they’ve only met now and seen each other from afar otherwise from what we’ve seen) which is rather rude to someone you barely know, not to mention as a doctor is even worse.
And it doesn’t get better from there
‘It’s medicinal. Should keep you alive and alert for a few more hours.’ Nico shoved a stick of gum into his mouth. ‘Tastes like tar and mud.’ ‘Stop complaining.’ (BOO pg 275)
‘Thanks for the skeletons,’she said. ‘Great trick.’ ‘Which he won’t be doing again,’ Will said. Nico realized he was still leaning against Will. He pushed him away and stood on his own two feet. ‘I’ll do what I need to.’ Will rolled his eyes. ‘Fine, Death Boy. If you want to get yourself killed –’ ‘Do not call me Death Boy!’ (BOO pg 276)
Here Will is dismissing Nico’s complaint about medicine (which btw, this kind of thing should be taken into account and treated respectfully, Will is acting as a doctor here and telling off his patient for not liking the medicine, rather than explaining that he can’t do much about it he tells him, a weakened and in need patient, to stop complaining).
And right after this, Will both orders him once more to not use his powers, and then also calls him Death Boy, while rolling his eyes and showing clear annoyance at Nico not listening to his orders and nearly mocking him for it, basically saying “it’s your death then” rather than actually giving a reason or just respecting Nico’s autonomy.
On top of that, Nico is also outright upset by being called Death Boy, with a very vehement response that makes me inclined to believe this may be something he’s called by people. Either that or being given a... negative nickname (which it is in this case, he is effectively being killed by his powers and is given a nickname of Death, and on top of that is being mocked at that moment, this nickname is not intended nicely) like that, for one generally hated and dismissed for his parentage is extremely upsetting for him. Possibly both of those things.
Moving on: his arguing in the field of battle when they were scouting also endangered them majorly.
NICO WASN’T SURE whether to kick himself or Will Solace. If he hadn’t been so distracted bickering with the son of Apollo, he would never have allowed the enemy to get so close. (BOO 278)
:) Will distracted Nico when they’re literally surrounded by the enemy, and thus they got attacked by the enemy.
And then there’s how he speaks to Nico about Nico’s treatment from the camp, treatment which we have quite a bit of proof of btw.
‘I don’t want a place in their camp,’ Nico snarled. ‘Or in yours. When this war is over, I’m leaving both camps for good.’ Will Solace made a sound like he’d been punched. ‘Why would you do that?’ Nico scowled. ‘It’s none of your business, but I don’t belong. That’s obvious. No one wants me. I’m a child of –’ ‘Oh, please.’ Will sounded unusually angry. ‘Nobody at Camp Half-Blood ever pushed you away. You have friends – or at least people who would like to be your friend. You pushed yourself away. If you’d get your head out of that brooding cloud of yours for once –’ (BOO pg 279)
We know Nico has been ostracized, we’ve seen it in PJO and HOO. He makes people uncomfortable, people are wary of him, even the pegasi don’t want him near them and Percy has to convince them to let him ride them. Hera herself didn’t want him in the family. Nico is clearly ostracized, and while he’s offered a place at the tables... people are wary of him. The Council of Elders is equally wary and displeased when he (and Mrs. O’Leary) are there.
Basically, we know he’s ostracized, Camp Jupiter is no better (with several noting he makes people uncomfortable and that people watched him warily).
And here Will is blaming all of that on Nico.
This is something that... makes me extremely uncomfortable. I’ve mentioned the options here before, but it means that Will is either willfully oblivious to how Nico has been treated, or knows and does not care or realize the impact, or is outright gaslighting Nico here. None of these are good looks.
And the way he speaks to Nico de-legitimizes his trauma, which as a doctor is a big no no.
He takes Nico stating he wishes to leave personally, and lashes at out Nico in result. I’m inclined to believe Will has some level of crush on Nico here, but how he goes about it is not only extraordinarily unhealthy, but also cruel to Nico.
And Nico isn’t the only one he shows poor doctor practices too.
‘No!’ Will Solace shoved Nico out of the way and got in Octavian’s face. ‘I am a son of Apollo, you anaemic loser.’ (BOO pg 280)
Insulting a sick person’s health... yeah okay, this is a big no, but with his prior displayed lack of care for his patients, or for respecting others, or his general arrogance, it’s not out of character.
And then after the battle is the final part of HOO Will.
Nico happened to glance towards the cabins and saw someone waving at him. Will Solace stood in the doorway of the Apollo cabin, a stern look on his face. He pointed to the ground at his feet, like You. Here. Now. (BOO pg 319)
‘So where were you?’ Will demanded. He was wearing a green surgeon’s shirt with jeans and flipflops, which was probably not standard hospital protocol. ‘What do you mean?’ Nico asked. ‘I’ve been stuck in the infirmary for, like, two days. You don’t come by. You don’t offer to help.’ ‘I … what? Why would you want a son of Hades in the same room with people you’re trying to heal? Why would anyone want that?’ ‘You can’t help out a friend? Maybe cut bandages? Bring me a soda or a snack? Or just a simple How’s it going, Will? You don’t think I could stand to see a friendly face?’ (BOO pg 319)
Now, let’s be honest, people in the infirmary would actually likely be distressed by having Nico there. He radiates death just in general, it’s killed plants many times before, it could have a negative effect on the patients health.
On top of that, Will asked nothing from Nico prior to that, and in fact had been noted to not having spoken to Nico since the battle. And the battle was the first time they met... and they spent most of it when Will trying to boss Nico around and Nico angry with him.
So this demand and criticism of Nico, which basically calls Nico a bad friend? It’s uh... very full of himself for Will to do.
And then of course:
‘You’re so dense,’ Will noted. ‘I hope you got over that nonsense about leaving Camp Half-Blood.’ ‘I – yeah. I did. I mean, I’m staying.’ ‘Good. So you may be dense, but you’re not an idiot.’ (BOO pg 319)
They still barely know each other, yet Will is calling him dense and implying if he wanted to leave he’d be an idiot. Overall, not a very comfortable thing.
Will wants him to stay, yet won’t stop insulting him or ordering him around.
Then of course his catchphrase:
‘Right now you couldn’t summon a wishbone without melting into a puddle of darkness, di Angelo,’ Will said. ‘I told you, no more Underworldy stuff, doctor’s orders. You owe me at least three days of rest in the infirmary. Starting now.’ (BOO pg 319)
Will once more orders him about his powers, acting as if he knows everything about them.
On top of this, this is two days after the battle and yet he’s now ordering Nico there with no actual medical support? And it’s not “You probably need more rest, you can stay in the infirmary just in case or rest in your cabin” it’s a “You’re coming to the infirmary now whether you like it or not and I won’t tell you the medical reasons for why”.
This is, in case you weren’t aware, not okay!
If Nico needed to be looked over and hadn’t yet, then that’s one thing (something to be said), but it seems Will just wants Nico there, so orders him.
Lack of acknowledging Nico’s autonomy is a common theme that bleeds into TOA as well.
Now, I won’t be doing this much analysis of Will in TOA, as he’s got way too many speaking roles there for me too and you can also check my #anti solangelo tag for more info on TOA stuff (I speak of my most notable issue HERE)
But basically, the lack of care for Nico’s rights as a patient and the ethical issues continue there. I find that the issues shine through the most when interacting with Nico, and with others he seems, if not nicer, less bossy. He still orders people around, still gets snappy regularly, but it’s not nearly the same level as he is with Nico.
He outright dismisses Nico’s comfort in several points,
Will turned to me. “I apologize for my boyfriend.” Nico rolled his eyes. “Could you not—” “Would you prefer special guy?” Will asked. “Or significant other?” “Significant annoyance, in your case,” Nico grumbled. (THO pg 51)
Here Nico seems to not want to be called his boyfriend, but Will steamrolls right over him and dismisses his words. Nico’s comfort in the relationship is important and Will should respect his boundaries. Not that he has from the start, so that’s in character.
I won’t be digging much farther into this ngl, this is already a massive analysis and TOA requires a whole nother set that would be even longer than HOO. So, In Conclusion.
Will is all but unmatched in healing amongst the demigods. He’s powerful, able to do things such as reattach limbs, remove poison, and just generally restore health. He is arrogant though, particularly in relation to his healing abilities. This may be due to him having no skill in other Apollo powers, but it results in him being bossy, snappy, and very full of himself when it comes to the realm of healing. He is capable of a gentle bedside manner for most, but if you don’t obey his orders he gets demanding or rude at best. He doesn’t respect boundaries and is willing to dismiss people’s experiences (either through ignorance or outright malice) in order to get what he wants.
Overall: he’s not a character I like, and that undoubtedly colored this analysis. Most of his speaking lines prior to TOA revolve around Nico, and thus how he treats Nico stars heavily.
I hope this helps
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drvrslcense · 3 years
devils roll the dice (angels roll their eyes)
Masterlist | Taglist | Wattpad | Instagram | ao3
+ send your requests!
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of athena! reader
summary: you and leo are dared to skinny dip, what happens if your friends run away with your clothes?
warnings: skinny dipping (a bit of nudity), a few curses, mentions of sex (but not really?) - let me know if you see other ones!
notes: request; this takes place years after the events of hoo (toa never happened)
read this fic in ao3!
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Leo Valdez is seriously annoying.
The way he smiles as if everything’s okay and his anger is not something you’re feeling like waves hitting you over and over - it’s just annoying. Why can’t he just get it over with and explode in front of you, use his fire powers and all?
With a scoff, you shook your head, averting your gaze from the curly-haired boy to the campfire in front of you.
Truthfully, this event was supposed to be just the seven - Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Leo. Percy invited you to enjoy this night with his friends. He found you earlier by this beach, kicking sand, and muttering how much Leo Valdez just pissed you off. And he just had the audacity to invite you to an event, saying Leo won’t be here. But here he is - grinning as he was roasting a marshmallow over the fire.
“So, Leo,” Percy turned to Leo. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” he grinned.
You saw Percy look at you, smiling, like a monkey who finally grabbed the banana from the tree. "Go skinny dipping with Y/N."
"What!?" I'm sorry, but were you just dragged into something that doesn't even include you? "No. I'm not skinny dipping, especially not with him."
"Wow," Leo said, standing up. "Way to hurt my feelings, Y/N."
"Like you have one," you rolled your eyes.
"So, are you doing this or not?" Leo questioned you, already raising an arm to remove his shirt.
"No, I'm not," you crossed your arms over your chest.
"Your loss," Leo shrugged, shirtless. Your eyes scanned over his body. Realizing what you were doing, you averted your gaze from him into the campfire. "Like what you were seeing?"
You can just feel him smirking across from you. "It's not even my dare, how do I lose?"
"It's a dare and you're involved so get on with it," Percy waved his hand dismissively, smiling mischievously as he took a sip of his blue coke.
"Do they really have to be naked?" Thank the Gods for your sister, Annabeth.
"Yeah," Jason echoed. "We're all going to be scarred forever when Leo goes buck naked."
"Fine," Percy sighed in defeat. "You can keep your underwear."
They all looked at Leo expectantly, who raised his hands up. "Oh no, I'm not doing it if Y/N won't."
"It's your dare, Valdez."
"Yeah, and?"
"It's not mine."
"But Percy said I have to do it with you."
"Ugh," you huffed, standing up to remove your clothing. "I hate you."
"Well, I don't exactly like you either," Leo quipped, unbuckling his pants.
You turned around, raising your arms over your head as you removed your shirt, revealing your balconette bikini top in Victorian blue. The matching bikini was a gift from Piper on your birthday last September. This is only the first time you wore this, but under a white cropped top and denim jeans, thinking you won't have to swim as it is mid-winter in New York.
Unfortunately, Percy is a pain in the ass and dared Leo to go skinny dipping with you.
Annabeth handed you a beach towel you wrapped yourself in. Despite the camp's borders protecting you from extreme weather, the air was still chilly, and it sent a shiver down your spine as it hit you.
You turned around and saw that Leo had the matching blue and floral printed towel wrapped around his waist. "Let's just get this over with."
You walked over towards the edge where the waves meet the sun, leaving Leo to catch up to you. "So, how are we doing this?"
"You just don't think," is what you answered as you threw your towel somewhere behind you, diving into the open beach and swimming as far as you can.
As soon as the cold catches up to you, you stand up; the water reaching your chin. You saw Leo standing still at the edge, looking stunned. "What are you waiting for, you elf?"
Leo only shook his head and followed you. You waited a few moments, looking around the vast ocean, with chattering teeth and ragged breaths. In mid-December, the water current felt like icicles hitting your body over and over in different places. You couldn’t wait to get back out on the shore and sit by the fire for warmth.
You feel something tug at your ankle, pulling you deeper. As you struggled to stay afloat, you kicked whatever it was, deciding ultimately more on your own survival than the welfare of some random sea creature. But it wasn't a random sea creature. Instead, it was Leo, holding a bloody nose as he surfaced beside.
"Fuck you, Y/N," he held his nose, ducking his head a few times to stop the bleeding.
"That's what you get," you shrugged, waving your arms to keep yourself afloat.
"Ugh," Leo groaned. "CAN WE GO BACK NOW?"
"Geez," you covered your ears. "You didn't have to yell that loud."
"YES," you heard Percy yell back, his voice like waves echoing throughout the ocean.
You looked at the campfire, only that it was like a dot of orange in the distance. Your friends were like moving shadows in the distance, dimly lit by the moonlight.
"Come on," Leo started swimming back towards the shore once his nose had slowed down its bleeding. You followed him, careful not to swim too fast and make your head squeeze tighter than it already was. As you surfaced on the edge, you saw Leo yell and tried to run after Percy, who was holding your clothes. “Hey! Get back here.”
Instead of answering, Percy just laughed and ran away towards the parking lot. Leo chased after him.
You stood up, shivering as the chilly air hit you, grabbing your towel and wrapping yourself with it. Instead of running after Leo, you took a seat in front of the fire, with your arm reached out and dangerously close to the flames. Who could blame you for wanting to feel some warmth?
“You could get burned,” Leo commented, making you look at him in surprise. You thought he was with Percy grabbing his clothes, but there he stood, wearing a towel wrapped around his waist. Your eyes dangerously drift down towards his collarbone, but you shook your head, focusing your gaze on the dancing flames in front of you.
“At least I could be warm,” is what you told him as your fingers still dance dangerously close to the flames.
“Here,” Leo offered you a hand, and you stared as if it was the most disgusting thing you ever saw. To be honest, it wasn’t disgusting. You noticed his fingers were long and slender and smooth - no calluses in sight. It must be a benefit from producing flames.
“What do I do with it?”
“Hold it.”
“Your loss,” he shrugged, taking a seat across from you.
“So, where’s Percy?” You asked him.
“Gone,” he sighed, running his fingers through his curls. “They said we should work everything out and they’ll come to fetch us in the morning.”
Unbelievable. Still, what they had done didn't surprise you. It was like them to do something like this, you should have seen it coming. Instead, the temptation for a good time blinded you.
“Go on,” you told him. “Yell at me.”
“What?” Leo said in disbelief. “What do you want me to yell at you?”
“I don’t know,” you told him, shrugging. “What were you saying about me after we met?”
“I wasn’t saying anything about you,” Leo answered defensively.
“You so were,” you rolled your eyes.
“Really?” Leo scoffed, crossing his arms. “What was I saying then?”
“That I was rude,” you answered him, sitting up straight.
“That’s true,” Leo agreed. “You were rude. And you are being rude now.”
“Well, excuse me if I was being rude,” You laughed humorlessly. “I was busy and stressed that day. I was being chased by monsters all day until Grover and Percy found me, and I was tired."
“But that doesn’t excuse you from being such a jerk at camp,” Leo argued.
“Sorry I wasn’t feeling bright and cheery as you,” you retorted. “Gosh, you were annoying.”
“You think I was annoying?” Leo asked, offended.
“You were!” You stood up, clenching the towel that was wrapped around you. “You came in all Mr. Smiley Pants, greeting me with a cheer, and then you introduced yourself and told me your life story when I’m exhausted. Gods, Leo, I just wanted to rest that day.”
“But you didn’t have to be so rude about it,” Leo stood up too, walking to stand in front of you. If he thought he was towering over you, he was not. He was only a few inches above you, not even intimidating you with his height.
“What’s rude about ‘stop, I want to rest’ when you were all there smiling and I was a bleeding mess with monster cuts on my arms?” You fumed. “Not to mention, you were telling me that time you and your beloved Festus had to stop at a gas station.”
“And what’s wrong about that?” Leo raised his arms in frustration. “Festus was hungry, and I was out of Tabasco, so we had to take a quick stop at the nearest gas station for some motor oil.”
“Okay, you were out of Tabasco sauce,” You raised your free hand in surrender. “But is that necessary for a girl to hear when she’s bleeding out?”
“Oh, would you want me to tell you the story of how my parents conceived me?” Leo retorted. “Because I’ll gladly tell you! My mommy and my daddy-.”
“I want you to stop!” You yelled at him, getting so dangerously close to his face. Leo seriously frustrated you to no end. He can’t just keep his mouth shut. “I want you to stop talking for a long time. Maybe then, I could work everything out by myself and leave you here.”
“And what?” Leo taunted. “Face the woods alone? Ooh, too bad, Y/N, you could get killed.”
“I’ll gladly take that chance,” you said through gritted teeth. “Than be here with you.”
“Wow,” Leo feigned hurt, putting a hand above his heart. “Another girl who’d rather be killed than be with me. Only this time, I didn’t ask her out.”
“What, do you want me to ask you out?” The words that rolled out of your mouth surprised you more than they did to Leo, who looked at you with wide eyes. You felt your heart pounding in your chest, unable to think of anything to follow up on your previous statement.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you actually like me,” Leo said slowly, a lopsided grin forming on his face as he crossed his arms.
“Please,” you shivered as a strong chilly wind came, knocking you off of your stern demeanor. Leo grinned at this, knowing he had the upper hand in the situation as he didn’t once shiver from the cold. “You don’t know any better than a coked-up 2-year-old.”
“Oh, really?” Leo’s eyebrow shot up as if what you said was a challenge to him. “I know you’re cold right now.”
“Of course, it’s mid-December,” You threw your free hand in the air, turning back around to sit in front of the fire again. All this arguing with Leo has put you away from the campfire and near to the ocean, as you could feel the cold rushing winds more than the warmth of the fire. “It should be cold.”
“Way to point that out, you genius,” Leo followed you as you sat, taking a seat beside you. It was far enough so that your hands wouldn’t reach him in case you wanted to strangle him, but near enough in case you burned your hand and he had to help you.
You were still shivering even as you sat in silence in front of the fire. Leo was probably not helping the case as he kept getting awed by his own breath forming smoke in front of him.
“Could you please stop?” You said through shaky breaths.
“Here, take my hand,” Leo once again offered his hand. “Come on, I won’t bite. Can’t you feel the warmth radiating off of me?”
Out of options for warmth, you hesitantly reached out, your hand hovering above his, trying to feel any sort of warmth. Then you felt it. That rush of slight heat entered your skin and buried itself there. It felt much like holding a warm cup on a chilly day,
You took his hand, gripping it just to feel any warmth. It must have been a pretty uncomfortable position as both of your hands were stretched out, but you didn’t care as you could feel something other than the cold air around you.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying so hard not to think about the fact that you were mad at him earlier and now you were holding his hand for warmth. You felt him scoot a little closer to you, as he pulled your hand a bit and felt him shift. You opened your eyes and narrowed it at him. “Sorry, my hand’s getting sore.” You sighed and just let him sit closer than the two of you intended.
You didn’t know how, but you didn’t fight the feeling of wanting to feel more warmth as you scooted closer to him - dangerously close, almost shoulder to shoulder. You let out a sigh as the warmth coming from him intensified a bit, as you laid your head above his shoulder. You didn't know why, but he didn’t make a move to push you away, not even a bit as he relaxed and laid his head on top of yours.
“Pipes, quick, grab a camera,” you heard Percy loudly whisper. It must have been morning as you hear birds chirping instead of crickets. The harsh sunlight met your hazel eyes as you opened them, making you immediately squint.
You heard a flash go off, and Piper’s voice rang out. “Oops. Sorry, my bad.”
“Whoever’s there should just get away,” you grumbled, snuggling against what’s beside you. Despite the harsh sunlight, your eyes flung open and quickly stood up, making your head spin, as you realized what - or who, for the matter - you’re snuggling. You stumbled as you clutched your head in dizziness.
“Careful there,” Jason gripped your arm, steadying you.
“What,” Leo groggily said, just waking up. “What happened?”
“We fell asleep, you idiot,” You threw a flip-flop at him. “It’s morning.”
“Oh,” Leo rubbed the spot where you hit him. “Oh, hey, guys.”
“Hey,” Percy greeted him with a smile. “Looks like you had quite a night, huh?”
“More like it,” Leo lazily smiled at you through squinting eyes.
Despite everything in you screaming to deny everything, you smiled at him. “Yeah. It was nice.”
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
There Comes Bad News (dad!Arthur Morgan)
A/N: This belongs in my dad!Arthur Morgan AU so if you haven’t read any of those fics, it might be best to read those. You can find my masterlist here!
Warnings: anxiety attack, language 
Word Count: 2.0k
Summary: John visits Lupine Valley Ranch to warn Arthur of an impending threat.
You moved around the kitchen, humming as your eyes glided over the window behind the kitchen sink. You spotted Daisy in the temporary corral with Piper. The corral had been placed in the front yard where you would have a clear sight to Daisy as she spent time with the foal. Though Arthur could watch her since he was outside tending to a few chores with Charles’ help, you liked to be able to see Daisy while you were inside. 
“You reckon that filly will make it?”
You jumped, turning to look at Hosea. He stood at the edge of the kitchen with a coffee cup in hand. 
“Christ, Hosea. You scared me.”
He chuckled. 
“Piper seems to be gettin’ stronger.” You wiped your hands off on a rag. “And she’s not missing a meal, that’s for sure. So I suppose I’ve got some hope.”
“Just hate to see the little one with her heart broken.”
“I know.” You nodded in agreement.
“It’ll be a shame if I have to beat Arthur’s ass for getting her a lame horse.”
You smiled at him, knowing he was half teasing and half being honest. 
The sound of Carson barking caught your attention. He was alerting the family to someone coming down the road that led to the house. 
“Who could that be?” You thought out loud, moving towards the front windows.
“Is that Carson barking?” Hosea asked as he followed behind you. “He sounds angry.”
You spotted John getting down from his horse before it even came to a full stop just in front of the house. Behind him was a cloud of dirt and dust he must’ve kicked up on his way in. 
“Something ain’t right. Why’s he in such a hurry?” Hosea headed for the front door. You were right behind him, going out on to the front porch. 
Your eyes flickered over to your husband, who was crossing the yard with Charles to see what John was doing. 
“What’s got you runnin’ like you’re bein’ chased, Marston?”
“I saw Micah in Blackwater yesterday.” John held on tightly to the leather reins. He appeared tense and nervous, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as his eyes flickered around as if he was taking count of everyone there. “Is Lucy here with you?”
“She’s home.” Charles shook his head. “Wasn’t feeling well this morning.”
“Wait a damn minute. You what?” Hosea rubbed his eyes. 
“I saw that bastard. He was in Blackwater yesterday.”
You looked to Arthur, your stomach churning. His eyes very briefly met yours before he returned his gaze to John. 
“I was runnin’ errands with Jack and Grace when I saw him. He was on a horse across from the bank with a couple other fellas.”
“How are you sure it was him?” Your voice was quiet as you spoke. 
“Micah’s voice ain’t easy to forget.” John met your gaze.
“Did he see you?” 
“Course not, Hosea. Got my kids outta there before he could see them.” John ran his hand along the shoulder of his horse. “I can’t stay for long. Gotta get back to Beecher’s. But I wanted to let y’all know he’s around.”
“Do you think he’s going to start looking for us?” Charles asked. Arthur shook his head, running a hand over his face. Even from across the yard, you could see the anger on his face. 
“It’s hard to tell with Micah Bell.”
“At the very least, he’ll try to find Hosea.” Arthur spoke up, voice low and heavy with the weight of all the fears he’d carried for so long. “Hosea’s the only one who knows about where that Blackwater money is. The only other person who knew about it was Dutch and well….”
You looked down at your hands, taking a deep breath. 
“Micah would do anything to find us. That includes goin’ to you, John.”
“I ain’t tellin’ him shit, Arthur.”
“I never said he’d ask nicely. Micah’s a sick bastard. He’ll go through Jack and Grace to get to you, to get to me and there’s no tellin’ what he’d do-,”
“Arthur.” You cut him off firmly. His eyes shot over to you. “Stop right now. There’s no sense filling John’s head with that. He doesn’t need to worry any more than he already does, I’m sure.”
Silence filled the air. 
“Why don’t you bring Abigail and the kids up here, John?” Hosea suggested, moving to sit down on the front steps. “That way you all aren’t alone down there.”
“I couldn’t do that, Hosea.”
“Nonsense.” You shook your head, directing John’s attention to you. “We’ve got plenty of room. Daisy can stay in our room. That way you and Abigail can have your own room and Jack and Grace can have Daisy’s room.”
“I don’t want to crowd nobody. We aren’t a little family.”
“No, but you’re our family.” Arthur sighed. “It’s safer for you all to be up here with us and Charles and Lucy, John. You know that.”
John looked between you, Arthur, Hosea, and Charles for a few moments before nodding. 
“I’ll talk it over with Abigail when I get home. Only problem would be Roxy and our livestock.”
“Roxy can come up with you. Carson gets along with her just fine.” You smiled. 
“And if it’s just temporary, leave the livestock down there at Beecher’s. Me and you can go down every day or so to check on ‘em.” Arthur rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Alright. I’ll see you guys soon.”
You waved goodbye to John and watched him disappear down the drive. 
As he left, the weight in your stomach seemed to shift to your chest. 
“Why don’t we take a little break, Charles?” Arthur told him, giving him a pat on the arm. Charles nodded and began to move towards the house. 
“Maybe you and Uncle can share a room, Hosea.” Charles teased as he passed Hosea on the stairs. 
“Bullshit. I’ll be sending Uncle over to your house. You and Lucy have too much room in that house of yours.”
Your eyes followed Arthur as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Your hands were folded at your waist, thumb rubbing against your skin as you bit the inside of your cheek. 
“What?” He asked you. 
“Why did you have to go put all those thoughts into John’s head?”
“I wasn’t tryin’ to scare him, Y/N. I was just tellin’ him the truth. Micah is relentless. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants. He’ll go through anyone and anything.”
“But you didn’t have to put thoughts into John’s head about what that bastard could do to his kids, Arthur.”
“Hey, sweetheart!” Hosea greeted Daisy loudly as she approached the porch from behind Arthur. She carried a handful of wildflowers in one hand. “Where’d you get those pretty flowers, Daisy?”
“From the yard!”
Arthur turned his attention to her, smiling as she offered him a portion of the bundle. 
“Thank you, sweetpea.”
The next bundle went to Hosea. He began to tell her of the different kinds of flowers she had picked up, and she gladly absorbed the information like a sponge. 
As you watched her, you couldn’t help but think of Micah. Arthur was right. The man would stop at nothing to get answers, to get what he wanted. It would be nothing for him to kill an entire family just to get the answers he was looking for. 
The more your mind lingered on the possibilities, the more the thoughts spiraled. The weight on your chest worsened and you suddenly gasped for breath, unable to breathe. Tears sprung to your eyes and you turned away, not wanting to ruin Daisy’s moment with Hosea. 
But everyone heard your gasp and saw you turn away so suddenly. 
Arthur moved up the front steps, brows furrowing together slightly. 
Daisy tried to move past him to get to you but Arthur caught ahold of the material of her shirt, quickly stopping her. 
“Just give me a minute, sweetpea.” He cut her off gently. “Go back to Papa or Uncle Charles, okay?”
“Is momma okay?”
“She’ll be just fine.” Arthur kissed the top of Daisy’s head before moving towards you. 
Since Hosea was still sitting on the front step, Charles moved towards Daisy, holding his hands out for her. 
“What’s wrong with her, Uncle Charles?” Daisy opened her arms for him to pick her up but her eyes remained on the back of your head. 
“Mommy just needs a minute with daddy.” Charles explained. “What kind of flowers do you have there, Daisy?”
While Charles had Daisy somewhat distracted, Arthur was able to tend to you. 
His hand found the small of your back.
“You okay, pumpkin?” His voice was quiet and gentle.
You couldn’t speak. You knew the words would become jumbled in your throat or come out all too quickly. 
He kissed your shoulder.
“M’sorry if…. if what I was sayin’ scared you.”
“It’s not….” You shook your head. “Just…. Just me.”
“Is it him that’s got you this scared?”
You nodded, closing your eyes as you turned to face him. In the same instant, you were able to tuck your nose into the front of his neck. 
“Pumpkin, you know I ain’t gonna let a damn thing happen to you or to Daisy. He’ll have to get through me to-,”
“Don’t.” You cut Arthur off, pulling away so that you could look him in the eyes. “Don’t you-Don’t you dare say that Arth-Arthur Morgan. I-I can’t lose you.”
He brushed the tears from your cheeks then pushed your hair back out of your eyes. 
“I love you.”
You nodded and leaned forward to press your forehead against his lips. His hand rubbed up and down your back as you tried your best to take even breaths. 
“Ain’t nothin’ gonna happen to either of you. I’ll keep you safe, pumpkin.”
Hosea stood up from the steps and began to make his way towards the front door. He looked to Charles and nodded for him to come inside. 
“She can go. Y/N’s probably gonna want her near.”
Charles nodded and placed Daisy on her feet. 
“Behave out here.”
Daisy giggled, curious eyes watching her uncle disappear into the house. Then she looked to her parents. 
You lifted your head and sniffled. Arthur wiped your cheeks again. 
“That’s enough thinkin’ about all the bad. We’re about to have a busy house.” He told you. “What kind of things do we need to get done before they get back here?”
You said nothing, unable to shift your thoughts to something else. 
There was a tug on your skirt. You looked down to see Daisy looking up at you.
“You okay, momma?”
“Yes, love.” You nodded, moving to sit down in a chair on the porch. This allowed her to climb into your lap.
“Why are you crying?” She reached up with her free hand to wipe your tears away. 
“Because…. Well, ‘cause I just have a lot on my mind right now.”
“What do you got there, sweetpea?” Arthur knelt down beside you. “Did you pick those flowers yourself?”
“Yeah! Papa said they are cornflowers, poppies, and daisies.”
“Daisies are momma’s favorites.” Arthur leaned in to whisper to her. “You think those might cheer her up?”
You smiled as Daisy handed you the bundle of flowers. 
“Thank you, honey.” You leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “Those cornflowers look like daddy’s eyes, don’t they?”
Daisy looked from the flower to Arthur, then back to the flower, and finally back to Arthur. She giggled and nodded her head.
“They do.”
“Don’t you think daddy’s got pretty eyes?”
“He does!”
“You girls are gonna make me all red in the face.” Arthur muttered, a shy smile coming to his lips as he stood up. “Is your room all cleaned up, sweetpea? Uncle John’s coming up here and Grace’s is gonna need somewhere to sleep.”
“A sleepover?” Daisy excitedly jumped down from your lap. 
“Only if your room is clean.”
“I’ll go check!”
Your eyes followed her as she ran into the house. Then your eyes flickered down to the flowers. 
“We’re gonna be alright, Y/N.” Arthur held his hand out for you. 
“I know. We always are. It just…. It never comes easy.”
Taglist: @winterwolf @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @krenee1drful @zodiacaldust @nonodino @gabstaroc @cal-lifornication @thefirelordm @sargeantsea @sokkasdarling @thecollection @mayday1284 @kashasenpai @misskrql @brooke-supernatural16  @micahs-bird
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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pjo12fan · 3 years
Headcanon #3
Annabeth discovers she loves baking
The bad news: she’s really bad at it.
But nobody dares tell her.
The thing is everyone’s so used to Annabeth being really good at everything:
She trashes Percy, Leo and Jason at video games.
She’s been giving Piper a run for her money on their karaoke nights, and now there’s debate on who the best singer is.
Hazel’s starting to regret giving Annabeth horseback riding lessons, cause she’s getting scarily good.
And she’s even taught herself Chinese, to the point where she’s speaking it better than Frank.
So, when she starts getting into baking, all her friends are thinking, looks like here’s another thing Annabeth is a badass at. On the plus side, there’ll be free cookies right?
There are free cookies. But as it turns out, Annabeth is really awful at baking.
It started when Percy’s parents were away for the weekend on Sally’s book tour, they let Annabeth stay over so Percy wasn’t alone.
And Annabeth just went into a frenzy. Making batch after batch of burnt cookies, feeding them all to Percy.
Except he didn’t dare tell her how bad they were, he just kept swallowing as many as he could. And she would just keep making more.
The thing is Annabeth was completely oblivious, she just loved watching Percy eat for some reason. And she would smile and ask him, “Do you like it?”
And poor Percy’s just forcing mouthful after mouthful down his throat and nodding enthusiastically. He figured she’d get better over time.
Well, the seven demigods had a reunion at Percy’s place a couple months later.
Annabeth’s decided to bake a cake and some cookies as well. But by that point, each of them had already experienced Annabeth’s baking before, so they knew it wasn’t going to end well
Frank and Hazel are determined to avoid the inevitable, and they actually bring a cake they bought, to the apartment.
But when Annabeth finds out, she just says “I reckon we could finish two cakes, besides mine’s almost done!”
Upon hearing that Leo just closes his eyes and starts to groan, but Piper slaps the back of his head and tells him to not be rude.
She hates it as well though. But she figures somebody’s gonna let it slip sooner or later.
Anyway as the night goes on, Annabeth just brings out trays and trays of cookies.
And Jason can’t help but ask why she made so many. “I swear it’s not humanly possible for someone to eat this many cookies.”
He’s lying though. It is possible. If the cookies were good. It just wasn’t possible for someone to eat that many of Annabeth’s cookies.
She doesn’t know that. She just laughs cause she explains how Percy really loves them and how he can’t stop eating them. She was scared there wouldn’t be enough, so that’s why she made a ton of them just to be safe.
She goes back into the kitchen to get more. Everyone just stops chewing and gives Percy dirty looks. They’ve pretty much had enough at this point. It’s literally been months of burnt, horrible cookies, forced smiles and painful chewing.
And that’s how the evening goes, whenever Annabeth gets up to leave. Everyone is just begging for Percy to end it, once and for all.
Once the coast is clear, Piper and Frank spit out mouthfuls of cookie into the bin. Hazel and Leo just stare at the son of Poseidon and shake their heads.
“How could you man?” Jason’s just pleading with his bro, “Why haven’t you told her? Whyyy?”
And Percy’s basically given up at this point. He just can’t do that to her, he can’t tell her it’s bad.
It’s gone on too long, and they’re all in too deep he explains, they’re just gonna have to wait until Annabeth gets better.
And Piper’s mouth just hangs open. She’s in complete, utter disbelief. “Percy, honey, are you insane?!!?!”
“It’s been months man,” Leo’s chiming in now too. “She’s getting worse!”
“I’m pretty sure the last one I ate had a blonde curl in it.” Frank’s almost in tears and he’s begging on his knees at this point. “Please Percy, you have to tell her.”
“And tell her tonight Percy,” Hazel orders. “After we’re gone.”
“Why me?” Percy complains. “Cant someone else tell her?”
They all facepalm when Percy says he can’t because he’s told her so many times he loves her cookies, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t even hate them anymore at this point
“Why would you do that Percy? why?” Jason picks a couple cookies from the tray, checks to see if Annabeth is in view- she isn’t, and he tosses them in the bin.
Leo clicks his tongue. “It’s time to own up man.”
Percy looks like he wants to cry, he just shakes his head saying he can’t do it.
But by then, Piper just wants all the pain to end, and she’s blatantly pouring charmspeak into her words. Telling Percy, “Gotta tell her Perce, it’s better she finds out from you than someone else. And it’s better you be honest than have us keep lying about it.”
“Lying about what?”
Annabeth’s frowning, staring at each of them. They were clearly talking about her.
Everyone’s gone silent. Nobody dares meet her eyes. Even though she’s wearing an apron with a cartoon on it, and she’s got ridiculous rainbow mittens on, Annabeth is still so very scary when she’s mad.
“Lying about what?” She demands. “What’s wrong?”
Nobody replies. Frank quickly excused himself to the toilet. Jason and Piper suddenly found a real interest in the design of the coffee table. Hazel’s nervously playing with her hair, staring at the wall. Leo starts fidgeting with the springs in his pocket. And Percy’s just staring at the floor, he figured he could probably list hundreds of monsters he’d rather fight right now to avoid being here.
“Hello, anyone?” Annabeth’s practically got steam coming out her ears at this point. “I know you can all hear me!”
Piper looks up, makes eye contact with Percy, who’s silently pleading with her to not do this, but she turns away and looks at Annabeth. “You should ask your boyfriend.”
Annabeth cocks an eyebrow, staring at him expectantly. “Well?”
Percy’s mind has gone blank. He can’t think of anything to say. Other than the truth. Piper’s charmspeak is still echoing in his ears, and it’s taking literally all his strength not to do what she says.
He can’t take it anymore though. He opens his mouth and starts saying, “Well, we all kinda think-”
“We?” Leo’s shaking his head. “Don’t speak for me man.”
Jason feigns annoyance. “Yeah Perce, it’s what you think.”
Percy stares back at them. Are they being for real? But everyones face is just telling him, hey, you got us into this mess, now you gotta fix it.
So what can he do? He clears his throat, he puts on his bravest face. “Annabeth, I have a confessions to make.”
Annabeth has got her hands on her hips. “Mhmmm.”
“I think the-”
He’s cut off by the doorbell. Someone’s knocking impatiently. And Percy is the most relieved man in the world at this point.
Frank goes to open it. And it’s Nico.
“Oh hey Nico,” He starts saying. “What’s up? Do you wanna come in?”
Nico pushes past him and walks straight into the living room. Everyone stares at him.
“What’s up man?” Jason asks.
Hazel goes for a hug but he signals for her to stop. Instead he turns to Annabeth.
“You gave me a box of cookies yesterday.” Nico says. “And I tried one.”
“Oh yeah!” Annabeth grins. “Did you like them?”
Nico stares at her, he can’t tell if she’s joking.
“No.” He says.
“Oh,” Annabeth pouts. “I didn’t know that, everyone’s been telling me they’re great.”
Then Nico narrows his eyes, as he looks at all of them - Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, and Percy, all sat on the sofas, collectively holding their breath.
He spits out the word, staring down each and every one of them, before disappearing into the shadows.
And that’s how it’s done folks.
This is so long, but I just couldn’t stop writing hahaha, Nico’s a badass though
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A Distant Dream I // Luke Patterson
Summary: In 1994 seventeen year old Luke Patterson had once again tried to ask out the girl that held his heart. With the belief he would see the younger Mercer girl the next morning he decides wait to confess his feelings. Only to have soft music bewitched the reader into an antique wardrobe with lots of history.
Warnings: Swearing, strict parents, missing persons, cops, violence, death, and angst
Words: 3k
A/N: Finished one series, starts a new one then gets hit with a dream of a crossover with Narnia and JATP. My brain needs to stop.
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Patterson Home, 1994
The teen’s hands laced up her boots with her mind stuck on the successful dinner with the boy situated on the couch. His eyes lost in daydreams of the girl he had shared a sweet goodbye with, seeing her at school felt like it would be years. Luke Patterson was slowly building up to ask out the girl of his dreams.
You glanced over at the messy-haired brunette you had known for years through your older brother Alex. A year separated you from Luke and Alex, but it didn't matter to the bond you had with them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Reggie’s picking us up.” You waved at the seventeen-year-old teenager cupping his cheek in one hand.
Unable to stay seated Luke rushed to tug you into an abrupt hug before just as quickly letting you go. Cheeks dusted pink Luke’s lips parted to form the words that could make one of his dreams come true.
"Would you…" Luke trailed off, feeling the confidence falter at the hopeful look in your pretty eyes, "Tell Alex that he still has that movie?"
The hope in your chest fluttered before it shuddered once more as Luke retreated from asking his question. With a nod, your fingers opened the door to walk down the streets to own home.
With one last wave Luke watched as you disappeared behind the trees in his front yard with the promise he’d ask her out tomorrow.
That chance wouldn’t happen.
That hopeful night in 1994 was the last night Y/N Mercer was seen. The night that it all started to fall apart in Sunset Curve’s lives.
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The sword was thrust in the air as victorious cheers sounded over the hillside filled with the war's casualties. Chest heaving from the fight she had won against one of the Boggles in the White Witch's army. Your eyes scoured the battlefield for your friends you had made in the short time you had been in Narnia.
Across a great distance, you found Peter already beaming across at you as the adrenaline of winning overtook you. The happiness wavered when you saw the prone body of Edmund in the grass.
“No!” You shouted racing in the armour to the three remaining Pevensie children gathering around the youngest male sibling. The breath leaving Edmund’s body in the presence of his siblings he had made up with.
Let’s go back a few weeks to when your most significant issue had been the feelings for Luke Patterson. To when your decisions didn't include making battle plans with your new friends and avenging the death of Aslan; the talking lion.
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Moments after leaving Luke’s place.
There was something about the night that soothed you from the disappointment in your body as being let down. Alex had been telling you for so long that Luke had feelings for you, but every-time you believed him it didn’t happen.
Once more, you had left the Patterson home with knowing if Luke liked you or not. Continuing to walk, you halted at hearing something. Soft music so unlike what you heard blasting from Alex's room or the gigs you attended to support the band. It was reminiscent of the music box that used to put you to sleep as a child.
"Hello?" You asked, shifting the beanie that slid on down your forehead a little. Your eyes peering around the silent streets.
The music grew louder as it entranced you into following the sound to a dilapidated building situated near older stores. So taken by the music you didn’t question why the door to the store was unlocked nor how a golden light shined from one of the antique wooden furniture.
“Come along.” A voice whispered from inside the imposing wardrobe.
Your fingers shook as you slowly pulled the door open with a creak that blasted around the darkroom. The first thing you noticed was the old fur coats hanging in the small wardrobe. The door closed behind you with a click, the golden glow dying as any suggestion she had been in the store disappeared.
The breath caught in your throat as the temperature dropped and somehow you found snow inside and trees. The crunch of snow beneath your boots surprising you but not as much as your hands pushed the branches away. Vision no longer obstructed you discovered a new world of winter and sunlight.
Standing not too far away you found four bodies of varying height staring around in wonder just as you had. The group turned on their heels at the sound of your boots crunching the snow.
The tallest of the group had honey blonde hair neatly cut and styled off his pale forehead revealing a startling pair of blue eyes. He was at least six feet tall as your estimation. His own widened at the sight of you before you took in the three other people with him—an older brunette girl standing over a younger brunette female. Set a small distance away was a young teenage boy appearing standoffish.
“I don’t suppose that is another one of your friends, Lucy?" The teen asked glancing down at the youngest of the quartet.
"No, but Peter maybe she's friends with Mr. Tumnus!" The little girl exclaimed already making her way to you when the other girl stopped her.
The next thing you noticed was their odd choice in clothing, the older boy Peter wore a light grey button-down with his dark slacks held up by suspenders. Not a single piece of clothing you recognized on people in your life.
“Lucy, she’s a stranger in a strange place.”
“This is Narnia.” Lucy stressed pouting, “Susan, it’s not polite.”
Susan's hand loosened at the reminder of manners, but with that, Susan pushed her little sister behind her. Peter stepped in front of his family to walk over to you.
"Hello, are you from around here?" Peter asked, coming closer, "I'm Peter Pevensie. This is my younger sisters Lucy and Susan. The boy over there is my little brother Edmund.”
The scowl on Edmund’s face twister further, “I’m not your little brother! I’m thirteen. Lucy’s the baby!”
“Edmund!” Susan admonished with a furrowed brow before stepping up with Peter, "What is this place?"
"Look, lady. I was walking home from my friend's place and heard this music. It's a little foggy, but I followed into an antique store." You spoke glancing at the winter wonderland that made you question if you had taken drugs.
“You’re American!” Lucy gasped rushing closer, “Why did you come to England? It’s it safer from the war in America?”
You stepped back in confusion, “I’m Y/N. War? In England? When did that happen?”
All four of the Pevensie’s stumbled back in shock at hearing that someone of your age being unaware. Susan finally took the time to take in your appearance a stark contrast to the modest, loose red and green tartan knee-length skirt. Instead, you wore a mid-thigh red plaid skirt over sheer black tights, but the most scandalous part of your outfit for Susan was your high neck black top that revealed your midriff.
“Are you daft?” Edmund questioned, stepping closer, his dark eyes pinning his angst on you, "We got evacuated from London because of it!”
Your eyebrows raised in response to the very posh accent berating you even as he was shoved back by Peter.
“You really haven’t heard about it?” Susan asked, confusing you further, but slowly it came together in your mind.
As a Mercer, you had expectations placed upon your shoulders to keep your family’s reputation in place. One of the expectations was academic excellence for your parents to boast about among their friends. To get them off your back, you studied hard with Alex in order to get away with the way you dressed and Alex being in a rock band.
Your eyes scanned the individuals' outfits before you while calculating the years London, England, was evacuated by war. A faint memory of sitting in your history class sparked on the action to evacuate mostly children. Operation Pied Piper. World War II.
"Can we go to Mr. Tumnus?" Lucy inquired, bringing her older siblings' attention to her shivering in the cool air.
“But we can’t go hiking in the snow dressed like this! Let alone Y/N in her clothing.” Susan protested also rubbing her cold arms. Peter simply strode back into the wardrobe, grabbing an armful of the coats still hanging in there.
“No, but I’m sure the professor won’t mind us using these.” Peter spoke, handing out a coat first to his siblings before turning to face you with a smile, "Would like you to join us?"
Your eyes turned to the tree hiding the door of the wardrobe to the place you knew. To return to the Mercer household where it felt stifling under the watchful eye of your parents. To a house that judged you for your dreams that went further than your parents' plans. To a boy that threatened to cradle your heart or shattered it to pieces with only a few words.
"I'd love to join you." You spoke sealing your fate by grasping a coat, but Peter stepped around to help you put it on.
The feel of his hands pushing the collar further rose a dust pink blush on your cheeks at the care he displayed. His blue gaze held firmly with yours before he shook it off with a throat cleared.
“Anyway Susan, if you think about it logically, we’re not even taking them out of the wardrobe.” Peter finished shoving the very last coat to Edmund to draw out the young boy’s discomfort.
"But that's a girl's coat!" Edmund whined offended at the fur pushed into his torso. His offended feeling rising at Peter's confirmation that he knew that too.
A cheeky smile expanded at the interaction that reminded you of Christmas mornings with Alex on who got to open the first gift. The sibling fighting that was never really as vicious as they felt like at the moment.
“To Mr. Tumnus’!” Lucy exclaimed skipping ahead of the group with Edmund trailing behind.
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The Mercer home, 1994
Luke woke up with a feeling that last night had been his last chance to admit his feelings for his best friend’s sister. It felt like something had drastically changed from the previous smile he saw from you before you turned that corner. He made himself a promise he wouldn't break to shout his love from the rooftops just for you.
He couldn't wait for Reggie to pick him up, so he quickly grabbed his backpack to race out the front door. His plate barely in the sink before he was racing down the streets to Alex and your place. The grin of excitement faltered at the sight of a police car parked at the Mercer house's curb.
Mrs. Mercer sobbing in her husband's neck as a forlorn man, held his hat in his hands as he continued speaking. Luke's world lost colour for a split second before he found the blonde drummer collapsed on his knees, clutching his hair in his hands.
Then the colour leeched from Luke’s life as the once thought impossible happened.
"Alex, what's going on?"
“You!" Mrs. Mercer shouted, hearing the voice of the teenager that had taken something from the woman, "What did you do to her!”
Luke stumbled back at the heated glare from the mess of a woman so unlike the posh made-up woman. Alex was quick to push by his parents to stand shakily next to his best friend with splotchy red skin and swollen eyes.
"Luke didn't do anything! I saw her on the way home when I went to dropped that movie off at Luke's place." Alex smoothly lied to his parents saving Luke the exhaustion of a police station, and it would be the one lie that would go to their graves with them.
“My baby.” Mrs. Mercer screamed hands digging into the perfectly mowed green grass uncaring of the stains on her once immaculate elegant pearl satin slacks.
Turning robotic Alex ushered Luke down the street to the Wilson home they had turned into the band centre. Luke followed like a puppy into the open garage where Alex promptly collapsed into a fit of sobs and heavy breathing.
"She's gone." Alex cried, leaning into the sudden body hugging him with soft whispers in his ear, "Luke, Y/N didn't come home last night. None of her friends have seen her. My little sister’s missing!”
And just like that the world no longer made sense to the seventeen-year-old guitarist. The next year dragged by with running away from home. When Luke wasn’t writing music or sleeping in the studio, he was on the streets.
Clutching his favourite picture of you as he walked the streets asking if anyone had seen you while avoiding his own missing person’s poster.
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Cair Paravel, Narnia
The sun rose over the land you had come to love and protect for as long as you could remember. Sometimes you hoped you’d see Aslan in the distance, but he had been gone ever since the coronation. The feeling of missing him shifted to something, no someone else you missed. It felt like a dream, and when the dream started to become clear, a hand brushed against your hip.
"Hello, darling," Peter spoke brushing a kiss on your cheek before his silky hair shifted on your skin to rest atop your own head.
A soft smile overcoming your features as his ring clinked against your own and you turned in your private chambers to stare up at him. Your hand brushing the stubble that had grown. Your eyes taking in his tanned skin from riding in the sun. For a second you swore his blue eyes flickered to hazel green.
Sometimes when you slept, you dreamt of a time where everything was different from what you knew here. Of a time when your heart fluttered for a man with hazel green eyes and a curtain of messy dark brunette hair.
“Are you alright?” Peter questioned leaning back to scan your features. It wasn't often, but he was sure you wandered off in mind.
“I’m feeling perfect.” You replied turning to wrap your arms around his shoulders, “I’m standing the arms of my King-“
“You looked beautiful tonight.” For a second, your personal bed-chamber melted away into a large room with poorly made decorations and lines on the floor of different colours. Instead of standing in Peter's arms, you found yourself moving to the music in another's arms. The same faceless person in your dreams.
"Maybe it's time we give Narnia an heir." With Peter's words, the world returned to the way it had left a bitter taste in your mouth, "What do you think of the name Luke?"
The name choked you with emotion.
Alex jogged into his sister's room, huddled over her white desk reciting information of her exam the next morning. His blue eyes lit up as he hurried to your side.
"What do you want, Alex?" You sighed turning to look at your brother with disinterest only wanting to ace this test. That way, your parents could rub in in their friends face on beating Sarah with the highest grade.
“I joined the band.” Alex beamed bringing your attention fully on him in surprise, “I’m tired of pretending to like classical music and wearing a suit that chokes me. I’m tired of having to play dress up in fancy clothes when what I want is that big pink sweater from that thrift shop. I’m tired of looking like they think a Mercer should look like. I wanna look like Alex, like myself.”
Your lips turned up at the passion ignited in Alex at the mention of three friends that had quickly become family. In welcoming Alex, they had welcomed you into the group as well. Luke being the closest friend you had that didn't care what you wore or what you said.
"You should come. You've never stayed to listen to them rehearse. Luke would love it if you came." Alex teased poking your side in the pale pink silk blouse and white knee-length skirt.
You were tired of pretending as well. You wanted to be the girl wearing a band shirt and ripped jeans. You want to wear what you wanted instead of what your parents expected. Instead of voicing a reply, you moved to the walk-in closet of designer clothing. At the very back hidden from sight was your chosen attire. In seconds you changed into one of Alex’s old band shirts tied in the back for a cropped shirt and your favourite pants.
A swipe of rebellious red lipstick to finish the look you followed Alex to his room with the large tree. You had no clue if the feeling of butterflies was from rebelling against your parents or seeing the teenage boy slowly stealing your heart.
“Not Luke.” You whispered to the man you had matured from an angsty sixteen-year-old to a twenty-five-year-old.
“Lucy may think we named him after her.” Peter joked retreating as the door to the chambers was knocked on, “I believe we owe Edmund a birthday feast.”
“I’d rather not live another year of his complaining.” You moaned lifting the skirt of your long midnight blue dress to exit the room. All thoughts of a former life disappearing like smoke once more.
King Peter and Queen Y/N took their time to the dining hall where the rest of their family was patiently waiting. Susan and Lucy sharing a smile at the topic that had been flooding the kingdom since the royal wedding two years ago. Narnia was wondering when High King Peter and his Queen would proudly show off their firstborn.
"About time. I thought we'd enter another hundred years before you two came." Edmund spoke from his chair, but instead of the same tone as the boy that first entered Narnia, it was teasing.
"Shove off and eat your cake." Peter laughed, keeping his hand encased in yours. All of them at ease with the only worry on the conflict that threatened the royals from the Ettinsmoor nation.
Part Two
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604 @merceret​
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knuffled · 3 years
Just Practice - Chapter 15
this is the most important chapter in the story so far since chapter seven, so i hope you enjoy this! if you could drop a comment and/or reblog to support all the hard work, it would mean a lot to me! 
here’s the ao3 link
The first thing that greeted Annabeth when she stepped out of her car was the sound of crashing waves and the smell of sea salt carried on a gentle breeze. She leaned against the side of her car and drank in the view of the ocean, relishing in the way the wind tousled her hair. The beach was packed with families and college students on spring break, and for good reason. It was late March, and the weather was absolutely perfect outside. The sand was pleasantly warm between her toes, and seagulls cawed overhead in a clear blue sky.
Coming to the beach for spring break had been Rachel’s idea. Her father owned a villa not far from the shore, and she had offered to let them all stay there overnight. It was exactly what Annabeth needed after the past month and a half. After Percy’s victory at state, Annabeth had been absolutely swamped with school work. Nearly every week there was some new project deadline, essay to turn in, or exam to study for, and by the time finals rolled around, Annabeth found herself running on fumes. She hadn’t realized how bad it was until she came home after her final exam and promptly passed the fuck out in her room only to wake up the following afternoon, seventeen hours later.
Annabeth gave herself some time to just stand barefoot in the sand until Piper texted her, informing her that she and Jason were setting up camp further down the beach where it was more secluded. Taking that as her cue to move, Annabeth leisurely made her way down the beach and found Piper and Jason a few minutes later, trying to set up a beach umbrella. The umbrella was an ancient red and white striped monstrosity that looked like it had seen better days. Annabeth watched her friends struggle for a while, amused by how frustrated they were getting when the base of the umbrella slipped in the sand, until Piper noticed her and scowled.
“Are you just gonna stand there and watch or do you plan on helping out?” Piper huffed.
“But you were doing oh so well without me,” Annabeth said innocently. “I wouldn’t want to get in the way or anything.”
Jason put a hand on Piper’s shoulder before she could snap and offered Annabeth a tired smile. “We could really use your help, Annabeth.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”
Piper muttered something foul under her breath, but Annabeth couldn’t help grinning anyways before she went to help Jason. It took longer than she would have liked, but eventually the three of them managed to get the umbrella to stay in place, just as Hazel, Frank, and Leo arrived.
Leo pointed at the umbrella and said, “That thing looks like it came straight out of the fifties.”
“Shut it, Valdez,” Piper snapped. “We just spent nearly twenty minutes trying to get that fucker to stay still.”
Leo held his palms up in surrender. “Ok, apologies. Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I get it. It’s cool.”
“That wasn’t an invitation to keep talking,” Piper warned.
Leo pantomimed zipping his lips, making Annabeth grin. Rolling her eyes, Hazel unzipped her backpack and handed each of them a bottle of homemade lemonade.
“Hopefully, it’s still cold and all the ice didn’t melt,” Hazel said.
Piper took a sip and moaned, “Hazel, you’re a goddamn lifesaver.”
“Don’t make noises like that in public,” Annabeth quipped.
Although she wanted to glare at Annabeth, Piper spotted Rachel and Percy further down the beach and called out to them instead. Annabeth’s heart suddenly began pounding harder in her chest, and she found herself involuntarily searching for him over her shoulder. They had barely talked or even seen each other since State, so she had expected to be more excited to see him, but she found herself strangely nervous instead. The nervousness only grew worse for some reason when Percy noticed her and sent her a warm smile.
“Sorry we’re late,” Percy said. “Rache forgot something so we had to drive back to her place.”
“Let’s not sweat the details,” Rachel said, waving her hand dismissively. “Now, I don’t know about you all, but I am dying to get into the water. Anyone know where the changing rooms are?”
“I saw some on the way here,” Hazel said. “Annabeth, did you want to join us?”
Annabeth cleared her throat and shook her head. “Uh, no, I’m wearing my swimsuit under my clothes already.”
With that, Hazel nodded and left with Rachel for the changing rooms. The boys went down to the water, but Percy stayed behind since he had brought some beach towels with him. He spread them beneath the umbrella so they wouldn’t have to sit on the sand. Piper left a short while later once she was done applying some sunscreen, leaving Annabeth and Percy alone. Annabeth borrowed Piper’s sunscreen as an excuse to leave after Percy did, but he plopped down beside her with a sigh instead.
Annabeth couldn’t help sneaking a quick sidelong glance at him. He looked good, really good. His unzipped black sweatshirt billowed in the breeze and stood in sharp contrast to the white shirt he wore underneath. There was a relaxed, easy smile on his face, and his sun-kissed skin made him look positively radiant.
“Hey, stranger,” Percy said, derailing her thoughts. “Haven’t seen you in a hot minute.”
Annabeth tucked her hair behind her reddening ears and said, “Y-Yeah, not since State, I think.”
“Glad to see you’re still in one piece,” Percy said.
Annabeth breathed a laugh. “Not entirely sure about that.”
Percy cocked his head to the side and studied her. “You do look a little worse for the wear.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Percy asked, raising an eyebrow. “I distinctly remember warning you not to take three AP courses your senior year, but you wouldn’t listen to me.”
Annabeth scowled and said, “You don’t have to sound so smug about it.”
Percy laughed and leaned back on his elbows. “And what would be the fun in that? It’s not every day that you get to tell Annabeth Chase that you told her so.”
“Someone sure sounds awfully pleased with himself.”
“Oh, believe me, I am,” Percy said, grinning. “But I do suppose I can cut you some slack. You know, considering how we’re at the beach and all.”
“How magnanimous of you,” Annabeth deadpanned.
Percy made a show of clapping mildly. “Oh, well done. That sounded like an SAT word.”
Annabeth barked a laugh despite herself and shoved him, but that only made his grin widen. She was relieved to feel the awkwardness dissipating between them, but her respite was short lived because Percy suddenly removed his shirt and tossed it on the towel beside her.
“W-What are you doing? Why are you taking off your clothes?” Annabeth stammered, unable to hide the panic in her voice.
Percy looked at her like she had sprouted a second head. “It’s kind of hard to go swimming when you still have your clothes on.”
Annabeth looked away to hide the fact that her face was turning pink. “I know that! But can’t you go change in the changing rooms?”
Percy blinked in surprise and said, “Oh, sorry. You’ve seen me do this like a hundred times, so I didn’t think that you’d mind.”
He was right. She had seen him shirtless more times than she could count, so why was she suddenly being so weird about it? She needed to get a fucking grip. And yet, it was everything she could do not to stare shamelessly at him. Christ, at this proximity, the scent of his cologne was inescapable, and it only served to make her feel even more flustered.
“Annabeth, are you okay? You’ve been acting really strange,” Percy said.
“I-I’m fine,” Annabeth squeaked. “Just tired.”
“Alright, try not to push yourself,” Percy said, standing up. “I’m gonna head down to the water now. Let me know if you need anything.”
Annabeth nodded, still refusing to look at him. It was only after he was gone that she stopped holding her breath. She screwed her eyes shut and buried her face in her hands. What the fuck was she doing? Why was she acting so weird? All her feelings seemed to contradict one another. She felt a bizarre mix of exhilaration and anxiety, like thousands of butterflies fluttering about in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes were drawn to Percy even though she couldn’t bear to look at him. There was definitely something wrong with her.
Annabeth took a deep breath and forced herself to stand up and head down to the water. For now, she resolved herself to just make the most of her time at the beach instead of wallowing in her own awkwardness. Nevertheless, she did make a point of avoiding where Percy was to give herself a breather. However, in her momentary lapse of concentration, Piper snuck up on her and tackled her into the sea, sending salt water rushing up her nose.
She surfaced sputtering and discombobulated only to find Piper laughing uproariously behind her. Annabeth chased after her in a murderous rage, but Piper quickly retreated to the sea and put some distance between them. Piper had always been the better swimmer, so it took a few minutes before Annabeth finally caught her, but once she did, Annabeth dunked her underwater for a full minute as payback.
Eventually, Rachel and Hazel returned from the changing rooms and joined them in the water as well. They all splashed around together for a few hours under the midday sun, and Annabeth forgot all about how awkward she felt around Percy.
They broke for lunch after that and settled on a shack that sold burgers further up the beach. Unfortunately, the only vegetarian option on the menu was fries, so Piper had to drive herself to a nearby Taco Bell. Annabeth couldn’t help feeling sorry for her when Piper returned twenty minutes later, absolutely livid, because the rest of them had already finished eating.
“I can’t fucking believe there are still restaurants in this day and age that don’t have vegetarian options,” Piper fumed.
“Remind me to buy some stuff for dinner tonight so you don’t have to do this again,” Rachel said, yawning.
“How far away is your villa again?” Frank asked.
“Just a fifteen minute drive or so,” Rachel said, finishing her salad. “We’ve got a firepit out back, so we can have a bonfire tonight! We can make smores and everything.”
“Dibs on lighting the bonfire,” Leo said quickly.
“Abso-fucking-lutely not,” Piper said vehemently.
“C’mon, I promise I’ll keep it under control this time, Pipes,” Leo pleaded.
“The last time you were in charge of the bonfire, you nearly burned my fucking house down,” Piper snapped.
“That was like three years ago!”
“It was at my birthday last June.”
“I’ll handle the fire, Leo,” Jason interrupted. “You can help me out if you’d like.”
Leo sank in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. “You guys are no fun.”
“A bonfire sounds nice,” Frank said, ignoring him.
“Yeah, it’ll be chill,” Rachel said, nodding. “We’ll have a section of the beach all to ourselves. I think my dad probably has some alcohol stashed away somewhere in the house.”
“Percy, watch over us and make sure we don’t do anything stupid,” Piper said, throwing an arm around his shoulder.
Percy gave her a wary look. “I don’t recall volunteering to be a babysitter.”
“But you’re the only one here that doesn’t drink,” Piper protested. “Pretty please?”
Percy raised an eyebrow. “Buttering me up isn’t going to work, you know.”
“Annabeth, help me convince your boyfriend,” Piper whined.
Annabeth paused mid-drink and looked between them. “Don’t look at me. I’m not the one that’ll get black-out drunk and try to like hunt for mermaids or something.”
That got a laugh out of everyone, much to Piper’s chagrin.
After they finished eating, they returned to their spot under the umbrella. Hazel and Frank went back to laze around in the water while Rachel and Leo decided to go build sandcastles on the beach. The rest of them sat under the umbrella and talked amongst themselves for a while, but eventually Jason left for the bathroom. Percy joined him because he said he had spotted a shop selling snow cones on the way here, leaving Annabeth alone with Piper.
Once they were out of earshot, Piper turned to Annabeth with a wolfish grin. “Lovin’ the swimsuit, babe.”
“This is hardly anything special,” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. She was just wearing a plain black two piece she’d found at Target the summer before.
Piper raised an eyebrow and said, “Percy certainly seemed to think it was. Boy couldn’t take his eyes off you.”
Annabeth blinked in surprise. Piper had to be trolling her. Sure, she had felt his eyes on her a few times, but that didn’t mean anything.
“You’re obviously fucking with me.”
“I’m being serious,” Piper laughed. “You look hot, Annababe.”
Annabeth looked down at her swimsuit and felt her face heat up. She didn’t really think she was much to look at honestly. It wasn’t like she had low self-esteem or anything, but her body had always been more of an instrument to her than a source of beauty. If you asked her, the only things she really had going for her were her height and the slender, toned physique that she had built over years of running long distance. Beyond that, Annabeth thought she was rather plain.
“Thanks,” Annabeth mumbled.
“You’re welcome,” Piper said, stifling a yawn. “I wonder what’s taking him so long.”
Annabeth shielded her eyes from the sun and scanned the beach for Percy, but she didn’t see him anywhere. Instead of sitting around and getting stuck in her thoughts, Annabeth decided to take her mind off things and search for him instead.
She stood up and brushed the sand off her thighs and said, “I’m gonna go look for him.”
“Ok, stay safe,” Piper said. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
Annabeth nodded and made her way back in the direction of the parking lot. Percy had said that the snow cone shop was on the other end, but he still should have gotten back by now. Maybe he was having trouble carrying all those snow cones by himself or perhaps the line was really long. She made it all the way to the shop without running into Percy, and she couldn’t see him standing in line either.
She scanned the surrounding area for him without much luck and almost gave up on her search when she spotted the familiar outline of his back. He was cradling a carton of snow cones in his arms and talking to two college aged girls. Annabeth took a step forward, trepidation filling her chest. She couldn’t make out the look on his face because his back was turned towards her, but she thought she caught a glimpse of a polite, confused smile on his face, like he wasn’t entirely sure why the girls were talking to him.
Annabeth balled her hands in fists at her sides and clenched her jaw. It was obvious by the way the girls laughed sycophantically and twirled their hair, practically thrusting their tits in his face, that they were hitting on him. What did the idiot think would happen if he was gonna waltz around the beach shirtless like that?
She had half a mind to go over and interrupt them, but for some reason she found herself rooted in place. Annabeth wasn’t sure why she disliked them so much, but the more she thought about it, the less reason she realized she had to interfere. Percy wasn’t actually her boyfriend after all. Besides, he was free to leave at any time, but he hadn’t which probably meant he wanted to be there. In any case, it was none of her business to step in.
And yet, she couldn’t force herself to simply turn on her heels and leave either.
But then one of the girls, a haughty looking redhead, started tugging on his forearm insistently. Percy made a small show of resistance, enough to show he wasn’t interested, but apparently they didn’t seem to pick up on that because the other girl decided to help her friend by tugging Percy’s other arm.
Annabeth moved without realizing what she was doing and pulled Percy against her chest. A possessive thrill rushed through her when the look of discomfort on his face gave way to relief once he saw her.
She positioned herself in front of Percy and glared at the girls. “What’s going on here?”
The redhead’s eyes flashed with irritation, but she forced herself to muster a saccharine smile. “Oh, we were just inviting him to come have some drinks with us.”
“Can’t you see he’s clearly uncomfortable?” Annabeth asked. “I’m guessing he even told you he doesn’t drink too.”
The girls exchanged looks with each other. “I mean, he was obviously joking about that.”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “Or maybe you just don’t know how to take no for an answer.”
The girls recoiled like they had been slapped across the face. Annabeth took the opportunity to whisper to Percy that they were leaving and led him away by the hand before the girls could react. The girls protested behind them, but the only thing Annabeth could focus on was the feeling of Percy’s hand in hers. Blood pounded in Annabeth’s ears, and something simmered in her veins like magma. It took her a while to realize that Percy was calling out for her to stop.
“Annabeth, slow down,” Percy said. “You’re hurting me.”
Annabeth dropped his wrist like she’d been burned and looked away. “Sorry.”
Percy set the snow cones down and rubbed his wrist. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sur-”
“I said I’m fine,” Annabeth snapped.
Her tone was harsh enough to prove she was lying, but she couldn’t help it. Something dark smoldered in the pit of her stomach, making her restless. She didn’t know what it was, but the sensation was intolerable and she wanted it to stop.
Percy put a hand on her shoulder and forced her to face him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Annabeth balled her hands into fists and stared at her feet. “I-I don’t know. I’m just- I don’t know, I feel really weird.”
“What do you mean?”
“I just hated it, seeing the way they were clinging on to you,” Annabeth said tightly. “Why didn’t you just leave? It was like you wanted them to fawn all over you.”
“I tried but they wouldn’t let me leave.”
Annabeth met his eyes for the first time. “If you really wanted to leave, they wouldn’t have been able to stop you.”
Percy blinked in surprise and furrowed his brow. “Are you- are you jealous?”
Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest, and her face began to prickle. “I-I don’t know. I just didn’t like it.”
Percy’s lips tugged upwards involuntarily in a smile, making Annabeth even angrier. “What’s so funny?”
Percy hid his smile behind his hand. “Oh, um, nothing. Sorry. I just wanted to say that you didn’t have anything to worry about. They were making me super uncomfortable.”
Annabeth pursed her lips and said, “I find that kind of hard to believe.”
“Annabeth, come on, you could tell that they were creeping the fuck out of me from a mile away,” Percy said exasperatedly.
That was enough to coax a smile out of her. “You mean you didn’t like getting eye fucked by total strangers?”
Percy gave her an incredulous look and said, “You know, having tried it, I can’t really say it’s for me.”
“Yeah?” Annabeth asked, grinning.
“Yes,” Percy said flatly. “Besides, I already have a lovely fake-girlfriend willing to save me when I’m a damsel in distress.”
Annabeth’s heart skipped a beat. “Sounds like a real catch.”
“Oh, she most definitely is.”
Annabeth knew that Percy had meant it as a joke, but it made her heart squeeze a little in her chest all the same. She turned away before her face turned red and fought the ridiculous urge to smile. Christ, she needed to get ahold of herself.
“You good?” Percy asked carefully.
Annabeth nodded. “Yeah.”
“We should get going then,” Percy said. “The snow cones are starting to melt.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Annabeth said, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t be rude to the guy that bought you a strawberry-rhubarb snow cone.”
“A thousand apologies, your majesty.”
Percy hummed happily to himself. “That’s more like it.”
After sunset, they finally left the beach and made for Rachel’s villa. The villa was massive, easily twice the size of Annabeth’s house, and designed in a Spanish style. Annabeth took a moment to admire the terracotta tiled roof, and the large windows that allowed for a generous view of the Pacific. The villa had six separate bedrooms, which she personally found a bit excessive, but it proved to be for the best since there were eight of them. After Rachel took a room for herself, the rest of them drew straws to determine who would have a room to themselves, and Annabeth somehow managed to win.
Annabeth’s first course of action after dropping off her luggage was to shower. She didn’t like having to shower after spending so much time in the ocean since it made her skin all dry and wrinkly, but it was still a relief to finally wash off all the sand that had stuck to her all day. Unfortunately, Annabeth had been forced to pack in a hurry, so she could only change into what she worn earlier that morning. She had only brought a single change of clothes with her and that was for tomorrow.
She took some time to admire her room while she towel-dried her hair. It wasn’t particularly large, but it was tastefully decorated. A large queen bed sat in the center of the room, flanked by a small cherry wood drawer. Sheer linen curtains framed a tall window that looked out over the ocean. Annabeth leaned against the open window sill and drank in the view of the Pacific. The full moon hung directly overhead and cast its pale, diffused reflection onto the dark water below.
Just as she finished drying her hair, there was a knock at her door. Percy peered into her room, fiddling with the zipper on his sweatshirt.
“Hey, ready to go? I think Jason and Leo are getting the fire started.”
Annabeth set her towel aside and nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”
The bonfire was nearly fully lit by the time they arrived. Jason sat atop one of the four logs circling the pit and kept a watchful eye on the flames. Off to the side, Frank was helping Leo dump some charcoal into the mouth of an expensive looking barbeque grill. Rachel and Hazel chatted to themselves and cut meat and vegetables at the outdoor kitchen countertop. Piper was the only one that appeared to be missing.
Percy noticed that Frank and Leo were having trouble and went over to help them with the grill, leaving Annabeth alone. She didn’t want to be the only one twiddling her thumbs so she figured she would go and help Rachel and Hazel.
“Need any help?” Annabeth asked them.
Hazel shook her head. “No thanks. We are pretty much done here, but we appreciate the offer.”
“Besides, not sure how much I trust you in the kitchen with a knife,” Rachel teased.
“I’m not completely hopeless. I made Percy chicken soup when he got sick, and he said it was pretty good,” Annabeth protested.
Rachel laughed and said, “You could literally make Percy drink poison, and he’d tell you it was delicious if you were the one that made it.”
Blood rushed to Annabeth’s face, making Rachel laugh even harder. She patted Annabeth’s shoulder benevolently and said, “Trust me. It’s for your own good, Chase.”
Annabeth shrugged her off and sat on one of the logs with a scowl. “Where’s Piper?”
“Rachel forgot to get her ingredients, so she had to go buy herself dinner again, the poor girl,” Hazel said.
Rachel looked repentant enough for Annabeth to feel sorry for her, so Annabeth tried to comfort her by saying, “She’s probably more than happy to have Taco Bell twice in one day.”
Annabeth started when someone swatted the back of her head. She turned and looked up with a frown to see Piper standing behind her, holding a burrito.
“Heard that, asshole.”
“You’re literally eating a burrito right now,” Annabeth muttered.
Piper’s face turned pink. “It’s from Chipotle! You can tell by the size!”
“Wow, someone’s getting adventurous,” Annabeth deadpanned.
Piper sat down at the log across from her, beside Jason, and narrowed her eyes. “Bite me.”
Annabeth was interrupted by Leo before she could respond. He skipped over to them with a manic grin and said, “We finally got the grill working!”
“You’re not gonna accidentally blow us up or anything right?” Piper asked dubiously.
“Pipes, charcoal can’t explode,” Leo said flatly. “I know you’re a vegetarian and all, but that’s literally second grade science class.”
“You can never be too sure when it comes to you,” Piper sniffed.
Leo rolled his eyes and waltzed over to Hazel and Rachel. “Looks like you’re almost done! I’ll start taking things over to the grill to get started.”
“Frank, make sure you keep an eye on him!” Hazel shouted when Leo took a plateful of meat and vegetables with him.
Rachel declared to the group that she would go find where her father had stashed his alcohol and returned a short while later with an assortment of liquor and a tray full of glasses. They all poured themselves drinks, apart from Percy, and sat around the fire.
Annabeth had helped herself to some fancy looking bourbon, mainly because she had never tried it before. Her first sip made her throat burn and forced her to cough. Percy gave her a worried look, but she ignored him and took another sip. Once she got over how strong it was, she had to admit that the bourbon was really good. It didn’t take long for that familiar warmth to spread through her body and soften the harsh edges of the world around her.
It took some time for the food to arrive, but it was well worth the wait. Frank had found an array of spices in the kitchen pantry to season the meat with, so even the smell was incredible. After an exhausting day at the beach, they all practically inhaled their food. Piper finished her food first since she had a head start and set up a smores station for dessert. It wasn’t long before they were fighting for spots to roast their marshmallows on the fire.
Later, Rachel disappeared inside the villa and returned with an acoustic guitar. She strummed a few chords and started singing softly, the sound of waves and the crackling fire providing an ambient backdrop. At first, she sang on her own and they were content to listen, but as they got more drunk and uninhibited, they would join in whenever she played a tune they recognized. Barring Frank and Piper, the rest of them were practically tone-deaf, so it sounded so bad that it would send them all into fits of laughter.
It was at times like this that Annabeth was struck by just how lucky she was to have such good friends. She didn’t have many good things in her life, but this was one of them and it wouldn’t last forever. There was no telling where they would all be in a years time or if they would ever be this close again, but that didn’t make her feel sad. Instead, an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude surged through her veins, compelling her to drink in every moment and seat it into her memory so that she would never forget.
But through it all, Annabeth found her eyes drawn to the boy sitting beside her the most. She unconsciously pulled herself closer to Percy over the course of the night and luxuriated in the way their elbows knocked together, a reminder that he was there. Annabeth would catch herself staring at him and the way the flames lit up his laughing face, making him all look every bit as invincible as she felt. At some point, she caught his hand and tangled his fingers between her own, and when he squeezed her hand, she smiled so hard it hurt.
As the night wore on, more of them left, unable to stay awake any longer, until eventually Percy and Annabeth were the only one remaining. The quietness was welcome change after all the noise they had been making, but it was hard not to fall asleep the sound of the rolling waves. Annabeth struggled to keep her drooping eyes open, but Percy looked perfectly fine, probably because he was the only one who hadn’t drank.
“You should go get some sleep,” Percy murmured. “Look like you’re gonna pass out.”
Annabeth hummed and rested her head on his shoulder. “Don’t want to.”
“If you’re expecting me to carry you, you’re going to be sorely mistaken,” Percy said, raising an eyebrow. “You’re too heavy.”
If she had the energy, Annabeth would have scowled. “Rude.”
Percy grinned and looked out over the ocean with a pensive, almost melancholy look. Annabeth poked his cheek with her finger to get him to look at her.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” Percy said. “About everything, I guess.”
“Hmm, deep.”
Percy laughed and said, “Alright, smarty pants, I was thinking about the future and my friends and you.”
“Then why do you look so sad?” Annabeth asked, sitting up straighter.
Percy blinked in surprise and said, “I look sad?”
Annabeth nodded and pressed a finger to his brow. “You’re giving yourself wrinkles, like you always do when you’re upset.”
There was a pause before Percy said, “Remember earlier when you saved me from those college girls?”
“What about it?”
Percy stared up at the sky and smiled bitterly. “I never imagined you would ever get jealous over me.”
Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but Annabeth found herself saying, “Neither did I.”
Percy turned to her with wide eyes, making her frown. “What?”
“I, uh, wasn’t expecting you to answer seriously.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes and nudged him affectionately. “I’m taking this seriously because you are.”
Percy smiled softly and said, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, you dork,” Annabeth said fondly. “Honestly, since when did you become the serious, responsible out of the two of us. What ever happened to the kid that caught frogs during recess and put worms in Nancy Bobofit’s locker?”
Percy laughed and said, “Well, one of us had to grow up, so I figured it might as well be me.”
Annabeth half-heartedly jabbed him with her elbow. “Jerk.”
“You’ve grown up a lot too,” Percy said. “You just don’t realize it.”
“Yeah, how so?” Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ve learned to temper yourself. When you were younger, it was like fire ran through your veins. You acted like the world and everything were promised to you, not out of some sense of arrogance, but like it was your birthright. I remember how you used to argue with the teachers and stuff in front of the whole class because it never occurred to you that there were people you shouldn’t pick fights with. I was always kind of in of awe of how stupidly brave you were. I still am,” Percy said, softly.
A lump formed in Annabeth’s throat. Percy was right, about everything, but that wasn’t what was getting to her. It was the fact that his words were a testament to the fact that he had been there with her since the beginning. He had seen her as a bossy, bratty little seven year old and had stuck by her side all the way till now.
“We have been through a lot together, haven’t we?” Annabeth asked thickly.
The tender look in Percy’s eyes made her heart squeeze a little in her chest. “Yeah, we have.”
Annabeth screwed her eyes shut, unable to look at him. She didn’t want this to end, but the moment was beginning to get too much for her, so she stood up suddenly.
“Alright, enough with all the sappiness,” Annabeth said. “Race you to the beach?”
Without waiting for him to respond, Annabeth took off for the water’s edge, running as hard as she could. Percy started a moment later, humoring her like always, and quickly made up the distance. If it wasn’t for the sand and the fact that she was super drunk, Annabeth would have won, but it wasn’t long before Percy caught up to her and slung her over his shoulder. Annabeth shrieked and pounded on his back.
“You better not dump me in the water, you asshole!” Annabeth yelled.
Percy ignored her and sped towards the water, making her fear for the worst. She braced herself for impact, but it never came. Instead, he set her down onto dry sand and grinned down at her. Annabeth scowled and stood up, dusting the sand off her shorts, watching as he rolled up his shorts and waded further into the water. The encroaching tide was cold enough to make her jump when it tickled her toes, but Percy seemed perfectly fine going knee deep into it.
The moonlight streamed down on him, illuminating half his face with its pale glow. Wind rustled his hair and billowed through his clothes as he stared out at the horizon. Under the moonlight, he seemed to age backwards and actually look his eighteen years - the hard lines of worry on his brow smoothened, and the tightness and frustration in his jaws released. There was something about his pale figure standing in the inky sea that made him look so beautiful and true that it made it hard for her to breathe. It reminded her of how Piper had said she had fallen for Jason, how he had seemed to glow, and she couldn’t help feeling like she understood exactly what Piper had meant.
Percy noticed her looking and raised an eyebrow. “What?”
Annabeth balled her hands into fists at her side. She wasn’t ready to say it. Not yet. “N-Nothing.”
Percy didn’t look convinced, but he shrugged all the same. Annabeth stared down at her feet so that she wouldn’t be forced to look at him, but her heart pounded in her chest urgently. She started when Percy draped his sweatshirt over her shoulders and stepped past her. It was warm, and it smelled like him.
“I’m gonna head inside,” Percy said softly. “Don’t stay out for too long, okay?”
Annabeth nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Percy lingered there for a moment longer before leaving. Annabeth waited till she heard him enter the villa before she collapsed down on the sand and hugged her knees to her chest. An explanation for her actions and feelings today were finally starting to dawn on her, which sent equal parts terror and exhilaration coursing through her as she stared up at the moon. Her inability to look at him conflicting with her desire never to leave him, the nervousness and exhilaration, the jealousy - all of it pointed to one thing. She was just having a hard time accepting it.
Whenever Annabeth had imagined falling in love, she had expected it to strike her like a bolt of lightning, illuminating her with a sudden, arresting, all-consuming knowledge.
She hadn’t ever imagined that it would be like this: soft and gentle, like an unfolding discovery, the way the petals unfurled when a flower bloomed. And yet, just as sure, just as certain.
Annabeth buried her face in her hands. Try as she might, she couldn’t deny it any longer.
She was in love with him, wasn’t she? She was in love with Percy Jackson.
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mudkipmagicks · 4 years
Careful {Bruno Bangnyfe x reader}
*************SPOILER WARNING FOR BURN THE WITCH EPISODE 3****************
*also adding in a small content warning for mild language and vaguely sexual intimacy (stradding lap, possessive touch. Reader is also not written as a specific gender)
     I may or may not be obsessed with the ‘tough guy that is only soft for his partner’ thing, so here’s that with Bruno. This actually ended up softer than I was intending, but I still love it. I am also making the reader specialize in healing/protective magic for the sake of the story, but it wont play a big role in this. Enjoy!!
     The news was pure chaos as glittering destruction fell towards the city, each stardust particle reflecting in terrified eyes of civilians. You watched with shallow, panicked breaths as your eyes locked onto the television in front of you. Bruno was circling one of the seven dragons that was supposed to be a myth, Rickenbacker dodging between stars. Cinderella sat perched on a high clocktower with her wings spread, white feathers glowing in the crimson flames. Two pipers you didn’t recognize were also flying with Bruno, but you could tell all of them were struggling against the Marchen.
     Despite the overarching orders to stay inside, you were finding it hard to idly watch your boyfriend get battered by Cinderella’s attacks. You were anxiously pacing the apartment you shared with Bruno, your own dragon eyeing you from their resting spot on the couch. You knew they were also getting restless with the constant rain of explosions outside on top of being stuck inside for the time being. You were trying to stay away from the windows in the apartment just in case, but you hated not being able to see Rickenbacker flying around.
     “Should we go wait for them?” you asked your dragon. They raised their head and let out a soft growl. You nodded an slipped on a jacket to protect yourself while flying, as well as a mask reminiscent of Bruno’s. Grabbing your witch kit, you and your dragon slid out the front door and through the hallways to the roof. Surveying the city was devastating. Numerous fires combined to fill the sky with choking black haze. The starry glitter was mesmerizing in person, but equally terrifying. You mounted your dragon and waited for a few minutes to fully grasp the situation. Bruno and the pipers had just tried to trap the Marchen, but she sent them flying back with a catastrophic explosion. You gasped before taking off after them, your dragon quickly diving over the edge of the building.
     You landed next to to Bruno and Rickenbacker, quickly sliding off and over to your boyfriend. After removing your mask, your hands instantly flew to his shoulder and face, maneuvering his head so you could assess his bloodied features. 
     “What the hell are you doing here?!” Bruno exclaimed as he shoved your hands away and took a step back. He roughly pulled his mask off and you could see him trying to figure out which thoughts to voice. He was worried and you knew it, but damn it all if you were going to sit by while he could get killed.
     “Do you expect me to just wait in an exploding building and watch you fight a literal fairy tale? Not happening!” you retort, grabbing his face again. His eyes studied yours for a few seconds before you watched his features soften, his initial anger melting away. His gloved hand came to rest over yours and hold it to his face. 
     “Fine, but you are not fighting that thing directly. It’s bad enough Rickenbacker is already injured-” he started, wrapping an arm tightly around your waist, his fingers digging into your hip as if you would disappear.
     “Not to mention you, but okay,” you interjected, pulling at the red-stained fur around his collar. Bruno rolled his eyes at this, but relented.
     “Yeah so let’s keep it at that. I don’t want that shitty dragon hurting you.” You pressed a quick kiss to his jaw as a huge shadow passed overhead. “The hell? Where’s it going??” Bruno questioned as he let go of you and followed the Marchen to the edge of the building. It continued on as you stopped beside Bruno, a hand resting on his back. Your eyes tracked the large, otherworldly dragon towards where the pipers had fallen.
     “Shit, those brats..” you heard Bruno curse moments before explosions blossomed on the roof where they landed. Without hesitation, you both mounted your dragons again, thankful that Rickenbacker was alright after being stunned. Both beasts took off in a wide arc around Cinderella as she landed in front of the pipers and what looked like two civilians to you.
     “Something’s off...” you heard Bruno mutter as you flew next to him with practiced ease. Suddenly a bright bolt of light streaked before the city skyline, striking Cinderella through the crown. Both Rickenbacker and your dragon stopped and reared up as you and Bruno looked at each other with shock. Her massive white body glimmered with silenced stars as she fell from the rooftop. Slowly, you both guided your dragons to land on a nearby rooftop and you dismounted. 
     Bruno’s arm returned to its previous position around your waist and his other hand rested on your cheek. You leaned into his touch as you both scanned each other for new injuries. Bruno sighed as he didn’t see anything, and your hands lightly ran up his chest and to his shoulders as you finished checking.
     “Sit down so I can take care of your face?” you suggested, rubbing your thumbs across his collarbones. He waited a few seconds before grunting an unassuming reply and slowly letting go of you. He went and sat on one of the few rooftop benches as you prepped your witch kit and a few bandages. As you approached him, Bruno pulled on the back of your leg to get you to straddle his lap. 
     “I shouldn’t be surprised,” you mused, rolling your eyes and smiling a bit. He only smirked in response. One of his hands rested on your thigh while the other circled your back, pressing your chest into his.
     “Don’t let me distract you babe. Face reaaally hurts,” he said dramatically, starting to rub your thigh and back a bit. You simply kissed the tip of his nose in response and got to work cleaning the blood and casting minor healing spells over his cuts before bandaging them. Each bandage you placed glowed with a faint green light before it settled, showing that your magic was working.
     “There,” you started, pecking his lips lightly. “All done with your face.” You brought a hand up to rest on his cheek, the other going to his chest as he kissed you again with more fervor. He pulled away slowly and nestled his face into your neck, letting out a deep sigh. Bruno pressed a kiss onto the skin there as a silent thank you, his body completely relaxing against yours as you carded your fingers through his hair. You both stayed like that, enjoying the safety and comfort of having each other so close. Bruno broke the silence after a few minutes.
     “Let’s go home,” he breathed, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep with you in his arms. You hummed in response, but didn’t let go quite yet. He just sighed before sliding his hands down to your thighs and standing up with you in his arms. You looked up at him with a questioning look, but he didn’t say anything. Somehow he managed to maneuver both of you onto Rickenbacker’s spine, you still in his lap. Rickenbacker took off, your dragon following closely behind as the blue dragon flew to your apartment building.
     Bruno was already sliding off of the dragons neck as soon as the large being landed on the roof. You hung onto his neck as he entered the building, your legs squeezing his hips more as he walked. You made note of the amount of skewed pictures in the halls, the result of the star ash explosions. Bruno only put you down upon entering your apartment. Both of you shrugged off your jackets and hung them up near the door. Two pairs of footsteps padded down the hallway past cracked windows and shaken dust. Your witch gear became forgotten on the couch next to Bruno’s, your shoes stacking on top of his haphazardly. 
     As you entered your shared bedroom, Bruno stripped off his shirt and you quickly changed into more comfortable clothes. Your boyfriend collapsed on top of the bed, easily pulling you on top of him. Your head slid onto his shoulder easily, his arms encasing you protectively. 
     “You know we’re gonna have to write a report, right?” you mumbled into his skin, already dreading the duties that would follow tonight. Bruno just groaned in response, his voice becoming something of a drawn out ‘no’. You let out a quiet laugh and pressed yourself further into him as sleep started to claim both of you. The last thing you felt was a small series of kisses being placed on the top of your head and Bruno’s strong hands helping ease any tension in your back.
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saltvault · 3 years
leo valdez hc cause i kin him so hard
this kid owns my brain. he's just taken it over. this is leo valdez's brain now. ok now i'm starting. under the cut cause it's kinda long
he/they asf
because i said so.
!!! not "seriously adhd"
seriously hyperactive perhaps
c'mon bros stop saying he's seriously adhd. that doesnt even. make sense. like at all.
natural hair is brown
dyes it black cause he's cool like that
dyed it for the first time around their 14th birthday with cheap shit from like walmart or cvs or something
will absolutely never stop dying it black
probably bleached a little part and dyed it red
ended up really liking it
kept it and will keep it for the next 42387428 years
is a really bad swimmer
like he knows how to swim in theory but they never really took a lot of time to learn
has big, brown eyes because i said so
cue the major self projection
as if there hasnt been any already
freckles but theyre barely noticeable until youre right in his face
but one is normal on their cheek or w/e and the other one is kinda up next to his nose and only shows when he smiles really big
i should just put a picture of myself it'll make more sense.
always playing with his hair
we know from the first chapter of tlh that it's long enough to tuck behind their ears a little
they do that a lot
twirling their hair around his finger
running his hands through his hair
that's how he combs it he doesnt even own a brush or comb or anything
their hair isn't as curly as it is wavy
always cracking their knuckles. like. really loud
it annoys piper so much
which makes him want to do it even more
dirty jokes worthy of like. sixth graders
so much "that's what she said"
dick jokes
lot's of them.
can and will take a nap at any time, anywhere
either 16 hours of sleep or 16 minutes
we know he can cook but he cant bake for shit
this one is NOT projection because i am, in fact, the opposite. kind of.
wanted to go to california so badly before mount diablo
was actually making their way to california before they got caught in new mexico
after mount diablo he kinda decided he didnt ike california anymore
ouuuuuu i have so many thoughts about trans leo
here it comes
major projection in its truest form
also i guess tw/cw for religous transphobia
identifies as nonbinary
relates more to genderflux but thinks the label doesn't feel right for him
has kinda always known they weren't a girl
told his mom. duh
miss esperanza, being the queen she is, was obvs cool with it
i just know that they were a good little catholic family and went to church but as soon as esperanza got told something about having a trans kid, they just. stopped going
rosa was furious, of course
esperanza refused to take any of the shit her sister gave her about leo
cause that's her kid, bro!
anyway fuck tia rosa
yeah. that's right. TIA rosa
not aunt rosa wtf
seriously why would he call hera/juno/dona callida "tia" when she wanted to be called "auntie", and then call his mom's sister "aunt"
sorry i have a lot of thoughts. that really kinda messed with me when i was reading the books
anyway that's all for today, folks
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thebigqueer · 3 years
"Together" - Leo Valdez & Piper McLean
Summary: Leo confesses to Piper that he loves Jason.
Word Count: 2294
Read on AO3
The wind brushes through Piper’s hair as she and Leo descend down to her new house. They’ve been running through the sky the past few days trying to move equipment around since she’s moved, and so far it’s been pretty good. Leo promised to stay a few days before heading back to his new place at the Waystation, and Piper’s found that she’s grateful for his presence.
It’s just been one new change after another. First the announcement of her move, then Jason’s death, and now suddenly Leo’s alive.
It’s almost funny, to say the least. Leo’s life for Jason’s. It makes her think about the prophecy of the seven…
No, she thinks. You’ve already thought too much about Jason. Just enjoy this time with Leo. He’s going to leave tomorrow and it’s better to let him have your attention.
Piper rocks back and forth as Festus touches the ground. A rumble echoes across the grass as he does. For a few moments, she and Leo simply sit there, her arms wrapped around his warm torso and his curls brushing against the tip of her nose as a soft breeze flows between them.
The sun spills in gold and orange rays across Piper’s new backyard. Green grass burns in the light. A sweet smell surrounds the two as they balance over Festus’ back.
Then Leo shudders. It’s a quick and sudden motion that takes Piper by surprise. He shakes against her, his shoulders shivering in the warm spring air, and he jumps to the ground. His body crumples in on itself as he thuds to the green expanse below them.
“Leo?” Piper asks with surprise. She jumps off the back of the dragon and lands gently by her friend’s side. “Oh, gods, are you alright?”
But Leo barely hears her over his own intrusive voices.
It’s too much. It’s all too much.
How can he be here just as everything is turning to shit? How can he be here, with Jason’s ex-girlfriend, and help her move in like nothing’s wrong in the world?
How can they just forget about Jason so easily?
Sobs rack Leo’s body as he cripples into himself. Tears prickle in his eyes and force shimmering cracks across his face. Painful anguish presses against his chest, billows up to his throat, and sob after sob, tear after tear, he’s letting himself go a little more, letting himself drown in his sorrow.
He barely acknowledges Piper’s gentle hand on his back, barely acknowledges her presence. The world around him swirls and spins, twists under his feet, and he’s hanging on by a bare thread.
He should never have left. He shouldn’t have run away like that.
He shouldn’t have turned from his fears of rejection just to save some girl.
On the inside, Leo knows Calypso isn’t just “some girl.” He knows he helped her achieve a life she never could have had on Ogygia. But nonetheless, a large part of him wonders “what if.” What if he’d never left? What if he’d stayed? What if he’d… he’d confessed to Jason what he really felt?
But now it’s too late, isn’t it? He let Jason slip away. He let all his courage build up for nothing.
He came back in the hopes that he could finally tell Jason what he’d been feeling for so long. Only to find that, in the end, Jason wasn’t even here.
He was dead.
Leo’s body continues thundering with grief and sorrow. He’s cracking from within, letting his emotions spill out, and there’s no mending him. Not after all that he’s gone through.
Distantly, Piper’s voice hums in his ears. Her gentle fingers glide over his back in a comforting manner, but Leo can barely register her caress and kindness. He’s lost. He’s never coming back.
“Leo,” Piper murmurs, her voice as soft as her touch, “it’s alright. You can let it out.”
At her words, a flame bursts in Leo. Rage and jealousy, irritation and frustration crawl up his throat and he turns on Piper, eyes burning with something desperate and vulnerable. Tears continue trailing across his face, and for once, Piper notices how broken and cracked he looks.
He’s not the same Leo she remembers him being. He’s something else.
“No,” he croaks, voice choked with tears and desperation. “No, I can’t let it out. Not anymore.”
Piper frowns. “What does that mean?”
Leo crawls away from her as another burst of raging flames erupts in his core. How can she be so oblivious? How can she be so dumb? How can she see him breaking like this and not understand what it’s about?
When he speaks, Leo’s voice carries through the warm spring air like icicles; they pierce Piper’s bare arms like shrapnel.
“I can’t say anything anymore,” he mutters, his voice as sharp as shards of glass against the daughter of Aphrodite’s ears. “He’s dead. And I wasn’t here for it. He’s never going to know.” Leo’s chest heaves as he takes each cold, sharp breath in. “He’s never going to know now.”
Dread pools in Piper’s blood as she stares at Leo, at this new monster appearing before her. Leo’s turning to the darkness; he’s standing on the brink of insanity. His eyes shimmer with tears and madness, with secrets and desperation.
“Know what?” she whispers. She tries to lean in, to offer support to Leo in the darkness, but he pulls away and stumbles to his feet, his chest still expanding with each breath he takes.
Leo watches Piper. Confusion flickers across her face, and at the sight of her, his heart skips a beat. Piper is beautiful. She’s perfect.
She’s everything Jason would love.
She’s everything Leo could never be.
He knows it’s not fair. He knows he shouldn’t be angry at her. But even then, as he stares at her, watches her eyes flicker with sympathy, glances at her trembling mouth, gazes at her deep, kind dark eyes, only rage consumes him. It billows hotly from his core and flows up to his throat, expands through his body, and he’s turning to fire, turning to rage, turning to anguish and guilt and pain.
He needs to tell her. He can’t hold this parasite in himself anymore.
A sob breaks loose from his chest, cracks in the air, and he tilts his head to Piper. “Tell me,” he whispers, “how… how did you feel about him?”
“About Jason?” she asks. “I… I cared a lot about him, Leo. We all did. He was one of my bestest friends.” A tear glimmers against her eye like crystal, and again a hot fire of rage blooms in Leo’s chest. It doesn’t matter what Piper does; she’s always so beautiful, always so desirable.
Why couldn’t he ever be that desirable?
“What is this?” she asks desperately. “What’s wrong, Leo? You can tell me.”
The world around him turns red and angry. The ground beneath his feet trembles with rage, and he has to press his nails to his palms to stop himself from combusting on the spot. “No,” he mutters. “No, Piper, you need to tell me. Did you… How much did you love him? I can’t tell you anything before you tell me the truth.”
Piper’s lips press tightly together. Between the two of them, the grass burns brightly. Coldness encompasses them in vulnerability. Tension seizes the air, grips their throats, squeezes the truth into existence.
“I loved him as we all did,” she murmurs. “If you mean romantically, though… We broke up.” Piper tilts her head away timidly, almost as if in shame. “We weren’t working out. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”
Leo blinks in surprise. Suddenly all the rage dissipates; the angry fire in his chest simmers to a low sizzle. Tears cloud his vision, but they don’t feel as hot or angry as they were just moments ago.
His fingers loosen at his sides. His muscles lose their grip.
“You… you broke up?” he whispers.
Piper offers a firm nod. “I don’t think we ever felt anything for each other, honestly. I think it was just more of a… a mutual desire for something. You know? We wanted something in the heat of the moment. I think we had something when the world around us was going to chaos, but when it wasn’t burning in flames… suddenly our own relationship wasn’t burning anymore. It got boring. I lost myself. He didn’t know who he was outside of insanity. We broke up.”
Guilt seizes Leo’s heart like a vice. Two shameful tears trickle from his dark eyes and burst against the ground, glimmering in the sunlight. “Piper,” he mutters. “I- I’m sorry. I had no idea.”
She shakes her head and offers a small, sad, knowing smile. “It’s okay, Leo. It was better for both of us. I wasn’t satisfied and neither was he. I’m just glad he… he went happier than he was when he was with me.”
And that’s all it takes for Leo to crumble again. A single sob explodes from his chest, then another sob, and another, until he’s choking on his own tears, until he’s hissing at the salt against his cuts, until he’s crumbling, breaking, slipping through his own hands.
Piper stands suddenly, her comforting arms reaching out. “Leo,” she mutters, almost like a promise. All of a sudden, the son of Hephaestus overwhelmed with the scent of roses, with the warm embrace of Piper’s arms, with the tickle of her hair against his face. His sobs only echo louder and louder against her and he has to wrap his own arms around her waist to get a grip on the world.
“I’m such a fool, Piper,” he mutters through sobs. “I… I…”
Her warm arms press against his back supportingly. “You can tell me,” she whispers. “I’m not going to judge you.”
Leo dips his head against her neck, if only to look for refuge from the impending shame.
“Piper,” he whispers. “Piper, I’m so stupid. I… I loved him, okay? I loved him a lot. I loved him more than I could ever say.”
Piper stills underneath his weight, and for a second Leo considers if he’s royally fucked everything up. What if he’s just lost the one friend he’s got left?
“Love…,” she murmurs. “As in… more than a friend.”
Leo loosens his grip against her waist in an anxious haste. “Yes,” he agrees. His heart swells as he admits it.
He’s kept that in for too long. He’s spent too much time watching Jason in all his glory, spent too much time being jealous over Piper.
Admitting this to himself… it feels like a promise. It feels like a relief.
Piper moves her arms from Leo’s back and presses them against his shoulders. She tilts her head away and stares him in the eyes, her own dark ones absorbing themselves into Leo’s. His breath hitches as he stares at her, trying to gauge her reaction.
“Leo…,” she murmurs. “Oh, gods, I had no idea. I- I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you felt that way about him.”
Leo’s lip trembles as another quake of sobs threaten to break loose. “It’s okay,” he mutters through a thick voice. “You didn’t know. I could barely understand it myself when… when we were on the ship. It’s not your fault, Piper.”
Piper shakes her head and, to Leo’s surprise, a few tears glimmer in her eyes and slip down her own cheeks. She presses her fingers to Leo’s cheek and holds her face against his neck. “No, Leo, I’m so sorry. I just… I can’t imagine it must have been easy for you to… to see us like that. I just… I don’t… I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sorry I had to make you see that.”
“Piper, it’s not your fault,” Leo promises. “I was just struggling with internal things and… and I didn’t know how to cope. You didn’t know, either. It’s not your fault for being happy during that time. Don’t blame yourself.”
Piper pulls her face away from Leo’s and shakes her head. Her nose twitches as she sniffs and her mouth trembles as she tries to hold back another sob. “No,” she murmurs. “It’s just… I don’t blame myself for that. But you… you deserved to see him one more time. You deserved to let him know. And you didn’t get that. Leo, I’m so, so sorry.” Her thumb grazes the side of his face, tangles into his curls. Leo leans into her touch.
“But, Leo,” she continues, “just know… I’m so glad you told me. Jason may not be alive anymore, but just know that… he’s just as proud of you. We both love you so much, okay? Telling me something like this… it has to be one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen.” She presses a kiss to his forehead. “I love you. I wish… I wish you could have seen him one last time, Leo. You deserve that much.”
“Piper…,” he whispers, but his voice is stolen as another sob takes a hold of him. Before he can say much more, Piper throws herself into his embrace; they’re holding one another as the world around them continues moving, continues glowing, continues living. They crumble to the ground and hold each other as the pain moves through their bodies, as the sorrow spills out into the world and turns the air to ice, as the truth embraces them in its truest form.
“I missed you,” she whispers. “Jason may be dead, but I’m glad you aren’t, Leo. We’ll get through this together, okay? We always have. I won’t stop now.”
“Together,” he promises, his voice ringing in Piper’s ears. “We’ll get through this together.”
36 notes · View notes
lovingmyselfcore · 3 years
(and it dies) a million little times
Part 1 of 2:
For you I would ruin myself
I have to post something so I still feel like I'm accomplishing things while I write (what was going to just be the other half of this) the second part of this. And also while I wait for inspiration so strike for Protect You or Skate Into My Heart because I promise I haven't given up but I have commITMENT ISSUES LEAVE ME ALONE
ANYWAY this is for@the-love-yourself-journal (or I guess @perseusjackson-jasongrace) who is the literal queen of Jercy idc. She got me to ship them in the first place so thanks babe
Ps Percy isn't white because canon Percy isn't white fight me
It felt wrong, hiding such a secret from her. He and Annabeth had always been honest with each other, it was why they had been drawn together from the moment they met.
She was definitely the best marriage option he had seen. Despite that, despite being able to converse with each other in a way that most married couples they knew could not, there was something missing.
When he’d met the blonde-haired boy, he realized what it was.
Percy had struggled his entire life with this. This sickness. It had always been drilled into his mind that people experiencing what he was experiencing was wrong, sinful, in fact. So he never spoke of it. Never spoke of being attracted more to the boy next door than the girl. Never spoke of the fact that aside from his wedding night, years ago, he’d never had sex. He couldn’t. Not with her. Not with any her.
Laughing blue eyes, annoyingly perfect teeth.
He couldn’t tell her. At best, she’d laugh, then ignore it. At worst, she’d tell everyone, and he couldn’t imagine what would happen to him then.
A horrific death on the street, most likely, followed by a long, agonizing stay in Hell for his sins.
A small, faded scar on his upper lip from his childhood.
Percy was sitting at his desk in his office, pretending to work while actually waiting for him to appear. As always before he actually showed up, Percy’s mind ran rampant. His own brain spat insults at him, his gut twisted at what he was doing. What he was doing to Annabeth. His heart screamed at him for not being able to stop himself, from not fighting harder to go back to being in love with Annabeth, despite knowing he’d never been. His soul longed for its other half.
The way his nose would scrunch when he laughed, the laugh only Percy could draw out of him.
Percy shifted in his chair. His tie was too tight around his neck, he was going to suffocate. Maybe he should. The clock continued ticking, as it always did.
The feel of his hands, on his face, his hips, his back.
“He is here to see you, Mr. Jackson.”
“Send him in.” Voice professional, practiced, despite the lurch in his gut. His brain, his heart, his soul all screamed louder, arguing their own points. Waging their violent war within him.
As always, the sight of him quieted them all.
Percy stood, adjusting his tie, and made his way over to the man leaning against his now closed door. His throat bobbed as Percy approached.
Percy lifted a hand and traced that scar, his voice barely above total silence, “I’ve missed you.”
Jason Grace’s breath was hot on his hand. His voice matched Percy’s, “You will be my ruination.”
“You are already mine.” Then Percy lunged forward, capturing his lips.
Looks like his soul had won this one. Again.
Piper McLean fidgeted uncomfortably with the hem of her skirt. She’d ruined many perfectly good skirts like this. Sitting. Waiting.
“Sooner or later you’re going to completely unravel one of those.” Piper looked up and was met with gray eyes. The same gray eyes that had been staring at her all day. She’d been staring right back.
“The children’s break is short,” Piper murmured back, standing from her stool.
“Indeed,” Annabeth replied, moving forward to take Piper’s hands.
“What are we doing?” Piper’s voice was hoarse, scratchy. “We have husbands.”
“Indeed.” Was all Annabeth said again, her grip on Piper’s hands tightening.
“I love Jason,” Piper said, mostly to herself.
Annabeth’s lips pursed, “I love Percy.” She took another step forward, Piper was almost completely pressed against her teaching desk. She dropped Piper’s hands to cup her face, and Piper’s eyes fluttered closed in response. “But not like I love you.”
Piper opened her eyes, “We are going to destroy each other.”
“I would gladly destroy myself for you, moya solnishka.”
“Don’t you feel bad?” The distress in Piper’s voice forced Annabeth to pull back. Her eyes held a level of concern that made Piper’s breath catch.
“I do,” She conceded after a moment of silence, “For lying to Percy. For lying to everyone in my life. For having to hide you. For having to hide us. But I do not feel bad for loving you.” Her voice held a note of desperation, she was begging Piper to understand. “Do you?”
Piper didn’t respond for a beat too long, Annabeth pulled further away, her face flushed.
Their time was up, the laughter of the children echoed through the schoolhouse as they returned.
“I’m sorry,” Piper said.
Annabeth shook her head, “No, Piper. I’m sorry.” Her eyes were miserable, “Forgive me.”
For what? Piper tried to ask but the lump in her throat stopped her.
“I have ruined you,” Annabeth said simply. “I am forcing you to go along with my sins.” Her back was straight, her face was empty, but Piper could see how hard she was fighting to keep it that way.
Piper shook her head but Annabeth didn’t see it, she was walking out of the door already.
Oh, gods. What had she done?
“How was your day?” Jason asked his tone the same forced lightness it had been for months.
“It was good! Nothing out of the ordinary.” Her tone was the same.
Jason nodded from his seat at the couch, “Good. That’s very good.”
“What about you?” Piper’s hands were shaking as she laid the plates on the table.
“My day was the same,” Jason said as he slid into a chair at the table.
Piper looked at him for a long moment and came to a decision.
“Jason?” She asked, clutching her fork tightly.
“Yes?” He looked up from his plate.
“I would like to visit a friend after dinner.”
Jason nodded, “Of course. I’ll invite over one of my coworkers while you’re gone.”
As they resumed their meal, they seemed lighter than they had all evening.
Piper knew she couldn’t very well just appear on Annabeth’s doorstep, so after she washed the evening dishes she called her.
Her fingers were heavy as she slid the ring to dial the numbers she had long ago memorized.
Piper’s hopes were answered when Annabeth was the one to pick up the phone.
“Annabeth,” She was breathless. “I-” She remembered Jason and her voice dropped low, “I need to see you.”
Annabeth was speechless and Piper wished she could see her face, “May I see you?”
Annabeth’s voice was just as low with an edge Piper couldn’t name, “Yes. Yes. Meet me.”
She didn’t have to say where. Piper knew. The place they’d always meet at. That secret place, filled with their sin. Their secrets. Their agonized love.
Piper hurriedly stuck the phone back in its place and pulled her coat over her shoulders. She kissed Jason on the cheek and was out the front door before he could respond.
Jason sat, bouncing his leg until Piper had been gone for long enough. (It may not have even been long enough, it was just until he could not wait any longer.)
He raced to the phone and dialed the number engraved on his heart.
“Hello?” Percy asked. Thank god. Jason hadn’t thought of a decent excuse to give Annabeth if she’d been the one to answer.
“Can you get away tonight?” Jason asked.
Percy waited for a beat, as if in thought, before responding. “Yes, I can.”
Jason smiled, “Piper is out for the evening. You could come here.”
“I’m on my way.” Jason laughed at how quickly the words fell out of his mouth and the hurried click signifying he hung up.
Annabeth trailed her lips up the column of Piper’s throat, and breathed deeply through her nose, “Is that a new perfume?” They were in their spot, a dark, shadowy corner in between two factories, hidden away from the rest of the world.
Piper dug her fingers into Annabeth’s shoulders, “Yes,” She knew what Annabeth wanted to ask, but knew she wasn’t going to put Piper in that place. “It’s for you.”
Annabeth froze and pulled an inch away from her spot on Piper’s jaw. “It smells good,” Her voice was hoarse and she resumed her ministrations along Piper’s jawline.
“Annabeth, about this morning-” Annabeth cut her off, shaking her head.
“No. It’s alright, sweetheart. You don’t need to apologize for your feelings, ever.”
“The rest of society would disagree.”
Annabeth understood her meaning and ducked her head to hide her face. “How long can we keep doing this?” Desperation.
“I don’t know,” Piper wrapped her arms around the other girl’s shoulders and pulled her flush against her.
Piper breathed deeply, feeling the warmth of Annabeth’s body, a stark contrast to the metal of the factory wall at her back. “All we can do is live in the moment.” Piper pulled Annabeth’s face away from her neck. “Damn the rest to hell.”
Annabeth nodded, “Damn the rest to hell.” Then they were kissing again.
When the doorbell rang Jason raced to answer it, feeling like an excited puppy.
Percy was leaning against one of the pillars on the porch. He was beautiful; Jason had yet to see a time where he wasn’t. Shining green eyes, so painfully alive, that black hair Jason knew he frequently fought with to make it ‘work appropriate’. The lean, toned body that Jason often found himself staring at, or thinking of.
Percy was surveying the neighborhood, the picture of unruffled aside from the tightness in his lips. When he heard Jason open the door, that tightness vanished, replaced instead by the grin that Jason had fallen in love with in the first place.
Whoa. Reel that back in. Calm down, Grace. No love here. Just a drug that always gave him the high he needed. No love. That makes it too serious. This is harmless fun. Well, not harmless.
“Jason?” Percy interrupted his spiral and Jason realized he’d been staring silently, that he hadn’t let Percy inside.
He shook his head, “Sorry.” He stepped back, opening the door wider. Percy walked in and threw himself on the couch, looking perfectly content and at home. As if what they were doing wouldn’t result in pain, physical and emotional.
He could always go back, he reminded himself. There was always an out. He was addicted to the poison that was Percy Jackson, but he could always escape.
The click of the door closing was a death sentence.
He could always get out, right?
It had been a few days since Annabeth and Piper had seen each other, the two women were teachers at the same school, yet they always seemed to miss each other. In the hallways, the break room, before and after classes, they could never catch more than fleeting glances and the swish of hair and hips around a corner. Annabeth was determined to change this.
She saw a flash of brown hair that she immediately registered as Piper, glancing at the clock to make sure she had enough time before her students were expecting her, she nearly sprinted after the other girl.
Piper was leaning against the wall when Annabeth found her, grinning. Her eyes, shards of multicolored glass Annabeth always found herself drowning in, were glittering in the harsh light. Annabeth stalked closer and Piper’s grin didn’t fade.
“Oh no,” She drawled, leaning enough to rest a hand in the curve of Annabeth’s waist, attempting to tug her forward. “You caught me.” Annabeth couldn’t resist Piper’s smile and met it with her own, the smile she only gave Piper. “What will I, this poor damsel, do?”
This was risky. This was really fucking risky. They were basically out in the open, where another teacher or staff member or even the students could easily find them.
Piper reached up and drew the pad of her finger against that crease in Annabeth’s brow and Annabeth knew she was done for. Piper smiled, this one soft and adoring, and Annabeth melted through the floor.
Annabeth gave up on trying to stay as unaffected as possible, pressing her lips to Piper’s. Piper pressed herself closer as if she was trying to mold them into one person. The soft, smooth contours of Piper against Annabeth’s sharp, hard edges of Annabeth was like some kind of poetry. It was probably a metaphor about who they were as people, blah blah blah. She didn’t have time to think about damn metaphors. Not while Piper was here, kissing her like she actually wanted this. Like she’d do anything to keep this. Annabeth knew it wasn’t true, knew Piper wouldn’t ruin her life for this. (She didn’t blame her, but it was nice to pretend sometimes)
Piper smiled into the kiss and mumbled, “This is nothing like how the fairytales normally go.” Annabeth let out a surprised laugh.
Piper pulled away, staring unflinchingly into Annabeth’s eyes, the storms she was responsible for keeping at bay. “Gods,” She turned her head and Annabeth had no idea where this was going with this. “This is better than any of those fairy tales.” Then she moved, winding her hands into Annabeth’s hair, and kissed her again.
Gods, she’d fallen for this girl. She had no idea when it had happened. Maybe 30 seconds ago, maybe the first time they’d met, three years ago. Maybe it was when Percy was on business trips, which meant that Annabeth could work without anyone to make her sleep, eat or anything ‘healthy’ and Piper would come over. Make her take breaks from her work. Listen to Annabeth rant about things she knew she didn’t understand. Annabeth had so many plans, to escape this hell town, fight for her rights, build something permanent somewhere she loves with someone she loves and be unafraid to live. She also had even more impossible dreams; to build something. Piper humored her, always listened to her, attention never wavering. It was more than Annabeth could ever ask for.
She was more than Annabeth could ever ask for.
Annabeth pulled away, telling her as much and something flashed in those kaleidoscope eyes but she didn’t respond.
“Piper?” Hazel’s voice echoed into the hallway they were in. Piper leaped off of her, hurrying to straighten herself.
Hazel rounded the corner right as Piper and Annabeth had gotten themselves together.
The woman smiled at them and looked at Piper when she spoke, “Leo needs to see you,” Piper opened her mouth but Hazel cut her off, “I have no idea why.”
"Okay, thanks," Piper said, definitely too out of breath for it to be anything but suspicious. Piper hesitated a second longer, fighting to not look back at Annabeth but finally, she walked off.
Annabeth smiled awkwardly at Hazel and the other girl grinned but it quickly turned somber, "I don't know what you're doing, Annabeth." She shook her head, "I don't want to know. But I want you to know this," She stepped forward and clasped the other girl's hands in hers. "I care about you. I care about Piper. Be careful, please." Her wide gold eyes were begging, "Be careful, Annabeth."
"I'm trying," Annabeth tried to say but it came out a choked whisper. "I'm trying."
Hazel nodded and leaned forward so they were touching foreheads. "I'm scared for you."
Annabeth wanted to reassure her, but the words got caught in her throat. They both knew Annabeth couldn't promise anything.
Percy was staring at Jason.
This wasn't a rare occurrence, the opposite, actually. Percy could often be found staring at Jason.
But there was something about Jason Grace under the moon and her stars that was absolutely breathtaking.
His head was tilted back, eyes closed, breathing deeply, a small smile on his lips. The starlight seemed to wrap around him, shielding him from the world, announcing him as one of them. His blonde hair was damp from their earlier shower and the moonlight danced through the silky strands. Gods, Percy thought, taking him in, he's ethereal.
He was leaning back on his hands, ankles crossed over the edge of his porch.
They were in Jason's backyard, sharing a smoke; Percy took a long drag, trying to ground himself. Piper would surely be back soon, he didn't have much longer. He needed to come back to earth and distance himself from the star that was Jason Grace.
When Jason's eyes fluttered open and he turned those crystal-blue masterpieces on him, his smile growing into something wide and soft and fond, Percy knew he was done for. Fuck coming back to earth.
Jason reached over, and plucked the cigarette from between Percy's lips, and brought it to his own. He leaned back to stare at the sky again and Percy leaned sideways until his head was pillowed in Jason's lap.
Jason kept one hand on the deck to prop himself up and ground the cigarette out, dropping it to comb his free hand through Percy's hair.
"We should leave," Percy said suddenly, breaking the peaceful silence.
Jason's hand stilled briefly. "What?"
"Leave town, together."
"Where would we go?" He didn't sound angry (thank the gods), he kept his voice soft, but Percy could hear that note of disbelief.
"Anywhere," Percy replied and Jason huffed a laugh above him.
"That's not much of a plan. Besides, we have lives here."
"You're all I need," Percy said, way too sincerely, tracing a pattern on Jason's knee with his index finger.
Jason's hand stilled again and Percy cursed himself and everything that existed to make him say that. Now I've scared him away, Percy thought bitterly and got off Jason's lap.
Jason was staring at him with a look Percy couldn't decipher, his lips parted slightly. Percy wanted to kiss him; this wasn't the time to kiss him. Keep it together.
"Jason!" Piper's voice carried out the back door and wrapped around the two of them like a vice.
Jason went considerably pale and Percy stood up. "I'll see you whenever I see you?" Percy said.
Jason just nodded, still staring at him.
Percy opened the backdoor and stepped inside, saying a brief 'hello' and 'goodbye' to Piper before finally making it back to his car.
He slammed his hands on the hood and cursed, "Stupid, Jackson. That was stupid." he opened the car door with considerably more force than necessary and sat down heavily. "Fucking idiot." And now he had to go home to Annabeth and pretend nothing was wrong. Great.
It started with the notes. Sticky notes with slurs scrawled on them (against his race, his orientation, anything they could get a hand on), in horrible handwriting, stuck to his desk at work. Jason didn't mention any, but when he took his coat off and draped it on Percy's couch, one fell out, crumpled as if Jason had furiously shoved it in his pocket.
Percy had picked it up, saw what was written there, and knew that this wasn't a coincidence. Someone knew. Someone knew about them and wasn't very happy about it.
He'd briefly wondered if it was Annabeth, but no, she didn't seem to be angry at him or disgusted, but she had been colder lately. When the notes started appearing in places that weren't as public as his desk, Percy got more concerned.
He still hadn't talked to Jason about it; the notes and what had transpired on Jason's porch either.
They'd elevated too. Notes in his car, calling him a disgrace to his family and god. But Percy wasn't as worried as he probably should've been. After all, this person was hiding behind ink and paper, if they had something to say, they could do it to his face.
But when they started threatening him, Percy finally spoke to Jason about it.
"Have you been getting notes?" He asked.
Jason was sprawled on Percy's bed, sans shirt, arm thrown over his eyes as if shielding him from the light.
Percy himself was sprawled next to Jason, head on his chest, legs twined together.
Jason peered down at him, blinking wearily. His glasses were sitting on the side table. "What?"
"Notes," Percy said as if this explained everything. "That are calling you-" He swallowed and Jason's eyes tracked the movement.
"Yeah," Jason said finally. "I haven't been too concerned." A lie. If Percy knew Jason at all (and he did) the other boy had been worrying himself to death over this, afraid to tell anybody, panicking and overthinking alone. The thought made Percy's chest ache.
"I wasn't going to mention it," Jason said.
"Me either, but this recent one," He trailed off, already doubting if he should be worrying Jason over this. But it did technically involve him.
Percy pushed off of Jason and the other boy made a whining noise in the back of his throat. Percy grinned as Jason flushed in embarrassment.
Percy pulled the crumpled note out of his discarded jacket and read aloud to Jason, who was still on the bed, "I know all about your illicit affairs-"
"Oh, how proper."
Percy snorted, "Tell me about it." He cleared his throat, "Anyway. -with Jason Grace." Jason stiffened. They knew his name. "If you don't do what I want I will tell Annabeth and Piper all about it. And maybe more than just the two of them, too.”
“Mhmm. And we believe them?”
“I’m not sure,” Percy said tossing the note onto the nightstand and belly-flopping onto the bed next to Jason.
“If you did, you wouldn’t be here,” Jason said, practically.
“And how do you know that?”
“Because I know you.”
Percy smiled, "Yeah, I guess you do."
Jason smiled back, only for a few seconds before his face fell; Percy felt his heart jump to his throat. "What are we going to do?"
"You already have an idea," Percy said, staring at him.
"You're not going to like it."
Percy sighed, "Let's hear it."
"We can't see each other."
Percy shot to his feet. "No! I'm not letting some heathen," He pointed angrily at the note. "Bully me into staying away from the man I love."
Jason went deathly still and Percy's brain finally caught up to what just happened.
"'Man you love'?" His voice was quiet and Percy didn't know how to read that.
"Yeah," Percy whispered. "Yes."
Jason wasn't looking at him and every second that passed, Percy felt his heart chipping away.
"I-" Jason swallowed and wet his lips. "I love you." His voice was hushed as if he was scared to be heard.
Percy stared at him for a beat of bated breath before lunging at him. Jason laughed as his back collided with the mattress.
Jason held Percy's face in his hands and looked him over, drinking everything in before kissing him.
The notes could wait.
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lifeisntafantasy · 3 years
Gone and Ruined
TW: Major character death directly at the beginning, blood mention, major injury, knife mention, poison.
Percy Jackson couldn't bite down his shout of pain as he felt the blade pierce his stomach.
Percy's hands drifted towards his middle, gasping in pain as he dropped to his knees. This wouldn't end well. Not with the blade being poisoned, not with where the small but long dagger was positioned. No, this wasn't good at all.
He was foolish for not wearing armor, but he barely had time to even arrive to the scene on time, where he saw the two kids, fighting to get to Camp Half-Blood right up the hill. And he needed to save the young demigods from the creatures attacking them.
But, just as he went to slice through the last monster, it had slid a blade into his abdomen. He had killed the beast, but it was still too late. The damage had been done.
The young demigods started running up the hill, yelling for anyone at camp to hear, to help, as Percy struggled to rise, his breath coming in rasping bursts. The poison on the blade was already taking effect, causing more pain and fatigue.
A minute passed, feeling like an hour, and Percy saw familiar blond curls rushing down the hill towards him.
"Percy!" Annabeth Chase screamed.
"Annabeth..." Percy rasped as his girlfriend rushed to his side, helping him up fully. She leaned him on her for support, which was good since his vision was rapidly blurring, whether from major bleeding or the poison, likely both, he had no clue. Annabeth started all but dragging him up the hill. The infirmary seemed light years away. "Annabeth... poisoned blade..." Percy slurred, head dropping forward as he struggled to keep consciousness.
Annabeth swore under her breath, panic rising as she saw the state of her boyfriend. How long had it been since he'd gotten hurt? It couldn't be too long, she came rushing down as she saw the two younger demigods running into camp, screaming that someone had been stabbed. How much poison had been on the blade? How far in was the weapon? Did it puncture anything? He was sweating, his tan skin paling quickly. He needed to get help, and fast.
Annabeth looked towards the gathering crowd. "Someone go get Will Solace!" She shouted. No one moved, everyone seemed stunned that the great Percy Jackson was so badly hurt. "GO!" Annabeth screamed, panic building with every second that passed.
"Come on, Seaweed Brain. You have to stay awake and walk. I can't carry you all the way. Please walk."
Percy took another shuddering breath, trying to hold on for Annabeth. But he knew it'd be too late by the time Will arrived. The infirmary was too far.
"Annabeth-" Percy started.
"No," Annabeth commanded, hearing the tone in his rasping voice. Hearing the acceptance of what was likely to come. Something she herself couldn't accept. "Percy, no. Will is going get here, and you'll be alright. He'll patch you up, and I'll yell at you later, but you'll make it. You're going to make it." Annabeth's vision became fuzzy with tears.
How could her world begin to fall apart so fast? They had been at camp for a fun day to see their friends. This couldn't be happening. Percy had to make it.
"Wise Girl... I'm not going to make it... I love you, and I hate that this is how it ended, but it's happening," Percy took a deep breath, trying to stay awake enough to finish. "Annabeth, you're the strongest girl I know... You'll be okay... But I'm not gonna make it... you know that..."
Annabeth felt the tears fall as Percy's breath became more shallow and his knees buckled, unable to hold any weight anymore. They were only half way up the hill, but Annabeth set Percy down and kneeled next to him. Where in Hades was Will? He needed to get here.
"Percy, please," She begged, a hand drifting to Percy's face, moving his hair away from where it stuck to his forehead. "Please, no, you're gonna be okay, Perce. Come on, please! Hold on, Will should be here soon!" Annabeth spared a glance away from Percy to see if Will was on his way.
Percy lifted his hand to Annabeth's cheek, his own tears falling rapidly, as Annabeth turned to look at him again, her eyes wide and pleading. "Come on... we both know it's too late..." Percy trailed, struggling to breathe. It felt like it had been hours, days since he could breathe right. "I love you... I love you, Wise Girl... I'm sorry we didn't have more time... I'm sorry... I love you more than anything... I'll be waiting for you when your time comes... I love you..."
Annabeth rested her other  hand on Percy's and kissed him quickly. "No, please, Percy. I love you. I love you so much. Please-" Annabeth was cut off by a sob.
Percy weakly wiped a tear from his girlfriend's beautiful face, sad that he brought this look of despair upon her.
Time seemed to stop as his breath slowed, quickly coming to a stop. His hand went limp against Annabeths's, his eyes gazing above unseeing.
Annabeth felt for Percy's pulse. Nothing.
No. No, this isn't true. Percy couldn't be so stupid to die. Not after everything they went through. Not after he said he'd never be apart from her again. No, he wasn't dead. He couldn't be. Her world couldn't be over within minutes like that.
Annabeth's sobs built, and she rested her head on the still chest of Percy. 
Will finally arrived, seconds later, with Chiron. Both stopped dead in their tracks as they saw what lie before them. By then, half the camp had gathered on the hill.
The rest of the world seemed to stop, as if everything, bugs and birds and spirits and maybe even the gods themselves, mourned the loss of a wonderful young man.
Annabeth didn't know how long she sat there crying. Her boyfriend was gone. She'd never see him again. She'd never see his wonderful smile. She'd never again listen to his stupid jokes that she loved so much. She would never again spar with him, always beating him because he never really wanted to win. He'd always let her win. She'd never be able to pass college with him or have a future with him. They'd never have careless days with their friends again. How would she even tell their friends in New Rome what had happened? Oh gods, what about his mom? How was Sally going to react to the news of her son dying?
By the time Chiron pulled Annabeth away from Percy's body, most of the camp had retreated, the only people left were Nico DiAngelo, Will, and Chiron, all of them staring in shock and grief.
But Annabeth didn't pay them any attention, her eyes never leaving her boyfriend's corpse.
Why would the gods allow this to happen?
She thought back to the years leading up to the Titan war, when everyone thought Percy had died. They had thrown him a funeral. But he had come back. He had come back healthy, and she was so happy he returned. And the survived the Titan war, and the Giant war. They had survived together. But now he was gone.
She pulled away from Chiron, her mentor's eyes tracked her with great sadness, but she just numbly walked towards Percy again, lifting his body up and carrying him up the hill and into camp.
The next few weeks passed in a haze.
Annabeth barely remembered going to Sally's apartment later that day. She barely remembered sitting on the sofa, breaking down and telling the terrible news to her boyfriend's mom and stepdad. She barely remembered Sally breaking down, and hugging Annabeth, knowing how badly it must've hurt her, too.
She barely remembered spending a whole day with Grover in the Poseidon cabin in almost complete silence, other than their sniffling from their tears and their quiet movements.
Annabeth barely remembered when their friends from New Rome arrived, all puffy eyed and crying, hugging her for their comfort as much as hers.
She barely ate, slept, or took any care of herself, only remembering when her friends made her.
She remembered the day of Percy's funeral though. She remembered having to get up in front of all of camp, the Romans, and Sally, to give her speech. She didn't even get half way through before she broke down, Piper pulling Annabeth away for a break.
She remembered after all the honorary services held for Percy, she went to the lake. She sat, and just thought, remembering everything she and Percy had been through.
Annabeth's life was utterly ruined. Her wonderful, kind, perfect boyfriend who had always been there for her was gone. Her perfect match, the only person who knew her as well, if not better, than she knew herself, was gone. And he was never coming back.
She didn't know how she could ever deal with it.
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Commission work - Harry Hook x Darling! Reader - two parter - unpredictably adorable - part 2
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commissioner @thebookbakery​
Since you were a child, your mind was constantly overthinking, every single possibility, good or bad, bombarding your mind about everything and nothing at the same time.
-what if I never live up to my mom's expectations-
-if I don’t pass this test everyone will hate me-
-they aren’t really my friend; they just feel sorry for me-
-I need to shut up I’m talking to much-
-they are ignoring me; they must hate me-
-everyone is faking-
-if I’m not careful I'll cut my finger and then I'll have to get surgery to remove my hand because I was too careless-
Yeah…it got tiring after a while.
Everything made sense when you were 10 and were finally diagnosed with anxiety, everything got a little bit easier to deal with after that, one of your tactics was just pretending your best friend Piper was talking you down
-I forgot to turn off the oven, and I’m going to burn my mom's house down, and I’m going to go to jail and-
‘no, you didn’t, you always check every single time, twice, you turned it off, now shut up before I smack you, I’m trying to eat this churro.’
It always loomed in the back of your mind, though hanging out with your closest friends did deafen the noise a bit, but it was always there.
You had little toys to help you focus but you were always looked at oddly when you had a little cube with millions of buttons on it so once again, your anxiety won out and you picked at your fingers, bit your lip, rubbed the fabric of your clothes between your fingers, and sometimes dug your nail into your thumb to distract yourself from your own brain.
Crushes, were one of your ultimate weakness, even the thought of someone you had a crush on sent you into a spiral, your brain would tell you they didn’t even know you existed, that they hated you and faking being nice, that your crush would never go anywhere.
Now you only had two crushes your whole life.
One from when you were little, Piper, but that didn’t last long (After you saw her eat a caterpillar bleh) and EX-prince Ben himself, that one had lasted a whole two years, and while you had been his friend before your crush grew, that didn’t stop your brain from shoving those random piercing thoughts into you.
And now, there was another one.
Harry, freaking, Hook. Son of Captain Hook himself, the villain of your mother's story.
And he was the sweetest thing you had ever encountered, you gushed to jane about his little nose scrunched when he grinned, how his tongue poked out of his lips slightly when he concentrated, when he fluffed up his already floofy hair when he was frustrated.
It was just all too much for your anxious little self,  it took all your might to keep yourself from bolting away from the handsome pirate.
You sighed, splashing cold water against your face and blindly grabbing for your towel and patting your face dry. You felt your face heat up as you thought back to the day before, in study hall, when Harry ever so gently placed his thumb on your chin to stop you from chewing on your lip.
You let out a long sigh/squeak as you grabbed your bathroom counter and sunk down into a squat, puffing your cheeks as you tried to calm yourself down. “I’m so doomed” you muttered to yourself, this crush on Harry was worse than the one on Piper OR Ben.
With the two aforementioned crushes, you never imagined it going any farther than dating, so imagine your internal embarrassment when one day you realized you were daydreaming about being buried into Harry's side as you slept in on a weekend in your very own place, living together with three dogs and two cats, and four birds, with two guest rooms specifically for Uma and Gil.
It was nice to dream about but once the dark shadow that was your anxiety reared its ugly head and whispered horrid thoughts about Harry’s “true” feelings about you, it was harder to enjoy your daydreams.
-he’s just using me to get revenge~-
-he’s just like his father, a filthy, cheating pirate-
-he’s faking everything-
-he flirts with everyone; I am nothing special-
You knew it was all bullcrap, even your own mother had met harry (at her request) and happily told you that he was nothing like his dad, and one of the sweetest boys she had ever met, even piper and Peter themselves, liked harry.
But like always, your brain never liked to listen to others and always took a darker train of thought.
You shook your head out of thought and stood, walking back into your room and grabbing your bag, slinging it over your shoulder and grabbing your keys, slipping out of your dorm room and locking it behind you, checking twice to ease your mind.
“hey (y/n)” you flinched as you spun around, letting out a sharp sigh as you realized Uma was the one to call out to you, she rose her brow, a small smirk on her face “sorry, thought you heard me walk up to you”
“you-you’re fine” you smiled back, huffing as the girl tossed her arm over your shoulder and started walking with you to the cafeteria.
“hear the rumor that Mrs.Popin is pop quizzing us in algebra today?”
“she is?” you asked, calm as could be on the outside, but once again your mind started running
-what if it's something we haven’t covered yet? Or what if I wasn’t paying attention to the subject?! What if I accidentally check the wrong one! What if-
Uma tugged you into the seat next to her, picking up a clementine and peeling it open, offering you a slice, shrugging as you declined “suit yourself, yeah, I’m wondering how Harrys gonna do, with his problem with numbers after all”
“oh right, his dyscalculia” you muttered, mind now running wild worrying for harry. “I think he’ll be fine, Mrs.Popin is lenient with him, and she lets all of us take the tests over and over again until we get a passing grade”
“yeah” Uma hummed, chewing on another slice “waffles or pancakes today?”
“I heard It’ was French toast~” Harry purred, plopping down next to you and leaning into your space once again, setting your face on fire and cutting off your voice as usual. “you okay (y/n)?” you whipped around to look at Harry with wide eyes, that….that was the first time he had ever called you by your name, it was always your last name.
“I-yes?” you shrugged, looking down at the table and picking at it “I’m fine”
Harry just hummed and leaned away from you, starting a conversation with Uma about the upcoming math quiz.
Your mind whirled as you processed the fact that he called you by your first name. but thankfully it never went anywhere as the bell for breakfast being served rang throughout the room. Uma tapped your arm, hurrying you to the line to grab the hot and ready food before it was gone.
You grabbed your preferred bread and usual toppings, sighing happily as you noticed your favorite drink was in stock this morning. You grabbed the bottle and tossed in on your tray, following after Uma as she went down the sides line, grabbing a handful of bacon for herself.
After dodging the oncoming breakfast crowd, you, Harry, Gil, and Uma finally settled back at your table. Evie, Jane, and Dizzy joining you moments later “morning~” Jane sang, poking your cheek with a ‘boop’ and starting to eat her breakfast. “oh (y/n), the planning committee is needed in the gym later today, about prom n stuff”
“kay” you muttered, quickly going through your slices of French toast and gulping down your drink “still don’t know how I got roped into the planning committee in the first place” you laughed to yourself, you hardly spoke during the meetings, you were more the errand girl and the one who wrote down what needed to happen as everyone else actually planned.
Jane giggled and patted your shoulder, turning her attention back to the conversation of the table, to which you weren’t bothering to pay attention to.
You dug into your bag and pulled out your notebook, going over your previous notes for math to prepare for the quiz later that day.
Sometimes Jane and Harry would bump into you randomly, Harry's fingers brushing your arm when he would reach for something across the table, you did your best to keep the heat from your face.
At some point harry gently probed your shoulder, making you squeak from surprise, unexpecting of the touch as you looked to harry with wide eyes. He gave a soft smile and nodded towards the doors “bell rung for class darlin’, don’t want yeh ta be late” you quickly stood, yelping as your knee bashed against the table.
“ooow” you bent over slightly, palming your knee as you felt the pain bloom across it. “shit”
“wow” Harry chuckled, grabbing your bags and slinging them over his shoulder “never heard yeh swear before darlin’, come on, ill escort yeh” he placed his hand on the small of your back, and lead you toward your first class.
While you appreciated Harry's chivalry, your mind….was not helping.
-everyone is staring at me-
-they are going to think it's odd he has his hand on me-
-everyone is staring at us-
-everyone is going to think it’s weird that Harry is around me-
“here we are” Harry thankfully interrupted your train of thought as he handed you back your bag and gestured to your English class “I’ll see yeh later darlin’” he winked at you and strut away, leaving you with your usual burning face and fidgeting fingers.
You sighed, walking into class and hurrying to your seat, ignoring the imaginative eyes on you as you took out your notebook.
The sound of your pen quickly tapping on your clipboard was the only thing that kept you from screaming at everyone.
It was just…too…loud…so many voices at once, all speaking at different volumes and all needing different things, many of them speaking at you, all too much for you to handle.
You gave one look at jane and she nodded, taking your clipboard and walking into the crowd of planners, distracting them as you exited the gym, heading for your room to calm down.
You rubbed your chest and focused on controlled breathing. Everything felt so tight, like something was sitting on your chest as you walked through the halls, fingers gripping your skirt to ground yourself.
You stumbled a bit as a barrage of screaming hit you, you tuned a bit, seeing two of your classmates that you never bothered to learn the names of screaming at each other in the hallway.
Your ears began to ring as you stared at them, unable to continue onto your room. one of the boys looked away from his friend, glaring right at you. “OI WHAT ARE YOU LOOKIN AT!” he screamed, hands balling into fists as he seemed to look into your soul.
You let out a breathless squeak, bolting down the hall, sliding as you took a quick corner and continued to run where ever.
Your original destination was lost, mind yelling at you to hide.
You gasped for breath, letting a scream as you slammed into a wall that wasn’t there a moment ago, you slid down to your side, curling up into a ball and letting out choked sobs as the world went dark around you.
You could feel yourself passing out but you couldn’t get a grip on yourself.
You were having a panic attack but you couldn’t do a thing to make it go away, whenever they happened one of your friends was always there to ground you, always helping you come back down to earth.
You couldn’t breathe, air only leaving you as you gasped. Through the ringing in your ears, you heard a voice, but you couldn’t recognize it as whoever it was grabbed onto your shoulders and tried to lift you up.
You felt yourself screech and lash out, your fist hitting something almost solid, whoever it was didn’t flinch and trailed their hands down your arms, grabbing gently onto your hands.
“hey-hey” they whispered, breaking through the chaos of your mind “hey, it's okay, you’re okay. nothings here. you’re safe. no one’s going ta hurt yeh”
You forced your eyes open, and through your blurry visions you saw Harry staring back at you with a soft smile “hey darlin’ can yeh breathe with meh?” you tried to speak but a sob ripped through your throat, you moved forward, crashing into Harry's chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. “hey hey, breathe, in-“ you felt his chest rise, and you swallowed down another sob and took a wobbly breath.
Harry continued to calm you down, soon your breath synchronizing with his “yer doin’ amazing darlin’ now, give me five things yeh can see”
You pulled back slightly from his chest, sniffing as you glanced around “um- locker, window,” a light sob choked you, but Harry just rubbed your back and continued to take deep breathes for you to follow. You glanced down slightly, seeing Harry’s red leather jacket against your shoulder “your jacket, my-my bag, and-and-the school symbol”
“good” Harry cooed, hand running up your back and fingers slipping through your hair, fingers scratching at your scalp comfortably “now name four things yeh can touch”
You looked around again, slowly feeling your body relax, and letting your headrest completely against Harry's chest “wa-water fountain, door handle, vending machine, um-jacket” Harry chuckled at the last one, but nodded.
“amazing love, name three things yeh can hear” you closed your eyes, your lip twitching as you felt your head bump up for a moment.
“your heart” you whispered, not hearing Harrys breath hitch “birds, static”
“a-awesome” Harry sighed, shifting to sit against the wall and pulling you up further into his arms “now, two things yeh can smell”
“metal and leather” you whispered, feeling the grips of the panic attack leaving your body, mentally thanking the gods that Harry had found you.
“good, now, one thing yeh can taste”
You pushed away from Harry’s chest, opening your eyes again and looking around “um-oh! Cookies!” you chirped, leaning up a little as you spotted a bag of Oreos inside the vending machine across the hall.
“amazing job lass, are yeh okay now?” you took a deep breath and looked back at Harry, giving him a tired smile.
“better but” you could still feel the tightness in your chest and your limbs felt like lead “thank you….could you help me to my room? I’m really tired and I need to take a break from everything for a bit”
“of course,” Harry nodded, helping to your feet and grabbing your bag and slinging it over his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side, letting you take your pace as he helped you to your room.
He glared at anyone you passed by, tightening his grip on your waist and even snapping his teeth at Chad as he sneered at you and Harry together. You were too tired to pay attention to anything though, sighing in relief as your room appeared around the corner. Harry dug your key from your bag and quickly unlocked your room, holding onto your hand tightly as you walked into your room and towards your bed.
He released your hand as your knees hit the edge of your bed and you flopped onto the sheets, blowing out a harsh breath as he ruffled his hair.
“so yeh all good?” he asked again, tilting his head at you, you lifted your head and gave a small nod.
“I will be, thank you, Harry”
He gave a grin and walked over to you, kneeling beside your bed “I've got yer back darlin’ get some rest, and I’ll get yer homework from our classes kay?”
“okay” you whispered, flopping your head back on your bed, feeling your face heat up again as Harry leaned over and pressed a kiss to your head “um-Harry?”
“well talk about it when yer right of head love, see yeh later” he stood and walked out of the room, locking your door and tossing the key on your dresser. He smiled at you and closed the door, his heavy footsteps quickly walking away from your room.
You pressed your fingers gently to the place Harry's lips were moments ago, feeling the heat in your face reaching your ears and stretching down your neck.
‘was-he-a kiss?’ you thought, sitting up and staring at the door. ‘he-wow’
You stared at the door for a moment longer before you kicked off your shoes and just crawled under your covers, smiling as you thought back to his kind words and soft lips.
You closed your eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, forcing down the thoughts that said Harry was only being friendly, you could bear to let yourself dream for a bit.
Harry sighed, flipping through the multiple sheets of homework he held in his hands, pursing his lips as he thought back to (y/n), something had set her off to have such an intense panic attack. He was just glad he knew how to calm someone down from it after helping the smee twins through them after so many years.
He looked to his right as Jane passed by him, he reached out grabbing her shoulder, she jumped slightly, looking at him with wide eyes.
“uh, hey Harry? What's up?”
“I came across (y/n) havin’ a panic attack like-two hours ago? Any idea-woah!” Jane’s eyes widened and she grabbed onto his shirt.
“what?! Is she okay? Did-“ Harry quickly covered the girl's mouth.
“she’s fine Jane, she’s in ‘er room now restin’ I just wanted to know if this is a recurring thing or that was the first time it happened”
“recurring” Jane sighed, wrenching Harry's hand from her mouth “she has an anxiety disorder, that’s why she's always so quiet, doesn’t like to draw attention to herself and all that”
Harry furrowed his brows, fixing his bag on his shoulder “ah, is that why she’s all blushy ‘round me then? All those thoughts goin’ wild n stuff?”
“nah” Jane waved her hand nonchalantly “She's just crushing on you….oop didn’t mean to say that!” Jane looked back at him with wide eyes.
A small smile grew on Harry's face “she-she has a crush on meh?”
“I-uh-fudge, yes” Jane sighed, slapping her palm against her forehead “dangit she told me about it in confidence and I just blurt it out like tha-wait!” Harry patted Jane's shoulder with a chuckle and pushed her aside a bit.
“Thanks, Jane~ I gotta go!” Harry took off towards leaving a confused Jane in the hall.
“wait what are you going to do!” Jane yelled, huffing as no response came back “…OH!” Jane squealed, hopping in place. Harry liked (y/n) back! Ohhhh this was going to be so cute!
She had to tell the VK girls, Evie and Dizzy would die!
You sighed, smoothing down the front of your oversized hoodie and further curling into a ball on your bed, sporadically clicking the attack button on your gaming device as you fought one of the hardest mini-bosses of the game.
“come one-, die you-gah!” you seethed, cursing as your weapon broke “again?! goddammit!”
“I have’ta say, it’s weird to hear yeh curse darlin’” you screeched, halfway tossing your switch across the room, the device bouncing off your bed and landing on the pile of pillows on the floor.
You looked towards your door, pressing a hand to your chest as you let out a long sigh “Harry! Geez I’m still calming down from earlier, don’t barge in like that!”
Harry winced, closing the door behind him “sorry love, I brought yer homework and some food fer yeh” he held up his bag and a white plastic bag holding a box of food.
“oh” you felt your face heat up as he stepped closer to your bed “thank you”
“no problem darlin’” he purred, setting the bag of food next to you and tossing his bag on your desk. “so~” he started, leaning closer to you with a sly smirk on his face “I heard something really~ interesting on meh way here~”
You rose your brow and flipped open the box of food, humming at the still steaming (preferred lunch).
“little Janey said yer crushin on meh~” your entire body stopped, it felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on you “and before yeh freak out with all those thoughts yeh get” he leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek “it's not one-sided darlin’ “
You felt your brain short circuit, unable to think ANYTHING as you stared at harry. He chuckled softly and gave you a toothy smirk, his eyes crinkling as he looked at you like he never had before. “Cat got yer tongue love?.I’ll let yeh process it all, but just know, I do like yeh back, and I would jump off a cliff sooner than hurt yeh….” He kissed your cheek again and stood, stopping as you suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.
“um-I-, I just wanted to say it myself” you muttered, tugging him back down to your side “I-I-I” you stuttered, feeling your face heat up as harry smiled at you with that adorable crinkled nose “ilikeyou” you gasped, grabbing his collar and pulling him towards you, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and quickly falling back on your bed, pulling your pillow over your face and screeching into it.
Harry just chuckled and patted your knee “like yeh too darlin’ I’ll see yeh later love, okay?”
You just let out some sort of garbled response into your pillow. “okay, text me if yeh want me ta bring yeh dinner” he quickly took his back, emptied your homework from it, and left the room, locking the door behind him.
You let out a huff as you chucked your pillow at the wall, feeling a grin blooming on your face. You squealed, patting your cheeks to try to make the heat escape from it.
“he likes me back” you breathed, giggled erupting from your chest “he likes me back!!!!!” fits of laughter overtook you as you wiggled happily in your bed “he likes me!!!!”
Harry bit his lip to hide his grin as he listened to your mini-celebration “She's so adorable” he chuckled, fixing his bag and walking off, whistling a little tune as he did so.
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​
@lunanight2012​ @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @imtryingthisout​
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