#wars will still play a big part in the events of what WAS gonna be ch17
illegiblehandwriting1 · 11 months
fuck it *switches ch17 and ch18*
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
The DnD Lore Problem - Accessibility and Characters (and how BG3 might not help)
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You know what? I am gonna talk about DnD Lore and the accessibility of that lore. I talked about this exessively before. But to summarize that long blog very shortly:
Wizards of the Coasts currently makes the mistake of putting basically most DnD Lore behind a paywall, rather than offering official ressources. This leads to a lot of tables actually playing with their original worlds, rather than Toril/Faerûn, which in turn also means, that they are not spending money on official products. While my anti-capitalist ass things that the lore should be accessible just so that people can enjoy it, I also think that this inaccessibility actually costs WotC A LOT OF MONEY.
Today I want to talk about another aspect of this inaccessibility, that is kinda linked to some of the stuff I talked about before, but also is linked to the things WotC is currently not doing in terms of both Honor Among Thieves and Baldur's Gate 3. A thing, that also might not quite work with BG3, though.
See, the core problem of this inaccessibility is, that a) there is no official place where you can just get base information about the world and the timeline, b) this world has grown organically for about half a century, which lead to clutter, but also to the fact that things are at times showing their age.
I might actually make a post on the gods and religion in the world at some other point - but for now let me talk about something else: Extended universes and access points.
The Problem with Extended Universes
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Okay, let's talk about how a lot of the big franchises for the longest time have told their meta stories - including DnD - and how it kinda struggles to find its audience. The extended universe.
I am frankly not entirely sure what franchise has started this. I am assuming it was Star Trek? But that is just a guess. But at some point in the 60s oder 70s someone had the idea that: "Hey, we could totally give the fans more to chew on by making official tie-in comics and novels!"
And that was how it worked for very long. Like a lot of the big franchises had at times around 10 novels and comics (if not more) releasing per year that would just explore other parts of the universe and allow the very engaged fans to... well, learn more about the world. Now, I am not going to talk about all the drama connected to the Star Wars stuff, but if you know, you know.
DnD did this too. (As did a lot of the big TTRPG systems, like Shadowrun and WoD as well.) Having a lot of tie in stuff - in the case of DnD mostly novels - that told more stories on the world and also established like some big player characters within the world. Elminster Aumar is probably one of the best examples here.
Those established some characters that play a big role within the world and also told just more stories of those big world changing events. In the recent DnD history that would be stuff like the Time of Troubles, the Spellplague and the Second Sundering.
Now, here we have one big issue. And one issue where I am not entirely certain where it arose from. But the fact is: In recent years, people invest way less into those kind of books. This is just a fact.
It is the reason why those big universes went from publishing like ten novels a year to often not more than three. We saw that in the failure of the extended Universe Disney tried to pull off for Pirates of the Caribbean (though I will still maintain that another big problem was that they barely marketed that at all - hi, everyone, who did not know there were extended universe novels for PotC). We also saw that with League of Legends, who really, really tried to tell a lot more stories with short stories and then also some novels set in Runeterra, before finally giving up, because most people didn't care.
In terms of Dungeons & Dragons I can totally see that a lot of people will also say: "I do not care what some other people's characters do within the world." Buuuuuut...
Stories actually can help you understand the world. Which brings me to...
The Elminster Problem
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Okay, I do not know how to put this, but... If you look at the novels coming out for DnD literally half of them focus on either Elminster Aumar or Drizzt Do'Urden. Characters that have pretty much been around since the very beginning and. Look, I don't know how to put it but... It shows.
I am currently reading some of the newer novels and the fact is, that they do not really feel like fantasy books from the 2010s and 2020s. Because Elminster and Drizzt are very clearly characters originating in a very different time when stories were told very differently.
I mean, just look at Elminster. He is a wanna-be Gandalf character. He is from the early, early days of fantasy and... Look, I personally just really am unable to identify with a character like this.
And while Drizzt is a bit better as a character, but even he... How to put this delicately? They are both very much characters written by white cishet men for white cishet men. There, I said it.
I am noticing this a lot with reading Salvatore's books currently. Like, female characters are not overly sexualized, which is a plus. But they also very much exist most of the time in service to a man or at least in relation to a man. There is not a lot of female characters running around that have their own agency.
Which kinda leads to another thing. I actually saw this one brought up by one of those very cliché nerdy Youtube channels talking on DnD, who recognized the problem as well: There are basically two large groups of DnD players who barely intersect. One is the cliché nerds, the other is a largely queer and largely diverse group. And the youtube guy, who was very in the white cishet nerd group, suspected that actually the later group makes up more of the player base by now.
Buuuut... that is also the group who really do not get catered to by the canon lore so far. That was until 2023 with DnD:HAT and BG3 - both catering actually a lot to those groups.
Honor Among Thieves and the undermarketed books
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Okay, here is the thing: Honor Among Thieves had two novelizations (one for young readers, one for older readers) and two tie-in novels. One featuring Edgin, Holga, Forge and Simon before the stuff with Sofina went down. And the other featuring Simon and Doric taking place at the time while Ed and Holga are in prison.
I am honest: I really, really liked the Ed and Holga novel. It was super cute and charming and really gives a better understanding of the characters.
But of course once again there is the thing: The books - just like the Pirates of the Caribbean books - were super undermarketed. Like, most people I know off do not even know that there were books released. Heck, even within the actual active fandom there are again and again people who will be surprised that those books exist.
And... I actually also think that the books waste one big ass opportunity, by not at all tying into the broader lore. They are super self-contained.
And that is actually just a waste. Because the place were Edgin lived in? Yeah, that place was super affected by the Second Sundering. Heck, that might have had to do something with his troubles.
Why is that an issue? Well, because... there was not a lot going on there that was inviting you to further interact with the world and learn more abotu what is happening. For once, again, because I think it is a super fun and interesting world. But also, because... WotC wants to make money and is so bad at it, that it really boggles my mind.
See, here is the thing: They could've used those characters - that really are fun and sympathetic characters - to create an accesspoint into that world.
Alright, so what about Baldur's Gate 3?
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Which brings me to Baldur's Gate 3 and the thing that a lot of people have noticed: The other Baldur's Gate games - as well as some of the other games releasing around 2000 - had their own tie-in novels going into the characters, their background, but also what they were doing in the future.
Something that so far BG3 has not done, which some fans have already critized. Because a lot of people have actually gotten really invested into those characters. A lot of the kind of people especially who so far are underserved by a lot of the tie-in stuff: Queer and generally diverse audiences.
Like, I think there would be a lot of people, who totally would read a novel, about...
Astarion getting drawn into some sort of political intrigue in Baldur's Gate while serving Cazador
Karlach's time in Avernus
Some Adventure Wyll got dragged into while being the Blade of the Frontier.
Shadowheart going onto a mission for Shar (maybe together with Nocturne)
Whatever Gale was doing during the Second Sundering
Lae'zel's youth among the Githyanki
The Dark Urge and Gortash starting up the entire conspiracy
... whatever Halsin had been up to in his long live
Heck, people would eat that stuff up. And you could not only use it to worldbuild but also once more create some access into the world and what happened there. And they are kinda wasting a lot of potential by not bringing out those novels.
Of course, there is one big problem: BG3 makes it kinda hard to write about anything happening after the ending. Because as it is right now, someone is gonna be pissed if a novel set after the game does not go with the decision for a character they go for. Like, Ascended Astarion fans are gonna be pissed, if they go with Spawn Astarion - and the other way around. Same goes with every other character where you have those big decisions happening.
This is something they will have to tackle eventually if they plan on doing something with the characters in the future (no matter if we are talking Larian or WotC), but it is definitely an issue that just arises from the structure of the game.
Bonus of course is, that you just cannot define a canonical Tav. But without a Tav, you also gotta act as if the story of the game happened without a Tav, which still is not ideal. I am honestly not sure with how they are gonna deal with this on the long run.
Access via Characters
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Alright, but what is the actual issue here?
Well, basically there are two hurdles to overcome for the accessibility of the lore. The first is the physical accessibility - aka, what I talked about in the last long blog post. The second meanwhile is more related to making the lore engaging. And that happens through characters.
It is for me what happened last year. I actually tried to engage with the lore as the movie came out - but only when BG3, that tied a lot more into the actual lore was released I actually found proper access to the lore. Because I had concrete things I could now look for because the game hinted at so much both through characters and major story events happening.
Here is the thing: If you just have the lore on its own, it is about as engaging as reading a history book. Sure, as your local history nerd I find reading history books fun, but most people really do not want to read a history book to engage with a hobby.
People will however engage with stories and characters that interest them. Which is where we get back to the thing I talked about at the beginning: Right now most canonical novels and stories still cater to an audience that is male, cishet, white and also, let's be frank, definitely over 30 years old. Leaving behind a lot of potential fans that theoretically make up a big part of the player-base, but actually do not engage a lot with the lore for this exact reason.
Look. DnD right now is fairly close to being an actual mainstream hobby, due to the recent proliferation of formerly nerdy stuff. And yet WotC is bleeding money, especially in regards of DnD.
If you ask me, sure... DnD should go into public domain. But it doesn't. And given that there are so many creative, skilled people working on this - no matter how dumb Hasbro is and how shitty of an employer they are - I actually do want them to succeed. I have really become engaged with this world now. And I think it is a pity that they clearly do not know how to market this stuff.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
Can I have part 2 Y/N pregnant?
Reminder this is the genderbend version😯
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(Lmk Wukong) This was a very eventful pregnancy. It seems like her antics Amplify Since the Two of you found out about your cub. First of all, there is a wire. Her belly was so big was because there's not one not two But three of them in there. And it seems like They are already active just like their mama. And not only that they make the monkey queen wanna eat everything. Her food your food mk's food You name it I mean you can't really Blame her because she's literally eating for other people but it's still quite Out of control. Happiest day of your life was when the triplets Your are two sons and daughter were finally born and they We're noisy cherpee and they get Into everything. Overall, they were healthy, very little beans. Who you love very much and you secretly glad for the monkey. Queen's flirty clingy ass and you love her as well.
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(NR Wukong) Holy sh*t if you think she was clingy before you ain't seen nothing yet. Since the beginning Of her pregnancy, she demanded With you at all times whether it be. to the corner store to the men's bathroom which got you kicked out of the mall once. She's was on you like white on rice. And if you try to go somewhere without her. She'll throw a big ass tantrum and i'm gonna shoot look like Are jerk especially when it happens in public. So you kept her inside with you for the remainder of the pregnancy. I say and that's when her water broke. When the cob was born, it was a cute little girl, but she chirped a lot. Neither of you would understand why. Wukong Has tried multiple methods But she just won't let up that's when you decided to give It'll try and the little girl was suddenly silent. You guys's daughter stop chirping and crying immediately the second she was in your arms. Now that explains why the monkey Queen had craved you so much. Because now you have to deal with another clingy girl in your life. At least this one is cute.
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(HIB Wukong) The pregnancy was fairly okay to be honest. It's just that she threw up a lot. And I mean a lot there was barely anything. She would be able to keep down. It seems like the Cub was already a picky eater. It seems to only accept pomegranates, peaches and Sesame balls you Yourself would eat. Interesting enough the cub came out a week early a cute little boy. He was fairly small but it seemed like it didn't stop them from trying to do big kid things. You both have to keep an eye on him a lot. But he was the greatest gift you've both received and you hope maybe you can convince her to give another one.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) This woman is a pain in your ass. Hers mood swings were out of control and that is really saying something. She always blames you for her condition. But she clings on to your arm. So hard blood is getting caught off from there. And where's the vault? Yeah, I'm worst of all. She won't eat food unless it's yours it's like she's making you mad on purpose. But it seems like this is making her a little more emotional because she vents and cries to you about all of the issues. In her life and her insecurities about her relationship with you. With shocks you to the max but you know better than to say anything. Finally, it was time for the cup to be born and that was like the worst 12 hours of your life. She was screaming playing menu for doing this to her. But she's the one who wanted to fight you. She's the one who wants to know what position you fire in. And she wouldn't give up stop by one broken hand later You too had a little girl. She was just as feisty and war driven as her mama. And it seems like she got some of her possessive traits too. One time Your daughter climbed on to your shoulder and hissed at her mother for Sitting way too close to you. And of course, her mom took that as a challenge and hissed the right back. Great now you have two hissing girls back to square one for you. But deep down you wouldn't have it any other way
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(Netflix Wukong) You guys are so freaking excited about your future family. You always make sure She was happy comfortable and safe. You mostly took up her job as protecting the villages from stray demons and you make quick work of them. So you can get back to your monkey queen especially when she's hungry. This pregnancy helps her open up to a lot more because she voices her worries about being a capable mama. But you always dispel those dark thoughts by telling her know that she would be amazing and she's got you to help her too. This always Makes her feel better and it was about time too. The club was ready to both were granted too little boys. They were rowdy loud and all over the place. But you both love them very much. But it's up to you to keep the queen from spoiling her two princes
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alleywayrat · 5 months
Ow Characters gen headcann
I was going to write underneath the mistletoe but that didn't happen so now it's whatever I can come up with yayyyyy
This is just a whole mess of all over the place that's just how it is sometimes
No mention of readers gender, or any bodily parts
Characters - Junkrat, Bap
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We all know he's incredibly energetic all the time and that will translate to how he kisses and makes out with you
Not often does he have very soft kisses, but when he does it's when you catch his alone when he's incredibly tired, whether that be waking up with him or finding him/he finds you after a big heist or mission.
Waking up with him is waking up with his limbs everywhere, sprawled out starfish style with an arm smack across your face, or him clinging to you koala style with no hope of escape.
He definitely moves around in his sleep a ton so I hope you're not a light sleeper cause you're gonna get smacked.
He's the kinda guy to fall asleep a normal way and wake up completely upside down with his head where his feet were.
A massive showoff when it comes to the things he makes and his heists, loves showing you all the cool stuff he can do.
Wants Roadhog to like you, and really hopes you guys get along cause you're his two favorite people.
Does get lonely from time to time, and wishes more people would like him (his voiceline w/Bap) and when he gets like this he will get clingy and won't want to leave your side at all.
Absolutely loves listening to you talk about the things that you love and are interested in, and will just fall head over heels if you actually listen to him when he's telling you about his hobbies and stuff and loves when you show a genuine interest in the things he's saying, because nobody else will ever listens to him.
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Jean is a very loving guy and absolutely smothers you in it (in a good way). He's a very respectful and attentive guy and will always take care of your boundaries and notice things about you, like the tells for when you're feeling down in anyway.
Speaking of when you're feeling down, out of this list of characters Jean, besides Lucio, is the most attentive. As a man who has suffered through most of his life due to the omnic war, falling into Talon, and the many other things that are unspecified in his lore but one can assume many other terrible things happened due to these events and just in general due to the life he has lived, Jean knows what it is like to suffer, to be depressed and anxious, to be scared and lonely. Whether your problems are smaller or bigger, Jean will always care for you and be there for you during them. Due to the suffering he has endured, Jean wants nothing more than to keep the people around him safe, and help them when he can.
Very flirty with you, just a huge flirt. Loves it when you flirt back but if you get flustered he finds it absolutely adorable.
If you get hurt he's all over you, worrying about your health if you're injured. When you go on missions he's worried when you go out of his sight but he knows you're strong enough to hold your own. When you get back he gives you the biggest hug ever and makes sure you're still absolutely safe.
Sleeping with Jean is sweet. He prefers to be the big spoon, he loves being the one to hold you, it plays in to his protective side, but if you wanted he would be open to you being the one to hold him.
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 2 months
The beauty of forgiveness..and how it tied together two storylines.
So, I did make a post on Jean saving Reiner but as I cooked dinner tonight, I thought back to one of my main otps...Destiel. And how Castiel saved Dean from hell. And...I thought back to Jean saving Reiner, and it clicked in my brain. Like a bulb flicking on.
TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide attempt gif from AOT and talk of suicidal ideation. PWC (proceed with caution.)
Anyway, we all know that Reiner was suicidal in Season 4. He was being eaten alive by guilt.. Not only that, but his ENTIRE life had been a lie. Not to mention, he was the only one in his group to return home. There's a lot of layers to Reiners tragic character. Self hatred, survivors guilt, insomnia, PTSD, weight loss, etc.)
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All of these events came from him waiting for death.
First gif was after the declaration of war. He wasn't going to fight, he was waiting for it to all be over. He even says.."Just let me...die in peace." Suicidal ideation.
Second one..he attempts suicide. The ONLY thing that stops him from pulling that trigger was Falco and the future child warriors. That's it.
Third one: Waiting for Falco to eat him after Zeke transforms everyone. Didn't fight, or struggle, just wanted to be eaten and done. That's suicidal ideation.
Honestly, I could probably tack on more, but those were the BLATANT tries at killing himself. Not to mention, he allowed Jean to beat him to a bloody pulp and probably would've let him beat him to death, too. Yes, I said allowed.. he didn't make any sort of attempt to fight, didn't put his arms up, no shielding his face, nothing. He wanted that beating because he felt he deserved it. That's why he didn't fight back. Honestly, a part of me felt like he goaded Jean, he knows his temper (hair trigger) knows it's a sensitive subject. Knows nothing he says will make it better. And kept going, anyway. But that's just MY theory.
^^rough scene to watch. Because it makes Jean feel so fucking badly.
Part 2: Forgiven?
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Jean says he forgives Reiner, but it still feels...empty? To me. But hell, maybe that's JUST me. Cause Reiner doesn't forgive himself. I think he's relieved to some degree that they UNDERSTAND the plight he, Annie and Bertolt went through. But is that forgiveness? Or just understanding?
Part 3: Reiner played a big part in Jeans story.
It's been established during training Reiner was held in high regard by the other scouts. Which is exactly what Reiner was trying to portray. A fake personality. A fake sense of security for those around him. And Jean wasn't impervious to this. He, like Reiner, had his own facade. Being a smart ass and overly confident. Which...as we know covered low self-esteem, low self worth and fear. Man, sounds like someone else we know, huh? Few things we know of Jean and Reiners childhoods..
Both bullied
Both 'sweet boys'
Both sensitive
Both mamas boys (I don't like Carina)
I'm gonna just add this. I LOVE how a lot of the men in this manga all really love their mothers. Jean, Eren, Armin, Levi, & Connie. I digress though.
Jean wanted to iminate Reiners' strength, perseverance, confidence, and skill.
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^^bisexual panic 😋😋
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"That beautiful bastard."
Continued on Post 2...
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efingart · 7 days
Hi You're very open to the Black Ops series and I wanted to know, by curiosity, if there's anything canon in the series that you wish didn't happen (not taking BO4 into account, it never happened), like a detail about a character, relationships, events, etc...
Oh my gosh! Great question! I think most of what I'd like to change about canon would be what I wish they had added. But I still have a few moments I'd like removed.
My big canon-changing one is:
Bowman's death. I realize he's very dead. There was a part of me for a while that just wanted to say fuck canon, maybe he was just injured, they got him out somehow. I really liked Bowman and I just think he deserved an "I lived bitch" moment.
Also there are things I'd like removed that I think fanon took too far.
One would be Woods' infamous Cold War onion line. A simple search would reveal that "knowing your onions" was a common turn of phrase for someone of that generation. But also in a room that at least had to have a couple Millenials in it, the Shrek association ALONE should have killed that line. And I didn't even GET that line the first time I played through. So the fact that it's random out of three or four things he could say makes it more aggravating. It's so stupid and it's so extra aggravating that people use it to portray Woods as a goofball idiot.
Another would be the tree-climbing scene in Black Ops 2. I hate how ONE SCENE has completely painted Mason as a bad dad. And no I don't think you should yell at your children. But there are so many factors in play there. I legit have had to stop myself from writing essays about it because I really could. It's one scene of a grieving father and son trying to get used to each other. Their relationship is tense because Alex was on the road a lot. Alex is trying to make sure that his kid is able to take care of himself (because people keep dying around him, HELLO). Oh my god here I go again. I'm not doing this 😂 So yeah I'd rather have it nixed than have to look at surface level takes about it. (tbh I'd rather have more father son scenes to balance it out but it's CoD and that's as about as domestic as it's gonna get).
Also Bell's legends line. Jesus Christ. That's not canon. If there's one thing in Black Ops that's not canon it's that stupid line. And the onion one. (As far as JWIN goes it's Bell teasing Frank because well... if you know anything about Chapter 7 well then you know)
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tma-entity-song-poll · 2 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B3R5: The Flesh
Eat Your Young:
“Being in horrible circumstances turns you into a monster as well.”
“literally about someone letting their body parts get stolen because they're 'tired' of 'this cumbersome and heavy body'”
Lyrics below the line!
Eat Your Young:
I'm starving, darling Let me put my lips to something Let me wrap my teeth around the world Start carving, darling I wanna smell the dinner cooking I wanna feel the edges start to burn Honey, I wanna race you to the table If you hesitate, the getting is gone I won't lie, if there's something to be gained There's money to be made, whatever's still to come Get some Pull up the ladder when the flood comes Throw enough rope until the legs have swung Seven new ways that you can eat your young Come and get some Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young You can't buy this fineness Let me see the heat get to it Let me watch the dressing start to peel It's a kindness, Highness Crumbs enough for everyone Old and young are welcome to the meal Honey, I'm making sure the table's made We can celebrate the good that we've done I won't lie, if there's something still to take There is ground to break, whatever's still to come Get some Pull up the ladder when the flood comes Throw enough rope until the legs have swung Seven new ways that you can eat your young Come and get some Skinning the children for a war drum Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns It's quicker and easier to eat your young
Take my eyes, take them aside Take my face, and desecrate My arms and legs, they get in the way And take my hands, they'll understand Take my heart, pull it apart And take my brain, or what remains And throw it all away 'Cause I've grown tired of this body A cumbersome and heavy body Take my lungs, take them and run Take my tongue, go have some fun And take the ears, take them and disappear Take my joints, take them for points Take my teeth, tear through my cheeks And take the nose, go and dispose Oh, would you go dispose, just go dispose 'Cause I've grown tired of this body A cumbersome and heavy body I've grown tired of this body Fall apart without me body Take my eyes, take them aside Take my face and desecrate Arms and legs get in the way Bodies break I've grown tired of this body A cumbersome and heavy body I've grown tired of this body Fall apart without me, body I've grown tired of this body Cumbersome and heavy Tired of this body Fall apart without me I'm tired of this body Cumbersome and heavy (take my eyes) I'm tired of this body (take them aside, take my face) Fall apart without me (and desecrate, arms and legs) I'm tired of this body (get in the way, take my lungs) I'm tired of this body (take them and run, take my tongue) I'm tired of this body (go have some fun, and take the ears) Cumbersome and heavy body (take them and disappear) Heavy body, heavy body Thanks so much, thanks again It's nice here, I mean we're elevated See out this big window, it's a nice day It's a bit of a bummer we're sort of passing through Montreal tonight, and I mean, we come here and we just wanna stay here And this particular event is so brief But on the one hand, y'know, we've never done anything like this before And we haven't played in Montreal in a while, so it's nice to, nice to reunite And it's nice to see ya, y'know where things are standing And this is a really good feeling in the room And uh, on the other hand, we're going to New York this evening So, that's always a good time, that uh, that big apple And uh, we're doing a residency in Brooklyn So, if you guys know people out there, I'm sure you do, some of you It's close by, right? And uh, every Monday night for the next three Mondays We're gonna be in Brooklyn, playing some music But it is not about them, nor is it about the past It is about this moment, so on that note We will Segway into a song A song about striving for a more simplistic path, I suppose It's off our new record Here we go
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spinningbuster98 · 4 months
Castlevania Symphony of the Night Part 4: Nocturne in the Moonlight
Up until now I’ve been singing this game’s praises and, to be fair, I will continue to do so in future videos. However I believe the time has come for the other shoe to drop so to speak and ask a very simple yet tricky question:
Is this a Castlevania game?
Some may think this question to be stupid but others may understand what I’m getting at here
Sotn marks a major departure from what had previously been established in this series. Keyword being MAJOR
Nowadays we live in an era when popular game franchises are applying drastic changes to their formulas, often taking elements from other more popular series, in other to gain more appeal. Zelda and Sonic have gone open world, God of War has gone The Last of Us with RPG mechanics etc
And honestly? Sotn is not different in this regard
This game not only has barely anything in common with the previous ones but it’s also their complete opposite in many ways
Gameplay wise? The classic games were linear, level based, tough as nails and gave you limited movement and resources that you had to make the most of
Sotn is non-linear, it’s one big map, it’s FAR easier and it gives you a ridiculous amount of movement options and items, 90% of which you’re never even gonna use
Story wise the Classics were very simple, Sotn and onwards will try to be more story focused (well relatively speaking) and melodramatic. Some future stories also jump the shark according to some fans but we’ll get to those in the future
Even its artstyle! I love Kojima’s artwork don’t get me wrong, ESPECIALLY her work in this game which I think is her strongest, but I absolutely hate it when people talk about her as if she was the one responsible for creating the series’ visual identity, as if the previous games had no art directions
I know people joke about Conan the Belmont Simon but...that was the series’ artstyle! Gothic, drawing a lot from classic horror but with super macho barbarian men dressed like He Man! We only chuckle at them now because Kojima’s bishonen artsyle replaced them. And no: I am not bitching about “muh yassification of muh manly men” or anything like that, mine is an issue of visual identity: the series literally flipped the switch from one extreme to another
Some poeple may say that at least narrative continuity is kept with the previous entries but that’s not fully true either, as this game retcons Alucard and Dracula’s backstories in order to introduce the stuff with Lisa, when both characters already had a backstory as told by the japanese manual of Castlevania 3! And yeah I do prefer the version introduced in this game, as I feel it creates at the very least more narrative contrast between Alucard and his father, for them to draw their opposite resolves from the same tragic events. But the point is: rather than trying to fit into the established canon, this game’s story forces its way into it by erasing the parts that don’t suit it
For as beloved as this game is, there are quite a few fans who despise it, everything it stands for and everything that followed it, considering it Castlevania in name only, something that killed the actual series and then went around wearing its skin
And honestly?
These people are...not exactly wrong
At least when other series change, even drastically, you can usually tell that their later games are supposed to be part of said series. Yeah Frontiers is a BOTW knockoff, but it still fundementally plays like a boost game, a formula that, while divisive, still derives its most basic idea from the general concept of “hedgehog goes fast and busts up robots” of the first few games. Yeah BOTW has alienated lots of old Zelda fans due to its hyper focus on open world design vs actual dungeons, but at least said open world structure had already been contemplated in a way by the past titles, not to mention many other gameplay mechanics from older games, like lock on and sword fighting, are still being used
If you take away the ability to get hearts from destroyed candles and the classic subweapons that is it. Gameplay wise it’s got nothing else in common with what came before and for that alone I can’t say that the people who hate this game are unjustified, not to mention that it’s got flaws of its own even ignoring any identity issue, though more on that at a later time
I, however, am not one of them
Let me ask you another question: if this game is not Castlevania...then what exactly is it?
Because, to go back to the earlier comparisons, games nowadays (hell ALWAYS if we’re being honest here, remember all the Sonic knockoffs in the 90s?) tend to quite clearly chase trends and you feel it when they’re just chasing trends because they tend to just adopt elements from what is hot and popular at the moment without actually doing anything truly unique with it
I can’t quite say the same about Sotn
Oh sure it quite clearly uses Super Metroid’s design philosophy as an inspiration, and the devs themselves have stated that Zelda was also an influence (and of course Simon’s quest), but it doesn’t just stop at emulating that formula
Keep in mind that back then there was no Metroidvania genre, there weren’t a million indie games taking a crack at the style, there was only Metroid, which had 3 games and wasn’t super popular. That formula had been established by only 3 games and by a generally strict set of features. Sotn was the very first game to look at Metroid’s general design philosophy and decide to do its own spin on it
Because to say that Sotn is just a Super Metroid clone and little else would be untrue I believe, as the two games, despite their similarities, play very differently
Metroid has a greater focus on mobility and acrobatics, on speedrunning and long-distance shoot em up combat
Sotn has rpg mechanics, close quarters combat using swords, spells and features transformations as a way of getting around fast
Yes there are clear similarities but it’s sort of like comparing Mario and Sonic: the latter was very clearly inspired by the former as they both are in the same genre, and since Mario defined platformers as we know them today, it’s inevitable that Sonic would take plenty of cues from him, but to say that Sonic plays the same as Mario just because he adopts those same base gameplay mechanics that the plumber introduced is untrue
Does this mean that it’s unjustified to criticize the game for how different it is? No. What I’m saying is that I don’t believe Sotn to be a simple case of just shamelessly ripping off another series. It has certainly shed its previous identity in an unceremonious way and that is absolutely a problem, but in the process it also created for itself a new identity that, while not for everyone, is absolutely its own and no one else’s, complete with its own set of positives and negatives, just like the Classic games before it (because yes people: Classicvanias also had issues, which is something that I generally don’t see people talk about a lot, probably because the discourse tends to boil down to “old game bad”, but maybe for another time...). If you wanted to play a Metroidvania game back in the 2000s your options were limited to either Metroid or Castlevania, and there were good tangible reasons to play one or the other. There is a reason why Sotn is considered the forefather of the genre alongside Super Metroid: one founded the formula, the other showed that it was flexible. Of course I have to admit that I’m a bit biased, since I already love Metroid’s core formula so Sotn’s style naturally appeals to me, but generally I’m someone who tries to look at the positive aspects of a game, even when it doesn’t necessarily respect its roots, as I believe that if something is good and fun, at least to me and my tastes, then it doesn’t deserve to get thrown in the trash on principle. But I can totally understand those who don’t think themselves, I myself have my limits on this as well
So to answer the question: no Sotn is not a Castlevania game. But it’s also a Castlevania game, just one that is its own thing that is unique
If you ask me most of this issue boils down to Konami deciding to focus exclusively on this formula while completely ignoring the Classics. If they had tried to keep a sort of balance, to release games of both styles in tandem things would have probably been more balanced. But I suppose this just wouldn’t have ever happened in the 2000s, when short level based sidescrollers not named Mario were seen as old news
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voidtongued · 5 months
I assume youre not much of an oc type of person, but did you have any like backstory or smth planned for Rev Tal?
Oh buddy you have no idea how wrong you are about me not being an oc person. I have a spreadsheet of like 40-ish ocs. This here blog voidtongued used to be a full on warframe roleplay blog but. most of my rp parners went inactive in terms of the writing aspect (we still chat and play the game and talk about how much we miss role-playing from time to time but a lot of us are. adults with full time jobs now and it makes it difficult to do that)
ANYWAY. Short answer is yes. Long answer is beneath the cut lmao
Rev Tal is a Venusian-born Tenno, raised by people who would later become some of the first Solaris. They were on the Zariman Ten-Zero, and after the void jump accident their possible existences diverged into The Operator and The Drifter. Blah blah, events of the game story quests with some minor canon divergence (Rev Tal being far warmer to the Grineer in any situation because they recognize the average Grineer trooper as a brainwashed soldier and as much of a victim as they are, etc), and slowly began to develop an intense distrust bordering on hatred of The Lotus. After the events of The Apostasy Prologue, they effectively renounced the Lotus and became a full-time Arbiters of Hexis operative Tenno, preparing for the coming Sentient invasion.
Things... Changed after The New War, with the apparent death of The Operator, a rift opened to Duviri, where the Drifter had been. Drifting. Surviving. Trying to find a way out and back into the reality they were "originally" from. The Drifter learned how to navigate the Void's reality and unreality, and has had dealings with the Murmur that left them changed and bitter. During the events of The New War, the Drifter and the Operator met face-to-face and realized that they were technically two parts of a whole individual, now styling themself Big Rev to differentiate from the child Rev Tal had been.
Big Rev is the best of both worlds - The Operator's energy and drive to succeed tempered by The Drifter's perspective and adult emotional maturity.
I've written two fics on ao3 from. forever ago. regarding Rev Tal's story - How to Make a Martyr and Voidtouched. HTMAM was written after I finished the Sacrifice iirc and was determined to un-fuck the in-game depiction of Rell and TMITW in Chains of Harrow, and Operation Hostile Mergers was the impetus for me writing Voidtouched (iirc Hostile Mergers dropped like, while I was writing it and I went back and reworked some things? it's been like three+ years i do Not remember). I was gonna write more, but I got busy with school and life and my brain, computer, and hands decided to explode and I had to take an extended break from the game. I'm back now though, and very behind, and I keep toying with going back to what was going to be the third installment in Rev Tal's story, the Guardian's Song, which would've gotten into their backstory more formally, but with the number of things that have changed with TNW and the Duviri Paradox and now Whispers in the Walls and eventually Warframe 1999. I'd have to do a LOT of reworking and i dont. wanna.
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
what was that abt Astro boy siblings au? 👀
The Astro Boy All Siblings AU, ready for action!!! also known as
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I'm putting it under a readmore, bc it's gonna get long winded!!!
Most important stuff: it's something of a mix of all three major adaptations + Pluto, most emphasis on '63 and '80 though. And really, Pluto's very gently adapted, I really just want Gesicht and his wife in there. Pluto as a character is closer to his animated counterparts, especially the '80 version, where he's not so much 'aggressive' as he is just doing what he thinks he's supposed to be doing.
I should clarify- dub 1963, sub 2003 + 1980. Because that's what I watched.
This AU exists because I L O V E writing character interactions and developing characters with little to no screen time. So I've saved a bunch of characters who were supposed to die, and now they live with each other yaaaaay and also a bunch of one off characters who had good story potential haha
There are some characters whose names I sort of waffle on between the dub and Japanese versions, mainly Minute/Bill and Zero/Denkou.
Both 1980 and 2003 Atlas are here. I figured they were different enough for it. In this case, Daichi has a different name in his alt mode, I just haven't thought of it yet.
idk if Chi-Tan is gonna be here. I'll get back to you on that.
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This is a rough timeline and subject to change.
Marble is on this timeline, but she's not a 'sibling' so to speak, but she and Lucky Louie are kind of Astro's first friends. So Marble is Astro's sort of bestie in this and he takes a trip out to go visit her every so often. Louie, despite being in jail, is kind of an uncle figure to Astro. Astro can ask Louie for advice or opinions without being judged or worrying that it'll get back to anybody else.
The meeting with Atlas is very similar to how it goes in the anime, except I think I'm still going with 'sold his ass to the circus' backstory, so it's more likely he was on a cruise with Ochan, or maybe his parents. Maybe both?
Cobalt has always had middle sibling energy to me, so I switched him and Uran around. I'm working with something a bit closer to the manga backstory, but with the anime personality.
Uran is somewhere between her 1963 and 2003 self. She's more self-sufficient, can drive and did the whole fighting ring shebang (in fact I'm thinking of KEEPING her doing it part-time, for reasons I'll elaborate on later.) But like her 2003 self, she's still emotionally very young, and craves the approval of her older siblings, even if she thinks they're goody two-shoes.
Pook's dad goes to jail, and Ochan agrees to take him in until he's released. He's still very rowdy and kind of a prankster, but he's less actively malicious since his dad instructed him to be nice, and he'll be back.
Pluto! The events play out closer to '80 + '03, but Gesicht still gets to do his whole detective schtick and have ~trauma.~ I'm debating about Epsilon, bc him having the orphans would imply the war was a thing, and that's just not something I'm suited to tackle. On the other hand, Astro being the cool older cousin to a house full of orphans brings me great joy
ANYWAY Pluto is damaged and out of commission, but technically reparable. Ochan brings him to the ministry of science, and works on him in his spare time.
The events of Atlas' episode play out pretty much the same, except that Ochan and Ban have been tracking him down- after all, a robot that can stand toe-to-toe with Astro is a big deal! The whole operation is busted directly after Atlas discovers Livian's parts. Atlas agrees to go with them, but only after Ochan promises he can repair Livian with no problems.
Daichi/Atlas 2003 happens, but instead of building him to test Astro, Tenma does it to *spite* Astro. I'm keeping Tenma out of this au for the most part. I just want him where it would make for good angst.
Livian moves in with Ochan! She helps both as an assistant during research, and as a helping hand with Pook. Ochan is an older man with a busy schedule, and looking after a rambunctious child is not something he can do single-handedly. Livian also wants Atlas to grow as a person without using her as a crutch, and now that he has a family willing to help him she thinks he finally can.
Pluto's full body is restored and he is brought back online! His size means he's kind of relegated to the bigger rooms of the Ministry, outdoor activities, and Ochan's backyard, but he tries to make do. He and Astro get on well, but he's actually much closer with Uran! He and Livian also begin to become good friends, and have late-night chats about philosophy and junk.
Later on, Pluto finally asks to have a humanoid body. He wants to participate in society. He does have a few demands, though! He wants to be tall still, and he wants horns similar to what he has now. Ochan agrees, but says it will be difficult and take a while.
Daichi episode 2! I'm not entirely certain how I wanna play this, but blah blah stuff happens, and Daichi's dad makes a promise to try harder to be a good parent. Daichi moves back into the mansion. Things aren't perfect, but they're actively trying, so it's better than it was before.
Pluto's body is finished! I have some design ideas for him, but nothing I'm ready to talk about yet. He's tall as hell, and keeps his horns curled to the side a ram. I'm going for kind of a teen vibe. He's still got a lot to learn, and I wanted to reflect that in his design. He finds he actually enjoys being helpful, but he is also not afraid to throw punches when need be. It's really just that his standards for 'need be' have been raised. He and Daichi get along okay.
I'm going with the 1963 design for Denkou here. I know everybody likes the 2003 one but I'm not a huge fan. I'm also going to call him Zero just for ease of writing, but tag him as Denkou so he doesn't get mixed up with the other Zero I blog about haha.
His backstory plays out kinda like a mix between all three versions, with him willing and ready to sacrifice himself like in '63, but he lives like in '03. Daichi actually helps out, using himself as an example of how even if you do the wrong the thing, you don't have to be bad forever. Zero moves in with Daichi (after Daichi can convince his dad- it's not hard to convince a wealthy man to take in a very expensive, one-of-a-kind robot, it turns out), and they become very close, with Zero looking up to Daichi, and Daichi realizing that means he really needs to shape up.
I rewatched the ending of Mighty Minute/Humanoid Bill, but I need to take time to watch the whole thing again. I'm going with 'they create a suit with a suitable filtration system, which allows Minute to roam free.' He still needs a lot of rest, but it's better than nothing. He and Pook become GREAT friends. Inseparable. If you make a lot of noise while Minute is resting, Pook will absolutely tell you to shut up.
Eventually Pook and Minute move in with Higeoyaji. He's good with kids, Ochan just really doesn't have the energy to care for them, and they actually can help him out in detective cases! He doesn't bring them to anything he thinks might be dangerous, of course, but Minute's predictive abilities and Pook's strength and transformations are very helpful.
How does he pay for them, despite being a schoolteacher/detective and broke as balls? Why, a stipend from the ministry, of course! Both Pook and Minute are outstanding scientific achievements! It certainly doesn't have anything to do with Ochan being biased, why would you think that?
Last Day on Earth plays out, Bem survives and stays with Astro for a while, but 5 super kids is just kind of a lot. Astro and Ochan reach out to Gesicht, and ask if he and his wife are interested in trying to raise a child again. They've had time to process their grief, and are more than happy to welcome him into their home! Bem is a recurring character from this point, but mostly through video calls.
Then Future shows up! Yaaaaaay Future! He survives his ordeal but is badly damaged. Ochan rebuilds him to the best of his ability, but certain parts were so advanced that it's out of his wheelhouse. He still has predictive abilities, but they're nerfed somewhat. Instead of a picture perfect vision of what will happen, he moreso sees a few different possibilities of what COULD come to pass.
Eventually, Daichi and Zero move in with him. Daichi is still on decent terms with his father, but he feels the need to get out from under his thumb, and Zero goes where Daichi goes.
So, in essence
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I was raised to see my cousins like siblings. Our parents would just kind of shuffle kids around between houses + my grandma's house as need be. That affects how I see characters interacting. So while I see Pook as more of a little cousin to astro, that really more means 'little sibling you only see sometimes'
Zero helps Ban on his detective cases! Zero genuinely REALLY likes using his powers to help people. He'll help put criminals away, sure, but he much prefers doing stuff like tracking down lost pets or items and returning them to their owners. He gets the warm fuzzies.
Idk if you remember those robots with like. sensitive stomachs? Who were escapees from a country or something. The kid's name was Piko. They eventually do actually move in as neighbors.
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^these guys.
Atlas is still gruff, but he secretly very much enjoys being praised. He'll work a lot harder for people who are kind to him, but he does NOT express affection verbally, and only very rarely physically. He starts out very cold and aloof, but over time he gets ~*character development*~ and becomes incredibly protective of his siblings. He's also willing to throw down for ANYBODY he sees being taken advantage of. Astro prays he never learns about bosses being mean to their employees.
He's also somewhat misanthropic. Not to the degree he gets in canon, but his first life experiences were of him being abused and taken advantage of. If you can prove you actually care about robots, he'll drop from 'watching you like a hawk' to 'just kind of guarded' and after a LONG while he might consider you a friend. He's now at the point where he's just as protective of Marble as he is any of his siblings, especially once he learns about what went down with her and Astro.
Because of his distrust toward humans, the blue knight actually targets HIM and not astro. This will (hopefully) be a fic in its own right, so I won't get too into it here. Blue Knight is also NOT happy that Uran fights of her own free will
Pluto is completely genderblind. Like fully and completely. But bc he takes looking out for others VERY seriously now, a lot of the women who work at the ministry talk to him about their frustrations, and know he's the person to call out to when they feel unsafe. Icon.
Atlas can not be left alone with Tenma, Hamegg, or Skunk. He would turn their insides into outsides for what they did to Astro and Zero, respectively. Honestly they're lucky he has better things to do than track them all down.
Two other characters that show up from time to time after their introduction is Abra and Cadabra, the magician robots!
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astro has free tickets for life.
Astro's school friends are still all here. They're kind of protective not only of Astro, but also Atlas, once they learned what he went through. Atlas and Shibugaki are especially vitriolic buddies. Atlas isn't so stupid that he can't see how similar they are, and also one time shibugaki bit some random guy spewing anti robot shit, and that impressed the hell out of Atlas.
because I'm mental I AM shoehorning black jack and pinoko into this au as reoccurring characters. Dr. Honma was an old friend of Ochan, and thus he and BJ are on good terms. Pinoko is basically a cousin from the other side of the family, since she's in a weird limbo area between biological human and artificial creation.
I think Future just ends up going by a super normal regular guy name, like Dennis or Adam. He, Daichi, and Zero move in together, for reasons that make sense in my brain I promise
I'm also bringing in a lot of one-off characters I like to be background roles, but this whole thing has taken so long to post and I'm tired. I'm NOT bringing back the scary buff horse man, you'll be glad to know.
so uh. Yeah. All Siblings AU. I'm sure there's guys I'm forgetting, and would likely want to add, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. And also once I read the manga
If you read this whole thing mwah mwah mwah thank you for being so gracious about my blatant insanity.
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elizabethshaw · 2 months
20 questions for writers
i was tagged by @riversofmars (thank you!!)... feel like a little bit of a fraud doing this as i've had major writer's block for nearly two years now and have written virtually nothing during that time, but i'm gonna give it a go anyway 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14 :))
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
doctor who! mostly leaning towards dweu/big finish stuff but i've written some new who fic as well in the past. (i've also been wanting to write something for the pleasant green universe audio series for a while now but as my major fixations on it have all coincided with the aforementioned writer's block that... hasn't happened lmao)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Wy' ti'n dal i weld cysgodion yn y nos? (67 kudos)
in it together (23 kudos)
The Security Guard, The Scholar, And The Giant Stone Cube (22 kudos)
I Lie Awake And Watch It All (19 kudos)
og um vitt aldrin síggjast meir (18 kudos)
predictably, this includes all of the new who fics i've written, and (bar the third) almost none of the fics i'm actually most proud of lol 😅
(also feel a need to clarify here that the foreign-language titled fics are not actually in those languages, i just use song lyrics as titles a lot and for various reasons over half the music i listen to at any given moment is Not In English, hence the titles being as they are)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! sometimes i'm a bit delayed with it (i know there's a couple i need to get around to answering rn but before today i hadn't been on my ao3 for... half a year at least?? so i'm a bit behind oops), but i like to get back to everyone who leaves a comment, just to say thanks :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably hver fer sinn veg - it's set during "the war doctor begins", it was never going to be a happy one lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
gei di weld y byd mewn lliw, i think :)
8. Do you get hate on fic?
thankfully no! i've been lucky enough that my experience with fic writing/sharing has been very positive so far <3
9. Do you write smut?
no, it's not really my thing. smut is very honestly just kinda there to me, i don't have strong feelings about it either way, and so it's not something i've ever felt compelled to write yknow??
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nope! i mainly prefer playing around with canon/canon-adjacent stuff tbh, i've got a couple of unfinished aus hanging around that will probably never see the light of day, but no crossovers that i can think of
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as i'm aware. though to be fair, i don't venture onto fic websites other than ao3 so i'll never know for certain. i doubt it though
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, not as far as i know! i'd probably be chill with it though if anyone wanted to translate a fic of mine, provided they asked beforehand and it was one i was comfortable with being translated :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! the closest i've got is participating in an event run by a discord server i used to be mildly active in and am technically still part of, which was a lot of fun :D
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i don't know if i really have an "all-time" favourite as such, but i've written a fair bit for liv and helen from the 8das, and really love their dynamic. i'm also a big fan of leela/romana, but for whatever reason i've never been quite able to make writing them work :/
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
there's a fair few 😅 the main one I can think of atm is the eldritch helen fic i vaguely remember being asked about on here a couple of years back, it's a concept that i still have a lot of interest in and love for, but i've never quite been able to get the fic itself to work and i fear it may be doomed to the wip pit for eternity :((
i've also got quite a few unfinished pieces of varying lengths with the war-veklin-albert tardis team from "the war doctor begins" hanging around my drive that i'd a) love to finish and b) probably won't; their dynamic and their whole deal as a team whose story takes place mostly off-screen and which we only see the ending of fascinates me. maybe one day i'll manage to do something with it
16. What are your writing strengths?
description :) this is the one thing i am ever consistently happy with in my writing (i am my own harshest critic <3), and i've got a couple of nice comments about it before. so!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue - even with characters i know well and whose voices i have clear in my head, i do find it difficult to make dialogue feel really authentic, and it's definitely something i tend to overly fixate on when i'm writing because i'm so conscious of wanting to get it right
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i'm totally fine with it! as long as it has a reason for being in the story, and isn't like. getting in the way of readers understanding what's going on, i don't see the problem.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
doctor who :)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
it's probably a tie between The Security Guard, The Scholar, And The Giant Stone Cube (a fic i wrote back in 2021 based on this post about rory and helen theoretically being able to meet each other at the national museum during the pandorica arc, which i loved writing and am still really happy with nearly 3 years later), and mae cuddio dagrau yn fy ngwaed (a bit of a weirder/darker dreamscape-type story; it took a lot of puzzling things out to piece all the different parts together to make something that was cohesive but still felt strange or off in the way dreams do, but i was really pleased with the end result!)
can't think of anyone to tag off the top of my head who hasn't been tagged already, so i'll leave this free for anyone to take part if they want to! :)
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
What were your favorite plot lines other than the egg one?
Ohoho... my absolute favourite part of the dream amp was the character awesamdude, my favourite plotline was anything he was involved in! As I mentioned before he was a big part of the egg arc, and what happened to him in there effected everything else about him (a fact which people who hated sam REFUSED to acknowledge 🙃). He was by far the most interesting and compelling character in the entire server to me and every story he touched turned to gold. If I said everything he ever did we'd be here all day so im gonna give a basic rundown on SOME key events (not necessarily in chronogical order but what I think will make the most sense to someone who has no idea wtf I'm talking about):
Sam, along with badboyhalo and antfrost (and later skeppy) form the badlands, a faction that is "neutral" on the current war and aims to play both sides so they can eventually swoop in and gain complete control. Despite this, they mostly just got into mild mischief, and I think of them more as Saturday cartoon villains. They were the best of friends
Sam (insane with redstone, possibly the best on the server) is hired by dream to build a prison, but isn't told who the prisoner will be. Hes told to make it inescapable, and he succeeds. Every attempt Sam makes towards having the prison be at all humane is shit down by dream, under the guise of "safety concerns"
The disc war ends, and dream loses and is put in the prison he commissioned. Sam becomes the warden. He sacrifices his humanity to keep the servers #1 threat in captivity
Sam still finds the time to befriend Tommy, dreams main victim, and really starts to feel close to him. He builds for him, bc thats what Sam does when he feels close to someone. He builds. He buds and gives them pumpkin pie
Badboyhalo discovers the egg. Sam watches as the people closest to him succumb to an eldritch horror that he was always terrified of, even when the others said it was cool or pretty. He did his best to save them, but he's only one man... all he can do is stay their friends, even if they're acting weird
Sam is imprisoned in a tiny cage above the egg by who he thought were his friends. It was an IRL 14 hours but said by Sam to be a lot longer, I think he said at least 32 hours. The egg took and dissolved his things, his armour. His flesh started falling off. He has to eat it to stop himself from starving to death. The first machines he built on the server were so he could make pumpkin pie, to give to people, and he was being starved. He was rescued by Tommy and puffy, who didn't take him seriously, even when he gave no reaction to standing on hot magma or when he nearly drowned on the swim back. They brought him back to his base (his secret base. Hidden. So no one could hurt him, or his dog) which was now full of the eggs vines. Puffy cleared it out, but Sam said to leave a little. Its not hurting anyone when its this small. He asked them to mine a hole in the wall, so he can sit there in the dark with his dog. They left him there. He did not have a pickaxe
Tommy visits dream in prison. There is a security breach. Tommy has to stay in the cell. He begs to come out, and Sam REALLY wants to let him out, but he can't. If he lets Tommy out, he could let dream out. If dream gets out, everyone else on the server will die. Every player, every pet, every building will be gone. Sam can't let that happen, no matter how much it hurts. He lives by the trolly problem. The needs of the many outweigh the needs if the few. He leaves Tommy in there
Dream kills tommy
Sam builds a house on an island, far away. At first, it looks peaceful. He has a small cabin, a couple animals, its cute.
Quackity encourages sam to let him kill dream, now that Tommy's dead. He works sam up into a frenzy, gets him excited about doing to dream what he did to Tommy, the torture, the MURDER. Sam reveals to quackity there's more to his "vacation home"; he has a storage room for his armour and weapons, because he can't go without.nlt after everything
Sam chickens out. He can't let quackity kill dream. Dream is the only one who can bring people back to life, ots the whole reason they put him in prison in the first place! If they kill him now, it'll all be for nothing... its not what Tommy would want. But Tommy is fucking dead.
Dream revives tommy
Quackity encourages sam to let him torture dream, until he gives up the secrets to resurrection. Sam agrees. This is one of the aspects of sams character used to paint him as irredeemable by dream apologists who conveniently forget that later its established that dream did the exact same thing to get the secret to resurrection in the first place
Quackity encourages sam to put technoblade in prison. Sam agrees, because at this point he'd do basically anything quackity says, for just a crumb of approval, for anyone who sees sam as anything less than a monster
Technoblade breaks out of prison, then comes back for dream because he doesn't know the long list of dreams crimes. During the prison break, sam takes ranboo hostage, since ranboo and dream worked together (ranboo set off tnt and caused the initial security breach that lead to Tommy's death). Dream doesn't react. Sam calls his bluff, and kills ranboo. Dream doesn't care
Techno, tubbo and eret decide they hate sam and need to bring him to justice. Only techno deserved to be mad, even if he should have focused on quackity. Tubbo was mad because sam kidnapped his son, even though Michael was already kidnapped and sam just used him as leverage for ranboo, while the original kidnappers got off scot free. Eret has a history of betraying her allies. And is trying to prove she's one of the good ones again by joining them in taking down the current target
They show up to sams holiday home,, his depression Island. They lock him in the prison. The same cell. He didn't even put up a fight. The whole time, theyre laughing and joking about him starving to death
He does starve. Hes weak, and hanging on by a thread, but dream comes back. And he sees his former captor is trapped here. He torments sam for a week, giving him tiny scraps of food but not enough. He tells sam he let him out if he gives him the keys to the prison. Sam agrees. Dream kills him, his first life lost
And I'm gonna be honest besties. Thats around the time the server started to fall apart. I know sam did one final story stream, but I haven't watched it, bc everyone I know says it was completely out of nowhere and sucked balls
There's a lot i didnt get to go into, like his relationships with hannah ponk and foolish (ponk was his boyfriend. Foolish was also his boyfriend. There was a love triangle that brought out the worst in both Sam and ponk) but ill be honest my arm really hurts from typing. Maybe ill clarify later
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dgcatanisiri · 4 months
Okay, yes, I want to at least dream of a happy Cal/Bode AU, but I honestly also just on a writing level think that the twist with Bode is just unnecessary. It's the kind of thing that feels like the writing of the game said "but we HAVE to have a 'Darth Vader is Luke's father' twist, this is Star Wars!"
At most, it feels like it was done to keep the Empire as a tangible element in the game, but... There were alternatives! Alternatives that would still have kept Daran Gara as the primary antagonistic figure of the game, since he's just dropped so abruptly as the mid-game boss, when you'd honestly think, given the High Republic branding push right now, exploring him further would be a big deal - make him draw the Empire's attention, the Empire stays in play as the enemy.
Or, hell, just stick to the Empire in the background - we KNOW that it won't be Cal who deals with the Empire, so let them take a backseat in the plot.
It just does not feel like it's a twist that the story needed, that it was a twist included out of some feeling of needing to have SOME twist, even though the overall story hadn't been crafted in that direction. Hell, as foreshadowing goes, it's really just "foreshadowed" by virtue of Bode being the new character, so he's not as trustworthy, his position in the story is less assured, as the returning ones.
I'm also not all that enthused about the continuing of this business of the lightsabers turning red being a reflection of turning to the dark side and a sign of the user being corrupted. Like... Red is a perfectly valid color, and the introduction of this concept in general just makes it feel like trying to overemphasize that the Sith are "mwahahahahaha EEEEEVIL!" I mean, it was introduced saying that the corruption makes the crystals 'bleed,' which is why they go red. Because being on the dark side in this franchise isn't card-carryingly evil enough. Like... give me NUANCE in my antagonists. That's probably the only level I appreciate the Bode twist.
But that brings me back to a problem again - I feel like Cal treating this as Bode crossing the moral event horizon is, as much a symbol of Cal flirting with the dark side, also part of the issues of Jedi dogma. Where the mindset Bode has makes perfect sense - it's just not a Jedi's perspective. Obviously, that's not absolving his sins, but the fact that it pushes Cal as far as it does... I honestly find that a flaw related to the Jedi more than anything, and it bothers me in general that it's not being called out as such. It's not playing as "Bode did the wrong thing for understandable reasons." It's playing as "Bode did a horrible thing and that's awful."
Also I definitely feel like the game really wants to push this idea of Cal using the crossguard design for the lightsaber, what with it playing in the cutscenes until player stance comes back into play, and appearing as he skirts the dark side line, but... I don't use it, and the one example we have of it being used is a whiny edgelord who didn't deserve a new and unique style in the first place.
And it feels like something that ties in to all the complaint above - that the story should have stayed centered on Dagan Gara and the Bode twist is dropped in late in the game to drag things out. Because if they'd NEEDED to do this twist (I mean, they didn't either way, but...), it could have been a plot hook for a third game, and let this game center on Dagan entirely, while letting the new style to show off here be saber and blaster style, instead of introducing both in the one game.
I don't know, maybe I'm just giving Star Wars in general a more critical eye overall BECAUSE of how, as I've said before, the Disney version of things has not really managed to work well for me overall and has ended up feeling secondary to the Legends line as the Expanded Universe of this world, so I'm not really gonna accept this take on things.
It's not like I'm saying I dislike the game or anything. It's a fun game, and, considering that I'm VERY vocal about what I don't like in this continuity, the fact that I'm centering on this one issue, rather than the overall game itself, is sign that it's overall positive in my book. I just really do think that this is one of those cases where the twist feels mandatory and obligatory, rather than a vital part of the story.
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marinersubmariner · 1 year
TL;DR I can’t believe Star Wars made me sad about getting new Star Wars
Even though I’m no different from everybody else wanting Star Wars to break free of the endless prequels/callbacks/rehashed time periods that it’s mired in, the truly unfortunate thing about TROS is that it was so painful and left me perpetually trying to repair and reconcile it in my imagination with a litany of demented headcanons that now anything moving beyond that time period is... also going to be painful. Continuation will only make it more real and irreversible. They’re not going to focus on the things that have become so important to me to fix, because the official story is something that they can’t and won’t acknowledge as being broken. There is a fundamental, irreparable disconnect in what, to them, is the canon and what, to me, is a mistake.
I wish I could say they can’t hurt me anymore, but they can. They can hurt me even worse now because I’m still bleeding out in a ditch from the last time.
I really do try to focus on things I like (and there is a lot of silly and bad Star Wars that I like!) and not get bogged down by bitterness and negativity, so it really bums me out that it’s so hard to feel excited about this. Over the past few years it has been increasingly depressing to dwell on a special interest without new content as fandom activity diminishes by the day. Nothing compares to the excitement of not knowing what will happen next, seeing a new trailer, anticipating New Stuff. But on the other hand the dormancy feels... safe? Relaxed? I mean, there’s no time pressure of current events or new things on the way, I know all the material I have to work with, and beyond that I can just make up whatever shit I want! I may be sad but I’m free! WELL NOT ANYMORE.
As with all overused buzzwords I really hate fandom’s use of the word “feral” these days, but annoyingly that’s the best word for this type of thing. I used to be a domesticated canon fan, but canon ended and I was released into the wild and forced to fend for myself, and now if canon ever tries to adopt me again I’m going to be hissing and biting and clawing and refusing to eat whatever they try to feed me because I developed my own way to survive. :(
I think a big part of why some people hated TLJ so much is that they were committed to the headcanons they invented after TFA and they had a very specific idea of what they wanted to happen. Being super invested in your own fanfic ideas kills your ability to let other people tell the story. And while of course everyone has thoughts about where a story might go, I wasn’t so invested after TFA that there were things I NEEDED to see. By the time TLJ rolled around I only abstractly cared about what happened next and my interest was entirely as a gen fan. So I loved TLJ! Just being along for the ride is so fun! It’s chill! Head empty!
Even pre-TROS, while my investment skyrocketed after TLJ and I had a specific wishlist, I didn’t have an unreasonable wishlist (I THOUGHT). I didn’t game it out with detailed theories or reading fanfic or anything, it just seemed like there were pretty obvious things they needed to do to wrap things up in a satisfying way. So the disappointment came into play, but more in the sense of “uh this does not align with some very basic expectations that had been set by the previous 8 movies.”
After TROS is where it got ugly, and I suddenly CARED about SHIPPING because they made me like it and ruined it AT THE SAME TIME so my need to fix it became so strong that there’s now a whole separate fanon ecosystem that has taken up residence in my brain. They left us high and dry with an inert ending and no hope, the door slammed shut on any interesting new path for the future. Of course fans are gonna try to circumvent that any way they can.
So now that they’ve confirmed new post-sequel material is coming... haha I’m in danger. It’s so scary. I’m sweating. I’m panicking. They’re never gonna do what I want because what I want is crazy. I am guaranteed disappointment from every angle, on all fronts, no matter which way it comes from it is coming for me. Even if they DID do exactly what I want (they won’t), that would still be disappointing because reality never lives up to expectations. It’s a no-win scenario.
I can’t be a breezy gen fan anymore. I have an agenda. The fun is over. I’m too attached to the infinite possibilities of my imaginary scenarios and I don’t want them to be obliterated by grim reality. I’m gonna lose it. I’ve already lost it. TROS + pandemic times broke me so completely that there’s no going back. I’m done for.
Even setting aside [DEAD CHARACTER] factors, the most basic metric is that it’s going to be hard for me to accept any new story with Rey when I still can’t hear or read “Rey Skywalker” without cringing out of my body. There’s no way around it, they’re not gonna undo it, they really saddled us with that embarrassment for the rest of time, tainting everything that follows. All future story has to be built on an unstable foundation because there are things in TROS that truly can’t be undone (“we knew you were a Palpatine the whole time lol”). And I’m especially wary now that the franchise seems pretty dedicated to getting worse as it expands. TROS felt like such a betrayal, and so much of the live-action tv output since then has been mediocre to bad, I’ve lost the trust I had in 2019.
I have so many issues with just the suggestion of Rey alone rebuilding the Jedi, because the thing I actually wanted out of the sequels was Rey, Finn, and Ben as the founders of a new Jedi Order—which, you know, obviously didn’t happen. Of course we don’t know anything at this point (like if this movie will even really get made at all) so there’s no way of knowing if other characters will return (Rose Rose Rose Rose), but even throwing it out there as “yeah just Rey by herself! only Rey! alone, like she was always meant to be!” is maddening. I will be shocked if John Boyega ever comes back to play Finn since he seems pretty definitively done with it, and even on the off chance that Ben gets acknowledged he’ll still be dead, and it all makes me so sad that there was such an enormous opportunity of having this next generation established in their own trilogy actually become a team and usher in a new era together and instead it’s just. Rey, alone.
And the fact that NOW they’re like “oh right maybe we should’ve done something with the whole Jedi thing when we were wrapping up the saga”… oh my god. Yeah no shit!!!!!
I guess I still have a while longer to desperately cling to my deluded hope that they’ll do something good that I want. There’s a bunch of dyad cosmic weirdness just sitting there undefined and unexplored, FOR EXAMPLE, and if nothing else I have gotten soooo good at clowning. I’m going to clown until it’s absolutely not possible to clown anymore, and even then I’ll probably still clown.
For now I have to try and ensconce myself in the tiniest bubble of my positivity that I love Rey! And I’m so excited to see her! And for her to get NEW OUTFITS and NEW HAIRSTYLES!!! And USE HER OWN LIGHTSABER!!!!
(and she bangs a ghost.)
haha who said that
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
Tanis Questions
you guys! Rewatching Rebels again, and the Tanis sector is mentioned again as the destination of the giant kyber crystal Saw, Ezra, and Sabine found onboard a civie cargo transport in In the Name of the Rebellion: Part 2. That one it turned out was just a handoff point, and the big construction project the pieces were for was not in that sector. However, it seems that the Tanis sector is one of their favorite ones for harboring secrets.
prepare for another of my long posts below the cut, but this one has a request at the end! Who wants to build a map with me?
Saw is both a hero and an antihero. His lack of reservations about his methods both helps and hurts so many people. It did get some much needed info about what the Empire was building, but he would have let it cost the lives of the technicians the Empire had enslaved. We should have known he would not have been afraid of the consequences of Tech's life. War. That's what war does to people. And it's no less horrible when it's animated.
I realize Rebels takes place roughly 20 years after the events of the Bad Batch. But it's interesting that after all that time, they are still, or have gone back to using the Tanis sector. I suppose that makes sense. Even if the Bad Batch did some serious damage when they rescue Omega and Crosshair, it's a) an entire sector the Empire has control over, and b) even if it's on rotation and hasn't been used SINCE the Bad Batch did some damage (we all know Hunter's gonna go feral there, and probably Wrecker too), that would put 15-20 years between the mentions of it - enough time that it could easily have been forgotten by the Rebels and even Rex by that time. After all, that's a long time, and it's an entire sector.
After all, Moff Gideon basically told us in Mando season 1 that he was already on Mandalore, that's how he got Din's name. We just didn't want to believe how bad it had gotten until Mando season 3 forced us to see it. Which tells me there's more information that we just aren't seeing yet. And something tells me Dave knows what he's given us and is waiting for us to put more of it together. So, let's put it together, together!
But, back to the Tanis thing. It seems that the Tanis sector is the Empire's favorite place to hide secrets. Does anyone know where to find a map of the Tanis sector, specifically? I feel like we could learn a lot more about the future of the Star Wars series if we had a map of what's there. We're pretty handy at keeping track of all the places and timelines and where all the pieces are. Who's up for building a map together? In a way that would make the late General Organa happy? Us rebels, using our resources to see the galaxy we live in like the characters we love so much. Like watching the chess pieces play out, we can put it all on a map and watch it play out piece by piece
We need like an interactive star wars map to keep track of the various timelines and the like, but this is totally doable! If we work together that is...
What's more, while attempting to find a sector map myself, I rediscovered something else. Tanis is a reference to several things. One, Indiana Jones. Tanis is the name of the city where the Arc of the Covenant. However, it's also a reference to a real place. Once the capital of ancient Egyptian civilization, it was revered for archeological discoveries that rivaled the riches found with old (yet also young) King Tut. However, from my understanding, the weird part was that all the riches were essentially recycled, having been borrowed by the very people who buried them with their kings. Not sure if that's going to help us at all, but it could be an interesting clue as to what could be happening in Star Wars... depending on what kinds of clues Dave has time to set for us. ;P
What do you guys think? Wanna make a map together? If we can't do a sector map, perhaps just the galactic map would be a better idea? we could keep track of more at once that way! In which case, we could start with this map! http://www.swgalaxymap.com/download/ It does have one that's supposedly interactive, but I'm not familiar with how to search for specific sectors
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strongfuck · 1 year
five songs that remind you of your muse.
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tagged: @dahlborn ; thank you!! tagging: @protodroid, @general-kalani (knoxx), @munro-of-europa, @love-seared, @phaseshiftings, @lowerqualityrp (jack), @manaborn, @cnlyluck, @irrfahrer, @auroradicit (theia), anyone else who sees this and wants to! i'm not sure who's been tagged before or not, lmao
COOL KIDS // echosmith.
He sees them talking with a big smile But they haven't got a clue Yeah, they're living the good life Can't see what he is going through They're driving fast cars But they don't know where they're going In the fast lane, living life without knowing And he says I wish that I could be like the cool kids 'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in I wish that I could be like the cool kids Like the cool kids
i think a recurring theme for rhys from beginning to current state of his character arc is that he always feels he has to be Something More. handsome jack was a goal to strive for in his years with hyperion (and adapting to hyperion work culture was necessary for him to survive), and then after that he tries so damn hard to match the borderlands' idea of megacorporate culture. of course he's incapable of completely drowning himself out-- he still made friends while with hyperion, and he still does a lot for sustainability tech/general philanthropic work with atlas instead of just focusing on weapons-- but rhys will always end up compromising himself some way or other. just because that's the nature of the world he wants to live in. in his head he has to do even the things he doesn't like to maintain the power and position that allows him to do the things he wants. by nature of having "things he doesn't like" it also makes him feel he doesn't fit in with the rest of the megacorp CEOs out there who presumably have no issues doing what has to be done.
KILL YOUR HEROES // awolnation.
Well I met an old man dying on a train No more destination, no more pain Well he said one thing: "Before I graduate Never let your fear decide your fate" I say you kill your heroes and fly, fly, baby don't cry No need to worry 'cause, everybody will die Every day we just go, go, baby don't go Don't you worry we love you more than you know
quintessential rhys song, and the title of my blog's desktop theme for almost 2 years lmao. even after killing thousands on helios and killing even more after, even after all the pain and trauma the guy he latched himself onto parasocially for years put him through, man's just gonna keep going. i think it's meaningful he was there for some version of his hero's last moments and then got to conquer him himself; he never needed to model himself after anyone to succeed, anyway.
EARTH // xiv hours.
You're gonna lose it all And find yourself on your knees So, get a grip and you might Flow, reverse the great, slow bleed I've tried patience, but You always want a war This house won't tolerate any more Stop this right away
corporate baby turned corporate dilf rhys! i think his arrogance will always be part of him, even though the events of tftbl humbled him. and despite the lessons he learned he doesn't have enough grit to completely turn the tide of the megacorp culture in the borderlands, either. he is a prisoner of a system that existed before he even knew about it, but he's trying his best within it anyway.
BABE RUTH // coin.
Now that I'm busy I broke it all down I miss you coming over, yeah Every now and then Swinging for the fences, swinging for the fences You got me swinging for the fences, swinging for the fences, yeah
embarrassingly my favourite track to listen to when i'm doing shippy/smutty stuff with rhys (and my #1 played song according to spotify for the year 2022, wtf). he sacrifices a lot of normalcy/living a relatively ordinary life for his Big, Big dreams, but it doesn't stop him from falling in love headfirst and wanting simplicity, anyway. he tells himself he knows his priorities and work always comes before everything else-- especially considering the work that he's doing and how many lives he's improving-- but the selfish romantic in him will Always Exist, much to his annoyance. he's mature enough to let love go if he can't have it, but "he misses it, every now and then".
THE HIGH ROAD // broken bells.
'Cause they know and so do I The high road is hard to find A detour in your new life Tell all of your friends goodbye It's too late to change your mind You let loss be your guide
rhys is so fucking lonely by the time of BL3 and by extension new tales from the borderlands, but it won't take him off the path he's chosen. yes, he has friends. yes, he always has people to talk to. but everyone who knows him as Just Rhys are all scattered across the galaxy, and he can't even contact a good number of them, and this knowledge of the friends he can no longer see will always quietly hollow him. it's got to be worth it, of course-- he's making his dreams come true, he's making up for shitty things he's done, he's making it big... but sometimes he'll wonder what if he just stayed with fiona, sasha, and vaughn? what if he really escaped the corporate world and just became a regular guy? he didn't owe promethea anything when he chose to save it after atlas 1.0 destroyed it to high hell, he didn't have to do it. rhys doesn't necessarily regret his chosen path, that said, but it doesn't stop him from wondering what could have been when the loneliness really hits him.
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