#waaah it was so much longer than the first part ;7;
rolyatswonderland · 4 years
TWST: A Mermaid’s Tale Pt.2
Yay it’s part 2 ^o^ I’m still not sure how many part’s this’ll have, but at most possibly 4 or 5-? we’ll have to see ^^;
Thank you so much to my bestie @blackevermore for helping me beta read the story! ;7; 
Pt.1 - Pt.2(Here) - Pt.3(Soon)
Professor Divus sat quietly in his office, completing a stack of paperwork, until his door was roughly slammed open. He glared, watching a few papers from the stack fall to the floor due to a sudden breeze sweeping in, but the moment he saw the familiar shade of red hair all he could do was sigh in annoyance. 
“Ah, you four again, whatever could be the issue this time.” Professor Divus saw Grim’s flames and knew that it meant that Deuce and Rolyat weren’t far behind. In all his years of teaching he had dealt with many troublesome students, the flaw of teaching at an all boys school. However it seemed that this year of teaching a new litter of puppies as troublesome as this four really had him questioning his profession, and one was neither human and the other not a boy.  Despite having dealt with many of their shenanigans before, the sight of Deuce carrying Rolyat with a mermaid tail certainly caught him off guard.
“Ah- W-Well you see Professor we...sorta need your help- haha.” Ace couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head, glancing over to Deuce who was still holding the newly transformed girl.
“Explain yourselves,” Divus commanded with a sharp glare, his stare so serious that surely the four students before him felt a shiver of fear go up their spines. Ace and Deuce took the lead in explaining what had happened, presenting him with the two cans of scales and Grim even admitting to his own mistake and stubbornness. He remained partially quiet for most of it, only letting out a hum in response or a nod. After they finished explaining, Professor Divus took the cans and examined them, turning them over before letting out a dissatisfied grumble.
“I see, some foolish pup did not properly label these containers.” Divus held the cans in his hands with a dissatisfied expression on his face, then looked to Ace who seemed to have a confused look on his face. 
“Uhm so, how come Roly didn’t turn into a whole fish on us? I mean she totally got splashed when the potion erupted but how come it’s just her legs that got the scale treatment?” Ace asked, Deuce and Grim nodding along, wondering the same thing.
“See this can here? It has a full fish drawn on the lid, this means that these were the fish scales you were meant to use in your assignment. ” Divus held up the still full can of celadon silver scales to show the group before placing it down and picking up the other can. “While this can looks like it has a fish on it, in actuality, it has only a fish tail drawn on, as these are mermaid scales that you seemed to have mistakenly dropped into your potion.” He held up the other can, displaying the pattern that could have been misinterpreted as a fish, but if viewed long enough will show the very obviously mermaid tail like pattern.
Deuce sighed, crossing his arms with a shamed look on his face,“Ah- they both just sort of looked like fish to us so...we weren’t exactly sure.” He felt quite foolish for not noticing such a difference before since he only paid attention to the labels. 
“Hmmm,” Professor Divus looked over to Rolyat. The girl had been awfully quiet throughout their discussion, seeming rather spacey and she simply stared down into her lap while being held in Spade’s arms.  “Miss Rolyat?” It took her a moment to respond, with a slow reaction time as she lifted her head, as if having just realized someone had called her name, she warily looked over to the Professor but didn’t say a word.
Staring intently, the Professor could see that the girls lips were awfully chapped and dry. Focusing his view on her tail he removed one of his gloves, reaching out his hand to touch at the pearlescent tail to find it surprisingly dry, with no feeling of the slick ooze that should have coated her tail. But after adding all these things together did he realize what was going on, looking at the boys with an urgent but serious look in his eyes. 
“I’d advise you three to find Miss Rolyat a body of water immediately, her scales have started to dry out in the air, so her body is quickly being affected by the changes from the potion.” 
“H-Huh? What does that mean?” Deuce asked, looking down at the girl in his arms with extreme confusion. 
“Merfolk can survive out of water but not for very long, if they are kept too far from a body of water like any regular fish they will begin to suffocate, and due to the circumstances of her sudden transformation I worry that Miss Rolyats dried out tail is evidence that such a process has slowly begun.”
“HUH!?” The trio all gaped in shock. Their friend..was going to suffocate!? Immediately panic set it as they frantically looked to one another for what to do, but it seemed like Ace was the quickest to calm down after he realized something. 
“I-I know just the place we can take her to! But Professor what about an antidote?” Ace asked concerned, looking over at his teacher in hopes of an answer, but the seemingly unsure expression on the Professors face drew a pit in his stomach. 
“Sadly I ordered all the materials for the reversal potion to come in tomorrow, seeing as that was when you all would turn in your finished assignments and we would have then proceeded to the next phase of turning the animals back into their original forms.” Divus crossed his arms as he continued to stare at the girl.  “I will go and discuss with Mr. Sam to see if we can obtain the materials sooner, but if not she should be fine as long as you find her a body of water to reside in until a reversal potion can be made, so for now I suggest you three hurry.” The trio nodded, taking a small bow before excusing themselves as they quickly exited the room. Divus could only sigh as he sat back down into his chair, resting his head in his hand with a troubled expression. “What troublesome puppies indeed…”
Ace ran ahead of the group with Grim still latched onto his shoulders, and Deuce was following close behind as he held on tightly to their friend. “S-So- Where are we going!?” Deuce shouted, the trio speeding past students who looked on in confusion and surprise.
“We’re heading for mostro lounge!” The red head’s answer almost made Deuce stop in his tracks entirely, but he continued running. 
“Huh!? The freaky fish dudes!? You want us to go there?” Grim yelled in surprise, completely baffled as to why they would ever need to go to the Octavinelle dorm. 
“Look those guys are fish people too right? So if anything they’re our best shot of helping us out! I mean they’ve got that big tank too in the lounge!” Ace looked back at Deuce as they ran. The trio didn’t have the fondest memories of the lounge, the place only serving as a reminder of their time as forced servers and Grims poor time as a dishwasher made them shutter. But if there were any people who could help their new mer-friend then it would have to be them. 
“H-Hang in there Roly, okay?” Deuce looked down at the poor girl in his arms, she didn’t so much as open her eyes but she could still hear him, weakly giving him a thumbs up in response. 
After weaving and bobbing past various students and racing to the hall of mirrors, not even hesitating for a moment before jumping into the Octavinelle portal. Soon they made a beeline for the lounge, bypassing any curious dorm members. 
“Huh!? The Doors are locked shut!” Ace was the first one to get there with Grim, doing his best to push open the lounges double doors only to find them shut tight. 
“Nyaa! What the hell! Don’t tell me they’re closed- there’s no way!” Grim shouted, baffled at the locked doors, seeing how Azul would never miss a chance for business unless he really needed to. 
“Stand aside!” Deuce yelled, still running down the corridor before stopping just a bit away from the doors, and without a second's hesitation he turned his body, raising his leg in the air to swiftly kick at the doors, the trio watching them open on impact with his kick. Ace and Grim stared dumbfounded at their friend for a moment before watching him rush inside, the duo shaking it off as they ran and followed right behind them.
“Oh my, it’s you four” the tall Jade Leech was currently behind the bar counter, drying away at some dishes while Floyd, who sat at the bar, swiveled around in his seat to see who had made all the racket.
“Ehh, it’s crab and mackerel, with little sealy and lil’ shrimp too?” Floyd tilted his head curiously as he got up out of his seat, noticing the ‘little shrimp’ not looking too good in the arms of her fellow classmate. 
“Just who do you lot think you are to cause such a commotion before opening hours?” An annoyed looking Azul came walking up the steps behind them, having heard the crash of the lounge’s doors opening and assessing the damages that would surely need to be paid back. 
“Argh look we’ll pay to fix the door but seriously let us use the tank!” Ace didn’t want to be bothered with getting bombarded with questions, pointing at the large tank in the lounge as he stared down with Jade with a surprisingly determined expression, especially due to the fact that Ace was still somewhat scared of them. 
“Oh? The tank you say?” Jade raised an eyebrow curiously at his underclassmen. His brother however just stalked closer to Deuce and Rolyat before reaching a hand out to take off the blazer on her waist, revealing the beautiful light pink tail. 
“Waah! Little shrimps got a tail!” Floyd looked rather surprised, staring at the girl's pearlescent tail in awe. 
“Okay yes she has a tail! Now just use that benevolent heart of yours and help us!” Ace shouted.
“Fgyaa! She’s gonna’ suffocate if we don’t hurry!” Grim followed right after. Grim and Ace’s words of panic seemed to fully settle in for the aquatic trio. Azul seemed shocked and baffled at the sight of the mermaid tail before quickly regaining composure, adjusting his glasses before looking to his vice dorm head. 
“R-Right, Jade?” Azul was hesitant but quickly found his wording and turned to his right hand man.
“Hm, right away,” Jade nodded, setting the glass down and quickly making his way around the bar, beckoning his hand for the underclassmen to follow him through a door in the back of the lounge. The doorway leads to a backroom with a metal staircase leading upwards, seemingly for the top of the large fish tank that spreads a good amount around the lounge and even has a tunnel that connects the tank to the vast ocean that surrounds the rest of the dorm. Quickly the group made their way up the staircase, stopping at a platform before the large opening of the tank, the trio looking at their friend warily. 
“Ah, pardon me but could I see Miss Rolyat for just a moment?” Jade held out his arms to Deuce who seemed wary at first, looking to his friends before Ace just nodded, telling him it would probably be alright. Deuce sighed, nodding back to Jade and handing him Rolyat. Jade immediately took notice of the girls pailing complexion and how dry the scales on her tail had become, so without a moment's hesitation he carefully slipped off the girls blazer and began unbuttoning her dress shirt, revealing the simple whitish pink camisole underneath. 
“What are you-” Deuce went to stop Jade but stopped in his tracks when Jade shot him a look.
“It’ll be much easier for her skin to breath since it’s quickly started to change, merfolk are not known for wearing heavy layers you know.” Jade’s words quickly cut off Ace’s, the trio were about to question their upperclassman actions before simply letting it be, feeling that he would know best. 
They did stand by and watch warily however, watching as Jade carefully lowered her body into the tank before letting her go as her body floated down to the bottom. He turned back to go down the stairs, the trio following close behind as they joined Floyd and Azul who were watching the tank to see what would happen.
Rolyat looked as if she were peacefully sleeping despite being in water. A couple of curious fish would swim over and stare, some even having the courage to nudge at her with what little force they had. Eventually however, her tail slowly started to move as her eyes fluttered open, she moved to sit up, tiredly confused until she came face to face with a yellow tang. 
She screamed, hardly any sound coming out but saw the pleather of bubbles spill out of her mouth, suddenly realizing where she was she quickly covered her mouth and shut her eyes. But she soon realized that she wasn’t drowning, she uncovered her mouth and warily opened her eyes, looking around with confusion and then looked back at her tail as she moved around. 
The sound of Jade gently knocking on the glass caught her attention, her view immediately catching sight of her friends as she clumsily swam over to them, head accidentally bumping into the glass barrier that separated them. Holding her head in slight pain she continued to look on in confusion, just barely being able to hear what they were saying as the group talked. 
“She may remain here and we’ll do our best to provide support where we can, however I will expect some form of compensation for the repairs on the door.” Azul adjusted his glasses as he stared at the troublesome trio. The group only seems to sigh in response. 
“Yeah yeah we will, sheesh.” Ace scratched the back of his head in annoyance as he glanced over to Deuce who seemed to be typing something on his phone before holding it up to the glass for Rolyat to see.
“We’ll come see you again when lunch time rolls around, but until then hang in there okay?” Deuce’s words of encouragement could barely be made out through the glass, but Rolyat read along with his phone, but all she could do was simply smile sweetly and nod her head. 
They parted ways and she waved goodbye as her friends ran off to class, but now she felt a feeling of loss as she floated in the take, unsure of what to do in her current state. 
She looked over to the Octavinelle trio, Azul simply nodding to her as he adjusted his glasses and walked away, likely going back to the vip lounge. Jade simply gave her his usual mysterious smile, taking a small bow to her before turning away and going to assess the damages of the door that Deuce had kicked through. Floyd on the other hand simply sat in the closest seat to the tank and grinned his sharp toothy smile at her, finding something amusing, which made her worried since Floyd’s smile’s could mean a plethora of things. 
So just as Deuce had told her, all she could do was simply hang in there until they found whatever they could to fix this mess, and hopefully it wouldn’t take too long.
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