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As seen in the Origins fic, my favorite power couple!
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c4tsc4pe · 1 year
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part 2
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eroguron0nsense · 7 months
Modern College AU where Rayleigh is Ace's prof (his parents are still dead, the ASL brothers are fostered together) and spends every goddamn day having an internal crisis over the fact that his best friend/first love's son is right there in front of him every time he goes to work, and he knew the second he saw that boy walking into Sociology 310: Diversity of Family and Kinship Structures that he was Roger and Rouge's child, but doesn't know how to talk to him about it or whether he should bring it up at all
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void-thevoid · 8 months
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ssaanaaloves · 11 months
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brucenorris007 · 11 months
Rouge groaned and sat up; going by the rapid tempo, she had a good guess on who was knocking even before she opened the door to the house.
Sure enough, Sonic stood on the other side of the threshold, one hand raised in greeting.
“Shadow,” Rouge called over her shoulder. “It’s for you.”
“Actually,” Sonic said. “I’m here to borrow Omega.”
Rouge blinked. Twice. Raised an eyebrow and called again.
“Omega, it’s for you!”
She could hear the bemused, off-kilter beat of silence. She looked back at Sonic.
“Since when do you make house calls for Omega?” She asked.
“First time for everything, right?” He said with a shrug. “We’re in kind of a hurry and I don’t wanna play Shad’s guessing game about whether or not he’ll sucker punch me before he’s willing to have a conversation.”
Rouge opened her mouth. Closed it. Considered the point.
“SHADOW HAS ENGAGED IN MORE ERRATIC, INCONSISTENT BEHAVIOR RECENTLY.” Omega commented, stomping up to stand beside her at the door.
Sonic smirked.
“At least we know what we’re getting with Omega.”
“Okay,” Sonic said, turning on his heel. “Let’s go, Omega!”
Sonic choked in a false start and nearly tripped over their front stoop. He looked back, bewildered.
Sonic blinked.
“Right, yeah, okay,” he said. “We’re figuring out where Eggman is.”
The borderline silent whir from Omega’s chassis got louder by a fraction of a decibel.
“We’re trying to find him first,” Sonic said, smoothly avoiding saying one way or the other what would happen when they did find the doctor. He scratched his head, fingers parting his quills. “We can’t tell where he’s doing his evil thing from. Tails can explain it better, but whatever tech he’s using isn’t connected to the same network as the rest of his bases.”
Sonic raised both hands in a shrug.
“Something like that, I think.”
Rouge digested the information silently; depending on what the doc was up to, she might get called in.
“Anyway, that’s where you come in,” Sonic said, pointing at Omega. “We’re gonna pull a con on Eggman.”
“You came looking for Omega to pull a ruse?” Rouge asked skeptically.
“He works with you, doesn’t he?”
Rouge smirked and patted Omega’s arm cannon.
“It does mean a paint job,” Sonic said. “Temporary, I swear; you ‘capture’ me and bring me in to one of ol’ Buttnik’s bases. Doesn’t matter what he’s up to, he’ll pay attention to that.”
Omega, as usual, posed the question more like a statement.
“Ahh,” Sonic hedged. “You’d have to hold off on that; just until he gives up where he is!”
Sonic’s mouth twisted into a borderline grimace. He glanced at Rouge; she shook her head. She wasn’t in the mood to help mediate, especially not on her day off.
“That’ll take ages, though,” Sonic said. He paused a second; a sly grin stretched across his face. “Besides, think about it; how ticked off will Eggface be when he figures out he got tricked?”
“. . .”
Rouge recognized the hum of Omega’s CPU; he was considering it.
“Even better,” Sonic said, thumbing his nose. “How ticked he’ll be when we bust down his door and break all his toys?”
“He’ll blow a fuse; so, you in?”
Omega’s engines revved in lieu of an answer and he blasted off from their porch. Sonic send Rouge a backward, two-finger salute before tearing off ahead of him.
She watched them go for a moment before closing the door. She backtracked to the living room and flopped backward across the sofa; gracefully and accurately landing with feet over the armrest and her shoulder against Shadow’s, eliciting a halfway resigned grunt.
“Omega should be in a good mood when he gets home.” She said idly.
Rouge shifted to grab a cushion and reposition her wings.
“You could’ve gone with them if you wanted.”
“I didn’t.” Came the slightly too snippy reply.
Rouge rolled her eyes and snatched the remote out of his hand.
“You have been sucker punching a lot lately.”
“Shut up.”
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rabbitsonthemoon · 26 days
Oh yeah I meant to ask earlier: you made a post about a fic you liked that inspired you to write and etc, “Teaching Darkness” or something? Is it good? What’s it about? I’m curious lol. Sorry if that’s super random lol
I squealed with joy when I saw this ask!!! Thank you so much thank you thank you thank you
This is going to be very biased and based off of my memories.
SO!! Teaching Darkness by Rae Logan is a long series focused around an AU version of Mephiles the Dark. In this AU, he made a last-ditch effort to survive by possessing Shadow. It Did Not Work Very Well™ but Stuff Happened™ that cumulated in him getting his own body, and seemingly removing The Dark from him. Back in my day it was the most popular fanfiction on fanfiction.net about Mephiles.
Of course, that was just the beginning.
In the next installments, we start getting into the real juicy stuff. I won't spoil any of it, but suffice to say The Dark is not done with Mephy, and he does not appreciate the adorable marshmallow of a precious cinnamon roll that he's become. Shadow struggles to reconcile Mephy with the monster he used to be. Rouge just wants everyone to be okay. This naturally leads ✨found family✨ and fluffiness. What follows is a glorious amount of psychological exploration, humour, drama, fluff, violence, and enough angst to feed two of me. It put stars in my eyes when I read it for the first time. My favourite entry in the series is Flux.
It's a very long read, but if you love Mephiles, you'll probably love everything about it. I won't even start on why Dark is my favourite OC to ever exist, you can find that out for yourself.
My explanation can't do this series justice. It changed my life. It's the late 2000's and early 2010's in a bottle. Rae Logan is my favourite writer to ever exist and I always hope they're doing well and thriving. They moved away from the series quite awhile ago, I believe partly due to religious family putting pressure on them for writing about demonic characters, but what they've written is solid gold. And they still channel that awesomeness through lots of Darkwing Duck fics, which makes me so happy!
Back in the day Teaching Darkness even used to have its own Tumblr! @crystalhedgehogboys
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to scream about my favourite thing ever. 💖💖💖
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major-wren · 1 year
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Do you think they miss eachother in prime
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 5 months
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Woagh-! A once in a blue moon Topouge sketch!
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fernsensei · 4 months
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hedgehog the sonic & friends
some thoughts about these redesigns: -their personalities are the exact same as in heroes, except for amy - she's more like in idw -tails can talk but is mute 90% of the time because he doesn't want to talk/doesn't like to -sonic has gambling addiction. that's why casino levels in heroes are hell
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flutteredvoid · 1 year
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drew my friend’s and i’s discord server bc i have no self control heehee (and from left to right!)
me! - mage of void
izzy - rouge of blood
oliver- knigh to space 
sam - witch of life
trevor - seer of heart
percy - sylph of life
lexy - witch of time
jarrett - lord of doom
alyssa - muse of breath
autumn - seer of mind
rory - heir of blood
rowan - prince of light
dayne - knight of time
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void-thevoid · 1 year
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 10 months
oh right, this is supposed to be the fun hater site. uh. fuck. let me think—
you’re all sleeping on sonouge. c’mon, two reckless independent free spirits? the amount of combined sass? the nicknames? if you like sonamy and sonadow, sonouge is like, both of those at the same time while still being monogamous. also, think about how pissed shadow would be. AND knuckles. but not for ship reasons, because now the two people who fuck with his island are dating
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unicornmanfish · 1 year
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Posting Shading progress because who even knows when this is getting done.
I designed a wheelchair for a Precure fan piece because I love to suffer.
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ssaanaaloves · 1 year
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