mr-e-us · 2 months
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kitkatkey · 8 months
Izzy singing a song from the 1940s in the 1700s is peak historical accuracy, no notes
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dieselocelot · 3 months
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the fact that mr house had to experience OCD in order to become the sole proprietor of the new vegas strip... i cant move
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madootles · 8 months
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dramatic eyes. dramatic lips. drama on the cheeks.
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tampire · 8 months
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Jim mouthing and vibing to Izzy's singing
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littlekitty-69blog · 4 months
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💗My Free trial OnlyFans 💗
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I saw around us a ring of wolves, with white teeth and lolling red tongues, with long, sinewy limbs and shaggy hair. They were a hundred times more terrible in the grim silence which held them than ever when they howled. For myself, I felt a sort of paralysis of fear. It is only when a man feels himself face to face with such horrors that he can understand their true import.
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corinnaherrera · 6 months
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dean-winchesters-clit · 8 months
I need y'all to understand how fucking important it is that their lovemaking song was La Vie En Rose.
Those translated covers you hear on TikTok take their lyrics from a Louis Armstrong cover of the original French version sung by Edith Piaf. The English lyrics are beautiful but there are some things lost in translation, which is why I love that they had Izzy sing the original French version while Stede and Ed are making love.
Edith Piaf's version of the song is all about the intensity of love and finding love after a trying time. Her vocals are incredible and bleed all the different emotions she feels while singing. Izzy starts with the English translation of the song, which goes:
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But a closer translation to the original French would be:
"Quand il me prend dans ses bras; When he takes me into his arms/ Il me parle l'a tout bas; He speaks to me softly/ Je vois la vie en rose; And I see life through rose-colored glasses."
Obviously this is fine and dandy, but it's the translation of the original French lyrics used later in the episode that really get me. Izzy sings this:
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Which translates to this:
"He speaks words of love to me/ They are every day words/ And they do something to me.
"He has entered into my heart/ A bit of happiness/ That I know the cause of.
"It's only him for me/ And me for him, for life/ He told me, he swore to me, for life."
It's that last verse that the English version just wouldn't be able to capture. The translated version of that verse is about angels and love songs and mentions nothing of a vow to love one another for life.
That's what's so special to me about the French version of the song being used in that moment. Edith Piaf sings as a person who has lived through so much pain and suffering (which she definitely did as a French woman living through World War II) and finally finds comfort and peace in the arms of her beloved.
That is ultimately what Ed and Stede are for one another. Safe harbors, calm waters, peaceful days and nights in each other's presence. They bicker and argue and hurt one another, but they always come back together so easily. Stede was hurt and needed reassurance, needed to prove to himself that he wasn't a whim, needed to feel the security of Ed in his arms. And perhaps they shouldn't have gone all the way that night, but they're both impulsive and obsessed with each other and they needed something.
It's that song that lets me know they're gonna be okay. They're intense and impulsive but they compliment each other. They fit together perfectly, and they find comfort in one another no matter what's happened to them in the past. They need their harbors, their anchors, each other. They'd never leave each other behind. They make each other's lives la vie en rose.
(Edit: fixed a translation error)
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lisaveeee · 6 months
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Calypso offered to do the unicorns makeup. The Unicorn accepted.
“You’ve got great cheekbones!” Said the goddess.
The Unicorn blushed and mumbled a thank you.
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mr-e-us · 1 month
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mecachrome · 8 days
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teammates who definitely hate each other
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lunaviee · 9 months
bros the type of boyfriend to go on a shopping spree behind your back and buy you hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars worth of stuff all because of one thing;
“what the hell- why’d you buy all this??”
“well because i yelled at you when i shouldn’t have 2 months ago”
“..i got over that like 2 days after it happened..”
“but i didnt, this is my apology”
“you’ve apologized a million times ever since it happened what do you mean-”
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REO., rin, sae, ISAGI, kaiser, itadori, GOJO, oikawa, ATSUMU, suna, CHUUYA. , tecchou,+ your fav(s)!
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ohh ummm hey guyssss…..erm i’m not really back but i had this half assed thought so here u go!!
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myelicia · 7 months
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Ciel rose en hiver - Fabienne Delacroix
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