#vicar rathbone
Vicar Rathbone
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abybweisse · 1 year
Is ciel wearing Burberry during the murder arc?
Does our earl wear brands like Burberry?
Burberry was established in Basingstoke in 1856 (but has its HQ in London), so it was definitely around... even when Grandma P was watchdog. I find it interesting Burberry was established there because I once looked at Basingstoke as a potential area for Phantomhive Manor and its surrounding estate. Even tried to figure out whether St. Michael's Church in Basingstoke could be the reference for the parish church where Vincent and Rachel marry... and where Vicar Rathbone worked as reeve for Vincent -- because Rathbone even mentions St. Michael's Day -- but it doesn't seem to be. I still haven't definitively found the Phantomhive estate on a map of England, but the North Downs area is still promising....
I've also looked at Burberry for being the reference for Grelle's red trench coat, which I think might actually be true. (I think Abberline might be wearing an Aquascutum 🧥.)
You bring up a valid question, here. Is this:
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And I do believe the answer is YES. Yana-san has dressed the bunch in it, including Arthur:
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And a lot of websites try to pass off similar designs, like these with extra red lines:
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But true Burberry has those single red lines, like our earl and the others have donned.
Yana-san is lucky to not get sued for it, since... as I mentioned in the linked post above, Burberry also has licensing in Asia, so the brand might be looking for knockoffs or other trademark infringements there. In the west, Target (among other stores) has been sued over the years by copying the signature check pattern, sometimes even with the single red line. Target is lucky that the lawsuit was dropped after talks. Idk why it was dropped, honestly. 🤔
Anyway. Yeah.
Of course, in the Kuroverse, it might be that Nina Hopkins has made all sleuthing outfits worn by our earl and anyone else in his household. No telling where she claims to buy the fabrics she uses. 😆
But many fans recognize that iconic check.
Bonus: I searched my blog for "Basingstoke", hoping to find something about my old search for the Phantomhive estate, and lo and behold, the only post that came up was from the murders arc. But it's about Bartitsu... and Arthur accidentally calling it Baritsu. Someone says it's time to go to Basingstoke Bartitsu Irregulars. It's real. 😳😂
Now I'm back to wanting to figure out where the estate must be located.... 😭
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bapydemonprincess · 5 months
Imagine Grelle briefly popping in at the manor around the Book of Murder arc because of the weird wombo combo of deaths listed for that night and... wait... INCLUDING SEBASTIAN MICHAELIS??
And when she arrives she comes face to face with some charming older man named Jeremy who meets her in the rain as if he heard she was coming, and he smiles amiably with a twinkle in those eyes and tells her.
"Fear not, madam. I have it on good authority that the tangles and twists going on under this mansion roof will work themselves out post haste."
And Grelle tries to come off as unbothered, waving him off.
"Ooh, I'm sure they will, good sir. I'm sure they will. This isn't my first dive into the doom and gloom of Phantomhive Manor.."
"Then whatever could have brought you out here, then, might I ask. Surely with that fine lovely suit you're wearing, you are a busy lady, I imagine."
"W-Well, yes, normally.." Grelle cannot believe this. This classy gent is taking her for a turn! Even if... unintentionally. Almost as if it comes naturally...
"However there's a man that works in the service under the Earl here, and I... erm.. fancy him you could say, hehee.."
"Ahh," Mr. Rathbone responds... Pauses as if in thought; as if caught off guard, and then.. his visage seems to turn solemn, eyes closing, head bowing.
"This man wouldn't happen to possibly be the head butler, would he?"
Grelle flounders and merely hums her ascent, nodding. She cannot, for the death of her, get over her own current state!
"Hmph, well, I'm afraid I must inform you that.. that very man has perished this evening. After a surprise attack last night on his evening patrol, while he was stoking one of the fireplaces."
"THAT-" Grelle shouts outright at first, looking absolutely scandalized by this news, finger pointing accusingly at the Vicar.
"That... that isn't true." She goes on, voice lower, shakier, but still firm.
The man still has his eyes closed. Not budging nor flinching an inch.
"I'm afraid it is, my dear. I've seen his lifeless form with my own eyes, by now. Though I was not present at the time of his death's discovery, everyone else in this manor was, and if you wish, you yourself can slip in to ask.."
He does then open one eye, that pins the reaper in place with it's stern and serious look.
"Might I suggest in particular the other servants that served under him, for they will most definitely will have something to say, I believe, to anyone who'd object to this wretched truth they must now live with."
His other eye opens then too, and his stern look appears even sterner.. If that is possible.
"Or perhaps the boy Earl himself who now appears even younger, weaker, without that butler by his side."
Grelle still frowned, having crossed her arms tightly during his spiel, and merely stared him down.
Gone was the floundering brief glimpse of a debutante-like version of herself.
And here stood a woman with even more questions than before.
"I'll have you know, Mister Jeremy, this butler in particular that I speak of, and I know is much more formidable than you've likely imagined possible. He. Can't. Be. Dead. It's.... IT'S. JUST. NOT. POSSIBLE, do you hear me??"
And again, the man still stood perfectly in place, not even blinking before the enraged woman as she snarled her insistences through sharp gritted teeth.
"Oh yes, I can hear you quite well, my dear. But it appears to me as if there's a clear barrier between what I'm telling you and what you are hearing. And perhaps it could be the wretched weather we are currently prithee to, or perhaps it's something possibly.. unseen at work. Like a certain foolish human device in ones chest cavity shouting above my words, drowning them out. But there's unfortunately nothing I can do about that. And alas,"
He swiftly took out a pocket watch, and checked the time.
"I must leave you to return to the others. As I explained earlier I've put it upon myself to help the Earl and his remaining guests solve this case, so,"
He clapped it shut, and looked up at the reaper again.
"I wish you well, madam, and pray that if perhaps we next meet it'll be on better terms. For both our sakes."
And his smile then at her was as smooth as a pearl, eyes closed and cheery wrinkles presenting themselves even more so.
He means only the best.. A voice insisted to Grelle, and she found her muscles relaxing.
Her eyebrows remained firmly pressed down, though, her mouth a single line.
"Yes," she heard her own voice murmur over the rumble of thunder, "for both our sakes, indeed."
And she automatically turned away as the man himself turned too.
Both parties quietly trudging away from the scene.
And yet Grelle's mind spun round and round at break-neck speed.
Something was definitely up here. For there was too many peculiar things going on in this one moment alone!
This Jeremy himself. A Vicar?? At Ciel Phantomhive's place?? In the middle of this storm that had likely been going on since earlier that day.. No, even since yesterday Grelle was certain the rain had been falling.
And his stance. How he was the one to come to her in this moment. Not any other servants! He was merely visiting wasn't he?? He surely wasn't planning on staying much longer after this event!
And and and..
Grelle wanted to hold her head and curl up.
He... He was either ACTUALLY the one somehow to KILL SEBASTIAN or.... or... OR....
The pocket watch.
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Black Butler Translation Notes #274 - Vicar Rathbone - Yana Toboso ~ LoveAnimeHateReality
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graser1112 · 7 years
Can we just learn his name already?
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Jeremy Brett, Yana Toboso’s inspiration (along with Basil Rathbone) to portray the “vicar Jeremy Rathbone” on Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Volumes 10 and 11, celebrated of what could be his 88th birthday yesterday (03 November). He was the quintessential Sherlock Holmes of the ’80s and one of the many Sherlock Holmeses who inspired (and played a significant part to) the next generations of SHs.
Amusingly, Yana T portrayed the signature Sherlock Holmes gestures one to one. The two volumes are a witness to that.
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inkyquince · 2 years
okay so im a person who needs a face for a game characters if they aren’t provided so these are kind of the faces ive been imagining mixed in with fanart ( devotion disorder’s Whitney will always remain in my heart )
eden: karl heisenberg and i won’t say anything further
avery: Patrick bateman ( also nanami from jjk)
kylar: for some reason nagito from daganronpa??? like imagine his hair was black and i think u would basically have kylar
sydney: mary from kakegurui bro idk it just works esp when she’s corrupt omfg
robin: sam from totally spies pls look away
i got nothing for whitney and Alex but here are some extra’s of mine:
mason: jackson marchetti wbk
leighton: imagine joseph joestar ( specifically part 3 ) but…rlly skinny and hannibal lector ( mads version )
wren: hawks from mha
bailey: toji from jjk ( a bit sulf indulgent i won’t lie ) and weirdly midas from Fortnite. FORTNITE.
honestly, agree with most of these but am gonna put my own lads underneath the cut
I'm so sorry, but as someone not really attracted to Robin, I picture... Shinji
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But legitmately, unironically? Nagito from Free!Iwatobi Swim Club. Baby boy, angel.
Yeah, its Yoonbum.
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Literally just @lumowu's Whitney drawings, like here and here. Legitimately can't see em as anything else.
Riftan from Under The Oak Tree... Or Eddie Gluskin from Outlast DLC lmao
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Legitimately, Nanami until I saw @bestoan's Avery here. He's so gorgeous and my god, it fits him better than what I was imagining before.
Edward Wong from Cowboy Bebop <3
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Koujaku from Drammatical Murder lmao
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Toji Fushiguro from JJK, if he slicked his hair back
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:3 Vicar Jeremy Rathbone from Black Butler
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 Tyki Mikk from Dr.Gray-Man
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Uta From Tokyo Ghoul
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Yesterday’s Terrible OCiel Name Suggestion was...
Jeremy Phantomhive
“Rachel named him after the local vicar, Jeremy Rathbone. So when Sebastian pretends to be the vicar, our earl/Jeremy is saying his own first name. And when Vicar Rathbone says the boy’s name is unusual, he’s only talking about Ciel.”
Triple cursed by @abybweisse
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fragmentedshards · 5 years
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The Final Curtain, Chapter Sixteen
Florentia and Theodosia
The next week was spent in preparation for investigating the Viscount Druitt. When Ciel received the invitation to the Viscount’s ball, he was shocked to find that the man had apparently decided to completely abandon all decorum.
“September and the beginning of autumn is nearly upon us, the season of plenty,” Ciel read the invitation aloud at the breakfast table. “In the spirit of bounty, I am opening this masked ball to the lower classes as well as the nobility. Even servants are welcome.” The earl tossed the letter onto the table and sipped his tea. “Well. I expect that means Matilda still has a chance to be the bait, then.”
Elizabeth struggled to refrain from rolling her eyes. “My previous logic still stands, Ciel,” she said firmly. “I am in the best position to do this job. Let’s have no more arguing about it, if you please.”
The earl was shocked at seeing Elizabeth’s assertiveness in this way. His cousin rarely had any qualms about voicing her opinion, but he couldn’t remember a time when those opinions had been about anything other than clothing. Had he been ignoring Lizzy’s intellect all these years? Or had she been hiding it?
While Ciel may have been stunned into silence, none of the others at the breakfast table had the same problem.
“It seems Lady Elizabeth is finally coming into her own, Ran Mao,” Lau remarked, breaking his scone in two. “This will be very interesting indeed.”
Ran Mao, in a rare turn of events, responded. “She is secretly tough. I like her.”
“Everyone underestimates Lizzy,” Prince Soma said from his chair opposite Ciel. “There is nothing wrong with being a lover of prettiness, but because she loves pretty things she is always dismissed. I am eager to see her succeed.”
Ciel remained silent, but he felt his anger well up inside him. Without his noticing, a billowing black shadow rose up behind him. The others at the table saw it, and they looked on in terror before Sebastian cleverly intervened.
“My lord,” he said, placing a hand on the boy’s shoulder. Instantly the shadow dissipated. “We must begin your lessons now. We have a great deal to do before the ball at the end of the week. And don’t forget, you have a meeting over tea with Florentia and Theodosia Loric this afternoon.”
Ciel sighed, still angry. “Yes, of course,” was all he said, dabbing his mouth with a napkin and leaving the table. Sebastian followed him closely, watching his master through narrow eyes.
It appears I have much to teach him, he thought to himself.
The earl’s anger did not abate with the passing hours. He, Elizabeth, and Prince Soma took their lessons together in the library now, with Sebastian and Agni presiding over them while Paula cared for Ephraim (with help from Bryony, as she was available now as well). This proximity to each other caused a good deal of unease between all three. Music, literature, business, diplomacy, fencing. Ciel had never felt such relief when the time came for his meeting with the Loric sisters.
After Matilda had persuaded Snake to hide elsewhere, she and Sebastian set a magnificent table in the greenhouse for the tea meeting. Sebastian explained the measures they had taken as he stood by Ciel before the manor, awaiting the arrival of their guests.
“We selected a specific set of china with many patterns but understated colors, as a nod to the sisters’ signature toys,” he said, noticing Matilda’s pleased grin. “In addition, we arranged a marvelous bouquet of day lilies and pink roses, with Finny’s help.”
Ciel nodded in apparent approval but said nothing as the carriage bringing the Loric sisters came up the path. When it reached the manor, the earl and the present Phantomhive servants were able to get a good look at the man driving it. He looked rather similar to Vicar Jeremy Rathbone, who they all knew now was merely Sebastian in disguise.
“That is the sisters’ butler, sir,” Sebastian whispered to Ciel, “Apparently he is a multipurpose manservant.”
The sisters emerged from their carriage, Theodosia first with Florentia following. They looked as if nothing had changed since the night at the ballet. Even the color of their dresses were the same; aubergine and aqua. The only possible change was that they seemed even more worn-out than before.
“Thank you, Treacher,” Theodosia thanked the butler, who nodded to her in response. Snake, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and left his snakes elsewhere, guided Treacher to the stables where the horse could replenish itself.
“Treacher?” Ciel whispered to Sebastian before the sisters came too close. “What sort of a name is that?”
As they drew nearer, Sebastian addressed them. “Welcome to the Phantomhive manor, Lady Theodosia and Lady Florentia. It is our pleasure to have you.” he bowed, and the remaining servants followed suit.
“The pleasure is ours, sir,” Florentia replied, scanning the estate. “We are delighted to finally meet the esteemed Lord Phantomhive.”
“Yes, when Treacher informed us that we were to meet with you over tea and discuss a business collaboration,” Theodosia continued, smiling weakly. “We could hardly contain our joy. Indeed, we felt better than we had in months.” her smile faded.
Ciel furrowed his brow. Both sisters’ voices sounded fragile, like they belonged to women too sickly to be outdoors. Yet here they were, looking unmistakably ill but not in danger of collapsing. Pushing these thoughts aside, he gave the sisters a smile. “I have been looking forward to meeting you for some time,” he said, and found to his great surprise that for once he was being honest. “I have always admired the curios your company produces. I find it even more interesting that the two of you are, in fact, the inventors of the toys, not merely the heads of Kurios. Shall we discuss our business alliance over tea?”
As the three were escorted to the greenhouse, Ciel walked close enough to Sebastian to whisper to him. “Help me observe them throughout tea,” he said. “I’m sure they are sick, but ordinary people would be bedridden by this point, I believe. Surely whatever ails them cannot be a mere sickness of the body.”
“Yes, my lord,” Sebastian whispered.
Sebastian and Matilda had enlisted Agni to help with serving tea. While Sebastian pulled out the chair for Ciel, Agni did the same for Florentia, and Matilda for Theodosia. All four of them noticed how the sisters seemed to always grasp onto something for support, be it the back of the chair or even each other’s shoulders.
Ciel shivered. Watching the sisters struggle to accomplish basic tasks made something inside him quake. He exchanged looks with Sebastian. Something else was definitely afoot here, and whatever it was was alerting senses he didn’t know he had.
Sebastian poured the tea, saying “For today’s tea we have a soothing herbal blend known to heal most ailments.” He exchanged smiles with Agni and Matilda. The three of them had combined the healing tea and the curry bread in the hopes of curing whatever ailed the sisters. But as Ciel and the servants watched the sisters shakily take sips of tea and merely pick at the curry bread, as if they wanted to eat but simply had no appetite, their hearts sank. Matilda and Agni’s faces fell. Perhaps this would not be solved by ingestion.
Trying to ignore the strange prickling on the back of his neck, Ciel addressed the sisters. “As much as I enjoy your company, I do not wish to monopolize your time. Let’s get to business. I propose we work together first on an individual product and see how that works out before launching anything too elaborate.”
Florentia nodded in agreement and pursed her lips in thought before replying, “What if we could form a curio of Bitter Rabbit?”
“Oh yes,” Theodosia interjected, and she seemed to be trying her best to appear enthusiastic. It was clear, however, that she and her sister both were running out of energy. “And he could turn into all sorts of other Funtom creatures. Perhaps he could even turn into you?”
Sebastian just barely stifled a laugh. Ciel glared over his shoulder at his butler before raising a single hand and saying “I would prefer not to become a caricature. I like this idea in general though. If you like, I can compile a list of Funtom’s most popular character toys and have it delivered to you, and we can continue this project at a later date.”
Theodosia - whose eyes were beginning to dart back and forth ever so slightly - smiled and tilted her head. “Will we be seeing you at Viscount Druitt’s masquerade, Lord Phantomhive? If so, we could discuss the next step that evening.”
“That would be lovely-”
The earl’s reply was cut off by a coughing Florentia. The fiery-haired woman lifted a gloved hand to her mouth and coughed furiously, while her sister held her shoulders. The coughing was wracking her body violently. When she seemed finally able to breathe again, she pulled her hand away to reveal chunky brownish-red blood covering the white palm of the glove.
Matilda couldn’t help herself from gasping in shock. Unsure what to do, she produced a handkerchief from her apron pocket and extended it to the sisters. Theodosia meekly took it, nodding in thanks to Matilda and daintily wiping the blood away from Florentia’s mouth.
“I’m afraid we must be going now, Lord Phantomhive,” Theodosia apologized hurriedly, supporting her sister. “Will one of you please send for Treacher to bring our carriage around?”
Sebastian nodded and sprinted off in the direction of the stables. While awaiting his return, Agni decided to wrap the curry bread in one of the napkins for the sisters to take with them in the hopes that they would eat them later. He only knew of one instance where curry bread had not healed the sick, and that was when it failed to bring back Lord Phantomhive’s lost memories - which, he knew now, was the result of demonic activity, cancelling out the positive demonic activity of Sebastian’s recipe. Moments later the butler returned to the greenhouse, stating, “Your carriage is ready, my ladies.”
Theodosia tried to help Florentia to her feet, but she was too shaky herself to do it on her own. Ciel and the servants joined in to help the sisters on the short walk from the greenhouse to the carriage. As soon as Treacher saw them, he rushed forward to lend his hands as well.
“They just keep getting worse,” he said in an undertone to Sebastian. “I don’t know what is causing it, but every day they lose a little bit of their health, and I am helpless to cure it.”
After making sure the sisters were safely seated in the carriage, Agni gave Treacher the parcel with the curry bread. “Please do everything in your power as a butler to ensure that they eat this,” he instructed. “Even just a little of this curry bread can make all the difference.”
“I’m afraid I may have to keep this handkerchief, Matilda,” Theodosia called weakly from the carriage to the maid. “I think it is stained beyond repair.”
Matilda waved it off, insisting it was no problem. It was obvious to everyone present that Theodosia was far more terrified by what she had seen happen to her sister than she was letting on. Treacher snapped the reigns and they were off. The earl and the servants watched apprehensively, wondering what on earth would become of the Loric sisters, as the carriage thundered away into the distance.
Ciel’s eye darkened. “Sebastian,” he said, turning on his heel and storming into the manor. The butler was at his side as always, with Agni and Matilda following worriedly. Once they were inside the foyer, he looked at the three servants. “No ordinary illness could escalate that way, I’m sure of it. Lady Florentia coughing up all that blood makes me suspect a slow poisoning, but not by Treacher; I could tell his fear for the sisters’ wellbeing was genuine.”
Sebastian nodded. “You are quite right about that butler, my lord,” he confirmed. “He is a worthy butler, especially for a human. He cares for the ladies to the best of his ability. Whatever is wrong with them, he is not the cause.”
“I’m not so sure about poison, though, young master,” Matilda confessed, wringing her apron in her hands. “I would agree with you about Florentia’s blood, except... it was in chunks, as if tissue was coming out as well. To tell the truth, it almost looked like menstrual blood, but it didn’t smell the same. I was closer to her than any of you, I could tell.”
Agni rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I’ve seen curry bread heal those afflicted by the forbidden spice,” he mused. “But if those sisters are coughing up blood and tissue... I don’t know how much it will do, or if it will do anything at all.”
Ciel shifted uncomfortably where he stood. “I felt the strangest sense of unease around them,” he admitted. “It was as of something else was hovering unseen behind them, something menacing. I have no idea what, but it made my entire body tense.”
Sebastian stared at his master. There was still so, so much he had to teach him. But not here. Not now. “Master,” he began, not at all liking what he was fixing to say and knowing that Ciel would not like it either. “If you recall, during the search for Jack the Ripper, Viscount Druitt was on our suspect list in the first place in part because he has a medical license. Surely even though he is not a practicing doctor, he may possess the necessary knowledge to find out the root of what ails Lady Theodosia and Lady Florentia?”
Ciel gritted his teeth. He wanted to argue more than anything, to remind Sebastian what a butcher the Viscount really was, even though he turned out not to be the infamous Ripper. But he knew his butler was right. “It’s a good thing the Viscount’s ball is open to everyone after all,” he growled angrily. “It appears we have more investigating to do than we thought.”
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kuro-von-shitsuji · 7 years
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Sooo because I’m a big nerd and would rather find out where the Phantomhive estate is instead of going to class I did some googling and Vicar Rathbone’s church is actually Chichester Cathedral in West Sussex 
Which means the Phantomhive estate is approximately here
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The following is the lineup for the polls by date, made using a random number generator. New characters introduced in chapter 199 will automatically be added to the end of the roster.
April 19th - April 26th
Rian Stoker
Lord Ackroyd's son
FOL Orphanage staff
Claude Faustus
Baldroy / Bard / Baldo
Finnian / Finny
Sharpe Hanks
April 20th - April 27th
Soma's elephant
Sophie Smith
Finny's hat
Funtom Corporation's unicorn suit
Karl Woodley
Chris Heathfield
Sieglinde Sullivan
Fred Abberline
Stella Rose
Charles Phipps
the orphan that called Sebastian an old guy
April 21st - April 28th
Joanne Harcourt
Purple House dorm master
Agni / Arshad Satyendra Iyer
Yana Toboso
Grete Hilbard
the Mad Dog of Venice
Rachel Phantomhive
Charles Phipps's chicken
April 22nd - April 29th
Mrs. Mayell
the Rowdy Count
Georg von Siemens
Margaret Connor
Cedric Brandel
Mathilda Simmons
Sam / Old Man Sam
Grelle Sutcliff
Ellery Nixon
Eric Slingby
April 23rd - April 30th
Edward Midford
Luka Macken
Queen Victoria
Lord Ackroyd
the other children in the lab Finny was kept in
Reaper trainees
Green House dorm master
Vincent Phantomhive
Drossel Keinz
Lawrence Bluewer's sisters
Charles Grey
April 24th - May 1st
Margaret Turner
Edgar Redmond
Derrick Arden
Ronald Knox
Aurora Society member
Bloodbath Johnny
Soma Asman Kadar
Claude's birds
Sebastian's silverware
Chef Rickman
Susannah Connor
April 25th - May 2nd
John Brown
Saneatsu Nekoma
Lawrence Anderson / Pops
Chef Wollest
Chris Heathfield's maids
demon Crow
Nina's assistants
Prince Albert puppet
April 26th - May 3rd
Blavat Sky
Vicar Rathbone
Julius Pitt
walking stick shopkeeper
Grimsby Keane
Ciel's horse
Edward V
Jay the Undertaker
Gregory Violet
Jeremy Rathbone
the cat from the live action movie
Henry Barrymore
April 27th - May 4th
Lawrence Bluewer
Prince Albert
the Panzer
the train kidnapper
Chef Lach
Doll / Freckles
Sam's grandson
Bitter Rabbit
Japanese man with a katana
"Ciel" Phantomhive / Our Ciel / O!Ciel
April 28th - May 5th
Undertaker's mourning lockets
Purple House prefect from Vincent's year
Patrick the Grey Wizard
Johann Agares
the cultists
Baldroy Jr.
John Brown's horse
Sphere Music Hall staff
April 29th - May 6th
Jackknife Haywood
Nina Hopkins
William's death scythe
Angela Blanc
Wolfram Gelzer
Ronald's lawnmower
Arthur Randall
Aleister Chamber / Viscount of Druitt
April 30th - May 7th
Irene Diaz
beggar boy that Soma gives a necklace to, mother, and baby brother
kenpo master
Red House dorm master
Shiori Genpou
Cedric K. Ros
William T. Spears
Patrick Phelps
Japanese woman with a lunchbox
May 1st - May 8th
Arthur Conan Doyle
the bear
Grelle's chainsaw
Trancy / Former Head Trancy
Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred face
the archeologist
the cats Sebastian rescues from the rain
Hilde Dickhaut
Cloudia Phantomhive
May 2nd - May 9th
King's Bear prostitutes
Undertaker's death scythe
Sieglinde Sullivan's father
Charles Bennett Sato
demon Ciel
Arnold Trancy
Ciel Phantomhive bizarre doll / Real Ciel / R!Ciel
Arihito Genpou
Thomas Wallis
May 3rd - May 10th
Chef Tarpin
Queen Victoria (Season 1)
Lau's ladies
Harold West Jeb
Professor Sullivan / village crone
Anne Drewanz
CGI horses / driver
Margaret Connor's father
Ciel Phantomhive child / R!Ciel child
May 4th - May 11th
Maurice Cole
Alexis Leon Midford
bizarre dolls
the turnspit dog
the "werewolves"
O!Ciel's land renters
Sebastian the dog
Red House prefect from Vincent's year
the Sebastian Roomba
bizarre doll horses
Baldroy's cow
May 5th - May 12th
Hanae Wakatsuki
the iceberg
Alan Humphries
Ash Landers
Snake's unnamed snakes
Munemitsu Aoki
Alois Trancy / Jim Macken
Elizabeth Midford / Lizzy
Aurora Society purified water seller
Drossel's dolls
the timetable guy
Herman Greenhill
May 6th - May 13th
Azzurro Vanel
William's pigeons
Reaper managers
Countess Trancy and her baby
German countryman
Scotland Yard officers
Haku's henchman
Lorraine McDowell
demon "pet" (the xenomorph)
Hannah Annafellows
Angelina Dalles / Madam Red / Aunt An
May 7th - May 14th
Vincent Phantomhive's staff
Paul Jones
Francis Midford
Sebastian Michaelis
Phantomhive family ring
Edward Abberline
Baron Ridley
Sebastian's owl
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abybweisse · 10 months
Why is Rachel considered a masculin charecter?
Rachel's "masculine" character
That seems to be a common misunderstanding within the fandom, which I also fell victim to for a while. I think it stems from the English fan translation (perhaps even the French licensed translation?) about her in the Character Guide.
Yana-san tried to clear that up a while later, like in tweets or something, but it's still a pervasive misconception.
What Yana-san was trying to say is that Rachel is a strong-willed woman, much like Vincent says of the Phantomhive women. In "With Father" he was mostly talking about his sister and mother, but he probably chose to marry a woman who shares many of the same characteristics.
Rachel doesn't have the strongest physical health, given her severe asthma, but she's clearly (per the Character Guide and Vincent) the disciplinarian in the family, not Vincent. And we've seen her take charge of a situation when Vincent didn't know what to do or say (when real Ciel says he doesn't want to become earl anymore). She's also canonically the one who names the boys, since Vincent says so, explaining to the real Vicar Rathbone that he's no good with choosing names and that Rachel named their own sons.
She's also got a rather raunchy sense of humor (grabbing her little sister's boobs and being openly envious of her for her endowments). Madam Red might have developed her own naughty sense of humor partly influenced by Rachel's.
Idk exactly how the original Japanese words it in the Character Guide, but at least one translation came up with "masculine" to describe her personality. Like I said above, the fandom -- including me -- ran with it. I haven't deleted the old posts I made about it, but there should be reblogs or comments or both on some of the old posts, where I try to clear up the confusion. And there should be some newer posts, like this one, where I explain the misunderstanding.
Rachel's strong-willed and not particularly demure, with her occasionally raunchy and scathing wit. She takes charge of situations when her husband isn't sure what to do. She's the one who spanks the children when they misbehave, and so they fear her more than their father. Some would call this "masculine" of her... and that's possibly how the misunderstanding came about in the first place. She doesn't 100% fit gender norms of the Victorian era. But then again, who truly did?
Personally, I find characters who fit 100% to some stereotype to be one-sided and boring. Rachel strikes me as an interesting, multifaceted character. And we still hardly even know her....
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architectnews · 4 years
London Architecture News: Buildings
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– latest additions to this page, arranged chronologically:
24 Sep 2020 Shoreditch High Street, East London
24 Sep 2020 Frederick’s Place and Old Jewry
22 Sep 2020 The Gaslight on Rathbone Street Fitzrovia
17 Sep 2020 Empire House, Chiswick High Road Design: Assael Architecture image from architect Empire House 137 homes delivered, providing a range of apartment types and townhouses.
17 Sep 2020 Southall Sidings, West London Housing
15 Sep 2020 Brixton Windmill Education & Community Centre
11 Sep 2020 Stuart Shave Modern Art Gallery Mayfair
9 Sep 2020 Australian War Memorial
8 Sep 2020 Whittington Estate Apartment Archway
7 Sep 2020 Camden Highline Competition – a new park for London Camden Highline Design Competition
7 Sep 2020 Leytonstone House Extension Architects: Bradley Van Der Straeten photo : Bradley Van Der Straeten Leytonstone House Extension A refurbishment and extension of a family home in North East London.
29 Aug 2020 British Academy Refurbishment, Carlton House Terrace, St. James’s Design: Wright & Wright image © architects British Academy Refurbishment Wright & Wright has started work on a project to remodel the grade I-listed offices of the British Academy in central London. This Carlton House Terrace project won Listed Building Consent this summer.
25 Aug 2020 Institute of Physics, Knowledge Quarter, Keystone conservation area, King’s Cross Design: TateHindle, architects image courtesy of Dragonfly Institute of Physics at King’s Cross Based in ‘the Knowledge Quarter’, part of a 19th century Keystone conservation area in Kings Cross, the new IOP headquarters provides education and exhibition facilities alongside a combination of office and public space with a basement auditorium and exhibition gallery, which are both open to the public.
14 August 2020 Stag Brewery in Mortlake Design: Squire & Partners image courtesy of architects practice Stag Brewery Redevelopment
10 Aug 2020 King’s Cross Sports Hall Architects: Bennetts Associates photo © John Sturrock King’s Cross Sports Hall Building Construction of the brand-new King’s Cross Sports Hall, a community sports centre and gym, located at the north east edge of the 67-acre King’s Cross development, has now completed.
3 August 2020 ‘I Saw The World End still’ London by Es Devlin & Machiko Weston photo courtesy of Es Devlin I Saw The World End still The new commission, I Saw The World End, responds to the moment the nature and consequences of war were irrevocably redefined, reflecting on the impact of the event from both a British and a Japanese perspective.
28 July 2020 Tooley Street Triangle Revealed Tooley Street Triangle, London Bridge
21 July 2020 Around Station Development at South Kensington image courtesy of Save Our South Kensington Campaign South Kensington Station Development A planning application from Transport for London (TfL) and its development partner Native Land (NL) has been submitted for its ‘Around Station Development’ at South Kensington, but local residents and businesses are united in their opposition to the redevelopment scheme.
16 July 2020 Vanguard School in Lambeth, South London Design: Pozzoni Architecture image courtesy of architects office NAS Vanguard School in Lambeth, South London Students at the National Autistic Society’s Vanguard School are settling in after the new free school opened in January.
13 July 2020 Book Tower House Design: Platform 5 Architects photography : Alan Williams Book Tower House The original property contained some Arts and Crafts influenced decorative aspects, which the owners were keen to retain and highlight, while introducing contemporary interventions.
11 July 2020 Peter Morris’s Camden Cloud House Approval
The Cloud House is the vision of architect Peter Morris and TV producer Emily Kennedy. This extraordinary fantastical architecture has been approved for small back street in Gospel Oak.
Peter and Emily have applied for permission to demolish their Victorian home in Vicar’s Road and replace it with two houses.
It is an interesting street, very eclectic, and not in a conservation area.
The couple had initially considered remodelling their homewhich dates from around 1880.
It does not function well, suffering from being damp, draughty and extremely difficult to heat.
The Cloud House will incorporate the current building by recycling its bricks to create a herringbone patterned floor.
The Cloud House in Gospel Oak
7 July 2020 Grenfell Tower Inquiry
3 July 2020 Queen’s Yard in Hackney Wick, East London
2 July 2020 Black Ridge House in Walthamstow
27 June 2020 John Frieda Salon near Oxford Street
25 June 2020 Reimagining Butler’s Wharf photo © Steven Ehrlich Reimagining Butler’s Wharf LFA 2020 The London Festival of Architecture and Butler’s Wharf Riverside Trust launch a new design competition inviting architects, landscape architects, designers and artists to enhance the riverside promenade at Butler’s Wharf.
The competition seeks design solutions that will encourage visitors and residents to use and cherish one of London’s most popular riverside spaces. The winning design will be an imaginative response to the site, connecting users to the space, its surrounding river and buildings, and to the site’s rich maritime and industrial heritage.
22 June 2020 Morden Wharf, Greenwich Peninsula, south east London Design: OMA image : Pixelflakes Morden Wharf Development U+I submits plans for Morden Wharf, a 1,500 homes and employment space within a public park on the River Thames.
19 June 2020 International Quarter London Landscape, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Design: LDA Design image © LDA Design International Quarter London Landscape LDA Design has won a competition to create a playful ‘super nature’ setting for Alison Brooks’s new residential towers on the edge of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. The towers are part of IQL, an exciting new mixed-use development by Lendlease and London Continental Railways (LCR) in Stratford, east London.
17 June 2020 Maida Smiles Clinic, Sutherland Ave, Little Venice photos courtesy of article provider Dental Clinic in West London “The design inspiration is based around our interpretation of ceramic dental implants which are commonly used in restorative dentistry.”
16 June 2020 Shoffice – Shed Office
15 June 2020 The Music Box in London SE1
11 June 2020 Musicity at Home 2020
Free online festival on Sunday 21 June 2020:
A Day Of Live Music Celebrating Architecture, Neighbourhoods And Stamping Grounds – Streaming Live
Musicity at Home 2020
9 June 2020 India Pavilion at the London Design Biennale 2021
The India Pavilion is curated by Nisha Mathew Ghosh – Partner and Design Principal at Mathew and Ghosh Architects, Bengaluru.
India Pavilion London Design Biennale 2021
2 Jun 2020 Redevelopment Of The Ebury Bridge Estate, Westminster Architects: Astudio image courtesy of architecture office Redevelopment Of The Ebury Bridge Estate Westminster City Council announce that construction firm Bouygues UK has won a contract to design and build the first phase of the new Ebury Bridge Estate in Pimlico. Bouygues UK will work with the council and award-winning architectural practice astudio in bringing these designs to life, with the first phase due for completion in 2023.
18 Mar 2020 Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall, 399 Edgware Road Design: Stiff + Trevillion Architects photo : Kilian O’Sullivan Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall
17 Mar 2020 Clippings, Shoreditch Design: HUT Architecture photo : Emanuelis Stasaitis Clippings Office Building Within the large open-plan workspace of a growing tech company, a network of curtains provide Clippings with a flexible and expandable office.
16 Mar 2020 KXU Wellness Hub, 131 Sloane Street Architects: Stiff + Trevillion photo : Kilian O’Sullivan KXU Wellness Hub in Sloane Street A boutique wellness hub based in the 131 Sloane Street development. The exercise space is the basement of George House and opens onto the Pavilion Road courtyard.
15 Mar 2020 Still Life in Hackney, North East London
11 Mar 2020 Polka Theatre in Wimbledon
10 Mar 2020 Southbank Tower in London Relaunch
9 Mar 2020 Alumno Student Residence on Alscot Road in Bermondsey
5 Mar 2020 An Eclectic Victorian Home Extension North London
3 Mar 2020 Slim Studio’s Flat Interior
26 Feb 2020 Eastern Yards, Bankside, London SE1 Design: Make and PLP Architecture image courtesy of architects office Eastern Yards on Bankside Native Land receive planning approval for new proposals for its Eastern Yards site, part of the £1 billion Bankside Yards mixed-use development, in Bankside.
26 Feb 2020 Collector’s Flat, Central London Design: MATA Architects Collector’s Flat Interior in Central London
21 + 5 Feb 2020 Tottenham Pavilion Organisers Respond to Open Letter image courtesy of architecture competition organisers Tottenham Pavilion Competition News A grassroots community project in South Tottenham, London borough of Haringey, responded today to an open letter sent by 23 leading figures in Architecture.
20 Feb 2020 Construction Skills Training Centre Camden
18 Feb 2020 V&A Museum of Childhood Redevelopment News
11 Feb 2020 HS2 Station Designs: High Speed Two Buildings
10 Feb 2020 York House King’s Cross Office Building
5 Feb 2020 Tottenham Pavilion Competition
4 Feb 2020 QS Office Headquarters Building in Mayfair
1 Feb 2020 Terrasse Penthouse Hotel
28 Jan 2020 Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry Part Two
28 Jan 2020 Grenfell Tower in West London: Fire Inquiry
26 Jan 2020 Portobello Road House in Notting Hill
24 Jan 2020 Pavilion Road Hotel in Knightsbridge
24 Jan 2020 Zaha Hadid Design at Harrods, Knightsbridge
21 Jan 2020 Greville Road Studio Interior
20 Jan 2020 Cozens Place House on the Haringey Ladder, North London
20 Jan 2020 Ruvigny Gardens House Extension in Putney
16 Jan 2020 Chiswick Apartment Building
14 Jan 2020 Principal Tower Building in Shoreditch
13 Jan 2020 Quilter Street House near Columbia Road Flower Market
13 Jan 2020 The Paintworks Apartments in Shoreditch
London Architecture News 2019
UK Capital City Building Updates Archive
London Building News 2017 – archive page image Courtesy Foster + Partners, Architects
London Architecture News 2017 – archive page
Spire London Docklands Tower Design: HOK, Architects image from architect Spire London Docklands Tower News about the tallest resi-tower building in Western Europe
60-70 St Mary Axe Design: Foggo Associates Architects image courtesy of the architects 60-70 St Mary Axe
1 Undershaft Tower Design: Eric Parry Architects image : DBOX, courtesy Eric Parry Architects 1 Undershaft Tower
The Scalpel City of London Skyscraper Design: Kohn Pederson Fox – KPF image courtesy of the architects The Scalpel City of London Skyscraper
More London architectural news welcome – send content to info(at)e-architect.co.uk
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nightingveilxo · 7 years
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Granada The Devil’s Foot, Sherlock S4 Imagery, and Moriarty or Mortimer
Holmes is unwell, so Watson has brought him to Cornwall to recover. They become involved in the death of a sister and two brothers, and then later, the remaining brother (Mortimer). There had been a split in the family over money, but they’ve somewhat recovered, at least enough to sit around playing cards together. While questioning the remaining brother, Holmes asks if he had a “premonition of evil“.
In this sequence of photos, Holmes and Watson are investigating the effects of a toxic substance that becomes so via combustion. Holmes is lighting a lamp that is identical to one in the home of the local vicar, where the remaining brother died. He’s looking at Watson, “Are you ready?” Watson nods, and then through a series of camera and special effects, we see what is happening in Holmes’s mind (important to note, they’re in the area due to Holmes’s health, and he’s recently disposed of the morphine stash he brought with him on the trip). The camera tilts several times, and the lighting changes from blue to red.
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Here is the portion where Watson is trying to bring him back to awareness.
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Holmes is having the same muscle constrictions and fear as the victims, but when he comes around, he yells, “John!” Interestingly, Watson doesn’t act like it’s the first time it’s happened. Holmes apologizes, and Watson’s expression softens slightly.
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He’s more concerned, but a frame later, there is a warm concern in his eyes.
Afterward, Holmes throws the lamp out into the sea, but he almost seems mesmerized by it, having just recovered from his ‘nightmare’ that largely revolved around the events at Reichenbach Fall and the death of Moriarty.
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At the end, we have the sequence of Holmes telling Watson, “I have never loved, Watson, but if I did and if the woman I loved had met such an end, I might act even as our lawless lion-hunter has done.” He gives Watson a certain look, asks if he would have done the same, and Watson is smiling when he agrees. Watson does comment Holmes has once more established his own form of justice, but Holmes smiles, says he won’t do the police’s work for them, and he’s on holiday.
They then scamper off together.
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Now, compare this with some of the images from S4 of Sherlock, and his certainty in T6T that the events have something to do with Moriarty continuing to play the game.
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Related Meta: Hypnosis, Reflections, and Circles That Seem Like Loops in Sherlock and The Woman in Green (Rathbone/Bruce) ( x )
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@monikakrasnorada @may-shepard @swimmingfeelsinajohnlockianpool @sherlockians-get-bored @holmesianscholar @princesse-des-lucioles @devoursjohnlock @gosherlocked @sherlockshadow @not-a-bit-good @sarahthecoat @yorkiepug @kateis-cakeis
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Black Butler #557 - So true! ~ LoveAnimeHateReality
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sherlockkinkmeme · 7 years
Prompt #34
RB, Holmes & Watson
Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce series, Holmes & Watson
Bumbling Watson lives up to his reputation as a 3-continents man.  In fact, he’s more than that.  For all that he’s not-a-genius in other ways, he’s brilliant in the bedroom, or so it would seem by the way he’s able to talk himself in to so many of them. 
At first Holmes doesn’t even notice - just assumes that when Watson goes away with whomever, he’s keeping them out of the way with idle chit-chat. One day he realizes there’s a pattern forming in relation to Watson’s rumpledness and the cooperation of many secondary players in his little crime-dramas. The thing is, he’s not sure what, if anything, to do about it.  On the one hand, yes, it gets people out of his hair and allows him unimpeded access to the crime scenes.  On the other, that’s the housemaid’s chamber Watson’s just walked out of and he was leaving the stable boy’s company not thirty minutes before that.  And whether his Watson knows it or not, Holmes considers him his husband in all but name, even though a relationship has never technically been mentioned or begun.
His Watson is a slut.  A very successful and a very convenient slut, and apart from being floored that Watson’s so good at it, Holmes is not sure how to feel about it, nor if it’s safe to leave him alone for 5 minutes with the new and rather innocent-looking vicar.
The patter of Watson’s brilliant seductions can take place off-screen and we just take it as read, since writing that convincingly would be quite a challenge, and it’s kind of funny not to see it but just assume it somehow happens.
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