#very strongly agree with all the points tho
llitchilitchi · 2 months
Here's an ask! You're a very entertaining person actually and I'd love to know your thoughts on Life. 🎤
call me a nihilist but I do genuinely think that there is no greater meaning to life and we all just kind of exist. there is no point to anything, not in a Greater Cosmic Sense sort of way, so we can pick and choose what matters and what we put emphasis on. it is so much nicer to say that seeing a cat early in the morning chasing flies in the grass is more important than a failed exam, because in 10 years both of them will matter about the same (so not at all, most likely) and one of them brought joy
I think it was in the Nicomachean Ethics, where Aristotle talked about how "true good" in the world is to find out what you love and to do it with your whole heart, and to learn to do it well, and that will bring you fulfillment and then contribute to a greater whole (which, while pointless in a divine and cosmic sense, is a wonderful thing because people deserve to be happy without a greater reason behind it than happiness itself)
and I think that's what life should be about
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
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Fought 'til you tethered me, swept under surfaces, never enough of it...
#911#buddie#911edit#buddieedit#911 on fox#911 fox#911 abc#evanbuckleyedit#eddiediazedit#my edit#otp: you don't need to pretend with me#usercam#at this point i should have a cemetery tag lol#flashing tw#i need a gracie tag dont I?#die on their watch.#so i was thinking earlier and if youve been around here any length of time you know i think about that cemetery scene a lot#because narratively its very interesting scene because i changes the tone of their relationship in comparison to the rest of the show reall#and its a fascinating choice. even the whole point that of the conversation happening at a cemetery where theyre visiting someone who didn'#but i have a tendency to look at that scene from eddies eyes#because when you look at it along with all of eddies reactions surrounding bucks death and the reactions eddie was having to bucks words#that feels like a breakup. if feels like were watching eddies heart break in real time yk?#BUT buck is very purposeful in this scene too. he's basically daring eddie to say something but eddie just thinks that he needs to agree#and if you look at it that way and think about it as buck asking for a reaction you can argue buck feels rejected here too#even tho eddie thinks hes being supportive#they are saying things and they are being misinterpreted. both of them leave that talk with different views of what happened#and thats VERY interesting with how strongly the show pushed buck eddie and chris as a family unity in the episodes before#and well i dont really know how the show plans to recover from that. if they plan on doing it at all. but like#that was a breakup. but if its a breakup where both of them think they got broken up with. how do you come back?#eddie diaz
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misscalming · 1 year
Scotty : 10/10- does the best voices - quick at the maths part - strongly influenced by Gaelic folk stories - makes cool puzzles to solve - runs the most G rated campaigns out of everyone - swears sometimes and apologises for it - really likes teamwork and found family tropes - makes cool as fuck props - dresses up as a wizard - very wholesome - super passionate - beginner friendly -
Uhura : 8.5/10- actually keeps the players on task - good at organising shit - probably makes up cool fictional languages/texts to decipher - makes cool puzzles for players to solve - u feel a little stupid when you can't solve the really hard riddles tho -
Bones : 7/10 - has zero patience - would either rage quit or make the bosses impossible to kill - takes sick pleasure out of taking away everyones hit points - runs the shortest campaigns - kills off everyone as quickly as possible - only became DM after agreeing to play dnd but only if he could be the DM - you miss one session and you come back to see your character has lost 3 limbs and is on 2 hit points
Kirk : 10/10 - goofy voices - makes the best NPCs - kinda gets distracted by players' discussions - runs some of the longest and weirdest campaigns out of the lot - makes heaps of props (not quite as good as scotty's but close) - low key a people pleaser and indulges really dumb side quests the players make up like finding the toilets or some shit - basically all the main "important to the plot" NPC's he plays are hard flirts - has spare dice for everyone - makes awesome stories and great at entertaining everyone with his villain speeches - gets really upset but tries to hide it when you have something on and miss a session and you feel really bad because he puts a lot of effort into the campaign and it means a lot to him - would love to sit down and make character sheets with beginners but doesn't have the time :(
Spock : 7/10- great atmosphere - will put on Vulcan music and vividly describe some waterfall for 30 minutes - kinda boring? - but okay if you like poetry - doesn't let you mess with the NPCs or do ridiculous shit - says "Are you sure you wish to do that?" a lot - impossible to beat bosses - "love wins" every fucking time and fighting never actually solves anything - cock blocks u from the NPCs :( - does not have spare dice for everyone and will make u leave if you don't bring your own dice - no variety in the roles he can play - every npc is just a Spock self insert clone lol - doesn't give you time to think about what to do or let you talk to other players if their characters are physically separated from your own for "realism"
Chekov : 6/10 - communist manifesto role play - feels like you're in an episode of Seinfeld on crack - makes really confusing plots with twenty storylines and thinks he's a literary genius - does really bad accents - spits when he gets too into it - which is often - if you sit a few chairs away and are there for some nonsensical shit he's the dm for you - takes it so seriously you have to laugh - Spock just silently stood up and left after 3 minutes of the first session and never came back - makes really good drawings of everyone's characters tho - just a bad star trek episode in dnd form
Sulu : 4/10 - doesn't really know what he's doing - god his voice tho - forgets the rules sometimes - "uhh what happened last session again?" - "What happened to (insert NPC name here)?" - "Oh- uhh they died, moving on" - doesn't have the drive to be the DM at all really - probably makes nice stories which criticise capitalism - makes you bring your own dice, character sheet and miniatures
Chapel : 6/10 - accidentally shows everyone her notes - lets the players run the game - spends half the time flipping through the handbooks looking for random monsters to throw in on a whim - dedicates herself to her speeches - likes player debates - pretty good at steering the plot
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rooolt · 2 months
i do like autistic gorgug but could you please elaborate on your reasons for thinking they're autistic? i just want ot hear them
all the characters I mentioned or just gorgug? I’m gonna do all of them bc I like to talk. (Prefacing this with the fact that I am autistic and this is based on my personal experiences)
riz has always read as autistic to me ever since the beginning I always come back to “I don’t have a lot of friends which is weird because I’m very social” which is a line from his character introduction but like the fact that he really doesn’t seem to understand a lot of the social conventions around him and he’s always been labeled as like “strange” for his “weird behaviors”. Things like being a teenager who wears a suit and carries a briefcase and doesn’t really consider the fact that people might judge him for it. Also as the seasons progress, partly from him being aroace, but for other stuff too I think it’s clear that riz feels like and outsider still and feels kinda fundamentally different from the people around him. Also he has very restricted interests in mystery and has little regard for acting “socially correct” and I think abt the line when they meet ayda for the first time and he says something like “I agree that it would be a whole lot easier if people just told you when your were friends instead of making you have to guess”. Riz gukgak i know what you are
Mary Ann as well to me is soooooo me coded it’s crazy. She barely talks to anybody and makes absolutely no effort to be socially “correct” and is so matter-of-fact. Furthermore Brennan describes her as still dressing like a freshman and stuff like that which very much speaks to my experiences of literally wearing the same (unfashionable) clothes every day since freshman year because they are the only things I can physically stand to wear. Also her openly being really into plushies and stuff like that and displaying them whether or not it’s cool or people judge her, very me with my dnd pins on my backpack
gorgug is a lot less direct evidence but like I truly believe it so strongly in my soul. I also think he carries a lot of awkwardness and fear, especially in freshman year, regarding how he’s supposed to behave socially and while he knows he’s doing something wrong he doesn’t know what would be right. He seeks so much guidance from his parents and from when he looks for the friendship section in compass points that idk the unsureness in those types of situations really resonates with me.
the crux of the matter, truly tho, is that I’m autistic and I like hitting characters I like with the autism beam bc it’s fun for me
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helloanthy · 9 months
(berserk au) NONO UTENA AS CASCA IS ACTUALLY GLOWING BRAIN GENIUS they're both people who have molded themselves and dedicated their lives to a dream that they were introduced to by a person they idolize (griffith/akio) who they met right after a traumatic incident in their childhood shook their worldview and seemingly took everything they knew away from them. they become unable to distinguish this dream from what is their own idealization of griffith/akio, to the point this person's presence in their lives soon ends up replacing their dream. casca's dream to become griffith's sword was pretty dependent from the get-go, but i'd argue utena's dream of becoming a prince being used by akio to manipulate her into feeling like she has to depend on him and becoming his princess is much the same, it just happens onscreen. most importantly though, they are the reason guts/anthy begins to believe their existence has a point beyond constant struggling and that they can take their life into their own hands towards a direction that might bring them happiness. and at the same time anthy/guts gets them to grow beyond their dependence on akio/griffith and the dream he implanted on them. guts/griffith and akio/anthy are a little harder to compare, though. griffith adores guts to the point of starting to doubt his lifelong dream, while akio at the very least resents anthy for taking the power of dios from him and sees her as liitle more than a doll/tool. BUUUT they both declare anthy/guts as their property in some form or another while deep down feeling Very Strongly about them, just in oposite directions. so there's potential there. i'll admit a lot of these are super broad simplifications of these characters' arcs and there is a lot of important stuff i'm skipping for the sake of drawing parallels without frying my pea brain with anything more complex tho lol
(ooh now that i think about it what if the rose crests were the behelit in this au? WHAT IF CHUCHU WAS PUCK IN THIS AU?)
1. thank you so much anon for this ask and putting the vibes i was getting for their placements into words i agree with all of this except for the part near the end about u having pea abrain i DISAGREE i think ur very galaxy brained for being able to describe this vision for me. AUs dont hav to be 1 to 1 ! thats the fun of it 2. chuchu is absolutely puck 3. i did not think about this until now but i just tried to imagine anthy pulling the Dragon Slayer out of her own chest. help
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
hey remember that turo cuddling ask? yeah let’s call that the trauma au. and let’s say the reader manages to tame the aggressive miraidon somehow and gets it to apologize to turo for scaring and nearly killing him. idk i just feel like even tho he was kinda a shitty dad he deserves a good ending too <3 -galaxy (also hope ur doing well and eating n drinking properly! take care of urself k?) :]
"You're welcome." A light smile formed on your lips as you unclasped the iron muzzle around Miraidon's snout, letting it drop to the floor with a loud clank. "Now we're gonna try this again."
You kneeled down in front of it, slowly reaching your hand out to the side of its face.
Chuffing, the electric dragon averted its gaze, but allowed you to gently pet it anyways. It took every circuit in its body not to bite your hand off and sink its mechanical teeth into your flesh.
Even if it absolutely wanted to, your Iron Valiant bodyguard was present, and their pointed glare made it strongly reconsider.
Seeing that it finally learned some self-control, you couldn't hold back your grin as you fed it a sitrus berry. "Good job, M-2. I appreciate you not biting me this time."
So far, you've been making excellent progress with retraining this aggressive Miraidon. You called it "M-2" to distinguish it from the first Miraidon brought back through the time machine.
But honestly, you feared this wouldn't even be possible...as this exact same Miraidon nearly killed Turo after he intervened in a territorial dispute between the two paradox Pokémon.
Neither of you could've predicted just how hostile the second specimen was going to be...nor the catastrophic damage that a single Electro Drift could do to an entire research station. It ended up crumbling down, but by Arceus' blessing Turo managed to survive....albeit barely.
While his AI got him immediate medical treatment, you had your Iron Valiant knock out the aggressive Miraidon so you could put it in a containment cell. Then you dealt with the more docile Miraidon that was wounded in the ordeal. It tried fleeing Area Zero out of fear for its life, but you convinced it to stay.
You couldn't let the media find out about its existence, especially not after learning an Iron Treads somehow escaped to the surface, apparently lured out by herba mystica.
Keeping this project from spiraling out of control was getting more difficult by the day, and you feared that soon this "paradise" that your partner dreamed of would fall to pieces.
Yet..even mentioning putting a pause on the time machine had Turo freaking out and nearly tearing out his IVs. Despite remaining critically injured, he denied you any sort of special permission to shut it down.
Not even if, god forbid, he couldn't be around to do that.
Although his AI did see the logic in your reasoning and agreed that you should have access to it...his programming wouldn't allow it. Even if you managed to override the security locks, he'll be forced to attack you with a team of powerful future paradox Pokémon who could calculate your every move.
You know because you've tried it in the past after a heated argument.
Not even your strongest team could outsmart the AI...and you marveled at how your partner could make a replica of himself this advanced for the sake of preserving the project.
Just how much time did he have down here by himself after Sada left?
In the end, you gave up on any hopes of convincing him, instead focusing on other matters like his health and population control in Area Zero.
You'd report to him on the conditions of both Miraidons...although he remained very much afraid of M-2, refusing to see it for a long time.
He had a lot of sleepless nights and would wake up screaming at times if he accidentally fell asleep on his desk, all the nightmares involving the attack. Not to mention he became more clingy to you whenever M-1 was in the same room as you both.
He still got quite jumpy around it, even though the two are distinguishable by their personalities..and the fact that, until now, they remained in different battle modes.
But you made a promise to him that you'll try to tame M-2. Of course he didn't want you to be anywhere near it. He begged you to lock it away, claiming "we can always get another one".
Though you believed it deserved a chance to redeem itself. You understood that it was just angry and confused at this world it was brought back into unwillingly...and then seeing another Miraidon only made its temperament worse.
With those things under control, though, you figured it was time that Turo saw the progress you've made. It wasn't a "lost cause" like he feared.
The fact that M-2 obeyed your request to enter its pokeball showed that maybe....it did feel guilty over the incident, after all.
Maybe it would be too prideful to admit that, though.
Regardless, you notified Turo's AI that you'll be arriving with M-2, before you and Iron Valiant headed to the teleporter. It took you both down to the lowest-leveled lab where your partner was currently working.
You can only pray to Arceus above that nothing goes wrong this time.
"N-No..please lock that thing back up! I told you not to bring it down here!!"
"Honey, it's okay-"
"It tried to kill me! How can that be okay with you?!"
"...I tamed it. It's not going to attack either of us ever again."
"..you..did..?" Turo was shaking all over. He could feel his heart hammering in your chest as his gaze remained fixated on the temperamental Miraidon at your side.
It just gave you a side-eyed glance, as though to say "I told you this was a bad idea". But you patted its head, smiling when it didn't hiss at you this time around. "See? It's okay."
Even your partner was astonished, yet he couldn't help but flinch as its digital blue eyes flickered back to him. He felt like a child who was scared of a Driftloon taking him away--it felt pathetic at best...yet he couldn't help it at all.
"I detect the Professor's heartrate increasing rapidly-"
"Thank you for the diagnosis, T." Waving off his AI's concerns, you looked at M-2, hands on your hips. "Now listen up, Miraidon. I think you owe him an apology for your actions. I know you were just acting on instinct back there, but...if we're ever gonna move forward from that and work together..I would like you to do this one thing for me."
"..agiasss..." It raised its haunches.
"......garowl.." Looking back to Turo, it closed its eyes and bowed its head, showing respect towards him...something he didn't think was possible until now.
The professor was utterly speechless. All he could do was swallow nervously, take a breath and shakily exhale, before he finally managed to speak to it.
"I-I....understand. It was my own fault, really. I..I should have known better than to get between you two, but--I was afraid you'd--"
When his eyes met M-2's bright blue digital ones, he clammed up again. But he felt your hand gently take his arm, and he glanced at you with tearful eyes. "..this is going to...take some time.." He shuddered. "But..thank you.."
"Of course." Smiling, you gave him a kiss on the lips, which helped him calm down as he realized you were still okay. "T? Would you mind escorting M-2 back to its quarters? You can reward it with some berries I left on the table."
The Miraidon in question huffed, rolling its eyes like a moody teenager. But it obeyed and allowed AI Turo to seal it back inside its pokeball, before he departed via the green teleporter.
Only when they vanished did Turo feel like he could breathe fully again. You thought he was going to start ranting about how you've been keeping this huge secret behind his back when he specifically told you not to engage with this Miraidon-
Instead, though, he just pulled you into a hug, still trembling. "How did you do it? Did you reprogram it to listen to you?"
"No, I just...did my best to understand its feelings, that's all." You wrapped your arms around him, rubbing his back as you slowly helped him calm down again.
"...I-I see, and...you're certain it won't turn on us?"
"As long as we give that Miraidon the respect it deserves, then we should be good. The next step will be reintroducing it to the first one, but we can worry about that another day."
Turo didn't say anything to that, only nodding and holding you tighter, relieved that you were alright.
It's good to see him physically recovering. Emotionally was..going to take a long while, but you'll be here for him.
You'll be here for each other.
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tadpolesonalgae · 2 months
okay, so this isn't a recommendation or like an attempt to sway what ur planning for the plot of cbmthy... more like, ik this will be very unlikely to happen but i like to ✨️imagine✨️ so treat it more like a silly au thought 🫢🫢
but anyways, i think it would be soooooooooo 🤌 delicious in terms of angst if, in cbmthy, az starts falling in love with reader and he realizes that. but before he can express his feelings or do anything about it, the mating bond snaps between them. bc you Know our insecure & high key depressed girlie is Not gonna ever believe he actually loves her. like i headcanon cbmthy azriel as someone who desperately strives for a romantic partner but he also doesn't think he's deserving of it for his own self esteem issues (and thus probably why he keeps going after "unavailable" females knowing that it will be unlikely to work out). and finally, FINALLY he gets the literal Sign From God™️ that he is meant to love and be loved by someone. and even though there was some.. not so great moments between them he'll still want to Try and make it work bc he's in love with her and they're literally mates.
but in reader's perspective it'll just look like he suddenly has an interest in her bc of the bond and she'll constantly question if he truly loves her (bc even tho i did perceive it as a heat of the moment slip up from him, the "if you were half the female [your sister] is" and "you think you're deserving of me?" comment would haunt me forever if someone said that to me, let alone someone i have a Crush on 😭). like az would do all these romantic gestures in attempting to convince her of his affections and it'll just upset her more. bc to her, the only logical reason he's acting like this is because of the bond, and she's convinced that if his mate was literally anyone else, he wouldn't bat an eye towards her. like.. combined with her insecurity about beauty (comparing herself to mor or elain) that we've alr seen, anything he does will just solidify her disbelief of his love.
can u imagine the devestation of hoping for a lover ur whole life and it turns out the person who was destined to be Exactly That will never believe ur love bc u (whether intended or not) fucked it up.... the mistrust. the miscommunication. the angstttttttt omg.
sorry im literally writing fanfic of ur fanfic at this point lmao 😭😭 anyways ty for listening to my rambling 😔
‘ik this will be very unlikely to happen but i like to ✨️imagine✨️ so treat it more like a silly au thought 🫢🫢’
Girl I’m going to be honest there have been quite a few points where the paths for cbmthy have severely diverged from my original plan and I’ve considered writing aus that explore them just to commemorate them (once cbmthy is entirely finished up, of course 🫣) so I’m delighted getting to hear your ideas on it!!
‘but before he can express his feelings or do anything about it, the mating bond snaps between them.’
Okayyy, so as the actual reader we would know Az’s feelings were true and were already present before the bond snapped into place, but because he hadn’t voiced them beforehand reader/‘you’ would doubt the sincerity of his feelings upon deciding to voice them? Poor reader 😭
‘like i headcanon cbmthy azriel as someone who desperately strives for a romantic partner but he also doesn't think he's deserving of it for his own self esteem issues’
I strongly agree with you there! I’m really hoping sjm treats his mentality well because I think it would also be a good chance not just to address mental health and self esteem issues on their own but also men’s mental health? Chaol’s arc in ToG (ToD) is probably one of my favourite because it felt so genuine to me, so I hope Az gets one like his, or Feyre’s, or Nesta’s 🧡💛
‘but in reader's perspective it'll just look like he suddenly has an interest in her bc of the bond and she'll constantly question if he truly loves her’
Nooo so she’d be living with this constant doubt and on top of all her own problems and she’d have be locked in a perpetual battle with her own mind on how genuine his emotions are? 😭😭
‘bc even tho i did perceive it as a heat of the moment slip up from him, the "if you were half the female [your sister] is" and "you think you're deserving of me?" comment would haunt me forever if someone said that to me, let alone someone i have a Crush on 😭’
He did kind of—intentionally or not—cut right to her bones with those comments huh? 🫢
‘can u imagine the devestation of hoping for a lover ur whole life and it turns out the person who was destined to be Exactly That will never believe ur love bc u (whether intended or not) fucked it up....’
Stop I hadn’t considered the angst from Azriel’s side!! I suppose I write from reader’s perspective so frequently and her and Az have been (in a way) quite cold to one another (maybe awkward is a better word?) that I hadn’t thought what would happen if a mating bond happened and what that would mean for Az 😭
‘sorry im literally writing fanfic of ur fanfic at this point lmao 😭😭 anyways ty for listening to my rambling 😔’
No it’s so fun to hear!! Really it’s such a heartwarming experience that you enjoy cbmthy enough to be so involved with it, it means so much to me so thank you ☹️🫂
Okay, so my thoughts on this—if I’m honest, I think I’m familiar for the most part with how cbmthy is going to conclude? There are still many things I need to fine-tune since there’s a large chunk of story still to tell, but for the most part the different paths I’ve taken up to this point I’ve chosen due to my own writing capabilities (or what I think they are)? Like you said, I think this would be great for a one shot, and it was a path I’d actually considered to some extent, but personally I don’t think I’d be able to successfully write reader recovering if a mating bond snapped before Azriel got a chance to tell her about his feelings which is why that won’t be happening in the main story :)
That being said, I would like to explore those sides of things on a smaller, more controlled level? For example instead of it being a mating bond, now that reader’s magic has come out so obviously I think that’s something reader will struggle with, plus one other subplot that’ll finally come to light at the end of Ch. 15 which reader might speculate is affecting how Az acts around her in future parts!
Either way I’m looking forward to when the next part is finally complete since it’s taking me ages 😭🧡💛 I’m also excited to see how you’ll react to it and what you’ll make of different character’s choices!
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aihoshiino · 3 months
(I had this crazy moment when thinking about ONK today and wanted to tell someone)
If your speculation on the HKAI "I cannot love you" moment is correct, I wonder if the AQRB confrontation re Ruby's request to be seen (and loved) as Sarina to Aqua's Gorou will lead to a similar respond. Ie "I cannot love you the way you want me to, even in the scenario you just described."
Because at the end of the day, if I'm reading it correctly, Gorou was never serious in his "till you're 16" response to Sarina. They both knew that she wouldn't live past 12. Sarina/Ruby is delusional but only in a way a girl (sick and fated to die at 12 with the only person kind to her being her doctor) who didn't get to mature in her thinking could be. And imo that parallels to Hikaru, who's experience in "romance" was offering himself in exchange for "love". (Airi's defense for herself was that they were in love, which I suspect was something she told Hikaru, too.)
Tldr: Ruby in her right mind would not proposition her brother, just like 15YL Hikaru in his right would not think grooming is a form of romance. And it is the other person's responsibility to say "no, I can not offer you what (you think) you want".
Another response that's ultimately too late oops… I do still have a lot to say on this topic tho so I hope it's still interesting to read!
Message from future Claire after they finished writing this ask: tehepero… this one turned into a huge ramble so um. please forgive me. Also, spoilers for Usagi Drop made their way in here, if someone somehow doesn't know the big twist of that ending in 2024…
RE: Gorou and Sarina, this is for sure the intended read of their relationship to a degree . Spica downplays/sidesteps this aspect of their relationship a lot but even there it's said explicitly that Gorou was one hundred percent aware that Sarina's long term prognosis was basically non existent. It definitely makes him way more indulgent of and receptive to the "omg Sensei marry me stuff" but even then it's pretty clear that it is, again, just indulging her.
The manga by contrast is much more strongly characterized by this sense of shared but unspoken preemptive grief for the inevitable, where both of them understand but don't really want to talk about it out loud. It added an interesting wrinkle to their relationship that I liked a lot and was disappointed to see Spica iron out but ironing out the interesting parts is kind of what Spica does in general and isn't specific to Gorou and Sarina lol
BUT UH my point is that because of this shared sense of grief and awareness of Sarina's mortality I never really got the impression that she was under even the slightest illusion that Gorou was serious which is why later materials' framing of her as being convinced she can and will be in a relationship with him feel so weird to me. The SENSEI KEKKON SHITE thing doesn't even really feel like Sarina herself is all that serious about it - the energy is almost more like a running bit. Obviously her feelings for him were very strongly and sincerely held and I do think it makes sense for her to jump to actively wanting to be in a romance with him and thinking it was plausible post 123 when her brain has been ensoupened but again, there's that backfill in both Spica and main story material that implies she was ALWAYS that hung up on and deluded about him and tbh I don't really know what to make of it.
In an exclusively post 123 context though, I do really agree with this take on Ruby! This is obviously not a healthy response nor is she thinking at all realistically about what she's propositioning, especially given the kind of weird energy in 143 where she just never even acknowledges Aqua's existence as her brother. Honestly the way OnK has handled AquRuby since 123 and its reluctance to actually acknowledge the incest when it bothers to take Ruby's feelings is very strange to me and I can't quite tell if it's intentional or not yet.
If it IS intentional, then I think it's the set up for Ruby being smacked in the face with the reality of what actually being in a relationship with Gorou-via-Aqua would would actually mean. Because like, regardless of how you or me or anyone feels about incest as a fictional device, in-universe Oshi no Ko is essentially set in our own world - a dramatically exaggerated version with supernatural elements, sure, but still paralleling our own closely enough to comment on real world issues. For OnK to treat most of the other taboos and issues it addresses as seriously as it does and NOT do the same with incest would be incredibly jarring and deeply incongruous.
If you'll forgive a tangent within a tangent, this is a big part of why the infamous ending of Usagi Drop comes off as so fucking unhinged. It's not just that the story twists itself into a pretzel to hook up Rin and Daikichi (though, you know… that), it's that everyone in the cast acts like a fucking space alien on service of making it happen and it occurs with no conflict or consequences. There's this bizarre energy around the cast interactions that's hard to accurately convey, but every time someone in-universe finds out about Rin's feelings for Daikichi, it's immediately treated like them hooking up is not only the obvious and inevitable conclusion but that Daikichi is somehow obligated to enter a romance with Rin purely because she has feelings for him. Daikichi's own feelings on the matter are irrelevant. As far as the story is concerned, him going from seeing Rin as his daughter to seeing Rin (very explicitly and textual) as a romantic and sexual partner is as easy as flipping a switch and it's purely macho stubbornness that keeps him from doing so. It's absolutely mind boggling to read.
Anyway. Oh my God. To cut my EXTREMELY long rambling short and actually loop back around to the point of all this: Because of ^ ALL THAT ^ and the way the story has very conspicuously dodged around the HKAI breakup and suddenly swerved to 15YL's depiction of Ai's time in hospital, I'm still pretty certain that the "I can't love you (like that)" is going to be the main emotional capstone for Ruby's own character arc within the Movie Arc as a whole and possibly the emotional climax/resolution of wtfever OnK is doing with AQRB (& GRSR through them) right now. Given how much weight was given to that scene in particular way back when I'd be shocked if we skipped it and I do think there's some merit to the reads of Aqua and Ruby each paralleling the 'opposite' parent, so to speak - Nik (@akane-kurokawa) even pointed out in their 143 review that while the AquRuby kiss is paralleled by the in-movie HikaAi kiss, Aqua is in Ai's position and Ruby is in Hikaru's.
I do hope that this is something intentional and that we'll see something come of it - if nothing else, seeing Ruby have to deal with her relationship to and feelings about her father and the knowledge that he killed her beloved mom is something I really wanted out of the Movie Arc and I've been sorely disappointed by it being reduced to gag fodder thus far. But like I always say at this point, the Movie Arc is such an unfocused clusterfuck I have no idea if this is something we can rely on to be a long term theme.
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straycalamities · 1 year
I wasn't around much during the 2012 fever, so I wonder: did Entre date anyone else besides 12? I saw him being constantly shipped with 72 and Swag but I think Swagtre was only canon during Truffula Flu. Perhaps there are more ships I'm not aware of
mainverse entre has only dated two ppl (unless im forgetting some obscure shit i said) and that was some girl when he was like 17/18 or whatever that his mom forced him to. and then 12
entre's thing was always that he was too focused on his aspirations to really think about romance or sex and anyone who kept up with him for a while (or backread) can remember about how often he rebuffed the idea of him getting intimate with anyone at all
he DID have senpai crushes on 72 and swag tho (and maybe someone else i forgor) and it's very strongly implied that the feelings towards 72 toed the line of romantic (especially if you attended the tinychats) but entre didn't know how to recognize those feelings, he's never really had them
12 was an accident LMAOOO he just got too into the conversation and suddenly he's agreeing to a date??? and then he ended up really liking him so they've stayed together since. he likes that theres not a big like...demand for his time and attention. 12 Understands exactly what entre's going through and gives him his space and such and yet they do give each other special attention when they're feelin it. its very casual and entre likes that but it also fulfills his emotional needs when he needs that too. idk obviously we dont show a lot of that on the blog (mostly bc i respect that 12's mod isnt rly up to updating him and i dont wanna be pushy U__U its fine tho bc entre gets along just fine on his own whims)
entre is my shipping bicycle tho so 8) ive shipped him w many -lers through the years and still do (and even teased a thing w a norma in some tinychats way back in the day) so theres a lot of ships floating around out there and even more in my head
i think the main ones that were a fandom thing are like seventre, 12tre, inktre, bittre, rocktre, and swagtre
but ive seen ppl joke or "what if" about others too and i cant remember all of them
and yeah swagtre is only canon in truffula flu tho he did have a crush on him and 72 in weehawken (to mirror mainverse)
and speaking of weehawken, the revival last year had him kinda B) hitting it off with a certain other -ler (EDU why's it empty >:O whatever here's a post of his mainverse self)
whats funny is i was like adamant on not shipping on the blogs LMAOOOOO i look at past me and POINT! AND LAUGH! FOOLISH!! JUST HAVE FUN IDIOT. i mean obviously i lightened up overtime but for a while i was like so strict man. and for what
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ragnarokhound · 7 months
re: your tags on the jason’s anger post~
hard agree!! i will read reconciliation fics bc like… i do enjoy them getting to be a happy family/group but ultimately, i am firmly in the Jason Todd Was Right camp, &. serious work would need to be done for him to ever actually be part of the family again, bc the actual roots of his issues run DEEP. (and again! he has points!!)
and also same again on like… if i mention the batfamily dynamics in my fics, with the exception of au’s, jason’s relationship with bruce especially is still at least a little strained. he’s a member but also kind of an outsider and maybe he has complicated feelings on that sometimes but ultimately it’s bc his convictions / beliefs run deeper than his need /want of acceptance / belonging.
anyway sorry to dump a rant in your inbox but, i loved your tags & wanted to reply 💞
(I'm about to have a mini-rant of my own, and disclaimer, it's largely informed by my terrible foundation of the UTRH movie + fandom osmosis + the occasional page/panel drop/arguments from other fans skdndndj sO GRAIN OF SALT THE SIZE OF RHODE ISLAND: )
Because yes yes absolutely! It would take serious work on Both sides for Jason to be brought back into the fold. They would both need to want it, and someone would have to be willing to bend on what they are ok with letting slide. Bruce would have to allow Jason his independence and divergence in philosophy; Jason would have to make concessions to Bruce's hard anti-murder stance.
There would have to be compromise, and reparations of some kind. They would have to actually talk and be able to listen. Apologies exchanged (mostly from Bruce because lmao) and a bunch of stuff people with the whole picture could probably tell me better lmao. ALL HARD ASKS
Because yes yes yes!! Jason's convictions and his beliefs ABSOLUTELY run deeper than his desire for acceptance. That's not-so-low-key the biggest obstacle for both him and Bruce in their ever reconciling. It's why Talia was able to manipulate him at all (idk the specifics of that, but details), it's why he hatched a deeply convoluted plan to get back at Bruce and the Joker and fuck over Black Mask in one fell swoop.
He wanted to confront Bruce with the consequences of letting Joker run around even after committing a deeply heinous and personal crime. Show him that taking a more intense and hands on approach and cracking down HARD on the crime families in Gotham would have more immediate results than what Bruce did. And that's not even getting into the Robin stuff yet lol
I don't personally agree per se with Jason's stance on murder and crime fighting lmao - but I also think he has a goddamn point, especially in this universe. In the world of batman, where death can be impermanent and supervillains pull all kinds of heinous, torturous bullshit, Jason has a lot of righteous and justified anger about how Bruce does things, on top of his hurt and betrayal over how both he and his death were treated.
Bruce's stance makes sense to me too, in a 'everyone deserves a second chance' and 'no one is beyond redemption' and 'its a slippery slope' perspective. But at some point you have to wonder about accountability. About what's acceptable. When the Joker is an unrepentant, murderous, sadistic criminal who has demonstrated that he cannot be adequately jailed or rehabilitated, what do you do? Do you ever give up on him? When is enough enough? Is the death penalty ever justifiable?
It's what makes Jason vs Bruce's arguments interesting and tragic to me, because from Jason's perspective, he is seeking retribution for himself as a victim. He is an avenger for victims failed by the system as it stands. And the system fails a lot of people. It needs to change. (And it's something being felt very strongly by a lot of people rn IRL which makes Jason's ideals v sympathetic.)
But from Bruce's perspective, Jason has given up. He has lost hope in the inherent goodness of people. He no longer seeks to find the good in people; he has decided that there exists instead a sharp dichotomy, that there is such thing as a bad person who deserves to die for what they've done, and for being bad. As opposed to seeing deeply injured people who need help, even when you find them repulsive. Rotten work, that.
Bruce sees the end of the path that Jason is on, and it's a bullet that Jason puts in his own brain - because if there are good people and bad people, and bad people deserve to die... won't Jason lump himself in with the bad people eventually? (I am once again standing on my 'Jason Todd wants to die on some level' soapbox)
Anyway, all this to say - there is a sharp divide in Bruce and Jason's methods/beliefs that makes their reconciliation impossible if neither of them is willing to budge. And when they both see budging as a terrible thing to do, a failure to the very people they are dedicating their lives to protecting...well.
It's gonna take a lot of angst and a lot of work.
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gimmethatagustd · 9 months
1, 2, 5, 6, and 40 (random)
ahhh maple! you've picked such good ones 🥺 i'm about to be so delulu thank you
Who do you most want to take care of?
taehyung - out of my bts bias line (taehyung, yoongi, jimin), he just seems like he's the one who needs the most care lmfao maybe cuz i relate to him so much and i would very much like to be cared for as well. he's just so 🥹 the thing is that i would be awful at taking care of him, so i think we would both just glide through life figuring out shit as we go. which is fine by me lol it's what i do already
Who do you most want to take care of you?
yoongi - to me this is a no-brainer. watching how he cares for the members in his like silent, subtle ways is so fucking endearing. i just know he would be attentive and kind 😭 i'm sensitive and i come from a family background that isn't very caring, so i think i'm drawn to people who are. he's also got his history of struggling with mental illness and (from personal experience) i think that can draw out a caring nature out of people cuz we know how much it sucks to feel shitty/uncared for
Who feels the most like home?
taehyung - as much as i hard stan this man, i have such a soft spot for him. again, maybe cuz i relate to him so strongly? there's the soft, gentle side of him that makes me feel so fuzzy inside. there's a reason why i listened to singularity literally 1,500 times in 2022 (a stat i will be proud of until my dying breath, even tho it kinda points to how fucking mentally ill i am LOL). his voice, his overall presence, feels calming to me. but yeah. he's just very comforting and relatable. i also think that although his promo is going well, he's kinda been an underrated member. i've seen people criticize that he looks mean, doesn't engage in interviews, doesn't hang out with the members as much as his other friends, they think he's stupid, etc. and also don't really appreciate how unique his vocals are/how important they are to the group's dynamic? so i feel very soft toward him for that reason too
Do you have any platonic biases?
jimin - this is kind of a lie cuz i definitely find jimin to be very attractive, 100% would bang if given the chance, HOWEVER i also think we could be such good friends. we could pair up to drag the rest of the members and gossip SO MUCH, SO GOOD. fr he would be so fucking fun. jimin gives me "my best friend who i'm in love with but we'll probably only be fwbs at most cuz he's impossible to lock down" vibes khsdkjfs i just like getting my feelings hurt i think
Express how much they mean to you no limit ramble as much as you want
not to be Too Deep, but like i mentioned, i come from a background that wasn't very caring - especially the men in my life. even tho it's hard to truly know the personalities of celebrities, i think we can all agree that bts seems to show as much authenticity as they can - and they want to do that for us. so it has been really lovely to see these men who are caring, emotional, not afraid to talk about their struggles or express love. idk i've just never seen that irl, and it makes me happy to watch them care for one another. their expression of gender and sexuality has also helped me with my own queer journey, especially seeing how they don't let gender norms control how they express themselves. it's very inspiring. and i think lastly, their willingness to talk about difficult topics (just think how deeply emotional taegimin's solo albums have been) makes me feel very seen. idk. i think a lot of it, for me, falls back on the comfort and reassurance they bring to their fans. it feels like they care, which is not the case for most musicians, especially western ones (the side of the world i'm from)
( send me questions about my bias line if you want while i procrastinate writing ?? )
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brookheimer · 1 year
honestly as someone who's had a kid pregnancy and motherhood def changed me and forced me to reconcile w upbringing and heal childhood trauma/stop generational trauma. I feel for shiv tho bc what mother role models has she got or even friends who have kids ??? the roys dont even have a Cool Aunt figure. i really hope its not like "shiv doesnt wanna be in the running anymore shes a mother now"
but i can see her priorities changing and her focusing on herself/retreating inwards idk just rambling !!
oh man if they pull the “shiv doesn’t wanna be ceo she’s a mother now” card i will brain them with fucking hammers fr. like i am nooottttt arguing for that in the mf SLIGHTEST i just want shiv to keep being shiv, keep being angry and machiavellian and ambitious and manipulative and aggressive and all of that, but also to be allowed to let herself love or want a family or whatever if she so desires!! like that’s the whole point, i don’t want it to be another Motherhood Vs Career thingy aka symbolically Woman Vs Man bc that’s so reductive and frustrating and people r much more complex than that and it’s not like oh you get an abortion you have officially chosen career/masculinity oh you have a kid you have officially chosen family/femininity like that’s not how real people, real lives, work! so yeah no if they do that, jesse armstrong will be receiving a VERY strongly worded letter . to say the least
but no like i completely agree!!! and this is such a helpful perspective too like… people are acting like pregnancy is just a tool to devalue women or rob them of autonomy which is so bizarre because there are so many incredibly wonderful strong powerful autonomous women who are pregnant or have kids or want kids, just there are so many incredibly wonderful strong powerful autonomous women who don’t!!! there’s just so much pressure on both ends of the spectrum especially considering where you’re coming from, you really just have to do what’s right for you! because, like, you don’t stop being a person when you become a mother. allllll your old shit is still present but as you said it also doesn’t, like, freeze in time — you can grow and heal and live your own life! motherhood isn’t innately an end to freedom or personhood or autonomy. like, i’m saying this as someone who can’t really imagine having kids so i’m not some pronatalist weirdo like some ppl clearly think i am, but pregnancy is just another development in life sometimes, and life keeps going and so do you! it’s not like you have to stop and hand Living down to your kid once you have one. and as you said there’s a lot of healing possible in it too!
that being said i literally cannot picture shiv as a mother but i also think that’s because she can’t picture herself as a mother — even if she and tom had kids, she’d hand tom a baby bjorn and go curse at someone on the phone (which is actually incredibly fucking relatable for yours truly, ngl). she hasn’t had any good female role models (or male, but the male role models have taught her to hate the female ones who already sucked to begin with) like her relationship with caroline is devastating and fascinating and i so so so want to see more of it. and like i’m not saying shiv has to or should become a mother or anything, just that i think pregnancy kind of forces her to step back and remember that holy shit she’s her own person outside of a waystar puppet so who the fuck is that person gonna be? like. i just want to see her having to come to terms w that and think ab herself outside of the context of waystar, even (almost especially) if it leads her to make no changes in her life whatsoever! it’s not the actual outcome of the pregnancy plotline i’m excited for but the potential it holds for exploration of shiv’s interiority which is something she’s so far been pretty allergic to exploring
anyways i’m rambling too lolol but yes super cool to get a take on this from someone who’s actually, ya know. been pregnant? and had a kid? and yeah if they like change her character as a result and turn her into Mom Mode <3 i’m shooting someone. but it’s a little silly to think that they will — people have said time and time again that jesse’s guiding thesis is that people don’t really change. so if shiv ends up having a come to jesus motherhood anti-ambition moment i will literally eat my hat like that’s just unimaginable to me for this show so i think it’ll just be a vehicle for character exploration rather than a catalyst for Immense Sudden Change
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padfootastic · 1 year
Not an unpopular opinion at all I think but some people are very passionate about exactly the opposite thing so here goes
1. Tony Stark was the best part of MCU similar to Batman being the best part of DC
2. Killing Tony was the biggest mistake because MCU Phase 4(?) does not even hold a candle because Tony, Captain and all the amazing character are gone. The only one I can mildly tolerate watching now is Antman (and that is because Paul Rudd is so hot)
3. The last Thor movie which was released was the worst MCU movie ever made (though this might not be unpopular at all)
And I'm sorry for sending this because this is not something you post about but I have seen *some* iron man posts on your dash and I thought why not
omg an mcu ask!!!! please don’t apologise, i love this sm. and ur right, i’ve def posted some IM content bc i’m obsessed w both tony stark and rdj and tho i don’t talk about it, he owns a nice, large piece of my heart.
1. Strongly agree
can’t speak for DC but gosh, yes. tony stark is hands down the heart & soul of MCU. i literally just look at ts comps on youtube all the time bc i can’t stand the movies when they’re so anti tony :( but i also just. really like him ykno? and deeply thirst after him as well. he’s not just impeccable eye candle, but also a great muscle man AND the best brawn possible. literally the perfect package. also, u just know he fucks so hard.
2. Agree
yeah, i feel u. i’m not very invested in MCU as a whole so i don’t feel too passionate about it but amy movie without iron man automatically becomes meh to me. also just, this might be the real unpopular opinion here but i feel like they really butchered mcu spider-man?? like i adore tom holland, he’s v good in the role, but the plot is so stupid? it makes me cringe v v bad to the point i couldn’t even watch the third SM movie tbh.
3. Neutral
ooooh i’ve been v cut off from civilisation for a while so i haven’t watched it (and i’m terrible w any visual media that’s not in theatres hehe) but i’ve heard very mixed reviews about it so zero opinion from my side, friend.
Send me unpopular opinions!
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stormoflina · 8 months
Not a question. It's my genuine belief. You don't have to reply me if you don't feel like it. that Salah doesn't like Szobi and has some jealousy or something like that. He doesn't like the potential of that Szobi will be the face of Liverpool soon. He doesn't like to be overtaken and dethroned by Szobi but he feels like it's inevitable. I could sense it strongly since day two or three and he still couldn't prove me wrong. Sorry I want to tell it to someone so badly but don't know who to tell. So here I am as an anon. If you don't want to show my msg but still want to reply it then just write a post and refer me as conspiracy anon 😂😂
Okay, haha, get ready for a whole essay.
So, in some way, I can see why you are on the opinion you are, but not gonna lie, I like both Dominik and Mo as players and inviduals both, so it's hard for me to take a stand on this.
I do agree that these two, as of now, didn't not exactly found the chemistry with each other on the pitch. Or not entirely, at least. I have some criticism of Dominik being selfish with taking a few shots in the last game, which I found really harsh considering 1. it was clearly Klopp's instruction, as Dominik has one of the best shooting techniques, 2. sometimes he is still left out from clear chances as well, while so far he played very selflessly.
The thing about Mo, if there is any criticism he got in the recent years, it's not passing enough to his teammates. It happened with Lucho, it was brought up last year as well sometimes with Darwin, now I have seen it with in the case of Dominik. All bias aside, I do think it's valid criticism. Mo is a fantastic player, with a huge legacy, but even I noticed how usually he would rather take risky chances than pass the ball, for example this season, to Dominik.
Should be noted that Dominik is the new guy tho. He has been in LFC, for like three months, while Salah is, and has been for a while, the best and most accomplished, most popular player in LFC. He is very hard-working, competitive, he still wants to be the best, do his best. Especially how basically everybody is convienced it's his last season, I can totally understand how he is eager to break his own records, uphold his legacy and again, just be the world class player he is. Just like Dominik is eager to prove himself, start to build up his own legacy as well.
Then there is Dominik, who let's be honest, got into the club in July, played in like 10 matches and already has most of our fans calling him Stevie G come again. Also, I think their personalities are just far different. Mo appears to be more humble, laid back (while obviously still having that hunger in him), while Dominik just gives off this so unashamed confident vibe about himself.
I wouldn't say he is jealous of him. Honestly, I think Mo, so far, has nothing to be jealous of Dominik. But the point about him having to accept that he will leave Liverpool one day and not compete at the highest level, yeah I can see that.
So yeah, I don't think they will be best friends any time soon, but doubt there is any malicious intent other than natural competiviness of two great players. Domi only been here for a few months, it's just easy to forgot about it, because he has been so great, but it's only natural that to crave out his place in team would take time, especially with players such as Mo.
However, I will say this: the media is clearly not helping these two bond. I have noticed how they keep asking Dominik about Mo, sometimes very weird stuff, as if they almost want to create something out of nothing. Just this last Saturday, Dominik got asked basically if he thought Mo had a poor game. He handled it very well, but if they keep this up it's only time they found something to feed these agenda lol.
But then again, we have moments like these, which are just sweet:
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Hello! I am the rambling anon, bc I'm an Anon who loves to ramble about everything and nothing all at once.
Allow me to make a comment on Jpeg's acting please (even tho there have been countless).
I've always loved acting and the art of it, I still do, and I've never done professional acting, only theater acting as well (theater kids 4 lyfe!), and I'll admit, I'm can't really act. But Jesus Christ, there's times I watch Jared act (on SPN, I haven't ever really cared for Walker) and I cringe bc for fucks sake, even I can fucking do better than that. (or at least I hope and pray I could fucking do better) it's EMBARRASSING. It astonishes me how Jpeg stans say he's a good actor when Jensen just BLOWS him the fuck out of the fucking water. And it's sad that Jensen was always overlooked and was handed the shitty Bloody Valentine movie, while Jared was the golden child essential and got the Friday the 13th remake role. It's such bullshit.
You seriously mean to tell me that you couldn't find ANYONE else who could act Sam out than Jared? And do a better job? I doubt it.
And you're right, acting college major. Jared's acting in the early seasons was better, but that being said, not by a whole lot. It's just........ Sad.
Hello, rambling anon! Welcome! (Also, loving the theatre kid representation; it's always nice to find another :) )
I definitely agree with what you've said, at all points. I haven't had any on-film acting experience, and I don't consider myself a vicarious expert in assessing acting skill, but I'm not a complete novice either; I did speech back in high school, and I've done a decent amount of theatre acting in my day, too. So, expert? Nah. Complete amateur? Also no.
But it takes very little experience to see that Jared is just... bad? Like, to the point that I don't understand why anyone thinks he's a good actor, much less a good enough actor to stan as violently as his do. (Also, they don't seem to realize that they're actually making it less likely that I like jpeg? Like, I didn't feel half so strongly about being anti-Jared until they launched a whole-ass campaign against me, and now I'm deeply anti.) And it truly is, as you say, embarrassing to watch. I was watching s12 of Supernatural with some folks and I was sitting there, watching Jared, and cringing the entire time, praying they wouldn't judge every element of the show by Jared's standard.
I kind of understand why people say the whole "you don't need to raise up your fave by tearing down another person's" idea, but also... that statement doesn't take into account how much worse Jared looks through the juxtaposition of good acting and bad. Jared is bad already --- Cry_Wolf, Friday the 13th, House of Wax --- but he's not anywhere close to the worst actor in those, so it's less noticeable. He's about 15x more painful to watch in SPN because he's so close to good acting and falling short.
I definitely feel like there are a great many people who could have played Sam better. I just... the list is great.
Thank you for the ask, and welcome to the blog :) I hope you'll reach out again as things spring to mind; I might be slow to answer at times, but I always appreciate hearing from folks! Be well!
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kyogre-blue · 10 months
Okkkk, done with the 12th month (aka goodbye Jeralt)
The fantasy action/adventure stuff continues apace. The Tomas/Solon thing was pretty smoothly set up, though I would say Monica/Kronya was much less so. She's mentioned like once, then gets one quick textbox of nothing on the stage immediately before the stabbening, so it really comes out of nowhere. It doesn't help that the cutscene is quite rough and doesn't really convey things too well.
Aside from that, we progress from Miklan turning into a monster while holding a Relic, to the Crest Stones being related to shapeshifting, to a mystery group who experiment on humans all the way to turning students into monsters with crest shards... and who also happen to be able to change their appearance. (Minor FE lore tidbit: in the old Archanaea games, there was a dragonkin who could shapeshift into other people. So this is all potentially part of the same experimentation.)
We also get into the mystery of Byleth's birth, but while Jeralt's diary makes it clear that he freaked out, Rhea herself doesn't come off as particularly ominous or suspicious. If anything, her reactions and the details that surface make her look burdened but not particularly culpable for anything. Actually, I am getting very attached to her. She's so pretty and so sad. Why can't I do her A rank? Why can't I S rank her on this route? :(((
The other major player is Claude, but... tbh I agree that the relationship with him feels weirdly floaty. If anything, I feel like it would at least be better if he said he had thought his dream might not even be possible, but seeing Byleth makes him feel like it might be achievable after all. At least it would add weight to it that way. As it is, the lack of anything concrete from him, along with his brown-nosing makes him come off as trying to manipulate Byleth more than forming a genuine connection.
The Golden Deer on the whole have a similar problem. They are nice kids, and the combination of their supports + paralogues does create a certain sense of community and group connection. I went around and listened to all their little dialogues about trying to comfort Byleth after Jeralt's passing... (Getting Leonie B rank immediately after tho... lol)
But it feels like there's a lack of some major anchoring event or cause to serve as the focal point, presumably because no one in the class can really interact with the plot and they're too disparate to share a similar broad motivation. Like, I don't instinctively reject their promise to meet in five years, at the Millennium Festival, but I can't say I'm all that invested in it either.
It also really doesn't help that the writers didn't bother fleshing out some of them. A lot of them cross the line from having traits that strongly influence them to having 2 jokes that they repeat in every support. Disappointing but unsurprising, it happens especially prominently with the commoner characters.
And again, liveblogging notes:
Rhea is so unsubtle about Flayn, "your... sister is like family to me," if we ever thought Flayn was really Seteth's sister lmao
And then Lysithea is like "she looks my age but seems so much older!" when she herself gets accused of acting too mature several times. lmao they were not subtle At All
Immediately after Tomas jumpscare, we get a required chain of dialogue highlight how he's so sus, he's been asking about Flayn before he knew she was missing, he was asking about Byleth and Jeralt too, he directly calls you out for finding him suspicious and tries to handwave it with "oh, I was just curious" aka the weakest excuse ever
I keep killing the other enemies before getting to Death Knight. Twice now! It's so rude because I didn't know he'd teleport out if I killed some other dude? Lysithea could one shot his ass, damn I'm not redoing that stage tho
At least I finally managed to grind out enough Armor to recruit Ferdinand. His C support is really funny because he wants to talk about what you think of Edelgard, but like... I've seen her like twice. I don't care, dude.
They mention that Byleth has started smiling twice in a row. This writing is not subtle lol
eeeeey got a paralogue AND a relic
Several mentions of Almyra, and these proper nouns are finally starting to sound a little more familiar. I have almost all C ranks and it's getting into the B ranks now.
Claude brings up wanting to use the Sword again. He's really hung up on that.
When Byleth suddenly falls over in the Remire month, Sothis mentions that she's felt dizzy before, but I can't remember what this might be referring to. She later says the feeling is very familiar, so it seems to be related to her? Mysterious.
Lysithea casually drops that she has multiple crests in conversation. We haven't discussed this before....
Claude points out that the Crest Stones on the Relics have the images of the associated Crests. He doesn't seem to know what Crest Stones are, though he knows the name.
He finds a picture of the Immaculate One and notices it might have a Crest Stone on it, linking it to the ability to transform. Which is... not incorrect.
Claude directly confronts Seteth about his censorship. Claude is so fond of the bludgeoning approach to conversation.
Monsters attack merchants all the time (at least in Alliance). Generally, monsters don't just occur naturally in FE settings, but I guess it's just a thing in Fodlan? These do seem to be mutated animals (holding "Dark Stone") rather former people, I suppose.
I actually kind of like Raphael. I wish his writing wasn't so much 2 jokes though.
Raphael and Ignatz paralogue suggests that Lorenz's dad got the "previous Duke Reigan" killed but like... the current Duke is Claude's grandfather. It seems like this is referring to Claude's uncle, but he's other times referred to as the previous heir, so...
Incidentally, two merchants were killed along with this previous Duke, who were Raphael's parents and went instead of Ignatz's parents by chance.
Claude describes his father as "extravagant" and his mother is apparently like a warrior goddess. She seems to be able to back it up, including getting into a fistfight with a famous warrior.
He's not very subtle about hiding his background. Like, bro, if you talk about having a combat instructor who has won a hundred battles, that's... not normal....
That reminds me of Claude expecting Cyril to recognize him. They don't have TV, so how would a regular commoner kid recognize the crown prince on sight? Does Claude's portrait get passed around? Is he Almyra's top bachelor of the younger generation? Or is he just that out of touch?
Solon was at the monastery specifically to get Flayn's blood. The Agarthans need it for their plans.
Flame Emperor jumpscare lol
Edelgard says she would have totally stopped Solon's experiments if she knew, promise. And smoothly goes into pointing out what a threat the Agarthans are.
Jeralt suggests running away from Rhea was a mistake. Claude suggests that maybe exposing the church's secrets might not be for the best.
Apparently Jeralt had told Byleth they were born after he left the monastery.
Tomas joined the monastery 40 years ago, then left 8 years ago, and returned 1 year ago. He was recommended by House Ordelia. Jeritza was recommended by the Imperial nobility.
Seteth and Flayn's paralogue is kinda... weird if it happens before the war.
Flayn B theorizes that maybe she and Byleth are related, it's possible given "everything Rhea has done." But Seteth doesn't know what could possibly be up with Byleth, so...
Getting both Claude B and Leonie B right after Jeralt's death is... sure a ride.
tbh the cutscene for Jeralt dying was kind of unimpressive.
Fun fact: it seems like you have to choose the Dancer on the very first weekend of the month, and it no longer works on subsequent weekends. Guess who overwrote their only save of that by accident. No dancer in this run, I guess.
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