#vent post dont be weird
doggirlhen · 2 years
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hoofpeet · 2 months
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This girl has so much problems
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cheatsykoopa98 · 2 months
how do you cope with being the most annoying human being in the world?
I hate being socially anxious
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ghhh i am just. sinophobia its fucking everywhere on the western internet it is just SO widespread and accepted. and even when people aren't actively sinophobic they're just utterly ignorant about. any aspect of chinese (hell, even pretty much all asian) culture and i never see people even ATTEMPTING to learn about it. i have not met a single white person who has pronounced my last name correctly. It is one of the most common family names on the goddamn planet. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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wikiangela · 10 days
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sonicpilled · 10 months
need. more of ur zombic au i love him
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nyaskitten · 10 months
im v annoyed rn so take some doodles whilst i try to work out my PRIMAL , ANIMALISTIC RAGE!!! RAURRR !!!
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charmac · 2 months
i don't think people hcing charlie as transfem are trying to dismiss the transmasc charlie hc! i think it's more of a projection thing for a lot of people, since i know at least a few of the main people who enjoy the headcanon are transfem themselves!! i don't think you have much to worry about in terms of people dismissing the tmasc or other genderqueer charlie hc anyways, since it's already much more popular! i think you're perhaps being a bit too critical.
I've literally never said anything like this at all, I think you've either misinterpreted something else I've said or have the wrong blog.
All of my Charlie gender-based posts or reblogs I've stated/tagged that I think any interpretation of Charlie's gender can make sense, be it transmasculine, transfeminine, nonbinary, agender, whatever you want.
I am one of the ~3 blogs that has access to The Bathroom Problem script and who posted and pointed out that you can make out/slightly hear the Joyce cuts in the episode itself. I would not have excitedly shared that for open-interpretation if I was "worried" people are "dismissing" transmasc Charlie headcanons. (Which, again, I've literally never said, but in any case, I believe it's valid for anyone to dismiss a headcanon they don't agree with, fandom is a sandbox.)
What I personally don't care for are genderbends and, almost by extension, analysis/meta on canon scenes that rename/re-gender the characters with no basis (or, one that comes off wrong). Both topics I've literally never publicly spoken out against here, nor have I said anything bad/negative to everyone who personally enjoys these things, so there is no way for me to possibly be "too critical" in that regard. I keep most of my opinions to myself and my close mutuals, almost exactly for what you're saying: I personally don't want to harsh or dismiss anyone's headcanons.
I have never said, and have never meant to imply, that anyone interpreting Charlie as transfem is attempting to dismiss anyone else's headcanon (which again would be a non issue to me anyway).
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doomsdayradio · 8 months
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Being raised by adults who never apologized for their wrongdoings and always blamed their behavior on extenuating circumstances or someone else or their mental conditions really messed me up huh. Like all I asked was for you to apologize for yelling at me for asking you to hand me something because you thought my tone was wrong. But instead of an apology, I'm the one in the wrong because after all my tone was hostile to you and I need to remember that due to your ADHD you can't control your emotions. Nevermind the fact that I had carefully rehearsed the question in my head over and over again because this is not the first time this has happened. And I'm clearly a manipulative person for crying after being yelled at. Doesn't matter that I was thirteen, after all, I should've known better.
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boyywithluv · 1 month
#having a creative rut feeling#gonna rant#im basically a giant baby and i don't handle angst very well#and i constantly worry that im just. idk mentally weak or a deeply uninteresting person bc of it.#every big fantasy artist i see is usually very into making sad or angsty pieces and like i wish i was like that#like i fall into this mental hole very very often that im just holding myself back with how many subjects i dont write or draw#but also like when i DO write dark subjects it doesn't make me feel any better??#i dont like feeling sad or angry bc once i am its extremely hard to get back out of it.#and thats scary for me.#but also i want to make art that means something instead of my nonestop slew of smut and feelgood content.#i genuinely feel so trapped by my own emotions and its sp frustrating.#i keep getting told how good for you it is to get the negative feelings out but it never helps when i do it#i just feel. worse? i dont feel good.#i kinda wanna delete the one cloud post bc it just doesn't feel good.#ugh#idk i want to have good intelligent things to say and thoughtful art to make#and everything i make feels soft and cheesey and lame.#not that i find those things lame#but just that it feels like im stuck in baby brain.#when i was a teen i would write horror stories!!! i still love horror!!!#but if i make someone suffer in fic now it feels me with this awful awful overwhelming sense of dread and guilt and i end up so upset#im frustrated at me bc this is such a fucking weird sensitivity to have. im tried of telling myself its okay#bc i WANT to feel mentally free enough to create shit that isnt just uwu soft.#i don't think im making sense but like.#you know#I've literally been bullied out of fandom spaces for only making soft content#multiple times.#so idk maybe this is a learned sense of shame#but i feel like a big over sensitive baby and like I'd be able to do so much more if i wasn't#vent ish
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rosekasa · 9 months
following up from My Body Is Being Concerning, today i learned that i am in fact capable of experiencing a panic attack so severe that i faint
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toastytransgal · 2 months
TW vent post: So I've been on hrt for about 5-6 months now and I'm noticing some changes, specifically to my sex drive and overall just attraction to people. Both of which I basically just feel none of.
I don't even masturbate anymore, been over 2 months since (plus i didnt do it much anyways) and I haven't felt the urge to ever. I've tried having sex with people (specifically people I've fucked before starting hrt) and I just struggle more and more to even be present or in the mood. It not only feels bad to be unable to get in that headspace, but it makes the other person feel shitty too, like they'd be the reason I wasn't able to get in the mood.
I was aromantic before starting hrt, and I'm definitely more-so now than I've ever been. Now I'm even considering adding asexual to that list. Even before hrt I had struggles with remaining present during sex, or even getting enjoyment from it, but now that feeling has just been amplified tenfold. Things that I found super fucking hot pre-hrt just do next to nothing now. It truly feels like night and day. I don't even really have attraction to people in any physical way. All this shit honestly makes me wanna cry, I heard about sex drives plummeting, but not to the degree I feel like I'm experiencing it.
There was a part of me that thought hrt would just open up their emotions and everything would feel more vibrant. I have even thought that maybe I could find romantic attraction too, because aromanticism is something I've always struggled with to accept. I definitely haven't got what I wished for, instead it feels like it doubled down on everything.
I don't regret starting hrt, so please don't look at it that way, I just wish that maybe there was more information out there about this rather than just "lower sex drive." It feels like such a fucking understatement, any and all attraction to other people have seemed to just vanish.
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maskedchip · 9 months
yknow at this point i have drawn so many images i can draw pretty fast now. i think that's the best outcome after years of tormenting over how slow of an artist i was. mainly bc i really had no idea what i was doing, so i would spend HOURS on just a full-body character design or something of the like. of course all the practice and time spent studying anatomy or color makes things easy now (also obsession but we already know about all that)
i think its hard to learn that not all your art is precious and by that i mean of course u cant create masterpieces in a day and shouldnt torment over not being able to get something right the first time. the silly doodles all count towards something. i joke about having perpetual wips but i think my favorite thing is saving past ideas and reworking them later just to see how they changed. bc art, like people, is so dynamic. constantly changing.
and the best feeling is making the art u imagined years ago come to life or you get a bit closer to producing the work that you saw in your head. mmmmm growth.
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captainsplat · 10 months
i dont usually poke my nose into fandom drama but if youre legitimately angry over the splatfest results, please find something relaxing to do instead of spewing vitriol online like children?
to address some particular complaints, I want to say that while there's absolutely things to critique about the way they're being organized rn (especially w/ regard to the suspicious bias against Frye), I genuinely don't think Splatoon 3's splatfest system is uniquely terrible and anyone saying so either wasn't there or has forgotten what they were like in previous games. There's always been issues and annoying win streaks that felt unfair. Do people not remember that Splatoon 2's splatfests were so notoriously unbalanced that they had to come out with the Splatfest Update™ (version 4.0) that completely reworked the system over a year into its lifespan?
Splatoon 3 hasn't even reached that mark yet. there could easily be major fixes in progress right now. Nintendo's live service has never been good, some of you are just letting nostalgia cloud your judgement I think.
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rieha · 10 months
ARE YOU FUKING KIDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? I'm not deleting my blog but fuck you
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