dlyarchitecture · 11 months
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trekkspell-sverre · 3 months
Veidirektør Terje Moe Gustavsen uttaler i Fædrelandsvennen 8.januar 2018, at Staten vil bidra med mye penger til lokal samferdselspolitikk dersom de lokale myndigheter opprettholder nullvekstmålet de neste 12 år. Finansielt er veiutbygging inkludert i de statlige bevilgninger fra Statsbudsjettet, men noe betydning har bompenger og. Transport myndighetene i Kristiansand regionen (Lillesand-Birkenes-Kristiansand-Vennesla-Søgne-Sogndalen) hevder at kapasiteten er sprengt på de lokale veier, i rushtiden. Nullvekst innebærer at biltrafikken skal opprettholdes på 2016-nivå fram til 2030. Det dominerende virkemiddel for å nå disse målene, er skyhøye bomavgifter ved passering. I tillegg til de økonomiske virkemidlene krever Staten strengere parkeringsrestriksjoner i regionen. Staten krever også at boliger kun bygges der kollektivtrafikken er utbygd.
Dette er totalt motsatt av hva velgere ble forespeilet før de politiske valgene lokalt og nasjonalt. Det er verdt å minnes at Kristiansand Bystyre uttalte i svunnen tid (ca.2007) at bompenger var et virkemiddel for å få fortgang i veiutbygging i regionen, og at det ville være som overgang til gratis ferdsel på veiene.
Det synes , i følge Fædrelandsvennen 8.januar 2018, at de nåværende lokale og statlige myndigheter kun ønsker at folk skal la bilen stå parkert hjemme. Det betyr at veimyndighetene arbeider bevisst for å kvele biltrafikken gjennom å gjøre vilkårene urimelige. Forventingene til forvaltning av veinettet lokalt og nasjonalt i Norge bør normalt være at de legger forholdene til rette for den trafikk som kjører. Det at veidirektøren mener at 7% flere i Kristiansand bør sykle om vinteren, er like dumt som å mene at EU-borgere bør ro til fergebyen Kristiansand i stedet for å benytte bilferge.
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lynxmuse · 1 year
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The Vennesla Library and Culture House by Helen & Hard
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amyunterwegs · 2 years
Tag 12 – Morgens in die Nordsee springen und abends Hundebabys streicheln
Heute haben wir einen besonderen Plan. Deshalb packen wir unsere Rucksäcke etwas um bevor wir aufbrechen. Das Ziel ist Ogna. Hier soll es einen der schönsten Badestrände der Gegend geben. Wir entdecken einen kleinen Parkplatz und machen uns zu Fuß auf in Richtung Strand. Nach einer Weile kommt uns alles etwas seltsam vor. Sollten wir nicht längst da sein? Ich bin schon kurz davor einen Anwohner anzuquatschen als wir einen kleinen Trampelpfad entdecken, der in die Dünen führt. Kurze Zeit später stehen wir dann doch noch an einem wunderschönen Sandstrand. Die Sonne scheint, aber da es noch sehr früh ist, können wir den Ort ganz in Ruhe und allein genießen. Und natürlich geht es auch hinein ins Meer. Die Nordsee ist kalt und an dieser Stelle sehr flach. Richtig zu Schwimmen gestaltet sich also etwas schwierig. Dennoch wandern wir etwas später erfrischt und glücklich den Strand entlang. Langsam kommen mehr Leute an, aber trotzdem ist es noch sehr schön hier. Ein bisschen schauen wir uns um, bevor wir uns wieder auf den Weg zu Ole machen. Diesmal finden wir auch den vorgesehenen Weg, der durch ein geschlossenes Viehtor zum Parkplatz führt und uns deshalb vorher entgangen war.
Die Fahrt heute dauert eine Weile und so machen wir uns direkt auf den Weg nach Vennesla zur Unterkunft. Dort ist jedoch keine Menschenseele anzutreffen. Nur ein großer Bernersenne steht vor dem Haupthaus und bellt uns misstrauisch an. Wir finden den Eingang zu unserem Appartement und ohne Kontakt zu dem riesigen Hund aufzunehmen, räumen wir Ole aus und machen es uns im Garten in der Sonne bequem bis unsere Gastgeber eintreffen.
Die Vermieter stellen sich als ein älteres Ehepaar heraus, die uns sehr freundlich empfangen. Der Hund heißt Amy (ein schöner Name^^) und ist nun gar nicht mehr soo unfreundlich. Sie hat gerade vier quirlige Welpen und lässt uns sogar ganz nahe heran. Wir dürfen streicheln und ein bisschen mit ihnen spielen. Und so geht der Tag ruhig zu Ende.
Fazit des Tages: So einen Welpen aufziehen wäre mir persönlich viel zu anstrengend, aber mal kurz kuscheln ist schon ganz okay.
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myfriendjess · 2 years
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Vennesla Library, Norway.
Jess Kuntz - Assignment 1A
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a-book-place · 2 years
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The Library and Cultural Hub of Vennesla, Norway
The wood-and-glass library houses nearly 80,000 items in its collection along with a cafe and venues for concerts, shows, and art exhibitions. Helen & Hard Architects designed the 27 ribs wrapping around the ceiling and walls to house the bookshelves and create personal study rooms.
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Like a fairytale land • Norway
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Old log flume turned into hiking trail 🏃🏼‍♀️ Vennesla, Norway 🇳🇴
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mirrafoto-blog · 5 years
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“I have learned that as long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values – and follow my own moral compass – then the only expectations I need to live up to are my own.” – Michelle Obama⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣#power #female #mirra #mirrafoto #fotograf #grovane #vennesla #girlpower #leather #rust https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Y_XvGHq1q/?igshid=16a3gj1q240ia
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mrsweasley · 7 years
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rainbow flags all over town these days :) 🌈
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bjornstuverod · 4 years
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To you all from Bjørn Stuverød den 29.07.2020 Copy Past: To you all from Bjørn Stuverød den 23.06.2020 (Please Help for Justice) Hey I have found out my Family's secret, The Secret of King Fairhairs Descendants, my Great Grandfathers (Ole Kittelsen, Voreland. Born April 18, 1882 Møllevannsstykket, Kristiansand, Vest-Agder, Norway.Death March 21, 1962 (79 year) Evje, Evje og Hornnes, Aust-Agder, Norway) Attempts to seize power in Norway in year 1905 and he's other attempts to seize power in the forties, and how it ended (17 years of screaming in pain) How he and all the Rightful Norwegians Kings my family has been label Crazy and frightened into silence with threats for 75 years (You can check all the facts) How did i find out about this ? Well it doesn't matter, does it ? It was NOT my Father (Just Svensen) He is too scared to tell anyone a word about this.He grew up with his Grandpa's pain scream (The One Eyed King) And I understand that he don't has tell me one word of this, because the evil people that who has stolen the power in my country apparently thinks he told it (But not a word) But that is why they threw my Daddy out of the apartment and shut him up in an old-age home ? And poisoned him there.They has poisoned and locked me up to for 11 years, although a doctor (Jens Moe) Has said that I am perfectly healthy (The law says that Political/Genitical prisoners are not allowed in Norway ? Well it seems like that doesn't not apply to my family, no rule without exception) Those in power have had no problem threatening the other descendants of Fairhair, but they have a problem with me, they have nothing to threaten me with.They have taken everything from me, and I am Abandoned and Alone.And that's the most stupid you can do with your opponents, I got notting to lose and I'm not like anyone else. But I have it in common with Fairhair, My Great Grandfather, my Father etc. I'm Righteous I like Peace and I want what's Rightfully mine I don't want that they that have TORTURED and for 75 years THREATENED my Family for 75 years to have what is rightfully mine.That's my legacy, the legacy of Fairhair (My Birth-Rights) The Norwegian People Demanded in 1905 that they wanted a King of Fairhairs Descendants and my Great Grandfather try 2 times to give the People what they want, and see what he and my Family got for that from the TerrorRegime who stole the power in Norway in the year 1905 It's NOT my Great Grandfather that is the bad guy here he only did what's Right his Birth-Rights the Norwegian Peoples Rights.Is there anyone that's want to help me and the Norwegian People to get what's Rightfully ours ? I would be Pleased for help.My motto will be (With United Forces) So we can get (Liberty and Justice for All) In this County again.I was scared when I was little, I didn't like it.I did not want a civil war, all we need is a little Revolution.Has Fairhairs rightfully heir to the throne still supported by The Norwegian People ? Or will The Norwegian People support they who stole the power from The Rightfully King in year 1905 And Tortured (The One Eye King My Great Grandfather) and the (Fallen Princess My Grandmother) in year 1945 (In Peace time) Tortured with Burning sticks they Burned away his eye and almost half his face for trying to get what Rightfully his (His Birth-Right) And The Norwegian People Demand he did (See attachments) Og the (Peace-mark ?) And Stabbing Burning Sticks into the mouth of young single mothers after killing The Rightfully King's son-in-law I do not want to post a picture of grandma's mouth using your imagination, it doesn't look beautiful after this) So who has The Norwegian People support The Rightfully and Righteous King ? Or the throne Thief with the Torturous Horror Regime ? I Can Easy Prove That I am The Rightfully King of Norway (See attachment) You can easy check that the attachment is Genuine (Use your Computer e.g. Geni) Do you want the Torturous Horror King should Kill 2 Rightfully Kings to (Me The Righteous King) and My Father (The Good King) He's try to Kill us started for 11 years ago and if no-one stop him he will succeed that Killing toTry to imagine The One Eyed Kings Pain Scream and the little Good King that grow up with This Pain Scream.Or you can come to Camp D where I am, and listen to mine Pain Scream, I am not so Good as The One Eyed King to Scream yet, I only Screaming in Pain about 10% Of the Day yet, but I will be better if we not do anything soon.When I visit my Father on Thursday he look almost dead and something frighten him.And it wasn't his death I think it was mine.The One Eyed King did not get the medicine he need, The Good King did not get the medicine he need he get poisoned, The Righteous King did not get the medicine he need, they forced poison in me for about 10 years then they poison my coffee.With Me as King, everyone who needs medicine will get the natural medicine they need.No-one should be hunted down and putted in prison for using a natural medicine.so with me as King then the war on drugs is OVER, But read this CAREFULLY it's (The Good King) Word there is Medicine in every drop and poison in every liter.Well that he use on Alkohol but we can use this Quote on the most, that is good advice not a law Some people will abuse different things regardless of whether it is illegal or not.It does not help and make the life to someone with problem even more difficult.You can die from too much of a lot of things, Even Water.The Terror King the sitting in my chair also used a suicide Bomber as vitnes to testified for locked me up so they could poison me to get me out of the way.So what will The Norwegian People do ? (Support the Terror King ? The Throne Thief That used Suicide Bombers and Burning stick) Or Me The Rightful and Righteous King) What do you think the Good Old King Fairhair want you to do ? Will you live in fear or will you live in peace and harmony.Please Help Me and your self.The most of the Royalty the last 1000-1500 year back is my Great Grandfathers and Daufer The Prophet is my 39 Great Grandfather  If I have inherited some of the Prophet Gene ? Well I will not tell yet.So will someone help me to get what I was Born for ? When I wrote my May 17 speech, I didn't think Oldefar had managed to get the proof that he was (The Rightful King of Norway) Now I'm sure my Great Grandfather managed to get the prove that he was the 27 Great Grandchildren of (King Fairhair) (The One Eyed King) is / was as stubborn as (King Fairhair) and me he works for about 40 years to get the prove that he was the 27 Great Grandchildren of (King Fairhair) So that my Great Grandfather (The One Eyed King) Got burn away half his face was a (Royal Assault) Everything of this can and will be proved, and with this I hereby authorize anyone who reads this email to access all documents in this case, every single paper, from Arkivverket (Arkivverket try to trick me they will not send me the Right Document) The Police, All the Police Office in Norway and Southern Norway Hospital (Sørlandet sykehus) County Doc and almost everyone in Norway, some of you already got much of it.The Norwegian authorities has blocked many placed so it would be nice if you help me so everyone get this mail) (Bilde av The One Eyed King Is it AGK That has taken)Go Ahead Make My Day. Bjørn Stuverød født: 30.11.69 Adresse: Åsveien 51, 4700 Vennesla, Norge Postadresse: Sykehusveien 1 Post D 4838 Arendal, Norge Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected] Tel: +4741132959 Litt Mer Kopi Lim Inn: Til Frederiksen Scientific (Kopi til dere andre) Fra Bjørn Stuverød den 28.07.2020. Hei det har blitt en liten forvirring!!! Her på Sykehuset om hvem som bestilte Acetaldehyd (Etanal) Kristian Sæthre (Ansvarlig!!! Lege!!!) Påstår at dere har solgt dette livsfarlige stoffet til en pasient som ikke aner hva stoffet er og som er slettet fra Banksystemet.Kan dere være så snille å Hjelpe meg ? Acetaldehyd,en er blitt plantet på rommet til Bjørn Stuverød. Kan jeg få navnet til den personen som bestilte Acetaldehyd (Etanal) Hos dere og hvilket Bankkonto som er benyttet ?Dette er årsaken til myndighetene bruker leger!!! og livsfarlige stoffer for å bli kvitt Bjørn Stuverød.Jeg kunne sendt dere mye mere innformasjon (Og det kommer jeg til å gjøre) Håper på snarlig svar (Helst før jeg blir isolert igjen) Beklager forsinkelsen men jeg ble isolert i ca en måned På grunn av dette Beklager den dårlige Engelsken (Bruk Google oversetter hvis dere ikke forstår det (Kopi lim inn!)Heavenly Greetings Bjørn Stuverød. The Righteous King Stuveladden
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lftstudent · 4 years
Studiestart på LFT
Har startet i høst på Litteratur, film og teater hvor det da er noen krav med blogging. Så litt info om meg, har fagbrev innenfor laboratorie hvor jeg da gikk på laboratorie linjen i 1 år og var lærling i 2 år på Glencore nikkelverk. Gikk så på påbygging i Vennesla og valgte å studere historie videre men droppa ut. Jeg ville heller søke på noe jeg brenner for, nemlig film. Har en liten erfaring når det kommer til film.  Har spilt i en del små prosjekter som statist og skuespiller, samt prøvd meg på produsent for kompaniet Omegastar Porductions som var et kompani eid av regissøren for en kortfilm jeg var med i som gikk på en rekke filmfestivaler ‘’Pokernight a dark comedy’’. Men kompaniet falt fra hverandre når vi prøvde å skape en ny film og jeg endte på skolebenken hvor jeg valgte å gå vekk fra film og fokusere på noe mer sannsynlig. Men jeg ga egentlig ikke opp og skal nå prøve å satse en kariere på det. Preferansen min av de tre mediene innenfor litteratur, film og teater er film. Favoritt filmen min er ‘’Sherlock Holmes’’ av Guy Ritchie for måten de brakte tilbake detektiven på en ny å spennende måte, og hvordan han ikke bare analyserer spor men også svakheter i fiender han slås mot. Pluss humoren og de fantastiske skuespillerne som er med i filmen. Jeg er fremdeles usikker på hvilket av fordypingene jeg skal søke på mellom film eller teater. Men jeg gleder meg til hva som er i vente.
Mvh M.A.I
Link til kortfilmen Pokernight a dark comedy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpODjQVImiw
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afrydenl · 6 years
Kul hengebro i Vennesla. #Vennesla #bridge #travelmates #travel #norway #travelgram #suspensionbridge (ved Vennesla)
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hariesautomoto · 6 years
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Let the stam out by HariesAutoMoto
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norgea · 7 years
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Denne karen er PRO til å bruke GO | Nigel Sylvester i Dubai https://www.norgea.no/denne-karen-er-pro-til-a-bruke-go-nigel-sylvester-i-dubai_fe66e769a.html #MoiRana #Kristiansund #Jessheim #Korsvik #Tromsdalen #Hønefoss #Alta #Narvik #Askim #Leirvik #Drøbak #Osøyro #Vennesla #Råholt #Nesoddtangen #Grimstad #Steinkjer #Arna #Kongsvinger #Stjørdalshalsen #Bryne #Egersund #Lommedalen #Kopervik #Ålgård #Figgjo #Knarrevik #Straume #Mandal #Førde (Oslo, Norway)
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mirrafoto-blog · 5 years
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“Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.” – Mae West⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣#notsayingsheisbad⁣ ⁣#girl #female #feminist #mirra #mirrafoto #vennesla #grovane #setesdalsbanen #yellow #helgasjofn #maniakprincess #lovemyjob #finallyback https://www.instagram.com/p/B1YrW4NnM33/?igshid=4sf1jb1io7me
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