#vds aesthetic
infiniteiram · 2 years
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alternate universe - dark academia
lucas is an aspiring musician who just received an internship to study under the well-renowned dr. elio stoffels. leaving utrecht is all he ever wanted but he feels quite adamant to see antwerp as a possible new home. music and studying, he tells himself, is all he is bound to do in the new city.
until he meets the beautiful lips turned up in a smirk and a cigarette dangling between them.
fanfic link: i hear a symphony by apolloswords
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linagram · 3 months
this one is for the yurikers. these are the last lyrics she's going to sing in linagram 1 (not counting like the very last bit). lowkey sobbing
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romkole · 1 year
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slow dancing in a burning room
Chapter 2: 4 Years Ago
"Since when do you have piercing?"
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ilaiyayaya · 1 month
"My cool gore gamer deskmat arrived, that's half of my cool gore gamer order the other half is idk probably in hell or something it'll be here someday I'm sure I can wait I can be patient" Misaka says while vibrating furiously. Now I have 2 (technically 3) deskmats, the other of which is for a semi-cancelled mmo maplestory 2 clone that I got by winning a review contest where I did pretty much nothing but shit on the game's beta lmao (I own 2 of that deskmat because so few people participated in it that I won 2 different categories.) That deskmat is shit it's like, the lowest quality print I've ever seen like, like it's funny levels of low res, it kinda makes it more epic tbh. That game was cool, I mean it was kinda shit, but like, fun kusoge, too bad the soft launch did so poorly that it got shut down before making it to a full launch 😔. I got a shit cool deskmat out of it tho >:) and also a bunch of other garbage like a cup, and a bag, and acrylic standees all of which have been sentenced to eternity in a box in my closet. The bag was kinda nice I can't complain too much about the bag I like it :).
Wtf the cool gore deskmat I bought is too big spongebing womp :c Time to make my desk 12x more scuffed looking by forcing it to fit >:) Nevermind I found a perfect spot for it by just putting it on the side section of my desk instead of underneath my keyboard, now it fits and also just looks significantly better than the original plan anyways 😎
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Hehehe all the cables and stuff I need to mod my PSP came in I am gonna fucking destroy this thing I am so gonna brick it within a month I'm probably not even gonna actually play many games on it I just think PSP modding is fascinating :). Like the PSP is so cool and is like the most interesting semi-modern console for so many reasons imo but like, it's probably tied with the Xbox Series X (I hate that name so much why did they name it that, it's like a worse name than the Wii U, at least the Wii U had the benefit of being the freaking coolest thing ever made I love the Wii U it's so shit but like in fun ways) when it comes to emulation and modding specifically, but the Xbox has an unfair advantage because hardware-wise it's a fucking PC like there's nothing special about it, it's just good for emulation because any normal computer is good for emulation. The PSP however is special, it can fit in my hand, and it can emulate N64 really really well which is weird af because N64 emulation on PC even today is like super flawed, and it's cool because it's the PSP and the PSP is cool! My epic officially licensed uncensored borderline-lost media PSP eroge didn't arrive today tho so I'm still gonna have to wait like 2 weeks for that, le sigh so no UMD-PG rant today 😔. But I can still rant about other things! Like, like how it's so cool that you can change the PSP background to any image you want! like I can make it this-
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-I won't, because this is a terrible image. Why do I have this saved? I save very few memes why is this one of the ones I chose to save? Why is it named "ground beef heritage post.jpg??? Not anymore I'm deleting it, gone forever. Absolutely vile picture, I would never desecrate my dear, beloved Playstation Portable with such filth. But I could! The possibilities are endless!
Nevermind I found the REAL PSP background, it's so fitting, so good, see it's a reference to the visual novel Tsukihime, which probably has a PSP port! maybe, possibly, idk I'm not a big enough Tsukihime fan to look into all of it's ports, and acting like I am would simply be disingenuous behavior.
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Just learned while writing this that the PSP has a camera peripheral sigh I can't waste more money on PSP related junk so soon it'll have to wait. BUT SOMEDAY I WILL SO RECORD A LIVESTREAM USING THE PSP CAMERA AS A WEBCAM LIKE THAT PERSON THAT USED THE GAMEBOY CAMERA AS A WEBCAM!!! It would be way less impressive than that was, but now I've conjured the idea and I can't just let it go, it's a part of me now, an inseparable scheme from the core of my very being.
I'M STILL WAITING FOR 2 MORE PACKAGES TOO AND I WANT THEM NOW NOW NOW they probably won't be here for anywhere from 1 week to like idk several months i hate ben saint sorry that was rude i'll apologize once i get my dire apple pin and thus regain basic human compassion.
One of the packages that came today also included a skirt I ordered. I like it looks nice :). I have nothing more to say about it that is all.
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Sorry that was a visual representation of an allergic reaction I had. To the pollen. Like in the air. I am inside of a beehive. HELP ME GET ME OUT AAAAAAAAAAAA skirts are nice :)
Tune in next time where I will finally answer the long awaited question: Where did Yugi Muto go after the ending of Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal? The answer will shock you because I don't actually have the answer to that question and am just going to make something up I apologize in advance for lying to my audience it will happen again.
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purgemarchlockdown · 6 months
Something I like a lot when it comes to Magic is that, while it uses its magical girl aesthetic to convey and contrast with it's dark themes. It's not "cringing" at it, if that makes sense.
It's hard to exactly explain, but I'm a big fan of Magical Girls and I've had to deal with too many "Unaffectionate parodies," if you will. Where it feels like the show is laughing at how silly and "cringe" these ideas and aesthetics are, and how much more "mature" they are for introducing more "serious" ideas into them.
Not to say Magical Girls Aren't silly, they can be and often are. But I feel like a lot of times these types of shows betray a level of insincerity, or a fear of being "uncool." So they Must Prove that they Know how Uncool it is immediately. So it causes this clear separation between the "cutesy shallow Magical Girl stuff" and the "dark and serious Real Stuff."
But Magic Doesn't Do That, and not only that, I feel like Magic goes in Knowing that people are going to not take it seriously at first.
I talk about how Magic doesn't take Amane seriously, but Magic also Primes You From the Start to not. Just by it's general aesthetic.
I read the comment sections for the MVs and you can see a bunch of people talk about how this shows how "childish" she really is.
Which, yeah she is sometimes. But when people refer to childish in this concept they mean it for the same reason Amane wants to get rid of that assigned role of "child." There's a bunch of people talking about how she's blindly following the rules. Talking about her like she's unaware and ignorant of the true horrors of her life. Talking about her like she can't understand what's happening. Because- why else would it be so...cheery? Never mind the implications of awareness that Magic scatters throughout the MV.
Never mind that the lyrics that circle around the topic without saying it out loud because it's easier that way.
Never mind that Magic just straight up Shows You What Happened, even if it's highly fictionalized.
Just ignore that all that. (Amane T2 VD)
Amane: In fact, there have been people who said that to me. I’ve been told things like, “You’re being deceived.” “You can still make it right now.” “You’re crazy.” Es: … Amane: You are treating me as a child after all. Because I’m a child, you believe that I must have been brainwashed. It’s not like that. I, too— children, too, understand everything! Please don’t just decide that people must be unhappy.
Because magical girls are Silly.
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1moreff-creator · 7 months
DRDT - Milgram AU: T1 "Voice Reveal" Lines
Hey there! Back at it with this AU. I figured if I'm going to commit to the bit, I might as well commit fully. At the start of every Trial, Milgram gives a sneak peak at some of the lines which will appear in the VDs, combined with "glitchy" lines which relate to their murder. So I'm doing that too! Keep in mind this is not professional in the slightest, so exact wording might change between now and when I actually post the VDs. Especially since it's been a while since I rewatched DRDT so the wording could feel a bit off. Anyways, here we go!
Implied DRDT spoilers and heavy themes. Again not affiliated with either of the series
Btw I'm using crossed out text for aesthetics but there will be a transcript at the bottom if you have trouble reading that.
01- "Levi Fontana, a pleasure"
"Yes, I am a murderer"
"I can't bring myself to pretend to be sorry for what I did"
"I suppose I should watch the other prisoners to learn how normal murderers should handle themselves"
I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02- "Arturo Giles"
"Ugh. Do I really have to be judged by someone this ugly?"
"I'll have you know, I've never murdered anyone"
[Whispering] "I mean, there is... no, no, that wasn't my fault"
How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
03- "My name is David Chiem"
"It seems there's been a mistake. But don't worry! I won't hold it against you"
"Mistakes can be corrected. It's not difficult to change, as long as you're willing to!"
"I try to be as positive as I can, since I know there's a lot of people that don't get the privilege"
04- "Yo! Whit Young, nice to meet you!
"Are you really sure everyone here is a murderer?"
"That's wack"
"I don't remember doing anything suspicious! Yesterday was normal, the day before that was normal, the day before that... the day before that..."
My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05- "Tch. Ace Markey"
"You wanna fight?! Wait, fuck, you probably have weapons, don't you?! Shit, don't get any closer!"
"You think I'm a murderer?! Horseshit!"
"Get off your fucking high horse!"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06- "Uhm... Nico... Hakobyan"
"I'm- I'm really sorry!"
"You're pretty weird"
"Ah! I'm sorry! Don't get mad at me!"
Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
07- "J Moreno"
"What do you people really want? Ransom money? There's no way you're doing this just because you want to 'judge our sins' or whatever bullshit you're saying"
"Don't make me laugh. Find evidence I killed anyone, and then we can talk about murder"
"Do you really think you're going to understand everything I've been through, just with a silly little song? How arrogant are you?!"
What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08- "Mmmm... Rose Lacroix"
"Ah, yeah. I killed someone"
"This really isn't that bad. At least I can paint here"
I wonder if I can be happy now
09- "H-Hu Jing"
"I know what I did was unforgivable..."
"I really am selfish... I'm scared of receiving the punishment I deserve"
"Please Forgive me!"
Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10- "My name is Veronika Grebenshchikova!"
"If you don't mind, can you choose not to Forgive me?"
"Death sounds boring. I'd rather stay alive if you don't mind!"
"To Forgive what I did... it would be denying everything I believe about my life..."
[Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
11- "Arei Naegishi!"
"Pfft! God, you're pathetic!"
"Why the hell are we even here? How could anyone be stupid enough to do anything but Forgive me?"
"Are you really that much of an idiot?!"
12- "Uhm... Eden Tobisa..."
"Even when things are looking down, we just have to try our best, and trust each other!"
"I... I never wanted anyone to die!"
"Es... why are you doing this?"
Wh- What have you done?!
13- "Min Jeung"
"This is ludicrous. How are we meant to expect a fair judgement when your 'justice' is determind by one person's whims and biases?"
"When an institution is non-functional, it is highly illogical to indiscriminately tear it down. Improving the basis already in place is by far the most constructive way to conduct progress"
"There is no country in the world where I would be judged a murderer. To say one single prison has the authority to decide that I am is a flagrant display of vanity"
The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14- "Alexander Matthews. Just call me Xander"
"Don't you see how broken this entire system is?! What makes you think you hold a monopoly over morality, huh?! What gives you the right to Forgive or Not Forgive?!"
"When something is rotten, you throw it away. It's the same with this twisted place!"
Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest
15- "Charles Cuevas"
"I was hoping the Warden would be competent, at least, but clearly I was a fool to think that could ever be the case"
"Are you stupid?!"
"Warden... Es... I have a request"
Hgk...- Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16- "Teruko Tawaki"
"Are you okay?"
"You don't need to know anything about my crimes. I'm unforgivable. That's all you need, right?"
"If you can find a way to do it... Just kill me"
... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
And there we go! Hope they weren't too ooc! Keep in mind different backstories could lead to slightly different personalities; this AU is canon-adjacent, not really canon-compliant. Levi's first trial is coming soon! Hope you enjoyed!
Huh? Secret message? Whatever are you talking about?
Here's the transcript of the glitchy lines:
01 - Levi: I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02 - Arturo: How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
04 - Whit: My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05 - Ace: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06 - Nico: Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
(Yes it's just the secret quote on their page sue me it's a cool line)
07 - J: What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08 - Rose: I wonder if I can be happy now
09 - Hu: Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10 - Veronika: [Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
12 - Eden: Wh- What have you done?!
13 - Min: The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14 - Xander: Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest...
15 - Charles: Hgk... Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16 - Teruko: ... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
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nomeniko · 23 days
hi :D for the ask game What do you wish more people understood about kazui? Which trial 2 MV do you enjoy the most, and why?
thank you for the ask i would grovel at ur feet in gratitude i hope the sun shines down and makes the light dance for u and you only today
1. if anything ive seen a few theories of kazui possibly revealing himself to be a two faced manipulator of sorts due to his self proclaimed liarness…. like ‘ohh u cant trust what he says he cld be trying to make himself look pitiable to the audience to get voted inno’ sort of theories which is. no he wont do that???
is he a liar? to a degree yes—liar not in the sense that what he says are direct falsities, but more like hes built much of his character to constantly disguise his true intentions/feelings as a defense mechanism. the lies he says are less of words from a schemer and more of redirections from someone who is, all in all, an insecure adult scared of what will happen if he isnt able to meet peoples expectations of him
as much as he calls himself a liar hes mad honest about where he thinks his capabilities lie, which is to say he doesnt believe in his capabilities at all lol. when amane asks him for help with her studies, he turns her down after some consideration bc he doesnt believe himself to be smart enough to help (despite having graduated from a university; sports degree or not credit shld be given where credit is due). when he talks to shidou post ktk attack, he refuses to admit doing any of the work in taking care of the situation and instead puts all the praise onto shidou. even his physical strength and skill (which is arguably the one part of him he does acknowledge and take some sort of belief in) is something he treats as less of something that he has achieved himself and more of an obligation of his—like, hes strong bc to him he HAS to be, bc it is expected of him to protect those who need protecting. he does want to protect others, sure, but much of that wanting comes frm how ingrained it is in him that thats what hes good for, thats what his strength is for (his timeline w/ yuno on her bday says as much nyway)
the way i see it, that self deprication of his plays back into his obsession with meeting the expectations placed onto him, or at least lessening the disappointment of others by lessening those expectations in the first place. if u tell someone that u didnt go to the right university, that u didnt do much to help anyway, that u were born so fundamentally wrong as a person that everything is bound to go to shit as long as ur there (he basically said this to es in his t1 vd im not even kidding), wouldnt that ensure the safety that youre less likely to ruin someone elses confidence in you? less likely to ruin bc in the small chance that u still fuck up, theres not much left to ruin at that point
in the end ig what i wish more ppl understood abt kazui is that hes a liar yes, but not a manipulator. he lies to stay safe, not to be a sadist or whatever. you cant take what he says at face value (in much the same way u cant do the same for any other prisoner tbh), but that does not mean u shldnt take anything he says srsly at all!!!
2. ok this one i have to give a bit of thought, mostly bc i cant pick just one
if the standards were which t2 mv do i enjoy for its direction music n visual wise, purge march takes the cake so quickly. the music itself is so bomb (which like, i cant even find a logical explanation as to why… its just so good to listen to) n the mv itself does such a great job at creating the right atmosphere, both in its flashy theatrics and the subtle uncanniness under it. mayb i have a slight bias bc tpm was the whole reason i got into milgram in the first place, but i stand by it idccc
aesthetic wise, def all knowing and all agony. the horror elements r genuinely disturbing, but not so overbearing that it overwrites the pop style that milgram has going on. i luove the use of amber for blood, plus the filters that remind me of found footage u usually see show up in asian horror movies. i think i was actually terrified the first time i watched the mv
symbolic wise, its cat always and forever god bless. it takes advantage of its aesthetics to hint at subtle secrets so well that it makes me giddy as hell. the use of colors as a part of the set, the transitions frm scene to scene having its own part in making the story, n honestly making the bg more blank than usual readjusts the focus of the mv on what matters p well. i cant mention every detail rn or else id be here all day
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yanyanderes · 2 years
So there's three vocaloid songs that I sometimes imagine yandere Donnie scenarios with, the first song's main singer even has purple hair. Although i don't think the lyrics match Donnies personality or when he “took advantage of her” 2:21 to 2:45 in the song but just put it on and listen cuz god damn.
The other songs are “Love Love Nightmare” (mainly for the aesthetic, watch out for flashing lights btw) and “Saw and Pendulum”, they are so good.
i’ve only listened like 10 vocaloid songs, and that first one used to be my JAM I’M JUST
expanding on the first song a bit, although donnie isn’t the type to straight up chop off limbs, he’d definitely restrain (y/n) if they started acting up. electric collars, probably some handcuffs, y’know, that kinda stuff.
bro that second song, with the way hatsune starts falling apart, chasing the dude and crawling closer to the screen, is giving me ideas-
like, donnie invents a robot that’s made specifically to kidnap (y/n) and he tries to make it as comforting as possible so it won’t scare them too much, except maybe he wasn’t able to run as many tests as he would’ve liked so it’s still got some bugs and the model isn’t finished, and instead of being comforting, the robot’s all scary, especially as it’s falling apart while it’s chasing them.
and then the third one, i feel, really captures donnie’s obsession. listening to it, i can just imagine him hunched at his monitor, tracking down (y/n)’s every move without them even knowing it.
v good song recommendations 👌
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laniemae · 7 months
2, 9, 12, 18, 21
Kazui 2: this frame from cat.
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Augh it’s just so good. The composition, the colours, the aesthetic it’s so cool.
I love how horrifying this one scene is. Kazui ripping apart the dove wth his teeth. The black blood, monochrome colouring and red background is perfect in heightening the intensity here. The slit eyes like a cat is so cool and really encapsulates the name of the song.
It’s also really interesting how violent this scene is, as in reality with what we see in half it wasn’t as brutal as this. He hates himself, so he’d see this scene as an act of violence from his side. This frame is so beautifully composed yet highly symbolic it’s just so good that it’s one of the frames I think about when I think about my favorite milgram moments.
9: Kazui’s crime is an interesting one since depending on your interpretation of his songs, your idea of forgiveness can change a lot. When I first saw cat, I didn’t forgive him as my interpretation was that he was only in the marriage for money. Now I say forgiven as I do believe that it was not that.
I think what happened was society’s strict view on marriage and how that can be very harmful. His situation parallel’s Mahiru’s a lot with the idea of “idealised love”. But with mahiru being stuck in that vision and kazui being a victim of that vision. Basically to be accepted in society at an older age, you must be in a perfect heteronormative marriage and have kids and stuff. Kazui never fit that bill. There’s lots of interpretations that he could be gay or some sort of queer which would fit the themings of his story. He never truly loved hinako romantically. In the interrogation question in trial 2 years when asked if he loved his victim, it was blank. I feel like he’s at an internal conflict on that. On the idea of what love is and forcing yourself in a relationship to be accepted.
And this where things get bad, because Kazui has always hated himself and I feel like because he married hinako only to be accepted be feels like he’s using her and is a bad person before that. He likely tried to manage this pain with alcohol and smoking, which only made things worse. Hinako probably truly loved him, but seeing Kazui in an ever deteriorating state probably was breaking her. Eventually Kazui told the truth to her, which lead to her suicide.
I personally forgive this, as it’s not Kazui’s fault this happened. It’s more so of people being forced into marriage just to be accepted, and how that can lead to depression and stuff like this happening, contrary to the perfect view it’s portrayed as.
Kazui 12: I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s actually how observant he is. In his first trial vd he instantly decided to test out what exactly Fuuta meant by an invisible wall and figured out that they physically couldn’t attack the guard by them losing all will for violence. He also brings up some pretty interesting hypotheticals when talking with prisoners as in one timeline conversation fuuta said why couldn’t he just take out es and escape. Kazui responded by saying what if you were caught up in a bank robbery and you had an opportunity to catch the culprit and they seem to look pretty weak and not have any weapons. Fuuta said that he would if he was able to do to and everyone else should help. Then kazui goes onto say that you shouldn’t judge on first impressions, as that person could have an accomplice or be hiding a gun and you shouldn’t act until you have absolute confidence in your assessment.
This is really interesting to me as kazui perfectly managed to present a question that says a lot about fuuta’s character and mindset and even could give us some info onto why he even started participating in cancel culture in the first place.
Kazui does this a lot with presenting questions like this and analysing situation like this and as I said we should really pay more attention on these interactions because he knows how to get information from people like this.
Kazui 18: probably Histrionic by Kikuo. It fits Kazui a lot in both style and lyrics. It’s a melancholy, soft song like half. And the MV has alot of theatre and masquerade theming which is like yeah definitely half.
The lyrics are vague but at the same time something like that fits perfectly. Themes of lies, putting on masks and acting for people has a lot in common with the consensus of kazui’s story.
Kazui 21: I don’t exactly know how much I have in common with him. In fact I think there’s more stuff that’s a complete opposite of me than I relate to with him. But it doesn’t really matter if I relate to him or not because he’s still a really interesting character.
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infiniteiram · 2 years
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alternate universe - childhood best friends to lovers
jens, lucas and jana were inseparable best friends- until the day lucas moves away to utrecht with a cold shoulder. thinking that he'll never come back, they figured his sudden emotional distance would remain a mystery forever.
until one day, he does come back and they try to figure out what really happened.
(late upload- but don’t miss out! it’s got angst, pining, angry declarations of love and even a sharing the bed trope!)
fanfic link: sunroof by apolloswords
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linagram · 3 months
I love all the effort you put into your ocs, how do you manage to get ideas for lyrics and mvs??? its all super impressive
thank you so much!! when it comes to mvs, i just kind of.. try to think of a theme the character already has or a theme that would look cool in their mv, usually that theme is somehow associated with their personality, interests, backstories or even simply their designs and name meanings! (like for example, eiko met her first love online, so two of her mvs have something to do with technology, but she's also a part-time model and has an interest in fashion, so there's a mannequin in her first mv as well) like i just kind of try to get into their brains and think of how they would see their crime and their life in general, so i try my best to make the mvs show their personalities well and make them feel different from each other (like shun's mvs have a lot of "glitchy" effects, they're supposed to feel weird and surreal, two of akio's mvs have a royal theme/aesthetic, etc).
also i try to make each mv reveal something the last one didn't, like the first riku mv showed that he was very popular, but he still wasn't happy, and his second mv showed that he was more than okay with using his popularity for some really bad things. i think kei's mvs are the best example, since his first mv is supposed to make him look like "the bad guy", meanwhile his second mv is supposed to make him look like the victim (and judging by 100% guilty and 100% inno verdicts, it went. well). it's getting a bit hard to do so right now, as i'm in the middle of writing the season 3 vds and i feel like i have to reveal stuff as quickly as possible and some of the characters' crimes have basically been solved (like naomi's, and in asahi's case the only thing we don't know is the motive).. but i've decided to use vds and mvs as two different tools: vds are more about what the character would reveal about their crime if they were asked (or forced to talk) and mvs are more about what they'd either not talk about or what they want the audience to know, but can't talk about for some reason.
also i just like to add things that i'd like to see more in the canongram mvs! like the whole thing with the victim/side character povs or certain themes and aesthetics, all of that stuff.
as for the lyrics, it actually takes me a lot of time to write them, like i always write the actual mv first and then like a day or two later i write the lyrics 😭😭 i just kinda go with what i think sounds cool or what the character would say (like in shun's future season 3 mv, he literally forgets what the song was about). also i take inspiration from the canongram song lyrics as well and kinda try to write something similar to them while still adding something original?? hope that makes sense sjsdkslsl
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moibakadesu · 1 year
A little observations as to why I am convinced that Haruka will not die before Milgram's finale 
A document with a lot of realistic and reasonable coping, written by a Haruka lover:
(should be obvious, but of course cw for the topics of death, suicide and injury)
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So the community has been abuzz ever since Haruka went and made his suicide threat in his second VD, and while I did have my moments where I got scared and faltered (notably the two infamous TL posts of our boy), I am still convinced that he will not be successful in taking his life. Due to various reasons, and today we are going to look at them.
Starting with the most … say dry and detached one:
Financial/organisatory reasons
A very important point a lot of people tend to forget is that Milgram, despite being a passion project in many aspects, is still a medium that generates money for OTOIRO. And not only does it generate money for the company, no there are also a lot of things just generated from that.
But let's begin here, Haruka is a fairly popular character, esp in the Asian side of the fandom, so for one boy his video revenue and merch sales are something you wouldn't just drop out of.
The even bigger part is though, the organisatory point, which plays into the finances. We know that Deco starts writing songs as soon as the verdict of a prisoner is decided. So that already gives you a picture of just how early some productions behind the scenes start, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. So by the time Muu's verdict will be in there will already be a considerable amount of time and effort (and probably money) put into t3 Haruka and as a company it would just not make sense to do that.
And this is only taking the songwriting into account, we don't know how early in advance other things go into production.
So in general, songs, videos, merchandise, albums etc have to be produced, this has MONTHS of work beforehand. Voice actors and animators have to be paid.
You don't hinge all that on a decision that could go either way.
With which we will go to …
Possibilities for non-lethal injuries
There are many ways to let Haruka make attempts that ultimately lead to failure.
First, Haruka got voted guilty as well (yes, I was one of the people voting him that, and we will get to one of the reasons why in a second) and this means he will be restricted. 
Milgram is very unclear on how these restrictions for the guilty prisoners work, we can be pretty sure that they are not physical in the sense of their hands being bound or anything to really restrict movement (the longer straps being more of a aesthetic and somewhat symbolic nod to that), but nonetheless it is something that for example makes them unable to fight back from a physical attack against them, as the previous attack by Kotoko has shown.
So my idea is that it's possibly a sort of "barrier" like the one that protects Es from outside violence, but instead hinders the guilty prisoners from doing certain actions.
If we spin that idea further another possibility is that Milgram does not allow suicide. When Haruka asked Es in his VD if that's not allowed Es responded that they don't know. I think it's very likely that there are measures like this barrier preventing people from killing themselves, because it could basically be seen as a way to escape your judgment and that would go against Milgram, right? So there is plenty of room for him trying and not succeeding.
Another possibility is that he would get stopped by a second party. 
For that let's first look at the options that Haruka actually has to take his life. Because they are pretty limited.
For one we have to take to mind that Haruka did grow up pretty … "sheltered", due to his circumstances, so his knowledge about how to end a life are also pretty limited. His methods of killing show that pretty well, they are the most simple, smashing or squeezing something until it stops moving you could say.
Both are not things you can do easily to yourself. Choking yourself with your hands to the point of death is impossible, you lose strength or consciousness before that can happen. Any forms of strangulation by other tools (straps from the prison uniform etc) are out of the question because he would not know how to do it properly.
A thing that I see as most likely for him to attempt would be … slamming his head against the wall repeatedly. This could lead to serious injury, but most likely would also lead to him blacking out before it becomes fatal.
With what we get to the before mentioned part of a second party stopping him during an attempt.
This is not only an interesting way to not have him die, but also a very good option to bring the interactions between characters and character development into play. We know already who will not stop him, Muu clearly, she made her point very clear that she thinks "friends" let friends do whatever they want to do, even if that is taking their own life.
So who are the other options? It's easy actually, Fuuta. (And I am looking at this from a completely neutral and logical point of view, so hear me out.) A lot of people just very blatantly ignore that Haruka, Fuuta and Muu also had a connected dynamic since the early beginnings. Haruka is in the center of this dynamic, with both of the others either caring about him or finding him interesting. Balance in that dynamic began to change, due to how the t1 votes affected everything, Fuuta becoming more reclusive and eventually due to the attack way too occupied with everything he had to deal with for his own survival. While Muu meanwhile literally just went on and asserted her dominance you could say.
So with the t2 votes flipping that right on the head I think we might see that get turned over. Fuuta got time to heal, no more mental torment and he will be more "available" in a sense, to care about what happens around him. Fuuta is at his core way too much of a softie to let things go unnoticed, esp if it concerns someone he has shown care for. And I think the situation that will occur with Haruka might push some buttons for him, because I think Fuuta would be very pressed to not see another person commit suicide if he can prevent it. So as the person besides Muu who has the most ties to Haruka I think he will be the most likely to notice something and step in.
Another factor in this is Shidou. With his proclamation that he will not let anyone in the prison die if he gets forgiven we can say we have a sort of safety net in that regard, because if Haruka should get as far as to inflict any sort of injury on himself we have Shidou to provide first aid. 
Well, at least if Amane gets another guilty vote as to not obstruct Shidou in giving any medical care, but we have to see how that turns out.
Worst case, attempt during the VD
This is just a very big "what if", but the slight possibility that Haruka would attempt to take his life during his next voice drama could be there. Because it's such a big plot point, I doubt they would just let that happen off screen, if they really want to go through with it.
Of course this could tie in with some of the before mentioned options, him failing due to various reasons. I think that could be the most likely course for that route. Especially with the "head banging against wall", maybe to get stopped by that barrier.
People before brought up the idea of him biting off his tongue, but I don't think that will happen, because again, Haruka's knowledge about killing methods is very limited, he wouldn't have a clue that this can be fatal.
Another thing that got brought up was "what if you can extract songs from a (fresh) corpse?"
This is also something I do not see happening, because what use would it have to judge a dead person? It would pretty much defeat the purpose.
And with that we are through. My reasons to believe that Haruka (and everyone else for that matter) will make it to the finale of Milgram, whatever that may be at the end. I don't doubt some form of execution will await there for prisoners who get voted guilty in the last trial. But we will see.
As always, thanks for listening to my rambles, and I hope that helped some of you to put your minds at ease a bit about our blue boy.
(Because man, even with that I worry about him every day, let me tell you.)
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chilly-out-here · 3 months
an attempt
let's see if this works! hopefully by not tagging this it doesn't get recommended to anyone since. I feel like it reads as fucking insane without context (honestly even with context). but just in case if you're not reading the fic and somehow still ended up here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52369693/chapters/132478987
and before I say anything I’d like to first shout out this tumblr post for letting me link this in the chapter notes in the first place bc I Would Not Have figured it out myself:  https://www.tumblr.com/gentrychild/653404474056081408/ao3-how-to-insert-imageslinks-into-the-notes-of# 
so!! Milgram The Musical!! there’s a couple key parts to how I imagine the tech for this thing to work. I don’t know all the details for the format of the show (frankly it doesn’t matter a ton lol), but I’m imagining it to be like. for each prisoner, there’s interrogation (basically like their VDs, except on stage), then blackout for quick scene transition, and then they sing their song. then blackout and they move on to the next prisoner and rinse and repeat. except for 010 who Causes Problems, which would be the climax of the musical and leads into the theoretical resolution.
so yea! I figure there’s probably 12 songs? one for each prisoner, plus two group numbers at the beginning and end (Undercover ft. the prisoners singing their parts, plus an unspecified ending song lol). there’s only one trial bc that would be PLENTY enough content for a musical already, so the songs are probably some fusion of the t1 and t2 (and t3 when that comes out?) songs. idk the specifics of that don’t really matter. also just, note, none of the prisoners have names in the show bc even I have my limits lmao. so if I’m talking about the characters in the musical I refer to them by their number, if I’m talking about the characters in the fic they get their names.
but anyway the important thing is! I think the main tech objective for the show is to make sure the visuals and sound of every prisoner’s song feels distinct, both from the other songs and from the interrogation scenes. the secondary objective is that the songs should feel kinda surreal; they take place in the prisoner’s minds, so they should be very separate from “reality” (in quotes bc what even is Milgram). so most of my planning was done with that in mind :)
okay. so! most of the show’s tech is probably lighting/projection-based to accomplish all the different tones and aesthetic shifts, but there are some fun little things with the deck too, not least of which being the y’know!! rotating disc!! à la Les Mis or Hamilton. I think it’d at least be super cool for Undercover and 010’s song (which has some Deep Cover stuff fs), and definitely in other places too because the songs are all kinda wild lol. I found this tutorial and, in my humble opinion, Kazui and Hinako are indeed insane enough as directors to want this, and Kotoko and Kazui are indeed insane enough to build this: http://theaterdad.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-make-revolving-stage.html?m=1 
in terms of physical set pieces, there’s of course the interrogation table and chairs, which comes on for every interrogation and comes off after every “sing your sins.” there’s also the Warden’s chair (whatever the fuck Es is sitting on at the beginning of Undercover), and maybe some bonus pieces for the prisoners’ songs? like possibly school desks for 004, hospital bed for 005, round table for 010, that sort of stuff.
I don’t know a whole ton about sound, but I imagine Yuno’s trying to set it up so that the interrogation scenes feel like you’re watching two characters from the outside, and the songs feel like you’re immersed inside the character’s head (since yknow,,, that’s kinda the central conceit of the show lol). I’m envisioning that she’s gonna have the interrogation dialogue sound like it’s mostly coming from the stage (so like, the closer to the stage a speaker is, the louder it is), and the music sound like it’s kinda coming from everywhere at once (so all the speakers are similar volume). so that’s why she’s doing a ton of repatching to get the individual speaker control she wants to create that illusion. overall I think she’s just trying to have fun with the whole thing which. as she should!!
so!! like I said earlier a big goal for the tech of this show is to make everything feel distinct, and the projection would be a GIANT part of that. I’ve only worked one show with projection in it but there’s so many frickin possibilities you can do with it so,, here we go!
first of all—the INTERROGATIONS. most theaters have stage monitors (basically just security cameras pointed at the stage from the house, which can be viewed in dressing rooms so actors know where they are in the show and can keep track of their  entrances). and I think it’d be really cool to also project that in the background in real-time as the interrogation scenes are happening (probably in black and white). partly to just make those scenes a bit more visually interesting, and partly bc I think it would severely fit the aesthetic?? plus that way, except during the blackouts, the projection won’t disappear and reappear as much, which I think would look cleaner and more cohesive.
BUT still very distinct!! bc in contrast to the camera vibes in the interrogations, the songs have their own cool colorful background art and visuals and fuckinnn stock footage projected!! whatever fits the vibe lmao. I think Haruka basically Goes Off—like the designer roles were decided for the show before they went on break, so he’s been working on this for months. each song’s visuals have their own style and color palette (yknow,, like how Milgram MVs work lol).
I’m gonna go on a whole separate rant about lighting but projection-wise:
001’s visuals mostly resemble the Weakness MV—so very colorful and very much drawn with nice smooth water/bubble animations, but also plus some of the edgy writing and glitchy stuff in All Knowing and All Agony. I think Haruka does project (haha,, pun) a little bit onto 001 (wow I can’t imagine why), so the art for that song hITS. 
002’s aesthetic is probably closest to Umbilical with like. pink void, balloons, the DNA staircases (possibly Haruka’s first venture into 3D modeling? which he uses later for Undercover and stuff), and the photographs (provided by the actress), but I really like the water ripples from Tear Drop so there’s some of that in there too. 
003 is most like Bring It On with all the video game aesthetic glitchy stuff going on, except add in a bit of spray paint imagery bc I think that’s really cool. 
004 is probably mostly It’s Not My Fault? I mean BUGS,, and honey and stuff. some classroom things like in After Pain (specifically the chalkboard has some stuff on it?) and a few real-life shots, but a lot of weird bug things yknow. 
005 is mainly Throw Down for all the flower symbolism (this is where flower stock footage comes in lmao), plus elements from Triage like the hospital bed, heart monitor, and of course the many many surgery receipts. 
006 is based mostly on This Is How To Be In Love With You (magazine vibes, again photos provided by the actress), but with a bit of the angsty stuff in I Love You (the fucked up carousel is good shit). 
007. is. interesting. since half and Cat are so different it’s a little hard to picture how the combined version would work (current idea is it starts slow and ballad-y for like. a couple lines, and then launches into jazzy vibes—perhaps something a bit like Theater by natori (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3rDLizb4sI)). but I’m imagining that 007 is a PERFORMER during his song. by that I mean when it gets jazzy he straight up walks down from the stage into the audience and has a whole Moment prancing around in the house with spotlights (aren’t we glad Fuuta set up the movers??). so my idea for the projection is that it’s mostly abstract and collage-y kinda like the instrumental break in Cat, and it does reflect the instruments (like the dancing saxophone lol), but it’s also got things like the apple, the glass, cigarettes, all the magic trick stuff, and the ring, and occasional cut-ins of irl stock photos of things like the bar. just little hints up there that are easy to miss if you’re focusing on all the Extremely Distracting actor in the audience and crazy dancing collage happening. also, color palette is probably warmer/red-er just to lean into the whole theater thing a bit more.
008!! I love the feltboard look at the end of Magic and I think that’s the main aesthetic the visuals would have, but with occasional cuts to irl photos of disturbing stuff like the taser. kinda like how Purge March does it? I almost feel like it’d be a bit like one of those analog horror things based on kids’ content, where the scary parts are 1) mostly just implied and 2) don’t last long but the juxtaposition is really jarring.
009 my beloved,, I really like the filming/camera vibes from MeMe, so the visuals probably involve a lot of that, and also the trains and glitch effects like in Double. ALSO. the MANNEQUINS. I have a mental image of Haruka sitting there debating what to do for 009, and then he looks up from his desk and sees his little pose reference mannequin and he’s like. Oh Yeah. so he takes pictures of it and photoshops it over/into some stuff, basically just turning it into like a whole mixed media art project thing (like this sort of vibe—Tatsuya Kitani MVs are frickin insane /pos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymtNhd_3CB8). and THEN. TAROT CARDS. after their pokémon battle Yuno lets Haruka borrow them, so he takes photos and uses them too (and uses the mannequins with them). the complicated disjointed mildly unsettling mixed media video collage aesthetic is *chef’s kiss* and I think it’d fit well with 009 and the film look.
010!! home stretch!! I don’t have much to say other than I think it mainly follows the Deep Cover vibes (bc seriously that MV is GORGEOUS), so plenty of chess piece imagery to go around. but also,,, wolves,,, more stock footage lmao. 
and fINALLY!! UNDERCOVER!! very geometric and following the general Milgram aesthetic. definitely the projection design closest to the MV it’s based on. not to spoil anything but there might be a bit more detail on it next chapter? didn’t hear that from me tho ;)
and now!! hilariously short thing to finish this section off. after each prisoner’s song, there’s a blackout for them to exit and for the deck crew to set the interrogation table up for the next scene. during that transition I think it’d be fun if there was a pre-recorded video of them answering some of their interrogation questions as a little sendoff yknow? plus that helps not completely kill the momentum after each song.
oh my god. hi. me. HI. this is my SHIT. okay. so. LIGHTS. starting with a fun little aside about LEDs and incandescents—imo incandescent stage lights are the prettiest and most natural looking, buut they’re also less versatile than LEDs (for example, you need physical gels to change the color of incandescents, but a lot of LED light fixtures can have colors changed from the lightboard). there’s pros and cons to both and there’s pros and cons to having a mixed lights grid (currently working in a place with both—I actually like it personally but it is hard to match the colors/tones a lot of the time). most of the theater world is moving towards LEDs in general (partly for convenience, partly as regulations are shifting away from incandescents) but Kazui is a stubborn mf who’s held onto an incandescent grid for THIS long and he’s gonna keep it as long he possibly can lmao. Fuuta convinced him to let him overhaul the whole thing and mix in some LEDs over the summer (mostly a bunch of moving lights), so he’s got a bit of both to work with.
for the Milgram aesthetic, unnatural white LEDs is lowkey the vibe?? I think just a couple white spotlights on the interrogation table would kinda be all they need. Fuuta is definitely getting a shit ton of use out of his movers for that since they can be pointed in good angles as needed. and for UNDERCOVER,,, oh boy he has some FUN with that one. if you program them right white movers make really good searchlight lookin things let me tell you!! I did them for a show recently and they looked AWESOME but I didn’t get to keep them in the final version (“it’s not a light show” which. fair but ok) so I’m vicariously living my mover searchlight dreams through Fuuta <3 and also, the Undercover MV has a ton of cool white spotlight type things going on?? like spotlights pointed through bars which casts cool dramatic shadows. definitely he gets to play around a lot with that :D
and then on the flip side~!! for the prisoner songs!! I think the general lighting for those is mostly done with differently-gelled incandescents, since they just look much prettier and smoother in general. I think the more natural look would also help to make the songs more immersive, especially in comparison to the interrogations—Fuuta’s definitely the type of guy to take something like a hybrid grid and really use it to his advantage to emphasize that contrast in overall feel.
each prisoner song definitely has its own lighting scheme too, which are all set up to look cohesive in conjunction with the projections in each song, so now all those are getting balanced for color and intensity so it looks like it all flows together with the visuals.
001’s general wash color is like a bluish white? so like R#051 (Surprise Pink (it looks mostly white in practice)) plus a bit of blue. not a ton of color bc the projections here are so colorful.
002’s lights are actually probably cooler tones for the most part to contrast with the pink projection. largely based on Tear Drop since the lighting there is super blue and it’s so PRETTY.
003…R#003 Dark Bastard Amber my beloved <3 (nah but fr DBA looks so good on red hair, it’s also kinda golden-ish which I think would look good with the saturated video game color tones on the projection).
for 004 like. literally all of After Pain is so Surprise Pink it’s ridiculous (plus a bit of Dark Bastard Amber for like,, yknow the murder at sunset). I like Surprise Pink for the color contrast with the green honey, might also want to test some purple?
005! I’m thinking of this one gel color that’s a really nice soft light blue, I believe it’s R#60 No Color Blue? again not too much color for the lights here since the projection will have a lot of flowers.
006 is very much a pink wash. probably Surprise Pink mixed and contrasted with a darker purple? I haven’t worked with a ton of purple but it’s a pretty versatile color and I think it could be good for the angsty I Love You type projections.
007 would start in a special light, and then when he goes into the audience that’s all a person with a followspot lol. at that point there’d only be enough light on stage to keep the projection looking natural (very low DBA wash perhaps).
008 is another Surprise Pink-based lights wash without too much color since the visuals would be pretty vibrant on their own, but much darker and bluer for the grimmer projections. I feel like purple would be nice as an undertone for her for some reason?
009 is. interesting. I could see Fuuta having to rack his brain a little for this one (since I’m racking my brain over here lol), but. if I remember correctly No Color Blue plus a tiny tiny bit of Surprise Pink can kinda make a semi-convincing white white? I think that, plus some bright RGB Color Moments in the visuals, could hopefully do the job okay.
010 HI OKAY LET ME LIGHT THIS SONG PLEASE. fuckin BACKLIGHTS DUDE the SATURATED COLORS the PINK?!? THAT is R#039 SKELTON EXOTIC SANGRIA if I’ve EVER fuckin seen it (bro just trust me, the color itself looks hella dark but when there’s light shining through it it’s so VIVID and PRETTY okay I just. yes). that mixed with some kind of really saturated indigo (part of me is even wondering about black lights??) would be so good.
okay costumes!! so!! as we have seen Mikoto’s been very busy lol. he’s not the main costume designer but he’s like. assistant costume designer and the guy in charge of Making Stuff (lead craftsperson I think it’s technically called?), which in this case are the prisoner harnesses and the Warden costumes.
costume breakdown! each prisoner has their actual clothes, plus “jumpsuit” (whichever white jacket thing they have), and a harness. everything except the harnesses seems like it could probably just be bought/sourced from somewhere (which is still, I can say from experience, A Lot Of Work lmao,, so the rest of the costume team has been similarly busy). I’ve gone back and forth about whether they should change costumes for their songs, but I think everything’s smoother if they just keep the jumpsuit. 
the exception is 010, who gets to do a quick change in the blackout before her song bc the Deep Cover drip is too good?? her harness and jumpsuit are probably attached somehow to be easy to remove at once. I’m imagining the way it works is that right at the blackout, the actress takes off the jumpsuit/harness setup, Mikoto goes on with deck crew for the scene transition with the coat, hat, and gloves (not enough time for a pants change so let’s just say she’s already wearing black pants and combat boots). he helps her get those on (let me tell you gloves are hARD in quick changes) and then he walks off with the jumpsuit/harness.
and finally the Warden! so Mikoto’s in charge of making the cape and the hat, and everything else can probably be sourced and modified as needed. someone’s probably having a lot of fun making the key necklace/props though!
well that was fun!! aren’t we glad I didn’t try to put all this in the notes?? I sure am lmao. the inherent slapdash-ness of the whole thing was kinda freeing actually and I had a blast just Saying Stuff, bc tech for Milgram The Musical has been living in my head rent-free for MONTHS and I’m glad I got to just put it all in words!! maybe I’ll do another one of these in the future if I need it lol. but anyway if you actually read to the end of this then 1) kudos <3 and 2) I hope it was at least moderately interesting, or at least enjoyable!
I don’t really know how to end this so. hope you have a nice day :D
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veneriovescovi · 5 months
@counthakan location: Count's Castle, VD's Wing notes: :pleadingtaco:
The aesthetic here was aesthetic-ing, Venerio had always venerated the sort of macabre vampires that lurked in their castles, only descending upon the village to feed. He'd been projecting that image for a long time but UberEats made it hard to maintain when tacos were just an order away. Not to mention nobody ever talked about how lonely it got. Venerio was still making himself more at home in his leg of Hakan's castle, for a long time he'd wanted to get to know his sire's sire, and it felt like now might be his chance. The Count himself was actually terrifying though. "This place is so cool," Venerio said as he noticed the Count lingering nearby, judging him? Making sure he wasn't breaking anything? Thinking about killing him? Venerio couldn't be sure. "I won't change anything, I promise you won't even know I'm here." He'd have to remember not to open Grindr while he was here, that'd be a hard sell.
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oikasugayama · 4 months
omg real tho! I love the aesthetic sm. Like, even tho I dress pretty emo and grunge most of the time, I still LOVE LOVE LOVEEE the aesthetic sm. I’m probably going to wear a Valentine’s Day outfit along with matching makeup on VD if my boss is cool with it :D
That's so fun!!!! The last time I did a galentines event was like 2016 fjfjdksksks if I had more time this year maybe I'd try to coordinate something super quick with my friends 🥺 maybe I'll send my mom a card or something 🥺
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stuffedsand · 5 months
Haruka - 1, 2, 5, and 9
Fuuta - 4 and 19
Mahiru - 3, 11, 12, 13, and 14
Woah that's a lot!! Ty for the ask :p under the cut cuz my answers r gonna be long tm
Haruka 1,2,5,9
1. Favourite song lyrics?
"if only I could do what anyone else could, the right future unfairly chose the wrong me"
It's the most obvious but I really like it :p
2. Favourite MV moment?
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They're really pretty and I just really like the collage aesthetic of some of the shots, also the one at the start before the song even starts and the uhhh. Bludgeoning of the dog👍
5. Favourite VD line/moment?
To be fr I barely remember the vds,,, but moment wise I do like when es fucking. Threw him across the room (t1) because what the fuck es+the character thing of how he really just wants any type of attention and is glad that es is even listening to him in the first place,,,,like boy no,,,,,
9. Do you forgive their crime on its own?
..........aughgh. ok I don't. Particularly forgive it. Sibling of his or not the girl hasn't been shown to have done anything wrong? Also murder is bad 👎 so by virtue of a direct murder I probably wouldn't forgive him. I will forgive him t3 but like...not his murder itself yk
4. Favourite minigram moment?
The one where they make fun of his height lmaooo hold on I can find it
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THESE 2 the height one is funny as hell they didn't have to use 2 other prisoners just kotoko would've been fine but they doubled down on the "haha short" lmaOO
And the kendama one is just silly look at his face
19. What do you think their teenage/childhood years were like?
Honestly I think he's been chronically online for a WHILE. Definitely was part of "the boys" in like. What middle school? Around 13-16. He was definitely one of them and god would he have been insufferable. So relatively normal. At least by today's standards. Apparantly the "boys are absolutely fucking insufferable save like 2 people" thing is almost exclusive to my cohort so. Maybe not as normal. He reminds me of them tho./neg
3. Favourite non-MV official illustration?
Ainandesuyo album illust!!!! It's so pretty
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Honorary mention to the 2nd anni illustration cuz I have the acrylic standee of it :p
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Piss ass quality photo of said standee (I'm not at home rn so I can't take a better one lmao)
11. Favourite parts of the story n narrative surrounding them?
One that surprised me that I was interested in was how she views love. I'm aroace so I usually am. Really disinterested with themes and topics of romantic love especially (hence why I thought she was kinda boring when I first got into milgram) but honestly I love seeing how her perception of love is and how it's warped and yet she clings onto it so tightly that she says she'll die if she can't love the way she does (iirc. Haven't watched vds in forever but I swear she said something along those lines)
Within Milgram story wise I do think it's interesting how her injuries affect not just her but those around her, and I think it's interesting how they have it affect different characters differently, even to the point of being a big factor in another character's changes between trials. I like when characters affect other characters
12. What do you wish would be discussed more about them in the fandom?
I'm gonna be real I barely discuss mahiru myself 💥 cuz I tend to hyperfocus on the characters i was originally the most interested in. HOWEVER idothink she should be discussed more in general. She's a very interesting character and I want to know others people's thoughts on her and her murder and allat. Yippeee
13. Any idea on how their MV would've been like with a different verdict in t1?
OUGH ok hm. I think it would've stuck more closely to ainandesuyo's vibe. Esp since her ideals on how love is wouldn'tve been rejected. Think the rose tinted glasses parts of daisuki. Yeag mostly that. Maybe a few more cracks on the surface than ainandesuyo tho.
14. Any appearance headcanons?
Idk I like to think she's a lil chubby. I follow milgrams designs almost to a T but I do also think she'd have slightly tanner skin. Maybe cuz she reminds me of a friend lmaooo
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