#usopp is looking at the stars while praising sanji for his cooking because...because.......
lankayu · 6 months
sighs a very big sigh i need to actually draw this
this was just a scribble to get this made up scene out of my head but i keep having this vision every time i close my eyes.......... its like..... as if... sanuso was real..
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lawslessons · 3 years
Hello! may I request F for the soulmate between luffy and the reader. Thanks!
Hello my dear! I hope you enjoy this! I took some creative liberty with this, I hope you don’t mind. I had an amazing time writing this!
Luffy x Reader - Like Honey
Warnings: mentions of - Franky x Robin, Sanji x Zoro
Synopsis: A soulmates words appeared on Luffy’s back when he was eighteen, but who do they belong to? Usopp decides to make it his mission to find out who it could possibly be. Through a couple of questions and dead ends, Usopp finds his answer in the most unexpected of places. 
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“They’re like honey?” Usopp asked his captain as he read the words that were written down his back when Luffy had his shirt off for a moment. The words written down his back had caught Usopp’s attention and he was surprised he hadn’t noticed them before. Luffy glanced over at his sniper and rose a brow curiously at Usopp’s inquisition. 
“What do you mean?” Luffy asked. 
“The words on your back, that’s what they say. They’re like honey, what does that mean? What could that be referring to?” Usopp asked as he watched Luffy slip his shirt back on and stretch his rubbery arms up into the air to alleviate some of his soreness in his muscles. 
“I don’t know, maybe meat? Like a honey glazed ham,” Luffy said as he drooled. Usopp scoffed and smacked Luffy aside the head at what he said. 
“That’s stupid and we both know it,” Usopp frowned. 
“It could be! I don’t even know what this is for,” Luffy grumbled as he looked at his back. When he went off to train after his brother’s death, he one day woke up with these words on his back which still perplexed him. Another thing that perplexed him was where he heard this being said to him before. 
“Did you get it after you turned eighteen? Cause I did too, it’s kinda annoying,” Usopp mumbled as he looked at the words written on his bicep, he honestly didn’t know what it meant and he didn’t know if he would find out who they were meant for. 
“It’s to tell you your soulmates first words,” Franky said as he worked on repairing one of his newest weapons, he couldn’t help but overhear. “You get the words after you turn eighteen even if you’ve already met your soulmate,” Franky shared as he looked at both of the boys. 
“Really? That’s dumb,” Luffy grumbled as he tried to look at his back. 
“I think it’s romantic,” Franky grinned, he placed extra emphasis on the word romantic as he pulled his sunglasses down. “Aren’t you curious about who it could be? Do you have any idea?” Franky asked his captain as he watched him purse his lips in concentration. 
“Nope!” Luffy smiled. 
“So blunt…” Usopp muttered as his captain laughed at Usopp’s expense. 
“What’s so funny?” Luffy heard a voice asked, when he turned around, his heart swelled when he saw the crew’s resident botanist holding one of their large apples. 
“Oh! Hi! Is that for me?” Luffy asked them as he walked over to them and took the large apple from them.
“Yeah! It is, I’ve been working on engineering larger fruit and vegetables and I think I finally figured out a way that I can make them large while using the same amount of resources for a smaller fruit,” they explained while Luffy stared at them intently. “You don’t understand a word I just said, right?” They sighed, Luffy laughed in response to them and that made them smile. Franky saw the way they both looked at one another and saw the unspoken exchange between the two of them. Before he could ask, Usopp began to speak. 
“Oh, now that you’re here, I wanna ask you something,” Usopp interrupted as he walked between the two of them and looked at his crewmate with a sharp, analytical eye. 
“What are your soulmates' first words?” Usopp asked, “Do you have them written on you?” Usopp asked. 
“I do! They’re written on my back which is a bit strange, but I don’t really question it,” They sheepishly smiled. Usopp paused when they said that, that seemed a bit coincidental. 
“What are the words?” Usopp asked. 
“You have pretty eyes,” They smiled as they went to go back to their garden to do some more experiments on their plants. Usopp rose a brow and looked over at Luffy who was casually eating the monstrous apple. 
“Pretty eyes?” Usopp asked before he looked over at Nami who was eavesdropping along with Franky. 
“Don’t look at me, my words have nothing to do with eyes,” She said as she went to walk away. Usopp was now determined to find out who this person was, who was the mystery person who told them they had pretty eyes? Usopp smiled to himself and came up with a self-righteous scenario where he was victorious in finding out who the person was and where he was showered in praise. Stars began to glow around him and Chopper watched on in amazement. 
“Can I help?” Chopper asked as he clamored to be standing on one of Usopp’s shoulder’s. Usopp smiled at his friend and nodded his head, he was excited to have some help on this at least. A pair of detectives, now all he needed was a hat which he grabbed from his side bag. 
“Alright, first let’s ask Robin, I have a good feeling it’s her,” Usopp said as he went to find Robin sitting on the deck drinking coffee while reading her book. “Hey, Robin! Can I ask you something?” Usopp asked as he stood in front of the tan woman. Robin looked up from her book and tilted her head at the strange pair. 
“Of course,” She warmly smiled, Usopp watched how that smile seemed to catch Franky off guard. He watched how his cyborg friend almost broke one of his tools due to his distraction of Robin.  
“What are your soulmates’ word’s?” Usopp asked her and much to his surprise, she laughed. 
“That was super of you,” Robin shared, and Usopp felt his jaw drop, maybe that was for another time. He looked over at Franky who had a bit of an arrogant smile on his face, or maybe it wasn’t for another time. 
“Ok, so it isn’t you. Thank you Robin! Come on, Chopper, we need to find out who it could possibly be. Maybe we can ask Sanji,” Usopp suggested. 
“Why not Franky? He’s here on the deck too,” Chopper pointed out. 
“I have a strong feeling it isn’t him,” Usopp smiled as he went up the stairs and went to the kitchen. Chopper was confused but didn’t question it for now, he followed Usopp into the kitchen and watched as Usopp leaned on the doorframe and tried to grab the chef’s attention. 
“Food won’t be ready for a while,” Sanji said through the thick haze of steam and cigarette smoke. 
“I wasn’t going to ask about that, but that’s good to know. What are your soulmate’s first words?” Usopp asked him. Sanji stepped out of the steam and rubbed his chin as he pondered the question. He pulled his sleeve up and looked at what was written on his forearm. 
“You perverted love cook,” Sanji mumbled. Usopp tried to think about who that could possibly be before it clicked to him. The snoring he heard outside of the door seemed to help his suspicions as well. The swordsman rested against the railing with his arms behind his head, the words “Shut it, moss-head” peaked out under his sleeve as he slept. 
“Oh! Ok, thanks,” Usopp grinned as he went to leave the kitchen and glanced down at the swordsman who was there. 
“Wait, Usopp do you know something?” Sanji asked with some urgency. The fact that Sanji didn’t realize who it was surprised him, but Usopp didn’t think it was his place to say anything, he would realize it soon, all he needed to do was open his eyes. 
“I do, but I think that is for you to figure out by yourself,” Usopp teased as he ran out of the kitchen and laughed with Chopper. 
“Can we ask Zoro next?” Chopper asked with a large smile on his face. 
“I don’t think we need to ask him either,” Usopp smiled, he was beginning to see a pattern here. They weren’t just words, they were conversations, phrases that could be strung together that gave clues to the sniper to who it could possibly be. Himself, Chopper, Sanji, Zoro, Franky, Nami and Robin were all out of the picture, and Usopp could confidently say that Jimbe and Brook would be out as well. That left only one more possible option if they were basing it off of who was on their ship. 
“We need to find Luffy!” Chopper and Usopp simultaneously said before they went to run and to their captain so they could ask him about their possible theory. They ran into the railing, fell down on the grass and watched as Luffy ate the core of the apple with a big smile on his face.
“Luffy! We know who it is!” Usopp cheered as he grabbed his captain by his shoulders and shook him. Luffy’s body moved with Usopp’s movements but he looked confused. 
“What do you mean? Know who is what?” Luffy asked. Usopp sighed in exasperation and practically grabbed his captain by his neck in some frustration. 
“You’re soulmate, you idiot!” Chopper yelled for Usopp as both of the boys glared down at their captain. 
“Oh yeah! I already know who it is!” Luffy smiled, his words made Usopp and Chopper both stop in their tracks. 
“But you said you didn’t!” Usopp reminded him as anger boiled up inside of him. 
“I did?” Luffy asked, he didn’t recall that which frustrated Chopper and Usopp more. 
“Yes! You did!” Chopper insisted. Luffy simply laughed and slapped both of the boys on the back. 
“Anyways, you know who it is?” Usopp asked with a big smile on his face, he was glad that he now didn’t need to explain it to his empty headed captain. 
“Yeah! And they’re grabbing me one of the giant oranges they managed to grow,” Luffy smiled. For realizing who his soulmate he was rather calm, but that didn’t surprise Chopper and Usopp. 
“Why did you say that to them as your so called first words?” Usopp asked. 
“That’s because their eyes are pretty,” Luffy casually explained while Usopp slapped the top of his forehead in disbelief. 
“That’s it?” Usopp asked his captain. 
“Yeah, they’re big and pretty, do I need more reason?” Luffy asked as he relaxed against the railing with one of his large smiles on his face. 
“I don’t think you do, no,” Usopp sighed as he went about relaxing with his captain on the railing. When they came back with the orange, Usopp watched as they handed it over to Luffy with a warm smile on their face.
“Do you know that Luffy is your soulmate?” Usopp decided to ask. He watched as they tilted their head and looked over at their captain. 
“Yes, I knew, why do you want to know?” They curiously asked Usopp. Usopp’s look of disbelief grew as he looked at Luffy and their botanist. Usopp grabbed his detectives’ cap and tossed it on the ground with a small pout on his face. 
“So I went on this whole journey for nothing? You guys already knew? Why aren’t you doing anything about it?” Usopp asked the both of them. 
“Do what? Are we supposed to do something?” Luffy asked, he looked over at them and watched them laugh and felt his heart swell just a little bit. They smiled at their captain and their cheeks turned a light shade of pink as they stared into their captain’s honey colored eyes. The chemistry between the two of them should’ve made it obvious, and Usopp honestly felt stupid for not seeing it sooner. 
“No, I don’t think so captain.” They smiled. Usopp sighed and rolled his eyes, what was he even expecting? He knew his captain would end up doing something like this, his captain would realize who it was and not do anything about it. Perhaps it was for the best, things could just run their natural course for now. He just smiled and watched as Luffy ate the orange slices from their hands and watched him smile, maybe for now that was enough for them all.
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