#uses this as a subtle hint
dafinalbraincell · 4 months
Reblog if you want to talk to or befriend your mutuals but your scared to make the first move so they will have to initiate it
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books-and-dragons · 9 months
the trailer came in SWINGING
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so in the trailer, the statue percy is looking at, the one he's considering as the 'statue that speaks most to you' is perseus, his namesake
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this series is going to end us with its references and clever analogies, and we're going to thank them for it
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babyblueetbaemonster · 2 months
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Local Alchemist needed to be stopped.
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My formula of restore fatigue:
Spring salad: lettuce, radish, potato, (optional: apple, orange, watermelon). Unfortunately it has Burden side effect. (if choose orange, you'll get a bonus Shield effect) Can also side with Ranch dressing: cheese wedge, leek, onion, garlic. And this one has Damage Agility side effect. It can be fix by removing the garlic.
Potato soup: potato, garlic, leek. This recipe has Frost Shield side effect. Perfect choice for a cold weather.
Corn salsa: corn, tomato, onion, garlic. Unfortunately it has Damage Agility side effect, but you can get Detect Life in the process.
Grilled cheese sandwich: bread loaf, cheese wedge, cheese wheel. Unfortunately it has Damage Agility side effect. I should have removed the cheese wedge. Sorry Baurus :(
Classic ham sandwich: bread loaf, cheese wedge, ham, lettuce. Unfortunately this recipe also has Damage Agility side effect, but bonus Fire Shield woohoo!
Gyudon: beef, onion, rice
Mix berries: blackberry, strawberry, (we only have two kinds of berries?) (optional: apple, orange, pear). Actually, don't put apple or pear in it. They will cause Damage Health.
Crabby corn soup: crab, corn, onion. You can add cheese wedge for bonus Fire Shield (and Damage Agility) effect.
Chili con carne: beef (/boar meat /mutton /venison), onion, garlic, tomato. Side effect is Detect Life. (Beef flavor will grant you Shield effect. Unfortunately Boar meat will have burden side effect and Venison is Damage Health)
Pumpkin pie: pumpkin, sweetcake (/flour /sweetroll). Unfortunately both flour and sweetroll has Damage Personality side effect
Carrot cake: carrot, sweet cakes
Strawberry cheesecake: strawberry, cheese wedge, flour (/sweetcake /sweetroll). The flour version has Reflect Damage side effect. I highly recommend it.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I'm not going to say we should take every single thing official Netflix accounts post as gospel, because obviously they are not run by the Duffer Brothers themselves.
But to be clear, these people are hired by Netflix and there's more to it than just random interns scheduling posts. The people running these accounts are not the same people designing the posts made there, just like the people designing those posts have higher ups telling them what to do/not do in terms of the content they are creating. And there are plenty more levels that go beyond that, which eventually does lead to the Duffers and producers of the show, who do have a stake in how the show is promoted on a basic level to best align with their intentions and all the revelations still to come.
It is common knowledge that the Duffers work with Netflix marketing directly on a consistent basis to get their vision across, and that carries out in promotion with posters, merchandise, social media, etc., because it's really important in ST case (with it being a show made by nerds that love easter eggs), that they foreshadow what is still to come outside of the show itself.
When it comes to social media, the core purpose of those accounts is to encourage engagement for Netflix's user base, ideally ensuring they tune in to whatever is being promoted (and more), but it’s also more than that, in that it’s even more based on data and other factors.
What this leads to is the people in those less major decision-making roles, like graphic designers, simply being advised what to create, based on the information and content they are given to work with.
And so these accounts going from promoting byler subtly for years, to blatantly posting about it post-s5, is actually very, very intentional, going beyond a simple Netflix intern. It’s orchestrated by those in management positions, being advised by those in the ST production to do things a certain way, so that when all is said and done, we are able to look back and find tiny little things that point to it.
Byler can't be something they NEVER talked about even once on social media, only to have them end up being endgame with them posting about it forever afterwards when it's all said and done. It doesn't work like that, at least not in ST case. We're talking about a production that costs hundreds of millions to make, as well as being the most talked about mainstream series of our generation.
They have an obligation to make their story feel not only satisfying on its own, but to also promote the show in a way that makes the viewer feel this whole well-rounded experience, outside of the show itself as well.
And so when ST came out in summer 2022 and Netflix Geeked was making posts about it non-stop, that wasn't a rogue, low-paid Netflix intern doing whatever they wanted. That was multiple people with a job given a task and following through with it at their advisers discretion. Regardless of where it ended up, it started at the top with the Duffers informing higher ups in marketing that Byler is something that will happen, along with other revelations that they want to inform marketing about, so they can take the steps to plan ahead and create content that matches the Duffer's vision, most often to act as a foreshadowing device for the story still unraveling.
Remember when Netflix Geeked made a post acknowledging that Will the Wise drawing in El's room back in s3?? A very well known byler easter egg that only we know about??? That wasn't some ga intern watching the show once and them spontaneously coming up with content to create related to that drawing and posting about it themselves. That was very likely someone associated with the show giving suggestions to marketing, with a few of them being very incriminating in relation to byler, but with most being casual in relation to the show overall.
Just like I said in this post about how Noah didn't tweet about byler or mention it multiple times at cons unprompted bc he was feeling quirky. He was being advised to...
And look what Netflix did to that tweet Noah posted that was clearly a stunt in an of itself.? They broadcasted it and made a cheesy ass edit out of it... And it's bc several people behind the scenes were advised to make content like that specifically.
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I mean, if you actually look at how social media promotes byler (if and when it does), it's arguably in the exact way that the Duffers want it to be promoted?. Just enough. Not too little. Not too much. I would argue if the Duffers had no say whatsoever in how the show was promoted, then we'd either be seeing byler constantly or we wouldn't see them at all, instead we see social media sort of dance around it, which tells me they are following the exact approach the Duffers themselves follow... because they were obviously given the instruction to.
And so seeing an account like UK Netflix, an account that as of recent has really went all out with posting Queer content since Heartstopper released, has also notably made really incriminating posts about byler over the years, but especially as of recent. And that's in large part because of what I've stated, but also based on data.
If higher ups in marketing at Netflix know about byler, then they are very likely pushing people lower on the payroll, doing more simple tasks like graphic design and social media management, to make connections to ST with other shows like Heartstopper, Sex Education, Young Royals, etc. And this is because if byler IS going to end up being this huge Queer love story, data is telling them to make these connections sooner than later, so that the eventual revelation will be a smooth transition amongst other content just like it. This works in Netflix's favor at the end of the day, which is the whole point of all of this.
Not saying you should take the most casual of Netflix posts as byler endgame proof if that's what you're asking. But to say that these accounts have NO association with the Duffer's and ST directly, therefore we shouldn’t even appreciate anything they post if it points to byler, is sort of over-simplifying things.
It's not like s5 is gonna drop and all of these interns are going to be like OHHH okay now i'm a byler so i'll post about it... Going into s5 they're going to be making some very side eye posts and it isn't going to have anything to do with them being an intern without any say in things, its gonna be about them getting a task list and following through with it bc it's their job.
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hyrule-warriors (after Lu as I like to think) Wind: Finally! I'm the one who knows everything now! I know something everyone else doesn't! Also YES! I'm not the youngest anymore! Ahahaha! Pre-lu Warriors: What do you think he's talking about squirt? pre-lu Time (or Mask): I have no clue at all.
This is now a fic!
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ask-thearchivists · 2 months
Alright Copyist.
We are alone now, tell us what is bothering you.
The Copyist glances at her over-eager younger sister.
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The Copyist: I am not so gauche as to directly reveal very personal secrets. Find a way to get me to answer indirectly. What are considered "teenagers" by your species are not well known for keeping secrets.
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The Cataloger: Aww! No fair!! I can totally keep a secret. You didn't know until just a few minutes ago that I use my glasses to sass father without him knowing.
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The Charmer: You're a smart kid, I'm sure if the mortals find a way to get her to reveal her secret indirectly you can figure it out.
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dualumina · 2 months
"Okay the first kiss is going to be here-"
<ends up writing it much earlier>
"O-okay well they're only going to reveal their feelings in this chapter-"
<much earlier>
(holding back tears) "S.. so the smut's g-going to start in-"
<even earlier>
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jaegerbroshoe · 4 months
Omg this new season is off to a solid start!
1. The first scene was actually very hard to watch for me, I had to look away. This is the kind of shit my mom and her siblings experienced growing up in Egypt. I really hope we won’t get the whole “bad brother honour kills” storyline again though. Jawad seems really sweet so far.
2. I love how they handled the Layan issue, especially with Miss Abeer clearly being traumatized by whatever the outcome was (I don’t think they’ll confirm it 100% by the end of the season, but we’ll see).
3. The new principal being the creator of the show cracked me up.
4. I’m surprised by how much the topics being addressed are still relatable to me, seeing as how it’s been a minute since I’ve been a teenager. But it’s actually giving me so many throwbacks, even though social media was definitely not as crazy as it is now for me as an older Gen Z.
5. Lots of interesting characters. I like that the “it” girl (Tasneem) is actually just the fake nice type this time. Heba’s actress is sooo pretty (I am constantly distracted by her, I love that 80s look) but her character is so trashy. What she did to Sara during the bowling scene was so uncalled for, and I’m happy she was called out on it when Sara made that video. I also like that we’re getting more male characters being involved in this season. I think the show has the potential to explore a lot more issues than those that pertain to women exclusively and I’m glad it’s going there. Also, that Arab family moment with Sara’s dad 🤣.
6. I can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous and big everyone’s room and house is 😭. I miss how that is the norm in West Asia.
7. My only issue is that sometimes the acting came off as awkward or forced (like, you can tell it’s a script or something they have to act to be doing; the first season also suffered from that at times). Or it’s not the acting but the way the scenes are cut/transition.
All in all, so curious to see the direction in which this season will go!
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dastardlydaemon · 8 months
The da.emon tag tho.... good grief 🫠
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amberrockstar · 11 days
vote before you read my tale(s) of woe, please. then, if my tale has now changed your answer for the future, let me know in the tags.
please re-blog because i want to pretend this is scientific.
tale of woe...two, really:
for most my life, afab people did not hit on me. at all. because i'm afab and arguably female-presenting, i assumed this was because i did not read as queer. (non-queer amab people did hit on me, so even before i had self-esteem, there was proof it wasn't about me being hideous.)
started wearing an autistic pride pendant (the rainbow infinity sign one). since most people don't know that's what it is, they just read it as "this person is gay." now, non-queer amab people don't hit on me. i get a little flirtation from afab people (i guess i'm not queer cute...haha! that's a lie. i am queer and would hit this, so.) i assume this means i do now read as queer but specifically as strictly wlw?
in both those stories, there is at least one time where someone i liked told me (once they were totally unavailable) that they would have hit on me but didn't think i swung their way.
anyway, looking at possibly buying myself some pride presents and suddenly thinking way too hard about the impact of the colours on my dating life. totally normal over here.
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noturmuse · 1 year
Man idk what they’re putting in these episodes but it’s definitely stronger than coke cuz I am beyond addicted I mean every episode is a masterpiece and I love the little changes they’ve been doing along the way it has made the show so special thus far
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ouiagon · 2 years
ST4 VOL 2 SPOILERS (haven't watched the episodes, just reading the tags and I'm fuming)
what was the point of mike and will's awkward hug, what was the point of the rink o mania fight, what was the point of emotional tender music playing while will and mike have a heart to heart Twice, what was the point of mike not being able to say I love you to El, what was the point of blue meets yellow in the west, what was the point of all the byler marketing, what was the point of "mike is just trying to act as normal as possible, he might be into some new things", what was the point of "they've been building byler up for a while now so definitely start shipping it", what was the point of "will's love for mike is beautiful and they come to a mutual understanding", what- what- WHAT-
Ngl I still have the TEENSIEST CRUMB of hope left because it's possible mike might learn El didn't commission the painting in s5 and he'll realize all of the things will said were his feelings and not hers, but honestly I'm tired of giving credit to the duffers for anything. will is my favorite character and my heart is BROKEN for him but I'm actually more mad at how they've obliterated Mike's character. even outside of byler, milkvan has been going in circles and the last thing they need as characters is to get back together AGAIN. even if byler wasn't gonna have any semblance of confirmation all I wanted was milkvan mutual breakup and like at least a proper hug between will and mike, that's IT. nah instead will gets to suffer for the 1000th time and mike is just a terrible person. I was enjoying season 4 immensely because of max and the byler buildup (also Eddie but from what I hear that doesn't go so well either) but now it's just imploded on itself. thanks suffer brothers, I hate it.
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dandyshucks · 5 months
i keep thinking about it and i really think the way Junebug finds out Guz likes them (because I'm an overthinking goober) is a drunk confession from him 😭
he probably gets really wasted one evening celebrating some sort of win for team skull and I'm sitting in another room where it's quiet and I'm doing something like reading or drawing, and he comes stumbling in because he misses me even though it's only been like less than an hour since he last saw me, and WAIT this is turning into an actual writing thing okay um uh - (1k words on the dot comin atcha)
Junebug looks up from their berry studies, grinning when they see what a mess Guzma is. "How're you doing there? You look a little rough around the edges," they tease, setting their book aside.
The man's face twists into a sloppy grin and he chuckles. "Nah, nah, nah, m'fine, m'fine. Jus' missed you, wanted to see ya...." He makes his (slightly stumbling) way over to the desk Juno's sitting at, before slumping down to the floor and leaning back against one of the trainer's legs. "Missed ya soooo much, missed seein' your face."
The face in question is now bright red, and Juno twists their head around to shield it from Guzma's gaze. "Sorry if I left too early, I just-"
"Nah, nah, not'n issue. Jus' like seein' your face. Havin' ya around." He leans back and sighs happily. "Makes me feel warm inside."
Face aflame, Juno sits for a moment, lost for words. "Oh, uh, I'm... glad I can... do that for you." He's not implying anything extra. You're just friends. This isn't anything other than a good friendship. Juno repeats this over and over in their head as Guzma settles even more heavily against them, leaning his whole weight against their leg now. Juno pulls themself together, the weight grounding them. "Guz, you're gonna knock us both over if you keep leaning on me like this. Here, let's adjust if you're going to hang out for a bit, okay? If you want to talk that's fine, but otherwise I'm just going to keep working on my studies here."
Guzma groans as he sits up, and Juno moves onto the floor over to the wall behind the desk.
Patting the floor beside them, they say, "Come over here, okay? Just don't crush the leaves in this bag; I'm sketching them out right now."
With another groan, he shuffles himself over to sit against the wall, before grabbing the bag Juno had held up from their lap. "S'bunch'a leaves?" he slurs out.
"Berry plant leaves," clarifies Juno. "I'm drawing them for some notes I have." They point to one of them, brushing against Guzma's hand as they do so, and say, "These one's are from the Oran plant; I brought them from home to compare with any I find here."
With a smile, Guzma grasps Juno's hand with his, carefully setting the bag down so he can bring that hand to trace the outlines of their fingers. Juno feels their face grow hot again, and they look away to the right. "Your hands are so small..." he muses, sounding almost awed.
Juno stays quiet, but turns their head back to look over at him again.
"I like your hands," he says decidedly. "Like 'em a lot." He looks up at them suddenly, a shy grin stretched across his face. "I like you a lot, too, the whole you. Every piece of ya. Nothin' I don't like." He raises a hand to place against their face. "Y'so pretty... 'n' small... like one'a my bugs..."
They can't help but laugh at that, and he laughs too, feeling them shake with mirth under his hand. "Your bugs are pretty?" Juno asks with a disbelieving smile.
"Not prettier than you. You're the prettiest bug around."
Juno laughs again, shaking their head and pulling away from him. "Guz, you're so drunk right now."
Guzma shakes his head, placing a firm but gentle hand on their face to turn it back to his. "Nahhh, I'm - ... well yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' wasted right now, I know that, I know." He laughs before continuing, "But I also know I like ya a lot an' I'm happy I'm finally tellin' ya. You really are the prettiest goddamn bug I ever saw, a little Junebug, and I'm so fuckin' glad I caught ya out in the forest that day or else the best goddamn thing in my life woulda passed me right on by!" He stares at their eyes earnestly, trying to convey just how real this all is for him.
As he talks, Juno's face softens, their eyebrows creasing up. "I'm glad I'm here, yeah," they say, pausing. They look down, opening their mouth to say more, glancing back up at Guzma's face, and then look back down as they shut their mouth again.
"Junebuuug," he says pleadingly. "You're holdin' out on me here, what're y'thinkin'?"
They shake their head, biting at their lip nervously.
He sighs. "Aight, aight, m'not gonna push ya. Lemme just sit here for a bit an' then I'll get outta your hair." He lets go of their face and leans back against the wall with another sigh. "Meant what I said though."
After a couple minutes of silence, interspersed by pencil scratches against paper, Juno finally asks quietly, "Which part?"
Guzma rolls his head around to look at them. "Huh?"
"Which part did you mean?"
He scratches the side of his nose. "Which part did I - oh, oh, wait, I gotcha. Am I really that drunk or did it just take ya forever for you to say anything?" He chuckles, slinging a hand over to shake their knee.
"Sorry, I was jus-"
"Don't worry about it, I'm just fuckin' with ya. You make it too easy!" He turns his body to face them properly and plants a heavy hand on their arm, still obviously drunk. "M'gonna say it again for you, really spell it out, aight?"
Juno bites at the inside of their cheek, looking up at him to meet his eyes, hands fidgeting.
He glances down to see that, and smiles, taking their hands in his. "I like you, Juno. An' I think you're a real goddamn catch. And I want you to stay here as long as you can, maybe forever, but I like ya and I like having you around." He pauses, searching for the right words in his alcohol-addled brain. "An' I'd give up a shit ton if it meant you'd be mine, y'know? I like ya a whole fuckin' lot."
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kainekron · 2 years
whenever I see overly complicated fan theories based on the origin of specific things or specific phrasing that pops up once or twice I think of Alex Hirsch talking about tad Strange
because Alex is wrong!! he did help Shape Tad he said in an AMA as Bill the "tad is a total square and that is an objectively stupid shape" you can see why I don't trust those Alex bless his heart completely forgot he said that so idk theories based on statements even those in the text always make me think that it might just be a coincidence so idk just don't take things super seriously
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mars-ipan · 6 months
started gomens s2 with my family. they still cannot see them as anything but platonic. i am simultaneously amused and worried
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deepseamuse · 9 months
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definitely just a normal art student, i promise. not dealing with any memories of a past life with a boyfriend he really wants to see again, or any urges to kill people. i mean that’d just be ridiculous-
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