#user: nana.
aureliahillshqs · 3 months
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todos conocen a HAYLEY ZELENKA, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
nana, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
out of character: 
nombre/alias: nana
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí
zona horaria o país: chile
nivel de actividad estimado: 6-7
triggers: abuso sexual, incesto, pedofilia, racismo
¿aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal? sí 
¿algo que agregar?: 💖
in character: 
nombre: hayley zelenka.
faceclaim: kim chaewon
cupo: 42
edad y fecha de nacimiento: 11-08-2000 (23 años).
descripción física: ( pueden compartir una imagen o destacar en palabras lo que corresponda, si de pronto el personaje tiene algún tatuaje, cicatriz o el pelo de algún color puntual, pueden aclararlo en este ítem. )
tiene el cabello castaño con flequillo, grandes ojos café y un puñado de pecas en el puente de la nariz y mejillas, sin embargo, son tan claras que suele cubrirlas con una fina capa de maquillaje. le encanta lucir su perforación en el ombligo, vive cambiando el piercing entre las nuevas adquisiciones y aquellos que ya se encuentran entre sus favoritos. por último, tiene un tatuaje en la nuca, se trata de un pequeño corazón sin color además de un antiguo micrófono rodeado de notas musicales en el lado derecho de sus costillas.
descripción psicológica: ( mínimo seis ítems o párrafo, a elección.
+ espontánea, independiente, ambiciosa, honesta.
-obstinada, inquieta, desconfiada, rencorosa.
historia o datos curiosos:
*apasionada por el mundo del espectáculo, hayley comenzó a bailar y cantar desde que pudo dar sus primeros pasos. la meta era clara: quería ser famosa, igual de aclamada que las chicas hermosas de la televisión y, antes de siquiera comprenderlo del todo, juró que su nombre sería iluminado por las luces, como toda una estrella.
*la fortuna de criarse en cuna de oro le ayudó a acortar el camino al estrellato, si bien sus padres no están sumergidos en ese mundo, tenían los contactos necesarios para conseguirle audiciones que le permitieron tocar la puerta a las mejores oportunidades. demostraba su talento en el lugar adecuado y así fue como en su adolescencia se integró a un programa de una cadena juvenil, la trama era sencilla, como cualquier show creado para niños y adolescentes, pero le otorgó un nombre ante los medios. uno propio, alejado del negocio familiar.
*su paso por el show fue largo, pero tormentoso a causa de diferencias con una de las actrices del elenco. en pantalla y ante el mundo fingían ser mejores amigas, hermanas de alma separadas por la sangre, sin embargo, detrás de escena era todo lo contrario. ante una relación tan dañina, cuando se presentó la oportunidad de salir de allí sin dañar su carrera, hayley la tomó. excelente decisión pues a los meses el show fue cancelado. por su parte, tuvo la oportunidad de participar en una película musical y dos series de una importante cadena de streaming.
*actualmente tiene una impresionante carrera como cantante, forma parte de las artistas más escuchadas en las plataformas de streaming más importantes, ha colaborado con músicos de alto nivel y tiene tres grammys bajo su nombre. 
*se ha mantenido alejada del mundo de la actuación a pesar de haber recibido varias ofertas para aparecer en nuevos programas y uno que otro musical. por el momento está enfocada en su carrera musical aunque no descarta retomar la actuación en el futuro.
*dejando de lado su carrera artística, en su tiempo libre disfruta de la alfarería. le encanta crear piezas para sus seres queridos, invertir horas de su día en dar forma a un pedacito de su afecto para hacer sonreír a quienes le importa. también le gusta invitarles a crear con ella para pasar el rato. las risas nunca faltan cuando se pone manos a la obra, por eso se ha convertido en una de sus actividades favoritas al momento de despejar la mente.
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fruitycaake · 9 months
*Izuku gaining the quirks of the past users of OFA*
In the Vestige Void:
Banjo: Hey! How come he gets all the cool shit?
Yoichi: I don’t fucking know? He was quirkless so-
Yagi’s vestige: *making hand movements indicating to himself*
Nana: Toshi was quirkless when I passed on OFA. How come he didn’t get our quirks like Ninth?
Hikage: Probably because he’s All For One’s son, just a thought.
En: That you know of.
Yoichi: Fuck you all. Third, put up the GODDAMN CONSPIRACY BOARD-
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amaranthdahlia · 1 month
who broke it - silly ofa users animatic yayy
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lovedabishiga · 5 months
cw: MHA Spoilers
Just a silly, unserious ranking of which previous OFA users AFO hates the most (top - most hated, bottom - least hated)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
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credit to @wolfcrunch for the idea!
1-3: Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic 4-6: Turtwig, Tepig, Froakie 7-9: Popplio, Scorbunny, Sprigatito
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mishy-mashy · 22 days
Theory: some High-Ends use the corpses of past OFA users
There aren't tons of High-Ends. They can't be mass-produced so easily, and there's only one that's blatantly female, literally named Woman and with a tall, defined figure
Maybe Woman's original identity is already confirmed, but... she's similar to Nana in build, isn't she?
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It's hinted that All For One actually kept Nana's corpse. How, 20+ years later, could he give Tenko his grandmother's pristine hand? Is he just keeping their hands? Or their actual corpses?
Also, when looking at corpses to give multiple Quirks to, One For All users are the best for this. Having inherited One For All, their bodies had maintained multiple Quirks when they were alive, even if they couldn't use more than their natural Quirk and One For All's physical ability. And to their bodies, One For All doesn't count as just one Quirk; the natural one, and Yoichi, are already too much for a human. But Shinomori shows that it counts each previous user's Quirk, on top of Yoichi's and one's own natural one.
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Their bodies adjusted to holding multiple Quirks, and when they were alive, they didn't become deformed or lose brain function. They were perfectly fine, and only had shortened lives—but that doesn't matter as corpses.
Nomus go brain dead when they have multiple Quirks. But the past users didn't, being completely fine, making them perfect for Nomu development.
High-Ends can think. They're all physically powerful, and One For All users make the best basis, even from leftover embers and physique. So why not use that great base to make the best outcome Nomus (High-Ends)?
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helga-grinduil · 1 month
i don't really get nana haters who use her leaving kotarou behind as something against her like she's a bad person for doing that. you can make unfortunate decisions and still be a good person. like what the fuck else was she supposed to do? can i remind you that she was being hunted down by a maniac who was literally killing OFA users' entire families and all of their associates just out of pettiness AND already had her husband killed? why is she the bus driver for not seeing any other way to ensure his safety and not AFO for being a freak?
'she wants deku to erase her mistake' - no, she doesn't want to ADD to her mistake and sacrifice another child to try and fix the first one. i thought caring about not accidentally killing kids for our righteous causes is a good thing?
i don't know where this 'she wants izuku to kill shigaraki' narrative came from either because it was shown multiple times that no, she does not actually want that. in fact, she very much WANTS izuku to save him. but she's someone who always puts aside her own wishes for the sake of the world and other people (in this case, izuku's life).
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Sketch concept art (inside)
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rikoi · 10 months
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don’t get too attached
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pommecita · 5 months
hachi usernames by pommecita
hachifilm forhachi hachibuni
dollhachi komeowtsu kisshachi
hachipaw hachicryer hachizita
hachiquita hachikwo hachiflan
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eraserheadswatching · 11 months
Izuku talking to the Vestiges: so what was your favorite moment before you died? It has to be the closest to when you died though.
Nana: my very last moments when I flipped off All for One and gave a sassy hair flip, just before he crushed me with a giant bolder.
Banjo: That one time when I dropkicked All for one using my blackwhip
2nd, still in the corner: I made All for one cry once
Yoichi: when I escaped the vault and left a recording of my voice that was triggered by the vault door opening that had me cursing him out and telling him that next time he wants to keep someone in a vault to take care of their mental state too, because I'm coming for him.
Everyone: silence
2nd: when did this happen?
Yoichi: I had it recorded for a while, it was supposed to be either for my funeral or for a last message when i got out sort of thing. I set it up while you guys were getting some stuff to take with us back to camp but I had almost nothing to pack so I just did that and then shoved everything I owned into a bag.
Izuku: that sounds fun.
Aizawa, walking in on the conversation: Izuku who are you talking to?
Izuku, looking him dead (haha) in the eyes: dead people. They are talking about the best experiences they had before death.
Aizawa, tired: and why does that sound fun?
Izuku, forgetting to give Aizawa context: well, the one who is all for one's brother left him a voice recording telling him off once he was able to escape the vault he put him in, that's what sounds fun. Not being in the vault, but the voice recording.
(I will let you continue this before I get out of hand and use too much space for the ask space to handle)
(im just laughing my ass off at this it's funny as fuck thank you for the ask!)
aizawa sitting down next to izuku : okay so... what else was the others best moments?
izuku : nana flipped him off and did a sassy hair flip! Banjo drop kicked him with the help of blackwip! second made him cry! ans ofc yoichis! so someone else go!
aizawa pale : how did they die again?
izukj : all for one. they all died to him apart from the 4th!
aizawa : Oh....
en: I mean I told him to go suck a rubber duck before throwing a bunch of them at him..
izuku snorting laughing : YOU DID WHAT?
aizawa : what they do?
izuku : en threw a bunch of rubber ducks at all for one while telling him to go fuck himself with them!
aizawa chucking : okay that's good.
third : I gave him a clone nose and wig and told him to go be with his brethren
aizawa : care to share?
izuku : pffttt 3rd gave him a clown nose and wig and told him to be with his brethren!
aizawa snorting a little : pfft that's amazing
izuku nodding : well now I feel like I gotta step up when I die.
aizawa : no.
one for all users : absolutely not.
izuku : dahm shut down so fast....
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aureliahillshqs · 3 months
KIM CHAEWON queda reservada en el CUPO #42 de la FAMILIA ZELENKA a nombre de NANA.
¡muchas gracias por tu interés en @aureliahillshqs! el primer paso ya está hecho, ahora contás con 48 hs para enviar el formulario, en caso contrario, la reserva será dada de baja. si llegaras a necesitar más tiempo, no dudes en solicitarlo y ante cualquier duda, ¡nuestro chat está disponible!por cierto, si querés unirte al servidor de discord del grupal para hablar con las demás users en la familia antes de armar tu form, ¡podés hacerlo!
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amaranthdahlia · 3 months
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the ofa/afo plot ending 🥰 ( drew this around december )
oh hey i think this is the perfect post to dump all my ofa users doodles
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(caption: yoichi suddenly remembers why he made everyonr on the thrones in the first place)
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(caption: the holders get to grow old <3 also yes bruce is the only one balding, en is a kid here)
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(caption: silly idea where the ofa users had to take care of baby afo together)
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(caption: just the ofa users interacting, drew it on the same day)
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(caption: yoichis way to thank his heroes lol)
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mettywiththenotes · 7 months
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Why is this mans one move choking his enemies. Like whats the obsession AFO
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 months
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one for all content... save me one for all content...
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stealthsuitdeku · 7 months
POV you are an AFO minion and you wander through one of the labs Something about the experiments makes you think they are more conscious than mere dead bodies should be
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My take on why and how AFO has Nana's hands so well preserved even after so many years
(I'm praying this won't get flaggled --')
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