#unironically banger game though
mimicmew · 11 months
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would you believe me if i said that this game tackles generational trauma left by wars and the loss of childhood better than like. i dunno call of duty or some shit
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shinysamurott9 · 8 days
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As of tonight, I have officially beaten Sonic Adventure 2 Battle to 100%, all emblems collected with every A Rank. Do not do this.
Ok but being real here, while this is an absolutely monumental task, it has given me a new appreciation for many aspects of the game. It really does force you to learn the ins and outs of each character's mechanics and levels. It is very fun to learn the intricacies of each level's gimmicks and how to use them to save time or rack up higher point combos. In most cases, this gave me at least a little more appreciation for each level. Most cases. In light of this I went and ranked every stage in the game based on how much I enjoyed them as a whole including their missions.
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sergeifyodorov · 6 months
for the spotify thing! 13, 34, and 50
13 - frozen pines, lord huron
34 - i will be there from the count of monte cristo
50 - fuckin, uh, country girl shake it for me, luke bryan
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strawbs-screaming · 17 days
disco kid headcanons because hes the awesomest boxer ever
he literally has done nothing wrong in his entire career, he is literally a solid green flag im willing to throw hands about this
Has a comically bad singing voice, it's so horrid that one of the boxers thought he was screaming in pain once but it was just him trying to hit a high note, he unfortunately doesn't really understand why people think his voice is bad since he is a tad bit tone deaf.
Tends to be a little bit oblivious with people, he always gives people the benefit of the doubt as he doesn't want to assume the worst immediately, this has gotten him into stuff he shouldn't multiple times.
Can and will show off his dancing skills whenever anyone even mentions dancing. (he is talented though)
Likes randomly challenging the other boxers to a dance-off randomly when he feels like it.
Hates bugs and is absolutely terrified of them, doesn't matter how harmless it is, he can and will scream his lungs out.
Always told people he was a natural blonde when he was a teenager, he got shut down very quickly about it after he forgot to get his roots done.
Has punched someone over a game of uno once.
Has made friends with everyone in the WVBA, literally has no enemies.
Has really good pain tolerance to the point where he can brush off breaking his arm in 2 different places, has freaked out the other boxers because of this before.
Unironically likes biting into lemons, thinks the sour taste is refreshing.
Sometimes wears purposefully bad outfits to annoy anyone who cares about fashion (coughcoughglassjoecoughcoughwheeze) and enjoys seeing their reactions, actually wears some banger outfits when he isn't wearing the worst outfit you haven't seen.
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Hello friend. At first, I thought it was a joke that there's a Lego show that people love. I've seen you post about it a lot so I figure it's just one of those things that maybe a couple people really really love otherwise, whatever. But I just sat that clip of that characters death and it made me realize I know nothing about anything ever lol. What is the Lego show about? What do you love about it? I'm just super curious
Well. Okay. My embarrassment aside, I totally get it—it is a lego show, but it's my lego show and I'll gladly tell you about it!
(my apologies this got a little long)
*inhales cigarette* I remember starting to watch lmk (Lego Monkie Kid) and not expecting anything except some very pretty animation—it's just legos, right? And then it completely blindsided me. Then I did some digging and realized it's a modern retelling of Journey to the West (jttw—one of the great classic chinese novels), and that half of the whole reason this show exists is to retell a familiar tale to the modern age. That's how the show opens, and that's how s3 ends.
And, at the risk of sounding a little deranged, I'm going to say that the show being legos is thematically relevant. It legitimately adds to part of the story they're trying to tell—and the story Lego Monkie Kid is trying to tell is legitimately very solid. It's super good. They completely blew me out of the water with season 4.
So. The first special and s1 isn't anything too unique on a first watch through. The characters are charming and the show is very pretty, but it's nothing I'd write home about (though, 1x09 is very good—in my opinion—and 1x10, the season finale, builds plenty of intrigue).
But here's the thing: legitimately so much is set up in s1 and you don't even realize it, and it's STILL being re-contextualized well into s4.
So, then the s2 special happens right after s1, and it's like, alright! The plot seems to be going somewhere! We get introduced to a few more antagonists and the status quo from s1 is already somewhat disrupted. But then the last half of s2 comes around. And they're all bangers. 2x05 Minor Scale is GREAT. 2x06 is pure game motif. 2x07 gives us backstory and continues the main protags negative character arc. 2x08 is one of my favorites in the whole show. By this point you realize how consistent the character writing is if you've been paying attention. 2x09 is the beginning of the end. 2x10 ends the season on quite the cliff hanger, and it's like. HOLY SHIT. WHAT IS THIS ABSOLUTE GEM OF A SHOW.
s3 is lovely, and the end of the s3 special has one of my favorite scenes in anything. s4 is so ridiculously good. Lmk honestly has what I would consider to be god tier pacing. They have 10 minutes to achieve their goal, and by GOD are they going to do exactly that.
But like, what do I love about the show specifically?
The animation. The characters. The themes. I kid you not a major theme in s4 of the show is the fact that every single thing you do leads to pain. Being the hero or the villain, it doesn't matter—you cause suffering and destruction with every step you take. You hurt the people you care about. No, seriously. I'm not kidding. THAT'S one of the main focuses of s4, and oh boy is it a wild ride. You get used to legos crying. I am unironically expecting s5 of this show to be a tragedy.
I can not recommend it enough!
(If it's your thing that is! I TOTALLY get not being able to look past the legos, and the fast pacing isn't for everyone.)
Anyways, here's a bonus gif of Mei to end off!
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hello-eeveev · 10 months
Self Rec Tag Game
tagged by @spottedenchants thank you!!!
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made.
1.something you absolutely adore
On the Nature of Attraction
T, Essek/Caleb, 7.5k
What more can I say about this fic that I haven't already? It's a very vulnerable fic that came from a very vulnerable place. It means a lot to me, and I love that it seems to mean a lot to other people. Sometimes art is sending out a call and receiving the answer: you're not alone. That, and I truly do just like it. I like the story, I like the pacing, I like how I wrote Essek's inner monologue. Unironically, it's a banger.
2. something that was challenging to create
All Things End, All Things Change
T, Essek/Caleb, 2.8k
Fun fact: this is an entirely different fic from what I had intended it to be at the outset. I had been planning an Essek POV romp through Aeor where the main tension was pining that would culminate in hand-holding that's not explicitly romantic but they both kinda know what's going on. Instead I got Caleb POV emotionally devastating choice in Aeor where the main tension is pining for power that you know isn't worth the risk and for a past you can never return to. Does result in hand-holding though, so good for them :) One thing I learned in this fic (and re-learning in the current fic I'm working on) is that Caleb's darker moods are more difficult for me to write than, say, Essek's. And once I get that internal feeling down, it's hard to figure out how much of that should be revealed through dialogue, what exactly should be revealed, and how should it be revealed. It requires some real intentional thought, a lot of brain power and brain space, makes my dopamine-starved adhd brain go noooooo lol That said, I am particularly proud of how I explored why Caleb chose Essek and Essek alone to accompany him to the T-Dock. I think I hit on some tasty stuff there.
3. something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably)
oh, by the way (also on tumblr with a small coda here)
G, Beau & Caleb, 932
This fic gives me a chuckle every time. It's got all the hits: empire siblings, Caleb playing a silly little prank, Beau's over-the-top reaction to said prank, the "Yasha doesn't get how Sending works" gag. Beau is a fun POV to write. I don't swear much in my day-to-day life and I am not prone to irritation or anger much at all, but those are pretty key to Beau's voice, especially in this little scenario I've crafted for her, so it was fun to play around in her headspace during this low-stakes, overdramatic moment she finds herself in.
4. something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
The Shadowhand Becomes A Baker
G, Essek/Caleb, 2.1k
My first critrole fic! This one surprised me in a couple of ways. Before this fic, I had thought that a beauyasha wedding one-shot I planned shortly after the c2 finale would be the first critrole fic I published, then I thought that I would re-spec a ramble about the relationship between Essek and the Bright Queen and publish that as my first critrole fic, then Ephred the Shadow Baker showed up and my twitter moots convinced me it was Essek in disguise (still holding on to that belief btw) and then I wrote this fic in 2-3 days before anyone else had the same idea. And I was so pleasantly surprised by how kind and eager shadowgast fic readers were! I had seen it ofc, but it's different to be on the receiving end. Before writing critrole fic, I had written some Fire Emblem fics that existed in corners that were far less active than shadowgast in general, much less shadowgast in 2021, so I had not been expecting such an enthusiastic response. It also surprised me that several people complimented my descriptions of the baked goods because at least two of them involved citrus in pastries, which is something I actually hate. I just pretended that someone might like them for the exact reason I hate them and really leaned in to everything I hate about cinnamon rolls that have orange in them. Turns out when you do that, you get some really vivid descriptions. So... writing tip, I guess?
5. something you want other people to see
How to Rest Chapter 1
G, Essek/Caleb, 3.2K
Shadowgast first date! This chapter makes me so soft! Back in my rom-com era! They have a picnic! They stargaze! Caleb flirts! Essek bluescreens! It is one of the joys of my life to make the wizards be awkwardly in love with each other (or, in this case, not quite in love yet, but on their way there), and this date is chock full of it. The hello and goodbye are two of my favorite moments. I really enjoy the imagery and how I conveyed the very blush-y, awkward first-date dynamic. I also love their conversation and Essek's subsequent introspection while they're stargazing. It's sweet and tender and layered, and I got to make a subtle nod to one of my favorite Fire Emblem games and the role that made me fall in love with Matt Mercer in the first place because sometimes two of your favorite ships are about people finding each other against all odds and who knows why their lives are intertwines, but man, are we glad they are.
tagging: @awesomefrogofawesome, @astrasia, @esseekthelyss, @quinn-of-aebradore, @cogsandsprings
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fan-mans · 1 year
You're right! Tiger deserves more love, ehat are you'r hc for him?
Sikh, not hindu or muslim- a fact that's actually canon to the game. He gets so goddamn angry when people get it wrong. More than a few people have gotten their teeth knocked out for insisting he's muslim/hindu.
Magic has been practiced by his family in private for generations, he's the first to bring it public. They're seen as a bit odd among Sikhs because of it, but they deal with it.
Tiger's magic does not come form his gem, it comes from his body. His gem is just there to act like a wizard staff- a conduit to better control the magic. He also practices learned magic and taught Don a basic transfiguration trick.
Autistic swag
Has some pretty good bangers on his soundcloud… when he’s not attempting to rap at least. Extremely good as an Indian hip hop/trap/r&b artist. A lot of his music fans don't know of his boxing career and vice versa with his boxing fans.
He has a habit of floating while asleep- an effect of his magic he can't control. He has plenty others, like imbuing anything he creates with a little bit of magic, but the floating is the big one.
Hates bugs and snakes. He was bitten by a cobra when he was little and never got over the trauma.
Does not get most memes.
Would die rather than do dishes.
Snores like a motherfucker. Will also spawn clones and proceed to have full conversations with them if he's taken something like cold medicine.
Though he loves big cats, he actually prefers dogs as pets. He had a bunch growing up but never got one as an adult.
His hair is curly and very, very long. It's so long that if it isn't tied up, he can sit on it. He takes extremely good care of his hair and only lets a few touch his hair. Kaiser is the only person in the world allowed to touch his hair without asking first and often helps Tiger brush it all out.
Tiger likes being pet. Touch in general is something he frequently seeks out but someone petting his facial hair or running a hand up and down his arms is the best stim and relaxes him instantly.
Works in retail as a side job in a magic shop, as well as making music. He's scared the rest of the major circuit plenty whenever he automatically goes into Retail Voice™.
He gets head-splitting migraines when he overuses his powers and has even shattered a gem before.
Designated driver of the circuit cause he doesn't drink.
He didn't intend to be a boxer. He entered the wvba's Seattle branch as a cameraman and sound guy, setting up music for matches and making sure recordings looked and sounded good. One day, however, a boxer just starting out suddenly cancelled and, with no one to fight, Tiger stepped in the ring still in his work clothes. He beat his opponent quickly and was offered a spot on the New York team.
He's cool with comparisons to cats- he finds it really funny even.
Shaving is something he has to do twice a day. His hair is magically infused so it grows very fast.
Lactose intolerant... still drinks milk though.
Using clones specifically makes him very dizzy. He can see through their eyes and feel what they feel depending on how corporeal they are.
Cat naps all the time. He also can't keep a consistent sleep schedule for shit.
A fan sent him fursona art and he fully, unironically, adores the crap out of it. It's currently his twitter profile pic and how he displays himself on soundcloud and twitch.
He streams music making sessions for his hardcore fans. He also occasionally plays walking sims and games of Tetris or virtual chess and poker with them.
Also very into the my little pony franchise. He likes all the versions but watches My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic the most. His favorites are Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
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7grandmel · 11 months
Todays rip: 04/07/2023
Siiva Lining
Season 2 Featured on: The Voice's Highest Quality Video Game Rips
Ripped by Half Pixel
In my experience, the average no-nonsense mashup can always have two different kinds of listening experiences. The first, what I'll presume is the most common one, is what I've loosely described before as the "puzzle piece" feeling: taking two things you're inseperably familiar with, and providing a beyond satisfying experience when they're combined. The other, however, is even more interesting, and one I've found to be quite common on SiIva: taking something you're very familiar with and adding a backing track you've never heard of that just makes the source track shine.
What's particularly funny about Siiva Lining is that it's a mashup of two sources I had very little attachment to before becoming engrossed in the channel: Maroon 5 and the VGM by Yousuke Yasui. The former, I of course got tons of exposure to throughout Season 1 of the channel, and I can now fully consider myself a fan of the band. The latter, though? Just like with 【=3】e-MUNO Disco (vs. 音MAD AGENT), Yasui's music constantly blows me away by how insanely good it is despite having never heard it before. The end result in this rip gives a whole new kind of life to Adam Levine's vocals, a feeling of absolutely unrivalled, hype. And for as much fun it is to listen to SiIva through the YouTube channel, having this big box of chocolates to pick from with regular new uploads...games with smaller fanbases like this one often go ignored by people like myself on it. Rips like these catch me by so much surprise by reminding me of just how much quality content there is on the channel that I've never even heard, and I'm extremely thankful for the albums for giving me that experience so often.
True to his name, my experience with Half Pixel's rips show him as capable of maintaining this perfect half-and-half balance between creative sources whilst still producing unironic bangers. Very few of his rips have ever felt low effort or like shitposts: even simple mashups, like the one highlighted today, feel picked out and crafted with extreme deliberacy.
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dmbakura · 2 years
i beat sonic frontiers and i have many thoughts so imma just compile them here. overall im really happy with the game and i’d love see sega build off of this going forward. spoilers ofc
the good:
-open world (or ‘open zone’ as they called it) works surprisingly well for sonic. i hate open world games so the fact i like what they did here certainly means they got something right lmao
-sonic controls really well. it’s not perfect and i wish they’d refine some physics but i was so worried about this game because of the early footage making it look automated and stiff. im really happy to say it didnt feel like that at all. blasting through the islands and stringing together rails and platforming and just doing sonic stuff feels amazing and like it justifies the space being used. this and elden ring are both unironically amazing examples of how to do open world well.
-the combat and expanding sonic’s moveset was long overdue honestly. there’s only so much you can accomplish with homing attacks. the cyloop and various other attacks added were fun additions even if overall it’s quite simplistic (definitely no devil may cry lol). im not sure how other people like this change? i found it snappy and satisfying but ive seen some say it slows the game down for them? good thing about it is you can automate it if you dont want to deal with it at all.
-the story is actually engaging and taking itself seriously. it also expands on established series lore (so many callbacks to adventure 1) and it’s very nice to see. the plot isnt all that unique or original but it’s been so long since it felt like the game’s were trying to tell a story that wasn’t some bullshit meta nonsense or complete half assed shit like forces.
-the characters are the narrative highlight, same as above, they’re written like actual people and not mouthpieces for stupid jokes. it made me remember why i like these characters. the new addition, sage, was also handled well i think, even though she’s pretty annoyingly vague at the start. she has good development and her relationship with eggman is pretty heartwarming.
-the BOSSES are the definite highlight of the game. the fourth titan and final boss is an interesting, though kind of underwhelming fight, but the other 3 are absolute PEAK. holy shit. best bosses sonic has ever had for sure
-banger music. see above, the bosses have the best tracks in the game but i also found myself really enjoying the overworld themes and cyberspace tracks. sonic games usually have amazing osts and this one is no exception.
-the last island’s cyberspace stages were very solid and i enjoyed them
-i can take or leave the baby mode puzzles scattered around tbh. some of the puzzles were satisfying to do but others were just like... walk over and tap a button. not obtrusive but also not really engaging
-i actually did end up liking the overworlds despite initially thinking they looked like awful generic botw inspired crap, but i still think i’d like to see more stylized worlds that are characteristic of sonic going forward. it might have made sense in this game given the lore of the koco/ancients and how desolate and isolated they are but yeah, they’re not the most visually appealing at times- especially the third island which is quite barren for large stretches of it. so i guess this is more a future note?
the bad:
-the cyberspace stages. like i said above, i felt the last island ones were the strongest, but most are just kind of... there. they use themes and aesthetics pulled from green hill, chem plant and sky sanct (as well as an ambiguous city stage) and this is the one area of the game that made it obvious to me sega doesnt want to move on completely. i would have preferred they make new original stages but if they HAVE to use past ones, wouldnt it make sense to use adventure stages or something, given the story relevance? man im just so sick of green hill lmao. 
-on top of this, the physics in these stages are pretty bad. so many times ive just blasted off the side for no reason. it feels like these were slapped in last minute or something, like they’re not compatible with the engine. they break up the gameplay pretty awkwardly and i found myself leaving them until i absolutely had to do them
-there’s unfortunately a lot of polish missing from the animations. it’s serviceable and definitely not the worst sonic has had but i noticed quite a lot of snapping/popping. even some of the cutscenes look dull in the character animation
-polish missing from the game performance as well. most egregious were the various pop-ins that people have been pointing out from the very first gameplay footage. it’s pretty ugly sometimes and can make navigation a little awkward. the game functions perfectly fine but i really hope they can get more people/time to add finishing touches like this in their next game. i didn’t get frame drops or anything, but it still didn’t feel quite optimized. it would be really nice to have a sonic game that you can say is all around polished and amazing for once
SO YEAH it’s got jank. it’s a bit experimental and weird. but it also does so much right and its flaws didnt take away from the fact i was having so much fun while playing it. i was immersed, i wanted to see where the story went, i loved how sonic controlled. i loved that there was a clear direction for this game and that it actually felt like it was trying to be something. im just so happy that for the first time in what. 10 years? i came away from a sonic game feeling satisfied and optimistic about where they can go from here ^w^
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
💖 💙 🧡 📺 🎸 🎤 🎧 💡 🍡 ✨ 💫 🦔 👽🧍😘 ☺️🎙️ ✍️ 🤔 😳 🫡
It's a good thing I've already done half of these. XP
💖 Favourite Character?
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Wow, that was eas-*BANG*
Seriously though, I cannot stress enough that the haha funny round moustache get a load of this the more the merrier man is my favourite character of all time. In anything. There are characters I like, there are characters I love, but Eggman will always have a special place in my heart.
I can enjoy different types of villains so long as they're fun or interesting. But we all have our preferences, and Eggman ticks every box on my personal list, and does so with effectiveness, hilarity, deadliness, and memorability. His themes are top class, his aesthetics are grade-A, his genius and creativity is legit, and ahhhhh he's so good. <3
Is it any wonder why I take issue to him being portrayed as a helpless fool? Or a defanged softie? Or a launch pad for other villains to piggyback off of? Or a Bowser-flavored father figure for characters who aren't even interesting on their own?
📺 Favourite TV show?
I assume the OVA doesn't count since it was a "movie", due to being tragically short-lived.
So by process of elimination, I choose AoStH. It's about as much of a non-Sonic cartoon as the rest, but for a Looney Tunes Lite, it is amusing most of the time, and it has Long John Botnik, so I gotta give it a pass. And while AoStH Sonic is… well, very Urkel, he was at least reasonably smart, which is more than can be said for his SatAM counterpart.
AoStH doesn't annoy me nearly as much as SatAM for its overwhelming influence that continues to this day with Archie and IDW, Boom for how everyone at the time overrated what was essentially a standard animated sitcom with Sonic characters shoehorned into the expected templates, and Prime for having an insufferably empty-headed Sonic, and everyone else being either unlikable or bland.
Underground is so forgettable to me that it loops back around to being a positive for it, since that means it doesn't actively piss me off enough like the aforementioned three, lol. As for Sonic X… I'm willing to give the first season a pass despite its heavy quantity of Chris, since I have some nostalgia for it, it has the unironically great and heartwarming Helen episode, and the questionable portrayals of certain characters (Eggman, Amy, Knuckles, arguably Sonic himself to a lesser extent) weren't as bad as they'd later become. Seasons 2 and 3 can fuck off though.
🎸 Favourite Stage Theme?
That's a certified Too Fucking Hard for me in a franchise that's full of bangers, so I'm gonna pick two zones/stages per game to make it only 90% difficult for me to choose instead of 100%.
Sonic 1: Star Light and Scrap Brain
Sonic 2: Hill Top and Wing Fortress
CD JP/EU: Quartz Quadrant Past and Stardust Speedway Past
CD US: Stardust Speedway Good Future and Metallic Madness Present
Sonic 3: Marble Garden and Launch Base
Sonic & Knuckles: Sandopolis and Death Egg
Fighters: Black Bed (Aurora Icefield) and Fire Stone (Giant Wing)
3D Blast Genesis: Rusty Ruin and Volcano Valley
3D Blast Saturn: Rusty Ruin and... the Special Stage
Sonic R: Can You Feel The Sunshine and Living In The City
SA2: Deeper (Death Chamber) and Space Trip Steps (Meteor Herd)
Advance 1: Ice Mountain and Egg Rocket
Advance 2: Music Plant and Techno Base
Heroes: Ocean Palace and Final Fortress
Battle: Holy Summit (arena) and Death Egg (arena)
Advance 3: Cyber Track and Chaos Angel
ShtH: Circus Park and Final Haunt
Rush: Ethno Circus (Mirage Road) and What U Need (Dead Line)
Riders: Metal City and Digital Dimension
'06: Aquatic Base and End of the World
Secret Rings: Let the Speed Mend It (Sand Oasis) and High and Broken (Levitated Ruin)
Rush Adventure: Haunted Ship and Sky Babylon
Zero Gravity: Aquatic Capital and Gigan Rocks
Unleashed: Rooftop Run Night and Skyscraper Scamper Day
Black Knight: Deep Woods and... actually, that's the only level theme I really like in this game, the rest are pretty forgettable
Colours: Planet Wisp and Aquarium Park
Generations: Speed Highway and Crisis City
Lost World: Sea Bottom Segue and Hidden World
Mania: Press Garden and Titanic Monarch (THIS ONE WAS ALSO HARD)
Forces: Moonlight Battlefield and Mortar Canyon
TSR: Roulette Road and Sand Road
🎤 Favourite Vocal Track?
I'll be unconventional and go with Live Life. Ironically, I don't care for the other vocal tracks in Black Knight, as I find them generic and unmemorable, but Live Life is a really uplifting one that I think deserves more appreciation.
I've always had a particular fondness for What I'm Made Of as well. And despite preferring the JP soundtrack for CD on the whole, Sonic Boom is still really catchy and infectious.
🎧 Favourite overall soundtrack?
How am I meant to narrow it down to one?
The answer: I can't, so instead I'll just list the ones I consider to be S-tier. Note that I am indeed taking the question to heart and judging them by how strong I consider them overall, rather than singling out one or a couple of tracks specifically. Otherwise I'd be listing the entire non-Chronicles catalogue. (The Last Scene in SA2, Aquarium Park in Colours, some tracks in ShtH…)
Sonic CD (JP/EU)
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
Sonic Adventure 1
The Advance trilogy
Sonic Mega Collection (yes, I'm serious)
Sonic Heroes
Sonic '06
Sonic Rush Adventure
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Mania
Team Sonic Racing
💡 Spinoff you’d like to see?
Dr. Crusher's Negating Mandating Machine™.
Serious answer, I'd like another Tails game of some sort, in the hopes that it would let the fox regain some of his fandom respect in a legitimate, non-Wildly Inconsistent-speech way.
I'd also be open to a Blaze spinoff, since there's a lot you could do with her world, and maybe it'd allow us to finally see Marine again under a pen that's hopefully not Flynn's. And since Blaze herself is still one of the most popular and less controversial Modern characters, I can't see a lack of audience being an issue.
🍡 Classic, Adventure, or Boost Gameplay?
Classic overall, but a little of Adventure as well in the form of SA1 and the Advance trilogy (even if the latter is semi-Boost if anything).
✨ Dream Sonic Game?
I've always preferred the S3&K/Mania/Advance approach to alternate characters, because I feel they strike the delicate balance of being different enough to offer something unique for each character, but still consistent enough to not detract from the overall style of gameplay. They also handle the matter of story completion the best IMO: if you want to stick with one character for the adventure, you can actually do so, rather than be forced to juggle different styles in one story (SA2), or for the game to suddenly hand over the controls to someone else halfway through the stage ('06).
That's honestly about it, aside from the obvious stuff (good soundtrack, pleasing aesthetics, etc). I don't think I'm impossible to please in that regard. The only other bullet point I can think of is that I'm not inherently opposed to different goals for different characters, but it's important that they don't come at the expense of the core gameplay. For example, I'm alright with Knuckles' treasure hunting conceptually, since you're still platforming and going fast like you would in any other installment. It's when you throw in the dipshit SA2 radar that it becomes a problem.
🦔 Favourite version of Sonic? (the character)
Game Sonic. The original, and the best.
I still have issues with him, but after seeing writers miss the point with him again and again in adaptations, with his portrayal ending up being obnoxious for one reason or another in the process, it's made me grow to appreciate the good qualities and low-key nuance of the original template.
🫡 Coldest Sonic Take?
My opinions seem to always be in opposition to that of the overall fandom's, so to think of one that's actually popular… hmm.
S3&K is still liked, right?
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calamityardman · 1 year
im gonna gush about stranger in paradise a bit, this game legit surprised me
Stranger in Paradise has turned out to be a fuckin banger since I got it on Steam. Not only is this the funniest possible protagonist for an FF game, the game itself is like a love letter to the series as a whole. I bounced off hard off this title when it was revealed and when it was released. The initial reveal indicating the bizarro story choices, my own poor internet making Epic as a download platform nearly impossible to use, and early release mechanical difficulties that made me want to wait anyway kind of just caused this game to fade out of my memory for a while.
But goddamn is it fuckin' good. For those playing at home, Stranger in Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is an action RPG made by Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden, Nioh). Mechanically, it has soulslike level design and gameplay elements, with numerous weapons and sick weapon attacks you can learn to use magic to trigger. You learn skills through jobs, and Origin has a lot of them, 27 to be precise. Most job unlocks require you to level down the skill tree of mostly two classes, though Mage gets to go hog wild and just keep expanding upon itself.
Magic works as such: you start a stage with two MP bars. As you fight enemies, you can use an attack called a Soul Burst when you reduce their Break (like Dissidia!) meter, basically like stamina or posture from soulslikes. This is where you get to see these sick animations of Jack turning enemies into crystal and just breaking them with his bare goddamn hands. As you Soul Burst, you get more Max MP, and MP itself is restored through melee attacks and later through additional job buffs and abilities. The more carnage you inflict, the more MP you get.
And Jack as a character is, I think, the funniest possible FF protagonist. He doesn't have a memory, he doesn't know where he is, he only knows that he needs to defeat Chaos. It makes him untethered to the world at large, which means he also gets to act like an unhinged maniac who pops monsters like balloons and even tells bosses to shut up mid-monologue in a way that just serves to make me lose it. I've never seen an amnesiac character dedicate themselves to something other than self-discovery in at least some way, but Jack doesn't care. He just wants to break shit and move on.
I feel like a decade ago, this would've been played unironically instead of in a comedic way, but the game has a good sense of humor about the fact its protagonist is a fucking goblin and everyone around him knows it. And how even in spite of a protagonist who cares nothing for lore, the game does a good job of enveloping you in the greater narrative.
I'm not finished with it yet, but goddamn I am just blown away. It is somehow this perfect cross between my enjoyment of soulslikes, Team Ninja action games, and final fantasy. It's also the funniest possible way to do a retelling of FF1.
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incorrect-hololive · 2 years
LMAOOOOOO since we could be here all day with me rambling about my massive list of rarepairs I'll just talk about some of my favorites
SuiTowa - okokok I do admit that I may or may not have originally gotten into this pairing because I just really like Towa and Suisei and did the thing where I put my favorites together but unironically they're really good together?? Streaming-wise they have a lot of great moments and their voices - oh their VOICES together. I lost my mind during their duet at Link Your Wish this year they are actually so GOOD.
Lore-wise they're equally as good? You've got Devil-Who-Is-Actually-Nice Towa and Idol-Human-Who-Is-Actually-Evil Suisei, it's such a funny dynamic. Suisei would find it so entertaining to be friends with a devil and start asking about the most evil things Towa's done and start trying to push all her buttons, meanwhile Towa would just be there like 'this HUMAN is INSANE and I am TIRED when can I go home to hell and eat SNACKS.' Also Suisei absolutely has "I will face God and walk backwards into hell" energy so Towa meanwhile trying to keep her out of trouble for three seconds is kinda endearing??? There's lots of potential for it to get angsty too on TOP of them being a comedic duo so I'm all OVER their dynamic.
(I am throwing these two clips down because I care about them very much)
By extension I will say I also love the StartEnd trio. Just Towa there with her two (2) feral animals Suisei and Aqua who go pew-pew in Apex. Literally that meme featuring that mom with two kids on a leash.
KanaTowa - Whoa ANOTHER Towa pairing I wonder who my bias is hmmmmmm LMAO
I like them for sort of similar reasons to SuiTowa? I got WAY into these two even BEFORE IRyS originally was announced; it's the whole classic angel/demon dynamic except completely inverted when you consider how angelic Towa is and how chaotic/violent Kanata is in comparison. Makes things interesting!
I'm really glad these two are lowkey kind of becoming a real thing? KanaTowa did a bunch of official 3D short videos and streams and collabs together and stuff; they also did that official game collab song (Madoromi. It's SO GOOD and the lyrics LITERALLY match their dynamic so WELL), and then literally formed an official unit together and released an original song together (which I now listen to on a daily basis). So now they're only a rarepair in the sense of there not being a lot of fancontent for them.
They're also just. So cute together...
(Also if I had a nickel every time Towa did a yearning reach-out pose to a blue-themed girl mid-performance then I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's kinda fruity that it happened twice)
KanaMari (Kanata/Marine)
what if I was a PIRATE and I was about to PERISH but was then saved by my GUARDIAN ANGEL and then I feel in love with the guardian angel?????? ahahha jk UNLESS
These two have such banger chemistry with each other, actually! They're so funny together and you can tell they're pretty close and it's really adorable to see. Like look at these clowns
Also, I just think Pirate/Angel is such a funny concept. Marine sailing the seven seas and people are confused as to how she hasn't fallen overboard by mistake but it's all thanks to Kanata protecting her. Bonus points if Marine's all like "Kanata is my normal Houshou Pirate crewmate she is totally human!" meanwhile the rest of the Houshou Pirates are like "senchou just kiss your tenshi girlfriend already"
They are both very cute idiots and I love them
Salted Turkey (Amelia/Reine)
Okay THIS one is an oldie. More than a year ago Ame and Reine did a couple of stream collabs which were really cute!!! Though the real kickers for me were their first interactions; during Ame's first ever birthday stream the only people to do call-ins were Gura, Ina, and Reine, who literally woke up just to see Ame's stream and to tell her happy birthday (in their very first speaking interaction)! And then Ame called Reine's morning voice hot and I lost it right then and there LOL. And then Ame came to her birthday stream a few months later... they're just so sweet together
Lore-wise it's harder to connect them but I see the POTENTIAL. Honestly any pairing with Ame in it will almost always result in juicy dynamics so I'm all ears here. So hey vtuber fandom I know they haven't collabed in months since but can we get more of them actually?
Other pairs I love for some reason and really want to see more of: Lui/Iroha, Suisei/Calli, Flare/Polka, Ina/Calli, Kronii/Ame, Kiara/Mumei, and Ina/Sana. And I'm holding back on a couple more LMAO I'm a bit of a rarepair hell mess 😭
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sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
blaine for the ask game >:^)
jkjk do sebastian and mercedes
Blaine Anderson:
Favorite thing about them: some of his songs are absolute bangers
Least favorite thing about them: his lack of accountability
Favorite line: “If he and I got married, the Gap would give me a 50% discount.” I love that he’s rich, and still looking for a discount, like okay go off <3
brOTP: the warblers <3
OTP: Blainofsky, I genuinely think they had some cute moments 😭😭
nOTP: Seblaine, I also dislike Klaine, but have/would read Klaine fanfiction, seblaine just upsets me, and that’s a me problem 😭
Random headcanon: he definitely has a Katy Perry stan account
Unpopular opinion: I don’t like him 😭
Song I associate with them: literally teenage dream by Katy Perry. Basic I know 🦧
Favorite picture of them:
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I like how happy he looks :)
Sebastian Smythe:
Favorite thing about them: literal rat bastard, crime gremlin, but also I like how he chose to grow and change at the end of his time on the show. He genuinely tried becoming a better person and I really appreciate that (ignoring the warblers scandal in s4 LOL)
Least favorite thing about them: effeminophobia 🦧 but also his racist lines to Santana :/
Favorite line: “Fun, I don’t like you either”
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
brOTP: I absolutely adore it when he a Nick are besties 🥰 but also hear me out...I can see him and Rachel as a very fun friends dynamic 😭 I also like it when he and Sam or puck are friends in fics :D
OTP: Kurtbastian, are we surprised
nOTP: Seblaine, again it’s just not something I enjoy but it’s completely valid of other people who do! :)
Random headcanon: there’s so many...but I feel like one time Jeff saw him in the hallway and he was just casually eating a pepper like an apple. He also wears crocs unironically
Unpopular opinion: I think his scandals outfit is fun. Not GOOD, but fun. It’s a mess and it perfectly sums up Sebastians character
Song I associate with them: The Archer and Peace by Taylor Swift also Beautiful, Dirty, Rich thanks to acitw
Favorite picture of them:
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You can tell he knows he’s about to be a little shit, like he’s going there to ruin Kurt (and I think Rachel’s? If I remember the scene correctly) day 🦧 absolute chaos gremlin (affectionate)
Mercedes Jones:
Favorite thing about them: she’s nice, but she’s not a pushover. She values herself just as much as the values others, and I think that’s an amazing quality to have :)
Least favorite thing about them: idk if I have one 😭
Favorite line: “Okay, I'm gonna ask you to stop, because I'm starting to get embarrassed for you.” It basically just sums up all of glee
brOTP: Tincedes, Rachcedes, Quinncedes and Kurtcedes <3 though Puckcedes is also cute at times :)
OTP: Samcedes, Rachcedes, Quinncedes and Tincedes
nOTP: romantic!kurtcedes </3
Random headcanon: her and her older brother would put on concerts for their family when they were younger <3 she would sing and he’d do special effects in the background (lights, making sure the music is playing etc)
Unpopular opinion: I liked her and Sam’s breakup. Do I wish they got back together? Yes. But do I also think that it was super mature and well executed for a glee breakup? Yes. <3
Song I associate with them: Wildest Dreams. I honestly don’t really know why?? It just makes me think “this is a Mercedes song”
Favorite picture of them:
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LOOK AT HERRRR 🥺🥺 Mercedes Jones deserves everything good in the world 🤚🤚
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Got the Aux hcs||Jujutsu Kaisen
A/N:  These hcs are prolly gonna vary from general artists/genres to general chaos towards the end :D also gonna do some for the kyoto school...eventually. Didn’t incl. Yuuta because he’s not here yet but tbh he prolly listens to MCR or smthng let’s be real. I apologize for Maki’s being so short, I know her fanbase is starving for content and I’m sorry I was unable to provide it this time.
Word Count: 1123
Plot Synopsis: Some dumb music taste headcanons for the tokyo school. ((I only included characters that have appeared in the anime like fully, onscreen w lines not just mentioned, and I also only did the main ppl from the Tokyo school so that’s why there’s no Yuta or Nanami.))
First and foremost
The man is a barb (Nicki Minaj fans) and a hottie (Megan thee stallion fans)
No I don’t take criticism
Aside from that, Yuji listens to pop and some rap (mostly megan thee stallion)
His pop taste is also not limited by generation, he definitely listens to artists like Anri and Miki Matsubara
Other artists he listens to are probably; Rihanna, Post Malone(he just does, idk why), Doja Cat, Brittany Spears, Shakira, Kesha, Lizzo, Ariana Grande
Fushiguro unironically listened to wake me up inside in middle school, again, I do not take criticism
He also listens to artists like Mother Mother
Fushiguro is kinda embarrassed of his music tastes though so he’ll lie about what he’s listening to
“Fushiguro what are you listening to?”
*cue panicked Fushiguro struggling to put his phone away* “N-Nothing why”
Also this man listens to Lady Gaga and probably some Panic at the Disco
But for sure panic at the disco
Also he makes playlist named after his friends and what not
Now one might say aww, how sweet
Which, yes it is, but also, Fushiguro refuses to let anyone know his true music tastes so adaptation is necessary for survival
If Fushiguro has the aux, it’s a good day, he knows everyone’s music tastes and probably already has a playlist tailored specifically to everyone’s taste, there’s never a single song that everyone hates
She listens to Avril Lavigne and Kesha
Her and Yuuji have pretty similar music tastes (himbo/lesbian solidarity)
She also listens to songs like Jenny(by the studio killers) and Youth(Troye Sivan) and just stares at the ceiling pining
Her playlist reflects this
From pop to pining and then back again
Also she hasn’t stopped streaming Driver’s License(Olivia Rodrigo), her and Yuuji listen to it and every time she just falls out (when it first came out, she got so invested in the drama of it all)
Genres she listens to are rock ballads, pop, and any playlist with words including but not limited to ‘wlw’, ‘girls are pretty’, ‘how to not have a crush on Maki-senpai’
Artists she listens to incl. Kali Uchis (stumbled upon Dead To Me and hasn’t ben the same since), Queen, pop girlies like Brittany Spears, and Troye Sivan
Maki mainly listens to workout music or indie/chill beats
 Like her playlists are lowkey dry
And she refuses to use spotify premium, even though Gojo’s paying fo it
I can also see her listening to an occasional orchestral/instrumental piece like Ushiwakamaru
Inumaki also kind of put her onto listening to video game soundtracks, she probably listens to the soundtracks of games like Persona tbh
She does allow herself the small pleasure of listening to Hozier from time to time
Inumaki is a menace
His music taste, while there are bangers, mainly consists of music found in memes/tiktoks/etc.
((He also listens to video game music, but more of the Mario Kart sort))
I’m thinking like Vengaboys, Aqua, etc.
He does listen to other artists like Junko Ohashi and Rina Sawayama on occasion, the majority of his music taste exists to make him laugh as he thinks of all the random jokes made to the songs
Whenever, Inumaki has the aux cord, everyone in the car just mentally prepares themselves
With Inumaki, they feel bad telling him to stop because he’s really sweet and nice, and, maybe he just doesn’t know 
But he does know, he just doesn’t care
Panda listens to 80/90s rap
Tbh he’s got the best music taste out of everyone sorry not sorry
He mainly listened to whatever Yaga put on growing up so that’s why his taste is older than he is
Artists for Panda include Biggie, Pac, Outkast, etc.
Principal Yaga is black I just know Panda grew up listening to Ice Cube and the like while he was training I just knowwww
Panda’s playlist choices though usually aren’t too egregious
While Panda’s no Fushiguro in terms of adaptability, who’s really gonna be opposed to listening to bangers from the 90′s
Gojo’s taste in music exists solely to torture Fushiguro
Now does he necessarily like any of these songs he plays? No
But does his desire to antagonize out rule his dislike? Yesyesyesyesyes
Gojo, unlike Inumaki, does not get the same sympathy
When Gojo syncs up his Bluetooth (bcus let’s be real that man does not have a car with a physical aux cord) everyone in the car just lets out the loudest groan
Just for that he’s gonna make 3 extra unnecessary turns
In actuality though, when he’s not bothering his students or Nanami, I imagine Gojo is a fan of 90′s rap as well as classical music
I think he also likes rock too, he discovered it back in his student days and it never really went away
He also definitely has a playlist called something like ‘my main character music’
General car shenanigans(imagine this as a class trip to some place that’s about 2 hours away)
Gojo and Inumaki team up to antagonize everyone
Like they will play 10 hour loops of caramelldansen with absolutely ZERO remorse
Fushiguro and Kugisaki slowly just go insane during the course of this
Although, Kugisaki will be a lot more vocal about it, cussing up a storm by the 4th loop.
This will then lead to Gojo and Inumaki being overthrown; Gojo being replaced with Ichiji at the wheel and Inumaki on thin fuckin ice
When the inevitable silence becomes too much to handle, Yuuji will tentatively offer to play his music
It’s all good, California Girls and Toxic instant hits
Yujji’s reign will end in one of two ways; 1) eventually, a Megan Thee Stallion song comes on a Gojo’s like “whoa kid, that’s not very family friendly” or 2)The sound of Kugisaki, Gojo, and Itadori singing poorly on purpose pushes Maki to take over out of frustration
Either way Maki takes over and they all kinda doze off because of how chill and soothing Maki’s music is
This ends when Ichiji gets a little too relaxed by the music and almost swerves, causing them to abruptly cut the music off
Panda just puts his paws up non-defensively like, “Don’t ask me, my music isn’t family-friendly either
At which point they all look to Fushiguro to save the day
And he does... until his phone battery dies
(Bonus) Sukuna
Sukuna probably tunes out all the miscellaneous stuff that Yuuji listens to
But one day he was minding his business till he heard Yuuji playing a Nicki Minaj song
Now, whenever Yuuji falls asleep, Sukuna will pop out every once in a while just to turn on Nicki.
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kae-karo · 2 years
the untamed for the ask game?
muahahahahahahaaaa i was waiting for this one thank u 😈😈 physically restrains myself from putting 'xue yang' for every single response even though that would be my answer to every single one unironically
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you my blorbo (and other words)!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
i'm gonna say xue yang twice but only twice i am limiting myself like don't get me wrong i love wwx deeply he would be here in second place bc many thoughts on character analysis but like a very distant second bc of how much i think abt xy. i have no words for how much my braincells go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thinking abt xue yang????? fucked up little man??? moral compass? no. candy? absolutely. murder is a love language? only for xxc. hotel? trivago.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
is nie huaisang underappreciated????? underrated? mayhaps, mayhaps not, but either way he is my scrimblo. my bimblo, if u will. i'm a whore for a chaotic neutral manipulative little man who knows nothing and also everything only when it is perfectly convenient and is a gossip with a fan and some birbs. absolute banger character arc bestie
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
MIAN MIAN if u saw ming ming bb i'm so sorry is she considered obscure??? queen, badass, i was so thrilled when we saw her again in the Future like YES GO OFF QUEEN WE LOVE U KEEP IT UP
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
oh come on u know i had to say meng yao, there's no other option here tbh since i can't put xue yang for every one
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
xue yang xue yang xue yang i would like to put him in a jar and shake him violently i would like to poke his silly little brain cells and pull on his silly little heartstrings and just see what happens i want to break him into tiny little pieces and then smash them with a hammer
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
su she. every day i think about the 'that fucking guy' post that i literally cannot find bc tumblr post search is shit but how su she is the most fucking guy ever bc i had the exact reaction rewatching it going 'oh it's THAT fucking guy???'
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you my blorbo (and other words)!
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lunarhanaa · 3 years
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Ranking the 4th Album Solos
TLDR: They’re all bangers and we have no choice but to stan
11. Yada (Setsuna)
11. Yada (Setsuna)
11. Yada (Setsuna)
Setsuna went with a completely different genre than usual which is prefered for me. She sounds cute in this but I don’t know, I don’t like the speaking bits in this song and it kinda holds it back a bit. However I will admit that the chorus part is lowkey an earworm already…
10. Turn It Up (Karin)
Not Karin’s weakest solo, but this doesn’t feel like a solo song tbh. I feel like song gives off a full group vibe rather a solo, so I think this being a solo makes me not like the song as much. Its still good in its own right, but I probably won’t find myself listening to this on my own time.
9. Silent Blaze (Kanata)
The title basically describes the song. I do feel like this song isn’t Kanata’s song but rather Akarin’s song…I don’t know if I like that tbh. This song is still really powerful and the chorus part slaps.
8. First Love Again (Rina)
This song is pretty much a ballad version of Red Gem Wink and that does lower the song for me ranking-wise. I dislike slow songs however this song really uses Chiemi’s voice well and that saves the song for me…Though it does hurt to place her this low when all her other solos have consistently ranked #1 for me.
7. Itsu Datte For You (Emma)
This solo is basically an upbeat QU4RTZ song. I can’t wait for this to release because it sounds good with or without vocals. I really do like this song a lot and Chunrun sounds so cute in this…I feel like Emma is giving me a hug herself with this song and it makes me happy listening to this.
6. Concentrate! (Shioriko)
I feel like off-vocal for this song could be found in a Kirby game so I am a bit biased to this song. But damn, Moepi sings so fast I can’t keep up with her. This sounds like this could be played in a diner or something. I feel like I can really get up and jump when listening to it.
5. Diabolic Mulier (Ai)
Ai getting a solo that sounds different from Meccha Going? It’s more likely than you think. I feel like this song uses Nacchan’s voice so well and I love the Halloween vibes this song has. I also I love listening to the beginning of the song a lot. I am very happy to finally like an Ai song now!
4. TO BE YOURSELF (Kasumi)
I always enjoy listening to Kasumi solos, and if I am being honest I have no idea how to describe this song. It kinda sounds like an anime op but I dunno what genre. Either way, I really like this song and Mayuchi sounds so smooth in this song.
3. Toy Doll (Mia)
I unironically love this song a lot. It’s so cheesy and it sounds like it came straight out of a disney sitcom from the late 2000s. This song benefits so much from being an english song because my brain holds so much nostalgia for this type of music.
2. Eieisa (Shizuku)
Has Shizuku ever had a bad song? The only answer is no. I am sucker whenever they do traditional japanese sounding songs and this song is no different. Kaorin’s voice as always sounds so beautiful too.
1. Break The System (Ayumu)
Holy shit this song HITS. I adore Agupon’s voice but I feel like all of her prior solos sound kinda the same imo, and I’ve never been big on them. However, this song goes off and declares that Ayumu isn’t baby anymore. This was honestly the most shocking one in the album to listen to live but Ayumu deserves this ranking.
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