#unfollow that tag and log off right now or that's it for you. no going back. you're gonna name a pet after this one someday
mylittleredgirl · 2 months
that moment when you cross the point of no return with a character should be accompanied by a specific chime i think. like 🔔 congratulations! this one has been installed in the Permanent Collection and you will never stop thinking about them as long as you live
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My goals for 2023
Okay so guys, I’m going to make an announcement here.
Ever since 2023 began I’ve been wanting to get this off my chest and lost off what I want to do this year in terms of creating content.
For starters, I’ve been into Miraculous Ladybug for a long time thanks to my friend Wiz and have been wanting to post of of the MLB related doodles to this channel. If any of you have an issue with the show and/or fandom, then I will appropriately tag them as “Miraculous Ladybug” and “MLB” so you can have them blacklisted. Or if you would rather, you could simply unfollow me. I’m perfectly alright with that too.
And don’t worry, I will still be posting and the logging stuff that has to do with Professor Layton. And getting onto that topic, I will be trying my best to begin to start sharing my copious AUs I have created for Professor Layton as well as the handful of OCs I have created for the franchise as well. I also aim to try and interact with more of the fans and content creators to just get to know everyone a little more. Heck if I’m feeling generous, I may even make fanart for a few OCs. I already have a bunch of them I’d love to draw!
I think that’s all I wanted to say for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. None of this may be enacted right away because I’m currently very busy with IRL stuff and am in the middle of moving. I hope I can get right to work on these goals as soon as I can.
In the meantime, I hope all of you have a 2023 filled with success and new beginnings. ♥️ I love you and I’ll see you soon.
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littlestartopaz · 2 years
Blog update:
Now seems like a good time to once again say: I don't normally reblog political posts to my tumblr. It is a space for me to engage in what makes me happy and pass it along. If i feel is important, i will use one of the following tags:
Politics - all the time, on every political post.
Political tragedy - on everything i think is severe or upsetting, to me or others.
I mention these again because I'm seeing a lot of things cross my dash that are political, or reaction to recent USA events. You all know what. So this is a reminder to block these tags if you must.
If you don't know how to block tags, these instructions are for the android app, but should translate to other platforms:
Go to your profile (person figure in bottom right corner of screen)
Go to Settings (gear wheel in top right)
Go to Account Settings
Go to Filtering
The line "Filtered tags" should have a "+ new" to the right.
Add either "politics", "political tragedy", or both as you need.
Remember you are ultimately responsible for your online experience. Block as needed, unfollow as needed, and most importantly, acknowledge what you can and cannot do, and log off social media instead of doom scrolling. You are not less for not engaging in the dozens upon dozens of posts about politics.
Keep yourselves safe.
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helakkas · 2 years
Happy New Year, everybody! May the next year be better to you than the last. (Honestly, fuck 2021.) And with that, it’s time for me to log off.
TL;DR: I’m taking a break from all social media. I’ve already put some things in queue (I have over 5000 likes that I should clean out), but if it runs out, don’t worry about it. I’m fine - or will be.
I’m mostly writing this as a note to my future self. I always scoff at those “I’m deleting! Try and stop me!!!” posts, and absolutely no one is obligated to read this nor react to this. This is just...well, a diary entry of sorts. A snapshot of time. A reminder for myself, of how I felt at this time in my life. (And also somewhat incoherent rant, since I’ve been writing and editing and deleting parts of this post for the last two weeks, usually in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep.) The point is, I’m exhausted with social media - not tumblr or twitter or reddit or instagram particularly, in general. I’m tired of being here. I need to get out. I’m tired of the constant cycle of misinformation, bad takes, outrage at something, bad takes of that, correction of misinformation, another take-down of earlier misinformation, more misinformation, another wave of outrage.
Even if I rarely, if ever, post anything to voice my opinion or mutter it under my breath in the tags, I see and read everything that passes my dash or timeline. I think on it. I react to it. And it’s exhausting to react to everything, no matter if it is with outrage or disappointment or even joy. Who’s the villain of the week? What are we protesting today? What should I be aware of now? What moral dilemma should I tackle today? Even if I don’t reblog/post/tweet about it, it occupies my brain space and I react to it. I also don’t really know anyone online or talk to anyone here that much, but I can’t help but get emotionally attached after seeing the same names and avatars year after year, posting and/or reblogging about something that means so much to them.  It’s obviously a me-problem, getting emotionally attached to avatars and feeling sad or disappointed when I have to unfollow someone for posting a really bad take or venturing into a fandom I can’t or won’t follow - but if it’s a me-problem, it’s my responsibility to take care of it. And it’s tiring to curate my experiences online. No matter how many times I unfollow people for posting/reblogging bad takes or block or filter certain words or topics and try curate my dash/timeline, something will always pop up that makes my day worse. Instead of being a relaxing respite from my real life, social media has only worsened my anxiety and depression even when I try to use it sparingly. I’m fairly certain people weren’t made to handle this much information; at least, I’m certain my brain can’t handle that much. It’s also addictive, at least to me - I find myself getting invested in drama that I usually wouldn’t glance at when I can’t sleep, scrolling and scrolling and scrolling endlessly in a stupid attempt to get my brain to stop thinking, which obviously doesn’t work when I keep feeding my brain even more information.
So, this is me taking care of a problem that’s entirely my own doing. I’m tired. I need a total break to see if I even miss this. Only because I’m bad at remembering dates and it’s easier to keep count this way, starting on January 1st (as cliché as it is), I will delete twitter, tumblr and reddit (and whatever else I’m forgetting right now) off my phone and log off from my accounts on my laptop. I haven’t logged off from tumblr and twitter voluntarily in... years. Seven years, probably. I honestly don't remember, which is alarming in itself.
I’m not deleting this account (or any others). I’m still too attached to it and the journey I’ve taken on it, but I’m not sure when I’ll next log in. Next week? In a month? In half a year? In a year? Never? I don’t know. I’ll try and see how long I can go without the need to fill the void in my life with endless scrolling and the outrage cycle. I’m kind of excited to see what I’ll do to fill the time left over when I don’t have to keep up with the latest fandom drama or read a dissertation on what we’re mad about today. Maybe I’ll start drawing again. Maybe write again. Maybe play piano. Maybe start a whole new hobby. Maybe exercise, read, cook more, spend time with friends and family. Who knows.
If you read my ramblings this far - thank you, you honestly didn’t have to. You don’t really know me, after all. I’m just an avatar that appears on your dash sometimes.
Take care, everyone. Be kind to one another, as well as yourself.
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hhuta · 3 years
Hi I just wanted to say you're the reason I watched Mozart l'opera rock? Uh I have no idea who you are i think I probably followed you by accident or idk maybe Tumblr fucked up but for MONTHS now I have been seeing salieri on my dash I log in and it's like BOOM florent!! So out of boredom I watched it the other day and now I'm utterly obsessed it is on my mind constantly like. The songs are bangers. I want to (fondly) bully salieri. And Mozart.... Oh my god Mozart. I can't think about him without descending into utter incoherence like I've been so utterly charmed by him I don't know what to do with it I sent a picture of him to my friend like 'this is what Mozart looks like' and they were like 'nice jacket. Got gender envy now' and I realised... That it! It's the gender of it all. The ugly purple coat. The shitty hair that I am now in love with. Like I love him as a character but also I just really really wanna look like mikelangelo. anyway. Uh thank you for posting about mor so much that I got into it I am incapable of thinking about anything else now and I am looping lbqfm religiously it is 2am I am sor tired oh my god but if I don't disrupt my sleep schedule to focus on mor I will die
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FIRST OF ALL ,,, i need to say right away that i think i know who u are kldjals if u are the person who recently reblogged a place je passe gifset from me then. ur tags gave u away dlkasjdkls i had no choice but to connect the dots !! why did u go on anon lets be friends !!! 
so if u are that person then i think u followed me bc of vixx ldajlkDLKSJ leo is friends with the guy who played salieri in south korea btw u have to know that. ill use that as propaganda to get starlights into mor.
also cannot believe u put up with me talking about mor for mONTHS and not only u didnt unfollow u then went to watch it!!!!!!! im really touched!!!!!!! seriously!!!!!!!!!
"now I have been seeing salieri on my dash I log in and it's like BOOM florent!!" dlksjkljlkLDKS DONT CALL ME OUT LIKE THAT 🚶‍♂️I KNOW THATS REALLY ALL I POST ABOUT BUT STILL 🚶‍♂️
the songs really ARE bangers and fondly bullying salieri is all i do too !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur so in love with mozart tho ldkajslkd tHATS REALLY CUTE that was me before. the. second act begun. and my attention went to. someone else. but also "The ugly purple coat. The shitty hair that I am now in love with" u jUST HAD TO END HIM LIKE THAT??????? "ur clothes and hair are ugly and thats why i love u <3333" dlkajslkjlkjLKDLKSKL
u wanting to look like him is so valid tho i bet if u dm-ed mikelangelo he would tell u where he buys his clothes and how he does his makeup im really not kidding right now
and omg you're so welcome 😭😭😭 being loud on main finally payed off... im so happy and honoured that u decided to check out the musical bc of me saying incoherent things about salieri !!!!!!! 
and i cannot stress enough how much "I am incapable of thinking about anything else now and I am looping lbqfm religiously it is 2am I am sor tired oh my god but if I don't disrupt my sleep schedule to focus on mor I will die" is literally me ... im not kidding .. rn is less worse but i used to listen to lbqfm on repeat at 2am too everyday ...... i listened to it more than 100 times in 4 months.......... i replaced that with songs from la legende du roi arthur after i watched it but still i always go back to mor when its very late at night 😭
anyways the sentence "Hi I just wanted to say you're the reason I watched Mozart l'opera rock?" alone was the best thing i could have read . question mark and all. thank u sooooo much for sending this it made my whole monthhhhhhh 😭💕💞💗💗🤧
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the-amazing-meow · 3 years
Ok so
This post is going to talk about mental health. Specifically me and my OCD and anxiety. I would like to make a few things clear before this post.
1. These are my own experiences and obviously I can’t speak for all people even if we have similar mental health issues
2. In this post I will be talking about mental health which can be triggering to some people. If you don’t think your in the right head space to read this right now then please don’t. It’s ok, go get some tea or some other drink. Take a break and go save your mental health.
3. This post is ok to reblog. AS LONG AS you add the proper tags (mental health, break downs, OCD, anxiety)
So Tumblr and OCD. 
A dangerous combination.
Why do I say this?
(In my case) Tumblr used to be EXTREMLY STRESSFUL. The amount of posts that can be made in minutes can be anxiety inducing. 
So I can hear you saying right now
“JuSt UnFoLlOw SoMe BlOgS”
and yes that is what I just did.
It was extremely hard for me to do this. I was up last night at 3 in the morning debating which blogs to unfollow. I felt as thought I was 
“missing out on content”
and it took me thinking over this extensively to realize that at the end of the day the whole concept of missing out on content was bs.
Yes if I had continued following those blogs I might have found some amazing content. But also when I unfollowed them it made more time in my day to where I could go find and experience MY LIFE!
Heck I was following so many blogs that ON VACATION WITH MY FAMILY I was having inner breakdowns from being away from my phone for so long and I was going to have so many posts to look through when I got back to the hotel. Looking back that is a CLEAR SIGHN of addiction. A classic case if I may add. I was having literal withdrawal symptoms from an app. That is not ok.
Yes unfollowing those blogs was hard and anxiety inducing but I am SO GLAD that I did. I feel free again and like this app is a hobby instead of an all life consuming black mass of words and pictures.
So I guess the point of this very long winded post is that 
Its ok to unfollow a blog because you find the amount of content they post annoying/stressful
Its ok to block 200 tags because you are just tired of seeing content that you have no connection to
Its ok to log off for a day and not see every single post for all of the people you follow
At the end of the day you can decide how you want to live your life and if that is off of this app, that's great. You will find other things that make you life worth living. Don’t lose yourself to an app. Its not worth it I promise.
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autumnslance · 4 years
how do you get into roleplaying on a ff server? like how do you do it and how do you know if your character is lore compliant? ;A; pls youre a big inspo to me
*Hugs Nonny* Getting into RP on a FF server can vary; I don’t actually RP much these days, outside of some friends I already have connections to--and that in itself can be difficult just due to Life! It can take time, and patience, and some fits and starts.
And this gets...really really long, so buckle up and go below the cut, please. :)
The cut got broken by an edit. Sigh.
In game there’s always the RP status tag, and just doing RP with folks in public spaces. There may be trolls now and then, but they can be ignored. I personally find Balmung’s Quicksand area too busy and anxiety inducing and not actually all that conducive to actual RP, even “meet at a tavern” walk-up type. But unless you already have a ready-made group of friends/FCmates willing to RP more than some random walk-ups with you, it may take some legwork to find folks you can and want to write with.
Social Media There are a couple of RP community blogs, like @mooglemeet​ and @ffxiv-crystal-rp​  and plenty of server-specific ones. There’s also some Discords for these communities. They host and advertise events and reblog people who are looking for RP contacts. Some of them have running gdoc calendars and in game linkshells and fellowships as well.
Shofie has a good post about Tumblr/social media RP blogging.
It’s a fact now that social media outside game is a way to make contacts, or even a medium for RP itself. There are few centralized websites/forums for server RP communities anymore. Making connections over your social media, like Tumblr and Twitter, can help find RP. You can’t just throw your own character info out there or reblog prompts hoping others bite, though; you have to put in some work and show interest in others, too. This can be difficult and even scary. That’s OK.
RP is about collaboration and creating with other people, which means finding folks you can write with, and who see you as someone interesting but also interested in them and their OCs. If you want to keep it a solo endeavor focused on your own OCs, write fanfic (which I’ve actually made friends and gotten RP interests that way too through comment interactions, so hey).
If you reblog a prompt from someone, see others on your dash reblogging prompts, if people reblog that prompt post from you? Send them asks! Alternatively, don’t wait for prompts, just send asks, comments, or chats saying hello and things you notice or like about their blog/character/posts they make. Try to form connections with people you think are genuinely interesting and might be fun to talk with. Social media should be, well, social.
BUT respect boundaries, too. Don’t try sarcasm or jokes with people you don’t actually know, it tends to go over poorly. Unless someone’s specifically posting a naughty meme/prompt, keep stuff you others send clean and polite, especially if it’s unsolicited and you’re not already friends (doubly so if you don’t know how old they are IRL, there are laws you do not want to break). Respect if people aren’t open to random asks or chatting with new followers, or say “no” to RP, and know it’s not personal--it’s just what they have time, energy, and emotional/mental capacity for. Don’t give up on other people, though. This stuff can take time and effort to find those you click with.
Respect and communication with RP partners is pretty key.
Do curate your feeds and don’t be afraid to unfollow/mute/block folks, either. I’m selective in who I follow and remove as needed, too, for my own mental health. I miss so much of the discourse and drama and that’s fine by me. Also it costs nothing to not step in on a lot of the drama when it does pass in sight.
Profiles I have static RP profile pages for my girls here on Tumblr (and a lot of other static links and pages, but I’m weird about organizing like that). This way, if people want to write with me, send me prompts, if I sent them prompts, or they want to otherwise interact with my characters, the information is handily available. For some folks, this makes all the difference in who they choose to interact with: how easily can they find even basic info about your OC?
Some people make Carrds. Some folks have gdoc links, or use Dreamwidth, etc. Just keep the links in the blog’s sidebar menu, and/or in the blog desc so people can see ‘em on mobile. There are templates out there, or you can make your own. Feel free to snag mine if you’d like. A lot of times people also copy their profiles to rebloggable posts when looking for RP contacts. Profiles are a good way to let folks know just the at-a-glance basics about your character(s).
I picked a simple theme with a simple layout that makes it easy to add and show off links. I put them in the blog desc to make them easy to find on mobile, too.
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[Images: links from my blog sidebar menu showing how over organized I am]
RP, Stories, Lore Post some stories or RP logs (with permission of others involved) or even just random little blurbs and headcanons, as well as any screenshots, art, aesthetic posts for your OCs. Have something of interest to show for your character, too, so some of those folks your interacting with have something of their own to see and ask about!
If possible, try some light RP with friends and FC Mates who are amenable. Go to events, even if just to lurk at first. When you do get up the nerve to talk to people, don’t try to throw a character’s entire backstory at them, or try to steal the limelight--RP is collaboration, back and forth, and a lot like real conversation. Maybe come up with little light things to talk about if asked; a recent adventuring job, a silly shopping incident, etc. They can break the ice or just give you something to reply with for a few minutes.
Lore Compliance is Variable. Some people really want lore compliance, others are OK bending it here and there, while still others throw it out the window entirely. If you want to be super lore compliant...read. There’s a LOT of information, in game and out, for finding lore; from official publications and website material, to tools like Garland Tools site, to compilation blogs like @mirkemenagerie.
Note what’s important for your concept. Narrow it down. Characters aren’t going to know or be or do everything, so only worry about what’s necessary for the base idea. And be flexible; it’s SE’s sandbox, we just play in it, and they can change things any time. They usually do it in the guise of characters not knowing/having all the correct information, at least, but also some places just don’t exist in game yet so we don’t have info.
I’m unspecific about a lot of elements of Aeryn’s childhood, for instance, other than “traveling merchants near Thavnair.” I don’t have to be super specific. I can keep most details vague, and focus on her family and those relationships.
Dark, as my first character, has a fairly simple backstory that I’ve expanded on and adjusted over time as I learned and came up with new info. I also bet no one remembers I originally said Dark was from the North Shroud. I’ve changed things (now from East Shroud, due to the proximity to Gyr Abania and its Hellsguards) as I learned more about the world and my character. You don’t want to change things willy-nilly, but sometimes being flexible and smoothing down some rough edges and making small changes can be fine, especially as one gets more lore over time.
Iyna has a pretty detailed backstory, that came from a basic idea, and checking dates in the pre-Calamity timeline. I based her being taken and trained the way she was not only on what info we have about Garlemald’s imperial practices with conquered provinces, but borrowed a bit from real life and the re-education schools many Native Americans were forced into (though I haven’t gone into detail on that yet, either). I tied the turning point in Iyna’s life to a major event that wasn’t the Calamity, and have left plenty of space in between for me to fill in as time goes on and I learn more about her and the world.
The world isn’t static, and is bigger and more diverse than what can be shown in the game. There’s space in the margins for plenty of weird stuff and contradictions or unusual cases. So read up on what you can, ask questions, and then find where in those spaces your OC fits. Then, find people who enjoy similar tastes in lore compliance (or non-compliance), and who enjoy playing with you and your OCs, and not worrying about the rest. Can’t please everyone, nor get along with everyone, so don’t try; just find what works for you, and who works with you, and don’t police anyone else’s pretendy fun times, either.
There’s no magic answer on the “right” amount of lore compliance, or how to quickly and easily find RP partners or break into the broader RP community.
I hope this helps at least a little bit! Good luck in finding your niche for RP, and maybe I’ll see you sometime at an event :)
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disastrousjest · 3 years
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Confessions of 2020..
(tw: covid mention, mental health mention)
I wanted to post a little something that might put out some insight for my followers, friends, mutuals alike. With the recent battle I had with some personal blogs attacking me over some posts I made because of the images, regardless of the purpose of the post. I just wanted to let everyone aware of why that sent me over the edge and why I handled it the way I did. Please note: I will not be apologizing for what I said, I do feel as though those that tried to reach out to me did not realize the purpose of the post. And while I understand now I should just tag things like that differently, I will not be apologizing for stating the fact that this is a rp  blog and I do not appreciate personal blogs attacking me over something like that. That being said, I will not be bullied off tumblr or this account. Because I love JJBA and Joseph Joestar. So for future reference, if you don’t like my content, unfollow it. Don’t bother sending me nasty remarks because I do not have the time for those types of things.  But I wanted to open the doorway to some insight for you all who have been paying attention or who just might care to know why I came off so incredibly outraged by that little bit. Because to me it was just the topping of a whole bunch of bullshit as is 2020.  This whole shithole of a year began in March. I got promoted at work to salary. That’s 35k a year my friends and that’s a hell of an upgrade for someone who barely makes a living wage right now and came from a working poor family. I really thought my life was gonna turn around. For once my fiance and I wouldn’t have to struggle so hard and we could afford to do everything we talked about doing. Well guess what--2 weeks after the announcement of my promotion my work place shut down because of Covid-19. Nothing new, lots of people and places were shut down. So fine, it pushed back my transfer and such. That wasn’t a big deal.  Enter June 2020. We re-open and my manager calls me into his office to talk to him about said mentioned promotion. They are suspending it, means it could be pushed back until we could lift the restrictions. Understandably so, I would just have to keep my old position, an hourly one, until they were called back. Now the months pass, June becomes July and enter August.  I find out about a week before the company announces it at the start of August, the position I was promoted to has been eliminated indefinitely. There is a chance they could come back, but right now they have no idea when or if that’ll happen. Which means that whole part of my department no longer exists at my place of work. I mean it’s a good thing I had my hourly position to fall back into or I’d lost my job. But that salary raise? Gone. 
Rewind back to July. I get very very VERY sick. And have to test for covid-19 the first time. Only because I am so sick and have a roommate with asthma I have to quarantine myself for 14 days. So 14 days I am locked in my bedroom alone, sleeping alone after 3 years of being with someone in bed. My meals are being left at the door for me and the only room I am allowed to enter is the bathroom, but only after it has been sanitized. Only for my results to come back negative. And now... we enter September 2020. Two major things started in September. The first, our old, senior dog became very ill. Started losing weight, wasn’t eating, losing hair, etc. So we knew his time was coming soon enough. Mid-September, I wake up one morning while our dog is dying mind you, and I cannot move my body from the waist down. Every time I tried, I’m greeted with a shot of pain straight up my spine that feels something like a hot poker being stabbed right through my spinal cord. Very very painful. I end up bed-ridden for a day or two because I cannot move. So once the pain subsides, I go see a chiropractor. Shocking (not really) announcement that my sway back--to which I was diagnosed with 10 years prior from a bad car accident--has gotten worse. What does  that mean exactly? Well--my spine bends in like a S for those who don’t know, which means my lower back dips inward deeper inside my body and my tail bone curves out. Now along that dip there are 3 or 4 vertebrae that are especially messed up. The bones have become staggered out of place on top of one another, just from the muscles pulling the bones out of shape since my spine doesn’t flex the way it’s supposed to anymore. (And it hasn’t for years). The pain before this was tolerable, it would ache from time to time but never like this. Now I am crippled more or less.  Here’s what that means: my mobility became extremely limited. At first in the am when I woke up I couldn’t move from the waist down for the first hour or two after I woke up. Then when I was finally able to move, I had to use my forearms to literally drag my lower body upright (still painful). Once I was able to manage that, I had to gage how strong my legs were to support my weight. And at first walking wasn’t terrible, but as the treatments began--doctor appointments, spinal adjustments, and physical therapy--to correct my spinal issue, nerve damage became clear. So now on top of this horrible pain, I had to deal with weak legs. Because of nerve damage, my right leg especially became weak. On days my back would hurt especially bad, my right knee would collapse out from under me. Which meant falling to the ground and not being able to stand up or walk for sometime there after.  Now imagine dealing with not being able to support your own body, not being able to hardly walk and your dog dying at the same time. So while I”m trying not to focus on the fact that my mobility is limiting me on what I can and can’t do, my fiance is upset about this. Our dog (then weighed about 100 or more pounds) could no longer walk either. His back legs and hips were giving out as his health declined. I did not have the strength in my own legs to help carry him because his weight hurt me too much and would cause me to collapse. I had to watch my fiance struggle with this practically all by herself while I sat on the floor, only able to use my arms to help with what I could because my legs and back were too weak to do the work.  This carried on into October. Our dog passes away and that alone is hard for me. I still kind of wonder if I wasn’t so weak when he got sick if I could have helped prolong his life just a little longer. I couldn’t hardly look at him when he passed and I couldn’t look at anyone else. I was very angry that my legs and back had failed me. They had failed everyone. So yes, that weight still lingers over me. It was so bad that when it came time to take turns digging his grave, I struggled with the shovel. Because I couldn’t stand up or be bent over to move the dirt, I got on my hands and knees and I took that shovel in my hands and used my arms and shoulders to dig. I wasn’t going to continue to be useless because of my limited mobility. I felt I already let him down and everyone else by not being able to help take care of him while he was still alive and sick. This was the least I could do.  November comes. Things are calm now, for a while. Not bad. I finally get some braces to help with my back issues (which still continue). I keep on with my physical therapy, trying to heal and help my fiance through her mourning over the dog. My mobility slowly begins to improve, though the doctor informs me it will be a very slow process. Small steps he says. But he is still confident he can fix my spine without back surgery so I can walk again, like a regular person. The limit I am able to stand and walk increases with the help of my braces and I begin taking herbal supplements and drinking herbal teas to increase the rate of my recovery. It seems to be working better than over the counter medication. The rest of 2020 seems promising.  Here comes December. On the night my fiance and I decide to go out on a date to celebrate our 5 years together. I get a phone call from work. One of my co-workers tested positive for Covid-19 and I was exposed. I am now suspended from work without pay until my test results come back negative. A real mood killer for the night. It gets better, we get home and despite the dinner being pretty somber the rest of the night seems fine. We watch movies and spend time together, finish wrapping gifts for Christmas. Then we realize the cat is missing. He’s been missing all day and all night. Nobody has seen him.  Two days prior, I had taken my cat to the vet because he was sick. Again, weight loss, losing hair, etc. I was worried he may be sick. Well it’s cold outside and here it’s been snowing so it’s very cold. I set something of mine outside and a literbox for smell. And then a plate of food. ....that was almost 4 days ago. There’s been not a sign of him. I called the county shelter and they didn’t have him. My fiance suggests he was sick so... maybe he got out of the house and went somewhere to die. My gut tells me he’s not coming back. And my heart is breaking, again. Again. I am wondering if I did something wrong. If I would have kept a better eye on him, I knew he wasn’t  feeling right. I somehow feel like I let him down.  And  then I logged into tumblr and saw those comments. Those asks people were sending about the damn images I posted for the 12 days to Christmas. And they just kept coming. I deleted the other ones, I stopped replying to them and finally just deleted the post. The Christmas spirit had been sucked out of me. I feel as though the world has began to mock me for believing the year could get better back in November. I know one thing, the holiday won’t be as bright this year. Not for me. I hope everyone stays safe and has a good holiday. Maybe 2021 will be more promising, but I”m not banking on it. Not anymore. Thanks for reading.  I hope you all understand now why I have been so slow with my replies lately. As my mood goes up and down because I have been struggling with the weight of all this and depression, just trying to hang on from losing hope that for one I will be able to walk again normally and then just the loss of my animals... everything. I can’t write and I refuse to send bad quality responses and starters for you all. I hope this puts some insight  on why I was so horribly upset the other day.   So thank you to all my friends and everyone who has been so patient with me on all my blogs. Jotaro (dmgdstar) and Johnny (rotatingstar) and this one of course. I will be catching up to everything very soon. I’ve already made a good dent in them.  Your patience is always appreciated. 
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theewrites-tf2 · 4 years
Thee goes from 0-to-100: The Oneshot
OKAY, Anon is now OFFICIALLY off, so I’m free to post this! Be warned, it’s LONG it’s a RANT, and I've been holding this in all day, right next to my finals-stress for college, so grab a helmet because it’s a bumpy ride.
Blocklists. Hate ‘em, love ‘em, make memes about them when they’re still relevant, they exist. While the purpose of their creation is still fully asinine to me, I must admit that the FIRST time I was placed on a list such as the one we have in our lovely fandom, I was surprised to say the least.
Thankfully, the memes and shitposts that followed helped my low-self esteem at the time to keep afloat, so now I can laugh about it, and when a SECOND blocklist rolled around, I was expecting to be able to laugh just as easily about this one.
Then I found out that not ONLY was the new blocklist poster ‘TOTALLY isn’t trying to start drama UwU’ but they’ve PROVEN this, by harassing and bullying a 16-year old for having a differing headcanon about a fictional character.
“Oh Thee, silly you!” You cry, “Surely you must be mistaken! Yes the blocklist is annoying and pointless, but surely this person isn’t BULLYING MINORS-!”
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Our darling Blocklist poster, I allowed to make sure their name was blocked out for their privacy. But the sixteen year old, who made this post?
She REQUESTED I block her own URL, because she fears FURTHER harassment and bullying from this individual, and whomever else could come after her because she “speaks up about the blocklist.”
Let me repeat for y’all in the back:
Because a 16 year old MINOR had a different opinion with another blog, the Blocklist Poster decided to NOT exit the blog/go on a different tag/ go on a blog that shares their FICTIONAL HEADCANONS, instead they deliberately stayed and posted not once, but TWICE, responses full of insults and rude remarks over FICTIONAL HEADCANONS, to the point that the OP requested I block out her name in the screenshot so she wouldn’t be further hassassed.
See. I can HANDLE jokes on me, I can HANDLE the hate directed at me. What I don’t APPRECIATE, and what I will not TOLERATE, is people being bullied. Not on my time, not on my blog, and NOT in my fucking fandom.
Below is another message from the unnamed 16 year old blogger, who AGAIN requested that I not show her URL:
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They sum it up pretty darn well (*clapclapclap*) SO I’m gonna move in with MY thoughts:
Every fandom has trash blogs. Every fandom has blogs you adore, every fandom has blogs you hate, but guess what? YOU, as the viewer who signed up for this website, YOU get to decide what blogs you do or don’t want to see. YOU get the power to block or unfollow if you don’t enjoy someone’s material. That is and SHOULD be YOUR, and YOUR decision alone.
There’s also this Magical thing called BACKSPACE. Meaning, if you do not ENJOY something, you can magically make it go away by backing away from it! Ain’t that something?!
Blocklist’s don’t do SHIT. They don’t and people who post them are attention-seeking, and demanding to be admired by the 0.2 people that actually listen to them.
Blocklists cause DRAMA. Last year, we had ANOTHER blocklist, one that actually sent several blogs into spirals, despite all the memes. These dumb, purposeless and needless lists cause unproblematic bloggers to second-guess themselves, lose inspiration or, worst yet, LEAVE.
But I can COMPLETELY get over that. I can handle that all, It’s shitty, but I can handle it. What I’m losing my shit over isn’t the damn blocklist. I’m losing my shit because
People are SCARED to speak up, because they’re worried about further bullying or overly-aggressive anons knocking at your door, OVER FICTIONAL FUCKING HEADCANONS?! Are some of us SERIOUSLY that so immature?!
In a perfect world, I would ask the BL-Poster to delete the damn post, apologize to this young girl, and I would expect a mature response back, and we could be able to move this all behind us.
But no, I expect the OP would claim martyrdom after being called out on their BS, rally a small army of people-with-nothing-better-to-do and escalate this drama into huger proportions.
With that in mind, I’m going to ask something more SIMPLE for the Blocklist OP:
Own up to the fact you wanted to start some pointless shit. Own up to the fact that you want to instigate pointless drama, because your childish actions CLEARLY showcase that you want this attention more than anything. Own up to the fact that you got SO bored one day, you decided that instead of calling out ACTUAL blogs that should be blocked, you decided to get your fifteen-minutes and call out blogs who have more followers than you.
So go ahead: BE FUCKING PROUD. You’re a childish, small and insignificant bully who got their 25-seconds of fame, WOOPDIEFUCKINGDO. You scared a teenager to the point that they don’t even want to post this on their own blog, WAY TO GO. And you UNSUCCESSFULLY defended a fictional character, with the cost only being that you had to bully a literal CHILD to do so, BRA-FUCKING-VO.
Do NOT try and claim innocence or ‘I-i didn’t mean to cause drama UwU’ You know EXACTLY what you did, you know EXACTLY what would happen as soon as you hit ‘Post’, and everyone else does to, so don’t even try playing that card.
Save all of us the time and energy, and just own up to the fact that YOU wanted to instigate the needless fandom drama, so we can speed up the process of you throwing a hissy fit, logging off for some ‘break from the drama’, all of us laughing and making memes, and forgetting this whole affair by next week. 
Now excuse me while I go draft the shitposts, eat popcorn and watch the haters try to go on anon in my askbox, because I feel like THAT part will be the most entertaining thing about this whole affair
Peace and Love,
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bxstiae · 4 years
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SPEED: fluctuates on my mood. I’m relatively fast? like usually same day reply fast. sometimes it takes me a few days. know that the long it stays in my drafts, the longer i will take on it. my all time record is about 3 years. while granted it doesn’t take that long, don’t be surprised about it. best case scenario, it takes me a couple of weeks, i dont like having things fester. i also sometimes forget too! you are more than welcome to remind me if it seems like i have but please don’t make it a habit. in regards to response time on pms/discord -- short turnover rate. I usually respond to it within the hour. usually within seconds/minutes actually. if i am awake that is. unless im offline and in my happy place, i tend to log out of discord to get away from people when im overwhelmed. blog wise, i dont have him on my app. so messages are only when im on my laptop or have time to check on chrome mobile.  
REPLIES: i dont like drafting them. my dash is slow enough that i can scroll down to it. i will draft it though if i need to. length wise, im an avid writer. i write A LOT. they can get very lengthy at times. i write with a bit of prose -- that prose can get very HEAVY depending on my partners as well. i also format as well. i like heavier formatting without losing the quality of the writing. i dont like one-liners. you will see me with at least two paras or more. please know that i am dyslexic though when it comes to writing, and i have a bad habit of rereading my stuff after i post. so mistakes && errors are a thing for me. i try to catch it when i am rereading as im going through to format the posts. but sometimes things get missed. you are more than welcome to fix some if it is a bad spelling mistake ( better to ask first tho cause i spell with a brit keyboard -- and i specifically choose certain words to be spelt a specific way. )
STARTERS: when i post the starter call, any mutual ( && i really mean ANY of you ) can like it. this goes for if you follow me on multiple blogs. we interact already on one blog? by all means we can interact with one another on your other blog. but if you do, it gives me free reign to do whatever i want. look for my tags to see what i say too. they usually are a key factor in regards to my thought process. i try to get everybody done within reasonable time. dont worry i will never not make a mutual a starter if they like the call. i usually go for the first interaction/meeting with the muse though. if that doesn’t float your boat then you can message me about it. i normally don’t message people in regards to starters because A) im tired, B) i expect you to come to me.
INBOX: inbox is absolutely open to anybody! in fact, if i post a prompt, i ask that you send something in. even if we never interacted! im more versed into throwing the muse into a pre-established relationship. with the inbox, i will sometimes go to you because of that. i really do love to write, && the inbox is a perfect way to send something in without having any strings attached in regards to replies. like i said im an avid writer. i always want to write. sometimes people are slow and i get that. since im faster, i have no problem in doing inbox stuff for you to develop interaction ( aside from plotting ). best way to actually enjoy character interaction for me tbh. cause sometimes threading be hard okay?
SELECTIVITY: i am biased, i will say it now. i have preference over people i talk to ( who i consider my friends ), or people that i like. but that doesnt mean i will blatantly ignore you. people should know that if you talk to me, then the chances are i will give you more attention. sometimes i just click or vibe with people okay? in regards to following. i am on the heavy side of mutuals only and i prefer a slower dash. i give about a week for people to follow back, or ample enough time for them to follow. there will be some people that i will be fine if they arent mutuals though as i like their content. that being said, i try to be super fair to everybody. i give people an equal chance. if i follow you it means i want to interact with you ( there are super rare exceptions ). but go too long without interacting, then i will unfollow/softblock. im not a number for you. i have feelings. and, yes, i will, at random, unfollow those who either dont make me comfortable anymore, or i need time away from them. or im just not getting that vibe anymore. 
WISHLIST: see here && here for some stuff i want. i love his pokemon verse i have. i also love his FE verse i have as well. i have a FE3H AU as well but i will naturally throw him into FEH or FE3H for that verse. i have plotted with a friend in regards to an echoes verse as well. honestly. i just want a lot of stuff for him. i want more wolf interactions. i kinda favour his beast forme anyway. but i also want interactions with the language differences. there is a language barrier with him! but i want those interactions cause he understands you! i have that hc somewhere dug in my blog. gotta find it. other interactions? i want a midna to interact with. link && the links AU?? also what does a man gotta do around here to get people to discuss plots.
HONEST NOTE: if you think im an elitist, then find your way out of the door -- youre probably right and i dont want you here. ive been here for a really long time && i know what i want. all jokes aside though, im tired of people being intimidated by me for different reasons. some people think its my aesthetic ( when really im not that bad ). others are intimidated by the sheer amount of writing i do? like okay?? kindly fuck off please. i write for stress relief. i write to have fun. my idea of fun is writing a lot. if you have a problem with that then sorry but i dont want you here. i have a passion for my muses and if you dont want to hear it, then i dont have time for your complaining. theres an unfollow button. i have a journalism degree so... yea. but really. im just really tired okay. im actually a very sweet person and i wear my heart on my sleeve. anybody who knows me well enough can tell you that. i hate being ignored tbh, so if i find energy && time to like talk to you, at least acknowledge me by saying thank you. btw im not really that much of an an elitist -- i just LOOK like i have a hard shell, but im actually super soft and squishy.
Tagged by: nobody I stole from @pristinette​ Tagging: you do you fam. just @ me as per usual cause pretend i tagged you.
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Two Truths and a Lie || Christopher Vélez
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Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: angst
A/N: This was meant to be posted a while ago, but I thought I would contribute to Christopher's birthday present by posting this. Hope you enjoy!💕
@smoljoelito , @estoy-enamorado-de-ti , @cncoh-damn , @ericksmamita , @ellos-me-vuelven-loca , @sometimesbadalwaysboujie @chellybear98 , @badboysobsession
Here you were, on a couch in your living room reminiscing about the memories you and your once true love had created together.
Explaining why you broke up was the hardest part for both of you. You had let the hate comments get the best of you, and decided it would be better off for the both of you if you guys broke up. However, Christopher wasn't going to go down without a fight. That night that you stormed out, he had called you numerous times, leaving voicemails along with it. After a month of nonstop calling, he had stopped, and came to terms with the fact that you had moved on.
You were sitting on your couch, scrolling through your Instagram, and seeing what posts people had tagged you in. Yes, you still had got tagged in posts related to Chris, and what he was posting. (You had unfollowed him, but he still followed you.) You didnt want him to know that you would look at his profile daily, so you had picked up the habit of seeing what the fans were tagging you in related to Christopher. You had stopped scrolling as soon as a picture of Chris came on to your screen. However, this wasn't just any picture. It was a special picture that you still held near and dear to your heart.
It was your guys' first date. Christopher, being the cheesy boyfriend that he is, had brought you to the town fair. He made you go on all the rides with him. Even the kiddie ones. He bought you both ice cream. The both of you ended up sharing a sundae, (which ended with him eating most of it.) All night long he was talking about winning you a stuffed animal at one of those many game booths. As soon as you (he really) finished the sundae, Chris grabbed your hand and dragged you to the dart game booth. He slapped a $5 in the women's hand and started playing. Throwing all 3 darts, he didnt make it. Round 2. Still didnt get any. Although he spent a lot of money on this game, he was stubborn to win you a prize. Needless to say, after about 5 rounds, he did it. Being handed the stuffed giraffe, he gave it to you. You guys ended the night out on the pier, sharing a passionate kiss.
The tears that were flooding your face made you snap back to reality. Who knew a picture could hold so many memories? You knew you missed Chris, and you needed him more than ever. He was your rock, your stone, your first love, your first everything really. You needed him. Right now. More than ever.
Your phone buzzing brought you out of your deep thoughts. It was a text from Lucia. She had been your best friend since you could remember. The text was short and simple, but held so much meaning.
Lucia❤🇦🇷: Hola nena. ir y ver el nuevo video de YouTube de Pero Like en este momento. no te arrepentirás :)
With that, you had logged on to your youtube, and clicked on Pero Like's new video. The title of the video is what caught your eye though. It was as if God himself had heard you were suffering today.
Two Truths and a Lie con CNCO | Pero Like
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speckledspout · 5 years
moving on but not forgetting;
so, here we are. or, at least i should say, here i am. at the end of a very long road with a single turn to take and unfortunately, it’s taking me away from the way that i’ve been going down for a very long time now.
as i’m sure those of you who have followed me for a long time and actually kept up with me have realized that i’m not around anymore. i don’t really post anymore other than every once in a blue moon.
before i beat around the bush some more, i just need to come out and say it, i will no longer be a supernatural blog. i don’t know what this blog will become to be honest. it’s not really going to go the way of a multi-fandom account because i don’t follow enough shows or have been as invested in them as i have been with supernatural.
i don’t know what it is because it’s really sad to actually sit back and say that i don’t feel the same way about the show that i once did. like supernatural consumed my life. i wrote fan fiction everyday. i loved making edits. i scrolled through tumblr admiring all the graphics and gifs that all of the wonderful creators put out into the world. but somewhere along the line, i started to get closer and closer to the end of the road and i’ve tried to prolong it as much as i could but now i really can’t anymore.
i’ve been away from tumblr for a while now. a long while. like the last time i actually remember actively blogging rather than just trying to set up my queue was almost a year ago so i’ve had some time to think, i guess.
i do have my frustrations with the show. maybe that contributed to the fact that i’m not as consumed with it as much as i was. throughout the years i’ve watched these beloved characters turn into a joke and the storylines turn even more crazy to the point where it almost doesn’t feel like the same show anymore. this isn’t a diss on the actors or writers in anyway, so don’t think it is. as a writer, i know how difficult it is to keep producing good, original content. and that’s coming from a little fix writer who had a small following. i can’t imagine how difficult it is for the actual writers to have to keep coming up with a story 15 years later. i’m a realist and i know that they couldn’t have done the monster-of-the-week for this long, no matter how much i loved it but still, with that being said, the show is just different and for some, it’s a good different. they like how it’s turned out and honestly, i am happy for you if that is you but i guess, i don’t like change. i like things the way they were. now, don’t get me wrong, i am absolutely going to watch this final season. i mean, how can i not? i’ve watched supernatural for the last ten years, how can i not watch the season that is going to bring everything together (and if the writers are doing what i think they’re doing, i’m excited about it.)
but you know, the more i think about it, it’s not just the way that the show has gone that’s made me pull away. a lot of things outside the show has. one of which being the negativity that’s within this fandom. i know, you control your own tumblr experience and all that jazz but still, like you see things, you hear things, it gets under your skin. but still, when i first joined the fandom, everyone preached unity and that we’re a family and honestly, throughout the years, it’s seemed kinda hypocritical. like little things seem to set people off. not just with the show but with the actors and instead of tumblr being a place were i would go to relax and blog about my favorite tv show, it became cumbersome to log on and see people hating on each other or hating on the actors because of a comment they said or this or that.
i never really planned on going on a hiatus and i didn’t plan on staying on hiatus but thinking back on it, now that i have the clarity, the fandom was just a mess when i left. it put me in a bad spot mentally. and some of that stems from the fact that i hit a peak with my writing and people seemed to love it and then it started to die off. i would kill myself trying to produce new content with very little gain because people would tell me they would want more and then no one would comment or like or whatever. i had an ample tag list of people who would ask me to tag and other than the very few followers that were with me since day one, i would hear nothing from anyone else. it’s kinda a confidence blow, you know.
but anyway, tumblr no longer was a place where i either felt welcomed and were i wanted to go and now, i just need to let that part of my life go.
now, with all of that being said, i am not deleting this blog. i am not purging it. my fics will stay up on ao3. they will stay here. i am tempted to go through and delete a lot of things that i’ve reblogged cause i have close to 50,000 things reblogged and honestly that’s a lot but i am moving away from supernatural.
i will be changing my url. i’ll be changing the content that i’m posting. i probably won’t ever write another supernatural fic (and wow, that right there hurts to say). this blog, i think will change into more of an aesthetic blog. i’ll still post some supernatural stuff here and there because it was such a big part of my life for a long time but this blog will not longer be a supernatural blog.
i do, however, just want to take a moment and thank everyone for standing by me for so long. i want to thank everyone for supporting my highs and helping me through my lows. i wouldn’t have gotten to where i am now if it weren’t for y’all so i really do thank you for that.
and if you decide that you want to unfollow me, i am completely okay with that. i don’t blame you. there will be no hard feelings whatsoever. you followed me for supernatural and now i am not that. but still, just thank you, for everything.
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applecherry108 · 5 years
first of all hooooooooolyyyy shiitttt
FUCK tungle. it took like 30 tries to log in on desktop. admittedly, i was using the wrong password at first, BUT, even when i remembered the right one it kept giving me shit. This is what i get for being L337 i guess... -_-
anyways, im only on desktop so i can add a readmore to say:
i just,,,,,hate voltron. okay? It sucked. it fucking sucked. i watched the first season and it was like, okay yeah, this has potential. and then s2 was like, okay yeah not as good but maybe s3 will pick up...
s3 didn’t pick up. it was just one long death spiral by the same idiots who fucked up the atla sequel. i hate their writing, i hate their story plots, i hate how they butcher any good ideas they have, and i especially hate their inability to have good character AND plot development happen at the same time.
I got swept up in storm of klance and that’s about it. i have soft spots for other ships but at the end of the day i don’t care. i just don.t fucking,,, care???
the fandom is a mess, the crew was a mess, everything was a fucking mess from the get go.
Like who tf is this show written for?? it has to be for like, 8-10 year olds. It has to be. Everything is just so....stupid. Nothing is ever properly explained, motivations never really given, everyone is just a 2 dimensional cardboard cutout of a trope. And that pisses me off so much bc like??? other shows aimed at young kids can still have great world building. they can have good world building and characters and overall story and still be cheesy and a lil dumb. cheesy and a lil dumb is completely fine!! but voltron is just so...godammn... BORING!! it’s like i WANT to like the characters but its just so goddamn hard when everybody is so fucking flat. by all rights, i should want to marry allura. shes everything i loved when i was little, from her color pallet to her princesshood to her white fucking hair!! i should LOVE allura but i don’t!! i kind of hate her. why?? i don’t know!! shes so...boring! and flat! and fucking PASSIVE! everything in this show lands so fucking flat holy shit.
pidge at matts “grave”? yikes, that was second hand hard to watch for like.... “oooh this is so serious!” but the buildup wasnt there...it was kind of funny tbh... and HELLA awkward...
don’t get me started on lance and hunk. bolin was my favorite look character for the first few episodes and then he got knocked to Comic Relief and had maybe two (2) importantish moments. he/they may be part of the main cast but they’re not main characters. they feel like background props to the Actual Main characters.
which brings me to keith.
FUCK keith.
that’s my reaction after every! new! season!! is just,, FUCK keith. god the show functioned SO WELL without him. he’s just so...idk. i also don’t care. what was his character arc anyway? it SHOULD have been about learning to love and trust others but we only get that in lip service and speed run character development (i hate the quantum abyss...so much... like yeah, who cares about SHOWING our characters mature, let’s just tell that it happened in afucking montage.) if keith were a properly developed character he shouldve remained PASSIONATE and idk, run support?? that boy SHOULD have piloted red, end of story. period. keith doesn’t need to lead he needs to learn to TRUST others and that insludes trusting other WITH HIS LIFE. i won’t rant about how we should have had black paladin lance, but keith should have never ever been black paladin. even after he “matures” he still sucks at. he’s this awful,,little,, Shiro 2.0. and I hate it. i ahte it and i hate shiro just a little bit. even though he was arguably the most likeable character, he shouldve stayed dead. or missing. or whatever. he didn’t need to come back and they didnt need to make keith a little offbrand clone of him. i ESPECIALLY hate that they aged keith up 2 years for no goddamn reason other than to make him the Adult (tm). keith’s dedication to others was gre4at, but it should have, and im failing for this word here so forgive me, climaxed? cresscendo’d? whatever. /resulted/ in him playing support. not leader. lone wolf keith doesn’t need how to lead his pack, he needed to learn to HELP his pack. to be a TEAM PLAYER. he didn’t want the responsibility of leading bc guess what?? some people hate leading!! there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be support! keith’s entire arc is a huge mess of missed opportunities and a grand illustration that he is lm’s and jds’ favorite, just like fucking mako.
i won’t rant about mako, but just know i fucking hate him and the special treatment he gets, and good LORD does keith take over mako. keith isn’t space zuko he’s space mako and it fucking SHOWS.
okay, i’m losing steam here, but like.... so apple, why tf where u voltron 24/7 if you hated it so much? because homestuck was over and i needed a new hyperfixation. and i really had to force it for vld tbh. and at the end of the day, it wasn’t so much about the show itself as the potential of klance (or sheith, up until s3). between the interviews, the coding, the fucking EVERYTHING--it really felt like it could be canon. i knew in my heart it was queer baiting but i had HOPE dammit. hope that this could be killer representation, hope that these characters would delvelopment into something incredible. again, there was so much POTENTIAL. and all of it was wasted. everything really came to a head during the fucking game show episode. it was like lm and lds giving everyone who likes lance the middle finger, really driving home that “no no, he IS just stupid. he’s the comic releif. there’s nothing deeper about him and no one will stand up for him bc they all think of him as such.” and that just....broke my heart. we were so...SO close to lance actually mattering but nope! bolin’d again! and what was his purpose in s8? why to be an accessory to allura of course!
i’ve seen a lot of people really divorce themselves from canon and live solely for fanon, esp fanon klance but like.... i can’t. i just can’t. it’s so fucking hard to work with these cardboard characters. you can only draw so much depth onto them, you know? until the very last moments they had potential, but then it all got snuffed out. but who cares about canon? why bother with it? because! we don’t have a solid consistent fanon version of them! no one sat down and delivered the ten commandments of “here’s what we agree k and l are actually like” it’s stupid and it sucks because everyone has their own little differences and its so so tiring to basically be interacting with minutely different ocs all the goddamn time. canon matters bc it gives everyone the same base to work with. like a cooking showing with the same basket ingredients, but now it’s like.... ya’ll don’t wanna use the mandatory ingredients (and why would you? those canon ingredients are like, a century egg and spoiled sardines, they’re awful.)
okay, and im at work and just came back to this and dont remember my train of thought so like... what really threw all this into sharp clarity was the recent steven universe episodes. they were so...GOOD. so fucking good. so much plot and foreshadowing coming to a head. it was such a wonderfully satisfying payoff that it made me remember what a GOOD show is like, how vld is so very very /bad/. the difference is fucking striking. where one is an intricately woven tale with excellent character development and clear story AND character arcs, that can progress AT THE SAME TIME, one is a hacked together flaming dumpster firing that constantly falls flat and doesn’t know where its going or why. and it s so BORING! like fight scenes can be amazing! they can be well coreographed and tense! and we as the audience can be anxious about the outcome! and vld just wasn’t that! it was boring repetetive action in the least exciting way. and where su set up a lot of potential, holy shit they DELIVERED on that potential. not just for rep, but for characters! for story! for plain ol simple character interactions! and then, again, two dimensional cardboard cutouts.
and now with this difference in good vs bad show so very clearly highlighted for me, i just.... i can’t, anymore, with vld. it sucks. it sucked and i can’t pretend or force a fixation with it that just isn’t there, and truthfully, probably never was. maybe that’s why i’ve been struggling to finish my fic, struggling ever since i posted the last chapter, ever since s7, which, again, that game show was really the nail in the coffin as far as holding onto any hope that this tire fire would ever pick up. like a physically feel ill trying to finishing this stupid fic bc i don’t care so hard. i don’t care and i just... really want to be over it. im sick of seeing it everywhere, im sick of the drama, of the Discourse. like all fandoms have their issues, but hold fuck does vld fandom have a massive Purity problem. like, god, let people ship whatever. who cares. die mad about it.
like homestuck, idk if i’ll ever fully ween myself off vld but i want to move on. i want to enjoy Other Things without having this lackluster weight on my shoulders. and more than anything, i want to stop feeling like im obligated to like the same shit as i did two years ago, or last year, or hell, last week! feel free to unfollow, but yeah i just.... really needed to let this out in a proper post and not in the misc tags somewhere.
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fuck-customers · 6 years
I decided to get around to making a full FAQ to add to the sidebar. If I’ve missed anything, let us know.
Do you accept fuck coworker and manager submissions?
Yes we do! A while back we tried running a couple of separate blogs on the subjects but they weren’t successful because we continued getting asks and submissions here about coworkers and managers. Instead of just rejecting these we decided to accept them because they are a part of why customer service sucks. Changing the name of the blog isn’t necessary and would hinder the ability of our old and even new followers to find us if we suddenly just changed. We’ve been Fuck Customers for years, and it’s going to stay that way no matter how the blog evolves.
Why is the inbox/submission box closed?
We need to catch up because we’re neck deep in back log.
Can I use fan mail to submit my stories since the inbox is closed?
For the love of God no! This clogs the inbox up so bad and makes the process of catching up so much harder! Please be patient! We can’t reopen in a timely manner if we have to sift through and delete fan mail submissions that had no place being submitted in the first place in that format. Even when the inbox is open we delete those. The faster we can reopen the better. That all depends on our inbox remaining closed and uncluttered by fan mail. I may seem rude saying this, but it has become a serious problem and is hindering progress a LOT.
Why hasn’t my submission posted yet?
See here.
Who are the mods?
Abby, and Rodney.
Can you tag (insert thing)?
We used to, but with how big the blog has become it is unrealistic to be able to tag absolutely every single thing. We’re going to have to trust that our followers will be able to put trigger warnings before their own asks and submissions. We get up to 200 new asks and submissions a day on top of our personal and professional lives, so keeping up with posting/queuing is top priority.
Do you need anymore mods? Can I be one?
Ultimately this is up to Mandie, but at the moment the answer is no. Three is more than enough. You know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen.
What don’t you post?
Anything racist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, etc for starters. Anything not on topic to customer service is a big one too. We also don’t accept customers whining about employees. There is a line where it might be acceptable, though, like a case where a customer may see a manager or coworker abusing an employee. But if you’re bitching because someone smashed your bread then you are in the wrong place. Go to yelp. Fan mail is not the proper course of submitting your questions or stories. Use the ask or submission options and if the inbox is closed then check back later. Finally, hate mail. We get a lot of it and it’s a waste of space. Now, sometimes we do post one of any of these simply to drag your ass through the coals. Catch us on a bad day and expect to get roasted. Don’t be an asshole and you’re fine. We also try not to post anything that includes real store names, so try to use a fake one.
Why have I been blocked?
If you said anything offensive in a note towards us or another follower then you will be blocked. That could be death threats, telling someone to kill themselves, racism, homophobia, basically being an asshole. If you’re dumb enough to send hate mail without being anon, whether it’s to us or another follower, you’ll also get blocked. We do not tolerate that shit.
I requested my submission be posted anonymous! Why did it get posted or why wasn’t it posted?
It is your responsibility to submit anon. We post what is given to us in a format that tumblr allows(why we don’t post fan mail btw). If we were to post your submission anonymous we would have to cut and paste. Multiply that by 100 per day and we’d be swamped. If it accidentally gets posted that is on you, but most of the time we just delete it.
I found something on here offensive! I’m sending hate mail right now!
You know that is the equivalent of asking to see the manager, right? Just skip the post and move on, you’re holding up the line.
*This does not include reporting posts that were accidentally posted that we would definitely remove. If you’re polite about it that is fine, but if you’re going to yell at us and tell us you’re unfollowing then that’s customer like territory. We get a lot of hate mail when all you need to do is point it out nicely. We also don’t condone sending hate mail to other followers. Maybe what they said was offensive, but sometimes good people don’t realize that their wording wasn’t that great. Sending hate mail isn’t the proper way to get your point across and help them learn from the situation.*
If I’ve missed any questions that need to be added let us know. These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Why hasn’t my submission posted?
We get this question a lot so I thought I’d compile a list:
1.) You sent it through fan mail. We do not post anything sent that way since it does not include an option to queue or post it, just reply. We stopped copy pasting submissions a long time ago.
2.) You included a store name. Some of these slip through, but for the most part these get deleted for the safety of your job and this blog. There are actually people whose job it is is to hunt down stories like these and punish those who tell them.
3.) You requested to be anonymous without actually submitting on anon. Again, we do not copy paste submissions.
4.) You said something extremely offensive. Such as racist, ableist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc. Sometimes you might find we will call you out on it, but for the most part these posts are deleted.
5.) You sent hate mail. We will sometimes destroy you in response, but we delete 99% of these.
6.) The subject matter has been talked about to death. After a while we stop beating the dead horse with a stick.
7.) You posted a customer complaint. Yes, we will post good experiences praising an employee, but if you’re here to complain about an employee from a customer point of view then you’re in the wrong place.
8.) Rarely tumblr will eat the post. If your submission hasn’t posted in a month and it does not fit the rules above then resend it.
9.) Also extremely rare we might have accidentally deleted it. Again, if it hasn’t posted in a month and doesn’t fit the first 6 rules resend it. I think this has only happened twice to me personally though.
10.) It’s already queued or still in our inbox waiting to be queued or posted. We get a lot of submissions and asks, so you’ll need to be patient.
11.) Also, if you send a long submission through several asks instead of the submission link then we’ll delete them all. It is difficult to find all the parts.
12.) It isn’t on topic for the blog or any conversation happening on the blog.
13.) Asking to become a mod. We’re not accepting new mods.
14.) Complaints about what has been posted that does not fit the criteria on this list. This is rare, but it happens.
15.) Anything that seems like it’s an advertisement.
16.) Your post did not seem like it was related to customer service in any way. If you did experience at work then you need to make it clear.
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